Causes of stomach cramp after eating. Traditional medicine methods. How do spastic contractions develop?

Abdominal pain is considered one of the most common and unpleasant types of pain. If the pain syndrome continues for a long time, it is necessary to relieve it with the help of symptomatic medications. In most cases, such symptoms do not relate to pathological processes. In such situations, you are allowed to eliminate the manifestations yourself. If there is a suspicion of pathology, the pain is accompanied by various signs, it is recommended to seek medical help. In this case, you cannot stop the symptoms yourself, so as not to blur the clinical picture. It is recommended to wait for the doctor to arrive and undergo an examination under their supervision.

If your stomach hurts with cramps, colic is observed, most likely there is an external irritant. The reason may be poor nutrition, lifestyle and other factors. The main factors causing colic, pain and cramps are:


Attacks of pain can be a consequence of smoking, since smoke can provoke muscle spasms. This is explained by the fact that instead of oxygen, the muscles receive another portion of nicotine and smoke, which has a detrimental effect on the cells. In response, a reaction is observed in the form of a stomach spasm.

Binge eating

Overeating has a negative impact on the entire digestive system. The stomach is not able to cope with large volumes of food that enters it, which manifests itself in the form of colic and spasms.


Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause. Not only strong drinks have a negative impact, but also low-alcohol drinks, such as cocktails, champagne or beer. With various malfunctions in the intestines or stomach, a glass of wine may be enough to provoke cramps.

Carbonated drinks

Daily consumption of carbonated drinks has harmful effects on the gastrointestinal tract. The components included in such products corrode the walls of the organ, which provokes colic and.


Abdominal pain can be a consequence of nervous tension, anxiety, or a stressful situation. As a result of the influence of such factors, the local immunity of the gastrointestinal tract weakens, and disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system are observed. Symptoms such as pain, colic, burning, diarrhea, vomiting and others may be recorded.

Food poisoning


If a dish contains a large amount of pepper, spices, seasonings or salt, increased production of gastric juice occurs, which provokes unpleasant sensations. Combining foods that don't combine well can also lead to pain and cramping.


Treatment with many medications can cause gastrointestinal reactions. This could be Baralgin, Analgin, broad-spectrum antibiotics and others.

Whatever the cause of spasms and colic, therapy must be prescribed by a doctor. This takes into account accompanying symptoms, body characteristics, test results and examination.

Clinical picture

The pathology can be determined taking into account the symptoms that accompany the presence of pain in the abdomen. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms may occur. Against the background of severe pain, dizziness and even fainting occur. Spasms can be dull or acute, depending on the cause of the discomfort and the intensity of the sensations. In some cases, the pain radiates to other parts of the body. In addition, symptoms such as pain may also indicate serous pathologies.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to be examined and, if necessary, begin treatment. There are a number of dangerous signs, if detected, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

Dangerous pathogenesis:

  • the duration of the attack is more than one hour;
  • fainting, strong and unbearable spasms;
  • pale skin;
  • no urination for ten hours;
  • profuse vomiting and difficulty breathing;
  • Availability vaginal bleeding, especially during pregnancy;
  • painful sensations in the scrotum in men;
  • fever, sudden increase in body temperature;
  • blood in vomit and feces.

It is also necessary to call an ambulance if there is difficulty defecating and bloating, accompanied by discomfort in the epigastric region.

Therapeutic measures

It is possible to relieve symptoms on your own only if a person is completely confident in the absence of pathology. In such a situation, you are allowed to drink 200 milliliters of boiled warm water. This promotes muscle relaxation and helps relieve tension. You can take a warm bath, but only if you are not dizzy or weak. Alternatively, use a warm water bottle applied to the stomach area.

You can also remove cramps with the help of Drotaverine and No-Shpa, the effect of which is felt within thirty minutes after use. To accompany spasms, antacid medications are used. Harmful, spicy, fatty and highly salty foods should be removed from the diet. It is strictly forbidden to take anti-inflammatory drugs and Aspirin, as they stimulate an exacerbation of the attack.

Therapy depends on what factor provoked the occurrence of spasms. To avoid complications, it is recommended not to self-medicate, but to entrust the diagnosis and treatment to a competent doctor.

Why do stomach cramps occur? The human stomach is a weakly protected organ that is constantly exposed to aggression. Among the large number of pathological processes in the body, stomach cramps are one of the most frequent and even dangerous ones that affect the human body for a long time.

