Why does the pubis hurt in men and women? Pain in the suprapubic region

The pubic bone may become injured or inflamed. In this case, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist or gynecologist. This pathology requires careful diagnosis. When the pubic bone hurts, the intensity does not matter, it is important to seek help.

The pubic bone is part of the bones that form the pelvic bone. The pubis consists of two branches and a body, forming a closing opening with a membrane.

Women with a normal build have a roll-shaped bone equal in thickness to the thumb. It is curved and is the pubic eminence. The bone hangs like an arch over the entrance to the vagina, fused with the pelvic bones.

The pubic bone is paired, connects with cartilage and forms the symphysis or pubic symphysis, in which pain usually appears.

The distance between the pubic bones is normally no more than 5 mm. During pregnancy, this figure changes by 3 mm upward.

If your pubic bone hurts

Causes of pain

...in men

Men experience pain associated with injury to the pubic bone. These can be bruises, closed or open fractures.

The following situations associated with injuries are distinguished:

…among women

In addition to injury to the pelvic area, women may have gynecological problems, for example:

  • During pregnancy, in the second half, a softening of the joints between the bones occurs, the so-called symphysiolysis syndrome;
  • symphysitis or dehiscence bone tissue up to separation during delivery;
  • congenital pathologies associated with the structure of the small pelvis.

What does symphysitis mean?

Women after childbirth experience pain in the pubic bone. Most likely, this was influenced by the process of divergence, that is, a violation of the integrity of the symphysis. This is considered a traumatic complication labor activity or rupture.

3 degrees of discrepancy are determined:

The degree does not affect the treatment process. It is necessary in any case. The issue is resolved with a gynecologist.

The causes of the disease have not yet been identified. Scientists are divided in opinion. Some consider it a consequence of calcium deficiency in the body, others blame the increased concentration of relaxin.

Pubic pain in pregnant women

Expectant mothers often experience pain in the symphysis pubis, which occurs mainly in the last trimester of pregnancy.

This happens due to softening of the interosseous joint. Pain differs in its characteristics:

  • it is pronounced, especially during movements - turning the body, climbing stairs or getting out of bed;
  • worse after lunch;
  • swelling appears in the symphysis area;
  • if you press on the pubis, you can hear a click;
  • a woman cannot lift straight legs from a lying position;
  • pain when urinating;
  • duck gait with characteristic small steps.

Not everyone is susceptible to this pathology, and the answer to the question by what criteria the disease selects a victim has not been found.

For the development of symphysitis great function has several processes:

  1. After the first half of pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is produced in greater quantities. Every woman needs it to prepare her body for birth process. Thanks to the hormone, the womb loses rigidity and becomes pliable so that the pelvis can expand during childbirth. But, at the same time, resistance to any loads decreases.
  2. A decrease in calcium in the body, which is used to form the baby’s musculoskeletal system. This process causes symptoms degenerative change bones - osteoporosis.
  3. Intrauterine disturbance during the formation of the pubic symphysis or in childhood also leads to symphysitis.

With an acute rupture of symphysitis, the pain is severe.

Where to go if your pubis hurts

In case of injury, regardless of man or woman, it is necessary to visit a traumatologist for consultation.

If there is no possibility of independent movement or the patient is in in serious condition, you should call an ambulance.

For pain during pregnancy, as well as during postpartum period You need to urgently make an appointment with a gynecologist. It will also help if pain occurs during sexual intercourse.

How is the disease diagnosed in pregnant women?

Diagnostics - important stage. At the initial appointment, anamnesis is collected and complaints are listened to. You need to try to describe in detail the nature of the pain - when it appears, with what movements it intensifies, etc.

Next, the gynecologist conducts a standard examination, determines the size of the pelvis and the location of the fetus. Lab tests also indicative. Pay attention to the level of calcium in the blood, the amount of estrogen and progesterone.

Among visual inspection For pregnant women, only ultrasound is available, which can show the pubic symphysis and the condition of the fetus.

