Food antioxidant E330 Citric acid. Benefits and properties of E330. Food additives E330, E260, E333, E441, E240, E476, E320, E300, E220, E220 harmful E330 food additive

Citric Acid (E-330) or Lemon acid - natural or synthetic antioxidant. Contained in many fruits: citrus fruits, cranberries, pomegranates, pineapples. The taste is purely sour, not astringent. Participates in metabolism in the body.

Shows common to all carboxylic acids properties. Salts and esters of citric acid are called citrates. When heated above -175 °C, it decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

Lemon acid registered as food supplement with code E-330

Preparation of citric acid E-330

Citric acid was previously obtained from lemon juice and shag biomass. Currently, the main route of industrial production is biosynthesis from sugar or sugary substances (molasses) by industrial strains of the mold fungus Aspergillus niger, or by fermentation of sweet waste from sugar production - molasses.

In addition, citric acid is isolated from plant materials - lemon, shag leaves, pineapple waste.

Impact on the body

Harmless. Participates in metabolism (metabolism). Individual intolerance to citric acid occurs


Lemon acid (E-330) is widely used as a flavoring additive in food products. Found in almost all fruit and vegetable juices, confectionery products, juice drinks.

Lemon acid is part of many cosmetic preparations: elixirs, lotions, creams, shampoos, hair fixatives, etc. Here it is used mainly as a pH regulator (acidity regulator).

In the oil and fat industry, citric acid protects products from the decomposing effects of traces contained in them heavy metals, by forming complex compounds with them. In this way, the likelihood of rancidity of fats, margarines and animal oils is significantly reduced.

  • International name Citric acid monohydrate
  • Formula C6H8O7 H2O / HOOC-CH2C(OH)(COOH)CH2-COOH H2O
  • Molecular weight 210.14
  • GOST 3652-69
  • CAS 5949-29-1
  • EINECS 201-069-1
  • RTECS GE-7810000
  • HS code (Unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union): 2918140000
  • GNG code (Harmonized nomenclature of goods): 29181400
  • ETSNG code (Unified Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature of Cargo): 51600
  • British Pharmacopoeia BP 93
  • United States Pharmacopoeia USP 23

The article describes the food additive (antioxidant, complexing agent, acidity regulator) citric acid (E330), its use, effect on the body, harm and benefit, composition, consumer reviews
Other additive names: citric acid, E330, E-330, E-330

Functions performed

antioxidant, complexing agent, acidity regulator

Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Citric acid, E330 - what is it?

Natural citric acid (E330) in large quantities found in citrus fruits

Citric acid (food additive E330) is a weak organic acid that can be found in fairly noticeable quantities in various vegetables and fruits, and primarily in citrus fruits. There is especially a lot of it in lemon and lime, about 8% of the dry weight of these fruits (about 47 g per liter of juice).

At normal conditions food additive E330 is a whitish, transparent, hygroscopic powder that dissolves well in water.

Citric acid is always present in the human body. Its derivatives, salts, perform important role in bone formation, helping to regulate the size of calcium crystals. In biochemistry, salts of this acid have great importance as an intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which occurs during metabolism in all aerobic organisms.

The first industrial production of citric acid from citrus juice began in Italy in 1890. Today, the main method for large-scale production of E330 additive is biosynthesis using sugar or other available sugary substances (for example, molasses) using industrial strains of the mold Aspergillus niger.

Currently, the annual global production of this acid reaches about 1.6 million tons, of which approximately half is produced in China. Today, more than 50% of the world's citric acid production is included in various drinks, serving as an acidity regulator, about 20% is used in a variety of food products, 20% is included in recipes detergents and about 10% are used in the pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetics industries.

Citric acid, E330 – effect on the body, harm or benefit?

When taken orally with food, citric acid is absolutely harmless. In reasonable doses, the E330 food additive has a beneficial effect on the human body and brings health benefits.

This substance is always present in certain quantities in the human body and is involved in metabolism, and when consumed along with food, it activates the so-called Krebs cycle, and thereby causes an acceleration of metabolism (metabolism).