1 Description of the disease

Spasms differ from many other inflammatory processes primarily in that they are characterized by a very strong disorder in the functioning of the muscles in the stomach area. This leads to an increase in severe pain.

The main target is smooth muscle mass, which plays an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of internal organs. This process is accompanied by a strong pain threshold. In medical terminology, they are referred to as spasmodic pain.

Specific muscle contraction is the main feature of this disease. This causes deformation in the gastrointestinal tract. Damage to these organs is very dangerous and can in some cases cause death. Such an ending is not excluded if the disease is ignored for a long time and not treated.

The gastrointestinal tract is extremely important. They are necessary for proper metabolism and passage of substances. The musculature of these vital organs is arranged in long layers lengthwise and crosswise. Doctors say that it functions autonomously, although it is highly dependent on the neuro-vegetative system.

The process that accompanies spasmodic pain affects the muscle mass of the organs, which leads to metabolic disorders. Violation of proper functioning leads to a strong pain threshold.

2 Reasons for the appearance and development of pathology

Many people experience stomach cramps, the causes of which are still a mystery to specialists. Despite the latest techniques, it has not been possible to determine exactly what causes cramps in the stomach. Moreover, the points of injury or any defects in the area where the spasm occurs have not been identified.

Doctors are building theories about the origin of the disease. And how close they are to the truth, time will tell. Destructive processes harm, first of all, the very important motor function of the body. Stagnation occurs in the digestive system and the passage of substances slows down. This can easily be compared to a multi-kilometer traffic jam in a metropolis. But if the problem in the city is that someone is just standing around and wasting time, which is generally not dangerous, then substances stagnate in the stomach and, without moving, destroy a person’s internal organs.

This disease most often affects adults; the catalyst for the disease can be many factors unknown even to specialists. But it has long been noted that instability nervous system And various disorders on this basis they provoke the appearance of spasms. It’s not for nothing that muscle mass is strongly connected to the nervous system. If a person becomes stressed, sad or depressed, this affects the nervous system and, accordingly, muscle mass.

Stomach cramps, as medical research shows, almost always appear suddenly; patients find out that they are sick when the disease has already taken deep roots. If one strives to avoid nervous disorders, then the appearance of the disease itself can be avoided - doctors are almost sure of this.

Until now, doctors do not have a clear program to combat this pathology. Treatment and prevention occur, as a rule, without a full understanding of the essence of the problem. But it is known for sure that the disease has a character associated with damage to the organic and functional systems.

Organic dysfunction is very common in adults. Appearing at almost all ages, it is more of a concern for middle-aged and elderly people. As the disease grows, it is combined with other dangerous diseases - ulcers and gastritis, which provoke severe pain in the stomach.

Destruction of the body's functionality is more threatening to young people than to older people. As in the first case, stomach pain is a natural sign of this condition. Stomach cramps are functional in nature. Most often, the root cause is a crisis of the nervous system and impaired metabolism.

3 Symptoms of the disease

The disease manifests itself unexpectedly; the main sign of its presence is sharp pain. In particular, they can be of four types:

  1. Pain in the chest area, in the area between the shoulder blades.
  2. Pain that affects the upper limbs and ears, with them “cuts” the lower jaw.
  3. Pain in the chest area that increases with inhalation and exhalation, as pain threshold getting stronger.
  4. Pain during vigorous exercise. Active movements and heavy loads on the body cause pain.

The patient has difficulty or cannot swallow liquid and solid foods at all.

If the patient has a stomach spasm, the symptoms of this disease may not appear from time to time. Their peculiarity is that they occur frequently and are accompanied by severe pain.

Modern medicine also classifies gastrointestinal colic as a similar type of spasm. They affect active organs in the functional part. In turn, colic is divided into two types - the first appendicular and the second rectal. In the first case, the symptoms are determined by prolonged pain in the right side of the abdomen.

In the second case, this is manifested by sharp pain in the abdominal area and a gag reflex. As a rule, colic manifests itself as cramping and very painful. To reduce the pain, doctors recommend pressing firmly on the abdomen.

Colic disrupts normal metabolism, which leads to negative consequences throughout the body: the stomach becomes elongated, long-term constipation torments, and a gray border appears on the gums. Colic is a very big problem for the digestive tract and the entire stomach.

