Uses and properties of rosemary oil. Effective use of rosemary oil for face


What is rosemary?

What's happened essential oil rosemary, the properties and uses of this oil, as well as what medicinal properties it has and what exactly is rosemary oil useful for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods treatment, in particular treatment with essential oils. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Rosemary officinalis, or common rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a species of semi-shrub and shrubby evergreen plants of the genus Rosemary (Rosmarinus) of the Lamiaceae family.

In Russian, both the species Rosmarinus officinalis and the genus Rosmarinus are called rosemary.

Rosemary leaves contain alkaloids (rosmaricin), ursolic and rosmarinic acids, tannins and etc.

In leaves, flowers and upper parts shoots contain essential (rosemary) oil, its yield, depending on the place of growth of the plant, is 0.3-1.2% (by wet weight). The accumulation of oil in the leaves has two maximums: during the period of full flowering and during the period of fruit shedding.

The essential oil of this plant is used in the perfume and cosmetics industry; leaves, flowers and young shoots - in the alcoholic beverage and baking industries.


Rosemary essential oil:

This oil is very valuable, it has antiseptic properties and is used to treat acne and furunculosis, eczema, infected wounds, used for abscesses, etc. It also tightens the skin of the body.

This oil is made from young shoots, leaves and flowers, which contain up to 2% essential oil, using steam treatment.


Mixed with various spices, medicinal rosemary, as well as another type - prostrate rosemary, are used in cooking as a seasoning for fish and meat dishes, canned food, salads, sauces, it is added to tea, etc.

Rosemary essential oil is produced from the flowering shrub Rosmarinus officinalis. Its consistency is fluid, light, and has no color. The aroma of rosemary is fresh, but at the same time persistent with bright herbal notes.

One of the expressed properties of this herbal remedy is that it perfectly stimulates precisely those brain cells that are responsible for memory. That is why a branch of this shrub is considered a symbol of memories. Rosemary scent alternative medicine used even in cases of amnesia.

Previously, Greek students made wreaths of rosemary branches before exams and wore them during exams to activate memory, enhance concentration and improve mental activity. The aroma of rosemary has always been loved by scientists, clerks and students, because it helped memorize not only numbers and names, but also foreign words.

Rosemary belongs to the class of tonic aromas and is an aphrodisiac.

Oil composition:

  • resin and bitterness
  • bornyl acetate
  • camphor
  • camphene
  • pinene
  • limonene
  • cineole
  • caryophyllene
  • tannins, etc.

All these components have a beneficial effect on the human body.


Even this warm, spicy and very cozy aroma has its contraindications.

It is mandatory to check any essential oil for individual intolerance. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of oil to the skin on the inner parts of the elbow and behind the ears (the burning sensation that occurs should go away in a few minutes) and wait 12 hours; if no unpleasant sensations arise, then you can safely use the oil.

Rosemary oil is not recommended for epileptics, people prone to seizures and hypertension, people with high blood pressure should be careful when applying this scent though discomfort disappear no later than after two weeks of use. During pregnancy, it is also better to avoid using rosemary, except for the cases described above. To avoid uneven tanning and sunburn Do not apply oil to the skin less than an hour before going out into the open sun.


Being a powerful stimulator of the immune activity of the human body, this oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs digestive system, it can not only fight inflammatory processes, but also work as a choleretic agent.

This herbal remedy is used for problems with the respiratory tract; it has a softening effect and relieves cough.

The aroma of rosemary is considered the “aroma of the heart.” It regulates the functioning of the circulatory system and heart muscle, and also normalizes blood pressure. Rosemary is known to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and have an anti-sclerotic effect.

The aroma of rosemary can even cope with pain, acting as a natural analgesic. It is recommended to rub it on the forehead, temples and neck in order to relieve headache associated with stressful situation. This aroma will be indispensable in a massage product, in an aroma lamp or in an aromatic bath if your goal is to relax the body, if you feel lethargy and muscle fatigue.

Fresh and invigorating, it is also capable of restoring the body's defenses and increasing its endurance.

Even pregnant women can use this oil, but only to get rid of nausea in the morning and using no more than 5 drops at once, you can directly inhale the aroma from the bottle in this case.

Rosemary oil is effective means for treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia, it can be used to improve cerebral circulation, get rid of eye fatigue and even improve visual acuity. Rosemary relieves fainting and helps hypotensive patients with dizziness.

On an emotional level, rosemary oil can relieve a person of uncertainty, suspiciousness and excessive shyness. The use of this oil is indicated in post-stress therapy, as it quickly returns the joy of life, relieving psychological problems.

This oil also has a positive effect on human energy, helping to think clearly and encouraging logical conclusions. Even in occultism, rosemary is revered as a means of awakening the subconscious and intuition.

