Poppy food composition. Contraindications to the use of the plant. Vitamin and mineral composition of poppy, its nutritional value

Benefits of poppy

For some people, when they hear the word “poppy”, certain associations arise that have nothing to do with benefits for the body. Quite the contrary. Scientists believe that ancient plant grown in the Neolithic era. The seeds were used as a seasoning. The ancient Greeks used various components of the plant for pain relief and as an effective sedative. And even for its undoubted health benefits, one of the Greek cities was called Mekone - “the city of poppies.”

"Poppy" predilections of the gods of the Greek Pantheon

  • A box of grains was an indispensable attribute of the god of sleep Hypnos.
  • They were carried by the god of dreams Morpheus and, symbolically, by the god of the kingdom of the dead Thanatos.
  • They belonged to the fertility goddess Hera. That is why the custom is still alive when poppy seeds are sprinkled into the bride’s shoes so that the young family has many children.
  • The harvest goddess Cercera could not do without poppy stalks. The temples erected in her honor were decorated with wreaths, into which the stems of a useful plant were necessarily woven.

Useful properties of poppy

The plant has a beneficial effect on food absorption. But if you overdo it, overuse can cause constipation.

Poppy oil is very useful, it is one of the highest quality vegetable oils, it is included in painting paints and natural cosmetics.

Dishes containing poppy seeds were prepared according to special occasions. For example, it was always added to kutya or wedding cake.

On the Feast of the Maccabees, which is dated next to the pagan farewell to summer, seeds were necessarily added to various dishes: Lenten Macanese pies, rolls, buns, honey gingerbreads.

On the holiday, they baked pancakes and ate them with milk of poppy seeds, mixing the grains with honey.

Special utensils were used to prepare poppy seeds dishes. The seeds were ground in a makitra, a special mortar. It was believed that after makitra their beneficial properties were enhanced.

They were used in the fight against evil spirits. To do this, on the day of Maccabees they were collected and scattered around the home.

Modern uses of poppy

Poppy seeds are used in confectionery, are used when cooking vegetables.

They are used in the manufacture of various medications:

  • painkillers;

Poppy - Herbaceous plant of the Poppy family

There are annual and perennial herbs. The stem is developed, but stemless species are also found. Plants secrete a white or orange milky sap.

The leaves are glabrous, twice or thrice dissected, bristly and hairy.

The flowers are usually solitary, large, red or yellow color, on long peduncles. Stamens usually have club-shaped expanded or thin numerous filaments. Anthers linear to rounded, occasionally on a connective tissue with a capitate appendage. The ovary is made of carpels, of which there can be from 3 to 25 on the stem.

Flowers are usually pollinated by insects, although self-pollination has been observed in some species.

Fruit - short - cylindrical capsule, club-shaped, reverse - ovoid, oblong or spherical, sessile, unilocular; placenta in the form of thin plates; covered on top by a convex, pyramidal, flat disk, the rays of which are antiplacental, usually connected by a leathery or membranous membrane into a homogeneous disk. The capsule opens with pores under the disc.

The seeds are cellular-mesh, small, without an appendage. When the seeds ripen, the capsule bursts sharply and the seeds scatter over long distances. Also, the spread over long distances is due to the fact that when it bursts, the box no longer closes and the seeds continue to spill out and the wind carries these light seeds over quite long distances, so when they germinate, it seems as if they were specially sown.

Poppy is found in subtropical, temperate, and sometimes cold zones.

Most poppies grow in places where there is little moisture - semi-deserts, steppes, dry rocky slopes, deserts, etc.

More than 60 species of poppy have been registered in Ukraine, differing from their relatives in the shape of the flower and leaves.

Common types of poppy:

  • Papaver rhoeas - self-sown poppy - grows in fields as a weed and along roads.
  • Papaver orientale - Eastern poppy - grows in forests and subalpine zones, in some mountains of the south of Transcaucasia.
  • Papaver nudicaule - Hollow-stemmed poppy - in Eastern Siberia, the Altai steppes and Central Asia.

Poppy is a plant that is unpretentious to soil or moisture, but prefers dry soil in open areas.

Plants are collected during their entire growth period. The leaves are collected when the leaf is fully ripe, but without allowing it to become dry during collection.

The roots are collected when the bolls are not fully ripened. When digging them up, immediately wash them under running water and cut them in small pieces dried.

Poppy fruits are harvested after the capsule has ripened. After ripening, the capsule bursts on its own and the seeds scatter everywhere, and the wind helps the plant travel long distances to spread. After the red leaves fall off, the box is tied with a translucent material that allows light and air to pass through well. But holes in this material should not exceed 0.05 mm. After ripening, the box bursts and the seeds do not scatter around, but remain in this very material.

Dry all parts of the plant in dryers or under a canopy in a well-ventilated place.

