Natural acetylsalicylic acid. Plants instead of aspirin. Eat fruits and berries

Natural aspirin– replaces the pharmacy one if the latter has serious consequences or there are contraindications. IN folk medicine, instead of acetyl acid, white willow bark is prescribed. It contains salicyl, which, when it enters the intestines, has a therapeutic effect similar to pharmaceutical aspirin.

It has a significant disadvantage - the slow action time and short duration of natural aspirin. However, the lack side effects speak for themselves.

Recipe for making natural aspirin

  • For cooking medicinal infusion You need to pour a tablespoon of crushed willow bark with a glass of boiling water and leave in a closed container for a couple of hours. After straining, take 100 ml twice a day.

There are no contraindications to taking this natural aspirin. There is an opinion that when chronic gastritis It is recommended to consult a doctor to set the dose.

The safest plant that contains salicylic acid is considered to be meadowsweet or meadowsweet. This plant is widely used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, wound-healing, analgesic and general strengthening agent.

Meadowsweet, as a natural aspirin, is effective for atherosclerosis, heart disease, stomach ulcers, gastritis, and for improving blood circulation in the brain.

Therapeutic effect meadowsweet is explained by its rich composition: acetyl acid, vitamin C, tannins, essential oils, coumarins, flavonoids and other trace elements.

  • To prepare an infusion, instead of hearty natural aspirin, pour a tablespoon of the plant into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After straining, I take half a glass twice a day, morning and evening, after meals.

There are no contraindications. However, for colitis and low acidity, discuss the dosage with your doctor.

Raspberry – cardiac aspirin

Raspberries contain salicylic acid - this is a real natural aspirin. It is enough to eat 100 grams of fresh berries or jam per day. It is rich in ascorbic acid, B vitamins, iron and other elements. Most importantly, raspberries

A little over a year has passed(magazine "Be Healthy!" No. 9, 2001) after from extensive heart attack Grigory Gorin died suddenly. This happened early in the morning. And in June, also in the morning, Nikolai Eremenko, who was only 53 years old, passed away. He was healthy man, did not smoke, did strength exercises in the mornings, swam in the pool, and took a steam bath every week. The cause of his stroke is probably known only to a narrow circle of treating doctors, but most likely it was overload - physical and mental, “a confluence of various sad circumstances,” as journalists write.

But why did these two deaths (and not only these) happen in the early morning?

According to medical statistics, people most often die from heart attacks and strokes in the morning.

There are several reasons for this. In the morning, after waking up, your blood pressure may rise sharply. This is due to the fact that the “morning” hormone, hydrocortisone, enters the blood. Actually, he “wakes up” us. IN morning hours The body also observes an increased reaction of platelet adhesion, which leads to an increase in blood viscosity. In addition, the heart rate increases (pulse increases), and peripheral vascular resistance increases.

A special risk group consists of patients suffering from hypertension. What measures to prevent morning complications should they follow?

Having consulted with your doctor in advance, you can immediately after waking up take one of the fast-acting medications that can stop the morning rise blood pressure- capoten, corinfar, clonidine (orally or under the tongue). In addition, to stabilize blood pressure, I recommend two types of kvass - from sage leaves and from beets. You should drink 200 g of each in the morning and evening. I have already given recipes for these kvass in previous issues of the magazine. The following drink also helps reduce blood pressure: 150 g of kefir, 1 teaspoon of dry pharmaceutical cabbage and 50 g beet juice. It needs to be prepared in the evening and drunk in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Hypertensive patients and those who have crossed the 45-50 year mark should not suddenly get out of bed after waking up.

Before getting up, it is useful to do gymnastics for your arms and legs. The arms and legs are penetrated by a huge number of capillaries in which blood stagnates overnight. Calm movements - kneading, rubbing, light waves, flexion and extension stimulate the movement of blood not only in the limbs, but throughout the body, facilitating the work of the heart. To reduce blood viscosity, reduce platelet aggregation and prevent blood clots, it is recommended to take aspirin in small doses. But the same goal can be achieved by other means - using healing properties food products that provide aspirin-like action.

The therapeutic effect of such products on the body is identical to the effect of synthetic aspirin with the only difference that when using them there are no observed side effects, which may occur when long-term use aspirin.

Natural aspirin not only prevents the formation of blood clots, but is also universal in its effect on the body: acetylsalicylic acid stimulates the formation of many biologically active substances, activates the work of enzymes that break down proteins, strengthens cell membranes, regulates the formation of connective, cartilaginous and bone tissue. And what is very important, acetylsalicylic acid actually prevents platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction, thus preventing the development of heart attacks and strokes.

