New drugs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The best drugs for multiple sclerosis that are used in Russia

Treatment multiple sclerosis– this is a long process. The patient needs to be patient, because it is necessary to take medications not only when an exacerbation begins, but also during periods of well-being. This is required in order to slow down the course of the disease and prevent the appearance of new areas of sclerosis.

Three groups of drugs are used to treat multiple sclerosis:

  1. Drugs that are used for the treatment of exacerbations;
  2. Drugs that change the course of the disease(preventive means);
  3. Drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease. Follow this link to read about the main symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Let's take a closer look at these groups of drugs

Corticosteroids are used to treat exacerbations. To relieve an attack, use solu-medrol or methylprednisolone intravenously. This treatment is called pulse therapy. It allows you to achieve functional restoration and reduce the duration of exacerbation.

However, such treatment usually has no effect in primary progressive sclerosis. In addition, these drugs have a very powerful effect on the body and have a number of side effects (sudden changes mood, weight gain, cataracts, decreased resistance to infectious diseases). Therefore, they are not prescribed to all patients.

If the use of steroids is ineffective, then plasmaphoresis is used. This is a procedure during which blood cells are separated from plasma. With its help, it is possible to alleviate the condition during an attack.

There are cases when the deterioration of the condition is caused by overheating, hypothermia, fatigue or stress. Then the exacerbation is considered false and can go away on its own or after taking symptomatic medications.

Preventative means– those that can change the course of the disease and slow down its development. The dose and regimen for taking these drugs is determined by the doctor and treatment should be carried out under his supervision, because each of the drugs has a number of side effects. The following drugs are classified as preventative:

  • To slow the development of multiple sclerosis - beta interferons: Avonex and Betaferon. May cause liver damage.
  • To protect myelin sheaths nerve cells from an attack by the immune system - Glatiramer (Copaxone).
  • To intercept immune cells in lymph nodes– Fingolimod (Gilenia). However, it can only be taken by those who have had chickenpox and are immune to this disease. Increases blood pressure and causes temporary blurred vision.
  • To protect the head and spinal cord from immune cells entering it - Tysabri (Natalizumab). Increases the chance of brain infection.
  • An immunosuppressant that reduces the activity of the immune system – Mitoxantrone (Novantrone). There is a possibility that it may be associated with the development of blood cancer.

The effectiveness of these drugs has been proven by numerous studies. They have been used for decades and have helped many people. However, these drugs cannot be used by patients for self-medication.

Medicines to relieve symptoms. The remedies in this group are designed to improve the patient’s condition and eliminate the manifestations of the disease.

  • Muscle relaxants – relieve painful muscle spasms: Baclofen, Tizanidine
  • Anti-fatigue tonic – Amantadine
  • Loss of coordination and tremor (trembling of the limbs) - vitamins for multiple sclerosis help get rid of this symptom. Vitamin B injections are especially effective.
  • Means to eliminate malfunctions Bladder– Oxybutynin
  • Antidepressants – Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Fluvoxamine
  • Painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – Diclofenac, Ibuprofen

Excellent auxiliary Physiotherapy is the treatment for multiple sclerosis. A course of magnetic therapy and amplipulse therapy enhances the effectiveness of treatment.

Let's summarize what was said above. More than 120 types of medicines are used to treat multiple sclerosis. They can be divided into three groups: drugs to treat attacks, to eliminate symptoms and to modify the course of the disease. Each patient requires complex treatment, and its regimen depends on the degree of development of the disease. Therefore, this issue should be resolved by a specialist who will accurately determine the list of drugs and dosage. In this case, the treatment will bring maximum benefit.

Our experts:

Vice President Russian Committee Multiple Sclerosis Researchers and President, CEO All-Russian public organization disabled people - patients with multiple sclerosis, doctor medical sciences Professor Yan Vlasov;

President of the Russian Committee for Researchers of Multiple Sclerosis, Professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova, Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Physician highest category Alexey Boyko.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system itself, which should normally protect the body from any damaging factors, begins to show inexplicable aggression towards its own tissues. IN in this case it destroys the myelin sheath nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord, causing severe damage to the central nervous system. As a result, the conduction of impulses from one brain cell to another is disrupted. Over time, because of this, patients lose the ability to walk, and sometimes even see and speak.