Food additive E330, citric acid – use in food products

Both citric acid itself and its salts (potassium, calcium and sodium citrates) are very actively used in the production of food products and drinks (especially non-alcoholic) as a flavoring agent, preservative and acidity regulator.

Citric acid is capable of forming so-called chelate compounds (complexes), which are often used to deliver to the body all kinds of substances it needs in an easily digestible biological accessible form. The buffering properties of citrates are used to regulate pH in pharmaceuticals and household chemicals.

E330 is added to ice cream as an emulsifier to prevent the separation of fats, to caramel to reduce the crystallization of sucrose, or to food during its preparation as an alternative to fresh natural juice lemon.

This substance is present together with sodium bicarbonate in various effervescent products, both for internal use(tablets, powders), and in cosmetics ah (aromatic salts, bath bombs, etc.). The additive E330 can often be found in cleaning products and fizzy drinks.

Citric acid is also used in cooking when its preservative effect or taste qualities, and when additional flavors are not desired (for example, instead of vinegar).

Citric acid is perhaps the most popular food additive, which can always be found in almost every home. Many housewives know various ways the use of this substance in various other for domestic purposes(besides cooking). However, its properties are so diverse and amazing that it is worth telling about it in more detail.

General characteristics and formula

Chemical name substances will probably seem difficult to pronounce to a non-specialist. Try this without prior training:“two-hydroxy-one-two-tri-propanetricarboxylic acid” or, when visiting, ask your neighbor to give you THIS to add to okroshka. By the way, English version sounds much simpler: “citric acid”.

The formula of the substance looks no less impressive: HOOC-CH2-C(OH)COOH-CH2-COOH or (HOOCCH2)2C(OH)COOH or, simplified, C6H8O7. For those who remember even a little school chemistry lessons, it is clear from this formula that we are talking about an organic substance. Three carbon atoms, six oxygen atoms and three hydrogen atoms in it form three carboxyl groups (COOH), that is, we are talking about a tribasic carboxylic acid.

However, for the purposes of our article, it is not the names and formulas that are interesting, but, first of all, physical properties of this substance.

Did you know? The substance received its name due to the fact that it was first isolated from the juice of unripe lemons. We owe this important discovery for all mankind, which was made back in 1784, to the Swedish chemist and pharmacist Karl Scheele.

Everyone knows what the substance looks like. It is a white crystalline powder. In dry form, it has a melting point of +153 °C, its density is 1.542 g/cm3.

It is perfectly soluble in water, even at room temperature 132 g of the substance can be dissolved in 100 ml of water, in addition, it dissolves well in ethyl, methyl and propyl alcohol, hydrogen fluoride, formic acid, diethyl ether, dioxane, dimethyl sulfoxide. Insoluble in chloroform, toluene, carbon disulfide, benzene.

At a temperature of +175 °C, the substance forms aconitic (A) and acetone dicarboxylic (B) acids in the mixture, and upon subsequent heating - itaconic acid(it is formed due to the removal of one hydrogen particle).

During dry distillation, decarboxylation of the substance occurs (elimination of carbon dioxide and evaporation of water), resulting in the formation of acetone and anhydrides of itaconic and citraconic acid, and when calcined with alkali, salts of oxalic and acetic acid.

Citric acid salts(citrates) are formed by replacing hydrogen with the acyl residue RCO.

Due to the remoteness of the extreme carboxyl groups from each other, the substance does not actively enter into various chemical reactions, and is therefore considered a weak acid.

Sources of citric acid

Considered organic matter It is quite widespread in nature, and it is found not only in lemons, where its amount can reach 8%, but also in other citrus fruits.

In addition, citric acid is also found in:

  • (tomatoes, artichokes, some varieties of peppers);
  • berries (almost all except blueberries:);
  • pine needles, Chinese lemongrass, cotton and shag. Interestingly, it is also present in the tissues of many protozoa.

Important! The sour taste of most vegetables and fruits is given not by citric acid, but by ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

It should be said that earlier (until the 20s of the twentieth century), the organic supplement, however, was obtained mainly from lemons. However, this method is quite expensive: in order to obtain 100 kg of the substance, you need to process at least four tons of valuable citrus fruits.

