Flatulence - causes, treatment with traditional and folk methods. What is pronounced flatulence and how to get rid of it

Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines, accompanied by their subsequent copious discharge, is called flatulence. Such dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract causes discomfort, a lot of grief and trouble for an adult. The phenomenon is common in people of all ages and is a symptom indicating pathological changes in organism. The causes and treatment of flatulence in adults are quite varied, so the following information will be of interest to people suffering from such a delicate problem.

Flatulence - what is it?

Release of gases from the body is a natural physiological process of any healthy adult. Accumulated gases leave the rectum through anus unconsciously or voluntarily, with or without odor, during the process of emptying and in addition to it, in an average daily volume of up to half a liter.

With flatulence, the volume of gases in the intestines exceeds the norm by two times, or even more.

The body, not having time to cope with such increased content, supplies alarms and symptoms such as discomfort, a feeling of heaviness and bloating. The subsequent flatulence temporarily relieves unpleasant and painful sensations.


The causes of painful bloating can be divided into two groups. The first is the factors that gave impetus to the appearance of flatulence, largely due to the fault of the people themselves. The second is pathological changes in the body of an adult that require diagnosis and treatment.

The first group of causes of flatulence, implies that a person does not follow the principles healthy eating and abuse harmful products, food, rich in carbohydrates, in excess quantities, as well as the consumption of food that is incompatible with each other.

Products, causing flatulence, the processes of fermentation and gas formation are as follows:

  • Legumes: peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts, lentils;
  • Vegetables and fruits: garlic, white cabbage, onions, cucumbers, apples, grapes;
  • Drinks: beer, kvass, sweet carbonated lemonades;
  • Flour products: brown bread, butter, yeast baked goods;

A common cause of flatulence, both among children and adults, is the consumption of dairy products with lactose intolerance and hasty eating of food with the ingestion of excess air.

In women, bloating and flatulence may begin after childbirth, displaced before interesting situation The digestive organs, returning to their places and taking the desired shape, can cause some malfunctions.


Constant, disturbing flatulence requires finding out the cause that caused this unpleasant symptom and starting treatment. You can reduce gas formation at home folk remedies, appointed medicines and not the last place in this complex is occupied by special diet for flatulence, which implies the exclusion of provoking foods.

The following points remain important:

  1. Any treatment for flatulence (folk or traditional) should be under the supervision and prescription of a doctor, not only for children but also for adults.
  2. Treatment should be comprehensive and based primarily on in the right way life;
  3. A successful search for the cause of flatulence and the use of the right remedies for treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of the painful pathology.

Drug therapy

Why flatulence happens and occurs is known to many adult patients from personal experience, when overeating, after fun feasts. But if the unpleasant symptoms of the pathology often torment you if you follow proper nutrition, you should be wary and make a visit to the doctor to find out the true cause of excessive accumulation of gases, speedy treatment and recovery.


Every person has encountered the problem of bloating at least once in their life. Let's talk about the problem of flatulence in adults.

The causes and treatment of this disease will be discussed below.

Specifics of the disease

The problem of flatulence worries adults when gas accumulates in their stomach. Flatulence is always characterized by discomfort in the abdominal area.

The most common symptoms of the disease: bloating, bad feeling and belching.

During flatulence, a large amount of food gases is released. However, this problem cannot be called an independent disease.

Flatulence often worries people who have any pathologies in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract.

And it also happens that after a feast a person feels sharp pain in the stomach. After this, his stomach swells - this is a manifestation of flatulence. Thus, most often, this process is caused by external reasons.

However, if flatulence is a symptom of some disease, treatment must be started. Therefore, if this process occurs systematically, the person should be examined in a hospital.

During flatulence, approximately 3 liters of gases are released per day. With abundant gas accumulation the intestinal mucosa cannot function normally.

The human body cannot actively absorb useful material, coming with food, enzymatic ability is also impaired.

In the gastrointestinal tract, accumulated gases look like foam. The basis of such foam is mucus. It interferes with the normal absorption of food by the stomach.

That is why the problem of flatulence brings a lot of discomfort. Metabolism is disrupted, and along with it, disruptions occur in the body’s production of enzymes.