"Preference" for young people

The debut of this dangerous disease Most people are not alarmed. After all, her initial symptoms usually do not cause alarm. Patients themselves often attribute increased fatigue, weakness in the arms and legs, and vision problems to problems with the spine (dorsopathies), stress, and lack of sleep. But this is exactly how multiple sclerosis can begin, which most often targets young people (usually occurs at the age of 25-40 years). This disease is the second most common cause of disability (after injuries) in people young. Unfortunately, very often patients learn about the true state of affairs very late, since doctors usually make more common diagnoses.

Carrying out expensive hardware tests is also not a guarantee of identifying the disease. After all, even an MRI of the brain can give the same picture as in multiple sclerosis at 30 various diseases. Therefore, according to neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexey Boyko, when patients come to him with such symptoms, in half of the cases he diagnoses “multiple sclerosis”, and in half he removes it. But the belated and incorrect diagnosis of this disease is by no means only Russian problem. It is known that, for example, in America, more than 20% of people treated for multiple sclerosis did not actually have this disease.

Worse and worse

Around the world, 2.3 million people are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In Russia, according to experts, there are at least 150 thousand such patients. Most of them suffer from relapsing multiple sclerosis (RRS), the course of which occurs with periods of a relapsing form of the disease, characterized by exacerbations followed by remissions - that is, quiet periods when the condition of patients improves. But over time, disorders still accumulate, and the disease steadily progresses, new symptoms appear or existing symptoms worsen. However, thanks timely diagnosis and with correctly prescribed treatment, doctors manage to restrain the development of pathology.

Another thing is the second form of the disease, which is called primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS). It occurs much less frequently - in approximately 10-15% of patients, but is more severe. With this form, there are no obvious exacerbations, but there are no periods of remission either. The disease progresses from the very beginning, and much faster than with the recurrent form. With RMS, from the onset of the first symptoms to the moment when the patient loses the ability to move independently, an average of 22 years passes, and with PPMS - about 10 years.

Step forward

In 2008, multiple sclerosis entered the state program“Seven nosologies”, according to which patients with the most common, relapsing form of the disease were able to receive free medications from the DMT group - drugs that change the course of multiple sclerosis. But for people with primary progressive disease, these drugs simply don't work. Therefore, their purpose, in this case, is a waste of budget money (and quite a lot of it - at least 150 thousand rubles per course).

Doctors can help such patients for a long time were unable - after all, supportive symptomatic treatment and physical rehabilitation could only slightly reduce muscle tone, but not slow down the development of the disease. Until now, there have been no drugs with proven effectiveness in this form of the disease anywhere in the world. Today, thanks to the registration in Russia of the innovative drug Ocrelizumab, Russian patients With such a diagnosis, it became possible to delay the development of disability. According to clinical studies, when taking this medication, the rate of disease progression is reduced by 24%. And according to the observation of doctors, during therapy, a third of patients do not have any signs of disease progression at all, that is, a condition comparable to remission occurs. In addition, Ocrelizumab showed higher efficacy (50% higher than PMTRS) against relapsing multiple sclerosis. In 9 out of 10 patients undergoing treatment, there was no progression of the disease, which was confirmed not only clinically, but also on MRI.

The drug Ocrelizumab is a monoclonal antibody to a special protein that binds to B lymphocytes (cells of the immune system) and triggers the process of their destruction. Despite the fact that the medicine is very expensive (an annual course is expected to cost more than a million rubles), there is hope that it will be included in the list of vital medicines and every patient will be able to receive it for free, which will enable these people to realize their plans : build a career, start a family and just live a normal life.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis:

  • ​Increased fatigue. 90% of people with this diagnosis have it.
  • Weakness in the legs.
  • Numbness of the limbs and other parts of the body.
  • Headache.
  • Vision problems (more than 25% of patients).
  • Depression (2 times more common than others).
  • Bladder dysfunction (in at least 80% of patients).

What is known is that the disease has multifactorial features. Most often, the disease develops after infection viral diseases, with a lack of vitamin D and some other diseases.

It should also be noted that important role allocated genetic predisposition. Of course, when developing a drug for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, knowledge of the mechanisms that underlie the onset and development of the disease is necessary.

The reasons for the development of the disease are still unknown.

They help control the disease and belong to the basic (basic) category. Overall Impact on immunity, it inhibits its activity and corrects it away from the destruction of nervous tissue.

They help reduce the frequency of attacks, the degree of damage received, and qualitatively improve the patient’s life.

Interferon 1 b beta

Designed to reduce the frequency of exacerbations in patients, as well as to reduce the severity of the disease. The tablets are released under the names Infibeta, Betaferon, Extavia, Copaxone. Subcutaneous injections.

The price of Interferon 1 b beta, known as Infibeta in Moscow is 31,311 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 19,500 rubles.


