First food for nursing mothers. A nursing mother should not be hungry! Allergic foods

A baby needs breast milk to grow healthy. The quality of feeding depends on the foods the mother eats and the lifestyle she leads. The nursing mother’s menu directly determines whether the baby’s body will receive the necessary substances. Nutritional errors during breastfeeding can cause constipation, poisoning and allergic reactions in the child. To avoid similar cases Choosing a menu in accordance with the recommendations will help. Prohibited foods will need to be excluded from the diet.

During the first months, the baby adapts to the world and lifestyle, so gas and diarrhea are possible. It won't even help proper nutrition when breastfeeding, because the baby must get used to receiving food not through the umbilical cord. When preparing a nurse's diet, an important step will be consultation with an experienced pediatrician. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the mother’s body - existing allergies to some products that are allowed during breastfeeding.

On the menu, a nursing mother learns many prohibited and healthy dishes. But the characteristics of a particular organism should be taken into account. To control the menu for the week, keep a notebook. Write down what foods you ate and the baby’s subsequent reaction. This will keep your nutrition under control during breastfeeding.

The diet of a nursing mother requires forgetting about the following food components:

  • alcohol is the enemy of children;
  • fruits from exotic countries. A child's stomach is not adapted to such food. Such foods are not eaten while breastfeeding;
  • some types of sweet foods and chocolate, baked dough products cannot be included in the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn;
  • sausages, salami and ham should not be eaten while breastfeeding;
  • sauerkraut is prohibited. You can't eat radishes. Radishes should be excluded. Some types of cheeses are included in the diet when feeding a newborn;
  • teas of various popular varieties and any coffee. For six months, a mother's diet while breastfeeding requires abstaining from consuming these drinks. Allowed special types teas intended for lactation;
  • fatty types of meat, as well as lard, are excluded from the diet during lactation;
  • semi-finished products.
  • smoked meats are those foods that the nurse should not eat. Fish, sausage or meat that have undergone similar processing are excluded from the diet when breastfeeding a newborn;
  • soda;
  • hot spices and spicy vegetables are something that the nurse should not eat. It is prohibited to consume various hot sauces. They are harmful to newborns.

The diet of a nursing mother requires the exclusion of allergenic components: fruits - apples and citruses, as well as some vegetables like carrots. Having studied the list of prohibited foods when breastfeeding, do not be upset, because there are healthy foods that should be added to the list of dishes.

What can be added to the nurse's diet?

Knowing what you can eat while breastfeeding, a mother will protect her child from many childhood diseases. The baby's body will be satisfied useful substances which will promote healthy growth. It is allowed to add dishes during breastfeeding, which are listed in the list of permitted products:

  • greens - dill, lettuce, parsley;
  • black currants and gooseberries are sources of vitamin C for nursing mothers and babies;
  • cod fillet, perch. Nutrition during lactation requires large quantity squirrel;
  • zucchini and pumpkin for healthy growth;
  • cottage cheese and yogurt natural origin saturate the body with calcium for healthy development of the skeleton and teeth. Recipes for this period include cottage cheese casserole;
  • eat oatmeal and other cereal porridges for good digestion;
  • broccoli and also cauliflower replenish the list of products;
  • compotes, for which dried fruits and rose hips are used;
  • quail eggs is on the list of products allowed during breastfeeding;
  • mineral and spring water are necessary for nutrition during lactation;
  • hard cheeses;
  • baked or boiled potatoes– this is something that a nursing mother can eat;
  • types of meat with a low fat content - beef, pork. Bird will also work;
  • cutlets created in a double boiler diversify the nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth;
  • Rye bread.

It’s good if the products included in the breastfeeding menu please the woman. If you eat with pleasure, this will have a positive effect on whether children are willing to breastfeed. Food should be eaten no later than 3 hours after it is prepared. When following a postpartum diet for a nursing mother, food consumption should occur 5-6 times a day between feedings, more often when appetite arises. A woman's body does not do two things at once. The body either produces milk or digests food. A nursing mother of a newborn should drink on demand, as well as in the morning and 20 minutes before meals. Compotes up to 2 liters daily.

Sample menu during feeding period

The well-being of her son or daughter depends on what a nursing mother can eat. You should be especially careful about your diet after the birth of your baby. There is a well-known misconception that you need to eat a lot in order to have the required amount. breast milk. But the composition of the products is of paramount importance. Let's take a closer look sample menu nursing mother for a week.

