Flatulence. Causes, diagnosis of causes and treatment of pathology. How to cure flatulence with medications

The appearance of signs of flatulence cannot be confused with anything. A painful feeling of fullness in the stomach puts a person in an awkward position and causes an irresistible desire to retire. But this does not always quickly lead to relief. An unpleasant symptom can act as a companion quite serious illnesses up to cancer.

IN in good condition intestinal loops occupy the volume determined by nature. They are closely "packed" into abdominal cavity, and the degree of their freedom is very small, otherwise we would constantly feel the movement of our intestines.

An unpleasant feeling and even severe pain when gases accumulate, it causes excess pressure in the intestinal lumen, which lasts quite a long time. The structure of the intestines is such that gases need to travel a long, winding path before they find their way out. Pressure can cause severe spasms, as it changes the volume and shape of the intestines, “forcing” it to be in an unnatural, “non-physiological” position. Special interoreceptors, which are densely dotted inside the intestine, react to this by sending signals that the central nervous system transforms into painful sensations of different intensity.

Since the intestines contain a certain amount of mucus, tiny gas bubbles fill it too, turning it into a foam-like substance. Enveloping the intestinal walls, foam prevents intestinal digestion, synthesis of the set useful substances and even a number of vitamins, and the excretory function of the intestinal wall (the so-called reabsorption of water, salts and cholesterol).

Causes of bloating

The main suppliers of gases are putrefactive and (or) fermentation processes in the stomach and intestines. As a rule, they are caused by the retention of carbohydrate-containing food, which acts nutrient medium for the activity of microorganisms in a closed volume of the colon. The causes of stagnation are:

  • a large amount of food eaten at one time;
  • defects or deformations of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract that impede its progress;
  • violations nervous regulation work digestive system(due to anesthesia, other disorders of the autonomic nervous system);
  • low human mobility, often leading to fatal consequences, especially common in bedridden patients;
  • prolonged stress, neuroses;
  • deficiency of digestive juices (gastric, pancreatic, bile).

The stomach is a kind of digestive tuning fork, setting the “tone” of all digestive processes, and gastric juice- the main catalyst of all digestive enzymes. Without adequate preparation of food in the stomach, normal absorption of nutrients in both the small and large intestines is impossible, which is why fluctuations in acidity are so important.

Symptoms of severe flatulence

A large accumulation of gases, in addition to sharp cutting pains V different parts peritoneum (so-called colic), not only inhibits the forward movement of the food mass, but also leads to its compaction due to increased (reverse) absorption of liquid. So are the complications associated with it. These are, as a rule, hemorrhoids and intoxication of the body (headaches, unmotivated weakness, loss of appetite and weight). According to principle feedback dense fecal masses require greater muscle effort for evacuation. Thus, the cause and effect of the problem are reversed.

Severe flatulence increases intra-abdominal pressure, creating additional stress on all abdominal organs. Supporting the stomach from below, intestinal gases can provoke heartburn, belching with bitter or putrid taste, disrupt the flow of bile.

Large clusters intestinal gases can restrict the movement of the diaphragm and lungs and affect the functioning of the heart, causing shortness of breath and chest pain.

Forms of excess gas formation

Depending on the form " expressive means"flatulence is divided into:

  1. nutritional associated with an unbalanced diet, abuse of carbohydrates, swallowing air;
  2. mechanical, in case of disruption of the forward movement of food along the gastrointestinal tract (due to adhesions, tumors, scars, bulky fecal stones);
  3. dynamic associated with prolonged spasm of intestinal areas;
  4. atonic(the antipode of dynamic), which is caused by excessive relaxation of the muscle layer of the intestine;
  5. psychogenic arising due to prolonged stressful situations;
  6. enzymatic associated with a lack or untimely release of digestive juices;
  7. dysbiotic, when the composition of the bacterial flora changes or;
  8. circulatory, when the blood supply to the intestines is disrupted, provoking the loss of some of their functions and the occurrence of inflammatory foci.

None of the above forms are found in pure form. As a rule, flatulence in a particular person is a combination of some of them, and the classification is given to give an idea of ​​the variety of its organic causes.

Treatment of flatulence

When talking about the treatment of flatulence, we need to understand whether it is a consequence of temporary disturbances in intestinal function associated with food intake, or a symptom of a specific disease. The doctor's task is to identify this disease.

