Use of bay oil. Laurel essential oil for beauty and health

When most people hear the word laurel, they associate it with aromatic seasonings for broths and soups. However, this plant was undeservedly assigned a single role. Few people know that essential oil is produced from its leaves, which is widely used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.


Essential oil prepared in production using steam distillation. Steam under high pressure mixes with volatile vapors of essential components, and when cooled, this compound forms a liquid, which is an essential oil. One serving takes four hours to prepare. At the same time, the finished product weighs 35 times less than the mass of raw materials used in industry.

The color of the oil can vary from light yellow to green, sometimes shimmering beautifully in the light. It has a thick and viscous consistency. It has a fresh and strong aroma, in which spices and subtle notes of fruity incense are felt.

Typically, the following plant varieties are used to produce oil.

  • Noble laurel. The product is prepared from the leaves and is more common in cooking and folk medicine.
  • Laurel of Alexandria. The raw materials for making oil are usually the fruits of this tree. It has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and is often used in medicine and cosmetology.
  • American laurel. The leaves are used in oil production. The product is commonly used in perfumery, folk medicine, and aromatherapy.

The most common raw material for oil production is bay laurel. A slightly different aromatherapy product is prepared from the fruits of the Alexandrian variety, different from the traditional version in its description and qualities. Bay oil, obtained from American laurel, also has a different composition. The noble and American laurels belong to different families.

You can also find cherry laurel oil in the store, however, this is a completely different product that is in no way similar to classic version from noble plant. Cherry laurel is not related to traditional laurel; the leaves of this crop are poisonous, and their use in the production of a product can lead to very serious consequences for the human body.

Laurel of alexandria


Bay oil has a rich composition, due to which it is valued in different areas cosmetology and medicine. Among the main components of the product, the following components deserve special attention.

  • Cineole. Provides an antibacterial and disinfectant effect, used in the fight against fungus.
  • Eucalyptol. It is an active stimulant with antiviral properties, however, it can cause skin irritation.
  • Camphor. Activates the growth of new cells, has antimicrobial and analgesic properties.
  • Linalool. It is characterized by its bactericidal effect, improves immunity, and stabilizes hormonal function.
  • Pinen. Provides antiviral effect, gives a diuretic effect.
  • Geraniol. This substance is characterized by antifungal properties.
  • Phellandrene. Possesses antibacterial effect and the ability to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Phytosterol. Has a beneficial effect on cleansing blood vessels.
  • Fatty acid. Provide good skin tone, have positive impact on the roots of the hair.
  • Tannins. Stabilize work digestive tract, cleanse the intestines.

In addition, the composition of the product is rich in vitamins such as C, A, PP, group B, and minerals, the most useful of which are potassium, copper, selenium, iron, manganese, zinc. Also beneficial influence on human body provide organic acids, namely: caproic, acetic, formic, valeric.



Considering the composition of the product, we can draw the following conclusions about its beneficial properties.

  • The oil stabilizes the functioning of the digestive organs, increases appetite, and eliminates pain symptoms and stomach upsets.
  • Heals small ulcers of the gastric mucosa, has a positive effect on the body in situations of poisoning.
  • Blocks seizures in patients with organ diseases respiratory system. Can serve as an effective remedy in the fight against colds and coughs.
  • Activates work of cardio-vascular system and has a beneficial effect on proper blood circulation.
  • Stabilizes work endocrine system. Normalizes the menstrual cycle. Reduces sugar levels in patients suffering from diabetes.
  • Reduces spasms, has a positive effect on the functioning of muscles and joints.
  • Removes harmful substances, waste and toxins from the body.
  • Can fight viruses and bacteria and be used as an antibiotic.
  • Is auxiliary during oncological processes.
  • Thanks to the action of antioxidants, the oil can be used as a cure for stress and depression. Increases physical activity. Fights fatigue.
  • Helps strengthen the immune system.

Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of using oil for cosmetic purposes.

  • This product actively treats skin inflammation. Can be an effective treatment for pimples and blackheads, makes dark spots less pronounced, helps narrow pores.
  • When caring for nails, this oil is used to smooth and strengthen nail plate. If you use the product in hair care, you can be sure that it will stimulate hair growth. hair follicles, will eliminate dandruff, reduce irritation on the scalp, and relieve dryness.
  • Laurel product promotes skin cell renewal processes and fights cellulite well, not only eliminating “ orange peel”, but also preventing its formation.