Causes of flatulence

The causes of flatulence in adults are different. They depend on the conditions external environment, and on the functioning of the stomach and digestive system.

So, the reasons why flatulence occurs:

  1. There has been a disruption of the enzymatic system. Sometimes the human body experiences disruptions in the production of enzymes, which leads to pieces of undigested food entering the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, fermentation and rotting processes occur in the stomach. These are the causes of bloating.
    Some adults experience flatulence because enzyme deficiency is the result of poor nutrition.
  2. The causes of flatulence may be associated with dysbacteriosis. When the intestinal microflora is not disturbed, part of the food gases is absorbed by bacteria, but in their absence this does not happen. As a result, flatulence occurs. Poor nutrition is the most common cause of dysbiosis.
  3. Postoperative period. The problem of flatulence worries many adults who have undergone surgery abdominal cavity. The causes of flatulence, in this case, are decreased motor skills digestive organs. As a result, food stagnates in the stomach, causing it to bloat.
    If treatment is not started in time, another operation may be required.
  4. Diseases of the digestive organs. Ailments and pathologies of the digestive system, such as the intestines, can cause flatulence.
  5. The quality of the products a person consumes. It's no secret that a person's health directly depends on the quality of the food he absorbs. There are a number of foods that contribute to gas formation in the stomach. For example, legumes. If you are lactose intolerant, you should not drink or eat dairy products during flatulence.
  6. Stress. Psycho-emotional stress can also cause flatulence. Systematically occurring nervous disorders may cause bloating. To cope with stress quickly and effectively, you need to take sedatives. IN in this case symptoms of the disease such as irritability and nervousness will go away.
  7. Flatulence in old age. This is a problem for older people over 65 years of age. During flatulence, their intestinal muscles atrophy.
  8. Pregnancy. Many pregnant women experience flatulence. In this case, they do not need treatment, because bloating is the result of compression of the intestines by the uterus.

As a result, the process of food movement in a pregnant woman’s body slows down. This leads to the body not fully receiving nutrients.

What diseases cause bloating?

The problem of flatulence occurs with diseases such as:

These are not all diseases that cause bloating. The list goes on, adding irritable bowel syndrome, liver cirrhosis, enteritis, diverticulitis, etc.

Symptoms of the disease

During flatulence, in addition to bloating, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Pain. It is spasmodic in nature. Often pain during of this disease gives to chest, lower back or right hypochondrium.
  2. Decreased appetite.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Increased release of gases.
  5. Belching.
  6. Diarrhea or constipation.
  7. Discomfort in the epigastric region.
  8. Constant rumbling in the stomach.
  9. The feeling of discomfort in the stomach does not go away even at night.
  10. A person feels an increase in pressure in the lower abdomen.

Drug treatment for this disease

If flatulence occurs systematically, you should not wait for the body to cope with it on its own.

Treatment of this disease with medications, in this case, is necessary. The question arises, what drugs should be given to the patient?

The following medications will help reduce gas formation and improve the condition of a patient facing the problem of flatulence:

  • Espumisan. This is one of the most famous medicines that helps remove excess gases from the intestines. Both adults and small children can be treated for flatulence with Espumisan.
  • Motilium. This medication solves the problem of fermentation in the body, which causes bloating. Treatment with Motilium includes systematic taking of tablets or suspension.
  • Enterosgel. This medicine acts like a sponge in the body. Enterosgel absorbs all bacteria, viruses and gases that negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Bobotik. This remedy helps remove stagnant gases from the intestines, as well as normalize peristalsis.
  • Duphalac. This medication is a laxative that is prescribed to both adults and children. It activates peristalsis and has positive influence on the reproduction process beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
  • Linux. Taking this medicine for flatulence is not only effective in removing excess gases from the stomach. Taking Linex is an excellent prevention of dysbacteriosis.
  • Trimedat. This medicine has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing intestinal physiology.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of flatulence.

What does the treatment of flatulence depend on?

