Otitis in a cat - how to cure sore ears at home? Otitis in cats - why does otitis develop in cats?

Inflammation of the ears in cats (otitis) is a fairly common phenomenon. It causes a lot of suffering to the animal, and in especially severe cases leads to the development of a serious disease - meningoencephalitis.

Otitis of the external ear is most often observed in cats. The disease begins with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ. Then the tissues of the middle ear are damaged and pus is released. The disease occurs in two forms: acute and chronic. At acute inflammation The eardrum may be perforated, hearing acuity may decrease, and complete deafness may occur.

Causes of the disease

Can provoke the development of otitis in cats various factors.The main reasons are:

  • damage to the integrity of the eardrum resulting from injury or scratching of the ear;
  • transfer of infection from the pharynx;
  • ingress of foreign objects - insects, thorns and others;
  • tick infestations;
  • accumulation of wax in the ear canal;
  • cold water getting into the ear;
  • bacterial and fungal diseases;
  • skin pathologies - eczema, boils, dermatitis.

Ear inflammation in a cat can manifest itself as a secondary disease against the background of infectious diseases: rhinitis, pharyngitis and others. The risk of developing otitis media increases in the presence of predisposing factors. They may be: disturbances in air exchange in the auricle and increased humidity, the presence of a narrow ear canal and abundant hairline, the animal's tendency to allergic diseases, as well as endocrine and immune diseases(lack of hormones thyroid gland, pemphigus, discoid and systemic lupus erythematosus).

Otitis media in cats most often occurs due to infectious disease external ear and in case of injury to the eardrum. If you don't timely treatment, the inflammation spreads to the inner ear.

Symptoms of the disease

Otitis media in cats is accompanied by severe itching, the animal is combing sore spot, tilts his head. Symptoms such as:

  • redness of the ear and parotid area;
  • hair loss;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin, its thickening and roughening;
  • discharge from the ear;
  • copious discharge of pus (if the eardrum is damaged);
  • ulcers inside the ear;
  • crust formation;
  • when purulent form illness, body temperature rises;
  • for inflammation inner ear Coordination of movements is impaired, the cat spins in place and falls;
  • the animal becomes lethargic, appetite worsens, vomiting;
  • in severe cases, paralysis of the facial nerve may occur - a distortion of the lip will be observed on the side of the affected ear.

When the last four symptoms appear, the cat must be immediately taken to the veterinarian, as a serious complication may develop - meningoencephalitis.

When you press on the base of the cat's ear, you can hear a characteristic squelching sound. For a long period of time inflammatory process the ear canal narrows, and the affected areas appear benign formations.

Drug therapy

Before treatment, you need to carefully remove the crusts and pus that have formed, and carefully trim the hair inside the ear. Crusts can be softened using:

  • warm boiled water;
  • 3% salt solution (30 g per 1 liter of boiled water);
  • the drug Epacid-alpha (a cotton swab is moistened with 1-1.5 ml of solution);
  • special ear lotions.

Then antiseptic treatment should be performed. To do this, wipe the cat's ear with a cotton swab moistened with a 3% solution of boric or salicylic acid. You can also use the drug Aurikan and solutions of hydrogen peroxide, Iodez, Chlorhexidine, Povidone-iodide.

Aurikan ear drops for otitis media have a complex effect - antibacterial, antiseptic, insecticidal and anti-inflammatory. The drug is used not only to treat ear inflammation in cats, but also to prevent the disease, as well as during hygiene procedures. For cats, 5 drops are instilled into the ear canal. After this, massage with light circular movements. auricle. Daily instillation is performed during the first week. Then the number of treatments is reduced. Over the next month, the medicine is dripped twice a week.

If the inflammation is severe, then after drying the cleaned ear, you can apply 0.5% prednisolone ointment. The medicine has antisecretory and antiedematous effects. It is the main treatment for allergic otitis media in cats. Ulcerative lesions lubricate with Otodepin or Pikhtoin ointment.

Otodepin ear drops should be instilled 2 times a day. This product should be lubricated throughout the ear. Treatment lasts 5–7 days. If the animal is prone to otitis media, then preventive treatment should be done every day.

In the treatment of pathologies associated with infection by fungi and gram-negative bacteria (chlamydia, protea, enterobacteria), acidification of the ear surface using the following means helps:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • povidone iodide;
  • lactic, salicylic, boric acid;
  • 2% acetic acid solution, which also affects gram-positive staphylococci.

Local antifungal treatment Otitis in cats is carried out using ointments Imidazole and Amphotericin B. Treatment with them is carried out 1-2 times a day, the total duration of therapy lasts 10 days.

