Proper nutrition is the basis of good health: antioxidants, healthy and unhealthy foods, longevity foods. Useful and harmful products

On August 24, 1853, an employee of the restaurant at the Moon's Lake Lodge hotel in the town of Saratoga Springs (New York) - a mestizo Indian named George Crum - by a stroke of luck prepared potato chips. Legend has it that the catering was visited by none other than himself railroad magnate Vanderbilt, and ordered, oddly enough, the most ordinary fried potatoes. However, the spoiled “oligarch” repeatedly returned the food served to the kitchen as not fried enough. Then the cook got angry, cut the potatoes into the thinnest slices, fried them in oil until crunchy and served them that way To the surprise, the client not only did not reject the dish, but was extremely pleased with it. Soon, “Saratoga-style potatoes” were included in the restaurant menu, and then, not without the participation of the same Vanderbilt, they began to be produced in take-out packaging - in bags.

160 years later, the chips have come a long way from their original, ideal recipe. And today they top not only the list of the most desirable delicacies, but also the rating of the most harmful products. The Weekend project decided to remind us which popular dishes doctors consider the most dangerous for our health - and, most importantly, why.

1. Chips and fries

Popular diets: macrobiotics for microsizeThe Weekend project analyzes in detail the 10 most popular diets - with all the pros, cons and sobering comments from a nutritionist. Today on the agenda is Madonna's weight loss system, macrobiotics.

Famous catchphrase states that “everything pleasant in this world is either illegal, immoral, or leads to obesity.” Potatoes fried in oil do not violate the law and moral boundaries, but, representing a heavy dose of starch and fat, it inevitably leads to weight gain if you include such a culinary “delicacy” in the daily menu.

However excess weight- a mere trifle in the context of other health problems that the presented dishes are fraught with. And the harm caused by modern chips can hardly be attributed to potatoes - after all, today they are prepared from wheat and corn flour and a mixture of starches, including genetically modified soybeans. Add to this all kinds of “flavors” - bacon, sour cream and cheese, red caviar and even (!) “fried potatoes”. Of course, they are all components from the E line - food flavorings and taste enhancers.

In particular, manufacturers especially love E-621, also known as monosodium glutamate. This toxin, acting on the human nervous system, can “make” even the most indecent food tasty and desirable and, moreover, instill a dependence on it akin to a drug.

French fries can also “instill” a need that is quite real and not far-fetched. It is, however, prepared from real potatoes, only “genetically improved” ones - even, smooth, with large tubers, in order to facilitate the cleaning process. Having cut it into slices, it is doused with steam (hence this effect of a crispy crust with a soft core, practically unattainable at home), frozen and sent online in this semi-finished form. fast food. There, the slices are fried in oil, or rather a mixture of oils for deep-frying, which includes a combined “cocktail” of fats, including palm and Coconut oil. This mixture costs a lot, but once poured, it can be used for up to 7 days without going rancid. During this time, acrolein, acrylamide, glycidamide are formed in it - fat breakdown products and strong carcinogens, that is, substances causing the appearance cancerous tumors. By the way, in one serving of French fries, while they are relatively low for fast food nutritional value 273 kcal per 100 grams (that is, approximately 340-390 kcal per “standard” serving) contains about 30 grams of this “reusable” fat. It would seem, what is 30 grams? To visualize this amount, imagine: one tablespoon contains approximately 15 grams of oil, so it’s as if we are sipping delicious crispy potatoes with a couple of spoons of oil with carcinogens. The average rate of fat consumption per day is 90-100 grams, and they, like other nutrients, are contained in one dosage or another in almost all food products.

Doctors are sounding the alarm - and not because, eating chips and French fries, you will soon not be able to button up your favorite jeans. High cholesterol, plaques in blood vessels, atherosclerosis, risk of heart attacks and strokes, degenerative changes liver, deterioration of sexual function in men and, most importantly, the development of cancerous tumors, and not only in the gastrointestinal tract - all these consequences of adherence to fast food have been observed by scientists in the USA for almost 70 years.

In Russia, the fast food industry flourished a little more than 20 years ago, in the post-perestroika era. Today, both the “shortage” and the “dashing 90s” are already behind us - alas, family holidays are still accompanied by a trip to a fast food restaurant, and an evening relaxation watching a movie involves a bag of chips under your arm.

AFP/Paul J. Richards

2. Burgers and hot dogs

The above side effects can also be attributed to “quick” sandwiches, but here, in addition to frying in oil, the situation is complicated by the “meat component”. To ensure that there is enough protein for everyone who wants a quick and satisfying snack, cows, pigs and fish are bred on an industrial scale and using industrial methods, using special feed (sometimes with anabolic steroids) for rapid weight gain. By the way, thanks to such meat and fish, which are included in our menu, we become extremely resistant to the action of antibiotics when they are really needed, that is, when we are sick. Against this background, the high calorie content of the dish and the same cholesterol seem like nothing at all.

