Schedule of diseases of flat feet. Definition of transverse flatfoot. Why flat feet exempt you from service

Upon reaching conscription age, every young man suffering from flat feet wonders whether he can be commissioned for the reason of this disease or it will not interfere with the service. If you have flat feet, long periods of walking are not recommended. physical exercise on your feet. But it’s not hard to guess that no one in the army will take care of this. To avoid harm to health, a young conscript needs to be aware of the existing standards on this issue, and know at what degree of flat feet he is unsuitable for military service.

Flat feet and its varieties

Normally, any person’s foot has two arches:

  • Longitudinal.
  • Transverse.
Both arches are important and needed for softening (depreciation). In addition, they enable a person to maintain balance, not fall while walking, and partially facilitate the work of the lower extremities. If the arches of the feet become deformed for any reason, the doctor will diagnose flat feet.

Based on the available codes, two types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Longitudinal flatfoot;
  • Transverse flatfoot;
  • Combined flatfoot.

Each variety is characterized by its own symptoms. Sometimes there is a combination of flat feet, consisting of two forms of flat feet. In addition, the disease is divided into:

  • Congenital. A rare phenomenon formed as a result of improper development of the child inside the mother's womb.
  • Acquired. This form of flatfoot can manifest itself at any stage of life and has its own subtypes:
    1. Static - appears as a result of deterioration in muscle activity.
    2. Rachitic – formed due to a lack of vitamin D, resulting in musculoskeletal system weakens.
    3. Paralytic - the cause of this subtype of flat feet is polio.
    4. Traumatic – occurs due to bone fracture or damage.

Passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office

To get into the army, you must undergo a medical examination, where it will be determined whether there are flat feet or other diseases with which the conscript is unfit for service. To make a reliable diagnosis, the doctor sends the young man for an x-ray.

X-rays are taken in a standing position, when the load on the feet is maximum, in a transverse and longitudinal view. The pictures clearly show whether there is a disease or not. Also necessary CT scan subtalar joint and a description of the deviations of the first toe and metatarsus (the part of the foot under the toes). At positive result The doctor determines the type of flatfoot and its degree.

Attention! The conclusion is made by an orthopedic doctor in a medical institution; the military commissar only determines the procedure for admission in accordance with the documents received.

In addition, the military registration and enlistment office has its own medical commission, consisting of qualified doctors, which examines conscripts.

Each of them examines the young conscripts, makes his own assessment of the health status of each of the young men, reviews the conclusions with signatures and seals of doctors from medical institutions and assigns the appropriate degree of suitability for military service. There are five categories in total:
  1. “A” – fit for service.
  2. “B” – suitable with some restrictions.
  3. “B” – exempt from conscription.
  4. “G” – unfit for service for a certain period.
  5. “D” – not suitable.

For the note! It must be remembered that the commission at the military registration and enlistment office must take into account diseases chronic form, untreatable, as well as temporary illnesses that interfere with service.

Provided that the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office was unable to determine the degree of suitability of the conscript in the army, he is sent for additional medical care. commission. There, a re-examination of the conscript takes place, where a decision will be made whether to send the person for treatment, or he will bear military duties. The document must be certified by the signature of the heads. doctor, seal of the medical institution.

If a young man received a deferment from military service while undergoing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office for health reasons, then at the end of this period, or by the time of the next conscription, he must undergo re-examination (control examination). Medical examination is carried out by the draft commission. This commission can also conduct a control medical examination of those who share the previously issued result. medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

Do people with flat feet join the army?

Flat feet are divided into four degrees. The verdict of the military registration and enlistment office will depend precisely on the degree of the disease indicated in the diagnosis.

Flat feet of the first degree

With the first degree, the conscript belongs to a special category “A”, which indicates that the conscripted young man can fully serve in the army. During a medical examination, the doctor determines that the angle of inclination of the foot is 140 degrees (no more) for longitudinal flatfoot and 12 degrees (no more) for transverse type.

Flat feet of the second degree

There was a time when young people with the second degree of illness were not allowed to serve in the army. Then some points of the law changed, and conscripts with such a diagnosis already have the right to serve, although there are specific restrictions for them. The conscript will not be able to get into serious troops, but for a simple military unit it is quite rated. With the second degree of flatfoot, the arch of the inner part of the foot has up to 155 degrees, the transverse zone up to 15 degrees.

Flat feet of the third and fourth degree

At the conclusion of the third degree, or fourth, the deformation of the feet is most noticeable and brings obvious inconvenience to the owner. IN in this case The military registration and enlistment office exempts conscripts from military service, but only in peacetime.

Why can people with flat feet be exempt from service?

Flat feet is an anomaly of the limbs, present from birth, or acquired during life, characterized by longitudinal (transverse) flattening, maybe even mixed. Because the main function stop - softening when moving, then incorrect division of physical activity leads to severe pain first in lower limbs, then other areas of the motor system.

On a note! You should not let the disease take its course, because timely correction of the feet can save you from unnecessary problems in the future. Without paying due attention to this issue, the consequences may become irreversible and the help of a qualified surgeon will be needed.

So why, among many diseases, is flat feet mentioned much more often than others, in connection with exemption from military service? At untimely treatment and neglect of the therapeutic rules of correction, a person’s limbs become flattened and lead to unbearable pain, sometimes even limiting movement.

Do they take people with flat feet into the army?

Do they take people with flat feet into the army?

Flat feet are a common disease among conscripts, so they are interested in the opportunity to obtain a military ID legally without serving in the army with this diagnosis. In some cases, the disease brings pain and suffering with increasing loads on the legs, and limits the ability young man. However, under certain conditions, having flat feet does not become an obstacle to conscription into the Armed Forces. With poor knowledge of the legal framework and medical terms It’s difficult to independently understand the features of calling with flat feet, but we will try to explain everything in accessible language.