A detailed table will help with this:

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MonSalad of permitted vegetables. Baked potato. A little herring.Biscuits and special tea for nurses. Cheese pancakes seasoned with low fat sour cream.Rassolnik and buckwheat porridge. Meatballs and compote.Cookies, banana and kefir.Bread and butter and green tea. Casserole made from natural cottage cheese.
WOatmeal. You can add raisins.Cookies and kefir.Lenten borscht with sour cream. Fruit juice. Vegetable pudding.Tea from useful herbs to increase lactation. Marshmallows and baked apples.Dumplings with cottage cheese “lazy”. Cookies with delicious yogurt.
WedBlack bread, brushed with fresh butter. Mashed potatoes with steam cutlet.Compote made from dried fruits. Vitamin salad from fresh vegetables(except cucumbers and tomatoes).Millet porridge. Diet while feeding infant allows you to eat soup with the addition of meatballs.Special tea with cookies. Steamed rice porridge.Kefir.
ThuSteamed fish and vegetable salad. Mashed potatoes and rosehip broth.Black bread with butter and a strip of cheese.Some pasta and stewed rabbit meat. Soup with buckwheat.Fruits and sweet cottage cheese.Bun with kefir.
FriBoiled turkey meat with boiled potatoes will be an excellent nutritional supplement during breastfeeding.Banana, natural yogurt.Corn porridge. Fresh salad of various vegetables and rice soup.Cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream are limited to the afternoon snack in this menu - for a nursing mother for a week.Bread and butter, and marshmallows for dessert.
SatBoiled pasta sprinkled with cheese. Carrot salad and boiled egg with tea and rye bread.Vinaigrette, rosehip infusion.Schnitzel, pumpkin soup. Make a healthy celery salad.Baked apples.Bread, and for dessert - marshmallows. Curd casserole with raisins. Healthy tea.
SunBeef meatballs, oatmeal. Pastila is an ideal postpartum nutrition dessert for nursing mothers.Scrambled eggs or omelet. Rosehip decoction - useful component nutrition for a nursing mother.Mashed potatoes, carrot salad. Fish soup and liver pate. As a drink - chicory.Cookies and kefir are what you are allowed to eat during feeding.Bread with fresh butter and recommended tea. Vegetable stew.

Mommy needs to not only adhere to the recommendations given, but also listen to the opinion of the pediatrician. If colic occurs in a baby, it is necessary to exclude legumes, grapes, ice cream, chocolate, fresh baked goods, sauerkraut or fresh cabbage from the nurse’s menu. You should strictly follow the diet for your mother while breastfeeding and write down what the nurse ate.

Menu features throughout the year

IN at different ages infant nutrition during breastfeeding may vary. As the baby grows, some foods will become available. Let's take a look at the recommended dishes for a nursing mother by month:

  1. In the first 14 days, the diet when breastfeeding a newborn allows kefir, cottage cheese, porridge with water, boiled vegetables, dried bread, soup without frying, special teas and rosehip infusion.
  2. From 1 to 3 months, dried fruit compote, millet, and wheat porridge are allowed. Low-fat sour cream and lightly salted cheeses, beef, raw vegetables, rabbit meat.
  3. From 3 to 6 months, the list of what you can eat while breastfeeding expands with beets and nuts. Pork is allowed to be consumed with low content fat Add freshly pressed juices to your diet. Pepper and thyme – very little.
  4. From 6 to 9 months, honey is added to the list of dishes during breastfeeding. The consumption of red fish is limited. At this stage, feeding allows some beans or peas and garlic.
  5. After 9 months to the 12th month, the young mother has the opportunity to add lemons to her diet during breastfeeding.

Attention: allergens

Nutrition for a nursing mother after childbirth involves excluding some foods that are most harmful. In addition to alcohol and canned food, these are:

  • milk. There is a popular belief that the diet for mothers while breastfeeding includes goat milk for saturation with nutrients. But such an approach can lead to the development of lactose allergy in a child. You won’t have to give up dairy products in the form of kefir and yogurt;
  • egg whites. Especially chicken ones, because goose and duck ones are less dangerous. Eggs can be eaten hard-boiled while breastfeeding. Quails pose the least danger to a baby.
  • When feeding during lactation, fresh meat should be placed in the freezer to reduce the concentration of allergens.

For the health of the child, proper nutrition for a nursing mother must be combined with proper rest during sleep for 8 hours. A woman will be able to please herself with foods that will be prohibited after the end of the feeding period, but until then, care should be taken in preparing the diet. The health and full development of the baby depends on this. Mom who fed healthy food, following the rules of diets when feeding newborns, provided children healthy growth.

The mother's body requires complete special food after childbirth for nursing mothers difficult period pregnancy. After childbirth, the baby needs comfortable adaptation to new conditions and way of eating. All these factors require a responsible approach to creating postpartum diets for nursing mothers.

A mother and her baby are very closely related. Even after birth, the baby receives those elements and nutrients, which the mother consumes, and the same toxins if she abuses harmful products, alcohol, etc.