Further - more, to very questionable protein they add the ubiquitous soybean, glutamate and a whole range of E-components: preservatives (so that the cutlet can retain its presentation for years), stabilizers and synthetic dyes. These additives irritate our digestive system, dull the feeling of fullness, force you to eat more and more often. The stomach stretches, and without help from “E-shek” it begins to demand that the banquet be continued.

It would seem - a bun, a cutlet, a leaf of lettuce, well, cheese, well, mayonnaise. But, you must admit, a burger made from homemade products is not at all similar in taste to its “restaurant” counterpart. After all, in our kitchen arsenal, fortunately, we do not have those food additives that are stuffed with chopped meat in line production. And it is they who make us return to the food outlet again and again, suggesting that at home it is not so tasty.

3. Sausage range and canned food

The described “meat nightmares” would also be true for sausages if only natural meat were used in their production. However, it is also worth adding here the dangers of hidden fat - after all, even the most natural sausage product consists mainly of pork skins and lard. Skin, cartilage, offal and meat residues, plus 25-30% transgenic soybeans and, of course, preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, antioxidants, food colors, flavors - this is the approximate composition of any sausages, regardless of the variety and brand of the manufacturer.

Canned food is, in fact, a dead product that has retained its relative nutritional suitability solely thanks to the “solution” of “E-shek”, acetic acid, sugar and, of course, a huge amount of salt (with a human need of 6-10 grams of sodium -chlorine per day, only 100 grams of canned food contains an average of 15 grams of salt).

RIA Novosti/Anton Denisov

4. Noodles and mashed potatoes instant cooking

Beef, chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, plus almost spaghetti with almost a sauce - this is how the producers of miracle food from bags offer royal lunch, dinner and breakfast. And this is exactly the case with “free cheese”. Of course, it would be very convenient to pour boiling water over the contents of a plastic cup for 3-5 minutes - and voila! - get actually Italian pasta, fettuccine or risotto. In fact, we will get a hot (for faster absorption) “mix” of all possible food additives and absolutely zero benefits.

With the systematic use of such “compound feeds” the system in the body collapses - it seemed like he received food and calories, but they contained too little of what he really needed for normal functioning substances. Deprived of nutrition, it soon sends SOS signals to the brain, and we again feel like we want to eat.

Here it would be useful to remind you under what codes on the product packaging these or those manufacturers’ assistants are hidden: preservatives(can cause cancer, kidney stones, liver destruction, food allergies, intestinal disorder, oxygen starvation, violation blood pressure) - E from 200 to 290 and E 1125, stabilizers and thickeners (cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver) - E 249-252, E 400-476, E 575-585 and E 1404-1450, emulsifiers(cancer, stomach upset) - E 322-442, E 470-495, antioxidants(liver and kidney diseases, allergic reactions) - E300-312 and E320-321, food colorings (cancer, gastrointestinal, liver and kidney diseases, nervous disorders and allergic reactions) - E 100-180, E 579, E 585, flavor enhancers(nervous disorders, brain damage) - E 620-637.

In fairness, it is worth noting: there is a modest list of additives that are considered harmless and even beneficial to health - it can be easily found on the Internet if desired.

These "magic" sauces, which traditionally accompany most fast food dishes, can even healthy food turn into poison. Ketchup, in addition to stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives, contains chemical dyes and consists of almost a fifth of sugar. Such dressing perfectly hides the natural taste of even the most unappetizing, or even simply spoiled, dishes - it’s not without reason that they say that “with ketchup you can eat everything.”

Mayonnaise is a carrier of so-called trans fats - isomers of fatty acids that can deceive our body by being integrated into cell biomembranes instead of natural omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Transconfigurations lead to oncogenesis, atherosclerosis, increase the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and, to put it mildly, worsen immunity - they interfere with the work of enzymes that guard our body. An additional danger comes from plastic packaging, where mayonnaise is often poured in order to save money - the vinegar contained in the sauce has a superpower to suck out carcinogenic substances from it. Guess where they end up.

6. Chocolate bars, candies and gummies

Without the danger of developing diabetes, oncology, obesity, osteoporosis, dental problems and allergic reactions, a person can eat a maximum of 50 grams of sugar per day. This highest limit of the norm is approximately 10 teaspoons, but do not forget that in addition to the “pure” sugar that we put in tea or coffee, glucose and sucrose await us, say, in the same ketchup. Or in yogurt. You never know where: it’s worth reading the composition familiar products, subheading in the “carbohydrates” column - and it will become obvious how much we exceed the norm allowed by WHO (World Health Organization), even without auxiliary materials in the form of chocolates, caramels and cakes (by the way, the latter are another ideal carrier of trans fats, along with mayonnaise ).

