New in the diaries. New in the diaries: A woman’s body after 30 years

I have long wanted to bring together what most influences the preservation of youth and health for many years. From what I know, from my own experience (not always successful). Specific advice. WITH detailed explanations, who is interested.

The points are very simple, but CRITICAL important. I especially recommend starting to follow these rules from the age of 30. I highlighted what is critical bold red .

1: Stop drinking alcohol

Give up alcohol altogether.. (or at least limit it to holidays). Among other harms, alcohol reduces a man’s ability to suppress estrogen, accordingly, its amount increases, and testosterone decreases. Alcohol also removes zinc from the body, and this is the main construction material for the testosterone molecule.

2: No smoking

Everything here is obvious, in my opinion.

3: Get enough sleep

To do this, try to go to bed most days of the week around 10 pm (in my opinion, the most difficult thing to follow).

Reason: by 2 o'clock in the morning - peak production Melatonin, a very important hormone for restoration of strength, immunity, etc. Melatonin also allows you to maintain a youthful appearance because... helps cell renewal during sleep, and helps cope with stress that is responsible for premature aging.

By the way, very often, it is lack of sleep that is responsible for sharp drop immunity. In the summer on "Adrenaline", when everyone is chilling until the morning, and as a result there is a lack of melatonin production (it is produced exclusively in complete darkness), because of this, many people catch common cold viruses by the end of the holiday, because... deplete their immunity.

When there is no other choice, and sleep occurs after 2 am, you can try taking Melatonin in the form of a medicine of 1-3 grams. It will support your immune system and allow you to recover faster overnight.

Melatonin can also help instead of sleeping pills when age-related sleep disorders appear (intensifies in the elderly: sleep quality deteriorates, it becomes difficult to fall asleep, feel fit during the day, and perform tasks with the same ease and normal efficiency). Melatonin is one of the safest drugs of this kind. In fact, it is considered a dietary supplement. To prolong life, it is not recommended to take more than 3-6 mg of the drug per day. You can start as early as 25-30 years old, but take courses of 1-3 months and a 2-month break. From the age of 40, it can be used as replacement therapy, almost constantly (source from the link above).

At correct dosage Melatonin has extremely beneficial effects on sleep. This hormone preserves the natural structure of sleep in all phases and restores it if it is disturbed. It speeds up falling asleep, expands the spectrum of cerebral waves when sleep is established. In phase 2, it slows down the heartbeat and lowers blood pressure, shortening the duration of phases 1 and 2 by a third, thereby bringing the falling asleep quickly characteristic of young people (on average 45% faster than in older people). Finally, melatonin normalizes the body’s much-needed deep dream and paradoxical sleep.

Melatonin increases the sensitivity of the hypothalamus, which leads to a shift in metabolism towards that characteristic of a younger organism. It is produced in sufficient quantities only until the age of 20, and then the production of this hormone decreases more and more, which steadily leads the body to aging. By age 60, natural melatonin production drops by half compared to age 20. Due to light pollution big cities(artificial lighting), the production of melatonin in a modern city dweller is very much inferior to that of a rural dweller.

Also, studies have shown that people who get good sleep have Testosterone level higher than those who sleep little. Ideally, you should sleep 6-8 hours every night. Poor sleep can reduce testosterone levels by 40%.

Also during sleep, the pituitary gland produces the main volume Growth hormone, which affects the growth of bones, muscles, skin and the regeneration of all cells of the body (in addition to sleep, the production of growth hormone is activated by physical activity). Therefore, it is very important to sleep for the required amount of time and soundly enough. People who sleep little and poorly look like 50-year-olds at 30 years old.

HGH also does two things we need in terms of appearance and health: promotes the breakdown of fat and increases muscle mass. It is the lack of growth hormone that leads to age-related obesity with accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, loss of muscle mass, slow healing of wounds, decreased resistance to stress, sexual desire and potency, and decreased performance. Bones become brittle and brittle. Serious violations occur in cardiovascular system: a huge number of atherosclerotic plaques appear on the walls of blood vessels, sharply increasing the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.

Scientists have also established a connection between growth hormone and the production of the obesity hormone - Leptin. It is formed directly in fat cells, that is, the more fat, the more of this hormone in the body. Leptin stimulates appetite and promotes further fat gain on a fat-to-fat basis. Vicious circle. And only our friend growth hormone is able to break it - it has been established that the higher the concentration of growth hormone in the blood, the less leptin it contains. This means that appetite decreases - another step towards beauty and slimness associated with hormones and sleep.

What happens to hormones when our sleep and wakefulness patterns are disrupted?

For melatonin and growth hormone to work, it is necessary for a person to be in a state of sleep - this happened in the process of evolution. But here it comes dark time days, the concentration of daytime hormones in the blood decreases, the level of melatonin increases, and growth hormone prepares to be released into the blood. All processes are being rebuilt to restore the resources that were spent during the day.

But what is it? Contrary to internal rhythms, a person continues to be active. The adrenal glands are the first to be “surprised”: “What is it, we are in the mood for sleep, but you again need adrenaline and others like it? Be careful, we need rest!” But nothing can be done, as they say, the master is the master. And the adrenal glands make an effort and release another portion of daytime hormones into the blood.

Here the pineal gland is “surprised” - after all, the signals clearly indicate the onset of night! What do daytime hormones have to do with it? Why, despite the concentration of melatonin in the blood, did sleep not occur? Growth hormone also does not find the conditions for its good deeds - how can recovery processes begin if the body is in a mode of energy consumption?

As a result, a situation develops that is characteristic of a lack of growth hormone: adipose tissue does not split, the muscle tissue declines. The level of “bad” fats – the culprits of atherosclerosis – increases in the blood.

