Pit bull is a killer fighting dog: varieties, description and breed standard, character, upbringing, owner reviews. What are the purposes of the Pit Bull Terrier dog breed? How can you call a pit bull a girl and a boy: the best beautiful nicknames. Features

How many times a day do American Pit Bull Terrier puppies feed?

American pit bull puppies are fed according to age:
At 1.5-2 months of age - 6 times/day,
At 2.5-3 months - 5 times,
At 4-5 months - 4 times,
At 6-7 months - 3 times,
At 8 months or more - 2 times.
With age, portions increase, and the number of feedings decreases, gradually approaching the “adult” regime.
It is advisable to feed at the same time. The water should be changed twice a day. Only the owners should feed the puppy. It is impossible to distract him while eating food.

What should you feed your American Pit Bull Terrier puppy?

For pit bull puppies, it is recommended to use mixed feeding (dry food + natural food). The main dry food should be premium, since only such food contains the substances necessary for the health of the pit bull in the right proportion. As a rule, new owners feed puppies the same food as the breeder.
Dry food should be soaked in warm water before giving it to the puppy. Its quantity is determined by the manufacturer.
From natural products per day, a pit bull puppy should receive 100 g of liver (boiled), 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of carrots or apples (mashed), 150 g of beef (boiled). Once a week it is recommended to give 1 boiled yolk.

What and how many times to feed an adult American Pit Bull Terrier?

It is recommended to feed adult American pit bulls twice a day (sometimes once): in the morning and in the evening after walks. Daily diet dogs must include ready-made feed premium class, as well as natural food, in particular raw, lean meat (beef and others) and cereals with the addition of vegetables and fruits. Low-fat and unsweetened ones are also useful dairy products and crackers. We should not forget about vitamin complexes.
It is forbidden to give leftover human food, sweet, fatty, spicy, salty, smoked food, as well as bones, flour products, legumes.
Average total weight one serving for an adult American pit bull terrier is about 1 kg.
Your pit bull should always have clean, fresh water. Under no circumstances should strangers be allowed to feed the dog. Also, no one should distract the pit bull from eating or feed it outside the prescribed time (violate the regime).

Features of keeping an American Pit Bull Terrier?

The main requirements for keeping American Pit Bull Terriers are a strong, strong-willed owner and a large area of ​​residence. In small apartments, pit bulls can accumulate excess energy, which is dangerous for people and furniture.
If representatives of this breed are kept in small spaces, it is necessary to walk with them for 3-4 hours at least 3 times a day (for adult dog). In other cases, it will be enough to take pit bulls out for 1-3 hours 2 times a day.
No matter what conditions the dogs are kept in, they need to be given relaxation in the form of training exercises and outdoor games. In bad weather, you should not walk for more than half an hour.
American Pit Bull Terriers are cheerful, enthusiastic and playful dogs, so they desperately need toys, especially if they are left alone at home for a long time. For dominant dogs, such as pit bulls, it is better not to purchase toys that make sounds.
It is also worth noting that all necessary equipment should be purchased and placed before the pit bull puppy arrives in the home.

What do you need to buy to keep an American pit bull?

An approximate list of goods that will be needed to keep an American Pit Bull Terrier:
- Large lounger or rug (from 600 rubles),
- Two 2.8 liter aluminum bowls on a stable metal stand (from 600 rubles per set),
- Leash, 2.5 m (from 85 rubles per piece),
- Leather collar (from 80 rubles per piece),
- Muzzle (from 150 rubles per piece),
- Toys (from 30 per piece),
- Grooming products (from 675 rubles for a “set”, see “What to buy to care for an American Pit Bull Terrier?”),
- Medications,
- Treats,
- Feed.
It will be useful to purchase a puppy pen and carrier.

What diseases are American pit bulls susceptible to?

American Pit Bull Terriers in general good health. Most often they are diagnosed with diseases such as joint dysplasia, cataracts, allergies, and heart disease.

How long do pit bull terriers live?

The average life expectancy of American pit bulls is 12-15 years. At good care and properly maintained dogs can live 3-4 years longer.

Author: wolfonokW7
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The pit bull is a formidable dog that demands special approach to education. In addition, these animals also have their own characteristics in terms of nutrition, which the owners of this breed should be familiar with before purchasing such a pet. What should you feed your pit bull so that the dog is well-fed, healthy and cheerful?

