Why do my limbs sweat? Why do adults' hands and feet sweat a lot - how to get rid of sweating? Reasons why we sweat

Hyperhidrosis of the extremities is quite common. But if your hands and feet sweat a lot, this is not always a sign of any disease.

In some cases, excessive sweating is a consequence of stress, nervous overstrain or wearing low-quality shoes.

If a person’s hands and feet sweat constantly, the reasons are hidden in the functioning of the body’s systems.

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Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

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I have recovered from increased sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov ointment - nothing helped.

Hyperhidrosis is a disorder of the sweating mechanism. Most often occurs in young women under 30 years of age. This problem mainly appears during waves and as a result of the influence of high temperatures.

Hyperhidrosis does not pose a health hazard, but it causes a lot of inconvenience to its owners and causes complexes. This disease greatly interferes with a person’s normal life and limits his communication with other people.

Excessive sweating of the palms and feet can be primary or secondary. The first appears as a result of increased sympathetic activity nervous system. Secondary hyperhidrosis indicates the presence of a serious disease or pathology.

The disease is also divided into:

  • diffuse – sweating appears throughout the body;
  • local – when individual areas sweat: arms, legs, armpits, head, etc.

Degrees of palm sweating

There are three degrees of severity of sweaty palms:

  • light – if humidity occurs rarely and does not cause inconvenience;
  • medium – when the problem causes discomfort;
  • severe - if sweat drips from your hands in the form of drops.

The symptoms of hyperhidrosis are easy to identify. For example, when the extremities of the legs sweat, when removing shoes, bad smell on socks and shoes.

Some time later, after hygiene procedures, the feet again acquire a specific smell.

Excessive sweating of the palms is determined by the following signs:

  • reddish color of the skin of the hands;
  • wet marks from touching paper;
  • A pen, pencil or keyboard becomes slippery and wet when used for a long time.

Only a doctor can determine the reason why an adult’s hands and feet sweat. Therefore, if this problem arises, you should not worry and limit your social circle, but you should contact a specialist.


To understand what to do, it is important to identify the reason why your palms and feet sweat so much. The fact is that in these areas of the body there are a large number of sweat glands.

For example, there are about half a million of them per 1 cm² of the palm. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for sweating in humans, which activates this ability in a stressful situation or at high temperatures. environment.

In some people with low stress tolerance, the cause heavy sweating hands and feet is the slightest disturbance. Wet palms again cause worry and embarrassment in their owners.

Gradually, this leads to the fact that the very anticipation of sweating of the hands and feet causes fear, rapid heartbeat and the release of adrenaline, which contributes to profuse sweating. As a result, a person becomes hostage to this vicious circle.

If your hands and feet sweat a lot, this can be caused by various diseases:

  • infection;
  • dermatological problems;
  • malignant diseases;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • endocrine problems;
  • hematological pathologies;
  • neurological and psychological problems;
  • , menopause or puberty in adolescents.

In women, hyperhidrosis can be a sign of pregnancy or accompany lactation. There is also a problem adverse reaction as a result of taking certain medications. Often the cause of increased sweating of the hands and feet is the consumption of certain foods: spices, spicy foods, alcohol.

If the problem occurs occasionally as a result of heat, an emergency or other reason caused by external factors, then there is no need to worry. But, if your palms and feet sweat constantly, then you should worry and contact a specialist who will identify the real reason this condition and will find a way to get rid of it.

Moreover, you need to be wary when the problem is accompanied by other symptoms: irritability, elevated temperature, headache, weakness, painful sensations. In this case, going to the doctor cannot be postponed, so as not to trigger the disease and worsen your health.

Hereditary predisposition

Another reason why your hands and feet sweat a lot is heredity. More often than not, this feature is transmitted precisely male, but this happens among women too. In most cases, the weaker sex is only the carrier of a tendency to excessive sweating, which is inherited by the next generation.

Antiperspirants, baths and cosmetic procedures. Pick up effective methods A doctor can combat sweating.

Diagnosis of sweating hands and feet

It is not difficult for a physician to diagnose hyperhidrosis.

This problem is determined using the Minor test:

  1. The feet or palms are lubricated with iodine and allowed to dry.
  2. Sprinkle the treated area with starch and leave for a few more minutes.
  3. Sweat turns iodine and starch dark. Based on the volume of the spot, the doctor determines the degree of the disease.