Types of fatigue are clearly differentiated depending on the deficiency of certain hormones.

Shortage thyroid hormones: Fatigue occurs upon awakening and during rest, the feeling of tiredness disappears during the morning as a result of activity. People with a deficiency of these hormones nap longer and sleep less;
Shortage androgens (testosterone in men): constant feeling fatigue throughout the day, which sharply increases during physical activity;
Shortage hydrocortisone: severe fatigue in the evening with peaks during moments of stress during the day;
Shortage growth hormone: severe fatigue in the evening, as a result of which it is difficult to remain awake after midnight, difficult to recover the next day. Also, a deficiency of growth hormone is indicated by prolonged sleep, which does not restore strength - they sleep longer, but less deeply and have fewer dreams;
Shortage aldosterone: a feeling of fatigue occurs when a person is on his feet;
Shortage vitamin B12, coenzyme A and microelements (iron, magnesium): Can also cause different types of fatigue.

4: Play sports

Loaded with regular, feasible exercise, muscles keep the entire body healthy and young - at any age, restore and increase the number of mitochondria in the cell, which provide all internal energy processes in the body. Proper cardio exercise trains the lungs and heart. In addition, protein (and most of all it is in the muscles) best retains water in the body (in old age, dehydration is very noticeable - dry, wrinkled skin), so pumped-up muscle reserves help retain water in the body.

Even eight minutes of exercise or sports a day prolongs life. While moving growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after 30 years. Also, grueling work in the gym (basic exercises) contributes to testosterone production in huge quantities.

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of physical activity as a preventative measure for aging.

How does exercise have a rejuvenating effect on the body?

Research has shown that even at 65 years of age, it is possible to stop and even reverse the aging process of muscle tissue by visiting the gym at least twice a week. When analyzing the composition of muscle tissue, it was found that the energy supply system of muscle tissue becomes active, like in twenty-year-olds. In an experiment with 65-year-old people, it was proven that the energy “factories” of the muscle cell - mitochondria, the decrease in activity of which scientists associate with the aging process, restored their work at the level observed in 25-30 year old people.

The results surprised scientists, since a decrease in mitochondrial function is predetermined at the genetic level. No one could have imagined that exercise could change the activity of genes and even reverse age-related changes. When performing physical exercises, the energy stations of the cell - mitochondria - are activated. In addition, the genes responsible for their work are also activated. This leads to the fact that even decrepit old people become one and a half times stronger and younger.

Mitochondria are the energy stations of cells. They are responsible for the synthesis of the main energy carrier in cells - ATP. In addition, the mitochondrion is the only organelle that has its own genome. Found in different cells of the body different quantities mitochondria, it all depends on the energy needs of this organ. As mutations accumulate in the mitochondrial genome and with disruption of their functions, the aging process of the body is most often associated.

Systematic physical exercise restores the functions of the cell's mitochondrial energy stations, this was determined by Canadian scientists from the Buck Institute for Aging in Ontario. It has long been known that it is the failure of mitochondria that is one of the main causes of aging of the body. As soon as mitochondrial function deteriorates, it is lost muscle mass, muscle activity deteriorates. New research has made it possible to compare how active genes are in the muscles of young and older people. As previously expected, mitochondrial performance in the muscle cells of old people was low before training. But the most surprising thing was the fact that after the training, gene activity was restored. This study proves that physical activity is necessary to restore mitochondrial function, rejuvenate the entire body, and improve well-being.

A similar experiment with rats proved that this effect is not limited to the effects only on the muscles and heart. It spreads to the liver, kidneys, gonads, skin, brain and spleen. Mitochondrial aging was slowed down through regular exercise. Given that mitochondrial degeneration and loss of mtDNA integrity are involved in the development of age-related degenerative processes, mitochondria represent an attractive target for attempts to prevent or slow the development of age-related pathologies and perhaps even to alter the rate of aging.

Despite the usefulness of regular training in the gym, it is better to give up heavy, exhausting, backbreaking physical work, yes, yes, yes)))) instead, training in the gym, in compliance with the load standards, is much more useful, correct positions body when working with weights, reasonable rotation load and rest, etc. Backbreaking physical labor- wears out the body faster... This does not apply to work “for pleasure” in the gardens, beds, “housework”, etc.

5: Regularly visit the Russian steam room

Regularly visiting the steam room is especially important for those who do little physical activity - to train blood vessels, heart, etc. The steam room also activates the exchange of nutrients and has a good effect on the skin, making it more elastic, youthful, saturating it with moisture, etc. Just remember to restore your water balance: drink in the bathhouse mineral water, various infused with natural herbs- teas, not alcohol*.

By the way, drinking alcohol (or excess coffee) in a dangerous combination with a steam room or sauna can cause an imbalance electrolyte metabolism(a sharp drop in potassium and magnesium), which can cause heart rhythm disturbances, up to heart attack and so on. Therefore, just in case, it is better for such “lovers” to take a couple of tablets before such a “rest” “Asparkam” - cheap and harmless remedy, serving as a source of potassium (K+) and magnesium (Mg2+) - as a preventive measure against the loss of electrolytes potassium and magnesium.

In half an hour spent in a steam room or sauna, the body is able to get rid of several liters of sweat, and toxic substances come out with it.

By the way, the bath helps prevent atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries, as a result of which the patency of blood flow through the affected vessels significantly worsens). This disease begins to progress slowly from the age of 30. To prevent the development of atherosclerosis, three basic rules must be followed:

1) vessels are needed train (movement, physical education, sports, steam room) ;
2) vessels are needed take care (reasonable diet, quit smoking and alcohol) ;
3) vessels are needed clean (bath, steam room) .

