Lithium in products. Lithium for the body. Lithium. Daily norm. Lithium deficiency

The trace element lithium was isolated by scientists from minerals in the first half of the 19th century, and by the middle of the century chemical cleaning lithium has reached its maximum level. Initially, in medical purposes, lithium was used for external treatment of patients with gout or eczema. Long before the discovery of lithium in the human body, it was noticed that lithium has a strengthening effect on mental condition health. In areas where lithium was found in the soil or water, all local residents were clearly distinguished by their gentle character, calmness and balance. Moreover, among people drinking water saturated with lithium, cases of nervous breakdowns And mental illness. As a result of many years of research, its negative effect on the body was also revealed - lithium, taken by patients with mental disorders, inhibited metabolic processes (internal metabolism), preventing the absorption of nutrients. But such research results are based on taking medications containing artificially isolated lithium, and not on taking food and water containing lithium (not oversaturated with lithium). Simply put, lithium must enter the body naturally so that the required level is simply maintained.

The role of lithium in the human body

In the body of an adult (average weight - up to 70 kg), lithium can be found in relatively small quantities - no more than 70 mg of the total weight. Lithium is found in such internal organs such as the thyroid gland, lungs, liver and kidneys (adrenal glands), heart and lymph node system. Lithium enters the liver through the intestines, then into the blood plasma and from there, passing through the kidneys, it is excreted in the urine. In this case, lithium is partially retained in the feces, leaving the body along with it, penetrating into sweat and excreted.

Lithium has the property of relaxing and strengthening the nervous system exposed to stress, acts as an anti-anaphylactic agent (relieves state of shock). Lithium can enhance immunity, helping the body fight negative impact caused by alcohol, heavy metals (entering the body with food, water and air), enhances resistance skin to solar radiation.

Products containing lithium

Lithium found in the soil saturates underground groundwater, so drinking drinking water (from a well or borehole) in such an area satisfies the daily need for lithium naturally. Lithium is available in rock salt(mined in mines) and in sea ​​salt Same. IN seaweed(red or brown) lithium accumulates in the greatest number– compared to the small amounts of lithium found in plants such as tomatoes (red and yellow) or potatoes. Animal products also contain lithium - this microelement is found in meat ( muscle tissue) and liver of herbivores, in fish (fillet and liver), in poultry eggs, in dairy and fermented milk products.

Every day an adult needs about 100 mcg of lithium, but there is no exact dosage, since each person has an individual need - it all depends on height and weight. It should also be taken into account that if replenishment of lithium reserves in the body (with food and water) is carried out regularly, then a person does not need to take additional lithium.

Lithium is contraindicated pregnant women and nursing mothers - we must not forget that the microelement lithium in large quantities disrupts metabolism nutrients and prevents salt (sodium) from remaining in the body. And this contributes to frequent urination and excessive thirst.

Lack of lithium in the body

Lack of lithium in the human body, without testing laboratory analysis blood, determined by characteristic symptoms: chronic diseases symptoms of nervous diseases and mental disorders become worse. Lithium is depressingly affected by an excess of sodium, magnesium and potassium in the body (an excess may occur if medications containing them are taken). Lithium is poorly absorbed by the body of people who abuse alcohol. In case of illness immune system(immunodeficiency) lithium is almost not absorbed.

Excess lithium in the body

If there is an excess of lithium in the body (toxicity occurs if you take lithium in amounts from 100 mg to 200 mg), then the following symptoms appear:

Muscle weakness, convulsive twitching of the limbs;
Impaired kidney and heart function (arrhythmia), sodium deficiency;
Excessive urination, diarrhea, constant thirst;
Dizziness and lack of coordination of movements;
Demotion blood pressure, attention disorder;
Vision deteriorates significantly and pain occurs in the eyes.
IN severe cases lithium, entering the body in large quantities, acted as a powerful toxin, manifested in the form of dermatitis and a severe allergic reaction. Cases of falling into a coma after unlimited use of drugs containing lithium have been described (if the patient was given the wrong dosage or the patient took the drug without a prescription).

Lithium, like many other substances from the table of chemical elements, is necessary for the human body, although in very limited quantities. large doses. The body of an adult contains approximately 70 mg of this substance. But if the amount of lithium falls below normal, then the body becomes a target for many dangerous diseases. Most often these are nervous disorders and mental imbalance.

