Methods for microbiological diagnosis of dysentery. Microbiological diagnosis of dysentery

Guidelines for students for practical lesson No. 28.

Lesson topic:

Target: Studying methods of microbiological diagnosis, etiotropic therapy and prevention of shigellosis.

Module 2 . Special, clinical and environmental microbiology.

Topic 5: Methods for microbiological diagnosis of dysentery.

Relevance of the topic:Shigellosis is widespread and poses a serious problem in countries with a low sanitary cultural level and a high incidence of insufficient and poor-quality nutrition. In developing countries, the spread of infection is facilitated by poor sanitation, poor personal hygiene, overcrowding and a large proportion of children among the population. In Ukraine, outbreaks of shigellosis are more common in closed groups against the background low level sanitation and hygiene, for example in nurseries and kindergartens, on tourist boats, in psychiatric clinics or shelters for the disabled. Shigella has been the cause of diarrhea in travelers and tourists.

The cause of group diseases can be considered the consumption of food products contaminated due to the negligence of sales workers who are carriers of Shigella. Outbreaks associated with the use of drinking water, swimming in polluted waters also led to infection. However, food and waterborne transmission routes appear to play a lesser role in the spread of shigellosis compared to cholera and typhoid fever, which usually require large doses of pathogens to infect humans. In developing countries, where disease spread is predominantly person-to-person, carriers may be an important reservoir of the infectious agent. In patients who did not take anti bacterial preparations, the excretion of Shigella in feces usually continues for 1–4 weeks, but in a small proportion of cases it continues significantly longer.

Shigellosis is an acute bacterial infection of the intestines caused by one of four types of Shigella. Range clinical forms infections include mild, watery diarrhea and severe dysentery, which is characterized by cramping pain in the abdomen, tenesmus, fever and signs of general intoxication.


The genus Shigella (named after K. Shiga, who in 1898 studied and described in detail the isolated causative agent of bacterial dysentery by A.V. Grigoriev) of the family Enterobacteriaceae consists of a group of closely related species of bacteria with the following properties:

I. Morphological: Shigella are small rods with rounded ends. They differ from other representatives of the family Enterobacteriaceae in the absence of flagella (immobile), do not have spores or capsules, and are gram-negative.

II. Cultural: Shigella are aerobes or facultative anaerobes; optimal cultivation conditions: temperature 37°C, pH 7.27.4. They grow on simple nutrient media (MPA, MPB) in the form of small, shiny, translucent, grayish, round colonies, 1.5 x 2 mm in size. S form. The exception is Shigella Sonne, which often dissociates, forming large, flat, cloudy colonies with jagged edges R shapes (colonies have the appearance of a “grape leaf”). In liquid nutrient media, Shigella produces uniform turbidity, R forms form a precipitate. Liquid medium enrichment is selenite broth.

III. Enzymatic: the main biochemical characteristics necessary for identifying Shigella when isolating a pure culture are the following:

  1. absence of gas formation during glucose fermentation;
  2. lack of hydrogen sulfide production;
  3. no lactose fermentation for 48 hours.

Overall, the four species are further divided into approximately 40 serotypes. According to the characteristics of the main somatic (O) antigens and biochemical properties, the following four species or groups are distinguished: S. dysenteriae (group A, includes: Grigoriev-Shigi, Stutzer-Schmitz, Large-Sachs), S. flexneri (group B), S. boydii (group C) and S. sonnei (group D).

In relation to mannitol, all Shigella are divided into splitting (Shigella Flexner, Boyd, Sonne) and non-splitting (Shigella Grigoriev-Shiga, Stutzer-Schmitz, Large-Sachs) mannitol.

IV. Pathogenicity factors:

  1. Invasion plasmidprovides the ability of Shigella to cause invasion with subsequent intercellular spread and reproduction in the epithelium of the colon mucosa;
  2. Toxin formation: Shigella has a lipopolysaccharide endotoxin, which is chemically and biochemically similar to the endotoxins of other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. In addition, S. dysenteriae type I (Shiga bacillus) produces an exotoxin. Since the discovery of the latter, it has been found that it has enterotoxin activity and can cause intestinal secretion, as well as have a cytotoxic effect directed against intestinal epithelial cells; has a neurotoxic effect, which is observed in children with shigellosis. Shiga toxin, entering the blood, along with damage to the submucosal endothelium, also affects the glomeruli of the kidney, as a result of which, in addition to bloody diarrhea, hemolytic uremic syndrome develops with the development of renal failure.

V. Antigenic structure:All Shigella have a somatic O-antigen, depending on the structure of which they are divided into serovars.

VI. Resistance: Temperature 100 0 C kills Shigella instantly. TO low temperatures Shigella is resistant: in river water they persist for up to 3 months, on vegetables and fruits for up to 15 months.Under favorable conditions, Shigella is capable of reproducing in food products(salads, vinaigrettes, boiled meat, minced meat, boiled fish, milk and dairy products, compotes and jelly), especially Shigella Sonne.


1. Source of infection:A person suffering from acute and chronic forms of shigellosis; bacteria carrier.

2. Transmission routes:

  • Food grade (mainly for S. sonnei)
  • Aquatic (mainly for S. flexneri)
  • Contact household (mainly for S. dysenteriae)

3. Entrance gateinfections are caused by the gastrointestinal tract.

Pathogenesis and pathological changes.

Once ingested, Shigella colonizes the upper small intestine and multiplies there, possibly causing increased secretion early in the infection. Shigella then penetrates through M cells into the submucosa, where it is absorbed by macrophages. This leads to the death of some Shigella, resulting in the release of inflammatory mediators, which initiate inflammation in the submucosa. Apoptosis of phagocytes allows the other part of Shigella to survive and penetrate the epithelial cells of the mucosa through the basement membrane. Shigella multiply and spread intercellularly within enterocytes, resulting in the development of erosions. When Shigella dies, Shiga and Shiga-like toxins are released, the action of which leads to intoxication. Damage to the mucous membrane is accompanied by swelling, necrosis and hemorrhage, which causes the appearance of blood in the stool. In addition, the toxin affects the central nervous system, which leads to trophic disorders.

Clinical manifestations.

The range of clinical manifestations of shigellosis is very wide, from mild diarrhea to severe dysentery with cramping pain in the abdomen, tenesmus, fever and general intoxication.

Incubation periodranges from several hours to 7 days, most often 2-3 days.Initially, patients experience watery stools, fever (up to 41°C), diffuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Along with this, patients complain of myalgia, chills, lower back pain and headache. In the coming days from the onset of the disease, signs of dysentery appear: tenesmus, frequent, scanty, bloody-mucous stools. Body temperature gradually decreases, pain can be localized in the lower quadrants of the abdomen. The intensity of diarrhea reaches its maximum around the end of the 1st week of illness. Dysentery with bloody stools is more common and appears earlier in the disease caused by S. dysenteriae type I than in other forms of shigellosis.

For shigellosis Sonne A milder course of the disease is characteristic (gastroenteric or gastroenterocolitic variant). The febrile period is shorter, the symptoms of intoxication are short-lived, and destructive changes in the intestinal mucosa are not typical.

Flexner's shigellosisThere are basically two options clinical course- gastroenterocolitic and colitis.

Extraintestinal complications in shigellosisrare:

  1. A complication of shigellosis can be the development of intestinal dysbiosis.
  2. Along with headaches, signs of meningitis and seizures may occur.
  3. In infections caused by S. dysenteriae type I, cases have been described peripheral neuropathy, and during an outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by S. boydii, cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (polyneuritis) were encountered.
  4. With the exception of children suffering from dystrophy, hematogenous dissemination of the pathogen is relatively rare; cases of shigellosis abscesses and meningitis have also been described.
  5. With shigellosis, the development of Reiter's syndrome with arthritis, sterile conjunctivitis and urethritis is possible; this usually occurs 1-4 weeks after the onset of diarrhea in patients.
  6. In children, shigellosis is accompanied by hemolytic-uremic syndrome, often in combination with leukemia-like reactions, severe colitis and endotoxin circulation, but bacteremia is usually not detected.
  7. Quite rarely, purulent keratoconjunctivitis is caused by Shigella, which has entered the eyes as a result of self-infection with contaminated fingers.
  8. Hypovolemic shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.
  9. Peritonitis, intestinal gangrene, intestinal bleeding.

Immunity: Humans have natural resistance to shigella infection. After past illness immunity is not stable, and after shigellosis Sonne is practically absent. In case of a disease caused by Shigella Grigoriev Shiga, a more stable antitoxic immunity is developed. In protection against infection, the main role belongs to secretory IgA , preventing adhesion, and cytotoxic antibody-dependent activity of intraepithelial lymphocytes, which, together with secretory IgA destroy Shigella.

Diagnostics and laboratory tests.

Purpose of the study: detection and identification of Shigella for diagnosis; identification of bacteria carriers; detection of Shigella in food products.

Material for research: feces, sectional material, food products.

Diagnostic methods:microbiological (bacteriological, microscopic (luminescent); serological; biological; allergy test.

Progress of the study:

1 day of study:Cultures should be done from freshly excreted feces or using rectal swabs (rectal tube); If suitable conditions are not available, the material must be placed in a transport environment. To do this, use intestinal agar (MacConkey or Shigella-Salmonella medium), moderately selective xylose-lysine deoxycholate agar, KLD) and nutrient broth (selenite broth). If the time between collection and inoculation exceeds 2 hours, then preservative solutions should be used: 20% bile broth, combined Kauffmann's medium.