This herbal remedy will also help after active physical activity, he will definitely take it off pain syndrome strained muscles. With its help, all muscle stretching exercises are easier to perform.

Additionally, rosemary essential oil:

  • It is used in the treatment of cholelithiasis (dissolves stones and sand), cleanses bile well, increases bile secretion, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Stimulates liver function.
  • Antiseptic properties are used for skin lesions: acne and boils, infected wounds(healing), abscesses, burns.
  • Improves the activity of the stomach, used in the treatment of gastroenteritis, colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation.
  • Prevents the proliferation of yeast flora in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Has a regulating effect on blood and lymph circulation.
  • Used as an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • It has an analgesic effect for arthritis, muscle pain, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, and gout.
  • Increases blood pressure.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the genitourinary system.
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle.
  • Strengthens the heart, vein walls, improves blood circulation in the extremities, has an anti-inflammatory effect during varicose veins veins, hemorrhoids.
  • Sharpens hearing, increases sensitivity to smells.
  • IN folk medicine used for insomnia, colds, headaches, migraines, epilepsy, paralysis, edema, leucorrhoea, asthma, neuroses, dropsy, as well as to enhance lactation in nursing women.
  • The warm, deep aroma relieves nervous and mental stress, improves memory, and has a tonic effect.
  • In cosmetology, it is used to care for oily and unclean skin, as it eliminates inflammatory processes, helps improve local circulation and cell renewal. Prevents hair loss and dandruff formation.


  • For massage: 5-7 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil (for arthritis, rheumatism, stress).
  • For internal use: 2-3 drops per 1 teaspoon of oil 3 times a day (strengthens the heart, lowers cholesterol).
  • In the aroma maker: 3-4 drops (relieves headaches, mental fatigue, improves memory).
  • For baths: 8-10 drops (take 2-3 hours before bedtime) or mix 7-10 drops with 10 ml of milk and add to the bath (for stress, cellulite).
  • For applications: 7-8 drops.
  • For compresses: 5-7 drops per liter warm water(for burns and local inflammation).
  • To enrich cosmetics: 2-3 drops per 5 g of base.

Application in cosmetology:

And, of course, aromatic oil rosemary is actively used in cosmetology. With its help, increased secretion is reduced oily skin, it helps reduce enlarged pores and smooth out skin texture. This herbal remedy restores the elasticity of the top layer of skin (epidermis) and softens its rougher areas. It is also used to quickly get rid of scars and scars; it is indicated for furunculosis and acne.

In addition, it has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

And if you want to tan quickly and efficiently, then take rosemary oil internally (1 drop of oil per glass of liquid).

For hair:

Rosemary essential oil is also known for its beneficial effect on hair and scalp. It not only eliminates dandruff and stimulates hair growth, but also stops hair loss, and also tones the scalp, which becomes healthier.

To strengthen oily or normal hair, use the following hair mask recipe:

As a basis you need to take 10 ml of jojoba oil and 20 ml of grape seed oil. Pour 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of calamus oil and 1 drop each of birch and bay oils into the base. The resulting product should be rubbed into the hair roots and covered with a plastic cap, left for 60 minutes, then rinsed. warm water.

To strengthen dry and brittle hair, you need to take 10 ml of the following oils: avocado, jojoba, and macadamia. Then add 2 drops of rosemary, ylang-ylang, calamus oil and 1 drop of chamomile, birch and bay oils. Next proceed as in the previous recipe.

If you prefer to mix essential oils with shampoo, then the following recipe is suitable for women with dark hair. Here, as a basis, you need to take 100 ml of shampoo for your hair type and add 6 drops each of rosemary and ocotea caudate oils, and 4 drops each of lemon and wild carrot oils. Mix everything thoroughly and the healing shampoo is ready.

To strengthen weakened hair, make this mask with rosemary: mix with a small amount of salt 1 drop each of rosemary, basil, black pepper oils, 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 2 yolks. This mask should be applied to your hair and washed off after 30 minutes. You can, without applying a mask, simply wash your hair with this mixture instead of shampoo.

If you are new to using essential oils, start by adding a drop of rosemary oil to your wooden comb and simply combing your hair, this will not only promote clarity of thought and good mood, but also strengthening hair.

Try it, perhaps the spicy bitterness of rosemary is exactly what you need.

For face:

The use of this herbal remedy is perfect for caring for oily and unclean skin prone to acne and comedones. It helps reduce excess sebum production, helps tighten pores, and prevents further formation of acne and blackheads on the face.

Also, thanks to its antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, rosemary oil can cleanse the skin of existing rashes, and in particular have a healing effect on skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, boils, and other purulent-inflammatory rashes on the skin.