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed with a tendency to, which means the dog’s diet should exclude possible allergens.

The owner of a pit bull always has a choice whether to feed the pet natural food, or give preference to specialized ready-made food. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account that it is impossible to feed a pit bull with waste from cooking. Natural food should consist of meat, grains suitable for feeding dogs, and added vegetables and herbs.

Still in the process of acquisition four-legged friend you need to ask what the puppy eats, what food he is used to and in general, get detailed advice regarding proper feeding dogs of this breed. A baby that has just been weaned from its mother is fed cow's milk.

American pit bulls are growing quite rapidly (you can read). By the age of eight months they reach the size of an adult dog. After this, intensive muscle gain begins. Based on this developmental feature, nutrition must be clearly regulated and aimed at maintaining certain physiological characteristics.

Pit bulls have special skin and coat, due to which the dog has a tendency to develop. Again, this has a direct connection with the products consumed. As soon as at least one formation is discovered, the pet’s diet should be completely revised. It is recommended to exclude flour products and sweets from the menu, reduce the consumption of products containing a large number of animal fats – butter, sour cream, etc.

The basic rules for feeding pit bulls include the following:

  • You should never, under any circumstances, feed your pet food from your own table;
  • It is strictly forbidden to overfeed pit bulls, this leads to the dog becoming lazy and gaining excess weight;
  • It is also not worth starving a dog; if it is malnourished, it becomes irritable and restless;
  • food for a pit bull should not be very hot, but it is better not to give these dogs cold either;
  • pit bulls, like any other spoiled dog, may refuse food, hoping for more delicious food; in this case, you need to show your pet your character and give the pet the opportunity to fast for a couple of days.

To improve your pet's digestion, it is necessary to provide him with a 30-minute rest before and after meals. It is better to give your dog lighter food in the morning, leaving more nutritious meals for the evening feeding.

Natural foods in a pit bull's diet

Any dog ​​is fed according to its age; the number of feedings for pit bull puppies should be as follows:

  • From one and a half to two months of age - 6 times per knock;
  • From 2.5 to 3 months – 5 times a day;
  • From 4 to six months – 4 times a day;
  • From six months to eight months of age, you can switch to three meals a day;
  • From the age of 8 months, a pit bull can already be fed like an adult dog - twice a day.

In this mode, there is a clear tendency to reduce the number of feedings, and each time the portion should increase until the puppy approaches the regimen of an adult dog.

It is imperative to follow the regime, the water should be changed twice a day. Only the owners should be responsible for feeding the pet; this task should not be entrusted to other people. If the pit bull has started eating, you should not distract it, try to pet it, comb it, etc.

Puppies are fed frequently, food should have high nutritional value, portions should be small, this promotes better absorption. Every day the puppy should eat 100 grams of meat, and once or twice a week a portion of offal - heart (chicken, veal), liver (chicken, beef), or beef lung.

Every day a puppy needs 40-50 grams of cottage cheese with 2-4% fat content, 100-150 grams of vegetables (grated carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, turnips), 100 ml of milk. It is advisable to give one boiled egg a couple of times a week.

  • rolled oats;
  • buckwheat;
  • millet.

A teenage dog (7-8 months old) needs more meat food than an adult pet - 600 grams per day, later the portion can be reduced to 450 grams.

Pit bulls can easily eat ready-made food. Puppies can be switched to it from the age of two months. But this must be done with caution, carefully monitoring the pet’s condition.

When choosing the right food, it is best to give preference to premium products and focus on the age of your small pet.

To ensure everything goes smoothly, the pet is initially given a few pellets of food as a treat. Then it is necessary to observe the dog’s condition for two or three days for manifestations allergic reaction or intestinal disorders.

If the puppy feels great, then you can start feeding him ready-made food. For a small pet, the daily portion is 110-120 grams, it must be divided into several times. Initially, the feed granules are soaked in boiled water, whole milk, low-fat kefir or sour milk. At this type nutrition, it is very important to provide the animal with free access to drinking water.

Speaking of adults American pit bulls, then they also need to select quality food which is suitable for feeding large dogs. There is a special requirement for the composition - the protein content is not higher than 25%. It is extremely important to maintain a balance of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Excess phosphorus in a dog’s body can cause problems nervous system For example, a pet may suffer from pathological cowardice. Therefore, many breeders of American pit bull terriers do not recommend introducing food into the pet’s diet, where the main component is fish.

