"Sovigripp" (vaccine): reviews from doctors and patients. Description, instructions, contraindications. Composition, release form. Fever after the Sovigripp vaccine

Influenza is a very dangerous and acute infectious pathology that has seasonal manifestations and most often occurs in the autumn and winter periods. The disease itself is caused by a separate type of virus that is spread by airborne droplets.

Being pretty dangerous infection If the flu is not treated in time, it can lead to a number of complications. That is why today there are many means to prevent this disease.

Most effective drug should be considered influenza drugs. Due to their diversity, a comparison will be made against influenza, their characteristics and effectiveness.

What are they?

All vaccines, including influenza vaccines, are divided into two main types: live and inactivated (that is, all viruses are killed). So, live vaccine created from specially weakened and “neutralized” (deprived of their pathogenicity) influenza viruses.

This drug is administered nasally, due to which a specific “protection” called “protection” is formed in the mucous membrane. local immunity" This type of vaccine is considered quite safe.

However, there is still no consensus among experts about this. Many question the effectiveness of the live vaccine. But the inactivated drug consists entirely of “killed” viruses. This product comes in three generations, each of which will be discussed separately.

First generation. They are called whole-virion (non-split) vaccines and are made using a whole, completely inactivated influenza virus. This means that he will never be able to cause illness.

This vaccine is administered either nasally or subcutaneously. In this case, up to 37 and a half degrees and compaction in place up to five centimeters are allowed.

The first generation of flu vaccines includes the following:

  • Gryfor. Russian production, injected into the nose;
  • eluate-centrifuge vaccine (liquid type). Domestic development. Administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly;
  • and Grippovac. Also Russian production. Injected both into the nose and subcutaneously.

Second generation. Refers to split (or split) vaccines. The peculiarity of these drugs is that all parts of the virus containing proteins are removed from them, since adverse reactions It is these particles that cause

Second generation drugs include:

  • Begrivak. German production;
  • . French manufacturer;
  • Fluarix. German production.

In this case, second-generation drugs are administered exclusively subcutaneously. According to statistics, reactions to this vaccine occur in approximately 1% of children and 2% of adults. Sometimes the vaccinator is diagnosed with a fever of up to 38 degrees. But this is quite a rare occurrence.

Third generation. Their name is subunit vaccines. They consist of special surface influenza antigens. The essence of these protein bodies is that they have been “neutralized” by their aggressive nature. As a result, these drugs extremely rarely produce undesirable symptoms.

Third generation vaccines are:

  • Inflexal. Swiss made;
  • Grippol and Grippol plus. Russian manufacturer;
  • Influvac and Influvac-TS. Made in the Netherlands;
  • and Agrippalus. Italian development.

There is an opinion that third generation vaccines weaken the immune system. Therefore, an adjuvant (a substance that enhances the body’s immunizing ability and increases the production of antibodies) is added to some of the listed drugs.

Comparison of flu vaccines: which is better?

The decision to get vaccinated has been made. But the question is: which drug to choose, because there are so many of them now? Let's figure it out.

Influenza or Vaxigrip

Grippol is a subunit adjuvanted influenza vaccine. The drug was developed and produced by the Microgen concern, the leader in the domestic vaccine market. A specific feature of the drug is the content of azoximer bromide (mentioned adjuvant for immunity).

Grippol differs from analogues in the content of antigens reduced by three times (compared to Influvac). At the same time, Grippol occupies a leading position in the Russian market among influenza vaccines (about 60%).

Drug Grippol

Vaxigrip, in turn, is an inactivated split vaccine to combat the same flu. The peculiarity of this remedy is that it can be used simultaneously with other vaccines (but not more than once a day).

Vaxigrip can be used for flu prevention even for 6-month-old babies. In addition, the drug is especially recommended for those who often experience complications after suffering from this pathology. Which of these two vaccines is better?

Reviews about the drug Grippol are mostly positive, although some point to its lack of effectiveness (the same applies to Grippol Plus). Being a domestic vaccine, Grippol is constantly being improved and monitored not only by the Ministry of Health, but also by Rospotrebnadzor.

The drug Vaxigrip

It is worth noting that in terms of their quality and characteristics, many Russian medicines They are in no way inferior to foreign ones, and they are much cheaper. However, Vaxigrip from France is especially popular among imported drugs.

Vaxigrip is purified and free of allergens during the creation process. But it has a high monetary value. His general composition quite similar to Grippol. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves whether it is worth overpaying here. But if you have money, then the best solution there will be Vaxigrip

Vaxigrip or Influvac

The properties and features of Vaxigrip have already been mentioned. But, in addition to it, there is such a drug as Influvac, which is also common today. Which one is better?

The drug Influvac

Influvac. The first thing that catches your eye is the cost of this vaccine. On average, the price of Influvac is 550 rubles, while Vaxigrip can be bought for 400 rubles. Influvac is quite similar to Vaxigrip in its composition and dosage.

Both drugs give the same result. The only difference (besides the price) is side effects. Influvac's list of such drugs is much longer than Vaxigrip's. This means that the latter can be called more preferable for purchase.

Sovigripp or Ultrix

But Ultrix can be used from the age of six. The big advantage of the drug is that it is rare side effects, as a rule, not distinguished by pain.