Severe flatulence, which has become prolonged, requires a systemic examination. Based on its results, the doctor determines a treatment regimen. During the patient interview and examination, the doctor finds out the following aspects:

  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • what is the ability of the intestines to absorb lactase, gluten, is there any intolerance to any food group, the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • what is the level of secretion of the digestive glands, the condition of the mucous membranes;
  • what is the patient’s diet and lifestyle;
  • reveals associated symptoms, which are key to making a correct diagnosis.

Treatment of flatulence is always complex and is carried out taking into account possible contraindications.

Drug treatment

Situational help with flatulence can be provided by espumizan, the safest and effective drug, shown even to infants. It “collapses” gas bubbles embedded in the intestinal mucus and promotes their rapid and reliable elimination. Bobotik and disflatil have the same effect.

Preventing the absorption of toxins accumulated in the intestinal lumen. Enterosgel is a worthy alternative.

No-spa (or its analogues such as drotaverine) is an affordable and reliable antispasmodic. It is prescribed for sharp cramping pain, since only it does not distort clinical picture for possible complications.

Combined agents, such as meteospasmil, pancreoflat, include the necessary enzymes, and Linex helps normalize the intestinal bacterial flora.


In case the reason severe flatulence is enzyme deficiency, diet takes on special importance. Its gentle nature lies in the fact that food is prepared in a way that makes it as easy as possible for its absorption and rapid evacuation from the intestines. The temperature of the food should be comparable to body temperature.

Approximate composition of the daily diet:

  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • viscous cereal porridge;
  • first course in the form of puree soup with water or diluted broth;
  • boiled or minced meat, fish;
  • tea or coffee with milk.

Consumption of sweets, flour, bread made from high-grade flour, starchy sweet vegetables, fried and fatty foods sharply limit. It is important to completely exclude from the diet foods that are guaranteed to cause flatulence (legumes, radishes, cabbage, beer, kvass and all carbonated drinks).

In the absence of contraindications, plant fiber can be a real salvation for a person suffering from excess gas accumulation. Must be included in the menu bran bread and bran, which should be washed down with plenty of water or added to salads, cereals and all first courses.

Introduced in moderate amount Spices not only add piquancy to food, but also reduce gas formation.

Treatment with folk remedies

The simplest and most proven way to relieve the effects of bloating is to take carminative teas purchased at the pharmacy.

You can prepare them yourself. The most effective in combating flatulence are yarrow, sage and St. John's wort. They are mixed in any combination, 1 tsp each. and steam with a glass of boiling water. The cooled infusion should be filtered and taken 100 ml during the day before meals.

Pharmaceutical chamomile is widely recognized as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. It successfully suppresses putrefactive processes. Its dried flowers can also be brewed as tea at the rate of 1 tbsp. per glass of boiling water or add to any dry mixture of herbs.

Herbal therapy usually includes coriander, fennel or cumin. Essential oils in their composition - effective remedy quickly relieve an attack of pain or severe feeling of fullness.

Note! Essential oils are very unstable, so you should not boil the plant materials in which they are contained, or prepare infusions for future use.

Non-traditional help

A non-drug method of self-help for flatulence is special physical exercise, stimulating abdominal breathing and weak intestinal motility - bending, twisting the body, tucks, as well as self-massage and yoga. Muscle strengthening abdominal wall will not only support the intestines, but also help get rid of the tummy.

Among the little-known methods of treating flatulence are physiotherapy. They consist of painless electrical stimulation of intestinal receptors in order to enhance motility. Such drugs have contraindications and do not affect the main cause of flatulence.

Important! The problem of flatulence is very complex and requires a qualified approach. Unconventional methods Treatments do not work here: only a doctor can assess the degree of risk.

Flatulence is usually called the excessive release of gases formed in the intestines as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms inhabiting it. The condition may also be accompanied by painful bloating, belching, and unpleasant smell from mouth.

Flatulence can be one of the signs of organ diseases digestive tract, and a consequence of unbalanced or excess nutrition.

1. What is flatulence?

Normally, the intestines of a healthy person are inhabited by microorganisms whose function is to digest incoming food.

