Nettle decoction: indications for use. Nettle in gynecology: in what cases is nettle decoction useful?

(Lavender body gel, Innisfree foam cleanser, Queen Helene rejuvenating gel mask, Neutrogena water anti-aging gel, E.L.F. Cosmetics mascara, EcoTools hair brush, etc.)
I share my cart and impressions of shopping at iHerb

Neutrogena, Hydroboost Water Gel (48 g)
Light in texture and quickly absorbed, Hydro Boost gel, pale blue in color, with a pleasant fresh sea aroma is simply a godsend for dry and aging skin prone to irritation and allergies. After using it, the skin feels great all day long, ideal for summer. Due to its light Oil-Free texture, it goes well under makeup, instantly absorbing - eliminates the feeling of tightness and irritation, restores elasticity and firmness, the complexion becomes fresh, wrinkles are smoothed out. I recommend the cream very, very much!

Jason Natural, Powersmile toothpaste (100 g)
Whitening, quite thick toothpaste with a non-aggressive mint aroma, non-chemical composition, with constant use- whitening effect. Very economical consumption - a tiny drop is enough for complete cleansing oral cavity. Cleans, disinfects and refreshes for a long time.

Jason Natural, Sea Fresh toothpaste (100 g)
Good paste, we just took it to “finish off” the package, after trying it we decided that it was definitely worth taking it again. Pleasant taste, cleanses and whitens teeth well, foams moderately when used, strengthens gums, refreshes the oral cavity for a long time, has a chemical-free composition, convenient volume.

Desert Essence shower gel with Bulgarian lavender (237 ml)
Wonderful in composition and effective gel for the shower - an unobtrusive aroma of lavender, the foam is not high, but it washes the body efficiently and most importantly - after washing there are no irritations or allergic manifestations, there will definitely be a repeat purchase.

Desert Essence conditioner with extra. red grapes (237 ml)
Wonderful conditioner for the weakened and fine hair with Italian red grape extract - natural composition, wonderful aroma, reasonable price, good volume of the tube - after it your hair becomes smooth, silky and manageable. The consumption is very economical.

Innisfree, Green Tea Facial Cleansing Foam (150 ml)
An effective cream for cleansing the skin of the face, when applied it turns into a persistent foam, after washing it off, the skin becomes lighter, cleaner, pores noticeably narrow, the face simply glows - it is easily washed off, the skin does not dry out or tighten after use. Ideal for combination skin prone to acne (PMS), blackheads, enlarged pores, irritation and allergic manifestations and those who don’t shy away from using Korean skincare products. Hardly suitable for those with dry and thin skin.

Queen Helene face mask-gel with extra grapes (170 g)
Remarkably cleanses and tightens pores, removes blackheads, gets rid of acne, refreshes and brightens the skin after use. Nice price, good tube size, fairly economical consumption (you shouldn’t use it more than twice a week) - for mixed skin types and the summer season - an ideal option for cleansing. Apply a thin layer to a clean face (except for the area around the eyes), leave for 10-15 minutes, after which the frozen mask is simply removed with your hands (like a second skin), after which rinse your face with warm water and apply moisturizer. I really like the feeling after this mask .

E.L.F. Cosmetics, Studio, lengthening mascara black (6.2 g)
An aesthetic container made of matte plastic, a very comfortable silicone brush with elongated bristles, thanks to which you can perfectly separate and evenly paint the lashes, does not fall off during the day, and is easily removed at the end of the day. cosmetic oil applied on a cotton pad, it is easily washed off with washbasins (without streaks). Ridiculous price, good product - minus not very little mascara itself in the tube.

Crystal deodorant body spray with lavender and white tea (118 ml)
The solid crystal has been living in our house for a long time and is used with success by all family members - each has their own, this time we decided to take it for testing in the form of a spray. The result is wonderful, we will definitely get different scents for the summer. The composition is natural, the smell is unobtrusive, pleasant, does not leave marks on clothes or the body, does not irritate the surface of the skin, does not cause allergies, works effectively as a deodorant - it does not interfere with sweating, but stops the proliferation of bacteria that cause the smell of sweat - a wonderful product. The volume is small, but the spray dispenser is quite economical.

