Why does the heart rate increase? Causes and treatment of rapid heartbeat, what to take. Possible pathologies with increased heart rate in combination with other symptoms

Strong heartbeat in a normal state without pathologies appears during physical exercise, intense work or under the influence of emotional turmoil. Increased heart rate is also affected by taking certain medical supplies, some drinks - strong tea, coffee.

This physiological reasons, upon elimination of which the heart function returns to normal. Feeling strong heartbeat without any visible reasons should be very alarming. Intense work of the heart requires oxygen, the organ pumps blood faster, and there is a risk of myocardial infarction.

Strong heartbeat - what to do

Almost any infectious disease is initially accompanied by an increase in heart rate.

An increased heart rate may be normal in the following cases:

  • binge eating;
  • taking certain medications;
  • drinking strong drinks;
  • increased body temperature;
  • taking energy drinks;
  • allergy;
  • childhood;
  • late stages of pregnancy;
  • menopause

It also increases during smoking heartbeat.

Provoke violation normal rhythm Maybe:

  • obesity;
  • overwork;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nightmares;
  • stress and neuroses;
  • poisoning by toxins.

After eliminating these factors, the heart rate returns to normal. But there are diseases or conditions in which permanent rapid pulse, that is, rapid heartbeat refers to pathology:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • blood diseases;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart defects;
  • oncological diseases;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocardial dystrophy.

Important! Flashes or bouts of rapid heartbeat indicate developing cardiovascular diseases, diseases thyroid gland, hormonal disorders, and ignoring them can be dangerous.

Tachycardia is the name given to increased heart rate when the heart rate is more than 90 beats per minute. A person feels a change in heart rhythm due to premature and sometimes additional contractile impulses of the myocardium. A strong heartbeat can also be a concern if it increases slightly.

A burst of increased heart rate with beats of 130 or more per minute is called an attack paroxysmal tachycardia, the heart rhythm does not go astray. A person feels not only an increased heartbeat, but also such phenomena as:

  • weakness;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • state of fear;
  • lowering blood pressure.

External changes may also appear:

  • pale skin;
  • change in lip color;
  • pulsating veins in the neck.

Paroxysmal tachycardia is divided into two forms: ventricular and supraventricular; For correct setting diagnosis requires electrocardiographic examination.

Tachycardia and high blood pressure

For intense physical activity and mental arousal, the combination of a rapid heart rate and high blood pressure is normal. At the same time, adrenaline is released, which affects the heart rhythm.

The absence of other negative symptoms indicates a response from the body. In case of unpleasant manifestations of various nature a strong heartbeat coupled with high blood pressure indicates:

  • anemia;
  • oncology;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland.

For an accurate diagnosis, consultation with a specialist, cardiologist, or endocrinologist is necessary.

Tachycardia and low blood pressure

Increased heart rate and low blood pressure are characteristic of the following conditions:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • poisoning by toxins;
  • severe blood loss;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • mixed or hypotensive type of neurocirculatory dystonia.

Myocardial infarction can occur due to existing heart defects or as a result of blockage of the vessel that supplies blood to the myocardium. Patients at risk:

  • men;
  • smokers;
  • those suffering from hypertension;
  • having excess weight;
  • alcohol abusers;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • suffering from rheumatic heart disease.

Neurocirculatory dystonia develops against a background of constant stress, lack of sleep, chronic infectious diseases, and hormonal changes in the body also influence its occurrence.

Treatment for palpitations

For infectious and colds Antipyretics help, lowering the temperature eliminates palpitations. Cold water can help relieve an attack of tachycardia; it is recommended to drink it in small sips, holding your breath. You can also wash your face with ice water.

As first aid to eliminate over ventricular tachycardia The patient himself can do the following: strain at the moment of full inhalation. Medical worker to relieve an attack, he performs a massage procedure on the carotid sinus (the site of expansion of the internal carotid artery), pressing carotid artery in a patient lying on his back. If none of the methods is effective, medications are administered.

Medicines that can normalize heart rhythm are quite varied.

Important! Before taking any drug, you should definitely consult a doctor, since in a particular case a certain type of drug may not be suitable and may cause even more serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

For example, an attack of paroxysmal tachycardia in patients with congenital anomaly- syndrome premature arousal ventricles - it is not recommended to remove it with verapamil, since there is a high risk of increased heart rate. To relieve a burst of ventricular tachycardia, verapamil is not used because it is not effective.

Table. Medicines for palpitations.