During this process, gases are continuously formed in the intestine, which partially escape during bowel movements. With flatulence, the volume of gases produced can increase two or three times, which causes bloating, cramping pain and a feeling of heaviness.

In addition, excess gases may be due to the following reasons:

  • swallowing air when hastily chewing food or during a conversation;
  • increased formation of gases in the blood.

2. Causes of flatulence

Factors that can cause this unpleasant condition, enough:

3. What diseases cause flatulence?

Flatulence can annoy an absolutely healthy person who regularly violates their diet. Hasty and insufficient chewing, talking while eating and overeating can cause increased amount gases in the intestines.

A feeling of heaviness in the abdomen is caused by excessive consumption of raw vegetables and fruits, bread and carbonated drinks.

However, such a condition may indicate the development of certain diseases:

4. Diagnostics

If, when switching to more balanced diet unpleasant symptoms did not pass, you should undergo a series of examinations:

  • physical examination;
  • blood analysis;
  • stool analysis;
  • study of the microflora inhabiting the intestines;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • gastroscopy;
  • intestinal endoscopy.

5. Drug treatment

The basic principles of prescribed therapy primarily depend on the cause that caused the excessive discharge of intestinal gases. In addition, medications are prescribed to normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora and prevent increased gas formation:

It should be noted that it is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of flatulence, so it is highly undesirable to take any medications without a doctor’s recommendation.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine offers many recipes to reduce gas formation:

  1. Carrot seeds are taken one dessert spoon three times a day.
  2. One spoon of dill seeds is poured into a liter of water and infused in a water bath for twenty minutes. Then the broth needs to stand for at least three more hours. The tincture is taken one third of a glass three times a day.
  3. A dessert spoon of bitter wormwood is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 12 hours. Take one spoonful of tincture at least three times a day.


When treating flatulence, diet is of great importance. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms bread should be excluded from the diet and raw vegetables . It is recommended to limit sweets and baked goods as much as possible.

Eating legumes also causes problems with digestion. Each piece should be chewed thoroughly, without being distracted by conversations.

You should drink at least two liters per day clean water(coffee and tea will only increase gas formation). It is advisable to completely eliminate alcohol and carbonated drinks from the daily diet.

6. Prevention

  • give preference to active recreation;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • do not wear clothes that compress the waist;
  • drink enough fluids daily;
  • forget about the habit of eating in a hurry;
  • limit food intake, rich in carbohydrates.

7. Forecast

In most cases, diseases that cause flatulence do not pose a great danger to health. Timely therapy and compliance with the rules recommended by the doctor will help to establish the full functioning of the intestines.

When hearing the word flatulence, many people experience psychological discomfort and some kind of inconvenience. This phenomenon is very common among the population today, because the modern pace of life, eating heavy food, overeating, eating “on the go” are good reasons for increased gas formation and pathological retention of gases in the gastrointestinal tract of people. healthy people.

The human intestine is responsible for carrying out the most complex process digestion of food. The process of decomposition of complex substances into simpler ones is accompanied by the release of gases. In addition, a person periodically swallows air, which first enters the stomach and then into the intestines. Another source of gases is blood.

Accordingly, the formation of gases occurs in everyone, and they leave our body through the rectum. The daily volume of gases is about 600 ml. The specific aroma of intestinal gases is associated with the presence of aromatic compounds in it, namely hydrogen sulfide, indole, skatole, which are a decomposition product of organic compounds.

Flatulence is a pathological formation of gas in a volume of up to 3 liters per day, while the body is not able to utilize and remove the resulting metabolic products in gaseous form.

Intestinal gases are many tiny bubbles in the form of foam, which are shrouded in viscous mucus. This mucous-gas mixture lines the intestinal mucosa with a thin layer, disrupts and complicates parietal digestion, and inhibits natural absorption. nutrients and enzymatic activity.

Causes of flatulence

Increased gas formation in the intestines develops for various reasons.

    Enough common cause The occurrence of such a pathology is a violation of the enzyme system.

The lack of enzymes leads to the fact that in the terminal sections gastrointestinal tract a large amount of undigested food remains penetrates, this leads to the activation of the processes of fermentation and rotting of these remains with the release of gases. The enzyme system of young children is imperfect, so quite often they have problems in the form of flatulence. Similar disorders in adults develop as a result of an unbalanced diet.