EcoTools, Best Air Drying Brush
The comb is unusual and cool! Thanks to its donut shape (hole inside), it dries and styles hair very quickly and efficiently. Lightweight, fits comfortably in the hand - it performs its functions perfectly - it dries and styles hair efficiently, and wonderfully massages the scalp.

Stinging nettle - ubiquitous perennial, covered with thin, burning hairs over the entire surface. Known to everyone since childhood, the plant that “strikes” or “bites” is a difficult weed for gardeners to eradicate, but has long been used for both medicinal and food purposes.

Today, nettle is included in many herbal medicine recipes, sold in pharmacies in dried form, and is actively prepared by many people on their own. We will devote this article healing properties nettle, the peculiarities of the plant’s effect on the body and the rules for safe treatment.

An interesting fact is that during the Gallic War, the legionnaires of Caesar’s army beat themselves with nettle branches to keep warm.

Why do nettles bite?

On the leaves and stems of the plant there is a large number of hairs in the form of a thin peak, which serve as nothing more than protection from herbivores. When the hairs come into contact with the skin, they release an allergenic mixture of histamine, choline and formic acid, which causes an immediate reaction in the form of redness, burning and blisters. The older the plant, the more noticeable the “nettle sting”.

Chemical composition of nettle

The research was carried out by the State Unitary Enterprise "GOSNIISINTEZBELOK". 100 grams of dry nettle raw material contains:

Main substances: Amino acid composition: Mineral elements in a ratio of 1 mg per 1 kg of dry raw materials: Vitamins, mg/100 g:
  • Protein 35.3%;
  • Carbohydrates 23.8%;
  • Pectins 0.7%;
  • Fiber 17.2%;
  • Lignin (non-hydrolysable substance) - 0.7%
  • Histidine 0.61%;
  • Glutamic acid 2.20%;
  • Lysine 1.08%;
  • Threonine 0.80%;
  • Arginine 1.05%;
  • Serine 0.55%;
  • Cystine 0.32%;
  • Glycine 0.97%;
  • Aspartic acid 1.62%;
  • Proline 0.88%;
  • Valine 1.06%;
  • Isoleucine 0.82%;
  • Alanine 1.11%;
  • Methionine 0.52%;
  • Tyrosine 0.57%;
  • Leucine 1.47%;
  • Phenylalanine 0.92%.
  • Potassium – 20387 mg;
  • Magnesium – 5260 mg;
  • Calcium – 28665 mg;
  • Sodium – 3760 mg;
  • Manganese – 131 mg;
  • Iron – 143 mg;
  • Selenium – 0.94 mg;
  • Zinc – 35 mg;
  • Copper – 11 mg;
  • Nickel - 0.8 mg;
  • Cobalt - 1.9 mg.

The following elements were not detected: chromium, cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic.

  • B1 - 1.0 mg;
  • B3 - 0.993 mg;
  • Sun ( folic acid) 0.167 mg;
  • N - 0.0246 mg;
  • RR - 4.18 mg;
  • Meso-inositol 110.8 mg;
  • C - 145.2 mg;
  • K - 2.63 mg;
  • Beta-carotene 210 mg.

A rich set of macro- and microelements, amino acids, and vitamins of nettle herb provides medicinal properties, and wide range restorative and preventive action. Nettle proteins contain 9 out of 10 essential amino acids, which, together with the vitamin and mineral group, allows you to maintain high intellectual and physical performance and quickly recover from stress and illness.

Pharmacological properties

  • Normalization of lipid metabolism, mainly due to iron salts and vitamins;
  • Pronounced hemostatic effect due to the presence of vitamin K, which is involved in the production of the blood clotting factor - prothrombin. This property is typical for fresh raw materials, while dried nettle, on the contrary, slows down the blood clotting process;
  • Choleretic effect;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • Increased tone of the uterus and intestines;
  • Stimulation and toning of the body, strengthening of the basal metabolism due to high content chlorophyll.
  • Improvement of cardiac and respiratory activity.

