Is a brain cyst dangerous in newborns? Spermatic cord cyst: signs and treatment

Cyst spermatic cord in boys represents pathological disease organs in the genitourinary system.

Its danger lies in the fact that in the future an inguinal hernia may develop from the cyst.

This formation can have different sizes.

Causes and consequences

Video: "Consequences of a cyst"

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

In many cases this disease does not cause any symptoms. It is often discovered completely by accident during a routine examination by a doctor or while bathing a child. At large sizes cysts may cause constant nagging pain in the groin. This is because it severely irritates the blood vessels and nerves in the area.

Most often, sick children experience discomfort when walking or unpleasant feeling as if something were pressing in the groin.

Since an acquired cyst most often occurs due to inflammation in the scrotum, you can pay attention to symptoms such as:

  • pain and swelling in the area of ​​the spermatic cord;
  • redness and pain in the scrotum;
  • high body temperature.

The child needs to be shown to several specialists at once: a urologist, an andrologist and a surgeon. Only a specialist can figure out what specific disease a child has. A characteristic sign of a spermatic cord cyst is the displacement of the formation if you slightly pull the testicle.

To more accurately identify the disease, use following methods diagnostics:

  • MRI can even help find cancerous tumors;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum to determine the size of the cyst and its location. On ultrasound, the cyst appears as a round neoplasm with smooth and thin walls. This study also makes it possible to find out whether there is liquid in the formation or not;
  • Diaphanoscopy, that is, transillumination of the tissues of the scrotum filled with fluid. As a result of this examination, the size and shape of the tumor can be determined.

Since a small cyst practically does not interfere with the child and does not threaten his health, doctors can wait with surgical intervention. Sometimes it does not grow and therefore does not require further treatment.

But a spermatic cord cyst larger than 2.5 cm leads to compression of organs and tissues, and therefore requires removal surgery. It is prescribed only after 2 years from the birth of the child. Until this moment, he should be under the constant supervision of a urologist.

Video: "Anatomy of the spermatic cord"

How to treat a cyst

Treatment of congenital cyst of the spermatic cord is carried out in children after a year of life. First, the doctor observes the child and waits for the processus vaginalis peritoneum to heal. Only if this does not happen does he prescribe surgery.


Since the main method of treating spermatic cord cysts is surgery, then before it are assigned only restorative drugs. IN in rare cases for an infectious disease genitourinary system Antibiotics may be prescribed.


A spermatic cord cyst must be treated without delay after its discovery, as it compresses all the tissues in the groin. Complications may arise in the form of their deformation. Organ dysfunction may also begin.

Most doctors believe that a spermatic cord cyst should only be treated surgically under local anesthesia. This allows the child to quickly recover.

To puncture the area where the cyst is located, use a lidocaine solution. Then the surgeon incises the skin over the cyst, but does not touch nearby tissues and skin covering appendages. It is important to prevent injury to the appendages, so that subsequently there will be no dysfunction of the reproductive organs. For this, surgeons use special micro-instruments.

The tumor is compressed at the base with a silk thread and removed with a scalpel. The wound is then sutured to prevent scarring. After the operation, the suture gradually heals and becomes completely invisible. To exclude the occurrence of a cancerous tumor, a histological examination of the walls of the spermatic cord cyst is performed. Applying cold to the sore spot helps to avoid the formation of hematoma or swelling.

After being discharged from the hospital, the boy should wear comfortable cotton underwear. At the same time, the swimming trunks should support the testicles well so that the seams do not come apart. It should also not be allowed physical activity and heavy lifting, as this may increase intra-abdominal pressure. This phenomenon leads to complications and postoperative hernias.

Treatment of spermatic cord cyst at home

Spermatic cord cysts in boys cannot be cured conservative methods. This can only delay contacting a surgeon for a while. Massaging the area with a cyst at home is especially dangerous, as it can rupture and, as a result, the genitourinary canal becomes inflamed.

Also, you should not use warm compresses in the groin area, since normal testicular function is maintained only at a certain temperature. It must definitely be smaller normal temperature bodies.