If the situation develops in such a way that severe attacks of pain become more frequent, you should immediately call a specialist or go to see a doctor. Stomach pain will not go away on its own, and delaying the treatment process will worsen the patient’s well-being.

4 Diagnostic methods

To diagnose this, which a doctor can do, a number of actions are performed. First, he will ask the patient standard health questions. Then the doctor will ask you to undress to the waist, lie on the couch with your back down, bend both legs, and palpate your abdomen. So he will roughly determine the pain and degree of damage to the internal organs, and make an approximate diagnosis.

The doctor will then prescribe a series of tests and studies:

  1. Biochemical study of blood from a vein.
  2. Two stool tests, one of which is aimed at detecting the presence of occult blood. Such impurities can only be seen under a microscope.
  3. Endoscopic examination of a number of internal organs.
  4. Radiography.
  5. CT scan.

After this, all test results are sent to the attending physician, who interprets them. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is made and treatment is determined.

5 Treatment methods

How to relieve stomach spasms? The only way defeating the disease is treatment. When it occurs acute symptoms you must call an ambulance immediately.

If the patient experiences this, what should he do? Be careful!

While doctors are looking for ways to solve the problem, no measures should be taken to partially neutralize the pain.

This will distort the clinical situation and lead to medical error.

Treatment depends on the specific disease that led to the onset of the disease. Usually the patient is admitted to the hospital for treatment. In some cases, there is a need for surgical intervention. Rarely, but this also happens.

The treatment methods used in modern medicine are very effective. They are complex, including:

  1. Use of medications. As a rule, we are talking about sedatives. Their purpose is to relieve severe stress, as one of the key causes of spasms and colic.
  2. Antibiotics. Very widely used antibacterial agents in the form of various powders. They help very well with colic in the abdomen and intestines. Medicines based on plant extracts are used. They neutralize salt impurities in the stomach.
  3. The use of a warm enema mixed with mint decoction helps clear the gastrointestinal tract of feces and various gases.
  4. Refusal of food for 12 hours. This method cannot be fully called a diet, but it is better to practice it until the disease stops making itself felt.

6 First aid

Treatment should not be limited to hospital procedures; there are no less effective methods that allow you to solve the problem almost on your own. This is quite possible if the disease is in its early stages.

Although these methods are not much different from outpatient ones. In particular, they recommend:

  1. Drink one or several glasses of clean water, this cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. After 5 minutes, take a hydrochloride tablet or no-spa.
  3. Place a heating pad on the sore area.

Usually such measures are effective, but if within two hours they have not brought any benefit or relieved the pain, you should seek medical help. Before these simple procedures, you need to make sure there is no bleeding. Otherwise, emergency medical care is simply necessary, immediately and urgently.

7 Prevention

As was already said at the beginning, the exact reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon are not fully known. But now people who may be at risk have managed to do so. Therefore, prevention of spasms is possible at an early stage.

To get out of the risk group, it is worth knowing what mistakes people make who are at high risk of getting this disease, the causes of which lie in the behavior of the person himself. These include:

  1. Irregular, poor nutrition. Poor quality and uneven nutrition often leads to illness, because lack of food or unhealthy food harms the gastrointestinal tract, which does not go away without leaving a trace.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol have an extremely negative effect on the internal walls of blood vessels
  3. Stress, depression. People who are struck by the disease often have a very weakened nervous system. Constant mood swings dramatically increase the chance of developing the disease.
  4. Various intoxications. Life in the city, constant absorption of exhaust gases, poisoned environment. As medical statistics show, the disease affects people living in the city. Therefore, city residents are at risk.

To reduce the risk of disease, you must:

  1. Accept healthy food, do not save time and money on food.
  2. Stop using alcohol and tobacco products.
  3. Don't get depressed, learn to control yourself. As psychological difficulties increase, the number of spasms increases.
  4. Spend more time in nature, breathe fresh air.

Stomach spasm is a temporary contraction of smooth muscle.

When it occurs, a person feels severe pain, reminiscent of a squeezing nature.

The sensation of pain can last from a few minutes to 2-3 days.

This is an abnormal condition of the body caused by a number of diseases.

Many of them require immediate treatment. But in order to determine what exactly needs to be treated, it is necessary to identify the causes of this condition.

