Staphylococcus eye treatment with antibiotics. Staphylococcus in the eyes: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, consultation with a doctor and treatment. Causes of staphylococcal diseases

One of the most serious eye infections is staphylococcus in the eyes. The disease is accompanied by burning, photophobia, the appearance of pus and the formation of crusts on the eyelids. The condition is dangerous due to complications in the form of clouding of the cornea, phlegmon of the eye structures, and sepsis. Therefore, it is recommended that at the first symptoms you consult a doctor who will conduct a diagnosis, prescribe antibiotic therapy and give preventive recommendations.

Why does pathology occur?

Pathogenic microorganisms are considered to be Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis - a species that affects the skin. Once in the organs of vision, the bacterium multiplies and releases endotoxin. The main causes of staphylococcal eye infections are the following factors:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • touching eyes with contaminated hands;
  • decreased immunity;
  • contact with a person sick with Staphylococcus aureus;
  • using contaminated items that have not been disinfected - combs, razors, towels, dishes;
  • eye injuries;
  • incorrectly rendered first aid when hit foreign body into the organ of vision;
  • use of non-sterile instruments in beauty salons;
  • uncontrolled and long-term use of antibiotics.

The appearance of staphylococcus in a child is provoked by the following reasons:

Against the background of late toxicosis in the mother, the baby can become infected with this bacterium in utero.

  • late maternal toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • prematurity;
  • complications during pregnancy;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • weak immunity;
  • unsanitary living conditions.

Symptoms: how to recognize the disease?

Epidermal and Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the eyelids;
  • pain in the eyes in bright light;
  • burning;
  • itching in the corners of the eyes;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • formation of dry crusts and sticking after sleep;
  • dry eyes;
  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • general deterioration of condition.

What are the complications?

If you do not treat staphylococcus in your eyes, the following consequences occur:

An advanced infection can lead to the development of phlegmon.
  • Cloudiness of the cornea. The pathology is dangerous due to the appearance of ulcers on the cornea or cataracts. The condition leads to glaucoma and vision loss.
  • Phlegmon of the eye. It is characterized by an inflammatory process involving the fatty tissue around the eye. A serious illness is dangerous due to the spread of infection to the brain and the formation of an abscess. The most serious consequences is panophthalmitis, which threatens not only the loss of vision, but also the eye as an organ.
  • Sepsis. Endotoxins secreted by staphylococcus can provoke septic shock, which threatens life. Microorganisms can also penetrate the brain, causing meningitis, or spread through the blood and lymph throughout the body, forming foci of infection in the liver, kidneys, and lungs. IN severe cases this can be fatal.

Diagnostic measures

Symptoms of the disease often go away quickly, but this means that the person has become a carrier of the bacteria.

After an external examination of the patient’s organs of vision, the doctor may prescribe him biochemical analysis blood.

An ophthalmologist can determine staphylococcus in the eyes. The doctor performs an external examination, studies the anamnesis for the etiology of the disease and prescribes diagnostic methods, such as:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • bacteriological examination of purulent discharge from the eyes.

How is the treatment carried out?

Drug therapy

Infectious eye diseases require special attention, so I decided to cover this topic in more detail. Any bacterial lesions eyes are fraught with the spread of infection to other parts eyeball, century, lacrimal glands etc. Therefore, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner in order to avoid negative consequences, and which ones exactly - read further in the article.

Staphylococcus in the eyes - symptoms, causes, prevention.

When staphylococcus gets into the eye, symptoms of inflammation begin to develop - redness, burning, itching in the eye; in the morning, purulent crusts collect in the corners of the eyes and between the eyelashes. General state or does not suffer at all, or there is increased fatigue, headaches and a slightly elevated temperature.

You can get a staphylococcal infection into the eye with unwashed hands, when using lenses, or if you do not adhere to the rules of hygiene. Often a staphylococcal infection enters the eye along with foreign bodies (scale, sand).

Prevention of eye infection with staphylococcus is simple - personal hygiene measures. Unwashed hands should be kept as far away from the eyes as possible. When using soft lenses, strictly adhere to the rules of use and storage. If sand or small particles get into your eyes, rinse them immediately, for example, with plenty of warm water. Then you need to drip disinfectant drops for the eyes - albucid, chloramphenicol drops.

Video: Is staphylococcus found in the nose dangerous? Dr. Komarovsky will list what diseases staphylococcus causes. Be the first to see new releases and

Staphylococcus in the eyes treatment.

There is endless debate about how effective folk remedies are for treating staphylococcus in the eyes. They are suitable for some, while others prefer to be treated with pharmaceuticals. Therefore, I decided to talk about these and other means, and I leave the choice up to you.

1. A potent remedy against staphylococcus areleomycin eye drops . They are convenient because they have dosages for both children and adults.

2.Tetracycline ointment. Placed behind the lower eyelid according to the instructions and also treats staphylococcal infections well.

3.Rinse the eyes. For rinsing, decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula, and tea leaves are used. The more often you wash, the it will pass faster infection. Just do not overdo it, so as not to cause harm; the number of washes should not exceed 4-6 per day.

4.Eye baths. Eye baths are made with the same medicinal solutions that are used to wash the eyes.

5. Aloe juice.Use aloe juice diluted with water (1:4).

The effect of treatment against staphylococcus in the eyes will be greatly enhanced if several methods are used together.

Interesting fact.

Staphylococci are pathogenic bacteria, disease-causing skin, mucous membranes and intestines. These bacteria do not exist alone, butsmall colonies in the form of grapesbunches. Staphylococcus aureus is especially resistant to disinfectants, disease-causing, difficult to treat.

Dr. Komarovsky explains what staphylococcus is video:

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Staphylococcus in the eye

Asked by: Galina Bulukhto

Female gender

Age: 58

Chronic diseases: not specified

The eyes have been slightly red for a long time, swollen, a clear sticky liquid is released, it can flow like a tear, there is no note of pus. The doctor says that the mucous membrane under the eyelid is swollen. She prescribed me Tobrodex, Dexamethasone, Ciprolet, something else, I don’t remember, but all at once, and one by one different time. The medicine seemed to help, but then it all started all over again. Now I couldn’t stand it anymore, Tobrodex and dexamethasone were no longer helping, so I insisted that some kind of culture be done. Today I received the results: right. To the eye - a single growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis, in the left. - poor growth. Sensitive, among other drugs, to ciproflaxin. The doctor prescribed Ciprolet. Now I’m thinking, partial and meager growth of staphylococcus could be the reason for this condition of my eyes? If so, can staph be transmitted through eye mascara? That is, say goodbye to cosmetics during the treatment period?

35 replies

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Hello! A single growth is unlikely to produce such clinical manifestations. If you do a culture, then for mycoplasmas, chlamydia, herpes, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus - these pathogens more often cause chronic infectious inflammation of the mucous membrane. If it is not possible to take such a culture, then instead of Tsiprolet it is better to drip Vigamox or Oftaquix 4 times a day and Opatanol 2 times a day for 10 days. On a regular basis, you need to use moisturizing drops 2-3 times a day (Hilamax, Optiv, Systane Ultra), and Vitapos ointment at night. When instilling several drugs, a gap of at least 15 minutes must be maintained between them, while moisturizing drops, as well as gel and ointment forms, are dripped last. After the course of recommended therapy, evaluate the condition of your eye; if complaints persist, see a doctor.