NamePurpose, action

Used to eliminate an attack of ventricular tachycardia. It is an anesthetic, dilates blood vessels, blocks sodium channels, which gives an antiarrhythmic effect.
Beta blockers

Rapid decrease in blood pressure, dilates blood vessels.

Reduces heart rate and arterial pressure during exercise and at rest.

Used when hypertensive crisis, the drug reduces heart rate at rest and during physical activity.

Reduces the need for oxygen in the heart muscle. Used for the treatment and prevention of paroxysmal cardiac arrhythmias.
Calcium channel blockers

Used for supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia as quick help. Appointed for elimination sinus tachycardia, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation.

Antiarrhythmic and antihypotensive effect. Improves blood supply to the myocardium.

Improves cerebral circulation, dilates blood vessels, prescribed for vestibular disorders, after ischemic stroke.

Indicated for tachycardia, neuroses, insomnia, high blood pressure, VSD.

Helps with sinus tachycardia, insomnia, irritability, and helps reduce blood pressure.

It has a calming effect and is indicated for VSD.

Prescribed for serious, persistent neuroses and psychopathy.

Indicated for neuroses, schizophrenia, insomnia.

Injections are prescribed for thrombosis of myocardial arteries, atrial fibrillation, angina pectoris.

Indicated for strokes and myocardial infarction.

Used to treat thrombosis caused by myocardial infarction.
Antiplatelet agents

Prescribed after myocardial infarction, significantly reducing the risk and frequency of recurrent heart attacks and strokes, and can also be used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Used when acute heart attack myocardium, chronic ischemic heart disease, as a prevention of heart disease in obesity, diabetes mellitus.

Prevention of thrombosis after stroke, myocardial infarction.

Electrical pulse therapy can be used to relieve an attack. Cardioversion is the impact DC, used for all types of paroxysmal tachycardia. The procedure is slightly painful, so anesthesia is usually used, but cardioversion is not used for atrial tachycardia because it is ineffective.

Quick help

During an attack, you need to take a few drops of a sedative, lie flat on a fairly hard surface, lower your arms and relax. You can hold your breath for a moment highest point inhale, this method helps within a few minutes.

At sudden attack persistent tachycardia should be induced ambulance, the doctor will use an electrocardiograph to determine the type of cardiac arrhythmia and provide appropriate assistance. If there is no effect, then hospitalization is performed, especially if the development of myocardial infarction is suspected.

If palpitations periodically appear and disappear, you need to seek outpatient examination. This is especially important in such cases:

  • each subsequent attack is more severe than the previous one;
  • blood pressure rises or falls sharply;
  • have thyroid disease;
  • the presence of chronic processes in the body;
  • during pregnancy;
  • There is hereditary diseases heart and rhythm disturbances.

You can fix it yourself healthy sleep, rest, get rid of bad habits, spend more time on fresh air, do physical exercise and avoid stress, that is, get out of the risk zone for developing cardiovascular diseases.

Video - Rapid heartbeat. Energy and breathing practices

The heart is the leading organ in the circulatory system of the human body. Not only health in general, but also the quality of life depends on its condition and quality of work. The heart works throughout life, constantly contracting and relaxing, due to which blood circulation and metabolic processes occur.

The heart of a healthy person contracts at regular intervals; the slightest deviation can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the entire organism. In order to prevent serious problems, it is necessary to diagnose the causes of failures in a timely manner.

The heart rate of a healthy body ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute. Your heartbeat may become faster and slower. A strong heartbeat may indicate tachycardia (more than 90 beats per minute, slow process - up to 60). In most cases, attacks of this disease appear and end suddenly. If there is a rapid heartbeat, what to do in this case. First you need to find out the reasons, since rapid heartbeat is only a symptom.

The causes of the disease are quite varied. The main factors are:

  • Sleep disorders.
  • Taking stimulant medications:
    • Drugs affecting the nervous system.
    • Psychoactive drugs.
    • Drinking caffeine in large quantities.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities;
  • Stress.
  • Constant overwork.
  • Excessive sports activities.
  • Excess weight.
  • Old age.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diseases.

Tachycardia can also be caused by insufficient amounts of calcium or magnesium. But an excess of calcium is dangerous for the heart (it can stop), and an excess of magnesium leads to bradycardia, a disease characterized by a slow heartbeat of up to 30 beats.

Often, diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature occur in conjunction with increased heart rate. For example, every +1˚С (above 37˚С) adds +10 beats to the frequency.

No less harmful influence have stress:

  • Problems at work, in the family.
  • Responsible work.

Nutrition has no less influence. Drinking chocolate, coffee, and strong tea in large quantities is an easy way to strengthen the heart.

