Kandyk honey - beneficial properties. Description of the wonderful kandyk plant and the honey collected from it by bees

Have you ever heard of honey with the strange name “kandyk”? This is a rare variety of tasty and aromatic white honey. He is going with beautiful flowers perennial plant kandyk (listed in the Red Book), which blooms in early spring in mixed and coniferous forests of Altai and Siberia.

This perennial herbaceous plant from the bulbous family is designed in such a way that in the rain the petals cover the pollen from getting wet, and after frost, which often happens in April-May (flowering period) in these parts, the flower leaves again and blooms again. This helps, even in unfavorable weather, to preserve a large amount of nectar and pollen during flowering.

  • The taste of this honey is original and pleasant, persistent and spicy, sweet with a unique aftertaste. Surprising with an unusual combination of flavors.
  • The rich and refined aroma, inherent in all varieties of honey from Altai and Siberia, can delight even a sophisticated honey connoisseur.
  • Initially, honey has a dark and rich shade (similar in color to buckwheat honey, but brighter and lighter). During crystallization, honey gradually brightens, and crystals the color of baked milk are formed. With frequent stirring at the very beginning of crystallization, kandyk honey becomes creamy and white.
  • Fresh honey is quite thick and viscous. The structure is grainy.
  • Kandyk honey thickens quickly, turning into a mass of lighter shades, reminiscent of halva in consistency, which can be cut with a knife.
  • This is early spring honey, which has unique beneficial properties.
  • This is the rarest type of honey, quite expensive due to the limited growing area and short period honey plant blossoms. Rarely found on the open market.

Read also: Black honey – does it exist in nature?

Kandyk honey - a natural medicine

Honey collected by bees from kandyk is rich in minerals, vitamins and many other useful substances. By consuming honey regularly, you can avoid many health problems and even have an impact on some diseases.

The flowers, tubers and stems of the plant from whose flowers the bees collect this honey contain special biological active substances, which have long been used for colic and epilepsy, for impotence, to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and normalize metabolism, as a diaphoretic.

The healing properties of the plant passed into the honey collected from its flowers and made it natural natural medicine with a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Kandyk's honey folk medicine apply:

  • For liver problems. Beekeepers claim that regular consumption of this type of honey helps cure many liver diseases. Honey cleanses bile ducts, restores damaged tissue due to any diseases (hepatitis), after long-term use medications (especially antibiotics), poisoning, chemotherapy, removes toxins.
  • At complex treatment stomach diseases. Constant consumption of honey collected by bees from a taiga flower improves the functioning of the digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract.
  • For pancreatitis and problems with the pancreas.
  • For sexual disorders (male and female diseases).
  • For epilepsy and work disorders nervous system, for depression and insomnia.
  • For colds, fever, as a diaphoretic, expectorant.
  • To strengthen the immune system, rejuvenate the body, to improve lactation in nursing mothers, as an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

In terms of its beneficial properties, this sweetness is a real storehouse of health.

Kandyk is a rare flower that is listed in the Red Book. Its other name is erythronium. There are about 25 species of this plant, but the honey produced from them is similar in properties. The most famous varieties:

  • Sayan;
  • Siberian;
  • Caucasian.
  • helps with pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas;
  • treats colds;
  • relieves insomnia and stress;
  • restores liver health;
  • relieves problems with potency;
  • normalizes the functioning of the bile ducts;
  • helps cure diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • improves well-being after poisoning and removes toxic substances.

Kandyk displays excess liquid from the body. For swelling and during a diet, it is useful to eat a couple of spoons of this product per day.

Erythronium honey is used in cosmetology. It helps get rid of acne and make your skin color healthy. You can make lotion at home, and some people even manage to make cream with this honey.

Kandyk honey contains special substances that have long been used for colic and epilepsy. The diaphoretic properties of honey are valuable in the treatment of seasonal colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A cup of tea with a spoon of honey gently reduces the temperature and removes headache. The anti-inflammatory properties of the product help to quickly cure acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Honey relieves many diseases gastrointestinal tract, but before actively using it, you should consult a doctor.

At severe cough Honey is used both internally and externally. It is used to make compresses on the chest, which improve blood circulation and promote expectoration of mucus.


Like any other similar product, kandyk honey has pronounced medicinal properties. Excessive use Honey can lead to weakness and drowsiness, and also provoke allergies. When consumed in moderation, kandyk and products based on it are not harmful to health.