Galina Bulukhto 2014-04-13 12:04

Hello, Kristina Arturovna! Thank you for your answer, to be honest, I wasn’t completely sure that I would receive it. Let me describe your situation in more detail, maybe this will allow you to get a more complete picture of my illness.
I really need your advice, since I live in a small town with a population of 12 thousand people, we have one hospital and one ophthalmologist for the entire area.
Eye problems started back in 2011. The symptoms are not pronounced: slight redness of the sclera, slight swelling and the release of a viscous clear liquid. The diagnosis was then made of conjunctivitis, and a little later - blepharoconjunctivitis. During my visits to the hospital, I was prescribed levomecitin, poludanum, ophthalmoferon, dilof, tobrodex, dexamethasone, ciprolet (that’s what I remember), valocardine for treating the edges of the eyelids, hydrocartisone ointment, which only made me feel worse. Medicines helped for a while, then everything started all over again. In 2011, I donated blood for toxocariasis (they say it comes from cats, I have a cat at home), the result was negative. In 2012, they gave me a referral to a republican hospital (100 km from us). There they took several cilia for analysis and diagnosed demodex. They prescribed some gels, I was treated, and it also seemed to get better. There I donated blood for chlamydia, the result was sent by mail, I showed it to my doctor, and she said the result was negative. I don’t understand the terms well, but I’ll try to depict what is said in the sent result: Chl trachomatis - IgA negative, Chl trachomatis - IgG negative. When, after some time, I had to go to my hospital again, I was diagnosed with chronic blepharoconjunctivitis. I tell the doctor, maybe I haven’t completed the treatment for demodex? She began to convince me that I did not have obvious signs of demodex - red eyelids and scales, and that almost everyone had mites. But when she looks into my eyes on her device, pulling back the eyelid, she always says that there is terribly swollen mucous membrane inside my eyes, her expression: potholes and potholes. He says it looks like an allergy, I have already taken Suprastin and some other pills several times, did not use cosmetics, but the situation repeated itself.
In the fall, doctors from the Republican Eye Clinic came to our city, checked for glaucoma, cataracts (negative), also said about swelling of the mucous membrane and prescribed opatanol. But he didn't help me at all. I’m already tired of the uncertainty, so I recently did a bacterial culture. I was already happy (although what’s there to be happy about?), at least they found something, but now I myself doubt that single and meager staphylococci are the cause of the condition of my eyes. I’ve been using Ciprolet drops for four days now, and there’s no effect yet. By the way, the culture test says that the staphylococcus found in me is sensitive to oxacillin, gentamicin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, lincomycin, vancomycin.
Let me also add that I have been diagnosed with vasomotor rhinosinusopathy with allergic component(I start sneezing and blowing my nose when there is a sudden change in temperature, for example, if I eat ice cream in the heat or walk barefoot on a cold floor from a warm bed). My sinusitis usually happens in the fall and spring.
There is no allergist in the area and never has been. In the central republican hospital, as far as I know, there is only one doctor, getting to him is also not easy, and you can’t travel 100 km away. That's probably all I wanted to add. In connection with the above, I want to ask specifically

1) is your advice given in the first answer still valid?
2) whether cosmetics become infected with mites, staphylococcus, etc. Causative agents of eye diseases?
Kristina Arturovna, I will be very grateful to you for your answer, understand, I just don’t know what to do anymore. Thank you!

Undertreated demodex may well support chronic inflammation century He is treated for at least 45 days with the drug Demalan (treat the ciliary edge and skin of the eyelids 2 times a day with this ointment, first wash with soap and treat the designated areas with calendula tincture 2 times with an interval of 15 minutes). Vigamox can be instilled in parallel. Tear substitutes are also definitely needed (they are always dripped last) to create a protective film on the surface of the eye. Cosmetics and any items that come into contact with the eyes (glasses, pillowcases, towels) become infected with demodicosis and with any other infection, which poses a risk of infecting other people and re-infecting yourself after recovery. In my opinion, you also need to undergo the above tests to identify a possible chronic infection

Galina Bulukhto 2014-04-16 07:39

Hello! Thank you for your attention to my problem. I clarified a lot for myself, read some things on the Internet, but questions remained. I will number them directly so as not to lump them together.
1. In our town they do not test for mycoplasma, chladydia, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, or test for demodex. Should I insist that my doctor give me a referral to a republican clinic (to go there, you need to spend a whole day and a lot of money on travel) or (excuse me) immediately buy Demalan, Vagamox and a tear substitute?
2. I still have Blefarogel-2 left over from my previous treatment; the expiration date is until November 2014. Is it possible to use it somehow?
3. I spend a lot of time near the computer, I even watch television via the Internet. Could this somehow lead to the eye condition that I have?
4. I realized that pathogens eye diseases transmitted through a towel, pillowcase and even glasses. I know what to do with a towel and pillowcase. How, with what and how often do you treat your glasses?
Since I am currently in correspondence, I have been continuing to take Tsiprolet since April 10th. There is no effect.
Thank you, I hope for an answer.

Natalya P 2015-04-01 09:42

Hello Galina! I'm also sitting at the computer. And I’m looking for answers to questions about the same symptoms as yours. It all started for me the same way and I have also been sick for seven years now, after we bought a dog, this infection cannot be treated with anything, only a temporary improvement occurs with the same drops as yours. Vitabac drops also help me temporarily. And I know for sure that it is transmitted to animals and people, but at the hospital they tell me that it’s an allergy, in short, I’m already depressed and don’t know how to treat it, maybe they’ve already recommended something else to you, please write. Natalia Pankova2016@yandex. Ru

1. You can.
2. Blefarogel2 can be used after the indicated course (Vigamox, Demalan) 2 times a day in courses of 1 month every 3 months.
3. Long-term work at the computer aggravates the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. You just need to use moisturizing drops more often when working at the computer.
4. Wash glasses with warm water and regular soap every day.

Lena 2014-09-26 08:42

Hello! Help me to understand. I had purulent blepharoconjunctivitis with multiple chalazion. She was treated with sulfacyl, Vigamox, cidelon, after which she was diagnosed with right-sided exophthalmos. I am concerned about eye pain and stinging, which does not go away after treatment. Multiple styes and blepharitis appeared again. Tobrex dripped, then floxal. The sting and pain continue to bother me and migrate throughout my right eye. I did a CT scan, an ultrasound of the eye, and checked the shield. Zhel., passed hormones, ENT, neurologist - everything is normal. The tank is inoculated with Staphylococcus epidermicus. I took clarithromycin and ospomox. Pain and swelling under upper eyelid don't pass. And I’ll also add that before this, in the spring of 2014, I had my eyelashes donated - I had demodex. I treated with Blepharogel 2 drops. I tested it again, it seemed normal, but I only treated Demodex for 10 days. I don’t know what to do, I live in the ATO zone, I can’t go to the regional center of Donetsk yet, no one wants to treat me. But my eye continues to bother me, I am very afraid that later it will be too late. Maybe some kind of inflammatory process is going on and something needs to be taken? Help me please. I do not know what to do. Thank you in advance. With uv. Lena

Hello, Lena! It is necessary, firstly, to separate the problem of inflammation from exophthalmos. If the doctor suspected endocrine ophthalmopathy as the cause of exophthalmos, you were examined about this, but the diagnosis was not confirmed, then you need to further look for the cause of exophthalmos. While there is no opportunity to travel, you will not be able to do anything on your own regarding exophthalmos, except to observe changes, if any. As for inflammatory problems, stress and decreased immunity play a significant role. Any course of treatment with drops must be carried out completely, i.e. drip antibacterial drops at least 5-7 days and as many times a day as prescribed. Demodectic mange is treated for at least 40 days, and if the mite infestation is significant, then you need to use specific drugs, for example, Demalan or Spregal to treat the eyelids. If you were prescribed only Blefarogel for demodex, then there is reason to assume that the process is not so pronounced (single mites are also found on the eyelids of healthy people). Before visiting a doctor, I would recommend that you use only moisturizing drops without a preservative, for example, Optiv or Hilomax or Hilo-comod or Systane 3 times a day for 1-2 months (it can be longer - it’s not harmful) and treat your eyelids with Blepharogel before the drops N2 for 1 month 2 times a day.