6: Walk or jog fresh air

In general, you should spend more time in the fresh air, away from the city center, where the air is poisoned by exhaust gases. Ideal - walking, jogging, or some kind of qigong, or horizontal bars all year round and so on. - in order to saturate the body with clean air and oxygen.

Energy in human body- taken from the breath. In addition, it is necessary to ventilate the body after inhaling vapors of all kinds of plastics and dyes (of which there are a lot in modern homes), which have a very negative effect not only on health, but also on the production of male hormone testosterone (see point).

Polyethylene, plastic, cleaning and detergents, non-stick coatings make life easier, but with their fumes and decomposition products they damage human health. Naturally, it is difficult for the body to cope with such a volume of harmful substances on its own, so it needs help.

In addition, most of the toxins in the body are stored in adipose tissue and intercellular space, which is why when you get rid of fat, you also get rid of toxins. Therefore, physical activity in the fresh air also cleanses your body.

Baths and steam rooms also help a lot with this (they remove the same rubbish through sweat). However, only movement contributes to better blood circulation and, accordingly, better “feeding” of muscles with oxygen. In addition, movement improves metabolic processes, which contribute to a faster removal of old dead cells from the body, preventing the accumulation of so-called fatigue poisons. Thus, by getting rid of toxins, you rejuvenate the body.

Old cells block capillaries and make it difficult for living tissues to receive essential nutrients. nutrients. U one year old child the percentage of such cells is no more than 1%, in ten-year-old children - 7%, in fifty-year-old people - up to 50%. With age, the ability to age only increases. For men, the turning point is considered to be the age of 48, after which they begin to age three times faster. For women, this age is 55 years. In order to delay old age as much as possible and stay young longer, it is necessary to ensure the constant removal of old cells from the body. Physical activity for at least an hour every day can help with this, and preferably in the fresh air.

7: Avoid staying in the sun for too long

The same applies to fake tan in solariums. It is known that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight ages the skin much faster. Not to mention the risk cancer diseases skin, which increases with each sunburn, which causes redness and sunburn, even the lightest one. You should absolutely not burn in the sun! dmitriysh - I once gave a tough post on this topic.

(To be continued)

Hormonal imbalances in women of reproductive age are common. The body of an adult woman is affected by various factors: eating disorders, insufficiently active lifestyle, intake medicines(often without a doctor’s prescription), prolonged stress, lack of sleep and much more. You need to know the signs of hormonal imbalance in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What is hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is a decrease or increase in the secretion of female sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone), as well as an increased secretion of male sex hormones androgens, accompanied by certain changes in the woman’s body.

The female body produces three estrogens. They support maturation and reproductive function, the growth of the mammary glands, support the body during pregnancy and have an impact on all organs and systems. Progesterone is active from the second half of the menstrual cycle. When pregnancy occurs, it causes the uterine mucosa (endometrium) to produce useful substances, suppresses the contraction of the uterine muscles and the immune system, that is, it supports pregnancy.

The female body is influenced not only by sex hormones. The entire endocrine system participates in the regulation of its functions, producing and releasing superactive substances into the blood in very small doses - hormones.

The main regulatory structure endocrine system The hypothalamus is a part of the brain. The production of hypothalamic hormones has a regulatory effect on the main gland internal secretion pituitary gland (also located in the brain). The pituitary gland secretes a number of hormones that regulate the activity of other endocrine glands. To regulate the function of the gonads, the pituitary gland secretes two gonadotropic hormones (GTG): follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH - in the first half of the menstrual cycle - MC) and luteinizing hormone (LH - in the second half of the MC).

The ovaries produce sex hormones. Estrogens are secreted by the walls of the follicle in which the egg matures in the first half of the MC. When the egg matures, the follicle bursts and in its place a corpus luteum- gland that produces progesterone in the second half of the MC.

In turn, the hypothalamus is under the control of the cerebral cortex. All links of a woman’s neuroendocrine system are interconnected: when the ovaries secrete a lot of estrogens, the secretion of FSH decreases, when there is a lot of progesterone, the secretion of LH decreases, and vice versa, with a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, the secretion of GSH increases. The same interaction exists between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.

Hormonal imbalances in women can occur at any level hormonal system“cerebral cortex – hypothalamus – pituitary gland – ovaries.”

Reasons for violations

The causes of hormonal imbalance can be different, it all depends on the influence of external factors and general condition body:

  • heavy mental and physical stress, prolonged stress;
  • sudden increase or loss of body weight; extreme diets, malnutrition, irregular meals, as well as overeating due to stress, etc.
  • severe infections, surgeries, oncological diseases, chronic diseases with frequent relapses;
  • diseases of the uterus, ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • long-term self-administration of COCs (combined oral contraceptives); doctors select COCs after examination and recommend taking breaks after a while, switching to barrier agents contraception;
  • frequent use of contraceptives for emergency prevention of pregnancy is a real blow to the reproductive system;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of drugs from the group of glucocorticoids;
  • changes after childbirth, especially if they were difficult;
  • changes after abortion are another blow to the reproductive system;
  • any uncompensated endocrine diseases: the work of all endocrine glands is interconnected;
  • liver and kidney diseases: hormones are decomposed in the liver, and their metabolites are excreted through the kidneys;
  • hereditary features of the structure and functioning of the reproductive system: a woman after 35 years of age may experience ovarian depletion if she runs out of eggs; this leads to the development of early menopause.

Video about hormonal disorders for a woman:

Who is at risk?

Hormonal imbalances in women after 30–35 years of age can occur in any woman. But there are also risk groups, which include women who are most susceptible to such changes. Risk groups include:

  • leading a sedentary lifestyle, prone to obesity;
  • those who are addicted to extreme diets for weight loss and who are severely underweight;
  • taking COCs without a doctor's prescription for a long time;
  • regularly using emergency contraception;
  • have had several induced abortions;
  • taking glucocorticoids for long periods;
  • having bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.

