Can the indefinite disability group be cancelled? It is possible to deprive a person of his disability pension if he is declared healthy

Russian citizens who have certain health problems that meet certain criteria prescribed by law have the right to officially register a disability of group 2 in order to receive benefits established by the legislation of the country. The list of diseases, the presence of which in the anamnesis will serve as the basis for recognizing a person as disabled, is determined for each category of disability by acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation.

In this publication we will consider issues related to the conditions and procedure for registering disability of the second group. Let us touch upon aspects of the degree of working ability of a person with disabilities when assigning him a 2nd disability group.

List of diseases for obtaining 2nd disability group

Let's look at the disability criteria for designating the second group. If we turn to the legislation, then in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 No. 1013n, group 2 disability can be established if a citizen has a history of impaired body functions medium degree expressiveness.

From the list of such disorders we can highlight:

  1. Limitation of self-care ability. In other words, it is difficult for a person to independently fulfill physiological needs, perform sanitary and hygienic care, and perform standard household tasks. If a citizen has a second degree of disorder, then this implies the need for some help from other persons, as well as the use of aids.
  2. Limitation of orientation ability. This means that a disabled person of group 2, without resorting to the help of strangers, cannot determine his location, real time and maintain an adequate perception of the reality around him.
  3. Limited ability to move. In other words, without outside help a person has limited ability to maintain balance, move in space, and use public transport. If a citizen moving around has a disorder of this type of moderate severity, then this indicates a need for partial assistance from other persons.
  4. Limitation of ability to communicate. This is expressed in the fact that when establishing contact with others, while transmitting or receiving information, a disabled person of group 2 needs some help from other citizens.
  5. Limitation of the ability to exercise control over one’s own behavior in society. This implies a decrease in objective criticism of the environment and one’s own behavior. There are situations when only with constant help from other people it becomes possible to correct the behavior of a group 2 disabled person.
  6. Limitation of ability to exercise labor activity. This means that a disabled person can work only if there are specially created conditions at the workplace that provide the opportunity to use any technical means. In other words, a disabled person will be able to work only if he is regularly assisted by third parties.
  7. Limitation of the ability to acquire knowledge (learning). This means that a disabled person of group 2 is able to remember information, assimilate new knowledge and reproduce it, and acquire practical skills only in specialized institutions. When using assistive technology, it is possible to train a disabled person at home.

Important! Only disabled people of the 1st group are not able to carry out work, and the 2nd group of disabilities is working.

Diseases leading to disability

There is a list of diseases that affect citizens recognized as group 2 disabled people. Among them are:

  1. Speech dysfunction resulting from stuttering, dysfunction of voice formation.
  2. Deviation of mental functions.
  3. Damage to circulatory functions.
  4. Sensory disorders - disorder visual function, tactile sensitivity.
  5. Disorders associated with physical deformities. These include non-standard sizes of body parts and head deformation.

Which conditions necessary to recognize a person as a disabled person of the second working disability group? This disability group can be issued to a citizen if his normal life activities are limited due to health reasons; there are disorders of certain body functions caused by defects, disease and injury; there is a need for rehabilitation or measures for social protection of the person.

Can a disabled person of group 2 work?

Please note that each disability group has several degrees; they are assigned by decision of the ITU. The 1st degree assumes that a disabled person is able to carry out work activities, provided that his qualifications are reduced and the performance of work duties does not require significant efforts of a person with disabilities. 2nd degree of II disability group provides that a person can work if a special conditions and provide assistive technology in the workplace. Citizens (men or women) who have been assigned one of these degrees are assigned II working group disability and they can officially work.

The procedure for recognizing a citizen as a disabled person of group 2

First, you need to collect a package of documents established by law. If a person wishes to obtain the status of a group II disabled person, then he must undergo a medical and social examination, in accordance with Article No. 7 Federal Law“On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” No. 181-FZ. After which, the relevant commission will determine the needs of the examined person for social protection measures, including rehabilitation, based on an assessment of the limitations in life activity caused by a persistent disorder of health and body functions.

Before going to a medical facility, you need to prepare the necessary documentation, in particular:

  1. Take a referral for an examination prescribed by your attending physician. The paper must contain information about:
    - State of human health;
    - The state of the compensatory capabilities of his body;
    - The degree of impairment of body functions.
    - A list of rehabilitation measures that were carried out previously in order to restore the affected body systems and organs.
    - A person can receive such a referral from the social protection authorities or the pension authority. To receive a referral, you must have medical documents that indicate the presence of health problems.
    - It may happen that the pension authority, medical institution and social security authorities did not want to issue this referral to the citizen. In this case, he can independently come to the office that is engaged in conducting medical examination. Doctors will examine the applicant and determine whether he or she actually has limitations in his or her life activity.
  2. Certificate of income of the applicant.
  3. Passport – original and photocopy.
  4. Citizen's outpatient card.
  5. Self-completed application for medical examination. If the applicant is unable to do this himself, then this right is transferred to the legal representative.
  6. Employment history. Required if the applicant has ever worked.
  7. If the applicant has undergone training, then it is necessary to have a characteristics filled out by the head of the educational institution.
  8. For citizens who previously worked, you will need to have a reference from your employer.
  9. If the cause of lost health is a disorder associated with work injury or occupational disease, you need to have the corresponding act on hand.

