Can a nursing mother eat stewed cabbage? When can a nursing mother eat cabbage: white, fresh, boiled, salted?

Nursing mothers in large quantities necessary natural vitamins, but in winter you have to be content with canned vegetables and fruits. Before consuming such products, women are interested in whether sauerkraut will cause breastfeeding bloating in a baby.


White cabbage is a source of many vitamins and minerals that are not lost during fermentation. Therefore, it is one of the main products that fill bins for the winter.

Can a nursing mother eat sauerkraut? This product, which has undergone a fermentation procedure, supports a woman’s immunity during lactation thanks to great content ascorbic acid. Cabbage is also good antidepressant allowing you to hold nervous system normal, but during breastfeeding the introduction of a new product into the diet should be gradual. It is recommended to start with small portions.

Hydrophobic, lipophilic vitamin K is involved in protein synthesis and regulates blood clotting levels, allowing a tired mother to avoid heart disease. The product consumed will lower sugar levels and strengthen blood vessels.

Folic acid will enable the body to quickly recover after pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to cell regeneration, cabbage will prevent the development of cancer.

The vegetable contains fiber, which will improve a woman’s digestive system, and the antibacterial properties of the product will relieve problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Organic matter, present in the brine, will relieve inflammation from the gums and teeth. Cabbage is also useful in the treatment of such gynecological disease like candidiasis.

Effect on digestion

A white vegetable in any form can cause flatulence and bloating in a woman, but it all depends on individual characteristics body. A product that has gone through the stage of lactic fermentation is not recommended for everyone - here the state of the gastrointestinal tract and acidity are taken into account. For this reason, sauerkraut is contraindicated for some nursing mothers.

In infants of the first half of the year, digestive system Already developed, but sensitive to mom's menu. It is not surprising that sauerkraut during breastfeeding sometimes causes anxiety and crying in the baby. But you shouldn’t completely abandon the product unless there are contraindications for the mother herself.

It should also be taken into account that eating sauerkraut while breastfeeding is risky if it was purchased at the market, since it is not known in which sanitary conditions fermentation took place.

Gradually introduce sauerkraut into the nursing mother’s diet, observing the baby’s reaction. You should start with 1-2 tbsp. per day, after first squeezing the cabbage from the brine and lightly soaking it in clean water. If a product significantly increases bloating, then it is better to completely exclude it from the menu until the baby responds more adequately to the mother’s diet.

Homemade preparation

If pickles have become a daily addition to a nursing mother’s dinner table, it is recommended to adhere to one more rule - making winter preparations with your own hands. The process of preparing cabbage is not complicated.

Pickling recipe:

  1. shred cabbage (5 kg);
  2. grate carrots (3 pcs.);
  3. vegetables are mixed and ground with salt (3 tbsp);
  4. compacted under pressure.

Fermentation takes 3-4 days in a warm room. An enamel bucket or pan is used as a container; it will also be convenient in 3-liter jars. The container is not filled to the top - during fermentation the brine will rise and may leak out.

The readiness of the dish is judged by the abundant foam “cap”. To prevent the product from becoming bitter, punctures are made in several places at the beginning of fermentation with a small wooden stick - this will help the bubbles rise to the surface more freely. Their abundant appearance- another sign of readiness. Now you can take the cabbage out into the cold and let it sit for 1-2 days.

There is not a single product harmful to a woman in this recipe, but she should take into account that pickles provoke dehydration of the body. If a nursing mother eats sauerkraut every day, then there is a need to increase fluid intake, which is not advisable when severe swelling, but favorable for lactation.

Cabbage soup recipe

Cabbage soup can be cooked in meat, vegetable, or mushroom broth. Below is the recipe lean soup. The indicated amount of ingredients is calculated for 500 ml of water.

List of products:

  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • sauerkraut – 250 g;
  • carrots, tomatoes and onions - 1 pc.;
  • dill and parsley - 4 branches each;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • ground pepper, salt - to taste;
  • lean beef.