Symptoms of disorders in women after 30 and 35 years

Signs of hormonal imbalance after thirty to thirty-five years appear as:

  1. Menstrual irregularities. Any change in MC, if it continues for two or more cycles, should suggest a hormonal imbalance and the need to contact a gynecologist. Depending on which hormone is secreted insufficiently or excessively, menstruation may vary as follows:
    • excess estrogen - rare but heavy menstruation;
    • lack of estrogen - rare scanty periods, sometimes their complete absence (oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea);
    • lack of progesterone - painful menstruation and prolonged painful menstrual bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding;
    • excess progesterone - MC disorders can be of a different nature, but this serious violations, requiring full examination to exclude a malignant tumor;
    • excess androgens (male sex hormones) - they suppress the secretion of estrogen, so changes in MC will be the same as with a lack of estrogen;
    • excess of the pituitary hormone prolactin – menstruation is rare and scanty; Normally, prolactin stimulates the secretion of human milk; with its increased secretion, the MC is disrupted, since it suppresses the maturation of the egg in the ovary, the secretion of FSH and estrogens; With such a failure, pregnancy is impossible.
  1. Changes in the central nervous system. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance: chronic fatigue, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, disturbances in body temperature, mood swings (irritability, tearfulness, unjustified aggression).
  2. Changes in the autonomic nervous system, symptoms: changes in blood pressure (BP), accompanied by dizziness and headaches, attacks increased heart rate, long-term aching pain in the heart, etc.
  3. Changes in the mammary glands: with an excess of estrogen develops fibrocystic mastopathy, which sometimes (in in rare cases) turns into cancer.
  4. Changes from the side endocrine organs . Excess androgens can lead to changes in body contours according to the male type: the outline of the figure changes, hair growth changes, and even a deepening of the voice. Excess androgens require exclusion of a tumor process.

Possible consequences

Prolonged failures can lead to serious disruptions;

  • lack of estrogen and excess prolactin - to infertility;
  • excess estrogen leads to the formation of such precancerous diseases of the genital organs as endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis (entry of endometrial cells into the muscular layer of the uterus and other organs with the growth of foci of endometriosis in them), fibroids ( benign tumor) uterus; the development of mastopathy is possible - a fibrocystic process in the mammary glands, sometimes turning into cancer; increased production of estrogen in last days before menstruation leads to the appearance premenstrual syndrome(PMS): the appearance of swelling, headaches, depression or irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness;
  • lack of progesterone leads to menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding and anemia; during pregnancy this leads to miscarriage;
  • A large amount of progesterone or androgens in the blood indicates the possibility of a tumor process;
  • Excess prolactin leads to the impossibility of pregnancy and the development of mastopathy.

Diagnosis and treatment

For any MC disturbances that last more than three cycles in a row, the woman should consult a gynecologist. It’s better to go straight to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. From diagnostic studies First of all, a blood test for hormones is prescribed. Not only sex hormones are examined, but also all others, since disruptions can be caused by disorders of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.

If an excess or deficiency of a hormone has been identified, further examination will be aimed at identifying the existing pathology. An ultrasound of the pelvis and thyroid gland is performed, and, if necessary, endoscopic, X-ray, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain.

After the final diagnosis is established, treatment is prescribed:

  1. General restorative treatment: vitamin and mineral complexes, adaptagens (ginseng tincture during the day, valerian or motherwort tincture before bed).
  2. Traditional methods of treatment. Not all problems can be cured with folk remedies. But with minor violations they have a regulatory effect. So, for secondary amenorrhea (absence of menstruation due to overwork, stress, etc.), a decoction of onion peels is used:
  • Separate the husks from 10 large onions, pour in 12 glasses of liquid, boil and wait until the water turns red; take 100 ml twice a day for a month.
  • At heavy blood loss against the background of a lack of progesterone, take the following infusion: nettle leaves; brewed at the rate of 30 g per 350 ml of boiling water; take 100 ml three times a day for three weeks.

Preventing a crash

The following will help prevent problems in the body of a woman of reproductive age:

  • healthy lifestyle, high physical activity;
  • proper regular nutrition;
  • absence of prolonged stress (short-term stress does not count, they stimulate all body functions) and heavy loads;
  • getting rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse and other psychotropic drugs;
  • regular (every six months) visits to the gynecologist.

A woman’s hormonal background is a complex multi-level system. Changes in the functioning of any of the links of this system after 30–35 years lead to disruption of the functioning of not only the reproductive system, but also the entire organism. If the changes continue for a long time, signs of persistent infertility and diseases such as tumors, endometriosis, mastopathy, etc. appear. Therefore, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor when the first signs of disturbances appear.

Just a couple of years ago, you could eat whatever your heart desired at any time of the day and it would not affect your figure. You could stay up half the night and wake up cheerful and rested in the morning. However, after 30 years the situation is steadily changing. What should you pay attention to to stay beautiful and healthy?

1. Sleepless nights

Sleep is an important component of our life. During a night's rest, body temperature drops, heart rate drops, and brain activity changes. And all this so that the body can recover.

It should be remembered that sleepless nights increase the risk of developing heart disease. Lack of sleep irreversibly damages brain cells. However, the very first consequences can be easily felt after one night. Morning fatigue, poor concentration during the day, nausea, dizziness. Your face also tells you that you haven't slept. Blood circulation deteriorates, the skin becomes gray, bags appear under the eyes. And the older we are, the more acutely this is felt. To recover after 30 years, the body needs at least, in three full-fledged dreams.