Types of flat feet

The disease is divided into:

Longitudinal. The deformation of the foot leads to the fact that almost all of it lies on the floor, and the anatomical bend is not observed. This leads to an increase in foot length, and makes it impossible to wear standard shoes.

Transverse. A characteristic feature illness serves extended anterior section feet, which has a spread-out appearance. In this case, the metatarsal bones serve as fulcrum points, and the main load is taken by their 2nd and 4th heads, and thumb completely unloaded.

Combined. This rare case when simultaneous flattening of the longitudinal and transverse arches occurs.

Medical examination procedure at the military registration and enlistment office

The task of the military medical commission is to determine the degree of readiness of the conscript to serve in the army. To make a diagnosis, a fluoroscopic examination is performed, which is performed in a standing position with minimal stress on the feet. Pictures are taken from longitudinal and transverse angles. Additionally, a computed tomography scan of the subtalar joint is performed, and deviations of the first toe and metatarsus are described. Based on the research results, a diagnosis is made, the type of disease and its degree are determined.

If questions arise from members of the military medical commission when determining the degree of fitness, the conscript is sent to undergo an additional medical commission. Depending on the results of the examination, a decision is made on the need for treatment or service in the Armed Forces.

If a young man has received a deferment from conscription due to health reasons, then at the end of this period or during the next conscription he will be subject to a control examination by the draft commission.

Do people with flat feet serve in the army?

Degree of flat feet:

1st degree. The ligaments of the foot are weakened, but it is not deformed. When walking and standing for a long time, pain occurs, which goes away when the load is removed. The conscript belongs to special category A, which makes military service possible.

2nd degree. The foot is noticeably flattened. There is no arch, making it flat and wide. Pain in the ankle and lower leg is constant, and the gait changes to a bearish one. At the same time, fatigue increases noticeably.

Conscripts with this disease are allowed to serve in the army, but there are restrictions. The young man receives category B, which makes it possible to serve in certain branches of the military.

3rd and 4th degree. This diagnosis indicates significant deformities of the foot, which lead to constant pain and discomfort. In addition, the disease leads to a deterioration in overall health and causes the development of other diseases. The leg takes on a flipper-like shape, and pain in various areas musculoskeletal system are added headache and loss of strength.

Who hasn’t heard that people with flat feet are not accepted into the army? But how true are these words? Often young people do not know whether those with flat feet are accepted into the army. Although all the nuances are spelled out in Art. 68 “Disease Schedules”, to get an accurate answer, you need to figure out what kind of illness it is and how severe its course is.

Flat feet is...

Flat feet is a disease in which deformation of the foot occurs with a drooping arch. With this disease, the foot stops performing its spring and shock-absorbing functions. IN in good condition it has two arches: longitudinal and transverse. The longitudinal one is located along the inner edge of the foot, and the transverse one is located under the base of the toes.

The arch of the foot plays the role of shock absorbers when walking, and also holds human body in balance. If the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles in a given area of ​​the leg is impaired, they cease to function properly. In this case, the foot loses its shape, sags, becomes flat and ceases to perform spring functions. In this case, the question “whether people with flat feet are accepted into the army” can be answered in the negative.

Subsequently, the load that should have fallen on the feet is distributed between the spine and legs. Since they cannot withstand the additional load, this leads to disruption of the functioning of these organs.

Types of flat feet

IN medical practice There are several types of flat feet. By its nature, foot distortion can be:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • combined.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

1. Longitudinal flatfoot. Are they recruited into the army with this type of illness? This issue is worth looking into in more detail. With this form of pathology, the foot comes into contact with the floor with almost its entire surface, without forming a characteristic bend on the inside. At the same time, its length increases. If you have this type of flatfoot, wearing regular shoes is contraindicated.

2. Transverse flatfoot. With this type of disease, the forefoot is widened and flattened. The foot is supported on the metatarsal bones, which produces additional load on the 2nd and 4th heads of the metatarsal bones and removes the load from the big toe.

3. Combined flatfoot. This type of disease is less common than the first two and is characterized by the fact that the longitudinal and transverse arches are flattened simultaneously.

Degrees of flat feet

In medicine, there are three degrees of flat feet. If there is longitudinal shape, then the degree of the disease depends on the magnitude of the deformation of the foot, and if transverse, then on the degree of curvature of the first toe. Upon reaching a certain age, young men have a question: “Are people with flat feet allowed into the army?” To answer it, it is necessary to determine the degree of the disease.

Flat feet as a disease has 3 degrees of progression. For greater clarity and better perception, we decided to place the material in a table.

Degree of disease Signs
I degree Characterized by weakening of the foot ligaments, without deformities. The patient experiences pain with discomfort when walking or standing for a long time. With a little rest the symptoms go away.
II degree There is a characteristic flattening of the foot, noticeable upon cursory examination. There is no vault. The foot is wide and flat. The patient has a feeling of constant pain in the ankle joint and shins. The gait changes and becomes similar to that of a bear. The patient gets tired quickly.
III degree The foot deformity has a pronounced character with strong deviations general health. The disease is transmitted to other systems and organs, causing scoliosis, arthrosis, and intervertebral hernia. The deformity affects not only the arch of the foot and toes: the first toe bends to the outside, and the leg itself resembles flippers.

As a result, severe pain is constantly localized in the lower leg, knees, hips and lower back. On top of everything else, headaches, decreased activity, and loss of strength are observed.

Flat feet and the army

The question “whether people with flat feet are accepted into the army” worries not only conscripts suffering from this disease, but also their parents. After all, on last stage diseases, pain is felt when walking, and wearing ordinary shoes is not indicated by doctors. So, with flat feet of 1st and 2nd degree, a conscript is fit for military service. When this disease of a longitudinal or transverse type of 3 or 4 degrees with characteristic deviations in health is diagnosed, the conscript is exempt from conscription. At the same time, he is enlisted in the reserves with a note stating that he is “partially fit” and is given a military ID. If a conscript is found to have level 2 flat feet, then he is assigned category B-3 fitness - fit for non-combatant service. As a rule, this is service as a cook, janitor or builder.