Intended to strengthen and protect the myelinium of nervous tissue from immune system failures. Injected under the skin. Severely reduces immunity and the production of lymphocytes, making the body vulnerable to other infections.

Prices in Moscow are 27,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 25,938 rubles.


Intravenous injections to suppress the autoimmune process, bind antibodies, increase the production of isoforms of transforming growth factor beta in multiple sclerosis, and suppress the growth of lymphocytes.

Price in Moscow - from 980 rubles, in St. Petersburg average cost 3110 rubles.


The medicine is aimed at protecting the spinal cord and brain from the influence of immune system cells, but this increases the risk infectious disease brain.

The main remedy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, if many have been ineffective.

Its action blocks the passage of immune system cells to the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. It is used strictly under the supervision of a specialist, and is canceled when the risk of developing a side disease is high. Intravenously.

The average cost of the drug in Moscow pharmacies is from 109,500 rubles, in the network of pharmacies in St. Petersburg - 91,500 rubles.


Works as an interceptor of lymphocytes in the lymph nodes. Accepted only by those who have had chickenpox. Significantly increases blood pressure. Strictly under the supervision of a specialist, as it slows down the heart.

Capsules in pharmacies in St. Petersburg cost an average of 77,220 rubles, in Moscow 89,567 rubles.


Immunosuppressive tablets block the stimulation of lymphocytes, reducing their circulation.

The cost in Moscow pharmacies is 53,417 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 52,300 rubles.

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on where diseases originate. However, there are two points of view regarding this issue.

From one point of view, there is every reason to believe that the cause of the development of these diseases is the rare consequences of simple infections.

From another point of view, there is an assumption that the development of diseases is affected by certain disturbances in the functioning of genes and their mutations.

For example, scientists from Britain have found that multiple sclerosis often begins to develop in people who have an active Rab32 gene.

The immune system comes to terms with its presence. It is the fetus inside a woman.

According to scientists, the fetal gene consists of 50 percent genetic material inherited from the father. It is this gene that contains the instructions by which protein molecules that are unfamiliar to the woman’s immune system are assembled.

Considering the specifics of a woman’s immune system, when protein molecules enter her environment, she must begin to protect herself from the cells of the fetus.

But, however, in reality this does not happen. Meanwhile, the placenta produces special hormones.

These hormones affect immune system women and force the immune system not to start attacking the cells of the embryo. Moreover, hormones also protect the fetus from various types of infections.

Hormones that develop in female body, when pregnancy occurs, interested biologists. It is the study of the specifics of their work, the study of all their secret properties and capabilities that will make it possible to produce a medicine for multiple sclerosis.

As a result of the disease, the immune system considers brain cells and other tissues to be non-native.

In an effort to find a cure for such diseases, and fascinated by the hidden properties of pregnancy hormones, Russian biologists, in order to achieve their goal, began to diligently study the interaction of these hormones on immune cells.

The influence has been fully studied various hormones pregnancy on the behavior of immune cells that are already familiar with real and not real pathogens, but have never encountered them.

It was thanks to their observations of the reaction to hormones that Russian scientists tried to discover a substance that could suppress immune cells, but did not cause harm and did not completely suppress the immune system.

As you know, Russian biologists have recently made important steps in finding a cure for multiple sclerosis. They made the medicine and conducted a study on its effects on volunteers.

It is presented in the form of microscopic balls, which are surrounded by protection from synthetic molecules. Once ingested, they disintegrate over time.

The medicine itself consists of fragments of myelin that help prevent the immune system from pushing away nerve cells.

At a scientific conference held in Moscow dedicated to multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases, scientists reported that the production of this medicine is progressing.

In addition, other immunological factors that affect nervous system and other organs.

Today full swing the next phase is being prepared clinical trials. Scientists hope for the success of their experiments. According to scientists, with a good pace of work, the medicine may be on sale within three years.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment for multiple sclerosis is carried out by various groups of drugs. There are three areas of treatment:

  • therapy for disease relapses required during exacerbations of multiple sclerosis;
  • preventive drugs that improve the prognosis for the patient and ensure a more favorable course of the disease;
  • symptomatic therapy that eliminates specific neurological and other symptoms.

Regardless of the approach used to use drugs for multiple sclerosis, the doctor’s main task is to ensure a reduction in the frequency of relapses and protect the patient from the rapid progression of the disease.

In addition to selecting the necessary medications, great importance in the treatment of the disease, the patient’s adherence to therapy. It is very important that the patient constantly takes all prescribed medications in the form of tablets or injections, and comes to preventive measures in a timely manner.