2. Lack of physical activity

After thirty, metabolism slows down. The production of progesterone, a hormone responsible, in particular, for metabolism, decreases.

Imagine that your body is a machine, huh. It is enough to adjust three vital aspects to adjust the engine speed. These are food, physical activity and sleep.

Besides metabolism, there is another reason why exercise is important after 30 years. Over the years they begin to disappear muscle fibers. This means that the muscles become less flexible and strong. But muscles help burn calories. The weaker they are, the slower the body copes with metabolism. Without regular physical activity It's hard to stay slim after thirty.

3. Bad diet

Remember two golden rules. First, have breakfast, second, throughout the day, eat often, but in small portions, every three to four hours. If you skip breakfast and go to work with an empty stomach, you confuse your brain. Information comes from the stomach about the lack of “fuel” and the body begins to store fat.

Remember what to avoid simple carbohydrates and sugars. There comes a time when even a minimal excess of calories quickly turns into fat.

A poor diet affects more than just excess weight. Lack of important nutrients in your diet can cause hair loss and skin deterioration. To prevent this, eat vegetables and fruits daily, and fish twice a week.

4. You don't use creams

After 30 years, the production of elastin and collagen decreases, so the skin loses its elasticity. It becomes thinner and less elastic, so cellulite is more noticeable in some areas. Don’t forget about the appearance of the first facial wrinkles.

The absolute minimum is good cream for the area around the eyes, day and night cream for the face and firming for the body. Of course they should be used regularly.

Which cosmetics to choose? With vitamin C and E, retinol and coenzyme Q10. Vitamin C brightens the skin and gives it shine, E protects against free radicals, retinol, i.e. one of the forms of vitamin A, stimulates cells to regenerate, improves elasticity and reduces wrinkles. Coenzyme Q10 affects the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Moisturize your skin from the inside out. Drink more water. Avoid too much coffee and alcohol.

5. Alcohol abuse

If you have a lot of alcohol in your life, you should know that it damages the liver and pancreas and washes it out of the body. minerals and vitamins. The older we are, the more difficult for the body cope with alcohol metabolism.

6. Smoking

Thousands of articles have already been written about the destructive effects of cigarettes. It is known that this bad habit can cause heart attacks, promotes the formation of tumors and faster aging of the body. Youth, of course, forgives mistakes, but if you smoke for many years, your skin will age faster.

7. Seeing a doctor in extreme cases

When was the last time you had blood tests? What about breast ultrasound? Even if nothing worries you, preventive examinations are necessary to maintain health. A biochemistry test is useful to know how your organs and glands work, checking kidney function, liver function, glucose and cholesterol levels. It would be good to check your thyroid gland and visit a gynecologist. You can complete all the studies in a couple of days, and sleep peacefully all year without worrying about your health.

Former slimness, beautiful ladies are especially sad for it... Some try, in the most literal sense of these words, to tighten their belts and squeeze themselves into outfits that are too small, believing that a tight silhouette will reduce such distressing volumes. Others give up and admit that clothing sizes are growing, as is age, and still others are starting a brave fight.

Well, the loose silhouette of a well-chosen outfit looks much more elegant and appropriate on a woman over 30 than something that is “almost or too small.” However, buying large-sized clothes and settling on that is also not an option, since, having relaxed, in another six months we will turn to more larger size etc. So, we choose what exactly suits our shape (in no case “for growth”, “I’ll suddenly get better”) and join the group of ladies who are fighting. Don’t forget to regularly praise yourself for your courage, diligence, and even the most modest successes.

Changes happening in your body

With age, not only the appearance changes, but also internal changes in the body. Metabolism slows down and fewer calories are burned than in youth. Hormonal changes also occur. The skin loses its natural elasticity and wrinkles begin to form. fine wrinkles. These changes do not suddenly appear overnight. They happen gradually. Therefore, you need to take measures that will help slow down the aging process of your body and body.

Dramatic changes in weight when you're over 30 can have an extremely negative impact on your skin, causing it to become saggy or cause stretch marks. Therefore, be sure to use age-related cosmetics not only for the face, but also for the body. Do not forget about folk recipes for moisturizing and nourishing the skin, increasing its elasticity. Will be useful.

Control for hormonal changes- this is an attentive attitude towards yourself, regular (once every six months) visits to the gynecologist and tests for hormones, the need for which is increasing. If you are using oral contraceptives, which should be changed from time to time, according to changes in your hormonal levels. Another important point, we have already mentioned above, is the need for positive impressions, your good mood.

A healthy habit beyond age - fitness

One of the most effective means maintaining health and youth are physical exercises that will improve muscle tone and increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Physical exercise helps relieve stress and nervous tension by releasing endorphins. If you are over 30 years old, then you need to think not about a cozy sofa with pillows, but about physical activity, especially if after this age you plan to get pregnant. For those returning youth to the body and thoughts, NameWoman recommends turning Special attention for group yoga classes, a swimming pool, as well as a set of home exercises with a fitball.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition for slimness is not a hunger strike, fasting days are acceptable and necessary, but not more than once a week. Be gentle with yourself.

First of all, we don’t overeat, we learn to listen to our body and eat as much as it really needs. A very useful maneuver can only be done alone, in silence and slowly. So are you bored? Perhaps, but this approach is more useful, the body is not distracted, and you form the right eating habits. It is in this situation that it is worth remembering that we eat to live, and not vice versa.

Eliminate from your diet junk food(spicy, fatty, “dry”, ready-made sweets with an overwhelming number of dyes and e) and such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol. In addition to the accumulation of excess weight, bad habits provoke the occurrence of a number of diseases. The claim that smoking helps you shed pounds is a myth that has become entrenched not due to the process itself, but to the accompanying stress and weakening in the body.