Contraindications to the use of nettle

Medicinal plants, like any medicine, can bring harm rather than benefit if they are used for certain conditions and diseases for which they are contraindicated and may not help, but do harm, and nettle is no exception. It is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, as well as:

  • First trimester of pregnancy;
  • Treatment with antidepressants and drugs for insomnia - the plant enhances their effect;
  • Thrombophlebitis, increased coagulability blood and atherosclerosis - when consuming the plant, blood thickening occurs, which is dangerous in these pathologies.
  • Hypertension. Tones blood vessels, so it can increase blood pressure;
  • Bleeding due to cysts, polyps and other tumors of the uterus;
  • Severe kidney disease.

Use of nettle for human health

Use roots, stems and leaves of nettle. The pharmaceutical industry produces the following types of nettle preparations:

For anemia

Nettle contains iron, which is directly involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, as well as the amino acid histidine, which is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells. In addition, consuming nettle helps better absorption iron from other foods. Rich in vitamins mineral composition helps overcome the unpleasant symptoms of anemia in the form of fatigue.

Nettle tea- 2-3 tbsp. dry nettle is poured with half a liter of boiling water and left in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, cooled and filtered. The resulting volume is consumed throughout the day. Since the drink has a specific taste, you can add a little honey to the infusion. Prescribed for course treatment for 4 weeks. After a short break, the treatment is repeated.

Nettle for bleeding

The mechanism of action is similar to that in the treatment of anemia, since any bleeding is accompanied by blood loss and, accordingly, anemia to varying degrees expressiveness. The plant also has a hemostatic effect.

Nettle infusion- 1 tbsp. fresh raw materials are mixed with 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 120 minutes. You can wrap it with a terry towel on top. The cooled infusion is filtered and drunk 1 tbsp. before eating. Course duration is 2 weeks.

For diabetes

Nettle does not directly affect blood sugar levels, but supports the condition of blood vessels, pancreas and liver, which suffer from diabetes, and also normalizes basal metabolism. Secretin is involved in the synthesis of its own insulin. Long-term treatment nettle leads to restoration of the beta cells of the pancreas.

Nettle and dandelion decoction- 30 grams of nettle leaves and cuttings, as well as dandelion roots, pour 600 ml of water, boil over low heat for half an hour. The finished broth is cooled under the lid (about 4 hours), filtered and diluted halfway with water. Take 0.1 liter before meals three times a day for 2 weeks. Can be taken throughout the year with breaks of 1 month.

For respiratory diseases

Excellent in treating persistent cough. Nettle root is used beneficial features which helps to get rid of the painful symptom.

Syrup- about 100 g fresh roots the plants are chopped with a knife and poured cold water, which is drained after 10 minutes. At the same time, prepare sugar syrup: 3 tbsp. sugar is dissolved in 100 grams of water and boiled over low heat, crushed roots are added to the mixture and boiled for about 5 minutes. The syrup is allowed to brew, filtered and taken 1 tbsp. three times a day before meals.

For gastrointestinal diseases

The well-known drug Allohol contains nettle. The plant is successfully used in the treatment of hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, chronic constipation. Take as an infusion for at least 2 weeks.

For skin diseases

Itchy dermatitis, minor wounds and abrasions, eczema, furunculosis, acne - all these problems can be cured with the help of nettle. An infusion of the plant is used, which is used to wipe problem areas 2-3 times a day, or a powder of dry nettle. Dry plants are ground in a blender to a powdery mass and sprinkled on problem areas.

For musculoskeletal pathologies

Nettle treatment is indicated for rheumatism, muscle and joint pain, and radiculitis.

Broom- strong plants are cut along the stem of approximately the same length and collected in a broom (very good if there are also flowering specimens). Ready broom dipped in hot water and perform the usual bath procedures. If a bath is contraindicated for health reasons, a hot steamed broom can be applied to painful areas until it cools down.