Summarizing all the information about the benefits bay oil, you can familiarize yourself with the indications for use of this product:

  • sleep disturbances, depression, memory impairment;
  • colds, pneumonia, sinusitis;
  • headaches, dilation of veins and blood vessels, strokes;
  • radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • neuroses and neuralgia;
  • skin diseases, including psoriasis and allergies;
  • constipation, pancreatitis, intestinal flatulence;
  • disorders of the urinary system.


Under no circumstances should the presented product be used in pure form. The fact is that cineole, which is part of the composition, can provoke irritation on the skin and cause allergic reactions. To check how the body will react to a new drug, it is necessary to conduct a special simple test. To do this, drop a little oil on the bend of your elbow and carefully examine whether the drop has left any redness or irritation. If discomfort is not observed, then the product can be used.

In addition to individual intolerance, which can be identified using the test recommended above, the following contraindications should be taken into account:

  • dry and very sensitive skin;
  • low pressure;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 2 years.

Important! Use of the product for more than three weeks is prohibited.

You should stop taking the oil if allergies and headaches appear after several servings. Usually these signs are observed during an overdose. Before you get acquainted with the properties of bay oil in practice, you need to consult a specialist. Negative reaction the body to use the product may be caused by its poor quality nature. Perhaps it turned out to be a low-quality product, and the rules for its production were violated. To avoid encountering low-quality products, you can try making this oil yourself at home.

How to prepare butter?

For the manufacture of homemade butter Dry seasoning, which every housewife has in her kitchen, is quite suitable. However, the leaf should have a uniform light olive color. During the cooking process, this ingredient takes on a dark green color and looks like a flowering leaf.

Leaves with faded colors, faded and with brown or red spots on the surface are not suitable. It is better to throw them away and not even use them as a seasoning. Such a stale product will not give aroma either in food or in oil. It is recommended to use glass containers during production. Let's consider several options for preparing the product.

With olive oil

  • Let's prepare about 30 bay leaves. It is better to use a fresh product, but in the absence of such, dry ingredients will also work. Grind the leaves. It is recommended to do this using a coffee grinder.
  • Heat 250 ml olive oil to a temperature of 45-50 degrees and mix with bay leaves.
  • Screw the lid on the container well, shake and place in a dry, dark place. Leave for 14 days, shaking regularly.
  • We filter, squeeze, and store the finished product in a dark place.

With sunflower oil

  • Heat 250 ml of unrefined virgin oil.
  • Grind the pack bay leaf.
  • Mix the ingredients, shake the jar, and place in a dark place for 10 days.
  • Boil water in a saucepan. Place the jar in boiling water, slightly unscrewing the lid in advance.
  • We wait until the consistency cools down and remove it again for 10 days.
  • After this period, we filter the substance. The product is ready!

Cold method

  • Pour 30 g of laurel with a glass of vegetable oil.
  • We put it away for two weeks in a dark, dry place. During this time, you need to mix the composition 2-3 times.
  • Strain and squeeze out the resulting product.

With juniper and butter

  • Grind 20 g of dry bay leaf and 3 g of juniper needles.
  • Add 40 g of substance butter. Mix thoroughly.
  • We put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Methods of application

As has been noted more than once above, the presented product has a very wide scope of application, and each case has its own rules and features of using this medicine.

In folk medicine

Let's look at the most popular recipes alternative medicine, including bay oil.

  • For a cold. Boil a pan of water, add 5-7 drops of ether and inhale the vapors of the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Such inhalation will cause an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. As preventative measure You can hang a special medallion around your neck, drop a small amount of oil, and wear it during the period of virus activity.
  • For joints. On one piece of sugar you need to drop a little ether and dissolve. In total, you need to eat three such pieces during the day. After three days of use, a week's break will be required. A total of 3 courses are needed, after which you should take a break for six months.
  • Foot fungus. In the basin with hot water you should add 10-15 drops of ether and place your feet there. After the bath, the feet must be thoroughly dried, lubricated with some other non-essential oil, and put on clean socks.

In this case, the product will provide effective protection against fungus, and will also reduce foot sweating.


This effective method treatment of stress, depression, insomnia and other problems associated with disorders nervous system. The best method The treatment will be a combination of two oils. For example, bay oil harmonizes well with citrus and lavender, pine or cypress ester. Mix 3-4 drops of the product and place in an aroma lamp. Inhaling aromatic beneficial vapors will not only provide good mood, but also protection against viruses.

In cosmetology

In addition to medicine, bay oil is also widely used in cosmetology.