For antimicrobial treatment of the ear surface, it is recommended to use universal antibacterial agents: Chloramphenicol, a mixture of penicillin, streptocide and syntomycin powders, Sofradex (2-3 drops, 3-4 times a day, treatment duration 2-3 days).

As a general strengthening and maintenance therapy, it is advisable to use Gamavit at a dosage of 0.4 ml/kg of body weight. It is recommended to give the product to cats 2 times a day for 3–5 days.

Since it is difficult to determine the exact cause of otitis in cats at home, it is recommended to treat it in combination with anti-tick drugs: Bars, Amit, Otovedin, Dekta, Decor-2 and others.

If the disease does not respond traditional ways treatment, then the animal must be taken to the veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe antibiotics and antifungal drugs systemic action.

Otitis is a common inflammatory process that occurs in the auricle, affecting both the outer layers and inner part. Without proper attention, it can be fatal.

Diseases of the hearing organs in pets are quite common. In the initial stages, many owners may not notice or pay attention to strange behavior their pets. If possible, you should take the animal to veterinary clinic and conduct a medical examination pet to see if he has ear disease. Read about another disease here.

If otitis is diagnosed on chronic stages be sure to follow all instructions veterinarian, otherwise there is a high probability of hearing loss, and, at maximum, death of the animal if brain tissue is affected. That is why it is so important to contact a veterinary clinic for any symptoms of the disease.

Otitis happens:

  • external (damage to the visible part, the most light form, can be treated quickly enough if you go to the clinic in a timely manner);
  • middle ear (more complex treatment, but the chances of recovery are high, very often it becomes chronic);
  • inner ear ( Great chance total loss hearing, difficult to treat).

Causes of otitis media

There are several reasons for the occurrence and development of the disease:

In addition, otitis may not be an independent disease, but secondary symptom. For example, with ear mites.

Symptoms of the disease

In the initial stages of otitis media, the pet begins to clearly take care of the ear. The head is often tilted to the side, in the direction of the lesion, possibly with regular shaking. In general, the animal looks restless. Since itching appears, the pet begins to scratch the affected area, which leads to a worsening of the situation and further damage to the remaining ear parts.

Most often, the temperature rises locally, which is easily determined by hand. In addition, the site of otitis becomes painful, which can lead to a change in the animal’s mood for the worse (aggression). Without proper treatment, the disease quickly moves to the next stage and can become chronic.

For more serious and severe forms diseases are observed purulent discharge from the ear and an unpleasant odor, redness or swelling often forms in the ear canal. If, as a result of the disease, the facial or optic nerves, then the lip droops, the eyelid droops.

The general painful and irritated state of the pet is also visible; it loses its appetite. In case of severe damage, there may be a loss of coordination of movement, loss of the third eyelid, and an increase in temperature.

If the situation worsens, a rupture of the eardrum is also possible, which means complete deafness pet. It is painful for the animal to open its mouth, it vomits, and asymmetry of the pupils may be observed. Further development the disease can lead to the death of the pet.

Because primary stage The disease sometimes occurs without obvious manifestations (the initial symptoms are not always immediately visible), and the consequences are very severe, which is why it is so important to start treatment on time.

Diagnosis of the disease

With early and timely treatment, the diagnosis can be made based on general clinical picture, taking into account the owner's observations, having carried out general examination and otoscopy. The process reveals purulent discharge, inflammation and swelling inside the ear. Very often in case of illness light form already at this stage, veterinarians establish the cause and prescribe appropriate medications.

But in case of damage to the middle ear, a cytological smear is also taken to more accurately identify the causes of inflammation, assess its degree and select proper treatment. Such an analysis may be carried out more than once until the ambiguities are completely eliminated.

It should be remembered that otitis media is not always an independent disease. He can be secondary symptom or hide under another disease.

For example, when a veterinarian suspects a cat has demodicosis over otitis, a scraping is taken and trichoscopy is performed - an examination of hair and skin particles. In case of very advanced disease, video otoscopy is also performed under general anesthesia. Sometimes radiography may be prescribed, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is much more effective and informative.

Not only the ear area is examined, but also the nasopharynx, since they are interconnected. Before treatment is prescribed, urine and blood tests are also taken, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is performed.

Treatment of otitis media

Even before the production correct diagnosis you can help your pet. First you need to clean your ears from accumulations of pus and wax. This can be done with a solution of chlorhexidine, miramistin, homeopathic lotions for cleaning the ears (with calendula, green tea), special drops for hygiene care not containing drugs (Bars, Otifri, Hartz).

