Beneficial and harmful properties of broccoli, cooking rules. What are the benefits of broccoli and why you should consume this vegetable more often

Broccoli - beneficial properties and contraindications. What are the benefits of broccoli for weight loss, pregnancy, and cancer prevention?

Many people have heard about the beneficial properties of broccoli. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most interesting representatives in the cabbage kingdom-state. And quite often, many people use broccoli to combat overweight. I wonder why?

Benefits of broccoli for weight loss

Broccoli helps get rid of excess weight, because the body spends more calories digesting this vegetable than it contains. For this feature, broccoli is called "negative calorie product". Also thanks broccoli organism freed from waste, toxins, heavy metal salts and excess liquid. Broccoli also helps normalize metabolism.

Hence, if you want to lose weight, include broccoli in your diet. And it is advisable that this choice be confirmed by the nutritionist observing you.

The benefits of broccoli for the heart and blood vessels

Broccoli is an excellent helper for the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to it, the work of the most important muscle is normalized. Also broccoli:

Broccoli is one of the most valuable types of cabbage with zero calories!

  • protects the body from heart attacks and atherosclerosis;
  • improves blood composition;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

The benefits of broccoli for cancer

Broccoli is very often prescribed to people suffering from prostate, esophageal, breast and colon cancer. Also eating broccoli healthy person- this is an excellent prevention oncological diseases.

Beneficial properties for the nervous system

Thanks to broccoli, work normalizes nervous system. It helps especially well during periods of depression, stress and nervous shock. By the way, even the green color of the inflorescences has a calming effect and lifts your spirits.

Eating broccoli during pregnancy

Broccoli is (or should be) present in the diet of many pregnant women. And this is not surprising - thanks to this vegetable:

  • the baby’s body develops correctly and in a timely manner;
  • the risk of pathologies in the child is significantly reduced;
  • The expectant mother's health improves significantly.

However, eating broccoli different dates pregnancy should be discussed in advance with the supervising doctor.

Also broccoli:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes water-salt balance;
  • useful for diabetes;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • helps to recover faster from illness;
  • strengthens nails and hair;
  • rejuvenates the body.

Delicious salad with broccoli, garlic and peanuts. Try it!

Broccoli - contraindications

Broccoli deserves to be in your diet. It is noteworthy that it has virtually no contraindications for use. Only in rare cases can broccoli cause allergic reaction. Also, you should not eat the vegetable if you have an individual intolerance.

As you can see, broccoli is not only interesting, but also healthy cabbage. It’s also nice that you can buy it almost everywhere. Is this cabbage included in your diet? Have you appreciated the beneficial properties of broccoli?

In the article we talk about the health benefits of broccoli. Let's talk about the beneficial properties and uses of cabbage, its effect on human body. You will learn how to lose weight with the help of green vegetables, its composition and calorie content.

Broccoli or cabbage is a vegetable with green inflorescences tightly spaced together. Stems and inflorescences that are green or purple are considered edible.

Composition and calorie content

The low calorie content of broccoli (34 kcal per 100 g) contributes to the fact that cabbage is used in the preparation of dietary dishes.

100 g of broccoli contains:

  • 3 g proteins;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 6.7 g carbohydrates.


  • cellulose,
  • beta carotene,
  • vitamins,
  • minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron),
  • alimentary fiber,
  • chlorophyll,
  • vegetable protein.

Beneficial features

Regular consumption strengthens the body's protective functions and improves resistance to various infections.

Broccoli improves well-being for people with illnesses gastrointestinal tract. The fiber in the composition improves intestinal function, removes free radicals and toxins from the body. Normalizes.

The nutrients in cabbage prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Chromium has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas.

Antioxidants rejuvenate the body, improve blood composition, strengthen the heart muscle, and normalize blood pressure.

The calcium in cabbage strengthens teeth and bones. Phosphorus improves vision, lutein (a pigment with antioxidant properties) minimizes the development of eye diseases.

The healing properties normalize insulin levels. This has a positive effect on the well-being of patients with diabetes.

Benefits for women

Kale has a specific taste that not everyone likes, but the beneficial properties of broccoli compensate for this drawback.

Regular use improves skin and prolongs youth. Broccoli oil is widely used in cooking cosmetics, strengthening hair and nails.

The unique properties of cabbage provoke the production of bile, which normalizes fat levels. This affects, reduces the appearance of cellulite, and promotes weight loss.

Antioxidants in broccoli fight toxins and waste. Accumulating harmful substances in the body negatively affect the functioning of organs. Toxins provoke the occurrence of cancer.