Ultrix is ​​the best match international standards(among other Russian vaccines). Which is an added bonus in its favor.

Grippol Plus or Sovigripp

The properties of Grippol have already been discussed earlier. What about Grippol Plus? Essentially, it is an improved version of the vaccine and can be used for children from six months of age.

Sovigripp drug

Grippol Plus is considered more highly purified and better tolerated (compared to regular Grippol). At the same time, local and general reactions for this vaccine in most cases are not available.

The price of both drugs is almost identical and is around 200 rubles per pack. Thus, there are no significant differences between them. Here it is worth starting only from the price benefit.

Grippol Plus or Influvac

It is noteworthy that Grippol Plus is produced in two countries: Russia and the Netherlands. And Influvac is exclusively available in Holland. Is there a difference between these vaccines?

There is a difference in price. But it is small: Grippol Plus costs on average 150-250 rubles per dose, and Influvac - 250-350 rubles.

The drug Grippol Plus

Both drugs contain no preservatives, the age of use is the same - from six months. A distinctive point between the drugs is the absence of an immunostimulant in Influvac.

Differences between imported and domestic flu vaccinations

As already mentioned, better cleaning and quality components. But their main disadvantage is the price.

IN Lately One can observe a tendency towards a reduction in the price gap between domestic and foreign influenza vaccines.

Now in Russia these drugs are being actively improved. This means that there may soon be no differences.

Which influenza vaccine is better and safer for children?

Each flu vaccine has its own age of use. It can range from six months to six years. It is extremely important to know the acceptable age before getting vaccinated.

The safest and most suitable vaccines for children are those that have the lowest age restrictions. These include:

  • Grippol Plus;
  • Sovigrip;
  • Vaxigrip;
  • and Influvac.

All of them can be administered to six-month-old babies.

Which vaccination is best for adults?

The most important qualities when choosing a flu vaccine for adults are the presence of immunostimulants, the dose of the virus antigen, and the possibility of use in pregnant women.

The best vaccines for adults are:

  • Grippol Plus;
  • and Sovigripp.

They meet all the listed properties. However, it is best to consult a doctor when choosing a flu vaccine.

Only a specialist will choose the right vaccination for you.

Video on the topic

Dr. Komarovsky about the types of flu vaccines:

The influenza virus has a peculiarity - it changes itself every year, adapting to environment and new vaccines. That is why there is a continuous updating and improvement of drugs for this pathology. And despite possible side effects, total The number of people wanting to get vaccinated against influenza is growing.

Filterable list

Active substance:

Instructions for medical use

SOVIGRIP ® Inactivated subunit influenza vaccine
Instructions for medical use- RU No. LP-001836

date last change: 08.06.2016

Dosage form

Solution for intramuscular injection.


1 dose (0.5 ml) contains:

Vaccine with preservative
– 5 mcg;
– 5 mcg;

Hemagglutinin of influenza B virus

Adjuvant SOVIDON™

– 11 mcg;
– 500 mcg;
Preservative – thiomersal (merthiolate)– (50.0 ± 7.5) μg;
Phosphate buffered saline solution– up to 0.5 ml.
Vaccine without preservative
Hemagglutinin of influenza virus subtype A (H 1 N 1)– 5 mcg;
Hemagglutinin of influenza virus subtype A (H 3 N 2)– 5 mcg;
Hemagglutinin of influenza B virus– 11 mcg;
Adjuvant SOVIDON™– 500 mcg;
Phosphate-buffered saline solution– up to 0.5 ml.
Note. Composition of phosphate-buffered saline solution: sodium chloride, disodium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate, thiomersal (merthiolate) (in the vaccine with a preservative), water for injection.

Description of the dosage form

Colorless or slightly yellowish transparent or slightly opalescent liquid.


The vaccine is a surface glycoprotein (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase), isolated from purified influenza virus virions of types A and B, obtained from virus-containing allantoic fluid of chicken embryos from clinically healthy chickens using chicken erythrocytes or erythrocyte-free technology in the production process, and diluted in phosphate-saline buffer solution, in combination with the adjuvant SOVIDON ™. The drug is available with a preservative - thiomersal (merthiolate), or without a preservative.

The antigenic composition of strains changes annually in accordance with the recommendations of the WHO and the Commission on Influenza Vaccine and Diagnostic Strains of the Russian Ministry of Health.

Pharmacological group

MIBP vaccine.

Pharmacological (immunobiological) properties

The vaccine forms high specific immunity against seasonal influenza.


For active annual preventive immunization against seasonal influenza, a preservative-free vaccine is used in children from 6 months of age, adolescents and adults without age restrictions, and in pregnant women in the 2nd – 3rd trimesters of pregnancy; vaccine with a preservative – for adults over 18 years of age.

The vaccine is especially indicated

1. Persons at high risk of illness and complications from influenza:

  • persons over 60 years of age; children up to school age, schoolchildren;
  • persons who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections;
  • persons suffering from chronic somatic diseases, including diseases and malformations of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, chronic kidney diseases, metabolic diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic anemia, allergic diseases (except allergy to chicken proteins); congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, including infection with the human immunodeficiency virus.
  • pregnant women.

