Open form of tuberculosis. Open form of tuberculosis: how to treat open tuberculosis

What is the open form of tuberculosis, how is it transmitted? This question worries many people, because, despite progress in the field of medicine, the number of people suffering from this terrible disease is growing every year. But the good news is that the percentage fatal outcome from this disease has decreased compared to previous years. No one, unfortunately, is immune from open tuberculosis lungs, such a formidable and intractable disease. Many famous personalities died from this disease. Therefore, we will try to understand how the disease occurs and how it is transmitted, we will consider the stages of the disease and methods of treatment. Because forewarned means forearmed!

The whole danger is that tuberculosis in its open form can be transmitted through contact with a sick person in just a few minutes. This happens when talking, coughing by airborne droplets. The form of open tuberculosis is very dangerous. Diseaseful microbes found in the patient’s sputum easily enter the airspace when coughing. Therefore, people who become ill with this form should be strictly in hospitals! As long as their sputum contains harmful bacteria.

What's dangerous is that pathogenic microbes retain their existence very for a long time. They can live even in dry form. For example, if a patient spits sputum on the ground, the germs of this sputum remain in it for a very long time. terrible disease. And people can become infected by simply stepping on it or picking up something from the ground.

In addition, these bacteria are not affected by treatment chemicals. They survive even after applying alkali to the surface. Therefore, they are difficult to kill, for example, with ordinary bleach.

Open tuberculosis lungs is characterized by the appearance of small bubbles and cavities on the surface of the lungs. As a result of this, the person begins to cough up hemoptysis. It is necessary to know the main signs of open tuberculosis.

A sick person has the following symptoms:

  1. Suffocating pulmonary cough, worse at night. In this case, hemoptysis is often observed.
  2. Very large volume of sputum, reaching up to 100 ml.
  3. Sweating at night.
  4. Body temperature is above 38.
  5. Lack of appetite.
  6. Rapid weight loss.
  7. Pain in the chest area.
  8. Severe weakness, fatigue.

Possible variants of infection

Now let's try to figure out how this disease is transmitted. The open form of tuberculosis is an aggressive form of the disease, when pathogenic microbes contained in sputum and released into the air can harm other creatures. They can get on various objects. Therefore, the air in the room is contagious, as well as all objects located there! You can also become infected through dishes in places Catering. Places large cluster people (this could be a cafe, transport, train station, etc.) pose a great danger in terms of infection. Through cuts and wounds, infection can also occur and tuberculosis can develop.

One long, but close contact with a sick person can be more dangerous in terms of infection than many short ones. It is clear that kissing or sexual contact with a sick person is the most dangerous way of infection for a healthy person. Therefore, it is extremely important to avoid casual relationships.

In order to prevent infection, entrances to TB doctors are usually located separately, or these doctors are seen in special remote dispensaries.

If the sputum no longer contains germs of the disease, then this is a closed form of tuberculosis. It is considered not contagious.

Sometimes the source of infection can be ordinary livestock. A sick animal can infect humans.

Main stages of the disease

A person infected with the bacteria of this disease can live for many years without even knowing that this infection has settled in his body. Having accidentally met a person with tuberculosis or picked up bacteria by touching objects on which they were located, a person initially does not experience anything. The infection lives in it, the immune system works to suppress the bacteria, and the disease does not manifest itself. This may be the case for several years.

Then the manifestation of tuberculosis intoxication may begin.

A person may suddenly feel:

  • fever;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy.

He may have a slight elevated temperature. But this is not a disease yet, but allergic reaction for the virus.

Further, primary tuberculosis develops. At the site where the bacteria enters the lungs, inflammation appears. It is then covered with fibrous tissue. It absorbs calcium from the body and gradually hardens. Nodules form. This change will already be noticeable on the x-ray. This is not yet an open form of tuberculosis. Koch bacteria already live in the human body, but this has not yet manifested itself much.

