Vegetable juice recipes. Benefits of green bean juice. Orange juice for weight loss

One of the most simple ways support the body after illness, during the period of vitamin deficiency, carry out prevention coldsregular use delicious and healthy juices from vegetables. But there are nuances: you need to know healing properties one drink or another, and, of course, existing contraindications. We have collected the TOP 5 best fresh vegetable juices and present to your attention brief description each of them.

The best vegetable juices

1st place - carrot juice

An invaluable source of vitamins and minerals, as well as glucose. Has a beneficial effect on the immune system, thyroid gland, digestion and vision, improves appetite, strengthens the nervous system. Doctors recommend carrot juice for young children, patients during rehabilitation, and those who have problematic skin. You can read more about the benefits of carrots.

The consumption rate is no more than 500 ml per day, but better – 200-300 ml. The effect of the drink is enhanced if it is diluted vegetable oil or heavy cream.


  • diabetes;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

2nd place - pumpkin juice

Among other vitamins, it also contains unique vitamins: K and T, rich in pectin and calcium. It has antioxidant and tonic properties, is used to prevent constipation and normalize metabolism, improves blood clotting, and helps cope with sleep disorders. Read more about the benefits of pumpkin

The consumption rate is not limited, drink as much as you like. You can also make a cocktail by diluting pumpkin juice with honey or fresh fruit and berries.


  • low acidity;
  • diarrhea;

3rd place - tomato juice

One of the most popular drinks in Europe and North America. Contains vitamins of groups: A, B, C, purines, oxalic acid. Helps with constipation, metabolic disorders, diseases of the joints, stomach and intestines, of cardio-vascular system. Juice from fresh tomatoes is an essential component of some dietary menus. Read more about the benefits of tomatoes

The volume of consumption by doctors is not specified, but in medicinal purposes It is recommended to take the drink half an hour before meals.


  • gallstones and peptic ulcers;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • individual intolerance.

4th place - cabbage juice


  • increased acidity;
  • period of exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • post-infarction condition;
  • lactation.

5th place - zucchini juice

The consumption rate is 1 glass of fresh juice per day, it can be diluted with other juices or honey.


  • individual intolerance;
  • period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

All of the above vegetable juices better to use in fresh, without subjecting them to heat treatment, because this is how you can preserve the maximum of their beneficial properties.

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Many women strive to lose weight by spring and resort to all kinds of diets. Each of these usually involves drinking plenty of fluids.

It's not just green tea, pure water or herbal infusions, but also all kinds of vegetable juices that promote health and speed up metabolic processes. What kind of vegetable juices can push the body to burn body fat more active?

How vegetable juices help in dietary nutrition

Unlike sweet fruit juices, vegetable juices contain much less glucose and even lower insulin concentrations. Juices from healthy vegetables have a lot of advantages:

1. They supply all organs with essential minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, fiber and vitamins, which is important during any diet. With a sharp reduction nutrients and calories, essential microelements are washed out of cells, and the level of vitamins is reduced. Freshly squeezed juices, in turn, support normal level these essential components.

2. They have a laxative effect, actively eliminate toxins and toxic compounds, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of excess gases, putrefactive deposits, improve skin color, and also general health.

3. Remove excess fluid, reduce swelling under the eyes and on the legs.

4. Suppress appetite, which is important during adherence strict diet designed to improve your figure. A glass of thick vegetable juice saturates and fills the stomach for a long time.

What vegetable juices are good for weight loss?

Many vegetables and juice from them are useful for losing weight. The main thing is to choose fresh vegetables and prepare the juice yourself, without choosing packaged options from store shelves that are rich in preservatives.

Celery juice

It has a diuretic effect, eliminates excess fluid accumulated in organs and cells. Thanks accelerates lipid metabolism, strengthens the immune system and reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood.

Celery is rich in calcium, oxalic acid, carotene, magnesium, important vitamins.

Its juice is useful to mix with other healing vegetable ingredients, combine with honey, watermelon, cucumber, orange, grapefruit and a mixture of greens.

