Male sterilization surgery is called. Five things every woman should know about male sterilization

Male sterilization (vasectomy) is simple, inexpensive and reliable method male contraception. Vasectomy is becoming more and more popular around the world. The reason for the popularity of the method is its advantages over other methods of contraception.

Benefits of a vasectomy:

  • The effectiveness of the method is more than 99%.
  • Does not complicate lovemaking, does not reduce sexual sensations.
  • The method is reliable and permanent. The operation is performed 1 time.
  • The operation is simple and widespread (for example, half a million men are operated on annually in the USA).
  • Does not affect libido, erection and orgasm (as the testicles continue to produce testosterone). The hormonal background remains unchanged. Sperm volume does not decrease (since sperm occupy only about 1% of semen volume).

Male sterilization methods

1 option. The vas deferens, located on both sides of the scrotum, are fixed, and the surgical site is infiltrated with a one percent novocaine solution. The skin above the vas deferens is incised and muscle layer, the duct is isolated, ligated and divided. Each section can be cauterized or electrocoagulated. For greater reliability, it is possible to remove a segment of the vas deferens.

Option 2. The vas deferens are divided without ligation (called an open-end vasectomy) and cauterized or electrocoagulated to a depth of 1.5 cm. A fascial layer is then applied to close the crossed ends.

Option 3. The idea is that to release the vas deferens, a puncture is used rather than an incision. After local anesthesia a specially designed ring-shaped clamp is applied to the vas deferens without opening the layer. Then, using a sharp-tipped clamp, a small incision is made in the skin and wall of the vas deferens, the duct is isolated and occluded.

Is there temporary male sterilization?

What is temporary male sterilization? Reversibility of male sterilization remains in the first 5 years after surgery

Male sterilization is the most effective way contraception. At the same time, the man does not experience significant changes in the body. The operation is well tolerated by the patient. Recovery occurs quickly. Many modern clinics men's health widely advertised this procedure. Before making a decision about sterilization, it is necessary to carefully study the process and its possible consequences.

Characteristics of the operation

Vasectomy is significantly different from surgical castration men. During castration, the paired sex glands are removed. The process is irreversible. During sterilization, part of a man's vas deferens is excised. This is necessary to prevent sperm from entering the seminal fluid. All basic sexual functions are preserved.

Some medical centers position surgical sterilization as a temporary process. This is true. But this effect lasts for 5–7 years. It should be borne in mind that restoration of the vas deferens is expensive. The operation is being carried out long time and causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

Sterilization is resorted to in the following cases:

  • Unwanted pregnancy;
  • Genetic abnormalities;
  • Allergic reactions to all types of contraception.

The main reason for sterilization is a man's reluctance to have children. Many of them have several children. In such couples, conception occurs quickly. To avoid this, it is necessary to choose the right method of contraception. The most effective of these is a vasectomy. In such couples, unwanted pregnancy does not occur.

Some patients have pathological genetic changes. The genotype is passed on from parent to child. So that a child does not appear with strong genetic abnormalities, the patient is recommended to undergo sterilization. It helps protect future generations from unwanted diseases.

A rare cause of sterilization surgery is allergic intolerance. various means protection against unwanted pregnancy. However, the couple does not want to have a child. In this case, the man needs a vasectomy. The operation has no serious contraindications. It also does not cause any allergic reactions in the body.

Although male sterilization is not a serious operation, it is surgical intervention into the body. It requires the fulfillment of certain preparation rules from a man. All necessary rules explains the specialist.

Rules for preparing for surgery

Vasectomy is surgical method contraception. At the same time, the patient is required to prepare for it in a timely manner. Experts require the following rules:

  • Be examined by a cardiologist and urologist;
  • Take a blood and urine test;
  • Spermogram;
  • Sexual peace.

A man must be examined by a cardiologist. This is necessary to avoid adverse reactions during the operation. The patient may not be aware of various abnormalities in the heart. A cardiologist can identify them. The examination is carried out using ultrasound machine and a cardiograph. A cardiogram is taken from the patient twice before surgery and once after surgery. An ultrasound of the heart will help determine whether there are abnormalities in the functioning of the valves and blood vessels.