Honey from the kandyk plant should not be eaten by people who are allergic to bee products. To make sure there is no allergy, you can apply a drop of honey externally and monitor the skin reaction.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women can eat honey in small quantities if there is no allergy or individual intolerance. Many women treat colds with honey when they are pregnant. This folk remedy helps to avoid taking drugs that are harmful to the child.

Doctors have different opinions about whether breastfeeding women can take “kandyk” - honey. The beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of this product raise several questions. On the one hand, honey is useful and causes an influx breast milk, and on the other hand, it is a powerful allergen. Most people believe that they can try eating honey in small quantities if the child's immediate family does not have allergies.

Composition (vitamins and microelements)

Kandyk honey contains:

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • enzymes.

It contains more vitamin Ah, than in red meat. One hundred grams of honey of this variety contain 330 kcal.

Vitamin Amount of mg per 100 g Main function
  • enzyme synthesis;
  • nervous system health;
  • supplying the brain with nutrients;
  • normal operation digestive system;
  • heart and muscle health.
B2 0,2
B9 0,03
B6 0,025
PP 0,2 – 0,4
  • prevention of pellagra;
  • nervous system support;
  • skin health.
C 43
  • increasing immunity;
  • improving blood quality;
  • resistance to stress and prevention of neurosis.
H 0,0003
  • regulation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • collagen synthesis;
  • strengthening hair and skin.
  • 0,6 – 0,7
  • protection cell membranes from oxidation;
  • protein synthesis;
  • nervous system health.

How to cook

Honey does not require additional processing. It can be eaten alone, combined with certain foods, or dissolved in medicinal or simply delicious drinks.


Kandyk honey is stored exactly like other types of honey. The temperature in the storage area should not be negative or too high - in such conditions honey loses normal structure. Among the dishes, you should give preference to glass or ceramic containers that close tightly. In order not to take out a large jar often and not to introduce dust into it, you can put a small amount in a small container for regular use.

How to choose

Kandyk begins to bloom in mid-April, so honey from this plant can be purchased earlier than other types. The price of the product is quite high because kandyk is rare. The cost starts from approximately 650 rubles per 1 kg of product. If the price of such honey does not exceed the cost of other varieties, then the product is of low quality - it has been counterfeited or diluted.

Fresh honey has amber and a viscous consistency, but after 1 - 2 months it begins to change consistency. Crystallized honey is usually sold.

Characteristics of “kandyk” honey, which can be found on sale:

  • white, pale pink or purple;
  • floral aroma with spicy and waxy undertones;
  • sweet taste with a long aftertaste;
  • dense consistency, like softened butter.

This type of honey may contain grains the color of baked milk. This does not indicate violations of its storage. Sometimes the product is subjected to special treatment, after which it acquires an airy texture. This cooking option does not worsen beneficial features Kandyka honey.

What goes with it?

Kandyk honey goes well with:

  • baking;

Due to the high price and large quantity For its medicinal properties, honey is more often used as part of medicines than separately. In medications it is combined with:

  • herbal decoctions and infusions;
  • milk and yolk (for preparing a cough remedy);
  • water and vodka (for making lotions);
  • flour and vegetable oil(to make a compress).

Honey from the “kandyk” plant is rare, but very useful product. The range of its beneficial properties allows this type of honey to be used for medicinal purposes.

Kandyk honey is a rare variety delicious product beekeeping. It deserves attention due to its unique qualities and useful composition.

Characteristics of the variety

This honey variety is collected from flowers called kandyk, which is why it has the same name. Scientific name its erythronium. Honey plant is a perennial herbaceous plants from the order Bulbaceae. Its flowering stage occurs in early spring and lasts a short time - only from April to May. You can meet honey plants in mixed and coniferous forests of Siberia and Altai. The plant is found in small quantities in the Caucasus region and in the regions of Kazakhstan.

The flower is listed in the Red Book and is considered endangered, which is why kandyk honey is found on sale less and less often.


According to the place where the honey plant grows, kandyk honey is conventionally divided:

  • Siberian - grows in the mountains of Altai, the honey plant is distinguished by white inflorescences with a faint pink tint, flowering duration is 2 weeks,
  • Sayan - it can be seen in the western Sayan, it blooms in purple-pink color,
  • Caucasian - grows in alpine meadows, the plant has flowers for 3 weeks.

The kandyk plant itself has medicinal properties and its vegetative parts containing biologically active substances are used in folk medicine to treat pancreatitis, epileptic seizures, as well as for cosmetic purposes against hair loss.