Therefore, today it is synthesized artificially. To do this, sugary substances, waste from sugar production, are artificially infected with a special mold fungus of the genus Aspergillius niger (for convenience, very often such production is carried out directly at sugar factories).

What are the benefits of the supplement?

Citric acid as a food additive has many beneficial properties. Like , this substance is the strongest natural substance and, therefore, helps strengthen protection against negative factors external environment. In moderate doses, it does not affect the mucous membranes digestive system, but it perfectly stimulates its work, in addition, it helps eliminate harmful substances, free radicals, salts and other nasties (including alcohol toxins, which is why it is used for hangover syndrome), inhibits the development of atypical cells and even improves vision.

Once in the stomach and absorbed into the blood, the acid has a stimulating effect on the work of all metabolic processes, which is why it is often used in various techniques fast and healthy weight loss.

Men will be interested to know that this dietary supplement helps improve sperm quality and, accordingly, makes pregnancy more likely. By the way, a mother expecting the birth of a baby, on the contrary, should refrain from consuming citric acid, especially if pregnancy is accompanied by heartburn, nausea, pressure surges and allergic dermatitis.

Areas of application of E330

In industry, citric acid known as food additive E330(officially registered food symbol).

Did you know? Interestingly, in the 70s of the last century, the food additive E330 was included in the so-called Villejuif list as a substance hazardous to health (carcinogen). Undeserved accusations against it were finally dropped only twenty years later, and until that moment, all of civilized Europe and even many states in Africa and the Middle East considered it poison.

Fortunately, today doubts have been completely dispelled, and the organic substance E330 is successfully used not only in Food Industry and in everyday life, but even in cosmetology and medicine.

In medicine

The ability of the food additive E330 to improve energy metabolism found practical use in the pharmaceutical industry.

Sodium salt citric acid(sodium citrate, official symbol E331) is a proven remedy for stabilizing blood reserves, as well as for the treatment of cystitis. The same drug is used during laboratory tests blood to determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

Traditional medicine recommends using a 30% solution of citric acid to gargle for sore throat. As alternative method You can also use regular lemon, you just need to chew it slowly and swallow it with your head thrown back. The antioxidant and bactericidal properties of the acid will help speed up the healing process.

In cosmetology

Organic substance E330 is an essential ingredient in a huge number of cosmetic products.

One of the reasons for the popularity of the supplement- its ability to regulate the pH level in the product. Thus, in addition to the general improvement of the functional effect of cosmetics, a preservative effect is also achieved.

Important! According to regulations in certain countries, E330 may not be included in a product if it is used solely as a pH adjuster. Thus, when using our favorite cosmetics, we may have no idea that citric acid is present in it.

However, in cosmetology this acid also performs many other functions. It helps whiten the skin, expand its pores, and exfoliate dead epidermal cells. Being a natural component, the substance very rarely causes intolerance and other negative reactions. Antioxidant properties help smooth out wrinkles and overall effect rejuvenation

In detergents, E330 promotes better foaming, and in hair dyes it increases color saturation.

No less popular in cosmetology and various derivatives of citric acid, its salts and esters (diammonium citrates, etc.). Esters, due to the formation of a thin protective film on the skin, ensure the preservation of its moisture, due to which they are often added to moisturizing creams. But, for example, an ester such as tributyl citrate is used even in plastic surgery.

When combined with certain minerals, E330 also forms substances having an astringent effect(acne treatment, care for oily and combination skin), ensuring fixation of a cosmetic product when sprayed (hairspray), preventing the formation of tartar (additives in toothpastes), regulating acid-base balance etc.

In homemade beauty recipes, acid was found no less wide application, than in professional cosmetology. With its help, cleansing, degreasing and lightening of the skin is carried out, including from various age spots. Adding the substance to hand baths helps strengthen nail plate and provides nutrition to the skin. In hair masks, acidic crystals are needed to add shine and silkiness (for this purpose, you can simply rinse your hair with water and lemon juice).

In dietetics

The use of citric acid for weight loss is usually motivated by its ability to burn fat. In fact, this is nothing more than a myth.