Irina 2015-03-10 13:01

Rogozhina Kristina Arturovna, do you conduct receptions and where?

Hello! In the next 5-6 months. There will be no permanent reception location. City of St. Petersburg.

vvvladimir 2015-03-20 19:12

Hello Kristina Arturovna, I have a strong burning sensation, my eyes hurt, smears for culture revealed staphylococcus aureus 10^3 CFU/ml staphylococcus epidermidis 10^3 CFU/ml, it all started a long time ago, around August 2015, at first it burned a little, then more and more, now my eyes burn very badly even from clean water, from my own tears, from various eye drops, from natural tears, the headache hurts, it burns on top, everything hurts, it burns, it hurts in the mouth, the tip of the tongue is red, in the throat, in a swab from the throat they revealed the same bacteria only to the 4th degree, candidiasis, I have polyneuropathy, tell me it can burn my eyes badly already 4 months from these bacteria, after the culture results I didn’t go to the doctors, I just got it. I am waiting for a response from Vladimir Nikolaevich Kostyukov, 03/20/2015.

Hello, Vladimir Nikolaevich! You definitely need to treat your underlying disease, due to which candidiasis developed. Most likely, this will be systemic treatment in a hospital setting. As for the eyes, superficial processes such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis are treated only with drops and ointments; if the process is inside the eye, then the treatment is invasive (injections, surgery if necessary) in an eye hospital. It is unlikely that your problem can be solved through an online consultation.

Vladimir 2015-03-30 18:21

I don’t understand what is the main reason why I developed candidiasis, please explain?

You said that candidiasis was detected in the crops. This is a fungal flora that is present on all mucous membranes of the body, but is not considered pathogenic. And with various diseases and reduced immunity, this flora multiplies and causes the complaints you described. I can’t tell you what caused this condition; for that you need to be examined by an infectious disease specialist.

Vladimir 2015-04-12 21:11

The immunologist gave me a Secondary and. d, they also discovered that it looks like fatty hepatosis, I’m being treated with Galavit injections, Candida bacteriophage, Miramistin instilled in the nose, mouth, bacteriophage in the eyes, I was treated for 10 days, no use in the mouth, it’s a little easier, it’s still dry, it hurts in the mouth, nose, the immunologist said I’m still being treated with bacteriophage for 2 weeks, I also instill Oftogel, a bacteriophage, into my eyes, when instilled and then my eyes burn strongly, my eyes now don’t just burn, they start to hurt a lot both with my eyes closed and with with open eyes, the temples of the bridge of the nose began to ache, pain when you touch eyes closed, my whole head and neck hurt, I had Shinger’s symptom, 6 ml of tears were wet, my eyes seem to hurt somewhere inside, the eye pressure is normal, I’m already tormented, my eyes hurt so much, I sleep with phenozepam tablets, as soon as I open my eyes, my eyes immediately start to burn, my eyes hurt, what could it be? The ophthalmologist says neurology, the neurologist says no, he prescribed Lyrica, that’s all the treatment, the joints in the hands, from fingers to shoulders, legs, knees, feet have been hurting for 3 weeks, all the bones and muscles are sore, what could be? Kostyukov V. N 04/12/2015

Vladimir 2015-04-12 21:33

Can my eyes or head hurt due to polyneuropathy or cervical osteochondrosis?

The eyes hurt, most likely due to dryness. In my opinion, they need to be better moisturized: drip Optiv or Hilomax or Hilo-Komod 3-4 times a day, put Vit-A-pos ointment in the eyes 2-3 times a day. I can’t say anything about the bacteriophage; I don’t know how useful it is to drop it into the eyes. If it causes severe pain, then try to cancel it for now.

Olga 2015-06-16 15:33

Kristina Arturovna, I really count on your help, because I have been undergoing treatment for 5 months, and the result is zero, and this is my situation, after the stress I suffered, my eyes suddenly hurt (burning, photophobia, etc.), the local ophthalmologist prescribed Ciprolet, Taufon, Balarpan I I took all this, but the result was temporary, then I changed several ophthalmologists, they all prescribed antibiotics based on Ciprolet, then I continued treatment with other specialists: a neurologist, because the stress was very great, and the eyes are a brain on the periphery, namely MRI, encephalogram, etc.; an endocrinologist (hormones and thyroid are normal), a gynecologist and an ENT specialist, the latter took a postpartum in the throat and found progressing Staphylococcus aureus, and at the same time the ophthalmologist made a smear from the eyes and found epidermal staphylococcus, treated everything with antibiotics: flemoklav solutab and genferon, the result is still the same .

Hello Olga! Your problem is more like an infectious process rather than a neurodystrophic one. Due to stress, it is logical to assume a malnutrition of the cornea. To eliminate or at least reduce discomfort, you need to take a course vascular drugs, which are prescribed by a neurologist, and locally actively use moisturizing drops and ointments: for example, Optiv or Vismed or Hilomax or Hilo-Komod 3 times a day, at night gel Korneregel or Solcoseryl or Vit-A-pos for the lower eyelid. Moisturizing drops are recommended for constant use in free mode. In a course of 1 month, 3 times a day, you can drip drops that improve tissue trophism, for example, Balarpan. During the day, you can also treat your eyelids with Teagel gel (it moisturizes and cleanses the edges of the eyelids). An important point is adequate spectacle correction in the presence of “+” refraction - first of all, this is correction for near (reading and computer). Absence spectacle correction in such cases, it leads to eye strain and contributes to a decrease in local immunity, increasing the risk of chronic infectious pathology. Long-term use of antibacterial drops can also lead to dry eye syndrome.

Olga 2015-10-06 13:35

Thank you, Kristina Arturovna, I’m very grateful that you answered, I didn’t even expect it, and you’re probably right, I myself was already inclined that it wasn’t an infection, but rather the blood vessels of the brain, and I was even diagnosed with VSD, because How did the vascular crisis happen? And I’ve been using Balarpan for 4 months now, I can’t say that it helps, but it moisturizes well, but recently they recommended the homeotropic drug Oculochel, so I switched to it. I feel better, but I still need to take vascular medications, but my local neurologist doesn’t know what to do with me!

Dmitriy 2015-09-07 11:06

Good afternoon
Once a week on Wednesdays I go to the bathhouse. After several visits to the steam room, pus begins to accumulate in my eyes, and I have to constantly wash my eyes with water. The next day, in the morning, it is impossible to open your eyes because the eyelashes are stuck together with pus, everything around the eyes is swollen.
On Thursday, the pus no longer flows, but the swelling subsides only on Friday morning. If you do not visit the bathhouse, then no manifestations of the above condition are observed.
In 2013 and 2014, I swabbed the conjunctiva and isolated S. epidermidis.
The doctor prescribed Tsiprolet for me. After 7 days of treatment with Tsiprolet and to check the result, another trip to the bathhouse, my condition changed for the better (there was practically no pus and there was no swelling the next morning either). After a month (and to the present), everything happened again.
As I understand it, staphylococcus cannot be cured with Cipral alone; it is necessary complex treatment different antibiotics. Could you please advise what can be used to solve this problem.
Thank you!