  1. This disease is often associated with poor diet. If this is the cause of the disease, then you need to make changes to your diet. Perhaps a man long time eats fried foods, which are difficult for the body to digest.
    If this error is eliminated, a person’s quality of life will improve, because bloating and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease will go away.
  2. If this disease is caused by some pathology, you should go to the hospital and consult a doctor. Treatment for stomach bloating, in this case, can only be prescribed by a doctor.
  3. If a patient with flatulence is lactose intolerant, he should be excluded from the diet. milk sugar. He also needs to follow a diet. A patient with lactose intolerance cannot eat foods and dishes with high content calories.
  4. In cases where this disease occurs due to inflamed intestinal walls, you need to eat foods high in fiber. It is also recommended for such patients to consult with a neurologist and psychologist.
    Irritable bowel syndrome always causes severe pain in the patient. Therefore, to get rid of it, as well as eliminate bloating, you need to take antispasmodics.
  5. Treatment of bloating due to dysbiosis should be accompanied by the intake of probiotics. For example, such patients are often prescribed Linex.

This therapeutic medication course allows you to balance the balance beneficial microbes in the stomach.

Also, treatment of this disease will be effective if the patient takes adsorbents.

These drugs will not only normalize intestinal function, but also improve the patient’s condition, relieving him of pain and discomfort.

What absorbents can be given for bloating? The most common adsorbent is Activated carbon.

However, it should be taken with caution; an overdose should not be allowed, because this is fraught with the removal from the body of not only excess gases, but also vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Traditional methods of treating this disease

To solve the problem of excess gases in the stomach, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, because it can be done traditional methods.

Treatment with lemon balm

Melissa helps not only remove intestinal spasm, but also relieve a person from colic. IN medicinal purposes You can use both the lemon balm plant and the essential oil from it.

Recipe for a healing lemon balm drink:

  1. You will need dried lemon balm. It is laid out on dishes that will be placed in a steam bath.
  2. Next, the plant is flooded hot water. You can use boiling water. It is necessary to keep the container in a water bath for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Now the broth must be filtered through cheesecloth. It is cooled and left overnight. After this, it can be taken in small sips on an empty stomach.

Treatment with wormwood


  1. Dried wormwood is poured with boiling water. It must be insisted on dark place at least 12 hours. Alternatively, the infusion can be made before bed and left overnight.
  2. Now the solution needs to be filtered. It is convenient to use gauze for this.
  3. The prepared solution is divided into 3 equal parts. The medicine from wormwood should be taken three times a day, 1 glass.
  4. It is necessary to treat bloating with wormwood for 1 week.

Different people are concerned about flatulence, the causes and treatment of which cause inconvenience and discomfort to each person. At least once in their lives, many people have had to think about the phrase “bloating.” This disease is common among the population, because the changing pace of life, poor nutrition - the most important reasons increased gas formation in most people.

1 What is flatulence

Increased formation of gases in the stomach, colon or insufficient removal from the body is called flatulence. Anyone can experience this unpleasant symptom: men and women (especially during pregnancy), adults and newborns. It manifests itself as a feeling of heaviness, rumbling and pain in the abdomen, which disappear when gases pass.

Increased bloating of the abdominal cavity is not a disease, but one of the signs. It can cause an individual numerous troubles. There are a lot of diseases that cause tympany. The causes of flatulence vary. It may occur from overeating or indicate chronic disease Gastrointestinal tract. Need to apply for medical care to understand what our body wants to tell us.

2 Causes of bloating

The causes of flatulence vary, here are some of them.

  1. Pathology of the enzyme system.

This is the most common root cause when a lot of undigested food elements enter certain parts of the herbal tract. They, in turn, activate the processes of fermentation and decay. Disturbances in the enzyme system occur in most cases due to an unbalanced diet.

  1. The next common symptom of bloating is an imbalance in the microflora of the colon.

IN normal conditions work of the gastrointestinal tract, the main part of the created gases is used by bacteria in the colon for their vital functions. An imbalance between the microorganisms that create gas and the bacteria that use it causes bloating.

  1. Operations on the gastrointestinal tract.

Surgical interventions almost completely disrupt intestinal motility. Slowing down the movement of food provokes fermentation processes and, as a result, leads to increased abdominal bloating.

  1. Gastrointestinal pathologies:
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis.

If there is a disease, it is useless to fight bloating of the abdominal cavity. We must pay close attention to its cause. Having already recovered from the illness, it is easy to get rid of the accompanying troubles.