These products have the highest glycemic indexes, meaning the sugar from them is absorbed almost instantly. At the same time, no useful substances they do not contain - unlike such glycemic leaders as honey and dried fruits. Moreover, bright candies, glazed candies and chewing gummies with all sorts of flavors can hardly be called “food” at all - they are rather a mixture of sweeteners and sweeteners, stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents, emulsifiers, antioxidants and food colorings.

7. Sweet sodas and juices

Popular diets: losing weight by blood typeThe Weekend project analyzes in detail the 10 most popular diets - with all the pros, cons and sobering comments from a nutritionist. Today on the agenda is the legendary nutrition according to blood types.

Speaking of the daily sugar consumption rate, one liter of cola contains approximately 112 grams of sugar and about 420 calories (despite the fact that the daily consumption rate for most people is 2000-2500 kcal). Let's add to this caffeine, dyes and orthophosphoric acid, which “washes out” calcium from the body, plus carbon dioxide, which allows us to distribute harmful components throughout the body even faster.

Sodas in the “light” version are considered more preferable, as they are not harmful to the figure. However, while zero calories, they contain sweeteners - mainly aspartame, which breaks down into formaldehyde (a class A carcinogen), methanol and phenylalanine (toxic when combined with other proteins).

It is poorly washed off with saliva, irritates the oral mucosa and provokes thirst again and again - in order to get rid of the cloying aftertaste. And the harmlessness to the figure is very doubtful - soda promotes the formation of cellulite, and in the long term for lovers of light drinks it means metabolic disorders.

But if, in general, no one has any illusions with soda, then for some reason, with regard to “boxed” juices, there is a very strong belief not only about their harmlessness, but even about their health benefits. However, with the exception of carbon dioxide, their composition is almost identical to that of sweet sodas. In one glass orange juice from a bag - about six teaspoons of sugar, in one glass of apple sugar - about seven. Undoubtedly, apples and oranges themselves contain sugar, but not only vitamins and alimentary fiber become a pleasant bonus, and glucose is no longer absorbed into the blood at such lightning speed. Packaged juices do not have such advantages - they are reconstituted from concentrate and are enviably durable, they can vary in cost depending on the “promotion” of the brand, but remain just as harmful to health.

8. Popcorn

Corn itself does not pose any health hazard - yes, it is a carbohydrate, yes, it contains starches, and the calorie content for plant foods is considerable - about 330 kcal per 100 grams of product. But it contains fiber and a lot of other useful substances - vitamins A, C, E, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

In a word, imagine popcorn as just fried corn kernels - it will not be included in the ranking of the most harmful products. But everything changes when they arrive - butter, salt, sugar, caramelizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings. By the way, the dose of salt in classic salted popcorn is so high that no chips could even dream of it - and this is fraught, at a minimum, with increased blood pressure and impaired kidney function. Well, thanks to various additives, the nutritional value of popcorn increases to an average of 500 kcal per 100 grams.

9. Alcohol

Degenerative disorders in the cerebral cortex, liver destruction, oncology, genetic mutations - it would seem that everyone is well aware of the dangers of alcohol for the human body. Drinking people live on average 10-15 years less, and the quality of this life is very low - in addition to the above-mentioned health problems, they are plagued by mental disorders, depressive states. 1/3 of all suicides (and, by the way, 50% of accidents) occur while intoxicated.

Even in very small doses, alcohol interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, it is very high in calories in itself - 7 kcal per 1 gram (for comparison, the nutritional value of pure proteins and carbohydrates is 4 kcal per 1 gram). And the main danger is that the border between “use” and addiction is very fragile, it is easy to cross it without even noticing it.

"Light" cakes curd desserts, yoghurts and mayonnaise only seem to be a friend and assistant to people watching their figure and cholesterol. In fact, the very decrease in fat content in the product is more than compensated by an increase in the proportion of carbohydrates - starches, sugars and sweeteners, the dangers of which we have already discussed.

Thus, the passion for products in the “light” version contributes to obesity - nutritional supplements they slow down metabolic processes, or even even lead to “carbohydrate crashes,” when the body, which is preparing to break down glucose, suddenly discovers that it has been given some kind of cyclamate or aspartame. The psychological aspect also plays an important role here - since the product is “light”, it means that you can eat 2-3 times more of it without remorse (and without feeling full).

Another negative side of the passion for exclusively low-fat products is vitamin deficiency, because some are vitally important vitamins(A, D, E and K) are fat soluble. Calcium from low-fat dairy products is also not absorbed.

All more people V Lately pay attention to the question healthy eating and the difference between healthy and unhealthy food. Sedentary image life and sedentary work leads far from better consequences. But this is not the most important factor. Junk food forms in the body overweight and creates health problems.

Industrial food, in which there is practically nothing natural left, is unlikely to saturate your body with useful microelements and minerals. Junk food on English language sounds like junk food. Abroad, you can increasingly hear this phrase in different languages from people who are worried about the health of their children and loved ones.