It is often mixed with others healthy juices from root vegetables. IN pure form It is better not to take it, but to dilute it with water in half. Beets cleanse and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase hemoglobin, remove toxins, normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract, and improve facial skin tone.

Cabbage juice

Improves digestion, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxic accumulations and radionuclides, accelerates the metabolic process.

It is important to know that cabbage causes bloating, so using cabbage juice sometimes combined with the use cleansing enemas.

The vegetable is rich in essential vitamins and fiber, which cleanses the entire intestines like a sponge and helps normalize the digestion process. This is important for the diet.

Removes excess fluid and cholesterol accumulations. Cup tomato juice replaces an evening or lunch snack. Its thick consistency gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Juice from fresh tomatoes reduces appetite, serves as a preventive drink for atherosclerosis, strengthens circulatory system, saturates cells with potassium and vitamin C.

It also contains lycopene, which prevents the development oncological processes.

Cucumber juice

This vegetable juice accelerates fat burning, improves the digestion process, cleanses the organs of toxic agents, normalizes the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates heartburn.

Fresh cucumber from the garden - an excellent laxative and diuretic with a minimum amount of calories.

Cucumber juice removes small stones and sand from the kidneys, and also softens large deposits, reduces blood pressure, helps you lose weight faster.

Helps deceive hunger during a long diet. Eggplant juice is recommended for high cholesterol, frequent constipation, digestive disorders. This vegetable is rich in antioxidants.

Fresh bright vegetable purple cut into cubes. To eliminate bitterness, fill them with water and let them sit for 15-20 minutes. Then the vegetable pieces are crushed with a mixer or in a blender and the juice is squeezed out. Use it before meals in small portions.

Pumpkin juice

The vegetable does not contain many calories, so it does not harm your figure.

Pumpkin is rich in magnesium, pectin, iron, cellulose, calcium and copper. This composition improves the functioning of the stomach and activates the secretion of bile.

A little humor:

Subject to dietary nutrition Any juice can be drunk separately or mixed with others. Then efficiency useful components only double, and the process of losing excess weight will accelerate.

It is known that fresh vegetable juices are very healthy because they contain a large number of vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as biologically active substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But, unfortunately, vegetable juices are not useful for all people; for some diseases, their use will not only not bring benefits, but may even be dangerous to health.

Vegetable juices increase appetite and improve digestion.

Many nutritionists believe that freshly squeezed vegetable juices are much healthier than fruit juices, because they contain less fructose (sugar), so they can be consumed by people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Drinking juices from vegetables, of course, is healthier immediately after pressing, without subjecting them to heat treatment and long-term storage. The recommended daily serving of vegetable juices depends on the type of juice you prefer. For example, you can drink up to 2.5 glasses of undiluted per day, but not more than 0.5 glasses or. Juices can be diluted with chilled boiled water, but adding salt, sugar or spices is not recommended. It is very useful to make a mixture of juices from several vegetables, depending on your taste preferences and goals. If you want to start healing your body with vegetable juices, you should consult a nutritionist.

Vegetables must be present in every person’s diet, since all the elements present in them help the absorption of other substances that enter our body with food, including proteins and fats. Vegetable juices improve appetite, stimulate the functions of the digestive glands, thereby improving digestion, the processes of formation and secretion of bile. Stimulation of these processes helps improve digestion, cleanse the body of harmful toxins and waste, which is the key to wellness. It should be noted that vegetable juices, by improving food digestion processes, help in the fight against excess weight, so they can be a complement to many diets.

Various vitamins contained in vegetable juices in large quantities help strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular and nervous systems. People who regularly consume juices from various vegetables note improved health, sleep, mood and performance. In addition, when consuming various vegetable juices, there is an improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Due to the fact that many juices contain natural antibacterial substances, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, so they can not only be drunk, but also used externally.

I would like to pay special attention. It is believed that its regular use is a good prevention of cancer.

Harm of vegetable juices

Of course, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of fresh vegetable juices for the body, so we will not talk about the dangers of this product, but about the restrictions in the use of vegetable juices for some people. Most often this is due to the presence of any diseases, especially digestive system. In addition, we should not forget that there may be allergic reactions for some vegetables, and, accordingly, juices from them.