Knowing this, a nursing mother should plan her diet wisely and understandingly so that her nutrition is healthy, correct and complete. It will not be the same from month to month, as in terms of useful properties products, and from the point of view of possible harm.

Choosing a diet is a big responsibility for a nursing mother, because the quality of milk and the health of the baby depend on it. To ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible, you should listen to the advice of experts. The menu cannot be thought out for the entire feeding period; it changes from week to week, from month to month

Many foods, healthy or simply familiar, that we eat every day can cause poisoning, bowel disorders or serious allergic reactions in a newborn. It is believed that the number of meals a mother eats should coincide with the number of feedings of a newborn baby.

There are tables containing sample menus for feeding a nursing woman, which are compiled taking into account the age of the child. Such tables, offered, for example, by Dr. Komarovsky, are a good guide when drawing up your own nutrition system.

Products for a nursing mother: basics of choice

  • safety;
  • quality;
  • completeness that comes from diversity.

These are the basic principles, guided by which, you can draw up balanced menu. Safety is determined by the ability of the products to nourish the baby through mother's milk without causing little man harm, including without leading to allergies or digestive disorders. It is also determined by freshness. It's better to use authentic ones food products(that is, those that grow in your home region).

The quality of a product is determined by its composition (for example, you need to eat real cottage cheese, not curd product), containing unnecessary or hazardous substances(pesticides, toxins). Diversity is determined by the ability to include in your menu all types of permitted products, from lactic acid products to red fish meat.

The food consumed has a partial (albeit quite large) influence on the quality of breast milk, mainly on its micronutrient content ( vitamin complex and minerals), and partly on fat content. Mom's mood, her physical state and other factors also affect the mother’s body’s product, which is so necessary for the baby.

For normal lactation great importance has not only diet, but also drinking regime. A nursing mother should drink at least 2, and preferably 2 to 3 liters clean water per day.

In addition to nutrition, a major role is also played by psycho-emotional state. If a young mother is depressed, nervous, sad, hormones are released into the blood, which then penetrate into the milk. They can worsen physical health and affect the baby’s fragile nervous system

Baby from 0 to 1 month: what do we eat?

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The first month of a baby’s life is the most important in terms of the mother’s choice of foods in her diet. A child has just been born: what should his mother eat to help her fragile body adapt? During this period, the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn should be complete. However, it is worth choosing products whose ability to cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and flatulence is minimal. These useful products include:

  • eggs (you can eat quail or chicken, but it’s better to refrain from eating duck eggs) – 1 egg every three days;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal, less often wheat;
  • lean white poultry, rabbit (some recommend veal);
  • dairy products(cottage cheese, kefir);
  • boiled and steamed vegetables (raw ones can be introduced after the 1st week, one product at a time, so that if an allergy occurs, immediately exclude it from the menu);
  • baked apples (some recommend raw);
  • vegetable oil(corn, olive or sunflower) - 15 grams per day;
  • butter - up to 30 grams per day;
  • durum wheat pasta (sometimes);
  • dried fruit compote (apples, prunes, dried apricots);
  • apple juice (no more than 1 glass per day);
  • homemade marshmallows or marshmallows natural products(no more than once a week) (we recommend reading:).

In the first month, it is necessary to exclude from the diet salted and canned foods, grapes, mayonnaise, ketchups, adjika, cabbage (namely white cabbage), products made from cocoa beans, baked goods, sausages, nuts, coffee, strong black and green teas, alcohol of any strength, and others on the recommendation of a doctor.

Such products cause digestive upset in the baby, some are allergens, and some (for example, alcohol) are toxic to the baby’s body.

For a child from 1 to 3 months: replenishing the menu

The diet of a nursing mother of a newborn at the age of 1 to 3 months becomes freer, her table is replenished:

  • lean beetroot soup (some experts allow adding a little tomato juice);
  • a small amount of nuts, except pistachios and peanuts (according to some recommendations, it is better to include the consumption of nuts for the period from 3 months);
  • raw fruits (preferably homemade), you need to include them gradually, adding one product at a time;
  • homemade jam (in small quantities).

During this period, it is strictly not recommended to break the diet, including whole cow's milk, full-fat sour cream, meat broths, baked goods, cocoa beans, coffee, strong tea, and raisins in the menu. Other foods may also be excluded from a woman’s diet on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

A pediatrician can help give advice on the optimal diet for mom. He will check the baby’s condition, calculate compliance with weight standards, and conduct neurological tests. It happens that mom needs to exclude some foods, although they are formally allowed

The baby grows, the diet expands: from 3 to 6 months

After the newborn has lived through its first three months, has matured and become stronger, the diet is softened for the nursing mother. The diet is becoming more varied, but the entire previous list of prohibited foods is still relevant.

