Peppermint oil - properties and uses. Peppermint essential oil for heartburn and stomach pain. Contraindications for the use of mint oil

In self-care or getting rid of illnesses, people are increasingly using natural remedies based on herbal ingredients.

These products include peppermint oil, contained in mint - perennial plant with a refreshing taste and specific aroma. It is successfully used in the production of skin care products and other cosmetics, helping to cope with stress and many ailments.

Let's find out what beneficial properties peppermint oil is valued for, what it consists of, how to make it at home and how to use it.

Peppermint oil contains the following components:

  • Menthol and neomenthol, which give a refreshing and invigorating effect and eliminate skin irritation;
  • Carvacrol, which leaves a feeling of warmth on the tongue and adds spicy notes to the aroma of mint;
  • Pinene and terpinene, analgesic and antiseptic substances;
  • Cineole, a powerful antiseptic that relieves inflammation, helps with dry cough and rejuvenates the skin;
  • Menthyl acetate, a substance with a mild fruity odor;
  • Phellandrene, a substance with a sharp minty aroma;
  • Limonene is a disinfectant with a citrus scent that protects against blood-sucking insects;
  • Phellandrene, which promotes collagen synthesis, rejuvenates the skin and improves complexion.
  • Timol is an anesthetic and disinfectant.

How can you use peppermint oil? Peppermint ester is used in medicine in the following cases:

  1. For emotional and physical fatigue. The aroma of the oil tones the body and has a beneficial effect on nervous system. After using it, a person who is tired from long work regains optimism and ability to work.

To relax and unwind, or to fall asleep faster, ventilate the room, pour 5 drops of peppermint essential oil into an aroma lamp (can be mixed with tangerine oil) and light it. If you don’t have an aroma lamp, add a couple of drops of oil to the humidifier - the effect is the same.

And if you need to get a boost of energy or cope with a headache, lubricate your whiskey with peppermint oil.

  1. For colds. It helps cope with pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and reduce body temperature. Peppermint oil soothes the throat and combats loss of voice.

When your nose is stuffy, inhale the aroma of the oil, and it becomes easier to breathe. To cope with a runny nose, before going to bed, lubricate the wings of the nose with oil or bury 2 drops in each nostril twice a day.

If you have a dry cough, rub it with oil. chest. To reduce body temperature, use compresses with mint oil or rub a couple of drops into the soles of your feet.

  1. For spasms and poor circulation. Peppermint essential oil relieves spasms and pain (dental, menstrual, headache, muscle), improves blood flow and vascular condition. If arrhythmia bothers you, rub yourself with oil and heartbeat normalizes. If your stomach hurts, carefully rub three drops of peppermint essential oil into the abdominal area.
  1. For heartburn, nausea and dizziness. If you suffer from heartburn, drink a teaspoon of kefir with 2 drops of oil. When feeling nauseous, inhale the aroma of mint oil. If you are worried about liver colic, take a mint bath.

How is peppermint oil used in cosmetology?

Peppermint hair oil

Peppermint oil is a real find for hair care! It is added to hair balms, cleansing and toning masks, shampoos and others. cosmetical tools. The spectrum of action of menthol oil is very wide: it strengthens hair, eliminates greasy shine and dullness, strengthens and tones, gives hair a pleasant aroma. The main thing is to maintain proportions, since in excess oil irritates the scalp.

Peppermint essential oil helps cope with dandruff and seborrhea caused by increased secretion of subcutaneous sebum. It tightens pores without drying out the skin. With each wash, add 2-3 drops of oil to the shampoo. Your hair will no longer quickly become greasy, and you won’t have to wash your hair every day.

To restore shine to your hair, rinse it with mint infusion. Pour dry mint (2 tbsp) with a glass of boiling water, cool and filter. Add three drops of menthol oil, mix and rinse your hair after each wash.

If your hair is split and broken, restorative masks with mint oil will help. Mix 3 tbsp. castor oil with 3 drops of mint oil. We smear everything over the hair, wait half an hour and rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Menthol oil appeals to all skin types. Here are several recipes for homemade cosmetics with menthol oil.

