Lok fam dairy. Signs of diffuse femme mammary glands. Changes in the breast with fibroadenomatosis

Women's health is necessary condition for the birth of offspring. That is why medicine pays attention to him Special attention. Various screenings are carried out annually, which make it possible to identify pathological conditions at an early stage. Unfortunately, women's diseases continue to increase. This is due to the influence various factors environment, as well as bad habits. One of the most common pathologies is diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands. This disease belongs to benign neoplasms. Due to the fact that the process can develop into breast cancer, timely diagnosis and treatment are necessary. Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is otherwise called mastopathy and occurs in most young and middle-aged women. Most often, this disease develops after a period breastfeeding, as well as in case of hormone deficiency thyroid gland. If you detect it in time, you can avoid it dangerous consequences and surgical treatment.

Factors contributing to the development of fibroadenomatosis

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is benign neoplasm, which can involve either one or both breasts. The reasons for the development of this disease are not known. However, there are a number of factors that affect breast tissue. These include: physical, chemical and hormonal influences. There is an assumption that fibroadenomatosis occurs in girls who often wear underwear that compresses the mammary glands. Also, benign degeneration is associated with the influence of chemicals, since the development of mastopathy in women working in hazardous industries occurs much more often. This category also includes ladies who have bad habits. The main one is hormonal disbalance. Excessive influence of estrogens on the body is observed in various diseases of the female genital organs, early start menstruation, late development of menopause. Hormonal imbalances can occur if used incorrectly oral contraceptives, frequent births or, on the contrary, their absence. Another risk factor is hypothyroidism.

Types of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands can be homogeneous or mixed. It depends on what tissue in the breast has become overgrown. Depending on this, fibrous and cystic mastopathy are distinguished. In the first case we are talking about connective tissue. Diffuse cystic fibroadenomatosis develops with proliferation. Most often, a mixed variant develops. In addition to the diffuse proliferation of breast tissue, there are also local changes. Solitary fibroadenomas must be differentiated from breast cancer. The only treatment for them is surgical removal.

Changes in the breast with fibroadenomatosis

The density of the breast upon palpation depends on which type of mastopathy predominates. If it occupies a large part, then the gland will be more dense, with nodular formations (lumps). Their sizes may differ from each other. Diffuse cystic fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is characterized by the fact that softer formations are palpated in the breast - sacs filled with fluid. They may also be of different sizes and locations. In order to notice changes in breast tissue, it is necessary to conduct monthly examinations. Every woman can do it on her own. To do this, you need to carefully feel the chest around the entire circumference, and then more carefully in each quadrant.

If you notice signs of diffuse fibroadenomatosis, you need to consult a mammologist. Additional examination will help determine the type of mastopathy.

Methods for diagnosing fibroadenomatosis

The main method for detecting fibroadenomatosis is palpation of the mammary glands. Every woman should know how to perform it. In addition, palpation can be performed by a mammologist, gynecologist or therapist. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to detect moderate diffuse fibroadenomatosis, since the formations with it can be very small in size. In order to clarify the type of mastopathy, as well as decide on treatment tactics, it is necessary to conduct a series of instrumental studies. Currently, the radiological method - mammography - has become widespread. In addition, an ultrasound examination is performed, which is more preferable for young women.

Treatment of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

In order to get rid of mastopathy, it is necessary to find out the main reason for its occurrence. Only eliminating the damaging factor will help completely defeat diffuse fibroadenomatosis. Treatment of the thyroid gland, genital organs, refusal harmful effects(smoking, chemical production, uncomfortable underwear), as well as the correct use of contraceptives are considered the main methods. In addition, symptomatic therapy is used. This includes the use of Tamoxifen and Fareston. In addition, herbal decoctions and diet are recommended.

Prevention of breast tumors

To avoid this, you must constantly examine and palpate your breasts. Women over 40 years of age must undergo mammography, regardless of whether they have complaints or not. In addition, you need to avoid unfavorable factors and hypothermia, eat right and wear comfortable underwear. When using hormonal contraceptives, it is necessary to see a gynecologist and mammologist annually.

The disease is a benign tumor, but it must be treated in a timely manner. Otherwise, complications can lead to serious consequences and the need for surgical intervention.

In the article we will talk about the treatment of localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, we will tell you what it is, what are the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Localized: what is it?

Localized fibroadenomatosis or localized mastopathy is a disease that is accompanied by a complex of processes that promote the proliferation of immature cells of breast tissue.

The result of the development of the disease is the formation of an atypical ratio of epithelial and connective tissue components. Changes in the mammary glands manifest themselves in the form of swelling, swelling and the formation of compactions that cause discomfort. The nodes can reach 6 cm in diameter.

There are several names for the disease:

  • adenofibrosis;
  • fibrocystic disease;
  • Reclus disease;
  • mastopathy;
  • cystic mastopathy;
  • fibromatosis.


Localized mastopathy: what is it? Localized mastopathy is a disease whose risk group includes patients with abnormalities in hormonal level and liver diseases.

These factors are among the most common causes of nodules in the mammary glands. In some cases, fibromatosis develops against the background of a hereditary predisposition.

The causes of the disease also include the following factors:

  • pathologies of the thyroid gland (thyroid hormones are in close relationship with sex hormones);
  • frequent stressful situations(in fact, it negatively affects the state of the endocrine system);
  • carrying out induced abortions (procedures provoke disruption of the functioning of sex hormones);
  • late onset of menstruation or late pregnancy(factors relate to the causes of subsequent hormonal abnormalities);
  • gynecological diseases ( this variety diseases can be caused by hormonal imbalance);
  • early cessation of lactation (the factor provokes a deviation in the performance of the mammary glands and the formation of stagnation in them);
  • problems of a sexual nature (lack of a regular sexual partner, irregular intimate relationships, as well as other sexual problems cause hormonal imbalance).

During breastfeeding, the risk of local fibroadenomatosis increases. Premature interruption of lactation leads to stagnation in the mammary glands. It is strictly not recommended to stop breastfeeding before three months after birth.


Local fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland never develops asymptomatically. The presence of nodules can be detected by palpation. When palpated, compactions with clear boundaries are clearly felt, and discomfort of varying degrees occurs.

Associated symptoms include menstrual irregularities, deterioration of the condition of nails, hair and skin, and emotional instability.

Localized mastopathy can cause difficulty in conceiving and bearing a child. If the disease occurs during pregnancy, then the course of treatment must be carried out at an accelerated pace and always under the supervision of a specialist.

Painful sensations

Pain with local fibroadenomatosis can occur with to varying degrees intensity. During exacerbation of the disease burning pain present even in the absence mechanical impact on the mammary gland.

Such sensations intensify before the start of the menstrual cycle or after any stressful situation.

Painful sensations can manifest themselves in the following forms:

  • the symptom is accompanied by swelling mammary gland and its significant compaction;
  • stabbing pains that recur with varying degrees of intensity;
  • feeling of pressure in the mammary glands;
  • the pain symptom is accompanied by enlargement of the lymph nodes located in the axillary region.

Discharge and its connection with the cycle

In adenofibrosis, nipple discharge is considered characteristic feature diseases. The liquid may be clear, pink, greenish, brown or white. The consistency of the discharge may also vary.

In the early stages of development of formations in the mammary gland, fluid appears only when pressure is applied to the nipple, in later stages it appears spontaneously.

  • in most cases, discharge appears a few days before the start of menstruation and ends simultaneously with it;
  • in advanced forms of the disease, the discharge does not depend on the cycle.

Any discharge from the nipples is a deviation. Especially a worrying sign They are considered to be the bloody variety. If this symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.


There are several options for diagnosing fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland. The choice of a particular option is influenced by the general health of the patient, clinical picture the disease and its first signs, as well as individual factors.

  1. Standard examination methods:
    • Ultrasound (examination aimed at the mammary gland);
    • mammography (mandatory stage of diagnosis).
  2. Special methods:
    • ductography (study of the condition of the mammary ducts of the glands);
    • aspiration biopsy (cellular examination);
    • stereotactic biopsy (examination of material taken from non-palpable formations);
    • trucat biopsy (tissue examination).
  3. Additional diagnostics:
    • laboratory tests for hormone levels;
    • X-ray;
    • thermography;
    • examination of the condition of the lymph nodes.

Connection with oncology

Fibrocystic disease is not a precancerous disease, but can become a background to the development of cancer. The disease is not life-threatening for patients, but significantly disrupts its quality.

Advanced forms of mastopathy lead to the need for a serious operation - removal of the mammary glands. A similar procedure is performed if there is a suspicion of cancer development during the treatment of fibroadenomatosis.

Treatment options and methods

The main stage of treatment for fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is to establish the cause of the disease and its subsequent exclusion. A special role in this case is played by the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases and general health.

The course of treatment is prescribed in accordance with the results of a preliminary examination and directly depends on the stage of the disease.