Store the plant in attics, in a dry place. Direct hits are not allowed sun rays for decoctions and infusions of poppy seeds.

The Czech Republic ranks first in the production of poppy seeds, followed by Turkey, France, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Romania, the Netherlands, Palestine, Serbia and Montenegro.

In Germany there is a tradition called "Wedding". Poppy seeds are poured into the bride's shoes so that there are many children in the family.

The ancient Greeks believed that the goddess Ceres was the patron saint of the harvest. She was depicted with a poppy in her hand, and her sanctuary was usually decorated with wreaths with poppy stems braided around the entire circumference.

In Asia Minor, the poppy flower stood out on the Turkish coat of arms.

Beneficial and healing properties of poppy

Different parts of the plant are used for different purposes.

In cooking, only the seeds are used - small, dark grains with a round shape.

Poppy seeds are sprinkled on baked goods to give them more aroma and taste. Mix with powdered sugar to make a filling for buns and various sweet cakes.

Poppy seeds contain up to 60% fat, and also contain proteins and various sugars. The petals contain vitamin C, fatty oil 45%, more than 20 alkaloids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, glycosides, gum and organic acids.

The plant contains a large number of opium. This is a powerful drug.

For a long time in folk medicine All parts of the plant were used.

A decoction of poppy roots was used to treat inflammation of individual nerve connections and relieve headaches. To improve digestion, we drank a decoction of the seeds for some time.

In some cases, poppy was prescribed as an anthelmintic. Excellent in treating bronchitis of various forms.

For bruises, sore joints, as well as tumors, make compresses from crushed, steamed leaves or green, unripe heads.

To treat warts, poppy leaves are rubbed over the surface of the wart and applied as a compress for a while.

A decoction or alcohol tincture of dry leaves is taken for stomach catarrh, cough, insomnia, as a general sedative and also for fatigue. The tincture or decoction is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals.

Some dishes are breaded with poppy seeds to obtain a specific aroma and taste.

The juice is squeezed out of young inflorescences and unripe seeds and, as a result of digestion, a liquid is obtained that helps to calm the body, reduce pain, relieve stress, acts as a sleeping pill, a light transport agent, and significantly reduces subordination.

Combining poppy seeds with honey produces a very tasty and useful remedy. So for the Feast of Maccobean Orthodox people treats are prepared, which are then brought to the Temple for consecration and further consumption.

On human body poppy works like... sedative, hypnotic and relaxant. Relieves many pains, sharp and growing.

A decoction of poppy seeds soothes toothache and ear pain.

Dangerous and harmful properties of poppy

For treatment with maca preparations such as remedy you need to consult a doctor.

Poppy contains opium.

After consuming poppy seeds, doctors do not advise driving or working with increased alertness and concentration, since poppy seeds significantly reduce a person’s coordination and concentration.

Preparations of this plant are not prescribed to elderly people and children under 2 years of age suffering from emphysema, bronchial asthma, respiratory depression, alcoholics, liver disease and anoxemia.

Cultivation of poppy is prohibited and is strictly punished by the State Civil Service with imprisonment.

Beneficial and dangerous properties of other herbs:

Spices and seasonings

Poppy: composition, benefits and properties, application, contraindications for use

Studying ancient medical manuscripts, researchers drew attention to a certain drink used to put a person into sleep while holding a surgical operations.

Of course, it was the opium poppy, whose botanical name is Papaver somniferum. This is one of the oldest seasonings and the most ancient cultivated plant in the world, which began to be cultivated in Central Asia and Europe back in the Neolithic era.

The plant is very interesting, as appearance, and its properties. Soporific poppy flowers can have not only a scarlet color, it can be white, purple, light purple, slightly pinkish and bright red.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, poppies were grown in every peasant garden, since Charlemagne included poppy in taxes - from each yard there was a quadruple of poppies (about 26 liters).

And only in the 16th century the first book appeared, under the authorship of the physician and botanist Jacob Theodorus, “The Juice of Poppy Seeds,” warning about the danger overuse poppy

Composition of poppy

Poppy seeds contain a lot of fat - 50-60%, as well as proteins and sugars.

The petals of the plant contain fatty oil 44%, more than 20 alkaloids, vitamin C, anthocyanins, flavonoids, glycosides and organic acids, gum.

Benefits of poppy

All parts of the plant have long been used in folk medicine. A decoction of poppy roots relieved headaches and treated inflammation. sciatic nerve. They drank a decoction of poppy seeds to improve digestion. “Milk of the poppy,” obtained from seeds ground with water, was given to children as a sleeping pill and analgesic for severe inflammatory diseases. Poppy was also used as anthelmintic. And now are not forgotten healing properties poppy In all countries, poppy is used as a sedative for bronchitis. Compresses are made from steamed poppy leaves or their green heads for sore joints, as well as for bruises and tumors. Poppy leaves are used to rub warts. And in India, a tonic anti-fever is prepared from poppy leaves. Poppy petals are very popular in folk medicine. Alcohol tincture, a decoction or powder of dry petals is taken for coughs, stomach catarrh, insomnia, overwork, as a general sedative. Dry leaf powder is taken three times a day before meals, one pinch.