Doctors divide the reasons into two types:

  1. Tachycardia is a symptom of other diseases:
  • Myocarditis.
  • Vice.
  • Hypertension.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • Cardiomyopathies.
  • Anomalies in the development of the heart.
  • Myocardiostrophy.
  1. Endocrine and hormonal problems:
  • Climax.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Neoplasms.

Rapid heartbeat is a common condition

Many people are interested in what to do with a rapid heartbeat, but sometimes this is explained by a simple feature of the body. This case requires an exception poor nutrition, smoking, difficult sports activities. Best of all, healthy and active image life.

Throughout pregnancy, the heartbeat also increases, since due to the increase in the size of the heart and the speed of blood circulation, the load also increases. This is quite normal phenomenon body preparing for childbirth.

There is no need to worry about the frequency of beats during sex (about 130, and during orgasm - 180 beats per minute). For the heart, such a load does not pose a danger, but, on the contrary, is beneficial, since the heart muscles “train.” In this case, the problem of palpitations, what to do about it, is completely absent and should not bother anyone.

Laughter and crying are another factor that affects your heartbeat. Emotions, sports activities, alcoholic drinks, the hot season - all this does not cause harm. In order to calculate the ideal heart rate in such cases, you need to subtract the person’s age from 220. For example, for a 30-year-old person, the ideal indicator is 190 beats.

Diagnostic methods

Before you learn about ways to “calm” the heartbeat, you need to consult a doctor, and also use the help of special devices, including:

  • Electrocardiograph.
  • Echocardiograph.
  • Electrophysiological studies.

Additional procedures are:

  • Determination of pressure.
  • Analysis of hormone status.
  • Blood analysis.
  • Analysis of urine.

If tachycardia is suspected, it is first necessary to record the behavior of the body, so that in the future it will be easier for the doctor to establish a diagnosis and cause.

You need to pay attention to:

  • Duration of the attack.
  • Frequency of attacks.
  • Attack time.
  • Pulse during the attack.
  • Try to find out the reason (against the background of which the pulse quickens).

There are situations when help is needed immediately, namely:

  • A sudden increase in heart rate with headache, trembling, or fear.
  • If the attack happened for the first time.

Urgent help is needed if a person has:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Diabetes.
  • Chronic illness.
  • Unfavorable heredity.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Recovery after illness.

So, if the diagnosis did not show abnormalities and problems with the heart, and the heartbeat increases from time to time, you should change your lifestyle, namely:

  • Avoid stress.
  • Have daily light exercise.
  • Reduce consumption of foods and drinks that stimulate the heart.

How to fight

Strong heartbeat requires qualified help. Only doctors know how to slow down the heartbeat. Only professionals and correct diagnosis will be able to determine the causes, which will allow you to get rid of the problem.

First aid

To answer the question of how to calm your heartbeat if no one is around, you need to take a few tips:

  • The very first thing to do is stop and take a breath as soon as your heart rate starts to increase. If possible, it is better to lie down or sit down. This slowing process should calm the body.
  • Fresh air is needed. If a person is indoors, a window should be opened to provide oxygen flow. You need to breathe deeply until the attack stops.
  • Vagal methods have a good effect. The first of them is to take a deep breath and push the air through with diligence. The second is to hold your breath. Third - put pressure on eyeballs using your fingers (about 20 seconds).
  • You can easily massage the carotid artery on the right. For older people, this procedure is a little dangerous, so consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  • The heartbeat is slowed down by the cold. For maximum effect, immerse your face in cold water.
  • The most simple option is considered a reception special drugs, designed to slow down the speed of the heart, containing natural ingredients. These are “Valocordin”, “Corvaldin” or “Valoserdin”.

Tachycardia at rest. Photo by BillWard

Tachycardia- this is a rapid heartbeat (over 80 beats per minute). Tachycardia itself is not a disease, but it is important symptom a large number of diseases, primarily of cardio-vascular system.

There are 2 main types of tachycardia:

  1. Normal tachycardia. when the heartbeat quickens as a result natural causes. For example: due to physical exertion, anxiety or fear.
  2. Pathological tachycardia. when a person experiences heart palpitations at rest. without any reason.

It is pathological tachycardia that occurs at rest that is dangerous to human health and life.

Relationship between resting tachycardia and mortality

Most often, heart rate is measured by athletes during training. Few of them ordinary people thinks about heart rate Everyday life. However rapid pulse is a risk factor early death person.

Studies have been conducted that looked at statistics and information on several thousand people who did not suffer from heart problems. Analysis of the data from this study showed that people who have tachycardia at rest die more often and earlier than people with normal pulse.