It should be noted that the modern drugs being developed have made it possible to significantly reduce the mortality rates of patients with multiple sclerosis. However, the choice of drugs depends significantly on the form of the disease in the patient.

Medicines for multiple sclerosis are selected by the attending physician based on the diagnosed form. There are four variants of the course of the disease:

  • The relapsing-remitting form is characterized by frequent relapses of the disease, during periods between which partial improvement in motor and cognitive skills is possible. The main type of therapy is the use hormonal drugs, primarily glucocorticosteroids. This group medications can reduce the severity inflammatory process in the brain and helps stop the progression of sclerosis. Glucocorticosteroids are used to inhibit the development of the disease, however, when the patient enters clinical remission, other drugs are additionally used.
  • The secondary progressive form of multiple sclerosis is characterized by constant progression of the disease. In this case, it is possible to stop the development of the disease with the help of large doses immunomodulators and immunosuppressors.
  • The primary progressive type of the disease is associated with a constant progression of existing symptoms from the first day of disease development. Effective therapy in this case is impossible, however, symptomatic and supportive treatment is of great importance.
  • The remitting-progressive form of multiple sclerosis is characterized by an undulating course, however, doctors always note a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Therapy is based on the use of glucocorticosteroids and drugs that modify the course of multiple sclerosis.

It is important to note that the effect of various drugs depends on the degree of control of therapy.

For this purpose, patients should regularly undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, which allows them to evaluate foci of sclerosis in the nervous tissue.

Many patients ask the question: when will a cure for multiple sclerosis be found and will it be free for patients? Today, it is underway a large number of scientific research dedicated to therapy of this disease.

However, already now pharmaceutical market There are a large number of medications that allow you to control the course of the disease.

Symptomatic remedies

Find universal medicine from multiple sclerosis is impossible. Clinical manifestations diseases vary significantly among patients because pathological process affects different parts of the brain in people.

However, doctors identify a number of symptoms that are most common and that can be effectively treated.

Violations muscle tone, often manifested by pain, occur in most patients. To eliminate muscle spasms, Tizanidine, Tolperisone and other drugs are used.

In addition, many men and women develop urinary dysfunction, which can be controlled with injectable levocarnitine and similar medications.

Disturbances in the extrapyramidal system, manifested by tremors and impaired coordination of movement, can be corrected with nootropics (Piracetam, Nootropil, etc.), as well as medications that improve cerebral circulation (Actovegin, Cerebrolysin).

Anti-inflammatory therapy

Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis is associated with the development of inflammatory changes in the nervous tissue of the central nervous system, which can appear at any time during the course of the disease.

To reduce the severity of inflammation, glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone) and adrenocorticotropic hormone can be used. Glucocorticoids affect the formation of immune system cells and reduce the formation of antibodies.

/ The names of these drugs are different - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc. ACTH is characterized by similar effects, but additionally improves metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, which can improve the prognosis for the patient.

Although these medications are not able to provide full recovery patient, the disease can be effectively treated and goes into remission, which can last several months or even years.

The effectiveness of this list of medications is greatest during periods of exacerbation, when patients experience severe inflammation in the nervous tissue.

Disease control

Slowing down the progression of multiple sclerosis and reducing the number of relapses is possible with the help of a number of innovative medications produced by a number of manufacturers.

Similar effects are achievable with the rational use of immunomodulatory agents that block the pathological effect of antibodies in the body of patients.

The main drugs belong to the group of beta-interferons and glatiramer acetate (Copaxone). Medicines should be administered intradermally, and they can be dispensed and used only in a medical facility.

Beta interferons reduce the number of antibodies and immune system cells produced in the human body. Glatiramer acetate is similar in structure to the myelin protein that surrounds nerve fibers in a healthy person.

Once in the body, this medication becomes a target for the immune system, which allows the patient to preserve the nervous tissue.

New generation drugs - Dimethyl fumarate and Teriflunomide are available in tablet form and have high efficiency in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

The drugs on this list are used as first-line therapy. Second-line medications are used in cases where the first line has not shown a significant effect.

The drug Alemtuzumab is registered in Russia, and natalizumab Fingolimod is available in the world. Other similar drugs continue to appear.

Course of treatment with medications


Intended for the treatment of tumor formations, in multiple sclerosis it is aimed at restoring affected areas of nervous tissue, in myelodysplastic syndromes.

Blocks secondary neoplasms by binding to blood protein. Available in tablet form.