For diseases of the urinary system

The plant has a diuretic effect, therefore it is indicated for conditions accompanied by edema. Also helps in treatment inflammatory processes. Use as an infusion for at least 1 week.

Antitoxic effect

Previously, nettle was used as a universal antidote, but today these properties of the plant help with poisoning, including alcoholic and bacterial. Lignins and polysaccharides actively bind toxic components and remove them from the body. Prepare an infusion, which should be diluted with half-cooled boiled water so as not to provoke vomiting. For 2-3 days after poisoning, take half a glass of infusion three times a day, drinking the specified volume in small sips and gradually.

General strengthening effect

Without exception, all components of nettle are beneficial; we will describe only a few of them:

  • the amino acid lysine is involved in regeneration bone tissue, histidine protects against radiation and helps the functioning of the immune system, arginine increases the tension of the immune system, threonine supports basal metabolism, pheninalanine accelerates blood flow;
  • vitamin K stops bleeding and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • bioflavonoids have antioxidant and antihistamine effects.

Nettle for hair

The rich mineral composition of the plant, vitamins and the amino acid methionine lead to the cessation of hair loss, getting rid of dandruff, increasing the growth of hair shafts and improving their structure.

For express help, you should use the juice of the plant, which is rubbed into the roots and distributed throughout the hair, wrap your head in cellophane and a towel and leave for 1 hour. Three or four procedures will lead to visible results.

Benefits of nettle for women

For heavy periods

The plant promotes contraction of the uterus and speedy cleansing internal cavity organ, and also helps to quickly restore blood loss. Freshly squeezed juice is used - the plant is crushed and the juice is squeezed out of the raw material through clean gauze. Take 1 tsp. three times a day before meals for 7 days (until menstruation ends).

Nettle for uterine fibroids

At benign tumors uterine nettle has an embolic effect on the vessels feeding myomatous nodes: it narrows vascular walls, thereby reducing blood flow to the tumor, which leads to its gradual regression. It should be understood that the plant cannot handle large nodes, but in the case of small tumors, nettle is indicated. If fibroids are accompanied by bleeding, nettle is doubly indicated.

Rich decoction- 1 tbsp. nettle seed and crushed plant roots are mixed with 200 ml of water, boiled over low until half the liquid has evaporated, cooled and filtered. Take 3 tbsp. before meals four times a day for 3 weeks, after month break the course is repeated.

Nettle during breastfeeding

The plant has long been used by nursing mothers to increase the amount of milk, since it increases blood hemoglobin, increases strength and has a positive effect on lactation. Prepared in the form of tea: you can use the above recipe or buy ready-made filter bags at the pharmacy.

Nettle to increase lactation - how to take: For the best effect, it is recommended to alternate weekly courses of mono-teas: first nettle, a week later fennel, and then raspberry leaves.

During pregnancy

Nettle is prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy, because can cause spasm of blood vessels and the uterus and provoke a miscarriage. In the future, nettle contributes to the overall strengthening of the body, better resistance to infections, especially urinary tract, prevention of anemia.

Take nettle in the form of tea, 200 ml once a day, but the finished tea should be diluted by half with water. Can be consumed for 7 days, then take a 7-day break, after which the cycle repeats. Before consuming nettle, pregnant women should consult a gynecologist about the advisability of such treatment!

For cervical erosion

The medicinal properties of nettle in gynecology are also used to treat the most common disease of the genital area - cervical erosion. For treatment, freshly squeezed juice is used, which is moistened with a sterile tampon and inserted into the vagina overnight. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Nettle for men

Providing positive influence on genitourinary system, the plant helps improve potency, especially with regular use. Tones blood vessels, including those of the penis, and therefore improves erection. In addition, the plant helps with prostate hyperplasia.

You can use the plant to brew tea, as described above, but best effect give fresh plant seeds, 1 tbsp. which are crushed and mixed with the same amount of honey. This mixture should be taken daily, once a day.

