Diet of a toy terrier adult dog. What to feed a toy terrier puppy - all the rules of a balanced diet

Toy terriers are one of the smallest breeds of dogs, and owners must be especially responsible in all aspects of their maintenance, in particular, feeding. The small organism is very fragile and it is easy to cause irreparable harm to the animal if you do not approach the diet wisely. Today we will tell you what to feed your toy terrier, starting from puppyhood. Below are options for natural diets and ready-made dry industrial feed, suitable for this particular mini-breed.

Dogs are not able to independently generate many micro- and macroelements and vitamins essential for life, so they must fully obtain them from food. Toy's menu will depend on his age, activity level and weight, but general recommendations will be the same for all dogs of this breed.

The dog needs to be fed on a schedule, at the same time every day. You should not leave an uneaten portion in the animal’s free access, or constantly give your dog treats in the middle of the day. An adult toy terrier should receive food twice a day - after a morning walk and after an evening walk. The only thing that should always be in the dog's field of vision is a bowl full of clean, cool water.

If your pet regularly does not finish eating, leaving part of the portion in the bowl, you need to reduce its size next time. If the dog greedily pounces on food, destroying it in a matter of minutes, and continues to lick the bowl, you should consider increasing the portion size.

The diet of a toy terrier, even if the owner considers it a full member of the family, cannot be identical to that of a human. You cannot give a dog food prepared for its owner, even if the dog is eating natural products, the diet should be prepared separately. The products must be fresh, you cannot add seasonings to them, and it is also harmful to feed the terrier with complex culinary delights - the dog’s stomach is configured for mono-food.

The owner of a toy terrier must decide for himself what type of feeding to follow: cook from natural products, or buy ready-made dry food for the pet. The appearance of a dog is an indicator of whether the owner has chosen the right diet for him. If the animal pleases the owner with activity, shiny coat, and has no problems with stool, then the food has been chosen correctly.

Do not forget that not only the composition of the portion is important, but also the frequency of feeding. For toy terriers of different ages different schemes are suitable.

Table 1. Toy Terrier nutrition plan?

Important point! Unlike many other breeds, toy terriers are not allowed to be fed less than twice a day. The fact is that these miniature dogs can experience an acute lack of glucose due to starvation. This is a difficult process that can end in hypoglycemic coma and death of the animal.

Natural food for toy terrier

The basis of a dog's diet, like any other predatory animal, should be protein products(lean meat and offal, sea ​​fish, bird). Meat products should be present at every feeding and occupy at least 60 percent of the entire portion. There is no need to heat-treat the meat; just scald the pieces with boiling water before offering them to the dog.

Vegetables, berries, fruits and greens are another mandatory and irreplaceable part of the diet. An adult toy's bowl should contain these products daily without heat treatment(you can chop them finely; it’s better to grate them or put them through a blender). The following vegetables and fruits are suitable for dogs:

  • zucchini, zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • bell red pepper
  • apples;
  • pears;

Also, the food of toy terriers should include finely chopped fresh greens; you can give the dogs blueberries, strawberries, watermelons and melons grown on your own plot (you cannot give purchased ones, there is a risk of poisoning a small dog with nitrates or pesticides).

The owner must also ensure that the pet regularly receives dairy products(low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir), raw eggs(quail or chicken), vegetable oils. You can give a small amount of cereals, the best option there will be rice or buckwheat.

Vitamin supplements

No matter how fresh and high-quality natural food is, the dog will not be able to get all the necessary substances from it. Therefore, the toy terrier will need to choose special vitamins or mineral supplements. To make an informed choice, it is better to visit a veterinarian and select medications along with it. Supplements for dogs are divided into the following:

  • for growing puppies;
  • for pregnant bitches and dogs during lactation;
  • for juniors;
  • for adult dogs;
  • strengthening bones and joints;
  • for wool growth;
  • for older animals.

It is worth understanding that uncontrolled, and especially long-term use taking vitamins without a veterinarian's prescription can have a negative effect on the toy terrier's body. Since this is a small dog, too much of a substance can be just as dangerous as too little. Before you buy vitamin complex, it's worth passing biochemical analysis blood.