In addition, rosemary oil has the ability to even out the skin and dissolve all the various scars and scars, which makes it successfully used to eliminate roughness and spots after acne.

For acne:

It is widely recommended in the treatment of acne. This is one of the few cases when the product can be used in pure form, applying dotted strokes directly to the affected areas. But in combination with base oil it will have no less effect. For example, combine a tablespoon of black cumin oil with two drops of rosemary oil. Its healing properties kill germs, relieve inflammation and speed up wound healing.

The name of this plant is made up of 2 words - ros and mar. It is translated as “sea dew” or “dew of the sea.”

Rosemary is a subtropical shrub with needle-like greenish-silver foliage, just over 2 meters high. It grows in dry and warm places on the shore Mediterranean Sea. Artificially grown for the production of spices and oil in the Balkans, France, and Tunisia. Although you can meet him further north.

Myths and history

ABOUT healing properties People have known rosemary since ancient times. For the Egyptians it was a symbol of rebirth; they treated it as a sacred plant, knowing about its tonic and healing properties. Its leaves were used to flavor wines and fumigate rooms. This is evidenced by the mortal remains of rosemary, which are now found in the necropolises of Ancient Egypt.

It is believed that Elizabeth (Queen of Hungary) looked beautiful until her old age, was active and energetic precisely thanks to the constant use of the composition - an emulsion with rosemary essential oil - later known throughout Europe under the name “Water of the Queen of Hungary”. The remaining components of this composition were rose oil, as well as lemon, lemon balm and peppermint.

Rosemary has also been used for long storage fresh meat, as it prevented it from rotting.

Application of oil

It should be noted that from the buds, flowers and leaves of rosemary, growing in Spain, Tunisia, France, in addition, in the countries Balkan Peninsula, oil is produced. Rosemary has found application in cosmetology, medicine, perfumery, as well as in the manufacture of household chemicals. The oil of this plant has a stunning aroma and also has a wide healing effect.

Description and production

Rosemary oil, the use of which is described in this article, is obtained by steam-water distillation. In this case, the woody parts of the plant are removed, as they contribute to the deterioration of the aroma. of this product. When making essential oil from dried rosemary leaves, they should be soaked in water before distillation.

Rosemary oil is a highly mobile, colorless or yellowish liquid with a spicy-spicy taste, as well as a very fresh camphor, slightly woody aroma.

Rosemary essential oil: properties, applications

This remedy has a stimulating, antiseptic, antioxidant, analgesic, antiviral, expectorant and immunostimulating effect.

Rosemary oil is used as a strong antiseptic. It is used for infectious and colds of the respiratory tract as an expectorant and mucolytic agent, for catarrh of the respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, influenza, colds, in addition, to effectively strengthen the immune system.

The product has a positive effect on nervous system, helping to improve and increase memory and performance.

Rosemary oil is used for diseases urinary system and gallbladder. It normalizes bile secretion, eliminates pain symptoms, and also promotes the dissolution and removal of stones from the gallbladder, in addition, it has an effective diuretic effect.

This remedy has positive impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates flatulence, heartburn, improves the secretion of the digestive glands.

Rosemary essential oil also stimulates blood circulation and heart activity, promotes vasodilation, and also helps with atherosclerosis and hypotension.

The analgesic effect of the drug is used for diseases of the joints and spine, rheumatism, arthritis, headaches, myalgia, and PMS.

It is widely used for diseases skin as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating agent for minor burns, abrasions, inflammatory processes, acne, excessive hair loss, dandruff, to eliminate small wrinkles, and also to stimulate hair growth.

For heart diseases

It is a good idea to combine lavender oil (an excellent antihypertensive and with purified rosemary oil, which has a nootropic effect. Such a mixture normalizes venous outflow from the brain, helps relieve cerebral vascular spasms, and is an excellent stimulant and, therefore, can normalize blood pressure.

People with arterial hypertension such oils should be combined in a 3:1 ratio; when taken simultaneously, the antispasmodic effect of the oils is enhanced, as they exhibit synergism. At the same time, the exciting and stimulating effect of rosemary is enhanced by an excess of lavender.

For memory impairment

For this you will also need a mixture of oils. For the aroma lamp you will need to take lemon, rosemary and thyme oils in equal proportions.

For muscle pain

In this case it will be effective next remedy. Juniper cream, purchased at a pharmacy, must be enriched with a mixture of rosemary and mint oils and applied to the sore spot.

In cosmetology

Due to its properties, rosemary oil has found application in cosmetology. It improves the elasticity of the skin, softens it, reduces enlarged pores, helps with acne and furunculosis, and eliminates scars.

The oil has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect and also helps tan. In this case, it must be taken orally - 1 drop of oil per glass of water.