Drink enough water (6-8 glasses a day, never cold, lukewarm), which maintains the water balance of the skin and body and removes toxic substances.

Include vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in your menu; don’t be afraid of high-calorie bananas and grapes, just alternate them in reasonable quantities with other fruits, best friends It's worth making a grapefruit and a stalk of celery. Dairy products are rich in calcium (the lack of which is a direct path to arthritis), so don’t forget about them. Proper nutrition is very diverse, and not only healthy.

The most important thing is that all necessary changes for the better occur gradually. The body needs time to get used to a new lifestyle. But this is not a reason to postpone, but a need to start now. Regular physical activity and proper nutrition will help you maintain your youth, attractiveness and health.

Lyudmila Sagaidak


Each of us wants to maintain beauty and attractiveness throughout our lives, and as we know, they are directly related to physical and mental health. The main problems that beset women with age are hormonal dysfunction and disruption of the endocrine system, which, along with other reasons, lead to obesity and the development of more serious diseases.

Poor nutrition has a negative impact on your health. Typically, 30-year-old women work a lot, and therefore do not pay due attention to the quality of food and diet. Sandwiches, hamburgers, and French fries are becoming common dishes, washed down with sweet carbonated drinks or instant coffee.

Such products, containing a huge amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, have a constant stimulating effect on the pancreas. This often becomes the cause of such a terrible disease as diabetes. Also, one should not forget that increased level blood sugar reduces activity immune system body.

No less dangerous for women after 30 years is the tendency to increase the consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is not for nothing that the term “weekend alcoholism” has become increasingly used. Alcoholic drinks suppress the body's protective functions and prevent the formation of new cells.

Unfortunately, the pace modern life does not contribute to proper rest. People devote less and less time to sleep, forgetting about what exactly happens during it active recovery cells. The sad result of lack of rest is the syndrome chronic fatigue, which has become a real scourge of our time. So, in order to be in good shape and maintain beauty for many years, you should adhere to several simple rules, discussed in detail in this book. On its pages you will find information on how to organize proper nutrition by eating food in a timely manner and including as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible. At the same time, you should avoid harmful products, rich in carbohydrates. This will help avoid the occurrence of many ailments, the most common of which is obesity.

In addition, the book contains a lot useful information, concerning the solution of problems that await a woman after 30 years. Recipes are also provided here. traditional medicine to combat various diseases caused by hormonal imbalance, and also given a large number of diets with which you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also improve your body.


Hormones are one of the most important components of the complex system that the human body represents. Recently, scientists around the world have been focusing on studying factors associated with hormonal dysfunctions. great attention. And this is no coincidence, since, as it turns out, many human conditions are explained by the level of production of one or another hormone.

Classification and functions of hormones

Hormones are biologically active substances produced by various glands of the body. They are capable of having a huge impact on human life processes and are a necessary component of each of the internal systems. Thus, it is hormones that exercise a controlling function over the human genetic apparatus; in addition, they ensure the development of tissues, adaptation to environmental conditions, organization mental activity. Hormones are also responsible for the reproduction of the human individual and the proper development of his offspring. It should be noted that these substances are effective even in the smallest concentrations.

Let's list the main hormones: adrenaline, angiotensin, gastrin, glucagon, dopamine, insulin, melatonin, oxytocin, secretin, testosterone, thyroxine, estrogens. Some hormones are produced simultaneously in different organs. Thus, insulin is formed not only in gastrointestinal tract, but also in the central nervous system.

After production, hormones are transported to their destination in various ways, which can be either thousandths of a millimeter or tens of centimeters. They are usually transported through intercellular or intracellular fluid, as well as through other fluids present in the body.

The functions of hormones vary not only depending on their type, but also on their location. Thus, the same hormone can transmit information in the place where it is synthesized, influence nearby tissues by penetrating into the intercellular fluid, influence the functioning of fairly distant organs and tissues through fluids circulating in the body (for example, blood), influence organs and tissues and at the same time cause opposite effects in them. Surprisingly, the same hormone can cause various reactions even within the same cell. Everything depends only on the state of the cell and the concentration of the hormone.

Hormones differ in their chemical nature, but the mechanisms of their effects on the body are usually similar. So, for example, everything hormonal reactions There are initial, early and late, and the consequence of the action of any hormone is the activation of the processes of intracellular calcium and energy metabolism, as well as an increase in secretory function. Hormones play a vital role in physiological processes. The cycles of sleep and wakefulness, the synchronization of daily metabolic processes, the ability to adapt to environmental conditions, as well as the intensity of growth of the human body depend on them.

Hormones are mainly produced in the thyroid and parathyroid glands, central nervous system, pineal gland, adrenal glands, adenohypophysis, hypothalamus, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, blood, liver, ovaries, testicles, placenta. In organism healthy person they are synthesized exactly as much as is necessary for its normal functioning. Therefore, a person does not need to receive hormones from the outside. Taking medications containing hormones can cause dysfunction and lead to serious consequences. That is why such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.

Hormones began to be closely studied and described at the beginning of the 20th century, after scientists managed to establish the structure of catecholamines. Soon the structure of sex hormones was studied, and the process of classifying steroids began. A little later, scientists figured out the structure of cortisol, testosterone, estrogens, adrenal androgens and progesterone. Of the group of peptides, insulin was the first to be studied. Hormones are classified according to the place of their synthesis in the body. However, this is not always convenient, since some of them are produced in some glands, and secreted into the blood in others. Attempts are being made to classify hormones according to their chemical nature. In this case, a distinction is made between protein and peptide, which are derivatives of amino acids, steroids, and eicosanoids. The protein and peptide groups include hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, such as growth hormone, corticotropin, thyrotropin, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, somatoliberin, somatostatin, etc. This group also includes pancreatic hormones - insulin and glucagon.