Stomach spasm - causes

Stomach cramps are a response to external stimuli. Unfortunately, people do not always pay attention to what they eat and what lifestyle they lead. That is why there comes a time when the body signals a person about existing problems. Main reasons, provoking the occurrence of spasm are as follows:

1. Alcohol abuse. Many people believe that spasm can only occur if the drink is strong. But in fact, a weak stomach with gastritis can react even to one glass of wine.

2. Smoking. The smell of tobacco can cause a spasm only because the necessary oxygen is not supplied at the time of smoking. Impurities tobacco smoke may cause negative reaction in all cells.

3. Poisoning. Especially when it comes to acute food poisoning, when the patient vomits. IN in this case the stomach will begin to ache very much, which means a spasm will appear. This happens for two reasons. Even despite intoxication, food must enter the stomach, at least in small quantities. If this does not happen, the stomach begins to shrink. The second reason is vomiting. After the urge to her, the muscles will be very tense. With any movement made by a person, a spasm will appear.

4. Binge eating. The stomach is unable to cope with the amount of food entering it. As a result, it reacts to overload.

5. Spices. Their content in food is large quantities cause a stomach response.

6. Medications. As a rule, this is Analgin or Baralgin.

7. Tension and stress. The body is under strong tension, so it can react to all this by causing pain.

8. Carbonated drinks. Few people know that drinking carbonated drinks causes severe harm to the body. The substances in them strongly corrode the stomach and also provoke cramps.

9. Starvation. This applies to those who often go on diets.

10. Infections.

Treatment for spasm depends on what caused it.

Stomach spasms - diagnosis of possible diseases

Quite often, stomach spasms are a consequence concomitant diseases:

1. Stomach ulcer.

2. Gastritis.

3. Erosion.

4. Irritable bowel syndrome.

In order to understand how they can influence the occurrence of stomach spasms, it is necessary to consider each disease in more detail.

Stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcers can worsen at certain times of the year, which indicates that the disease is chronic. In order to cure an ulcer, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. To get rid of severe pain, a person is forced to take medications.

The development of the disease is influenced by an imbalance of protective and harmful factors in the functioning of the stomach. This leads to deterioration of the condition and the occurrence of spasms.

An ulcer may open because one of the parents has already had it. But the disease itself cannot be inherited; only the functions of the stomach are transmitted.

The patient feels severe pain in the upper abdomen. Periodically, it moves to other areas. Against this background, nausea, belching, and vomiting occur.


With gastritis, the lining of the stomach wall becomes inflamed. This leads to an imbalance of work, which means that food is not absorbed well. If a patient has gastritis, he will experience the following symptoms:


Stomach spasm;

Weight loss;

Treatment for gastritis begins only after a complete examination, as well as after determining the stage inflammatory process. The doctor you should contact for this condition is a gastroenterologist and nutritionist.


A stomach ulcer is chronic illness. The longer it is not treated, the greater the formation of ulcerative defects on the gastric mucosa. The ulcer is characterized by periodic relapses. It mainly affects men aged 20 to 50 years.

Constant worries and stress lead to disruption of the nervous system. This leads to spasms of the stomach muscles, which in turn has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane. This is where ulcers begin to appear.

The main symptom of an ulcer is severe pain. If the patient does not consult a specialist in time, then such pain can be endured endlessly.

Irritable bowel syndrome

When there is no infectious or immune inflammation in the stomach, when it is not inhabited by helminths, but it is often bothered by upset stools, this is a condition of irritable bowel syndrome. If you donate blood and feces for testing, there will be no change in them.

More often, people with stress and anxiety suffer from the syndrome. Moreover, this is a vicious circle - emotions influence irritation, and it drives him into a new depression.

The syndrome negatively affects the functioning of the stomach, hence the cramps. Treatment of the disease mainly consists of diet.

Stomach spasms - treatment

Despite the fact that doctors have not yet come to a consensus on why stomach spasms occur, there are still certain therapeutic measures in medical practice. They are aimed at alleviating the condition of their patient.

The first thing you need to do is conduct a thorough diagnosis. This will allow us to identify the cause of the disease, as well as establish the fact of concomitant diseases. If the cause can be found, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment. It can last for many months and sometimes years.

In order to reduce pain in the patient, he is prescribed antispasmodic drugs - No-shpa, Almagel.