When treating formations in the mammary glands, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • homeopathic remedies;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • neurohormone analogues;
  • antiestrogens;
  • androgen drugs;
  • mild sedatives;
  • contraceptives with the function of normalizing the menstrual cycle;
  • progesterone preparations;
  • means to improve liver function;
  • drugs that improve the condition of the thyroid gland.

Surgical intervention is carried out only in the absence of results of conservative treatment. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia and is sectoral resection mammary gland.

During the operation, materials are collected for additional research. The rehabilitation course will vary in duration and pain for the patient.

During the treatment of breast fibroadenomatosis, it is recommended to follow the rules special diet. Adjustments to the diet are made by the attending physician based on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Some prescriptions can be used to accompany the course of treatment with medications. alternative medicine, For example:

  • applying cabbage or burdock leaves to the mammary glands;
  • introduction of corn silk, birch buds, rose hips, valerian root or currant leaves into the diet (collections are sold in pharmacies, they are consumed in the form of decoctions or food additives);
  • applying baked onions or pumpkin to the mammary glands.

Prescriptions can only be used as an addition to the main course of medication. There is no point in conducting questionable experiments.

In most cases, local fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland has a favorable prognosis. If the disease is detected in the early stages of development, it can be completely cured.

Experts recommend taking measures to prevent the formation of nodes in the mammary glands, which include regular examinations with doctors, proper nutrition, careful selection of underwear and taking care of your own health.

You can find more information on this topic in the Varieties section.

Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

Fibrocystic disease or fibroadenomatosis is a benign lesion of the mammary glands that is of hormonal origin.

The disease is characterized by the formation of single or multiple cystic cavities. In practice, the disease is quite difficult to treat.


The occurrence of pathology is associated with an imbalance of sex hormones. Such conditions usually occur due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, ovaries or liver.

Fibroadenomatosis of the breast includes the following predisposing risk factors:

  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Chronic lesions of gynecological organs.
  • Early refusal of breastfeeding.

How dangerous is breast fibroadenomatosis for a woman’s life?

Fibromatous breast disease is not considered a fatal disease. Also, this pathology is not a precancer. Often the nodular form of fibrocystic disease has a similar clinical picture to breast cancer. Thus, against the background of mastopathy, a malignant neoplasm can develop.

How to recognize?

The first symptom of fibrocystic lesions is pain. In the future, the patient may experience single or multiple thickening of the soft tissues of the breast.

Cystic neoplasms in the breast can be recognized by the following signs:

  • periodic attacks of pain that depend on the frequency of the menstrual cycle;
  • formation of a nodular compaction with a lobular structure.

Tests and examinations for the diagnosis of fibroadenomatosis

Differential diagnosis of this disease is carried out with a cancerous tumor. For this purpose, doctors prescribe the following diagnostic procedures to the patient:

  1. Palpation of the breast - a specialist, using finger palpation of the breast, determines the location and consistency of the pathological focus.
  2. Mammography – x-ray examination of the mammary gland identifies a malignant neoplasm.
  3. Laboratory blood test and calculation of tumor markers.
  4. Ultrasound examination - using ultrasound examination the doctor detects dilation of the excretory ducts and single fibrous nodes.
  5. Biopsy - in complex clinical cases, the oncologist resorts to histological analysis of a small area of ​​mutated tissue. The collection of biological material is carried out using a puncture of the mammary gland.


Therapy of this disease includes two main methods:

For treatment, patients are prescribed the following medications:

  • Pharmaceutical drugs that regulate thyroid function.
  • Tablet contraceptives that normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Agents that interfere with the action of estrogen. This is necessary in cases of severe pain.
  • Progesterone preparations.
  • Complex of vitamins and minerals. Hepatoprotectors. These products improve the activity of liver tissue.
  • Patients are advised to give up smoking, strong tea, coffee and chocolate.

Radical excision of the pathological focus is, first of all, recommended if there is a suspicion of a malignant tumor. This treatment provides an almost complete guarantee of cure. In some cases, the doctor recommends sectoral resection of the nodular lesion. It should be taken into account that after partial removal there is a possibility of relapse.


Fibrocystic disease has a favorable tendency to recovery. In most patients, complete healing occurs as the hormonal balance is regulated.

Fibroadenomatosis is a pathological condition that modern conditions amenable complete cure. It should be borne in mind that the earlier the diagnosis is made, the less traumatic the method of therapy is used.

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The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

What is FAM of the breast: types and treatment

Benign formations are one of the most common forms of mammary gland pathologies in women. They appear in more than 50 forms and are adenofibromatosis, fibromatosis, etc.

What's happened

What is it - FAM of the mammary gland? FAM stands for fibroadenomatosis. This is a benign disease that occurs in the connective tissue of the mammary gland, where fibrous tissue grows under the influence of hormones.

Depending on the ongoing pathological process, this disease takes various forms, which differ from each other in the nature and extent of the lesion.

Causes and risk factors

The main reason for the development of such problems is hormonal imbalance in women. This may happen for some reasons:

  1. Stress – constant stress overexertion affects work endocrine glands, which disrupts the functioning of many body systems.
  2. Problems in the sexual sphere - irregular sexual intercourse, no permanent partner, etc., changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Gynecological diseases - problems with the functional functioning of the ovaries; failure of the menstrual cycle leads to disruption of the normal production of hormones. Of particular importance in provoking the disease is abortion.
  4. Early cessation of breastfeeding before the child is one year old, as well as refusal to feed the child after his birth, provokes stagnation in the milk ducts, therefore, inflammatory diseases in the chest.
  5. Thyroid diseases cause improper production of hormones.
  6. Some diseases of the liver, which removes hormonal breakdown products from the body, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

In addition, there are provoking factors, the presence of which suggests an increase in the likelihood of developing FAM of the mammary glands.

They are based on a chemical and hormonal nature:

  • work in hazardous production;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • tight underwear;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • frequent pregnancies or refusal to bear children.


There are different types of lumps in the mammary gland, so the mammologist relies on the accompanying symptoms to make the correct diagnosis:

  • frequently recurring stabbing chest pains that occur during the premenstrual period;
  • a feeling of pressure or burning in the chest during the premenstrual period;
  • discharge from the nipples that appears independently or when squeezed;
  • possible enlargement of lymph nodes in the axillary region;
  • The mammary glands swell and become denser.

It is worth noting that the manifestations of these symptoms intensify during periods of nervous overstrain and physical fatigue.


FAM of the breast has several forms:

  • Diffuse. This form is considered the first stage of the disease. What is it - diffuse FAM of the mammary glands? Upon examination, several nodules are found, which are usually located in upper sections breasts Seals are detected in one or both mammary glands. Associated symptoms are hardening of the mammary glands before menstruation and increased sensitivity. They can disappear on their own, which happens after childbirth and completion of breastfeeding.
  • Localized. The question often arises, what is FAM lock of the mammary gland? In this case, a single formation is clearly defined in size from 1 to 6 cm. The compaction is a dense knot with clear boundaries, a bumpy surface and may have a granular structure. When palpated, it causes slight pain.
  • Localized FAM of the breast is a form of the disease that in 40% of cases occurs in nulliparous and unmarried women aged 30 to 40 years, of the remaining cases, 38% are women who have had multiple abortions.
  • Cystic. Multiple and multi-chamber cysts develop, which are heterogeneous in nature and arise in the ducts or alveoli. The disease often affects 2 breasts at once, where the cysts are located one at a time or in groups. Diagnosis requires x-rays, as well as puncture and trephine biopsies.
  • Focal. This form is similar to diffuse FAM, where the compactions also consist of glandular tissue, which is replaced by fibrous tissue. But in this case, there is no clear boundary between the tissues, and the patient feels constant pain.
  • Fibrous. In this form of the disease, compactions are formed due to the proliferation of fibrous tissue. Most often, such processes occur as a consequence of injury or an infectious-allergic disease.
  • Nodal. Small lumps appear locally, and the patient feels pain in the area of ​​the lumps. This form occurs in close connection with diffuse fibroadenomatosis.

Only a specialist can determine the form of the disease after a thorough diagnosis.


What is the diagnosis of FAM of the breast, and what methods are used to accurately diagnose it? To make a correct diagnosis, a mammologist, in addition to standard ultrasound and x-rays, can prescribe a number of special and additional studies. For example, aspiration and stereotactic biopsies, trephine biopsy, ductography help determine benign or malignancy in each specific case.

For a more complete diagnosis, which allows you to determine the most successful treatment regimen, the following are performed: thermography, x-ray chest, MRI or CT scan, examination of lymph nodes, various laboratory tests.



The main directions of treatment are optimization of hormonal balance and tissue restoration, as well as symptomatic therapy. Application various drugs will depend on many factors, for example, age, stage of the disease, etc.

In general, hormonal agents, vitamins, homeopathic medicines, antidepressants, adaptogens, anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, medications for the liver and thyroid gland.


In cases where treatment medications ineffective or in case of advanced disease, surgical intervention may be used. This treatment is also indicated for some localized forms of FAM.