How does a medical and social examination (MSE) work?

If a citizen needs to undergo MSA, then he should contact one of the institutions conducting MSA located at his place of residence, and if the applicant cannot personally come to the place, this procedure can be carried out at home. The examination consists of the following stages:

  1. Examinations of the applicant.
  2. Studying the everyday and social conditions of his residence.
  3. The examination of the disabled person itself.
  4. Studying his labor capabilities.
  5. Analysis psychological characteristics applicant.

During the examination, an appropriate protocol is drawn up, the standard form of which is enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 17, 2012 No. 322n.

What information does the medical and social examination protocol contain?

During the medical and social examination specialists fill out a protocol that contains the following information:

  1. Date of the procedure.
  2. Date of application for MCE.
  3. Time for examination of an applicant applying for disability status.
  4. Information about the citizen being examined, in particular:
    - FULL NAME;
    - Citizenship;
    - Floor;
    - Date of Birth;
    - Address of the place of residence;
    - Passport details;
    - Contact details;
    - Place of registration.
  5. Social data. We are talking about the applicant’s marital status, the number of family members, and the characteristics of the family itself. Information is also required about the availability of housing for the applicant who is undergoing examination.
  6. Data on the procedure for conducting a medical examination, in particular:
    - Place where the survey is carried out;
    - The grounds that prompted the examination of the applicant;
    - Purpose of the examination;
    - Duration of disability;
    - Data regarding the secondary conduct of MTU;
    - Information about the results of the medical examination.
  7. The conclusion that was made during the ITU.
  8. Information regarding the applicant's education.
  9. Reasons that caused disability.
  10. Information about the professional data of the person undergoing the examination.
  11. Clinical and functional information that was established during the examination.

Each specialist who took part in the examination, as well as the head of the expert bureau, must put their full name and signature on the protocol. The document must bear the seal of the office carrying out the procedure.

How to draw up a medical and social examination report

After the procedure, the specialists who took part in the examination express their position regarding the applicant. The final decision will be made based on the opinion of the majority of doctors - it will be brought to the attention of the applicant, who has undergone the examination procedure.

Based on the results of the ITU, a report must be drawn up. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 17, 2012 No. 373n, this document must display the following data:

  1. Information about the applicant who is applying for disability.
  2. Corresponding Solution federal institution medical and social examination, which recorded:
    - Conclusion on the degree and types of disability;
    - The reason that caused the disability;
    - Type and degree of health disorder;
    - The date when the next examination of the citizen will be carried out;
    - The degree of loss of professional conduct of work;
    - The disability group that was approved or a note that the citizen was denied recognition as a disabled person;
    - Information on recognition of disability without a deadline.

Recognition of group 2 disability - what is the re-examination period?

The determination of the disability group is directly influenced by the degree of limitation of a person’s life activity. Disability of the second group is established for 12 months, and after the end of this period the person is obliged to undergo a re-examination, the purpose of which is to re-determine the state of his health.

What to do if your disability recognition is refused?

An applicant who has received a refusal to approve a disability has the right to appeal it within 1 month. The citizen or his legal representative will need to draw up a corresponding application and send it to the bureau that carried out the examination.

Based on the application, the citizen is assigned a second MSA, and based on its results, the main bureau has the right to make a decision on assigning the desired status of a disabled person.

In the event that the main bureau also decides to refuse approval of disability, the applicant has the right to appeal to the Federal Bureau. The deadline for appeal is 1 month from the date of the negative decision. The Federal Bureau will order a re-examination.

Citizens undergoing an examination should be aware that the decisions of all the above-mentioned bodies that were involved in the examination procedure can be appealed in court.

What are the payments for disabled people of group 2?

EDV for disabled people of group 2

Federal Law 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” guarantees monthly cash payments to disabled people of group 2. Monthly payments(EDV) are paid from the funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To receive payments, a disabled person will need to contact the territorial office of the state pension authority at their place of residence, having in hand a package of title documents established by law. From April 1, 2016, the amount of the monthly allowance for disabled people of the second group is set at 2240.74 rubles, it is indexed annually.

Social disability pension 2 groups

In addition to monthly cash payments, disabled people are entitled to a social disability pension - it is one of the types of state pensions. The social pension for disabled people of group II - at the beginning of 2016 is 4769.09 rubles, and is indexed annually.

What are the benefits for disability group 2?

Benefits for medicines for people with disabilities

Group 2 disabled people who do not work, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 No. 890, have the right to apply for benefits when purchasing medicines prescribed by a doctor. The purchase of medicines at a reduced price is carried out according to the prescribed prescription, and a number of products medical purposes may be provided free of charge.

Travel ticket for disabled people of group II

Disabled people of group 2 who have the appropriate certificate have the right to free travel - this applies to all types of urban public transport. A disabled person has the right to use transport services free of charge within the administrative district of his place of residence.

In addition, persons with registered disabilities are provided with discounts when purchasing tickets:

  • For travel by rail;
  • For air transport;
  • For river transport.

Benefits for training for disabled people of group II

Upon admission to educational institutions disabled people of group 2 have certain privileges - they get the opportunity to enroll without competition. A group 2 disabled person will only need to successfully pass the entrance exams.