Even if the chosen food is perfectly balanced, it is still necessary to regularly treat your pet with raw vegetables and cartilaginous bones. This is necessary to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, especially from the formation of tartar.

What not to feed a pit bull

There are many foods that have no place in a dog’s diet:

  • Broccoli is toxic, especially if consumed in large quantities.
  • Grapes have a detrimental effect on the condition of your pet’s kidneys.
  • Mushrooms – The toxins they contain can affect your dog’s health.
  • Baking from yeast dough– causes fermentation processes in the intestines, accompanied by the release of alcohol.
  • Animal fat has a detrimental effect on the dog’s entire digestive tract.
  • Sugar substitute – helps lower blood sugar levels.
  • Potatoes - in most dogs, including pit bulls, this vegetable can provoke.
  • Milk is great for puppies, but it acts as a laxative on adult pets.
  • Confectionery - dogs do well without sweets, which cause dental problems, digestive tract, cause obesity.

Pit bull terriers do not need an additional source of salt; they take everything they need from food. It is worth excluding everything fatty, fried, and spiced from your dog’s diet. Giving bread to pit bulls is also not recommended, except sometimes, as a treat, to offer rye crackers.

Is it possible to give a pit bull terrier bones? Definitely not! Chewing bones can lead to various negative consequences:

  • broken teeth;
  • damage oral cavity sharp fragments;
  • bones often get stuck between the teeth, causing pain to the dog;
  • more severe consequences– bone getting stuck in the esophagus, trachea, stomach;
  • Eating bones can cause .

It is not uncommon for bone fragments to not leave the intestines. naturally, but remain in it. This leads to the emergence intestinal obstruction. The situation is no easier when the sharp edges of the bone damage the rectum and the dog begins to bleed.

Damage to the walls of the stomach or parts of the intestines can cause bacterial infection. Peritonitis resulting in this way can lead to the death of the pet.

Only the owner has the right to decide how and what to feed his beloved pet. But it is still important to consult with a specialist before doing this.

When choosing a feeding plan for an American pit bull, you should definitely take into account that there are no universal diets suitable for dogs of all breeds. And it can’t be! Your dog is no exception; you should definitely take into account the individual characteristics of your pet and the rules specific to the breed.

First of all, it should be taken into account that the American Pit Bull Terrier is an active and agile dog. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their agility, strength and endurance. A pit bull should not be overfed, but it should also have enough energy for active movement throughout the day.

The pit bull terrier, unlike the staff, should look rather lean, the muscle relief should be clearly visible, and the stomach should be tucked. Achieve ideal physical parameters and good health This is only possible by organizing a properly balanced diet.

Natural food for pit bull terrier.

At natural feeding The main thing for the owner of a pit bull terrier is to avoid cereals, bread and crackers, they make dogs fat and it is quite difficult to refuse such food in the future. Very useful of various nature offal - chicken or beef, they contain even more protein than regular meat.

Dog care

Like any fighting dog, the pit bull terrier needs very good care and feeding. Depends on this physical state and the dog's morale during matches. From birth she needs to be given the most better food so that the development of the animal occurs correctly.

Walks and physical exercise should be regular and properly selected, then the pit bull terrier will grow up to be a healthy dog ​​that is difficult to defeat.


The pit bull terrier is walked 2 times a day not only so that he can fulfill his natural needs, but also so that he has an extra opportunity to run and warm up.

It is necessary to allocate enough time for walking the dog, since, unlike a puppy, an adult dog cannot eliminate bladder at a time, she does this in several steps with short breaks.

It is especially important to ensure that the dog's natural needs are fully satisfied before training. If this does not happen, the Pit Bull Terrier will become distracted or have a bowel movement in the training area.

When walking, the pit bull terrier must be muzzled and on a short leash. You can only let him run after he has completed the course. general training, and only in deserted places under the constant supervision of the owner.

When a pit bull terrier runs too far, it must be called back, and when strangers appear, put on a leash.

If you need to travel anywhere with your dog by transport, it must be muzzled and on a short leash. In some cities, transporting large dogs on public transport is prohibited.

A walk can be turned into a workout, especially if your dog's muscle mass is growing slowly. It is recommended to force the dog to run, jump over obstacles, etc. High jumps are very useful for pit bull terriers, especially in the first 8 months.