Causes of flat feet

Flat feet can develop in anyone, regardless of age. Children can have congenital disease, and many adults acquire this disease.

Flat feet can develop under the influence of several factors:

  • heredity – weak muscles and ligaments of the feet;
  • excess weight;
  • hard work associated with carrying heavy objects;
  • wrong shoes;
  • the presence of corns or heel spurs.

More often people whose professions are related to the disease are susceptible to long stay in a standing position - sellers, teachers and others. But there can also be congenital flatfoot of the 1st degree. “Will they be accepted into the army with such a diagnosis?” - a question immediately arises among young men and their parents. It's worth going through first full examination to establish an accurate diagnosis, and then discuss the prospects with a specialist.


Diagnosing flat feet includes listening to complaints, examining the external condition of the foot and palpating it. The diagnosis is clarified using an x-ray. Using an x-ray, the doctor determines the type and stage of the disease. So, the question of whether people with grade 3 flat feet are accepted into the army can be answered in the negative, having in hand photographs of the feet and a report from an orthopedist. There is also a simple way to determine whether a conscript has a disease. We are talking about the plantogram method. To do this, the sole of the foot is painted with harmless paint, after which the foot print is placed on a sheet of paper. By analyzing the trace, you can judge the presence and degree of the disease and, accordingly, decide whether someone with flat feet will be accepted into the army.

By visual inspection, it is easy to diagnose transverse flatfoot, because with it the big toe bends towards the outer part of the foot and is placed on top of the second.


The main symptoms of flat feet are:

  • trampling of shoes to the inside;
  • noted while walking fast fatiguability legs;
  • at the end of the day, a feeling of fatigue, heaviness and pain in the legs, as well as the presence of cramps;
  • the shape of the foot changes, it seems to grow in width, this is noticeable by the size of the shoe;
  • the foot has changed in size and does not fit into the width of the shoes.

Such symptoms may indicate the presence of other ailments, but if similar symptoms However, you should consult an orthopedist.


Often, flat feet in humans are chronic. However, it is still necessary to take measures to treat the disease. Usually these are various physical procedures, medicinal ointments and creams that remove pain symptoms. Do not forget about the severity of such a disease as flat feet of the 3rd degree. Are they allowed into the army with this diagnosis? Every orthopedist will answer this question in the negative.

Depending on the type and degree of flatfoot, the following are prescribed:

  • massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • physical therapy;
  • arch supports and orthopedic insoles for shoes.

When diagnosing flat feet of the first degree, it is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet and avoid bad habits. Engage in daily exercise as recommended by your doctor.

You should visit sanatorium-resort areas to treat flat feet with mud and mineral waters.

If manual therapy does not bring the desired effect, then all that remains is to resort to surgical intervention.

Undoubtedly, the main method of stopping the progression of flat feet is to wear orthopedic shoes on a regular basis.


Since complete elimination of flat feet is almost impossible, it is easier to carry out preventive measures. To do this, follow some recommendations:

  • when choosing shoes, you need to choose models that tightly fix the ankle (according to the size), have a solid heel and a small heel (no more than 5 mm);
  • train at home - walking barefoot, grasping small objects with your toes, using massage mats;
  • you must be able to walk on all parts of the foot;
  • application therapeutic exercises at stage I, flat feet stops the development of the disease.

A set of exercises is developed individually in each case by an orthopedic surgeon. It takes into account the stage of the disease, type, age of the patient and his complaints. These actions will be effective mainly in the presence of the disease at stage 1. Level 2 flat feet can be treated, although with difficulty. Whether someone with such a diagnosis will be accepted into the army is decided at the military registration and enlistment office based on the medical documents provided.

So ? Until 2014, this disease was not given such attention, since both 2nd and 3rd degree flat feet were contraindications. But in 2014, the Regulations on Military Medical Examination were updated, and now, starting in 2016, new standards for criteria for conscription are in force. Since this period, many have been interested in the fact: are they recruited into the army with level 2 flat feet?

Let’s look at why there are so many discussions surrounding this particular disease, because according to the Schedule of Diseases, there are many pathologies that are a contraindication to military service.

The answer to the question is simple - flat feet are quite common, and they affect both adults and children. By the way, pathology can be like a complete contraindication to the army, and also be a restriction to serve in certain troops, such as the Airborne Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Types, stages of flat feet

To understand in what situations you cannot serve in the army, you need to know what types and stages of the disease there are. In total, there are three degrees of the disease, each of which causes deviations from the normal shape and size of the foot. The pathology leads to a change in the angle of the arch of the feet, which affects the ability to walk and run normally.

As you know, the foot is a kind of shock absorber and takes on heavy loads. There are two arches in the sole of the foot and, depending on which arch is affected, several forms of the disease are distinguished. There are longitudinal and transverse flat feet, and there is also a combined form in which both arches are affected.

When a person does not have a shock absorption function, vibrations begin to be transmitted to other parts of the body, namely the knees, pelvic bones, spine, which causes pain not only in the feet, but also in these places.

Therefore, many people with advanced disease experience severe pain syndrome in the joints and spine, which is why they cannot be physically strong. For this purpose, the Army Regulations contain indications and contraindications for conscripts with flat feet.

At stage 1 of the disease, mild signs and changes occur. The pathology has virtually no effect on the lifestyle of a young man or an adult. But if treatment is not started, the disease gradually progresses, moving to the next stage.

In grade 2, obvious changes in the shape of the arches of the feet occur and signs of the disease appear. The first symptoms of pain in the legs are also characteristic. There is a change in gait, problems with selecting and wearing shoes. But with stage 3 of the disease, symptoms appear more often; often a person cannot walk normally, experiences severe pain and fatigue during exercise. It is worth noting that a decrease in the shock absorption function affects not only the joints of the foot, but also the knees, spine, and pelvic bones.