  • For body. When caring for body skin, you should add 3 drops of essential liquid to your usual compositions. More often, the main products to add are shower gels or soap.
  • For lips. In case of stuck, cracked and chapped lips, you can combine laurel oil with almond or shea butter and lubricate the surface of your lips with the resulting mixture. If you have herpes on your lips, you can burn it with a clean product.
  • For the skin around the eyes. To care for this delicate area of ​​the skin, you can add one drop of oil to your usual creams.
  • For face. In this case, add a drop of oil to any face mask. This ingredient will tighten pores, reduce inflammation, and activate skin immunity. This method will be especially effective for oily or combination skin.
  • For hair. We supplement the base of the mask with oil in the proportion of 30 g per 5 drops. This product will help cope with dandruff, strengthen hair roots, and have a general restorative effect. Good method Aromatherapy also serves as a hair care product. To do this, lubricate the teeth of the comb with 4-5 drops of oil and comb your hair for 5 minutes.

Bay oil is quite ancient folk remedy, which from time immemorial was used by our great-grandfathers in medical purposes. Bay oil can be prepared for rheumatism, colds, pain of various etiologies, paralysis, scabies and convulsions. Bay oil is good for treating diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestinal spasms and biliary tract. Among other things, it destroys harmful microbes, viruses and has a strong disinfectant and soothing effect. How to prepare bay oil, read further in the article.

How to make bay oil at home - recipes

The recipe for making bay oil requires the following components:

  • vegetable oil;
  • bay leaves.

To make your own bay oil, you will need to stock up on fresh or dry bay leaves and regular vegetable oil. If you are chasing medicinal purposes, use exclusively fresh leaves that were collected at least a year ago, but no more.

Visit your local market and buy some bay leaves on a branch. However, when making this choice, be careful and carefully control their quality. Fresh bay leaves good quality must have dark green and a pleasant spicy aroma. You should not buy yellowed or faded leaves, because they are no longer suitable for consumption. When to buy fresh leaves There is no possibility, dried ones will do. Dry leaves should have a light olive color.

To cure rheumatism, arthritis or other joint diseases, it is necessary to use unrefined types sunflower oil. Such oils are an ideal base for preparing all kinds of variations. medicinal products from the listed ailments. For other cases, you can use olive or any other oil that you have at home.

Prepare about 40-50g of bay leaves and vegetable oil in a volume of 200 ml. The leaves should be finely chopped or crushed (torn) with your fingers. Then place them in a container (preferably glass). The malo that you will subsequently use needs to be slightly warmed up. To do this, place it in a bowl or pan with warm water(temperature should be 50-60 degrees). Then you need to pour this vegetable oil over the bay leaves. The resulting product must be left in a warm place for 10 days. dark place. When the oil is well infused, it will need to be strained and the leaves should be squeezed out. Pour the resulting oil into a glass bottle and keep it in a cool, dry place.

How to prepare bay oil in in case of emergency will suggest a recipe that will only take you 15 minutes to complete. What will you need? First of all, as usual, bay leaves in the amount of 40-50g. Grind them and prepare one glass of vegetable oil. Carefully pour the leaves into an enamel pan or other similar container and fill with oil. This “composition” needs to be placed on water bath and boil for 15 minutes. Then the oil needs to be cooled thoroughly, strained thoroughly and carefully poured into a glass container for storage.

Important information about bay oil

Bay oil is an indispensable assistant that can be used both externally and internally. And besides this, it is often used as an additive for inhalations. However, you should not treat yourself with it - first you need to consult a doctor. Although the oil seems completely harmless, you may have an allergy to laurel that you simply don’t even know about, so be careful in matters of your health.

Bay leaves are used to prepare medicinal oil, which has many beneficial properties.

Proven methods!

Laurel benefits:

  • calms the nervous system.
  • strengthens the immune system.
  • cleanses the intestines.
  • increases and stimulates sweating.
  • improves intellectual thinking.

Noble laurel is widely used for joint pain and varicose veins veins


30 gr. bay leaves.
250 ml. olive oil.


The bay leaf is laid and poured with olive oil. Place the mixture in a bottle, close it tightly and let it stand in a dark place for 14 days. Shake the contents of the bottle from time to time. After 2 weeks, strain the oil through cheesecloth and pour the liquid into another container. Store bay oil in a cool room.

Application of oil:

1. Heat the oil slightly by steaming. Rub the oil onto sore joints.

2. The oil is used for ear and migraine.

3. For severe headaches, rub the oil into your temples.

4. Replace aspirin with bay oil, it also reduces fever.

5. Reduces food cravings.

6. Helps get rid of pain in the stomach and intestines.

7. Normalizes renal and liver failure.

8. This oil can be used as a lotion to reduce pores and facial skin problems.

9. This oil is very effective in treating acne.

Bay oil has truly magical properties. A symbol of poetry, sacred to artists, the laurel is also a symbol of magic and necromancy: wizards had laurel branches on their heads, and dresses and robes were decorated with leaves. In the province of Palermo, a beautiful laurel branch in front of the door is always a sign of a tavern or tavern. In Italy, laurel is a plant that is used mainly in the kitchen, for making meat sauce, soups, meats and sausages and adding to boiled chestnuts. But in other places it is also used for cosmetics thanks to medicinal properties leaves and berries.