Dry food for toy terriers

If the owner does not want to cook for the pet every day or does not have such an opportunity, or is simply afraid that he will not be able to balance the toy terrier’s diet, industrial dry food is the best option. For a toy terrier of any gender and age, you need to choose high-quality diets (only “holistic” and “super-premium” classes).

Today on the counter of any pet store you can find at least ten options of high-quality dry food suitable for miniature breed dogs. When choosing dry food, the owner should focus on the words “Mini” or “Small” on the packaging. Also, close attention should be paid to the composition of the feed. The first place in the list of ingredients should be the source of protein (meat component), and it should be at least 40-50%. It's good if it's turkey, salmon, venison, lamb or duck - most dogs do not have an allergic reaction to these types of meat.

Next, the composition must contain fruits and vegetables, or a source of fiber (grain, potatoes, rice). Also, good food should contain an extensive list of vitamins (groups B, C, A), minerals, micro- and macroelements. This composition includes everything a dog needs; there is no need to purchase additional vitamins or other supplements.

When reading the composition of dry food, the owner must understand exactly what components are being discussed. High-quality food contains a minimum of ingredients; it is based on meat and grains (or vegetables or fruits). If the feed contains yeast, flavorings, dyes, corn or bone flour, cellulose is a low quality feed.

According to reviews from Toy Terrier owners, the list of the best dry food for representatives of this breed looks like this:

  • "Akana";
  • "Origen";
  • "Grandorf"
  • "Farmina";
  • "Go";
  • "Belcando";
  • Eagle Pack;
  • "Innova".

Important point! Dry food is selected individually for the animal. It is not necessary that a food suitable for one toy terrier will also be good for another. For the first time, you need to take the smallest package in order to monitor your pet’s stool, his mood, and possible allergic reactions.

How to switch a dog from one type of food to another?

Like all miniature breeds, toy terriers have very delicate digestion, so “jumping” from one type of food to another is unacceptable. Also, you should not suddenly change the brand of dry food. The transfer should be carried out gradually, over the course of a week.

When a puppy moves from breeder to owner, the latter must adhere to the same type of feeding. Until six to eight months, it is not advisable to switch your pet to another food unless absolutely necessary, for example, due to health problems. If the owner wishes to change natural food to industrial or vice versa, it should act as follows:

  1. Day one – nine parts of the usual food and one part of the new food are placed in the dog’s bowl.
  2. Second day - the bowl contains eight parts of old food and two parts of new food.
  3. The third day is a combination of 70% of the old diet and 30% and then the same.

The same scheme applies if the owner changes one brand of dry food to another. An exception is veterinary dietary food; you can switch your dog to it in one day.

Video - What not to feed a toy terrier

This little one is often called a pocket one. And this is no coincidence, because the weight of this dog does not exceed 3 kg, and its height at the withers is no more than 28 cm. Toy terriers are divided into two categories - short-haired and long-haired. The color can be black or brown and tan, red, blue, fawn.

This is a very small and fragile dog. She eats very little - a few spoons of food are enough to keep such a pet full. However, it is important to know what to feed your Toy Terrier. After all, his diet should be balanced, containing everything essential vitamins and microelements. We will talk about this in this article.

What not to feed a terrier

Before talking about what to feed your toy terrier, I would like to say what needs to be excluded from his diet once and for all. A special feature of this breed is its thin and fragile bones. That is why this baby should not be overfed - it will be difficult for her legs to support the excess weight.

Dog handlers and veterinarians believe that any type of minced meat - poultry, fish, meat - is contraindicated for this miniature pet. Sweets, salty and spicy foods, raw sea and river fish, white bread, legumes, sausages and pasta are strictly prohibited.

What to feed a toy terrier at 2 months

Below you can see approximate diet puppy at the age of eight weeks with six feedings a day:

  1. Cottage cheese diluted with kefir.
  2. Finely chopped meat (beef, veal).
  3. Milk porridge (well boiled).
  4. Boiled meat with vegetables.
  5. Boil the meat with 1/3 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

A puppy's very first food is mother's milk. As a rule, after the birth of a baby, the question does not arise: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy?” He usually stays with his mother for 2 months. Until the age of three weeks, mother's milk is quite enough, and then the puppies begin to be fed, giving them a pea of ​​beef three times a day.