  1. Another reason for increased tympany (mainly in smokers) is that they swallow a lot of air while smoking.

You should learn to puff with your lungs, not with your mouth muscles. Although it would be better to get rid of this completely addiction, since it can lead to more disastrous consequences than increased bloating of the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Nature of nutrition.

Consuming large quantities of foods such as:

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • White cabbage;
  • sweet carbonated water;
  • kvass;
  • mutton;
  • Rye bread;
  • whole natural milk;
  • beer;
  • whole grains
  1. Stress and frustration.
  2. Impaired colon motility. This occurs in people who have undergone surgery on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Swallowing air while chewing food.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome. With this disease nerve endings react to food as an “enemy”, and, as a result, spasms appear in the large intestine. The stool cannot move further and constipation occurs. The intestinal walls stretch, gas formation increases.

3 Symptoms of the disease

Severe flatulence is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bloated belly;
  • severe pain of varying intensity (gas colic);
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • lack of appetite.

Sometimes in such cases it is not the increased gas formation itself that needs to be treated, but the disease that causes it:

  • neurosis;
  • constipation;
  • chronic colitis;
  • peritonitis.

After all, if the causes are not removed, treatment will not help.

Severe flatulence in newborns is accompanied by colic or pain in the colon. If a child, during or after feeding, begins to press his legs to his tummy, blush and scream, then these are the first signs that he has abdominal bloating.

Most often, increased accumulation of gases in infants is due to the fact that their intestines are not yet sufficiently developed, or they are born prematurely. Everyone knows how to treat flatulence in children. It is enough to buy or prepare dill water yourself.

On early stages Pregnancy bloating is associated with increased accumulation of the hormone progesterone in a woman’s body. It relaxes the muscles of the uterus and reduces the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. In the third trimester, this symptom is explained by the fact that the uterus presses on the colon.

4 Forms of increased accumulation of gases

  1. Nutritional. Occurs if you eat starchy foods.
  2. Enzymatic. Occurs due to disruption of food digestion processes.
  3. Mechanical. If there are mechanical obstacles to the movement of food (tumor).
  4. Dynamic. Occurs due to gastrointestinal motility disorders (various infections).
  5. Circulatory. If blood circulation in the intestinal veins is impaired.
  6. Psychogenic. Occurs, for example, when different forms hysteria.

5 Combating unpleasant symptoms with medications

First of all, only a doctor can tell you how to treat bloating. It is necessary for him to determine whether the swelling is a symptom of some disease. Severe pain in the abdominal cavity can be removed with the help of antispasmodics. If you want to reduce gas formation and bloating, doctors recommend taking Smecta.

Popular and accessible remedy, which everyone has known since childhood - activated carbon. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. This is an excellent absorbent; it is not absorbed into the blood. You should take one tablet per ten kilograms of body weight.

But you shouldn’t overdo it either, since it removes beneficial substances from the intestines. For gastritis, this treatment should not be practiced unless prescribed by a physician, as charcoal can cause constipation.

6 Treatment with folk remedies

Intestinal flatulence can be treated with both medications and folk remedies. Techniques and methods for treating increased gas formation are very diverse.

How to treat bloating:

  1. Lemon and half a kilo walnuts grind in a meat grinder. Add a little honey and 30 grams of purified clay to this mixture. Use twice a day before meals.
  2. To improve the functioning of the large intestine, you should include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet (not just in one meal).
  3. Drink one tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach.
  4. Bran bread should be on the table of every person suffering increased gas formation. For the same purpose you can eat rye bran one teaspoon in the morning and at lunch, washed down with plenty of water.
  5. Effective relief from increased accumulation of gases can be achieved with the help of various carrot salads, bell pepper, cucumbers, raw beets.
  6. Pour parsley leaves into one liter of water, leave for eight hours and take half a glass once a day.

In the practice of treating increased gas formation in the abdominal cavity with folk remedies, a decoction of chamomile has proven itself to be excellent. Pour a glass of boiling water over one tablespoon of flowers. Leave for half an hour and take half a glass twice a day before meals. During the treatment period, it is recommended to drink exclusively water.

You can also try drinking tea made from valerian, fennel and mint roots. If bloating is also accompanied by increased heart rate, then you can use peppermint tea. You need to drink it until your condition improves.