Secondary tuberculosis begins when the immune system fails. This could be for many reasons. Perhaps the person had a cold, or took some drugs that reduce immunity (for example, antibiotics). Or another infection has entered the human body. In this case, the disease develops rapidly and takes an open form.

Sometimes this stage manifests itself in low temperature, lethargy. Therefore, sometimes this condition is mistaken for a cold.

But more often the temperature rises to high numbers, a suffocating cough, and increased sweating.

In this case, it is necessary to test the sputum for tuberculosis bacteria as quickly as possible. If for some reason this procedure cannot be done, an examination method such as bronchoscopy will help.

Prevention and treatment methods

The open form of tuberculosis is treated exclusively in a hospital setting, since it is the most contagious to others and occurs in a severe form. Treatment is usually prescribed antibacterial. In complex therapy, other various drugs, which are selected individually. Typically therapy lasts about six months. Many people are interested in the question: how long do people with this disease live? The answer is comforting. At correct diagnosis And effective treatment symptoms may disappear for a long time.

The main thing is to do the following:

  • follow all doctor's orders;
  • after the course of treatment correct image life without bad habits;
  • increase immunity and undergo regular examinations on time.

Patients with the closed form can be treated at home, but often visit the doctor.

Prevention includes: healthy image life, mandatory presence of fresh air, avoidance of bad habits, sufficient sunlight. It is important to strengthen your immune system. It can be various ways. From taking multivitamins to daily hardening. It is very useful to carry out frequent wet cleaning of the room. Be sure to eat well. Sometimes proper diet helps speedy recovery already sick people. It is advisable to use individual dishes and avoid coughing people. It is also useful to undergo examinations and diagnostics more often. Every year it is necessary to undergo fluorography. This will help you notice the beginning changes in the lungs. Diaskintest can be performed once a year. It is freely sold in pharmacies.

If a person with tuberculosis lives in your house, you need to visit a phthisiatrician. He may prescribe preventive medications. It is necessary to regularly clean the premises using special solutions. You can call specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station to your home.

Even if infection has already occurred, visiting a doctor will help resolve necessary measures for recovery.

The open and closed forms of tuberculosis have a number of differences. With open tuberculosis, the patient is a carrier of bacteria that, when coughing, enter the body of another person. Closed tuberculosis is safe for others, the disease proceeds without severe symptoms, is developing long time. The patient feels a general malaise similar to common cold, but mycobacteria cause intoxication of the entire body.

It is important to understand how the forms of infection differ in order to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Open tuberculosis when affected respiratory system, manifests itself with severe symptoms:

  • prolonged dry cough, often accompanied by sputum production;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite, which leads to sudden weight loss;
  • body temperature rises;
  • increased sweating, especially during sleep;
  • pain in the chest.
  • may differ from closed tuberculosis hemoptysis.

The complicated course of the disease is characterized by the penetration of mycobacteria into the blood, which leads to intoxication of other organs: liver, kidneys, spleen, bone tissue. This complication can be fatal, and the situation is especially dangerous for pregnant women. In such cases, the doctor recommends termination of pregnancy, because a course of chemotherapy will lead to damage to the fetus.

Symptoms of the disease require immediate appeal V medical institution. After a diagnostic examination, the patient is placed in a tuberculosis dispensary and long-term therapy is prescribed. Patients are very dangerous for others, because the infectious agent is easily transmitted; more than 50 people can be infected in a day. After recovery, such a person is registered with a tuberculosis clinic for another two years, and if X-rays confirm the absence of inflammatory foci, he can return to his previous life.

The following persons are at risk:

  • elderly people, young children;
  • tuberculosis dispensary workers who are in constant contact with infected patients;
  • patients with HIV infection, patients with AIDS, diabetes mellitus;
  • persons without a fixed place of residence, drug addicts;
  • former prisoners.

Such people must regularly undergo fluorography; if the disease is detected, they are placed in a closed institution where appropriate treatment is carried out.