What to do if your hands and feet sweat a lot? This question arises for any person who has encountered such a problem. You can get rid of it by identifying the cause. Depending on it, there are the following treatment methods:

It should be noted that different doctors can determine why your feet and palms sweat a lot. For example, if the cause is fungal diseases, then a dermatologist will handle the treatment.

For effective treatment experts advise against sweating at home Dry Control. This unique remedy:

  • Normalizes psycho-emotional state
  • Stabilizes sweating
  • Completely suppresses unpleasant odor
  • Eliminates causes of excessive sweating
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications
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Problems with psycho-emotional background will be solved by a neurologist. If the source of sweating of the hands and feet is glandular dysfunction internal secretion How to get rid of the problem, the endocrinologist will tell you. Each case is individual.

After determining the cause, treatment for sweating of the feet and hands may involve the use of tablets and various ointments:

  1. – is considered the most effective remedy, as it contains a large amount of formaldehyde. The drug is available in the form of a transparent gel. When used for one day, sweating will decrease for up to 3 weeks.
  2. active substance is formaldehyde. This product has been known since Soviet times; it has the best price-quality ratio. Using a cotton swab, Formidron is applied to areas that sweat a lot: legs, palms, heels. The procedure should be carried out for 2.5 weeks before bedtime. If necessary, the doctor will extend the course.
  3. – a proven tool, but not very convenient to use. It must be used twice a day. It can stain clothes and bed, so this drug is not very popular.
  4. – a well-known remedy that is used once a day. Before applying it, it is recommended to hold your palms and feet for 12 minutes. warm water, then wipe dry. After application, put on socks and sit for about 20 minutes. At the end, the remaining ointment must be washed off so that it does not cause irritation.
  5. Pills plant origin(Bellaspon, Belloid) are actively used to treat hyperhidrosis. Their advantage is the lack of addiction.
  6. Sedative medications are used to treat psychoemotional hyperhidrosis. Often, the doctor also prescribes tranquilizers at the same time, but they are addictive.

Antiperspirants can be used as a temporary remedy to reduce sweating. They can temporarily relieve discomfort caused by wet palms and feet.

Botox injections

If cosmetics and medications do not produce a noticeable effect, the doctor may suggest therapy with Botox or Dysport injections.

The drug is administered subcutaneously, it stops the transmission of impulses from the nerves to the sweat glands. This method is used not only if your hands and feet sweat, but also on your face and armpits.

The procedure must be repeated every 6 months or after a year. Injections into the feet or palms are somewhat painful, but the effect is visible after the procedure almost immediately and remains for a long time.

Studies have shown that only 7% of patients had no results from Botox injections.


Iontophoresis is a procedure in which the channels of the sweat glands are damaged under the influence of cholinergic ion currents.

This method is very convenient, safe and painless.

The patient places his arms or legs in a container of water containing special electrodes. The procedures should be performed daily for 10 days.

The duration of iontophoresis is 15-20 minutes.

In difficult cases, the doctor may increase the number of sessions. After completing the course of treatment, sweating decreases for several months.

Efficiency this method is about 82%, but many are deterred by the high cost of such procedures and significant amount contraindications.

The most drastic method is surgical intervention. But the operations are different for different limbs.

To solve the problem in the palm area, a sympathectomy is performed. If the feet sweat excessively, a laparoscopic lumbar sympathectomy is performed.

Palm surgery involves removing the nerves through several small incisions. Sympathectomy is performed under general anesthesia, the patient leaves the clinic one day after observation.

The functionality of the hands is restored within a couple of days after the operation, and the stitches are removed after a week. The effectiveness of this operation is 99%, the effect lasts for life. Relapses occasionally occur, but do not reach high degree gravity.

The effectiveness of surgery on the feet is slightly lower - about 80%. It cannot always be performed laparoscopically, so this intervention is rarely resorted to. Patients are put off by possible aesthetic problems, although relapses are uncommon. Recovery takes 1-2 days.

Gives a lot of advice ethnoscience. However, you should consult a specialist before using these methods.

It is important to first determine the causes of sweating of the palms and feet, otherwise all manipulations will not give any result. The doctor will be able to advise which traditional methods are suitable in a particular case. Based on the method of administration, they can be divided into internal and external.

For internal use fit:

  1. Tea with lemon balm - can reduce sweating of hands;
  2. Tea with sage: 2 tbsp. l. put the herbs in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drink 70 g 2 to 4 times a day.