The most harmful food

Among the abundance of food products that damage health and significantly reduce life expectancy, experts have identified a list of the most dangerous products. Many of them are very familiar in Everyday life and form the basis of the fast food system. However, doctors and specialists worked to create the list below, whose opinions are worth listening to.


Recognized as the most harmful product. Thanks to high concentration carbohydrates and fats, generously sprinkled with flavor substitutes, colors and flavors, a 200-gram pack of chips is equivalent to half daily norm kilocalories required by an adult. They contain a large number of carcinogens that can cause cancer, and the mass of hydrogenated fats will significantly increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which can result in a stroke or heart attack.

Carbonated sweet drinks

It is a mixture of water, chemicals and gas. Aspartame (E951) is a synthetic sweetener. Felatanin, which is part of it, is especially harmful. Sweet carbonated drinks do not quench thirst, but on the contrary, they make you want to drink more and more, due to the presence of chemical sweeteners that cannot be completely removed by saliva from the oral mucosa. Great content sugar and, as a result, a very low pH significantly disrupts acid-base balance and lead to development wide range diseases. There is also sodium benzoate (E211), which slows down enzymes, disrupts metabolism and is the cause of many diseases. It could be skin rashes, and cancer of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fast food

The fast food system has become widespread throughout the world. Starting from stalls making belyashi and shawarma to such giants as Burger King and McDonald's. Junk food in them is mostly represented by either fried dough with meat, or buns stuffed with chemicals with the same cutlets, or sausages and richly seasoned synthetic sauces.

Separately, I would like to highlight deep-fried oil, which is used repeatedly and causes the formation of carcinogens and the development of cancer. Long-term use Such meals lead to many different diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, from colitis to gastritis.

Separately, we can distinguish the group “junk food for children”. These are snacks (nuts, crackers, etc.), juices, instant meals and sweet bars. They are the result of the development of modern chemical laboratories, but they are of no use. Unfortunately, these products occupy a significant part of the diet of many modern children, causing invaluable damage to their immunity and health in general.

Smoked meats, sausages and semi-finished products

Store-bought smoked meats are dangerous to health due to the fact that in the process of producing them they use benzopyrene or liquid smoke, which form carcinogens.

Sausage, sausages, minced meat, dumplings are also unhealthy foods. They are based on stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavorings and thickeners. Additionally, fats, skins, cartilage and other meat production waste are added there. Separately worth noting Negative influence genetically modified products, especially transgenic soybeans, which are included in more than 70% of sausages and semi-finished products.

Ketchup and mayonnaise

They are more of a continuation of the previous group of products based on transgenic fats. They also include a large number of stabilizers, preservatives, flavoring and color additives. Excessive use mayonnaise can lead to increased cholesterol levels, and a large amount of ketchup provokes stomach diseases, including ulcerative gastritis.

Trans fats

The name is very general, but also unites a large category of products. This includes crackers, chips, microwave popcorn, frozen desserts, French fries, cakes and, finally, margarine, which significantly expands the list of manufactured products. The harm of these fats is that they significantly increase cholesterol levels in the blood. And in combination with sugar it occurs Great chance metabolic disorders.

Chewing gum and jelly candies

An excellent set for a young chemist. Stabilizers, dyes, thickeners and sweeteners, addictive, can cause stomach problems, caries and lead to excess weight.

Ice cream, store-bought milk and yoghurts

Foods loved by many are also included in the list of the most harmful foods. Antioxidants, thickeners, stabilizers and flavorings are far from full list additives contained in them. The presence of living bacteria is also often questionable. Sugar mixed with synthetic additives in ice cream can easily cause obesity.

Industrial vegetables and fruits

The most valuable food products have also undergone refinement and improvement processes. The creation of genetically modified varieties, treatment with chemicals to increase yields and control pests, application of special protective films to increase shelf life - a small list of operations that help sell more products, but make them practically unfit for consumption.

Food and water

The debate about whether drinking after eating is harmful or not has been going on for a very long time. This issue should be considered with scientific point vision. To begin the digestive process, the food eaten must be broken down by gastric juice. Then in small intestine the process of assimilation of nutrients occurs with the help of enzymes. If you drink liquid after eating within 15-30 minutes, it will reduce the concentration of gastric juice. Also, the flow of liquid will wash away useful elements that should have been absorbed in a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Then the process of synthesizing gastric juice and enzymes is repeated with additional energy consumption. Considering the fact that digestion is one of the most energy-intensive processes, then drinking food means deliberately increasing the load on your body. When the intestinal tract does not have time to restore concentration digestive enzymes For complete processing received food, it begins to decompose and rot. These products are absorbed into the blood, and additional energy is expended to remove toxins from the body.