The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, depending on the complexity of each case. During the operation they take necessary tests for histology.

Traditional methods

Application folk remedies in the treatment of fibroadenomatosis, it is aimed primarily at optimizing hormone levels, normalizing metabolism and relieving nervous tension.

Many plants contain essential oils and active ingredients that have a positive effect on the treatment of the disease and the patient’s condition as a whole. Special plus similar methods is the absence side effects.

For example, to treat the mammary glands, burdock or cabbage leaves are applied to the breast. Some plants, such as valerian root, nettle, rose hips and others, have a mild effect by stabilizing hormonal levels.

But you should not think that by using only such means you can easily cure fibroadenomatosis, and especially its advanced stage. Traditional methods can be used as an addition to conservative treatment. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Forecast and danger

At timely diagnosis, the diagnosis of FAM is not dangerous and responds well to treatment. What is FAM of the breast when compared to cancer?

It is worth noting that fibroadenomatosis is a benign formation, but these cells have the ability to develop into malignant ones over time. This explains the need early diagnosis.


Preventive measures aimed at maintaining general health, absence of sudden changes in hormone levels, as well as breast renewal during lactation:

  • healthy lifestyle, physical activity;
  • comfortable underwear that helps avoid chest compression;
  • early diagnosis - involves self-examination of the breast and regular visits to a mammologist;
  • breastfeeding - from the moment the child is born until 1-1.5 years;
  • refusal of abortion;
  • regular sex life.

If you detect the first signs and the presence of seals, you should immediately consult a doctor for early diagnosis and initiation of treatment.


From our video you will learn about the causes, prevention and treatment of breast diseases.

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Home » Diseases » Fibroadenoma » What is FAM of the breast: types and treatment

Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

Dystrophic changes in the mammary gland, which can occur in both women and men, are called fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland.

Sometimes the terms cystic mastopathy, adenofibrosis, fibromatosis, Reclus' disease are used for this disease. Fibroadenomatosis is characterized by the appearance of multiple small nodules that are inactive in relation to the surrounding tissues.

ICD-10 code

Causes of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

The underlying cause of the development of fibroadenomatosis is considered to be an imbalance hormonal system in organism. This happens in the following cases:

  • Stressful situations - mental instability, psycho-emotional breakdowns are a factor contributing to the development of many diseases, including mastopathy. Especially if a person is under stress constantly or for a long time, this affects the activity of the endocrine glands;
  • sexual problems – practice of interrupted sexual intercourse, irregular sex or lack of a regular sexual partner, unsatisfaction of sexual needs;
  • concomitant gynecological diseases and induced abortions, including medical ones - sexual health also includes the normal production of hormones necessary for the body (progesterone and estradiol). Disorder of the functional ability of the ovaries, provoked inflammatory processes reproductive organs, menstrual cycle disorders leads to hormonal imbalance;
  • refusal or early cessation of breastfeeding a baby provokes congestion in the mammary glands. If there are no problems with the amount of milk, breastfeeding should be practiced for at least a year after the birth of the child;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland - a lack or excess of thyroid hormones also affects the balance of sex hormones.

This list can also include liver diseases - this organ takes part in removing hormonal breakdown products from the body. Their untimely or incomplete elimination also provokes instability of hormonal levels.

Symptoms of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

Clinical signs of fibroadenomatosis may include:

  • frequently recurring stabbing pains, especially before the onset of menstruation;
  • a feeling of pressure and burning pain in the mammary gland;
  • discharge from the milk ducts, both independent and appearing when the nipple is squeezed;
  • sometimes the lymph nodes in the axillary region become enlarged;
  • The mammary gland swells and becomes dense.

Soreness tends to intensify after nervous or physical stress.

Fibroadenomatosis can occur in various forms:

  • diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is a diffuse form of the disease, when pathological foci are widespread, located throughout one or two glands. By palpation, many nodules are identified, characterized by heterogeneous granular, painful compactions.
  • localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland - the presence of compactions in the mammary gland that have a denser structure than with adenosis or masoplasia. Sometimes patients note pain on palpation. The edges of the nodular formations are relatively clearly defined, the skin over them is compacted and presents an uneven tuberosity.
  • focal fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is a benign process, characterized by focal replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue, manifested by the appearance of focal compactions in the mammary gland. Pain is not felt in all cases of the disease.
  • cystic fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands - is a form of fibroadenomatosis in which multiple and multi-chamber cyst-like formations are found. These cysts are homogeneous, clearly defined compactions with smoothed contours. Cysts can be located singly or in groups.
  • fibrous fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands - compactions in the mammary gland with a predominance of fibrous tissue growth. Typically, this condition develops as a result of epithelial-mesenchymal transition, when epithelial cells acquire the phenotypic abilities of a mesenchymal cell. Most often this happens after an injury or an infectious-allergic process.
  • nodular fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland - this form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of localized small compactions, with the greatest sensation of pain in the area of ​​nodular tissue growth. Nodular fibroadenomatosis usually occurs against the background or as a consequence of diffuse fibroadenomatosis.

Associated signs of all forms of the disease are expressed in menstrual dysfunction, mental and emotional instability, problems with conceiving and bearing a child, deterioration in the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Where does it hurt?

Diagnosis of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

Breast examinations may be standard, special, or additional.

TO standard methods examinations include:

  • Mammography (in two projections) is one of the most informative and common diagnostic methods. The possibility of large magnification and high resolution of the picture makes it possible to detect even the most minor pathological abnormalities;
  • Ultrasound examination (breast ultrasound).

TO special methods diagnostics include:

  • aspiration biopsy method - taking the necessary material for cellular examination (cytology);
  • trucat biopsy method - taking material for tissue examination (histology);
  • stereotactic biopsy - taking material from non-palpable tumors;
  • ductography – examination of the mammary ducts of the glands.

Such special types of examinations are used mainly to differentiate seals when they are suspected of being malignant.

Additional diagnostic methods may include:

  • thermography – an imprint of tissue temperature on an image (in healthy tissue the temperature will be lower);
  • chest x-ray;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • examination of lymph nodes;
  • laboratory tests, including hormone levels.

A complete diagnosis of the disease allows you to build a more successful and complete treatment regimen.

What needs to be examined?

How to examine?

Who to contact?

Treatment of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

The basic principles of fibroadenomatosis treatment are as follows:

  • stabilization of hormonal levels in the body;
  • symptomatic treatment and restoration of damaged gland tissue.

To determine the necessary scheme of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the cause of the pathology, as well as balance the functioning of the hormonal system.

The selection of treatment is carried out depending on the patient’s age category, the stage of the disease, the characteristics of metabolism and hormonal development, and the presence of any other related pathologies in the body.

Currently, therapy for this disease involves the prescription of hormonal drugs, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, antidepressants, and adaptogens. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed to relieve pain, but this is done for a short period.

Treatment of diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is carried out using the following medications:

  • drugs that affect the function of the thyroid gland (depending on the disorder of this function - hyper- or hypothyroidism);
  • antiestrogens (fareston, toremifene, tamoxifen);
  • androgenic drugs – inhibiting the production of gonadotropic hormones (danazol);
  • antiprolactin agents – inhibiting the production of prolactin (bromocriptine);
  • drugs analogues of neurohormones (releasing hormone of the hypothalamus);
  • contraceptive drugs that regulate the menstrual cycle (zhanine, non-ovlon, tri-regol);
  • progesterone preparations (progestogel, utrozhestan, duphaston, crinone);
  • vitamin preparations to improve metabolic processes and functional capacity of the liver;
  • drugs that facilitate liver function (Essentiale, Chofitol, Artichoke, Karsil, Hepabene);
  • homeopathic remedies.

Except drug treatment fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, the patient must adhere to a certain way of eating: give up coffee drinks and strong black tea, chocolate, alcohol and smoking.

In cases of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, surgery may be prescribed. It represents a sectoral resection of the mammary gland followed by histological analysis of the taken materials. This operation can be performed using both general and local anesthesia. The size and complexity of the operation are determined by the form of the disease, as well as the duration and neglect of the process.

In the postoperative period, due to possible pain and discomfort, painkillers (ketanov, analgin preparations) may be prescribed.

Treatment of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland with folk remedies

In the treatment of the disease, traditional medicine is often used to help normalize metabolism, stabilize hormone levels, activate the body's protective functions, and calm the nervous system.

Nature has created many different plants whose action resembles a hormonal effect. However, unlike medicines, herbal ingredients do not contribute to development side effects. Such plants include corn silk, valerian root, birch buds, rose hips, currant leaves, nettle, and burdock root.

For local treatment, fresh cabbage or burdock leaves are often used and applied to the affected breast.