With the longitudinal type of flatfoot of the 1st degree, a decrease in the height of the arch of millimeters occurs, and the angle of the arch becomes equal to degrees. With the 2nd degree, the height of the arch decreases to millimeters, and the angle indicators decrease to degrees. The 3rd degree has a height of less than 17 millimeters and an angle of more than 155 degrees.

For the transverse type of pathology, the following figures are noted:

  • 1st degree is characterized by an angle between 1-2 metatarsal bones in degrees;
  • 2nd degree – angle indicators up to 15 degrees;
  • 3rd degree – angle indicators up to 20 degrees.

There is also a 4th degree transverse flatfoot, indicating the presence of concomitant pathologies. Other sources may provide slightly different figures, but here are the averages based on the Schedule of Illness criteria.

Fitness for military service

Now let’s decide whether people with flat feet are hired or not. After the young man passes visual inspection the doctor, and also takes an x-ray - a picture under load, that is, while standing, and the type and stage of the pathology is determined. So, according to the Schedule of Diseases, there are three eligibility points – “B”, “C”, “D”, which form the categories “D”, “C”, “B-3”.

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • exostoses, finger contracture;
  • arthrosis of the joints in the midfoot.

People with this diagnosis are limited in physical activity and when this stage is set they are not drafted into the army, regardless of whether they have transverse or longitudinal flat feet. Moreover, such people are not called upon even in war time.

Category "B"

For many, the correct decoding of the name category “B” with limited suitability is important, that is, they are not drafted into the army with the longitudinal type of the disease of the 3rd degree and the transverse type of the 3-4 stage with pain syndrome and other complications. You can focus on the pain syndrome, which plays a key role in the question of whether or not to take a young man into the service. It doesn’t matter how severe the pain in the legs is, if it is present at grades 3 and 4, then it is contraindicated to serve.

It also does not depend on whether the diagnosis is “arthrosis” - this criterion may be important for stage 2 of the disease.

There is a nuance for conscripts who are assigned category “B” with limited fitness. “Limited” means that the young man will not serve only during a period of peace. If mobilization is organized in connection with a military threat, the young man will be called up for service, only in certain troops where there is no increased workload.

Category "B-3"

Considering the 2nd and 3rd degree of flat feet without concomitant pathologies, we can conclude that the young man will be drafted into the army and assigned the category “B-6-3” - fit with restrictions. With 2nd degree, even if a young man is called up to serve in the armed forces, it will not be in all units. In such units as the Airborne Forces, special forces, and the police, they take only those guys who are completely healthy. Guys with category "B-3" serve in elite troops unacceptable, but despite this, the young man is fit for service.

With 1st degree everything is much simpler. Since the disease does not affect the army regime, the young man has no pain in his feet, he is fit for service. Moreover, this applies even when the diagnosis is “flat feet of the 1st degree with arthrosis of the 1st degree.” Now the requirements for conscription have been tightened, so without serious concomitant pathologies you should not hope for an indulgence in a deferment from the army.


Having analyzed the criteria of the Schedule of Diseases, we conclude that they are not accepted into the army both in peacetime and in wartime; guys with category “D” are completely exempt, that is, with the last stage of flat feet and concomitant pathologies (osteoarthritis). The remaining young men with grade 3 illness and pain syndrome fall under category “B” as being of limited fitness and not serving in peacetime. Other degrees, or rather, 1 and 2, are not considered contraindications for military service, but also to serve in the elite troops, where huge pressure, they won’t give it to the guys.

By the way, a young man may not be called up for service with grade 2 flat feet if he has concomitant joint pathologies, such as osteoarthrosis, arthrosis in active phase. In such cases, doctors prescribe additional examination and the commission decides on the possibility of service.

A question that interests many: which troops recruit guys with level 2 flat feet?

Young men of a certain age often ask whether people with flat feet are recruited into various troops. Moreover, such a disease of any degree is quite common, and the question is asked both by those who seek to serve in various troops, and by those who want to avoid this (and think “how to get flat feet”).

Flat feet and physical activity are theoretically absolutely incompatible, and when serving in various troops it is impossible not to play sports. So which troops are recruited into with level 2 flat feet? What to expect for a person who dreams of serving in specialized troops various types, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Airborne Forces, police, army, it’s also easy to enroll in military school? Let's figure out which troops recruit such people.

The danger of combining osteoarthritis and grade 2 flatfoot

This type of deformation occurs with flat feet of 2 or 3 degrees and is characterized by a clear narrowing of the joint gap and bone growths at the edges, inflammation cartilage tissue, its obvious destruction.

Flat feet are a fairly common disease today. It occurs in both men and women of any age, even small children.

The second degree of this foot deformation is characterized by severe flattening, visible even to the naked eye. The sole itself expands greatly, causing a person to have a heavy gait and clubfoot. Painful sensations manifest themselves in peculiar surges, covering not only bottom part legs and ankle, but also knee.

Arthrosis inflammation can only be determined using x-rays. This disease almost always accompanies spinal deformity.

Military medical examination for flat feet

Flat feet are not only a visible unpleasant effect. This serious illness, which is characterized by such deviations as arthrosis of a large joint of the lower limb, intervertebral hernia, and lumbar osteochondrosis.

Medical practice has established strict requirements for the diagnosis of foot diseases. During a military medical examination, in order to confirm the diagnosis of existing flat feet, a specialized examination is prescribed, such as an x-ray of the two soles of the lateral and direct projection. An x-ray is taken while standing so that the feet are under light weight. After examining the images, a medical specialist will be able to determine the degree and type of deformation and assign a fitness category.