To remove excess, you can use napkins, ear swabs or cotton pads. After treatment, be sure to wet the auricle with a dry cotton wool or disk.

Depending on the degree of the disease and the severity of its course, medications are prescribed. Most often these are veterinary brands: Otospectrin, Otoferonol Gold, Aversectin Ointment, Amitrazine Plus, etc. But medications can also be prescribed from a pharmacy for people: Anauran; Garazon; Sofradex; Otipax; Polydex; Dexon; Otinum; Fugentin; Otofa; Tsipromed; Normax and so on.

The prescribed medications must be used in a course of approximately ten days. Individuals can schedule up to two weeks. If, over time, changes in better side is not observed, then they may prescribe more strong drug or prescribe antibiotics. Most often macrolides, cephalosporins, penicillins. It is mandatory to complete the entire course, even if improvement occurs after the first injections.

In cases allergic reactions or when otitis media itself is a symptom of an allergy, antihistamines are prescribed.

In advanced stages, when severe itching and pain, severe scratching in the ear area are observed, the veterinarian’s prescriptions include antimicrobial, antifungal, regenerating and wound-healing agents.

Otitis media in cats is an inflammation of the ear canal.

According to the anatomical principle, external, middle and internal otitis are distinguished - depending on which ear was affected - anatomically, the outer, middle and inner ears of a cat are distinguished. The outer ear includes the pinna and the external auditory canal, where the cerumen glands are located. A cat's middle ear includes the eardrum and auditory ossicles(hammer, incus and stapes). The inner ear is an auditory labyrinth, and the organ of Corti, which directly transmits sounds, is also located here vestibular apparatus, That's why internal otitis often accompanied by disturbances in its functioning (for example, a cat walks with its head tilted to one side).

Otitis is accompanied by discharge from the ear - exudate. The nature of the exudate may be different for different etiological reasons, depending on what caused the development of otitis media:

Symptoms of otitis media

Frequent accompaniments of otitis media are pain, itching, redness of the skin inner surface ear, increased discharge from the ears. A cat can often scratch its ear, until bald patches and wounds appear on the auricle, and does not allow the ear to be touched. If a cat shakes its head, this indicates discomfort in the ear canal area.

“Dirty” ears, that is increased secretion exudate is also most often a symptom of otitis media. Normally, in cats, discharge from the ears practically does not accumulate, the auricle is clean. If you often need to clean your cat's ears, you should consult a dermatologist to determine the cause. increased amount exudate.


There are many causes of otitis, depending on the type of otitis.

Bacterial otitis

Bacterial or microbial otitis is almost always secondary, due to allergies or injuries to the ear cavity. One of the enough common reasons ear injuries in cats - improper cleaning using cotton swabs. Cats have a completely different structure of the auricle; when using cotton swabs, the ear canal is not cleaned due to its anatomical features. The ear canal is curved, so when trying to clear the ear cotton swab all secretions are compacted, their outflow is disrupted, and this provokes the so-called congestive otitis media. Active cleaning with a cotton swab often causes injuries; cotton fibers remain in the ear, which can also cause inflammation.

Ceruminous otitis media develops against the background of irritation of the skin of the external auditory canal. It is characterized by increased release of sulfur. Frequent ear cleaning, especially using cotton swabs, also contributes to its development. The more the wall of the external auditory canal is irritated, the more the glands work.

Immune-related otitis

Otitis may occur against the background various types allergies. Most often - as a result of an allergy to flea saliva; this is also how atopic allergies manifest themselves (to factors environment, for example, to dust), or food allergies.

There is such a disease as proliferative and necrotizing otitis media in kittens. It develops only in kittens and is manifested by erosions and ulcers on the skin of the ear canal and the appearance of areas of necrotic tissue. As a rule, with this disease pain syndrome is absent and the kittens' ears do not bother them at all. The disease is not contagious. It is easily treated with immunosuppressants, as it is immune-mediated.

Also, otitis in cats develops against the background of such autoimmune disease How pemphigus foliaceus. In this case, not only the ears are most often affected, but also the scalp and other areas.

Otitis caused by the presence of a neoplasm or foreign body

Otitis develops when it gets into the auricle foreign bodies. Often the cause is the same cotton swabs, which break off or cotton flakes separate and get into the ear canal. Also, the cause may be grass seeds - this is typical for cats walking in the country.

It is not uncommon for cats to develop neoplasms of the ceruminous glands (glands that secrete sulfur). Such tumors are called cerumin. If the tumor opens and becomes infected, then purulent, and sometimes purulent discharge mixed with blood, can be observed from the ears. In such cases, it is necessary to perform otoscopy to visualize the tumor.