Benefits for men

Broccoli contains elements that reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

The disease affects men after 50 years of age. Regular consumption of broccoli for preventive purposes, will reduce the risk of cancer.

Cabbage components prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and great content Vitamin C strengthens the body's protective functions.

For children

The benefits of cabbage for children are:

  • Hypoallergenic. You can feed babies at any age.
  • Fiber improves intestinal function, which is important for a young, developing body.
  • Great content useful substances provides for the baby daily dose vitamins and minerals.
  • Vitamin U has an antiulcer effect.
  • Phytoncides contained in cabbage strengthen the immune system.

Turn on green vegetable into the diet of an overweight child.

Broccoli quickly saturates the body with a minimum of calories.

Nutritionists advise those who want to lose weight to include broccoli in their diet.


  1. The amount of energy spent on processing is greater than the calorie content.
  2. The level of protein in cabbage is equal to the level of protein in meat.
  3. Broccoli restores metabolism.
  4. Digestion improves, toxins and waste are removed from the body.
  5. Coarse fibers and fiber improve intestinal function.

Reset overweight Boiled or steamed broccoli in your daily diet will help. Stick to the diet for 10 days.

The following will help diversify your diet: boiled chicken meat, chicken bouillon, vegetable stew, tomatoes, boiled beef, dairy products, buckwheat.

In addition, add to your diet: boiled eggs, fish, several baked potatoes. Drink up to 2 liters of water daily, green tea without sugar, tomato juice.

Avoid the diet if you feel unwell, nauseated, or weak.

The benefits and harms of broccoli during pregnancy

Beneficial features Broccoli is necessary for the female body at all stages of pregnancy.

This prophylactic from anemia and vitamin deficiency that pregnant women face. Broccoli in the diet strengthens the immune system, which protects expectant mother from viral infections.

Serotonin (the hormone of joy) improves mood, regulates sleep and appetite. Pregnant women are prone to mood swings, so it is worth including this vegetable in your diet.

Folic acid protects the fetus from the development of pathologies and eliminates the symptoms of postpartum depression.

Despite its benefits, cabbage can be harmful to a pregnant woman.

The reason for stopping use is:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Increased acidity.

Treatment with broccoli

The immunostimulating and anti-cancer properties of broccoli have led doctors to call the vegetable a product of the 21st century.

Broccoli is 90% water, which means it can be consumed every day in unlimited quantities.

In addition, the vegetable quickly saturates the body, nourishes it with vitamins and other useful elements. Active components are used in the treatment of various diseases.

For pancreatitis

The healing properties of cabbage are used in the treatment of pancreatitis. Soft fiber does not overload the stomach, but calms it.

For pancreatitis, the vegetable must be properly cooked. The product is well absorbed by the body, steamed, boiled, puree soup, as additional ingredient in salads, casseroles.

Despite the benefits, exclude the product during an exacerbation of the disease.

Broccoli for gastritis

  • Magnesium is involved in metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin C has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Carotene restores the gastric mucosa, heals, and resists viral attacks.
  • Antioxidants heal wounds and scars.

Steam, stew or boil the product. Heat treatment will preserve the beneficial properties of the product.

Broccoli should not be eaten raw.

For high and low acidity

Stomach acidity is an indicator of health. Digestive problems appear when acidity is high or low.

If you have high stomach acidity, it is not advisable to consume broccoli, as the patient’s condition may worsen. will appear severe heartburn, stomach pain, in some cases, vomiting.

People with low acidity, provoking vulnerability of the body and attack by pathogenic microflora.

Low acidity means the stomach does not digest nutrients.

The immune system is weakened, hence various disorders stomach. Gastritis with low acidity often occurs in older people, but there are exceptions when young people suffer.

For cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gallbladder (blockage bile ducts, stone formation) provokes cholecystitis. The disease develops due to poor nutrition, overeating, chronic constipation.

In treatment, doctors advise reconsidering the usual diet, adhering to a well-designed diet, which includes vegetables, dairy products, soups, and cereals. Broccoli is indicated for cholecystitis, but after heat treatment.

For diabetes

The disease provokes the occurrence of a stroke or heart attack, so it is impossible to ignore diabetes.

Broccoli is good for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Cabbage contains proteins, vitamins and phytoncides that have a positive effect on blood vessels.

It prevents the formation of atherosclerosis, infections to which diabetics are susceptible. Sulforapane (anti-cancer component) prevents deterioration of the cardiovascular system.