  • Cleansing face mask. Warm up the spoon cosmetic clay, add 2 drops of lemon, mint and almond oil and apply to the skin. We wait 10 minutes and wash off the mask. It will cleanse the skin and saturate it with oxygen.
  • Toning mint face mask. Mix 2 drops of mint oil with three tablespoons of boiled rolled oats and apply to the neck and face for 15 minutes. The mask evens out tone, nourishes the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.
  • Mint for acne. On problematic skin Mint cream and lotion work well. Mix 2 drops of mint oil with 2 tbsp. jojoba oil and apply to the skin with a cotton swab, avoiding the area around the eyes. For the lotion, mix 150 ml of carbonated mineral water with 5 drops of peppermint oil. Apply to skin 4-5 times a day.
  • Mint for the body. To keep your skin smooth, without inflammation and dryness, use a mint scrub. Mix 3 tsp. powder from dried mint with 250 grams of fine salt and 20 ml of jojoba (or almond) oil. The scrub is ready.

Another option is a fragrant moisturizing body oil. Melt half a glass coconut oil and half a cup of cocoa butter in a water bath. Place the mixture in the refrigerator, and when it becomes cloudy, beat with a mixer until creamy. Cool for five minutes and beat again. Add 4 drops of peppermint essential oil and whisk again. Then transfer it to a jar with a lid.

  • Mint bath for tired legs. Mix 3 drops of peppermint oil, 3 drops chamomile oil, 4 drops lavender oil and 50 g sea ​​salt. Dissolve the mixture in 2 liters warm water. We lower our feet into a basin with the resulting composition and sit for 10 minutes. This bath relaxes the leg muscles and relieves heaviness.
  • Mint lip balm. Add a couple of drops of peppermint oil to your balm or lip gloss and use as usual. Enriched with menthol oil, the product smoothes the skin of the lips and visually makes them plumper and brighter. As a bonus, peppermint balm protects your lips from cold sores.

Peppermint oil for mosquitoes

If you don't like the smell of commercial repellents, use peppermint oil to ward off mosquitoes. It repels and even kills insects. We apply a few drops to open areas of the body, and not a single mosquito or midge will dare to land on the skin.

The oil also helps allergic reactions after mosquito bites. To relieve irritation, mix 10 drops of peppermint, 10 drops of oil tea tree and 5 drops of bergamot oil. Apply to the bite site and soon forget about the itching.

How to make peppermint oil at home: a simple recipe

Of course, you can buy mint oil at the pharmacy, but it’s better to make it yourself - oil homemade much more useful. Let's learn how to make peppermint oil at home.

  • We buy or cut fresh mint in the morning.
  • We tear off the leaves, rinse under running water and dry with a paper towel.
  • We post it on Fresh air for 10 minutes and collect in a plastic bag.
  • Seal the hole with tape and beat the leaves with a wooden mallet to squeeze out the juice.
  • Place the mint in a glass jar, pour it with base oil (olive, coconut, jojoba, etc.), shake well and leave for a day.
  • Then squeeze out the leaves and strain the liquid.

We repeat the procedure a couple more times, picking new mint leaves, beating them and filling them with infused oil. Store the finished oil in a glass container in a cool and dark place. Shelf life homemade butter- one year.

As you can see, self-cooking does not require mint essential oil special effort, but you get natural product without fragrances or preservatives. Homemade cosmetics And medicinal products products made on the basis of such oil will have maximum natural strength.

A fresh, ringing and bright aroma invigorates, refreshes, gives a feeling of joy and, at the same time, relaxes and fills with harmony.

Of course, this mint essential oil has not only an extraordinary aroma, but also a number of truly healing properties.

From my article you will learn about all its features and be able to choose exactly those recipes that will be most useful to you.

Since ancient times, mint has been considered medicinal plant. IN Ancient Greece there was even a myth that Mint was the name of the beautiful muse enchanted by Persephone. All ancient healers: from Hippocrates to Avicenna recognized this plant for its undeniable benefits and used it to treat all kinds of ailments.

Today we can experience the health benefits of mint through its essential oil. It is extracted by hydrodistillation, and at least 40 kg of leaves and stems of the plant are processed to obtain 1 liter of liquid. Almost all varieties of mint are used as raw materials: peppermint, garden mint, lemon mint, field mint.

The output is a clear, flowing liquid, perhaps with a slight hint of green and a pronounced menthol aroma.

The composition of mint essential oil includes citral, cineole, carvacrol, thymol (anti-inflammatory agents), limonene, geraniol, carvone (natural flavors). Thanks to this, ether is used in a variety of areas: from cooking and pharmacology to production household chemicals and perfumes.

And, besides, oil is indispensable in your home medicine cabinet and cosmetic bag!

  • Antiseptic

Used to treat and eliminate unpleasant symptoms colds: nasal congestion, cough, sore throat. Indicated for influenza, ARVI, sore throat.

  • Anesthetic

This property makes mint essential oil an indispensable aid in complex therapy lumbago, rheumatism, various arthritis, gout.