Hello Dmitry! The fact is that baths and swimming pools are usually accompanied by a microbe such as chlamydia, which causes long-term conjunctivitis. It needs to be treated not only locally (i.e., with eye drops), but also systemically (primarily this applies to genital chlamydia; i.e., it must also be treated by a urologist or andrologist). Unfortunately, not all cultures reveal the real flora in the eye. It is better to treat eyes with Oftaquix or Vigamox 3-4 times a day for 10-14 days. Monitoring by an ophthalmologist and face-to-face consultations are required.

Dmitriy 2015-09-14 16:08

Svetlana. 2015-11-06 18:25

Hello! My name is Svetlana, 35 years old. My problem started in February 2015. The area around the eyes began to swell, the swelling lasted for two days. Two weeks later everything repeated itself. Demodex was not confirmed. I took Cetrin for a month and forgot about this problem for the summer. Over the weekend my eyes became swollen again, but the swelling lasted for 4 days. My eyes hurt, as if they were being squeezed out. During the day, the swelling goes away a little and wrinkles appear, worse than those of old women. They don’t fester, they don’t tear. I took a culture from the eyes, and in the left eye it was found that hemolyzing staphylococcus epidermidis was less than 1x10*3 CFU/ml. Could this bacterium cause such trouble? Please advise which specialist I should contact. I don’t know where to go anymore. I made an appointment with an allergist-immunologist. Thank you in advance.

Hello Svetlana! Your case is more like allergic reaction(a type of Quincke's edema). I recommend that you pay attention to your diet. Go to hypoallergenic diet and gradually introduce it into your diet familiar products, observing the condition of the eyelids. Normalizing the diet (remove unhealthy foods, correctly delineate the time and number of meals) often solves such issues. Of course, analyze the influence of household chemicals and cosmetics (within reason). If you do not find an answer in this area, then rule out edema of renal and cardiac origin - with consultation of relevant specialists. Treat the skin around the eyes with a neutral moisturizer, or better yet, Teagel.

Irina 2016-01-27 00:15

Hello, Kristina Arturovna. I’m 39. Since I was 30, I’ve been going to ophthalmologists - all of them diagnosed dry eye syndrome, prescribing moisturizing drops. In December 2015, at my next appointment, I insisted on a bacterial culture and in addition the doctor told me to take a demodex test. As a result, one individual, Staphylococcus and Havnia alvey, was discovered. The sensitivity of staphylococcus to ciprofloxacin, the doctor prescribed it to me intramuscularly. Add. Treatment - spegal once, washing with dectar soap, treating the edges of the eyelids with calendula tincture, demozol ointment, signicef ​​drops and massage glass rod(5 times). After the first massage, I felt much better (the doctor said that there were plugs and pus). On January 20, I finished treatment, but continued to wash my face with Dect soap and treat the edges of my eyelids. On January 25, all the symptoms returned, I woke up with red eyes, feeling of sand, swelling. I'm tired. It must be difficult to get rid of all this at once? Should I test my bacteria and eyelashes again? Help me please. Thank you

Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes symptoms. Eye diseases.

» Eye diseases



  • Coagulase test.
  • Latex agglutination.
  • UAC, OAM.
  • Widal agglutination reaction.

Diet for staphylococcus

  • Vegetable fats.


Staphylococcus aureus: causes, symptoms and treatment

Most often, Staphylococcus aureus forms in the nasal passages and axillary area. Its chronic carriers are workers medical institutions, sick atopic dermatitis, drug addicts.

Localization areas of Staphylococcus aureus: throat, eyes, vagina

Staphylococcus aureus can cause airway stenosis.

If staphylococcus gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, conjunctivitis is likely to develop. Characteristic features in this case there will be photophobia, swelling and purulent discharge.

Vaginal lesions in Lately occurs quite often. In this case, three types of flow are possible:

  • Asymptomatic - extremely rare. It is detected accidentally as a result of smear examination.
  • Acute form - the clinic is bright, proceeds like nonspecific colpitis.
  • Chronic form - it can be either secondary or primary. The clinic is purely individual depending on the woman’s immunity.

In medicine, it is considered normal if the test results reveal stage 4 staphylococcus - such a result requires minimal treatment. It includes preventive actions, maintaining immunity, and getting rid of vitamin deficiency.


There are several routes of infection: airborne, household and food.

Provoking factors are highlighted separately:

Symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus

If staphylococcus enters the intestines, this manifests itself in disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and poisoning occurs. Immunity to the disease is not developed, so you need to be careful when re-infected.

Signs indicating a staphylococcal infection:


The disease develops when there is insufficient protective forces, which allows the microbe to activate. The pathogen can only be identified using laboratory methods. The following will be indicative:

  • Coagulase test.
  • Latex agglutination.
  • UAC, OAM.
  • Widal agglutination reaction.
  • A smear from the mucous membranes (including the conjunctiva).
  • Sowing of biological materials.
  • Biochemical blood test.

Features of the course in pregnant and lactating women

  • Pyoderma is a purulent rash on the skin. Can lead to the formation of boils and phlegmons.
  • Purulent mastitis– especially dangerous for breastfeeding women. Often occurs immediately after childbirth and is accompanied by a pronounced increase in temperature.
  • Inflammatory processes respiratory organs – tracheitis and bronchitis are typical.
  • Arthritis and osteomyelitis – high risk development of pathologies in women who have had rheumatism.
  • Endocarditis is more often observed in the absence of treatment. May cause insufficiency of the heart valve system.
  • Food poisoning – accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. During pregnancy, the condition returns to normal within 2-3 days.

After completing the course of treatment, tests are repeated, and if full recovery, then treatment is stopped. If you have stage 4 staphylococcus, then you need to undergo preventive measures, eliminate vitamin deficiencies, observe personal hygiene rules, avoid injuries and monitor sweating.

Diet for staphylococcus

With a staphylococcal infection, it is important not only to suppress the activity of the pathogen, but also to increase immunity. Diet is important in this process. The main role in resisting staphylococcus is played by lysozyme. If it is deficient, it will be difficult to get rid of the pathology.

The diet should be varied with foods rich in vitamins, protein and carbohydrates. Fiber is also essential as it helps remove toxins from the body. The menu consists of the following products:

  • Proteins (meat, poultry, cheese, cottage cheese, fish).
  • Carbohydrates (buckwheat, potatoes, durum pasta, wheat).
  • Fiber (vegetables, raw and baked).
  • Plant proteins(nuts, lentils, beans).
  • Vegetable fats.

The consumption of salt, spices and animal fats is reduced as much as possible.

The prognosis of the pathology directly depends on the location of the lesion. If the skin and mucous membranes are affected, the infection can be completely cured. When internal organs are involved, the likelihood of developing purulent foci increases, which can lead to fatal outcome.


The only prevention comes down to management active image life and increased immunity. It is important to maintain personal hygiene, eat rationally, and, if possible, give up bad habits. It is imperative to promptly treat foci of any infection.

Material updated 01/29/2018

Staphylococcus in the eyes treatment

Staphylococcus in the eyes - symptoms, causes, prevention.

You can get a staphylococcal infection into the eye with unwashed hands, when using lenses, or if you do not adhere to the rules of hygiene. Often a staphylococcal infection enters the eye along with foreign bodies (scale, sand).

Staphylococcus in the eyes treatment.