If an ulcer or gastritis is detected, complex treatment is carried out, including proton pump inhibitors. If the diseases are associated with infection, then eradication therapy is prescribed.

It takes a lot of time to treat erosion, and A complex approach. We need to find out the reason for its occurrence.

The patient should be prescribed diet therapy.

The following foods are completely excluded from the diet:

Fresh bread;

Seasonings, spices;

Rough food;

Smoked dishes;

Coffee and strong tea;

Too cold and hot food.

You need to adhere to this diet for 90 days, from the day the patient began to feel well. You need to eat 5-7 times a day. Before going to bed, drink warm milk, but with low fat content.

Traditional medicine methods

If a stomach spasm occurs, you can provide first aid with folk remedies. Drink more warm liquids, apply a heating pad to the sore spot. In folk medicine, there are many ways to get rid of stomach spasms. Below are some of them.

Therapeutic baths

If you are constantly tormented by cramps, pine baths will come to the rescue. They relax and calm. The duration of the bath is up to 20 minutes. In this case, the water temperature must be at least 35 degrees.


You need to choose several types of exercise for yourself. They should be aimed at inhibiting gastric motility. Every day you need to devote a little time to them - 5-10 minutes.


Take half of the star anise. Boil water and pour 1 cup of anise. The resulting decoction should be drunk completely while it is warm.

Medicinal tincture

To prepare it you need to do the following:

1. Take three stars and grind thoroughly.

2. Pour the resulting mixture with 300 milliliters of vodka.

Take two tablespoons of wengel seeds and two tablespoons of cumin, chop well and add to the solution.

3. Infuse for 7 days.

4. After this, you need to take 15 grams orally, but only at the moment of spasm.

5. The drug must be taken with water.

Rice congee

1. Prepare congee.

2. Pre-dry the ginger root and add it to the decoction.

3. It is important to maintain the proportions - for one glass of broth, take one pinch of ginger.

4. After the medicine is ready, drink it immediately.

Tangerine peels

1. After eating tangerines, do not throw away the peels, but dry them.

2. Take 20 grams of dried ginger roots and 40 grams of tangerine peels.

3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and chop them.

4. Place one tablespoon mixture in a cup and pour one glass of boiling water over it. Cover and let sit for 10 minutes.

5. If a spasm occurs, drink immediately this remedy.

Medicinal mixture

To prepare the mixture follow the instructions:

1. Take two tablespoons medicinal dandelion and thyme. One tbsp. a spoonful of bitter wormwood and fragrant rue. Mix everything.

2. You need to add 3 s to the mixture. spoons common viburnum and dogwood.

3. Calve 3 tbsp. Place the spoons in a separate bowl and pour in 1 liter of boiling water.

4. The decoction should be drunk every day, 30 grams.

Based on the same herbal collection, prepare an alcohol tincture:

1. Separate 3 tablespoons of herbs.

2. Take a dark colored cup and add herbs to it.

3. Pour 500 ml of alcohol.

4. Allow the product to brew for 7 days.

5. Drink 25 drops of the tincture every day for two weeks.

Stomach spasms - prevention

Quite often a spasm takes you by surprise and a person simply does not know what to do about it. Especially if you don’t have any pills on hand and it’s a long walk to the hospital. But you can try to remove it yourself. To do this, you need to quickly stand on tiptoes and lower yourself. Repeat this several times. If a spasm develops in the arms and hands, it is recommended to get a massage. Also turn on warm water and place your hands under it. Thanks to this, blood circulation in the extremities will increase.

The main prevention for stomach cramps is, of course, proper attention to yourself and your body. Watch what you eat. There is no need to go to extremes if you feel healthy and vigorous. After all, abuse of bad habits, carbonated drinks, and fatty foods will sooner or later lead to stomach problems. In order for your body to be healthy, you need to provide it with healthy and proper food, without impurities.

Carefully monitor your nervous system, do not take medications unless absolutely necessary. Try to remain emotionally calm. After all, all systems in our body are interconnected. And if something starts to bother one, it will definitely affect the other.

If you follow these simple rules, then you can easily protect yourself from stomach problems. And most importantly, do not neglect a medical examination, even as a preventive measure.