Acetylsalicylic acid contain many. First of all, these are almost all fruits and berries: apples, apricots, peaches, cherries, strawberries, black currant, plums, prunes, oranges, grapes, especially black varieties, raisins, ... A lot aspirin-like substances in vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Natural aspirin contain seaweed, cocoa powder, grape wine, especially red, and. Especially it should be said, which has powerful aspirin-like properties. All these products, depending on the season, should be included in the diet of older people, as well as those who suffer from hypertension and heart disease.

And one more thing very important note: when taking care of blood thinning, one must not forget about strengthening the walls of blood vessels, otherwise bleeding in the blood vessels cannot be avoided. various organs. Vitamins can help with this WITH. But there is one subtlety here. Vitamin WITH was first synthesized by a Hungarian chemist, laureate Nobel Prize Albert Szent-Gyorgy. This happened in 1930. When the drug was not yet completely purified, a patient turned to the scientist for help with a complaint of bleeding. Szent-Gyorgyi, using an unrefined vitamin WITH. Next time he used it for treatment internal bleeding already cleaned ascorbic acid. But the amazing thing is purified vitamin WITH had no positive effect.

Szent-Györgyi examined the crude preparation and discovered a substance which he called vitamin R. As it turned out later, this substance, rutin, turned out to be not a vitamin, but a representative of a large class of substances that are now known as flavones, flavonoids or bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids “protect” the vitamin WITH from destruction and increase its activity by 20 times (!). In addition, they strengthen the walls of capillaries, preventing hemorrhages and bleeding.

Almost all foods that contain vitamin WITH, also contain bioflavonoids. They are concentrated in the peel or skin of most fruits or vegetables. For example, when you peel an orange, carefully removing the white shell, you deprive yourself of the most valuable thing it contains. After thorough washing, oranges and lemons should be eaten whole, including the peel. Apricots also contain rutin.

  • Two glasses of kefir with seasonal fruits and berries, a glass of cocoa.
  • There are foods that should not be eaten in the evening, especially for hypertensive patients, as they contain substances (for example, tyramine, dopamine) that cause a rise in blood pressure. These are strong meat broths, sharp cheeses (Camembert, cheddar, Dutch, Emmental, Roquefort), any marinades, including pickled vegetables and fruits, baked goods yeast dough, as well as bananas and oranges. Bananas, oranges, and many people’s favorite homemade pies can be eaten in the morning or afternoon.

    Now is the season for grapes, watermelons, melons and apples. Try to eat as many of them as possible, especially in the evenings. And then you will be protected from morning heart attacks and strokes, as well as a sharp rise in blood pressure.

    Considered a staple in South Asian cooking and an integral part of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, turmeric is finally getting the attention it deserves in the West. This powerful spice goes far beyond being just a flavoring agent for curries or yellow for rice. Turmeric has medicinal properties thanks to the active ingredient - curcumin. This useful connection turns turmeric into a nutritional powerhouse that helps you with everything from risk reduction cardiovascular diseases, to maintain mental acuity.

    1. Turmeric Naturally Reduces Inflammation

    This is the reason why alternative methods Treatments have long turned to turmeric. This natural way reduce inflammation in the body. Since inflammation is the main cause chronic diseases This means that turmeric can help protect us from diseases ranging from diabetes to autoimmune diseases. Special study showed that turmeric is more effective means than many over-the-counter medications for fighting inflammation, including aspirin and ibuprofen.

    2. Turmeric helps with Alzheimer's disease

    Turmeric, due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, increases cognitive function in people with Alzheimer's disease. This is because the curcumin in turmeric can reduce the plaques that form in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, improving overall memory. And for patients with Alzheimer's disease who experience irritability, agitation, and restlessness, regular use of turmeric relieves symptoms, increasing quality of life.

    3. Turmeric protects against heart disease

    Turmeric works quietly behind the scenes to prevent the buildup of "bad" cholesterol, protecting the body from the formation of plaque in the blood vessels, also known as atherosclerosis, which can block arteries and ultimately lead to heart attack or stroke. Additionally, it has been found that curcumin can prevent abnormal heart rhythms - what a healthy addition to your dinner table!

    4. Turmeric May Prevent Cancer

    Although more research is needed, the benefits of turmeric in preventing or treating cancer are very possible. One small study of people with precancerous lesions found that curcumin prevented further development cancer. And in rats exposed to cancer-causing substances, rats given turmeric were protected against colon, skin and stomach cancer.