In order to make the dog jump, you can raise your hand with a stick, a treat, or throw a small ball into the air so that the dog jumps and tries to catch it. During the 1st year of a dog's life, it is necessary to monitor correct formation its skeleton and muscle development. To do this, you can spend part of the time allocated for a walk on the dog pulling the owner by the leash, straining the neck muscles (for example, in winter when skiing or in summer when walking or roller skating).

We should not forget that the pit bull terrier must have a wide rib cage. If it is not wide enough, you can conduct special training with the dog. A very useful exercise is during which the owner, standing on a hill, throws a stick or ball, and the dog goes down, finds and brings this object up.

Who walks the dog also matters a lot. Of course, it is advisable for the pit bull terrier to be walked by its owner. He will be able to use his walking time more effectively to raise the dog. True, the owner does not always have time to walk the dog. In this case, any family member can go out with her. However, we should not forget that the pit bull terrier is still very active, strong and energetic dog. Child or old man He may not be able to handle it if the dog suddenly runs into the road.

Pit bull terrier on a walk

Until the training is completed and the dog learns to unquestioningly carry out all the owner’s commands, it should not be let off the leash and allowed to play with other dogs. The pit bull terrier sees other dogs primarily as rivals, and if they start attacking him, he can easily get excited and bite the attacker.

But still, you shouldn’t be too afraid of the excitability of pit bull terriers: good well behaved dog At the first command from the owner, it stops the fight. In addition, practice has proven that a pit bull terrier will never attack a puppy or a dog that is significantly smaller in size, or attack another dog first.

Dogs must be separated at the same time, and both owners must try to calm their pets.

In order to avoid problems while walking, it is advisable to keep young pit bull terriers away from large and aggressive dogs in order to provoke your pet into the need to defend itself.

If a fight could not be avoided (which in reality is extremely rare), you should not stand by, but intervene as soon as possible and calm your pet. In this case, there is no need to drag the pit bull terrier away from his opponent by the collar, hit him, scream or spill water on the dogs. Such methods, as a rule, turn out to be ineffective.

You need to make sure that the dogs don’t start biting each other. If this does happen, you should carefully open the dog's jaws with a flat board (it is not recommended to use metal objects, as they can damage the dog's teeth).

Cleaning and bathing

The Pit Bull Terrier should be brushed every day, and if it gets very dirty during a walk or during training, the cleaning must be repeated.

During cleaning, dust, dirt, dander and dead hair are removed from the dog's coat and skin.

This procedure is a good preventive measure skin diseases, and also stimulates blood circulation and metabolism.

Eyes and ears are cleaned with a damp cloth.

Pit bull terriers need to not only be cleaned, but also bathed. How often this procedure should be carried out is up to the owner to decide depending on the characteristics of his pet.

Swimming in open water

In summer, dogs are washed more often, in winter - less often, and when there is snow, they clean with snow. Pit bull terriers usually love to bathe and swim; they get used to this procedure very quickly and do not cause any trouble to their owners. Swimming in open water is beneficial for dogs, especially during hot periods. Bathing is necessary because brushing does not completely remove dirt and dander from the dog's coat and skin.

First the wool is wetted warm water, then lather with special shampoo or soap and rinse thoroughly. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

After washing, the dog should be dried with a towel and not allowed to lie down until it is completely dry.

Soap suds must be washed off completely, otherwise your pet may experience skin irritation. Particularly sensitive dogs sometimes develop eczema.

Dogs are typically bathed once a month.

If this procedure is carried out too often, the protective agents washed off from the fur will fatty substances will not have time to recover.

Feeding a pit bull terrier

After a new pet appears in the house, at first it is advisable to feed it with the foods that the previous owner gave it, otherwise the baby will experience an upset stomach.

Feeding the puppy

In order for the puppy to feel good and grow healthy over time, strong dog, he needs the correct and good nutrition. His diet should include proteins (protein), fats, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, D, E, K, group B, as well as microelements (phosphorus, calcium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese and zinc), as well as water.

A puppy needs proteins for the formation of bones and muscles, as well as for vital activity. They should be present in the diet daily.

During the period of active growth, proteins are required more than in adult animals. A bitch feeding puppies with milk should receive 4 times more protein than at other times. Proteins are found in meat, fish, dairy products (cottage cheese, etc.).

Give the puppy meat chopped in small pieces, fatty meat is not recommended, giving pork is strictly prohibited. It is better to give sea fish, cleaned of bones and also cut into pieces.