Broccoli is harmful to the body if consumed fried. Carcinogens released during frying accumulate in the body and provoke serious illnesses, which appear over the years.

The reasons for refusing to eat cabbage are:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pancreatic diseases.
  • Gastritis with high acidity.
  • Ulcerative lesions.
  • Allergic reactions.

How to select and store broccoli

The product is sold fresh and frozen in stores all year round. Buy cabbage in late summer, early autumn.

Choose broccoli based on leaf color and stem thickness. A good vegetable with green leaves and inflorescences. Thick stem brown spots indicate that the product is overripe. Give preference to a vegetable with a dense head and closed buds.

When choosing, pay attention to the location of the inflorescences. Do not buy cabbage with yellow heads and open flowers. Such cabbage will not bring any benefit and will even spoil the taste of the dishes.

Once you bring the broccoli home, place it in an airtight container, place it in a jar in a bouquet, or wrap it in a damp paper towel.

Place in the refrigerator, the sooner you do this, the longer the cabbage will remain fresh and retain its taste.

Store broccoli in the refrigerator for no longer than 15 days; consume frozen product all year round.

How to Freeze Broccoli

Take broccoli at the height of the season, then you won’t have to doubt its naturalness.

  • Wash under running water.
  • Remove all leaves.
  • Divide into florets about 2.5cm across. Do not use the hard end of the stem.
  • Boil water, add broccoli to it for 1-2 minutes, then transfer the cabbage to ice water with the juice of half a lemon for 5 minutes.
  • Place the cabbage on a kitchen towel to dry. Divide the inflorescences into portions, place in sealed bags and place in the freezer.

Properly frozen cabbage retains all its beneficial properties.

Broccoli (or cabbage) is good for human health as it contains many vitamins and nutrients. The vegetable can be consumed either raw or used in the preparation of various culinary dishes. Eating broccoli is recommended in the treatment of certain diseases. Recipes based on it will help improve the condition of the skin, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and solve other health problems.

Composition and beneficial properties

Fresh cabbage has very low calorie content - 34 kcal per 100 g. The glycemic index is 12. The product contains 3 g of proteins and 7 g of carbohydrates. Although the protein content is small, they contain all the essential amino acids that humans need.

Broccoli is a leader in the content of ascorbic acid and vitamin K. The product also contains other substances. This applies to vitamins A, E, group B. Minerals include manganese, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron, copper and zinc.

Beneficial properties of broccoli:

  1. 1. Prevents the development of cancer. Anti-cancer properties are associated with the presence of isothiocyanates. These compounds have strong antioxidant effects. They also remove harmful heavy metals and toxic compounds. Such substances prevent DNA damage. Another substance that is present in broccoli is sulforaphane. It prevents the development of cancers with origin dependent on hormonal levels(this applies to breast cancer in women or prostate cancer in men), some systemic diseases neurological nature. This includes Alzheimer's disease and autism. The third substance that is present in broccoli and stops cancer is indole-3-carbinol.
  2. 2. Strengthens bone and dental tissues. This is due to the high concentration of a substance such as vitamin K. It is important for human health. Strong teeth will also be due to magnesium and calcium, which are present in broccoli. Thanks to this, this type of cabbage is useful for children, as their bodies develop quickly. In order for bone tissue to be dense, not only a sufficient supply of calcium and vitamin D is required. Vitamin K and magnesium are also needed. By receiving these substances in combination, you can ensure that your teeth and bones become strong. Vitamin K and magnesium are required for postmenopausal women.
  3. 3. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Broccoli improves heart function and makes blood vessels strong. This is due to the content of sulforaphane and lutein. The vegetable contains dietary fiber, which binds harmful fractions of cholesterol in the intestinal lumens, which is beneficial for the human body.
  4. 4. Heals the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the dietary fiber content. They cleanse the human body and have a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora. Dietary fiber has an alkalizing effect, which helps strengthen the immune system. Broccoli also stimulates intestinal peristalsis. As for the liver, the benefits of eating the vegetable will also be noticeable. The product contains a group of substances called finonutrients. They cleanse this organ. This group includes glucobrassicin, gluconasturtin, glucoraphan, which are present in broccoli.
  5. 5. Has a beneficial effect on the eyes and the retina in particular. This is due to the high content of substances such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are classified as carotenoids. They prevent age-related vision problems.
  6. 6. Improves condition skin. This is due to the content of sulforaphane, ascorbic acid and vitamin A in broccoli. The latter two are considered natural antioxidants. All these components prevent collagen breakdown, inflammatory processes and aging.
  7. 7. Helps get rid of extra pounds, is not harmful to health. Broccoli is ideal for people who want to lose weight. It is low in calories but nutritious. In addition, the vegetable is on sale all year round (including frozen), so you can always prepare cabbage dishes.