When discrepancy appears after childbirth, the patient is sent for an x-ray or computed tomography pelvis

Pathologies causing pubic pain

The fair half of humanity experiences pain in the pubic area for other reasons. It could be:

Some women have a flat, saber-shaped pubis. The problem is that the strap, 3 fingers wide, or maybe more, almost half covers the vagina, which affects a full sex life.

Pain occurs when the penis presses on the periosteum and presses urethra to the edge of the pubis. You need to seek help from a gynecologist and traumatologist.

Treatment of symphysitis

How much the pubic bones have expanded can be judged by the ultrasound result and only then can the treatment method be decided.

1st degree of discrepancy

If the degree of discrepancy is up to 10 mm, then the following is prescribed:

2nd degree of discrepancy

With the second degree of discrepancy, that is, more than 10 mm, it is necessary to use a bandage or corset. This will strengthen the pelvic muscles and reduce pain.

Wherein natural childbirth Contraindicated for pregnant women.

If the pain is severe, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Exercises for any degree of discrepancy

At any stage of divergence, it is prescribed to perform a special gymnastics complex. The exercises are aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles and are not complicated:

  1. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and pulled up with your heels towards your buttocks. Then the knees are moved apart very slowly, fixed for 20 seconds and returned to the opposite position.
  2. The woman lies on her back and raises her pelvis to 5 cm from the floor. You need to stay in this position for a short time. The heels should be 30 cm from the body.
  3. The next exercise is called cat. You need to get on all fours, straighten your back. Slowly the back arches and the head rises. The abdominal and thigh muscles work.

Important! During gymnastics, be sure to monitor your sensations. Under no circumstances should exercises be performed when pain occurs.

Relief from pain due to symphysitis

In case of natural divergence of bones during pregnancy, treatment is not carried out. After childbirth, the ligaments should return to their original state. During this time, your doctor may recommend taking No-shpu or drug Menovazin.

When the patient is in the hospital under the supervision of doctors, at 38 weeks of pregnancy, pain can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Pregnant women are prescribed ibuprofen or paracetamol.

When pain appears at 32 weeks of pregnancy and after delivery, antibiotics and UV irradiation are prescribed to avoid the formation of an inflammatory process.

Ointments and gels have a big advantage in treatment, since when they come into contact with the skin, they do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream.

If the pain is severe, then after childbirth the doctor may prescribe opioid painkillers - fentanyl, or use epidural anesthesia.

Other therapies

Traditional methods in in this case almost powerless. Their efficiency is low. The emphasis is mainly on consuming more calcium. A very popular recipe is a combination of sesame seeds with honey and goat cheese.

Corvalol may help reduce pain when applied to the pubic area. Manual therapy is a fairly common method of treatment. It gently affects the pelvic and thigh muscles.

  • - acupuncture, and this method helps to get rid of pain not only for women, but also for men. Effective method and almost painless;
  • - visit an osteopath or chiropractor;
  • — drainage, in case of purulent symphysitis;
  • - injections of glucocorticoids, NSAIDs, if the cause is osteoperiostitis.

Important! Any alternative technique should not replace primary treatment.

What will happen if left untreated?

When the patient does not receive the required treatment or delays seeking help, the discrepancy can cause a severe pain reaction that appears even with the slightest movement up to total loss mobility.

Rupture of the symphysis is a serious complication. Most often it occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus’s head enters the pelvis and puts pressure on the inflamed and weak ligaments. When a woman ruptures, she experiences severe pain shock.

If the discrepancy is more than 2 cm, then treatment can only be surgical. In the future it will be necessary long recovery and assistance from rehabilitation specialists.

Preventive actions

Any special techniques, created to avoid symphysitis have not yet been invented. But, for women with a history this pathology or abnormal pelvic structure, it is recommended:

In addition, all women carrying a child should:

  • stay for a long time fresh air and sunbathing. This will contribute to the production of vitamin D. Relevant for those living in the northern regions of the planet;
  • reduce heavy physical activity, walk less on steps and on foot;
  • perform exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, swim;
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly.

Childbirth with problems with the pubic bone

If there is a large divergence of the symphysis pubis - from 1 cm, doctors may suggest planned surgery caesarean section.