Rosemary has been used to improve skin condition. To do this, dilute 2 drops of this oil with 4 drops of olive oil, stir, and apply to the face. After 40 minutes, blot your skin with a napkin. This procedure must be repeated every other day.

Dilute 2 drops of oil with a teaspoon of olive oil and apply directly to acne twice a day. This remedy will help you against acne.

To care for excessively dry skin, add rosemary to almond milk or carrier oil.

Rosemary oil for the face has also been used to smooth out wrinkles, as well as to increase the elasticity and firmness of aging skin. For this purpose a spoon olive oil mix with two drops of rosemary. Lubricate your face with this mixture, and after 40 minutes, remove excess oil with a paper napkin.

The same recipe will help you with rosacea. To do this, you need to lubricate your skin every day.

Use this mixture to reduce age spots. Apply the composition pointwise to the stains until the desired result occurs.

For resorption of scars and scars

And in this case, rosemary oil is used for the face. The use of this remedy in this case is very simple: mix ten drops of rosemary oil with a spoon of olive oil. It is necessary to rub into the skin during scarring and healing.

For anti-cellulite massage

Add 5 drops of lemon, rosemary, 2 drops of patchouli to two tablespoons of olive oil. Rub into problem areas twice a day until the resulting mixture is absorbed.

Rosemary oil: use for hair

Rosemary oil is also known for its beneficial effects on the scalp and hair. It stimulates hair growth and eliminates dandruff, and also reduces hair loss, tones the scalp, making it healthier.

To strengthen normal or oily hair, use the mask recipe below.

You need to take 30 ml of olive oil as a basis. Pour 2 drops of rosemary and thyme, 3 drops of lavender and lemon oils into the base. The finished product must be rubbed into the roots and covered with a cellophane cap, then left for an hour. Next you need to rinse with water. Use at least twice a week.

To 30 ml of olive oil add a couple of drops of lavender, lemon, geranium, orange oils, as well as rosemary oil. Using this hair product helps strengthen brittle and dry hair.

If you like to mix oils with your shampoo, then the following recipe will come in handy. In this case, you need to take 100 ml of mild shampoo as a basis and add 6 drops of thyme and rosemary oils, as well as 4 drops of lavender and lemon oils. Mix everything. Medicinal shampoo ready.

Rosemary oil (its properties and uses are described in this article) is suitable for strengthening weak hair. To do this, make a mask with oil: mix a drop of rosemary, lavender, and 2 yolks with a spoon of salt. This mask must be applied to your hair and washed off after half an hour. You can simply wash your hair with this mixture, replacing shampoo with it.

If you are new to using such products, apply a drop of rosemary oil to a wooden comb and then comb your hair with it. This action will promote a good mood and clarity of thought, as well as effectively strengthen the hair.

Try it, it’s likely that the spicy bitterness of the plant is just what you need.

Against insects

Rosemary oil is used in perfumery to impart a warm, woody aroma.

For respiratory diseases, the following recipe will help you. For adults, apply 2 drops of oil to a piece of sugar. It needs to be dissolved twice a day.

And the use of the plant is described in detail in this article) is used for bloating, atherosclerosis, for In this case, you need to take two drops of oil with ½ glass of beer for two weeks.

Invigorating bath: add 10 drops of rosemary oil to half a glass of milk or cream.

Refreshing composition for facial skin: dissolve in a spoon apple cider vinegar three drops of rosemary oil and add to ½ liter of clean cold water.


Essential oil should be used with extreme caution in case of epilepsy, individual intolerance, hypertension, during pregnancy, as well as in children under 6 years of age.

Rosemary essential oil has a colorless or light yellow hue and a minty-herbal aroma with notes of camphor and wood. Due to its beneficial properties, it is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine. Rosemary essential oil will restore firmness and elasticity of the skin, relieve puffiness and improve complexion, smooth out shallow wrinkles, improve blood circulation, and eliminate age spots. Its application has wide range, and it seems that this oil can solve everything cosmetic problems. Rosemary oil is used for aromatic baths (add 5 drops). However, it is especially beneficial to use rosemary essential oil on the face. Wide Application In cosmetology, three types of this oil were obtained.

  • First: camphor-borneol. It is ideal for people with oily, acne-prone skin. Thanks to its properties, rosemary reduces excess sebum secretion, eliminates blackheads and acne. For diseases with skin disorders (dermatitis, eczema) it has a healing effect. It has a cosmetic effect, smoothing the skin and promoting the resorption of scars.
  • Second type: verbenone. It is suitable for caring for aging facial skin. This oil will soften rough areas, eliminate flaking, and restore smoothness.
  • Third type: cineole. This type of rosemary essential oil is great for facial skin care.