2. Persons who, by the nature of their educational or professional activities, have high risk illness from influenza or infecting others with it:

  • students;
  • medical workers;
  • workers in the social sphere, management, education, services, Catering, transport, trade;
  • military personnel, police.


1. Allergic reactions to chicken protein or other vaccine components.

2. Severe post-vaccination reactions (temperature above 40°C, swelling at the injection site, hyperemia over 8 cm in diameter) or post-vaccination complications (collapse, non-febrile convulsions, anaphylaxis) to the previous administration of influenza vaccine.

3. Pregnancy (when using a vaccine with a preservative).

4. Age up to 18 years (when using a vaccine with a preservative).

5. Age up to 6 months.

Temporary contraindications.

1. Acute febrile conditions, acute infectious and non-communicable diseases, including the period of convalescence. Vaccination is usually carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery.

2. Chronic diseases in the acute stage. Vaccination is carried out during the period of remission. The possibility of vaccination of persons suffering from chronic diseases is determined by the attending physician, based on the patient’s condition.

3. For non-severe forms of acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections vaccination is carried out after the temperature normalizes and/or disappears acute symptoms diseases.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Data from clinical trials of the vaccine on pregnant women have shown that vaccination does not have a negative effect on the fetus, the body of the woman and the child and can be used during pregnancy. Vaccination with this drug can be carried out starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Experience with the use of inactivated influenza vaccines shows that vaccination of women during breastfeeding does not provide toxic effects per child and can be applied.

The final decision on vaccination of pregnant and breastfeeding women should be made individually by the doctor, taking into account the risk of contracting influenza and possible complications influenza infection.

Directions for use and doses

Vaccination is carried out annually in the autumn-winter period. Vaccination is possible at the beginning of an epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza.

For children over 3 years of age, adolescents and adults without age restrictions, the vaccine is administered once intramuscularly into the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder (in the area of ​​the deltoid muscle) in a vaccination dose of 0.5 ml.

For children from 6 months to 3 years, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 4 weeks in the front. outer surface thighs intramuscularly in a vaccination dose of 0.25 ml (1/2 dose) according to the following administration regimens:

1. From an ampoule containing 0.5 ml (1 dose) of the drug, 0.25 ml of the vaccine is taken with a sterile syringe that has the appropriate graduation. The remainder of the vaccine in the ampoule must be discarded immediately.

2. When using a syringe containing 0.5 ml of the drug, it is necessary to remove half of the contents by pressing the syringe plunger to the corresponding mark on the syringe. The remaining amount of vaccine (0.25 ml) is administered to the patient.

The opening of ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The drug cannot be stored in opened ampoules/syringes.

The drug is NOT SUITABLE for use in ampoules/syringes with altered physical properties (color, transparency), damaged integrity and labeling, expired expiration date, violation of storage and/or transportation regimes.

Side effects

The vaccine is a highly purified drug and is well tolerated by those vaccinated. The following reactions may develop:

Very common (> 1/10):

  • local reactions: pain on palpation, induration, swelling and hyperemia of the skin at the injection site;
  • systemic reactions: low-grade fever, malaise, headache, sore and sore throat, slight runny nose.

Often (1/10 – 1/100):

  • systemic reactions: dizziness, myalgia, arthralgia, abdominal pain, increased fatigue.

These local and systemic reactions are transient and disappear after 1-2 days without specific therapy.

Very rarely (< 1/10 000):

  • with high individual sensitivity, allergic reactions may occur: anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria, rash (erythematous, papular), etc.


Cases of overdose have not been established.


The vaccine can be administered against the background basic therapy underlying disease. Vaccination in persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy may be less effective.

The vaccine can be used simultaneously with other inactivated vaccines(except for anti-rabies). In this case, contraindications to each of the vaccines used must be taken into account; the drugs must be administered different areas bodies with different syringes.

Precautionary measures

Do not administer intravenously!

On the day of vaccination, those vaccinated must be examined by a therapist/paramedic with mandatory thermometry. At temperatures above 37°C, vaccination is not carried out.

Vaccination sites must be equipped with anti-shock therapy. The vaccinated person must be under medical supervision within 30 minutes after administration of the drug.

Release form

Solution for intramuscular administration, 0.5 ml (1 dose) in ampoules or single-use syringes with a needle and protective cap.

10 ampoules each with instructions for use and an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard box (pack).

5 ampoules in a blister pack. 2 blister packs each with instructions for use and an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack.

10 ampoules in a blister pack. 1 blister pack with instructions for use and an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard box (pack).

When packaging ampoules that have a break ring or a point for opening, an ampoule scarifier is not included.

1 syringe in a blister pack. 1 blister pack with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature of 2 to 8°C out of the reach of children. Freezing is not allowed.

Transportation conditions.

Transport at temperatures from 2 to 8°C. Freezing is not allowed.

Best before date

1 year. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

For medical institutions (vaccine in ampoules and disposable syringes).

Prescription release (vaccine in disposable syringes).

SOVIGRIP ® Inactivated subunit influenza vaccine - instructions for medical use - RU No.