No diet will help with this disease, so special food not provided.


Preventive measures don't work either big role, since the disease cannot be prevented in any way. But if the cyst appears due to inflammation in the scrotum, its cause can be eliminated.

For example, the infection often enters the scrotum with blood from various inflamed places on the body. This could be, in particular, the most common sore throat.

Sometimes the infection goes up urethra. You can also try to prevent this from happening.

If there are foci in the body chronic inflammation, then the risk of developing this disease becomes much higher. This means the need timely treatment all chronic infectious diseases.

Prognosis for the development of spermatic cord cysts

A cyst of the spermatic cord does not pose a great danger to the boy’s health and is completely curable. But when pronounced pain and significant growth, treatment should be started immediately. If the cyst is deformed and spreads to adjacent tissues, surgical intervention is prescribed.

A spermatic cord cyst is a disease in which fluid from the abdominal cavity overflows into the area of ​​the spermatic cord membrane. This phenomenon does not cause pain to the child, but is dangerous, as it can cause complications. If a spermatic cord cyst in a boy is not cured, there is a risk that necrosis of the scrotum will occur.

Patients who suffer from cysts are children aged from several months to 2 years. At this age, the disease can go away on its own, without surgical intervention however, constant medical supervision is required.

Less commonly, the cyst persists in preschool age. If it does not disappear by the age of 2 years, this is an indication for surgery.

It can also occur in adolescents and adults, but only as a result of injury or inguinal hernia. As a separate problem, it does not occur due to the physiological characteristics of an adult.

Cause of cyst

A cyst occurs for several reasons. The main one is non-overgrowth of the vaginal process of the peritoneum.

This channel, together with the scrotum, descends through inguinal canal. This is still happening early stages boy development: in the womb or in the first months of life. When the scrotum, and with it the processus vaginalis, descends, top part the shoot is overgrown. Before overgrowing, the process communicates with abdominal cavity, and then loses the message with her.

If fusion of the appendix does not occur, then the testicular membrane receives a permanent common canal with the abdominal cavity. Fluids that form in this cavity can circulate down (into the scrotum) and back. When they move down the processus vaginalis, this is called a spermatic cord cyst.

Infection may be delayed for several reasons:

  • genetic feature (the child simply develops more slowly, and all normal processes will occur, but later - until about the first year of life);
  • pathological (mechanisms for transforming physiology are knocked down, which is why the appendage will not heal without the help of surgeons).

Older patients (schoolchildren, teenagers, adults) can “earn” a cyst as follows:

  • having received an injury to the scrotum, as a result of which the process would open;
  • due to complications after an inguinal hernia;
  • as a result of a general somatic disease.

Important! The older the patient, the more dangerous the cyst is for him.

Cyst symptoms

A spermatic cord cyst is expressed in different ways. Symptoms depend on the type of disease.

A non-isolated cyst (when communication with the abdominal cavity is maintained) is characterized by a change in the size of the testicle during the day. In the morning, one or both parts of the scrotum - standard size. By the evening, the scrotum, in whole or in part, may swell, increasing in size. This occurs because fluid circulates in and out of the abdominal cavity.

With an isolated cyst of the spermatic cord in children, there is no change in the size of the scrotum. If it increases, it does so over a long period of time – it can take weeks and months. Parents may not notice such changes.

Important! During palpation, you can find watery pockets inside the testicles, the liquid in which overflows when pressed.

With an external increase in the size of the scrotum, the child rarely experiences pain. It can only appear as a result of injury or inflammation, necrosis. If the cyst is located on initial stage development, then even with palpation infant(and especially an older patient) does not cry or show signs of pain.

Possible complications

A stagnant cyst, to which inflammation or compression of blood vessels has been added, can lead to serious and irreversible consequences. Among the complications:

  • inguinal hernia;
  • inguinoscrotal hernia;
  • necrosis of scrotal tissue;
  • disturbance in the development of the testicles;
  • compression of the seminal canals.