Such medicinal properties inherent in broccoli. This product is useful for both children and adults.

Selection and preparation

Broccoli is considered a storehouse of nutrients. The most useful vegetable is one that has a bright green tint. Sometimes fresh broccoli has purple, but only in small areas. The product should not have spots or areas with a yellow tint. If the white stalk is loose, then such a vegetable will be tasteless.

To use broccoli in various dishes, you need to prepare it:

  1. 1. After purchasing, rinse in water and divide into several parts. If the broccoli is frozen, you will have to wait until it completely thaws.
  2. 2. Cabbage can be boiled in water for 5 minutes. Then it will be both soft and a little crispy. The prepared broth can be used to make soups.
  3. 3. To use broccoli in salads, it should be blanched. You need to immerse it in boiling salted water for a few minutes, and then keep it in cold liquid. Thanks to this, all beneficial properties will be preserved.

Some people prefer to drink broccoli juice. The vegetable must be chopped in a blender.

The more a product is subjected to heat treatment, the more nutrients it loses. Experts do not recommend cooking vegetables in the microwave. Frying it is also not recommended, especially over high heat. Otherwise it will create heavy load to the liver. It is better to steam or blanch broccoli.

Patients with problems with the pancreas are not recommended to eat the inflorescences raw. This applies to patients with increased level acidity in the stomach. People should also not eat raw broccoli after surgery, when it is prescribed rehabilitation period with a diet that includes a ban on all raw vegetables. Broccoli is not recommended in its raw form for people who are prohibited from eating foods containing coarse fiber. Cabbage should not be consumed by those who suffer from individual intolerance to this vegetable.

Women also need to be careful during pregnancy. In other cases, it is recommended to eat broccoli as often as possible. As for heat treatment (steaming, boiling, stewing, etc.), there are no contraindications.

Broccoli dishes

You can prepare many dishes from broccoli. An example is vegetable soup. To prepare it, you will need to prepare in advance 3 heads of broccoli, celery, onion, a few cloves of garlic and 50 grams vegetable oil. You will need broth made from chicken. You also need spices to taste and a little sour cream. The recipe will be like this:

  1. 1. Fry garlic, celery and onion in a frying pan.
  2. 2. Chop the cabbage and boil it for 5 minutes in water.
  3. 3. Mix the vegetables from the pan with the broccoli. Boil together for 10 minutes.
  4. 4. Grind the prepared dish in a mixer, add spices, butter and sour cream.

Broccoli makes a delicious side dish. For it to be useful, it must be prepared correctly. Do not allow the cabbage to overcook. You will need to do the following:

  1. 1. Fry chopped almonds in a frying pan.
  2. 2. Boil water, add salt and spices, add broccoli. Boil for 5 minutes. The florets should remain crispy. Then drain the water, but leave the vegetable warm.
  3. 3. Grind the garlic, add chili pepper. Fry everything in a frying pan, mix with almonds.
  4. 4. Prepare the dressing. You need to mix lemon juice with refined oil and honey. Also add salt and pepper.
  5. 5. Place the broccoli on a plate, pour over the dressing and sprinkle with almonds.

Cabbage can be cooked in batter by frying it in a frying pan. Preparing the dish will take no more than half an hour:

  1. 1. Pour salted water over the cabbage and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. 2. Place in a colander and wait for the water to drain.
  3. 3. Divide the inflorescences into small pieces.
  4. 4. Prepare the batter: mix eggs with sour cream, soda, sugar, salt and flour. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  5. 5. Dip the broccoli in batter and then fry.

There is an easier way. Keep blanched cabbage in a frying pan. Add eggs, mix everything thoroughly. After that, put everything in a frying pan and fry.

Broccoli also makes a tasty and healthy salad. In advance you need to prepare 300 g of this product, the same amount of green beans, 2 stalks of celery and leek, a bunch of dill, a few cloves of garlic. You will need salt, cottage cheese and a handful of mustard sprouts. Preparation takes no more than half an hour:

  1. 1. Boil the beans and cabbage in boiling salted water for several minutes. The elasticity of the vegetable should be preserved.
  2. 2. Wash the leeks and celery, peel and finely chop (3 cm pieces).
  3. 3. Grind the garlic and dill in a blender, add cottage cheese and salt.
  4. 4. Place leeks, celery, broccoli and beans on a large plate in separate areas. Place a container with sauce in the center. Sprinkle mustard sprouts on top.