To do this, finely scrape the meat from the frozen piece and warm it to room temperature. In addition, at this time the baby should receive one ball of low-fat fresh cottage cheese. When we talk about what to feed a toy terrier puppy, it is important to remember that the puppy cannot be separated from its mother until it is two months old.

Feeding schedule and portions

IN daytime It is necessary to maintain equal intervals between feedings. In the evening, the baby should be fed more tightly so that he can safely withstand the mandatory 8-hour night break.

How to determine the correct portion for such a baby? Watch him after eating. If your toy's sides begin to bulge, this means that you have overfed him. At the next feeding, reduce the amount of food and observe him again. Owners must understand that underfeeding is also unacceptable - they must receive all the necessary substances in full, this is necessary for the normal growth and development of the puppy.


For everyone who is interested in the question: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy?”, we have prepared a sample menu consisting of six feedings every four hours.

1 raw meat ball.

2 Cottage cheese diluted with milk or kefir.

3 Cottage cheese again.

4 Hercules, rice or buckwheat, well boiled.

5 Milk porridge.

6 Raw meat.

Basic rules for feeding a puppy

  • Do not follow the puppy's lead and do not increase the portion of meat that he eats most readily - otherwise he will refuse other food.
  • From two to five months, the puppy’s body is transferred to 4 and 5 meals a day; fruits and vegetable salads are introduced into the diet, which will not only provide the growing body with vitamins, but also help cleanse the intestines.
  • From 5 months your pet can be switched to three meals a day, and after 9 months the puppy is fed twice a day using a diet adult dog, which we will talk about a little later.

Regularly feel the baby's back; if the ribs do not stick out, but are only felt when lightly pressed, the nutrition is correct. If they cannot be felt, then the nutritional intake should be reduced.

Industrial feed or natural products?

Another important question, which worries many owners: what to feed the toy terrier - industrial food (dry food, canned food) or home-made food?

It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Following the rules for preparing and feeding the baby homemade food may well be useful. Often, industrial food can harm your pet if it is of poor quality or expired.

If we talk about canned food, it is necessary to note the main complaints that experts most often voice about some economy-class food:

  • the presence of low quality offal (instead of meat);
  • replacing animal fats with vegetable ones;
  • flavorings, taste improvers that do not contribute to the health of the toy.

Unfortunately, such foods are widely advertised in the media, they are displayed on the shelves of all stores and quite often have affordable price.

Quality food must contain meat, animal fats, grains and be well balanced. This product is quite suitable for feeding a toy terrier. The advantage of these animals is their miniature size, due to which they eat little. Therefore, we advise you not to skimp on food and if you buy canned food, then only of excellent quality - premium or super premium in original packaging.

What to feed an adult toy terrier?

If you decide to feed your pet natural products, you must remember that it daily diet must be present:

  • meat (raw veal, lamb or beef, boiled turkey or boneless chicken, boiled sea fish fillet);
  • boiled eggs and offal (kidneys, heart, liver) no more than once a week;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, sometimes corn);
  • boiled, stewed or fresh vegetables; you can dress this salad with a drop of vegetable oil;
  • fruits (apples, bananas);

fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk). It is better not to give milk to adult animals to avoid stomach upset.

What should the portion be?

It is calculated this way - 50-80 grams of food per kilogram of dog weight for the whole day. The pet's lifestyle and age are taken into account. Young and active dog, as well as a lactating or pregnant bitch needs more food than a sedentary and aging animal.

Basic rules for feeding a toy terrier

So, we figured out the question of what you can feed a toy terrier (puppy and adult animal). Every owner who wants their pet to be healthy and cheerful must remember simple rules.

You can feed your dog only freshly prepared food (if you have chosen natural products); uneaten food should not remain in the bowl.

The animal must have access to fresh water at any time of the day.

If your dog eats homemade food, minerals and vitamins should be included in the diet.