In addition, with low levels of this microelement, digestive system, blood composition, liver, glands internal secretion, pulmonary channels, although the lithium level is in normal conditions they are quite small.

Lithium is an active participant in many processes of the human body:

Reduces activity nervous system;
present in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
controls allergic reactions;
strengthens the immune system.

A person’s condition with nervous diseases, as well as heart attacks and even Alzheimer’s disease, improves when the amount of lithium in the body is normalized. It normalizes nerve impulses and allows a person to be calmer and more relaxed. In addition, he is a fighter who stops reactions when alcohol poisoning, radiation exposure and toxic poisoning with heavy metals.

Doctors and scientists in the field of chemistry and biology are confident in the valuable effects of lithium on the human body. Its use in the treatment of mental diseases and nervous disorders began in the twentieth century. It also began to be used to eliminate inflammatory diseases skin and some types of arthritis.

Daily dose of lithium

Oddly enough, but there is no consensus on daily norm no lithium. Some scientists say that about 100 mcg of this microelement should enter the human body every day.

Others argue that the lower threshold for normal functioning is 2000 mcg.

In addition, it is believed that lithium is generally strictly prohibited and contraindicated for pregnant women.

Interaction with other substances

They prevent lithium from being absorbed in the body, causing it to be rejected by the person.

Lack of lithium in the body

About the reasons reduced content Little is known about lithium in the human body. It can be argued that the level becomes lower than normal if there is not enough lithium in the water that a person drinks.

Also, a deficiency of this microelement is observed in those people who abuse alcoholic beverages, with oncology and with immune deficiency.

Elevated lithium levels

It is quite difficult to obtain excess lithium in the body.

If a person introduces foods containing this substance into his diet, then the amount of lithium absorbed is not equal to its mathematical sum from all these products. The amount of lithium absorbed is exactly what the body needs.

In case of toxic poisoning of a person with lithium, if the permissible maximum threshold in the body is exceeded, the following consequences are possible:

first level of poisoning:

Dry mouth, thirst;
frequent urination;
hands are shaking.

second level of poisoning:

Loss of strength;
frequent fatigue;
loss in space;
frequent vomiting.

third level of poisoning:

Frequent seizures;
partial loss of memory and lack of understanding of one’s location;
coma may occur.

For lithium poisoning, treatment is prescribed depending on the symptoms. Severe poisoning with this trace element is extremely rare.

Lithium in products

This microelement is no exception and is found in different quantities in food products. It is quite easy to obtain lithium from drinking water, as well as eating salt, both table and sea. A large dose of lithium enters the body with mineral waters.

In addition, this substance is present in plants, but you need to know that there is less of it in the stems than in the underground parts of the plant. The level of lithium in any plant depends on many factors, ranging from the time of year to the place of growth.

Potatoes - 77 µg;
lettuce leaves - 40 mcg;
radishes - 23 mcg;
boletus mushrooms - 16 µg;
peach juice - 3 mcg;
carrots - 6 mcg;
sauerkraut- 0.4 µg;

Interesting facts about lithium

The well-known drink 7-up is very for a long time contained this trace element. Since this drink was initially produced as a hangover cure, lithium was added to it, knowing that it blocks alcohol in the human body.

In addition, the name of the miracle drink using the number seven, according to some sources, was also invented thanks to lithium and its atomic mass, which is exactly seven.

In addition, this miracle element is a very good conductor of current, and prices per kilogram range from 63 to 66 dollars.
The mass of lithium metal is five times lighter than the mass of, for example, aluminum.

If you conduct an experiment and build an airplane of its full size from this substance, then its body can be lifted by an adult without any effort.

Lithium (Li)


Lithium in the human body prevents the development of neuropsychiatric diseases .

Daily requirement of the human body currently not precisely determined (approximately 100 mcg). During pregnancy, lithium preparations are absolutely contraindicated.

Lithium content in the human body– about 70 mg. Lithium ions Li+ are quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, probably from small intestine, as well as from sites of parenteral administration. Lithium ions easily penetrate biological membranes. Average lithium content (in µg/g), in various organs varies significantly: in lymph nodes - 200, lungs - 60, liver - 7, whole blood– 6, muscles – 5, brain – 4. Lithium can be found in bones, intestines, adrenal glands and other tissues. Lithium is excreted primarily through the kidneys and to a lesser extent through feces and sweat.