An examination by a urologist is carried out in advance. Recommended to visit this specialist one month before the scheduled surgery. A doctor examines a man for genitourinary diseases. If the patient exhibits any inflammatory processes, the operation is postponed. A new appointment is issued after completing the necessary treatment.

For surgical intervention, it is necessary to donate blood for a detailed study. Experts identify hormonal background men, the presence of pathogenic bodies in the blood, clarify the patient’s group affiliation. The analysis is also informative for various viral diseases. Various harmful microorganisms can be present in the blood in live or cystic form.

A spermogram is taken from a man without fail. This analysis confirms the presence large quantity live and healthy sperm. If the patient’s level is reduced, he must be notified about this.

One week before sterilization, the patient is prohibited sexual contacts. This is necessary to preserve the secretion of seminal fluid in pure form. When the patient has an active sexual life, sperm are present in small quantities in the secretion. Therefore, a week before sterilization, sexual rest is necessary.

Alcohol and nicotine intake should be stopped 3-5 days before surgery. These substances have a pathological effect on the condition of the genitourinary and of cardio-vascular system. If the patient this rule does not comply, the operation is postponed. Alcohol is especially dangerous during surgery. Alcohol molecules have a strong thinning effect on the blood. During surgery, such patients experience significant blood loss.

Progress of the procedure

The essence of the operation is to stop the flow of sperm into the vas deferens. To do this, you need to block them. Overlapping is carried out in two ways:

  1. Excision of part of the duct;
  2. Clamping of the duct with special mechanisms.

Excision of part of the duct is performed more often than clamping. The part to be removed is pinched on both sides with surgical forceps. The selected area is removed with scissors. The resulting ends are either tied together or clamped with sutures. Basic adverse reaction is the restoration of the vas deferens. This occurs in 3–5% of men undergoing surgery.

The duct is clamped using medical clips. They are made of anti-allergenic metal. The clip is installed in the middle of the duct and remains in the patient's body for life. It is not susceptible to oxidation and various chemical reactions. IN in rare cases The man has an intolerance to this metal. This problem is solved by excision of part of the duct.

The operation is performed in a special department. The man is not put under anesthesia. The surgical field is treated with an antiseptic solution and injected with an anesthetic drug. After the freezing begins, the surgeon makes a small incision. Since the duct has a small diameter, the incision does not exceed 2 cm. Then excision or clamping is performed and the wound is sutured. For this, a special absorbable thread is used. The suture is applied cosmetically. After the thread dissolves, a small scar remains, which will disappear over time.

Recovery after surgery

Although the procedure is carried out quickly and does not cause any particular inconvenience, it is necessary to carry out restorative measures. After the operation, the patient leaves the operating room independently. He stays on outpatient treatment within 2–3 days after sterilization. When discharged for home recovery, the patient must follow the following rules:

  • Avoid getting water on the wound;
  • Sexual peace;
  • Antiseptic treatment;
  • Quitting alcohol;
  • Physical peace.

In the first days after surgery, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the wound. Disinfection of the wound surface is carried out with special solutions. It is recommended to wash the seams with aqueous chlorhexidine or furatsilin solution. Washing the body is allowed after the redness in the operated area has completely disappeared.

The main condition should be sexual peace. It is necessary to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Sperm can survive in seminal fluid for up to 10 days. To not have undesirable consequences, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse.

Physical activity is not recommended for the first 7 days. High voltage muscles can cause seam divergence. In this case, additional surgical intervention will be required. Also, the activity must be reduced to secure the medical clip. After surgery with compression of the vas deferens, the man recovers faster and begins to lead a normal life. But the clip needs to be fixed in place. This occurs within the first month after sterilization.

Alcoholic drinks affect blood clotting. If a man has undergone sterilization by excision, bleeding may occur. In this case, medical assistance is necessary.

Side effects after the procedure

The development of complications after surgery is rare, but they should be taken into account. Phenomena such as:

  • Swelling of the genital organs;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Viral infection;
  • The appearance of subcutaneous bruising;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Painful sensations.