If the cabbage was purchased frozen, it can be stewed. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  1. 1. Divide the broccoli into pieces, boil in salted water for a few minutes and wait until the water drains.
  2. 2. Peel the orange. Separate the pulp from the juice.
  3. 3. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Chop the garlic. Fry both products a little, adding Orange juice, chopped basil, ground pepper, salt.
  4. 4. Add broccoli to the sauce and simmer for a few minutes.
  5. 5. Place the vegetable on a plate, pour over the sauce and garnish with orange pulp.

Many people prefer to bake broccoli in the oven. To do this, mix hard cheese, eggs, cream, cabbage and a little nutmeg. Then keep it in the oven, adding the rest of the ingredients. Grate cheese on top. You can cook broccoli by steaming or in a slow cooker.

The discoverers of this medicinal vegetable from the cabbage family were the ancient Romans. An annual plant, broccoli, bred through selection from cauliflower, turned out to be more resistant to climatic conditions than its predecessor. The culture quickly gained nutritional popularity due to the presence of natural vitamins, microelements and fiber. Minimum content vegetable fats has made broccoli an indispensable product in the diet of people who follow healthy image life. The dietary vegetable is successfully used in medicinal purposes– it is indispensable for physical recovery after operations or during serious illnesses associated with intestinal pathologies.

What does broccoli look like?

Cabbage looks like asparagus inflorescences of green or violet shade on thin stems. The most common type is calabrese. These are green heads of cabbage formed by an umbrella with tight-fitting inflorescences on a thick stalk. Young shoots, both stems and inflorescences of the crop, are mainly eaten.

Nutritional value of broccoli

Broccoli contains organic nutrients that give the crop healing properties. This allows cabbage to be used in children's and dietary nutrition, for diabetes, in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oncology and cardiovascular pathology.

The nutritional value of broccoli is determined by the presence in 100 g of the product of the leading amount of individual groups of plant vitamins.

  1. C (ascorbic acid) - the content in the product is 2 times higher than citrus fruits (89.2 mg). Normalizes the functions of connective and bone tissues, restores the body's immune defense.
  2. A (retinoid beta-carotene) – supports healthy vision, improves skin metabolic processes, and is a natural antioxidant.
  3. PP (nicotine) – stimulates the redox reaction, forms additional enzymes, accelerates the carbohydrate metabolism of a living cell.
  4. K (fat soluble) – synthesizes protein metabolism, ensures regulation of blood clotting.
  5. E (tocol derivatives) is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the development of signs of aging in the body.
  6. U (methylmethionine) – normalizes acidity, is active against the formation of ulcerative pathologies.
  7. Derivatives of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9) - synthesize ATP, participate in the formation of protective antibodies, reduce the risk of developing fetal pathologies during pregnancy, and normalize cholesterol.

The unique combination of the rich composition of broccoli is successfully complemented by electrolytes - sodium and potassium. The concentration of elements in 100 g of culture is provided by daily norm human consumption. Cellular derivatives actively participate in metabolic processes, stimulating the production of water-salt balance.

The protein composition of the product is superior to beef and egg. Cabbage contains about 3 g of animal protein, which minimizes cholesterol clogging of the body.

The carbohydrate content of broccoli consists of complex elements (about 7 g). They are slowly broken down in the acidic environment of the stomach, preventing rapid insulin release.

The nutritional composition of the crop is organically supplemented by minerals - calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and selenium. The product also contains amino acids - phenylalamine and lysine.

Broccoli calories

Fresh vegetables are the most nutritious and healthy. The calorie content of cabbage per 100 g is only 34 kcal. When boiled, the product loses a third of its beneficial properties, due to which the calorie indicator is also reduced - 27 kcal.

The high nutritional value is compensated by the low energy potential - leading nutritionists recognize the culture as the best herbal remedy in the fight against cellulite ( glycemic index does not exceed 10 units).

A lasting positive effect is ensured regular use cabbage inflorescences. For example, dishes from fresh vegetable have a strengthening effect on the body, help quickly get rid of stress, normalize sleep and restore mental condition after a long depression.

Steamed or steamed high temperature Nutritionists recommend using broccoli regularly:

  1. To strengthen immune defense, increasing the level of resistance to diseases of viral or infectious etiology.
  2. In order to prevent possible development complications of gastrointestinal pathology.
  3. How to prevent diabetes mellitus, as well as in dietary nutrition to normalize insulin during remission.
  4. As a means of preventing the development of complications of cancer.
  5. For preventive purposes to improve performance cardiovascular muscles, lowering blood pressure.