In the autumn-winter season, doctors recommend performing preventive vaccinations, and the 2019-2020 flu vaccine in Moscow and beyond is no exception. This is a good opportunity to protect your own body from viral infections during a seasonal epidemic. Vaccination against influenza 2019-2020 is carried out free of charge, and the vaccination itself is optional (performed only upon request).

What is a flu vaccine

Preventive vaccinations strengthen and protect the immune system from the pathogenic effects of infection. Vaccines contain bacteria that, after entering the body, enhance the natural protective functions of the immune system and block the pathogenic virus. If harmful microorganisms enter by airborne droplets from an infected person, a vaccinated person will not get sick and will survive the seasonal epidemic. The 2019-2020 flu vaccine helps prevent you from getting sick, or provides a milder course of the characteristic illness.

Why is vaccination necessary?

Free vaccinations reduce the consequences of a characteristic disease, reduce the risk of complications and prevent its active spread pathogenic flora. This is one of the safest methods to protect health during an epidemic and increase the capabilities of the immune system. In relation to a pathogenic pathogen, the peculiarities of the vaccine’s action are as follows: first it paralyzes, then disrupts the integrity of the membranes, preventing further reproduction. There will be no harm to the immune system, and the validity of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine allows you to survive the epidemic.

Types of flu vaccines

Before you buy a flu shot, you need to find out what preventive vaccinations have been developed in modern medicine and choose the most effective and safest option. In addition, the emergence of new strains of influenza forces scientists to continue their development, and clinical trials are being conducted. It can be:

  • live vaccines (containing live viruses);
  • whole virion inactivated (non-living viral forms);
  • cleaved inactivated (dead viral structures).

Separately, it is worth clarifying that using a trivalent vaccine, it is possible to protect immunity against two strains of influenza A - h1n1 and h3n2 - and one strain of influenza B virus. Quadrivalent influenza vaccines act on the same principle, but additionally demonstrate high effectiveness against the influenza B strain When choosing preventive vaccines, you need to consult your doctor.

Flu vaccines for the 2019-2020 season

Since the influenza condition is accompanied by complications, there is an urgent need to use anti-influenza vaccinations in practice. You can decide on such a procedure only on a voluntary basis. In modern pharmacology, the following imported and domestic influenza vaccines have been developed:

  1. Flu. A clear solution represents intramuscular and subcutaneous injection with/without preservative. High dose The drug is injected deep into the deltoid muscle for adults, for children younger age- V outer area hips in front. Dose up to 3 years – 0.25 ml twice with an interval of 4 weeks, from 3 years – 0.5 ml once. An analogue is the drug Grippol Plus.
  2. Influvac. It is administered similarly in the autumn-winter period with strict adherence to the recommended dose of the vaccine. In Moscow, the drug costs from 285 rubles and is available to everyone. The Influvac vaccine is vaccinated once: children under 3 years old - 0.25 ml, patients over 3 years old - 0.5 ml. If children are not vaccinated, it is possible to administer the solution twice.
  3. Sovigrip. This 2019-2020 flu vaccine is formulated with a new strain, h1n1, from the Michigan variant of the disease. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly into the shoulder and is permitted for patients over 18 years of age. After vaccination, it is important for the first time to beware of hypothermia and contact with patients with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

Which strain will prevail in Russia

Free influenza vaccination 2019-2020 – Sovigripp, which can be performed at the clinic at the place of registration or at work if you are officially employed. It is administered intramuscularly, once per season. This anti-influenza drug has been slightly modified since 2013-2014, as it protects the body even from Michigan influenza. You can buy a flu vaccine in Moscow in pharmacies, but the vaccination is free of charge.

Timing of the vaccination campaign

Peak of the epidemic viral diseases falls in the winter, and the months of January and February are especially dangerous for health. So both adults and children need to prepare for this time in advance. To avoid becoming infected with avian swine flu and other modifications of pathogenic flora, the clear solution should enter the body in October - November.

From September 4, 2019 to October 29, 2019, preventive vaccination can be obtained in clinics, mobile points, hospitals and public service centers. These are the validity periods of the 2019-2020 vaccination campaign, which is being rolled out in every city of the Russian Federation. The medicine is effective for pregnant women, and does not harm the intrauterine development of the fetus. Recommended for everyone.

How effective is the flu vaccine?

Preventive vaccination is equally recommended for adults and children. As practice shows, such a procedure is very important for the body; it helps to avoid exacerbation of the flu or reduce its symptoms in the event of an extremely unwanted infection. Some patients, after receiving the vaccine, survive the epidemic season without relapses, while others, instead of the flu, experience classic symptoms of ARVI without complications and with fast recovery. However, everyone clinical case Purely individual.

Contraindications to vaccination

Fulfill intradermal vaccination Not all patients who want it can be treated for the flu. Doctors stipulate medical contraindications, which, if violated, can only aggravate the general state it would seem healthy person. To avoid complications, it is important to consult your doctor and undergo clinical examination for absence inflammatory processes and elevated temperature. Medical contraindications to receive the influenza vaccine are:

  • the presence of an allergic reaction to egg white, antibiotics and preservatives of the selected prophylactic drug against viruses;
  • penchant for allergic reactions and recent stage of relapse with short-term remission;
  • exacerbation of a viral illness or acute stage chronic disease with increased body temperature (during the inflammatory process).