Stomach cramps are a symptom of functional dyspeptic disorders or pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, which is characterized by spasmodic contractions of the smooth muscles of the stomach, and is accompanied by pain in the epigastric region (under the xiphoid process of the sternum), sometimes with nausea, vomiting, belching, and bloating.


What are the main causes of this condition of the body?

The etiology of stomach cramps can be classified into two categories:

  • functional disorders without objective signs of damage to the gastrointestinal tract,
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (acute or chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pyloroduodenitis, erosive lesions of the stomach).

After consulting a doctor and prescribing a certain range of diagnostic measures, if anatomical and histochemical defects of the stomach are not detected, it is worth thinking about a disease called functional dyspepsia.

As already mentioned, this pathology is not confirmed by data additional methods diagnosis, but the clinical picture is no different from confirmed pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are quite a lot of reasons for the occurrence of functional spasms, and to avoid their development, you need to get acquainted with them and know them by sight:

The main role in the development of functional spasms of the gastrointestinal tract is played by the state of the nervous system and psyche, diet and bad habits.

Pathogenesis of stomach cramps

Functional stomach spasm most often occurs in young people under 40 years of age, which is associated with poor diet and frequent stress. Such spasms are caused by an imbalance of the visceral nervous system (decreased threshold excitability) and hypertonicity of the vagus nerve. In this regard, discoordination of the motor activity of the smooth muscles of the stomach occurs, which is why the patient feels pain and cramps.

Gastrospasm can occur in several ways: total, partial, limited. With total spasms, the entire stomach is spasmed; this option is the most unfavorable and indicates a possible organic chronic pathology of the stomach. Partial contraction is often reflexive in nature and is a sign of functional dyspepsia. A limited spasm can be either reflexive in nature or be a consequence of previous stomach diseases - a scar after a peptic ulcer, tuberculous granuloma of the stomach.

Symptoms of stomach cramps

Stomach spasms are characterized by increasing pain in the epigastric region (upper abdomen), which may result in nausea, vomiting, deterioration in general condition, and chills. In some cases, local tension in the abdominal muscles is determined, the patient can take a forced position of the body - on the side, knees brought to the head. A classic spasm occurs on an “empty” stomach, but if after eating, then most likely the reason is epigastric pain is pathological lesion gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pylorospasm, acute pancreatitis).

The connection between spasms and gastrointestinal diseases

Spasms in the stomach can masquerade as many pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you need to know what to differentiate it from:

The main cause of pylorospasm is neuroses and psycho-emotional stress. Painful sensations occur 15-30 minutes after eating and are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. After emptying the stomach, the pain gradually subsides.

Gastric ulcers are characterized by the onset of pain half an hour after eating, and are rarely accompanied by nausea and vomiting. After 1-1.5, as the food is digested, the pain disappears. Peptic ulcer disease is not characterized by “fasting” pain.

With duodenal ulcer, spasms occur 1.5-2 hours after eating, often more intense than with functional dyspepsia. Peptic ulcer disease of any localization is characterized by seasonal exacerbation - the autumn-spring period.

With pancreatitis, pain appears immediately after eating, is localized in the left hypochondrium, and sometimes affects the right hypochondrium, which is called girdling pain.

Stomach cramps may bother people with irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, spasms occur 1 hour after eating, pain is accompanied by flatulence, tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, and upset bowel movements - diarrhea. After bowel movement the pain goes away.

Inflammation and dyskinesia of the gallbladder are also characterized by the occurrence of gastric spasms, but the pain occurs after eating spicy, fatty foods, and is localized in the right hypochondrium.

With gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the stomach, duodenum), spasms appear 1-1.5 hours after eating, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fullness. Localization of pain - umbilical region, epigastrium.

In acute food poisoning, in addition to the characteristic spasmodic stomach pain, symptoms such as chills, increased body temperature, paroxysmal pain in the intestines, diarrhea, stool may contain impurities of mucus, pus, and streaks of blood.


If signs of stomach cramps appear, consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary. Based on qualitatively collected complaints, life history, palpation and percussion of the abdominal organs, the doctor can determine the nature of the disorder - functional dyspepsia or a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. If organic pathology is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a certain range of additional studies:

Among the laboratory research methods, the following are mandatory:


In each specific case, treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the nature of the spasms in the stomach. At organic damage of the gastrointestinal tract, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is recommended in order to prescribe optimal, highly effective etiotropic treatment (treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of cramps in the stomach, and not at the symptoms). In case of functional dyspepsia you need to install possible factor, which provoked the spasmodic syndrome, and try to eliminate it.