When, it is not recommended to consume vegetable juices in their pure form; they should be diluted with water. Preference should be given to non-acidic juices; it is better to refrain from taking tomato juices, as well. During exacerbation of these diseases, it is not recommended to consume vegetable juices even in diluted form. It should also be noted that carrot and pumpkin juice help improve bile secretion, so when

Vegetable juices are natural, containing vitamins (usually), with the addition of organic acids, sugar, coloring, aromatic, preservative chemical substances. That is why when purchasing you need to pay attention to the composition of the juice.

Vegetable juices can be made from one type of vegetable, but more often they are made from several vegetables and fruits at the same time. They also differ depending on the pulp content; they can be clarified, unclarified, or with pulp. The aroma and taste of unclarified juices is fuller than that of clarified juices. In general, juice is a product made from the juice of fruits or vegetables, which consists of 100% of them, nectar contains 25-99% juice, and a juice drink contains up to 25% juice. Manufacturers use two methods for producing juice: recovery from concentrate and direct extraction.

Constant consumption of vegetable juices increases resistance to infections, stimulates metabolic processes, and ensures the body's resistance to stress. Doctors recommend consuming vegetable juices for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, which are accompanied by edema. Low-calorie juices without sugar are an indispensable drink for a variety of diets, infectious diseases, decreased appetite.

It contains vitamin C, B vitamins, carotene, this juice is very useful for those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The most valuable substance is carotene (provitamin A), vitamins C, B, phosphorus, potassium and cobalt salts. Canned juice Carrots are almost as good in vitamin content as fresh carrots. It is actively used in nutrition for diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, visual impairment; this juice, thanks to cobalt and iron salts, is useful for anemia.

It is also rich in carotene, it also contains iron and potassium salts, and B vitamins. Due to the content of potassium salts in it, it is also recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. One glass fresh juice Those who are prone to swelling are advised to drink pumpkin a day.

In order to receive natural juice, mature vegetables are sorted, thoroughly washed and put under pressure. Then some of the water is evaporated from them, resulting in concentrated juice. In this juice, thanks to gentle temperature treatment, the complex of vitamins and minerals contained in fresh vegetables. This concentrated juice is frozen or poured into special containers, which allows it to be stored without loss of quality and properties for several months, as well as transported over any distance. Once at the plant, the concentrated juice goes through a recovery stage - purified water is added to it in the same proportion as it was originally in it. The resulting juice goes through a short-term stage before packaging. heat treatment This is done by pasteurization or sterilization. This allows the manufactured product to be stored without the use of preservatives for 1 year.

How to drink vegetable juices correctly? Scientists advise starting to drink all vegetable juices with a small amount - 50 ml, gradually increasing the dosage to the recommended one. It is advisable to drink juices in the first half of the day, because such drinks are real energy drinks, which is why it is not recommended to drink vegetable juices at night, as you can get insomnia. In order to get a healing effect, you should start juice therapy “in season”, when vegetables ripen, and continue until November.

When purchasing reconstituted vegetable juice, pay attention to its composition. So, in a package with pomegranates there can only be a fruit drink, a juice drink or nectar, in which it is allowed to mix several different types juice, citric acid, water, sugar, honey.

If it says “sugar-free” or “low sugar,” it likely means the sugar has been replaced with artificial sweeteners. And this should be indicated on the packaging. If there is no information on the packaging about the content of preservatives in the juice, such juice can be considered natural provided that its shelf life is significantly reduced.

To choose high-quality juice, pay attention to its color. If it is very bright, it is most likely made from low-quality raw materials. The aroma of the juice should also be natural.

So, we talked about canned vegetable juices. Be careful and choose only quality products!

Vegetable juices are a real and extensive storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. If I can say so, a glass of vegetable juice is a glass of youth, health and beauty. Let's talk about this in more detail today - after all, vegetable juices help us live an active, full life. And vegetable juices, the recipes for which we offer you today, will also help you maintain a slim figure.