The group of hormones that are derivatives of amino acids (mainly the amino acid tyrosine) includes low molecular weight compounds such as adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are produced in the adrenal medulla, as well as thyroid hormones (thyroxine and its derivatives).

The steroid group includes fat-soluble hormones produced by the adrenal cortex - corticosteroids, sex hormones such as androgens and estrogens, and hormonal form vitamin D

Eicosanoids are hormone-like substances that have local effects. They are derivatives of the polyunsaturated fatty acid arachidonic acid and are divided into 3 subclasses: thromboxanes, prostaglandins and leukotrienes. These unstable compounds are insoluble in water. They affect cells located near the site of their synthesis.

It has now been proven that hormones influence many factors in a person’s daily life. Mood, well-being and, as a result, stability and success at work depend on them. It is hormones that influence a person’s thinking process and are responsible for many actions, as well as emotions such as love, hatred and fear. These substances regulate the growth of the human body and provoke many physiological needs, such as feeling hungry.

According to some scientists, it is on the basis hormonal balance the habits and character of the individual are formed. Nowadays, science knows about 150 hormones. However, scientists suggest that this figure is not final and in fact there are much more. The mechanism of action of all hormones is the same - they function using receptors through which they transmit information to organ cells. Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands and mainly travel through the circulatory system.

Thus, the genital organs produce male and female steroids, the pancreas produces insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels, and the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which is a stress hormone.

There are hormones that influence behavior and emotional condition person. For example, progesterone (a sex hormone) has a calming effect, cortisol is needed in stressful situations, and serotonin helps improve mood. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by many reasons. Thus, the functioning of the endocrine glands, and therefore the level of hormone synthesis, is affected by genetic predisposition, which means that a decreased or increased level of production of a particular hormone can be inherited. But besides that, on hormonal background has a great influence on the lifestyle of a particular person. An important role here is played by sports, nutrition, positive and negative emotions, and stress. For example, it is known that overweight people have noticeably increased levels of estrogen in the blood.

Often occurs in the human body complex interaction genes, hormones and external factors. Thus, in many women after 30 years, the level of cortisol in the blood gradually begins to increase. By the time of menopause, its concentration corresponds to similar indicators in people with severe depression. However, not all women are susceptible to it. In order for it to develop, several factors must act simultaneously - genetic predisposition and psychological trauma associated, for example, with divorce or growing up of children who, becoming independent, leave their home.

First major hormonal change in human body associated with the process of puberty. Until now, science does not know what mechanism begins to operate in the eighth year of a child’s life and leads to the fact that the hypothalamus region of the brain provokes increased synthesis of sex hormones. According to one theory, the starting point for this process is the accumulation of a certain amount of fat by the body. During puberty, the psyche of adolescents is unstable. Boys show aggression, their character becomes more decisive, which is explained increased content in the blood of the hormone testosterone. Girls experience sudden mood swings, which are caused by the hormone estradiol.

Subsequently, sex hormones have an increasing influence on the emotional sphere of the individual. They are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics; a person’s attractiveness depends on them.

The hormone oxytocin is produced only in female body. Its concentration is especially high in the blood of nursing mothers. Not long ago, scientists found that this substance has a huge impact on harmony in marital relationships. High concentration This hormone makes women more flexible and cheerful, they become more attentive to others.

A child's performance at school is also largely dependent on hormones. It has been proven that a large number of ostrogen receptors in the brain has a beneficial effect on a child’s ability to learn, and with a decrease in the blood level of the hormones T3 and T4, which are synthesized by the thyroid gland and regulate the process energy metabolism in the body, children may have decreased ability to concentrate.

The male hormone testosterone is responsible for professional success. With age, its level in the blood decreases, but the body quickly gets used to the changes that have occurred. However, during this process, bone and muscle mass, as well as sex drive, decrease.

Mechanism of action of hormones

So, hormones are substances that are a secretion product of the glands of the endocrine system and other organs, which are released directly into the blood and have high physiological activity. Hormones are carried through the bloodstream to certain organs, where, under their influence, significant physiological changes. The same hormone can simultaneously affect several organs. Some of them act only in conjunction with each other. For example, growth hormone does not act separately from thyroid hormone. At the cellular level, hormones act either through receptors cell membrane(this applies to water-soluble hormones), or through receptors in the cell cytoplasm (if the hormones are fat-soluble). A cell reacts to a hormone substance only if it is sensitive to it.

Factors contributing to hormonal imbalance and leading to obesity in women after 30 years of age

Each person has a unique, individual set of genes that determines his appearance, including the ratio of height and weight. So, if all family members are short in stature and densely built, it is difficult to expect that an elegant, long-legged fairy will suddenly appear in it. Although, of course, there are exceptions, and the genotype can suddenly present unexpected surprise. A woman of any age should be concerned about both sudden fluctuations in weight and gradual but ongoing weight gain. The reason for this may be poor nutrition, which ultimately leads to hormonal imbalance. However, before going on a diet, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

In the vast majority of cases, the root cause of excess weight is an unhealthy lifestyle, which has recently become very common among urban residents. Sedentary lifestyle and minimum physical activity lead to the fact that the energy produced by the body as a result of food processing is not used, but is “stored” in the body in the form of fat deposits. Chronic overeating leads to disturbances in the functioning of the appetite center, which is located in the brain. The next stage is a violation of lipid metabolism, and then metabolism.