If the discrepancy is more than 2 cm, then there is no choice, only delivery surgically to prevent complete rupture of the ligaments. Otherwise, it may take 3 months of complete immobilization before the ligaments heal.

With the second degree of symphysitis, childbirth takes place naturally, without consequences.

The only thing is that a woman must remain in bed for 3 days with a tightened elastic bandage pelvis. It is recommended to use a corset for the next 3 months.

pubic bone it is one of three bones that form the pelvic bone when fused. Steam room; the two pubic bones, forming the symphysis pubis, form the anterior wall of the pelvis. Consists of a body and two branches. The branches and body of the pubis form the obturator foramen, closed obturator membrane.

The pubic bone in women with the right physique has the shape of a roller with a thickness of approximately thumb arms, which are arched and form pubic eminence. This bone hangs in a kind of arch over the entrance to the vagina, fused at its edges with the bones of the pelvis, and does not present an obstacle during coitus.

The pubic bone is one of the components pelvic bone. It is paired and, connected by a cartilaginous disc, the bones form the symphysis (pubic symphysis). Pain in the pubic bone is often caused by pathological processes precisely in the joint, and not in the soft tissues.

Causes of pain in the pubic bone

If during pregnancy, especially in the second half, you have sharp pains in the pubis, it became difficult to walk up the stairs, turn from side to side on the bed and get up from the sofa, and the gait changed and became like a duck’s, perhaps this symphysitis

This disease is associated with softening of the joints of the pelvis and stretching of the symphysis pubis (which is also called the symphysis - it is a sedentary joint and connects the pubic bones) under the influence of the hormone relaxin. The process of softening the interosseous joints is natural, it helps the child go through it easier. bony pelvis during childbirth.

But in the case when the pubic symphysis swells, becomes greatly stretched, becomes mobile, and the frontal bones, accordingly, diverge excessively, pain appears and a diagnosis of “symphysitis” is made. The reasons why this disease occurs are not completely clear. Some scientists are inclined to believe that there is a lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman, while others associate the disease with increased relaxin concentration. Symphysitis may be caused by individual characteristics woman's body structure, hereditary characteristics or her pre-pregnancy problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Women begin to complain of pain in the pelvic bones after childbirth due to symphysiolysis. The syndrome consists of symphysiolysis proper, rupture of the symphysis and pain in the pelvic bones. Symphysiolysis is characterized by separation between the two pubic bones and instability.

An acute symphysis rupture is very painful and requires rest and a pelvic brace. Pain in the pelvic bones is characterized by soreness of the symphysis and sacroiliac joints. Complaints usually recur after the next pregnancy.

Pubic bone fractures usually occur with a direct blow to the pubic bone or compression of the pelvis. More often they are not accompanied by significant displacement. Patients complain of pain in the pubic bone, which intensifies when moving the legs or palpating.

In the supine position, the patient cannot raise his straight leg. This symptom is called the “stuck heel” symptom. Pubic bone fractures may be accompanied by bruises Bladder. Then arise urinary disorders, pain when urinating.

In some women, the pubis has the shape of a flat saber-shaped strip 3-4 fingers wide, almost half covering the lumen of the vaginal vestibule. With this shape of the pubic bone, its lower edge becomes an obstacle, causing sharp pain when trying to insert the male penis into the vagina.

It is felt especially strongly when the penis presses on the periosteum and presses the urethra against the sharp edge of the pubic bone. Painful sensations when pressing on the periosteum are very painful and, as a rule, are repeated with every attempt to resume sexual intercourse. All this helps to strengthen the protective conditioned reflex and a woman’s negative attitude towards sex life. If you have pain in the pubic bone, you should contact a gynecologist and traumatologist.


Treatment for this pain in the pubic area necessarily includes special gymnastic exercises, accentuated on the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. For example, to perform one of the exercises, you need to get down on all fours and, keeping your back straight, take a breath. When exhaling, the pelvic floor muscles should be squeezed and not unclenched for 5-10 seconds. You should not hold your breath, and you should not move your back. At the end of the exercise, the pelvic muscles must be slowly relaxed. This and similar exercises strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis.