Benefits for sanatorium treatment for disabled people of group II

Disabled people of group 2 received the legal right to receive free vouchers to sanatoriums, rest homes and health resorts. The issuance of vouchers is carried out by social protection authorities. To provide a trip to Spa treatment a basis is required - this is a conclusion issued by specialists from a medical institution in which a group 2 disabled person is observed.

So, citizens applying for the status of group 2 disabled person must know the procedure passing the ITU, based on the results of which disability will be established. Citizens who have received the appropriate status have the right to count on numerous social benefits and a number of payments.

Different disability groups are assigned to citizens based on certain health problems. At the same time, the law has such a concept as permanent disability. It is assigned only after the citizen has passed the appropriate medical commission, which issues a conclusion on the assignment of a specific group. Disability must be regularly confirmed, for which citizens have to undergo a special commission every year. Permanent disability does not require examinations. At the same time, the question often arises whether they can remove unlimited group disability. You need to figure out exactly when it is prescribed, as well as what features it has.

Main nuances

Only three disability groups can be registered in Russia. Each of them has its own characteristics, so hearing disability is assigned according to different serious illnesses or based on problems with musculoskeletal system. Each group has its own characteristics.

Disability group

Its features

This includes citizens who cannot take care of themselves, so they need ongoing care. They are unable to move or have psychical deviations. They are completely dependent on other citizens, so they are provided with significant benefits and support from the state.

It includes citizens who can take care of themselves on their own, but for this they need special devices, For example, hearing aid, disabled carriage or other devices. They usually undergo special training to enable them to care for themselves and live independently.

It is issued by citizens who have the opportunity not only to take care of themselves, but even to work officially. For them, the employer provides simplified working conditions, as well as part-time work. They can easily cope with their limitations and health problems.

For each group there are offered different types benefits and concessions from the state. At the same time, all citizens must undergo regular re-examination. Only in in rare cases this is not required when an indefinite group is assigned. But at the same time, citizens have a question about whether the indefinite disability group can be removed. This process depends on many factors, but under certain circumstances citizens may lose their status.

Who can apply for disability?

Only a person with certain health problems that prevent him from living a full life can become disabled. Under such conditions, a person cannot cope with different labor responsibilities. In complex cases, lifelong disability is generally assigned, so it cannot be canceled for various reasons.

Disability on an indefinite basis can only be issued for people who have truly complex health problems. These difficulties must be proven by official documents submitted by medical certificates. Citizens with diseases such as:

  • malignant tumors of any form;
  • a benign tumor located in the spinal cord or brain, and doctors must establish the fact that treatment is impossible of this disease;
  • dementia, which may be congenital or acquired as a result of injury or other effects on the human body;
  • complete blindness;
  • removal of the larynx;
  • progressive diseases nervous system;
  • nervously- muscle diseases inherited;
  • hearing disability is assigned in the absence of hearing;
  • complex diseases brain or respiratory system;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • diseases related to blood pressure;
  • complete damage to the spinal cord or brain;
  • impairment or deformation of the upper or lower extremities.

It is also included in this list, so people can count on registration of disability without a specific validity period. The above list of diseases for permanent disability is not exhaustive, and it is regularly updated with new diseases.

Legislative regulation

The procedure for registering permanent disability is regulated by the provisions of Federal Law No. 805. It lists the time frame within which disability is determined and also specifies the basis for this process.

All classifications of diseases on the basis of which any disability group is assigned are listed in Order No. 664n of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

New law on disability indicates that the possibility of establishing any group on an indefinite basis depends on various factors. These include:

  • can a person take care of himself independently;
  • are there opportunities for employment and movement;
  • can a citizen communicate with other people;
  • what's it like mental condition;
  • can he learn?

Law No. 181 states that people who cannot work and take care of themselves can count on permanent disability from childhood or after the diagnosis of a serious illness. Based on Federal Law No. 178, such citizens can count on social assistance from the state. It is represented by various benefits and concessions, provision free devices for adaptation or appointment of social workers for care.

When can you count on permanent disability?

When a disability is first received, it is rarely established indefinitely. How to get permanent disability? To do this, doctors determine that there is no improvement as a result of treatment, so it is impossible to count on recovery.

The medical institution where the person was treated must issue a supporting certificate. It states that there is no opportunity for positive dynamics to restore the health of a citizen.

After how many years is it appointed?

Based on Federal Law No. 805, disability without a period for re-examination can be assigned at different periods of time:

  • After any disability group has been registered, no more than two years should pass. This requirement applies to children and adults. Children with various serious illnesses have the status of a disabled child. For them, lifelong disability can be established even before reaching adulthood.
  • No more than four years should pass after diagnosis. Such conditions apply exclusively to disabled children. They are used if there were no improvements during recovery, and the restrictions on self-care did not decrease.
  • No more than 6 years should pass after the disability group is assigned. These requirements apply to children who have been found to have malignant tumor with complications. Additionally, this includes minors with leukemia of varying degrees.

Thus, the timing of establishing permanent disability depends on the state of health of the citizen.

What conditions must be met?