Infusion of dried poppy seeds

This infusion is prepared as follows: pour 5-10 grams of seeds with one glass of boiling water and leave until completely cooled naturally, strain. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day. For insomnia, drink one quarter glass at night. You can take this infusion with honey, or you can even cook it with boiled milk.

IN modern world many are made from poppy seeds medications: sleeping pills, analgesics, antispasmodics, antitussives, used for inflammation Bladder, diarrhea, dysentery, and even with oncological diseases. During treatment malignant tumors and to prevent metastases, poppy seed extract is used.

Medicine uses poppy as a raw material for the production of morphine, codeine, papaverine, narcotine and narcein.

Treatment should be carried out under medical supervision, due to the risk of damage to the central nervous system.

Poppy has no nutritional value as a food product, but is useful due to its properties, both on its own and in combination with any product. Whole poppy seeds, ground into milk, and after heat treatment, and in its natural form.

Properties of poppy

Sleeping poppy, opium poppy – the name itself characterizes this plant. However, it is not poppy seeds that have narcotic properties. Opium is obtained even before the seeds develop from immature capsules.

But the seeds also have a hypnotic effect, especially if they are crushed.

The most effective and at the same time harmless sleeping pill is poppy seed with honey.

The pharmacological properties of poppy are due to the alkaloids morphine, codeine and papaverine:

  • morphine blocks the transmission of pain impulses to the cerebral cortex, is used as a strong painkiller and as a sleeping pill;
  • codeine reduces the excitability of the cough center;
  • papaverine has antispasmodic properties, reduces the tone of smooth muscles, relaxes it.

Since ancient times, the calming and soporific effect of poppy on the human body has been noted. Cakes made from poppy seeds, found in primitive Neolithic pile settlements, may have been used to relieve pain.

Also, according to ancient beliefs, poppy protects a person’s home and himself from evil spirits.

Poppy seeds can be stored for a long time without losing their properties.

Contraindications to poppy use

For treatment with poppy sleeping pills, you need to consult your doctor.

These drugs are not prescribed medicinal plant children under two years of age, elderly people, as well as alcoholics, people suffering from bronchial asthma, emphysema, respiratory depression, anoxemia and liver disease.

As for the use of poppy, it is not at all medical indications, then an old Indian legend tells the best story about it.

There once lived on the banks of the Ganges a Bengali prophet who had a mouse, his favorite creature. Out of fear that some stray cat might eat the mouse, the prophet turned it into a cat. Then the cat was turned into a dog, a boar, a monkey... In the end, the poor animal, which was once a mouse, was turned into Princess Poppyseed.

The king himself, having fallen in love, married this princess. But soon, while watering plants in the garden, the princess fell into a well and died.

The prophet filled the fatal well with earth, and a poppy grew in that place. The Prophet said that those who use opium will have all the qualities of those animals into which the mouse was turned in turn.

At first, they will be playful and playful, like a mouse, then they will be milk-loving, like a cat. For some period they will be fighting and yapping at everyone, like a dog, angry, like a boar. Then - grimacing like a monkey, and finally, majestic like a queen...

But still, they will end their life falling to the very bottom.

This is what happens to morphine addicts - personality disintegration and death, as an Indian legend told with dark humor.

Use of poppy in cooking

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, consumed poppy seeds exclusively as ritual dishes. Traditionally, poppy seeds were added to wedding pies, to kutia for Easter and Christmas.

On August 14, on the feast of the origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, among the common people the First (Honey) Savior is Maccoveus. On this day, poppy seeds are present in almost all dishes. Macanese pies, buns, rolls, gingerbreads with honey and poppy seeds are baked.

To grind poppy seeds, special utensils (makitra, mortar) were used. Poppy ground in it did not lose its aroma and beneficial properties.

Now it’s easy to grind poppy seeds in a coffee grinder.

For festive table you can prepare an original side dish for meat or fish - cut the potatoes, sprinkle with flour, dip in lezon (a binder is a mixture of raw eggs, milk and salt), breaded in poppy seeds and fried.

It turns out quite tasty if you use dried poppy seeds, fried in butter, sprinkle over noodles.

Poppy seeds are added to yogurt, kefir, and used to make halva.

Poppy oil is considered one of the best vegetable oils.

Lilia Yurkanis

Poppy - calories and properties. The benefits and harms of poppy

Calorie content: 556 kcal.

Energy value of the Poppy product (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 17.5 g (~70 kcal) Fats: 47.5 g (~428 kcal) Carbohydrates: 14.5 g (~58 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 13%|77%|10%

Poppy: properties

How much does a Mac cost? average price for 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region 150 rub.