Important! Citric acid does not burn fat, but only speeds up metabolic processes.

However, the dietary supplement still has nutritional properties. Stimulating metabolism, accelerating blood flow and elimination from the body extra salt and liquid, the substance improves the quality of the digestive system, and an increase in saliva viscosity helps reduce appetite.

However, citric acid-based diets should be approached with great caution. because if used incorrectly it can:

  • cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat and digestive system;
  • lead to dehydration and drying out of the body;
  • provoke the occurrence of ulcers and even oncological diseases gastrointestinal tract.
To achieve the desired effect, nutritionists recommend ensuring proper and balanced diet, excluding salted, smoked and fried foods, and at the same time drink water with citric acid dissolved in it, gradually increasing the concentration of the substance in the water from half a teaspoon per 300 ml of water to a teaspoon per glass.

At home

Acidic crystals are great for removing scale from dishes, which is why many housewives use this product to clean teapots and pots. A small amount of water is poured into the bottom of the container (the contaminated surface should be completely covered), then 30 g of acid is poured. The dishes are placed on the fire, the water is brought to a boil and drained. The bottom remains mirror clean, and all the scale goes away along with the water.

Important! If you add a little substance to a vase with water before placing a bouquet in it, cut flowers will remain fresh much longer: the acid will kill microbes, “preserve” the stems and additionally nourish them.

This product is also used for cleaning washing machines and irons.

Contraindications and harm

Like any other acid, the E330 additive is not completely harmless, however, the danger is fraught with, first of all, its misuse and overdose.

Initially, the mucous membranes suffer from the excess of the substance. Symptoms of an overdose of citric (as well as ascorbic) acid are:

  • severe pain and cramps in the abdomen or stomach;
  • cough;
  • nausea and vomiting, sometimes with blood;
  • diarrhea (in severe cases- with bloody splashes);
  • swelling;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes;
  • frequent urination;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • change emotional state from nervousness and anxiety to weakness and apathy.

Important! Theoretically, an overdose of citric acid can be fatal. So, lethal dose The drug for rats and mice is considered to be 6-7 g of the substance, and 20 g of the additive can kill an adult.

Long-term uncontrolled use of citric acid can, in addition, lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Even in in moderation the additive may cause harm to people, suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, it is especially dangerous when.

So, citric acid is an excellent helper in solving everyday problems, it is very widely used in cooking and cosmetology, and is also used in medicine and dietetics. To ensure that this substance does not cause harm, you just need to follow the usual precautions and avoid overdosing when using the supplement.

Food antioxidant E330 Citric acid or Citric Acid is a substance that belongs to organic acids. Get it like out natural ingredients, and artificially. As a rule, citric acid can be found in nature in pomegranates, cranberries, pineapples, citrus fruits, tobacco plants, and pine needles. Thanks to its pronounced sour taste and other characteristic properties food antioxidant E330 Citric acid is easily recognizable and recognized as a natural preservative.

Externally this additive represented by crystalline powder white, which is easily soluble in both water and alcohol. However, the food antioxidant E330 Citric acid is not soluble in diethyl ether. This substance begins to melt when heated to 153 degrees, and when increased temperature regime up to 175°C E330 decomposes into two elements - carbon dioxide and water.

The food antioxidant E330 Citric acid was first obtained in 1784 by Karl Scheele, a scientist from Sweden. After it began to be produced in large quantities, this substance has acquired the status of an indispensable additive in the food industry.

In many sectors of human life, the properties of the food antioxidant E330 Citric acid as a preservative, acidity regulator and at the same time a flavoring additive are very important. It occupies a worthy niche in the industrial production of food, cosmetics, chemical cleaners and detergents, as well as medical supplies. Many drinks, juices, sweet and confectionery, baked goods - in the composition of these products you can often find the food antioxidant E330 Citric acid.

The field of cosmetology is also unthinkable without the use of E330, in which this substance is actively added as an acidity regulator to creams, hair sprays and gels, foams, shampoos, lotions and bath foams. Oil workers, in turn, use citric acid in the process of drilling both oil and gas wells.