Mom is allowed to turn on fresh juices or fruit drinks (they should be squeezed before use):

  • pumpkin;
  • apple;
  • carrot;
  • beetroot

The diet during this period allows you to eat pearl barley and wheat porridge, and allows the consumption of fresh onions. Whole cow's milk is still not recommended. Although, according to some sources, tea with milk - good remedy for lactation. And if the child is not allergic to cow protein or lactose intolerance, such a remedy is quite applicable.

Freshly squeezed homemade juices - excellent remedy for a nursing mother, adding a lot of vitamins to the diet. They should be prepared immediately before use, and avoid adding chemical preservatives to the product (even citric acid)

Menu from six months to 1 year

The body of six-month-old children is quite capable of withstanding fried foods in the diet of a nursing mother (we recommend reading:). Food should not be too browned or greasy. Very slowly, in minimal portions, you can diversify your table with exotic foods by introducing oranges, tangerines, and kiwis into your diet.

You can try eating a little garlic (although children usually find the garlic taste and smell of milk unpleasant), legumes (for example, borscht with beans), seafood and a small portion of chocolate.

Don't switch to a regular diet modern man, the more sharply. When feeding a child of this age, mommy still needs to eat mostly cooked foods.

The diet of a nursing woman allows you to include the following products in the menu:

  • all types of meat consumed in previous periods and beef;
  • the range of cereals is expanding, including corn and rice;
  • legumes (peas and beans);
  • different types of fish and seafood (preferably boiled or stewed);
  • Bran bread, white, dried;
  • nuts (exceptions are pistachios and peanuts);
  • all kinds of baked vegetables;
  • quail and chicken eggs (duck, goose and others should not be consumed for now) (more details in the article:);
  • cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk (we recommend reading:);
  • boiled potatoes, or baked;
  • onions and garlic in small quantities;
  • juices and fruit drinks;
  • compotes and decoctions (mainly from dried fruits and rose hips);
  • weak tea (green and black) without additives or flavorings.

Pivot table by month

MonthCanCarefullyIt is forbidden
From birth to 1
  • boiled/baked turkey, rabbit
  • Not fatty fish(cod, hake, pike perch, carp)
  • boiled/stewed/baked vegetables (potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini)
  • fruits ( green apple, pear, banana)
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes)
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal)
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, yogurt, kefir, yogurt)
  • cottage cheese and cheese
  • whole grain bread, crackers, biscuits
  • vegetable broths
  • whole milk
  • chicken eggs
  • pasta
  • cookie
  • seafood, red fish, caviar
  • mushrooms
  • pates
  • sausage and frankfurters
  • soft cheese
  • gas-forming vegetables (cabbage, celery)
  • allergenic fruits (red apples, grapes, kiwi, pineapples, strawberries)
  • citrus
  • coffee and cocoa
  • cream cakes, nuts
From 1 to 3Plus:
  • lean beef, chicken
  • corn, millet, rice porridge
  • meat broths
  • bright vegetables, fresh and boiled (beets, carrots, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, radish)
  • fruits (apricots, peaches, plums, cherries), melon and watermelon
  • homemade jam
From 3 to 6Plus:
  • boiled beets, carrots, pumpkin
  • tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden
From 6Plus:
  • lean pork (carb)
  • legumes
  • nuts
  • seafood/boiled red fish

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky and his advice are very popular today. Many women correlate their menu with its recommendations for breastfeeding. The basis of the diet of a nursing mother according to Komarovsky is healthy food, A should be excluded:

  • herbs (including garlic and onions);
  • Exotic fruits, primarily citrus fruits;
  • products containing any types of preservatives and dyes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • condensed milk;
  • all types of dressings for dishes (primarily mayonnaise, ketchup and adjika);
  • pasta in large quantities;
  • all kinds of fast food;
  • sausages and store-bought semi-finished products;
  • pickles, smoked meats, marinades;
  • products containing GMOs.

Why is this diet needed?

Many women believe that it is not necessary to follow these recommendations. Nothing bad will happen if they eat as usual - the child will adapt faster. Some appeal to the experience of their friends, who barely drank and smoked everything they wanted. And their children survived. Of course, children's bodies are different, and what is destructive for one, another can withstand. But this does not mean that there will be no consequences.

Gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the hepatobiliary system and digestive organs that overtake a person in adulthood, strange as it may sound, depend not only on the lifestyle he leads, but also on how his mother ate before and after giving birth, while she was feeding him with her milk.

Proper nutrition for women and healthy image life will not be able to protect her child from diseases that he will receive based on his choice life path. But at the same time, they will significantly reduce the risk of developing a whole set of diseases and ensure full development (of both body and intellect). In any case, they will serve as significant prerequisites for the fact that the child was healthy, had strong immunity and a quick mind.