The rules for establishing permanent disability depend on various factors. Therefore, disability without re-examination is assigned under the following conditions:

  • a disabled person reaches a certain age, and men can register at 60 years old, and women at 55 years old;
  • the next examination in a medical institution is scheduled after the disabled man turns 60 years old or the woman turns 55 years old;
  • the citizen has had the first or second group for 15 years, and no changes in health have been observed;
  • the disability group increases over 15 years;
  • the first or second group is issued for a WWII veteran;
  • The applicant is a citizen who received a combat wound while participating in hostilities.

The above list may be expanded, so each situation is considered separately by the commission.

Design rules

The new disability law specifies the rules for registering the permanent status of a disabled person of a particular group. To establish a group without subsequent re-examination, a standard procedure is followed. Therefore, the following actions are implemented:

  • Initially, a citizen with certain disabilities is required to undergo a medical examination;
  • they prepare all the necessary documents to obtain a group;
  • Then we need to wait for the decision of the ITU.

Passing a medical examination requires a lot of time. To do this, you first need to get a referral from the attending physician, after which the citizen will have to go through several specialists who confirm that the person has serious health problems.

The ITU decision is made within 30 days. After this, you will have to meet with representatives of this organization, who will make the final decision. During this session, the patient is visually examined, and techniques that can be used to treat him are analyzed. It is assessed by specialists whether there is a possibility to restore the citizen’s health. If there is no meaning in further treatment, then a decision is made to assign a group without the need to undergo re-examination in the future.

Which disability group is permanent? It can be the first, second or third, but the patient must have no opportunity for recovery good condition health.

What documents are required?

Registration of disability requires the applicant to prepare certain documentation. This includes papers:

  • application for an indefinite disability group;
  • a certificate indicating the completion of treatment, after which the citizen’s health status has remained unchanged, therefore there has been no improvement for a long time;
  • direct referral to medical examination received from the attending physician.

If the group is not established indefinitely, then re-examination is required. To do this, the disabled person will have to go to doctors and take tests to confirm the poor state of his health. The procedure is carried out two or three times a year. Even if a disability was registered after amputation of a leg, you will still have to undergo re-examination. Therefore, many citizens want to apply for it indefinitely.

Is it possible to remove it?

If numerous requirements are met, disability can be granted without the need to undergo periodic re-examination. At the same time, citizens often ask whether the permanent disability group can be removed.

This process can be performed if there is positive dynamics in the person’s recovery process. Although it is not necessary to undergo re-examination, the patient still needs to be periodically observed by a doctor who monitors the dynamics of the disease.

Can a permanent disability group be removed for other reasons? There are other grounds that allow a citizen to be deprived of such status. These include:

  • evidence is revealed that in those transferred to ITU documents there is inaccurate information;
  • test results are inaccurate;
  • the patient violated the deadlines during which it is required to undergo examinations or submit documents, and the citizen does not have compelling reasons for this.

The Medical Bureau carefully ensures that the norms and requirements necessary to establish any disability group are correctly fulfilled.

What benefits are offered to citizens?

After registering any disability group, patients can count on different types of assistance from the state.

When registering the first group, the following options are offered:

  • prostheses are made free of charge if there is a recommendation from the attending physician, and funds are allocated by social protection authorities;
  • vouchers are provided for treatment in sanatoriums or resorts;
  • travel on public transport is free or discounts are provided for people with disabilities;
  • a discount is given on payment for housing and communal services;
  • If a citizen refuses a set of social services, then he is assigned an additional payment.

For disabled people of other groups, other types of benefits and concessions may be assigned. They may even be offered at the regional level.


An indefinite disability group is assigned to citizens who, even after long-term treatment no positive dynamics are observed. But even this status can be removed due to identified violations or an improvement in the citizen’s health status.

Each person planning to register such a disability must understand what actions are performed for this, as well as what documents need to be prepared.

Pension fund - a way to save

A dignified old age?

All the recent pension reforms have not solved the problems assigned to them, and the very idea of ​​a funded system turned out to be only conceptually unfounded - but also poorly designed.

Conceptually, its depravity was that the very right to a decent pension, written in the Constitution from RIGHT, that is, the obligation of societies and the sovereign to provide a worthy final stage of life to a person who spent his working life with dignity - turned into his obligation to save money for himself for that time when he finds it difficult to work.

This idea in itself is essentially hypocritical: because the right to save money is already quite difficult to take away. The percentage that a person can receive from savings in the pension system is, according to the original rules, less than the percentage that he can receive from the same savings placed in a bank. With the difference that no matter what his “white income” is and no matter how much his savings fund is, he cannot receive a pension more than a predetermined amount - today about 12,000 rubles. That is, in Soviet terms - approximately 60 rubles of that time, approximately two times less than what a pensioner could receive in the 70s and 80s.

At the same time, as Medvedev admitted, it turned out that a person who is included in the funded system based on the year of his birth receives a smaller pension than someone who is not included in it. And the Pension Fund lives with a growing deficit. Today we are talking about the scale of the latter being approximately one trillion rubles.

From the point of view of normal logic, a subject that does not have enough funds to fulfill its financial obligations is looking for ways to earn them. That is, to produce and sell something, ensuring an increase in value. People who exercise economic power in Russia, in principle, do not think in terms of “produce.” They think in categories: “sell”, “borrow”, take away” and “divide”. And especially the “reduce costs” category.