And one more rule. Don’t forget that such a little thing as a toy terrier is a canine, that is, it is a relative of the wolf. Therefore, 2/3 of the diet should be protein foods - meat, fish, offal, eggs.

As you can see, feeding a toy terrier is not difficult, but you need to approach this issue responsibly so as not to harm your pet. Usually the breeder provides detailed information about the puppy to the new owners, but if this does not happen, consult additionally with veterinarian about this question. In addition, it is necessary for a specialist to prescribe the necessary vitamins if you feed your baby natural products.

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy dog. Any toy terrier owner knows about this, but does not always observe it. The charming toys often beg for treats; they are gluttonous by nature and have a very capricious temperament. digestive system. All this can lead to obesity in the dog, as well as various serious diseases.

The dog's nutrition should be carried out taking into account the following:

A dog does not need a variety of diet, unlike a person. The main thing is that you have all the necessary vitamins and microelements;

Spices and seasonings, except salt, should not be in a dog’s food;

Canned and natural food can be mixed; dry food should never be mixed or alternated with other types of food;

The dog should not be capricious, so food is not changed if it refuses. Sometimes you can lure a dog by adding chicken or cheese to the food;

Begging is only encouraged when it brings you pleasure.

The Toy Terrier is a small dog that has no problem preparing food. An adult dog is fed twice a day. You need to control the amount of food and not overdo it with complementary foods. Late feeding is not recommended, as the dog will want to go to the toilet at night.

The daily diet includes 30% meat. This is beef or sea fish, raw or boiled, without fatty layers. Chicken and its offal are given only boiled. For cereals, it is recommended to give rice, buckwheat and rolled oats. Until old age, an adult dog is given low-fat cottage cheese and fermented milk products; milk is prohibited. You can salt the food a little, give raw or boiled yolks once a week.

Brown bread crackers can be used as a treat and for cleaning teeth. You can add carrots, cabbage and other vegetables to your pet’s food.
Under no circumstances should you feed lamb, pork, pasta, white bread, sausages, sausages, or sour cream. Any food from the human table is prohibited. You should also not give sweets and sugar. It is better to replace it with fruits and occasionally give honey.

With a natural diet, it is difficult to choose the optimal diet. It is often easier to buy ready-made food. These are special dry or canned mixtures. Dry food and raw food require different enzymes to digest, so they should never be mixed. Vitamin and mineral supplements can be added to natural foods. A puppy's diet is slightly different from an adult dog's; it is more frequent and in different proportions.

We invite you to watch the video about the nutrition of the toy terrier: dietary features.. .


1. Dry food. How to switch from dry to natural food or vice versa.

2.What not to feed toy terrier.

3.What can you feed your toy terrier?

4. Approximate DAILY DIET for a toy terrier.

5.How to teach a picky dog ​​to eat?

1. Dry food. How to switch from dry to natural food or vice versa.

Dry food currently on the market can be divided into three types. The first type includes dry food of the "economy" class, the second - the premium class, and the third - the super-premium class. For the Russian Toy Terrier, the super premium class type is suitable(Acana, Brit Care, Flatazor, Bosch, etc.)

What should a quality dog ​​food contain?

When purchasing food for your pet, be sure to pay attention to its composition and percentage protein and fat. It must contain the following components:

three to five (or more) foods that are sources of carbohydrates (for example, flax-seed, rolled oats, rice);

from two to three (or a little more) names of products that are sources of protein (meat, fish, poultry, chicken);

from three types of vegetables and fruits;

mineral supplements;

vitamin supplements;



All of the above ingredients must be components of any good food. In addition, there are substances and products that are not very useful and even harmful for the Russian Toy, which should not be in the food. The "outcasts" include:


artificial flavoring additives,

artificial flavors,



Less protein, more probiotics!

It is important to remember that too high content protein in the feed may have Negative influence for your pet's health. The first symptom indicating that dog food manufacturers have overdone it with the addition of protein components is dandruff or the toy's eyes begin to water.

According to my personal observation, the most suitable ratio of protein and fat in dry food should be: 24-26% protein and 13-14% fat.

What are "probiotics"?