Using Rosemary Essential Oil for Common Skin Problems

1) For oily skin, use grape seed oil as a base. Add a couple of drops of rosemary to an incomplete tablespoon of this ether. Stir and apply the mixture to your face for forty minutes. Then wash your face.

2) To get rid of scars, take one teaspoon of rosehip oil or cocoa as a base. Use morning and evening, applying to the problem area.

3) If the skin is rough and flaky, rosemary essential oil should be added to apricot/pumpkin/peach/almond oil. The method of application is the same. The mixture will smooth out wrinkles and make facial skin more elastic.

4) To eliminate acne. You need to mix rosemary with black cumin oil. Apply to acne spots several times a day.

Rosemary essential oil for beautiful hair

1) Apply one drop to a wooden comb, then comb your hair along the entire length. This will not only help strengthen them, but will also give you a good mood.

2) If you have oily hair, then the following hair mask will help you: base - jojoba oil (10 ml) and grape seed oil (20 ml), add 2 drops of rosemary oil and calamus oil. Mix everything and rub into the hair roots for an hour, then rinse.

3) To strengthen, you can add a couple of drops of rosemary to shampoo (only for dark hair).

4) For dry and brittle hair The mask recipe is slightly different: we take jojoba, avocado, macadamia oils (10 ml each), add a couple of drops of rosemary and calamus oils.

Have you decided to use rosemary essential oil? Its use can provoke allergic reaction, so before using it, apply one drop to the skin. If no irritation appears within 12 hours, then it is suitable for you.

Healing aphrodisiac oil used in aromatherapy competes no less successfully with expensive cosmetology techniques. Using rosemary oil effective care not only hair, but also skin. Spot application in its pure form, or as part of cosmetic creams or masks, can significantly reduce the problems of oily facial skin, narrow enlarged pores, and normalize the functioning of sebaceous glands, rejuvenate the skin and cure it of acne, eliminating the consequences of previously incorrectly removed rashes. Thanks to its unique properties, Rosmarini aetheroleum is one of the most common facial skin care products at home.


A distinctive feature of essential oils is their different chemical composition, provided they are produced from plants belonging to the same genus and species. The reasons for such discrepancies in chemical composition There may be different soils on which the plants grew, climatic conditions, as well as the collection of raw materials produced in different seasons. If the recorded differences become permanent, the essential oil is classified as a chemotype. Thus, the features of the product are recorded that distinguish it from standard oils obtained from similar plant raw materials.

Three chemotypes have been identified for rosemary oil: cineole, camphor-borneol, and verbennone.

When purchasing Rosmarini aetheroleum, it is important to pay attention to its chemotype, since it determines what type of skin the oil can be used for.

Oily skin

The cineole and camphor-borneol chemotypes are suitable for such skin. The latter is especially effective for use in cases of oily skin with problem areas. The main action is in the area:

  • Narrowing of pores;
  • Cleansing of comedones;
  • Improving blood circulation in the facial skin;
  • Regeneration.

Dry skin

The verbenone chemotype is perfect for this skin type. Its action:

  • Moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • Increased elasticity;
  • Return of elasticity;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Elimination age spots;
  • Restoring healthy color;
  • Removing scars and smoothing the relief.

Medicinal properties

In addition to the pronounced immunomodulatory and restorative internal energy body of action, Rosmarini aetheroleum has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Due to its composition, which includes such main components as ketones, terpenes, sesquiterpenes, alcohols and aldehydes, Rosemary essential oil is used as:

  • Analgesic and antispasmodic, eliminating muscle pain, fatigue and muscle stiffness;
  • A stimulant drug, especially in cases of post-traumatic speech and motor impairment;
  • Funds providing active action for stones;
  • Anti-inflammatory in composition complex therapy in the treatment of neuritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis,
    migraines, eye diseases associated with increased stress;
  • A drug that normalizes the functioning of the stomach;
  • Antiseptic, effective against infection of skin lesions of various origins and any types of furunculosis;
  • A substance that normalizes blood pressure and also eliminates congestion in varicose veins;
  • Regulator coronary circulation for dystonia and hypotension;
  • A treatment for colds, bronchitis, asthma, sore throats and other throat diseases;
  • Cosmetics in pure form or as part of enriched creams, masks, essential compositions.

In all cases, the positive effect is achieved due to the ability of Rosmarini aetheroleum to quickly penetrate the human body. This is important when it comes to facial skin, especially if it belongs to the category of problematic ones.

Useful properties of the oil:

Contraindications for use and necessary precautions

Rosemary oil attracts attention with its lightness, fluidity and warm, fresh herbal aroma, with a hint of peppermint. Stimulating effect, promoting the growth of inspiration, intellectual development, has a positive effect on emotional sphere, making a person's path to success easier. In combination with medicinal properties, such advantages often contribute to ignoring possible contraindications And side effects after use. And they exist, since rosemary essential oil for the face belongs to the group of the most active drugs.