The results and conclusions of the study show that 15 extra hits(85 beats per minute) increase the risk of premature death by 16%. Also, tachycardia with an increased heart rate of 12-27 beats (82-97 beats per minute) in combination with smoking increases the risk of early death by 20%.

What does resting tachycardia mean?

Your pulse can tell you a lot. Therefore, you should not neglect this parameter. Heart rate indicates the level of physical endurance of a person, the state of the heart, blood vessels, autonomic and central nervous systems.

Tachycardia at rest is a symptom indicating that a person has some kind of health problem. Very often, resting tachycardia appears due to hormonal disorders of the adrenal glands, pancreas, or problems with the thyroid gland. Resting tachycardia can appear against the background of hypertension, obesity, early stages of heart failure and many other myocardial pathologies. In such cases, a rapid heartbeat is a kind of compensatory reaction of the body.

How to measure your pulse yourself

You can measure your pulse rate with your fingers on the wrist, neck, temples, and also in the heart area. Most people find it most convenient to measure their heart rate at the wrist. To do this, you need to place three fingers of one hand on the wrist of the other hand and try to find the main artery. You should feel a pulsation.

Measure your pulse and count the number of beats for 10 seconds. After this, multiply the result by 6. Thus, you have measured your pulse (the number of heart beats per minute).

At rest, a normal heart rate is between 60 and 80 beats per minute. An elevated heart rate at rest is called tachycardia, and a low heart rate is called bradycardia.

During exercise, your heart rate increases. Each type of exercise has its own acceptable threshold. On average, the permissible heart rate for sports can be calculated using the formula “from the figure 220 subtract your age." But remember that with this maximum heart rate You can't do the whole lesson. This pulse is acceptable once or twice per workout.

Take care of yourself

If you notice that you have tachycardia at rest (when you measure your pulse at rest, it turns out to be more than 80 beats per minute), you need to be examined by a doctor to prevent possible development cardiovascular pathologies in future. If you have tachycardia, you need to see a cardiologist or therapist.

Such a precaution will allow timely diagnosis and identify diseases early stage. The doctor will also be able to give you valuable advice on physical activity, nutrition, taking certain medications.

Anaerobic exercise, proper nutrition. normalization of sleep, timely treatment and giving up bad habits is the basis for health and preventing the development of a large number of fatal diseases and, including resting tachycardia as their symptom. Observe simple rules health, monitor your resting tachycardia, and stay healthy!

Causes of rapid heartbeat

Good health, dear readers of the MEDIMARI website!

We continue the conversation about the causes of the frightening rapid heartbeat, which indicates problems in our health. As you know, not only various emotional and physical stress can affect the increase in the rate of contraction of our heart, but also changes in health are often the reason for this.

There can be many reasons for a rapid heartbeat. And here it is important to be able to distinguish between natural causes and pathological ones. Natural reactions include the body’s normal reaction to stress or physical activity, while pathological ones include increased heart rate or tachycardia as a result of health problems.

Causes of heart palpitations at rest

A rapid pulse that occurs at rest most often indicates ill health, namely:

    • disruptions in the endocrine system
    • disorders nervous system and violations mental state person
    • poisoning of the body with poisons, toxins, for example, alcohol or large amounts of nicotine
    • febrile conditions during infectious diseases (especially purulent infections) and colds
      • During the period of flu and colds, when the body temperature rises, the heart rate inevitably increases. So, every extra degree at infectious disease increases frequency heart rate about 10 beats per minute
    • physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle life
    • dehydration of the body, removing calcium and magnesium
    • bleeding and anemia
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia

Risk group for tachycardia

All this contributes to unhealthy lifestyle of a person. People most often at risk are those who:

      • due to a disruption in their daily routine, they suffer from insomnia or their sleep is restless and of little value for recovery
      • lead lives of conflict and stress
      • have excessive long-term physical activity
      • do not rest enough, relax and do not switch to different types activities
      • use randomly or immoderately both medications and various substances that stimulate activity to maintain activity: antidepressants, aphrodisiacs, narcotic substances, energy drinks, strong coffee and tea, alcohol, large amounts of chocolate
        • Experts have different opinions about coffee: they say that rhythm disturbances are mainly influenced by a low-quality product and its excessive consumption
      • are overweight, and hence the increase in cholesterol and blood pressure
      • The older a person is, the more often he experiences tachycardia

Main diseases causing tachycardia

The main causes of pathological rapid heartbeat or tachycardia are disorders of the cardiovascular system, endocrine and hormonal pathologies.