It is correct to drink water 15-30 minutes before a meal and at least 30 minutes after a meal, if it was not very heavy. Healthy and unhealthy foods are digested with at different speeds, therefore, the time of drinking liquid should correspond to the type of food eaten.

The influence of cold or ice-cold drinks also negatively affects the digestion process. Many fast food systems use this. Healthy and unhealthy food washed down with such drinks does not stay in the stomach for more than 20 minutes. Therefore, the feeling of hunger arises again and fast foods receive more orders.

If junk food takes up a large percentage of your diet, then you should gradually replace it with salads or simply drink regular purified water instead of eating. People often confuse hunger with thirst.

Healthy eating

There is a lot of information about which foods are unhealthy and which are healthy. It is worth understanding what constitutes a healthy diet. Fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, whole grain cereals and cereals help saturate the body not only with useful elements, but also help eliminate toxins. Moderate proper nutrition, regular exercise and plenty of clean water will make the body slim and fit, and most importantly, full of energy and energy.

More and more attention is being paid to health in schools and preschool institutions. Conducted special classes, sporting events, children write essays in class on the topic “Junk food” in English and Russian.

There are also many different educational programs about healthy eating. They provide information about what healthy and unhealthy foods are. Pictures help children clearly see the difference and even create the right diet.

Proper nutrition gives clear results from the first months. The body changes before our eyes. Excess weight goes away, well-being improves, healthy skin color returns and many other aspects. Constant healthy image life works in the long term, prolongs life and improves many aspects of it.

Currently, many areas of healthy eating are widespread - vegetarianism, raw food diet, Ayurvedic culture and many others. But it is also worth remembering that movement is the basis of life and physical activity will significantly improve your well-being in combination with proper food and self-development.

Unhealthy nutrition has a detrimental effect on the health of adults and children. At unhealthy diet mental and physical development, the ability to resist the influence of negative environmental factors decreases. Nutritionists are confident that it is nutrition that determines the quality and length of a person’s life. Improper and unhealthy diet leads to various diseases.

The most harmful foods

Food products that contain a lot of substitutes and dyes gradually poison the human body, at the same time causing addiction. People very often eat foods with biological and aromatic additives and preservatives.

Harmful foods disrupt the body's metabolism, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the digestive tract. The most harmful foods shorten human life. Unhealthy nutrition is primarily associated with excess consumption of animal fats. This type of diet contributes to the increase in the number of obese people in the world. various forms. When people with obesity consume large amounts of fatty junk food, the function of the stomach signaling mechanisms responsible for transmitting information about saturation to parts of the brain is disrupted.

Experts have identified the ten most harmful foods. The first place among harmful products is occupied by lemonades and chips. Chips are a highly concentrated mixture of carbohydrates and fats, coated with flavor substitutes and colorings. During the cooking process, a large amount of carcinogenic substances is formed in chips. And hydrogenated fats lead to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma, which significantly increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Obese people should not eat chips, because two hundred grams of this product contains about 1000 kcal (half daily value calories for an adult).

Lemonades are a mixture of chemicals, gases and sugar. Due to the presence of sugar and gases, such drinks can disrupt the acid-base balance, which can lead to the development of various diseases. Lemonades contain aspartame (a synthetic sweetener). When used in large doses, aspartame contributes to the development of panic attacks, violence and anger, and manic depression.

Preservatives and food colorings contribute to the accumulation of stable substances (xenobiotics) in the body. The accumulation of xenobiotics in cells leads to a decrease in immunity, as well as to functional disorders of the body ( skin diseases, constipation, esophageal cancer).

The second place among unhealthy food products is occupied by the so-called fast food - pasties, shawarma, French fries, hamburgers. Over the years, regular consumption of such food can lead to gastritis, constipation, colitis, and heartburn.

Third place in the ranking of unhealthy food products is occupied by store-bought sausages, meat products, smoked meats. These products contain a large number of emulsifiers, thickeners, dyes, flavors and stabilizers.

Smoked fish and smoked meat are included in the ranking of the most harmful food products due to high content benzopyrene, a substance formed during their processing. One piece of smoked sausage contains the same amount of phenolic compounds as the human body enters in a year when inhaled from the surrounding air.

The fourth place among unhealthy food products is shared by margarine and confectionery. When making margarine, transgenic fats are used as a base. Products that contain transgenic fat are very harmful to the body (cakes with cream, puff pastry products).

Fifth place in the ranking of unhealthy foods is occupied by canned foods. Canned foods do not contain vitamins or enzymes. For canning, many manufacturers use genetically modified raw materials (GMO).

Instant coffee takes sixth place. Instant coffee significantly increases the acidic environment of the stomach, which can lead to the development of gastritis, heartburn, peptic ulcer stomach.

Sixth place was shared by waffles, chocolate bars, marshmallows, chewing candies, and chewing gum. These products contain chemical additives, genetically modified foods, flavors and colorings.