These complications arise if the disease is not compensated by 2 years of age, or if an acute inflammatory process occurs as a result of an isolated cyst. The consequences can be prevented by promptly contacting a urologist or surgeon.

Necrosis occurs when there is a blockage (but not closure) of the cord, preventing fluid from returning back into the abdominal cavity. Having accumulated in the seed coat, it begins to put pressure on the tissues and can lead to pinching of blood vessels. Clamping provokes oxygen starvation tissue and necrosis.

Developmental disruption occurs for the same reason: tissues do not receive sufficient nutrition and either stop developing or slow down.

Diagnosis of the disease

The disease is similar to some other abnormalities in the functioning of the scrotal organs. During diagnosis, the doctor must differentiate the disease from the following ailments:

  • inguinal hernia;
  • scrotoinguinal hernia;
  • hydrocele of the testicle.

Diagnostic methods - palpation, history taking. If the case is difficult to determine, the doctor may prescribe ultrasonography scrotum The pictures will show the contents of the scrotal cavities.

You should contact one of the following specialists for a diagnosis:

  • urologist;
  • andrologist;
  • surgeon

You can't make a diagnosis yourself. Although the disease can be easily distinguished from similar diseases by the absence of pain on palpation, the layperson's definition of the disease may be incorrect. Only pediatrician Based on the examination, an accurate diagnosis can be made.

During the medical history, parents should be sure to report whether testicular size changes throughout the day. This will help distinguish an isolated cyst from a non-isolated one. It is also important to indicate at what time the changes were noticed, and whether the child suffered any illnesses or injuries before the cyst appeared.

Cord therapy

Treatment of cysts in children depends on the type of disease and the age at which the patient consulted a doctor. Children under 2 years of age are usually not referred for surgery. They are registered with a pediatric surgeon or urologist and undergo regular examinations. The doctor makes sure that the disease does not develop into inguinal hernia, did not lead to tissue necrosis.

If the processus vaginalis heals on its own before 2 years of age, then no medical intervention is required. It can only be carried out if, by the time the canal is closed, too much fluid has accumulated in the lining of the testicles. Then this liquid will be removed.

Children over 2 years of age are urgently sent for surgery. The process is excised, which activates the healing process. Scarring begins, during which the canal tightens and the pathology disappears. Excision is dangerous for men's health procedure if it is performed by inexperienced doctors. You should trust only experienced surgeons, since an incorrectly performed operation can lead to damage seminal canal. However, surgery performed by a competent specialist does not pose a danger to either a child or an adult.

During treatment, the accompanying illnesses. If the patient suffers from a hernia, then it is compensated either by conservative methods (without surgery, in the early stages of the disease), or surgically(if the hernia threatens the functioning of the scrotum).

Removal of a spermatic cord cyst is not carried out urgently if communication with the abdominal cavity occurs as a result of injury. Then a minimum of 3 months is allotted for recovery from the traumatic situation, after which corrective surgery is prescribed.

If the cyst is isolated, excision may or may not be indicated. It depends on what caused the isolation - gradual overgrowth of the process or the formation of a temporary blockage. In any case, fluid is removed, which can lead to tissue necrosis.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Children and sensitive patients must be prescribed additional sedatives to reduce psychological trauma after operation.

Important. General anesthesia It is rarely prescribed, mainly only to adult patients who do not suffer from heart problems.

Prevention of testicular cysts

Intelligible preventive measures There is no way to prevent cyst development. If the disease develops as a result of developmental delay, parents cannot influence the process of cyst formation in any way. The only measure that reduces the risk of temporary pathologies is proper pregnancy planning and correct image life while bearing a child.

You can prevent the appearance of cysts from the age of 2 years by reducing the child’s contact with traumatic objects. The baby must be under adult supervision. Not allowed in early age expose the child to physical activity: it is not recommended to send a child to heavy sports before the age of 4-6, as this contributes to the formation of a hernia.

You can reduce the risk of complications and surgical intervention if you conduct periodic preventive examinations with a urologist. A child under one year old must visit the specified doctor several times. You should not violate the procedure for visiting doctors established for newborns. If there is any suspicion of a violation of the infant’s sexual development, you should make an appointment with pediatric andrologist, surgeon, urologist.