Poppy belongs to the Poppy family and is herbaceous plant. On the territory of Russia it is found exclusively in the wild, in areas such as the subtropics, as well as in the steppe and forest-steppe. Poppy cultivation has been common in culture for quite a long time. Today it is known that there are annual and perennial varieties of poppy. Countries in the Middle East and Central Asia use the milky juice that comes from unripe poppy pods to produce opium. The end result, or rather the yield of the final product, depends on what variety of poppy is taken.

In the vastness Russian Federation The cultivation of opium poppy is strictly prohibited. On the shelves of shops and supermarkets you can find poppy seeds that do not contain a drop of narcotic substances. The use of poppy seeds is widespread in cooking; it is often added to baked goods and various confectionery products, which are very popular among children and even adults. Poppy seeds are often used in the production of industrial oil, which in turn is used in the production of margarine. In addition, the pharmaceutical industry also could not do without the seeds of this plant.

Benefits of poppy

The benefits of poppy lie in the microelements, vitamins and minerals it contains, which have beneficial effect on the human body. Calcium compounds, which determine the beneficial properties of poppy seeds, are contained in an easily digestible form, which is also the positive side. Infusions are made from poppy seeds, which are often taken for nervous disorders, they provide a person with peace of mind in his sleep. The benefits of poppy are manifested when making a decoction from it, which helps relieve fatigue, soothes pain and helps with convulsive cough.

The beneficial properties of poppy are also manifested in its anthelmintic effect on the human body. Poppy was often used during the treatment of diarrhea, as well as dysentery. Poppy seeds can be ground, in this form they are used in cosmetology, from them they make the so-called milk of poppy, which is very effective if you want to reduce circles under the eyes and relieve inflammation of the eyelids. Poppy milk, which is obtained from seeds, is today an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. The calorie content of poppy seeds is quite high, so a person gets a lot of energy.

Harm of poppy

The harm of poppy appears in people who suffer from constipation, since poppy seeds can only aggravate them, and the oil often provokes the release of bile, and this can lead to unpleasant consequences for those who suffer from gallstone diseases. Besides, modern people aware of harmful properties drugs that are manufactured using morphine.

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 teaspoon 6 grams 1 tablespoon 20 grams

The nutritional value

Dangerous and beneficial properties of poppy

Date of publication: 05/18/2013

Poppy is tender and beautiful flower, often scarlet in color and with a stem reaching 100 cm. Up close, the scarlet poppy field looks surprisingly elegant and festive, like a square during the May holidays only with the addition of lush greenery. Looking at it from a distance, you might think that a fire had started or that someone had covered the field with a huge scarlet cloak. Although the flower may be of other colors. There are medicinal and decorative varieties.

The opium poppy is the most popular as a medicinal plant. This beautiful flower has amazing properties– in small doses it is a medicine, and in large doses it is poison. The benefits and harms of poppy seeds mainly depend on this quality. This plant has saved many lives since ancient times.

Then the beneficial properties of poppy helped to endure amputations of the limbs of the wounded during the war. Children with tuberculosis were given milk of the poppy to ease their suffering. It was given to women during difficult births. Of course, given the fact that there were no painkillers then, poppy was simply irreplaceable.

Composition and properties

Since poppy is very useful, all parts of the plant are used as raw materials. In them different composition. So the seeds contain proteins, fats (up to 60%) and sugars, and the stems, leaves, flowers and unripe poppy heads contain about 20 alkaloids, anthocyanins, glycosides, flavonoids, organic acids and vitamin C.

IN medical purposes plant roots are used, which also contain essential oils, vitamins and minerals. Since ancient times, their decoction relieved migraines, lower back pain, and eliminated diarrhea.

Benefits were also derived from poppy seeds - they were ground with water and a remedy was obtained that helped remove inflammatory processes in organism.

The benefits of poppy are not forgotten even now. To this day, all kinds of tinctures and decoctions from different parts plants are widely used in folk medicine. Many products are sold at pharmacies. And poppy seed oil is widely used in the food and even household industries, because it is added to margarine, oils and varnishes.

IN traditional medicine It is difficult to do without painkillers, especially during complex operations. Sleeping pills, painkillers and narcotic substances are produced from poppy seeds: morphine, papaverine, codeine. Because the narcotic analgesics cause addiction, poppy production is now under government control.


Poppy preparations should be treated with caution; this is not the case when you can self-medicate. The plant in certain doses can cause poisoning of the body or disorders in the nervous system - this refers to the dangerous properties of poppy. Therefore, be sure to check with your doctor about the dosage.

Also remember that you should not use poppy seeds if you are sick. respiratory tract(especially with asthma), disorders of the liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. Poppy seeds are harmful for people suffering from constipation. Poppy products are not compatible with alcohol.