Biological role in the human body. In the human body, lithium apparently promotes the release of magnesium from cellular “depots” and inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses, thereby reducing the excitability of the nervous system . It has been established that lithium ions affect the transport of sodium ions in nerve and muscle cells, as a result of which lithium acts as a sodium antagonist. Under the influence of lithium, intracellular deamination of norepinephrine increases and the amount of free norepinephrine acting on adrenergic receptors in brain tissue decreases. Lithium ions increase the sensitivity of neurons in the hippocampus and other areas of the brain to the action of dopamine. Thus, lithium actively influences the neurochemical processes occurring in the brain, which may underlie its therapeutic activity for mental illness .

Prescribing lithium drugs against the background of sodium deficiency is dangerous to health, as it can cause kidney damage. In addition, side effects of lithium therapy include: depression of function thyroid gland by blocking lithium release thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH), TSH-releasing factor and thyroxine.

There is evidence of the effect of lithium on structural components body at different levels. One of the target organs of lithium may be the skeleton and thyroid gland. IN bone tissue with prolonged exposure to lithium, its concentration is higher than in other organs. The skeleton is undoubtedly a place active interaction lithium with magnesium, calcium and other mineral components of bone tissue.

There is evidence of the effect of lithium on fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Under the influence of lithium, glucose absorption, glycogen synthesis and insulin levels in the blood serum of diabetic patients taking lithium drugs increase, and the level of glucose and ketone bodies in the urine decreases. Lithium has an insulin-like effect .

Signs of lithium deficiency: manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.
It was found that patients chronic alcoholism Reduced concentrations of lithium in the body are observed.
It is possible that lithium deficiency occurs in immunodeficiency states and some neoplasms.
The literature provides data on the relationship between the lithium content in water and the incidence of depression in the population of various regions.

With excess lithium intake into the body, toxic effects begin to appear at plasma concentrations of more than 10 mcg/l. At lithium concentrations in the range of 11–13 μg/l, mild symptoms intoxication. These symptoms become pronounced when the lithium concentration increases to 14–17 μg/l, and at a level of 21 μg/l and above, clinically significant multiple organ pathology develops.

In large doses, lithium reduces serotonin levels in the brain.

TO early symptoms excess lithium in the body include hand tremors, polyuria and moderate thirst. Symptoms of moderate intoxication include diarrhea, vomiting, muscle weakness, lethargy and loss of coordination.

The main symptoms of excess lithium in the body: damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys and tubular cells; activity suppression antidiuretic hormone; proteinuria; polyuria, decreased blood pressure, arrhythmia; inhibition of thyroid hormone production.

Lithium is needed: for manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, depression, immunodeficiency states, diabetes mellitus and some neoplasms.

Food sources of lithium: the maximum concentration of lithium was observed in plants of the nightshade family, namely in eggplants, potatoes, hot peppers (chili), sweet peppers, tomatoes, tobacco; and also in

Lithium is one of the most valuable microelements, or, as they also call it, mini-metals. Lithium was once used to treat gout and eczema. And in 1971, an interesting message appeared in the journal “Medical News”: in those areas where in drinking water contained a large number of lithium, people are kinder and calmer, there are fewer rude people and brawlers among them, and there are significantly fewer mental illnesses. The psychotropic properties of this metal were revealed. Lithium began to be used for depression, hypochondria, aggressiveness and even drug addiction. However, lithium can be both “good” and “evil”. There have been cases when, during injection treatment with lithium, a powerful metabolic disorder occurred, and serious consequences of this are inevitable.

That's why necessary elements It should always be obtained not in injections or tablets, but in their natural form - with water or plants. Then we can hope that our body itself will decide how much it needs of certain elements of the components and how to get rid of their excess.

What does lithium contain?

Lithium is found in some mineral waters, as well as in sea and rock salt. It is also found in plants, but its concentration, like any microelements, depends not only on the type and part of the plant, but also on the time of year and even day, on collection conditions and weather, as well as on the area where this plant grows.