A cord cyst can easily be eliminated with surgery or naturally, as a result of the development of the child’s body. You should not avoid visiting a urologist if the first signs of fluid accumulation are detected. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner will help avoid complications and large expenses for treatment. Adult patients should contact a urologist or surgeon especially quickly.

Key words: Spermatic cord cyst in children. Treatment of spermatic cord cyst. Communicating spermatic cord cyst. Surgery for spermatic cord cyst. Hydrocele. Hydrocele of the testicle.

What is a spermatic cord cyst?

A spermatic cord cyst is an accumulation of fluid in the membranes of the spermatic cord, namely in the unfused vaginal process of the peritoneum. A cyst of the spermatic cord has much in common with hydrocele, both in origin and in treatment methods. It can sharply increase in volume (an acute cyst) or turn into an inguinal hernia.

Why is a spermatic cord cyst dangerous?

A cyst of the spermatic cord has the same complications as hydrocele of the testicular membranes. If it persists for a long time, it can lead to impaired development of the testicle, reducing the ability to fertilize. Sometimes it turns into an inguinal or inguinal-scrotal hernia. An inguinal hernia is dangerous when it is strangulated, which occurs unexpectedly and can lead to the death of the strangulated organs.

What forms of the disease occur?

Meets communicating with peritoneal cavity spermatic cord cyst and isolated cyst. If the cyst communicates with the peritoneal cavity, then its size varies during the day due to the possibility of fluid flowing from the abdominal cavity into the cyst and back.

Over time, communication with the abdominal cavity may increase, and a communicating spermatic cord cyst may develop into an inguinal or inguinoscrotal hernia. In addition, the communication with the abdominal cavity may disappear (for example, when the communication with the abdominal cavity is blocked from the inside by a strand of omentum or as a result of traumatic inflammation), then an isolated acute cyst of the spermatic cord appears.

How are a communicating spermatic cord cyst and a communicating testicular hydrocele formed?

During fetal development, the testicle descends into the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Together with it, an outgrowth of the peritoneum descends into the scrotum, forming the inner lining of the testicle. This is the so-called vaginal process of the peritoneum.

Normally, by the time of birth or during the first months of life, the upper part of the peritoneal process passing through the inguinal canal overgrows and turns into a thin cord, and the connection between the testicular membrane and the abdominal cavity disappears. Thus, neither peritoneal fluid nor abdominal organs can penetrate the cavity where the testicle is located. Bottom part The processus vaginalis of the peritoneum forms a slit-like cavity around the testicle, which, in case of dropsy, serves as a container for dropsy fluid.

The cause of the formation of a communicating cyst of the spermatic cord and communicating hydrocele of the testicle is non-fusion of the vaginal process of the peritoneum. This duct between the abdominal cavity and the membranes of the testicle exists in utero in the fetus, and normally closes at the time of birth. If the duct does not close, then fluid from the abdominal cavity through the duct enters the testicular membranes or the cavity of the cyst.

How does a spermatic cord cyst manifest itself?

A communicating cyst of the spermatic cord manifests itself as an inguinal hernia - swelling in groin area or, like hydrocele of the testicular membranes - an unstable increase in the size of one or two halves of the scrotum. You can usually notice a change in the size of the scrotum during the day - by the morning the size of the scrotum decreases, and by the evening it increases.

A non-communicating or isolated cyst of the spermatic cord remains stable in size for significant periods of time. The change in cyst size occurs gradually over weeks and even months.

Often occurs in children of the first year of life due to birth trauma, or after trauma to the scrotum in older children. May appear after surgery for varicocele. May occur against the background of an undiagnosed inguinal hernia.

An acute cyst of the spermatic cord is manifested by the unexpected appearance in the groin area of ​​a round, sometimes egg-shaped, formation of dense elastic consistency, similar to a strangulated inguinal hernia. However, unlike strangulated hernia the cyst is usually painless to the touch and the child is calm.