Initially, the color of kandyk honey is dark, but during the process of crystallization it lightens and finally turns into white with a slight tint of baked milk. The fresh product is quite viscous and thick, with a granular structure. It thickens and crystallizes quite quickly. As a result, it comes to a consistency comparable to halva, which can be cut with a knife.

It contains:

  • easily digestible carbohydrates,
  • fructose,
  • glucose.

Kandyk honey is also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. There is iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper and calcium, vitamins C, E and K, as well as group B. Bees can collect up to 1.35 mg of sweet nectar from one inflorescence.

It has a rich spicy taste and exquisite aroma, with a long sweet aftertaste. Such qualities are characteristic of many beekeeping products from Altai and Siberian herbs, and this variety is no exception.

Defining naturalness

According to their own external signs fresh, recently collected kandyk honey can easily be confused with buckwheat honey, so you should not focus on its shade, especially before it has completely crystallized. Only after it has completely thickened, when it becomes milky in color and acquires a granular structure, can we say with certainty that this is the same variety. You can also determine its naturalness by the specific aroma that the kandyk plant itself has. It is worth considering that rare honey is almost impossible to find in places where honey plants do not grow, so the naturalness of the bee product sold in places where it is not produced will raise doubts.

Indications and contraindications

Due to its beneficial properties, honey has a number of indications for its use, but there are also contraindications in which bee product may harm the body.

Treatment with honey

A honey plant by its nature is medicine, therefore honey from kandyk also has medicinal properties.

  • This is a good stimulant for our immunity, which, when regular use increases the body's resistance to colds and viral infections.
  • Including taiga honey in the diet helps with the complex treatment of the digestive system, including the stomach and intestinal tract. This is an indispensable source of medicinal properties, which is recommended for pancreatitis and disorders of the pancreas, ulcers and gastritis.
  • This variety promotes cleansing biliary tract and restoration of damaged as a result complex diseases liver areas. It is able to remove toxins and regulate liver function if taken after the use of antibiotics, chemotherapy, or poisoning of varying complexity.
  • Doctors have noted the positive effect of honey on men's health. The stronger half of the population uses it as a means of increasing potency.
  • It is also an excellent sedative that helps with depressive states, neutralizing insomnia and improving general state nervous system.
  • Masks and lotions made with honey help cleanse and nourish the skin. In addition, such procedures also have an antiseptic effect, providing long-term protection. skin from bacterial infections.


The main contraindications to consuming honey are related to individual intolerance to bee products and pollen. The tendency to have an allergic reaction can really harm the body. In other cases, it is important not to exceed the recommended norms, which are about 30-50g per day.

Rules of application

The unique properties of honey will be beneficial when taken correctly.


For the purpose of prevention and stimulation immune system It is recommended to consume no more than 1 small spoon per day.

For digestion

Remove if desired inflammatory processes in the digestive organs, the consumption rate is 1 dessert spoon per day.

Against colds

During illness with colds and viral diseases, against increased cough and fever, it is recommended to use honey externally, making compresses with it. It will also be useful indoor application if done with it healthy decoctions, adding to them egg yolk with milk. This mixture, drunk at night, will ensure healthy sleep.

For weight loss

Nutritionists believe that this varietal variety of taiga honey, which contains a complete vitamin and mineral composition, is suitable for dietary purposes. Those wishing to lose weight are recommended to take a couple of small spoons on an empty stomach. morning hours and the same amount in the evening before bed.

  • Light. Do not store honey in direct sunlight. A darkened room will be more favorable for him.
  • Humidity. The optimal humidity percentage for storing honey varieties is 60 points.
  • Even the ancient Greeks sang useful qualities honey, believing that honey is ambrosia - the food of the gods. One type of honey will be discussed further.

    Kandyk honey - what is it, beneficial properties

    Except their own taste qualities and its pleasant aroma, honey has a positive effect on human health. One of the rarest and useful species, is honey kandyk. Its name comes from the flower pollen from which this type of product is obtained.

    This flower grows in remote areas of the Siberian and Altai tundra. These regions of Siberia are located far from big cities and retain their pristine purity. Therefore, the pollen of the kandyk flower has unique characteristics that saturate the beekeeping product itself. It should be noted that due to pathogenic influence forest areas are shrinking, and the places where the plant germinates disappear, which leads to the extinction of the kandyk. Therefore, this variety is valued more and more every year.