Seasonal incidence of influenza in the autumn-winter period has already become commonplace. Everyone has a risk of contracting a respiratory infection, but there are methods to minimize it. Active immunization against influenza has the most proven effectiveness. It is carried out with various vaccines, for example, doctors may recommend Sovigripp. What viruses does it act against, what does it contain, how is it applied, whether it has restrictions on use and negative consequences - all this is reflected in the instructions.

The Sovigripp vaccine does not contain the viral particles themselves, but individual proteins responsible for producing an immune response - neuraminidase and hemagglutinin. These are surface glycoproteins that are released from the pathogen shell. And purified microbial bodies are obtained by cultivation on chicken embryos. Therefore, Sovigripp is an inactivated subunit influenza vaccine. It looks like a colorless transparent solution without any impurities.

The immunobiological drug is available in a solution for parenteral administration (ampoules or syringe). The vaccine contains hemagglutinins from various types viruses: A(H1N1), A(H3N2), and B. But it is known that the causative agent of influenza has very strong variability - every year diseases are caused by different strains. Therefore, the antigenic composition of the drug is formed immediately before the morbidity season in accordance with WHO recommendations and forecasts of relevant experts.

But in addition to the active ingredient, the vaccine also contains other substances. In the production of the drug, the adjuvant Sovidon is used, which is necessary to enhance the immune response to virus antigens. And the latter are dissolved in a special phosphate-buffered saline, the composition of which is represented by sodium chloride and hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and water. The preservative is a special antiseptic substance merthiolate (or thiomersal). But the vaccine is also available in a form that does not contain it, providing maximum coverage age categories patients.


The effectiveness of the flu vaccine Sovigripp is due to the activation specific immunity against those strains whose antigens are present in the drug. It stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and antibodies. Moreover, the mechanism of the antiviral response is multistage. Antigens are first taken up by macrophages and presented to lymphocytes. The latter transform into T-killer and T-suppressor cells, and also produce cytokines that induce B-lymphocytes to transform into plasma cells. And they, in turn, synthesize specific antibodies (class G immunoglobulins) against influenza viruses.

The adjuvant Sovidon plays a special role in this process. It makes the vaccine much more effective and almost unique. Its polymeric nature causes a wide range of positive effects on the body. In addition to its immunostimulating role, the adjuvant has antioxidant properties, is capable of detoxification and acts as a membrane protector.

The vaccine effectively fulfills its role by stimulating specific immunity against several strains of the influenza virus.


The vaccine is used with for preventive purposes for everyone who wants to prevent the occurrence of influenza during the infection season (autumn-winter). But the development of antiviral immunity is especially important for patients who have a high risk of getting sick or getting complications:

  1. Elderly people, children of preschool and school age, students.
  2. Frequently ill people respiratory diseases.
  3. Suffering from chronic pathology (cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine-metabolic, allergic, anemia, immunodeficiency).
  4. Women during pregnancy.
  5. Medical workers, military personnel and representatives of other social professions.

It is these categories of people who are most susceptible to influenza during the epidemic season. This means that vaccination is the only acceptable method for them to get high degree protection against infection.


An immunobiological drug requires an even more responsible attitude than a conventional medicine, because it contains particles of the virus. And although the vaccine is positioned as a safe method of prevention for patients of various ages, this is only possible if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Before the vaccine is administered, all patients are examined by a specialist with mandatory temperature measurement.

Method of use

The vaccine is used both before the onset of the epidemic season and at its beginning. But it should be remembered that it takes at least 5 days to develop specific immunity. The Sovigrip flu vaccine is given by intramuscular injection into the upper third of the shoulder (along the outer surface). One ampoule or syringe is considered an immunogenic dose.

A vaccine with a preservative is used in patients over 18 years of age, and a solution that does not contain merthiolate can be administered to children from six months of age. After 3 years of age, a single injection of the drug is sufficient. But younger patients need to inject Sovigripp 4 times at half the dosage and not into the shoulder, but into the anterior outer thigh. After vaccination, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor for half an hour.

The injection of an immunobiological drug is carried out according to all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. It must be remembered that the vaccine cannot be administered intravenously. The solution remaining in the ampoule after administration of half the dose is disposed of. If the vaccine has changed its color or lost its transparency, then it is unsuitable for use. You should think similarly about those medications that were stored incorrectly or have expired.

Side effects

The influenza vaccine is a drug that has a high safety profile and is well tolerated by patients. Sovigripp is practically free of toxicity and has extremely low pyrogenicity. But in some cases it is still possible side effects. These include the following reactions:

  • Local (swelling, pain, and redness appear in the injection area).
  • Systemic (general malaise, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose, aching joints).
  • Allergic (urticaria and other rashes, Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis).

Local and general phenomena They are temporary and go away on their own after a couple of days. They do not require any correction. But for severe allergic reactions that occur due to individual intolerance, additional treatment is necessary.

Sovigripp is well tolerated, but after administration some adverse reactions (most often local) are likely.