If a woman is breastfeeding, this imposes certain restrictions on her, primarily regarding nutrition. A nursing mother, like a pregnant woman, should not eat for two: overeating will not bring anything good to either mother or baby.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

But this is not the time to go on a diet to lose weight; food should be higher in calories than usual. It is necessary to be as attentive as possible to your diet, and not only by including in it necessary products, but also excluding unacceptable ones that can harm the baby.

The need for a proper diet during breastfeeding

There is a relationship between a woman's diet and the quality of breast milk. Beneficial and harmful substances from foods that a woman eats during lactation pass into breast milk, which serves as the main food for the baby.

The chain is as follows: eaten foods are digested in the stomach and intestines, nutrients enter the woman’s blood and with it to all organs, including the cells of the mammary gland, and from there they enter the milk. To a certain extent mammary glands are a filter, and not all unwanted substances pass from the blood into the milk. And yet, the woman, to some extent, feeds the child with what she eats herself.

The child eats what his mother eats!

Important good nutrition during lactation, not only for the child, but also for the woman herself, because during this period the body recovers after pregnancy and childbirth, and its reserves are also spent on the formation of milk. IN postpartum period increased susceptibility of women to various diseases, allergies may occur, intestinal microflora may be disrupted, and poor nutrition provokes such conditions.

Any illness of the mother affects both the quantity and quality of breast milk, and the mood and well-being of the child, who is very dependent on the mother. A strict diet followed by a nursing mother may result in the child being picky about food, so all restrictions should be reasonable and not excessive.

What a nursing mother should not eat - food list

Many foods that are normally accepted by a woman herself can cause allergic reactions in a breastfed baby in the form of a rash, diarrhea, and spasms. respiratory tract posing a threat to life.

A number of foods cause stomach upset, gas, and colic.

Some have adverse effects on the nervous system.

Finally, there are products that simply give milk an unpleasant taste.

Therefore, any mother is interested in such questions as what a nursing mother should absolutely not eat, what she should not eat in the first month after giving birth, and what to eat to avoid colic. Consider the list of prohibited foods when breastfeeding:

  • Alcohol- the first taboo for a nursing mother. It contains dangerous toxins that cause the death of brain cells and is very dangerous for the immature liver of a newborn, and for all other organs. Children of drinking mothers may experience drowsiness, lethargy, slow weight gain, and delayed mental and motor development. How younger child and the lower his weight, the slower alcohol is removed from the body, and a dose that is harmless for an adult for an infant may be excessive.
  • Strong tea and coffee- have a stimulating effect and adversely affect the nervous system. If it is difficult to give up these tonic drinks, drink only weak ones, preferably with the addition of milk. Better yet, go to herbal teas, promoting lactation and not having a stimulating effect.
  • Onion garlic, richly seasoned with spices, spicy dishes - affect the taste of milk. The main danger is not even that the child will remain hungry, not wanting to drink milk with a specific taste, but that he may refuse to breastfeed. In addition, spices can cause stomach upset.
  • Chocolate, exotic fruits, especially citrus fruits, fruits with orange and red colors, crayfish and shrimp are the most famous allergenic foods. The dangers of allergens for a baby have already been discussed above. It is better to completely exclude foods that cause allergies in the vast majority of people from the diet so as not to provoke them. Highly allergenic products also include:
  • seafood delicacies, fatty fish, caviar;
  • fatty dairy and fermented milk products, cheeses, especially sharp ones;
  • pickles, marinades, canned food, sauces containing preservatives, spicy foods;
  • smoked meats, sausages, eggs;
  • wheat, semolina, oatmeal;
  • nuts, peanuts, exotic dried fruits, honey, caramel; products containing flavors and dyes.
  • Carbonated drinks, especially lemonade. Contained even in mineral water carbon dioxide causes fermentation processes, bloating, and can provoke gas colic. And all kinds of lemonades and sweet sodas are also allergens due to high content preservatives, flavors, dyes. Juices should also be treated with caution, if possible, use homemade fresh juices rather than store-bought ones. Juices with bright colors - tomato, orange, red grapes, red apples - can also be allergens.
  • Sugar and sweets, legumes, black bread, grapes. Like carbonated drinks, they stimulate the processes of fermentation and gas formation. cucumbers, White cabbage, apple peel also have a bad reputation as foods that cause colic and indigestion. If the child reacts normally to their presence in the mother’s diet, they can be eaten, but in moderation.
  • Fatty foods. Fatty varieties fish and dairy products have already been mentioned among the allergens. Nursing mothers should also avoid fatty meat and lard; the saturated fatty acids they contain increase the fat content of milk and are poorly digested by the baby’s developing gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sweets, baked goods, bakery products, fatty foods They are also undesirable in the diet of a nursing mother because they do not provide any benefit and can cause weight gain. After childbirth, when hormonal changes occur and there is not enough time to exercise, this can be a serious problem.
  • Medications. A few words should be said about products that are not food, but the use of which by a nursing mother is also subject to restrictions. This medications. Pharmacological drugs It should be taken only in case of brief need; the instructions usually contain information about the admissibility of taking this drug during lactation. Sometimes it is recommended to take the drug only if the expected therapeutic effect exceeds possible harm body, and only a doctor can decide this.