In our country, lithium was studied by employees of the Institute of Geochemistry named after Acad. V.I. Vernadsky in Moscow. It was found that the above-ground parts of plants are richer in lithium than the roots. Most lithium is found in plants of the rose family, cloves, and nightshades, which include tomatoes and potatoes.

Although within one family the difference in its content can be enormous - several dozen times. It depends on geographical location and lithium content in soil.

It is now known that in addition to psychotropic effects, lithium has properties to prevent sclerosis, heart disease, and to some extent diabetes and hypertension. It “helps” magnesium in its anti-sclerotic protection.

At the end of 1977, the results of studies conducted at the Krakow hematology clinic were published. The studies were devoted to the influence of lithium on hematopoietic system. It turned out that this microelement activates the action of cells that have not yet died bone marrow. The discovery made can play important role in the fight against blood cancer. Research is still ongoing. I would like to believe that their results will bring invaluable help to people.

The medical use of lithium compounds is limited. Lithium salts (lithium carbonate, lithonite, etc.) are used in the treatment of manic-depressive psychoses. IN last years information has appeared on the effectiveness of lithium preparations in the treatment of neoplasms, diabetes mellitus and alcoholism.

During the day, about 100 mcg of lithium enters the body of an adult. Lithium ions Li+ are quickly and almost completely absorbed from gastrointestinal tract, apparently from the small intestine, as well as from sites of parenteral administration. Lithium ions easily penetrate biological membranes.

The average lithium content (in mcg/g) varies significantly in different organs: in lymph nodes - 200, lungs - 60, liver - 7, whole blood - 6, muscles - 5, brain - 4. Lithium can be found in bones, intestines, adrenal glands and other tissues. Lithium is excreted primarily through the kidneys and to a lesser extent through feces and sweat. In the body, lithium apparently promotes the release of magnesium from cellular “depots” and inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses, thereby reducing the excitability of the nervous system.

There is evidence of the effects of lithium on structural components of the body at various levels. One of the target organs of lithium may be the skeleton and thyroid gland. In bone tissue with prolonged exposure to lithium, its concentration is higher than in other organs. The skeleton is undoubtedly the site of active interaction of lithium with magnesium, calcium and other mineral components of bone tissue. There is evidence of the effect of lithium on neuro-endocrine processes, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

IN metabolic processes lithium actively interacts with K+ and Na+ ions. Prescribing lithium drugs against the background of sodium deficiency is dangerous for health, because may cause kidney damage. In addition, side effects of lithium therapy include suppression of thyroid function by blocking the release of TSH-releasing factor, TSH and thyroxine by lithium.

Under the influence of lithium, glucose absorption, glycogen synthesis and insulin levels in the blood serum of diabetic patients using lithium drugs increase, and the level of glucose and ketone bodies in the urine decreases. Lithium has an insulin-like effect.

Lithium is a chemical element belonging to the first group of the second period periodic table Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. In the table the element is under atomic number three and is designated by the symbol Li with the Latin name Lithium.

The chemical element lithium is soft alkali metal, which has a white-silver tint. Lithium is considered one of the lightest metals, which is almost a couple of times lighter than even water.

From the history of the discovery of lithium, it is known that the element was first isolated in 1817 by a mineralogist and chemist named Johann Arfvedson, who lived in Sweden. However, the substance was initially isolated only in the mineral petalite. Later, in 1818, Humphry Davy obtained metallic lithium. Then they began to study the properties of the chemical element, as well as how the substance affects the human body and what specific food sources it contains. And in 1859, lithium salts were first used in medicine to treat gout, when some scientists discovered in the laboratory that lithium can destroy crystals uric acid taken from the kidneys. After eleven years, Danish and New York scientists began to use the described element to treat mania.

Lithium was given this name because it was found in rocks. Previously, the element was called “lithion”, and then Berzelius proposed the name of the substance that we use to this day.

More recently, lithium was part of such a well-known drink as 7-up, which was produced as a remedy for hangover syndrome. The substance was added to the product because lithium blocked alcohol in the body. Also, many argue that the name of the drink contains the number seven, since atomic mass Lithium is equal to seven.