Pregnancy and lactation

According to studies, the vaccine without merthiolate is safe during pregnancy. She doesn't provide negative influence on the growing fetus (teratogenic or embryotoxic), especially in the second and third trimesters. The components of the drug do not penetrate into breast milk, so breastfeeding women can also be immunized. But each case should be considered by a doctor solely on an individual basis.


Any medicine, including the vaccine, should only be used by persons who do not have grounds for refusal. This is why a preliminary examination by a doctor is needed to identify not only indications for vaccination, but also restrictions (usually in the form of concomitant conditions).


The instructions for use must contain a mention of contraindications for prescribing the vaccine. Sovigripp cannot be administered to patients with the following conditions:

  1. Allergy to chicken protein.
  2. Severe post-vaccination reactions or complications during the previous administration.
  3. Acute illnesses with fever.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic pathology.
  5. Children's age up to 6 months.

A solution with a preservative should not be administered to children under 18 years of age or pregnant women. Acute infectious and inflammatory processes are a temporary contraindication - vaccination can be carried out already 2 weeks after recovery. And persons with chronic diseases are immunized taking into account their general condition.


Vaccination works well with other treatments respiratory infections. But it should be remembered that while taking drugs that suppress the immune system, its effectiveness will be lower. Sovigripp can be used in conjunction with other inactivated vaccines (except rabies). Only you should pay Special attention contraindications for each of them and administered to different parts of the body.

The flu vaccine called Sovigripp is a high-quality immunobiological preparation. It effectively stimulates specific antiviral defense factors that prevent disease. Vaccination with a preservative-free solution is safe for children over 6 months and pregnant women. It is carried out in strict accordance with all requirements and only after a medical examination.

Sovigripp- This vaccine against domestically produced influenza. Given the current trend towards the spread of the influenza virus, vaccination is the most effective way prevention of this disease. Flu is enough dangerous disease, which can not only cause a runny nose and cough, but can also be fatal. This vaccine must be administered annually. Due to the high variability of the virus, the composition of the vaccine is updated every year.

Flu vaccination is included in national calendar preventive vaccinations In Russian federation. It is recommended for use from the age of six months. It is important to note that due to the need for frequent vaccine updates ( once a year), people do not always repeat it, as a result of which immunity to influenza weakens. The vaccine is required primarily for those who spend a lot of time in in public places, teams, often suffers from influenza and viral respiratory diseases ( ARVI).

Sovigripp has a large number of analogues of both domestic and imported production. It is difficult to say which vaccine is preferable, since the composition of the vaccines is always the same and includes the most current strains of the influenza virus. Sovigripp containing preservatives is approved for use from 18 years of age, and without them - from 6 months.

What type of vaccine is the Sovigflu vaccine? How is this vaccine obtained?

Sovigflu vaccine – inactivated ( inanimate) antiviral vaccine. This means that it provides the body with information about the influenza virus due to the inclusion of killed virus particles in its composition. Therefore, the flu vaccine is completely safe and cannot cause you to get the flu. Despite this, there remains a risk of adverse reactions, mainly related to the body's immune response.

Obtaining this vaccine includes several stages. Viruses cannot develop on their own nutrient medium, therefore, to reproduce them, chicken embryos are infected. By centrifugation and filtration, primary purification is carried out and a sufficient amount of influenza viruses is obtained. After this, they are killed using ultraviolet light or chemical solutions ( formaldehyde). Influenza virus antigens are isolated by further purification ( so-called hemagglutinin and neuraminidase), which cause immune reactions and allow the body to acquire protection against the virus. At the last stage, a water-salt solution, preservatives, and excipients are added to the vaccine.

What types of influenza does the sovigripp vaccine protect against?

The Sovigflu vaccine has different composition every vaccination season. This is due to the fact that the World Health Organization ( WHO) based on epidemiological data at the beginning of each autumn-spring season, announces the estimated spectrum of influenza virus strains that will be most active during the season. It is against these strains that vaccination is carried out. Thus, co-influenza protects against precisely those strains of the influenza virus that will be most common during the cold season. Due to the high variability of the influenza virus, it is important to vaccinate with influenza annually in early autumn.

Current composition of soviflu ( for 2018 - 2019) provides protection against three strains of influenza virus, namely A( H1N1), A( H3N2) and B. It is believed that these strains are more common these days than others. After vaccination with Soviflu, the body becomes protected from the listed types of influenza virus, but there are other types of it. In their regard strong immunity does not develop, but it is assumed that after vaccination, influenza caused by any strains of the virus will be milder. The fact is that the body creates cross-immunity, allowing it to react faster even to unfamiliar strains of influenza.

Today, the most dangerous strain of influenza is considered to be codenamed A( H1N1) "Michigan". He was identified in 2015. The peak incidence of this strain occurs in December-January. The Michigan flu is highly contagious ( contagiousness) and a high risk of complications. For prevention purposes, doctors recommend vaccination against this strain of the virus. Thanks to vaccination, the body is able to immediately fight it from the first minutes of exposure. Airways. Otherwise, the immune response begins only on the third day of illness or later.

At what age is vaccination with soviflu administered?

The flu vaccine is most often given to adults starting at age 18. However, it can also be performed in schools for high school students. The advantage of the vaccine is that it weakens the course of the virus and is provided free of charge. The vaccine is practically necessary for those people who spend a lot of time in groups and work in the social sphere.