Tachycardia occurs as a result of:

1. Heart diseases .

    • disease of the heart muscles, namely the myocardium - myocarditis;
    • deformation of the heart muscles - cardiomyopathy;
    • nutritional disorder muscle tissue heart – myocardial dystrophy;
    • changes in the structure of the heart valves that disrupt the movement of blood - heart disease;
    • increased blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg – hypertension
    • myocardial infarction or frequent attacks of angina – ischemic disease hearts

2. Endocrine changes and hormonal disorders

    • Thyroid diseases, e.g. hypothyroidism, myxedema, amenorrhea
    • Climax
    • Tumors of various etiologies(benign, malignant)

Reasons to urgently consult a doctor for help

As you can see, there can be many reasons for a rapid heartbeat: these are both natural manifestations of changes in life, and pathological results of ill health. Only a specialist can determine whether it is a disease or not. Therefore, do not delay visiting your doctor, especially if frequent attacks of tachycardia are accompanied by:

- shortness of breath

- weakness

- darkening of the eyes

- dizziness

- chest pain

- dry mouth

In the next article we will talk about what to do if tachycardia or rapid heartbeat bothers you and interferes with your normal life.

Resting tachycardia is a sign of mortal danger


It is customary to measure heart rate per minute only when playing sports. Nobody thinks about what the heart rate is during the rest period or immediately after sleep. It turns out that understanding a person's resting heart rate can tell whether they are at risk of premature death.

Scientists have proven through long-term monitoring that apparently healthy people who do not suffer from cardiac pathology, but observe an increased heart rate, are at risk of dying earlier. Why is this happening? What is the evidence-based research on this?

Over the course of a number of years, a study was carried out on 3,000 people who did not suffer from heart problems. Analysis of data from this monitoring showed that those who had tachycardia at rest died significantly more often than those studied with a normal pulse or bradycardia. The facts are clear: 15 additional beats to the normal heart rate of 70 increases the risk of premature death by 16%. Tachycardia with an increase in the number of beats 12-27 above normal in combination with smoking increases early mortality by 20%. It is interesting that there is no special relationship between mortality and the level of physical training was not found. Although no one can rule out the influence of cardiorespiratory endurance on the state of the body and life expectancy.

Pitfalls of resting tachycardia

It would seem that the pulse can tell. In fact, it indicates the level of physical endurance, the condition of the heart, blood vessels, and the health of the autonomic and central nervous systems. Tachycardia, although it can be physiological, is not constant and does not increase the contraction frequency above 20-30. In addition, resting tachycardia in most cases appears due to problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal disorders of the adrenal glands, pancreas, and central nervous system. It can appear against the background of obesity, hypertension, initial degree of heart failure and other myocardial pathologies, and be in in this case compensatory reaction. In itself, resting tachycardia is already evidence of a health problem. This is a warning about the need to be examined and prevent the development of possible cardiovascular pathologies in the future.

In any case, if when you try to measure your pulse during rest, the readings turn out to be above 80, then this is a reason to make an appointment with a cardiologist and therapist. Such precautions and attentiveness to oneself will allow for timely diagnosis, treatment or prevention of possible pathologies. Doctors will adjust your diet, lifestyle, workload, and help with advice, preventive and therapeutic medications. Anaerobic exercise, balanced diet, normalization of sleep and rest patterns, treatment chronic pathologies and timely abandonment of bad habits is the basis for preventing the development of diseases and resting tachycardia as their symptom. Don't neglect simple rules health, because life and health are at stake.

  • Symptoms characteristic of pathology
  • Causes rapid heartbeat
  • When does heart palpitations threaten your health?
  • Diseases that cause heart palpitations

Frequent heartbeat, the causes of which can be very different, cannot be ignored. Palpitations are usually harmless and go away on their own. But sometimes certain treatment is required if a person has a very strong and rapid heartbeat, often with signs of arrhythmia. Usually a person does not feel his heart beating, but the slightest deviation from the norm immediately makes itself felt.

Symptoms characteristic of pathology

Patients typically describe palpitations with the following phrases: the heart beats very hard and loudly, beats against the chest and literally jumps out of the chest. Increased heartbeat is often accompanied by a sensation of pulsation in the neck, pit of the stomach, temples and fingertips. In addition, rapid heartbeat may be accompanied by painful sensations in the chest, unpleasant noise in the ears, feeling of lack of air, difficulty breathing and tightness in the chest. These symptoms sometimes indicate serious violation heart function and even the development of pathology. However, most often in patients with rapid heartbeat there are no special problems health problems are not detected.