The role of lithium in the human body

Lithium plays a very important role in the human body. To the most important functions chemicals include the following:

  1. Even though the amount of lithium in the human body does not exceed seventy milligrams, the element is still responsible for the full functioning of the central nervous system. The metal is involved in the transport of magnesium from cells, which reduces movement nerve impulses, due to which the excitability of the nervous system decreases.
  2. The largest amount of lithium is found in brain cells. Due to this chemical element very important for full mental development.
  3. Lithium is characterized by anti-allergenic properties and also helps the body strengthen the immune system.
  4. The chemical takes part in improving the functioning of the neuroendocrine system, thereby helping to stabilize the energy processes occurring in the body.
  5. Thanks to a trace element such as lithium, the absorption of glucose by cells, as well as the production of glycogen, occurs much faster, which is very important for those who suffer from diabetes.

In psychiatry, lithium is used in medicines for the treatment of diseases such as schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis. In addition, the use of drugs with lithium helps suppress fear, anxiety, restlessness, depression, and reduces defensive-aggressive reactions.

Also, the use of an element such as lithium in medicine prevents the development of serious diseases, namely:

  • cerebral ischemia;
  • cell apoptosis (in other words, cell death);
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Experiments are currently underway on the use of compounds containing lithium to prevent blood cancer.

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that this chemical element is an antitoxin that reduces the effect on the body alcoholic drinks, narcotic compounds, radioactive rays and salts of heavy metals. As a result, the microelement participates in rehabilitation period a person who suffers from alcohol, nicotine, or drug addiction.

Once in the blood, lithium does not combine with protein fractions, and therefore very easily gets into absolutely everything liquid media body, and the concentration of the chemical depends on the dose of the element consumed.

How does lithium get into the body? The described chemical element penetrates inside a person along with food intake. Approximately two milligrams of the substance can enter the body per day. While in the gastrointestinal tract, lithium is absorbed into the blood plasma, liver, heart, lymph nodes, intestines, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, lungs. The element can also be found in small amounts in tissues and other internal organs.

Daily norm lithium for a sufficiently old person should not exceed 100 mcg. Having consumed products containing the described element, the body absorbs the metal one hundred percent. Lithium is also completely eliminated. In this regard, an excess of microelement in the body will not occur, even if you regularly consume foods containing this substance. Excess metal in the body can only appear from an overdose of lithium-containing drugs.

Critical dose for human body is between ninety and two hundred milligrams. This difference in toxic dose depends on the physique and age of the person.

The level of lithium in the blood is in the range of 0.5-0.8 mmol/l. If the level is too high or too low, you should consult a doctor and undergo the appropriate tests.

The pharmacy sells several drugs that contain lithium. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Quilonum is sold in the form of tablets or capsules. Medicine is taken to block manic states, psychoses, migraines, alcoholism, sexual disorders.
  2. "Contemnol" is produced in glass bottles. The drug is prescribed for migraines, binge drinking, sexual deviations, and seasonal aggressiveness.
  3. "Lithium carbonate" is available in the form of film-coated tablets. Prescribed for diseases such as epilepsy, depressive states, alcoholism, mental disorder. The medicine is also taken for psychosis, accompanied by anger, fear and anxiety. You should take the drug only after meals.
  4. "Sedalit" is available in the form of tablets or capsules. Prescribed for psychoses and affective disorders.

Although we have listed the main drugs containing lithium, you should not prescribe treatment for yourself. You must first consult a specialist, where you will be prescribed appropriate treatment and prescribed medications to take.

Causes and symptoms of lithium deficiency

Scientists have found that the following factors may be the causes of lithium deficiency in the body:

  • diseases associated with oncology;
  • excessive drinking of alcohol-containing products;
  • states of immunodeficiency.

Also, the level of lithium in the body may be underestimated if of this substance there is not enough in the water that a person uses every day.

Symptoms of lithium deficiency in the body include the following:

  • very frequent mood swings;
  • predisposition to suicide;
  • excessive irritability.

If a lack of lithium in the body is detected, specialists prescribe the patient either to drink a complex of vitamins and minerals or to inject lithium compounds. It is also necessary to eat those foods that contain the largest amount of this chemical.

Excess of macronutrients in the body

Excess lithium in the body occurs in very in rare cases. By consuming food containing this chemical, it is impossible to fill the body with a huge amount of the substance, thereby causing an overdose of the element. The volume of lithium absorbed will be as many milligrams as the body requires.