    Disturbance of intestinal microflora.

In second place among the causes of flatulence is an imbalance of microflora in the large intestine. Normally, the bulk of the gases produced during digestion are absorbed by intestinal bacteria, since they use these gases in the process of life. If there is an imbalance between microorganisms that provoke the formation of gases and bacteria that absorb them, it leads to the development of flatulence.

    Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity.

In third place among the causes of flatulence is irritation of the intestinal wall due to decreased motor activity Gastrointestinal tract against the background of previous surgical interventions. Surgical interventions almost 100% lead to impaired intestinal motility. Slowing down the natural movement of food masses through the intestines provokes putrefactive and fermentation processes, accordingly increasing gas formation. In addition, when gases accumulate in the intestinal lumen with reduced mobility, they cause paroxysmal pain. The presence of tumors and adhesive processes in the intestines also complicate the movement of food masses, however mechanically. However, this leads to flatulence.

    Gastrointestinal pathologies.

Hepatitis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, gastritis and other diseases may be accompanied by increased gas formation.


The quality of food is also one of the common causes of flatulence in completely healthy people. Among the leaders in the list of provocateurs of increased gas formation are legumes, as well as foods that are rich in coarse fiber. Drinking highly carbonated drinks also leads to the accumulation of excess gases in the intestines. This also includes products whose digestion causes an active fermentation reaction (lamb), as well as liquids that have their own fermentation and enzymatic reaction (beer, kvass).

Slowing intestinal motility and spasm of smooth muscles can occur due to significant emotional overload and nervous disorders, therefore, these reasons can lead to flatulence.

Symptoms and classification of flatulence

The classification of flatulence is based on the causes of its occurrence:

    flatulence that occurs on the background of a diet that is rich in cellulose and when eating legumes;

    flatulence due to digestive disorders that occur with gastrointestinal pathologies;

    increased gas formation due to mechanical disturbances of peristalsis (intoxication, pelvic adhesions, tumors);

    intestinal dysbiosis;

    flatulence when rising to a height, due to an increase in pressure in the intestines and expansion of gases;

    psycho-emotional overload and neuropsychic disorders;

    increased gas formation in circulatory disorders of a local and general nature.

Flatulence is manifested by bloating or cramping and paroxysmal pain. Pain and bloating may be accompanied by belching, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, and nausea.

There are 2 variants of the course of flatulence

In the first case, the main manifestation of flatulence is an increase in the volume of the abdomen against the background of the accumulation of gases and the difficulty of their passage due to spasm of the large intestine. In this case, the person feels a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, pain and discomfort.

In the second option, the passage of gases from the intestines, on the contrary, is increased and regular.

This phenomenon significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life and limits his stay in society. In this case, the pain syndrome is mild; more worrying is the transfusion of intestinal contents, which can be clearly heard even at a distance, and rumbling.

Flatulence is also characterized by the presence of external intestinal symptoms:

  • headache;

    general weakness;

    sleep disorders;

    decreased mood;

    heart rhythm disturbance;

    burning in the region of the heart.

Treatment of flatulence

Treatment of flatulence consists of several successive stages:

    correction of diet, diet;

    treatment of the disease that led to flatulence;

    restoration of intestinal motility with the help of prokinetic drugs (Silancetron, Tegaserod, Metoclopramide);

    correction of intestinal biocenosis by prescribing biological products - “Rioflora Immuno”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Hilak Forte”, “Acilact”;

    removal of gases that have accumulated in the intestines.

Flatulence therapy involves active use adsorbents that can reduce the absorption of gases and other toxic compounds, and also promote the removal of gases (“Filtrum STI”, Activated carbon, “Polysorb”, “Polyphepan”, “Simethicone”, “Dimethicone”, white clay).

When diagnosing a partial or absolute deficiency in the production of digestive enzymes, the process of digesting the main components of food is disrupted. As a substitute or adjuvant therapy in this case apply enzymatic preparations– “Creon”, “Mezim”, “Pancreatin”, natural gastric juice, “Pepsin”.

For decreasing pain syndrome for flatulence, antispasmodics are used (“No-shpa”, “Drotaverine”).