It is important to understand that palpitations are not the same as tachycardia. Tachycardia is an objective increase in the number of heartbeats that persists in a person under any conditions and does not depend on external factors. A healthy adult's resting heart rate should be between 60 and 80 beats per minute. If the patient has more than 90 beats per minute, then in this case he is diagnosed with tachycardia. However, it should be noted that with tachycardia, the patient himself usually does not notice the rapid beating of the heart, which distinguishes it from rapid heartbeat.

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Causes of rapid heartbeat

Even a person who does not have any health problems may experience heart palpitations from time to time. Most common cause Increased heart rate due to stress. Therefore, this state of affairs to a greater extent characteristic of people who are characterized by increased nervousness and sensitivity. In addition, the following factors can cause rapid heartbeat:

  1. Large or intense physical activity, such as quickly climbing stairs.
  2. Physical effort performed in hot or extremely stuffy conditions. Oxygen starvation causes increased heart function.
  3. Sharp psychic experience, such as fear or excitement.
  4. Drinking too much coffee, cola or tea, or other products that contain caffeine.
  5. Taking certain medications. For example, this effect is often caused medicines from a runny nose.
  6. Disruption digestive system. For example, flatulence, which causes the diaphragm to rise, which can cause it to put pressure on internal organs, including the heart.
  7. Anxious sleep, nightmare or, on the contrary, frequent insomnia.
  8. Use alcoholic drinks, which increase blood pressure and increase heart rate.
  9. Use of antidepressants or any other psychotropic medications.
  10. High blood pressure, which may be a symptom hypertension or be temporary.
  11. Old age, when the functioning of the cardiovascular system often malfunctions.
  12. Consuming excessive amounts of chocolate, which contains significant amounts of caffeine.
  13. Increase in general body temperature. Fever often causes heart palpitations because it has negative impact to the work of the heart.

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When does heart palpitations threaten your health?

In some cases, cardiac arrhythmia and rapid heartbeat are signs of a serious illness. You should not delay visiting your doctor if you have symptoms such as:

  • too strong and intense heartbeat;
  • rapid heartbeat, which persists for a long time and is severe;
  • increased heart rate even with slight physical activity or the slightest nervous experience, as well as after just one cup of coffee or tea;
  • causeless rapid heartbeat, which occurs without the influence of any external factors;
  • the heart beats unevenly, which may indicate arrhythmia, that is, a violation of the heart rhythm.

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Diseases that cause heart palpitations

The above symptoms may indicate the development of serious diseases in the human body that require immediate treatment, namely:

  1. Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamin C has a particularly bad effect on heart function.
  2. Anemia. Reduced content hemoglobin in the patient’s blood and iron deficiency.
  3. Tetany. A serious condition caused by a lack of calcium in the body.
  4. Various diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Heart pathologies of varying severity.
  6. Acute heart failure.
  7. Intoxication of the body.
  8. Various infectious diseases.
  9. Tachycardia.
  10. Myocardium.

But here it is necessary to emphasize that with myocarditis and other heart diseases, as well as disorders of the thyroid gland, rapid heartbeat is only one of the symptoms of these ailments. The first thing a patient suffering from the diseases described above complains about is strong pain behind the sternum and severe shortness of breath.

Rapid heartbeat requires immediate attention medical care only if it is accompanied severe dizziness, lack of air, shortness of breath, paleness skin and sweating. If these signs appear, you must immediately call an ambulance, as this condition can be dangerous to the health and life of the patient. The causes of arrhythmia in this case can be very serious.

If the patient’s body is deficient in elements important for life, such as magnesium or calcium, then this may be the cause of strong heartbeat and cardiac arrhythmia. Signs of such paroxysmal tachycardia are severe shortness of breath, severe weakness throughout the body, darkening of the eyes, chest pain and loss of consciousness.

The causes of arrhythmia may lie in such serious illness like leukemia, which causes severe stage blood diseases.

To detect this disease in time, you should do general analysis blood, which will help determine the number of red blood cells.

Thus, the causes of rapid heartbeat can be very serious and therefore should not be treated negligently. If cardiac arrhythmia bothers a patient in a calm state, this is a clear signal that there is some kind of disorder in his body. Therefore, there is no need to postpone a visit to the cardiologist, since in this case we are talking about health, and maybe even life. The doctor carefully examines the patient and, based on the results obtained, makes the correct diagnosis.

Palpitation is a feeling of accelerated rhythmic contraction of the heart muscle. These sensations are strictly individual.

One person feels the heart beating at 100 beats per minute, and another only at 120 - 130 beats per minute. Increased level palpitations have 2 causes.