If you understand why your palms and soles sweat, you can choose the appropriate method to solve this problem:

  • Mint baths for heels, palms or the entire body will help complement and enhance the effect of lemon balm tea. You can also add sage, chamomile or walnut leaves.
  • – one of the most famous methods of combating hyperhidrosis. The raw materials are crushed, poured with boiling water, and allowed to stand for 15 minutes. The water is then drained and the bark is placed in gloves and socks, which are worn overnight. In the morning, take everything off and rinse your hands and feet. warm water. Bark stains clothes, so use things you won't mind throwing away. Baths (general or local) are prepared from this raw material, 95 g of bark is poured with boiling water and kept over low heat, the finished decoction is poured into a bath of water.
  • Potato starch is also poured into gloves and socks at night. Unlike oak raw materials, starch does not leave traces.
  • Lemon juice can help " ambulance"if the person is outside the home. It is squeezed into a spray bottle and sprayed onto sweaty palms.
  • also suitable for spraying. Only they should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 to avoid skin irritation.
  • Baths with ammonia are done like this: add 1 tsp to a liter of water. ammonia; then keep your hands or feet in this mixture for about 10 minutes. After this, wash off the residue with water, wipe it dry, and sprinkle the problem surfaces with talcum powder.
  • Beer baths will help reduce the manifestations of hyperhidrosis, but the beer must be alive.

Sometimes the reason why the extremities of the hands and feet sweat is poor nutrition. In this case, the doctor will recommend not only using baths or ointments, but also eliminating certain foods from the diet, for example: coffee, alcohol, hot and spicy foods.

For patients suffering from hyperhidrosis, it is better to give preference to clothing made from natural fabrics. Don't dress too warmly. If your feet sweat heavily, you should wear only cotton socks and comfortable shoes made of genuine leather.

Many people who have experienced hyperhidrosis are concerned about why their palms and feet sweat and what to do to solve this problem. If the cause of sweating of the palms and feet is not caused by external factors, it is better to consult a doctor who will accurately diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

Do you still think that it is impossible to cure hyperhidrosis?

Excessive hyperhidrosis is nothing more than sweating of the hands and feet, often causing a lot of inconvenience. The psychological barrier that arises due to this problem provokes a lot of complexes and self-doubt. In our article we will find out why men's palms sweat and how to combat it with the help of medications and folk remedies.

What causes your palms and feet to sweat?

Through sweating, the body removes excess fluid and normalizes body temperature. But the amount of moisture released is not always within normal limits. The causes of excessive sweating of the extremities are very diverse, but they carry the same discomfort.

Sweaty palms

Studies have shown that sweating of the palms of men is significantly higher than that of women. This is due to differences hormonal levels and activity sebaceous glands. The cause of sweaty palms in males can be determined by the nature of the discharge. Consider a few common cases.

Palms sweat sharply

Often, severe sweating of the palms is associated with a stressful state of the body. Scientifically proven that men are less emotional nervous tension than women, so the body itself copes with the “anxious” state. As a rule, sudden sweating of the palms is accompanied by rapid heartbeat and breathing.

Palms sweat a lot

If a man is in a state of nervous rest and does not perform any physical activity, but his palms sweat profusely, the reason may be a dysfunction of cardio-vascular system. Increased content cholesterol in the blood, unstable circulatory and arterial pressure- all these factors aggravate the load on the heart muscles. Blood flow slows down and oxygen reaches the body cells less well. In this case, the body experiences “starvation” and against its background begins to react to what is happening with profuse sweating on the palms.

Palms sweat in summer

Sweating on the palms in the summer is a natural process of the body. Active production of sweating in hot weather provides cooling and normalization of body temperature. Thus, the skin cools and removes excess moisture along with toxins. Therapists recommend avoiding frequent use talc in the summer, especially on the palms. Otherwise sebaceous glands become clogged and a violation occurs natural process body, which leads to inflammatory process kidney

Cold palms and sticky sweat

As mentioned earlier, sweating helps normalize body temperature, regardless of weather conditions. If in the summer sweat “helps” cool the body, then in winter time- on the contrary, it warms. When the temperature of the skin or limbs reaches its lowest point, the nervous system operates in “stress” mode. As a rule, these are cold palms, sticky sweat with a specific odor and trembling. Thus, the body tries to normalize the temperature and get out of the state of shock.

Sweaty feet

If it is impossible not to pay attention to the sweating of the palms, then many men simply ignore the excessive “dampness” of the feet. In most cases, foot skin diseases could be avoided if timely diagnosis and treating the problem. Let's take a look at the most common causes of sweaty feet in men.