  • The feces in the glycerin mixture are emulsified, a drop of the emulsion is applied to the medium and rubbed in with a spatula. Differential media for Shigella are Ploskirev, Endo and EMS (eosin methylene blue agar). Ploskirev's medium (the medium includes: MPA, lactose, bile salts and the indicator brilliant green) is also an selective medium for Shigella, because inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli.
  • In parallel with direct sowing, the collected material is inoculated on an enrichment medium - selenite broth.
  • All crops are placed in a thermostat.

Day 2 of the study:

  • The dishes are removed from the thermostat, suspicious colonies are screened out on Ressel's medium (nutrient medium which includes: agar-agar, Andrede indicator, 1% lactose, 0.1% glucose) and mannitol. Inoculation is carried out with strokes on a beveled surface and an injection into an agar column. The inoculated Ressel medium is placed in a thermostat for 18-24 hours (at the same time, reseeding from the selenite medium is done into differential diagnostic media).
  • Smears are made (Gram stain) and examined under a microscope.
  • Preparations are prepared as a “hanging” or “crushed” drop.
  • Establishment of tentative RA with polyvalent diagnostic shigella sera.
  • Sowing suspicious colonies onto agar slants.

Day 3 of the study:

  • Microscopy of material from agar slants.
  • Cultures that have not fermented lactose on Ressel's medium are subjected to further study: smears are made (Gram staining), and the purity of the culture is checked. In the presence of gram-negative rods, inoculation is carried out on Hiss media, broth with indicator papers (to detect indole and hydrogen sulfide) and litmus milk.
  • The inoculated media are placed in a thermostat for 18-24 hours.

Day 4 of the study:

  • Accounting for a short “variegated row”.
  • Cultures suspicious for their enzymatic and cultural properties in relation to Shigella are subjected to serological identification. Statement of RA on glass (typical and group diagnostic sera). Setting up a deployed RA.

As accelerated methods for shigellosis, they are usedfluorescence microscopy And biological sample(introduction of virulent strains of Shigella into the conjunctival sac (under the lower eyelid) of guinea pigs; conjunctivitis develops by the end of the 1st day).

Tsuverkalov allergy testintradermal allergy test with dysenterine (injection of 0.1 ml of dysenterine into the forearm positive reaction in case of infiltration and hyperemia). Allergy diagnostics are currently practically not used. Tsurvekalov's test is not specific; positive reactions are recorded not only for shigellosis, but also for salmonellosis, escherichiosis, yersiniosis, etc. OKI, and sometimes in healthy individuals.

Treatment and prevention.For treatment and prevention according to epidemiological indications, bacteriophage is used oral administration, antibiotics after determining the antibiogram; in case of dysbacteriosis probiotic preparations to correct microflora. To replenish the loss of fluids and electrolytes, administer a glucose-electrolyte solution inside.

Specific goals:

Interpret the biological properties of shigellosis pathogens.

Familiarize yourself with the classification of Shigella.

Learn to interpret the pathogenetic patterns of the infectious process caused by Shigella.

Determine methods of microbiological diagnosis, etiotropic therapy and prevention of shigellosis.

Be able to:

  • Inoculate the test material on nutrient media.
    • Prepare smears and Gram stain.
    • Conduct microscopy of preparations using an immersion microscope.
    • Analyze the morphological, cultural, enzymatic characteristics of Shigella.

Theoretical questions:

1. Characteristics of shigellosis pathogens. Biological properties.

2. Classification of Shigella. The principles underlying it.

3. Epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical features Shigellosis

4. Laboratory diagnostics.

5. Principles of treatment and prevention of shigellosis.

Practical tasks performed in class:

1. Microscopy of demonstration preparations from pure cultures of shigellosis pathogens.

2. Work on the bacteriological diagnosis of shigellosis: study of fecal cultures on Ploskirev’s medium.

3. Subculture of suspicious colonies on Ressel’s medium and MPB to determine indole formation and H 2 S.

4. Sketching demonstration preparations and microbiological diagnostic diagrams of shigellosis into the lesson protocol.

5. Drawing up the protocol.


1. Korotyaev A.I., Babichev S.A., Medical microbiology, immunology and virology / Textbook for medical universities, St. Petersburg " Special literature", 1998. - 592 p.

2. Timakov V.D., Levashev V.S., Borisov L.B. Microbiology / Textbook.-2nd ed., revised. And additional - M.: Medicine, 1983, - 512 p.

3. Pyatkin K.D. Krivoshein Yu.S. Microbiology with virology and immunology.- Kyiv: V i scha school, 1992. - 431 p.

4. Medical microbiology / Edited by V.I. Pokrovsky.-M.:GEOTAR-MED, 2001.-768p.

5. Guide to practical classes in microbiology, immunology and virology. Ed. M.P. Zykova. M. "Medicine". 1977. 288 p.

6. Cherkes F.K., Bogoyavlenskaya L.B., Belskan N.A. Microbiology. /Ed. F.K. Circassian. M.: Medicine, 1986. 512 p.

7. Lecture notes.

Additional literature:

1. Makiyarov K.A. Microbiology, virology and immunology. Alma-Ata, “Kazakhstan”, 1974. 372 p.

2. Titov M.V. Infectious illnesses. - K., 1995. 321 p.

3. Shuvalova E.P. Infectious diseases. -M.: Medicine, 1990. - 559 p.

4. BME, T. 1, 2, 7.

5. Pavlovich S.A. Medical microbiology in graphs: Textbook. allowance for medical Inst. Mn.: Higher. school, 1986. 255 p.

Brief guidelines to work in a practical lesson.

At the beginning of the lesson, the students' level of preparation for the lesson is checked.

Independent work consists of studying the classification of Shigella, analyzing the pathogenetic and clinical signs Shigellosis Study of methods for laboratory diagnosis of shigellosis. Students inoculate biomaterial on nutrient media. Then microslides are prepared, stained with Gram, microscopy is performed, microslides are sketched and the necessary explanations are given. Independent work also includes microscopy of demonstration preparations and their sketching in the lesson protocol.

At the end of the lesson, a test control and analysis of the final results of each student’s independent work are carried out.

Technological map for conducting a practical lesson.



Time in minutes

Ways of learning



Checking and correcting the initial level of preparation for the lesson

Initial level test items

Tables, atlas

Study room

Independent work

Logical structure graph

Immersion microscope, dyes, glass slides, bacteriological loops, nutrient media, Ploskirev’s medium, Ressel’s medium, “Hiss variegated series”

Self check and correction of material mastery

Targeted learning tasks

Test control


Analysis of work results

Target training tasks:

  1. Feces containing mucus and pus were obtained from a child with ACI (collection of stool was carried out using a rectal tube). What express diagnostic method should be used?



C. RA.



  1. The causative agent of dysentery was isolated from a sick child with an acute intestinal infection. What morphological features are characteristic of the pathogen?

A . Gram-negative non-motile rod.

B . Gram-positive motile rod.

C . Forms a capsule on a nutrient medium.

D . Forms spores in the external environment.

E . Gram-positive streptobacilli.

3. In a patient who fell ill three days ago and complained of a temperature of 38°C, abdominal pain, frequent loose stools, and the presence of blood in the stool, the doctor clinically diagnosed bacterial dysentery. What microbiological diagnostic method is advisable to use in this case and what material should be taken from the patient to confirm the diagnosis?

A. Bacterioscopic cal.

B. Bacteriological cal.

C. Bacterioscopic blood.

D. Bacteriological urine.

E. Serological blood.

4. Shigella Sonne was isolated from the patient’s feces. What additional research needs to be done to determine the source of infection?

A . Carry out phage typing of the isolated pure culture.

B . Determine the antibiogram.

C . Set up a precipitation reaction.

D . Perform a complement fixation reaction.

E . Set up a neutralization reaction.

5. Among a group of tourists (27 people) who used water from the lake for drinking, after two days, 7 people developed symptoms of acute diarrhea. What material is needed to establish the etiology? of this disease need to be sent to a bacteriological laboratory?

A. Water, feces of patients.

B. Water, the blood of patients.

C. Food products.

D. I'm peeing.

E. Sputum.

6. A significant drawback of the microscopic diagnostic method for acute intestinal infections is its lack of information content due to the morphological identity of bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae . What makes this method more informative?

A . Radioimmunoassay.

B . Coombs reaction.

C . Linked immunosorbent assay.

D . Opsonization reaction.

E . Immunofluorescence reaction.

7. A 29-year-old patient was hospitalized with attacks of vomiting, diarrhea, and tenesmus. Feces with pieces of mucus and some blood. A bacteriological study of bacteria from colonies on Ploskirev's medium revealed immobile, gram-negative rods that do not ferment lactose. Name the causative agent of the infectious process.

A. Shigella flexneri.

B. Vibrio eltor.

C. E. Coli.

D. Proteus mirabilis.

E. Salmonella enteritidis.

8. Lettuce, which is believed to be the cause of an acute intestinal infection, was delivered to the microbiological laboratory. What nutrient media are used for primary sowing?

A . Yolk salt agar, MPB.


C . Selenite broth, Endo, Ploskireva.

D . Liver broth, Roux medium.

E . Blood agar, alkaline agar.

9. When microbiological research minced meat bacteria belonging to the genus Shigella were isolated. The study of what properties of microbes led to this conclusion?

A . Cultural, tinctorial.

B . Antigenic, cultural.

C . Saccharolytic, proteolytic.

D . Antigenic, immunogenic.

E . Morphological, antigenic.

10. During a microscopic examination of vomit taken from a patient with symptoms of acute intestinal infection, immobile rods were found. In what smear or preparation could the mobility of bacteria be studied?

A . In a Gram-stained smear.

B . In a smear stained according to Ziehl-Neelsen.

C . The preparation contains a “thick drop”.

D . In a smear stained according to Neisser.

E . The preparation contains a “crushed drop”.