The average cost in Moscow is 2,260 rubles, in St. Petersburg the average cost is 2,000 rubles


Antitumor agent for drug treatment multiple sclerosis. Prevents the development of lymphocyte antigen by producing a monoclonal antibody. The product is produced in ampoules and is used as an infusion.

In Moscow average price for treatment with Alemtuzumab - 10,700 rubles, in St. Petersburg about 9,700 rubles.


A synthetic antibiotic, tetracycline, is intended to combat tumor formations and associated inflammation. Also prescribed for bacterial inflammation.

Release in the form of tablets, in Moscow costs from 680 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 540 rubles.

Drugs for acute conditions

There is no single cure for multiple sclerosis. Tablets do not eliminate the disease, but only help stop the progression of the disease and reduce or alleviate the severity. All medications for MS are divided into the following groups:

  1. In acute conditions.
  2. Drugs to inhibit the development of MS.
  3. Antitumor agents.
  4. Means to alleviate the condition.

Intended for quick removal attacks and their relief.


Hormonal drug. It is injected intramuscularly during crises (for example, during paralysis).

Designed to inhibit macrophages and lymphocytes, which leads to the cessation of the destruction of nervous tissue for a certain time.

For self-use it is available in 500 mg tablets.

Price in Moscow - from 175 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 205 rubles.


Intramuscular. Glucocorticosteroid drug for treatment pathological condition, provide relief when inflammatory process and immune failure.

The price of Solu-Medrol in Moscow is from 352 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 400 rubles.


It affects the proliferation of leukocytes and lymphocytes, inhibiting their functions. Available in both tablets and injections.

The price of Cladribine in Moscow is 27,346 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 26,500 rubles.

Multiple sclerosis is accompanied by symptoms and diseases in addition to the main disorders of the nervous tissue. These symptoms do not go away with basic, basic treatment.

For them, medications are prescribed separately to alleviate the patient’s condition: pain, paralysis, dysfunction of body systems, psycho-emotional depression.

Treatment regimen for muscle stiffness

Medicines aimed at relieving muscle stiffness:

  • Baclofen - its action blocks transmission along the neuromuscular channel, relieves spasms and reduces painful sensations, acts for lesions of the spinal cord (Moscow - 280 rubles, St. Petersburg - 250 rubles).
  • Tizanidine is a muscle relaxant aimed at stimulating alpha2-adrenergic receptors in the spinal cord, which leads to a decrease in muscle rigidity, reduces spasms and cramps, and restores active movements (Moscow - 129 rubles, St. Petersburg - 126 rubles).

Spasms and pain

Damage to the nerve fibers of the spinal cord leads to muscle paralysis, spasms or pain.

To remove severe pain cause ambulance, which injects lidocoin or novocaine intramuscularly.

For self-treatment Amitriptyline is excellent. It belongs to tricyclic antidepressants; its antiarrhythmic property relieves spasms and pain in muscle tissue.

The cost in Moscow is 59 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 47 rubles.

Chronic fatigue

Associated with progressive neurological impairment. It is expressed in abnormal fatigue of the whole body, in a loss of strength, which significantly limits physical activity.

For treatment, the patient is prescribed a daily routine and Amantadine is prescribed. It has an antiparkinsonian effect and also has antiviral properties.

The average cost in Moscow is 150 for tablets and 1,500 for an injection solution, in the pharmacy chain in St. Petersburg - 130 and 1,200 rubles.


Multiple sclerosis is often accompanied by depressive state, Zoloft (Moscow - 480 rubles, St. Petersburg - from 428 rubles), Buprion (Moscow - 3200 rubles, St. Petersburg - 2700 rubles) are used to raise the spirit.

The drugs are chemical psychoanaleptics.

erectile disfunction

To maintain erectile function, medications based on the antispasmodic effect, stimulants and alpha-blockers have been found. A good remedy is Sildenafil, produced in the form of tablets, the cost of packaging on average in Moscow is 643 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 587 rubles.

Paresthesia and hypoesthesia

Sensory disturbances in the limbs, feet and hands, accompanied by numbness, tingling, burning or a feeling of pressure. Associated with neurological disorders.

Corticosteroids are used for treatment - in tablets, injections or ointments. A common new medicine is Prednisolone (price in Moscow - from 56 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 47 rubles).

Danger of constipation

Dysfunctions in multiple sclerosis spread to many parts of the body, and many pills have side effects which results in constipation.

A number of scientific institutes in different countries of the world (Russia, USA, Israel, etc.) are actively developing new drugs for the treatment and prevention of multiple sclerosis.

Every year, science spends several hundred dollars on scientific research. effective medicines. Today, doctors identify a number of promising directions in research.