Boil beef in water for 30 minutes. and diced potatoes (15 minutes), then add cabbage and keep on fire for another 10 minutes. Onions, carrots and tomatoes are finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. Place the roast in a saucepan and cook the cabbage soup over low heat for a few more minutes. At the end of cooking, add chopped herbs and garlic.

The birth of a child adds responsibility to a woman; now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her newborn baby. A mother's nutrition during breastfeeding raises many questions. One of them: is cabbage allowed during breastfeeding?

Cabbage improves metabolic processes, has anti-inflammatory properties, helps reduce cholesterol levels, prevents cholelithiasis, ischemic disease hearts. Since ancient times it has been known about healing properties cabbage leaves with their local application. Compresses made from the leaves of this vegetable reduce swelling and relieve inflammation in the diseased area.

Does eating cabbage during breastfeeding cause increased gas formation?

Breastfeeding experts say breastfeeding mothers do not need to follow special diets. Nutrients from mother's food enters breast milk 4-6 hours after eating, it all depends on what kind of metabolism the woman has. It has always been believed that foods that are “heavy” for a child’s stomach, such as cabbage or legumes, increase gas formation. But recent expert research proves that the formation of gases is not directly related to the consumption of certain foods. In the first months of life, increased gas formation in the intestines of infants is associated with the immaturity of the digestive system, so almost all children suffer from intestinal colic.

Gases are only the result of the digestive process. Food (namely carbohydrates), entering the stomach, begins to be actively digested by bacteria. When digested, gases are released. They enter the intestines and can accumulate there. But the gases formed in the mother’s intestines cannot pass into breast milk. Through breast milk, the baby can receive starches and sugars, which, when broken down, produce their own gases in the baby’s intestines.

And cabbage during lactation is not necessarily to blame for gas formation. Intestinal colic Children experience this after eating potatoes, baked goods and other foods. Besides this, the reasons increased gas formation may lie in other factors:

  • In large quantities of milk.
  • Improper grip on the bottle (or breast).
  • In an incorrectly selected bottle nipple.
  • In a formula unsuitable for the child.

The diet of every person should be balanced and complete. The same rule applies to the nutrition of a nursing mother. You cannot unreasonably refuse certain foods, be it cabbage, peas or even chocolate. You just need to comply important principles: gradualism and moderation.

So that eating cabbage during breastfeeding does not bring any negative consequences, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Do not eat cabbage in any form in the first month after giving birth. In the second or third month of a baby’s life, gradually begin to consume stewed vegetables in small quantities.
  2. Although white cabbage is a hypoallergenic product, the baby’s reaction must be monitored throughout the day. If a child develops a rash, cabbage will need to be avoided for a while.
  3. If you really want cabbage, but you're worried about your baby's tummy, start with more tender varieties: broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts. But it should be remembered that mother should not overeat with such varieties.
  4. Can a nursing mother have fresh cabbage? Raw cabbage introduce it into your diet no earlier than 3-4 months of your baby’s life. Of course, although it is very healthy, it consists of coarse fiber, which takes a long time to digest.
  5. Sauerkraut for a nursing mother is a permitted product, but you can eat it starting from the second half of the year after giving birth, provided that it does not contain a lot of vinegar and seasonings. It is not recommended to eat sauerkraut in the first 5-6 months after childbirth.
  6. To protect against excessive gas formation when consuming fresh or sauerkraut, add a pinch of cumin to the dish.
  7. Watch your child. If the vegetable you ate caused your child to become restless, then you should think about whether it is possible to eat it a second time.

Cabbage dishes during breastfeeding

As already mentioned, stewed cabbage during breastfeeding is allowed to be consumed, but only if the child does not have an allergy or individual intolerance to the product.

Cabbage stewed in a frying pan

Ingredients: cabbage, onion, carrots, tomato, salt, vegetable oil.

Preparation: Wash and peel all vegetables. Chop the cabbage, onion and tomato. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it. Place onion, tomato and carrots in a heated frying pan. Simmer the vegetables for 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring them constantly. Place the cabbage in the pan and mix everything. Cover the container with a lid and leave to simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. When the vegetables are stewed, salt the dish (just remember that nursing mothers should not eat too salty food). All is ready. This dish can be eaten during breastfeeding no earlier than the second month of the child’s life and at in moderation.