Side effects

Like any medicinal plant nettle can cause allergic reactions, this is especially true for its use by people prone to allergies. Functional impairment is also possible gastrointestinal tract(nausea, diarrhea, etc.)

Nettle in cooking

Nettle is no less useful in dishes; moreover, it gives them a special taste.

Green cabbage soup- young shoots of the plant are washed under running water, poured with hot, slightly salted water and boiled for 1-2 minutes. Add finely chopped boiled egg, greens and sour cream. Can be eaten both hot and cold.

Spring salad- young shoots of nettle drench hot water, finely chopped. Add 1 fresh cucumber, green onions and cilantro, finely chopped. Refueling can be from vegetable oil, salt and lemon juice or sour cream, to taste.

Application in other areas

  • Nettle roots are a vegetable dye that is yellow or Brown, and the chlorophyll pigment is used in perfumery, pharmaceutical and Food Industry for coloring raw materials green;
  • From the fiber of the plant you can make a rope, rope, sail, carpet, fishing tackle;
  • In the absence of cold, nettle leaves help preserve the freshness of perishable foods;
  • Useful oil is obtained from the seeds;
  • The plant is used in agriculture for fattening poultry, pigs, large and small livestock.

The collection of wild nettles is the main source for obtaining useful raw materials, but in some farms this crop has been cultivated for a long time.

Nettle is included in many folk recipes for the treatment of a number of various diseases. She gained popularity due to the presence useful compounds, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Accumulates in succulent stems and leaves during growth significant amount microelements, vitamins and other biologically active substances necessary for the body.

Stinging nettle is widely used not only in herbal medicine, but also in cosmetology, pharmacology, and gynecology. First courses are prepared with it; its leaves are poured with boiling water to make a pleasant, refreshing tea.

But you need to use nettle with caution, because, like other plants that deserve frequent mention in folk medicine, it has its contraindications. Therefore, before use, especially if we are not talking about one-time dose, you must consult your local doctor.

People have been paying attention to the beneficial properties of nettle for a long time, but the popularity of this plant does not decrease even today. Young leaves are used in cosmetology, dermatology, gynecology and many other medical fields.

In our latitudes you can find two species - stinging nettle and stinging nettle. It is the latter that is considered the most useful. It grows in forests and park recreation areas, near houses and rivers, and in wastelands. The leaves are equilateral and have a bright green color and long petioles. Stinging nettle differs from the dioecious variety by the presence of small, dense hairs on the leaves.

This useful plant You can buy it at the pharmacy or assemble it yourself. For getting therapeutic effect All you have to do is brew tea; nettle leaves make excellent and, most importantly, healthy cabbage soup.

Of course, to collect plant materials, you should choose places away from the highways, in ecologically clean areas, so as not to cause harm to the body instead of the expected positive effect. Dusty leaves of stinging nettle growing on roadsides are contraindicated.

What it contains

Humanity has been using herbal treatment since antiquity, and stinging nettle occupies one of the leading places in herbal medicine, without losing its popularity over the centuries.

This plant contains a set of microelements that have a positive effect on many systems of our body. Vitamin K present in the leaves has anti-inflammatory properties and has a significant effect on blood clotting. In addition, nettle contains calcium, flavonoids, formic acid, tannins and many other chemical elements.

Nettle can quickly and effectively remove harmful toxins from the body, and when used in a course, cleanse the skin.

This plant, like carrots, contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision and protects the cells of the body as a whole from free radicals.

In green leaves stinging nettle a lot of vitamin E and B vitamins, as well as iron, chlorophyll, coumarins and flavonoids, which have a powerful antioxidant effect.

By the way, chlorophyll is necessary not only for plants. and for humans. It is no coincidence that today they produce a huge number food additives containing green molecules of this substance.

Young May nettle is added to salads, and nettle tea can be drunk all year round, brewing it on dried leaves, stored for future use.