Patients are also prescribed manual therapy , which gently affects the muscles of the pelvis, hips and back. Water is also effective physical exercise. For pain in the pubic area, treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist. In some cases, he will prescribe the following methods of pain relief:

    Acupuncture. This procedure allows you to relieve pain in the pubic bone not only in women, but also in men. The procedure is almost painless, but very effective. The only thing you should consider when agreeing to acupuncture is to trust your body only to a doctor who has undergone special training in this area of ​​treatment;

    Consultation with an osteopath, chiropractor. These doctors know how to cope with pain of this nature, so their consultation will be extremely useful;

    Wearing a prenatal bandage. This treatment method applies to pregnant women suffering from pain in the pubic bone;

    Percutaneous drainage. It is indicated for purulent symphysitis;

    Local injections of glucocorticoids, NSAIDs - for osteoperiostitis;

    Taking medications containing calcium.

Many pregnant women notice relief from an exercise such as the “lotus” or “butterfly”. Pregnant women should avoid strong physical activity, go to rest more often, stretching your legs, but also do not forget about movement - despite the presence of pain, it is simply necessary for pregnant women to move.

When found similar symptoms you must immediately contact specialist(traumatologist; surgeon; urologist; gynecologist), since pain in the pubic bone cannot appear without a reason.

In the second half of pregnancy, a woman may experience pain in the pubic area. This can be explained by quite normal physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, when the bones of the small pelvis diverge, so that during childbirth the child can pass unhindered through the birth canal.

But if the pain is pronounced and intensifies when walking, turning from side to side, then you need to consult a doctor to determine how large the discrepancy is and whether something needs to be done about it.

What is divergence of the symphysis pubis?

The pubis in medicine is called the pubic symphysis or symphysis.
The pubic symphysis is a piece of cartilage that forms the junction of the two pubic bones. The symphysis is attached to the bones with the help of ligaments. Normally, this joint is immobile, but during pregnancy (under the influence of the hormone relaxin), the ligaments relax, and the process of divergence of the pelvic bones occurs, after which excessive mobility of the bones of the pubic symphysis, inflammation and growth may occur. pain syndrome.

Symphysitis does not affect the development and health of the fetus, it causes discomfort only for a woman.

It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound (preferably during pregnancy!) or an X-ray of the pubis to determine how much the bones of the symphysis pubis have diverged. When the bones diverge by 10 mm or more, a diagnosis of pubic symphysitis (symphysiopathy or dysfunction of the pubic symphysis) is made.

X-rays should not be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy! From the second trimester (more precisely, after the 16th week of pregnancy), x-rays can be prescribed if necessary.

Normally, the distance between the two pubic bones is 4-5 mm, but during pregnancy the pelvic bones diverge, and this distance increases by 2-3 mm, amounting to 6-8 mm (up to 10-15 mm is acceptable).

This is considered the 1st stage of the disease, although, in fact, this phenomenon is not something dangerous if it does not progress. It’s just that a pregnant woman needs more careful monitoring by doctors in order to take it in the future. correct solution about the method of delivery if the bones still become severely separated.

A distance between the pubic bones from 1 cm to 2 cm indicates the 2nd stage, and from 2 cm or more - the 3rd stage of symphysitis.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Symphysitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • acute (“shooting”) pain when walking, it hurts to sit down and stand up, spread your legs to the sides, turn over on your side, step over the threshold;
  • lameness or waddling duck gait, which minimizes pain;
  • pain is felt when pressing on the pubis;
  • Clicking, cracking, or grinding sounds may be heard when you move your legs.

Pain can spread to the femoral, inguinal, lumbar, sacral (coccygeal) region.

In the second half of pregnancy, tugging or It's a dull pain in the groin, in the pubic and clitoral area, extending to inner surface hips This is how a pregnant woman's pelvis is distributed. But if, while lying on your back, it hurts to lift your straight leg up, then this is a sign of symphysitis, and you should contact your local obstetrician-gynecologist with this complaint.