Basic principles of nutrition during breastfeeding:

  • As few restrictions as possible! Most often, it is dietary restrictions, not its diversity, that are harmful to the health of mother and child.
  • The diet of a nursing mother in composition and quantity should be as close as possible to the diet of a normal healthy person leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • If you don’t know whether a particular product that you intend to eat can harm a child, think about whether it can harm an adult who is worried about his health? If you find that the product is safe, then most likely it will not harm the child in any way.

Rules for following a hypoallergenic diet

In addition to products, with high probability There are many less pronounced allergens that cause allergies.

This intermediate category between allergens and hypoallergenic products includes organ meats, potatoes and legumes, green bell peppers, apricots, watermelons, currants and cranberries, biscuits and grain breads.

They need to be introduced into the diet little by little at first, and the child’s reaction should be monitored.

Eat what grows in your area.

Until the baby is 3 months old, the mother should not consume even potential allergens of moderate activity. The rules for expanding the diet of a nursing mother are in many ways similar to the rules for introducing complementary foods. Good habit– keep a food diary, which reflects the mother’s diet, especially innovations in it, and the baby’s reaction.

You should introduce no more than two new foods that can cause allergies per month, waiting 2 weeks. possible reaction. In terms of allergic reactions, the safest fruits are those growing in your area.

When not to breastfeed?
Doctors prohibit breastfeeding a child after drinking alcohol. You cannot feed until the mother is completely sober, although the critical concentration of alcohol in the milk will be 30 minutes after drinking.
Only after the liver has processed the alcohol, after about two hours, can the baby be put to the breast.

Video “Diet for a nursing mother”

Watch our video about proper nutrition for a breastfeeding mother and find out how to properly structure your diet so that it is complete and nutritious for your baby:

Diet of a nursing mother and the age of the baby

The first month of breastfeeding is especially important, and the nutrition of a nursing woman during this period deserves the closest monitoring. It is undesirable to eat whole cow's milk, sour cream, rich broths, raw vegetables and fruits, fresh white bread, raisins in the first month, and prohibited in the first ten days after childbirth.

Hypoallergenic diet and minimizing foods causing bloating abdominal pain (gas, flatulence, colic) the first 3 months are especially important. Fried foods should not be introduced into a mother’s diet until the baby is six months old.

ABOUT correct use. Finish feeding painlessly and safely.

Is it possible while breastfeeding? Instructions. How to fight a cold during breastfeeding.

Let's sum it up

The diet of a nursing mother is very important because it affects:

  • quantity and quality of milk;
  • recovery female body after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • disease resistance;
  • formation of the child’s eating habits.

The calorie content of food consumed by a woman during lactation must be increased by 300-500 calories, but not at the expense of sweets, baked goods, and fats.

A woman’s diet should be as complete and varied as possible, but some foods should be avoided.

The “black list” includes:

  • alcohol;
  • allergens;
  • products that cause gas formation, stomach upset;
  • tonic drinks containing caffeine;
  • products with a specific taste and smell, hot, spicy;
  • foods with high fat content.

The mother’s diet should be expanded gradually, monitoring the child’s reaction to new dishes; the first 3 months of restrictions are more strict, so you should carefully study the list of what a nursing mother should not eat. The diet of a nursing mother shapes the child’s food preferences, and by strictly limiting herself during breastfeeding, the mother risks growing up to be picky, so all prohibitions are good in moderation.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Many mothers know that pregnancy and breastfeeding “suck all the juices out of the body,” adding many health problems to existing ones if you do not approach the issue of nutrition correctly. Regular use healthy products- this is a guarantee of the quality and quantity of milk, the health of mother and baby, as well as strength, which you simply cannot do without during this difficult, energy-consuming period.

What foods on a nursing mother's table will be the healthiest?

  1. Fish
    First of all, we are talking about salmon - the most invaluable product for a nursing mother. Why? Because it is in salmon that you will find that “set” of polyunsaturated fatty acids, on which development depends nervous system crumbs and mother’s health and mood (these elements are an excellent means for prevention postpartum depression). To avoid an allergy to protein in the baby, the mother should eat salmon in measured quantities - a piece of 60-80 g is enough (maximum 350 g per week of any salmon). And of course, during the feeding period, eating salmon in salted and smoked form is excluded.