But the official public policy requires social payments, including raising pensions.

Then, given the existing flawed logic of the economic authorities. It is necessary to either collect more money from someone, or increase payments per person, but reduce the number of those to whom they need to be paid. Hence, in particular, the idea of ​​increasing retirement age: pay fewer people and for, in practice, a shorter period of time, and in addition - while they work - collect taxes from them.

So far, this cannot be done. But I want to cut costs. The question arises of how to reduce the number of those without officially revising anything. who needs to pay. It is not possible to reduce the number of age pensioners. But there is a category of disability pensioners. In Moscow, for example, according to available data, there are 1,200 thousand people. Moscow is ten percent of the country's population. Then there are about 12 million in the country.

With a pension of, say, 10,000, this already amounts to 120 billion. In addition, a disabled person has the right to free medicines, free travel, sanatorium services, benefits on utility bills. Together this gives an amount comparable to the amount of the pension itself.

Reducing the number of disabled people by at least 10% is already about 20 billion rubles a year. Another 10% - another 20 billion.

It is impossible to deprive a person of his old age pension. It is possible to deprive a person of his disability pension if he is declared healthy.

There are no clear criteria for granting disability. Formally, there are three of them: limitations in the ability to perform work activities, limitations in the ability to move, and limitations in the ability to self-care.

Whether a person objectively has such limitations as a result of his illness or not is decided by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. Formally, the system is three-level: local Bureau, Main Bureau for the subject of the federation, federal bureau.

The bureau employs experts who are formally considered doctors. But today these are not doctors who are professionally involved in treatment and have the competence to assess health. Most of them are not related to medical practice, and they currently have nothing to do with healthcare and the Ministry of Health itself - these are officials of the Ministry of Labor, professionally - and with skills. And bureaucratic discipline associated with the process of “determining working capacity”: in a situation where there are no unambiguous criteria for determining it - perhaps they cannot exist - the decision must be made by a doctor who understands the patient’s health status and how this disease may affect the limitations of his life.

But the Bureau cannot have fifty experts. As a result, a person who defended a dissertation on the topic “Social-hygienic and clinical-functional foundations for solving the problems of disability, medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people with consequences of fractures of the lower extremities” assesses the degree of working capacity of a cardiac patient. And a person who defended a dissertation, say, on the topic “On the mechanism of changes in the content of catecholamines in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach when removing the main salivary glands and stress” – makes a decision on granting disability to a stroke survivor.

They have no medical obligations to patients and the treating institution. But they have official obligations to their superiors. That's why they don't care about the patient's condition. that if the doctor is responsible for the results of treatment, they are not responsible for it. Will the patient get worse after their conclusion or not. Will he die as a result of their imprisonment - say, being forced after two strokes to go on a long journey as a driver of a heavy truck, or simply falling on the subway rails while getting to work, will happen to him hypertensive crisis during a lecture, if he is a teacher, they are not responsible for this in principle.

But they can say a wonderful phrase: you have diseases. And there are several of them. And they are heavy, but we don’t find any limitations in your ability to work.”

Because it is their right: to decide whether it exists or not - simply based on their expert opinion. And it is quite natural that the more honest of them can make a favorable decision, the less honest ones will fulfill the requirements coming from their superiors. And since the task of their superiors is to save money. Instructions from the authorities, which are not formalized, and the presence of which no one will confirm, but which everyone knows about - save money. That is, if possible, new disabled people should not be recognized as disabled; old ones should either have their disability removed altogether or have their disability group reduced – which also saves some money from the budget and the pension fund.

In Moscow, say, this process is controlled by the chief expert of the Main Bureau for the city of Moscow - Galina Vasilievna Lapshina, for this type activities even earning the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

In the lower Bureaus - which in the city are numbered with three-digit numbers at least up to Bureau number 196 - there are other appointees. For some reason Lately immigrants from Tyumen began to appear among them. The name could be quite Slavic, let’s say. Veronica Matveeva - but her appearance does not resemble either Slavic or Caucasian.

At the same time, the examination of lower-level bureaus generally takes place in a unique way. A person who applies for an examination comes on the day appointed for him, having previously undergone an examination by the doctors of his clinic and presenting a hospital report if he was treated there.

At this stage, he is examined by specialists specialized in his diseases, who give opinions regarding his health. But the final decision on the granting or confirmation of disability - it must be confirmed every year for five years after the first grant - the final decision is made by this ITU Bureau.

Formally, it consists of several people who must jointly carry out an inspection and familiarize themselves with the available conclusions medical institutions and make your decision.

In fact, everything is different. First, they may not carry out an inspection; if they do, it will mean nothing. A person will come back after kidney surgery and their blood pressure will be measured. But if it turns out to be elevated, he will say: “Nothing, we were worried.”

Secondly, there may not be any commission - the examination will be carried out by the chairman of the Bureau, who will later sign his report from the members of the commission who were not present at the inspection.

Third, all the reports brought from medical institutions will not play a special role at all: no matter what is written there: stroke, heart attack, renal failure- the “expert” with a grin has the right to say: I don’t find any restrictions in my life. And the attending doctors are incompetent to install it.”