Profuse sweating

Excessive sweating of the feet has many causes. For example, the use of shoes made of synthetic materials. Even a cotton sock cannot provide proper ventilation. Increased foot temperature and lack of oxygen provoke active work sebaceous glands.

Also, the cause of profuse sweating of the feet may be a “mess” at work. genitourinary system. For example, your kidneys can process much less fluid than you consume. As a result, swelling and profuse sweating of the feet and back occur.

Sweat with a strong odor

Sweating feet accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor may indicate bacterial damage to the skin of the feet. Often the cause lies in fungal diseases nail plate. Under the influence of “decomposition” of keratinized tissues, an unpleasant odor is formed. But the problem is not only him. The lesion will increase significantly if no measures are taken to cure it.

Sweating feet with odor is also one of the signs of slagging in the body. It is a well-known fact that with the release of excess fluid, viral bacteria, toxins and carcinogens are removed from the body. With various poisonings and indigestion, many pathogenic substances are formed in the blood, which are released through sweating, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Increased sweating of the feet and palms creates discomfort for men; anti-sweat products help solve the problem

What can you do to prevent your palms and feet from sweating?

Having found out the cause of profuse sweating of the palms and soles, you need to start complex treatment Problems. Let's look at how to reduce sweating without harming your health.

Anti-sweating medications

There are a wide variety of medications available to combat profuse sweating. A variety of media formats allow you to use them anywhere and at any time. Let's look at the most popular and effective drugs.

"Formagel" for sweating

An effective remedy for sweating is Formagel. The name of the drug reflects the main component of the composition - formaldehyde. Regarding "harmlessness" of this medicine There have been a lot of rumors for a long time. Since formaldehyde substances are toxic and hazardous to health, many consumers avoid Formagel. But few people know that toxic substances This component, when applied externally, does not enter the body’s bloodstream, acting exclusively on the surface of the epidermis. Formaldehyde temporarily tightens the pores, reducing the intensity of sweating. It is necessary to apply “Formagel” once a day, lubricating the foot with a thin layer, then rinse thoroughly before going to bed. Price this drug- from 180 rubles.


Roll-on deodorant based on kaolin and zinc powder “Dry-Dry” is one of the most popular ways to eliminate sweating. The effect of the drug does not stop for 48 hours, or even more. “Dry-Dry” is irreplaceable for important meetings, as it does not leave marks on clothes and reliably protects against sweat stains. But, apply this remedy It is not recommended more than once a month. The reason for this was aluminum, which is part of cosmetic product. This metal tends to accumulate in the body. In addition, aluminum particles clog pores, blocking the outflow of excess fluid. The cost of “Dry-Dry” deodorant is from 350 rubles.

"Teymur's paste"

"Teymur's paste" is one of the oldest, but effective ointments to combat excessive sweating. A thick zinc mass with a metallic odor is applied to the surface of the skin and left until completely dry. The “tightening” properties of the drug reduce pores, thereby reducing the volume of fluid released. Treatment with Teimur Paste is carried out in a course of 2 times a day for a week, but not more often than once every 2 months. The cost of this medicinal product is only 30-60 rubles.

Anti-sweating sprays

Most major cosmetic companies produce a line of products designed to reduce sweating in certain areas of the body. As a rule, they are made in spray format for greater ease of use. It is enough to spray the product onto the problem area and within 12 hours you will feel the result. The main components of these products are alcohol and zinc powder. If the first component of the spray disinfects the skin, then zinc narrows the pores, temporarily clogging the tubules. The price for such a product depends on the manufacturer, packaging design and the type of fragrances or oils added to the product, and starts from 150 rubles and above.

Folk remedies for sweating palms and feet

Hyperhidrosis has long been treated using traditional medicine. Now such methods are undeservedly forgotten, but many “natural” recipes effectively coped with the task no worse than some “promoted” drugs. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most in effective ways sweating treatment.

Apple cider vinegar for sweating

Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties, thanks to which the seasoning is used not only for cooking, but also as a effective remedy from sweating. Due to the specific sour smell, treatment with this remedy is best done at home. First, take a shower, thoroughly washing the problem areas soap solution. Then. Using a cotton swab, wipe the skin with a mixture of 9% apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Wait until the solution is absorbed and repeat the procedure again. Treating your palms and feet with vinegar not only deeply cleanses the pores of sebaceous secretions, but also tightens them.