    The flowering period of kandyk occurs in early spring, when the ground is still susceptible to frost. But due to its structure, the pollen on the flower remains, even during frost, and the flower can bloom again after freezing. Kandyk is a perennial plant with a bulbous root system.

    What you need to know about kandyk honey? Distinctive features

    The kandyka flower variety has a number of unique properties, it helps treat chronic pathologies and is an excellent preventative.

    Characteristics of kandyk Siberian honey, medicinal properties


    Depending on the place of collection, it has different color inclusions from light pink lilac to dark rich shades with purple and lilac tints. The color of the fresh product is rich, intense with bright tints.


    Delicious, sweet, floral, tender, not cloying, but rich.


    It has a special spicy aroma with a “waxy” tint. Strong, lasting aroma.


    The structure of the freshly harvested product is granular, viscous and thick. Crystallized Adam's apple honey changes not only its structure, but also its color palette. The colors become cloudy, lose their brightness, and it becomes a dark cream shade with a characteristic yellowness. During initial crystallization, it can be stirred, then its consistency turns creamy, and the color when described becomes white with delicate creamy shades. If you do not mix the product, then after crystallization it becomes similar in consistency to halva, with the same characteristic granular surface. Thick enough to cut with a knife. Due to the fact that kandyk has a very short flowering period, as well as its unique geographical area of ​​growth, honey from this flower is rare, and it is not often found on open sale.


    The spring flowering of kandyk contributes to the fact that a large number of useful substances are formed in its nectar, such as:

    • vitamins of groups B1, B2, B6, B9, C, H, E and PP;
    • amino acids;
    • fructose and glucose, its coefficient is 75% of the total composition;
    • useful mineral elements and enzymes - calcium, zinc, manganese, iodine and copper.

    Calorie content of kandyk honey

    It is important to know that when treating diseases, the dosage is different. One-time use of kandyk honey is not enough. For a positive effect, you need to undergo a course of treatment, which can be prescribed to you by a medical professional competent in this matter.

    Treatment of diseases

    Kandyk honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in the article, is used as a preventive vitamin natural remedy in the off-season, when the body especially requires nutrients and minerals. The average dosage is 1 teaspoon. The product is best taken at night, before bed.


    Doctors say that a teaspoon of honey before bed improves the process of falling asleep and promotes a healthy night's sleep and easy awakening.

    Kandyk honey: beneficial properties and contraindications. Indications

    Kandyk honey is indicated:

    • for any form of hepatitis, due to the beneficial substances in the product, it has a beneficial effect on the weakened body of the patient, restores tissue of the damaged liver;
    • at various diseases genitourinary system;
    • for impotence, acts as erythronium;
    • useful for diseases of the intestinal tract, gastritis, calms the microflora of the stomach and normalizes digestive processes;
    • Can be used after a course of chemotherapy as a restorative, healing drug;
    • honey is indicated for patients with problems with the pancreas, pancreatitis;
    • for poisoning, as it has an antitoxic effect. It is useful to take after a course of antibiotics to restore the mineral balance of the body;
    • has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is recommended to drink it during infectious diseases;
    • for various respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, at wet cough, helps remove mucus;
    • due to the large amount of iron, kandyk honey is useful for people with a weakened nervous system;
    • in addition, it acts as a sleeping pill, calms and normalizes the body’s functioning after stressful situations;
    • widely used as cosmetic product, affects the skin with acne, as it has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect;
    • rejuvenates tissues and prevents the epidermis from early aging, gives the skin elasticity and saturates with moisture;
    • affects the hair, nourishes the hair follicle and gives shine and strength to the hair.

    Kandyk honey - medicinal properties, how to take

    1. Kandyk honey is taken for infectious diseases, flu and colds. For one glass of warm milk, 1 teaspoon of honey, beat an egg into the liquid. Don't forget that the milk should be warm.
    2. If you are obese, you should consume it regularly twice a day before eating. You can also stir it in a glass warm water and drink in the morning and evening before bed.
    3. For diseases of the digestive tract, gastritis, you need to take one teaspoon.
    4. It works as an antioxidant if you drink it with water every day. Similar procedure Helps relieve redness and rashes on the face.

    Clinical contraindications

    There are not many contraindications for this type of medicinal treat; the main ones relate to allergic reactions, as well as the patient’s individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

    Beauty Recipes

    Face masks

    1. For acne and acne

    The mask is prepared using lemon juice and honey. Mix lemon juice and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio, and also add lemon pulp. Apply the resulting mixture to a cleansed, steamed face. This type The mask also helps fight blackheads and has a healing effect.