The reasons for the development of excessive divergence of the pelvic bones are not precisely determined. Scientists suggest that symphysitis develops when:

  1. Hormonal disorders, for example, with excessive production of the hormone relaxin. Relaxin helps soften the ligamentous apparatus, making the pelvis open and making it easier for the baby to move through the birth canal.
  2. Gestation large fruit or when large quantities amniotic fluid, as well as low position of the baby's head. An increase in the load on the bones of the symphysis pubis leads to greater divergence.
  3. Poor absorption of calcium due to a deficiency of vitamin D3 or an imbalance of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in a woman’s body.
  4. Predisposition to diseases of bones and joints (due to old pelvic injuries, excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system and so on.).

Treatment for pain in the pubic bone

Treatment as such is not carried out; after childbirth, the ligaments acquire their primary state. You can only temporarily reduce the pain by taking 1-2 tablets of No-shpa or rubbing the area above the pubis with Menovazin solution. And if there is swelling of the pubis due to an existing inflammatory process, then drugs such as Chondroxide gel or Betalgon ointment are also prescribed (the products must be applied over the affected area). And to replenish calcium reserves, Calcium D3-Nycomed or its analogs are prescribed.

Do not get carried away with taking medications containing calcium. This can lead to premature hardening of the baby’s skull bones, which can lead to birth injuries. Also, excess calcium puts additional stress on the kidneys and contributes to early aging of the placenta, which is not desirable during pregnancy.

Also, with symphysitis, it is necessary to minimize physical activity such as climbing stairs, long walking, etc.

Sitting in one position for more than 1 hour and crossing your legs while sitting is also not recommended.

You need to stand firmly on both legs, and not put all your weight on one leg.

When turning over in bed, you must turn first top part the torso, and then the pelvis itself.

An orthopedist/surgeon/traumatologist may prescribe wearing a special pelvic bandage and performing the complex special exercises, which can strengthen the ligaments and increase the tone of the pelvic muscles, which will reduce pain during symphysitis.

The pelvic bandage secures the pelvic ring, preventing the pubic bones from moving and thereby causing pain.

On recent months During pregnancy or after childbirth, antibiotics and UV irradiation of the pubic area (the same solarium) may be prescribed to relieve inflammation of the symphysis. If there is no inflammation, then they simply carry on with the pregnancy and wait for the birth.

Childbirth with pubic pain

1. Divergence of the symphysis pubis of 1 cm or more- can carry out planned C-section. But most often, when the discrepancy is more than 2 cm, they begin to talk about a CS, so that the pubic ligaments do not rupture during childbirth. After all, if a rupture occurs, then the woman’s legs are immobilized until the ligaments are restored, and this will take about 3 months in a cast.

But with stage 2 symphysitis, women most often give birth safely naturally and recover without consequences for their own health.

After childbirth, if it progresses well, it is necessary to observe bed rest for about 3 days, tying the hips tightly with an elastic bandage. After this period has expired, you can begin to move around the room little by little, wearing a special corset that fixes the pelvic bones in the desired position, preventing them from moving apart. The corset is worn for 3-6 months.

If after childbirth there is no severe pain in the pubis, then you don’t need to do anything, you can lead a normal life.

2. When the gap between the bones is less than 1 cm, if the pregnant woman feels normal and provided that the fetus is not large and the pelvis is not narrow, childbirth is carried out naturally. Already 3-5 days after birth, the pain will not be so strong, but it will completely subside after 2 weeks, maximum 2 months after the birth of the baby.

Traumatic damage to the pubic bones due to a bruise, blow or fall. Possible fracture displaces the bones, pain appears in the pubic area. The pubic bone consists of two branches and the body of the bone itself, which forms the area of ​​the acetabulum located in front. The acetabulum, in turn, consists of the pubic bone, the ilium and the ischium and serves as a surface for important hip joint. The branches of the pubic bone are connected by the symphysis. This whole complex structure is quite vulnerable and swipe may cause displacement or fracture of bone tissue. Pain in the pubic area is not specific for diagnosing fractures; they are confirmed by examination, palpation and x-ray examination.

In addition to the painful sensations that intensify with motor activity, especially when walking or physical activity on the legs (squats, bending, climbing stairs), the process of urination is disrupted. A characteristic symptom is difficulty raising the legs while lying down - Gorinevskaya's symptom or the symptom of a stuck heel, which is also characteristic of a femoral neck fracture.