Eighth place in the ranking of the most harmful food products is occupied by ketchup and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise contains carcinogenic trans fats. Mayonnaise in plastic packaging is especially harmful. Vinegar, which is usually added to mayonnaise, sucks carcinogens out of plastic. Ketchups, dressings and sauces contain flavor substitutes and dyes.

The ninth place among unhealthy food products was shared by yoghurts, ice cream and milk. During the manufacturing process, antioxidants, stabilizers, flavors and thickeners are added to these products. All these components slow down the body's metabolism.

Experts gave tenth place to store-bought vegetables and fruits. Even natural and healthy products can become harmful if they were grown, for example, near a factory or highway. For quick ripening and long-term storage, store-bought vegetables and fruits are often treated with monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate poisoning causes headaches, vascular spasms, and metabolic disorders.

Dangerous diets

Not only unhealthy diets, but also prolonged deprivation of the body of some type of food (dangerous diets) have a negative impact on the human body. Thus, there are long-term dangerous diets in which a person eats mainly only carbohydrates or only proteins.

With such dangerous diets The human body does not receive vital food ingredients, and an excess of other food components is created that the human body uses for other purposes.

Protein diets are especially dangerous. Eating this unhealthy diet may help you lose weight, but it can cause significant damage to your kidneys. With proper nutrition, proteins are used to build body tissues, and carbohydrates provide energy for these processes. If carbohydrates do not enter the body in the required quantities, then proteins or fats are used as an energy source. If proteins are used as an energy source, then toxic toxic products accumulate in the body. After a protein diet, the body begins to intensively store energy material, storing reserves in the form of fat.

With an unhealthy diet lacking in protein, immunity decreases, the skin ages prematurely, nails and hair become brittle and dull. With a lack of fat in the body, metabolism is disrupted.

"No bad products“There are bad cooks,” says an ancient proverb. Indeed, a lot depends on the level of skill of the cook, but is it always healthy what is prepared with love for the process and obvious knowledge of the matter? If, for example, you compare Olivier salad and celery soup, the first one will turn out to be much tastier, but the body will only be able to extract the maximum healing properties from the second one. This suggests that not everything healthy tastes amazing - and vice versa. Let's try to understand an extremely important issue: which products are harmful and which have an exclusively positive effect on human health.

Healthy food is a relative concept

Everything that we use as food to support our own vital functions is assessed by the overwhelming majority of people from the point of view of very subjective parameters. These include the degree of naturalness of origin and compliance with the rules of preparing food for consumption. And here carefully disguised myths are discovered, which are not particularly difficult to debunk.

What is a “natural product”? In fact, this is the result of livestock and crop production in the form of vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, eggs, etc. But we forget about an elementary detail: environmentally friendly products are now practically unheard of, because in the production process, as a rule, various chemicals are used (fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives) in order to increase shelf life, facilitate transportation, and give a marketable appearance to potential components of the diet. External factors environment also have an impact on product quality, mostly unfavorable: car exhaust fumes, acid rain, excess ultraviolet radiation, etc. It turns out that the vaunted greens and animal products can be useful to humans only if the important conditions for their cultivation are observed.

People who have at least a little knowledge of the basics of culinary art know how important it is to be able to properly prepare a particular dish in order to taste qualities did not disappoint the expectations of those who ate the food. Most of us naively believe that cooking, frying, smoking, pickling, if the proportions of ingredients and the nuances of the process are observed, not only contribute to the preservation of nutrients in food, but even increase their amount (in combination with other components). Unfortunately, thermal and other processing of vegetables leads to a significant loss of vitamins and minerals; frying, especially in one oil of several batches, any products “enriches” the menu with carcinogens, and meat broth often filled with substances that are harmful to overall health. We conclude: the healthiest food is in its original, “raw” form. Another thing is whether it is always safe to use it in this form...

List of harmful products

Cover everything existing species food that causes significant damage to health is not possible. Therefore, I propose to get acquainted with the main malware from this series.

  • Sauces. This includes mayonnaise, ketchup, salad dressings and other seasonings that give the dish a bright taste and thus improve the gourmet's appetite. The composition of industrial products in this category includes flavor enhancers, preservatives, and dyes that interfere with numerous functions. human body, provoking a set of extra pounds.
  • Fast food. This is an indispensable food for people working from dawn to dusk in a dusty office or any other institution with a short break for lunch. It is high in calories and nutritious, thanks to which it perfectly copes with the feeling of hunger and at the same time spoils the figure, disrupting metabolism. It can also easily cause poisoning, provided that the products used to prepare hamburgers, hot dogs, and big lunches are not of high quality and particularly natural.
  • Chocolate bars. Treats like “Nuts”, “Snickers”, “Twix”, “Mars”, “Picnic” at first glance are very healthy, because they contain chocolate, peanuts, nougat, and caramel. But, according to the latest scientific research, they have been infested since the 90s. last century, the bars of many popular brands are full of carcinogens. Danger cause oncological diseases, is concentrated in chemical additives E, many of which are the result of genetic engineering.
  • Lemonade. Sugary-sweet soda not only does not quench your thirst on a hot day, but intensifies it even more. And with regular consumption of lemonade, weight generally grows by leaps and bounds, plus it can develop diabetes. This is due to the amount of glucose exceeding the norm by at least five times.
  • Chips, sometimes containing no potatoes at all, sausages, which are a combination of transgenic soybeans and dyes “identical to natural”, sausage, in which the proportion of fat prevails over the level of meat, salt, which binds water and forces excess liquid remain in the tissues of the body - these and other food products will bring nothing to anyone except harm. The reason lies in manufacturers saving money on raw materials, violation of cooking technology and the dominant importance of material benefits over consumer health.