Many Pit Bull Terriers love fish

Dairy products are very beneficial for a small puppy, since the protein they contain is well absorbed by the growing body. In addition, they contain vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is advisable from time to time to give a puppy, especially a small one, cow's milk, curdled milk, kefir, cottage cheese.

Eggs are also very beneficial for small puppies. In order for them to be better absorbed, they are given mixed with other foods or in the form of an omelet.

Fats are a source of energy and add shine to the coat, but excess fat is harmful, so it is especially important to maintain fat balance. Otherwise, the puppy will become fat, which can cause illness. If there is not enough fat in your food, you can add a spoon to your food bowl from time to time. vegetable oil. In general, fats are better absorbed when they are given along with other nutrients.

Carbohydrates are needed to assimilate fats and release energy. Excess carbohydrates accumulate in the dog's body. Best sources carbohydrates for her are considered rolled oats. Other cereals are also useful: wheat, millet, buckwheat, etc.

Cheese is especially beneficial for puppies and young dogs

Vitamins are very important for a growing dog's body.

Vitamin A is required for shiny coat, good vision and growth.

It is necessary to include it in the diet during pregnancy and lactation.

B vitamins have beneficial influence on appearance dogs, appetite, nervous system.

Vitamin C reduces dog's susceptibility bacterial infections and promotes fast healing wound

Vitamin D has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and dental condition, but its effectiveness is significantly reduced if there is a lack of phosphorus and calcium in the diet.

Vitamin E is required for good muscle function and internal organs, especially the heart and reproductive systems.

Vitamin K is usually synthesized in the body. Its deficiency is indicated by slow healing of scratches, cuts, and long-term bleeding.

Greens are a source of vitamins, raw vegetables and fruits, root vegetables (carrots, etc.). Fruits and vegetables are given raw, preferably chopped. For example, you can give your puppy grated carrots or apples mixed with 1 spoon of sour cream or vegetable oil.

Greens - dill, lettuce, celery - also need to be finely chopped and added to the main feed.

Young nettle leaves are a source of vitamins and are very beneficial for puppies. But they need to be added to soups or porridges during cooking, otherwise the acid contained in the leaves can irritate the puppy's esophagus.

Additionally, you can give vitamins in capsules or tablets. Most suitable vitamin complex gendevit. The puppy is given 1 tablet every other day for 2 weeks, then take a break for 2 weeks, after which the course is continued for another 2 weeks (and so on up to 3 times).

During the winter months, you can additionally introduce vitamins A and D into your diet in tablets.

Trace elements are very important for a puppy's growth. Their deficiency can slow down or disrupt the formation of the body. The correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus is especially important: if one of these elements is lacking, a disorder may occur. physical development, most often expressed in bending of the limbs and brittle bones.

Potassium is essential for a healthy nervous system and good growth, magnesium - to strengthen the nervous system, sodium and chlorine - for good appetite and activity, iodine – for normal operation thyroid gland, copper – for the formation of bone and muscle tissue, zinc – for general development. However, you should not give your dog too many microelements - their excess can cause harm, rather than benefit, to the dog’s body. The source of microelements are bones (beef, lamb, etc.), preferably soft, cartilaginous ones. Tubular bones It is not recommended to give. Source of sodium and chlorine – salt, however, you should not add it to food in too large quantities.

It is recommended to introduce mineral salts, calcium gluconate and glycerophosphate, and phytin into the diet of a 1.5-month-old puppy in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 (best in tablets). After 15 days the quantity mineral salts you can double it, and in another month you can triple it. Mineral supplements given for up to 10 months, after which they are excluded from the diet. From now on the dog will have enough minerals contained in food.

Pit bull terrier lunch

If the puppy has developmental disorders, the amount of minerals must be reduced or increased. For example, if a puppy’s ears don’t stand up for a long time, it means he doesn’t have enough calcium. In this case, you can give up to 15 calcium tablets daily.

Puppies are given water from 3 weeks of age, even if they continue to suckle. The water bowl should always be clean and accessible to the puppy.

A small puppy is fed small meals frequently throughout the day. Up to 2 months it is necessary to feed him at least 6 times a day. At the age of 2 to 4 months, the puppy is fed 5 times a day, then the number of feedings is reduced to 3 times. After the dog is 8–10 months old, they switch to 2 feedings a day.