Algorithm laboratory work:

1. Study of the biological properties of Shigella.

2. Familiarization with the classification of Shigella.

3. Analysis of the scheme of pathogenetic and clinical manifestations of shigellosis.

4. Study of methods for laboratory diagnosis of shigellosis.

5. Study of the basic principles of therapy and prevention of shigellosis.

  1. Preparation of fixed preparations from bacterial culture.
  2. Coloring microslides according to Gram.
  3. Microscopy of microslides With using an immersion microscope, their analysis and recording in the lesson protocol.
  4. Mi croscopy and analysis of demonstration preparations from pure cultures of Shigella.
  5. Drawing of demonstration preparations and laboratory diagnostic diagrams of shigellosis into the protocol.
  6. Drawing up the protocol.

Dysentery is a severe intestinal infection characterized by an acute onset. Microbiological diagnostics dysentery involves isolating the pathogen from the patient’s feces by inoculating it in a special nutrient medium. The disease must be differentiated from other intestinal diseases and poisonings. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will help avoid complications.

The importance of timely diagnosis

Recognizing dysentery in practice is not so easy because there are infectious and non-infectious diseases with similar clinical manifestations. A characteristic feature of dysentery pathogens (Shigella) is the ability to change resistance to antibacterial drugs. An untimely diagnosis of the disease will lead to infection of a large number of people. Improper use of antibiotics is the cause of bacterial resistance, leading to mass infections and epidemics with fatal outcomes. The source of infection is patients and carriers of bacteria who secrete pathogenic microorganisms with fecal matter. The incubation period of dysentery is 2-3 days.

Clinical symptoms of the disease

  • Sudden fever with a body temperature of 40 degrees or higher.
  • Diarrhea more than 10 times a day.
  • The appearance of blood, mucus, and, in rare cases, pus in the stool.
  • Loss of appetite up to complete absence.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Cutting in the abdomen and right hypochondrium.
  • Pain in the rectum.
  • Dehydration.
  • Dry tongue with a white coating.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Disorders of consciousness.

Diagnostic procedures

A doctor makes a diagnosis of dysentery only after conducting studies.

Diagnosis of the disease includes generally accepted and special methods that establish not only the final diagnosis, but also assess the level of dysfunction of the digestive organs. With dysentery, the diagnosis is made on the basis of the epidemiological picture of the disease, clinical symptoms and research. The main laboratory diagnostics is stool microbiology analysis, which identifies up to 80% of pathogens. The serological method is carried out no earlier than the 5th day of the disease; this type of research complements, but does not replace microbiological analysis. Other methods:

  • Coprological examination is a simple and accessible clinical method that detects mucus, blood streaks, red blood cells, neutrophils (up to 50 in the field of view) and altered epithelial cells.
  • Sigmoidoscopy - allows you to monitor the healing process. Not for use in children.
  • The allergy test method is an auxiliary method based on taking a skin allergy test with dysenterine (Tsuverkalov method).

General blood analysis

Immune cells destroy dysentery pathogens in the intestines, and severe cases of the disease occur when bacteria invade the lymph nodes and subsequently enter the bloodstream. A blood test for dysentery evaluates the patient’s condition and allows timely response to possible complications. Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate - laboratory value, characterizing the degree of inflammation. Dysentery also causes an increase in the concentration of band neutrophils and monocytes.

How to donate feces for coprogram?

To confirm the disease, a stool test is performed. A coprogram is a detailed laboratory study that evaluates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the speed and efficiency of digestion and intestinal function. Laboratory methods for examining feces reveal the physical and chemical properties of feces, composition, and the presence of foreign organisms and inclusions. Requirements for stool collection:

  • The material is taken after the natural act of defecation.
  • The collection is carried out in a special container.
  • It is prohibited to take biological material obtained as a result of an enema to test stool for dysentery.
  • Before the study, it is prohibited to use iron supplements, use rectal suppositories, take laxatives, or drink alcoholic beverages.

Microbiological diagnostics

A tank culture for dysentery accurately determines the type of pathogen.

Bacteriological diagnostics - collection of fecal matter and subsequent sowing of feces in a special nutrient medium. The appearance of colonies of pathogenic bacteria (Shigella) after culture confirms the suspected diagnosis. Bacteriological analysis for dysentery accurately determines the pathogen, its type, subspecies and susceptibility to antibacterial agents, which allows you to choose the right drug for treatment.

The material being tested is feces with foreign impurities, obtained naturally or with a special tube for sigmoidoscopy. A smear is taken from children with a special swab (VD smear or intestinal smear). Drug sensitivity is established by placing Shigella colonies together with various antibiotics. If the vital activity of microorganisms continues near the tablet with an antibiotic, then the drug is not used for treatment; if the microorganisms die, treatment with such an antibiotic is prescribed.

Serological tests for dysentery

In case of negative or questionable results of bacteriological examination, the serological method is used. In the patient's stool it is detected bacterial antigen, and in plasma - specific antibodies. The antibody titer can be determined using the RIGA method, sometimes using the RPGA or RA method. A suspension of a daytime Shegella colony is used as antigens. The disadvantage of the method is that reliable results are obtained only 5 days after the onset of the disease, when the concentration of antibodies reaches the desired level.


Due to the fact that the causative agent of dysentery affects the large intestine, sigmoidoscopy - significant method diagnostic, but not definitive. Diagnosis consists of inserting a rectoscope into the anus, equipped with a device that supplies air. By swelling, the intestinal cavity becomes accessible for examination. This method helps to assess the degree of damage to the intestinal epithelium. With dysentery, the intestinal walls become hyperemic as a result of vasodilation. Erosion and hemorrhage occur in some sections. Sigmoidoscopy does not require preparation, but the procedure is not performed if anal fissures or pathologies of the anus are present.

The content of the article

Dysentery (shigellosis)- spicy infectious disease with a fecal-oral transmission mechanism, caused by various types of Shigella, characterized by symptoms of general intoxication, damage to the colon, mainly its distal part, and signs of hemorrhagic colitis. In some cases, it becomes protracted or chronic.

Historical data of dysentery

The term “dysentery” was proposed by Hippocrates (5th century BC), but it meant diarrhea accompanied by pain. Translated from Greek. dys - disorders, enteron - intestines. The disease was first described in detail by the Greek physician Aretaeus (1st century AD) under the name “strain diarrhea.” In 1891, military doctor-prosector A.V. Grigoriev isolated gram-negative microorganisms from the mesenteric lymph nodes of people who died from dysentery and studied their morphology . Japanese microbiologist K. Shiga studied these pathogens in more detail. Later, various causative agents of dysentery were described, which were collectively called “Shigella.” S. Flexner, J. Boyd, M. I. Shtutser, K. Schmitz, W. Kruse, C. Sonne, E. M. Novgorodskaya and others worked on their discovery and study.

Etiology of dysentery

. The causative agents of bacterial dysentery belong to the genus Shigella, family Enterobacteriaceae. These are immobile gram-negative rods measuring 2-4X0.5-0.8 microns, not forming spores and capsules, they grow well on ordinary nutrient media, and are facultative anaerobes. Among the enzymes that determine the invasiveness of Shigella are hyaluronidase, plasmacoagulase, fibrinolysin, hemolysin, etc. Shigella is able to penetrate the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa, where they can be stored and multiply (endocytosis). This is one of the factors determining the pathogenicity of microorganisms.
The combination of enzymatic, antigenic and biological properties of Shigella forms the basis for their classification. According to the international classification (1968), there are 4 subgroups of Shigella. Subgroup A (Sh. dysenteriae) covers 10 serovars, including Shigella Grigoriev-Shig - serovars 1, Stutzer-Schmitz - serovars 2, Large-Sachs - serovars 3-7. Subgroup B (Sh. flexneri) includes 8 serovars, including Shigella Newcastle - serovars 6. Subgroup C (Sh. boydii) has 15 serovars. Subgroup D (Sh. sonnei) has 14 serovars for enzymatic properties and 17 for colicinogenicity. Our country has adopted a classification according to which there are 3 subgroups of Shigella (subgroups B and C are combined into one - Sh. Flexneri).Sh. dysenteriae (Grigorieva-Shiga) are capable of producing a strong heat-stable exotoxin and heat-labile endotoxin, while all other Shigella excrete only endotoxin.
Pathogenicity various types Shigella is not the same. The most pathogenic are Shigella Grigoriev-Shiga. Thus, the infectious dose for this shigellosis in adults is 5-10 microbial bodies, for Flexner's Shigella - about 100, Sonne's - 10 million bacterial cells.
Shigella has significant resistance to environmental factors. They are stored in moist soil for about 40 days, in dry soil - up to 15. In milk and dairy products they can be stored for 10 days, in water - up to 1 month, and in frozen foods and ice - about 6 months. Shigella can survive on contaminated laundry for 6 months. They quickly die from exposure to direct sunlight(after 30 minutes), but in the shade they remain viable for up to 3 months. At a temperature of 60 ° C, Shigella die within 10 minutes, and when boiled, they die immediately. All disinfectants kill Shigella within 1-3 minutes.
The resistance of Shigella in the external environment is higher, the weaker its pathogenicity.
In the 20th century the etiological structure of dysentery changes. Until the 30s, the vast majority of patients were diagnosed with Shigella Grigoriev-Shiga (about 80% of cases), from the 40s - Shigella Flexner, and from the 60s - Shigella Sonne. The latter is associated with greater stability of the pathogen in the external environment, as well as with the frequent course of the disease in the form of erased and atypical forms, which creates conditions for further spread of the pathogen. Noteworthy is the fact of a significant increase in the 70-80s of cases of Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery in the countries of Central America, where large epidemics took place, and its spread to the countries of Southeast Asia, which gives grounds to talk about a modern pandemic of Grigoriev Prokofiev-Shiga dysentery .