You can put aside the fact that before the examination, one of the bureau employees will take you to a utility room located next door, close and have a long, expectant conversation on strange topics - for example, he will offer to buy a kitten from him - you don’t even need to talk. But when you don’t respond to the offer of a kitten, you will be released and you will be denied disability

Formally, you have the right to appeal his decision - you will be immediately given a form at your request and within three days the case, along with the appeal, will be transferred to the Main Bureau for the same Moscow.

But here the work of the Main Bureau and its head G.V. Lapshina begins - their professional task, observing all necessary procedures- try to confirm the conclusion of the grassroots Bureau and justify its chairman.

And here everything will be more decent: unlike the lower Bureau, no one will be openly rude. The examination will actually be carried out by several doctors. Although it’s over, they will do everything to whitewash their lower-ranking colleagues.

If you already use a cane, they will try to get you to say that the street is slippery and will say with satisfaction that you are using it only because it is slippery. If you say what kind of operation you had, they will try to squeeze out of you the words that now you are better - that is, you are cured. If you complain about shortness of breath and dizziness when walking, they will reconcilely state that this is quite natural - everyone who experiences stress experiences shortness of breath and increased heart rate, and so on.

One detail: when the experts in white coats work, a young man in civilian clothes will be present. Who, if asked, will introduce himself as a lawyer, but who will restrainedly but authoritatively cut off the experts if they try to admit that the patient still has problems with his ability to work. He, of course, will not resemble an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - rather a financial inspector controlling the expenditure of funds.

Here, too, you can appeal the decision - they will immediately issue a form and take the case to the ITU Federal Bureau within three days... But the system is clear - savings will be ensured.

The government demands a reduction in the number of social security providers - the bureaus comply with the authorities' demands.

And in any case, the most wonderful thing is this. whether a person is disabled or not is determined not by those who treat him and are responsible to him - but by employees of a completely different department. whose task is not to treat – but to save. Appealing to their conscience or medical ethics simply means making them laugh. You can sue them. But in modern Russia courts never protect a person if the government demands otherwise.

Only then will everyone wonder why suddenly one day another “Russian Breivik” brought to the point of hysteria will come to such a humane institution as the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

Permanent disability in 2019: full list diseases

Official registration of the status of “disabled person” is a process with equal rights both medical and legal.

Although the recognition of disability is carried out by medical and social examination, the legal and social background is not secondary here, because disabled people are not simply officially assigned the status of those with limited ability to work.

They are entitled to certain benefits and allowances, to maintain which they must undergo periodic re-examination.

At the same time, state support measures are provided in full. How to obtain permanent disability, and what changes in the application process are expected in 2019?

General concepts and diseases

The degree of limitation of an individual in matters of life activity and performance is the main criterion for assigning a disability group.

Disability is officially recognized by the medical and social examination (MSE), controlled and regulated at the state level by a list of specific rules and laws. In total, there are three groups for the adult population, and for minors - the “disabled child” position.

Restrictions in case of loss of ability to work of the first degree (first group) give the right to a disabled person to be considered as such for twenty-four months from the moment of recognition until re-examination; if the person has passed this procedure, the status is extended for another two years, etc.

Re-examination of disabled people of the second and third groups is required to be carried out annually.

However, members of each group may be eligible for permanent disability. This means that the status is given to a person for life.

When recognizing a citizen’s disability as the cause, it is determined by:

  1. disease causing disability;
  2. industrial injury;
  3. limited physical and mental capabilities, congenital or acquired in childhood;
  4. injuries acquired during the military service(trauma, concussion) or during the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and at the stage of eliminating its consequences, etc.

In cases where there is no documentation confirming the fact of an occupational disease, military injury or other circumstances, the status is assigned on the basis of a general illness.

The law provides for assistance to a person in registration necessary documents, and upon provision of them to members of the VTEC Bureau from the same date, the cause of disability without periodic examination is reviewed.

Obtaining permanent disability is provided for both during the primary medical examination (for disabled children) and in cases of lack of progress during treatment and rehabilitation.

Obtaining permanent disability for different groups

Citizens with disabilities should know in which case they can be assigned an indefinite disability group in 2019, and when ITU has the right to refuse this.

First group

Diseases (occupational, acquired or congenital) or injuries that provoke pronounced limitations in life function serve as grounds for classifying a person as the first disability group.

These people need social protection, medical support and daily continuous assistance.

The main indications for assignment to the first group are:

  • complete dependence on strangers for self-care or movement due to incapacity;
  • disorientation;
  • loss of control over one’s own behavior, etc.

With the official status of “Group I”, this does not mean that permanent disability will be assigned so easily; in 2019, the list of diseases for this is not specific.

It is important that the conditions that are mandatory for other groups are met:

  1. “disabled people” have reached 60 years of age for men or 55 years of age for women;
  2. the disease that led to the assignment of the disability group is incurable and has persisted for at least the last 15 years;
  3. if a person with disabilities is in the military and received a disease that led to disability while in service;
  4. after the first confirmation of the group, at least 2 years have passed for adults, and 6 years for children.

Diseases for which a person can count on disability without a period for re-examination have also been identified.