If the diagnosis of a pubic bone fracture is confirmed, therapy consists of anesthesia (injection of painkillers), strict bed rest and placing the leg on the side of which the pubic ramus fracture is determined to be in a Beller splint (for skeletal traction and muscle relaxation). If the fracture is diagnosed as bilateral, the victim remains in hospital for four to five weeks. characteristic pose“frogs”, when the legs are bent and the knees are moved to the sides, the feet touch each other. The patient is placed on a special orthopedic bed to avoid possible risks of bedsores. During hospitalization, a complex is carried out physical therapy, physiotherapy sessions, symptomatic and vitamin therapy.

Pain in the pubic area can also be caused by gynecological pathologies, often developing in a latent form. Endometritis, adnexitis, endometriosis, reaching the stage of exacerbation, are often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, localized in this place. Pain in these diseases is almost never intense, it has a nagging, aching character with irradiation to the groin.

Severe pain in both men and women is a sign of exacerbation of a serious disease. In women, pain in this area may indicate the beginning of the process spontaneous abortion(miscarriage), especially if they are accompanied by bleeding, in men - exacerbation of prostatitis.

Pain in the pubic area may be one-sided. It doesn’t matter whether they are located on the right or left painful sensations, they indicate hidden ovarian tumors or bladder swelling. The nature of the pain depends on the stage at which the disease is located. If the cancer process has just begun its development, the pain may be nagging and weak. If the process becomes inflammatory, the neoplasms have big sizes, the pain can be sharp, unbearable, and accompanied by discharge.

Ectopic pregnancy, which is a threatening pathology, can also manifest itself as pain in the pubic area. Pain in the pubic area, as well as any other pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdominal part, like atypical discharge, dizziness are alarms indicating tubal pregnancy.

Acute, intense pain in the pubic area, which is combined with bleeding or discharge after sexual intercourse, may indicate torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst or rupture of the neoplasm. Cyst rupture has characteristic symptoms which includes dizziness, falling blood pressure, feverish condition.

Pain in the pubic area, in the lower part, closer to the vulva, may be a sign congenital pathology pubic bone when it is excessively elongated and blocks the entrance to the vagina. Any sexual contact with such a pathology provokes severe pain, because the bone presses on the urethral canal.

Pain in the pubic area may be associated with normal physiological reasons during pregnancy. In addition to changes occurring in hormonal system, the pelvic bones begin to soften a little, preparing for childbirth. This process occurs slowly, under the influence of a specific hormone called relaxin. Both the pelvic bones and the pubic symphysis itself begin to move apart, providing the opportunity for fetal development. Pathological softening and, accordingly, excessive mobility of the pubic bones in gynecological practice is called symphysitis. In addition to the fact that the pubic bone periodically shifts, they swell noticeably soft fabrics pubis. Symphysitis is externally manifested by a heavy gait, so characteristic of pregnant women (duck gait), difficulties in turning the body, climbing stairs and general motor “sluggishness”. The pain in the pubic area becomes unbearable, it is especially strong upon palpation. Factors that provoke symphysitis may be calcium deficiency, congenital structural, anatomical abnormalities of the pelvic skeletal system. As a rule, after the birth of the baby, when the body gradually recovers, all signs of symphysitis subside.

Symphysiliosis is pathological condition pubic bone after childbirth, which is accompanied by pain and fever. This one is enough serious disease, which can develop during rapid labor, when the pubic bones do not simply diverge, but rupture at the point of articulation (symphysis). The cause of the rupture can also be a large child and narrow pelvic bones or their insufficient divergence, “preparation” for the birth process. Treatment consists of local anesthesia, bed rest, usually on pelvic bones a special fixing bandage is put on.

Pain in the pubic area can also occur in representatives of the stronger sex, most often due to the development inguinal hernia or exacerbation chronic prostatitis. The hernia is not limited painful sensations, it radiates to the lower back or sacrum, sometimes even to the leg.