There is endless debate about how effective folk remedies are for treating staphylococcus in the eyes. They are suitable for some, while others prefer to be treated with pharmaceuticals. Therefore, I decided to talk about these and other means, and I leave the choice up to you.

1.Leomycytin eye drops are a potent remedy against staphylococcus. They are convenient because they have dosages for both children and adults.

2.Tetracycline ointment. Placed behind the lower eyelid according to the instructions and also treats staphylococcal infections well.

3.Rinse the eyes. For rinsing, decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula, and tea leaves are used. The more often you wash, the faster the infection will go away. Just do not overdo it, so as not to cause harm; the number of washes should not exceed 4-6 per day.

4.Eye baths. Eye baths are made with the same medicinal solutions that are used to wash the eyes.

5. Aloe juice. Use aloe juice diluted with water (1:4).

The effect of treatment against staphylococcus in the eyes will be greatly enhanced if several methods are used together.

Copying is permitted only with indication of the source NAMEDNE.RU - 2018

All information is posted for informational purposes and does not call for action!

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Staphylococcal infection: causes, treatment, symptoms

Staphylococcal infection (SI) is a group of infectious diseases caused by bacteria under common name staphylococcus These microorganisms got their name because the colony resembles a bunch of grapes (staphyle - from the Greek grapes and kokkos, which means grain).

The danger of staphylococci is that they are very resistant to most antibiotics; this microorganism produces a special enzyme that tends to destroy antibiotics, which makes treatment with them ineffective. A feature of staphylococci is their viability; they can remain in a dried state for about six months, do not die when frozen, can withstand heating up to 70 ° C, and are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

Types of staphylococci

About 27 species of staphylococcus are known, but only 4 of them are dangerous to humans: saprophytic, aureus, epidermal and hemolytic. Let's look at each one separately.

Golden is the most dangerous of staphylococci; it affects women and men, adults and infants. This type of staphylococcus can cause a huge number of different diseases, affecting almost all organs.

Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus epidermidis affects the mucous membranes (eyes, nose) and skin of humans. It can cause conjunctivitis, endocarditis, furunculosis, sepsis and others.

Hemolytic - this type of staphylococcus is activated, as a rule, in pregnant women, causing tonsillitis and tonsillitis, and can be transmitted from mother to child.

Saprophytic staphylococcus settles in the mucous membranes urethra and genitals, thus provoking cystitis and kidney diseases in both women and men.


Staphylococci are classified as conditionally pathogenic flora, that is, they can be found in the body of any healthy person, in the nose, in the mucous membranes of the eyes, on the skin, in the throat, in the intestines, and only when certain conditions they become dangerous.

Staphylococcal infection occurs in a person when the immune system is weakened due to many factors, such as: constant stress, unsanitary conditions, environmental pollution, taking antibiotics and other medications, as well as the presence of chronic diseases.

The source of infection can be not only sick people, but also simply carriers of the infection (very often health workers who are in direct contact with sick people).

The entry points for SI are various damage to the skin (even minor ones), the mucous membrane of the eyes, nose and throat.

As paradoxical as it sounds, the risk of infection increases in a hospital, when catheters are installed, as well as in beauty salons, when piercing the nose and tongue, and when peeling the face. The risk group includes pregnant women, children and the elderly.

Staphylococcal infection is transmitted through dust, stale food, poorly processed medical and cosmetic instruments, and dirty hands.

Diseases and treatments

Symptoms of SI directly depend on the type of bacterium, its location and the age of the patient. The main symptoms are: heat body, intoxication of the body (lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite), the occurrence purulent inflammation.

Childhood diseases

Staphylococcus is often found in infants

Omphalitis (damage to the umbilical wound), with this lesion the child experiences swelling of the umbilical ring, purulent contents begin to be released from the wound, redness appears, which spreads towards the sternum.

Staphylococcal infection skin in a child it is often expressed in the form of Ritter's disease (scalded skin syndrome), the rash that appears is very similar to the rash of scarlet fever, or erysipelas.

Common signs of SI in infants are a body temperature of 38°C or higher, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, decreased blood pressure, in severe cases shock.

If similar symptoms occur in a child, it is necessary to immediate appeal to the doctor. A child’s body cannot always cope with a staphylococcal infection on its own. And delay or improper treatment can cost the child’s life.

You should not use folk remedies to treat SI in children without consulting a doctor, as this can lead to dire consequences. But to increase immunity, the use of folk remedies is justified.


Staphylococcal skin infection in adults very often affects the follicle hair follicle- folliculitis (pustule riddled with hair). With deeper damage to the skin, a furuncle (purulent-necrotic lesion of the skin and hair follicle) or carbuncle (inflammation of the skin and hair follicle) occurs. subcutaneous tissue in combination with a group of hair follicles).

Boils and carbuncles are most often located on the back of the neck and thighs, as well as in the buttocks, and in the axillary region in men. The appearance of such formations on the face, especially near the eye (styre), can lead, due to the characteristics of the blood supply to this area, to the occurrence of meningitis. That is why pustular inflammations on the face cannot be opened independently.

You can't squeeze pimples

Damage to the deep layers of subcutaneous tissue leads to the formation of abscesses and phlegmon. With an abscess, inflammation is limited to the capsule, and with phlegmon it spreads along the tissues.

SI of the skin does not need to be treated with an antibiotic; they can also be cured with folk remedies, for example, baths with herbal infusions or apple cider vinegar, hot poultices, etc. You just need to remember that only mild skin lesions are treated this way; in severe cases, it is necessary to surgery.

Eye damage

When the mucous membrane of the eye is affected, conjunctivitis occurs, the symptoms of which are swelling of the eyelid, lacrimation, photophobia, and purulent discharge from the eyes. If left untreated, the infection can spread to the cornea of ​​the eye. A swab for analysis is taken from the lower corner of the eye, before washing.

In mild forms of the disease, treatment with an antibiotic is unjustified; the following drugs have proven themselves to be effective for the treatment of SI in the eye: chloramphenicol drops and tetracycline ointment. Among the folk remedies, washing the eyes with a decoction of sage, chamomile, and calendula helps a lot.

Respiratory tract lesions

Rhinitis - characterized by redness of the nasal mucosa and characteristic purulent discharge. At the beginning of the disease, a tickling sensation is felt in the nose. Symptoms of the nose can be treated with folk remedies, a decoction of comfrey, echinacea or burdock. In general, treatment for SI in the nose should not begin with taking an antibiotic; it is prescribed only in severe, advanced cases.

The cause of staph infection in the throat is Staphylococcus aureus.

Signs of staphylococcal sore throat:

  • general weakness, feeling of exhaustion, muscle pain;
  • a sharp rise in body temperature, even to a critical level;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe pain in the throat, even when trying to swallow saliva;
  • slight swelling of the lymph nodes, and upon palpation - pain;
  • redness of the tonsils, the appearance of pustular rashes on them.

To treat this disease, firstly, folk remedies are used (rinsing with decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties: St. John's wort, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves). Secondly, after conducting appropriate tests (culture of a throat smear followed by a test for sensitivity to any antibiotic), antibiotic treatment is carried out and vitamins are prescribed to boost immunity.

Staphylococcal pneumonia is very severe. The main symptoms are severe intoxication, chest pain due to bacterial damage to the pleura, and shortness of breath.

Many foci appear on the lung tissues, turning into abscesses, and abscesses may break through into the pleural area. The staphylococcus that causes this disease does not respond well to antibiotics. Moreover, antibiotics derived from penicillin can provoke the development of staphylococcal sepsis.