How to make a diagnosis?

If a child develops swelling in the groin area or if the scrotum becomes enlarged, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatric urologist-andrologist or pediatric surgeon. Parents themselves may suspect the disease, but an experienced specialist is needed to make an accurate diagnosis. In doubtful cases, ultrasound examination is performed. scrotum and inguinal canals.

At what age are surgeries performed?

The main treatment method for spermatic cord cysts is surgical. However, in boys under one year of age, self-healing is possible. Therefore, younger children age group with a spermatic cord cyst are under the supervision of a surgeon or urologist andrologist until 1–2 years of age. Surgery spermatic cord cysts are performed in children older than one year, usually at the age of 1.5 - 2 years.

In boys over 2 years of age, surgery is prescribed as soon as possible after diagnosis. In case of an acute spermatic cord cyst, treatment is carried out according to urgent indications, when the presence of a strangulated inguinal hernia cannot be excluded.

If the disease is of a traumatic nature, operations are performed no earlier than 3 months after the injury.

How is anesthesia administered?

Different clinics have different approaches to anesthesia and hospitalization periods.

We use combined options for pain relief using sedatives and local anesthesia, allowing to sharply reduce the concentration of drugs used for anesthesia and ensuring the absence of mental trauma and good pain relief in the postoperative period.

What does the operation consist of?

Operations at the clinic are performed on the day the child is admitted. Both with a spermatic cord cyst and with hydrocele, the purpose of the operation is to remove the cyst or duct connecting the abdominal cavity and the cyst.

Considering the close connection of the cyst with the vas deferens and elements of the spermatic cord in boys, cyst excision operations require delicate techniques and special skills of the surgeon. Correctly performed surgery is safe for the testicle.

How does the postoperative period proceed?

The operation is not difficult for the child and is well tolerated. The child is usually discharged on the day of the operation. Sutures are removed upon examination on the 7th day. On the 10th day, the child can attend a child care facility.

Cyst – benign education in tissues, which looks like a cavity with a wall and contents. It can form in any organ of the child - in the kidney, spleen, gum, head, on the surface of the tonsil, and so on. In most cases, the cyst does not affect the baby’s well-being and does not pose a danger to his health. But the clinical picture largely depends on the location, size and structure of the formation.

Let's consider the main types of cysts that are found in infants: cerebral, spermatic cord, choroid plexus, ovary and others.

Subependymal cavity

Brain cysts form during the perinatal period and in 90% of cases disappear before birth. If they are present after birth, the baby is monitored. Treatment is determined by the location and type of formation.

A subependymal (cerebral) cyst in the head appears due to tissue death as a result of oxygen deficiency or hemorrhage in the cerebral ventricles. Most often, the tumor is small in size and disappears on its own over time. A child in whom it is detected should be observed by a neurologist. Dynamics assessment is carried out using ultrasound of the brain.

In rare cases, the subependymal cavity begins to enlarge and put pressure on surrounding tissue. Symptoms of its growth:

  • headache
  • increased ICP
  • hearing and/or vision impairment
  • pulsation of fontanelles
  • convulsions
  • delayed physical development

A growing subependymal cyst must be surgically removed.

Arachnoid neoplasm

An arachnoid cyst is a fluid-filled formation between the brain and the arachnoid membrane. It is diagnosed by ultrasound in 3% of newborns (mostly boys). Reasons for appearance:

  1. hypoxia during the perinatal period
  2. inflammatory processes before or after birth
  3. injuries and surgical interventions on the brain

The arachnoid cavity of the brain tends to quickly increase in size and disrupt the functioning of the brain. Its signs:

  • migraine
  • vomit
  • seizures
  • mental disorders

Treatment of neoplasms in infants involves surgical removal.

Cavity in the choroid plexus

The left and right choroid plexuses are formations in the ventricles of the brain, consisting of many vessels and nerve endings. They can be seen using ultrasound at 6 weeks of fetal development. The main function of the choroid plexus is to produce cerebrospinal fluid.