Key Benefits

  1. Biologically active compounds Nettle stimulates metabolism and improves immunity.
  2. Stinging nettle is very useful for people suffering from chronic ailments such as tuberculosis and atherosclerosis.
  3. Nettle tea has been proven effective in treating problems digestive system, in the fight against nausea and increased gas formation.
  4. Nettle leaves are also successfully used for diseases of mucous surfaces (throat diseases, nosebleeds).
  5. The plant can be eaten (especially popular is “ green borscht"from nettle) and used as a medicinal or homeopathic remedy to relieve irritations caused by allergic rashes, such as urticaria, dermatitis, etc.
  6. It is especially worth noting. People familiar with this disease know how painful it can be and how difficult it is to deal with unpleasant symptoms.
  7. Nettle leaves have another unique ability related to the regulation of hematopoiesis in the body.

For men

Nettle seeds have long been considered an indispensable tool for supporting male power. To do this, plant raw materials are brewed and the resulting decoction is consumed half an hour before meals, in the morning and in the evening. On early stages prostate adenoma in men, tea from dry leaves is useful: 2 tbsp. l. dry product is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 5-10 minutes. Men should take this tea morning and evening for one to two months.

For women

Since ancient times, stinging nettle has been used in gynecology. Even then, people noticed that the plant has a positive effect on a woman’s body: during heavy periods, it reduces bleeding and normalizes an unstable cycle.

The main element that affects blood clotting is vitamin K, which has a beneficial effect on the physiological processes occurring in the body during menstrual periods.

In case of prolonged and/or painful periods, you can use nettle tea. This drink increases the number of platelets and hemoglobin levels in the blood. Another positive attribute nettle – the ability to cleanse the blood.

Often used in gynecology herbal teas, since in combination they have maximum efficiency. To enhance the positive effect, nettle can be combined with lungwort, yarrow and horsetail.

If there is insufficient milk supply during breastfeeding You can drink nettle juice diluted in purified water, or add young leaves to tea.

Beautiful hair

Folk recipes that came to us a long time ago, from our great-grandmothers, most often turn out to be the most effective. Look at old photos - all the women have thick, luxurious long braids.

  1. The plant helps fight scalp diseases, prevents hair loss, and promotes rapid growth.
  2. There are many ways to use nettle as a hair care product. The plant can be added to store-bought shampoos and conditioners, or you can make home remedies based on it, apply it to your hair as a mask, and use it internally as a tea.
  3. At correct use Nettle can help get rid of problems such as dandruff, hair fragility, split ends, and excessive oily scalp.
  4. Nettle “works” as an antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. With regular use of the decoction, you can achieve a radiant shine, your hair will become noticeably thicker and healthier.
  6. Systematic rinsing of the hair after washing with nettle decoction helps restore damage caused by frequent dyeing or perm hair, improves its color due to the content of minerals and useful microelements, which the female body lacks.

The beneficial substances contained in this herb will not disappear, even if you use it in dried form from autumn to spring.

Men can also use the hair care recipes given here, although, in truth, they care about their beauty much less than the fair sex.

Moreover, there are simply no contraindications for washing hair with stinging nettle decoctions.

An ideal remedy for improving the growth of beautiful and healthy hair- This is nettle oil. It can be used as a mask before washing your hair, and as a balm after using shampoo. This oil will protect your hair from harmful effects hot air stream from a hair dryer when drying and styling your hair.

Nettle oil is sold in pharmacies. But you can make the decoction yourself - for free. Both leaves and stems, and even roots of the plant are suitable for its preparation. With regular use, your hair will soon shine with shine and health!

Another significant advantage in favor of nettle decoctions is that they are practically odorless.

Why is it dangerous?

The leaves and stems of the plant are also useful for internal use, but within reasonable limits. When treating with nettle, it is better to treat this process with caution and ask a doctor for advice, since this plant has its own characteristics and contraindications.