  • Pregnancy;
  • Sensitive skin of the face and body;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Tendency to seizures;
  • Hypertension;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • The aroma causes discomfort or makes you feel worse;
  • Children under 12 years old.
In addition to the standard precautions associated with conducting an allergy test, care must be taken to protect the skin of the face during warm time of the year. Rosemary oil applied immediately before going outside may cause burns from direct exposure sun rays. In order to avoid such a nuisance, Rosmarini aetheroleum should be used no later than three hours before you intend to leave the house. You should also not use rosemary essential oil before bed.

Methods of application

Neither doctors nor cosmetologists have come up with any special ways to use Rosmarini aetheroleum. It is not necessary. It is enough to use rosemary oil for the face against rosacea in one of the following options:

  • As an additive to base oil;
  • As a means of enriching cosmetic products;
  • As one of the components of homemade masks and cosmetic compositions.

Oil mixtures

The following mixture copes well with the manifestations of rosacea: base oils(sunflower 50 ml, rosehip 20 ml, borage or borage 30 drops) are mixed in a separate container. Then essential oils are added to them (geranium 10 drops, lemon 3 drops, rosemary 3 drops, cypress 2 drops). The container with the mixture is closed and carefully turned over to mix the components more thoroughly. The main application is a light, stroking massage with a prepared oil composition, especially effective during the treatment of rosacea.

Treatment of rosacea can be accelerated with a simple tonic prepared from three tablespoons of pure boiled water and two drops of Rosmarini aetheroleum. This toner will not only help cope with spider veins, but will also cleanse and moisturize oily facial skin well.

  • Dry skin. In this case, it is useful to use a mixture of rosemary essential oil and peach or pumpkin seed oil, almond, flax or castor product.
If it is excessively dry and sensitive skin It is not recommended to use rosemary oil on the face.

Enrichment of cosmetics

Despite increased activity Rosmarini aetheroleum, there is no need to reduce the standard dosage. As usual, for every 5 ml of cream or ointment, add no more than 3 drops of essential oil.

Face masks

Rosemary essential oil has the ability to combine with such familiar ingredients in homemade face masks as honey, lemon juice, sour cream, starch, herbal infusions, clay. Therefore, Rosmarini aetheroleum can be added to any homemade mask, the effect of which is especially to the liking of both man and skin.

Some more attention will have to be paid to masks containing rosemary oil, intended for the treatment of rosacea.

  1. Chamomile mask. A chamomile infusion prepared from 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and a glass of boiling water, naturally cooled and strained, effectively relieves the manifestations of rosacea. With the resulting infusion, 2 tablespoons of potato starch are diluted to a thick paste. Then add 3 drops of rosemary essential product. The resulting paste is applied to the facial skin and left for a quarter of an hour. Next, rinse off with lukewarm water and apply a moisturizer to the skin.
  2. Clay based masks. The composition of masks that promote the treatment of rosacea can be diversified, while obtaining additional effect, if you use white or blue cosmetic clay instead of starch.
  3. If you don’t have starch or clay on hand, flour will replace them. It is best to take oatmeal or rice. But even ordinary wheat flour will do the job perfectly.
  4. Oil masks. Manifestations of rosacea gradually disappear if you add it to slightly warmed water. vegetable oil(St. John's wort, calendula, milk thistle, hazelnut) two or three drops of rosemary essential oil. The mixture is used to lubricate facial skin affected by rosacea. You need to keep this mask on your face for 20 to 40 minutes. At the end of the exposure time, rinse with warm water and moisturize with an appropriate cream.
  5. Lingonberry mask. Grind the ripe berries in a non-metallic bowl. Thicken the pulp with starch, clay or flour. Instead of these ingredients, cottage cheese and yolks are also used chicken eggs or sour cream. Add a couple of drops of Rosmarini aetheroleum. Keep the mask on your face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin with cream.

Acne mask:

Effect of use

Experts, namely, people who are faced with facial skin problems tend to trust them, note a pronounced positive effect after using rosemary oil in various ways available at home:

  • Elimination of inflammation, peeling and swelling of the face in those with oily skin. Achieved through compresses, massage, enrichment of creams and ointments.
  • Complete cure of acne, boils, dermatitis, eczema as a result of using baby cream with the addition of rosemary essential oil.
  • Increasing skin elasticity, rejuvenation, tightening, prevention of wrinkles and scar resorption. The effect is achieved after massage procedures, the use of compresses and cosmetics enriched with rosemary oil.
The expected effect cannot be obtained if you do not adhere to a strict dosage of the drug, both in the case of using oil mixtures and when treating the skin with masks or compresses. If exceed specified dosage from 5 to 7 drops per liter of water for a compress, then a result with a plus sign can easily be replaced by a result with a minus sign.