Epidemiology of dysentery

The source of infection is patients with acute and chronic forms of the disease, as well as bacteria carriers. Patients with the acute form are most contagious in the first 3-4 days of illness, and with chronic dysentery - during exacerbations. The most dangerous sources of infection are bacteria carriers and diseased mild and erased forms of the disease, which may not manifest themselves.
Based on the duration of bacterial excretion, they are distinguished: acute bacterial carriage (within 3 months), chronic (over 3 months) and transient.
The mechanism of infection is fecal-oral, occurring through water, food and household contact. Transmission factors, as with other intestinal infections, are food, water, flies, dirty hands, household items contaminated with feces of the patient, etc. With Sonne's dysentery, the main route of transmission is food, with Flexner's dysentery - water, Grigoriev - Shiga - contact and household. However, we must remember that all types of shigellosis can be transmitted in different ways.
Susceptibility to dysentery is high and depends little on gender and age, but the highest incidence is observed among preschool children due to their lack of sufficient hygiene skills. Intestinal dysbiosis and other chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines increase susceptibility.
Like other spicy ones intestinal infections, dysentery is characterized by summer-autumn seasonality, which is associated with the activation of transmission routes, the creation of favorable external conditions for the preservation and reproduction of the pathogen, and the peculiarities of the morphofunctional properties of the digestive canal during this period.
The transferred disease leaves a fragile (for a year), and with Grigoriev-Shiga shigellosis - a longer (about two years), strictly type- and species-specific immunity.
Dysentery is a common infectious disease that is registered in all countries of the world. The most common shigellosis in the world is D (Sonne). Shigellosis A (Grigorieva-Shiga), in addition to the countries of Central America, Southeast Asia, and certain regions of Africa, also occurs in European countries. In our country, shigellosis A occurred only in the form of isolated “imported” cases. IN Lately the incidence of dysentery caused by this subtype of pathogen is gradually beginning to increase.

Pathogenesis and pathomorphology of dysentery

The mechanism of development of the pathological process in dysentery is quite complex and requires further study. Infection occurs only orally. This is evidenced by the fact that it was impossible to contract dysentery when Shigella was administered through the rectum in experiments.
The passage of a pathogen through the digestive canal can lead to:
a) until the complete death of Shigella with the release of toxins and the occurrence of reactive gastroenteritis,
b) transient passage of the pathogen through the digestive canal without clinical manifestations - transient bacterial carriage;
c) to the development of dysentery. In addition to the premorbid state of the organism, a significant role in this case belongs to the pathogen: its invasiveness, colicinogenicity, enzymatic and antiphagocytic activity, antigenicity, foreignness, etc.
Penetrating into the digestive canal, Shigella is influenced by digestive enzymes and antagonistic intestinal flora, as a result of which a significant part of the pathogen dies in the stomach and small intestine with the release of endotoxins, which are absorbed through the intestinal wall into the blood. Some of the dysentery toxins bind to cells of various tissues (including cells of the nervous system), causing intoxication in the initial period, and the other part is released from the body, including through the wall of the colon. In this case, the toxins of the causative agent of dysentery sensitize the intestinal mucosa and cause trophic changes in the submucosal layer. Provided that the pathogen remains viable, it penetrates the intestinal mucosa sensitized by toxins, causing destructive changes in it. It is believed that foci of reproduction in the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa are formed due to the invasiveness of Shigella and their ability to endocytose. At the same time, during the destruction of the affected epithelial cells, Shigella penetrates into the deep layers of the intestinal wall, where they are phagocytosed by neutrophil granulocytes and macrophages. Defects (erosions, ulcers) appear on the mucous membrane, often with a fibrinous coating. After phagocytosis, Shigella dies (completed phagocytosis), toxins are released that affect small vessels, causing swelling of the submucosal layer and hemorrhages. At the same time, the toxins of the pathogen stimulate the release of biologically active substances - histamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, which, in turn, further disrupt and discoordinate the capillary blood supply of the intestine and increase the intensity of the inflammatory process, thereby deepening the disorders of the secretory, motor and absorption functions of the colon.
As a consequence of the hematogenous circulation of toxins, a progressive increase in intoxication is observed, irritation of the receptor apparatus of the renal vessels and their spasm increases, which, in turn, leads to disruption of the excretory function of the kidneys and an increase in the concentration of nitrogenous wastes, salts, end products of metabolism in the blood, and a deepening of homeostasis disorders. In the case of such disorders, the excretory function is taken over by substitute (vicarious) excretory organs (skin, lungs, digestive canal). The colon bears the maximum load, which aggravates destructive processes in the mucous membrane. Since in children the functional differentiation and specialization of various parts of the digestive canal is lower than in adults, the mentioned process of releasing toxic substances from the body does not occur in any separate segment of the colon, but diffusely, along the course of the entire digestive canal, which causes a more severe course diseases in young children.
Due to endocytosis, toxin formation, disturbances of homeostasis, the release of thick waste and other products, trophic disturbances progress, due to deprivation of tissues of nutrition and oxygen, erosions and ulcers appear on the mucous membrane, and more extensive necrosis is also observed. In adults, these lesions are usually segmental according to the needs of elimination.
The result of irritation of the nerve endings and nodes of the abdominal plexus by dysentery toxin is a disorder of the secretion of the stomach and intestines, as well as incoordination of peristalsis of the small and especially large intestine, spasm of the stiff muscles of the intestinal wall, which causes paroxysmal abdominal pain.
Due to edema and spasm, the diameter of the lumen of the corresponding segment of the intestine decreases, so the urge to defecate occurs much more often. Based on this, the urge to defecate does not end with emptying (i.e. it is not real), is accompanied by pain and the release of only mucus, blood, pus (“rectal spitting”). Changes in the intestines are gradually reversed. Due to the death of part of the nerve formations of the intestines from hypoxia long time morphological and functional disorders which may progress.
In acute dysentery, pathomorphological changes are divided into stages according to the severity of the pathological process. Acute catarrhal inflammation - swelling of the mucous membrane and submucosal layer, hyperemia, often minor hemorrhages, sometimes superficial necrotization of the epithelium (erosion); on the surface of the mucous membrane between the folds there is mucopurulent or mucohemorrhagic exudate; hyperemia is accompanied by lymphocytic-neutrophilic infiltration of the stroma. Fibrinous-necrotic inflammation is much less common, characterized by dirty-gray dense layers of fibrin, necrotic epithelium, leukocytes on the hyperemic edematous mucous membrane, necrosis reaches the submucosal layer, which is intensively infiltrated with lymphocytes and neutrophilic leukocytes. The formation of ulcers is the melting of the affected cells and the gradual removal of necrotic masses; the edges of superficial ulcers are quite dense; in the distal part of the colon there are confluent ulcerative “fields”, between which islands of unaffected mucous membrane are sometimes preserved; very rarely, penetration or perforation of the ulcer with the development of peritonitis is possible. Healing of ulcers and their scarring.
In chronic dysentery during remission, the intestines may be visually almost unchanged, but histologically they reveal sclerosis (atrophy) of the mucous membrane and submucosal layer, degeneration of intestinal crypts and glands, vascular disorders with inflammatory cell infiltrates and dystrophic changes. During an exacerbation, changes similar to those observed in the acute form of the disease are observed.
Regardless of the form of dysentery, changes in regional lymph nodes (infiltration, hemorrhage, swelling), intramural nerve plexuses. The same changes occur in the abdominal plexus, cervical sympathetic ganglia, and vagus nerve ganglia.
Dystrophic processes are also observed in the myocardium, liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, brain and its membranes.