Flat foot and arthrosis, compatibility with military service

Arthrosis of the joints of the foot is a disease during which such unpleasant and painful processes occur as inflammation of the soft tissues of the foot, destruction of the connective cartilaginous tissues of the joints.

It is impossible to join the paramilitary troops or engage in paramilitary activities with longitudinal and transverse flat feet along with second-degree arthrosis of the middle foot.

Do they accept service with 2nd degree flat feet?

Transverse flatfoot of the second degree (as well as longitudinal), if it is not accompanied by osteoarthritis, cannot be an obstacle to service. If flat feet are not burdened by any other diseases, they will definitely take you into the army. In such a situation, an additional mandatory examination is also prescribed. Those who are found to have grade 3 flat feet fall under the category of “unfit in peacetime” and are exempt from conscription. With this diagnosis, you don’t have to worry about conscription.

The degree of flatfoot can only be determined by an orthopedic surgeon, and only from him can a final diagnosis be obtained. At the military registration and enlistment office, the commissar cannot make a diagnosis himself; he only determines the degree of suitability to serve in various troops, based on the doctor’s diagnosis.

The conscript should know that quite often, with grade 2 flat feet, doctors make a serious mistake - they do not mention the presence of progressive arthrosis in the description of radiographs of the feet. If you want to avoid the army, or for some reason enroll in a military school, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the airborne troops, then this can only be done if you have such a registration.

Do people with 2nd degree flat feet get hired for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

According to the current law, citizens with longitudinal or transverse flatfoot of the first or second degree with the presence of deforming arthrosis of the first degree, but provided there is no contracture of the toes and exostoses, can get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A person falls under the category “fit for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs with some restrictions.”

In this situation, you can expect to get a job only in the migration service unit, logistics, economic, and military support. They are also hired to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of a separate type of activity: construction, financial and economic, medical, control and audit, legal, press service, legal, editorial. You can also get into other special institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In case of II degree flat feet in a person without obvious signs of arthrosis, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will even take the first group of assignments. Police officers are also hired with grade 2 flat feet without obvious arthrosis.

Flattening of the arches of the feet 2nd degree and VDV

In case of flat feet of the second degree, the conscript is assigned a special category B-3, with which it is almost impossible to get into the Airborne Forces. The Airborne Forces recruit mostly guys with the A-1 fitness group (physically well prepared and completely healthy).

Conscripts of the airborne troops pass complex physical standards, which are not given to everyone, especially those with 2nd degree flat feet.

There is a small opportunity to serve in the Airborne Forces if you otherwise have no complaints about your health, you are predisposed to playing sports, there are sports categories in shooting, all-around, and most importantly, you have a great desire to train and join the ranks of the airborne troops. Such guys are most often recruited into the airborne troops.

Will they be accepted into a military school with 2nd degree flat feet?

Today, the number of people wishing to enroll in a military school has increased sharply. Playing sports has become fashionable among young people, and getting into a military school is the aspiration of many young people. If the applicant flat foot 2 degrees, then this is not at all an obstacle to admission. According to the law, such a diagnosis does not at all prevent enrollment in a military school. But if, in addition to everything else, you also have deforming developing osteoarthritis of the second degree, then you can forget about enrolling in a military school; you will definitely not be accepted there.

We’ll take it, of course, it won’t be superfluous)

Will I be accepted into the military medical academy with longitudinal flatfoot of the 2nd degree?

You will take your children and grandchildren, and the majors who bought military goods through you.

Tell me, is there any possibility of serving in the navy with level 2 flat feet and hypermetropia of the left eye?

Thanks for the clarification. I don't expect to be suitable for military service I really want to join the army as a medical worker with a specialty as a nurse and a massage therapist, I worked in an ambulance for 2 years, I hope to be useful both in civilian life and in the army

Tell me if flat feet is accompanied by severe pain every night, how to prove this to doctors. My son is 6 years old, we haven’t slept since he was 3, I stroke his skates and toes every night. How can you explain and say this when calling?

If you have level 2 flat feet, the military registration and enlistment office takes you into the army, but you can immediately forget about normal service. I was given this degree. I wanted due to the fact that I have higher education immediately go to serve under a contract, but due to flat feet they hire me only for conscript service into motorized rifle or engineering troops (construction battalion), and by specialty I veterinarian. I advise anyone who finds themselves in the same situation to file a lawsuit.

Hello, please tell me if they will accept a MIA with flat feet at the university if I’m a girl

It depends on what grade 1 without arthrosis they will take, with arthrosis you can forget about serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the 1st assignment group

Will they hire me to work for the police if I have transverse flatfoot of the 1st degree and longitudinal flatfoot of the 2nd degree, arthrosis is absent.

You were called up to serve in the Republic of Armenia in 1997, when you passed they said you have flat feet, I said your legs don’t hurt and they didn’t hurt, they took me, I served in the special forces. Came from the army, got a job in the riot police, after working for 11 years, I quit, I go through a commission at the military registration and enlistment office, they say you are unfit for flat feet. The pictures showed 140° 1st degree.

Hello! to refute on the basis of some law?

And I always thought that anyone with flat feet wouldn’t be accepted into the army. Interesting information, I'll tell my nephew.

My son is 12 years old and has flat feet since birth. He plays a lot of sports, football. Subsequently, I would like to enter a higher military school. Is it possible to get tested now and see if they will accept it?

Flat feet - fitness category

Flat feet are one of the most common diagnoses among young people conscripted into the army. Often it is precisely this that becomes the reason for a citizen’s exemption from conscription for military service, and sometimes from performing military duty. This is probably why latest edition Sickness schedules and demands on the health of conscripts have significantly decreased. The list of diseases and functional disorders for which service in the armed forces has become possible has expanded Russian Federation. The list of these diseases has also been supplemented by flat feet. Now you can easily be declared fit even with this disease.