    5. Turmeric can stop the development of diabetes

    Turmeric may prevent the development of diabetes in people with pre-diabetes. A study was conducted where a group of people with pre-diabetes were given curcumin extract and a placebo for 9 months. At the end of the study, none of the patients receiving curcumin developed type 2 diabetes, and 16% of those receiving placebo did. diabetes mellitus 2 types.

    It is clear that turmeric is amazing for our body. But how to eat it? Turmeric is most often sold as a powder or as a root that can be grated like ginger. Try adding turmeric to boiled eggs or fried vegetables. Turmeric is especially delicious with cauliflower or potatoes. You can add it to soup or salad dressing.

    If you're looking for a natural way to add something healing to your diet, turmeric is excellent option. Let's be healthy and share with friends!

    Probably every family has home first aid kit, and there, among the abundance of necessary, everyday and wasteful things, there is certainly aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). And we use it quite easily, since from birth to graveyard aspirin is and remains the most common medicine, familiar to infinity. The temperature has risen, something somewhere is sick, inflamed - no problem, stretch out your hand and here it is - birthmark aspirin. It will help, it won’t help, and it probably won’t get any worse. This is what many sick and suffering people think.

    There are plenty of contraindications
    However, it would all be quite funny if it weren’t so sad... There are more than enough contraindications to taking aspirin and some of its limitations, but there is neither time nor, in fact, desire to think about it. People who have: exacerbation of aspirin should take aspirin with caution (or stop taking it altogether) peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, hemorrhagic diathesis, severe liver or kidney dysfunction, bronchial asthma, increased tendency to bleed, serious illnesses heart disease, hay fever, chronic infections respiratory tract and hypersensitivity to painkillers. Concerning side effects, then, having learned about them, you will be terrified: from dysfunctions of the central nervous system to the point of nausea and vomiting. Do you need this?
    Replacement for aspirin
    The question naturally arises: is there, in fact, an alternative? Yes, there is, of course, where to go, and it always was, only in our vanity it was forgotten, lost in the abundance of all kinds of information and the boringness of everyday life. We will talk about meadowsweet, also known as meadowsweet, or spirea. And aspirin owes its name to meadowsweet, or rather spirea. The plant is not rare, its growing area is more than extensive, but its intended use is far from desired. The main components of this herb are derivatives salicylic acid(aldehydes, methyl salicylic ether). Being in organic form, they, in combination with vitamin C, flavonoids, anthocyanins, coumarins, have a positive effect on the human body without causing side effects characteristic of synthetic salicylates. Meadowsweet should be collected at the beginning of flowering, cutting off only the apical parts without stems. Dry in the shade, spread out in a thin layer, you need to dry thoroughly, otherwise the grass may simply become moldy during storage. Store in a dry place in canvas bags, jars and even in cardboard boxes from food products.
    Drinking infusions is not an easy task
    The use of the herb is extensive, but to achieve positive result Long-term use is almost always required, and it is this circumstance and the very process of preparing infusions that leads patients away from natural aspirin to such a regular tablet. A tablet is always simpler: you don’t need to collect (or purchase) the herb, nor do you need to make an infusion, strain it, and even take it to work if the treatment involves split (frequent) doses. And, probably for this reason, pensioners and children are best treated with herbs. The first because of free time and the desire to be healthy, and the second because the first (usually grandmothers) watch over their beloved grandchildren day and night and want to see them healthy. For your beloved child, prepare the infusion and give it to drink on time - just for pleasure. Regarding middle-aged people who are bogged down in work and don’t want to live life at all, taking herbs is simply painful, and an able-bodied member of society needs to be quite sick in order for him to sit down on herbs. Although there are exceptions, they are exceptions because they are extremely rare.
    Both the flu and blood pressure will overcome the plant
    Meadowsweet can be used to prevent influenza (it is enough to start taking it three weeks before the epidemic), and to prevent blood clots and atherosclerosis. To do this, you need to brew 1 teaspoon of ground herb in a medium teapot, like tea, with or without tea leaves (preferably green tea), leave in a warm place and drink at any time of the day, up to 3-4 cups a day. With increased blood pressure and elevated temperature: 1 teaspoon of dry crushed herb per glass of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for about 20 minutes, strain. Take the entire volume received at one time. If necessary, repeat after four hours. For rheumatism and arthritis: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed herbs per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Meadowsweet will really help with headaches of various origins and as an antidiabetic agent. The herb is able to maintain normal blood sugar, as well as increase hemoglobin with extremely poor nutrition, while simultaneously relieving constant headaches and dizziness. By by and large The dosage of taking meadowsweet infusion must be done individually, since no two organisms are the same, from blood type to existing chronic and concomitant diseases. Contraindications to taking meadowsweet: colitis, hypotension, aspirin-induced asthma. I would be glad if my advice helps both sick and healthy readers of the Travinka newspaper. Always ready to help with treatment or give recommendations.