Features of the course of closed tuberculosis

Closed tuberculosis is a more common phenomenon; it occurs without symptoms and can be difficult to diagnose.

Bacilli may remain in the body for a long time, but not show activity, and the person does not feel unwell.

And even on x-ray examination no changes are visible in the lungs, laboratory methods do not show a positive result.

Such patients do not pose a danger to others; experts characterize mycobacteria as inactive, they are called latent infection. It is observed in people with a good immune system, when the body independently fights the bacilli. But when the immune system is weakened, the Koch bacillus begins to multiply, and certain signs of the disease appear. Therefore, it is important to prevent the body from weakening: eat right, avoid hypothermia, treat colds and infectious diseases, and exercise.

Failure to comply with these rules leads to the awakening of the pathogen, the disease takes on an open form, and symptoms appear that require timely treatment.

Therefore, even closed tuberculosis requires adequate therapy; it is not dangerous for other people, but can develop into an open form of the disease.

Closed tuberculosis has a number of features:

  • there are no signs of illness;
  • there is pain in the chest when inhaling;
  • a slight weakness to which a person does not attach importance;
  • Fluid accumulates in the lungs - pleurisy.

If the disease is detected early, the disease can be cured early stage without causing serious complications.

A number of factors are taken into account when determining the form of pathology:

  • volume of affected tissue;
  • formation of collapsing areas;
  • bronchial patency;
  • development of the sternum muscles.

Therefore, there is no clear boundary between the forms of tuberculosis, in different periods an infected person may or may not shed pathogenic bacilli.

Problems of treating tuberculosis

This insidious disease of any form requires long-term treatment, which is carried out by a phthisiatrician. The specialist determines the form and degree of organ damage.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the patency of the bronchi; if there is blockage, it is difficult to identify the tuberculosis bacillus.

It is also important to have developed muscles chest, elderly people and small children find it difficult to remove sputum with bacteria from deep in the lungs, which complicates the treatment process.

But modern equipment, when diagnosing a smear, can determine the presence of infection in the body, extend treatment until full recovery. But at the same time, it is important to get the test done correctly: you need to separate sputum, not saliva, this will affect the results of the study.

There are a number of problems during treatment of a patient:

  1. The duration of therapy takes about six months and requires considerable financial expenditure. Many countries do not provide tuberculosis clinics necessary medications, everything falls on the shoulders of the patient.
  2. In small towns, they use an outdated diagnostic technique, which does not make it possible to correctly establish a diagnosis.
  3. Most antibiotics have been used for many years, so mycobacteria are resistant to drugs.

These problems negatively affect the effectiveness of therapy and prolong its duration.

The main method of treating tuberculosis is the use of prescribed medications and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations. Refusal of the medicine leads to serious complications, the infection becomes resistant to antibiotics and affects other organs of the body.

During treatment it is often prescribed complex therapy, which consists of the following drugs: Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide. If the medications do not bring results, the course is extended; if the bacilli affect other organs, the treatment is intensified or a different technique is recommended.

If necessary, the sternum is punctured to remove fluid, sometimes it is necessary surgical intervention. It is better to contact experienced specialists - this will help get rid of serious consequences.

Full recovery can be achieved with early detection illness. To do this, it is necessary to undergo fluorography every year; it will identify the infection at the first stage.

Many people ignore this procedure and consider it harmful to the body. Fluorography causes a small dose of radiation, which accumulates each time. But the harm from the procedure is not as bad as the complication from the disease.

Open tuberculosis is very dangerous not only for the patient, but also for those around him. The closed form proceeds hiddenly and may not appear for a long time. But with a weakened immune system, it begins to progress and can become acute.

The risk of infection with Koch's bacillus is high for every person, so it is important to take precautions.

After public places, you should wash your hands thoroughly, lead a healthy lifestyle, and refuse tobacco products, do gymnastics, often go to fresh air.