Dysentery Clinic

Dysentery is marked by a polymorphism of clinical manifestations and is characterized by both local intestinal damage and general toxic manifestations. This clinical classification of dysentery has become widespread.
1. Acute dysentery (lasts about 3 months):
a) typical (colic) form,
b) toxicoinfectious (gastroenterocolitic) form.
Both forms can be light, medium-heavy, heavy, or erased.
2. Chronic dysentery (lasts more than 3 months):
a) recurrent;
b) continuous.
3. Bacterial carriage.
Dysentery has a cyclical course. Conventionally, the following periods of the disease are distinguished: incubation, initial, height, extinction of the manifestations of the disease, recovery or, much less often, transition to a chronic form.
Acute dysentery.
The incubation period lasts from 1 to 7 days (usually 2-3 days). In most cases, the disease begins acutely, although some patients may experience prodromal symptoms in the form of general malaise, headache, lethargy, loss of appetite, drowsiness, and a feeling of abdominal discomfort. As a rule, the disease begins with chills and a feeling of heat. Body temperature quickly rises to 38-39 ° C, intoxication increases. The duration of fever ranges from several hours to 2-5 days. The course of the disease is possible with low-grade fever or without increasing it.
From the first day of illness, the leading symptom complex is spastic distal hemorrhagic colitis. Paroxysmal spasmodic pain occurs in the lower abdomen, mainly in the left iliac region. Cramping pain precedes each bowel movement. Tenesmus, typical for distal colitis, also occurs: nagging pain in the discharge area during defecation and for 5-10 minutes after it, which is caused by the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the rectal ampulla. The feces have a liquid consistency, at first they have a fecal character, which changes after 2-3 hours. The amount of feces decreases each time, and the frequency of stool increases, an admixture of mucus appears, and with subsequent bowel movements - blood, and later manure.
Feces look bloody-mucous, less often a mucopurulent mass (15-30 ml) - lumps of mucus streaked with blood ("rectal spit"). There can be from 10 to 100 or more urges per day, and the total amount of feces in typical cases is at the beginning of the disease does not exceed 0.2-0.5 liters, and in subsequent days even less. The pain in the left half of the abdomen intensifies, tenesmus and false (false) urge to lower the body become more frequent, which does not result in defecation and does not provide relief. In some cases In cases (especially in children), there may be prolapse of the rectum, gaping of the posterior one due to paresis of its sphincter from “overwork.”
On palpation of the abdomen, sharp pain is noted in its left half, sigmoid colon spasmodic and palpated in the form of a dense, inactive, painful cord. Often, palpation of the abdomen increases intestinal spasm and provokes tenesmus and false urges to defecate. Soreness and spasticity are also detected in other parts of the colon, especially in its descending part.
Already at the end of the first day the patient is weakened, adynamic, apathetic. The skin and visible mucous membranes are dry, pale, sometimes with a bluish tint, the tongue is covered with a white coating. Anorexia and fear of pain is the reason for refusing food. Heart sounds are weakened, pulse is labile, arterial pressure reduced. Sometimes disturbances in the rhythm of heart contractions and systolic murmur above the apex are detected. Patients are restless and complain of insomnia. Sometimes there is pain along the nerve trunks, skin hyperesthesia, and hand tremor.
In patients with dysentery, all types of metabolism are disrupted. In young children, metabolic disorders can cause the development of secondary toxicosis and especially severe cases- adverse consequences. In some cases, toxic proteinuria is observed.
Blood tests revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis with a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, monocytosis, and a moderate increase in ESR.
During sigmoidoscopy (colonoscopy), inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon is determined. varying degrees. The mucous membrane is hyperemic, swollen, and easily injured by the slightest movements of the sigmoidoscope. Hemorrhages, mucopurulent, and in some cases fibrinous and diphtheritic deposits (similar to diphtheria), erosions of varying sizes and ulcerative defects are often observed.
High period The illness lasts from 1 to 7-8 days, depending on the severity of the course. Recovery occurs gradually. Normalization of intestinal function does not yet indicate recovery, since, according to sigmoidoscopy, restoration of the mucous membrane of the distal colon occurs slowly.
Most often (60-70% of cases) a mild colitic form of the disease is observed with short-term (1-2 days) and mildly expressed dysfunction digestive system without significant intoxication. Defecation is rare (3-8 times a day), with a small amount of mucus streaked with blood. Abdominal pain is not sharp, there may be no tenesmus. Sigmoidoscopy allows you to identify catarrhal, and in some cases catarrhal-hemorrhagic proctosigmoiditis. Patients, as a rule, remain able to work and do not always seek help. The disease lasts 3-7 days.
Moderate colic form(15-30% of cases) is characterized by moderate intoxication in the initial period of the disease, an increase in body temperature to 38-39 ° C, which persists for 1-3 days, spastic pain in the left half of the abdomen, tenesmus, and a false urge to defecate. The frequency of stools reaches 10-20 per day, feces are in small quantities, quickly lose their fecal character - impurities of mucus and streaks of blood (“rectal spit”). Sigmoidoscopy reveals catarrhal-hemorrhagic or catarrhal-erosive proctosigmoiditis. The disease lasts 8-14 days.
Severe colic form(10-15% of cases) has a violent onset with chills, increased body temperature to 39-40 ° C, and significant intoxication. There is a sharp, paroxysmal pain in the left iliac region, tenesmus, frequent (about 40-60 times a day or more) bowel movements, feces of a mucous-bloody nature. The sigmoid colon is sharply painful and spasmodic. In severe cases, intestinal paresis with flatulence is possible. Patients are adynamic, facial features are sharpened, blood pressure is reduced to 8.0/5.3 kPa (60/40 mm Hg), tachycardia, heart sounds are muffled. During sigmoidoscopy, catarrhal-hemorrhagic-erosive, catarrhal-ulcerative proctosigmoiditis is determined; fibrinous-necrotic changes in the mucous membrane are less often observed. The recovery period lasts 2-4 weeks.
To atypical forms dysentery includes gastroenterocolitic (toxicoinfectious), hypertoxic (especially severe) and erased. Gastroenterocolitic form observed in 5-7% of cases and has a course similar to food poisoning.
Hypertoxic (especially severe) form characterized by severe intoxication, collaptoid state, development of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome, acute failure kidney Due to the lightning-fast course of the disease, changes in the gastrointestinal tract do not have time to develop.
Erased form characterized by the absence of intoxication, tenesmus, intestinal dysfunction is insignificant. Sometimes palpation reveals mild tenderness of the sigmoid colon. This form of the disease does not lead to changes in normal lifestyle, so patients do not seek help.
The course of dysentery, depending on the type of pathogen, has some features. Thus, Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery is characterized by a severe course, most often with severe colitic syndrome, against the background of general intoxication, hyperthermia, neurotoxicosis, and sometimes convulsive syndrome. Flexner's dysentery is characterized by a slightly milder course, but severe forms with severe colitic syndrome and longer release from the pathogen are observed relatively often. Sonne's dysentery, as a rule, has a mild course, often in the form of food toxic infection (gastroenterocolitic form). More often than with other forms, the cecum and ascending colon are affected. The overwhelming majority of cases of bacterial carriage are caused by Shigella Sonne.

Chronic dysentery

Recently it has been observed rarely (1-3% of cases) and has a recurrent or continuous course. More often it acquires a recurrent course with alternating phases of remission and exacerbation, during which, as with acute dysentery, signs of damage to the distal colon predominate. Exacerbations can be caused by diet disorders, disorders of the stomach and intestines, acute respiratory diseases and are often accompanied by moderate severe symptoms spastic colitis (sometimes hemorrhagic colitis), but prolonged bacterial excretion.
During an objective examination, spasm and tenderness of the sigmoid colon, rumbling along the colon can be detected. During the period of exacerbation of sigmoidoscopy, the picture resembles the changes typical of acute dysentery, however, the pathomorphological changes are more polymorphic, areas of the mucous membrane with bright hyperemia border on areas of atrophy.
With a continuous form of chronic dysentery, there are practically no periods of remission, the patient’s condition gradually worsens, profound digestive disorders, signs of hypovitaminosis, and anemia appear. A constant companion of this form of chronic dysentery is intestinal dysbiocenosis.
Patients with a long course of chronic dysentery often develop post-dysenteric colitis, which is the result of deep trophic changes in the colon, especially its nervous structures. The dysfunction persists for years, when pathogens are no longer excreted from the colon, and etiotropic treatment is ineffective. Patients constantly feel heaviness in epigastric region, constipation and flatulence are periodically observed, which alternate with diarrhea. Sigmoidoscopy reveals total atrophy of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon without inflammation. The nervous system suffered to a greater extent - patients are irritable, their performance is sharply reduced, headaches, sleep disturbances, and anorexia are frequent.
Feature of modern the course of dysentery is relatively large specific gravity mild and subclinical forms (which are usually caused by Shigella Sonne or Boyd), long-term stable bacterial carriage, greater resistance to etiotropic therapy, as well as the rarity of chronic forms.
Complications have recently been observed extremely rarely. Relatively more often, dysentery can be complicated by exacerbation of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. In weakened patients, mainly children, complications may occur (bronchopneumonia, infections urinary tract), caused by the activation of opportunistic low-, conditionally and non-pathogenic flora, as well as rectal prolapse.
The prognosis is generally favorable, but in some cases the course of the disease becomes chronic. Death in adults it is rarely observed; in weakened young children with an unfavorable premorbid background it is 2-10%.

Diagnosis of dysentery

Reference symptoms clinical diagnostics dysentery there are signs of spastic terminal hemorrhagic colitis: paroxysmal pain in the left half of the abdomen, especially in the iliac region, tenesmus, frequent false urge to defecate, mucous-bloody discharge (“rectal spitting”), spastic, sharply painful, sedentary sigmoid colon, sigmoidoscopy picture of catarrhal, catarrhal-hemorrhagic or erosive-ulcerative proctosigmoiditis.
In establishing a diagnosis, epidemiological history data play an important role: the presence of an outbreak of the disease, cases of dysentery in the patient’s environment, seasonality, etc.

Specific diagnosis of dysentery

. The most reliable and widespread method of laboratory diagnosis of dysentery is bacteriological, which consists of isolating coprocultures of Shigella, and in case of Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery, in some cases, blood cultures. It is advisable to take the material for research before the start of antibacterial therapy, repeatedly, which increases the frequency of pathogen isolation. The material is sown on selective media of Ploskirev, Endo, Levin, etc. The frequency of pathogen isolation during bacteriological studies is 40-70%, and this figure is higher, the earlier the studies were conducted and the greater their frequency.
Along with bacteriological examination, serological methods are used. Identification of specific antibodies is carried out using the RNGA reaction, less often RA. The diagnostic titer in the RNGA is considered to be 1: 100 for Sonne’s dysentery and 1: 200 for Flexner’s dysentery. Antibodies in dysentery appear at the end of the first week of illness and reach a maximum on the 21-25th day, so it is advisable to use the method of paired sera.
The dysenterine allergy skin test (Tsuverkalov reaction) is rarely used because it does not have sufficient specificity.
Coprological examination is of auxiliary importance in establishing the diagnosis, during which mucus, pus, a large number of leukocytes, mainly neutrophils, and red blood cells are often detected.