Any treatment must begin with a diet, especially if we are dealing with damage to the stomach.

What are the basic principles of diet therapy for spasms?

To eliminate stomach pain during stomach cramps, antispasmodics are used:

  • Drotaverine (No-Shpa);
  • Spazmalgon (Baralgin);
  • Papaverine;
  • Gangleron.

For psychoemotional etiology of spasms, it is recommended to prescribe sedatives, antidepressants.

Homeopathy and physiotherapy (reflexotherapy) have recently become widely used for stomach cramps. The most effective among homeopathic medicines are Comfrey, Quassia bitters, Alexandria leaf, thallium metal, Strontium carbonate.

Important! Homeopathy should not be the main method of treatment, as it can eliminate symptoms, but not the underlying causes of the disease.

Traditional treatment for stomach cramps

Folk remedies are quite popular nowadays, but their effectiveness has been proven only for functional dyspepsia.

In order to eliminate pain, it is recommended to brew the following mixture of medicinal plants: chamomile 2 tbsp. spoons, nettle 1.5 tbsp. spoons, St. John's wort 2 tbsp. spoons. Brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 1 hour. Afterwards we filter and immediately drink 1 glass of infusion. We divide the rest into 3-4 doses during the day.

To eliminate stomach cramps and improve your psycho-emotional state, you can add mint to regular tea. Add 1 tablespoon of dry mint to 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then dilute throughout the day mint decoction with tea.

A collection of chamomile and immortelle has a wider spectrum of action, but not only eliminates pain, but is also able to relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The collection consists of 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 1.5 tablespoons of immortelle. Infuse it in 250 ml of boiling water for half an hour. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment is 3-3.5 weeks.

Cannot be considered as separate disease, this is rather one of the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. Colic is manifested by attacks of severe cramping pain caused by spasm of the large or small intestine. This condition can be caused by a number of reasons, which only an experienced specialist can find out. Therefore, the appearance of colic is serious reason to seek medical help and conduct a full examination. Let's consider the possible causes that provoke this condition, the main symptoms and methods of treating the pathology.

Under the guise of intestinal colic, very serious pathologies abdominal cavity, which may require surgical intervention. That is why such a symptom should make the doctor wary and be able to quickly navigate in determining the causes of the disease process. Intestinal colic is often associated with such a concept as “acute abdomen”; they can indicate both functional disorders of the intestine and its deep organic lesions.

This type of intestinal syndrome is characterized by mixed symptoms, when colic, in addition to pain, is accompanied by indigestion (diarrhea) and manifestations of respiratory tract infection (cough, runny nose, pain and redness in the throat). Pain in the muscles of the abdominal wall can be quite severe and intensify with movement, which can lead to diagnostic errors. In such cases, consultation with a surgeon is necessary.

  • The cause of intestinal colic can be a violation of its motility, stretching of intestinal loops, accumulation of feces, or a mechanical obstruction (tumor, adhesions). An unpleasant condition can occur due to heavy lifting and excessive physical activity.

There are many factors that cause intestinal colic; only a specialist can understand the causes unpleasant symptom and identify measures that can eliminate pain and alleviate the patient’s condition. What are the main symptoms accompanying intestinal colic?


The most striking signs of intestinal colic in adults are:

Acute intestinal obstruction can begin with intestinal colic. In this case, severe cramping and excruciating pain occurs throughout the abdomen, and vomiting occurs. Subsequently, gas and stool retention occurs, abdominal bloating and a sharp decrease in pressure are noted. The patient may fall into prostration, he may experience pallor, lethargy, and cold sweat. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

When similar symptoms It is important not to self-medicate, but to call emergency medical help in a timely manner. This will help you receive adequate and correct treatment.

How to relieve intestinal colic at home?

Since colic can be caused for various reasons, then before the doctor arrives, you should under no circumstances give an enema or apply a heating pad to your stomach. These actions can blur the clinical picture, complicate the diagnosis and complicate the patient’s condition in cases where there is suspicion of intestinal obstruction or development of appendicitis.