Video recipe for stewed cabbage in a slow cooker

Fresh cabbage soup with meat

Ingredients: meat, cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, salt, Bay leaf, sour cream, beef.

Preparation: Prepare vegetables for cooking. Weld meat broth. Remove the boiled piece of meat, cool and cut. Cut the cabbage into strips, potatoes and onions into cubes, grate the carrots. Place cabbage and potatoes in the meat broth and let it boil. After this, add carrots and onions to the soup. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for another 30 minutes from the moment it boils. Before finishing, salt the cabbage soup and place a bay leaf in the pan. When serving, add a spoonful of sour cream to the dish. This soup can be used by nursing mothers, starting from the second month of breastfeeding.

Vinaigrette with sauerkraut

Ingredients: beets, carrots, potatoes, sauerkraut, vegetable oil, salt.

Preparation: Wash potatoes, carrots and beets and boil them in their skins. Peel the vegetables and cut everything into cubes. Add sauerkraut (pre-squeezed) cabbage to the salad bowl. Mix the ingredients and season them vegetable oil(can be sunflower). Stir again and add salt if necessary. Salad can be introduced into a mother’s diet no earlier than 6 months of breastfeeding.

What else is possible?

Food during breastfeeding should be complete, natural and healthy. Mommy can eat almost all foods, with the exception of too spicy, salty, fatty and fried foods. You can prepare many healthy and approved dishes from cabbage. Main principle of these dishes is to ensure that they are not too spicy, greasy or fried. Nursing mothers can even have borscht with beets and cabbage, but for the first time you should try the dish in small quantities, gradually increasing the amount eaten, closely monitoring the baby’s reaction.

Let's sum it up

Cabbage is very healthy vegetable, whether it is a white or red-headed fruit. When feeding breast milk, you should not completely abandon it. Braised cabbage (preferably cooked in water - in a slow cooker or double boiler) can be consumed by a nursing mother starting from the second month of the baby’s life, but only in moderate quantities. Fresh cabbage in the first month after birth is not recommended, since the newborn baby has not yet adapted to such food, and the body’s possible response will be negative.

Sauerkraut is a familiar product for Russian people. Many people love it very much and cannot imagine the autumn-winter period without this delicious dish. A nursing woman may also have a desire to crunch sauerkraut. But is it possible to include it in the diet? breastfeeding? How will this affect the baby’s well-being?

Baby's digestion

The newborn's digestive system is not adapted to heavy loads. The comfort of the baby depends on the composition of mother's milk. When breastfeeding, a woman should take a responsible approach to creating her own menu. At first, it is better to exclude controversial products.

By eating even a little sauerkraut, the mother risks causing increased flatulence and in infants. The first month is not the best the right time for experiments. But every day the baby’s body is getting stronger. There is no point in abstaining from eating your favorite food throughout the entire period of guards. What is the optimal time frame for innovation? When can you try the desired pickled vegetable again?

Truths and myths about sauerkraut

Experts believe that sauerkraut is not entirely safe for breastfeeding. This is often motivated by the fact that cabbage can cause fermentation in the stomach. There really is some truth in this. This process sometimes occurs. But this does not always affect the quality of milk. It is unlikely that the baby will experience the same things as the mother. Everything a woman eats goes into milk after careful processing by the mother’s body. The foods eaten have a mediocre effect on the child.

Breastfeeding experts say that you should not think about sauerkraut for the first six months after giving birth. It's hard to disagree with this. The dish is quite aggressive. It contains a lot of acid, salt and spices. Until the baby reaches 6 months of age, the mother must be very careful.

Is it possible to make an exception?

When you really want a prohibited product, allow yourself 1-2 spoons. After this, watch your child carefully. If your baby is acting more restless than usual, put off gratifying your desires until later.