Oak bark for sweating

Like apple cider vinegar, oak bark also helps tighten pores and has antiseptic properties. For excessive sweating of the feet, it is recommended to take foot baths with bark decoction every two days. To prepare it we need 500 grams of fresh or dry oak bark. Add 5 liters of water to it and put it on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat and add 2 tablespoons pharmaceutical chamomile. Let the product sit for 1-2 hours. Please note that reheating the oak bark decoction is possible at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. Otherwise, herbal ingredients will lose what they want healing effect. We take foot baths for 30 minutes per procedure.

Birch leaves for sweating

Birch leaves perfectly reduce the amount of sweating, and in any type of use of this component. For example, you can take weekly baths from tree leaves, or use them in fresh. You need to take a warm sock, preferably made of natural wool, and pour into it a mixture of crushed birch leaves and burdock root. Please note that this method only applies to vertical position. Simply put, you put on “therapeutic” socks and go about your usual activities, rather than lying down. Thus, when walking, plant juice is squeezed out, and the warm fabric contributes to the “greenhouse” effect, due to which useful material I have a more active effect on the deep layers of the epidermis.

Mint and tea tree for sweating

Fresh mint and essential oil tea tree is often used to reduce sweating. This “duet” not only perfectly disinfects problem areas, but is also a natural flavoring agent, which is important when copious discharge sweat with odor. The unobtrusive aroma skillfully masks the unpleasant odor, while tannins reduce the production of sebaceous glands.

Tea tree essential oil and fresh mint can be added to baths or used as moisturizer ingredients. 4-5 drops of each type of ether per 100 ml of cosmetic product is enough. The cream base can be any; children's cream is mainly used, but it can also be your favorite body lotion or softening gel for feet. Please note that in the case of mint, the rule “the more the merrier” should not be applied. Otherwise, even on rough skin of the feet, marks may appear. allergic reaction in the form of itching, blisters and redness.

Before starting treatment for hyperhidrosis, you should consult a specialist for detailed advice. Only based on the results of the analysis and examination of the body, the doctor will prescribe you the appropriate drug. Traditional methods of treating sweating can be used as preventive effects on the problem and maintaining optimal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

A person lives in society, so sometimes he has to interact with it: talk, kiss on the cheeks, shake hands or hug.

The problem of sweating palms makes many feel embarrassed, feel uncomfortable, and refuse to communicate with people, because you feel unpleasant shaking someone’s wet palm. In order to understand the problem, you must first of all find out: why do your hands sweat? There are many reasons for this, because it is not always a symptom of a disease; sometimes dampness appears due to the selection of incorrect or low-quality clothing or shoes (in the case of feet), rapid metabolism, predisposition from birth and much more.

The main reasons for sweaty hands

  1. Clothes that are too warm or heat environment. A banal reason that scares many. But if it’s hot and your palms become wet, this is normal, because the body is trying to release as much water as possible in order to cool down. There is only one way out - wash your hands more often with cool water or dress less warmly (clothing should be made of natural fabrics, because they will not create an additional greenhouse effect).
  2. Fast metabolism. Some people have a fast metabolism, their body temperature is always a little higher, which can cause their hands to sweat a little. The solution here is the same as in the previous paragraph.
  3. Genetic predisposition. Sometimes sweating occurs from birth, and nothing can be done about it. Symptoms can only be alleviated by using special ointments or creams or traditional medicine methods.

The following reasons are hazardous to health:

  1. Diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2. People who are sick with it quickly lose water from the body, it is noted increased sweating not only on the hands, but throughout the body.
  2. Adrenal dysfunction. The adrenal glands are organs that produce steroid hormones, including adrenaline and norepinephrine. Both of these substances cause increased heart rate, dry mouth, and sweaty hands.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland. This part of the brain is also part humoral system, produces the most important hormones: regulators and tropims. Its improper functioning leads to various disorders in the body.
  4. Poor functioning of the thyroid gland. Thyroid releases iodine-containing hormones. Iodine affects metabolic processes in organism.
  5. Stress, neuroses. With such manifestations of emotional activity, excessive production of adrenaline and norepinephrine occurs (their influence has already been discussed). Experiences and anxieties disrupt the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, and this leads to increased excitability, sweating.
  6. Problems with the autonomic nervous system. This system does not obey a person; it involuntarily commands the work of various organs and glands and affects all processes in the body.