The medicinal effect of plants should be aimed at eliminating the cause of fibroadenomatosis. Therefore, mixtures of herbs have the greatest effect, where each component acts in a complex, mutually complementing each other: - grind 200 g of fresh burdock root, mix with the same amount of natural honey, 200 g castor oil and the juice of four lemons. The resulting pulp should be spread on a clean cloth and applied as a compress at night. Store the product in the refrigerator. Duration of treatment is about 2 weeks;

  • take equal shares yeast dough, unsalted butter, egg yolk, mix. Lubricate pieces of fabric with the mixture and apply to the affected area of ​​the breast. Take this treatment for a month;
  • warm unrefined sunflower oil (tbsp) should be mixed with 40 drops of veterinary antiseptic asd-3. Use the resulting mixture as a compress. If during the treatment period there are problems at the compress site discomfort, you must endure as long as possible: after 3-4 procedures painful sensations will disappear;
  • bake the onion, remove the top layers, and grind the rest into a paste. Add a tablespoon of tar. Apply the mixture to the fabric and apply to the seals, change the compress every 9-10 hours;
  • grate half a cup of carrots, add half a cup beet juice, art. a spoonful of dry golden root ground in a coffee grinder and four tbsp. spoons of sea buckthorn oil (or any other). Make compresses, changing them every 5 hours. The duration of such treatment is about two weeks;
  • grind into a powdery mixture, tbsp. spoon of cumin, tbsp. spoon of anise, 2 tbsp. spoons of dried potatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon balm. Add 3 teaspoons of St. John's wort oil and half a glass of dark flour to the powder. Knead the cake, adding boiling water instead of liquid. You must apply such a cake to the seal site and do not remove it for 5 hours. Then replace the flatbread with another one;
  • apply the warm soft part of the pumpkin (peeled from seeds) to the mammary gland;
  • Mix 100 g of fresh unsalted butter with a chopped head of garlic. Apply the ointment to the affected area of ​​the chest, bandage;
  • mix equal parts of valerian root, cumin and dill seeds, mint leaves and chamomile flowers. Two full st. spoons of the collection brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour and take half a glass three times a day before meals;
  • Grind the ficus leaves into a meat grinder and mix with honey to taste. Use according to Art. spoon before each meal, at the same time put it in the form of a compress on the place of the seals. The duration of use is one week, then after 2 weeks we repeat again.

Application herbal preparations when treating fibroadenomatosis, it can be combined with other therapeutic agents, but before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

More information about treatment


Basic methods of preventing fibroadenomatosis:

  • healthy diet and lifestyle - you should avoid chest injuries, drink iodized water, eat a balanced diet, eat enough vegetables and fruits, avoid psycho-emotional overload, strengthen your immune system;
  • choosing the right underwear - choosing a bra is important not only for beauty, but also for ease of wearing. The bra should not rub, put pressure on the chest, or deform it;
  • preventive examination - a woman should periodically examine and feel her breasts for lumps or painful areas. It would not be a bad idea to visit a mammologist once a year for a preventive ultrasound;
  • breastfeeding - the risk of developing fibroadenomatosis increases if a woman stops breastfeeding earlier than three months after giving birth. The ideal feeding option is 1-1.5 years;
  • induced abortions– artificial abortion provokes a sharp decline in hormonal activity, which further contributes to hormone imbalance and increases the risk of developing fibroadenomatosis;
  • full sex life – regular sex life improves hormonal levels and serves as a prevention of congestion in the pelvis.


The prognosis for fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is favorable. Timely, qualified therapy usually leads to complete recovery. Having discovered the first signs of the disease, you must immediately consult a doctor: the sooner the pathology is diagnosed, the more successful the treatment.

Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is a disease that can be easily treated if the process is not started.

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University them. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - “General Medicine”

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Be sure to consult with a qualified specialist so as not to harm your health!

Benign formations are one of the most common forms of mammary gland pathologies in women. They appear in more than 50 forms and are adenofibromatosis, fibromatosis, etc.

What is it - FAM of the mammary gland? FAM stands for fibroadenomatosis. This is a benign disease that occurs in the connective tissue of the mammary gland, where fibrous tissue grows under the influence of hormones.

Depending on the ongoing pathological process, this disease takes various forms, which differ from each other in the nature and extent of the lesion.

Causes and risk factors

The main reason for the development of such problems is hormonal imbalance in women. This may happen for some reasons:

  1. Stress – constant stress overexertion affects the functioning of the endocrine glands, which disrupts the functioning of many body systems.
  2. Problems in the sexual sphere - irregular sexual intercourse, no permanent partner, etc., changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Gynecological diseases - problems with the functional functioning of the ovaries; failure of the menstrual cycle leads to disruption of the normal production of hormones. Of particular importance in provoking the disease is abortion.
  4. Early cessation of breastfeeding before the child is one year old, as well as refusal to feed the child after his birth, provokes stagnation in the milk ducts, hence, inflammatory diseases in the breast.
  5. Thyroid diseases cause improper production of hormones.
  6. Some diseases of the liver, which removes hormonal breakdown products from the body, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

In addition, there are provoking factors, the presence of which suggests an increase in the likelihood of developing FAM of the mammary glands.

They are based on a chemical and hormonal nature:

  • work in hazardous production;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • tight underwear;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • frequent pregnancies or refusal to bear children.


There are different types of lumps in the mammary gland, so the mammologist relies on the accompanying symptoms to make the correct diagnosis:

  • frequently recurring stabbing chest pains that occur during the premenstrual period;
  • a feeling of pressure or burning in the chest during the premenstrual period;
  • discharge from the nipples that appears independently or when squeezed;
  • possible enlargement of lymph nodes in the axillary region;
  • The mammary glands swell and become denser.

It is worth noting that the manifestations of these symptoms intensify during periods of nervous overstrain and physical fatigue.


FAM of the breast has several forms:

  • Diffuse. This form is considered the first stage of the disease. What is it - diffuse FAM of the mammary glands? The examination reveals several nodules, which are usually located in the upper parts of the chest. Seals are detected in one or both mammary glands. Associated symptoms are hardening of the mammary glands before menstruation and increased sensitivity. They can disappear on their own, which happens after childbirth and completion of breastfeeding.
  • Localized. The question often arises, what is FAM lock of the mammary gland? In this case, a single formation is clearly defined in size from 1 to 6 cm. The compaction is a dense knot with clear boundaries, a bumpy surface and may have a granular structure. When palpated, it causes slight pain.
  • Localized FAM of the breast is a form of the disease that in 40% of cases occurs in nulliparous and unmarried women aged 30 to 40 years, of the remaining cases, 38% are women who have had multiple abortions.
  • Cystic. Multiple and multi-chamber cysts develop, which are heterogeneous in nature and arise in the ducts or alveoli. The disease often affects 2 breasts at once, where the cysts are located one at a time or in groups. Diagnosis requires x-rays, as well as puncture and trephine biopsies.
  • Focal. This form is similar to diffuse FAM, where the compactions also consist of glandular tissue, which is replaced by fibrous tissue. But in this case, there is no clear boundary between the tissues, and the patient feels constant pain.
  • Fibrous. In this form of the disease, compactions are formed due to the proliferation of fibrous tissue. Most often, such processes occur as a consequence of injury or an infectious-allergic disease.
  • Nodal. Small lumps appear locally, and the patient feels pain in the area of ​​the lumps. This form occurs in close connection with diffuse fibroadenomatosis.

Only a specialist can determine the form of the disease after a thorough diagnosis.


What is the diagnosis of FAM of the breast, and what methods are used to accurately diagnose it? To make a correct diagnosis, a mammologist, in addition to standard ultrasound and x-rays, can prescribe a number of special and additional studies. For example, aspiration and stereotactic biopsies, trephine biopsy, ductography help determine benign or malignant formation in each specific case.

For a more complete diagnosis, which allows you to determine the most successful treatment regimen, the following are performed: thermography, chest x-ray, MRI or CT, examination of lymph nodes, and various laboratory tests.


The main directions of treatment are optimization of hormonal balance and tissue restoration, as well as symptomatic therapy. The use of different drugs will depend on many factors, such as age, stage of the disease, etc.

In general, hormonal agents, vitamins, homeopathic drugs, antidepressants, adaptogens, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In some cases, medications for the liver and thyroid gland.


In cases where drug treatment is ineffective or in cases of advanced disease, surgical intervention may be used. This treatment is also indicated for some localized forms of FAM.

The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, depending on the complexity of each case. During the operation, the necessary histology tests are taken.

Traditional methods

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of fibroadenomatosis is aimed primarily at optimizing hormone levels, normalizing metabolism and relieving nervous tension.

Many plants contain essential oils and active ingredients that have a positive effect on the treatment of the disease and the patient’s condition as a whole. A special advantage of such methods is the absence of side effects.

For example, to treat the mammary glands, burdock or cabbage leaves are applied to the breast. Some plants, such as valerian root, nettle, rose hips and others, have a mild effect by stabilizing hormonal levels.

But you should not think that by using only such means you can easily cure fibroadenomatosis, and especially its advanced stage. Traditional methods can be used as an addition to conservative treatment. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Forecast and danger

With timely diagnosis, the diagnosis of FAM is not dangerous and responds well to treatment. What is FAM of the breast when compared to cancer?