Differential diagnosis of dysentery

Dysentery should be differentiated from amoebiasis, foodborne toxic infections, cholera, sometimes with typhoid fever and paratyphoid A and B, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, proctitis, colitis of non-infectious origin, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, neoplasms of the colon. and Unlike dysentery, amoebiasis is characterized chronic course, lack of significant temperature response. Feces retain their fecal character, mucus is evenly mixed with blood (“raspberry jelly”), and amoebas, the causative agents of the disease, or their cysts, eosinophils, and Charcot-Leyden crystals are often found in them.
For food poisoning the disease begins with chills, repeated vomiting, and pain mainly in the epigastric region. Lesions of the colon are rare, so patients do not have spastic pain in the left iliac region or tenesmus. In the case of salmonellosis, the feces are greenish in color (a type of swamp mud).
For cholera signs of spastic colitis are not typical. The disease begins with profuse diarrhea, which is accompanied by vomiting with a large amount of vomit. Feces have the appearance of rice water, signs of dehydration quickly increase, which often reaches alarming levels and causes the severity of the condition. For cholera, tenesmus, abdominal pain, high body temperature (usually even hypothermia) are atypical.
For typhoid fever in some cases, the large intestine is affected (colotypha), but it is not characterized by spastic colitis, prolonged fever, severe hepatolienal syndrome, and a specific roseola rash are observed.
Bloody issues for hemorrhoids observed in the absence of inflammatory changes in the colon, blood is mixed with the feces at the end of the act of defecation. Review of otkhodniks and sigmoidoscopy help to avoid diagnostic errors.
Colitis non-infectious nature often occurs in cases of poisoning with chemical compounds (“lead colitis”), with certain internal diseases (cholecystitis, hypoacid gastritis), pathology of the small intestine, uremia. This secondary colitis is diagnosed taking into account the underlying disease and is not contagious or seasonal.
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis In most cases, it begins gradually, has a progressive long-term course, and a typical rectoromaioscopic and radiological picture. Characterized by resistance to antibacterial therapy.
Colon neoplasms in the decay stage they may be accompanied by diarrhea with blood against the background of intoxication, but are characterized by a longer course, the presence of metastasis to regional lymph nodes and distant organs. To find out the diagnosis, you should use a digital examination of the rectum, sigmoidoscopy, irrigography, and coprocytoscopic examination.

Treatment of dysentery

The basic principle of treating patients with dysentery is to begin therapeutic measures as early as possible. Treatment of patients with dysentery can be carried out both in an infectious diseases hospital and at home. lung patients forms of dysentery can be treated at home in case of satisfactory sanitary and living conditions. This is reported by sanitary and epidemiological institutions. Patients with moderate and severe forms of dysentery, decreed contingents and in the presence of epidemiological indications are subject to mandatory hospitalization.
Diet therapy is of great importance. In the acute phase of the disease, diet No. 4 (4a) is prescribed. They recommend pureed mucous soups from vegetables, cereals, dishes from pureed meat, cottage cheese, boiled fish, wheat bread, etc. food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. After stool normalization, diet No. 4c is prescribed, and later diet No. 15.
Etiotropic therapy involves the use of various antibacterial medicines taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to them and after taking the material for bacteriological examination. Recently, the principles and methods of etiotropic treatment of patients with dysentery have been revised. It is recommended to limit the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which contribute to the formation of intestinal dysbiocenosis and prolong recovery time.
It is advisable to treat patients with mild forms of dysentery without the use of antibiotics. The best results are obtained when using nitrofuran drugs in these cases (furazolidone 0.1-0.15 g 4 times a day for 5-7 days), 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives (enteroseptol 0.5 g 4 times a day, intestopan 3 tablets 4 times a day), sulfonamide drugs with non-resorptive action (phthalazole 2-3 g 6 times a day, phthazin 1 g 2 times a day) for 6-7 days.
Antibiotics are used for moderate and severe colic forms of dysentery, especially in the elderly and in young children. In this case, it is advisable to shorten the course of treatment to 2-3 days. Apply the following drugs(in daily doses): chloramphenicol (0.5 g 4-6 times), tetracycline (0.2-0.3 g 4-6 times), ampicillin (0.5-1.0 g 4 times) , monomycin (0.25 g 4-5 times), biseptol-480 (2 tablets 2 times), etc. In case of severe forms of the disease and in the treatment of young children, parenteral administration of antibiotics is advisable.
Among the means of pathogenetic therapy in severe and moderate cases of dysentery, polyglucin, reopolyglucin, polyionic solutions, “Quartasil”, etc. are used for detoxification. In especially severe cases, glycocorticosteroids are prescribed for infectious-toxic shock. For mild and partially moderate severe forms you can limit yourself to drinking a glucose-salt solution (oralita) of the following composition: sodium chloride - 3.5 g, sodium bicarbonate - 2.5, potassium chloride - 1.5, glucose - 20 g per 1 liter of drinking water boiled water.
Pathogenetically justified is the appointment antihistamines, vitamin therapy. In cases of prolonged dysentery, immunostimulants (pentoxyl, sodium nucleinate, methyluracil) are used.
In order to compensate for the enzyme deficiency of the digestive canal, natural gastric juice, chlorohydrochloric (hydrochloric) acid with pepsin, Acidin-pepsin, oraza, pancreatin, panzinorm, festal, etc. are prescribed. If there are signs of dysbacteriosis, bactisubtil, colibacterin, bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin and others are effective. within 2-3 weeks. They prevent the process from becoming chronic and relapse of the disease, and are also effective in cases of prolonged bacterial carriage.
Treatment of patients with chronic dysentery includes anti-relapse treatment and treatment for exacerbations and includes diet, antibacterial therapy with a change in drugs according to the sensitivity of Shigella to them, vitamin therapy, the use of immunostimulants and bacterial drugs.

Prevention of dysentery

Priority is given early diagnosis dysentery and isolation of patients in an infectious diseases hospital or at home. Current and final disinfection is required in outbreak areas.
Persons who have had acute dysentery are discharged from the hospital no earlier than 3 days after clinical recovery and a single, and in the decreed contingents - a double negative bacteriological study, which is carried out no earlier than 2 days after the completed course of antibacterial therapy. If the pathogen was not isolated during the illness, patients are discharged without a final bacteriological examination, and decreed contingents are discharged after a single bacteriological examination. In case of chronic dysentery, patients are discharged after the exacerbation has subsided, stable normalization of stools and a negative single bacteriological examination. If the result of the final bacteriological examination is positive, such persons are given a second course of treatment.
Persons who have had dysentery with an established type of pathogen, carriers of Shigella, as well as patients with chronic dysentery are subject to dispensary observation in the KIZ. Clinical examination is carried out within 3 months after discharge from the hospital, and for patients with chronic dysentery from among the decreed contingents - within 6 months.
Strict compliance with sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-technical standards and rules at catering establishments, food industry facilities, and children's facilities is important in the prevention of dysentery. preschool institutions, schools and other facilities.
For the specific prevention of dysentery, a dry lyophilized live anti-dysenteric vaccine (orally) made from Shigella Flexner and Sonne has been proposed, but its effectiveness has not been fully clarified.

Test for dysentery is a collective concept that includes general clinical and specific methods studies that help establish not only the final diagnosis of shigellosis (a more modern name for dysentery), but also assess the degree of disturbances in various organ systems in the body.

Is your husband an alcoholic?

Laboratory diagnosis of dysentery includes:

  • general clinical methods (traditional blood and urine tests);
  • coprogram;
  • biochemical tests;
  • bacteriological method;
  • serological reactions;
  • allergic skin test (rare);
  • instrumental studies.

The expediency of a particular diagnostic study is determined by the current medical documentation, namely the protocols for the provision of medical care. Not only the components of the diagnosis of shigellosis are regulated, but also the frequency of their implementation. This detail is important for the so-called decreed group, that is, people working in the food industry and children's groups - a certain number of negative tests is the basis for admission to work.

General clinical methods

Study of the cellular composition of blood

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  • Money disappears at home, it’s not enough even from payday to payday...
  • Once upon a time, a loved one becomes angry, aggressive and begins to let loose...
  • Children do not see their father sober, only an eternally dissatisfied drunkard...
If you recognize your family, don’t tolerate it! There is an exit!

This routine research method can be quite informative specifically for dysentery, as it reflects the severity of the disease. With a mild course, a general blood test may not reveal any changes or they will be insignificant. On the contrary, in severe forms of the disease, typical for bacterial infection the accents are expressed very violently.

In severe forms of shigellosis, the following can be detected:

  • a significant increase in the absolute number of leukocytes (that is, hyperleukocytosis);
  • a significant shift of the formula to the left, that is, an increase in the absolute and relative number of band lymphocytes, up to the appearance of young forms;
  • toxic granularity of neutrophils;
  • increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • a decrease in the level of color index and hemoglobin concentration, the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes), that is, classic signs of anemia.

Pronounced changes in the general blood test indicate not only a severe course of the disease, but also possible development complications such as intestinal bleeding.

On the other hand, even pronounced changes in the general blood test are nonspecific, that is, they can be observed in many other diseases, and therefore are not the basis for making a final diagnosis.

Urine examination

Only in the case of a very severe course of the disease are changes observed in the general urine analysis, which are a consequence of severe intoxication. Such signs include the appearance of red blood cells, a large number of white blood cells and casts, as well as an increase in protein concentration. In order to exclude possible pathology of the urinary tract, a general urine test should be repeated after the clinical symptoms of dysentery have subsided.


Stool analysis reflects all changes typical of dysenteric intestinal damage. In addition, the nature and extent of the identified changes is directly related to the severity of the clinical course of the disease.

When examining stool, the following changes are observed:

  • increased number of leukocytes (normally there can be only a few);
  • the appearance of red blood cells (normally absent);
  • mucus in varying quantities (not normally detected);
  • undigested food particles and epithelium as a result of disruption of food digestion processes, as well as damage epithelial tissue intestines.

It is necessary to understand that the obtained results of the coprogram, as well as general clinical tests of urine and blood, cannot be considered as a final diagnosis of shigellosis. To establish the specific type of Shigella that caused the development of clinical symptoms of the disease in a given patient, as well as to assess its sensitivity to certain antibiotics, a full microbiological diagnosis of dysentery is necessary.