Pain in the pubic area can be caused by chronic osteomyelitis, which goes into the inflammatory stage. In this case, the symphysis (the pubic symphysis) becomes inflamed, and the pubic tissue swells greatly. The symptoms of osteomyelitis of the pubic bone are extremely similar to the signs of symphysitis; of course, the presence or absence of pregnancy, as well as blood tests and x-rays, help to differentiate them.

A common reason for visiting a doctor is aching pain localized over pubic bone. Mostly women come who are later diagnosed gynecological diseases. Men also experience groin syndrome. The symptom is caused by the development of pathologies or the consequences of injuries.

Possible causes of pain in men and women

Unpleasant and sometimes unbearable symptoms are caused by irritation of nerve receptors due to damage or disease. The explanation for the malaise is dysfunction of internal organs.

The cause of discomfort can be determined by its location:

  • In the navel area. The transverse colon passes through here, so the syndrome appears due to disorders gastrointestinal tract. Pathologies, causing pain: colitis, polyposis, dysbacteriosis, Crohn's disease, cancer, hernia, as well as obstruction and deformation of intestinal tubes.
  • In the groin. In this area there are inguinal canals, ureter and spermatic cord in men, ovaries and uterine ligament in women. Pain in the very lower abdomen right above the pubic bone indicates pathologies: urethritis, urolithiasis, funiculitis, adnexitis, cyst, neoplasm or tumor.
  • Midway between the navel and groin. In women, it is characterized by damage to the bladder or uterus: cervical erosion, endometriosis, adnexitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, cyst. In men, this area contains the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate. Therefore, signs may indicate prostate adenoma, prostatitis, inflammation of the genital organs.
  • Above the pubis on the sides. On the left is the appendix, on the right, slightly higher, are the kidneys. Symptoms may indicate appendicitis, polycystic disease, colitis, salpingitis, tumor, inflammation or renal failure.

Pelvic organs in women

The painful condition is sometimes explained by injury or physiological changes:

  • Manifestations of spasmodic syndrome are caused by fractures, bruises, and organ damage due to an accident or direct blow.
  • Women often have pain in the lower abdomen, directly in the suprapubic bone, when carrying a child in the 2nd–3rd trimester. The condition is caused by skeletal changes: separation of bone elements due to fetal growth.
  • On early stages ectopic pregnancy worries a lot, sharp pain. Symptom caused by deformity fallopian tube, to which the egg is attached. At 8–10 weeks the canal ruptures.
  • During menstruation, women often feel a nagging discomfort in the pubic area - the tubercle located in the lower abdomen, where the pubic symphysis is located. The spasm from the groin radiates to the back and is explained by the expansion of the uterine canal.
  • In old age, women face pain during menopause and menopause. This is caused by hormonal changes, decreased endurance, calcium deficiency. The body is also rebuilt in girls adolescence, so spasms occur.

Pain - useful symptom, serving as a signal from the body for help. To identify pathology, it is important not only to determine the location of the spasm, but also the nature of the manifestations.

Pain symptoms

Pain in the groin area, above the pubis or near the navel indicates pathologies of the pelvic organs. Manifestations can be expressed by localized spasms or radiate to the lumbar region, abdomen, or leg. In addition to the pain syndrome, which intensifies with pressure and movement, concomitant manifestations of diseases appear.

Signs of pathologies in women

Often, symptoms of malaise in women are caused by infectious or inflammatory processes reproductive system.

To avoid complications, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and describe the characteristic manifestations.

The main gynecological diseases that cause pain in the pubic area:

Cervical erosion
  • burning, painful urination;
  • discomfort, dryness during sexual intercourse;
  • discharge with brown spots, sometimes profuse leucorrhoea.
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • may pull during bowel movements, menstruation, sexual intercourse.
Ovarian cyst
  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • feeling of heaviness, distension;
  • abdominal enlargement caused by fluid accumulation;
  • intestinal disorders are possible.
  • cycle disruptions, sweating;
  • mucopurulent discharge;
  • acute cramps of the abdomen, lower back;
  • burning when urinating;
  • in the chronic form of the pathology, intoxication of the body is observed.

The severity of symptoms depends on the stage of the disease. As the disorder develops, the manifestations are weak and some signs are absent. Relapses are accompanied by acute pain, and with infections the temperature rises.