  • Enhances peristalsis and enzymatic activity

The effect on the epithelium when taken orally promotes digestion and improves intestinal function, and in addition, stimulates the production of gastric enzymes.

The oil is indicated for use when various types dysbacteriosis, as it has the ability to suppress the development pathogenic microflora intestines.

  • Dilates blood vessels

Thanks to this property, it is included in almost all drugs that improve cardiac activity. Indicated for tachycardia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris.

It also has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain, which makes it an indispensable assistant for migraines and headaches.

  • Calms

Removes nervous tension, promotes relaxation regardless of how it is used - internally with drink or aromatherapy.

  • Eliminates skin inflammation

It is used to treat acne, dermatitis, eczema, as it has a regenerating and sebum-regulating effect.

  • Boosts immunity
  • Eliminates nausea in cases of motion sickness
  • Helps increase concentration

So, let’s now consider some of the most popular and easy-to-use methods of therapy with this natural remedy!

For acute respiratory infections, flu and colds


When there is no fever, inhalation with mint oil will significantly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Drop 5-7 parts of ether into a liter of boiling water and, covering yourself, breathe until the water cools down. You can also add oil to a special inhaler, and since its capacity is much smaller, we will need 2-3 k. per glass of boiled warm water.


Rubbing is also good: for 1 tbsp. base oil(for example, olive oil), add 5-7 drops of mint ether and vigorously rub the patient’s chest and back.

If the fever does not go away, then instead of thermal procedures, literally rub 1 drop of oil between your fingers and lubricate the wings of the nose. This will make breathing more free.

Oil burner

In addition, added to the aroma lamp at the rate of 5-6 drops per 10 square meters. m of room, mint will disinfect the air no worse quartz lamp, which is especially important during an epidemic, because it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it, agree.

For headaches and menstrual pain

Rub a drop of mint ether between your fingers and apply to your temples. The cooling and vasodilating effect will be immediately removed discomfort. You can also rub the back of your head.

For menstrual pain, dilute in a warm cup boiled water a spoonful of honey and 1-2 drops of oil. It will also be good to inhale mint: just sprinkle it on a handkerchief and breathe for a minute or two.

For arthritis and gout

In this case, apply a compress to the aching area and hold it for at least one and a half to two hours. Take a warm, damp cloth - flannel or gauze, apply 5-6 drops, leave on the joint, cover with film and tie a woolen scarf on top.

To achieve an effect, this type of treatment must be practiced at least 2 times a day, morning and evening.

We also take aromatic baths to relieve pain. We dilute 8 - 10 drops of oil in ½ cup of milk (it is needed as an emulsifier; oil added directly to water will not dissolve) and pour everything into an already filled bath, the temperature of which should be a maximum of 37-38 degrees. We stay in the water for 15–20 minutes, then it will cool down and lose its healing properties.

For tachycardia and arrhythmia

As an “first aid”, it is useful to inhale the oil in a scarf, as described above, or in an aroma pendant. In the latter, we update the broadcast daily by dropping a couple of drops.

You can take 2 drops orally in a glass of honey water in the morning and evening.

Keep an aroma lamp indoors so that the mint background accompanies you for several hours a day.

For vitamin deficiency

Add to freshly squeezed Orange juice 1-2 drops and drink every morning. If you can’t squeeze it out, then simply dilute ½ tsp in a glass of warm water. lemon juice and 2 drops of essential oil. The main thing is that we do not use boiling water for these purposes! Neither vitamin C in juice nor ester likes high temperatures.

For insect bites

Add 1 teaspoon of mint to 1 tsp of base oil and apply to the itchy area.

Also, anticipating the problem of insects, we fumigate the room with ether in an aroma lamp - this will save you from annoying mosquitoes and midges not only in summer. open windows, but also in nature.

For acne

To treat acne at home, it is good to make a lotion based on mint oil. Depending on the concentration of alcohol in it, we use it either pointwise, applying it to inflamed areas cotton swab, or wiping your face with a cotton pad instead of washing your face in the morning and evening.

To a glass of mineral still or distilled water, add ½ tsp of alcohol with 3 drops of ether pre-diluted in it.

This lotion is suitable for daily use on the entire face.

If we add the same amount of alcohol and oil to ¼ glass of water, we will get an excellent remedy for spot application.

Store the lotion in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

For aging facial skin

Peppermint oil added to masks noticeably refreshes and restores complexion. You can enrich existing cosmetics at the rate of 1 drop per 1 tsp, but there is always a risk that the ether will react with the active ingredients of the cream, so we will prepare a tonic mask ourselves.