Swelling of the genital organs may occur due to the accumulation of fluid in the scrotum. This occurs due to the accumulation of a large amount of blood serum. This complication occurs in 1% of operated patients. The pathology is eliminated by puncturing the scrotum. Appointed additional therapy antibiotic drugs.

Body temperature rises with strong inflammatory process in organism. If such a complication occurs, you must immediately visit a specialist and undergo additional tests.

Viral infection is rare. It may appear when improper care behind the seam. An accumulation of exudate appears on the untreated area. It is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Microbes settle in the wound surface and cause necrosis of tissue cells. In this case, the seam may come apart. Poor tissue fusion occurs. This is detected 10–14 days after sterilization. Treatment is carried out using antibacterial drugs.

The appearance of subcutaneous bruises occurs due to the accumulation of dead blood cells. Blood accumulates due to severe thinning or poor clotting. The hematoma should be shown to a specialist. The doctor will prescribe special ointments, which contribute to the rapid resorption of the bruise.

A decrease in sexual desire may occur due to strong pain syndrome And discomfort in the scrotum area. This phenomenon disappears after complete healing of the operated tissues. If sexual activity does not increase, you should consult a specialist. He will identify the cause of decreased libido.

Sterilization is not mandatory procedure. A man makes his own choice of contraception. In the presence of various side effects from the proposed means of protection, male sterilization is a way out of this situation.

Voluntary surgical sterilization of men is carried out as an effective protection against unwanted pregnancy of a partner. The patient's spermatic cords are removed or ligated. The resulting obstruction prevents male germ cells from entering the sperm. Seminal fluid becomes sterile, but at the same time it appearance does not change, and testicular function is preserved.

Who is eligible for voluntary surgical sterilization?

A healthy man is capable of fertilization throughout his life. To prevent unwanted conception of a child, a couple needs effective contraception.

Voluntary surgical sterilization (VSS) is considered irreversible, economical and the most effective method protection against unwanted pregnancy.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, surgical intervention is carried out taking into account mandatory conditions. These include:

  • having two or more children;
  • The man is over 35 years old.

Medical indications for surgical sterilization

When is DHS performed:

  1. The presence of individual intolerance of a man to all methods of contraception: severe allergic reaction. The couple must have a mutual desire for the operation, since it is considered irreversible.
  2. Identification of severe hereditary diseases, due to which the child may be born unhealthy. The parent's genotype is embedded in the baby's DNA. The operation protects the future generation from genetic pathology.
  3. The patient's reluctance to have more children.


Like any surgical intervention, DHS cannot be performed in some cases. TO absolute contraindications relate:

  • desire to have offspring;
  • my partner is categorically against the operation.

Relative contraindications require prior treatment or monitoring of the condition. These include:

  • bleeding;
  • any acute illness, including infectious;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology.

Preparing for surgery

Before performing a vasectomy, the doctor prescribes a list of necessary diagnostic studies. What you need to go through:

  1. Consultation and examination by a urologist.
  2. Consultation with a therapist.
  3. Spermogram.
  4. Clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  5. Blood chemistry.
  6. Blood test for clotting.
  7. Blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis.
  8. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.

Immediately before the operation, a man must be absolutely sure of his decision and choice of this method of contraception. Preparation for DHS includes:

  1. Hair removal in the scrotal area.
  2. Taking a shower.
  3. Refusal bad habits– smoking and drinking alcohol 3-5 days before the intervention.
  4. Sexual rest for 7 days before sterilization.

Technique for performing sterilization in men

During the initial consultation with a urologist, the doctor explains in detail how the procedure is performed. The principle of the operation is to stop the flow of sperm into the vas deferens. This can be done in two ways:

Excision of the spermatic cord

Held in inpatient conditions. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

  1. The intervention area is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  2. The surgeon cuts the skin of the scrotum on both sides to expose the vas deferens. Length surgical wound small: only 2 cm.
  3. The cords are cut and bandaged.
  4. Finally, the specialist applies self-absorbing sutures.

Clamping of the seminal duct with a special mechanism

A medical clip is installed in the middle of the cord. The instrument is made of a special metal that cannot cause allergic reaction and will not oxidize. The device remains for life.