Legends, beliefs, interesting facts

In the Middle Ages, poppies were grown in every yard. The nobility collected taxes with poppy seeds, by order of Charlemagne.

Christians consider the poppy to be the flower of angels. A whole holiday is dedicated to poppy - poppy. On this day, the poppy is blessed in the church. Seeds are sprinkled on a home, a utility yard, a vegetable garden, or a dacha. If this is not done, then according to legend there will be no prosperity and a good harvest in the house. It is customary to bake baked goods with poppy seeds and honey on poppy seeds in order to stock up on health for the winter. From this day migratory birds begin to gather in warm regions.

In ancient times, on this holiday, girls’ hair was decorated with poppy wreaths so that “the braid would grow to the waist.” They hung wicker garlands of cereals with poppy seeds on the wells so that the water in them would become healing. Flowers were thrown into the water itself to settle good spirits and drive out evil ones.

In fact, poppy is a pagan holiday, which (like Easter) was declared Christian in 988, adding a little corresponding traditions to it, such as the consecration of wine, bread, buns with poppy seeds, visiting church, etc.

Poppy( Papaver) is a herbaceous plant of the family Poppy. In the wild on the territory of Russia it is found in the subtropical zone, steppe and forest-steppe. It has been cultivated since ancient times. Annual and perennial varieties of poppy are known. In the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia, the milky juice of unripe poppy pods is often used to produce opium. The yield of the final product depends greatly on the variety of poppy. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the cultivation of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is prohibited. There are poppy seeds on sale that contain practically no narcotic substances. Poppy seeds are widely used in cooking, and buns, muffins and cookies with poppy seeds - favorite treat children and adults.

Poppy seeds contain minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, iodine, vitamins A, C, D, E, B3, B1, B9, B2, B6. Moreover, calcium compounds are in an easily digestible form. Poppy oil makes up more than 40% of the weight of the seeds. It is used in cooking and Food Industry, is included in some varieties of margarine. It is used in the production of varnishes and oils.

Benefits of poppy

Infusions of poppy seeds were used to remove nervous tension, which ensured a restful long sleep. A decoction of the roots has been successfully used in the treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve and migraines. A decoction of poppy seeds relieved pain, fatigue, softened or eliminated attacks of convulsive cough.

Peasant families gave infusions of poppy seeds restless babies, and poppy seed pastries were extremely popular some 20 years ago.

In addition, the anthelmintic property of poppy seeds is known. The use of poppy helped treat diarrhea and dysentery.

The medical industry uses poppy alkaloids - morphine, codeine and papaverine. Based on them, drugs of the same name (morphine, papaverine and codeine) and drugs similar to them in composition are produced.

Codeine is included in the formulation of tablets: pentalgin, solpadeine, sedalgin, nurofen. (painkillers and antitussives).

Papaverine is a well-known antispasmodic that is used for hypertension, to relieve spastic pain due to angina pectoris, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, renal and hepatic colic, bronchial asthma.

Morphine is used for anesthesia in surgery and resuscitation of patients.

In cosmetology, masks made from ground poppy seeds (milk of poppy) are known to reduce circles under the eyes and relieve inflammation of the eyelids.

The beauty of the poppy field is amazing. But this plant is valued not only for its grace or suitability for food - it turns out that it can become a cure for a number of ailments. Soporific poppy, or opium poppy - names that speak for themselves. Even in Greek mythology, the poppy was associated with the god of sleep - Hypnos, laying bright flowers on his altar. The miraculous properties of the plant are still widely used in traditional and folk medicine, especially for diseases of the nervous system and sleep disorders.

Mac – description, general information

Poppy is a genus of herbaceous plants from the Poppy family, among which there are both perennials and annuals. Poppy has a developed straight stem that secretes milky juice, up to 80-150 cm in height. The leaves of the plant are pinnately dissected, pubescent or glabrous. The plant has large single flowers, usually bright red, less often white, black or yellow. The flowers sit on long peduncles (peduncles). They are pollinated by insects or self-pollinated.

The fruit is a capsule, spherical or obovate in shape, sessile or tapering into a short stalk. There are thin plates inside the box; the top of the box is closed with a convex or flat disk. There are seeds inside - small, mesh-cellular. When they ripen, they are thrown out a considerable distance after the capsule bursts. The roots of the plant are fragile, so it does not tolerate transplantation very well.

Poppy is more often found in arid areas, in the steppes, on the dry slopes of rocky mountains. In Russia, the plant is observed mainly in warm regions, although it can also grow in cultivation in Siberia. The plant is widespread in the Caucasus and Central Asia. In total, there are up to 80 species of poppy, a number of which exist as weeds (for example, self-sown poppy). IN medicinal purposes Soporific poppy (opium poppy), oriental poppy and holostem poppy are used.