In case of lack of appetite and large gas formation in the abdominal cavity, dried ginger helps well.

Chronic constipation, colitis and large cluster gases can be treated with spinach leaves. Especially useful for children and elderly people.

Helps babies with bloating dill water, not only for pain, but will also help good discharge gases

7 Alternative medicine

If you have tried all the methods and methods of treatment, you have no diseases, but increased gas formation is present, then Alternative medicine can tell you how to cure this disease. The science of psychosomatics considers deep processes, affecting the body and the nerve system.

The meaning of this teaching: all ailments and reactions occur due to incorrect decoding and perception of impulses from the nerves. These signals can be controlled. If there is no impulse, there will be no disease. This is a branch of medicine increased bloating explains by simple rejection of negative situations: a person is afraid of them, experiencing stress.

8 Prevention of unpleasant symptoms

Healthy person with bloating in the abdomen special treatment does not need. If you are concerned about this unpleasant illness, you need to follow some tips:

  1. Chew food thoroughly and avoid drinks that contain carbon dioxide. Available only in certain time, often and in small portions.
  2. Eat only foods that are easily processed. If this unpleasant symptom recurs often, you need to give up coffee, chocolate, and sugar. These products provoke fermentation processes in the colon and increase bloating in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Sit up straight while eating; you don’t need to put pressure on your stomach while it’s working.
  4. Do not eat, for example, vegetables and fruits at the same meal.
  5. Eliminate from your daily diet foods that increase the amount of gas (beans, cabbage, onions).
  6. Do not drink alcohol, milk, or foods that complicate the process of processing food.
  7. move more, do more physical exercise, you can do yoga.
  8. With PMS ( premenstrual syndrome) you can take B vitamins. Abdominal bloating decreases due to the accumulation of fluid in the stomach. If tympany is also accompanied by persistent pain, you can lie down on the sofa, putting warm compress on aching stomach either with the help essential oils give a relaxing massage.
  9. Drink as much water as possible, and forget about all kinds of soda.

In order to remove the causes of flatulence, and the treatment gave results, you need to adhere to a certain diet, including carrots, fermented milk products, boiled cereals (buckwheat), beets, reduce the amount of fried meat and sweet fruits (apples, citrus fruits).

Nutrition for this disease should include a minimum amount raw vegetables. It is better to bake or steam them, this will help absorption.

The basis for preventing increased abdominal bloating is proper balanced nutrition.

Diets and irregular meals disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

At sedentary In life, to reduce abdominal bloating, reduce pain, and straighten the colon, you need to get up and walk around a little.

If you are constipated, you should not constantly give enemas or drink laxatives. This will worsen the cause of flatulence.

Can be done fasting days on rice or kefir. It is recommended to drink only kefir all day or eat pre-boiled rice. This will help not only adjust the functioning of the colon, but also remove harmful substances.

Only medical worker. Contact a specialist and he will show you the right path to recovery. And remember that timely seeking help from doctors will save you from many unpleasant consequences which can even lead to death.

The accumulation of gases in the intestines is called flatulence. This is usually caused by increased gas formation or impaired gas removal from the intestines. Flatulence is manifested by a feeling of discomfort in the form of bloating, periodic spasmodic pain in the abdomen and an increase in its volume. Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the cause of gas accumulation, its sorption (binding) and elimination.

Flatulence - what is it, the mechanism of development

Main function small intestine– breakdown (digestion) of complex organic compounds(polymers) to simpler (monomers) molecules, which are then absorbed from the intestines into the blood. The process of breakdown of complex organic molecules can be accompanied by the release of gas. This primarily occurs when bacterial flora is connected to the digestion process, which actively releases gas. If food breakdown processes with the participation of bacteria predominate in the intestines, a large amount of gas is formed, leading to the development of flatulence. Also, flatulence can be the result of a violation of the removal of gas from the intestines, when it is formed normally. Normally, up to 0.7 liters of gases are formed in the intestines during the day; therefore, if this volume is exceeded, flatulence develops.