Complications and consequences of the operation

Experts are convinced that surgical sterilization has virtually no complications. However, sometimes men may complain of the following consequences:

  • formation of edema on the genitals;
  • the addition of an infection with the development of an inflammatory reaction;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the appearance of bruises under the skin;
  • painful and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • recanalization of the ducts – independent restoration of fertility.

To prevent DHS from giving such reactions, the patient must correctly carry out postoperative period and strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Urologists say that surgical sterilization does not affect libido, orgasm or erectile function. After the procedure, the quality of sex does not change. The testicles continue to produce testosterone, and the hormonal balance is not disrupted.

After the operation, the patient does not lose his status as a full-fledged man. The volume of sperm does not decrease, it does not change color or consistency. All components of seminal fluid remain the same. The ejaculate only loses its ability to conceive.

Postoperative period

After sterilization, the patient must remain under medical supervision for 3-5 days. The doctor makes basic recommendations that need to be followed during the recovery period.

What do we have to do:

  1. Do not lift heavy objects during the first weeks after DHS.
  2. Do not shower in the first 48 hours after sterilization.
  3. Use a cold compress on the intervention area to prevent the development of swelling, hematoma or pain.
  4. Abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 10 days.
  5. Avoid physical activity within 7 days.
  6. Maintain physical rest.
  7. Conduct hygiene procedures so that water does not get on the surgical wound area.
  8. Regularly treat the wound with an antiseptic solution recommended by your doctor.
  9. If pain or discomfort occurs, take a pain reliever at intervals of 4–6 hours.
  10. Don't drink alcohol.
  11. Avoid long walks or cycling to prevent friction on the scrotum or pressure on the surgical site.

Fertility restoration by voluntary surgical sterilization

Voluntary surgical sterilization is considered an irreversible method of contraception. However, in 1–3% of patients, the seminal duct recovers on its own.

Sometimes a man regrets the operation he performed. This often happens after a divorce, a new marriage, or if you want to have more children. It is possible to restore fertility. This requires a complex intervention performed by a specially trained surgeon.

The success of such an operation cannot be guaranteed 100%. It depends on many factors:

  • How long ago did voluntary sterilization take place? During the first 5 years, fertility is more likely to be restored.
  • Presence of sperm antibodies.
  • The age of both partners. The older a man and woman are, the less likely they are to conceive a child.
  • Method of performing a vasectomy. Restoration of the spermatic cords is difficult after excision or cauterization. If medical clips were used, the success rate of the operation is 80%.

Cost of surgery in Russia and countries around the world

The price of voluntary surgical sterilization varies. The cost depends on the region, level medical institution, experience of the operating doctor. In Russia, DHS will cost a man 10–15 thousand rubles.

The operation is widely used not only in developed but also developing countries. Its approximate price:

  • USA – 2500 euros.
  • Hungary – 1800 euros.
  • Türkiye – from 1500 euros.
  • Mexico – 800 euros.
  • India – from 500 euros.

Voluntary surgical sterilization implies the onset of sterility in a man - the inability to have children. DHS does not affect sexual performance, sexual desire or orgasm.

In contact with

Modern medicine positions surgical sterilization of the stronger sex as a 100% method of contraception. Additionally, the operation to prevent men from having children is cost-effective, safe for the body and painless due to the use of modern anesthetics.

Concern about preventing unwanted pregnancy often falls on fragile women's shoulders.

Responsible and respectable men understand that this issue concerns them to the same extent.

Modern medicine adheres to the same opinion and offers many methods of contraception (from medication to surgery).

At home, you can also use methods to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Classification of contraceptive methods

The most general classification involves identifying such methods of male contraception as:

  • stopping sperm formation;
  • slowing down their maturation;
  • preventing them from entering the female genital tract.

Methods for preventing unwanted pregnancy are also divided into:

  1. Behavioral. They have the greatest prevalence. Premature interruption of the act or its artificial prolongation without bringing to ejaculation is assumed. They don't give 100% results. Negatively affects men's health.
  2. Barrier. Based on the use of condoms. Optimal in the absence of a permanent partner. Condoms are the only way protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Chemical. The use of various pharmaceutical drugs is assumed. These can be tablets and subcutaneous implants.
  4. Surgical. These include the male IUD (“umbrella”, which is placed in the scrotum and contains an agent that has a detrimental effect on the reproductive cells), vasoresection and vasectomy (ligation and cutting spermatic cord respectively).