For staphylococcal pneumonia, complex treatment is carried out, which includes not only medications, but also folk remedies.

central nervous system

The entry of staphylococcus through the sinuses or other parts of the face into the brain provokes the occurrence of an abscess, or secondary meningitis, resulting in severe headaches, pain in the eyes, neurological disorders, confusion, in severe cases epileptic seizures, less often death.

Folk remedies cannot cure this disease; they can only be used in the form of auxiliary drugs to strengthen the immune system. The main treatment is with an antibiotic.

Urinary tract diseases

Urethritis. It should be taken into account that the natural, that is, harmless composition of the microflora of the mucous membranes of men and women is different. Very often SI affects the male reproductive system, namely the urethra. Staphylococcus is transmitted to a man through unprotected sexual intercourse with a female carrier.

Due to weakened immunity, infection begins to develop and can cause prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men. Another route of infection is possible if in a hospital the man had biomaterial taken with a poorly disinfected instrument.

Staphylococcal infection in men begins mainly with genitourinary system, and if untimely or incorrectly treated, it can cause damage to other organs.

Clear signs SI is painful urination, fever, pain in the lumbar region. Urine tests, in which large amounts of protein are found and, when cultured, the presence of staphylococci, help to identify the infection.

Low back pain may be a sign of SI

SI in gynecology

Staphylococcus aureus is considered the most dangerous staphylococcus in gynecology. It poses a threat to both the pregnant woman herself and her newborn child, since it can be found not only in the pregnant woman’s body, but also in the amniotic fluid, as well as in all membranes, which can provoke staphylococcal infection in newborns. In addition, if SI is on the skin of a pregnant woman, it can cause mastitis (breast inflammation).

In order to exclude the presence of SI, a swab is taken from the throat and nose in a pregnant woman.

Musculoskeletal system

The occurrence of osteomyelitis is 95% due to SI.

Endocarditis (damage to the heart valves and inner lining of the heart) can also be a manifestation of a disease such as staphylococcal infection, the mortality rate in this case reaches 60%.

Due to toxins released by staphylococci into the blood, it may begin toxic shock, the symptoms of which are sharp drop blood pressure, abdominal pain, nausea, fever, later joined by headache, diarrhea, confusion, spotty rash.

A drop in blood pressure is an alarming symptom

Treatment of such diseases is carried out using an antibiotic. In addition, to remove dysbiosis caused by taking an antibiotic, they prescribe antifungal drugs.

Food intoxication

SI can be transmitted through foods contaminated with staphylococcus. Symptoms: epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Manifestations of the disease resemble cholera. When treating food intoxication, antibiotics are not required; treatment is carried out with antistaphylococcal toxoid.

Blood poisoning

The most severe form of SI is sepsis. It develops due to the fact that a huge number of bacteria are spread throughout the body through the bloodstream.

Before you begin treating a staphylococcal infection with antibiotics, you should remember that staphylococci are resistant to most of them, including antibiotics derived from penicillin.

Treatment of infection must be comprehensive. Due to the rapid adaptation of bacteria to drugs, before prescribing treatment, the doctor will definitely conduct an antibiotic test to identify the antibiotic to which a given strain of staphylococcus is not resistant. Sometimes, instead of antibiotics, the use of bacteriophage is prescribed.

In addition to medications, you can also use folk remedies, for example, rosehip decoction, apricot pulp and black currant berries can replace expensive immunomodulators.

Prevention of staphylococcal infection first of all begins with strengthening the immune system, for which both folk remedies (fruit drinks from raspberries, cranberries, rose hips, currants, infusions of ginseng and eleutherococcus) and synthetic immunomodulators can be used.

Naturally, hygiene, proper rest, and giving up bad habits are required.

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2012-04-25 16:31:42

Nata asks:

Hello! My gynecologist found Staphylococcus aureus in a smear for flora. I completed a course of antibiotic treatment, but after 10 minutes the temperature returned to 37.2 (which I had for about 20 years, and returned to normal during the treatment period), the burning sensation in the eyes and genitals returned. I did The conclusion is that all my troubles, including infertility with unknown causes, may be associated with an infection. Tell me what could be a way out of this situation and which doctor should I contact. Thanks in advance!

Gunkov Sergey Vasilievich answers:

Obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, leading researcher at the Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology, Ph.D.

All consultant answers

Dear Nata. In this situation, it is necessary to examine the state of immunity and correct it.

2009-10-26 14:17:52

Igor asks:

Good afternoon. I have a problem with Staphylococcus aureus in my nose. Almost 2 years ago, the first very painful pimples on the nose, such as boils, began to appear. Then I thought it was a common cold. But after a few months a nightmare began (like vasomotor rhinitis). He haunted me for months. Either snot flows from the nose, or the nose is completely blocked, so that it is impossible to inhale or exhale. Constant sneezing, itchy nose and eyes. Only nasal electrophoresis with diphenhydramine helped. But it didn't help for long. Then there was the antibiotic for staphylococcus quartz. It became a little easier, but not longer than a month. Then another antibiotic, I felt better again, but not for long. And this is how I still constantly suffer with my nose. There are short periods of improvement, followed by protracted periods of exacerbation. But I don’t believe that this is a problem, since the allergy appears with a rash in the nose and goes away with it. After that, in a private laboratory I made a tank-culture of the pimple’s capacity. This time I didn’t undergo treatment, because I don’t believe that just a course of antibiotics will help me. From people who have overcome staphylococcus I heard about treatment with staphylococcal bacteriophage. I also heard about the existence of the staphylococcal vaccine, but unfortunately the ENT doctor could not tell me anything about it. Please advise what should I do? Is it possible to use a bacteriophage? I just don't know who to believe anymore. . Maybe I need to pay attention to my immunity? Any additional tests? Please tell me!

Tarasevich Tatyana Nikolaevna answers:

Hello, Igor! It is not entirely clear who prescribed your treatment and who is monitoring it now. All treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an ENT doctor, possibly with the participation of an immunologist. Most likely your disease is of an infectious nature, and not allergic. If your ENT doctor has not heard of specific treatment staphylococcus, it is better to contact a more experienced specialist and undergo a full examination - nasal culture, biochemical blood test, immunogram; and after that, begin any treatment.

2009-07-06 17:07:59

Sergey Kupriyanov asks:

My wife was diagnosed with Staphylococcus aureus in her mouth and nose, as well as in her eyes. Are there methods for treating staphylococcus with bacteriophages? The experience of treatment with antibiotics does not give a positive result.

Hello, Sergey! Staphylococcus aureus is a representative of the normal flora of the human body and is often detected in bacteriological studies. This microbe is transmitted through household contact, as well as through food and water. Since Staphylococcus aureus belongs to the group of opportunistic microorganisms, in some cases it can cause diseases (sore throat, food poisoning, pustular diseases). However, for the development of diseases, changes must occur in the host’s body that allow staphylococcus to manifest its pathogenic properties. Such changes include damage to the skin and mucous membranes, metabolic disorders, changes in work immune system. Staphylococci very quickly adapt to various antibiotics (become insensitive), therefore antibacterial treatment of staphylococcus is either not carried out at all or is carried out only after testing the flora for sensitivity. Treatment of staphylococcus and staphylococcal infection with bacteriophage, staphylococcal toxoid, and bifid drugs has been carried out for a long time; doctors have already accumulated sufficient experience in the use of these drugs. Contact an infectious disease specialist for recommendations. Be healthy!