Why does your dog even need them? Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, which help carry out the synthesis of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. They, in turn, normalize metabolism through their participation in almost all processes, primarily, of course, such as the digestion of food and its subsequent excretion from the animal’s body.

If the puppy was fed dry food, find out what kind. Do not change food suddenly. Changing food can harm your puppy's health. When using dry food, do not provide any additional additives from your table. To dry food from 3 months. You can add finely grated vegetables. carrot. After 4 months You can give other vegetables.

If you decide to change your puppy’s food, you must gradually switch to another food and be sure to add lactobifide drugs. Divide your daily portion into 10 parts. First day. Give 9 parts of the food you were fed, and 1/10 of the new food. On the second day, 8 parts that were fed, 2/10 of the new one, then 3/10, etc. And so for 10 days you add new food, and reduce the old one. On the 10th day, give completely new food. Give lactobifid drugs for two to three weeks. Also keep an eye on the puppy’s stool; if it is completely liquid, it is better to stop changing food or choose another food. Lactobifide preparations soften the process of getting used to a new food, normalize stool, and relieve stress. Also, to avoid more long period adaptations associated with changing food, transportation, getting used to a new place, etc. We recommend giving medications: lactobifadol, lactobifid, sporovit, or bifidum for SHS or zoonorm or Elvestin liquid drops.

Any hot (from the stove) or cold (from the refrigerator) food.

Feed or give something from your table.

Pork (all types); raw chicken meat.

All sausages (including sausages, frankfurters, sausages, etc.) contain food fillers, dyes, flavors and other chemical additives that the human body can handle, but which cannot be removed from the dog’s body at all. All this, gradually accumulating, becomes a source of disease, especially since a small organism cannot resist for long;

All smoked meats, without exception. This is a big load on the liver;

Salty, sweet, pasta and flour products (it is better to give fruit);

Freshwater river and any raw fish, and fatty varieties never give fish to avoid infection with worms; You can only give it boiled sea ​​fish.

Any broths, cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, anything spicy, sauces, ice cream;

Soybean crops, peas, beans, corn, lentils (poorly digested);

Everything is fried;

Raw eggs ( raw protein removes vitamins);

Boiled potatoes (starch) are poorly digestible.

If the puppy was fed natural products (meat with porridge or vegetables), vitamin supplements are given.

3. What can you feed your toy terrier?

1. chicken and turkey fillet (white meat), lean beef (veal should not be given), rabbit meat. I also recommend boiled veal or pork heart 1-2 times every 2 weeks, chicken hearts and ventricles (cut off fat). Boil meat or sea fish ( When cooking, I drain the water several times so that the water is clean), then chop finely;

2. cereals, rice or buckwheat (can be cooked together, stirring; during cooking, I drain the water several times so that the water is clean);

3. vegetables zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber, broccoli and cauliflower, carrots (raw or stewed or baked in the oven in foil, no potatoes), fruits (apples) only a little, when giving vegetables and fruits, watch your stool (it’s better not to eat on an empty stomach) give);

4. Boil the meat or fish, cook the cereal separately in water, then mix the meat with the porridge. Give 2-3 spoons (the number of feedings depends on the age of the puppy);

5. The puppy needs calcium: given fresh kefir and low-fat cottage cheese (can be mixed together or separately) At least up to a year. Then just vitamins are enough.

If you give dairy products, watch the stool; some dogs are not sensitive to these products, then you should exclude them from the diet; 6. It is necessary to give vitamins: you can give them complex vitamins for puppies; it is also a good idea to give them additional vitamins for the development of the skeleton, cartilage, joints, and teeth growth. Up to a year, vitamins are given intensively (from 5, a month after a month, and so on until a year), after a year vitamins are given in courses, given in spring and autumn for a month;

7. Also, to avoid a longer period of adaptation associated with changing food, transportation, getting used to a new place, etc. We recommend giving medications: lactobifadol, lactobifid, sporovit, or bifidum for SHS or zoonorm or Elvestin liquid drops.

4. Approximate DAILY DIET for a toy terrier

We bring to your attention approximate feeding standards for a toy terrier. They are not the only ones possible option. Also, when compiling a diet, one should not forget about the individual characteristics of the body: temperament, activity, etc.