A complete diet should include all the nutrients, vitamins and microelements listed above. In the morning, it is advisable to give the puppy meat, then throughout the day, successively porridge, fruits, vegetables and dairy products so that carbohydrates and proteins alternate in the diet. At the end of the day it is also better to give meat.

One feeding for little puppy is approximately 120–150 g. You should not put too much food in your puppy’s bowl; overeating is harmful to him. It is better if he still has the desire to eat a little more. However, regular malnutrition is also harmful for the puppy, so it is very important to establish the optimal rate of one serving, which should increase as the puppy grows, but the number of daily feedings will decrease. It is very important to determine the optimal rate, which depends on individual characteristics every puppy.

It is quite easy to determine the norm: if the puppy is cheerful, active, grows well, his coat is shiny, he is neither fat nor thin - then everything is in order, he eats exactly as much as he needs. U healthy puppy the stomach should work regularly, approximately according to the number of feedings.

Approximate diet for a puppy aged 4 months.

1 feeding(at 8 o'clock): a little meat, cut into pieces (about 1 teaspoon, the amount of meat increases with age).

2 feeding(at 12 o'clock): cottage cheese or 1 glass of kefir or yogurt with flakes.

3 feeding(at 16:00): millet porridge, to which you can add chopped raisins or grate an apple, 1 egg and 1/2 cup of milk or 1 slice of cheese.

4 feeding(at 20 o'clock): meat, cut into pieces and mixed with grated herbs raw potatoes and 1 clove of garlic.

The puppy should always have access to a clean bowl, preferably boiled water.

Feeding an adult dog

It is recommended to feed adult pit bull terriers 2 times a day. Most often only pregnant bitches are fed. On average, a healthy dog ​​needs from 800 to 1000 g of food per day, which must contain all the substances necessary for normal life. In winter, the animal eats a little more than in summer.

We should not forget that dog food should not only be complete, but also varied. The food temperature should be room temperature (18–20 °C); you should not feed your pet hot or cold food. You should not feed your pit bull terrier leftover food that the owner considers unsuitable for himself.

When the pit bull terrier is eating, he should never be distracted by calling him by name, petting him or brushing him. You should not train your pet to beg for handouts while eating, or allow strangers to feed it.

An adult dog can be fed dry food, but with such a diet you should remember some rules. One of the most common mistakes made by owners who feed their dogs dry food is buying it in bulk. In most cases, loose feed on the market is counterfeit or expired.

No less often inexperienced owners harm their pets by filling their bowls with food containing high content squirrel. An adult dog needs a diet that contains no more than 26% protein; for puppies this figure should not exceed 30%.

An increased protein content in a dog's food leads to growth retardation and decreased bone formation.

It is equally important to monitor the balance of calcium and phosphorus. An excess of the latter leads to the development of pathological cowardice and other disorders in the nervous system in dogs, and its deficiency reduces the absorption of calcium.

Experts do not recommend that dog breeders planning to switch their pets to dry food take food produced in Eastern Europe or Russia under license. Most often, the quality of such food is several orders of magnitude worse than the original.

If possible, it is better to buy real food from a company that holds a license. Also, experts do not recommend fish-based food due to high content they contain phosphorus.

Dry dog ​​food

Substances in dry dog ​​food are contained in concentrated form.

Such food takes longer to digest; a dog usually needs 300–400 g of food to feel full for a long time. When feeding dry food, it is necessary that there is always fresh water in the dog's bowl.

Even if there is enough of everything in the feed necessary for a dog minerals, vitamins and nutrients, she needs to be given vegetables and raw cartilage bones from time to time. Eating such bones once a week relieves the pit bull terrier of the tartar that forms when eating dry food.

If the dog has typical signs protein poisoning, you should switch it to vegetable diet. High protein food is bad for dogs.

Water should always be not only fresh, but also easily accessible to the dog. Plastic buckets with a capacity of 10–15 liters can be used as dishes. Dogs often use a container of water instead of a toy, so they can knock it over and splash water on the floor.

To avoid similar cases It is necessary to fix the bucket so that the dog cannot move it or turn it over.

Pit bulls grow large, lean, with pronounced muscles. A toned physique without a single extra fold would be ideal. To do this, you need to feed your pet properly. He should not be given food from the common table or waste from cooking. To create a balanced diet, you need to take into account the breed and age of the dog.