If excessive sweating is too worrying, visit a doctor who will determine the causes of this phenomenon, and in case of serious illnesses, refer you to a neurologist or endocrinologist for further tests and treatment. Often, the following diseases are hidden under excessive sweat production: diabetes, dysfunction of some humoral organs, even depression. But what to do if your hands are sweaty, and there is no time or opportunity to contact a specialist? Some tips on how to cope with the disease or at least alleviate its manifestations and discomfort:

Fighting methods

1. Often sold in pharmacies creams, ointments , containing plant extracts (mint, oak bark, nettle and others) that reduce the secretion of sweat glands. Hands are smeared with them depending on the abundance, 2-4 times a day.

2. Wiping with solutionperoxide or ammonia. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of the selected substance (only one) in 300 ml of water. Wipe your hands with the solution several times a day. This will not only calm the glands, but also reduce the development of bacteria.

3. Baths with oak bark.Brew 3 - 4 tablespoons of dried oak bark in 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for about an hour, add a little cold water and lower your hands there to the middle of your forearm. The bath is taken 3-4 times a week for half an hour.

4. Rubbing with a decoction of sage, chamomile, dandelion root or calendula.Brew a strong decoction of any herb (you can use all of them) in a ratio of 4 teaspoons per liter of water. Wipe your hands with a cotton pad soaked in the broth. All the plants on the list have a pigment-constricting effect, and your palms will be dry for 2 to 3 hours after the procedure.

5. Laundry soap.This method is a little radical, but it helps. Need to replace regular soap for economic It dries out the skin and tightens pores.

It is worth understanding that traditional medicine requires long-term treatment, the obvious effect will be in a week, but will disappear if you stop the course. If sweating does not go away, consult a doctor, because this may be a sign of problems in the body.

Sweaty hands and feet

Often sweaty palms are paired with similar feet.

The reasons here are about the same, but increased sweating of the feet indicates several more factors:

  1. Wrong shoes. Not only are shoes today made from low-quality materials, but they are also not sewn together, but held together with glue. All this causes heat retention and sweating. Shoe size also matters, because if shoes or boots are too tight, your feet will sweat.
  2. Unnatural socks. A thing that is rarely paid close attention to often brings this kind of trouble. In order to avoid moisture levels, choose socks that are 80 - 85% cotton. Such clothes breathe and absorb moisture.
  3. Fungal infections. In such a situation, “ vicious circle" If there is fungus under the nails, your feet begin to sweat profusely. The higher the humidity, the more comfortable the microorganisms feel and this is how positive development develops. backlash– the more sweat, the more fungi, the more of them, the more moisture. If the business starts, then they join bacterial infections. There is only one way out here - to visit a doctor, since self-medication will not help here (all these “grandmother’s methods”: iodine, brilliant green, decoctions are powerless against fungi, and sometimes only aggravate the situation). An analysis specialist will determine the strain and prescribe external and internal treatment.

Treatment follows the same scheme: doctor - medicine (or traditional methods which will relieve symptoms).

If a child between 9 and 16 years old has moderate sweating on his hands and feet, this is normal, because his body is being rebuilt, and his hormonal organs are working with constantly different activity. You should just do prevention by wiping with infusions or ammonia(how to prepare the solution is described above). If the child is constantly busy: school, courses, and so on, a gel or spray that disinfects hands would be a good purchase. It contains alcohol, which not only kills microorganisms, but also tightens pores and reduces sweating. It is worth reducing the amount of sweet food in a teenager’s diet, because it provokes spikes in blood sugar, and this leads to excessive release of insulin (a hormone that reduces glucose), which increases sweating of the hands. The same method will help to avoid acne, which actively spoils the child’s life.

Excessive sweat gland activity

Some people's hands and feet sweat very much - moisture directly drips from them. This phenomenon is not normal. There are three reasons:

  1. Great excitement. There's a test, an exam, a report coming up, but your hands are already leaking? When faced with such troubles, you should worry less and drink chamomile tea or valerian tincture. Once it's over, the symptom sweaty hands will leave.
  2. Diabetes mellitus of any type. Unfortunately, with this disease it is not possible to completely get rid of unpleasant manifestations, because you need to get your hormones in order, which is very difficult. Life will be made easier only by medicines or folk recipes.
  3. Serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. If you constantly experience excessive sweating, you should urgently consult a doctor, because the cause clearly lies from within. Consult an endocrinologist who will prescribe tests for blood sugar, hormones and composition. A neurologist will also help here by checking for reflex responses, the presence of neuroses or mental illnesses.