What has changed? Only the state requirements for the health of conscripts. But health itself has not changed, but at least, V better side. Now, during a medical examination, where your category of fitness for military service is determined, it has become much more difficult to obtain the required health mark. Now, even if you have flat feet, to be freed from the army you need to have high degree functional disorders caused by this disease. Details later in the article.

Flat feet 1st degree

Flat feet of the 1st degree at the beginning of 2017 will mean fitness category “A” for a conscript. This means that the person is completely healthy and ready to serve in any troops of the Russian Armed Forces (even in special forces). This means that the angle of the valley on your sole should be between 131 and 140 degrees longitudinally. And with a transverse one, the first toe is deflected and the angle of the metatarsals between the first two bones is degrees.

At the same time, this stage of the disease is not even considered as something that can prevent one from performing military duties, although a person feels some fatigue after walking, running, and other activities and may experience pain.

Flat feet 2nd degree

Flat feet of 2nd degree is determined by the following characteristics:

  • Longitudinal: Toe angle 55°;
  • Transverse:
  • Metatarsal angle between the first and second toes °;
  • Deviation of the first finger by an angle °;

With this stage of this disease you will receive a “B3” fitness category. Moreover, this will happen only if you, together with flat feet, have stage 2 deforming arthrosis. It is characterized by the destruction of the soft tissues of the joints of the foot, which leads to their deformation and can cause significant pain in a person. Signs of stage 2 of arthrosis:

  • Destruction of articular cartilage leads to a narrowing of the gap in the foot by 50%;
  • Edge growths appear - osteophytes approximately 1 millimeter long.

As you can see, in conditions of military service, this type of flatfoot will bring a person numerous problems of both a physical and psychological nature. Not to mention the fact that without proper corrective measures and treatment, the disease will certainly progress noticeably.

With what kind of flat feet will they not be accepted into the army?

Only two types of this disease will help you avoid military service:

With longitudinal flatfoot of 3 degrees or with transverse flatfoot of degrees. The presence of at least one or more factors is also allowed:

  • Foot pain;
  • The appearance of a benign growth on the bone;
  • Inability to bend/extend the toes of the midfoot;
  • The presence of arthrosis at any stage of its course.

Which troops accept people with flat feet?

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Do people with flat feet join the army?

All residents of the Russian Federation, without exception, know or have heard that young people with flat feet are unfit to serve in the army. How things stand with this in the city, do they now recruit people with flat feet into the army, where did all these rumors come from, let’s look into it in detail.

Also, since the 90s, there has been an urban legend in Russia that people with flat feet are not allowed into the army. This myth is very vague, does not include clarifications about the degree of the disease, and so on. Despite this, 95% of young people in high school have an unconditional confidence in their heads that their childhood flat feet, diagnosed 10 years ago, will provide them with a military ID in health. But already in the 10th grade of school, when young men register for military service at the military commissariat, this confidence dissipates. This is because the surgeon categorizes the future conscript as “fit,” which means “absolutely healthy.”

Why is this happening? Here it is necessary to turn to the primary source, namely to the regulatory documents, the main one in this matter is the 2017 Schedule of Diseases. This document includes all diseases that are not accepted into the army, the degree of disease, the methodology and procedure for confirmation, including flat feet of the first, second, third degree. In this case, we are interested in Article 68 of this document. It states that even with “minor impairments of function” caused by this disease, the conscript will receive exemption from the army. But not everything is so simple, let's look at the commentary to article 68 and figure out what degree of flat feet people are not allowed into the army?

Flat feet 2nd degree

Flat feet 1st degree


There is no point in thinking that a conscript will be released from the army because of flat feet diagnosed in childhood, because this requires that the diagnosis include the 3rd degree of this disease. A person suffering from this degree of disease knows about it. It is unlikely to be discovered by chance during an examination. Therefore, it makes sense to carefully study the Schedule of Diseases and carry out comprehensive examination body for potential diseases in a particular young man, and not start the examination by checking for flat feet, relying on rumors and misconceptions. In this matter, organizations whose profile is legal assistance to conscripts will be useful, due to the fact that they cooperate with medical specialists who know the 2017 Schedule of Diseases at an expert level.

Do people with flat feet join the army?

Today, citizens of military age, before the start of conscription, already have sufficient information about what ailments are not eligible for conscription into the armed forces. One of them is flat feet. Will people with flat feet be accepted into the army in 2018? Let's look at this question carefully.

Starting with the youngest preschool age, children regularly undergo medical examinations for the presence of diseases in general, including flat feet in particular. Since this disease can cause serious complications at an older age, it is subject to mandatory and immediate treatment and correction until children's body still developing. Usually, most children have some kind of problem, so most conscripts have in their memory the idea that this disease is definitely present.

Also, roughly since the post-perestroika period, there has been a rumor among young men that people with this disease will definitely not be accepted into the army. This is quite incorrect, since most an important part information, namely about its degree, the presence of complications, and so on. The myths generated by this rumor are dispelled when the young man undergoes a medical examination, when he is registered with the military and assigned to the station. As a rule, such a young man receives a “fit” note from the surgeon.

Why does this happen? The document that gives grounds for conscription with the presence of a particular illness is the “Schedule of Illnesses”, and is the main document for judging suitability for conscription. Its edition for 2018 contains information about all diseases for which conscription is carried out, deferment or exemption from conscription is granted, as well as the procedure for confirming the presence of diseases, including flat feet. It, by the way, comes in 1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees.

In order to properly prepare your illness for a medical examination, you must not forget that conscription into the army begins on April 1 in the spring, and October 1 in the fall.

Flat feet 3rd degree

The main regulatory document states that longitudinal flatfoot of 3rd degree, as well as transverse flatfoot of 3rd and 4th degrees, is a reason for the exemption of a citizen from service in the RF Armed Forces. It no longer matters whether pain is present or not, but its presence is an indication of the effect of Article 68. The presence of the disease “deforming arthrosis of the joints of the foot” together with the considered severity of the underlying disease is an unambiguous classification into category “B”. In other words, we can assume that the presence of 3rd degree flat feet is the reason for withdrawal from conscription.