Causes of flatulence

According to the mechanism of development, flatulence in adults develops as a result of the action of 2 groups of causes, leading to an increase in gas formation in the intestines or to a deterioration in its elimination. The following lead to increased gas formation in the intestines: causal factors:

  1. Insufficient amount of enzymes in the intestines necessary for normal course processes of food digestion - acute or chronic pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas, leading to a decrease in the production of digestive enzymes), insufficient production of enzymes by the cells of the intestinal mucosa. If there is a deficiency of digestive enzymes, the process of digesting food occurs in to a greater extent due to bacteria.
  2. Violation normal microflora in the small and large intestine - in the case of a predominance of putrefactive flora over lactic acid bacteria, flatulence develops.
  3. Eating foods whose digestion is accompanied by increased formation of gases - starch, fiber (cellulose) are contained in legumes, their digestion is carried out only by microflora.

Causal factors that reduce the evacuation function of the intestine lead to impaired gas removal, including:

  1. Mechanical disruption of the lumen of any part of the intestine due to the development of benign or malignant neoplasm, adhesive process(adhesions are connective tissue bridges between loops of intestine that can compress its area).
  2. Decreased peristalsis (movement of the intestinal walls that pushes its contents into lower sections) is the result of general intoxication of the body, development intestinal infection or food poisoning, intoxication with salts of heavy metals.
  3. Impaired blood supply to the colon or small intestine– insufficient blood supply to the intestinal area causes its paresis (lack of tone and peristaltic movements).
  4. Impaired evacuation function due to psychoemotional stress, leading to changes in the normal innervation of the intestinal walls.

A separate cause of increased gas formation in the intestines and deterioration of its elimination is high-altitude flatulence. It develops when a person rises to a height and the atmospheric pressure decreases, leading to the transition of substances dissolved in food into a gaseous state.

What foods cause flatulence?

Consumption of products containing large quantities starch and plant fiber (cellulose) can cause flatulence even in normal functional state digestive organs. These products include:

  • legumes – soybeans, beans, peas, beans;
  • all types of cabbage – white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli;
  • mushrooms - contain chitin, which is practically not broken down by digestive enzymes;
  • radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, artichokes;
  • pears, grapes, apples;
  • porridge from all cereals, except rice;
  • sparkling water.

If a person has lactase deficiency (lack of the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk), flatulence develops when consuming dairy products.


Flatulence is manifested by the development of a number of characteristic symptoms:

  1. Bloating of the abdomen with an increase in its volume.
  2. Periodic abdominal pain, which is spastic in nature, decreases with the passage of gases.
  3. Feeling of fullness.
  4. Increased excretion of gases - flatulation, which brings discomfort to a person and limits his stay in society.

All these symptoms have varying severity. They may be accompanied by other symptoms of dyspepsia (indigestion) - nausea, unstable stool, occasional vomiting or diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach.

How to treat flatulence

The main goal of treatment to help get rid of flatulence is to eliminate the cause of increased gas formation or impaired gas removal. For this purpose it is used A complex approach with the implementation of several main activities:

  1. Diet for flatulence and bloating - exclude all foods that lead to increased gas formation. Eating should be frequent, but in small portions, which reduces the load on the organs of the digestive system and improves the quality of breakdown of food.
  2. Enzyme preparations - taken with meals, improve the digestion of food in the intestines, are used temporarily in case of insufficiency of one's own digestive enzymes (Pancreatin, Mezim, Festal).
  3. Adsorbents are the main means of helping to combat flatulence by binding (sorption) of gas on their surface. These include activated carbon (taken in large quantities, at least 6-7 tablets), polyfepam, white clay.
  4. Means to enhance intestinal motility – metoclopramide.

Treatment of flatulence at home is possible with folk remedies, which include cumin, dill, mint leaves, fennel, and chamomile flowers. These drugs improve the removal of gases from the intestines and suppress their formation.

If treatment is ineffective with repeated increased gas formation, it is necessary to undergo additional examination in order to establish the causes of flatulence and subsequent treatment of the underlying disease.

Flatulence is a pathological symptom indicating problems in the gastrointestinal tract, the essence of which is the excessive formation and accumulation of gases, leading to bloating, belching, and excessive flatulence.