From 2 months age

1st feeding: 1 tbsp. l. dairy products,

2nd feeding: 1-2 tsp. finely chopped meat + porridge;

3rd feeding: repeat 1st feeding;

4th feeding: repeat 2nd feeding;

5th feeding: 1 tbsp. l, dairy products,

From 3 months age

Gradually increase the amount of food in accordance with the puppy’s growth and appetite.

We are gradually removing the 3rd feeding.

From 4 months age

2nd feeding: 1-2 tbsp. l. chopped meat + porridge;

3rd feeding: 1-2 tbsp. l. chopped meat, 0.5-1 tsp. vegetables;

4th feeding: 1-2 tbsp. l. dairy products.

From 5 months age

Gradually increase the amount of feed. We are gradually removing the 4th feeding.

From 6 months age

1st feeding: 1-2 tbsp. l. dairy products,

2nd feeding: 1-2 tbsp. l. meat, 1-2 tbsp. l. porridge;

3rd feeding: 1-2 tbsp. l. porridge, vegetables, 1.5-3 tbsp. l. meat.

From 9 months age

We are gradually removing the 2nd feeding.

From 9 months age

1st feeding: 1-2 tbsp. l. dairy products;

2nd feeding: 2 tbsp. l. meat, 1 tbsp. l. porridge or vegetables,

From 11 months age

Daytime feeding: 2 tbsp. l. meat, 1 tbsp. l. porridge;

Evening feeding: 2 tbsp. l. meat, 1 tbsp. l vegetables.

In between, give some vegetables or fruits as a treat.

When feeding natural food The daily intake should not exceed 5% of feed from the total weight of the animal.


A small dog is a real headache for the owner. There is complete uncertainty with her: you don’t know when she will eat (“Thank you, I’m not hungry now...”), what she will eat (“Bah! I don’t like this!”), how much she will eat (“Three crusts of bread quite enough, thank you..."), when she last ate (a question that is not so important in Everyday life, but can play a decisive role in case of emergency medical care). You do not control its weight (most likely, you are not happy with it, but...), but your dog controls you, skillfully manipulating you with food.

Food, feeding times and food sizes are very good tools for changing the behavior of any dog. For example, dogs that are distrustful, fearful, or experiencing strong tension, anxiety in a situation of an exhibition, competition, should be fed immediately before the exhibition - the closer to the start of the competition, the better. Feeding changes the chemical composition of hormones and other things in the dog's body and helps calm him. But dogs prone to lethargic behavior during competitions should be fed 3 hours before the ring in order to allow them to show their energy. But if your dog is small and eats whenever it pleases, you will not be able to use these techniques. Therefore, first you need to teach your pet to eat what is given, and when given.

The first thing you must do is determine daily norm feeding the dog. For natural nutrition this is 2-3% of the dog’s weight, provided that you are happy with its weight, 4-5% for a thin dog and 1-2% for a fat one. Divide this portion into 2 feedings. certain time. Establish a ritual - say something like this: “Do you want to eat? Where is your bowl? Where is the food? Well done! Go to the bowl!” You can come up with your own phrases, the main thing is that the words must be understandable to the dog and repeated from time to time. Then you put the bowl of food down and count to five.

If the moment you count to five the dog starts eating, great.

If the dog started eating on time (before you said “five”), but then, after finishing counting, at some point turned away from the bowl without finishing or licking the bowl, without saying a word, take the bowl and hide it I'm going. This completes the feeding.

If you count to five and your dog still doesn't eat without saying a word, take the bowl and hide the food. This completes the feeding. Be patient (this is very difficult for a loving owner, but do it for your dog's sake), and do not give him absolutely anything until the next feeding schedule (break between feedings is: 10-12 hours for an adult dog, 4-8 hours for a puppy , depending on age and number of feedings).

If the dog does not come to the bowl of food or turns away from the bowl without finishing it completely, and you have to remove the bowl with the remains of food, measure how much it left uneaten. At the next feeding schedule, give her half of what she ate last time. That is, if she ate 4 necks and turned away from the rest, give her 2 necks next time. If she eats one of these two necks, next time give her half.