2008-11-28 00:42:21

Valentina Viktorovna asks:

Hello! Help me recover! We live in Belgium, but I have never seen such stupid (or lazy) doctors as here, I simply have no one to turn to. My husband’s ears are very itchy, there is a lot of suppuration there, a yellowish liquid is secreted, and there is a headache around the ears. Then inflammation appeared on the eyelids. Treatment was limited to prescribing an antibiotic, then another antibiotic, then another and another. And this despite the fact that no one even looked into the ears! It was I who insisted that they do the analysis, because I had the same signs of the disease, which naturally indicates an infection. And naturally, an infection was discovered in the ears - Staphylococcus aureus. We were informed about this by phone. That was the end of it. The disease has been going on for 7 months now; I scoured the entire Internet in search of an answer to the question: what should I do? and then I came across your consultation, help! Now we apply brilliant green in the ears and tetracycline in the eyes eye ointment- all treatment at the moment...

Borisenko Oleg Nikolaevich answers:

Valentina Viktorovna! You need to decide what disease your husband has: otitis media accompanied by external otitis or only otitis externa. The choice of treatment tactics depends on this. Only an otolaryngologist can determine this after examining the ears - otoscopy.

2008-08-26 16:40:29

Olya asks:

Hello! Help me please! I was diagnosed with staphylococcus in my eyes (my eyes hurt very much every day). Treatment was prescribed: ciprofloxacin 4r. 1 drop per day for 10 days, ketotifen 2 r. per day, 1 drop per day. month. I was treated this way twice. The first time after treatment it was easier for a month. And then everything got worse again. After the second course it didn’t even get any easier. How should I treat myself now?? I read on your website about staphylococcal bacteriophage. Is it suitable in my case and does it have any form for treating the eyes specifically? Thank you in advance

The Medical Consultant of the portal “” answers:

Hello. Your question is classified as a frequently asked question in the “Staphylococcus” section; you will find the answer to your question at the link: Staphylococcus.

2015-05-24 10:09:56

Tatiana asks:

Good afternoon Please help me understand the diagnosis. In childhood: sore throat, pneumonia, Hepatitis B. 2000 (16 years old) - herpes on the lip. 2008- pityriasis versicolor on the elbows, stomach - not completely cured ( boric acid 3%, now Bactroban). 2013 - sinusitis, the sinus was operated on, after the sutures were removed, the cheek became swollen. Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes were identified. Treatment every 2 months: Augmentin; Cefuroxime 250; Tonsilotren + Bactroban; Amoxiclav 1000. After amoxiclav 1000, swabs from the nose and throat showed everything was clean. What tests do I need to take to determine what kind of Herpes I have? what harms the nerves? (since disseminated encephalomyelitis is suspected). Now: seeing double; different pupil sizes; scorching/hot areas on the body; twitching of hands, muscles, fingers; In the sun, the right side of my head hurts and my arms and legs become wooden. Bad from hot baths, food and lack of sleep. Thank you in advance for your response! THANK YOU!

Vitaly Igorevich Yanchenko answers:

Hello! Your attending physician should decide what tests you should take. There is a department of neuroinfections in Kyiv on Galitskaya 4, contact them for advice.

2015-01-28 21:30:01

Vladimir asks:

Hello. Is it possible to instill staphylococcal bacteriophage into the eyes when treating Staphylococcus aureus? The instructions (staphylococcal bacteriophage) do not say anything about treating the eyes. Only the instructions for the Klebsiella b-phage are allowed to be used in the eyes.

Elena Stanislavovna Prokhvachova answers:

Hello, Vladimir. In the presence of a bacterial infection, it is optimal to culture the contents of the conjunctiva to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. After this, it will become clear which antibiotic your Staphylococcus aureus is sensitive to. I wish you health!

2013-11-18 19:07:30

Anatoly asks:

In September, I was diagnosed with acute obstructive bronchitis. I was treated in a hospital (drips, antibiotics). I had spirometry, an X-ray of the lungs, and donated blood - everything was fine. I was bothered by attacks of suffocation mainly at night, wheezing, tearfulness, sneezing, runny nose. Salbutamol was prescribed. I used it when necessary, not often. 2.11.13 The allergist diagnosed polyvalent allergy. Allergy tests: rye pollen - 5.5, mixed tree pollen - 6.8, hake fish - 2.2; cod - 1.1, chicken meat - 3.4, with oatmeal - 4.1; allergy test with staphylococcus aurens - 1.1, with streptococcus pneum. - 4.3. The level of immunoglobulin is 42.3, with the norm being up to 25. Prescribed: Avamis spray, in addition to Sandoz, Erius, Alergokrom and follow a diet. I drank Erius for 10 days, I continue to drip into my nose and eyes, but yesterday there was a severe exacerbation - I was choking, I used salbutamol 4 times a day. A week ago, my condition began to worsen - I couldn’t breathe normally, there was a whistling sound in my chest, and attacks of suffocation became more frequent. Please advise what to do next? Was the treatment provided sufficient? If necessary additional examination and which one? Is allergy completely curable or is it a lifelong diagnosis? Thanks in advance for your advice.

Pukhlik Boris Mikhailovich answers:

As I understand it, you have bronchial asthma. There are protocols for its treatment and they need to be followed, and not rush in different directions. What laboratory research indicated an allergy, rather erroneously. A standard examination is required.

2013-10-23 14:11:02

Ksenia asks:

Hello! I would like to ask for your help in identifying the cause follicular conjunctivitis. If I tell you briefly, the bumps appeared more than a year ago, I noticed bumps on my eyelids (not accompanied by pain), I wear contact lenses and naturally I constantly get into my eyes, and then I felt a foreign object, and I began to examine my eye, I turned my eyelid out and there was a bump, the same thing on the other eye. I went to the hospital, they said it was a chalazion and that there was no need to have surgery since it was painful, the girl should live with it, and the white discharge from the eye was insignificant. A year passed, and this summer I decided to have surgery so that I these chalazions were removed, I went to another hospital to see a doctor (who does surgeries along the way), he wrote ointments, drops, and if I want to remove the chalazion, sign up for surgery. When I came for the appointment and saw how many people were standing there, I decided to do it the operation was not in a hospital, but in an eye microsurgery clinic, I didn’t trust free hospitals, and how will undergo surgery I was very worried. But when I saw a microsurgery doctor (Khabarovsk Eye Microsurgery), it turned out that it was not a chalazion, but follicular conjunctivitis. They prescribed a month-long treatment with drops for allergies, antiviral and antibacterial, and you can’t wear lenses during treatment. There was no improvement, I took a test for chlomydia, negative. They took a smear for bacteria, fungus, an allergic reaction - they found Staphylococcus aureus, took antibiotics, again drops in eyes - as a result, weakly positive dynamics. The doctor cannot find out the cause of these bumps. At the moment, I donated blood for an immunogram, this is the last opportunity to find the cause of my disease. If it doesn’t show anything, then the doctor will no longer treat me and will give me a referral to the city hospital to see an ophthalmologist, but I really don’t want to go there, they even diagnosed me wrong installed. Please help, tell me what else could cause this sore?? I don’t wear lenses now, because I’m undergoing treatment, I always change them on time, Bosch and Lomb lenses for 3 months have recently been wearing colored ones with diopters, their material is polymacon, I used to wear lenses for one month, I take them off on time, put them in the solution, I change the water every day, everything is fine with hygiene. I’m very tired in the morning from swollen eyes, the bumps are in the way, they don’t go away, my eyes are red in the evening, there is a white discharge that accumulates at the end of the day, but there’s not much of it, my eyes look puffy, I’ve already forgotten what they used to look like .Please help, write, due to what other reasons could this disease arise? I'm completely confused.