Interesting facts:

  • The term flatulence in Greek means swelling, swelling;
  • In the mythology of Rome there was a God Crepitus, whose field of activity was flatulence, i.e. release of gases through the anus;
  • Filling of the intestines with gases occurs 50% due to the ingestion of air from the outside when eating or smoking; when oxygen is broken down in the blood, gas is released, gas formation due to the vital activity of intestinal bacteria;
  • A new invention to help people suffering from flatulence currently appears in the form of special panties. They have a scent insert and carbon filters. When the gas is released, the stench changes to a pleasant aroma. The recorded record for the frequency of flatulence is 70 times a day, according to an English magazine.
  • Gas is removed per day in different and individual ways. This ranges from 50-500 ml. With flatulence, the volume of gases reaches 3 liters.

Types of flatulence and causes

Perhaps the patient does not care what form of flatulence he has, for him it is only discomfort. But for selecting treatment, the classification of bloating is useful. So, flatulence happens:

  1. Mechanical;
  2. Psychogenic;
  3. Nutritional;
  4. Circulatory;
  5. Digestive;
  6. High-rise;
  7. Dysbiotic;
  8. Dynamic.

Flatulence, as a symptom, has causes. To understand the list of causes, you need to at least approximately know the structure of the gastrointestinal tract, and, therefore, the possibility of a disease in any organ that will lead to its manifestation.

Main common reasons:

  1. Diseases of the enzyme system are a common root cause of bloating. The digestive system receives food fragments that have not been processed by enzymes and have not turned into chyme - this is food bolus, ready to move through the intestines. Unbroken food activates the process of fermentation and decomposition. The factor in the appearance of such fragments is nutritional imbalance;
  2. Failure to maintain the balance of the microflora of the large intestine. In the activity of the intestinal tract, the lion's share of the formed gases is utilized by its microorganisms in the process of their vital activity. Feeling bloated results from an imbalance between gas-producing bacteria and their waste-disposal counterparts;
  3. Surgical intervention on the organs of the digestive system. The operations performed almost completely disrupt intestinal motility. This is expressed in a slowdown in the passage of chyme, as a result of which fermentation processes start, which causes increased bloating;
  4. Diseases of the digestive system nullify all efforts with bloating. After treating the root cause, it is easy to get rid of the symptom of flatulence.

Typical pathologies:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis and ulcers.
  1. Air from outside that enters the body when swallowed. This could be a tasty, quick meal, or eating while talking, or smoking. In any case, it can increase the volume of gases, and if the output is disrupted, bloating occurs;
  2. Food quality. The whole subtlety lies in understanding the properties of the products. Commonly known for their gas-forming properties, they give the privilege of their use. Sometimes I really want to pea soup! And you can afford such dishes if you have the opportunity to remain with your loved one. Among the products: white cabbage, peas, beans, any soda, milk, whole grains and more.
  3. Stress and emotional disorders have their own nature of development, not least of which is flatulence;
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome. Characterized by pain syndrome without apparent reason. Abrupt change constipation and diarrhea, causing a lot of inconvenience.

Diagnosis of pathology

The signs of flatulence are quite simple. But the root cause of the occurrence should be clearly established, based on some examinations.

Among the additional signs there are one or several at once:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • colic of varying intensity;
  • bloated belly;
  • lack of appetite.

Flatulence that occurs occasionally may not require close attention. Perhaps intestinal discomfort arose after rich food at a wedding or birthday.

In this case, bloating and profuse release of gases occur, after which colic and cramps in the intestines disappear. Life is getting better.

Otherwise, if the stomach is tense like a drum, touch causes pain and colic, the feeling of bloating reaches its limit, then even inserting a gas outlet tube through the anus is not contraindicated in order to relieve the threatening situation of painful shock.

And if such a condition often haunts the patient, then it is necessary to begin treatment of both the cause of the pathology and its accompanying accompaniments in the form of flatulence.

When contacting a gastroenterologist, it is assumed that the patient will be offered a full range of tests and examinations that can clearly establish the cause of flatulence.

The attending physician will suggest that you undergo examination:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • sugar test;
  • coprogram;
  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis and the presence of any microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, helminths);
  • X-ray or ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • gastroscopy, colonoscopy.

To search for pathology, the symptom of which is flatulence, you can use additional tools.

X-ray examination is useful in searching for pathologies:

  • stomach ulcers or 12-PC;
  • tumors of various locations;
  • developmental anomalies;

The essence of the method is research x-ray radiation problem areas of the patient's body. A special monitor serves as a picture of the examination.