Medical research has particularly emphasized the properties of broccoli in regulating the production of organic cholesterol, reducing the risk of intrauterine pathologies of the fetus, normalizing digestion and eliminating constipation.

The cosmetic use of the product is widely used to strengthen nails and hair, regulate the water balance of the epidermis, cellular regeneration and normalize hormonal imbalances.

The most valuable composition is, of course, the raw vegetable. But it can be used as dietary food and sauteed, boiled, steamed or baked broccoli dishes.

Constant dietary preference for vegetable variations from cabbage will provide optimal conditions for powerful vitamin prophylaxis of the whole body during the recovery period.

Separately, we can highlight the value of the product for severe cancer patients. Regular consumption of broccoli will ensure the constant removal of dead cells, free radicals, waste, toxins and heavy metal ions from the body. Therefore, cabbage must be included in the diet of irradiated patients. The optimal preventive product is ideal for preventing the development of cancer complications due to the presence of organic sulforaphane, a substance that has a restorative effect after oncology. The combination of the element with a large amount of vitamin C gives an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

The value of broccoli is irreplaceable for older people. The sulforaphane contained in it destroys the cartilage growths of the joints. Inclusion in the diet healthy vegetable significantly reduces constant pain in the legs and arms, prevents the appearance of arthritis.

Leading nutritionists do not recommend consuming more than 100 g of vegetables per day for an adult. The complex and voluminous concentration of nutrients in broccoli cabbage excessive consumption provokes the development of hypervitaminosis and mineral excess in the body.

For children, it will be enough to eat dishes from inflorescences no more than 2-3 times a week.

Broccoli puree and porridge can be given infant from 7-8 months of age.

Contraindications for eating broccoli

By systematically studying behavior and general health patients who regularly consume cabbage dishes, nutritionists came to the conclusion that special contraindications Broccoli is not used for food. However, based on the urgent recommendations of gastroenterologists, when prescribing gentle vegetable diets, you should be careful when consuming cabbage:

  1. If there is an individual intolerance to the product or an allergy diagnosed in the patient.
  2. For severe pathology of the gastrointestinal tract caused by high acidity.

How to preserve broccoli at home

When choosing a vegetable at the market, stick to a few simple rules. The head of cabbage should be dense, with uniform inflorescences, of a uniform green hue. The smell is fresh, not on the surface visible damage(damage, rot, strange small spots).

You can store fresh cabbage in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 days, after wrapping it in a wet towel. There is no need to wrap the vegetable in a bag; continuous air supply ensures optimal conditions for preserving the product.

Deep freezing cabbage will increase its shelf life. To place in the freezer, the inflorescences must be separated and blanched for 3 minutes in boiling water. Then rinse with cold water and let dry. Broccoli retains its beneficial properties in the freezer for about a year after it is initially frozen.

You should not re-freeze the vegetable - cabbage loses most of its nutrients and becomes very soft. In this state, it is tasteless and has no healing qualities.

Today it is one of the common healing vegetables from Mother Nature's medicinal pantry. Given the variety of beneficial properties, broccoli is very popular not only as a product of the daily diet. It's great for sports people, ideally replaces animal proteins, allowing good nutrition for vegetarians.

Combining good nutritional qualities with various components, broccoli rightfully occupies a leading position among dietary vegetables, since its preparation gives a lot of variations in the taste of dishes. This ensures even variety in the diet healthy eating person.

Video: beneficial properties of broccoli for the body

Most cruciferous vegetables have remarkable health benefits. Arugula salad, mustard greens, cabbage greens, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, turnips, watercress and our heroine broccoli deserve close attention in a healthy diet.

Have you already heard about the benefits of broccoli and want some practical advice?

Click item No. 3 and check if you have restrictions for delicious dishes from point No. 5.

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Composition and calorie content

Fresh broccoli is low in calories. Per 100 grams - 34 kcal.

Glycemic index 12.

The composition of BJU is based on carbohydrates (7 grams) and proteins (3 grams). And although there are few proteins, they contain all the essential amino acids.

Dietary fiber - 10%(for an adult).

Nutritional value. Broccoli is a leader in vitamins C and K with a rich set of other essential nutrients.

Let us present the figures in terms of percentage of the average daily value for an adult according to the National Department Agriculture USA.