Brew 1 tbsp boiling water oatmeal, leave them for 15 minutes and add 2 drops of oil. Apply a thick layer to the face and leave for 15 minutes. If possible, cover the top with a damp, warm towel to prevent the mask from drying out.

The result will pleasantly surprise you!

It is possible to prepare a similar mask without oatmeal using regular wheat flour. In the same way, brew 2 tablespoons of boiling water so that the consistency is like thick sour cream. Stir until smooth, leave to swell and cool for 10 minutes, and enrich with ether (3 drops).

Apply to the face and also cover. You can do the procedure while taking a bath, so the mask will be moisturized all the time, and it will be easier to wash off. We remove it after 15 - 20 minutes.

For brittle hair and dandruff

To eliminate any problems with hair, peppermint oil is excellent as an active additive for aroma combing: apply a couple of drops to the teeth of a wooden comb and comb your hair for 5-7 minutes before going to bed.

We also use it as an active ingredient in a mask: 1 tbsp. burdock oil dilute 3 drops of ether and gently massage into the hair roots. Then, distribute the mixture over the entire length, cover with a bag or shower cap, wrap in a towel and leave for an hour and a half.

if you love Mint tea, but don’t want to buy “unclear chemicals” in stores, just flavor a pack of black, herbal or green tea!

You can take tea bags - the main thing is that they should not be closed in individual packages, but you can pour a two-hundred-gram pack of tea into a box, after applying 3-4 drops of oil to its walls and close the lid for 5-7 days.

As time passes, we enjoy a fragrant, completely natural and healthy drink!

As with any essential oil, the price of peppermint varies very, very much. In the online store you can find it for 35 rubles and 990 rubles. In pharmacies and retail sales it is also presented in different price categories.

We focus on reviews, read the description, find out about the manufacturer and choose!

Either way, peppermint essential oil is worth it! As you have already seen, it is truly indispensable for eliminating a variety of problems!

I wish everyone Have a good mood for the rest of the holidays and a successful new 2015!

Your Elena Skopich

Many people are familiar with peppermint essential oil. The subtle aroma of this oil soothes and relaxes, drives away anxiety and worry. But this is not the only property of this type of mint. Peppermint oil is used in the treatment of many other diseases. Find out more about useful properties oh and using peppermint oil.

Essential oil Peppermint is obtained from the leaves of peppermint, a hybrid of mint and water mint, by steam or water distillation. To obtain oil, fresh or dried grass collected during the flowering period is used. Peppermint oil is always aged before being sold. This is done to obtain a more subtle aroma.

People learned to obtain mint oil a long time ago. Also in ancient Rome and Greece it was used not only in medicinal purposes. The mint smell symbolized the hospitality of the owners of the house. It has not lost its relevance even today. Peppermint oil is the main ingredient in many medications, especially those intended to treat the mouth and throat, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Peppermint oil is widely used as a seasoning in cooking and to flavor foods. It has found application in cosmetology and personal care products.

But still, the main use of peppermint oil is medicine. Studies have shown that it can help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel disease, indigestion, muscle pain, and prevent nausea.

Beneficial properties of peppermint essential oil

Peppermint oil is used by many in aromatherapy to maintain their health. It is effective in treating anxiety, vomiting, various pains, colds and many other health problems.

This essential oil has the following properties:








This oil is well known for its properties to help with various digestive problems, it improves memory and increases concentration. All these qualities of the oil are provided by high content menthol in it.

In addition to menthol, the oil contains limonene, beta-pinene, and beta-caryophyllene.

Due to its composition, the oil is widely used in the production of toothpaste, various ointments and balms to relieve muscle pain, and in lozenges and lozenges for sore throats.

Medicinal properties of pepper essential oil

The use of peppermint essential oil is effective for many diseases. Research has shown that it can be used for:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Heartburn.
  • Biologically active additives containing this oil are used by many people for:
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Morning sickness;
  • Spasm upper sections gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Gas formation in the intestines;
  • Cold;
  • Cough;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity;
  • Painful menstruation;
  • Problems with the liver and gall bladder.

Many people use the oil in combination with other essential oils and medications for:

  • Headache;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Neurological pain;
  • Toothache and oral problems;
  • Itching from insect bites and allergic rashes.

The oil can be used for upper respiratory diseases in inhalation to reduce cold symptoms and cough. The oil has good expectorant and decongestant properties and helps clear the bronchi of mucus.

There are suggestions that this oil can be used for tuberculosis. Some studies have shown it can reduce inflammation and prevent worsening. But there is still insufficient data on this issue.