List of diseases

Perpetual disability in Russia can be given to citizens based on the results of a medical and social examination for such diseases as:

  • absence of limbs (surgical amputation or congenital);
  • dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders( and so on.);
  • paralysis;
  • complete loss of vision or hearing;
  • absence of an internal organ (congenital, acquired), etc.

If you have one of the listed diseases and are assigned the first disability group, a permanent category can be given only after an examination!

Second group

Persons assigned to the second disability group are given the status of socially disadvantaged due to health problems that cause dysfunction of the body and subsequent limitation of life activities.

The main indications are:

  1. self-care or movement only with the help of other people or auxiliary tools and equipment;
  2. partial loss of ability to work and the ability to perform work only in special conditions;
  3. inability to master approved federal training programs or training under special programs;
  4. communication with strangers with the help of other persons or through auxiliary means.
List of diseases

Persons with the second group of disabilities can receive permanent disability in 2018 if a disease from the list is established:

  • incomplete loss of hearing or vision;
  • mental illness;
  • transplantation internal organs or their loss;
  • progressive;
  • partial paralysis and the like.

At the same time, the list of diseases itself, which gives rise to the assignment of the second group, is much wider and may include diabetes, and Down syndrome, and cirrhosis of the liver, and cerebral palsy, however, for indefiniteness, you need to undergo an examination and confirm your right to be classified in this category.

Third group

The third group of disabilities has such definition criteria as social insufficiency of citizens caused by minor or moderately manifested health problems.

Disabled people of the third group retain the ability to self-care, resorting to the use of auxiliary aids, and movement, taking into account the greater time expenditure and shorter path, as well as the fragmentation of its overcoming.

These citizens may well study in institutions general type(often - in an individual mode), and work - under conditions of a reduction in the volume of activity, a reduction in qualifications.

List of diseases

The conditions for giving an indefinite disability group for working group III are individual and are considered by the ITU Bureau.

The list of diseases is extensive, including the most common:

  1. partial hearing and visual loss;
  2. initial stages of oncology;
  3. uncorrectable defects of the maxillofacial region;
  4. without complications;
  5. amputation of a part of a limb (fingers, hand, etc.) that is insignificant for the condition of the body as a whole;
  6. heart surgery, etc.

Obtaining an indefinite term in the third group is much more difficult than in the first and second; this requires compelling reasons and health indications.

The process of applying for permanent disability

If all the prerequisites for registration of non-revisable disability are present, it can be obtained after an examination by the ITU and additional examination.

Required documents

The documentary list provided for transfer from disability groups subject to reconfirmation to permanent disability is issued by the bureau of medical and social examination.

It must include:

  • original and copy of passport;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • extract from the history and illness and data on recent examinations;
  • a referral certified by the head physician of the clinic;
  • application of a disabled applicant.

After confirming the indefiniteness of disability, it is necessary to provide the necessary package of documents to social security and a division of the pension fund to obtain the appropriate benefits and payments.

Disabled persons with permanent disabilities have the right to cash payments, free medicines, travel and utility benefits, sanatorium treatment etc.

Can permanent disability be lifted?

Many who have received it are worried about whether the indefinite disability group can be removed, following changes in the legislation.

Despite the telling terminology, perpetuity can be lifted if one of the cases occurs:

  1. a personal statement from the citizen himself to remove this category;
  2. the organization carrying out treatment and preventive measures sent a petition to review the decision of the ITU in connection with the improvement of the citizen’s health status;
  3. falsification of documents was revealed when registering the indefiniteness of disability;
  4. Negligence and violations were discovered in the work of members of the medical expert commission, etc.

Lifelong disability is not a reason to refuse rehabilitation measures and periodic medical examinations.


Although the list of diseases that may qualify for permanent disability (2019) has expanded significantly, the procedure for applying for it remains the same.

The decision-making remains with the members of the territorial MES commission. If a citizen disagrees with the decision of the bureau, he is not deprived of the right to file a statement with higher authorities, including the court, and appeal it.

Video: The government approved the rules for establishing permanent disability

  • if the next survey falls within the above-mentioned period;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2, whose health status has not changed or worsened over the past fifteen years;
  • disabled at the age of 50 (women) and 55 (men) years, provided:
  • 1st category appointments;
  • lack of positive dynamics over the past five years;
  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War who received the group due to injuries or illnesses;
  • participants in more modern combat operations, provided that the disability is determined due to the consequences of such.

Hint: belonging to beneficiaries (participant of the Second World War or military operations) must be indicated by providing the appropriate certificate to the ITU.

The main factors for assigning permanent disability in 2018

In addition, labor preferences are relevant for this segment of the population. They are:

  • the employer is obliged to provide them with:
    • comfortable workplace;
    • separate work schedule (if necessary);
  • Dismissal of employees with disabilities is carried out without compulsory service;
  • they are entitled to additional leave.

Attention: the amount of social pension increases if the recipient has dependents. For example, a category 3 disabled person with three dependents will receive 7,207.66 rubles.

If there are sufficient indicators in the insurance account, a person with health limitations can apply for a labor pension.

Can disability groups assigned indefinitely be deprived?