Besides the negative aspects, there is still an incentive to consume sauerkraut. Beneficial features product:

  • The product is rich in fiber. Eating this vegetable helps improve the digestion process. It is important for women suffering from constipation to include similar dishes in the menu;
  • Cabbage is a source of vitamins. In the cold season this is great way saturate the body with useful microelements;
  • Sauerkraut contains natural antibacterial substances. They prevent the occurrence of decay processes in the intestines;
  • Sauerkraut included in the diet helps increase appetite. This is important for those who suffer from a lack of desire to eat. From good nutrition in turn depends on lactation.

Having compared all the pros and cons, each mother independently decides how to organize nutrition correctly, so as not to harm the baby and not torment herself with senseless refusals of delicious food.

Rules for introducing sauerkraut into the diet of a nursing mother

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What matters is not only the question of whether a nursing mother can have sauerkraut, but also how to properly expand her menu . New products should be introduced gradually over time.

As already mentioned, sauerkraut can be tried after the child reaches 6 one month old. Why this product allowed after six months? In newborns digestive enzymes have extremely low activity. The first 1.5 months require a strict diet. Up to 3 months, the restrictions are also quite strict. 4 and 5 months are the period when a woman can diversify her diet. Avoid foods that cause bloating and allergic reactions.

By following some rules, you can avoid unnecessary problems.

  • observe the measure, do not eat more than one, maximum two spoons the first time;
  • introduce sauerkraut as a component of the main dish;
  • the new product should be consumed in the first half of the day;
  • Monitor your child's reaction.

You need to test the effect of sauerkraut on the child’s body step by step:

  1. For the first time, use sauerkraut to prepare cabbage soup. First, the cabbage soup is boiled. Secondly, they contain many other ingredients, which means the amount of pickled vegetables is not too large.
  2. If everything went smoothly, next time you can add it to the vinaigrette. This salad perfectly combines many vegetables, is truly healthy and rich in vitamins.
  3. After successfully testing the component of interest in the salad, you can try stewing it. Fry the sauerkraut in a frying pan or in a cauldron. Use a couple of spoons with a side dish.

Only after a series of above-mentioned experiments can you enjoy sauerkraut in in kind. Of course, provided that you do not abuse it.

The famous doctor Komarovsky advises new mothers to adhere to balanced nutrition, do not forget about variety in food. Every month a list of allowed ingredients for cooking delicious dishes is expanding. How older child- the more you allow yourself. You need to return to the usual menu in stages. You can try no more than three new products within 10 days. Do this provided that the child is completely healthy.

After 6 months

If a woman decides to breastfeed for up to a year or more, food restrictions will no longer be so strict. Mom can relax provided:

  • 6 or more months have passed since birth;
  • breast milk becomes not the main source of nutrition for the baby;
  • complementary foods for a child include , and , which are easily absorbed;
  • no allergic reactions;
  • no or indigestion.

If there are no contraindications, you can enjoy your favorite food. Over time, you will even return to chocolate, legumes, citrus fruits, pickled and pickled vegetables.

As for sauerkraut, the conclusion is obvious. It is better to refuse it at first. For the first six months, refrain from adding this vegetable to your diet. At a certain time, slowly begin to introduce raw, boiled, pickled and stewed cabbage into the menu.

When it’s closer to a year, there is no need to fear that the food eaten by the mother will cause digestive upset in the breastfed baby. There is no need to forget about your favorite dishes for the entire period of guards. The main requirement is healthy eating. To save wellness your baby, take care of your own health.

Upon discharge from the hospital, mothers are given a list of foods that should be excluded during breastfeeding. Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, pickled, pickled and iceberg top the list of foods that cause colic in babies - but is that true?

What in cabbage causes flatulence?

A healthy vegetable promotes increased gas formation in the intestines if a person has impaired motility or enzyme deficiency, which is why cruciferous fibers take a long time to digest and undergo fermentation.

If the mother is not bothered by diseases of the digestive system, she can eat any food, adhering to daily value without worrying about the baby’s well-being.

Colic is the body’s reaction to adaptation to a new diet and stress factors, occurring in the first 2-4 months of life. little man, and they are not related to the nutrition of a nursing mother.

Is it possible to have cabbage while breastfeeding?

Should consist of products familiar to a woman. If she ate foods that did not cause discomfort before giving birth, she can continue to eat in the same way after the baby is born.