Goals and indications for male contraception

Important! The main goal pursued is to prevent the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy.

The following facts may be significant indications for male contraception:

  • promiscuity (lack of a regular partner);
  • unwanted childbearing at the current moment in time;
  • Availability genetic diseases, which can be passed from parent to child upon conception;
  • contraindications to pregnancy in a woman;
  • impossibility of medical reasons carrying out female contraception.


This method surgical intervention for unwanted pregnancy is used all over the world. However, its popularity varies. In Russia and Belarus, vasectomy is used quite rarely to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In Scandinavian countries it is the other way around.

The essence of the method

Surgical intervention involves disrupting the patency (integrity) of the vas deferens.

They are simply cut, and sperm do not have the opportunity to enter the ejaculated semen. The result of a vasectomy is total loss ability to fertilize an egg.

The main difference between this operation and castration is the preservation of sexual desire and ejaculation. The functioning of the testicles in all men is preserved after such surgery.

Vasectomy is radical method protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is recommended to use it exclusively for medical indications or if you do not want to have children (including in the future).

What happens to the seminal fluid?

The appearance and volume of ejaculate does not change after a vasectomy. Spermatozoa make up only a hundredth of its composition. They continue to be produced by organisms, but are not eliminated from it.

After surgery, a male representative retains the possibility of fertilization for some time. This approximately continues for another twenty ejaculations. A specialist can provide accurate data regarding the safety of unprotected sexual intercourse based on a spermogram analysis.

Advantages of the operation

Vasectomy has a number of advantages. These include:

  • 100% efficiency;
  • lack of relationship with quality indicators of sexual intercourse;
  • one-time manipulations;
  • preservation of the functional abilities of the testicles relative to production (in some cases there is even an increase in hormonal activity);
  • safety, high speed, painlessness (anesthesia is used local action) surgical intervention.

Experts have identified the effect of vasectomy on biological age: The operation rejuvenates the male body.

Disadvantages of the operation

The surgical intervention in question is characterized by some “disadvantages”. The latter are in the following aspects:

  • reversibility of the method is not always possible (it all depends on the time elapsed after the operation);
  • vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus;
  • pain after the procedure (is short-lived);
  • unprotected sexual intercourse does not immediately become safe;
  • possible side effects after anesthesia and surgical interventions in general.

Progress of the operation

The surgical intervention in question is not difficult. The sequence of operation is as follows:

  • administration of local anesthesia;
  • making an incision in the groin area;
  • interfering with the integrity (cutting) of the vas deferens and tying its ends;
  • performance similar actions on the other side;
  • suturing the wound (modern self-absorbing threads do not require subsequent removal of sutures).

The duration of the procedure is up to a third of an hour. No hospital stay is required.

The rehabilitation period after surgery is one week. Increasing its duration is possible if there is side effects. The resumption of sexual activity by a man is allowed immediately after complete recovery.

Possible complications

Vasectomy has the following possible side effects:

  • infection in the wound due to poor qualifications medical workers and in the absence of proper hygiene until complete healing;
  • formation of hematomas and edema in the area of ​​intervention;
  • increase in temperature indicators.

How to become temporarily infertile

Folk sages do not stand aside and offer their own ways to make a man infertile at home in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

"Samurai Eggs"

You can make a man temporarily infertile through periodic exposures high temperatures. This method was actively practiced in ancient times in Japan. The essence of this prevention of unwanted pregnancy is taking a hot bath.

The conditions are as follows:

  • required temperature – 46.6 degrees Celsius;
  • duration of the procedure – 45 minutes;
  • frequency – every day;
  • Course duration is a month.

The effect lasts up to six months. The explanation lies in the disruption of the production of male reproductive cells due to overheating.

A similar effect is observed with daily long-term (at least 4 hours) driving.

The danger of the Samurai Eggs method is that it significantly increases the likelihood of developing cancer in men.

Herbal contraception

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, women often resort to using herbal decoctions, infusions, tinctures. Their action is based on the contraceptive properties of plants. The variety of options is quite wide.