Influenza vaccination is carried out on the direction of a family doctor in public medical institutions. As a rule, the doctor recommends vaccination for patients at risk. In other cases, the patient can independently contact the doctor to obtain the necessary referral. Vaccination with Soviflu is free of charge, as it is supported by the state.

How is the Sovigflu vaccine administered?

Vaccination with soviflu is carried out in special treatment rooms clinics with paramedical staff. The nurse prepares the vaccine solution by drawing it into a syringe from an ampoule or using a universal dose pre-presented in the syringe. The Sovigflu vaccine is a colorless or slightly yellowish transparent liquid. If the color or transparency changes or the expiration date expires, this vaccine should not be used.

On the day of vaccination, the patient must be examined by a doctor; in addition, body temperature must be measured. At temperatures above 37 degrees, vaccination is postponed. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly, into the outer surface of the thigh or shoulder ( quadriceps femoris or deltoid muscle). Before administering the injection, the nurse wipes the skin with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution. The injection takes a very long time a short time, since a small volume of solution is introduced ( only 0.5 ml), however, the patient may feel painful sensations. The vaccine cannot be administered intravenously.

After receiving the vaccine, it is recommended to stay near a medical facility for about 30 minutes, so that, if necessary, medical staff could provide urgent assistance in the development of allergic reactions. The room where vaccination is carried out is always equipped with anti-shock therapy.

Soviflu vaccination scheme

The standard soviflu vaccination regimen includes one injection in a single dose of 0.5 ml. Preferred time injection - autumn months. For children over three years of age and adults, the injection is given into the shoulder muscle. It is very important to ensure compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, that is, sterility, during vaccination. All syringes, needles and vaccination solutions must be clean and used only once.

For children from 6 months to 3 years, the vaccine is administered twice, dividing the main dose into 2 parts. The vaccine is injected into the outer thigh in an amount of 0.25 ml. The remaining part of the vaccine is disposed of, as it will not last for storage in an open state. After 4 weeks, the second part of the flu vaccine is administered, also equal to 0.25 ml. The need to divide the dose into two parts is explained by the peculiarity of the production of antibodies in children. Children's body produces antibodies more slowly and in smaller quantities.

Is it possible to wet the injection site?

The injection site can be wetted after vaccination with Soviflu. Children and adults are allowed to swim even on the day of vaccination. This ban is valid only for the Mantoux test or the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis. These procedures have specific mechanism development, so contact with water may somewhat damage their results. It does not apply to all other vaccinations. On the contrary, bathing has a positive effect, since cleansing the injection site of dirt will help prevent bacteria from entering the wound.

Can I drink alcohol after vaccination?

Drinking alcohol leads to a temporary weakening of the immune system. As a result of alcohol consumption, the immune response to the vaccine may not be strong enough, meaning the effectiveness of the vaccine is reduced. That is why, after vaccination against the flu, as well as against other infections, doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol for three days. If enough antibodies and “memory cells” are not produced after the vaccine is administered, the likelihood of getting the flu during the season will remain at the same level.

How does Sovigflu interact with other vaccines?

Sovigripp interacts well with other vaccines. Because of high density vaccinations in childhood it can be administered simultaneously with most vaccines included in the national vaccination schedule. An exception concerns rabies vaccination. However, in any case, before combining two different vaccines, you must carefully read the instructions and study the features of their interaction.

If a child or adult suffers from a chronic disease and takes certain medications for this reason, it is also necessary to check their compatibility with the Sovigflu vaccine. In most cases, this vaccine goes well with medicines and is approved for use when chronic diseases without exacerbation.

Storage conditions for the Sovigripp vaccine

The Sovigflu vaccine should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. However, freezing the vaccine to sub-zero temperatures is not permitted. Thus, the patient can ensure that the Soviglu vaccine is refrigerated before use. If this was not observed, the vaccine could lose its immunogenic properties due to the breakdown of antigens.

The Sovigflu vaccine should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees during transportation. Unfortunately, a person undergoing vaccination cannot control the conditions under which the vaccine was delivered to medical institution.

Expiration date of the Sovigripp vaccine

The shelf life of the Sovigripp vaccine is 1 year. This is how long the set of influenza virus antigens included in the vaccine remains relevant. The fact is that the World Health Organization ( WHO) annually updates the composition of influenza vaccines based on incidence data around the world. Therefore, the composition of the vaccine from different years of publication differs. The introduction of an irrelevant vaccine, although it indirectly protects against influenza, does not completely cover exactly those strains that will be distributed during the next season. That is why it is in the patient's best interest to check the expiration date of the vaccine before receiving it.

How quickly does immunity develop after vaccination?

Immunity after the introduction of the Sovigrip vaccine is formed within one to two weeks or even faster. The advantage of the vaccine is that the body has time to prepare antibodies and lymphocytes for infection with the influenza virus. With a common disease, immunity is delayed, since in the first days after infection, when immunity has not yet been formed, the virus multiplies faster than the body destroys it. The speed of immunity formation depends on many factors, and in middle-aged people it forms faster than in children and the elderly.