For prevention, newborn babies are given BCG vaccination also in maternity hospital, revaccination is carried out after seven years.

– under such capacious names there are descriptions of tuberculosis epidemics that claimed thousands of lives. It is precisely the nature of the epidemic that the spread of this infectious disease at certain stages without taking emergency measures.

It is not surprising that even with the rapid development of medicine, the open form of tuberculosis requires isolation of the patient. IN to a greater extent It's amazing that even in the 21st century active form Tuberculosis is treated according to old regimens and not always successfully. Patients with such a terrifying diagnosis would do well to find out not only the differences between open and closed forms of tuberculosis, but also whether there is a real risk of infecting their relatives.

general characteristics

Before Robert Koch's discovery of the mycobacterium that causes pulmonary tuberculosis in 1882, the disease was considered virtually incurable. The lack of specific anti-tuberculosis drugs and diagnostic methods led to the natural progression of the disease, when latent tuberculosis acquired more dangerous and contagious forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

But even in modern conditions when there is a vaccination system and primary prevention, the likelihood of infection is not minimized.

And there is a simple explanation for this:
  • resistance of the infection itself to external influences;
  • ways and means of how tuberculosis is transmitted.

Almost everyone is contagious clinical forms pulmonary tuberculosis. But to understand why the open form of tuberculosis is the most dangerous for others, you need to find out how the pathology develops.

Stages of disease development

When mycobacteria enters the lungs, a person is unaware of the infection and leads a normal life. If the immune system is able to fight off the infection, further development no disease occurs.

Otherwise, the bacteria will reliably settle in the affected tissues. Since latent tuberculosis is practically asymptomatic, a person is not aware of infection.

The latent form of tuberculosis at the first stage, when the affected area is scarred with the formation of compactions, can last from several days to 5 years.

If the infection enters the blood and affects new areas, the latent form of tuberculosis enters the second stage. In this case, multiple lesions are formed.

A person can live for several years without knowing that he has a closed form of tuberculosis. Even at this stage, no isolation of mycobacteria occurs, since the infection is contained in closed capsules.

It turns out that closed tuberculosis is dangerous for the carrier of the infection, but does not pose a threat to others. The closed form of tuberculosis can progress, affecting not only the lungs, but also other organs and bones. In this case, inactive tuberculosis enters the third progressive stage, when specific symptoms begin to appear.

Is it possible to become infected from a patient at this stage? IN medical terminology There is no such thing as a closed form of tuberculosis. When such a disease is detected, a diagnosis of TB form or BC form is made. This confirms that infectious mycobacteria are not excreted in sputum or released into the air. It turns out that the closed form of tuberculosis does not pose a threat to others, but is dangerous for the patient himself. First of all, this is due to the complexity of diagnosis and the lack of specific symptoms.

At any moment, capsules with pathological particles can rupture, and closed-form tuberculosis moves to a new stage. Mycobacteria penetrate the bronchi and become saturated with sputum. The patient becomes not just a carrier of infection, but a direct threat to loved ones.

And this is due to how open tuberculosis is transmitted. The infection enters with sputum environment, for household items. Therefore, this stage is considered a contagious and dangerous form of the disease.

Methods of transmission of tuberculosis

Mycobacteria are transmitted by airborne droplets. That is, a patient with an open form of pulmonary tuberculosis, when talking, sneezing, coughing, releases sputum laden with infection into the environment.

It is important for your loved ones to know how you can become infected. Considering that the infection is transmitted through contaminated sputum, all household items and personal belongings of the patient pose a threat.

Kissing, direct contact, sharing utensils, finishing smoking cigarettes - all this can cause infection. Even if sputum gets on the soil or floor, the bacteria do not die. Once the sputum dries, dust particles become infected. When inhaling such dust, a person can become infected with open or closed tuberculosis.

Most often, children, elderly people, and loved ones with weakened immune systems suffer, since their defenses are not enough to defeat tuberculosis infection on their own.