Nuances of diet planning

When preparing a diet, you need to know what diseases the breed is prone to. Pit bulls often have heart problems. To prevent them, exclude from the menu fatty foods, for example, pork, lamb. Dogs should not be given sweets and confectionery. A wave will pass for encouragement during training fresh fruit, but not a piece of sugar.

Pit Bull Terriers are not considered giant breeds, but the animals can still develop joint diseases, usually the hip. For prevention, it is necessary to give the dog bones from tendons, pig ears, and chondroprotectors.

Due to the characteristics of the skin and coat, the breed, like, for example, bull terriers, has a tendency to form lipomas (lipomas). For prevention, it is necessary to maintain the dog’s weight at a normal level, avoiding obesity. The diet should not contain excess protein, but vitamins and minerals should be present.

The breed has a tendency to allergies. If you notice a negative reaction to a certain product in your puppy, you should exclude it from the menu. The most common allergens are cereals, milk, and eggs.

It is recommended to brush your pit bull's teeth once a day, but this is not always possible, so once a week is enough. To prevent plaque and stone, introduce into the diet fresh vegetables, fruits. Toys made from veins are useful.

Pit bull terrier puppies grow actively until 7-8 months, then the process slows down and stops at 1.5 years. After 8 months the dog begins to gain muscle mass. It is important not to overfeed your pet so that instead of muscles it gains fat.

Permitted and prohibited products

The basis of the pit bull terrier's diet is animal protein. Beef is more suitable for meat, but some breeders believe that it is not as valuable as offal. They have more useful substances necessary for a strong, healthy dog. Pets are given beef, turkey or chicken liver, heart, lungs. Fatty meat - pork, lamb - is prohibited.

The second part of the diet is vegetables. You can experiment with different fruits and determine those that your pet likes best. Often owners choose the following vegetables:

  • White cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • turnip;
  • bell pepper;
  • tomatoes.

Vegetables are given raw - chopped on a coarse grater and mixed with the meat part of the menu. It is useful to add 1 tbsp to the “dish”. vegetable oil. Olive is ideal, but sunflower is also allowed.

Fruits and berries are given as sweet rewards during training. The following fruits are suitable in fresh, not canned form:

  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • pears;
  • peaches;
  • strawberry.

Porridge, which often becomes the second component of any dog’s diet, is not advisable to give to pit bulls. Grains quickly make your pet gain weight, which causes illness. Bread, crackers and other flour products are also prohibited. Porridge can only be given to puppies during the growing period, but adult dogs are switched to vegetables.

You can and even need to give your pet boiled chicken eggs - 1 piece 3-4 times a week. If your pet tolerates fish well, you can sometimes replace offal with it. Just don’t do this too often, since meat still contains more nutrients. It is better to choose sea fish; it is given raw, cleaned of bones. She's being replaced meat products, if the pet begins to recover. When your weight returns to normal, you can return to your previous diet.

You should not feed your Pit Bull Terrier the following foods:

  • animal fats;
  • grape;
  • mushrooms;
  • bakery;
  • sugar and its substitutes;
  • potato;
  • milk;
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • sausages, sausages.

Once a day, pit bulls are given fermented milk products, but only separately from meat and vegetables, for example, as a light snack. Cottage cheese is good (50-70 g per day). Sometimes they give you cheese. It is especially beneficial for puppies and young dogs.

Feeding scheme

An adult dog is fed once a day in the hot season, and twice a day in the cold season. It is important to train your pit bull to eat at the same time every day so that he digestive system worked without interruption.

You cannot overfeed your dog, but there should be enough food for the pet to grow healthy and active. Sometimes he can be capricious and try to beg from the owner what he thinks is more delicious food. In this case, it is worth showing character. At most, the pit bull will starve for a couple of days, but then begin to eat what is given to him.

Food should be warm - not hot and not cold. You need to buy 1 bowl for food and 1 for water. It is advisable that they be on a stand with adjustable height so that the pet does not spoil the posture. The water must be changed every day.

After a month of life, puppies stop receiving milk from their mother. During this period it is necessary to feed them with cow's milk. Up to 2 months, pit bull puppies need to be fed 5 times a day. Approximate daily diet:

  1. Warm cow's milk with 1 raw yolk added chicken egg and 1 tsp. honey
  2. Cottage cheese or cheese mixed with kefir.
  3. Milk porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet).
  4. Salad of fresh, grated cabbage, beets, carrots, pumpkin and apple with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  5. Meat or offal.