There are many causes of otitis, and treatment will vary significantly, so it is necessary to determine what exactly caused the inflammation. This can only be done by a dermatologist; it is impossible to do this at home - you need a laboratory.

TO primary diagnosis otitis media include:

  • inspection,
  • otoscopy,
  • taking a cytological smear from the external auditory canal,
  • scraping and trichoscopy in case of demodicosis (rare).

Additional methods are used to diagnose neoplasms or otitis media:

  • video otoscopy under anesthesia,
  • MRI/CT examination.

In some cases, it is necessary to take a bacterial culture from the ear to determine sensitive flora.

Otitis media in cats can develop as primary disease, unlike dogs, in which otitis media most often develops against the background of external otitis media when the eardrum is perforated, in cats the integrity of the eardrum does not exclude otitis media.

The causes of otitis media in cats include: viruses, mycoplasmas, bacterial infections from respiratory tract, nasopharyngeal polyps. Additional diagnostics are required to determine the causes.

Symptoms of otitis media include:

  • pain,
  • tilting the head towards the affected ear,
  • neurological symptoms, as the ocular and facial nerves may be affected.

In a cat's outer ear, inflammation often develops due to regular damage, excess wax, foreign objects, increased infection, fungus or bacteria.
Cats have otitis media different nature occurrence, which is divided into primary and secondary. Primary nature includes causes that are independent prerequisites for the development of the disease. Secondary nature is characterized by factors that complicate the disease.

Secondary causes develop in the presence of an inflammatory process and include disruption of the microflora of the ears, which aggravates inflammation of the middle ear.

Otitis in cats: symptoms and treatment

Otitis media in cats originates from an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the ear. The pathology then spreads to other ear areas. This process is accompanied by the release of clear mucus, which soon turns into pus. During this period, the cat’s body temperature rises, lethargy appears, and appetite decreases.

If you look into an animal's ear, you will notice redness ear canal, which is sometimes accompanied unpleasant smell. An alarm bell is a cat's sad mood and mucus discharge from its ear. A sick animal will never let its owner near its sore ear.
One of the most important signs Otitis in a cat is an obvious tilt of the pet's head towards the sore ear, the animal scratches it with its paw. If such a symptom occurs, you should immediately begin treatment and try to ensure that the cat does not scratch its ear again. Otherwise, this can lead to tissue damage and then rupture in the eardrum area.

In this video you can learn how to properly clean a cat's ears.

Diagnosis of otitis media by a veterinarian

Before prescribing treatment, the veterinarian examines the pet in several ways.
An otoscopic examination involves the use of a special device - an otoscope, which is used to search for large accumulations of sulfur, foreign objects, assessing the condition of the eardrum.

Cytological analysis of a smear taken from the ear canal shows the state of the microflora of the ear, detects pathogenic cells and neoplastic processes.
Histological examination of skin areas using an endoscope is prescribed in the presence of deep inflammation. It is also necessary to distinguish neoplastic processes from tissue growth of the auricle after inflammation.

How to treat suppurative otitis in cats

Typically, the veterinarian advises starting treatment with antibiotics and sulfonamides. It is necessary to regularly remove fluid leaking from the ear. The doctor treats the inflammation with a 3% alcohol-based solution of salicylic and boric acid. It is also recommended to treat the affected ear with 10% iodoform ether.

To treat otitis media, the veterinarian prescribes Trypsin, Tsiprinol, Sofradex, Propolis, Protargol, Dexamesaton. To administer drops to your pet, you must first remove the hair from the ear.

Next, using a cotton swab, the ear canal is thoroughly cleaned of wax and pathogenic secretions. For effective removal contaminants, use a solution of hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin, you can use 2% boric acid. After sedum, the remaining moisture should be blotted with a napkin. Next, drops are carefully placed inside the ear using a pipette or dispenser. You should strictly follow the dosage of the drug prescribed by your doctor.

If this treatment has little effect, veterinarians advise using antibiotics for a week.

Otitis in cats: treatment at home

It is strictly permissible to treat your pet at home only with those medications prescribed by the veterinarian, in compliance with all dosages. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as this can lead not only to hearing loss in the cat, but also to more serious consequences.

If you use the wrong drug, pus that does not drain from the ear canal will accumulate in it, gradually corroding the eardrum. As a result of such a destructive process, inflammation will grow deep down to the inner ear. And after its defeat, it can attack the membranes of the brain, which will lead to death.