Also at risk are:

  • doctors who have close contact with tuberculosis patients;
  • people leading an antisocial lifestyle;
  • prisoners of prisons, pre-trial detention centers;
  • low-income segments of the population;
  • heavy smokers:
  • infected with AIDS;
  • diabetics and cancer patients.

But even in such categories of patients, the open form of tuberculosis is diagnosed immediately after infection quite rarely. Usually the disease goes through all the standard forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. And only when specific symptoms appear that clearly confirm the presence of open tuberculosis, the patient seeks help. During this time, he manages to infect others.

How does open tuberculosis manifest?

The signs of open tuberculosis are in many ways similar to the symptoms of other infectious diseases that affect the respiratory system.

Patients are concerned about:

  • increased fatigue and causeless weakness;
  • heavy sweating;
  • cough of varying intensity;
  • temperature increase.

These symptoms are quite similar to the manifestations of various colds. Therefore, the patient begins to be treated independently with known medications and folk remedies.

A characteristic sign of tuberculosis is hemoptysis. But this state is recorded already at advanced stages.

To detect infection, test methods for diagnosing tuberculosis are used as primary and mass methods. For individual examination, fluorography, bronchoscopy, and sputum examination are most often used. Various shapes secondary tuberculosis with bone damage, internal organs, meninges require specific examinations.

How is the open form treated?

After confirmation of the diagnosis, most patients begin to panic or simply give up. They worry about their loved ones, relationships with friends and colleagues. And most of all they worry about how many people live with this diagnosis.

First of all, you need to understand that tuberculosis can be treated even in its open form.

Exists crash course anti-tuberculosis treatment that corresponds international standards and is carried out under the direct supervision of physicians.

The DOTS program allows tuberculosis patients not only to overcome the disease, but also to return to normal life.

Treatment of the open form of tuberculosis is selected according to individually, since not only the stage of the disease is taken into account, but also the presence of accompanying, complicating factors.

Taken into account:

  • extent of the lesion;
  • the presence of non-pulmonary forms;
  • HIV status;
  • other diseases that reduce immune defense.
Typically, the attending physician prescribes first-line drugs, which include:
  1. Capsules or tablets Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol.
  2. Streptomycin injections.

The intensive phase of treatment can last from 2 to 3 months. If there is no effect, the therapy is adjusted after 1 – 1.5 months.

Subsequently, they move to the maintenance phase using second-line drugs:

  1. For oral tablets Prothionamide, Cycloserine, Ethionamide.
  2. For intravenous administration Amikacin, Kanamycin, Vomitsina.

The duration of therapy can be 4–6 months.

The dosage of drugs is selected individually, taking into account the patient’s age and weight.

If treatment is interrupted independently without the permission of doctors, the disease takes on a chronic, intractable form. At stable form It is quite difficult to choose medications and determine the duration of therapy. Treatment often drags on for years.

Important! Regardless of the stage and form of tuberculosis, treatment is carried out exclusively under medical supervision.

If there is a contagious open form, the patient is isolated, at least for a while active phase treatment.


PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. Why is it dangerous? How do they get infected? Symptoms and mortality!

Primary and secondary prevention

Methods of primary prevention include methods of mass vaccination and tuberculin tests. But such methods are relevant for preventing and early infection.

After 15–18 years, mass testing stops. Therefore, a person who has especially close contact with tuberculosis patients or lives in pandemic regions should take care of periodic examinations himself.

Methods for early diagnosis also include annual fluorography. However, people who do not undergo routine medical examination or do not seek emergency medical care, do not consider it necessary to take x-rays on their own initiative.

For people living with a person with tuberculosis, the following ways to prevent infection are relevant:

  • The patient must have his own utensils and individual means hygiene;
  • The premises must be regularly wet cleaned using disinfectants. Moreover primary processing must be carried out by a sanitary station.
  • It is also important to ventilate the room and get rid of dust in carpets, upholstered furniture, pillows, and mattresses.
  • The patient is recommended to use disposable tissues when coughing and sneezing, which are then burned.