From 2 to 4 months, puppies are fed 4 times a day. Milk is excluded from the diet, but the rest of the food range remains unchanged. Sample daily menu:

  1. Cottage cheese mixed with kefir.
  2. Milk porridge, pieces of meat or offal.
  3. Salad of vegetables and fruits with vegetable oil.
  4. Meat or offal.

From 4 to 8 months, the number of feedings is reduced to 3. The set of products remains unchanged, but it is necessary to give your pet porridge less often. Sample daily menu:

  1. Cottage cheese with kefir.
  2. Alternating milk porridge with meat and fruit and vegetable salad.
  3. Meat or offal.

After 8 months, the pet is transferred to two meals a day. Both in the morning and in the evening they give meat or offal with vegetables. In the middle of the day, you can give your pit bull fermented milk products in small quantities.

It is better to reduce the number of feedings during the period when the dog itself refuses the next meal. The amount of food is regulated in practice - the pet must eat everything that is given to it. If there is something left in the bowl, give a smaller portion the next day. Pit bull terriers are not prone to gluttony, so this should not be a problem.

Ready-made feed

Not all owners have the opportunity to feed their pet natural food. homemade food. Pit bulls feel good eating ready-made dry food. But you can’t choose economy class brands – only premium or super premium. Cheap food contains dyes, waste from cutting meat and other harmful substances.

All lines quality products There is a division by age. Choosing the right dry food for a pitbull puppy or adult dog is not a problem. There are also options for pets with special needs. For example, if you decide to spay or neuter your dog, you should choose food that is labeled as such after surgery. There are hypoallergenic options and complexes for pets during lactation.

It is necessary to continue to feed the puppy what the breeder gave him. Gradually, you can switch to a feeding option that is convenient for you. If the pit bull received natural food, it is necessary to introduce ready-made food little by little. This is done after 2 months of life.

First, the puppy is given a few pellets as a treat. If no negative reaction no, you can gradually replace natural food with ready-made ingredients. They are soaked in water or broth. At 3-4 months you can give dry food in its usual form.

The finished complex should contain no more than 25% protein. It is important to monitor the balance of phosphorus and calcium - both a deficiency and an excess of these substances will negatively affect the dog’s health. Often breeders choose the following foods:

  1. About Pak (USA). Super premium class. Eat different variants- For healthy dogs, puppies and lactating females, elderly pets, animals with diseases.
  2. Eukanuba (USA). Premium and super premium class. The line includes more than 50 items, including options for different categories pets
  3. Royal Canin (France). Super premium class. Foods are divided into lines according to breed, age, activity, and special needs of pets.
  4. Hills (USA). Premium class. Complexes for dogs with diseases are especially famous.
  5. Probalance (Russia). Premium class. There are lines for adult animals, for pets with high energy consumption, for dogs with diseases.
  6. Savara (UK). Super premium class. There is food for puppies and adult dogs of large breeds.
  7. Gou (Canada). Super premium class. Foods for pets with diseases are especially popular.

Sometimes you can give your pit bull canned food. They come in classic and gourmet varieties. The first can be given more often, and the second - only in special cases, since it contains more protein and dyes.

Combined nutrition

Veterinarians do not advise mixing ready-made food and natural food, but some owners have no alternative. Another difficulty is that it is difficult to balance a pet’s diet with combined feeding, but with experience everything should return to normal. With a mixed diet, the pit bull is given food in the morning, and natural food in the evening. You cannot mix 2 types of food in one feeding.


Ready-made premium and super-premium dry food already contains all the necessary vitamin and mineral supplements. If you feed your pet natural food, you will have to add useful components manually.

Pit bulls benefit from the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A – for proper growth, shiny coat and good vision. Especially useful during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Vitamin B – for good appetite, a strong nervous system and beautiful appearance.
  3. Vitamin C – for protection against infections and recovery from illnesses.
  4. Vitamin D is essential and affects muscle tone and teeth strength. To be well absorbed, it is necessary the right balance phosphorus and calcium.
  5. Vitamin E – for proper operation muscles and heart.

The dog receives some vitamins from vegetables and fruits, but it is necessary to supplement the supply of nutrients with veterinary complexes. The most popular is Gendevit. The puppy is given 1 tablet every other day for 2 weeks, then take a break for the same period, after which the course is continued for another 2 weeks (and so on up to 3 times).

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