A cyst of the left or right choroid plexus is formed as a result of infection of a child with intrauterine pathologies - toxoplasmosis or herpes. As a rule, by the 38th week of pregnancy, the neoplasm disappears under the influence of the active development of brain cells. After birth, it remains in a small number of children.

A choroid plexus cyst has no symptoms. It is discovered accidentally during a routine ultrasound of the brain. There is no treatment for the pathology, since it usually resolves within a year.

Choroid plexus cyst is believed to be a factor that increases the risk of developing neurological diseases. The child must be monitored by a neurologist, and an ultrasound of the head is performed every 3 months.

Other cystic pathologies in the brain

Periventricular cyst - cavity in nerve fibers white matter brain. The reasons for its appearance are foci of necrosis in the periventricular areas and developmental anomalies. Frequent complication such a cyst is paralysis. Treatment combines medication and surgery.

A choroidal cyst is a neoplasm in the structure of the choroidal plexus of the brain. It occurs due to intrauterine infections and birth injuries. Its peculiarity is its low ability to self-resorb (only in 45% of cases). Symptoms:

  • twitching
  • restless behavior or, conversely, drowsiness
  • problems with coordination

Choroid plexus cyst can only be treated surgically.

Features of diagnosis and treatment of brain formations

To identify brain tumors in infants, the following are used:

  1. neurosonography (before the fontanelles close) is a painless and safe ultrasound scan of the brain, which makes it possible to detect a choroid plexus cyst or other cavity, as well as establish its location, size and type
  2. CT and MRI are alternatives instrumental methods, used after closure of fontanelles
  3. additional procedures to evaluate general state body, – cardiography, pressure measurement, Dopplerography blood vessels brain, blood tests

Surgical treatment of the choroidal plexus cavity or any other cavity can be radical or palliative. Radical surgery carried out only in severe cases, it involves craniotomy and removal of the tumor along with its contents.

Types of palliative intervention:

  • shunting - piercing the membrane and removing the contents of the cyst
  • endoscopy - removal of fluid from the cavity through microscopic incisions

Cysts in the organs of the reproductive system of boys

A spermatic cord cyst is a cavity with fluid in the membranes of the seminiferous tubule in boys. There are two types of such cavities - communicating and isolated.

How does a communicating spermatic cord cyst form? At the end of the period of intrauterine development or in the first months of life, the vaginal process of the peritoneum in a boy should overgrow and turn into a cord. Influenced negative factors this does not occur, and communication between the abdominal cavity and the testicular membrane remains. As a result, fluid accumulates in the processus vaginalis and a cyst of the removable cord is formed.

Symptoms of pathology:

  • swelling in the groin
  • enlargement of all or one half of the scrotum by the end of the day

An isolated (non-communicating) spermatic cord cyst looks like an elastic, round formation in the groin area. It either does not increase in size or grows very slowly. It doesn't cause pain. The reasons for its appearance are scrotal injuries, surgery for varicocele, inguinal hernia.

Complications of spermatic cord cyst:

  • testicular development disorder
  • hernia

The formation is diagnosed by a pediatric surgeon or urologist based on external examination and ultrasound. Treatment for a spermatic cord cyst involves its removal, but this is carried out only after 1.5-2 years. Until this moment, the cavity may disappear on its own and the child is simply monitored. If a boy experiences pain due to a cyst, then surgery is performed at any age.

Removal of the spermatic cord cyst is carried out using an endoscope. Through a small incision, the walls of the cavity and its contents are removed, after which the tissues are stitched. All manipulations are performed using microsurgical instruments. A spermatic cord cyst has a favorable prognosis.

Cavities in the ovaries in girls

An ovarian retention cyst is a cavity filled with fluid that does not extend beyond the boundaries of the ovary. Previously, it was believed that this disease was typical for girls over 10 years of age and adult women. Today, it is increasingly detected during fetal development and immediately after birth using ultrasound.