An important factor in preventing infection is strengthening the immune system.

Therefore, increased nutrition, walks in the fresh air, adherence to work and rest schedules are prescribed not only to the patient, but also to his family members.

It is advisable for everyone living and in close contact with the infected person to undergo it.

Moreover, it is necessary to repeat the diagnosis through certain time, as well as urgently when specific symptoms appear.

For people who have cured tuberculosis, all methods of primary prevention are relevant. These include periodic examinations and giving up bad habits.

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Humanity has known about tuberculosis for a long time; it used to be called consumption. Just a couple of centuries ago, almost all patients died from tuberculosis. But, despite the availability of anti-tuberculosis drugs, tuberculosis is still considered a dangerous and very common disease.

According to the latest data, about 9 million cases of illness are registered annually around the world. The increase in tuberculosis patients is associated with an increase in the number of people with HIV infection, because it is they who most often develop tuberculosis as a complication of the underlying disease.

How can you become infected with tuberculosis? The causative agent of this infectious disease is the tuberculosis bacillus, which is also called Koch's bacillus. Tuberculosis (in open form) is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through the air. Most often, transmission of infection occurs through contact with infected people, as well as through general subjects everyday life. The immune system of a healthy person can destroy the pathogenic bacillus, however, too frequent contact with a sick person increases the likelihood of infection even with active work immune system.

With a weakened immune system, any infections penetrate the body faster and multiply faster in it. So the risk of infection is high for both strong and weakened organisms.

Open form

What is the open form of tuberculosis? There are several types of tuberculosis, among which open and closed forms can be distinguished. The open form of tuberculosis, unlike the closed form, is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. In the closed form, the disease is not contagious, since in this case the disease proceeds without the release of a pathogenic bacillus into external environment. The open and closed forms of the disease are most often determined by tuberculosis of the lungs, but there is also tuberculosis of the intestines, genital organs, and so on. All of them are accompanied by the release of bacteria into the environment.

The incubation period of open tuberculosis is about a month from the moment of infection; after this period of time, vivid symptoms begin to appear.

The mechanism of development of tuberculosis is quite complex; once the bacillus enters the body, it will never leave it. The development of the disease depends entirely on hereditary predisposition and from environmental factors. As mentioned above, strong immunity resists infection, and a person with weak immunity or a predisposition to this disease becomes ill.

The causative agents of the disease have a very complex metabolism, so they are very stable and changeable both to external conditions and to conditions within a person.

Open tuberculosis is divided into primary and secondary. From the terminology it is clear that the primary form develops in a person who has not previously had tuberculosis and has not been in contact with the tuberculosis bacillus. Secondary form- This recurrent disease. In this case, the lesion that existed previously is scarred, and another lesion develops.

Open form symptoms

How does the open form of tuberculosis manifest? Symptoms do not increase immediately; at first they do not cause discomfort to the patient, but after incubation period ends, the patient develops a cough. At first the cough is dry, but over time it becomes wet. This symptom can last for a month or more. At this moment (at wet cough) open tuberculosis can be transmitted to healthy people. The rods are transmitted through the air or through household objects. They are contained in huge quantities in the patient’s sputum, and accordingly, they end up not only in the air, but also on surrounding objects.

The following signs of open tuberculosis are weight loss, hemoptysis and low-grade fever, which most often rises in the late afternoon.

With secondary open tuberculosis, the symptoms are somewhat different:

  • the temperature rises to critical levels;
  • the patient suffers greatly profuse sweating at night;
  • the cough is painful and almost incessant, most of all it bothers the patient at night and in the morning;
  • chest pain and joint aches occur;
  • the skin turns grey.

Diagnosis of the disease

Open tuberculosis is diagnosed when laboratory research pulmonary discharge of the patient or by bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is the removal of a small sample of lung tissue to determine the presence of an infectious agent. In addition, the patient must have an x-ray of the lungs.