Poppy seeds are known to be very tasty, so they are widely used for cooking. confectionery and other dishes. Particularly delicious are pies, pies, and other baked goods with poppy seeds, as well as sweets and halva. Poppy seeds are used to make oil, which is used to make margarine and cosmetics. Poppy is also good as an ornamental plant - it can decorate any area and alpine hill.

Composition of poppy

It is known that poppy preparations can put a person into sleep, which was used in ancient times for surgical operations. This property of opium poppy is due to the presence of the alkaloid morphine. It is this substance that you can become dependent on if you abuse plant-based products. But positive properties morphine is also very large - it is a powerful painkiller and helps save a person’s life, preventing painful shock, and also alleviates his suffering from injuries, heart attacks, etc.

Another component of the plant is the alkaloid codeine. It reduces the excitability of the cough center, therefore it is included in medications for cough. Papaverine, another substance in the plant, has an antispasmodic effect and reduces the tone of smooth muscles. There are a total of 26 alkaloids in poppy seeds, and all of them affect the human body in one way or another and are used in medicine.

Almost all parts of poppy seed have medicinal properties. The seeds contain up to 60% fat, a lot of sugar and protein. The vitamin and mineral composition is very rich:

  • B vitamins
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Vitamin E
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Selenium, etc.

Maca roots contain vitamins A, D, C, and also biologically active substances(berberine, protopine, allocryptonine, etc.). The leaves of the plant, which contain alkaloids, are often used in folk medicine. ascorbic acid, aliphatic alcohols. The petals are rich in anthocyanins, glycosides, flavonoids, organic acids, gum, and pectin.

The healing properties of poppy

In addition to its hypnotic and analgesic effects, the plant has many other qualities. Thus, it helps with many diseases of the nervous system, relieves seizures and reduces the frequency epileptic seizures, eliminates headache. Hormonal disorders, which cause cycle disruptions in women, can also be corrected with the help of sleeping pills poppy. The plant also reduces the symptoms of menopause, which is also attractive to women.

In gastroenterology, poppy is used in the treatment acute enterocolitis, with , diarrhea, dysentery. It can eliminate tachycardia, treat various neoplasms, helps with any type of cough, especially dry. Decoctions with the plant reduce temperature, tone, and local application heal wounds.

Oddly enough, opium poppy was previously used as an anthelmintic. In addition, it helps reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients, eliminates liver and renal colic. The seeds of the plant are even used in facial care. They are ground to obtain milk, which is used to rub the skin against inflammation and bruises under the eyes.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

It is strictly prohibited to be treated with poppy before the age of 3 years, during pregnancy or lactation. Due to its addictive potential for people with chronic alcoholism Plant-based preparations are also not indicated. In old age, raw materials can be harmful, especially if overdosed. Also, contraindications to internal treatment include:

  • Emphysema
  • Anoxemia
  • Liver pathologies
  • Severe kidney disease
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Severe heart failure

Long courses can be harmful even healthy person, because poppy has narcotic properties!

Use of poppy in folk medicine

Usually for cooking folk remedies The leaves of the plant are used, which are collected during the ripening period of the seeds. However, many recipes indicate other raw materials - flowers, seeds, plant roots, because all of them have healing power. The roots are dug until the bolls ripen, after which they are washed and dried under a canopy or in dryers. The rest of the raw materials are prepared in a similar manner. The shelf life of dry parts of the plant is one year.

For cirrhosis

Grind a spoonful of opium poppy seeds well with a spoonful of honey. Pour the mixture into a glass hot water. Leave the product until it cools completely, divide into 4 parts. Drink 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

For pneumonia

Grind a tablespoon of poppy seeds in a mortar or other device until milk is released. Dilute milk with water 1:10. Drink half a glass three times a day until complete recovery.

For catarrh of the stomach

Grind the petals of the plant, take a teaspoon three times a day in dry form, but with water. Treatment should be carried out before meals. Course – 10 days.

For insomnia

Pour 10 g of poppy flowers with half a liter of vodka. Infuse the product for 14 days dark place, shaking regularly. For sleep disorders, drink 15 drops with water 30 minutes before rest. This same recipe will be useful for mental fatigue. Course – 21 days.

For arthrosis

Steam dry or fresh leaves plants, tie to the diseased area of ​​the body for half an hour. Treatment is carried out in random order, as pain appears.

For bronchitis

Combine a teaspoon of herbs and poppy flowers and the same amount of creeping thyme herb. Add a tablespoon of violet flowers to the mixture. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of thoroughly mixed mixture and leave for 15 minutes. Take 100 ml three times a day. The course is until healing.

For ingrown hairs

Dried grass and poppy flowers should be burned to produce ash. Rub this ash into the place where unwanted or ingrown hairs grow, performing 2-3 procedures every other day. Hairs will no longer appear in this area of ​​the skin.