When the dog eats everything in the bowl, licks it and shows with all his appearance that he wants more, praise him, but not any additives right now! This concludes her feeding. But at the next feeding you can slightly increase the dose: that is, if the dog ate half a neck and clearly showed that he wants more, at the next feeding you can put the whole neck in the bowl. If she again ate everything you gave, next time put in two cervixes... And so on until you return to adequate feeding - in the amount that she should, based on her weight, age and constitutional characteristics.

If at any point in time the dog turns his head away from the food again without finishing the meal, immediately remove the bowl and at the next feeding give him again half of what he ate before, i.e. repeat the entire procedure from start to finish.

Of course, you are not indifferent to what your dog eats, whether it is healthy, of course, the quality of its food is your concern and responsibility, but do not try to take responsibility for its decision whether to eat or not. People who fear their dogs will starve are owners unhealthy dogs. Healthy dog won't starve himself! Remember, using this method of training your dog to behave appropriately at the table, you are not acting as a despot who hides food from him and keeps him from hand to mouth! You suggest she eat twice a day. You give her a chance to make the right choice - just like you do in training any other skill. If your dog is healthy and just a picky little dog, all he has to do is make food choices. But this will be her conscious choice, and you will only shape the circumstances.

What is the essence of the principle of cutting the amount of food by 2 times if the dog does not finish what was given to it? Everything is very simple. For example, a dog to improve health, appearance, gaining weight, should eat 12 necks at one feeding (500 g of mix or 1 cup of dry food - it doesn’t matter), but she eats only 6 - what will you do? You can beg her to eat 6 more necks, or grind them and feed the dog with a spoon (“for mom, for dad…”), or go with her outside and try to feed these unfortunate necks during or after a walk (“what if she will get a little hungry and eat..."). But it is best to use the dog’s need for those six eaten necks in order to teach him to eat everything that is in the bowl. Imagine the picture: the next feeding (after the dog has eaten 6 necks instead of the prescribed 12), you call your pet to the bowl, he goes, saying to himself: “Yeah, my bowl is full of food again, but I’m going to eat my six legal necks, and then watch how the owner will jump around me, persuading me to eat more, hehe..." And now, the dog is at the bowl, lowering his muzzle... “Hey! There are only three necks here! But I want six!” Wonderful. Now it’s not you, but he who acts as the supplicant, and you seem to make a “deal” with him: “You want more food, and I want you to finally start eating 12 necks at a time. So, come on, show me how you can eat everything that is put in front of you...” In addition, since this time he was going to chew six necks, then by the next feeding he may get hungry and want to eat nine pieces, but you will give him only five (i.e. .k. you increase the amount of food gradually). “But I want nine!” - “Of course, honey, but I’m raising you, so you must first prove to me that you are ready to eat these five, and next time you will certainly get more...”

It may turn out that you were wrong, and your dog really only needs nine necks per feeding to be healthy and gain weight. But it’s not difficult to check and adjust your own calculations. You increase the dosage to 12 necks, and the dog eats 9 again, next time you give him only 4 necks. He eats 4, next time you give 7. He eats 7, increase to 9, he eats 9, increase to 12, he eats 9, you reduce the portion to 4... If, after going through this circle several times, you hit the number 9, those. The dog eats 9 necks with appetite, but cannot cope with twelve, perhaps he really doesn’t need any more. Ok, by at least, you raised in him the habit of eating these 9 necks when you give them, without ritual dances around his beloved dog with lamentations: “Well, eat a little more.” Now everything happens one-two-three-four-five...

Translation from English Elena Ivashchenko

source material

Best wishes,

Oksana Usacheva

Russia, Moscow

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Into our site we will get you acquainted with breed the Russian Toy. You can buy puppy Russian Toy.

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© 2009-2019 LEXIA OKUS/ LEKSIYA OKUS kennel RKF-FCI kennel of dogs of the Russian Toy breed is officially registered in the Russian Cynological Federation RKF-FCI through the factory prefix (St. No. 17125), owner Oksana Usacheva..

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