It is worth noting that fibroadenomatosis is a benign formation, but these cells have the ability to develop into malignant ones over time. This explains the need for early diagnosis.


Preventive measures are aimed at maintaining general health, the absence of sudden changes in hormone levels, as well as breast renewal during lactation:

  • healthy lifestyle, physical activity;
  • comfortable underwear that helps avoid chest compression;
  • early diagnosis - involves self-examination of the breast and regular visits to a mammologist;
  • breastfeeding - from the moment the child is born until 1-1.5 years;
  • refusal of abortion;
  • regular sex life.

If you detect the first signs and the presence of seals, you should immediately consult a doctor for early diagnosis and initiation of treatment.


From our video you will learn about the causes, prevention and treatment of breast diseases.


Femme mammary gland - what it is and signs of its appearance

Femme mammary gland what is it? Fibroadenoma (FAM) is a disease of a tumor nature that develops in the tissues of the mammary glands. By its nature, it is a benign tumor, usually of hormonal origin. Its development is provoked by too high levels of sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone or prolactin. In women under 35, diffuse estrogen-type breast tissue most often develops, and after 40, when the processes of extinction begin reproductive function– prolactin.


What are the essence and symptoms of this disease? Under the influence of pathological processes, the glandular tissue of the mammary gland grows, and fibrocystic neoplasms are formed. They can be single or multiple, covering one breast or both at once. Cysts and fibroids are filled with fluid inside. There is no need to ignore FAM - this is fraught with serious consequences, there is a risk of degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one.

There are several reasons for the development of FAM:

  • chronic stress or severe nervous shock;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries;
  • poor blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal imbalance (including those caused by taking oral contraceptives);
  • frequent births or refusal to have children;
  • wearing tight or ill-fitting underwear;
  • lack of lactation or inability to breastfeed;
  • heredity.

There are nodular and leaf forms of fibroadenoma. Nodular forms never degenerate into cancer, but every 10th case of leaf FAM ends in breast sarcoma.

A mammologist treats fibroadenoma of the mammary glands. His task is to find out the causes of the tumor and prescribe adequate treatment aimed at eliminating them.

Symptoms of FAM

In the early stages, FAM occurs without symptoms. At a later date, a woman can feel the tumor on her own. There are also signs of breast fibroadenoma that indicate the presence of FAM:

  • appears in the chest before menstruation stabbing pain, which increases with physical activity;
  • sometimes tumor growth is accompanied by a feeling of pressure and burning in the chest;
  • When pressed, a clear, odorless liquid may be released from the nipples;
  • the nipples themselves may crack and become covered with painful sores;
  • breast tissue swells and thickens;
  • Lymph nodes in the axillary area may become enlarged.

The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of a small tubercle in the breast tissue, which rolls under the fingers, but does not change location when changing body position.

Diagnosis of the disease

FAM is detected in early stages by mammography. The increase in the number of tumor diseases of the mammary glands has become the reason for the inclusion of mammography in the list of mandatory diagnostic studies when undergoing medical examination.

In mammography images, the doctor clearly sees fibrocystic neoplasms - cavities filled with fluid. In addition to mammography, the patient must undergo an ultrasound examination of surrounding tissues and organs, and is also referred for consultation to related specialists - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist (with full diagnostics gland conditions internal secretion involved in the production of sex hormones).

If FAM is detected, a puncture of the tumor-like formation is prescribed, and if necessary, a biopsy of the affected glandular tissue is taken. This is done to determine the probability of occurrence cancer cells and determining the strategy for further treatment - conservative or surgical.

Note! User recommendation! For the treatment and prevention of breast diseases, our readers successfully use an effective remedy to combat these ailments. Cedar resin will improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, and bee venom will relieve pain. Get rid of pain..."

How is FAM different from cancer?

Multiple fibroadenomas are a benign neoplasm. If the size of the tumor does not exceed 10 mm, then the mammologist registers the woman and assesses the condition of the tumor every six months without treatment.

Breast fibroadenoma has differences from a malignant tumor that every woman needs to know:

  1. Fibroadenoma is a small round or oval lump that has a dense but elastic structure, does not hurt when pressed and moves under the fingers (floating effect). FAM always has clear boundaries. The tumor does not change the color, structure and temperature of the surrounding skin. With cancer, the following may occur: changes in the color of the halo and nipple, the boundaries of the halo, hemorrhages in the skin of the mammary glands.
  2. The cancerous tumor is not enclosed in a capsule, but is located in the lobules of the mammary gland, so it does not roll under the fingers. In addition, unlike FAM, it does not have clear outlines.
  3. When palpating a malignant tumor, cords always stand out, which are clearly visible in a standing position. The cords are directed upward or to the sides, like the claws of a crayfish. Which was the reason for the name of the disease.
  4. With fibroadenoma, axillary lymph nodes rarely enlarge, while with cancer this is one of the main diagnostic signs indicating imminent metastasis. If a painless soft ball tumor, and the other in the axillary lymph node, then you must urgently go for a consultation with an oncologist.
  5. Discharge from the nipple with FAM is clear and odorless, with cancer it is dark and foul-smelling, sometimes mixed with blood.
  6. Both fibroadenoma and malignant tumor are hormone dependent. At the same time, FAM can change its size and density in accordance with the schedule of the menstrual cycle, and cancer tumor, which has a direct connection with the genitals, remains unchanged.

Doctors never consider these symptoms to be 100% diagnostic; rather, they indirectly confirm the assumptions of specialists. Each woman’s body is deeply individual and the disease can occur in different ways. In any case, the diagnosis of breast fibroadenoma or cancer is established according to objective studies: mammography, ultrasound, CT or MRI.


Doctors always try to treat fibroadenoma with conservative methods; excision is used only in extreme cases. Since it is associated with improper production of estrogen and prolactin, a course of oral medications is prescribed. They contain iodine and sex hormones - antagonists of estrogen, prolactin and progesterone in small quantities. Such treatment is prescribed according to the condition of the endocrine glands, if a deficiency of thyroid hormones is detected, or, conversely, excessive releases of pituitary, ovarian and adrenal hormones into the blood.

In the complex treatment of FAM, the doctor will definitely advise you to follow a diet. It is advisable to avoid strong drinks – tea and coffee, meat broths, cooked on bones, limit the consumption of chocolate and other sweet and flour products. The diet should be varied with seasonal vegetables and fruits. Healthy eating will contribute to the course of the disease in mild form and a speedy recovery.

Breast fibroadenoma is a wake-up call for a woman to reconsider her life priorities - to give up bad habits, perhaps, thinking about motherhood.

All cases of FAM of the mammary glands require constant medical supervision. It is required to undergo mammography and ultrasound examination once every 6 months. Surgical removal of breast fibroadenoma is prescribed if the doctor sees that:

  • conservative treatment does not produce results;
  • fibroadenoma increases in size;
  • In biopsy analyses, single degenerated cancer cells appear.

The indication for removal of breast fibroadenoma is its shape. For example, leaf FAM is considered a borderline condition and is treated surgically.

The woman is assigned surgical treatmentlaser removal fibroadenomas in the mammary gland. This operation is fundamentally different from that for cancerous tumors. Through a small incision, the cystic capsule is removed from the mammary gland while preserving the surrounding tissue. An exception is leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland, which is removed by sectoral resection along with the affected glandular tissue.

Prevention of fibroadenoma

Every woman must learn breast self-examination methods and conduct it monthly 10-14 days before the onset of menstruation. Those who have already been diagnosed with small fibrocystic nodules should be careful about their health. Follow doctor's orders and take courses conservative therapy and regular examinations with a mammologist.

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that all your attempts to combat chest pain have not been successful... Have you even read anything about medications designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because mastopathy can be fatal to humans - it can develop very quickly.

  • Frequent pain in the chest
  • Discomfort
  • Experiences
  • Discharge
  • Skin changes
Surely you know these symptoms firsthand. But is it possible to defeat the infection without harming yourself? Read the article about effective, modern ways to effectively combat mastopathy and more... Read the article...

Women who have undergone surgery to remove the leaf form of FAM must register not only with a mammologist, but also with a gynecologist and endocrinologist. They need to monitor the condition of the genital organs and endocrine glands. In general, breast fibroadenoma is a disease that does not threaten life and does not change its quality.


What is FAM of the breast and how to treat it

FAM of the mammary gland - few people know what it is. Therefore, after hearing similar diagnosis, are at a loss, not understanding what exactly is happening to them. Fibroadenomatosis, or mastopathy, is a disease that consists of the formation of single or massive cysts in the tissues of the mammary gland. FAM is usually diagnosed in women after 30 years of age, although there are cases of the disease developing in younger women. This is especially true in cases where a woman has already had several periods of lactation.

The disease has several forms:

  • local FAM;
  • diffuse FAM.