Reviews. Price

It would be wrong to guarantee 100% effectiveness of using rosemary oil based on people's reviews. Each case is individual. However, what the drug can boast of is the predominance of positive ratings. Most of them are reports on successful solutions to problems with acne, manifestations of rosacea, spots after unsuccessful treatment acne darsonval.

The main disadvantage that the reviews contain is the need for long-term use of the oil before the first positive results appear.

The high cost of Rosmarini aetheroleum also raises criticism. The price of the drug depends on where it was produced. So, if rosemary essential oil comes from France, Spain, Morocco or Tunisia, then the price for it will be 500 rubles and more. The French product is especially highly valued. And 10 ml of oil extracted from rosemary grown in the Crimea or the Caucasus will delight buyers average cost at 100 rubles. However, even the figures found around 800 or 900 rubles per 10 ml may not be a very high price to pay for a drug that can replace many expensive cosmetics of questionable effectiveness.

Oil mask:

The valuable qualities of rosemary have been known since ancient times. Currently, the leaves and young shoots of the evergreen subshrub are widely used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. But rosemary essential oil has many beneficial properties.

To obtain aromatic rosemary oil, fresh, young, strong plants are used. The product is extracted by steam distillation. With this distillation, the essential oil is obtained in its pure form.

The oil has a light consistency and can be colorless or with a yellowish tint. Its specific sharp spicy taste is combined with a rich bitter herbal aroma with slightly perceptible mint notes.

The composition of rosemary oil is filled with beneficial elements:

  • cineole;
  • camphene;
  • terpineol;
  • pinenes;
  • linalool;
  • paracymol;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • limonene;
  • borneol;
  • camphor;
  • myrcene;
  • verbenone;
  • threonine

In addition, in essential product The green part of rosemary contains potassium, zinc, calcium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, iron and selenium. Contains vitamins C, PP, A, K and E.

Rosemary essential oil is considered an effective aphrodisiac that can enhance sexual desire, reduce signs of stress, eliminate fatigue and nervous tension. Thanks to the enriched useful substances composition herbal product used as remedy, which has a lot of valuable properties:

  • has an antispasmodic effect on the body;
  • strengthens blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation;
  • improves digestion and increases appetite;
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • improves kidney function and promotes the removal of stones;
  • relieves inflammatory processes in urethritis and cystitis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder;
  • removes symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
  • eliminates bloating, flatulence, heals ulcers, helps in the treatment of gastritis and colitis;
  • provides therapeutic effect for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, colds and sore throats;
  • strengthens the immune system and eliminates pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, the oil slows down the aging process, activates physical and mental activity, improves memory and relieves fatigue.

Essential oil is also used as compresses and lotions. It helps reduce painful sensations from bruises, for osteochondrosis, gout and arthritis. Relieves neurological pain, muscle spasms and resolves bruises.

In dermatology, the valuable qualities of the oily liquid from rosemary leaves are used as a remedy that can:

  • remove redness on the skin and eliminate itching;
  • reduce allergic manifestations from insect bites;
  • get rid of dandruff;
  • eliminate fungal formations on the skin and nails.

This valuable product has a good antiseptic effect.

Price in pharmacy

The oil can be bought at a pharmacy. Depending on the manufacturer, its price ranges from sixty-five to one hundred and twenty rubles per ten milligrams.

Despite great benefit in cosmetology and therapy, oil still has several restrictions on use:

  • during pregnancy should not be ingested and used with caution for external use;
  • use carefully medicinal purposes with increased blood pressure following the doctor’s instructions and the minimum dosage;
  • It is not recommended for use by people suffering from epilepsy;
  • Do not use oil if you have an individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the components of the product.

Any therapeutic and cosmetic actions using rosemary oil are allowed to be carried out only by children over the age of seven years and after checking for allergies to the product.

A viscous liquid made from rosemary by steam distillation is an effective cosmetic product. Essential oil has a whitening effect, as well as a number of properties that help correct various aesthetic problems of a person’s appearance:

  • tightens pores on the face;
  • activates elastin production;
  • tones the skin;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin, helps reduce acne;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
  • helps get rid of cellulite.

Rosemary oil is used to make hair masks that make hair silky, elastic, stimulate growth and strengthen roots. The product is considered an excellent anti-aging product.