The main reasons why a retention cyst forms in the ovary of an infant girl:

  • heredity - neoplasms in the structure of the mother’s ovary
  • gestosis
  • viral infections during pregnancy
  • taking hormones
  • salpingoophoritis in mother

Types of ovarian cysts:

  • single-sided with clear contours
  • with partitions
  • with dense content

The most common type of congenital ovarian cyst is a right-sided single-chamber cyst with thin walls and liquid filling, its average diameter is 2-5 cm. As a rule, such a neoplasm within the boundaries of the ovary is classified as functional - it arises due to the high activity of maternal hormones and resolves over time .

Uncomplicated small ovarian cysts do not manifest themselves in any way. If complications occur, which include rupture, torsion of the cyst stalk and hemorrhage, signs such as:

  • abdominal pain
  • bloating and asymmetry of the abdomen

Treatment large neoplasms ovaries that do not decrease in size are performed either by aspiration of the contents (suction through a puncture) or through a full-fledged operation (indicated for dense cysts).

Neoplasms in the kidneys

Cyst in the kidney infant may be formed due to genetic predisposition, injuries or pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation). Types of formations:

  1. multi-cavity - clusters of single-chamber cavities
  2. pyelogenous - a formation lined with epithelium and communicating with the calyx
  3. perirenal – localized under the kidney capsule, has a tendency to become infected

Cysts in the kidney can be single or multiple (multi- or polycystic). IN the latter case Symptoms of renal failure are observed:

  • acidosis
  • anemia
  • high blood pressure

A child with multicystic kidney disease is developmentally delayed.

A single kidney cyst usually causes no symptoms. Signs of trouble may appear upon joining inflammatory process V urinary tract, among them:

  • pain in the lumbar region
  • change in urine composition (detection of protein, red blood cells)
  • hyperthermia

Neoplasms are diagnosed using palpation and ultrasound. If a small cavity (up to 5 cm in diameter) is detected, the child is observed, as it may resolve. Large formations are removed by aspiration or resection, sometimes together with the kidney.

Nodules in the mouth

Neoplasms in a child’s mouth can be localized on the gums, palate, tongue, inside lips, in the tonsil area and so on.

When blocked salivary gland a retention cyst is formed. Most often it is located in the sky, inner surface cheeks and lips, gums. It has a thin fibrous capsule and a yellowish liquid inside. The average diameter is 1-2 cm.

A retention cyst is painless, but if large in size it can create mechanical obstacles to eating. Sometimes it is injured and the contents are released. After this, a wound forms on the gum or palate, which in most cases heals without a trace. Treatment is surgical; in some situations, not only the formation, but also the salivary gland is removed.

Another type of cyst in the mouth is Epstein pearls. They are located on the palate and disappear in the first months of life without therapy.

Cysts on the gums (Bohn's nodes) are formed from particles of the dental plate, which is the basis for the formation of future teeth. They look like small whitish balls on the gums. The nodules are painless and go away on their own immediately after birth or with teething.

If you find bumps on your baby's gums, you should contact your dentist. He will conduct an examination and also prescribe an ultrasound or regent. Based on the examination, the doctor will determine treatment tactics.


Tonsils - clusters lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx. Their functions are protective and hematopoietic.

Cyst tonsil can be located both on its surface and inside. Usually the cavity is filled with mucous mass. The most common reason for its appearance is infectious diseases of the oral cavity, but in infants its formation may be one of the stages in the development of lymphoid tissue.

Neoplasms in the tonsil area, when small in size, do not manifest themselves in any way. Large cavities can interfere with the swallowing process. Their characteristic feature- smell from the mouth. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by ENT specialists.

Tonsil cyst is amenable drug therapy. IN infancy it can be lubricated with furatsilin, solution, lugol, "". It is recommended to apply the same substances to the pacifier. Non-steam alkaline solutions are also indicated.

If a mass in the tonsil area causes discomfort, it is opened and cleaned under local anesthesia. In severe cases, the tonsils are removed.

Recurrent cysts on the tonsils are one of the signs of decreased immunity. Having noticed a tubercle on the surface of the baby’s tonsil, you should contact not only an ENT specialist, but also an immunologist.