Specific diagnostics

If dysentery is suspected, diagnosis involves isolating the pathogen from the patient's biological fluids (primarily from feces, less commonly gastric lavage and vomit) or determining the titer of protective antibodies that are produced in response to the introduction of a microbial agent.

Bacteriological method

It is the most common, informative and accessible in most cases and in the majority of clinics. Stool collection for examination should be carried out in the first days of illness. Feces obtained from in a natural way, as well as taken with a sigmoidoscopy tube or a cotton swab (a kind of smear). Collect biological material in a clean container that has not been treated with disinfectant solutions.

The largest amount of the causative agent of dysentery is detected in those areas of stool where mucus and pus are present. Sowing is done on conventional nutrient media - Levin, Ploskireva, Endo. The result, containing not only comprehensive information about the type of Shigella, but also parameters of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, the doctor receives it 3-5 days after collecting the material.

Serological method

Less informative in comparison with the bacteriological method. This is due to the fact that clinical picture uncomplicated and mild dysentery does not last more than 5-7 days, and the serological method for dysentery takes much longer. It is rare for a patient to spend 2-2.5 weeks in a hospital bed awaiting serological results. Serological tests can be useful and informative as a method of retrospective diagnosis or in scientific research.

Most often, an agglutination reaction is performed: the presence of protective antibodies in a certain concentration is detected in the patient’s blood serum using known antigens. It is advisable to evaluate the information content of the agglutination reaction in dynamics.

The reaction of indirect and/or direct agglutination is less specific. Blood serum is taken no earlier than 4-5 days of illness, and again on days 12-14 from the onset of clinical manifestations. Allergy diagnostics

In the middle of the twentieth century, one of the mandatory tests for shigellosis of any severity was a skin allergy test with dysenterin (Tsuverkalov test). In modern medical practice Due to the allergenicity of the population and the non-specificity of this test, most clinics refused to perform it.

Instrumental diagnostics

The most common method is sigmoidoscopy. To carry it out, you only need a competent trained specialist and a portable device. There is no need to allocate a separate room, its special equipment and other technical details.

The sigmoidoscope tube is inserted into the anus to a certain depth. The condition of the mucous membrane is visually assessed lower sections rectum and sphincter. When dysentery is detected:

  • ulcerative defects of various sizes;
  • diffuse swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • areas of hemorrhage.

Sigmoidoscopy is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy (whether there are positive dynamics or not, that is, healing of ulcers), as well as to exclude other diseases with similar clinical symptoms (nonspecific ulcerative colitis, tumor formation). In the initial period of shigellosis, this study is not indicated, since the patient’s discomfort from the procedure exceeds its diagnostic value.

Fibercolonoscopy (penetration into higher parts of the intestine) is indicated only if it is necessary to exclude other intestinal diseases (neoplastic tumors).

Thus, only a comprehensive diagnosis of dysentery allows one to correctly assess the severity of the patient’s condition and the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

Microbiology of dysentery

Dysentery is an infectious disease characterized by general intoxication of the body, diarrhea and a peculiar lesion of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. It is one of the most common acute intestinal diseases in the world. The disease has been known since ancient times under the name “bloody diarrhea”, but its nature turned out to be different. In 1875, the Russian scientist F.A. Lesh isolated an amoeba from a patient with bloody diarrhea Entamoeba histolytica, in the next 15 years, the independence of this disease was established, for which the name amoebiasis was retained.

The causative agents of dysentery proper are a large group of biologically similar bacteria, united in the genus Shigella. The pathogen was first discovered in 1888 by A. Chantemes and F. Vidal; in 1891 it was described by A.V. Grigoriev, and in 1898 K. Shiga, using serum obtained from a patient, identified the pathogen in 34 patients with dysentery, finally proving the etiological role of this bacterium. However, in subsequent years, other causative agents of dysentery were discovered: in 1900 - by S. Flexner, in 1915 - by K. Sonne, in 1917 - by K. Stutzer and K. Schmitz, in 1932 - by J. Boyd , in 1934 - D. Large, in 1943 - A. Sax. Currently genus Shigella includes more than 40 serotypes. All of them are short, non-motile gram-negative rods that do not form spores or capsules, which grow well on regular nutrient media and do not grow on starvation media with citrate or malonate as the sole carbon source; do not form H 2 S, do not have urease; the Voges–Proskauer reaction is negative; glucose and some other carbohydrates are fermented to form acid without gas (except for some biotypes Shigella flexneri: S. manchester And S. newcastle); As a rule, they do not ferment lactose (with the exception of Shigella Sonne), adonitol, salicin and inositol, do not liquefy gelatin, usually form catalase, and do not have lysine decarboxylase and phenylalanine deaminase. The content of G + C in DNA is 49 – 53 mol%. Shigella are facultative anaerobes, the optimum temperature for growth is 37 °C, they do not grow at temperatures above 45 °C, the optimal pH of the environment is 6.7 - 7.2. Colonies on dense media are round, convex, translucent; in case of dissociation, rough R-form colonies are formed. Growth on MPB in the form of uniform turbidity, rough forms form a sediment. Freshly isolated cultures of Shigella Sonne usually form colonies of two types: small round convex (phase I), large flat (phase II). The nature of the colony depends on the presence (phase I) or absence (phase II) of a plasmid with a molecular weight of 120 MD, which also determines the virulence of Shigella Sonne.

The international classification of Shigella is based on their biochemical characteristics (mannitol-non-fermenting, mannitol-fermenting, slowly lactose-fermenting Shigella) and features of the antigenic structure (Table 37).

In Shigella, O-antigens of different specificity were found: common to the family Enterobacteriaceae, generic, species, group and type-specific, as well as K-antigens; They do not have N-antigens.

Table 37

Classification of bacteria genus Shigella

The classification takes into account only group and type-specific O-antigens. In accordance with these characteristics, the genus Shigella is divided into 4 subgroups, or 4 species, and includes 44 serotypes. In subgroup A (type Shigella dysenteriae) included Shigella, which does not ferment mannitol. The species includes 12 serotypes (1 – 12). Each serotype has its own specific type antigen; antigenic connections between serotypes, as well as with other Shigella species, are weakly expressed. To subgroup B (type Shigella flexneri) include Shigella, which usually ferments mannitol. Shigella of this species are serologically related to each other: they contain type-specific antigens (I – VI), by which they are divided into serotypes (1 – 6), and group antigens, which are found in different compositions in each serotype and by which the serotypes are divided into subserotypes. In addition, this species includes two antigenic variants - X and Y, which do not have typical antigens; they differ in sets of group antigens. Serotype S. flexneri 6 has no subserotypes, but it is divided into 3 biochemical types according to the characteristics of the fermentation of glucose, mannitol and dulcitol (Table 38).

Table 38

Biotypes S. flexneri 6

Note. K – fermentation with the formation of only acid; CG – fermentation with the formation of acid and gas; (–) – no fermentation.

Lipopolysaccharide antigen O in all Shigella Flexner contains group antigen 3, 4 as the main primary structure, its synthesis is controlled by a chromosomal gene localized near the his-locus. Type-specific antigens I, II, IV, V and group antigens 6, 7, 8 are the result of modification of antigens 3, 4 (glycosylation or acetylation) and are determined by the genes of the corresponding converting prophages, the site of integration of which is located in the lac - pro region of the Shigella chromosome.

Appeared in the country in the 80s. XX century and a new subserotype that has become widespread S. flexneri 4(IV:7, 8) differs from subserotype 4a (IV:3, 4) and 4b (IV:3, 4, 6), arose from a variant S. flexneri Y(IV:3, 4) due to lysogenization by its converting prophages IV and 7, 8.

To subgroup C (type Shigella boydii) include Shigella, which usually ferments mannitol. Members of the group are serologically different from each other. Antigenic connections within the species are weakly expressed. The species includes 18 serotypes (1 – 18), each of which has its own main type antigen.

In subgroup D (type Shigella sonnei) included Shigella, which usually ferment mannitol and are capable of slowly (after 24 hours of incubation and later) fermenting lactose and sucrose. View S. sonnei includes one serotype, but colonies of phases I and II have their own type-specific antigens. For the intraspecific classification of Shigella Sonne, two methods have been proposed:

1) dividing them into 14 biochemical types and subtypes according to their ability to ferment maltose, rhamnose and xylose; 2) division into phage types according to sensitivity to a set of corresponding phages.

These typing methods have mainly epidemiological significance. In addition, Shigella Sonne and Shigella Flexner are typed for the same purpose based on their ability to synthesize specific colicins (colicinogenotyping) and sensitivity to known colicins (colicinotyping). To determine the type of colicins produced by Shigella, J. Abbott and R. Chenon proposed sets of standard and indicator strains of Shigella, and to determine the sensitivity of Shigella to known types of colicins, a set of standard colicinogenic strains of P. Frederick is used.

Resistance. Shigella has a fairly high resistance to environmental factors. They survive on cotton fabric and paper for up to 30 - 36 days, in dried feces - up to 4 - 5 months, in soil - up to 3 - 4 months, in water - from 0.5 to 3 months, on fruits and in vegetables – up to 2 weeks, in milk and dairy products – up to several weeks; at a temperature of 60 °C they die in 15 – 20 minutes. Sensitive to chloramine solutions, active chlorine and other disinfectants.