Liposomal preparations

A Russian group of scientists from the Institute of Biological Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences began clinical studies modern vaccine(Xemus), which allows you to stop the destruction of myelin protein by the patient’s own immune system.

Phase 1 trials on healthy volunteers showed the safety of the development and the absence of any side effects from its use.

Cell therapy

The use of stem cells began back in 2003, when a number of researchers showed the possibility of restoring nervous tissue, or more precisely the myelin sheath, through the use of these cells.

At this method therapy, stem cells are taken from the patient himself, and then grown in a special way in cell laboratories.

When a large number is reached, the cell mass is injected into the person’s bloodstream and leads to positive effects.

The overall effectiveness of this technology reaches 70-85% and can significantly restore brain function. However, difficulties in standardizing the procedure and high financial costs do not allow the introduction of cell therapy everywhere.


Most modern technology treatment of multiple sclerosis, based on the isolation of leukocytes from the patient’s blood and their artificial transfer to autoaggression against proteins of nervous tissue, primarily myelin.

After such training, leukocytes are exposed to various damaging factors, for example, radiation energy. This leads to a disruption of their structure and recognition of these cells by the patient’s immune system as foreign.

When modified leukocytes are introduced into the patient’s bloodstream, his immune system very quickly destroys them and similar clones of cells that are responsible for the progression of the disease.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis presents great challenges for doctors. The disease is difficult to control and requires the use of various groups medicines: glucocorticosteroids, immunomodulators, etc.

Proper administration of medications can achieve stable remission of multiple sclerosis and ensure partial restoration of the patient’s motor and cognitive skills.

It should be noted that self-medication or the use of homeopathic, traditional methods treatment is unacceptable.

In 2014, research conducted by Professor Jonah Chen from the University of California at San Francisco (USA) made clemastine the No. 1 candidate for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Because of the enormous importance of the results, the drug moved quickly toward clinical trials. Last week, the results of a phase II clinical trial using clemastine fumarate in patients with multiple sclerosis literally shocked the medical community.

Clemastine fumarate was first adopted as a antihistamine in the 70s of the last century. It was approved in the United States in 1977 and received over-the-counter drug status in 1993.

In countries former USSR well known under the brand name Tavegil.

“The potential of clemastine for treating multiple sclerosis is exciting. To our knowledge, this is the first drug to reverse demyelination in MS.

This is not yet a victory over the disease, but the first step towards restoring brain function for millions of people, a chance to regain a decent quality of life and independence,” says project leader Dr. Ari Green.

There are quite a few diseases, the causes of which are still not very clear to doctors. And, as practice shows, difficulties often arise with the treatment of such ailments. Particularly difficult are diseases in which human organs and systems fail completely abnormally, as is observed in autoimmune diseases. With such pathologies, the human immune system shows aggression towards normal and healthy cells of the body. Well-known autoimmune diseases include multiple sclerosis. The topic of our conversation today will be drugs for multiple sclerosis, we will discuss new drugs that can be used in its therapy.

All medications that are used to treat multiple sclerosis can be divided into three main groups:

Means for relieving exacerbations;
- medications that can change the course of the disease;
- medications that alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Anti-sclerosis drugs for the treatment of exacerbations

Correction of exacerbations in multiple sclerosis involves the use of corticosteroids. Doctors use solu-medrol or methylprednisolone. This strong drugs, intended for intravenous administration. This type of therapy is classified as pulse therapy. It helps to normalize the functions of the nervous system and somewhat reduce the duration of exacerbation.

However, corticosteroids, unfortunately, are not effective in the treatment of primary progressive sclerosis. In addition, they can cause many side effects.

Preventive medications

Such medications can change the course of the disease and even somewhat slow down its development. The dosage and scheme of their use are selected according to individually.

To slow down the development of multiple sclerosis, doctors can use beta interferons, represented by Avonex and Betaferon. However, it is worth noting that these medications can cause damage to liver tissue.

To protect the myelin sheaths of nerve cells from the aggression of the immune system, Glatiramer (Copaxone) is used.

Fingolimod (Gilenia) can be used to effectively intercept immune cells in the lymph nodes and prevent them from attacking. It is worth noting that such a remedy can only be used to treat those patients who have suffered chicken pox and are immune to this disease.

For effective protection the brain, as well as the spinal cord, Tysabri (Natalizumab) is used against pathological aggression of immune cells.

In addition, in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, modern specialists use various immunosuppressants, for example, Mitoxantrone (Novantron).