Why does heart palpitation occur?

The first reason is tachycardia, when pulsation is felt not only in the heart, but also in the neck, head and fingers and toes. In a state of tachycardia, the pulse is higher than 90 beats per minute. With normal functioning of the heart muscle, the heartbeat should not be felt.

The second reason for a rapid heartbeat is a condition associated with colds, when elevated temperature body, with emotional overload. Such attacks, when the heart beats rapidly, occur in healthy people and do not carry within themselves pathological changes in the heart organ.

In a healthy body, an increased heart rate can occur due to:

If a person’s heartbeat occurs suddenly and in a relaxed state and does not go away for a long time, then you need to undergo full diagnostics and find out the cause of this pulsation. Perhaps the reason is a lack of vitamins in the body, potassium, iron, which provokes anemia. Also, a rapid heartbeat signals a disruption in functionality endocrine organs and in the activity of the organs of the cardiac system.

Why does a heart attack occur in a calm state?

Very often, with audible beatings in the heart, there is pain in the chest, lack of air in the lungs and noise in the head and ears. These symptoms are temporary in their development and are not a consequence of heart disease. If symptoms recur regularly, this means that there is a pathology in the heart and you should consult a doctor - a cardiologist.

What to do if your heart beat is higher than normal? First aid

If such an attack occurs for the first time or very rarely and the person does not have any heart diseases or pathologies, then a number of measures can be taken to stop the heart pounding:

How to calm your heartbeat?

For quick removal symptoms of heartbeat, use Valerian tincture: 20 drops of tincture per 50 ml of water. Valerian will help not only lower the heart rate, but also calm the nerves, especially when an attack occurs at night and a person panics.

If your heart sometimes starts beating?

You can simply cough and the attack of tachycardia will pass.

Eye massage helps relieve heart palpitations

The massage must be done for at least 5 - 7 minutes:

  • Press the phalanges of your fingers on your closed eyes;
  • Apply compression for 10 - 15 seconds;
  • Pause between pressure techniques 10 - 15 seconds;
  • You need to repeat until the attack goes away.

Causes of tachycardia

Factors that provoke tachycardia may be some diseases of organs and malfunctions in systems in the body:

Increased heart rate in hypertension

At normal pressure Seizures occur very rarely increased heart rate, unless the reason is high load body or rapid movement.

Quite often, tachycardia is a consequence of high blood pressure. Often there may be hypertension of the second and third stages of the disease.

If your heart rate increases due to high blood pressure, the following actions are recommended:

  • Lie on the bed and relax your body;
  • Take a small amount cold water;
  • Wash your face, neck and heart area with cold water;
  • If the cause of this attack stressful situation, then you need to take sedatives;
  • Take the drug - anaprilin;
  • To prevent tachycardia, eat foods with high content omega-3 (seafood and sea fish);
  • If there is a lack of potassium in the body, take vitamins and medications that contain potassium.

If the patient has an attack of tachycardia and the pressure is higher than normal, then you need to take a drink for palpitations medications: Corvalol - 20 drops per 50 ml of water, Anaprilin - 1 tablet. After 10 - 15 minutes, a high heartbeat should pass. Attacks very often occur at night.

An attack of rapid heartbeat with low blood pressure

In people who suffer from hypotension, attacks of tachycardia occur quite often. In case of very low blood pressure and an attack of tachycardia, you need to drink at least 100 ml to provide first aid. cold water and wash your face and neck with cold water.

Symptoms of tachycardia occur due to pathologies in the body:

  • State of traumatic and anaphylactic shock;
  • Dystonia;
  • Large loss of blood during bleeding.

Signs and symptoms of the development of a strong heart rate in these pathologies:

Low blood pressure and heart pounding. This condition is quite dangerous for the body, which indicates a shock emotional state.

High heart rate in women during pregnancy

At the time of pregnancy in the body expectant mother There are hormonal changes and big changes in order to better body adapted to the state of pregnancy. During this period, a rapid heartbeat is normal condition pregnant during this period (100 beats in 60 seconds or more).

But there are cases when tachycardia is accompanied by unpleasant and dangerous symptoms:

  • Nausea leading to vomiting;
  • Dizziness;
  • Severe headache;
  • Cramps in the stomach;
  • Pain and spasms in the chest and heart muscle;
  • Fainting;
  • Attacks of groundless fear and causeless feeling anxiety.