The radiologist records the affected areas on x-ray film. Many diseases can be detected on an x-ray only when used. contrast agent administered to the patient rectally or orally before the examination.

Ultrasound diagnostics is useful for the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • tumor processes of the digestive system;
  • disturbances in the outflow of bile, the presence of stones.

The essence of the procedure is the properties of waves that can pass through the material base. Methodically penetrating the surface of the organ in areas of compaction, ultrasonic signals are either absorbed or reflected.

The reflected impulses take on the character of electrical signals. The flow of electrons, transformed instrumentally, is displayed on the monitor screen and on photographic film.

The study informs the doctor about cysts, tumors, and vascular pathologies.

Endoscopic examination enriches the diagnosis. For different organs it is carried out according to different methods. But it is clear that during this procedure, a tissue biopsy of the affected area is taken for histology and cytology.

Application by organ sites:

  • examination of the sigmoid and rectum is performed using sigmoidoscopy;
  • an esophagoscopy procedure is performed for the esophagus;
  • examination of the stomach is performed by gastroscopy;
  • the duodenum has a duodenoscopy method;
  • The large intestine is examined by colonoscopy.

Traditional and home care

Flatulence has three traditional treatments:

Etiotropic medicine is a term that combines the elimination various reasons pathologies that caused flatulence:

  • mechanical causes - constipation, are treated by prescribing laxatives that stimulate intestinal motility and relieve intoxication. Tumor processes relate to mechanical causes, although they require surgical intervention;
  • non-compliance motor function intestinal tract allows you to prescribe prokinetic drugs. They enhance motility and stimulate intestinal motility.
  • elimination of dysbiosis is carried out with probiotics, which compensate for the optimal intestinal microflora: Linex, Bifiform. Or prebiotics that help restore natural microbiocinosis: Hilak forte.
  • for intestinal diseases infectious nature use courses of antibiotics that suppress reproduction pathogenic bacteria, cause their death. Possible drugs include: Enterofuril, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin.

The goal of symptomatic therapy is to eliminate single symptoms of pathology.

Dosage forms belong to the group of antispasmodic medications, active substance which relieves the spasmodic tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive system, slightly expands the lumen of the blood vessels.

Flatulence will go away easier if you help it with drugs: No-shpa, Papaverine.

Pathogenetic healing is essentially aimed at combating excessive gas formation. In the scope of their activities the groups:

  • Enterosorbents, the action of which is focused on the removal of toxic elements, protection of mucous walls, restoration beneficial microflora: Enterosgel, Phosphalugel;
  • Enzymatic agents in which the active substance is digestive enzymes. They help with the absorption of food: Mezim forte, Pancreatin, Creon;
  • Carminatives have active substance in its composition, aimed at releasing gases from the intestines: Espumisan.

You can't ignore the means home medicine. Sometimes they work miracles. Certainly, serious pathologies they cannot overcome, but they can alleviate episodic flatulence.

Chamomile decoction affects all organs of the peritoneum:

  • reduces spasmodic processes in the intestines;
  • reduces gas formation;
  • effectively affects flatulence;

Ginger root tea is a good helper in food processing and reduces intestinal fermentation processes.

A decoction of cumin seeds restores digestive function, providing the following effect:

  • relieving spasms;
  • pain reliever;
  • relieves fermentation;
  • prevents bloating;

A decoction of coriander seeds strengthens digestive tract, promotes:

  • increased appetite;
  • can treat diarrhea and flatulence;
  • relieves spasms.
  1. Dill seed extract has long been known; it is given even to newborns to relieve intestinal colic;
  2. A decoction of mint leaves eradicates many additional signs along with flatulence:
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • heartburn.

To successfully treat flatulence, you must always remember about physical mobility, regular gymnastics, walks, all this contributes to normal functioning intestinal peristalsis, resulting in reduced flatulence.

Stress, emotions, nervous overstrain create conditions for spasms in the intestines, which subsequently allow excess gases to accumulate.

Maintaining a daily routine, normalizing the work and rest regime is the key to a favorable outcome in the treatment of flatulence.

An important component of getting rid of bloating lies in your diet and its balance.

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