Uses of bay oil

  • Soap. If you like to experiment with yourself, even with bubbles and detergents, good recipe Only bay oil will become available. They still use it in Aleppo and once you try it, it's hard to go back to using it. regular soap. It can be prepared in both solid and liquid versions.
  • Herbal teas and decoctions. Crush some dried bay leaves and put them in a cup of boiling water to make an excellent decoction which, if drunk before going to bed, causes profuse sweating, reducing flu-like symptoms.
  • Invigorating powder. The powder obtained from perfectly dried bay berries, taken in a dose of a teaspoon per day, is an effective remedy against colds, nervous disorders, paralysis, stomach weakness and intestinal gas.
  • Massage oil. Massaging sore spot, it serves to calm rheumatic spasms or to restore the use of joints after treatment or injury various types. When diluted in a vegetable oil like sweet almond oil and massaged into the abdomen, it has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Aromatherapy. Bay oil is a true stimulant, enhances concentration and memory, calms anxiety and fear. Also suitable for environment: A few drops of essential oil in a burner helps eliminate insects.
  • Skin and hair care. This natural restoration skin balance, regulates balance sebaceous glands and prevents acne and inflammation. it's the same effective remedy to strengthen and prevent hair loss. If it is regularly and constantly rubbed into the scalp, it stimulates microcirculation and promotes nutrition.

How is bay oil obtained?

We will tell you how to make bay oil at home. The oil is obtained by using crushed berries and soaking them in 0.5 liters of pure olive oil. But when are the berries picked? Typically, between the end of October and the beginning of November, they are well ripe. They are left to dry in a basket for about two months, in a ventilated and dry place, stirring them frequently. When they become lighter in color, they are stored in paper bags, away from moisture and mold. To make the powder, simply crush the berries in a wooden or stone mortar, once crushed they are placed in an airtight glass jar and stored for several months.

Warning: Bay laurel essential oil is contraindicated during pregnancy and should be used during in moderation, because when high doses may be narcotic or cause dermatitis.

Since ancient times, humanity has been using the leaves of the bay tree or laurel nobilis for culinary and medicinal purposes. Now in the field of health they have been replaced by laurel essential oil, which has similar, but at the same time stronger beneficial qualities.

In this article we will talk in detail about this extract, mention contraindications, and also give some tips on its use.

Composition and benefits of laurel oil extract

Laurel laurel essential oil is obtained from the leaves of a tree native to what was once primarily western India and is now also found in Morocco and Spain. This product is often confused with another ester that has similar useful qualities, although related to a different plant, namely the laurel bush.

Be that as it may, both of these concentrates are obtained through steam distillation. The resulting product is quite transparent and has a yellow tint. The smell of the liquid resembles clove essential oil, although it has a more tart aroma.

Bay oil contains many chemical components, but all its benefits are associated with three main compounds - eugenol, estragole and myrcene. By the way, the presence of estragole in this ether is what makes it so aggressive.

It is for this reason that laurel oil is most often used in aromatherapy, but it can also be used externally, but only after mixing with other components and more gentle oils. The ester is often found in skin care products, anti-inflammatory products, cosmetics for deep cleansing of the dermis and perfumes.

Let's take a closer look at everything beneficial features, which it has wonderful oil.

  • Helps with respiratory problems. Bay leaf essential oil has proven itself to be an excellent expectorant. It helps phlegm and mucus leave the bronchi and respiratory tract, which facilitates the course of the disease and speeds up the healing process. Thus, the oil can be safely used for symptoms such as coughs, colds, flu and bronchitis.
  • Antiseptic properties. Also, laurel concentrate contains a number of substances that have strong antibacterial properties. Once in the human body, these compounds destroy any viruses and bacteria, which often cause diseases. In addition, the oil can relieve spasms, which will be additionally useful if a person suffers from a severe cough.
  • Helps regulate the menstrual cycle. Since ancient times, laurel has been used as a stimulant for healthy menstrual bleeding. The oil also has these properties and helps regulate menstrual cycle women. Additionally, this remedy helps relieve symptoms such as painful cramps as it has antispasmodic properties and relaxes the muscles of the uterus.
  • Pain relief. Laurel essential oil is widely known as a fairly strong external pain reliever. Most often, this concentrate is used for pain in muscles and joints associated with diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout. The oil is also used after intense physical activity.
  • Wound healing. As mentioned above, bay oil has strong antibacterial properties, making it an excellent remedy for disinfecting small wounds. Ether can be used for cuts, abrasions, bruises and so on.