Flat feet 2nd degree

The presence of this disease with such severity raises the most questions, since the diagnosis is more common than the previous one. Some time ago, with her presence, they were released from service. However, in 2014 the main regulatory document changed, and the situation changed.

Flat feet 1st degree

The presence of this diagnosis does not cause obstacles to service in the army, and the conscript, according to the document “Schedule of Diseases,” will be assigned one or another category of fitness for service in the RF Armed Forces, which will affect the citizen’s specific place of service, or membership in a specific branch of the military.

It is important to note that the document “Schedule of Diseases” is compiled in such a way that it includes only diseases that actually interfere with the performance of military duty, and which, during the course of service, can “grow” with complications and negatively affect the future life of a citizen.

With what kind of flat feet can you avoid the army?

It makes no sense to believe that the young man will be exempt from conscription into the armed forces of the Russian Federation, only due to the fact that childhood The presence of flat feet was revealed, since the right to this is granted only to persons whose diagnosis indicates only the 3rd degree of this disease. A conscript suffering from precisely this degree of illness knows for sure about it, and this illness leaves its mark on him. daily life. It is hardly possible to detect it by chance, but there are not only such cases.

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What kind of flat feet are not accepted into the army?

Upon reaching conscription age, every young man suffering from flat feet wonders whether he can be discharged due to this disease or whether this will not be an obstacle to service. If you have flat feet, long-term physical activity on your legs is not recommended. But it’s not hard to guess that no one in the army will take care of this. To avoid harm to health, a young conscript needs to be aware of the existing standards on this issue, and know at what degree of flat feet he is unsuitable for military service.

Flat feet and its varieties

Normally, any person’s foot has two arches:

Both arches are important and needed for softening (depreciation). In addition, they enable a person to maintain balance, not fall while walking, and partially facilitate the work of the lower extremities. If the arches of the feet become deformed for any reason, the doctor will diagnose flat feet.

Based on the available codes, two types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Longitudinal flatfoot;
  • Transverse flatfoot;
  • Combined flatfoot.

Each variety is characterized by its own symptoms. Sometimes there is a combination of flat feet, consisting of two forms of flat feet. In addition, the disease is divided into:

  • Congenital. A rare phenomenon formed as a result of improper development of the child inside the mother's womb.
  • Acquired. This form of flatfoot can manifest itself at any stage of life and has its own subtypes:
    1. Static - appears as a result of deterioration in muscle activity.
    2. Rachitic - formed due to a lack of vitamin D, as a result of which the musculoskeletal system is weakened.
    3. Paralytic - the cause of this subtype of flat feet is polio.
    4. Traumatic – occurs due to bone fracture or damage.

Passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office

To get into the army, you must undergo a medical examination, where it will be determined whether there are flat feet or other diseases with which the conscript is unfit for service. To make a reliable diagnosis, the doctor sends the young man for an x-ray.

X-rays are taken in a standing position, when the load on the feet is maximum, in a transverse and longitudinal view. The pictures clearly show whether there is a disease or not. A computed tomography scan of the subtalar joint and a description of the deviations of the first toe and metatarsus (the part of the foot under the toes) are also necessary. If the result is positive, the doctor determines the type of flatfoot and its degree.

Attention! The conclusion is made by an orthopedic doctor in a medical institution; the military commissar only determines the procedure for admission in accordance with the documents received.

In addition, the military registration and enlistment office has its own medical commission, consisting of qualified doctors, which examines conscripts.

Each of them examines the young conscripts, makes his own assessment of the health status of each of the young men, reviews the conclusions with signatures and seals of doctors from medical institutions and assigns the appropriate degree of fitness for service in the army. There are five categories in total:

  1. “A” – fit for service.
  2. “B” – suitable with some restrictions.
  3. “B” – exempt from conscription.
  4. “G” – unfit for service for a certain period.
  5. “D” – not suitable.

For the note! It must be remembered that the commission at the military registration and enlistment office must take into account chronic diseases that cannot be treated, as well as temporary diseases that interfere with service.

Provided that the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office was unable to determine the degree of suitability of the conscript in the army, he is sent for additional medical care. commission. There, a re-examination of the conscript takes place, where a decision will be made whether to send the person for treatment, or he will bear military duties. The document must be certified by the signature of the heads. doctor, seal of the medical institution.

Do people with flat feet join the army?

Flat feet are divided into four degrees. The verdict of the military registration and enlistment office will depend precisely on the degree of the disease indicated in the diagnosis.

Flat feet of the first degree

With the first degree, the conscript belongs to a special category “A”, which indicates that the conscripted young man can fully serve in the army. During a medical examination, the doctor determines that the angle of inclination of the foot is 140 degrees (no more) for longitudinal flatfoot and 12 degrees (no more) for transverse type.

Flat feet of the second degree

There was a time when young people with the second degree of illness were not allowed to serve in the army. Then some points of the law changed, and conscripts with such a diagnosis already have the right to serve, although there are specific restrictions for them. The conscript will not be able to get into serious troops, but for a simple military unit it is quite rated. With the second degree of flatfoot, the arch of the inner part of the foot has up to 155 degrees, the transverse zone up to 15 degrees.

Flat feet of the third and fourth degree

At the conclusion of the third degree, or fourth, the deformation of the feet is most noticeable and brings obvious inconvenience to the owner. In this case, the military registration and enlistment office exempts the conscript from military service, but only in peacetime.

Why can people with flat feet be exempt from service?

Flat feet is an anomaly of the limbs, present from birth, or acquired during life, characterized by longitudinal (transverse) flattening, maybe even mixed. Since the main function of the feet is to soften during movement, incorrect division of physical activity leads to severe pain, first in the lower extremities, then in other areas of the musculoskeletal system.