The most useful products

You have probably already decided that in our artificial world there is nothing truly valuable for the human body left? Pessimism aside: this is not true at all!

Vegetables, fruits, berries, unless they are processed chemicals and grown with a moderate amount of fertilizer in the soil or without it at all, will bring enormous benefits to those who use them.

Carrots, for example, supply body cells with beta-carotene, the raw material for the production of retinol, and therefore have a positive effect on visual function, the condition of the epidermis, especially in its raw form.

Apples are a source of organic acids that improve intestinal function, iron, which eliminates anemia, and quarcetin, which has an inhibitory effect on the development of cancer cells.

Garlic and onions are full of phytoncides that prevent activation pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and enhance immunity.

Have healing properties vegetable oils: sunflower, corn, olive, flaxseed. The most beneficial components of these substances are omega-3 fatty acid and B vitamins. The former have an antioxidant effect, the latter stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Many vitamins, minerals, easily digestible carbohydrates that give energy to body cells are contained in nuts. Walnuts and almonds can easily be called leaders in improving mood and activating brain activity. Unique in the number of valuable qualities Brazilian nut, however, its cost is high, and its prevalence within Russia, on the contrary, is low. Regular, moderate consumption of nuts has even helped people lose weight.

An interesting thing: those foods that were previously considered harmful today occupy the podium in the world of healthy eating. We are talking about coffee, red wine, pasta (made from durum wheat), ice cream, etc. In general, the range of healthy types of food is constantly expanding, which is good news.

Take planning your daily menu seriously. It's not in vain that one clever man said: “Food should be medicine, and medicine should be food.” The quality of your life largely depends on this.

Not all products lying on the store counter are good for human health. Some of them are so stuffed with various artificial ingredients that it’s dangerous to even pick them up, let alone eat them. Regular use These products contribute to the saturation of the body with toxins and harmful substances, cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract and heart, and sometimes even lead to death. To stay healthy and live long, you need to try to eliminate them from your diet. Below is a list of the most unhealthy foods.

White sugar and salt

Sugar is often cited as the biggest enemy to health. According to various studies, it can have negative effects on the liver, digestive system and pancreas. And also contribute to the development of diabetes and obesity. It is believed that the nervous system is also greatly affected by it. However, it is worth remembering that not all sugar is harmful, only white sugar. Sucrose, which is found in honey and fruits, can be consumed in in moderation.

Salt is prohibited for all people to consume in large quantities. Since it can be deposited in the form of plaques on blood vessels. It is strictly forbidden to add salt to anything for those who suffer from any kidney diseases. They must follow a salt-free diet.

Chips, crackers and snacks

It is not without reason that these products are included in the range for children and adults. They contain: synthetic flavoring additives (including monosodium glutamate), harmful flavors, GMOs and other unhealthy substances. Regular consumption of such snacks can cause the development of problems with the heart and blood vessels, disruption of brain function, and hormonal dysfunction. In men, due to “sweets”, impotence may occur. If you really want something like this, it’s better to do it at home with your own hands. Yes, the taste will not be the same, but your health will remain intact. Recipes can be found on the Internet.

Mayonnaise and other store-bought sauces

Yes, that too, since they contain a large amount of preservatives, flavorings and sugar. If there are any natural products in such products, then they are minimal. By consuming all these sauces, you cause irreparable harm to the body. To prevent this from happening, try to replace them with natural products. Instead of mayonnaise, for example, you can serve sour cream or homemade yogurt.

Sweets with dyes

If you want your children to be healthy, try not to buy them junk food like chocolates, lollipops or jelly candies. These products are real immunity killers because they are produced with the addition of various harmful substances: fats, dyes, antioxidants and thickeners. Due to their composition, they can also cause the development of tumors, ulcers, gastrointestinal problems, gastritis, obesity, serious allergies, caries, and so on. If you want to pamper your child with something tasty without harming his health, prepare the sweets yourself at home.