Topical application of the extract prevents bacteria and infections from entering the bloodstream, which can subsequently cause inflammation or tetanus. In addition, the use of laurel concentrate speeds up the healing process and prevents complications.

  • Improves digestion. Bay oil is considered an excellent remedy for digestive system, since it normalizes the processes occurring in gastrointestinal tract, and increases appetite. In addition to this, ether helps remove digestive organs gases and relieving abdominal cramps.
  • Insect repellent. Bay oil has powerful property repel insects. Interestingly, this applies not only to creatures such as mosquitoes, midges and other midges, but also to other pests that can enter the house. That is why adding laurel essential concentrate to a diffuser allows you to comprehensively protect your home.
  • Improves hair health. This concentrate is considered a good tonic for hair, as it stimulates active growth, promotes rapid recovery and reduces hair loss. The astringent properties of the oil allow hair follicles contract, which further strengthens the root part hairline. Massaging the scalp with this oil helps get rid of dandruff.

Laurel essential oil, possible harm and precautions

Now let's look at cases where oil can cause negative effects, and also mention basic precautions.

  • Bay oil, as already noted, is an extremely aggressive agent, and therefore it is recommended to use it in combination with other, softer oils.
  • Ether can cause severe allergies; to check if you have one, you need to do a small test. A small amount of bay concentrate is mixed with olive or coconut oil in a one to one ratio. Then the mixture is applied to a small area of ​​skin and observed - if there is no itching, burning or redness, then the product is safe to use.
  • When applying pure oil topically, you should not use an ether that has a concentration of more than 3% - due to the eugenol, you risk getting a chemical burn.
  • This type of oil is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since one of its properties is the stimulation of menstrual bleeding.
  • Under no circumstances should you take laurel oil orally, or allow it to come into contact with your eyes or mucous membranes. This will cause a burn.
  • It is not recommended to use bay oil for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases, as well as those who have problems with blood clotting. Ether inhibits this process, which can lead to severe bleeding.

Since bay concentrate is almost always used in conjunction with some other oil or product, it is important to know which products work best with it.

So, in aromatherapy, this ester is most often mixed with oils: rose, rosemary, thyme, lavender, ylang-ylang, coriander, ginger and eucalyptus. If we are talking about mixing with a carrier oil, then coconut, almond or olive oil are best suited for this role.

Now let's look at the main ways to use this oil at home.

  • If you want to relieve symptoms respiratory diseases or if you are trying to recover faster, you need to add a few drops of oil to the bowl of your household diffuser. You can also carry out the procedure hot inhalation– 3-4 drops will be enough.
  • To stimulate menstrual bleeding, you need to mix bay oil with the main oil in a one to one ratio, and then apply it to your skin with circular massaging movements. bottom part belly.
  • Laurel oil can be used in a similar way and, if necessary, relieves painful sensations. After mixing with the main product, the product is applied to the affected area and a light rubbing massage is carried out with the palms.
  • If it is necessary to disinfect a wound, diluted oil is first applied to a sterile swab and then gently lubricated with it around the wound. Here it is important to do everything as carefully as possible and not touch open areas.
  • To improve digestion, a mixture of oils is applied to the abdominal area and light massage. If the goal is also to get rid of gas, then Special attention should be given to the lower part where the intestines are located.
  • There are two methods you can use to repel insects. Or apply a mixture of oils directly to the body - it is best to lubricate them on open areas that are most often susceptible to bites. Or add 3-4 drops of oil to the diffuser. Among other things, you can drop a little oil into water and then pour it into a spray bottle, with this mixture you should spray all the cracks and crevices through which insects can enter the house.
  • As a hair product, laurel oil can be used in combination with other esters and always with base oil. Taking one part of coconut, almond or olive oil, add the same amount of the essential component, mix, and then apply to the hair and scalp. After 10-15 minutes, the mixture can be washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  • If you want your shampoo to be able to fight dandruff, add 2-3 drops of pure oil to the bottle and mix well. Use it as usual.

How to store bay laurel oil and its average cost

This product is stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature no higher than +25 degrees. Its shelf life, if all conditions are met, is about 12 months in a closed container.

The cost of laurel essential oil varies from 400 to 700 rubles per 5 milliliters of pure product.

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