Symptomatic treatment

There are also a number of drugs that help cope with unpleasant symptoms multiple sclerosis. Since the disease is accompanied by the appearance of painful muscle spasms, muscle relaxants such as Baclofen and Tizanidine are used to correct them.

To eliminate fatigue, tonics, for example, Amantadine, can be used.

At pronounced violation For coordination and tremor, doctors usually use different vitamin supplements. A noticeable positive effect is obtained from the use of B vitamins in injections.

In some cases, patients with multiple sclerosis have to take medications to correct bladder dysfunction. Such drugs are represented by Oxybutynin, etc.

Drugs such as Fluoxetine, Paroxetine and Fluvoxamine are usually used as antidepressants for multiple sclerosis.

In addition, doctors may recommend taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to achieve an analgesic effect. So the drugs of choice may be Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, etc.

New drugs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Dimethyl fumarate is the latest remedy, used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Initially, fumaric acid dimethyl ester was used to correct severe forms psoriasis, but studies have shown that it is able to protect cells of the nervous system from the aggression of autoimmune processes.

Fingolimod, which we already mentioned just above, is also one of the newest medicines from multiple sclerosis.

This group of medications also includes Alemtuzumab. It has been used in the treatment of lymphocytic leukemia chronic type, but doctors have come to the conclusion that such a medicine will also help patients with multiple sclerosis. This medication is capable of selectively destroying mature lymphocytes that take part in the immune response in multiple sclerosis.

Daclizumab is another effective medicine from multiple sclerosis, which refers to immunosuppressive drugs. This medicine is used in complex treatment, preventing organ rejection during transplantation. And there is some evidence that its use may also be beneficial for patients with multiple sclerosis.

LINGO-1 is modern medicine which is currently taking place final stages clinical trials. The developers claim that this drug will be a real breakthrough in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and will help restore damaged myelin sheaths of nerve fibers, both in the brain and in the spinal cord.

The disease known as multiple sclerosis occurs due to the destruction of the myelin sheath of the nerves. This process is lengthy and lasts for long years, That's why early diagnosis pathology is often complicated. The disease cannot be cured, but there are medications for multiple sclerosis that help reduce symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. A good result is achieved if the patient takes vitamins.

Multiple sclerosis is autoimmune disease, which is impossible to stop. Due to the destruction of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, areas of sclerosis are formed. At the point where these sections form, the passage is interrupted. This is what causes impaired sensitivity in certain areas of the body, memory impairment and loss of the ability to move independently.

Purpose drug therapy is:

  • slowing down the destruction of the myelin sheath of nerves;
  • relief of symptoms;
  • treatment of exacerbations of the disease.

Depending on the characteristics of the disease in a particular patient, he may be prescribed several drugs with different effects.

Slowing down the progression of the disease

In order to slow down the process of destruction of the myelin sheath of nerves, preventive medications are used. These drugs change the speed and nature of the disease. These medications include drugs from the following groups:

  • beta interferons;
  • medications to protect nerve fibers from destruction;
  • drugs to protect the brain and nervous system;
  • medications to reduce autoimmune reaction body.

Beta interferons are drugs that slow the spread of the disease. These medications include Betaferon and Avonex. The drugs act directly on the immune system, slowing down the process of destruction of the nerve sheath. Drugs like Copaxone help protect the nerve sheaths from attack by the patient’s own immune system.

Helps reduce the rate of autoimmune reaction special drugs, such as Mitoxantrone. Taking it for multiple sclerosis helps slow down the rate of spread of the disease, but has a number of side effects and contraindications, so its use should be agreed with the attending physician.

Symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic treatment depends on the nature of the disease in a particular patient. The doctor selects the treatment regimen.

As a rule, the following is used for treatment:

  • muscle relaxants;
  • anti-edema drugs;
  • antidepressants and medications for the treatment of chronic fatigue;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To improve memory function, a technique is recommended vitamin complexes. Taking any medications for symptomatic treatment must be agreed with the attending physician. Self-medication can lead to the development undesirable consequences, which can be problematic to get rid of.

An important role in choosing a treatment regimen is played by the patient’s age and stage of the disease.

Therapy for exacerbations

Multiple sclerosis is insidious disease. With proper therapy, the patient can long time feel well, but periods of exacerbations are possible, during which symptomatic treatment is necessary.

Such therapy is selected only by the attending physician, depending on the symptoms of exacerbations in a particular patient.