Diffuse FAM of the mammary glands is much more common than nodular FAM. Diffuse femme is considered to be the initial form of the disease. Without appropriate drug treatment, a localized type of disease develops, which poses a great threat to the patient.

Modern doctors and scientists tend to believe that main reason The development of FAM is a hormonal imbalance, and it can be triggered by various factors.

Among these provocateurs are:

  • liver diseases;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system and thyroid gland;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • sexual problems and abstinence;
  • constant stressful situations and emotional stress;
  • induced abortions and miscarriages;
  • refusal to breastfeed a child or early termination of lactation.

Congenital pathologies of organs that are involved in the production of hormones or the removal of their breakdown products also play a huge role.


The first symptoms are a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the breasts before menstruation. Women may experience a burning and tingling sensation in their breasts during ovulation. When the nipples are squeezed, a clear fluid may be released. Cracks often appear on the nipple halo.

Lymph nodes enlarge in groin area, and the mammary gland itself swells greatly and, when palpated, is characterized by a certain density. Diffuse cysts that form in the gland at an early stage may not be palpable. After nervous tension or physical work soreness of the gland appears.

If we consider the diffuse and local forms separately, we can say that diffuse FAM is characterized by numerous small nodules that have a granular structure and can cause slight pain when pressed. Localized FAM is characterized by a clear shape; the edge of the formation can be clearly felt upon palpation. When pressed, a sharp pain occurs. The texture of the formation is lumpy; it feels good when pressed.

The peculiarity of the disease is that it can remain in the body for a long time and not cause significant discomfort. It can be detected during a routine examination or during the diagnosis of another disease. FAM can cause problems in women with conception, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, mental instability, and general weakness in the body.


A mammologist can diagnose the disease based on laboratory and instrumental studies.

Standard diagnostic procedures include:

  • mammography, which is performed in two projections;
  • ultrasound examination.

In order to get a clearer picture of the woman’s condition, it is necessary to conduct an aspiration biopsy with further cytology, histological examination of the removed tissue, and also do ductography.

If there is a suspicion of a malignant tumor, then do:

  • thermography;
  • chest x-ray;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • examination of lymph nodes;
  • lab tests general type and blood tests for hormones.


Based on the data obtained, the doctor develops a treatment regimen.

In most cases, the scheme consists of two stages:

  • restoration of the normal balance of hormones in the body;
  • relief of symptoms and restoration of gland tissue damaged by cysts.

Treatment uses hormonal drugs, homeopathic remedies, vitamins and antidepressants. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to relieve pain in the breast area. The duration and course of treatment are decided by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition, her age and body weight.

To treat the disease the following is prescribed:

  • antiestrogens, which normalize the balance of female hormones (Fareston, Tamoxifen);
  • androgen drugs, which are designed to suppress the production of hormones (Danazol);
  • antiprolactin agents such as bromocriptine;
  • means regulating menstruation (Zhanine, Non-ovlon, Tri-regol);
  • drugs containing progesterone - Progestogel, Utrozhestan;
  • painkillers - Ketanov, drugs with analgin;
  • drugs that facilitate liver function (Essentiale, Hofitol, Artichoke, Karsil, Gepabene).

If therapy does not bring results, then surgery is required. The surgical intervention will consist of a sectoral resection, as a result of which the cysts and tissue located nearby will be removed. The seized material will be sent for histological examination to exclude oncology.

The feasibility of the operation is decided individually, since with a diffuse type of disease it is not always possible to achieve the expected result, and surgical intervention can provoke a multiplication of formations.

After surgery and during the period of conservative treatment, a woman should give up strong drinks for a long time. alcoholic drinks, black tea, coffee and smoking.

Alternative Treatments

Nature has created a huge amount natural remedies, which will help normalize the balance of hormones without side effects.

Plants that help prevent or eliminate the formation of cysts in the mammary gland include: corn silk, valerian root, birch buds, rose hips, currant leaves, nettle, burdock root. Decoctions are made from the above herbs and combined voluntarily. These plants do not cause allergic reactions, so they can be used for a long time.

Ficus leaves are crushed and mixed with honey. Take orally before each meal.

For local treatment and relieve chest pain, you can make compresses from cabbage leaves and burdock.

Compresses made from yeast dough, eggs and unsalted butter have a good effect on the patient’s condition. The cake is applied to the breast once a day for three hours.

A good effect can be obtained using tar and onions. The onion head is baked and the skin is removed. Then the baked onion is chopped and a fly in the ointment is added; The product is applied to the area of ​​the seal once a day before bedtime.

Whatever treatment method you choose, remember that you cannot let the disease take its course, because it is fraught with malignant degeneration. As for prevention, it consists of maintaining healthy image life and visiting a mammologist at least once a year.


In this video, a mammologist talks about diagnostic methods and treatment methods for FAM.

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Fem breast

Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands (mastopathy), what it is, may be of interest to any woman after the age of thirty. This is about benign disease, caused by hormonal imbalances and affecting the mammary glands.

This diagnosis can be made based on complaints and examination by a mammologist. The main symptoms of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands include the following manifestations:

  • Frequent and recurring stabbing pain in the chest associated with premenstrual syndrome;
  • Sometimes, instead of the first sign, there is a feeling of pressure and burning in the same place and at the same period;
  • It is possible that discharge from the nipples may appear, both when squeezed and spontaneously;
  • The growth of lymph nodes located in the axillary area cannot be excluded;
  • Swelling and hardening of the mammary glands.

Stress and physical strain can increase pain.

When examined by a mammologist, he can immediately palpate the tumor, if necessary, do a mammogram and perform ultrasound diagnostics.

As mentioned earlier, this disease has a dishormonal nature of origin. Hormone imbalance can occur:

  • When you are under regular stress. Due to nervous breakdowns and psychoemotional disorders, various pathological processes can develop in any system of the body. The mammary glands are often more vulnerable than others.
  • Due to the presence of sexual problems in a woman’s life. This could be irregular sexual contact (due to the lack of a regular partner, etc.), interruption of sexual intercourse, or general sexual dissatisfaction.
  • At gynecological diseases. Any pathologies that cause inflammation in the ovaries contribute to disruption of their production of female hormones. accompany pathological process Any form of abortion can occur, even medication.
  • Against the background of early cessation or refusal to feed the newborn with breast milk. If the mother has no problems with the amount of milk, then breastfeeding should be continued for at least one year.
  • For thyroid dysfunction. Both deficiency and excess can shake the balance of sex hormones thyroid hormones.
  • Due to liver disease. One of its functions includes the removal of products formed during the breakdown of hormones. If for some reason a violation occurs, substances are not eliminated immediately or not completely, this is reflected in the hormonal level.

At the moment, on medical practice Several forms of this disease are known. We will get to know each of them further.

Diffuse femme of the mammary gland

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis is considered the initial stage of this pathology. It is characterized by increased sensitivity of the mammary glands and their hardening before menstruation. If you palpate, you can feel several elastic nodules distributed throughout the upper tissues of the breast. At the end of menstruation they disappear. In some women, after pregnancy and prolonged breastfeeding, this phenomenon no longer appears at all. Although other ladies continue to experience discomfort due to flaccid breasts, along which small cysts (the size of a grain of rice) are common, increasing at the end of the menstrual cycle. In this case, nipple discharge is also possible, which can be transparent and light, or greenish-brown.

We figured out what it is, but what should women do with diffuse fibroadenomatosis?

Localized breast fam.

When it comes to a single lump in the breast tissue, it is generally accepted that this is a localized form of fibroadenomatosis. The diameter of the nodule can be from 1 centimeter. Sometimes it grows up to 6 centimeters. In most cases, compaction has clear boundaries, although a more vague nature is not excluded. Education is characterized dense consistency, lumpy surface, possibly with a granular structure.

Usually these patients are between 30 and 40 years old, where more than 40% are those who are not married, have no children and have never been pregnant. At the same time, about 38% of the rest had repeated abortions. A disc-shaped tumor can affect both individual areas of the gland and the entire tissue of the organ. All this is accompanied by moderate pain.

A localized form of fibroadenomatosis is typical for women during premenopause or during menopause, but in medical sources There are cases of such a diagnosis among patients from 30 to 75 years old.

For accurate diagnosis, they resort to x-ray and cytological examination, in combination with thermography.

Cystic breast cancer

What is cystic fibroadenomatosis? In this form of the disease, mammary gland cysts are heterogeneous. The place of their origin is small ducts and alveoli. The tissues of ductal cysts are formed by epithelium, and alveolar cysts are growing gaps between adjacent lobules. In case of

Papillary growths, possibly of a solid type, cannot be excluded first. Small cysts are most often grouped. The chest lesion is bilateral.

Make a diagnosis based on one x-ray examination impossible. A more effective diagnosis requires puncture and trephine biopsy of the mammary glands.

Focal femma of the mammary gland

The fact that this is also a benign process is immediately clear. Focal fibroadenomatosis is very similar to diffuse form defeats. The main difference is that the pain is felt almost continuously. Foci of compaction are also formed by a replacement process, which involves glandular tissue being replaced by fibrous tissue. However, the difference is that they are not clearly differentiated.