    Alexander Anatolyevich Fetisov, herbalist, 633222, Novosibirsk region, Iskitimsky district, village Staro-Sosedovo, st. Shkolnaya, 60, mobile. tel. 8-9612286414

    It is unlikely that you will meet a person today who has not experienced the analgesic effect of aspirin, or, scientifically, acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin can be found in the medicine cabinet of every home. However, before its creation, our ancestors successfully used a decoction of willow bark, from which the main active ingredient of aspirin was extracted. Thousands of years ago, ancient doctors knew about the ability of willow bark to relieve pain and alleviate suffering. Both the Egyptians and the North American Indians used the same recipe to eliminate pain. They poured boiling water over peeled willow bark and let it sit for some time. Couldn't get around wonderful properties willow, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates: in the 5th century BC, he recommended the use of willow extract to relieve high temperature or soreness. Famous ancient scientists Dioscorides and Avicenna (Abu Ali Ibn Sina) also described the features medicinal use bark and sap of this tree.

    For its antifever, antipyretic effect, willow bark received the name “European cinchona bark.” In ancient times, powder and decoction of tree bark were used as a hemostatic, astringent and anthelmintic. A decoction of willow bark was used to rinse the mouth and throat for inflammatory diseases respiratory organs or scurvy. However, for consumption healing infusion considerable willpower was required, because it was not easy not to immediately spit out this incredible bitterness. But even if you managed to swallow the drug, vomiting could occur later.

    Creation of aspirin

    Salicylic acid leads to disruption of the synthesis of inflammatory mediators by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase. Photo: Michael Hitoshi/Getty Images True, despite the bitter taste, an infusion of willow bark remained the most common painkiller for the flesh until the 19th century, until in 1859 the chemist Hermann Kolbe identified chemical structure main active ingredient. A little later, he also developed a method for its artificial production. Active substance called salicylic or spiraic acid (hence the commercial name aspirin).

    And 20 years later, mass production of the drug began. And although salicylate obtained in the laboratory was significantly cheaper than its production from natural source, bitter taste and unwanted effects still remained. Therefore, in order to further improve medicinal substance a young Bayer employee, Felix Hofmann, began developing new technology production of salicylic acid.

    Felix had to constantly hear his father's complaints, for a long time suffering from rheumatism. Exhausted by the unpleasant effects of salicylic acid, he persuaded his son to come up with something more gentle for him. And Hoffman succeeded. Since then, the Bayer campaign has gained international fame, and aspirin itself has become an indispensable companion. modern man constantly facing pain.

    Natural analgesic

    Willow has a generic Latin name Salix (from the Celtic “sal” - close and “lis” - water). In folk medicine, willow bark has long been known as an indispensable tool for rheumatism, gout, osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis, various infectious and gynecological diseases.

    To prepare a medicinal infusion, our ancestors collected willow bark from trees 6-7 years old at the time of the beginning of sap flow, but before flowering. Then the tree bark was cut into pieces and dried in the sun, after which it was placed in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 45-55 ° C. After which this medicinal raw material could be stored for several years.

    Willow bark contains a whole natural complex of biologically active substances (tannins, flavones, vitamins, glycosides, various mineral compounds). But, of course, the main active ingredient is salicylic acid.

    Salicylic acid leads to disruption of the synthesis of inflammatory mediators by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase. As a result, these active substances do not lead to inflammatory reactions, including pain. This is precisely what is associated with the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of willow bark and many other synthetic “aspirins”. However, unlike its artificial counterparts, willow bark extract has fewer side effects, albeit less “power”. Traditional medicine recommends using a decoction of willow bark to treat rheumatism or relieve fever. To do this, you need to take 15 grams of crushed willow bark and add half a liter of water, and then simmer over low heat for half an hour. After which the broth is filtered and brought to the previous volume with water. This decoction should be taken 3-4 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

    It is not recommended to use a decoction of willow bark for peptic ulcers, gastritis with increased acid secretion, viral infections and children under 16 years of age. After all, willow bark is very rich in all kinds of salicylates, and they can cause damage to the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, increasing the level of acidity, and in children and adolescents cause Reye's syndrome.

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