    What are the benefits of salmon:
    • No carbohydrates.
    • A large amount of protein (almost half of the product).
    • Restoring the balance of microelements/vitamins by consuming 70 g of salmon at least once a week.
  2. Dairy
    During the feeding period, dairy products are extremely important for mothers as a source of protein, vitamins B and D, calcium for skeletal system crumbs. To replenish the body's resources for your own needs and the needs of the baby, you should consume kefirs, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, cheese (grainy and semi-hard) and cottage cheese, cheesecakes and condensed milk (sugar-free) daily. cottage cheese casseroles etc.

    As for the whole cow's milk– it is recommended to exclude it from the diet for a while in order to avoid allergies in the baby.
  3. Lean meat and oil
    This product refers to the iron-containing foods necessary for mothers to replenish the deficiency of energy, vitamin B12 and protein. We are talking about boiled meat(or meatballs, meatballs, etc.) of the following varieties - white poultry, tongue, beef, rabbit, turkey.

    Meat should be included in the menu at least every other day (preferably daily).
    Don't forget about the oil: daily ration of this product – 15 g of sunflower and about 25 g of cream.
  4. Nuts
    This product is also indispensable for mom. But only after careful checking for allergic reaction and a little bit (20 g per day, no more). The properties of nuts are different - each nut has its own. And some can even cause harm.

    Therefore, we remember:
    • Cedar
      The most useful for a nursing mother. Advantages: least allergenic, high nutritional index, easy digestibility, no harmful effects irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate regeneration processes, help in the healing of mucous membranes, etc.
    • Walnuts
      These nuts increase the fat content/digestibility of milk due to their unsaturated omega-3 acids. The main thing is not to get carried away, in order to avoid colic and bloating in the baby. It is also worth remembering the high allergenicity walnuts(start introducing them with caution).
    • Almond
      Thanks to antioxidants, it helps reduce fatigue and helps fight exhaustion.
    • Coconut
      Useful for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rich in fiber, protein and vitamins A, E.

    The most allergic nuts are hazelnuts and peanuts. It is better to refrain from using them during feeding.

  5. Fruit drinks, fruits
    Everyone knows about the benefits of fruits and their drinks for nursing mothers. Experts recommend drinking berry/fruit drinks and fruits twice a day - an excellent source of vitamins for mother and baby (in total about 300 g of fruits/berries + 200-300 ml of drinks).

    The most useful will be:
    • Blueberries, sweet cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries.
    • Cherries, plums (in compotes, decoctions, purees), pears (without peel, with caution), apples (without peel, baked), bananas (a source of potassium), peaches (“vitamins” for depression), apricots.
    • Juices and other drinks with pulp - canned and fresh. It is better to give preference to drinks intended for feeding babies.

    Tropical fruits should be excluded during feeding. And also red and orange flowers. The main rule when introducing a new fruit into the diet: 3 days to test, without mixing with other fruits. If there is no allergy, then you can use it.

  6. Brown rice
    If there is a dialing problem excess weight is present (in mother or baby) - it’s time to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. But it’s right to reduce it – while maintaining your activity and milk quality. Brown rice will help with this, as it will replenish the mother’s energy reserves and provide the body with the number of calories necessary to produce full-fledged, high-quality milk. Just replace your usual white rice with brown rice.

    Useful properties of the product:
    • Availability of necessary dietary fiber and gamma oryzanol.
    • The presence of amino acids, rich chemical composition.
    • Helps with the appearance of edema (removes excess fluid).
    • Lack of gluten (gluten).
    • Astringent and enveloping effect.
    • Replenishing the deficiency of mineral salts.
    • Improved sleep, complexion, hair condition (with regular use).
    • Nutrition of the nervous system (B vitamins).
    • Removal of toxins, radionuclides and waste.

    And many, many other useful properties.

  7. Eggs
    For the growth of the baby and the formation of its skeletal system, the most useful element– vitamin D. And egg yolk– this is its universal source. True, with chicken eggs you'll have to wait a little - they are very powerful allergens (especially egg whites). But quail eggs will come in very handy in my mother’s diet.

    Beneficial features:
    • Lots of vitamins.
    • Easy to digest.
    • Prevention of many viral diseases.
    • Helps with the functioning of the heart and digestive system.
    • The presence of proteins, fats and folic acid for normalization hormonal levels moms.

    Of course, you should not attack the eggs - start carefully (as with chicken eggs). For starters, no more than 1 egg per day. This product can be consumed raw, but during the feeding period it is recommended to eat them exclusively in boiled form.

  8. Whole wheat bread
    Not only future mom needs folic acid - a nursing mother needs it no less. And also for the little ones - for normal operation organs and systems. And whole grain bread, muesli and pasta made from coarse flour. These products are a source of folic acid, iron, fiber, vitamin B, etc.