Have you found that your hands are sweating a lot? Don’t wait, but go to a specialist, because in this way you can prevent diabetes, hormonal diseases and many other unpleasant diseases!

The palms of the hands, wet from sweat, cause a lot of inconvenience not only for physical health man, how much for him emotional state, because for many it is quite unpleasant to extend or shake a sweaty palm.

This problem is quite common - every tenth person on the planet has sweaty hands. Therefore, for people suffering from excessive sweating, whose professional activities involve daily communication, the urgent question is to find out the causes of sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the palms and methods of getting rid of it.

What causes sweaty palms?

The palms contain a large number of sweat glands, which are necessary for normal thermoregulation. Therefore, if your palms constantly sweat at very hot ambient temperatures or during intense physical activity- This is a normal physiological reaction of the body to cool the internal organs.

However, if sweating is present without apparent reason, you need to consult a doctor (therapist, dermatologist and endocrinologist) for an examination and to find out the reasons why your palms sweat.

To determine the intensity of sweating in medical institution A Minor test is performed, which involves applying iodine to the skin and then starch powder. By the diameter of the resulting dark purple spot on the skin, the degree of hyperhidrosis is judged (up to 10 cm - light form, more than 20 cm - heavy).

Possible reasons excessive sweating palms can be:

  1. Excess of hot spices in food.
  2. Constant stressful situations.
  3. Hereditary characteristics of sweating (excessive number of sweat glands on the palms or their genetically predisposed excessive function).
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (often found in adolescents). With dystonia, the hands and feet become wet, since the activity of the sweat glands is controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
  5. Diseases that occur with constant fever (rheumatism, tumors, severe infectious diseases- tuberculosis, HIV infection). With such diseases, the palms often sweat at night, when the body is resting.
  6. Endocrine system disorders ( increased function thyroid gland, adrenal gland disease, menopausal syndrome in women).
  7. Vitamin D deficiency (rickets) in infants. However, it must be remembered that normally a healthy child in the first month of life has sweaty palms due to an imperfect heat exchange system, and rickets, in addition to excessive sweating, is always accompanied by other symptoms (lack of calcium in the blood, decreased muscle tone abdominal wall and etc).
  8. Worm infestations (more often in children).

Why do my feet sweat?

All of the above reasons are also valid for the appearance of increased sweating of the feet, since systemic diseases the body leads to both palms and feet sweating heavily.

In addition, dampness of the feet of both women and men is often observed when wearing incorrectly selected shoes made of synthetic materials, poor hygiene in foot care, and also when the skin of the feet is affected by fungal diseases.

How to treat excessive sweating?

Treatment for hyperhidrosis is aimed at getting rid of the underlying cause that causes it.

If sweating is associated with eating hot and spicy foods, you need to reconsider your diet.

People prone to excessive sweating of the palms should avoid stressful situations(or take sedatives if it is impossible to correct the emotional situation).

If your palms are sweaty due to hereditary predisposition or autonomic dysfunction, then the following methods will help get rid of hyperhidrosis:

  1. The use of antiperspirants for problem areas of the skin based on talc and formaldehyde.
  2. Injection of Botox into the skin (a drug based on botulinum toxin that can “freeze” sweat glands). Despite high efficiency this method (helps in almost 100% of cases), wide application he did not receive it due to the high cost of the drug.
  3. Carrying out iontophoresis - hands are lowered into baths with medicinal solution and electrodes. Under the influence of current, ions active substance have a depressing effect on the sweat glands. The method gives good results, but requires repeating the procedure every six months.
  4. Carrying out hand baths at home with sea ​​salt, a solution of apple cider vinegar, a decoction of oak bark, birch leaves.
  5. If your feet are sweating, you should choose shoes of a suitable size made from natural materials, maintain foot skin hygiene, and also use antifungal agents if necessary.
  6. If the above methods are ineffective, resort to surgical removal node of the autonomic nervous system (thoracic sympathectomy).

The only way to quickly solve the problem of excessive sweating is to radical methods(injection of Botox or surgery). Other methods require long-term use, but their constant use allows you to forget about the problem wet palms and discomfort during communication.

Sweating hands and feet is a problem known to many people around the world. The reasons for such sweating can be natural, associated with the normal functioning of the sweat glands, but they can also be pathological, when the limbs sweat very heavily and constantly. In this case, the cause of increased sweating of the feet and hands may be illness.

This condition, when the legs and arms sweat a lot, and the armpits sweat a lot, is called hyperhidrosis, and causes discomfort and many aesthetic problems.