Even with initial stage If you have an inflammatory process, you should not treat your cat on your own. This is due to the fact that, through negligence, an inexperienced owner can infect the animal’s ear, which will cause additional complications.

To provide speedy recovery cat, she needs to provide proper nutrition based on easily digestible, healthy, balanced food. The animal's diet should be supplemented with vitamins and minerals, which must be mixed in the food. You should also keep your pet warm and away from drafts. During recovery, it is necessary to refrain from washing the animal to avoid hypothermia after water procedures and getting into sore ear water. It should be remembered that belated incorrect treatment can cost the life of a pet.

This video outlines the most common ear diseases in dogs and cats. Leave in

Leads to irreparable consequences: deafness, damage to the meninges.

It is important to take your cat to the doctor when it appears initial symptoms. Treatment consists of eliminating the root cause and relieving inflammation. Preventive measures help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

a brief description of

The cat's ear consists of 3 sections: outer, middle, inner.

The classification and severity of the disease depends on the location of the inflammation:

  • Otitis externa affects the visible part of the auditory canal and the auricle. The disease is not difficult to eliminate, but if left untreated, the pathology spreads deeper.
  • Otitis media develops in the department for eardrum. This form is more difficult to cope with; the disease goes away without complications with early diagnosis and proper therapy.
  • Deep affects internal department, vestibular apparatus. This form is more difficult to treat and more often than others causes complications. In advanced cases, inflammation spreads to the membranes of the brain.

Otitis occurs in both chronic and acute form, can be both one-sided and two-sided.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Otitis media occurs as a consequence of a number of pathologies, these include:

The risk group includes cats with weakened immune systems; their body is not able to resist the development of pathogenic flora, regardless of the original reason.

Signs of otitis media

The disease is signaled by changes in the pet's behavior:

  • the cat rubs and scratches the sore ear with its paw and on surrounding objects;
  • does not allow himself to be stroked;
  • meows for no apparent reason;
  • suddenly cries out due to painful shootings;
  • shakes and tilts his head towards the unhealthy ear;
  • the animal stops playing and looks depressed;
  • appetite decreases or disappears.

Upon examination, the following changes are visible:

  • redness, irritation, swelling of the ear;
  • skin damage due to scratching: scratches, sores, crusts;
  • discharge: transparent, yellow, gray, black.

IN severe cases temperature rises, increases submandibular lymph nodes, pus with an unpleasant odor is released from the ears. If inflammation affects facial nerve, the cat's lip and eyelid droop on the side of the affected ear. In case of defeat deep section The pet's balance and hearing are impaired.

Veterinary assistance

Otitis media can be cured if the cause is identified and eliminated. This cannot be done at home, so if any sign of disease appears, the cat is taken to the veterinary clinic.

Additionally, blood and urine are examined. IN difficult cases The cat is sent for an X-ray or MRI.

Treatment of the disease at home

It is prohibited to prescribe medications on your own; if the membrane is damaged, drops cannot be used.

If it is not possible to immediately take the cat to the clinic, the following actions are allowed:

  • Trim the hair from the inner surface of the ear.
  • Remove crusts and discharge using gauze wipes and disinfecting solutions: Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, boric acid.
  • Rinse ears with saline solution.
  • Lubricate the wounds antimicrobial ointmentsLevomekol, Sanatol, Safroderm , do not apply inside.

On the day of visiting the clinic, the ears are not treated so as not to blur the picture during diagnosis. After the appointment, follow the veterinarian's instructions and use only prescribed medications. Drops and ointments are applied to the cleansed ear.

Review of drugs

These include:

  • Otibiovet;
  • Otidez;
  • Otospectrin;
  • Candibiotic;
  • Oricin;
  • Otonazole.

Once the diagnosis is made, the choice of medication depends on the cause of the inflammation.

Used for treatment the following groups drugs:

At purulent otitis antibiotic injections are prescribed Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone . Immunomodulators are used to maintain defenses Immunofan, Ribotan . The dosage of medications and duration of use are determined by the veterinarian based on the weight of the cat and the stage of the disease.

Prevention of otitis

The need for ear cleaning is determined only by a doctor; a healthy animal does not need treatment. In case of increased sulfur formation, use saline solution or lotion as prescribed by a doctor. The product is poured in, the ear is massaged for half a minute, the pet is allowed to shake its head and the discharge is removed with a gauze swab.

Do not penetrate the canal with a cotton swab, tweezers, or a finger with a bandage.

On early stage Symptoms of otitis media disappear in 2 to 3 weeks. It is important to begin treatment immediately to prevent complications and the disease from becoming chronic.

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