    Whole grain bread will also help solve gastrointestinal problems, reduce hunger, and recharge useful energy. The product is also useful for anemia, high cholesterol, impaired functioning of the nervous system. A couple of slices of bread in the morning or at lunch is enough.
  9. Green vegetables
    Much has been written about the properties of green vegetables, but for nursing mothers they will be especially useful - it is green vegetables (as well as herbs) that contain the “ammunition” of vitamins that a woman needs during the period of feeding her baby.

    Green vegetables are...
    • Vitamin A, calcium.
    • Iron, vitamin C.
    • Antioxidants.
    • Low calorie content.
    • Fiber, etc.

    IN daily menu There must be at least 400 g of fresh or thermally processed vegetables. First of all, we pay attention to green salad and herbs, broccoli, zucchini and spinach.
    And, of course, don’t forget about pumpkin, carrots, beets, eggplants - they won’t be superfluous either.

  10. Dried fruits
    This product is a “shock” spectrum of vitamins, coupled with carbohydrates, organic acids, fiber, etc. Dried fruits that are most beneficial for a nursing mother are dried apricots and prunes. It is recommended to consume about 100 g of dried fruits per day. True, not in the first 2 weeks of feeding - a little later, otherwise the baby’s tummy simply will not cope with so many microelements.

    It is best to use dried fruits in compotes, and in dry form - after the child is 3 months old. You should not eat dried fruits by the handful, mixing raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Start small and introduce one fruit at a time.
The content of the article:

The menu after childbirth for a nursing mother must be drawn up with special responsibility, because the menu after childbirth in the first day or first days is slightly different from the usual diet of a nursing woman. In this article, we wrote in detail what you can eat immediately after giving birth, during the first week and month.

For every mother, the first month of a child’s life is a very important period. New worries and new questions arise - the young mother is completely immersed in her new life and often forgets about her needs. But pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period also take a lot of energy from a woman, so she needs proper rest and good food. Moreover, it is very important to establish proper nutrition after childbirth in order to avoid many problems in the future. It is in the first month, with the help of mother’s milk, that the baby’s future health is formed, so at this time the nursing mother’s diet is quite strict. Let's take a closer look at what a woman can eat after giving birth in order to bring as much benefit as possible to her baby.

Why is the first month so important?

A mother’s diet in the first month after giving birth is slightly different from the usual diet of a nursing woman. The process of lactation has begun, so you need to ensure proper nutrition during this period, which will help solve several important issues:

Extend breastfeeding as much as possible;

Provide your baby and your body with all the substances, microelements and vitamins necessary for health;

Help the baby adapt to a new life, prevent the occurrence adverse reactions and intestinal disorders in the baby;

In the first weeks of breastfeeding, the lactation process is only established, so proper nutrition will help regulate this process. For this purpose, the mother’s menu in the first month after childbirth should be balanced, nutritious and complete in composition. Each new product must be introduced into the diet with great care in order to be able to analyze its effect on the child.

Potato soup with cereals

To prepare this dish you will need:

500 g meat;
3 liters of water;
½ cup of any cereal (barley, rice, millet, semolina);
7 medium sized potatoes;
1 carrot;
2 onions;

Preparation: ready meat broth put the washed cereal, 20-25 minutes after boiling, put chopped potatoes and other vegetables into the broth, which can be lightly fried beforehand. Next, add salt to taste and cook until tender. This soup will also be delicious with fish broth. Pearl barley should first be filled with water in a separate container for swelling.

Fish stewed with vegetables


Fillet lean fish;
1 medium-sized beetroot;
1 carrot;
sunflower oil:

Preparation: Grease a cauldron or other deep dish with sunflower oil, place a row of beets and carrots cut into strips or thin slices on the bottom of which, place a layer of chopped fish on top and add salt to taste. Cook the dish covered, over low heat, without disturbing. In half an hour the dish will be ready.

Milk porridge with oat flakes


1 liter of milk;
4 tbsp. oatmeal;
sugar to taste;
1 tbsp. butter;
salt to taste.

Preparation: Bring the milk to a boil and add the cereal. Add salt and sugar to taste, cook with regular stirring for 20-25 minutes. Put the oil in ready dish, to which you can also add any permitted fruit.

Grilled vegetables with chicken fillet


500 g chicken fillet;
3-4 sweet fruits bell pepper;
1 zucchini average size;
1 medium eggplant;
1 carrot;
vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Preparation: Bake the washed vegetables, remove the skins, cut into pieces. Cook chicken fillet, cool, cut into strips. Mix the chopped meat with vegetables, add salt and sunflower oil to taste.

There are a great many recipes. Now you know how to eat healthy and enjoy it. When your baby turns one month old, you can diversify your menu even more.

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