Sausages and sausages

The composition of store-bought sausages and various sausages contains only 10% meat, the rest is by-products, as well as tendons and skin of large cattle or birds. In addition, they contain flavorings, soy protein and preservatives. As you understand, it’s hard to call such food healthy. Let's say more, it can cause illness nervous system, liver and gallbladder. Store-bought sausages are especially dangerous for children and pregnant women.

Non-ferrous (instant) products

Noodles in briquettes (for example, “Rollton”) can be classified as healthy and unhealthy food at the same time. Since you yourself pasta do not pose a danger. Only the spices that come with them are harmful. If you throw away the seasoning and prepare homemade gravy for the noodles, or make soup with chicken and vegetables, the result will not only be tasty, but also healthy. But this is an exception to the rule!

Any other instant food products, such as: mashed potatoes, porridge in bags, dry jelly and so on, it is better not to consume if you do not want to ruin your health. Because they contribute to intestinal upset, blood pressure and heart problems, and even damage to brain cells. You should not eat all kinds of burgers sold in fast food restaurants (for example, McDonald's). Any dishes from there are considered extremely harmful.

Canned fish and meat

This food is often included in the diet of many families, but this does not mean that it is healthy. As a rule, the opposite is true. After all, in addition to meat or fish, the jar contains special additives that extend the shelf life of the product and improve its taste. There is no need to talk about their “value”. Therefore, it is better not to buy ready-made canned food. You can replace them with fresh fish or meat, or homemade stewed pork, chicken or beef.

Margarine, spread, butter

If there was a photo of junk food, which included all the foods that are best avoided, spread and margarine would be in the most visible place. So many vegetable and animal fats that are included in their composition are probably not found anywhere else. And these organic components are known to promote the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. Of course, you won’t be able to completely give up butter or margarine. But it is very advisable to try to eat them in smaller quantities and not every day.

Baked goods made from wheat flour

White bread and sweet rolls are not foods that can be consumed daily. But store-bought cakes, which contain various trans fats and other unhealthy additives, are considered especially dangerous. You can replace all these products with baked goods prepared by a caring housewife with her own hands. For example, bran bread, shortbread cookies or charlotte with apples. In addition, you should try to limit your consumption flour products up to 60 grams (children under 3 years old) and 200 g (adults) per day.

“Liquid smoke” is POISON!

However, products smoked in any other way, not only using “Liquid”, are also harmful to the body. If you are thinking about how to maintain health (yours or your child's), eat only boiled, steamed or baked foods. Here they are filled with valuable substances and minerals.

Sweet carbonated drinks

If someone decided to create a project about junk food, they would undoubtedly devote an entire page (or even several) to drinks such as Sprite and Coca Cola. You've probably noticed more than once that after eating them, your thirst only intensifies and does not subside. The thing is that these drinks contain a special sweetener - aspartame. So, it can provoke the formation of malignant cancer tumors in the liver and brain, as well as cause insomnia, severe headaches and pathological changes nervous system.

In addition, the sweet carbonated drinks that many people love contain caffeine, a huge amount of sugar, various flavors and colorings. And also phosphoric acid, which can wash calcium from the human body. Another big disadvantage in favor of such tasty treats is amazing ability disrupt metabolism. For this reason, many nutritionists recommend not consuming them during diets. And if you really want to drink something other than water, preference should be given to natural berry compotes, ordinary mineral water or homemade fruit drink.

Vodka, beer and other alcoholic drinks

Alcohol is harmful to humans, this is no secret. But it is interesting that the most destructive effect on the body is not vodka or tincture, but beer. By using it, you can fall asleep much faster. And also cause irreparable damage to yourself. However, the consumption of any alcohol-containing drinks, including kvass, should be limited. Since they can cause the development of cirrhosis of the liver, diseases endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract, alcohol addiction and so on. If you really can’t bear it, you can treat yourself to 1-2 glasses of quality wine with dinner. Well, or a glass of moonshine (once a week!).

"Low-calorie" foods for weight loss

On store shelves today you can find products labeled as “low-calorie” or “low-fat.” But most of them contain various harmful impurities and can interfere normal operation body. At the same time, there is no sense in them. It is impossible to lose weight while sitting on them. To lose a couple or three kilograms, eat better “healthy” foods: lean meat, bran bread, low-calorie fish, homemade cottage cheese or yogurt. For best results, bake, boil or steam these foods yourself.

Take note!

There is a lot to talk about healthy and unhealthy foods for children and adults, but you, as an adult, can regulate your own and your child’s diet. Try to pass by harmful products in the store, despite all their attractiveness. No matter how much you wish you could do it differently! It will be difficult to do this only in the first 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, you will get out of the habit of eating such food and will automatically leave it in the store.

If you do without specific product If it doesn't work, buy it. But use as needed. For example, butter It is better to put it in the refrigerator and use it only for baking. And smoked sausage, if you are used to it, can be used in small quantities to create salads. If you want, try a piece or two a day, but no more.

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