This condition the patient is monitored, and even if she is listed in indefinite status, with the slightest improvement in the medical examination indicators, it is quite possible to remove the group. This may also be affected by:

  • false documents were installed;
  • inaccuracy of test results, etc.;
  • violation of deadlines on the part of the patient.

The Medical Bureau strictly controls all indicators, monitors the correct implementation of all standards when conducting and establishing a disability group. In group 2, the reason for removing the second disability group may be based on similar grounds as in the third group.

Falsified documents, during the revision of the ITU and the bureau, failure of the patient to comply with the control deadlines established for him, etc. If the reason for the withdrawal was observed due to falsification of documents, then criminal measures will be taken for the applicant for fraud.

In what cases is an indefinite disability group given?

  • complete lack of vision;
  • malignant tumors at any stage;
  • acquired or congenital dementia;
  • incurable diseases of the nervous system;
  • respiratory failure and related respiratory diseases;
  • limb deformities or amputation;
  • benign tumors of the brain or spinal cord, recognized as incurable;
  • deafness in both ears;
  • pathological changes or serious brain damage;
  • neuromuscular diseases that can develop due to heredity.

If one of these diseases is present, the patient can be assigned to group 2 for life and do without an annual visit to the commission. But current legislature also establishes a number of additional conditions under which permanent disability is assigned.

Can a group 2 disability be removed for an indefinite period?

In addition, you will also need to submit a number of other documents for consideration by the medical and social expert commission:

  • a statement written by the patient using a special form;
  • results of your most recent doctor's examinations;
  • the latest test results;
  • referral to a medical and social expert commission, which is issued to the patient by the attending physician.

If a person is assigned an indefinite 2nd disability group, this does not mean that in the future he will not have to undergo any examinations and deal with doctors. Required condition is to undergo maintenance therapy (at least 2-3 times a year), and submit its results to MSEC.

Rules and procedure for assigning permanent disability


Respiratory diseases that are associated with respiratory failure. 13. Lesions of the spinal cord or brain. 14. Deformations and defects of the lower and upper limbs, including cases of amputation. In what cases can permanent disability be lifted? Can a permanent disability group be removed? Can only in following cases: 1) when during an inspection of an expert medical file, forged (forged) documentation, erasures, uncertified corrections in diagnoses, analyzes and so on are identified, which are crucial for making an expert decision on the cause, period and group of disability; 2) during the implementation by the Federal Bureau, the main bureau of control over decisions that were made in accordance with the rules of the bureau (if, in the basis of the expert medical case, gross violations were found regarding the establishment of the period, cause and group of disability).

Permanent disability - can it be removed?

  • congenital or acquired (as a result of injury, for example) dementia;
  • the larynx is missing after its removal;
  • lack of vision in both eyes;
  • diseases of the nervous system that progress;
  • neuromuscular diseases that are inherited;
  • complete lack of hearing;
  • neurological disease of the brain;
  • diseases that are associated with blood pressure;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • complete defeat;
  • complete damage to the brain or spinal cord;
  • the upper and lower limbs, including amputation.

Legislative framework Law of the Russian Federation No. 805 “On Amendments to the Rules for Recognizing a Person as Disabled” provides explanations for when disability can be established and the timing.

Medical and social examination

The social pension for this category of citizens is set at 5,109.25 rubles. Hint: Social security benefits for disability are subject to annual indexation. In 2018, it will be held as planned on February 1st. Beneficiaries who are unable to work due to medical reasons are provided with a social supplement towards their pension.

It is calculated individually based on the initiative application of the applicant. Hint: the maintenance of a disabled person is brought to the minimum subsistence level:

  • around the country;
  • by region;
  • is chosen by the applicant.

Accruals and preferences for the third category The majority of people with the third group of disabilities are able to work. However, they are also provided with a social package and can use public transport on preferential terms.

They are provided with a pension payment of 4,343.14 rubles. (for 2017).

The following documents are usually required by law (there may be additions):

  • application for an indefinite disability group;
  • a certificate with the results of the treatment for the period requested by the doctor;
  • test results;
  • directly, the referral itself to the ITU.

If the patient was nevertheless assigned a disability group without re-examination in the future, this does not mean that he will no longer have to undergo commissions and tests. This procedure actions should be carried out at least 2-3 times a year. At least in order to control the course of the disease and prevent complications, to maintain the condition with therapeutic procedures.

Each disabled person is issued an appropriate certificate, which authorizes its owner to a number of benefits and allowances. Can it be removed? A previously established disability group can be removed.
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Can they deprive a disability group assigned indefinitely?

This usually occurs with positive dynamics towards the patient’s recovery. A periodic time period is established for the medical commission to visit the patient, during which the dynamics of the course of the disease are determined. Based on the results from the ITU, the outcome is decided - assignment of a group, possibly even on a permanent basis (usually with the first group) or temporary (with re-examination). Refusal to assign a disability group may be granted in the following cases:

  • insufficient grounds for issuing it. The patient recovered, etc.;
  • There were fraudulent actions on the diagnosis on the part of the patient.

Each disability group has its own conditions for establishing and refusing. With group 3, several factors may serve as grounds for removing indefiniteness from the third group of disability.
The Ministry of Health is constantly reviewing regulations on this matter.

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