Vegetable juices are not only safe, unlike fruit juices, but also very useful for losing weight beauties: they do not contain a huge amount of fructose, and there is a large amount the most useful minerals and vitamins. In addition, vegetable juices, the recipes for which we bring to your attention today, are very easy to prepare, but they have a lot of benefits. Let's get started!

Tomato juice: few calories and many benefits

Freshly squeezed tomato juice contains healthier than acid, which remarkably regulate the body’s metabolism. It's very easy to prepare - take fresh tomatoes and skip their juicer. If you're looking to add some variety to your tomato juice intake, there are several excellent additives that will help you turn a glass of tomato juice into a real vegetable smoothie.

Tomato juice with cucumber and celery

You will need:

  • - one cucumber;
  • - three tomatoes;
  • - two stalks of celery.

Wash the vegetables. First, pass the cucumber through the juicer, then the tomatoes and finally two stalks of celery, mix. The juice turns out very tasty.

Tomato juice with cucumber and dill

You will need:

  • - one bunch of dill;
  • - one cucumber;
  • - three tomatoes;
  • - a pinch of freshly ground black pepper.

Wash the vegetables thoroughly. Pass the cucumber and tomatoes through the juicer first. Add finely chopped dill to the juice and season with freshly ground black pepper. Ready!

Tomato juice with parsley and spinach

You will need:

  • - four tomatoes;
  • - four spinach leaves;
  • - parsley to taste.

Wash the spinach leaves, tomatoes and parsley thoroughly. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer first, then the spinach and parsley. Tasty!

Carrot juice: a lot of vitamins

carrot juice contains such an endless amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Let's highlight several main ones: carotene, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium. Carrot juice has an excellent effect on the functioning of the intestines and relieves the symptoms of heartburn. You can drink this juice solo, or you can add healthy ingredients to it.

Carrot juice with celery

Simply mix equal parts freshly squeezed carrot juice and celery juice.

Carrot juice with parsley, spinach and celery

You will need:

  • - 65 milliliters of freshly drawn carrot juice;
  • - 65 milliliters of freshly extracted parsley juice;
  • - 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed spinach juice;
  • - 16 milliliters of freshly squeezed celery juice.

Mix all the above ingredients and drink to your health.

Carrot juice with spinach and green pepper

You will need:

  • - six carrots;
  • - three green peppers;
  • - cabbage and spinach leaves.

Rinse all foods thoroughly. Pass the carrots through the juicer first, then the peppers, then the cabbage and spinach leaves.

Carrot juice with green pepper and cucumber

You will need:

  • - three carrots;
  • - half a green pepper;
  • - one cucumber;
  • - cabbage leaves.

It is enough to pass all the products through the juicer and mix.

Beetroot juice: removes toxins

Really, beet juice contains a huge amount of useful substances and microelements, and also perfectly removes toxins from the body.

Beetroot and carrot juice

You will need:

  • - two beets;
  • - three carrots;
  • - one spoon of lime juice.

Wash and peel the vegetables, pass through a juicer and add lime juice.

Beetroot and carrot juice with cucumber

You will need:

  • — 100 milliliters of freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • — 30 ​​milliliters of freshly squeezed beet juice;
  • - 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed cucumber juice.

Pass all the vegetables through a juicer and mix. That's all! This juice perfectly cleanses the intestines, which means it is very useful for weight loss.

Cabbage juice: improve metabolism

Cabbage juice speeds up metabolism very well and has a positive effect on intestinal function. Two kilograms of cabbage yield one liter of juice; it can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container. Add other ingredients to it and it will become even more useful.

Cabbage juice with celery and tomato

You will need:

  • - 100 grams of cabbage;
  • - two bunches of celery;
  • - one medium tomato.

Select the most from the cabbage head best leaves. Pass the cabbage and tomato through a juicer and add finely chopped celery.

Cabbage juice with carrots

You will need:

  • - one quarter of a head of cabbage;
  • - six carrots.

Rinse cabbage leaves and carrots, pass through a juicer and mix. Drink and look beautiful!

Of course, this is only a small part of all possible options preparing freshly squeezed juices. Get creative and mix up vegetable cocktails to suit your taste.

The main thing is to do it and be healthy!

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