The rosmarinic acid found in peppermint may help treat asthma.

The use of oil for the treatment of pain of various origins is relevant. To reduce pain, the oil is used in ointments and massage mixtures, and added to the bath.

By placing a couple of drops of oil on your wrist and inhaling the aroma of the oil, you can reduce headache. You can massage with oil in the temple area.

The oil may help relieve nausea caused by chemotherapy.

At local application, due to the properties of the oil, it passes well through the skin, it can be used in the treatment of herpes and shingles. This helps relieve pain and rashes caused by the disease.

Possessing psychostimulant properties, peppermint oil can be used to relieve stress, anxiety, and various nervous disorders. It calms and relaxes well, relieves mental fatigue and tension.

Peppermint oil is most often used for diseases of the oral cavity, in various fresheners and rinses. In addition to reducing inflammatory processes, it refreshes the oral cavity well and neutralizes bad smell from the mouth, prevents the growth of bacteria.

Pepper essential oil for hair

Peppermint oil is very beneficial for hair care. Possessing antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, the oil will help reduce dandruff, improve hair growth and generally make your hair beautiful and healthy. The oil pleasantly cools the scalp, eliminates itching, and rejuvenates the hair follicles. Some people recommend using this oil against lice.

Peppermint oil can be added to your regular daily shampoo, hair rinse or conditioner, and used in therapeutic and nourishing masks.

Pepper essential oil for skin

The use of oil in facial and body skin care has not been spared. The oil regulates the secretion of sebum, which is very useful for acne and pimples. In addition, it can be used to treat chapped lips, herpes, and relieve itching from insect bites. Peppermint oil is a staple ingredient in many skin care products, be it lip balm or body cream.

Uses of peppermint essential oil

Today, peppermint oil is used by manufacturers in pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, and household products. Its application extends to all areas of our lives. No need to buy necessary funds in a pharmacy or store. You can easily make them yourself with just a bottle of oil. Here are some recipes for using the oil.

A sore throat

Very often the oil is used to treat sore throat. His chemical elements They pleasantly cool, soothe and at the same time help to better free the bronchi from phlegm. In addition, the oil helps reduce swelling. Simply add a couple drops of essential oil to your honey and lemon tea to relieve inflammation and pain.

Peppermint oil can be inhaled when coughing to soften mucus and improve its clearance. It is more effective to use the oil in a mixture with other oils.

Mix a couple of drops of peppermint, lavender, and lemon oil. Add an inhaler or aroma lamp to the infuser and breathe in the oil vapor. You can make your own portable inhaler with these oils. To do this, apply the mixture to a piece of fabric.

You can make a different cough mixture by mixing peppermint with laurel oil, eucalyptus, fragrant ravensara, tea tree and lemon.

From temperature

Temperatures are a natural state for many inflammatory diseases. This is how the body fights infection. But heat may be dangerous. Peppermint essential oil can be used as one of the means to reduce high fever.

Apply 2-3 drops of oil to the temple, forehead, back of the neck, back or feet. The cooling effect will help reduce the temperature. For particularly sensitive people, it is better to first mix the essential oil with a carrier oil.

For a runny nose

To clear the sinuses you can add to hot water a few drops of oil and breathe. In addition to peppermint oil, you can add tea tree oil. When inhaling over steam, you need to close your eyes, lower your head over the bowl and cover your head with a towel.

To reduce pain

Peppermint oil, as mentioned above, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to these properties, it has long been used to relieve pain of various origins, including muscle pain. Here are some ways to use the oil for pain.

Peppermint oil baths

An excellent option for using oil. To do this, flavor with oil Epsom salt. Take about 500 grams of salt and add 15-17 drops of essential oil. Add this salt to the water and take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

For joint pain

Dilute 15 drops of peppermint oil in 30 ml of carrier oil. Use this composition for massage for joint pain.

The same composition of the oil can be used for muscle pain and sprains.

For itching and irritation

For these purposes, you can use the same mixture as for pain. Just apply it precisely to the site of an insect bite, rash or irritation.

What does peppermint oil go with?

Peppermint oil combines well with many oils. The following oils go very well with this oil: nutmeg, bergamot, ylang-ylang, mandarin, lavender, ginger, basil, nioli, jasmine, geranium, sweet orange, neroli.

Contraindications to the use of peppermint oil

Like any essential oil, this oil is also highly concentrated and may cause allergies in some people. Therefore, it must be diluted with any cosmetic or vegetable oil before using on skin.