Exacerbations usually manifest as a number of neurological disorders. Typically, patients are first treated with corticosteroid injections or IV drips. Taking solu medrol for sclerosis helps to quickly stop an attack of exacerbation of the disease. Solumedrol is one of the most effective drugs group of corticosteroids. Pulsotherapy with these drugs helps quick cupping exacerbations, however, it has a number of contraindications and side effects that need to be familiarized with. Droppers with this drug should only be done in a hospital, under the supervision of medical personnel.

If for some reason drips or injections of corticosteroids are contraindicated, plasmaphoresis helps relieve an exacerbation.

For symptomatic treatment and for exacerbations, Trental is often prescribed. This drug helps improve cerebral circulation, which allows you to speed up the recovery process after an exacerbation of the disease.

The drug Cladribine

The drug Cladribine can reduce the process of destruction of the nerve sheath and slow down the development of the disease. It is available in tablets, which will greatly facilitate treatment for patients due to its convenient release form.

The effectiveness of the drug Cladribine was confirmed as a result of a long-term experiment, in which hundreds of patients with multiple sclerosis took part.

Despite the proven effectiveness of the drug against the progression of sclerosis, Cladribine causes a number of dangerous side effects. Today, you cannot buy the drug in a pharmacy, as research is still ongoing.

Vitamins for treatment

One of the most important therapeutic agents for multiple sclerosis are vitamin preparations in tablets. You should consult your doctor about which medications are best to take.

Back in the middle of the last century, injections of thiamine (vitamin B 1) were used as therapy. This substance takes part in the formation of the nervous system, so its deficiency leads to disruption neural connections. This substance is also necessary to strengthen nerve fibers.

The most the best option is the use of B vitamins in combination. Such drugs are widely represented on pharmacy shelves, so there are no problems with the choice.

To protect the body from free radicals, patients are recommended to consume vitamin C. Ascorbic acid, together with vitamin E and selenium, can slow down the process of destruction of the myelin sheaths of nerves and reduce the risk of exacerbation.

Vitamin D

Recent studies have determined the relationship between vitamin D intake and the incidence of exacerbations in patients with multiple sclerosis. It turned out that increased doses of this substance can reduce the risk of developing negative consequences doubled.

There are two ways to provide the body with the required amount of this substance - purchase vitamins in tablets, or regularly take sunbathing. Being exposed to action sun rays, the human body is capable of independently synthesizing this substance.

People who regularly sunbathe have a lower risk of developing the disease than residents of cold regions who are forced to hide their skin under a layer of clothing. Thus, regularly renewing your tan will reduce the risk of getting sick, and for those who are already sick with it terrible disease, there is an opportunity to upgrade absolutely free own immunity, reduce the likelihood of exacerbations and the number of areas of nerve damage.

To ensure a sufficient amount of this substance, it is necessary to expose exposed skin as often as possible. sunlight, regardless of the time of year. A sufficient amount of this vitamin will not only protect against exacerbations of sclerosis, but also prevent the development of multiple various diseases appearing due to its shortage.


Lecithin is a substance that takes part in the formation cell membranes and liver protection. It helps strengthen the nervous system and protect it from exhaustion, and also has a positive effect on brain function. In addition, the substance is a powerful natural antioxidant. In addition to effectiveness, another advantage of lecithin is its affordable price.

Necessary to protect nerves from destruction of the myelin sheath, strengthen the nervous system and improve memory. In addition, lecithin is indicated in the following cases:

  • liver diseases;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • age-related changes in the body.

Lecithin in tablets is one of the mandatory drugs recommended for the treatment of a number of diseases in older people. It is prescribed for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

In the treatment of multiple sclerosis, the drug helps:

  • protecting the myelin sheath of nerves from destruction;
  • improving cognitive function;
  • stimulation metabolic processes, occurring in the brain;
  • improving memory;
  • antioxidant protection of the body.

The name of drugs containing lecithin may vary, depending on the additional components vitamin preparation. You should consult your doctor about the best way to take lecithin for memory in older people.

What to remember

Drugs for the treatment of sclerosis should only be selected by the attending physician. These medications can provoke the development of a number of negative consequences, so the dosage regimen and dosage should be selected by a specialist. Before you start taking a new medicine, it is recommended to study reviews of patients who have taken the drug to treat the disease. This will allow you to compare possible risks with the expected effect of taking medications.

Diet plays an important role in improving the patient’s well-being. Correctly selected balanced menu will provide the body with everything it needs nutrients, vitamins and microelements, which will have a positive effect on memory function and help support the nervous system.

Despite the fact that sclerosis cannot be cured, timely started therapy will slow down its progression, delay the loss of ability to work and the development of disability in the patient.

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