For whooping cough

Prepare a collection of equal parts of poppy petals and roots, coltsfoot leaves, forest mallow herb, and veronica officinalis herb. Pour 20 g of this collection into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Take a tablespoon six times a day against whooping cough. Course – 10-14 days.

For epilepsy

Mix 2 parts each of lily of the valley leaves, linden flowers, 30 g each of oregano herb, peony root, poppy flowers, herbs horsetail, 100 g each of initial herb, mistletoe, 40 g each of valerian root and elecampane root. Grind the entire mass. Pour 40 g of the collection into 500 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath. Take 50 ml three times a day. The same collection is good for reducing blood pressure in hypertension.

The peculiarities of the composition of the parts of a unique flower led to the fact that the poppy, the benefits and harms of which were known back in Ancient Rome, was included in the list of plants prohibited for cultivation. Now this procedure is carried out under the control of special services, which still has not reduced the popularity of the poppy seed. It can mainly be found in baked goods and other culinary products.

The ingredient, due to its proven safety, is freely available and can be used without restrictions. In addition, there are several other options for using poppy at home.

Description and characteristics of the plant

To most people, the poppy is a bright red flower with a black center that develops into a seed pod. Today there are about 100 representatives of the extensive family. Their flowers can be not only red, but also purple, even white. Poppy seeds are also not always gray, but also black and blue, cream or blue.

The height of the herbaceous plant can range from 50 to 150 cm. The stem is bare, the leaves are large and jagged. The flower has from 4 to 8 petals, depending on the variety. The seeds, which are actively used in folk medicine and the food industry, are collected in the poppy head. Its size rarely exceeds 3-4 cm in diameter.

On gardeners’ plots one can mainly find the so-called “sleeping poppy”. Its calming properties have been described by doctors different countries several thousand years ago. Even today it is used not only as a culinary ingredient and is the basis for breeding new flower hybrids.

Chemical composition of poppy parts

If for culinary experts the main interest is poppy seeds, then for pharmacology the milk of the flower is more valuable. It can be seen if the surface of the still green poppy head is damaged. Today this substance is known as opium; it contains more than 30 alkaloids. Here are the main ones:

  • Morphine.
  • Noxapine.
  • Codeine.
  • Papaverine.
  • Thebaine.

Advice: For lovers healthy food It is worth paying attention to poppy seed oil. This product is practically free of opiates, is not prone to spoilage and does not develop a rancid odor, and is a source of vegetable fats. It has powerful anti-cancer properties and is even used in traditional medicine to treat malignant tumors.

At the beginning of the 19th century, morphine was isolated from opium, and 70 years later heroin was synthesized from it. These drugs began to be actively used for medicinal purposes to relieve pain syndrome, but it was soon discovered that they were addictive and severely addictive.

As for poppy seeds, their importance for the body is no less great. With all this, the product does not pose any health hazard if used within the permissible volumes. Here are the main ones useful material they include:

  • Minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, iodine. Calcium compounds are in optimal form, which facilitates their complete absorption.
  • Vitamins A, groups B, C and E.
  • Plant dietary fiber.
  • Fats plant origin make up up to 50% of the volume of the entire composition.

One cannot ignore the fact that poppy seeds are very high in calories - 520 kcal per 100 g of product. This fact and the abundance of fats do not allow the ingredient to be classified as dietary, so its volume in the diet must be carefully monitored.

Beneficial properties of poppy seeds

The existing opinion that the poppy seed contains the same substances as the milk of the flower is erroneous. Only minor traces of narcotic substances were found in it, which are not enough for addiction and the development of addiction. Even if you do not resort to the use of traditional medicine, but simply add the product to food, you can count on receiving versatile therapeutic effects.

Research has shown that the benefits of poppy include:

  1. The severity of the pain syndrome is suppressed. In particular, baking with poppy seeds can relieve mild headaches and help women during menstruation.
  2. Visual acuity increases. The product, of course, will not cure myopia, but sharp deterioration picture quality that comes with age will be prevented.
  3. Anemia is prevented due to the presence of iron in the composition.
  4. Digestion is normalized. Consumption of poppy seeds is necessary for intestinal health and improved peristalsis. The abundance of fiber in the food component ensures cleansing of the digestive tract.
  5. The immune system is strengthened by stimulating the production of white blood cells. They are the basis for the process of antibody synthesis.
  6. The functionality of the heart and blood vessels increases. The minerals in poppy seeds facilitate blood flow by reducing pressure on artery walls. By including poppy in any form in your diet, you can count on reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis and the heart attack and stroke it causes.
  7. Increased arterial pressure by reducing cholesterol levels. This is facilitated by magnesium and fatty acid as part of the product.

Oleic acid, which is present in poppy seeds, blocks the activity of a gene that promotes the development of cancer. The ability of poppy to prevent cancer has not yet been officially confirmed, but in theory this possibility is high.