    1. Nourishing mask for face

    By adding one egg to a teaspoon of honey, you get a mask with a rejuvenating, nourishing effect that can be applied to the neck and forearm.


    If you add only protein to honey, then this mask is perfect for oily skin.

    1. Whitening effect

    The whitening mask is made from lemon parsley and cottage cheese. Grind the washed parsley and lemon in a blender, add a teaspoon of cottage cheese and the same amount of honey. Apply to cleansed skin. The mask also gives tone to the skin and nourishes it.

    Hair masks

    For hair, a mask based on eggs (yolk), honey and alcohol is best.

    Mix these ingredients depending on the volume of your hair. Approximately 1 egg, one spoon of honey and a teaspoon of alcohol (cognac can be used). Apply this mixture to your head, thoroughly massaging the hair roots. The mask helps normalize blood circulation, which promotes hair growth, the egg strengthens the structure, and honey saturates it with useful substances.

    Honey for the body

    As for the face, kandyk masks will be beneficial for the body using various substances. One of the most nourishing beneficial masks for the body is a scrub mask.

    It is made from coffee. The remaining coffee grounds are drained and mixed with honey, and then applied to the body, massage movements. The scrub exfoliates dead epidermis and saturates the skin with elements.


    Storage conditions

    It is important to know how to store this product. Otherwise, it will lose its unique features and lose medicinal qualities. Before the product crystallizes, it is stored in a relatively warm temperature conditions from 15 to 20 degrees. After crystallization, it must be transferred to a colder room with a temperature of up to 10 degrees so that it does not lose its properties.

    It is important to know!

    After crystallization, it is not recommended to heat the product, especially bring it to a boil, since at temperatures above 40 degrees, everything useful material evaporate.

    Hitting the bright ones sun rays, also has a detrimental effect on quality. Best stored in dark place, with air humidity 60%.

    How to identify real kandyk honey?

    Due to the fact that kandyk honey is a unique and expensive product, adulteration of this type of honey often occurs. Kandyk honey - how to determine naturalness? You can do this as follows.

    Determined by external signs

    An inexperienced consumer of this species may confuse it with buckwheat, since they are very similar in color, but it should be remembered that the kandyk variety has its own floral aroma, distinguishable from buckwheat. Also in candied form, this variety has a characteristic granular structure and a unique baked milk color, which will help distinguish its authenticity.

    Kandyk - Siberian honey, and it is best to buy it in those areas where the flower itself grows. If this is not possible, it is better to purchase honey from trusted beekeepers.

    To always be healthy and feel a charge of energy and positive mood. It is enough to take kandyka honey, it the best remedy in dealing with everyday stress and environmental impact on your body.

    08.12.2016 1

    Kandyk honey is a rare variety of tasty and healing honey. Let us consider in detail what kandyk honey is, its beneficial properties and contraindications.

    Features of the plant

    Kandyk or erythronium is perennial plant bulbous family. Long years honey is considered healing agent, and not just delicious sweetness. When choosing honey as a medicine, many are interested not only in the taste, but also in the place of collection, on which the beneficial properties of the product depend.

    For this honey, bees collect nectar from Erythroniums. Currently, many varieties of this plant are in the Red Book. Kandyk can be found only near the mountains, in various forests of the Caucasus, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Altai. Can also be found in Manchuria and Japan.

    Erythroniums are 15–30 cm in length, some varieties reach 60 cm. The bulb has the shape of a small carrot. Near the peduncle there are two lanceolate leaves. The flowers have six petals that bend outward. They come in white, lilac, purple or yellow color. In the middle of the flower there are six large stamens containing pollen. When it rains, the petals close to prevent water from getting on the pollen.

    Types of Erythronium

    The most common types of erythronium are:

    • Kandyk Caucasian - grows on alpine lawns, has spotted leaves lying on the ground, the flowering period is 21 days;
    • Sayan - grows in Western Sayan, kandyk has green or brown leaves, with green spots, a flower with purple-pink leaves;
    • Siberian kandyk - grows in the Altai mountains, has white or pink petals, leaves are green, with a beautiful reddish pattern, the flowering period is up to 14 days;
    • American commonweed - can be found in moist forests in the eastern and central regions of the USA and Canada, grows in the mountains at an altitude of 1500 m. It has leaves with brownish spots, yellow petals, sometimes with a purple tint.