In some cases, a tuberculin test (Mantoux test) is done. Most often this research is carried out on children. This test makes it possible to identify the degree of infection and tissue reactivity.

If there is a suspicion of a non-pulmonary form of the disease, a Koch test is performed. Ultrasound, CT, consultation with a neurologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist and other specialized specialists may be prescribed as additional diagnostic measures.

Treatment of the disease

First of all everything therapeutic measures aimed at destroying bacteria. Four groups are used for this antibacterial drugs. Treatment is usually carried out inpatient, after the release of bacteria into the sputum, and from it into the environment, stops, the patient can continue treatment on an outpatient basis. Treatment is long-term – it can take a year or more. After the therapeutic course, the patient is recommended to undergo treatment in sanatoriums that specialize in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Bed rest is prescribed to those patients whose lung destruction is very severe. Everything else, on the contrary, is highly recommended active work– walks, physiotherapy and so on.

If therapeutic treatment has no effect, may be prescribed surgery. Most often, incomplete lung resection, as well as removing segments that were affected. The main problem in treating the disease is the extreme resistance of the bacillus to drugs. Moreover, with such long-term treatment the patient may experience various side effects antibacterial therapy.

As for the life expectancy of a patient with tuberculosis, this is very individual. It all depends on the correctness of the chosen therapy, the patient’s lifestyle, and the form of the disease. Completely defeat tuberculosis modern medicine can not. Everyone around the patient needs to undergo diagnostic examination, if necessary, they are prescribed treatment to prevent the disease.

Complications of the disease

Tuberculosis is dangerous disease, which can cause serious complications and consequences. As a result of lack of therapy or failure to comply with all medical recommendations The following conditions may develop:

  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • oxygen deficiency – respiratory failure;
  • inflammation of the outer membrane of the lungs - pleurisy;
  • air may accumulate in the pleural area; this phenomenon is possible when the alveoli or the bronchus itself rupture;
  • heart failure, which develops as a result pathological processes in the pulmonary system;
  • TB infection can spread to other organs.

Prognosis for the disease

If the disease is detected on time and the patient strictly follows all the doctor’s instructions, then the prognosis can be called favorable. After the tuberculosis lesions heal and the symptoms disappear, they speak of clinical recovery.

If there is no treatment, death from tuberculosis occurs in 50% of cases. The risk of death increases in HIV-infected people, older people, and people with diabetes.

Disease prevention

The most effective prevention of tuberculosis today is vaccination. The child receives the first vaccine within the walls of the maternity hospital. As for adults, they are vaccinated according to indications.

Knowing how tuberculosis is transmitted, it is necessary to take preventive measures. The main prevention of tuberculosis is compliance with sanitary standards and annual preventive examination. Besides, preventive measure is to improve immunity.

If a person complies simple rules prevention, the risk of infection is noticeably reduced, and, consequently, the prevalence of this decreases terrible disease in society.

Judging by your diet, you don’t care about your immune system or your body at all. You are very susceptible to diseases of the lungs and other organs! It's time to love yourself and start improving. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, starchy, sweet and alcoholic foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Feed the body by taking vitamins, drink more water (precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body and reduce the amount of stress in your life.

  • You are susceptible to moderate lung diseases.

    So far it’s good, but if you don’t start taking care of her more carefully, then diseases of the lungs and other organs won’t keep you waiting (if the prerequisites haven’t already existed). And frequent colds, intestinal problems and other “delights” of life and accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, flour, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink a lot of water (precisely purified, mineral water). Strengthen your body, reduce the amount of stress in your life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

  • Congratulations! Keep it up!

    Do you care about your nutrition, health and immune system. Keep up the good work and there will be more problems with your lungs and health in general. long years will not disturb you. Don't forget that this is mainly due to you eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle. Eat proper and healthy food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to consume a large number of purified water, harden your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

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