How long does immunity to influenza last after vaccination?

Immunity from any flu vaccine lasts no more than a year. This is due to the fact that the influenza virus is highly variable. It mutates, changes the composition of antigens on the surface shell, as a result of which the body almost never encounters the same versions of the virus. Thus, immunity from influenza is short-lived and unstable. Because of this, to prepare for influenza virus infection, it is necessary to get vaccinated annually against the most common strains of the virus. For these purposes, the composition of the Sovigrip vaccine is updated before the start of each influenza season.

Side effects of the Sovigripp vaccine

The Sovigflu vaccine is usually well tolerated by patients. Despite this, certain adverse reactions may occur after the vaccine is administered. In most cases, they go away on their own and no action needs to be taken to eliminate them. Despite this, in order to be prepared for various options developments, the patient should be warned about the phenomena that may occur after vaccination.

Allergic reaction to coviflu

An allergy to co-influenza may have various manifestations and develop both quickly and slowly. The greatest danger is anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. These reactions include difficulty breathing, a drop in blood pressure, fainting and demand urgent assistance. They can develop in the first half hour after the vaccine is administered. It is to prevent them and provide the necessary assistance that you should not quickly leave the medical facility immediately after vaccination.

On the other hand, allergic reactions can develop slowly. In this case, they mean the appearance of a reddish rash near the injection site or in distant places. This type of allergy is not life-threatening. To treat it, you can take a tablet of antiallergic drugs ( for example, suprastina). If allergic rashes persist for more than a day, you need to see a doctor.

Prevention of allergic reactions is to study your own body and know the manifestations of allergies. Before vaccination, it is very important to inform your doctor about episodes of allergies, food or drug related. Patients suffering bronchial asthma should be especially careful about allergic reactions after vaccination, as they have an increased chance of developing them.

Fever after the Sovigripp vaccine

Fever after flu vaccination is a fairly common side effect. Its frequency is estimated to be within 10%. Body temperature after vaccination rarely reaches values ​​above 37.5 degrees. This reaction is due to the fact that when it comes into contact with vaccine components, the body behaves similar to being infected with the flu. As a result, specific antibodies are produced, and the centers nervous system specifically raise body temperature. This protective reaction is aimed at fighting infection, since as the body temperature rises, the reproduction of viruses in it slows down. An increase in temperature is a temporary phenomenon that disappears within a day after vaccination. If fever interferes with normal work activity, doctors allow taking medications that reduce fever ( for example paracetamol).

Redness and swelling at the injection site. Pain at the injection site

Local reactions in the area of ​​vaccine administration are very common. Their development mechanism is associated with migration to the injection site of cells responsible for protection against foreign substances. Leukocytes, macrophages and other cells secrete various substances, due to which slight inflammation develops. It manifests itself as redness and pain at the injection site, and swelling. Edema is formed due to the dilation of blood vessels and the release of blood plasma into the soft tissues.

Sometimes a compaction forms at the injection site, which is an infiltrate of cells of the immune system. It resolves on its own over time. As with other adverse reactions, these local phenomena resolve on their own and do not require any protective measures. However, it is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the vaccine injection site, since even a slight violation of the integrity of soft tissue can penetrate dangerous bacteria (primarily staphylococci and streptococci), leading to the formation of pustules ( abscesses).

Cough and runny nose after vaccination

Sometimes patients develop a cough and runny nose after vaccination. After this, people may believe that it was the vaccine that caused these phenomena. In fact, this is excluded, since the flu vaccine does not contain viruses that can cause illness. With the vaccine, previously neutralized viruses are introduced into the body, which cannot spread or multiply in it. That is why coughing and runny nose after vaccination is a coincidence and can be caused by both a cold and flu infection from others. Unfortunately, the latter really cannot be ruled out, since in the medical center where vaccination is carried out there are many people with various infections from which one can become infected by airborne droplets, including influenza.

Dizziness and malaise after vaccination

These adverse reactions are relatively rare. Their frequency does not exceed 1%. Due to possible illness on the day of vaccination, it is best to rest at home and not engage in heavy mental or physical labor. The cause of dizziness and malaise is the immune response to the vaccine. They go away on their own within one day after the injection. Some anti-inflammatory drugs ( ibuprofen, nimesil) or stimulants ( caffeine) can help remove this state at an earlier date.

Prices for the Sovigrip vaccine

The Sovigripp vaccine is provided free of charge as part of state program vaccinations. When contacting a public medical institution, namely a family doctor, he will issue a referral for influenza vaccination using the Sovigripp vaccine or domestically produced analogues. You have to pay for flu vaccination only if the patient wants to be vaccinated using imported vaccines. Also, private medical centers do not provide free vaccination; the cost of their services may vary depending on the region of Russia and other factors.

The cost of the Sovigripp vaccine in various cities of Russia

Do I need a prescription to purchase the Sovigripp vaccine?

The sale of the Sovigripp vaccine in pharmacies is carried out exclusively with a doctor’s prescription. However, in most cases, patients do not need to purchase the vaccine themselves. When visiting a family doctor, they can receive a referral for a free flu vaccine. At the same time, everything necessary medications must be available at the clinic at your place of residence.

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