If flatulence occurs due to stress and nervous shock, sedatives and sedatives are prescribed as therapy.

Traditional methods of treating flatulence

Some plants promote the release of gases: a decoction of yarrow, St. John's wort, wormwood, infusions of chamomile flowers, mint leaves, fennel, plantain seeds, coriander, dill, caraway fruits.

Some very unusual methods also help solve the problem:

    coal from poplar chips - burn the chips, and the resulting coals are consumed 3 teaspoons before and after meals;

    warm pork fat or butter carefully and generously lubricate the stomach when acute manifestations pathology.

Also when pathological education heat helps. To do this, apply a heating pad with water to the stomach.

Nutrition for flatulence

Nutrition correction consists of excluding certain foods that are rich in coarse fiber (gooseberries, grapes, cabbage, sorrel), legumes, whole milk and products that differ in fermentation reactions (carbonated water, kvass, beer). Meat should be consumed exclusively in boiled form, bakery products must be made from wheat flour with bran.

You also need to consume only compatible products. For example, eating meat first and then sweet foods causes increased gas formation. At the same time, it is advisable to enrich the diet walnuts, crumbly cereals, boiled fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products. If the formation of gases bothers you on an ongoing basis, you should not use symptomatic treatment and hide this problem. Only a qualified doctor can establish the main cause of flatulence and develop an adequate treatment regimen.

Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines, accompanied by their subsequent copious discharge, is called flatulence. Such dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract causes discomfort, a lot of grief and trouble for an adult. The phenomenon is common in people of all ages and is a symptom indicating pathological changes in organism. The causes and treatment of flatulence in adults are quite varied, so the following information will be of interest to people suffering from such a delicate problem.

Flatulence - what is it?

Release of gases from the body is a natural physiological process of any healthy adult. Accumulated gases leave the rectum through anus unconsciously or voluntarily, with or without odor, during the process of emptying and in addition to it, in an average daily volume of up to half a liter.

With flatulence, the volume of gases in the intestines exceeds the norm by two times, or even more.

The body, not having time to cope with such increased content, supplies alarms and symptoms such as discomfort, a feeling of heaviness and bloating. The subsequent flatulence temporarily relieves unpleasant and painful sensations.


The causes of painful bloating can be divided into two groups. The first is the factors that gave impetus to the appearance of flatulence, largely due to the fault of the people themselves. The second is pathological changes in the body of an adult that require diagnosis and treatment.

The first group of causes of flatulence, implies that a person does not follow the principles healthy eating and abuse harmful products, foods rich in carbohydrates in excess quantities, as well as consumption of food that is incompatible with each other.

Products, causing flatulence, the processes of fermentation and gas formation are as follows:

  • Legumes: peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts, lentils;
  • Vegetables and fruits: garlic, white cabbage, onions, cucumbers, apples, grapes;
  • Drinks: beer, kvass, sweet carbonated lemonades;
  • Flour products: brown bread, butter, yeast baked goods;

A common cause of flatulence, both among children and adults, is the consumption of dairy products with lactose intolerance and hasty eating of food with the ingestion of excess air.

In women, bloating and flatulence may begin after childbirth, displaced before interesting situation The digestive organs, returning to their places and taking the desired shape, can cause some malfunctions.


Constant, disturbing flatulence requires finding out the cause that caused this unpleasant symptom and starting treatment. You can reduce gas formation at home folk remedies, appointed medicines and not the last place in this complex is occupied by special diet for flatulence, which implies the exclusion of provoking foods.

The following points remain important:

  1. Any treatment for flatulence (folk or traditional) should be under the supervision and prescription of a doctor, not only for children but also for adults.
  2. Treatment should be comprehensive and based primarily on in the right way life;
  3. A successful search for the cause of flatulence and the use of the right remedies for treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of the painful pathology.

Drug therapy

Why flatulence happens and occurs is known to many adult patients from personal experience, when overeating, after fun feasts. But if the unpleasant symptoms of the pathology often torment you if you follow proper nutrition, you should be wary and make a visit to the doctor to find out the true cause of excessive accumulation of gases, speedy treatment and recovery.


According to some studies, the adult intestine contains from 200 to 900 ml of intestinal gas, and is released in environment approximately 100–500 ml per day. Favorite places for gas accumulation are the bottom of the stomach (it is located at the top), the right and left bends of the colon.