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Nutrition after chemotherapy for breast cancer

2018 Blog about women's health.

Local fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands, what is it? In a broad sense, local fibroadenomatosis is a process that results in the formation of many nodules with clear boundaries in the mammary glands. The disease is a benign tumor, but it must be treated in a timely manner. Otherwise, complications can lead to serious consequences and the need for surgical intervention.

In the article we will talk about the treatment of localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, we will tell you what it is, what are the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Localized fibroadenomatosis or localized mastopathy is a disease that is accompanied by a complex of processes that promote the proliferation of immature cells of breast tissue.

The result of the development of the disease is the formation of an atypical ratio of epithelial and connective tissue components. Changes in the mammary glands manifest themselves in the form of swelling, swelling and the formation of compactions that cause discomfort. The nodes can reach 6 cm in diameter.

There are several names for the disease:

  • adenofibrosis;
  • fibrocystic disease;
  • Reclus disease;
  • mastopathy;
  • cystic mastopathy;
  • fibromatosis.

Localized mastopathy: what is it? Localized mastopathy is a disease whose risk group includes patients with hormonal abnormalities and liver diseases.

These factors are among the most common causes of nodules in the mammary glands. In some cases, fibromatosis develops against the background of a hereditary predisposition.

The causes of the disease also include the following factors:

During breastfeeding, the risk of local fibroadenomatosis increases. Premature interruption of lactation leads to stagnation in the mammary glands. It is strictly not recommended to stop breastfeeding before three months after birth.

Local fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland never develops asymptomatically. The presence of nodules can be detected by palpation. When palpated, compactions with clear boundaries are clearly felt, and discomfort of varying degrees occurs.

Associated symptoms include menstrual irregularities, deterioration of the condition of nails, hair and skin, and emotional instability.

Localized mastopathy can cause difficulty in conceiving and bearing a child. If the disease occurs during pregnancy, then the course of treatment must be carried out at an accelerated pace and always under the supervision of a specialist.

Painful sensations

Pain with local fibroadenomatosis can occur with varying degrees of intensity. During exacerbation of the disease, burning pain is present even in the absence of mechanical impact on the mammary gland.

Such sensations intensify before the start of the menstrual cycle or after any stressful situation.

Pain may manifest itself in the following forms::

  • the symptom is accompanied by swelling of the mammary gland and its significant thickening;
  • stabbing pains that recur with varying degrees of intensity;
  • feeling of pressure in the mammary glands;
  • the pain symptom is accompanied by enlargement of the lymph nodes located in the axillary region.

Discharge and its connection with the cycle

With adenofibrosis, nipple discharge is considered a characteristic sign of the disease. The liquid may be clear, pink, greenish, brown or white. The consistency of the discharge may also vary.

In the early stages of development of formations in the mammary gland, fluid appears only when pressure is applied to the nipple, in later stages it appears spontaneously.

The connection between secretions and the cycle:

  • in most cases, discharge appears a few days before the start of menstruation and ends simultaneously with it;
  • in advanced forms of the disease, the discharge does not depend on the cycle.

Any discharge from the nipples is a deviation. Their bloody variety is considered a particularly alarming sign. If this symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.


There are several options for diagnosing fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland. The choice of a particular option is influenced by the patient’s general health, the clinical picture of the disease and its first signs, as well as individual factors.

The examination may be:

  1. Standard examination methods:
    • (examination is aimed at the mammary gland);
    • mammography (mandatory stage of diagnosis).
  2. Special methods:
    • ductography (study of the condition of the mammary ducts of the glands);
    • aspiration biopsy (cellular examination);
    • stereotactic biopsy (examination of material taken from non-palpable formations);
    • trucat biopsy (tissue examination).
  3. Additional diagnostics:
    • laboratory tests for hormone levels;
    • X-ray;
    • thermography;
    • examination of the condition of the lymph nodes.

Connection with oncology

Fibrocystic disease is not a precancerous disease, but can become a background to the development of cancer. The disease is not life-threatening for patients, but significantly disrupts its quality.

Advanced forms of mastopathy lead to the need for a serious operation - removal of the mammary glands. A similar procedure is performed if there is a suspicion of cancer development during the treatment of fibroadenomatosis.

The main stage of treatment for fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is to establish the cause of the disease and its subsequent exclusion. A special role in this case is played by the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases and general health.

The course of treatment is prescribed in accordance with the results of a preliminary examination and directly depends on the stage of the disease.

The following groups of drugs are used in the treatment of formations in the mammary glands:

Surgical intervention is carried out only in the absence of results of conservative treatment. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia and represents a sectoral resection of the mammary gland.

During the operation, materials are collected for additional research. The rehabilitation course will vary in duration and pain for the patient.

During the treatment of breast fibroadenomatosis, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of a special diet. Adjustments to the diet are made by the attending physician based on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

You can accompany your medication treatment with some alternative medicine recipes, for example:

Prescriptions can only be used as an addition to the main course of medication. There is no point in conducting questionable experiments.

In most cases, local fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland has a favorable prognosis. If the disease is detected in the early stages of development, it can be completely cured.

Experts recommend taking measures to prevent the formation of nodes in the mammary glands, which include regular examinations with doctors, proper nutrition, careful selection of underwear and taking care of your own health.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Tagieva Lena

25-10-2006, 11:01

I went for a breast ultrasound yesterday. This same fibroadenomomatosis was discovered (I don’t know if I wrote it correctly). Has anyone encountered this? Is it worth going to a mammologist about this or can you forget about this matter and not pay attention? The doctor at the ultrasound said that you can live with it calmly, every second woman has it, but he’s still not a mammologist... I wouldn’t pay attention, but I’m tired of the painful sensations.

25-10-2006, 11:12

I have this... True, from time to time. At first, when I got married, such feelings appeared. The doctor prescribed me powders - I remember there was papaverine, all sorts of vitamins. Got better. Then it appeared again several years later. Again I went to Komsomol - there was an ultrasound and a mammologist who looked at me. She prescribed Algiclam, which is based on algae. There isn't enough iodine. I drank it and it also helped.. But it happens from time to time... Probably it’s the hormones that are already acting up... We need to deal with this globally. On the other hand, it’s still time for something to break, I apologize... It’s already over 35.... Just don’t start it if it’s something serious...

25-10-2006, 11:14

Go to a mammologist. He will prescribe medications. There's nothing wrong there...:) For example, the doctor only looked at me with her hands. It is necessary within 10 days, first mens. cycle to come. I think that if there was something serious, the ultrasound specialist would have noticed. And you need to go to a specialist.

25-10-2006, 12:11

Lena, go see an oncologist just in case. I don't want to scare you, but it's better to be safe. At one time, both an ultrasound specialist and a mammologist gave me the same diagnosis and prescribed some kind of ointment, and then it’s good that I managed to see the oncologist surgeon on time, I was almost late

25-10-2006, 12:22

I went for a breast ultrasound yesterday. This same fibroadenomomatosis was discovered.
Hmm...who doesn’t have it? In my opinion, now every second woman, unfortunately, can “boast” of such a diagnosis.
It is advisable to visit a mammologist at least once a year (preferably every six months), because behind the benign changes that are detected during a banal self-examination, you can miss something malignant. Therefore, an ultrasound is advisable at every visit. After 45, a mammogram. IMHO.

25-10-2006, 12:24

I wouldn’t pay attention, but I got sick of the painful sensations.
Still, go to a mammologist. He will prescribe you medications (homeopathic, too) just for these painful sensations.

25-10-2006, 15:18

I found a link here about mastopathy (I won’t post the text, it’s big)
and here is a diagram of disorders in mastopathy and directions of treatment (as I understand it, it is homeopathy)
Okay, the diagram is not posted, I'll give you a link


Tagieva Lena

25-10-2006, 15:23

I, too, am more inclined towards homeopathy, I think homeopathy should help with this problem... But mastopathy and FAM turn out to be the same thing?
Thanks for the links, I'm off to read them.

25-10-2006, 15:53

yes, it's the same thing.
Somehow they found me too, they said, I need to give birth and feed, and there will be happiness :) Which is what I’m doing for now :)
But I would still go to the doctor.

Tagieva Lena

25-10-2006, 16:02

And all my problems with the mammary gland started right after giving birth... There was SUCH a cyst there, it was terrible, the doctors crossed me, sent me to an oncologist on Berezovaya and looked at me like I was no longer a tenant... And to operate wanted... And then she disappeared somewhere, maybe a short course of resorption therapy helped, but she didn’t finish it because of an allergy, maybe something else. No one can figure out where the cyst went, the doctor said some kind of nonsense. Only this FAM remained.
And it’s high time for me to get my hormones checked, but I can’t find a doctor, I forgot what day of the cycle they take.
I’m afraid to give birth to a second child precisely because of the problem with my breasts; I won’t survive such a second nightmare.