Options for using poppy at home

The Polzateevo resource managed to identify several options for using parts from the abundance of existing information medicinal plant. These approaches are truly effective in their field, their benefits for human health are proven and obvious.

In folk medicine, parts of poppy are used as follows:

  • To cleanse the liver, even in ancient times, the leaves, flowers and stems of the plant were boiled in oil. The resulting product cleansed the liver well and contributed to its restoration. We took the prepared composition literally 5 drops no more than once a day.
  • You can prepare a tincture from poppy flowers that can be used to treat ulcers in oral cavity. It is enough to steep the petals in vodka for 2 weeks and strain the mixture. The finished product is applied to the wound surface in the morning and evening.
  • Poppy seeds infused in lukewarm milk for 15 minutes can be used as a dewormer. Take a tablespoon of seeds per glass of drink. You need to drink and eat everything, the procedure is repeated no more than once a day for a week.
  • Poppy leaves steamed in a steam bath can be applied to sore joints to relieve the condition.

At the right approach The benefits of poppy will manifest themselves in other areas:

  1. For skin. If you soak poppy seeds in water or milk and then grind them into a paste, you can get an effective cosmetic product. It is used as face masks and applications. The product helps in the treatment of eczema and inflammation of the skin, it cleanses and rejuvenates the epidermis, restoring its softness.
  2. For hair. Soaked poppy seeds in water mixed with white pepper and curd forms a medicine to treat dandruff. You just need to apply it to the hair roots and rinse off after half an hour. But poppy seeds, previously soaked in coconut water, will also speed up hair growth.

Finally, poppy seeds are a popular culinary ingredient. It gives food a spicy-sweet flavor with nutty notes. The grains go well with a variety of food products, which allows them to be used in a wide variety of recipes.

The harm and danger of poppy

Overdose of drugs with poppy extract and self-medication using homemade remedies from the leaves or milk of the plant can pose a serious danger to humans. Such products should be used only with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision. Any negative manifestations during such therapy require immediate abandonment of the approach.

As for poppy seed, its use is considered absolutely safe in any form. Allergies to the ingredient are extremely rare and usually do not lead to violent reactions. You just need to remember high degree calorie content of poppy seeds and do not get carried away with it. This will allow you to count on the declared therapeutic effects and not worry about gaining excess weight.

The controversial reputation of the poppy has had a negative impact on its popularity. Don't believe all the myths and fables. With the right approach, poppy seeds can only bring benefits to humans.

Poppy is a herbaceous plant and lives for several years. There are more than a hundred varieties of poppy. It has rather dense stems and single flowers, which are red in color and have a black center. Poppy fruits are seeds that ripen in a “box”. It is very important that they ripen, since unripe poppies contain the narcotic substance opium. The properties of the plant depend on the place of growth and the specific variety. In Russia it is prohibited to grow poppy containing narcotic substances. Poppy seeds are completely purified and do not contain any prohibited substances. They are used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, and they also produce oil, which is used in the production of margarine.

Beneficial properties of poppy seeds:

Poppy is famous for many things beneficial properties. It contains alkaloids, acids and organic matter who have medicinal properties. Maca contains calcium in the form of salts, which is quickly and easily absorbed by the body, providing healing effect on bones, hair and nails. A decoction of poppy seeds helps with severe cough which causes painful sensations. It is also a pain reliever for severe headaches or germs. Even in ancient times, poppy was used to treat bladder diseases. The plant and all its components were found wide application in medicine, various tinctures, ointments and mixtures are prepared from it. Milk is made from poppy seeds and is used in cosmetology. Its benefits are due to its high protein content. The milk will relieve swelling from the eyelids and skin and bruises. Women often use it to remove traces of tears and stress. Poppy is known as a sedative and sleeping pill, but it must be used with caution when used for these purposes. The seeds will relieve stomach upsets, gently affecting the intestines and its microflora. Poppy seeds can be purchased at the store and used at home as aid in the treatment of many ailments. They are often used in cooking, as an additive to baked goods. Seeds mixed with honey have even more calming properties and are useful for nervous disorders. Maca contains copper and magnesium, which are easily absorbed into the body's cells. It is a source of energy due to nutritional properties. It was previously believed that poppy could get rid of worms, as it has antimicrobial properties.

Contraindications for consuming poppy seeds:

Poppy can be harmful to people suffering from constipation, as it has a constipating effect. The seeds also provoke the release of bile, which can harm people with gallstone disease. It is not recommended for children under two years of age to consume poppy seeds, as the effects on children's body not fully studied. Using the plant as sedative You need to remember that the appointment must be carried out under the supervision of doctors. Moderate use will have beneficial influence, without consequences. Allergic reactions, to any components of poppy seeds, are rarely observed.

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