Vitamins - descending order:

  • Vitamin C - 149%
  • Vitamin K - 127%
  • Vitamin B9 - 16%
  • Vitamin A - 12%
  • Vitamin B6 - 9%
  • Vitamin B2 - 7%
  • Vitamin B1 - 5%
  • And also B5, E, B3.

Minerals - descending order:

  • Manganese - 10%
  • Sodium - 9%
  • Phosphorus - 7%
  • Calcium and magnesium - 5% each
  • Selenium - 4%
  • And also zinc, copper, iron.

The main highlight of broccoli is biologically healing active compounds, which bring the vegetable to the top of the food prevention charts early aging and severe pathologies, including oncology.

Beneficial properties of broccoli

Let's tell you in more detail, without missing out on the unique advantages of a curly beauty.

Cancer protection.

It is not a frequent case when a loud statement around a frightening oncology is completely justified.

Isothiocyanates are the first factor to which cabbage owes its anti-cancer fame. These connections have a powerful antioxidant effect, including in response to harm from heavy metals. They stimulate the removal of toxins from the body and stop DNA damage.

The second reason for the anti-cancer benefits of broccoli is sulforaphane. which is being actively studied in last years. It is associated with the search for opportunities to treat several systemic neurological diseases, including autism and Alzheimer's disease. But the greatest hope is placed on sulforaphane in the prevention and treatment of deadly forms of cancer with a hormone-dependent nature (prostate and breast tumors).

At the same time, take a closer look at dietary supplements and broccoli sprouts. The latter are the best food source with a high concentration of antioxidant. For comparison: per 100 grams of product in mature cabbage there are 44-171 mg, and in microgreens from its seeds 1153 mg.

Third protective factor- indole-3-carbinol compound, which stops the growth of malignant cells.

Strong bones and teeth.

High concentrations of vitamin K, as well as calcium and magnesium make broccoli great product for nutrition of young men, postmenopausal women and children of all ages.

It is important to understand that for normal density bone tissue Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is not enough. We also need vitamin K and magnesium, which are not supplied by the most popular sources of calcium (dairy products).

Strengthen bones and teeth with broccoli!

All meals where dairy products are side by side with beautiful cabbage. Light recipes include juicy raw broccoli salads with sour cream, cottage cheese and nuts. Broccoli Cheese Casserole. Steamed broccoli cream sauce and cheese shavings.

Prevention of atherosclerosis.

Healthy heart and elastic clean vessels- another area of ​​our well-being that is protected healing cabbage. Causes positive impact- sulforaphane with its anti-inflammatory activity and lutein - another miracle substance from a unique plant.

The high content of dietary fiber, which binds harmful fractions of cholesterol in the intestinal lumen, is also important.

Digestive health.

The most important thing to remember about dietary fiber: they create favorable conditions to cleanse the body and for harmony in the intestinal microflora. In-depth study of microflora is the future of many areas of preventive medicine.

Dietary fiber leads to alkalization internal environment body, which strengthens the immune system. And stimulation of intestinal motility helps timely cleansing.

The liver's job of detoxifying the body is facilitated by a whole range of healing finonutrients that are found in broccoli: glucoraphanin, gluconasturtin and glucobrassicin.

Eye and retinal health.

The benefits of broccoli for our vision are enormous due to its high levels of special carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin. They are critical for prevention age problems with retina and maintenance good vision in old age.

A diet rich in vitamin C and foods with these carotenoids is a natural treatment for degeneration macular spot(the leading cause of irreversible blindness in humans).

Beauty and youth of the skin.

And again, sulforan and antioxidant vitamins A and C are at the service of humans. They prevent increased collagen breakdown, inflammation and photoaging.

Effective weight loss without harm to health.

How to lose weight without harm to your health? One of the best ways- pay attention to nutritious, but low-calorie and low-carbohydrate foods. Broccoli is perfect!

Any low carb diet and therapeutic nutrition for diabetes with a bang! will accept a profitable vegetable.

Possible harm

Do not overuse broccoli varicose veins, after vascular accidents (heart attack, stroke, thrombosis) and with some types of migraine. back side the much touted excess vitamin K is that it increases blood viscosity. Theoretically, intensive consumption of foods containing a lot of this vitamin can lead to blood clots, especially if a person drinks little or is elderly.

You should consult your doctor about the possibility of consuming valuable cabbage. all people who take statins. Vitamin K enhances their effect.

It’s a good idea to be careful when consuming raw cabbage to all people with chronic diseases stomach and duodenum. Fresh broccoli has a moderate mucosal irritant potential. Try raw salad in small quantities, to understand your reaction without great harm well-being.