Signs of pathologies in men

Pain above the pubic bone in the groin in men is caused by urological dysfunctions. Manifestations are triggered by inflammation, an increase in the size of the genital organs, or a neoplasm.

Common pathologies that cause pain:

  • sluggish jet flow;
  • frequent, painful bowel movements;
  • spasms in lumbar region, groin, genitals;
  • disorders of potency and erection;
  • mucous discharge is possible.
  • sharp pain in the groin area;
  • intermittent urine flow;
  • weak pressure and slow speed when urinating;
  • increased tension, delay in emptying the bladder;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet, incontinence.
Inflammation of the seminal vesicles or vesiculitis
  • discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • pain during ejaculation;
  • spontaneous ejaculation;
  • streaks of blood in the semen;
  • burning during urination, pain during bowel movements;
  • headaches and fever are possible.

Unpleasant sensations are often localized on one side, which indicates damage to a specific organ, its right or left side. On early stage the pathology is mild and rarely asymptomatic.

Signs of gastrointestinal diseases

Digestive disorders occur in both men and women.

If, in addition to painful tingling, discomfort and spasms, dyspeptic disorders, gastrointestinal dysfunction occurs in the body.

Abdominal cramps may be accompanied by the following pathologies:

Colitis of the intestines
  • pain when moving, exercising, eating;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • flatulence, bloating, heaviness;
  • false urge to go to the toilet;
  • mucus or blood in the stool;
  • general weakness of the body.
  • pain in the stomach;
  • increased gas formation;
  • sour stool smell, discoloration;
  • nausea, belching, poor appetite;
  • unstable stool, diarrhea;
  • dry skin.
Umbilical hernia
  • colicky pain;
  • strongly protruding navel;
  • when pressed, the abdominal cavity feels empty;
  • Possible intoxication of the body and dyspeptic disorders.
Irritable bowel syndrome
  • unstable stool, alternating diarrhea and diarrhea;
  • cramps before bowel movements;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • mucous discharge from the anus.
  • constant spasm in the right side;
  • pain is reflected in the epigastric, lumbar region;
  • loose stools, frequent urination;
  • nausea, reflex vomiting;
  • malaise, weakness.

Even with mild manifestations of the disease, you should immediately go to the hospital. Better to prevent possible violation or detect pathology on initial stage than to treat the complication surgically.

Which doctor should I contact?

To make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. The choice of specialist depends on the symptoms and nature of the pain in the suprapubic region.

Who to go to for an appointment:

  • A traumatologist is contacted if the syndrome causes difficulty in movement, the inability to straighten up, or a “duck gait.”
  • After accidents and serious damage to the integrity of bones and tissues, they turn to a surgeon.
  • If symptoms caused by pregnancy, childbirth, or physiological changes in women need to be examined by a gynecologist.
  • Men with suspicions inflammatory diseases and pathologies genitourinary system An examination by a urologist will be required.

In any case, the doctor after preliminary diagnostics If necessary, he will give a referral to another specialist, as well as prescribe studies and tests.

Establishing diagnosis

At the appointment, the doctor examines the location of the pain and determines the disorder by pressing on the disturbing area. Palps and visually checks the likelihood of enlargement of any organ due to inflammation. The patient’s task is to accurately reproduce recent events. It is also important to correctly describe the symptoms. What kind of pain, tingling, aching or cutting, where does it go?

After examination and questioning, the doctor refers to additional research to clarify the diagnosis:

  • blood, urine, and, if necessary, stool tests;
  • MRI or computed tomography;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
  • scraping or smear analysis;
  • X-ray.

Additional hardware examinations may be prescribed, depending on the type of pathology. After studying the results, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes drug treatment, home care, rehabilitation procedures. Most often, therapy is carried out conservatively. However, when chronic forms life-threatening diseases or complications will require surgical intervention.

Pain above the pubic area is a symptom that should not be ignored. It is recommended to analyze possible reasons discomfort to eliminate them. The best prevention the syndrome will become balanced diet, compliance with hygiene rules, control of physical activity, elimination of stressful situations.

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