Experts name several reasons leading to obesity. First of all this hormonal imbalance, which may be caused by pathology of one of the glands of the endocrine system or changes caused in it for various reasons. Very often, the problem of excess weight is observed in women suffering from diabetes, diseases of the gonads or adrenal glands, as well as certain diseases of the brain, such as hypothalamic syndrome. It should be noted that in such cases, fat is deposited on the body in a special way - according to the male type. Moreover, most of it is on the stomach, chest and face.

As the disease progresses, secondary sexual characteristics may change - the voice becomes rougher, hair appears on the body, and menstrual irregularities are observed. The reason to seek help from a doctor should be a combination of the following symptoms: the appearance of acne, a decrease in the volume of hair on the head, an increase in fat deposits in the abdominal area, the appearance of hair on the body, changes in the menstrual cycle. They may indicate excess production of testosterone, the male hormone. When the thyroid gland malfunctions (hypothyroidism), symptoms such as constant chills, brittle nails and hair, the appearance of fatty deposits on the buttocks and abdomen, and excessive dry skin are observed. Thyroid regulates the speed of the metabolic process in the body, therefore, if its activity decreases, a person’s weight increases. In addition, the cause of obesity may be the intake of certain medical supplies, such as antidepressants, hormonal oral contraceptives and steroids.

Obesity often begins due to excessive addiction to food (morbid obesity). Regular violation of the diet leads to lipid metabolism disorders.

And finally, psychological problems can lead to obesity, such as stress, when a person begins to uncontrollably absorb food, which causes weight gain. According to scientific research, obese people do not distinguish between feelings of hunger and anxiety.

Often, women begin to gain weight during pregnancy, and their weight does not return to normal after childbirth, but only continues to increase. This is explained by the fact that during such a period the body largely loses its ability to burn fat. This happens for the reason that carrying a child and further feeding it requires additional reserves of energy, which accumulates in the form of fat deposits on the body. Such a process is a kind of atavism, inherited from a time when food was not as accessible as it is now. Studies have shown that the more children a woman has, the more obese she becomes.

Quite often, the problem of excess weight is associated with hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body during menopause. This period is characterized by the body’s transition to the stage of cessation of generative function. In addition to this, there is an increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat and its redistribution. The fact is that in a woman at this age, the ovaries stop producing the hormone estrogen, and adipose tissue begins to produce it. Recent studies have shown that during menopause, some increase in fat mass is more good than bad. Thin women show menopausal symptoms much more clearly.


As mentioned earlier, during pregnancy, special conditions are created in a woman’s body for the accumulation of additional energy, and, consequently, for the development of adipose tissue. Fat is usually deposited in the thighs, breasts, abdomen and buttocks. It should be noted that in this way nature also provides for the protection of the fetus. Often during pregnancy, disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism and increased production of glucocorticoid and female sex hormones are observed. In such cases, it is recommended to take measures aimed at normalizing metabolic processes and creating a negative energy balance. The regime and nature of nutrition play a huge role in this. All efforts should be directed toward increasing physical activity and reducing the caloric content of food consumed. Thus, pregnant women prone to obesity are advised to include in their diet foods containing sufficient amounts of protein, in the absence of easily digestible carbohydrates and low in fat.

Often in similar cases excitability of the food center is observed. In order to reduce it, it is recommended to eat frequently (5-7 times a day), but in small portions. In this case, the food should be low in calories, but occupy sufficient volume in the stomach. This eliminates the feeling of hunger. It is important to exclude from the diet foods that increase appetite and stimulate the food center, as well as foods that activate the digestive and absorption function of the intestines. For short women, the value of the diet is reduced by 10%, and for tall women, it is increased by 10%. It should be remembered that protein food promotes a feeling of satiety. However, when consumed in excess, proteins are converted into carbohydrates. For women prone to obesity, the amount of protein in the diet is determined at the rate of 1–1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. At the same time, at least half of the proteins consumed in food must be of animal origin.

As is known, carbohydrates are the source of the formation of adipose tissue. daily norm which should be reduced to 200 g. Particular attention should be paid to easily digestible carbohydrates contained in butter and confectionery products, cereals and some fruits and berries. However, it should be remembered that a sharp reduction in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is poorly tolerated by most people. For this reason, it is recommended to replace foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates with foods containing slowly digestible carbohydrates. Such products include Rye bread, turnips, cabbage, lettuce, etc. In addition, the amount of fat in the diet should be significantly reduced, which should be no more than 40% of energy value daily ration. It should be remembered that they have a suppressive effect on endocrine function pancreas, due to which the process of formation of fats from carbohydrates slows down.

Pregnant women prone to obesity are advised to eat less salt and reduce their daily fluid intake. Doctors also advise avoiding spices, seasonings and spicy foods.

During pregnancy, progression of obesity is often observed, in which body weight increases by more than 20 kg. Moreover, even in women with severe obesity, weight gain should not exceed 6 kg. It is known that in pregnant women who are not obese, the gain is 10–12 kg, of which about 4 kg is due to an increase in the mass of adipose tissue, which is used as a reserve for the energy expenditure of the expectant mother. In obese women, pregnancy very often occurs against the background of various complications. The risk of developing early toxicosis, as well as the threat of miscarriage, increases sharply. Very often there is gestosis (late toxicosis), as well as weak labor, which directly depends on the degree of obesity. Due to weakness labor activity indicated for obese women C-section. IN postpartum period in mothers with overweight frequent complications endometritis, thromboembolism, and bleeding occur.

All therapeutic measures in relation to obese women, should be aimed primarily at restoring impaired metabolic processes in the body and creating a negative energy balance. This is possible with the correct diet and nature of nutrition and increased physical activity. In order to prevent excess fat deposition, you should do daily morning exercises, as well as exercise. therapeutic exercises, which provides an increase in energy consumption.

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