Although it is safe to use, it may cause side effects in some people. You should definitely consult your doctor before using the oil:

Pregnant and breastfeeding women;

Children under 7 years of age;

Suffering from diabetes;


Who has gallstones;

Who accepts medications, reducing acidity in the stomach.

Overdose of oil should be avoided. There is no need to use it daily as a stimulant. On the contrary, it can cause insomnia.

Among side effects when using peppermint oil there may be:

Skin rash;

Slow or rapid breathing;

stomach pain or diarrhea;

Urinary problems;



Like any other essential oil, peppermint oil is sensitive to heat and light. Therefore, it should be stored in a cool place and protected from light, especially sunlight.

It is important to keep it out of the reach of children, medicines, food products places.

Although the oil can provide many benefits for improving health and treating diseases, it is still better to consult a doctor or specialist about its correct and safe use.

How to use peppermint essential oil correctly, see the answer in the video

Erofeevskaya Natalya

A pleasant and soothing aroma of mint, slightly reminiscent of winter frost... Used by mankind since ancient times, a wonderful plant with lush green leaves has found wide application in medicine and cooking and has been successfully used in cosmetic compositions and procedures for many centuries.

Peppermint essential oil is produced by water distillation of plant inflorescences and their young leaves. The lightest in composition among menthol oil mint is characterized by a powerful, dominant smell - invigorating, fresh and cool. This bright, rich aroma has found application in perfumery and food production, and its unique medicinal qualities mint - in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Multifaceted in its characteristics, the oil has wide range methods of caring for the human skin and body with a clearly expressed anti-inflammatory effect.

Peppermint essential oil: properties and uses

Being medicinal, peppermint in dried or fresh characterized by diametrically opposite properties: calming and relaxing, it is at the same time distinguished by a refreshing and tonic effect. All those qualities that are inherent natural plant, are also characteristic of the essential mint oil obtained from it.

Peppermint essential oil can have significantly different compositions, the content of which depends on several factors:

plant variety and growing conditions;
climatic conditions at the time of collection and method of obtaining the concentrate;
storage time of the finished product.

The basic active substance of mint ester is menthol (50-70% of the total volume), the most significant amount oil is contained in the flowers of the plant, then in descending order - in the leaves and stems

Cosmetology and perfume production successfully uses the beneficial properties of the mint plant. For medicinal purposes, mint oil concentrate is used:

for migraines and epileptic attacks as a vasodilator;
to improve blood circulation and brain activity;
for hypotension, VSD and fainting;
normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;
for menstrual problems, to enhance lactation during breastfeeding;
as a disinfectant and antitussive;
With nervousness, psycho-emotional excitability and nervous exhaustion, the smell of ether drops will help.

The use of mint ether in such cases is possible in many ways: baths, compresses, rubbing, inhaling the aroma. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of mint: a couple of drops of oil on the pillow will ensure a restful and healthy sleep.

Peppermint essential oil for face

A woman always, regardless of the situation and time of year, wants to be beautiful. What to do if nature has given you oily skin prone to irritation and inflammation? The same mint ester will help your face, reducing the sensitivity of the skin to external harmful factors, perfectly neutralizing various pathogenic microbes and reducing skin inflammatory reactions to nervous exhaustion and emotional crises. Maintaining the skin's moisture balance will help optimize secretion. subcutaneous fat and will help tighten pores.

Almost all types of negative skin reaction the oil product can have an effective effect: spider veins (rosacea), acne(acne), erysipelas, scabies rashes, eczema, dermatitis and herpes on the lips. For hematomas and swelling, applying a cold compress with two or three drops of mint essential oil will help.

The beneficial properties of the ether include whitening age-related or those that appeared as a result of active sun exposure. age spots, alignment and improvement of facial tone. Adding two drops of peppermint oil to cosmetic milk with regular use (twice a day) will help remove unwanted pigmentation on the face, and with an additional couple of drops of damask oil, smooth out and lighten scars. Dull and tired skin will regain its tone, gain radiance and elasticity: fine wrinkles will smooth out, and deep wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Restrictions on the use of mint essential oil can be very sensitive skin: irritation and a strong burning sensation may occur during use.

With the help of this natural remedy The protective functions of the upper layer of skin - the epidermis - are activated, the oil has an effective result in the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases, as well as frostbite. Bactericidal, tonic and antioxidant properties mint ether: the face will become toned, attractive and elastic, fading and aging will slow down.

When inflammatory processes occur as a result of solar, household, thermal burns Peppermint oil in combination with lavender will have a quick and effective effect.