Cabbage rarely causes allergic reactions, and when proper preparation will be a tasty and healthy addition to a nursing mother’s diet.


In the countries of the European Union already in maternity hospitals Parents are offered salads, citrus fruits, coffee and chocolate. With this mother’s diet, the child feels well and has no problems with skin rashes or bowel movements. Since 2011, Russia has been moving away from the strict list of products allowed during breastfeeding, but old-school pediatricians and obstetricians continue to impose an outdated opinion on mothers. What kind of cabbage can I have?

Nutrition experts and nutritionists say that there is no significant difference in the types of cabbage, but the human intestines perceive certain varieties with great discomfort.

Preference should be given to cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli: during breastfeeding, they do not have an aggressive effect on gastrointestinal tract, are quickly digested and saturate the body with minerals, vitamins and macroelements.

  1. White cabbage contains difficult-to-digest fiber, but when boiled or stewed it can be on the table of a young mother. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, E, PP, folic and pantothenic acid The vegetable is essential for mother and baby, which is why you shouldn’t give it up because of imaginary colic.
  2. Red cabbage contains one and a half times more coarse fiber than white cabbage, so when feeding your baby it is better to avoid this type of vegetable.
  3. Seaweed, despite its name, is not related to cruciferous vegetables - it is an algae. When breastfeeding, only 100 g per day replenishes daily dosage iodine in the body and can replace taking.
  4. Sauerkraut during breastfeeding is also prohibited by doctors:
  • it contains table salt, causing dehydration of the body;
  • spices and sugar used for marinade irritate the mucous membranes digestive tract and cause allergies in infants;
  • dangerous fermentation processes in the intestines and can lead to poisoning of mother and child.

The benefits of cabbage during breastfeeding.

  • Cruciferous vegetables help you lose weight. Calorie content of the product: 25-50 kcal per 100 g, depending on the type of vegetable, while it gives a feeling of fullness for 3-4 hours due to the fiber it contains.
  • Contains vitamins B, C, A, PP - when breastfeeding, their replenishment is important for the mother.
  • Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are rich in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron, which are necessary for the growth and development of the baby.
  • Broccoli is rich vegetable protein, folic acid, vitamins A and B9.
  • Thanks to fatty acids and vitamin C, cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties, which is important for weakened immunity after childbirth.
  • Compresses made from white cabbage leaves help with swelling and are used for lactostasis in folk medicine.
  • Sea kale regulates metabolism, improves memory, and is involved in the prevention of thyroid diseases.
  1. Introduce broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts from the first days after birth in boiled and stewed form. 1 month after giving birth, vegetables can be eaten fresh.
  2. Try one type of cabbage a day to monitor your baby’s reaction to a new product in the diet. If the baby has rashes, loose stools, he presses his legs to his stomach and often cries, put the product aside for a month; the baby may have an intolerance to the substances contained in the vegetable.
  3. If the body of a nursing mother reacts to cabbage dishes with flatulence or loose stools- you should not use them during breastfeeding: the baby will react with the same symptoms.
  4. Seaweed is a serious allergen. When breastfeeding, algae should be introduced gradually, starting with 30 g per day. If the child does not react negatively to such food from the mother, you can feast on seaweed, but not more than 150 g per day 3 times a week.
  5. Avoid sauerkraut, but if you really want it, eat more than 100 g of stewed cabbage.
  6. Fresh white cabbage should appear on the table of a nursing mother no earlier than the first month after birth. Until this time, it is worth eating it boiled, stewed or baked.

Cabbage - when to introduce?

Cruciferous vegetables are a source of useful micro and macroelements. They are easily absorbed by the baby's body and are suitable as the baby's first food.

  • At 6 months, you can introduce your baby to broccoli or cauliflower puree, and from 8 months, offer him Brussels sprouts.
  • White cabbage Introduce no earlier than 12 months: due to the coarse fiber, it is poorly absorbed by the intestines of a small person.

Delay introducing your child to sauerkraut and seaweed until he is 3 years old: the salt and spices in the marinade are not needed by the little person’s body.