25-10-2006, 19:11

I've had this for almost 13 years! Don’t be afraid of anything, the main thing is to take care of yourself: be sure to go for an ultrasound once a year (for the faint of heart, once every six months, you can see everything) on ​​the 10th day of the cycle. You can go to a mammologist, or you can go straight to an oncologist-mammologist - they touch with their hands and prescribe herbs to drink, a cabbage leaf to apply for pain. Here's something that doesn't help me:005: So, in principle, you can get by with just an ultrasound. The main thing is to make sure that there is no redness or blue discoloration on the chest, that the nipple is not retracted and fluid does not come out of it. As for childbirth, it all started for me after it, and all these years the doctors have been saying: “Give birth, it will be easier later, and maybe everything will go away altogether.” Now I'm pregnant. Let's see, of course I would like it to pass:017:

25-10-2006, 21:22

Tagieva Lena

26-10-2006, 12:59

And because of fibroadenomatosis, I couldn’t even feed, it hurt so much that I fed and cried (I even bled, it was terrible), it didn’t get better after giving birth.

So I suffered in the same way, and the child is without milk, and I have blood from my chest. I don’t know why doctors say that it will be better after childbirth. I won’t be able to feed my second child like I did the first, I decided not to give birth so as not to suffer.

26-10-2006, 15:32

Lena, I was at Chaugnave’s today (they praised him here). Oncologist-mammologist. Same nonsense. He prescribed me vitamins and mastodinone. And he advised me to give birth. Personally, in my version. The impressions from the doctor are the best. I recommend it.:)

26-10-2006, 17:19

So I suffered in the same way, and the child is without milk, and I have blood from my chest. I don’t know why doctors say that it will be better after childbirth. I won’t be able to feed my second child like I did the first, I decided not to give birth so as not to suffer.
Sorry, off, but what infuriates me most is when a doctor with a smart face advises giving birth and feeding, I tell her that I have blood is flowing, but at least she doesn’t care, they all got along and that’s it. And as soon as I drank Dostinex, suffering for 2 weeks with hellish pain (at the end my child no longer ate milk, but blood), I immediately became a bad mother, I did not give my child proper food!!! Really infuriating. Sorry, it hurts.:010::015:

26-10-2006, 18:47

Hmm, that's how it turns out.
Everyone also encourages me to give birth for these purposes.

26-10-2006, 19:46

Is this at LadyMed on Kosciuszko? How much does a consultation cost there now? How did he make the diagnosis, without an ultrasound? They had never had an ultrasound before.

A consultation on Kosciuszko costs 700 rubles. On Tuesdays from 18-20. Live queue. I went to have a mammogram done at M. Teresa, RAS Hospital, t.293-99-12. That’s where his main job is, as I understand it. Paid reception 600 rub. They won’t do anything for me for 100 rubles - they’ll go on the road. Therefore, Kosciuszko is closer.
I have small cystic fibromatosis(?). If I understood his handwriting correctly. It's nothing serious, I'll live. I have bad heredity, so I decided to turn to him.

26-10-2006, 22:31

About "giving birth for these purposes." Maybe childbirth and breastfeeding helped someone. But I do not. After childbirth and breastfeeding, it was a little easier for up to a year, now my daughter is 3, the problem has appeared again.
It was painful, but she fed, helped her daughter, pumped directly during feeding, otherwise it hurt terribly.
Maybe if you feed her for up to 5 years, it will help, but I’m not sure.

27-10-2006, 11:47

Mammologist Mastodinon prescribed me to drink and Vit. Group B inject 2 times a year. It helped. And during feeding there were also problems from time to time.

30-10-2006, 17:02

I was diagnosed with FAM in 2001 (at the age of less than 20) at the GDC in Siqueiros. No major complaints.
The pain appeared in 2002 and went away after some time.
In April 2004, I was admitted to the hospital with NON-lactation mastitis (I had not yet given birth or even become pregnant).
Now I’m taking OK and seeing a gynecologist. On my last visit, she felt something on me, I need an ultrasound, but I’m already shaking. But you still have to...

01-11-2006, 00:51

I was diagnosed with FAM at the age of 17 + a single cyst. They didn’t prescribe anything, every six months I went to the oncologist, ultrasound + palpation.
They promised that it should go away after the birth, but it hasn’t happened yet.

Smart Elsa

02-11-2006, 20:57

I have had FAM since I was 19 years old. At first there was pain, when I started taking Logest the pain went away, but two years later a large cyst appeared. On the advice of a mammologist, I took Mastodinon + Triovit + Klamin + Novo-Passit according to the scheme, it became better. Now I do an ultrasound once a year and visit a mammologist. however, it’s different every time. For a long time I couldn’t find a good doctor; I liked the woman most of all who had my last visit - a mammologist-oncologist at the Andros clinic (but her main place of work is the city oncology clinic). She examined me very carefully and spoke to me very kindly. She advised me to do an ultrasound at Berezovaya, and said that they look very, very carefully there. And about the treatment she said this:
The main thing is regular sex life and orgasms, and only the background can be treated; mastopathy itself cannot be treated.
And the main treatment: diuretic herbs (or mastodinone), aevit (or triovit), clamine (or something else like that) and sedative.

05-11-2006, 03:01

What is a klamine? And also, please tell me which institution is located on Berezovaya, where ultrasounds are carefully performed?

Tagieva Lena

05-11-2006, 15:36

Klamin is a dietary supplement based on seaweed. I went to the oncology clinic on Berezovaya (Berezovaya 5 or 3). They say there are better specialists there. I went for free after giving birth with a referral from a consultation or from any doctor from the clinic. Make an appointment by phone. But you can come for a fee.
I myself recently did a 3-dimensional ultrasound in the 2nd maternity hospital. Costs 1070 rubles.
I had a consultation today, not only about FAM, but I also asked about this. I will treat with homeopathy.

Smart Elsa

06-11-2006, 18:38

Yes, Klamin is a seaweed-based supplement, and on Berezovaya there is a city oncology clinic. They recommended that I have an ultrasound done in the inpatient department; I will go there in December.

06-11-2006, 21:48

Thanks for the info.

09-11-2006, 10:33

I have been undergoing treatment for 7 years now. Once a year I go to a mammologist and have an ultrasound. They said the same thing, give birth, everything will pass. Due to FDM, I breastfed for 3 months. In 3 months there was stagnation 4 times!!! There was little milk and I exhausted myself and the child. When stagnation happened for the 5th time, I stopped feeding. Now the child is 10 months old. I did an ultrasound and was stunned. Everything is okay. And I don’t know if this is temporary or not. I’m thinking the same thing, maybe I should go to a mammologist and ask if this norm needs to be maintained somehow? And it’s scary that suddenly everything will work out again.

Tagieva Lena

09-11-2006, 13:14

MELISA, if everything is normal, you just need to do an ultrasound once a year to check, and there is no need for special support.
For me, even after giving birth, this FAM did not go away.

09-11-2006, 22:46

I’m wondering: when I had an ultrasound a year ago, they told me that my lumps were concentrated in the outer quadrants of my breast; I remembered because the doctor said it was atypical. When I walked now, the seals were already in the center. And the conclusion repeats verbatim last year’s, with the exception of this point. I wonder: do they move?

Morzhikha's mother

12-11-2006, 21:06

This March I had surgery for old fibroadenomatosis. This is a benign tumor that can outgrow... I don’t want to scare you. But before the operation, I saw doubt on the doctors’ faces when they examined me. The f-ma was 15 years old, I knew about it, checked it, they said, if you give birth, it will resolve. I gave birth, but it did not resolve. In short, I highly recommend running to a mammologist. I had surgery with Oleg Leontievich Chagunava (Russian Academy of Sciences Hospital). The surgery cost 11,600 in March. 3 days in hospital. Get rid of it and live in peace

12-11-2006, 23:01

Tagieva Lena

13-11-2006, 10:57

As far as I know, fibroadenoma and fibroadenomatosis are different things. The latter is characterized by diffuse damage. Or at least multiple.

Yes, these are different things.

13-11-2006, 17:18

Delete it and live in peace
how to delete something? :009: Fsu M.Zh. should I delete something???? :015: Fibroadenoma can be removed, they are single. And fibroadenomatosis means a lot of small formations.

My experience is FAM experience for 12 years. They treated me with everything: homeopathy and vitamins, dietary supplements, mammoleptin and mastodinone, hormones separately and in combination with previous methods, externally and internally. SENSE - ZERO. Pregnancy and breastfeeding did not save, but rather worsened the situation. Endless lactostasis, obstruction of cysts, blood (as described above), 4 mastitis, the last one - surgery. I won’t even try to breastfeed my second child; I’ll take bromocriptine immediately after birth.
My mother fed both me and my brother for a long time (me until I was 2 years old, my brother until almost 3 years old), the FAM did not resolve, moreover, now she is a cancer patient in remission (a year ago they discovered breast cancer on the left, stage 2 , breast removal surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy).

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