Essential oils for sensitive facial skin are rarely used in pure form: They are usually added to a proven cosmetic base - creams, tonics, cosmetic milk, lotions. The recommended dosage for enriching tonics and creams is one or two drops of ether per 10 g of base. Additionally, the use of mint ether in cosmetology is regulated by dosage: a small concentration will relieve irritation, soothe and refresh the skin, a slightly higher concentration will warm the skin by activating blood circulation and cause a blush.

Restrictions on use

By virtue of high concentration active substances In a small unit of volume, ethers often limit their use:

Essential peppermint oil should not be used for the area around the eyes - the skin in this area is too thin and will immediately react with irritation and redness.
It is not advisable to use mint ether if you have an allergic rhinitis: the active smell of the oil can cause breathing problems and bronchodilator spasm.
There are individual contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.
The use of essential oil on the skin of children under 7 years of age is prohibited due to the high likelihood of skin reactions.
The use of this ester is not recommended for people who cannot tolerate the menthol smell of mint.

In other cases, you should be guided by the recommendations of specialists, common sense and your own feelings.

Peppermint essential oil for hair

A beautiful, well-groomed hairstyle is the dream of any woman, but only healthy, plump women can have such characteristics. vital energy hair. Peppermint essential oil will help put them in order:

used as an independent component, added in small quantities to the shampoo or conditioner used, the oil refreshes skin covering scalp, stimulates blood circulation hair follicles, activating ;
the cleansing and refreshing properties of mint will help get rid of irritated, dry scalp, itching and dandruff;
the amazing ability of mint oil to cool in hot weather will make mint hair masks preferable in the hot summer;
mint used in masks with the addition of other essential oils will restore the structure damaged hair along the entire length, will stop split ends, make hair strong, elastic and shiny.

In masks, peppermint oil is successfully combined in smell and characteristics with ylang-ylang and lavender. To enrich shampoos and hair masks, take 1-2 drops of ether per 10 g of base product. Natural vegetable oils can also serve as the main product.

It is easy to prepare a rinse for healthy hair strengthening: add 3-4 drops of mint ether to a decoction of mint leaves (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water). Rinse your hair with the prepared mixture and lightly rub it into the roots: regular use will result in well-groomed and strong hair.

When using peppermint oil for hair, there are no restrictions other than those described above, but excessive concentration can cause undesirable effect: applied to long time on hair, a significant proportion of the ether with its aroma can cause respiratory distress.

December 28, 2013, 10:57

All essential oils are extremely popular, which is why they are so often used in aromatherapy, cosmetology, folk healing, traditional medicine, everyday life Among the esters, peppermint oil is especially valued, which is famous for its coolness and ability to calm the nervous system. How else is a composition that can be obtained everywhere used today? Let's study the main aspects one by one.

Effect of mint ether

Not many people know that the oil mixture is obtained by steam distillation of the top part of peppermint. According to their own external characteristics the ether is transparent, greenish or slightly yellowish. By smell, you can only confuse mint with lemon balm. The oil smells rich and fresh, just like the plant itself.

We got acquainted with the features, highlight the properties and effects on the human body.

  1. Calms the nervous system when used as aromatherapy. Normalizes the psycho-emotional environment, helps cope with depressive disorders and stress.
  2. Used to relieve pain, particularly muscle spasms. Relieves pain in joints and ligaments.
  3. Used with great success for toothaches and headaches, frequent migraines. Removes dependence on the weather, making a person feel much better.
  4. Effective for abdominal pain. It is also famous for its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Disinfects oral cavity, eliminates unpleasant odor.
  5. Useful for asthenic disorders, easily eliminates nausea, motion sickness, dizziness and heartburn. Affects brain neurons, stimulating them and improving memory.
  6. Valued by people who have difficulties with respiratory system. Cleanses Airways from sputum and mucus, relieves asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.
  7. It has antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, therefore it is used to treat colds. Accelerates the outflow of bile, removes excess fluid and fights swelling.
  8. Relieves pain when menstrual cycle, increases hemoglobin levels. Used by athletes to combat muscle spasms, pain in the lower back and joints.
  9. Treats rosacea, restores the psyche during emotional stress, increases strength and energy. Removes chronic fatigue, soothes and helps you sleep.
  10. Responsible for blood circulation throughout the body, reduces the likelihood of spasms and fragility of blood vessels. Enriches cells with oxygen, improves heart function and cognitive abilities.