The benefits of food antioxidant E330 Citric acid

The benefits of the food antioxidant E330 Citric acid for human health are obvious, since this substance has a positive effect on the body. In addition, this acid takes part in many vital metabolic processes, as well as carbohydrate metabolism. That is why the use of E330 is permitted in all countries of the world.

However, the benefits of the food antioxidant E330 Citric Acid do not turn out to be possible harm, it should be used in moderation. For example, citric acid concentrate in contact with eyes and skin can lead to severe chemical burns or even loss of vision. And in case of consumption too large doses E330 with food, first of all, the tooth enamel begins to suffer - there is a threat of caries.

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Today you will hardly surprise anyone with food additives that have become firmly established in our lives.

Despite the generally negative attitude towards additives, some of them, for example, E-330, do not have negative influence on human body and can be found in natural products.

Citric acid, coded E-330, belongs to the group of natural antioxidants. It has a characteristic sour taste and is involved in human metabolic processes. It is a white crystalline powder, highly soluble in water and alcohols.

When heated to a temperature of more than 175 degrees, the acid decomposes into molecules of water and carbon dioxide. Currently, the substance is extracted from the most various products: sugar, lemon, molasses, pineapple waste, etc.

Since extracting acid powder from citrus fruits proved to be expensive on an industrial scale, the synthesis of the material from chemical substances, which had serious influence for the development of canning enterprises around the world.

Use in everyday life

E330 is widely used not only in everyday life, but also in industrial production in the food and cosmetics industries. As a flavoring additive, it does not cause harm at all, but only positive influence on our body, when consumed in moderation. It can be found in most juices and juice-containing products, and in confectionery products.

In cosmetics, E330 is contained as a pH acidity regulator in such preparations as:

  • shampoos;
  • lotions;
  • cosmetic creams;
  • elixirs;
  • hairsprays and more.

The spread of citric acid was favored by discoveries in it in the middle of the last century. antioxidant properties. Today, every person can find acid-containing deodorants and lotions on their dressing table, which provide not only skin protection, but also proper disinfection.

Thanks to its ability to dissolve calcium salts, citric acid is found in most of our everyday detergents and cleaning products. No application special effort, with its help we can easily remove almost any household scale and do not cause harm to all kinds of metal and ceramic surfaces. This action and influence of the additive made it possible to use it in oil production.

Beneficial properties of citric acid

This supplement has a positive effect on cellular respiration; it actively takes part in cell renewal. Our body and, in particular, our skin have a lot to thank it for, since the elasticity of the top layer improves and the number of wrinkles decreases. Accumulated toxins and toxic substances come out through the pores.

In addition, citric acid is added to fats and margarines to prevent them from going rancid. It has become indispensable in the food industry due to its preservative properties. Substance E330 is used as a leavening agent for dough - in combination with baking soda carbon dioxide is released, which gives the dough additional airiness.

Most known microbes are not able to survive in an acidic environment, and therefore cause harm and negative impact on the human body, which is why acid powder is added as a preservative to many types of foods. With the help of acid, manufacturers manage to regulate the taste and color of a number of products, and the substances contained in it neutralize them from the breakdown of heavy metal particles.

What might cause concern?

Doctors substantiated the effect of the substance on humans and began to use it to improve metabolic and energy exchange processes. Some harm may occur if significant amounts of the drug are consumed.

First of all, when eating chemical compound There is a gradual destruction of tooth enamel, accompanied by the development of caries. When a large dose of acid enters the body once, burns occur. digestive organs, which causes vomiting and irritation of the respiratory tract.

Contact with the surface of the eyes or skin provokes chemical burn. Small amounts of E330 can have a beneficial effect on the adult body, because it has antibacterial and anti-aging properties. But its excessive concentration is contraindicated for persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to whom acid causes significant harm.

Despite the fact that E330 has been approved by the world's main health organizations and is permitted as a food additive even in the European Union, the rule of the golden mean is valid in this case as well. Acceptable daily dose supplements should not exceed 100-115 mg per 1 kilogram of body, so that it beneficial features did not cause harm to any of us.

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