Flatulence: what is it?

Flatulence is the excessive formation and accumulation of gases in the intestines. This is not an independent pathology, but a symptom of other diseases of the digestive system.

It is customary to talk about flatulence when gas accumulates in excess quantities in the intestines. In this case, up to 3 liters of gas can accumulate in the intestinal loops, and the number of cases of excretion through the rectum can increase to 30 or more times per day (at a normal rate of 14–23 times).

However, flatulence in itself is not separate disease, and the condition that occurs during the most various pathologies digestive organs.

Symptoms of flatulence that can be noticed at home

  • Distension, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Moderate pain.
  • Gas colic (paroxysmal pain in the form of contractions during strong accumulation gases, subsides after they pass).

As a rule, in addition to these symptoms, there are signs of the disease that caused flatulence. In this regard, bloating may be accompanied by:

  • nausea,
  • belching,
  • diarrhea or constipation,
  • loss of appetite,
  • irritability,
  • discomfort, burning sensation in the heart area,
  • headache,
  • arrhythmias,
  • insomnia,
  • general weakness,
  • muscle pain,
  • dyspnea.

Causes of flatulence

  1. When eating foods that are rich in starch or fiber (legumes, cabbage, etc.), as well as milk if you have lactose intolerance.
  2. In case of disruption of food digestion processes: for example, in case of insufficient absorption, malabsorption.
  3. Disruption of normal intestinal flora () due to antibiotic therapy.

Excessive amounts of gas can also accumulate in the case when gas formation itself remains within normal limits, but its movement through the intestines and removal to the outside is disrupted. This condition can occur when various infections when the intestinal muscles are affected by various toxins.

Another variant of flatulence with the usual formation of gases is compression of a loop of intestine by a tumor.

Sometimes intestinal bloating and gas accumulation occur as a result of psychogenic factors, including hysteria.


When we talk about a phenomenon such as flatulence, causes and treatment this state are closely interrelated, so you must first undergo the necessary examination.

It is carried out in typical cases as follows:

  1. First of all, the patient’s complaints are clarified, their nature, duration and characteristics of the course of the disease are clarified.
  2. Next, the diet is analyzed. You may need to keep a food diary for some time, in which you write down everything you eat and drink during the day.
  3. If an enzyme deficiency associated with the development is suspected, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, determination of diastase in the urine, stool analysis (coprogram), etc. are prescribed. If lactose intolerance is suspected, then appropriate tests are performed.
  4. In people over 50 years old, they try to exclude flatulence.

Then, depending on the identified cause, the necessary treatment is prescribed.

Typical diseases accompanied by flatulence

  • Acute intestinal infections.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Postcholecystectomy syndrome (a condition that sometimes develops when the gallbladder is removed).
  • Helminths in the rectum (can make it difficult to pass gas).
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Digestive diseases: colitis, pancreatitis.
  • Neurosis.

Treatment of flatulence

A person suffering from flatulence is prescribed drugs that bind gases in the intestines and remove them, as well as enzymes that improve the digestion process and prevent the formation large quantity gases

When treating, the doctor tries to achieve the following goals:

  1. Direct elimination of flatulence (remove excess gases accumulated in the intestines, eliminate discomfort, pain and other symptoms accompanying bloating).
  2. Find the cause of the swelling and eliminate it (or minimize its impact if complete elimination is not possible).


Avoid fatty, difficult-to-digest foods, legumes, and milk if you are lactose intolerant.

Cleansing enemas and gas tubes

In most typical situations, they help solve the problem of removing excess gas, which in itself leads to improved well-being.


Espumisan, activated carbon, pancreatic enzymes (for example, Creon), Dicetel, Metoclopromide, Cisapride.

If bloating occurs due to the appearance of any - or a mechanical obstacle, then resort to surgery.

The underlying disease that led to flatulence is also treated.

Which doctor should I contact?

At constant bloating stomach, you should contact a gastroenterologist. When found intestinal infection or helminths, the patient is referred to an infectious disease specialist. If bloating is associated with a tumor, treatment is carried out by an oncologist, and mental disorders- psychiatrist. Sometimes the help of a surgeon is required to eliminate the cause of flatulence.

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