  • Affects blood thickness and clotting. Therefore, if a person has high pressure, he is sick with hypertension or atherosclerosis, use nettle in medicinal purposes it is forbidden.
  • For varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, the use of products based on this plant material is also not recommended.
  • The use of nettle is also contraindicated for those who have kidney problems.
  • Under no circumstances should you drink decoctions from the leaves of the plant during pregnancy, as they can stimulate uterine contractions and lead to premature birth.
  • Another contraindication is any type of tumor.

If used thoughtlessly, any remedy can cause harm instead of the expected recovery. Be careful and thoroughly study the chosen treatment method before implementing it.


Who among us is not familiar with nettle? But often we brush it off, destroy it with all available means - a shovel, a scythe, a sickle, or simply tear it out, putting the heads on our hands. But nettle is a storehouse of everything useful. It’s not for nothing that they say that one nettle replaces 7 doctors.

Did you know that there is even a World Nettle Eating Championship taking place in England? Moreover, the competition conditions are very difficult - nettles cannot be processed in any way.

Nettle is stinging and powerful. Useful properties of nettle .

  • Nettle contains many trace elements - potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, iodine, sodium, copper, chromium.
  • Thanks to vitamin K, it prevents all bleeding.
  • In terms of iron content, many medical supplies inferior to her. (the same ferrum lek that doctors prescribe to us for anemia).
  • Few people know that nettle dramatically increases muscle growth.
  • There is no less protein in nettles than in legumes.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Improves intestinal function.
  • Stimulates metabolism.
  • Regulates the functioning of the pancreas. Used for treatment diabetes mellitus. Lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Stimulates appetite.
  • The leaves and roots of nettle contain a substance that stimulates the production of interferons - proteins that protect the body from viruses and have an anti-cancer effect.
  • Used in cosmetics. For hair care, in creams and tonics.
  • It has a general purifying effect due to the content of formic acid.
  • It saturates the body very much and with its help “burns” faster, so if you want to lose weight, eat nettle.
  • Nettle roots have a powerful diuretic effect.
  • Increases the amount of milk in nursing women.
  • Nettle is good for the liver, kidneys, and bladder.
  • Normalizes the female cycle.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Contraindications for use - not recommended for use by people who have very thick blood, for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, for pregnant women (the tone of the uterus increases).

The use of nettle. Herbal medicine uses the entire plant, including the roots.

How to brew nettles? When brewing nettle, you need to know some subtleties so as not to destroy all the vitamins. I often brew nettle for myself and my daughters. Very simple and good for our health.

If you take whole leaves, you need to take 4 leaves per person, add a glass of raw water, cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil over low heat, and immediately turn off the heat. Wait until the leaf steams, this is about 30 minutes, and immediately drink this decoction 10-15 minutes before meals in 3 doses. For those who work, you can drink this decoction in the morning and evening. It is recommended to eat the leaves.

Nettle juice for the treatment of vitamin deficiency.

The juice is made from young nettles. It needs to be put through a meat grinder, squeezed through cheesecloth. This juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take 1 tablespoon for adults on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon for children, wash down with water.

Uses of nettle For general strengthening body to improve blood composition.

Nettle decoction. Pour 2 tablespoons of nettle into 1 cup of boiling water. Let sit for about 15 minutes. Take a glass 3 times a day.

Here's another one universal recipe use of nettle. Pour 1 tablespoon of nettle with a glass of boiling water, cover, let it brew for an hour, strain everything. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Using nettle to reduce blood pressure.

Pass the nettles through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Add a little kefir and honey. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. (recipe can be seen in the video)

Nettle honey.

Collect 3 kg of nettles. Wash everything, dry it, put it through a meat grinder, squeeze out about 300 grams of nettle juice, add honey, about a half-liter jar, take a tablespoon. This honey rejuvenates the body, reduces blood pressure, and improves the functioning of the pancreas.

Vitamin tea from nettle.

Dry nettle, rose hips, dry carrots, currant leaves, lingonberries. Take everything one tablespoon at a time. Pour boiling water over it and leave in a thermos. Drink instead of tea. You can add honey. Cleanses the body, blood vessels, this tea is good for the liver and kidneys.