Before you panic, you need to find out why your limbs are sweating and what to do in such a situation.

Reasons for this condition

Excessive sweating of the feet causes particular inconvenience to a person. After all, hyperhidrosis of the legs is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

After all, it is with the legs, or rather with the feet, that a person comes into contact with contaminated surfaces, as a result of which the moist environment of the feet provokes the proliferation of harmful bacteria, the activity of which causes an unpleasant odor. To eliminate the cause of sweaty feet, you need to understand why your limbs sweat.

The causes of sweating feet and hands are conventionally divided into two categories:

  1. Idiopathic.
  2. Secondary.

Sweaty hands and feet, which are also cold, most often indicate an idiopathic type of disease. This type of sweating is primary, that is, it is not caused by any disease. This type of hyperhidrosis occurs most often and does not pose a danger to the body as a whole. This often happens when individual characteristics human body when there are many sweat and sebaceous glands on the skin.

There is no deviation behind this, it’s just the structure skin is genetically determined and is inherited. People with very sensitive and thin skin also suffer from idiopathic sweating. Their skin almost never becomes rough and reacts to the slightest influences external environment, such as heat, wind, frost. The idiopathic type of the disease manifests itself even from early childhood, but especially makes itself felt in adolescence and adulthood. Such sweating does not pose any danger to human life and health as a whole.

But it creates psychological discomfort. After all, a person can sweat at any time, in any place, as a result of which he feels insecure and often withdraws into himself, avoiding communication with people. And although this condition does not pose a threat to human life, but often people with this syndrome are forced to seek help from specialists to eliminate psychological discomfort. Unfortunately, such a problem cannot be solved radically, because nature created man this way, and the advanced minds of humanity, unfortunately or fortunately, have not yet learned how to control human genes. But it is quite possible to partially reduce the problem.

On the modern cosmetic market there are many products to reduce foot sweating and armpits. These are all kinds of deodorants, antiperspirants, sprays, etc.

What should you be wary of if cold extremities sweat with secondary hyperhidrosis? This is a much more serious problem, because secondary sweating is caused by any diseases of human organs and systems. Increased sweating, in this case, should be taken seriously. First of all, you should find out why your limbs sweat, and what pathology was the cause.

In order not to panic, first, you should exclude natural causes of excessive sweating.

These could be:

  • elevated temperature and high humidity of the environment. In the sultry summer days, or in a hot, stuffy room, the physiological processes of thermoregulation of the body are activated, and in order to prevent overheating, the body begins to secrete excessive heat through pores;
  • psychological states of the body in which a person experiences stress, strong excitement and anxiety. The body can also react to stress and excessive nervous experiences with hyperhidrosis.

But excessive sweating can be caused by serious diseases. Such as:

  1. All kinds of infectious diseases, both in acute and chronic stages.
  2. Various pathologies in the cardiovascular system.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. The manifestation of menopause in women in adulthood, especially during the period of hot flashes.
  5. Any abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Diabetes mellitus, or a predisposition to it.
  7. Pathological processes in endocrine system, violations proper operation adrenal glands
  8. Rehabilitation period after a stroke or heart attack.
  9. Overweight, obesity.
  10. Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, when the sweat glands work in an enhanced mode.
  11. Accelerated metabolism in the body, as a result of which the body temperature rises and attacks of chills and fever are observed.
  12. Hereditary genetic diseases, in which increased sweating is observed.
  13. Fever, in all its manifestations.

If hyperhidrosis is a consequence of any of the above diseases, you should immediately seek help from specialists. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate excessive sweating without eliminating its cause. After all, such a situation can further aggravate the problem.

Insufficient body hygiene can also cause hyperhidrosis. In case of insufficiency water procedures, a person’s pores become clogged, and the body reacts to such a nuisance, excessive sweating, thus trying to cleanse the skin.

Clothes and shoes play a big role. Synthetic gloves, artificial socks and improper shoes that do not allow your feet to breathe will also contribute to increased sweat gland activity. To avoid this, you should use clothes and shoes only from natural ingredients, which will provide the skin with free access of air.

Constant contact with household chemicals will also contribute to skin irritation and increased sweat production.

How to deal with excessive sweating

When the question of why the hands and feet sweat a lot has already been resolved, next question will be: how to counteract this. If sweating is caused by illness, it will go away on its own after recovery. If hyperhidrosis is an independent disease, treatment should begin.

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