Before using rosemary essential oil as a facial cosmetic, you should study a number of rules for its use:

  1. The oil can only be diluted, since the product is very concentrated and can cause a burn when applied to the skin. It can be used in its pure form only for targeted application to treat boils or acne.
  2. Since rosemary oil has an invigorating effect, it is recommended to use masks long before bedtime. Rosemary can cause insomnia and increased activity.
  3. Before using a cosmetic product on your face, you must test for an allergic reaction. Apply a little diluted oil to the skin of your hand and leave for several hours. If red spots, itching or flaking appear, do not use the product.
  4. The oil should not be used during prolonged exposure to the sun. The mask is applied a couple of hours before sunbathing.

Rosemary essential oil for facial skin is used as additional product to basic oils. Typically, the base components are oily extracts:

  • cocoa;
  • flax;
  • grape or peach seeds;
  • rosehip;
  • walnut, coconut, almond or cedar;
  • black cumin;
  • pumpkins;
  • milk thistle;
  • avocado;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

Castor or olive oil are also good for the first component. It is recommended to dilute the oils in a ratio of three drops of rosemary to one small spoon of the main product.

In addition, well-compatible essential oils with rosemary oil are used to make a cream or face mask. To do this, use lemon, orange, lavender, ginger, cinnamon, oregano and mint. It can also be oil of coriander, basil, grapefruit, frankincense or marjoram.

There are many options for making masks, compresses and creams with the addition of rosemary oil that can remove many problems on the skin:

  1. Anti-acne. Black cumin oil is used as the main component, to which a rosemary product is added. Apply this product to the affected areas of the skin three times a day.
  2. Mask for smoothing wrinkles on the face. Rosemary oil combines with almond, castor and linseed oils. A few drops of walnut oil extract, cocoa, peach seeds, rose hips and avocado are added to the mixture. Apply this product to the skin for thirty minutes, after which you rinse your face with clean water.
  3. To eliminate oily skin. As a base remedy, it is good to use grape seed oil plus oily rosemary extract. Such a connection from natural ingredients Lubricate the face every other day for two weeks. The mask should be applied before bed for twenty minutes, then rinsed with water.
  4. For removing scars and scars. The rosemary leaf product is added to an oil mixture of cocoa, rosehip and sesame. Problem areas are lubricated with this ointment several times a day.
  5. To get rid of age spots. Part cosmetic product includes basic sea buckthorn and additional rosemary oils. For areas where there are stains Brown, apply the oily composition twice a day.

By combining rosehip oil, rosemary and grape seeds, you can remove acne on your face. This solution is used for compresses at night. The product is applied to a gauze cloth and applied to skin rashes before bedtime.

Rosemary essential oil has been successfully used as natural remedy for hair care. It not only fills nutrients, and also helps with many hair and scalp problems. Oil has a number of abilities:

  • improve metabolic processes in hair follicles;
  • enhance hair growth;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • cleanse the scalp of dead particles and fat plugs;
  • restore shine and elasticity to dull hair;
  • relieve itching from the scalp.

Rosemary essential oil can be used to prepare various hair mixtures:

  1. Anti-fall mask. Combine ten drops of rosemary oil extract with one hundred milligrams of olive oil, add a tablespoon of crushed wheat germ, as well as one teaspoon each of lecithin and almond oil. Mix all ingredients well, place in a glass bottle and cover with a lid. This mask should be applied to clean, dry hair, lightly massage movements rubbing into the roots. Distribute the remaining mixture over the entire length of the hair and after twenty minutes rinse with shampoo and water.
  2. Anti-dandruff balm. Two tablespoons of cocoa butter and the same burdock oil mix with three drops of rosemary oil. This product is rubbed into the hair and left for two hours. Then the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed with water.
  3. Mask for oily hair . Pour two drops of rosemary essential oil into a mixture of oils - jojoba - ten milligrams and grape seeds - twenty grams. The mask is rubbed into the hair and left to absorb for forty-five minutes. You can wash off the product with shampoo.

Rosemary essential oil is good for cellulite. With its help you can remove toxins from the body, open the pores on the skin and make it firm and elastic. To even out and smooth the skin, massage using rosemary oil is best. It can be used as an independent component, or added to a cream or mixed with other essential oils.

To get rid of cellulite, you need to apply a few drops of oil to the problem area and rub it over the body in a circular motion. You should massage for at least fifteen minutes. During this procedure, the skin warms up and turns red. Anti-cellulite massage is recommended to be done at least twice a week.

Wrapping is considered no less productive in the fight against cellulite. Often a mixture of five drops of rosemary oil, six drops of lemon juice and two tablespoons of olive oil. The composition is applied to the skin and rubbed thoroughly. Then cover the top cling film and thick warm fabric. The wrapping time is one hour. Afterwards you need to take a shower.

For bathing, rosemary oil is mixed with sea salt or added to foam. Such water procedures not only improve the condition of the skin, but also, with the help of the aroma, relax after a hard day of work, filling the body with strength and energy.

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