    Characteristics of bee product from kandyk

    The plant blooms for up to one month, starting at the end of April. Kandyk nectar contains fructose, glucose, vitamin E, minerals, enzymes, acids and other beneficial substances. Bees collect 1.35 mg of nectar from one flower.

    Fresh liquid bee product is usually dark in color. After hardening, it becomes lighter, with a hint of baked milk. Kandyk honey has a grainy structure, a rather pleasant aroma and an original taste, similar to a spicy-essential mixture. It leaves an extraordinary aftertaste in your mouth.

    Beneficial features

    The main medicinal properties of kandyk honey are:

    1. It has a beneficial effect on the liver better than other varieties. Honey effectively cleanses this important organ, over time, reproduces destroyed tissues, hepatocytes, this is very important for people who have suffered hepatitis, chemotherapy, and various poisonings.
    2. Kandyk honey removes harmful substances from the body and saturates it with vitamins.
    3. This honey is recommended for pancreatitis, as the product improves the functioning of the pancreas.
    4. The bee product has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and is recommended for duodenal ulcers.
    5. Honey is useful for colds, treats coughs, and has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and bactericidal properties. You can use the following recipe for colds and coughs: 200 ml of warm milk, raw yolk and a small spoon of bee product.
    6. The product has a beneficial effect on the heart, nervous and reproductive systems.
    7. Useful for pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
    8. Just one spoon of honey a day can boost immunity and help you cope with many diseases, stress and insomnia.
    9. Lotion based on kandyk honey has a rejuvenating effect, the skin tightens and takes on a healthy appearance.
    10. Bee product from kandyk also helps to lose weight. It has a fat-burning effect, since honey improves metabolism and removes excess fluid. To lose weight, you need to take 2 small spoons a day. One should be eaten in the morning, on an empty stomach, and the other before bed. To enhance the effect, you should dissolve honey in 200 ml of warm water. You can also add 2 tsp to the solution. lemon juice or 1 tsp. cinnamon.


    Like any other product, kandyk honey has contraindications for use. This product should not be used by people with individual intolerance to honey. It can be caused by an allergy to elements contained in the plant's bulbs.

    Patients should also be careful diabetes mellitus during the period of exacerbation. This variety is useful for breastfeeding, but you need to monitor the baby’s condition. You should not take multivitamins and honey at the same time, otherwise hypervitaminosis may occur.

    A positive effect can only be obtained by using a natural product.

    How to choose?

    Before purchasing a bee product from kandyk, it is recommended to find out the characteristics natural honey and check its authenticity.

    The actual product should smell a little like wax. Candied honey should be the color of baked milk, without visible additives. The grains in the candied product prove its naturalness.

    Honey should taste spicy, it can't just be sweet. You should rub a little bee product with your fingers. The real thing won't leave lumps. The peculiarity of such a useful and rare honey is high cost. Therefore, a cheap product should alert you. Only proven, high-quality honey will bring invaluable benefits.

    How to take the product?

    Thanks to its special taste, healing and dietary properties, bee product from kandyk can be used in in different forms. For prevention purposes various diseases You can take 1 small spoon per day. To lose weight, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and relieve inflammation, you should eat a tablespoon every day.

    This honey is used to prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions, and for coughs and colds, make honey compresses. For respiratory diseases, you can mix the bee product with milk and yolk. If you eat honey at night, it will act as a sedative and relieve insomnia.

    This type of product is used in cosmetology to cleanse, rejuvenate and nourish the skin. To prepare lotion, you need to mix a liter clean water and half a glass of honey. It will moisturize and protect the skin from various infections.

    To treat diseases, you should consult a doctor before using kandyk honey.

    Video: erythronium or kandyk.

    Planting and caring for the plant

    Kandyk can be planted in your own area; to do this, you need to know the rules for planting and caring for it. The place should be chosen in partial shade. It is necessary to prepare the ground. 60 days before planting, you need to add 2 buckets of humus, 150 g of superphosphate, 300 g bone meal, 30 g of potassium nitrate per 1 m2 and dig to a depth of 40 cm. Kandyk grows in one place for 6-7 years.

    Erythroniums love fertilizers. In the spring, when there is still snow, granular fertilizers should be introduced: potassium nitrate and superphosphate. Then, after the snow melts, you need to feed it again with complex fertilizer. And after 8 days, feed again with complex fertilizer with calcium nitrate. It is necessary to water only in May, in the summer only when there is a long absence of rain. The soil should be loosened after fertilizing and watering.

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