Pathogenicity factors. The most important biological property of Shigella, which determines their pathogenicity, is the ability to invade epithelial cells, multiply in them and cause their death. This effect can be detected using a keratoconjunctival test (injection under the lower eyelid guinea pig one loop of Shigella culture (2 - 3 billion bacteria) causes the development of serous purulent keratoconjunctivitis), as well as by infecting cell cultures (cytotoxic effect) or chicken embryos (their death), or intranasally in white mice (development of pneumonia). The main pathogenicity factors of Shigella can be divided into three groups:

1) factors determining interaction with the epithelium of the mucous membrane;

2) factors that ensure resistance to humoral and cellular defense mechanisms of the macroorganism and the ability of Shigella to reproduce in its cells;

3) the ability to produce toxins and toxic products that determine the development of the pathological process itself.

The first group includes adhesion and colonization factors: their role is played by pili, proteins outer membrane and LPS. Adhesion and colonization are promoted by enzymes that destroy mucus - neuraminidase, hyaluronidase, mucinase. The second group includes invasion factors that promote the penetration of Shigella into enterocytes and their reproduction in them and in macrophages with the simultaneous manifestation of a cytotoxic and (or) enterotoxic effect. These properties are controlled by the genes of a plasmid with a molecular weight of 140 MD (it encodes the synthesis of outer membrane proteins that cause invasion) and the chromosomal genes of Shigella: kcp A (causes keratoconjunctivitis), cyt (responsible for cell destruction), as well as other genes not yet identified. Protection of Shigella from phagocytosis is provided surface K antigen, antigens 3, 4 and lipopolysaccharide. In addition, lipid A of Shigella endotoxin has an immunosuppressive effect: it suppresses the activity of immune memory cells.

The third group of pathogenicity factors includes endotoxin and two types of exotoxins found in Shigella - Shiga and Shiga-like exotoxins (SLT-I and SLT-II), the cytotoxic properties of which are most pronounced in S. dysenteriae 1. Shiga and Shiga-like toxins have also been found in other serotypes S. dysenteriae, they are also formed S. flexneri, S. sonnei, S. boydii, EHEC and some salmonella. The synthesis of these toxins is controlled by the tox genes of converting phages. Type LT enterotoxins are found in Shigella Flexner, Sonne and Boyd. Their LT synthesis is controlled by plasmid genes. Enterotoxin stimulates the activity of adenylate cyclase and is responsible for the development of diarrhea. Shiga toxin, or neurotoxin, does not react with the adenylate cyclase system, but has a direct cytotoxic effect. Shiga and Shiga-like toxins (SLT-I and SLT-II) have a molecular weight of 70 kDa and consist of subunits A and B (the latter of 5 identical small subunits). The receptor for toxins is a glycolipid of the cell membrane.

The virulence of Shigella Sonne also depends on a plasmid with a molecular weight of 120 MD. It controls the synthesis of about 40 outer membrane polypeptides, seven of them are associated with virulence. Shigella Sonne, having this plasmid, form phase I colonies and are virulent. Cultures that have lost the plasmid form phase II colonies and lack virulence. Plasmids with a molecular weight of 120–140 MD were found in Shigella Flexner and Boyd. Shigella lipopolysaccharide is a strong endotoxin.

Features of epidemiology. The source of infection is only humans. No animals in nature suffer from dysentery. Under experimental conditions, dysentery can only be reproduced in monkeys. The method of infection is fecal-oral. Routes of transmission: water (predominant for Shigella Flexner), food, especially milk and dairy products (predominant route of infection for Shigella Sonne), and household contact, especially for the species S. dysenteriae.

A feature of the epidemiology of dysentery is a change in the species composition of pathogens, as well as Sonne biotypes and Flexner serotypes in certain regions. For example, until the end of the 30s. XX century to a share S. dysenteriae 1 accounted for up to 30–40% of all cases of dysentery, and then this serotype began to occur less and less often and almost disappeared. However, in the 1960s - 1980s. S. dysenteriae reappeared on the historical arena and caused a series of epidemics that led to the formation of three hyperendemic foci of it - in Central America, Central Africa and South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries). The reasons for the change in the species composition of dysentery pathogens are probably associated with changes in collective immunity and changes in the properties of dysentery bacteria. In particular, the return S. dysenteriae 1 and its widespread distribution, which caused the formation of hyperendemic foci of dysentery, is associated with its acquisition of plasmids that caused multidrug resistance and increased virulence.

Features of pathogenesis and clinic. The incubation period for dysentery is 2–5 days, sometimes less than a day. The formation of an infectious focus in the mucous membrane of the descending part of the large intestine (sigmoid and rectum), where the dysentery pathogen penetrates, is cyclical in nature: adhesion, colonization, introduction of Shigella into the cytoplasm of enterocytes, their intracellular reproduction, destruction and rejection of epithelial cells, release of pathogens into the lumen intestines; after this, the next cycle begins - adhesion, colonization, etc. The intensity of the cycles depends on the concentration of pathogens in the parietal layer of the mucous membrane. As a result of repeated cycles, the inflammatory focus grows, the resulting ulcers, connecting, increase the exposure of the intestinal wall, as a result of which blood, mucopurulent lumps, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes appear in the feces. Cytotoxins (SLT-I and SLT-II) cause cell destruction, enterotoxin – diarrhea, endotoxins – general intoxication. The clinical picture of dysentery is largely determined by the type of exotoxins in to a greater extent produced by the pathogen, the degree of its allergenic effect and the immune status of the body. However, many questions of the pathogenesis of dysentery remain unclear, in particular: the features of the course of dysentery in children of the first two years of life, the reasons for the transition of acute dysentery to chronic, the significance of sensitization, the mechanism of local immunity of the intestinal mucosa, etc. The most typical clinical manifestations of dysentery are diarrhea, frequent urge: in severe cases, up to 50 or more times a day, tenesmus (painful spasms of the rectum) and general intoxication. The nature of the stool is determined by the degree of damage to the large intestine. The most severe dysentery is caused by S. dysenteriae 1, most easily - Sonne dysentery.

Post-infectious immunity. As observations of monkeys have shown, after suffering from dysentery, strong and fairly long-lasting immunity remains. It is caused by antimicrobial antibodies, antitoxins, increased activity of macrophages and T-lymphocytes. Plays a significant role local immunity intestinal mucosa, mediated by IgAs. However, immunity is type-specific; strong cross-immunity does not occur.

Laboratory diagnostics. The main method is bacteriological. The material for research is feces. Pathogen isolation scheme: inoculation on differential diagnostic media Endo and Ploskirev (in parallel on enrichment medium followed by inoculation on Endo and Ploskirev media) to isolate isolated colonies, obtaining a pure culture, studying its biochemical properties and, taking into account the latter, identification using polyvalent and monovalent diagnostic agglutinating sera. The following commercial serums are produced.

1. To Shigella, which does not ferment mannitol:

To S. dysenteriae 1 And 2

To S. dysenteriae 3 – 7(polyvalent and monovalent),

To S. dysenteriae 8 – 12(polyvalent and monovalent).

2. To Shigella fermenting mannitol:

to typical antigens S. flexneri I, II, III, IV, V, VI,

to group antigens S. flexneri 3, 4, 6, 7, 8– polyvalent,

to antigens S. boydii 1 – 18(polyvalent and monovalent), to antigens S. sonnei I phase, II phase,

to antigens S. flexneri I–VI+ S. sonnei– polyvalent.

To quickly identify Shigella, the following method is recommended: a suspicious colony (lactose-negative on Endo medium) is subcultured on TSI medium (English. triple sugar iron) – three-sugar agar (glucose, lactose, sucrose) with iron to determine H2S production; or to a medium containing glucose, lactose, sucrose, iron and urea. Any organism that breaks down urea after 4 to 6 hours of incubation is most likely a member of the genus Proteus and may be excluded. A microorganism that produces H2S or has a urease or acid-forming joint (fermentes lactose or sucrose) can be excluded, although H2S-producing strains should be investigated as possible members of the genus Salmonella. In all other cases, the culture grown on these media should be examined and, if it ferments glucose (change in the color of the column), isolated in its pure form. At the same time, it can be studied in a glass agglutination reaction with appropriate antisera to the genus Shigella. If necessary, other biochemical tests are performed to check genus membership. Shigella, and also study mobility.

To detect antigens in blood (including as part of the CEC), urine and feces can be used following methods: RPGA, RSK, coagglutination reaction (in urine and feces), IFM, RAGA (in blood serum). These methods are highly effective, specific and suitable for early diagnosis.

For serological diagnostics the following can be used: RPHA with the corresponding erythrocyte diagnostic kits, immunofluorescent method (indirect modification), Coombs method (determining titer incomplete antibodies). An allergy test with dysenterine (a solution of protein fractions of Shigella Flexner and Sonne) is also of diagnostic value. The reaction is taken into account after 24 hours. It is considered positive in the presence of hyperemia and infiltrate with a diameter of 10–20 mm.

Treatment. The main attention is paid to restoring normal water-salt metabolism, rational nutrition, detoxification, rational antibiotic therapy (taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics). Gives a good effect early application polyvalent dysentery bacteriophage, especially tablets with a pectin coating, which protects the phage from the action of HCl gastric juice; V small intestine pectin dissolves, phages are released and exert their effect. For preventive purposes, the phage should be given at least once every three days (the period of its survival in the intestine).

The problem of specific prevention. To create artificial immunity against dysentery, various vaccines were used: from killed bacteria, chemical, alcohol, but all of them turned out to be ineffective and were discontinued. Vaccines against Flexner's dysentery have been created from live (mutant, streptomycin-dependent) Shigella Flexner; ribosomal vaccines, but they also did not find wide application. Therefore, the problem of specific prevention of dysentery remains unresolved. The main way to combat dysentery is to improve the water supply and sewerage system, ensure strict sanitary and hygienic regimes in food enterprises, especially the dairy industry, in child care institutions, public places and in maintaining personal hygiene.

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