All recipes can be viewed in the video.

Nettle decoction in cosmetology.

Nettle decoction rubbed into the scalp prevents the formation of dandruff. Brew nettle and use the decoction after washing your hair.

There is another recipe to strengthen hair using nettle.
100 grams of nettle (collect when its seeds appear) pour 0.5 liter of water, boil for half an hour, let cool, squeeze out, add an equal amount table vinegar. Rinse your hair with this decoction every day before going to bed.

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Use of nettle in cooking.

Nettle salad. Wash young nettle leaves, chop, lightly pound with a mortar, add green onions, parsley and dill. Spices and salt to taste. Season with olive oil.

Nettle soup.

In vegetable or meat broth add potatoes, cook until tender, add chopped nettle leaves, sorrel, let simmer for a minute and remove from heat. Serve with sour cream, sprinkle with herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste. This soup is often served with an egg. Can be whisked into soup or served separately.

Cottage cheese with nettles . Finely chop the nettle. Lightly add salt, mash a little and add cottage cheese.

Nettle contains a lot of useful macro and microelements, as well as vitamins and organic acids. It is precisely due to its rather unique and useful composition it is very common in folk recipes as a remedy that helps in the treatment of many different diseases. How to brew nettles, read further in the article.

For what diseases should you brew nettle?

Before moving on to the question of how to brew nettle, you need to understand what ailments it is effective for and can help. So, nettle is excellent for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as allergic and skin diseases. It is recommended to use nettle for heart and stomach diseases. It is good to take nettle infusions to strengthen immune system and increase the body's resistance to various viruses and bacteria. In addition, it is necessary to use brewed nettle as a tonic, as well as for the healing of wounds, which are accompanied by quite heavy bleeding.

To strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff, you need to wash your hair with nettle infusion. In general, a lot has been said about how many healing abilities and properties nettle has since ancient times. Most often, nettle is recommended to be used as a general tonic and immunity booster.

How to brew nettles correctly?

How to brew nettle correctly and so that the decoction or infusion ends up being truly beneficial for the body, you must follow certain rules and recommendations. The first step before cooking is to collect fresh nettles, then rinse them thoroughly and allow them to partially dry. After the nettle has been prepared, it must be chopped and ten spoons poured into the pan. Then fill the raw material with cold water, you will need 1 liter. Place the mixture on low heat until it heats up. Once it boils, close the lid and boil the broth for about 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and pour into a thermos. Let the decoction brew; to do this, leave the brewed nettle for at least 12 hours. This is necessary so that the nettle gives all its beneficial properties to the water. A properly prepared decoction will have a pleasant green color. Before taking, it must be strained through a sieve or gauze. Use a decoction of 100 ml 3 times a day.

How to brew nettle for gastritis?

Brewed nettle, which is later used as an infusion, is also considered beneficial. It is prepared from nettle roots. This infusion is best used to treat stomach illness. To prepare the infusion, you need to take the roots, wash, dry, and chop. Take one teaspoon of crushed roots and pour a glass of milk. The milk should be warm. The mixture must be brought to a boil, poured into a thermos, and left for 2 to 3 hours. Be sure to take the infusion fresh, so the effect will be noticeable much faster and the treatment will be more effective. If you have gastritis, it is recommended to drink at least 100 ml at a time, and if you suffer peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach, then you need to drink 200 ml.

How to brew nettle for severe menstrual pain?

Brew nettle for severe menstrual pain and heavy menstruation. To prepare such a decoction, take a tablespoon of nettle, pour 100 ml cold water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, simmer for no more than 5 minutes, then remove the broth and strain. If menstruation is too heavy, then drink a decoction of 100 ml at a time, 3 times a day, for the first three days. Then the dose can be reduced by half.

If you or your relatives suffer from poor blood clotting, heart and vascular diseases, it is recommended to take the decoction 4 times a day, the dosage ranges from 50 to 100 ml.

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