If, after a medical examination, it turns out that the patient has simple intestinal colic, you can consult a doctor and receive his permission to take the following actions:

  • If the attack is caused by a stressful situation, you should take sedatives.
  • Drink No-shpa (2 tablets) with mint decoction or take a packet of Smecta, dissolving it in 100 ml of water.
  • Attach to groin area a heating pad with warm water. This will help relax the muscles and eliminate spasms.
  • After this you can do cleansing enema with a decoction of mint or lemon balm. Usually, after the intestines are freed from gases and feces, the pain subsides.
  • A decoction of chamomile or immortelle will help relieve intestinal colic.
  • You can introduce rectal suppositories with belladonna extract or take one or two tablets of Besalol, Bellalgin, Becarbon.

After medical procedures The patient must refuse food for 12 hours; you can drink unsweetened warm tea with crackers. In the following days, you should refrain from eating foods that cause excessive gas formation.

Diagnosis and treatment of colic in adults

Intestinal colic can be caused by many reasons, so you cannot do without qualified medical care. An experienced doctor will be able to find out the real reason causing this condition and prescribe adequate treatment. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

Initially, the doctor collects medical history data. It is important to identify whether there have been or are currently diseases such as cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, cholelithiasis. The information about the place of work is clarified, and it is determined whether the patient works in hazardous industries or has contact with lead or its vapors. The doctor must take into account family history, whether any of your close relatives have had intestinal infections, diseases of the digestive system or urinary system.

The patient's complaints about the nature of the pain, their location and accompanying symptoms are listened to most carefully.

  • General and biochemical blood test
  • Analysis of urine
  • Fecal occult blood test
  • Coprogram
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Will allow you to identify the disease that causes intestinal colic.
  • . Using a special device - an endoscope, a visual examination of the rectum and part of the sigmoid colon is carried out. This will help identify damage or ulcers to the intestinal wall and detect fecal stones that obstruct the passage of intestinal contents.
  • . It allows you to visually examine almost the entire intestine and identify any pathological changes.
  • . The study is carried out if a tumor or damage to the intestines and internal organs is suspected.

If necessary, the patient is sent for additional consultation with a urologist, gastroenterologist or surgeon.

Further therapy will depend on the cause of intestinal colic. If these are diseases of internal organs such as cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, cholelithiasis or urolithiasis, stenosis (narrowing) of the urinary tract, hepatitis, tumors, then the diseases themselves must be treated first.

To relieve the patient from excruciating pain, antispasmodics (Drotaverine, Becarbon, Notensil) are used. As first aid, the doctor may prescribe injections of Atropine, Papaverine or Diphenhydramine. After eliminating the pain syndrome, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor, since for subsequent therapy it is important how the patient will feel after colic. If it turns out that the cause of this condition is errors in nutrition, then after stool and passing gas, the colic goes away and the patient feels significant relief.

Causes of intestinal colic such as toxic infection or intestinal infection require serious treatment measures. A course of antibiotics (Gentamicin, Levomycetin) and intestinal antiseptics (Biseptol, Furozalidone) is prescribed. In severe cases, intravenous infusion of glucose, saline solutions, vitamins, and blood plasma is used.

Intestinal colic that occurs with influenza and acute respiratory infections is treated with antispasmodics, activated charcoal and vitamins. For vascular colic caused by insufficient blood flow to the vessels of the abdominal organs, treatment consists of taking drugs that improve the patency of the arteries.

Treatment of colic in adults with folk remedies
Diet and proper nutrition for intestinal colic

Proper nutrition for intestinal colic involves avoiding fatty, fried foods, spicy, salty, pickled and smoked foods. It is not recommended to consume seasonings, canned food, carbonated drinks, baked goods, sweets, and products made from yeast dough. You should minimize the consumption of meat dishes, giving preference to lean fish, cereals, vegetable dishes. It is useful to drink fresh juices from carrots and spinach on an empty stomach, and eat fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition should be complete and balanced. Eat foods rich in fiber and vitamins (fruits, raw and boiled vegetables, grated carrots, apples, pumpkin). Drink fermented milk drinks herbal teas. Eliminate legumes and vegetables with coarse fiber from your diet, which cause increased gas formation in the intestines (cabbage, radishes, radishes, corn, turnips).

Lead a healthy lifestyle, move more, give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol). When preparing food, observe the necessary sanitary standards. Don't overeat, eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

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