However, there are cases when the described chemical can cause harm to the body. The volume of the toxic dose of the element will depend on the series associated factors, namely: a person’s gender, age, body weight and other indicators. But absolutely for everyone the threshold increased norm should not exceed two hundred milligrams.

The main symptoms of lithium poisoning are the following:

  • arrhythmia, low blood pressure;
  • toxic dermatitis;
  • diarrhea accompanied by vomit;
  • trembling of the limbs, in particular the hands;
  • thirst;
  • lack of sodium;
  • increased body weight, especially if the period of intoxication is long enough;
  • coordination disorder, in particular ataxia;
  • memory disorder, perhaps even complete loss;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • increased potassium concentration in the blood;
  • increased urine production;
  • fatigue, cramps, muscle weakness, dizziness;
  • blurred vision;
  • functional failure of the thyroid gland and kidneys;
  • coma.

Despite the fact that there are many symptoms of lithium overdose, it is very difficult to become poisoned by the element. This is because you are unlikely to get a high amount of the substance from eating foods containing lithium alone. In many cases, lithium poisoning occurs in industrial enterprises, where this chemical element is used as a source for creating lithium batteries.

How to remove lithium from the body? Medical officials claim that the substance can be removed from the body by washing the intestines (mainly used for drug overdose long period actions that contain lithium), as well as by maintaining the proper level of water and electrolyte balance.

As we have already said, it is extremely difficult to be poisoned by lithium, since the element is almost completely excreted in urine (about ninety-six percent), sweat (about four percent) and feces (about one percent).

It happens that when using drugs based on a chemical element, an increase in the volume of lithium in the blood is observed. To avoid receiving a toxic dose, you should consult your GP, who should refer you for a blood test, which usually needs to be done every three months if you are using medications containing lithium . This is necessary in order to maintain the right dose drug, and also prevent the risk of side effects in case of overdose with a composition based on the described substance. Experts advise donating blood no earlier than twelve hours after taking the last dose of the medicine.

Element content in food products

It is possible to fill the body with the described element not only with medicines, but also thanks to several nutrient sources. Let's look at what foods contain lithium. So, doctors advise if you have a lithium deficiency, eat the following:

  • brown and red algae, in particular seaweed;
  • sea ​​fish and seafood;
  • carrots;
  • peaches;
  • sauerkraut;
  • liver, lung, meat;
  • mushrooms (boletus);
  • dairy food products;
  • plants of the nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco and eggplants);
  • beet juice;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • chicken eggs.

It is worth noting that the volume of lithium in food products will be different. This mainly depends on the area where the plants are grown, the time of year, climate and weather. In the above-ground parts of plants, the amount of lithium will be significantly higher than in the roots.

Let's consider the content of the chemical element in some food products (the volume of lithium is indicated in mcg per hundred grams of product):

  • sauerkraut – 0.4;
  • potatoes – 77;
  • carrots – 6;
  • boletus – 16;
  • radish – 23;
  • lettuce leaves – 40;
  • peach juice – 3.

As you can see, potatoes contain the most lithium, and sauerkraut contains the least.

In addition, lithium is found in drinking water, rock and sea salt, mineral waters from mountain springs, rose petals growing on the sea coast or on mountain slopes, thistle, thistle, and also in plants of the clove family.

However, there are also food sources that, on the contrary, interfere with the normal absorption of lithium by the body. This includes:

  • caffeine (if regularly consumed in large doses);
  • nicotine;
  • too salty or fried food.

If you want to ensure that you have enough lithium in your body, then try to follow our advice on what to eat and how much.

Interaction with other substances

In addition to lithium, the human body contains a huge number of others, no less important elements. In this regard, it is necessary to know what substances lithium reacts with.

Lithium interacts very well with calcium, since the latter plays an important role in maintaining, stimulating and increasing the performance of lithium.

However, there are elements that, on the contrary, prevent the absorption of lithium by the body. Such blocking substances include:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium.

These chemical elements do not allow lithium to be absorbed normally in the human body, thereby causing its rejection.

As you can see, the chemical element called “lithium” itself cannot cause much harm to the body. However, you should be very careful with its dosage so as not to cause severe side effects..

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