Cysts in infants can be localized in different zones: brain (arachnoid, choroid plexus), reproductive organs(in the area of ​​the spermatic cord, ovary), on the gums, on the surface of the tonsil, and so on. In most cases they disappear in the first year of life. If the tumors negatively affect the child’s condition, they are removed. Feedback from parents shows that operations are successful, especially those performed using minimally invasive methods (using an endoscope).

The spermatic cord is a fairly common disease of the genitourinary system that can occur in men of any age. This pathology also occurs in children. This urological disease in medicine is also called funiculocele. This formation occurs due to accumulation between the layers of the membrane of the spermatic cord serous fluid. A child with such a disease needs urgent medical care. Refusal of treatment threatens the baby's development serious complications, which will be very difficult to cope with.

Symptoms of spermatic tubercle cyst

In the vast majority of cases, the disease does not cause any concern to the patient. The child does not experience any discomfort, so it is quite difficult to diagnose such a pathology. Symptoms can appear only when the cyst reaches a large size and begins to put pressure on nearby vessels and nerve endings. In this case, the boy may begin to complain about:

  • aching pain in the groin;
  • change in the size of the scrotum;
  • swelling in the groin area.

Such symptoms may occur occasionally or bother the child constantly. They intensify during physical activity, heavy lifting, and long walking.

Most often, this problem can be detected during a routine examination. Parents may also suspect the disease if they detect a round tumor-like formation in their child. Its consistency is soft and elastic. When pressing on the cyst, the child does not experience pain.

If you find such a pathology in your baby, then you urgently need to show him to specialists. Only a doctor can accurately determine the diagnosis, distinguishing the disease from other diseases with similar symptoms.

Lit.: Big medical encyclopedia 1956

This disease often worries children under one year of age. It can be either congenital or acquired. In the first case, a spermatic cord cyst in a boy occurs due to an incompletely fused proximal part of the vaginal layer of the peritoneum. As a result, the child develops an accumulation of secretions that can communicate with the abdominal cavity. In addition, the disease can appear due to:

  • scrotal injuries;
  • orchitis;
  • epididymitis.

It can provoke an increase in the size of the cyst puberty. Also often the cause of intensive growth of the formation is stagnant processes in the pelvic vessels.

Which doctor should I contact?

It is impossible to cope with the disease on your own. Only professionals can fix this problem. If you find a spermatic cord cyst in a child, then the patient must be urgently shown to doctors such as:

The survey allows the doctor to compile a complete clinical picture diseases, and also find real reasons his appearance. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor sends the patient for examination. First of all, the patient will have to undergo an ultrasound examination of the scrotal organs. It allows you to confirm that the child really has a spermatic cord cyst, as well as determine the shape and exact size of the formation.

Sometimes, in addition to ultrasound, the patient is prescribed diaphanoscopy. This diagnostic method is based on the ability of tissues to transmit, absorb or scatter light rays. With its help, the doctor determines what kind of fluid fills the formation. Studies can confirm that the child has a spermatic cord cyst and not others urological diseases with similar symptoms, for example, hydrocele, funiculitis, lipoma or spermatocele.

Treatment of spermatic tubercle cyst

The only way to get rid of the disease is surgery. Urgent surgery is prescribed in cases where the child is worried severe pain, the cyst quickly increases in size or creates inconvenience when moving. During the intervention, doctors:

  • perform the longitudinal size of the scrotum;
  • remove the tumor;
  • suturing the postoperative wound.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After removal, the cyst is sent for histological examination. This test will help confirm that the spermatic tubercle cyst does not have cancer cells.

After surgery, the patient will have to recovery period. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the patient. If he follows all the instructions and recommendations of a specialist, he will be able to fully recover within a few weeks.

Immediately after surgery, the patient must apply cold to the wound. This will help prevent swelling and hematoma. In the future, the child will need to wear special underwear. These are elastic swimming trunks that help the testicles to always be in anatomical position. correct position, and the scars will not fade. Doctors also note that the patient should not lift heavy objects for two months after surgery. If he does not adhere to this recommendation, he may develop postoperative

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