Restrictions on use

Each composition has its own list of prohibitions that should not be violated. Peppermint essential oil is not one of the exceptions, so you need to know what restrictions on its use it has.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the product on the sensitive skin area near the eyes. The epidermis in this area is dehydrated and does not have enough muscle. The oil will cause irritation.
  2. If you have been identified allergic runny nose, you should stop using peppermint oil. Otherwise, the ether may cause bronchospasms or difficulty breathing.
  3. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult a doctor before using the product in question. Contraindications cannot be excluded.
  4. If you cannot stand the aroma of menthol, you should not use this composition for any purpose. Also prohibited for use by children under seven years of age.

Essential oils are useful for rejuvenation; most often, mint extract is added to masks for the face and scalp. The composition heals various problems, including inflammatory processes and fungus.

For face

  1. Peppermint ether is widely used to relieve irritation, heal microcracks, and dry out acne. For this purpose, it must be mixed with lavender ether, maintaining a ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting product lubricates the skin locally.
  2. The composition also helps relieve itching after insect bites, cure burns from contact with poisonous plants. To help fight psoriasis and eczema, dermatitis, and comedones, mint ether is combined with citrus oil in the same amount. The skin is treated with the product locally.
  3. The main value of this type of oil lies in its ability to increase the protective barrier of the epidermis. After use, an invisible film remains on the skin, which prevents the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the lower layers of the dermis and protects the face from wind, frost, and poor ecology.
  4. Apply ether with great benefit in the presence of spider veins And early stages acne. The difference between this ester and the others is that it does not clog pores and sebaceous ducts. Therefore, sebum production is normalized and shine disappears.
  5. To saturate your usual facial cosmetics with antiseptic and rejuvenating properties, 50 g. cream or lotion, just add 1 drop of ether.
  6. If for unknown reasons you cannot use tea tree ether, it is replaced with peppermint oil. The ether is combined with a couple of drops of tocopherol in ampoules, then rubbed over problem areas of the face.

For hair

  1. Peppermint essential oil is widely used in medical applications. The oil has good antispasmodic and analgesic properties. The product relieves muscle spasms and painful sensations. Ether oil is often prescribed to patients for treatment pain syndromes of various nature.
  2. In addition to the described properties, ether copes well with severe headaches. To cope with the problem, you should combine 25 ml. base oil with 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and begin to rub the composition into the temple area with massaging movements.
  3. To cope with cold symptoms and significantly alleviate the patient’s condition, you should use simple recipe. Body temperature will also decrease. To combat fever, mix warm peppermint oil (3 drops) and 30 ml in a suitable cup. coconut Rub the prepared product onto your feet, neck and legs.
  4. It is also worth noting that the product, prepared from equal parts of oils, perfectly fights inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and effectively eliminate toothache. Swelling on the gums disappears. Rub the composition into the oral mucosa.
  5. Regular use of ether will help eliminate spasms in the large intestine. As a result, indigestion goes away and the symptoms of bloating go away. To cope with the problem, dilute it in 230 ml. water at room temperature 1 drop of mint oil. Take the drink 20 minutes before your meal.
  6. To get rid of bad breath, you should prepare a similar solution. Only the amount of ether needs to be increased to 3 drops. Rinse your mouth with the solution after waking up and before going to bed.
  7. The product performed well in the fight against fears, increased anxiety and nervousness. To improve a person’s psycho-emotional background, it is enough to fill the aroma pendant with peppermint ether and wear the jewelry daily. An oil-soaked handkerchief is an alternative. Inhale the aroma regularly.
  8. As mentioned earlier, the product is great at helping to quickly overcome colds, as well as cough. It is recommended to add the oil to baths, make inhalations and all kinds of compresses based on it.
  9. The oil is most beneficial for nausea. The composition helps to recover faster after an injury surgery and chemotherapy. To do this, just add 2 drops of ether into a glass of water. Take the drink twice a day. The oil can also be rubbed into the area behind the ear. This move helps fight nausea.

Peppermint essential oil in aromatherapy

  1. Systematic use of mint product in aroma pendants and aroma lamps helps fight appetite. This way you won’t have another desire to have something to eat. As an alternative, it is recommended to rub the oil on your wrists.
  2. Aromatherapy is considered an excellent remedy in the prevention and treatment of various viral diseases. The pleasant aroma effectively cleanses the airways and reduces sore throat. The oil performed well in bronchial asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis.
  3. Regular inhalation of mint essential oil will help relieve nervous tension after a hard day at work. The psycho-emotional background of a person noticeably strengthens. You become more stress-resistant and calm, regardless of the situation. Wear an aroma pendant.

Peppermint essential oil has unique qualities and a pleasant aroma. The oil performed well in various areas. At correct use composition can achieve the desired results. Pleasant aroma and unique composition allow a person to normalize mental and physical health.

Video: mint essential oil

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