A positive mood, walks in the fresh air, relaxing with family and drinking enough clean water for the body will help get rid of the cause of such symptoms.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman must also take care of the condition of the fetus. The pulsation frequency in a fetus is 2 times faster than in an adult. At 5 weeks of fetal development, ultrasound diagnostics may show tachycardia in the unborn child. More than 200 beats per minute.

Reason high heart rate there may be hypoxia. And this is a consequence of interrupting the expectant mother long period in a stuffy room. Also due to increased activity pregnant. A long period hypoxia leads to underdevelopment of the nervous system, pathology in endocrine system.

Attacks of strong heartbeat in women during pregnancy very often arise from a deficiency of iron in the body of the expectant mother, and the cause high heart rate There may be anemia disease.

There are often cases when tachycardia occurs due to hypervitaminosis, when a pregnant woman uncontrollably and large quantities takes vitamins. An overdose of vitamins can negatively affect the development of the unborn child.

An attack of tachycardia in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes and emotional stress. Also a factor in the rapid beating of the heart is an insufficient amount of potassium in the body of a pregnant woman.

In the second trimester, a woman gains weight, which increases the load on the heart muscle and vascular system.

What causes heart rate to jump in childhood?

A child's pulse beats faster than an adult's heart. And what younger child, the more the heart beats.

Causes of increased heart rate in children:

If tachycardia is caused by super load on children's body, then it goes away on its own. You just have to relax and unwind.

But tachycardia can also be a consequence of serious heart pathology: cardiac arrhythmia, myocarditis, even heart failure.

What does an increased heart rate mean when you wake up in the morning?

With cardiac pathologies, a paroxysmal type of tachycardia may develop, which is accompanied by severe headache, dizziness and nausea. At severe attack Increased heart rate may cause chest pain, convulsions and fainting.

Treatment of strong heartbeat

Treatment of high heart rate begins with diagnosis and identification of the causes of tachycardia. And a cardiologist based diagnostic examination prescribes a course of drug therapy. It is very important to eliminate the cause of the disease and relieve the patient of the symptoms that tachycardia causes: an attack of nausea, headaches, an attack of shortness of breath and fainting.

A diagnostic examination should be carried out not only by a cardiologist, but also by consultation with such specialists: an endocrinologist, a neurologist and a psychotherapist.

There are two methods of treatment: therapy medications and therapy with drugs based on medicinal plants and medicinal herbs.

group of drugsNamedosagecourse of therapy
cardiac glycosidesDigoxinmaximum daily dosage 1.5 mg, divided into 2 - 3 dosescourse of treatment up to 7 calendar days
beta blockersAtenololmaximum dosage for an adult patient - 200 mg per daythe course of therapy is individual and established by a cardiologist
sedativesSedasen1 tablet, 2 times a day or 2 tablets once a dayadmission course 14 calendar days
antioxidantsPreductal35 mg of the drug 2 times a day with mealsadmission course up to 90 calendar days

Treatment with products based on medicinal plants and medicinal herbs

To treat high heart rate at home, the following plants are used: mint (leaves and stems), lemon balm (leaves and stems), chamomile flowers. Also widely used: St. John's wort, hawthorn (flowers and fruits), motherwort, valerian (leaves and roots). These medicinal plants have a sedative effect and can reduce the pulse rate and relieve unpleasant and painful symptoms of this disease.

For palpitations, these plants can be taken in collections in the form of decoctions, infusions and herbal teas.

You can use the collection to make tea medicinal herbs, and also use one of the herbs. To do this, you need to pour 5 grams of herbs or a mixture of herbs into 200 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes and drink like regular tea, adding honey to taste. Daily dose such tea - no more than 600 ml.

Medicinal decoction mixture of herbs: valerian root, lemon balm leaves and yarrow leaves. All herbs should be taken in 5 grams. Pour this mixture into 1000 ml of water and steam in a water bath for 40 - 45 minutes. Wrap it up and let the broth cool. Filter and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of hawthorn fruits. 10 grams of crushed fruits of the plant pour 200 ml boiled water and cook over low heat until 50% of the liquid has evaporated. Cool this infusion. Take 20 - 25 drops of this extract per 50 ml of water before meals.

A decoction can also be prepared from hawthorn flowers for healing therapy. Pour 5 grams of flowers into 200 ml of boiled water and steam in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. Wrap up and let the broth brew. Filter and consume 100 ml 2 times a day.

Mix 10 grams of motherwort herb, mint, and hawthorn flowers. Take 10 grams of this mixture and pour 300 ml. boiled water. After 30 minutes, filter and take 100 ml 3 times a day with meals.

Treat tachycardia folk remedies no less than 30 calendar days are required.

Video: Tachycardia

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