Regarding male protection from unwanted pregnancy, the list is more modest. Celandine is also a popular option. They significantly suppress sperm activity. The result is prevention of conception. Form of use: infusion.

The procedure for preparing an infusion for unwanted pregnancy:

  • place the raw materials in the selected container;
  • pour water at boiling point;
  • Close the lid tightly (you can use a thermos);
  • let it brew for two hours;
  • separate the grounds;
  • cool to room temperature.

  • refusal to use aluminum cookware;
  • The maximum shelf life is one day.

Note! Herbs are powerful allergens.

Efficiency folk ways protection against unwanted conception for men is more than doubtful. Rely on them with a casual partner or in a strict relationship medical contraindication You definitely shouldn't get pregnant.

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Let's sum it up

Issues of contraception are not the place for experiments and testing of dubious options. The desire to protect your husband from the surgeon’s knife can turn into unwanted pregnancy. Vasectomy is a world-famous method. In some cases, it is the best that modern medicine offers.

The operation of vasectomy (sterilization of men) creates irreversible processes that contribute to the suppression and suspension of reproductive function. Surgical intervention is performed with the voluntary consent of the patient. During the operation, the vas deferens are blocked, become impassable, and sperm lose their ability to enter the seed.

Don't confuse vasectomy and castration. The latter involves removing the testicles.

Vasectomy surgery is almost 100% effective. But provided that it is carried out by an experienced specialist - a urologist or surgeon. To carry out such operations, a license is required this species activities.

Before prescribing an operation, the doctor must refer the man for a detailed examination: ECG, consultation with a urologist. In addition, be sure to give up general tests urine and blood, as well as blood for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. It is believed that, according to some characteristics, male sterilization is easier than female sterilization, because a vasectomy does not open abdominal cavity. The incision is made in the groin above the spermatic duct, this duct is isolated, and the ends are tied. The wound is then closed with self-absorbing suture materials. The operation lasts about 20 minutes. The patient can be sent home on the same day that the operation is performed. Full return of all functions occurs in a week. When everyone disappears side effects, you can return to sexual activity.

Sterilization among men is becoming an increasingly popular procedure

To the "pros" this surgical intervention can be attributed to the absence serious complications. In addition, sexual functions remain unchanged after a vasectomy, surgery does not affect the production of sex hormones. In addition, the operation does not affect the quality, duration and sensations of sexual intercourse, except, of course, that the partner will not be able to get pregnant.

Vasectomy has flaws– the possibility of spontaneous opening of the seminal ducts and a long postoperative period (about three months), during which additional contraception should be considered. In addition, in the first months a man may be accompanied by unpleasant and somewhat painful sensations, he may feel discomfort.

A clear example of how a vasectomy works

Unfortunately, some complications may occur after the operation. Among them:

  • scrotal hematomas
  • swelling
  • infection
  • temperature increase
  • chills
  • pain in the scrotum

If you notice any complication, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, go to the hospital immediately if your partner does not get her next period.

There is such a thing as a reverse vasectomy. This is an operation that returns . It is carried out provided that up to four years have passed since the vasectomy. This operation returns more than half of men reproductive functions and the ability to have children.

Vasectomy: myths about it

Sterilization=castration is a mistake! With a vasectomy, the testicles continue to perform their direct function - producing testosterone. After the operation, the volume of sperm does not decrease, and the quality of sexual intercourse does not deteriorate. The operation does not make a man inferior; the sperm simply loses the ability to fertilize.

There is no turning back. IN Lately Vasectomy reversals are increasingly being performed. After them, approximately 60% of men regain the ability to have children. However, every year these chances decrease by 10%.

Women's opinions on male sterilization

Catherine:“I have mixed feelings about vasectomy. I don't know if this is good or bad. Personally, I would never dare to undergo such an operation. But my husband recently shocked me with the news that he had a vasectomy. Of course, I was shocked! We already have three children and he argued his decision by saying that he didn’t want me to give birth anymore. And he doesn’t like to use protection. Personally, my opinion is this: he just wants to take a walk in his old age and that this would not have any consequences. And the operation in this case is like a reusable condom.”

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