Another disadvantage of all cruciferous vegetables, from mega-popular white cabbage to cauliflower and broccoli - this is direct harm to the absorption of iodine (isothiocyanates are to blame). General recommendation in case of severe problems with thyroid gland: strictly limit and even completely stop using at least raw vegetables from this list.

And yet: limit or refuse?

There are studies that have shown no harm from cabbage in patients with insufficient gland function when consuming 150 grams per day for 1 month - separately from iodine preparations and iodine-rich meals ( seaweed, Fish and seafood).

How to choose and store correctly

The rules are easy to remember and even easier to follow when purchasing. We only need eyes and knowledge.

1) Consider the inflorescences.

Their color should be green. Yellowness is a sign of withering and loss useful components. But a slight blue tint shouldn’t bother you.

2) Evaluate the stem cut.

True signs of freshness: moist and shiny. No – pronounced dryness and old yellowness.

How to store?

We store large reserves of cabbage in wooden boxes, covering the bottom with paper, in loose stacking with the possibility of ventilation. One layer of inflorescences, the cut of which can be covered with wax. Shelf life in a dark pantry is up to 4 months.

And it is beneficial to freeze broccoli quickly at a temperature of -20 or below, after blanching and cooling in ice water.

For dessert - how to prepare delicious recipes

If you're not familiar with the beauty of broccoli itself... easy preparation(raw and steamed), 2 dishes below - the best choice to fall in love at first try!

Broccoli stem salad

Waste-free juicy recipe, which will delight practical cooks.

We need:

  • Broccoli – 1 stem (no florets!)
  • Cucumber, carrot, apple - 1 pc. medium size (or to taste)
  • Greens optional: dill, parsley, cilantro
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

For the sauce:

  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • French mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic - 1 clove (press through a press)

How to cook: quick and easy!

We clear the stem of inflorescences, renew the cut and remove the skin with a peeler or a thin knife.

We also peel the carrots and apples, and cut off the ends of the cucumber.

Three vegetables into strips on one of the Berner attachments. If you only have a regular grater, choose a large one. Finely chop the onion and greens.

Prepare the sauce: sour cream, mustard, garlic gruel.

Combine all the grated vegetables with the sauce and mix.

How to boil broccoli

Praise be to the slow cooker!

We like to steam broccoli (4-5 minutes). It is believed that this type of cooking preserves more nutrients.

A general rule for preserving sulforaphane is to leave the cabbage “al dente” - slightly undercooked. Any heat treatment should not take more than 5 minutes.

Place in boiling salted water, where you can add a little lemon juice so that the cabbage is guaranteed to retain its beautiful colour.

How many minutes to cook broccoli - frequently asked question when we first met.

  • Raw cabbage requires 5-7 minutes on moderate heat.
  • Frozen - 10-12 minutes (if you throw it in without first defrosting, this is how you will get the most delicious vegetable).

Nice bonus!

Within just one minute in hot water (and even just by pouring boiling water), cutting cabbage loses that bitter taste that sometimes discourages people from eating it raw.

If we cook in a frying pan: throw it into heated oil and quickly fry, stirring vigorously. The pan is open, the heat is medium, 4-5 minutes.

Blanching preserves the benefits as much as possible.

Place the inflorescences in salted boiling water, wait for the water to boil and keep the cabbage on the stove for 1-2 minutes. Then we take the inflorescences into a large container with cold water(ideally add ice).

How to steam deliciously

Tasty, filling, but dietary dish- a mix of cauliflower and broccoli.

Almost the easiest recipe for steamed vegetables! We cook it in 3-5 minutes, it’s most convenient in a slow cooker.

And if you add quartered Brussels sprouts to cutting the curly inflorescences - mmm, this is a 100% winning hit for the cold winter!

For color - sticks of carrots, a handful of peas or corn kernels. Steam vegetables and season with any healthy sauce:

  1. Sour cream and garlic, as in the previous recipe;
  2. Or olive oil + soy sauce+ orange juice + greens;
  3. Olive oil + lemon juice + Italian herbs.

Pour the sauce in a thin stream over the vegetable composition and carefully mix with two large spoons/forks. We remember! Boiled cabbage becomes softer. It will be a shame to ruin the shape of beauties with active movements.

We hope you got the answers you needed about the benefits and harms of broccoli.

Do you use this cabbage in your everyday menu? Which recipes with it seem the most appetizing and healthy to you? How do you plan to expand the range of cabbage dishes? Share in the comments!

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