Remember that the introduction of a new product into a child’s diet should be gradual. If signs of allergies and dyspeptic symptoms appear, stop offering a new treat and consult a doctor.

Are breastfed babies really sensitive to the food their mother eats? Can cabbage and other gas-producing vegetables cause anxiety in babies?

To the question “Can nursing mothers eat cabbage?” answers breastfeeding consultant, specialist at the Center for Distance Training of Breastfeeding Consultants “Project ProBreastfeeding”, member of the Union of Professional Support of Maternity (SPMS) Yulia Khomenko.

Substances from the food you eat may appear in milk within 1-24 hours after eating the food, but on average this time is 4-6 hours. It depends on many factors and, first of all, on your individual metabolism, the amount eaten, the frequency of feeding the child, and other things. The good news is that you don't have to worry too much about this. Today, experts believe that there are no special dietary rules, which a nursing mother should adhere to if nothing bothers the baby.

“What about gas and colic?” - you ask. Indeed, for many years there was an opinion that the consumption of gas-forming foods (cabbage, legumes, broccoli, etc.) can lead to increased formation of gases in a child. This opinion is incredibly persistent, but completely unfounded and not supported by research. All children, regardless of the mother's nutrition and type of feeding (breast/artificial), have days when there is increased gas formation, anxiety and frequent regurgitation. This happens because the digestive system of babies is still immature. Almost all children experience gas from time to time, and they all outgrow it.

Gas is a byproduct of the digestive process. Food causes gas formation because its mass and the hydrocarbons it contains (sugars, starches, soluble fiber) enter the stomach, and bacteria begin to digest them, releasing gas. This gas then accumulates in the intestines. But the food mass that the bacteria break down does not enter breast milk; it remains in the intestines along with the bacteria. Neither gases nor undigested hydrocarbons (the decomposition of which can cause gas in mom) enter the mother's blood, and therefore cannot pass into the milk and cause gas in your baby.

At the moment when the baby’s intestinal bacteria break down the sugar and starches that enter his body from breast milk, it produces its own gases, which again is a natural part of the digestive process. This doesn't mean that certain products will not bother a particular child - this sometimes happens, and most often it happens in very young children, in the first month after birth. But, if the baby reacts to some product in the mother’s diet (this also includes vitamin complexes, and iron supplements, and dairy products, etc.), then you will most likely see other symptoms, such as excessive regurgitation, colic, diarrhea, rash or runny nose. If several of these symptoms are combined and there is increased gas formation, it is advisable to exclude the “culprit” product from the nursing mother’s diet for some time, but after a couple of weeks it can be returned again, but in small quantities.

You shouldn't give up any product forever. After all, the list of foods that can cause gas formation and a baby’s reaction is individual and almost limitless, and if you try to avoid all these foods, you will be completely in vain limiting your diet. In addition, some nutritionists and lactation experts have identified another interesting side to the issue of providing complete and balanced nutrition to a nursing mother. They believe that breast milk imparts the flavors of foods consumed by the mother. Therefore, children have the opportunity to get used to different taste sensations, and, as a rule, this leads to the fact that they have less problems with nutrition as they get older.

It is also important to remember that the cause of increased gas formation in a child can be not only foods. Here are some of the possible “culprits” of this problem: the mother has a lot of milk, the baby swallows air when crying, using the wrong bottle, thrush, rare bowel movements (remember that this is the norm when breastfeeding after the first 4 weeks!), all that what the child receives in addition to breast milk (vitamins, medicines, tea, herbs, etc.), formula (since it is not a specific and natural food for the child). If your baby is very worried about the presence of gases, contact a lactation consultant - he will help you identify and gently eliminate the cause of the concern.

If your regular diet is fairly healthy and balanced, then there is no reason to change it in any way. With the exception of some foods, a nursing mother can eat whatever she wants, including chocolate and cabbage, but in moderation and carefully monitoring the baby's reaction. Remember the main principle of nutrition for a nursing mother is moderation. You shouldn't overeat even the most useful product, but you shouldn’t categorically refuse the “unauthorized” but your favorite dish.

May it bring you only joy!

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