On a note! You should not let the disease take its course, because timely correction of the feet can save you from unnecessary problems in the future. Without paying due attention to this issue, the consequences may become irreversible and the help of a qualified surgeon will be needed.

So why, among many diseases, is flat feet mentioned much more often than others, in connection with exemption from military service? With untimely treatment and neglect of therapeutic correction rules, a person’s limbs become flattened and lead to unbearable pain, sometimes even limiting movement.

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On the eve of graduation from school, young conscripts are concerned about the question of whether they will be accepted into the army with flat feet. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes criteria for the suitability of young people for military service. Exemption from the army is permitted if there are compelling reasons supported by a qualified medical report.

Consequences of flat feet

The arch of the foot performs shock-absorbing functions when walking, running, helps maintain balance, and withstand physical activity. or acquired flatfoot is accompanied by significant changes in the entire human musculoskeletal system. The disease inevitably progresses and has serious consequences that interfere with military service:

  • in the lower extremities when walking;
  • clumsy gait, poor posture, scoliosis;
  • the appearance of contractures (plexuses) of the toes;
  • fan-shaped divergence of the metatarsal bones;
  • flattening of the foot, bumps, calluses, corns;
  • exostoses (spike-like osteochondral growth);
  • , osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis.

Flat feet in advanced form are accompanied by degenerative changes osteochondral tissue, becomes a source of articular and muscle pain. Staying in the army and the increased physical activity associated with it contribute to the progression of the disease. To avoid irreversible changes important correct diagnosis illness and Objective assessment the young man's suitability for military service.

Suitability categories

If signs of deformation of the arch of the foot are detected, then they should be included in the medical questionnaire. Symptoms of flatfoot progression, the methods used to treat the disease, and their effectiveness are also reflected in the document. The saved data makes it easier to undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Based on the available information and its own observations, the medical commission gives an opinion on the categories of suitability for the army:

Degree of flat feetCategoryConscript's suitability for service
2ndB, B-3Good with restrictions
3rd and 4thINLimited fit (not fit in peacetime)
- GNot suitable for a certain period of time (deferment)
Significant foot pathologiesDUnfit

On a note!

According to latest changes The law does not provide for deferments from the army for young men diagnosed with flat feet. Depending on the complexity of the disease, the conscript falls into category A, B or C.

When according to the law they will not take you into the army

Regulations on military medical examination No. 123 (dated February 25, 2003) and new edition The disease schedules of 2018 (Article 68 of the Appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 565 of July 4, 2013) define a range of diseases that interfere with the performance of military duty. Documents establish the degree of flat feet that are not accepted into the army:

  • at 3rd or 4th degree;
  • at grade 3, regardless of the strength of the pain syndrome;
  • with deforming arthrosis of the 2nd stage.

If these diseases are indicated in the medical report, the conscript is considered partially fit for military service. He is classified as category B, and is issued a military ID for health reasons with the note - to the reserve (reserve). This suggests that the young man will have the opportunity to serve in the army only in case of wartime.

On a note!

The discovery of stage 2 arthrosis in a conscript is not prerequisite liberation from the army. But such a diagnosis, combined with 3rd degree flat feet, allows you to count on receiving a military ID in category B.

When flat feet do not interfere with service

The types of foot deformities that are not an obstacle to military service or training at a military school are defined by law:

  • when longitudinal flatfoot of the 1st and 2nd degree is detected;
  • with transverse flatfoot of the 1st degree;
  • for flat feet of the 1st degree without arthrosis, contractures, exostoses.

There are no significant anatomical changes in the feet. A person is able to fully move, perform certain physical exercise. For this reason, the disease at this stage of development does not exempt from conscription into the army (category A).

On a note!

Until 2016-2017 a conscript with a bilateral certificate could be exempted from military duty. Now a young man with such a diagnosis will carry out military service, but with some restrictions in the conditions of service. He will not be drafted into the airborne forces or other elite units, but his stay in regular military units is not prohibited.

How is the diagnosis made?

To determine their suitability for military service, conscripts undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Before visiting it, it is recommended to have with you all the documents confirming the fact of flat feet and pathological changes caused by illness. The diagnosis is made by an orthopedist or podiatrist - specialists in osteochondral changes. The degree of the disease is determined by the following methods:

  • plantography (express method) - based on an imprint taken on a sheet of paper from a foot smeared with cream;
  • podometry (Friedland method) – based on measured parameters of the foot with calculation of the coefficient;
  • exact method establishing the form and degree of neglect of the disease;
  • computed tomography – identification of complications, osteochondral changes.

One or more methods are used to make a diagnosis. The results of the examination with the conclusion of an orthopedic doctor are attached to the conscript’s documents for the military registration and enlistment office. This allows the military commission to objectively assess the young man’s health and, based on the degree of illness, assess his suitability for service.

On a note!

During a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, the results of the examination conducted in a government institution are recognized as valid. Expert opinions private clinic may be questioned by members of the military commissariat.

In the practice of military medical examination, radiography is used to determine the degree of flat feet and foot deformity. X-rays of both feet are taken in longitudinal and cross sections (frontal and lateral projections). To obtain objective photographs, it is recommended:

  • take an even vertical posture;
  • do not lean on walls or equipment racks;
  • do not reduce the load on the feet.

After reviewing all the documents, the draft commission makes a decision on the conscript’s fitness category for military service. If the commissariat doubts the correctness of the diagnosis or there are controversial issues, then the young man is sent for additional medical examination. Factors often arise that prevent legal release from the army. A conscript always has the opportunity to appeal an unfair decision of the commissariat.

Often a conscript has every reason to be released from the army. But the military registration and enlistment office is of the opposite opinion. To resolve such disputes, experts in the field of legal assistance to conscripts are brought in. This avoids serious complications and the consequences of flat feet, maintain health.

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