Kozina Ekaterina Nikolaevna answers:

Unfortunately, wearing contact lenses after several years often causes a number of complications. This is precisely the reason for refusing contact lenses. These complications can be very difficult to treat. One of them, Giant papillary conjunctivitis, is papillary changes in the conjunctiva, similar to the picture of follicular conjunctivitis. The nature of the disease is toxic-allergic, treatment is long-term. It is possible to develop chalazions in parallel - after all, the local immunity of the eyes is reduced. But here changes are taking place throughout the century. I recommend that you do not refuse to consult with another specialist; in your case, you need to be examined by a doctor who has experience in treating complications of contact lenses. Such specialists usually work in offices contact correction.

Staphylococcus. Armed, dangerous, but we will win

Staphylococci are widespread in environment, many of them constantly live in the human body without causing harm. At the same time, staphylococcal infection is the cause of many very serious illnesses. Let's understand the phenomenon.

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Actinomycosis (radiant fungal disease) is a chronic purulent non-contagious disease of humans and animals, which is based on the formation of specific granulomas in any organs and tissues.

The world of microorganisms is huge in number. Diversity is simply hard to understand. Every year more and more new microbes are discovered. However, the ancient and most dangerous enemy has been known for a long time. It is not as lethal as the plague. Not as inevitable as HIV. Not as ubiquitous as fungi - their spores are found almost everywhere on the planet. Staphylococcus aureus has not changed over centuries of coexistence with humans. More precisely, what does not change is that it is constantly changing. This is such a logical twist. This microbe took greatest number"places" in public. He is the culprit of the absolute majority nosocomial infections. It develops resistance to a new antibiotic or a new disinfectant faster than all other microorganisms.

Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes - the essence of the problem

According to its biochemistry, it is a facultative anaerobe. That is, it can live both in conditions without oxygen and in air. In relation to humans, this means that staphylococcus can be on the skin. Quietly coexist. And at the moment when the immune defense weakens, it will penetrate into soft fabrics. And, for example, a boil will begin. And it is useless to guess where it came from. Most likely, it was sitting on the skin and waiting in the wings. The main transmission routes for this pathogen are airborne droplets and household contact. Again, in relation to life, this means that a carrier with staphylococcus in his nose sneezed and contaminated your hands. You touched your eyelid with these hands and brought Staphylococcus aureus onto your skin and even into your conjunctival sac.

Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes - mechanism of infection

After contact with a person, staphylococcus either immediately attacks (if the immune system is weakened) or waits for the moment the immunity weakens. This period cannot be called safe, because the infection can spread anywhere. Let's return to the fact that Staphylococcus aureus is in the eyes. The first manifestations of this may be erased. Itching and burning in the eye begins. Or it starts right away severe itching, the eyelid of the affected eye swells and turns red. Conjunctivitis may occur. Sometimes, Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes is asymptomatic for a long time, patients complain only of periodic redness of the conjunctiva, shooting pains in the area of ​​the conjunctival sac.

Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes and methods of its treatment

It is unreasonable to hope that Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes will go away on its own. Complications of this infection may include clouding of the cornea, phlegmon of the tissues surrounding the eyes. And the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes is not so scary. Drops with an antimicrobial drug are prescribed by a doctor. Additionally, anti-inflammatory drugs that heal wounds can be used. If necessary, systemic antibiotics and drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora and, therefore, the whole body. The causes of Staphylococcus aureus in the eyes (including household ones), leading to weakened immunity, are identified. They also need to be eliminated.

Staphylococcus in the eye of a newborn: how to cure?

Often, when a baby is born, a number of problems arise related to his health and development. Thus, one of these is considered to be staphylococcus in the eye of a newborn - a bacterium that is quite resistant to antibacterial agents. However, every mother should have information about the causes of the disease, what to do if staphylococcus is detected in the eye of newborns, whether this disease is dangerous, what its symptoms are, etc.

Staphylococcus is a spherical gram-positive bacterium that often lives on the mucous membranes and skin of humans. The bacterium is quite resistant to penicillin antibacterial agents due to the fact that in the process of evolution it acquired a protective enzyme - penicillinase. Unfortunately, the body is not able to develop immunity against this bacterium, which means that no matter what favorable conditions staphylococcus repeatedly infects the baby’s mucous membrane.

The causes of staphylococcus are characterized by: pathological pregnancy, pathological course labor activity, the presence of gestosis during pregnancy, the birth of a premature baby, malnutrition of the newborn baby, non-compliance with the child’s personal hygiene, decreased immunity, weakening of the body.

All these reasons can lead to infection with staphylococcus, which after a certain time contributes to the development of specific clinical manifestations. However, symptoms may be different for each child. So, the mother can observe the following signs: clouding of the cornea, severe lacrimation, phlegmon of the tissues surrounding the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and others. Any symptom should alert parents and become a reason to contact a pediatric ophthalmologist. The doctor’s task is to refer necessary tests and prescribe treatment based not only on external signs diseases, but also on the results of the examination.

If staphylococcus is detected in a newborn's eye, parents are also subject to examination. The point is that due to strong immunity with parents this infection may not appear yet. But under any conditions, its effect on the mucous membrane and reinfection baby.

Treatment of staphylococcus in a newborn is mandatory procedure and should be carried out only after passing a test prescribed by a doctor. You can't hope that the disease will pass on one's own. On the contrary, any delay can lead to some complications, so at the first clinical manifestations Inspection and consultation by a qualified specialist is required.

When treating staphylococcus in the eye of a newborn, eye drops with antimicrobial effect. Additionally, agents that have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects may be prescribed - it all depends on the degree of damage to the eye mucosa.

In parallel with this, it is recommended that parents observe all the rules of cleanliness and hygiene. After each eye treatment, it is necessary to disinfect your hands so as not to spread the infection. In addition, you should avoid frequent eye rubbing by your baby. This can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye and deep penetration of infection. In addition to everything, it is necessary to disinfect all those items that the baby used during an exacerbation of staphylococcus. After the main course of treatment, the doctor may prescribe repeated tests.

To avoid repeated relapses, the doctor can prescribe a number of drugs and remedies that strengthen the baby’s body and boost his immune system.

Often, when staphylococcus is detected in the eye, the doctor prescribes medications for internal use. This will destroy the infection throughout the body and prevent its further spread. However, this approach to treatment is prescribed only for mild manifestations of the disease in the eye.

Staphylococcus in the eye of newborns is not the last among all childhood diseases. The bacterium is quite sensitive to certain groups of antibiotics, so treatment is individual and requires mandatory testing.

antibiotic treatment, symptoms, causes, how to treat

Staphylococcus is a harmful microorganism. When it enters the human body, toxins and enzymes are produced, which can lead to the emergence of a variety of dangerous diseases.

That is why, when staphylococcus appears, it is necessary to promptly treat the person.

Features of the pathogen

Hemolytic staphylococcus, which is most often treated with antibiotics, is dangerous bacteria. This pathogen in the human body causes infectious and inflammatory reactions.

Staphylococcus has the ability to hemolyze, that is, destroy. This opportunistic bacterium, which leads to the appearance of various purulent processes in the human body.

Group settlement of bacteria is observed in the human body. In appearance it resembles a bunch of grapes. The size of the bacterium can be 1.3 microns.

Bacteria are most often localized in the perineum, groin, and armpits. Hemolytic staphylococcus is highly resistant to antibacterial medicines.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Before you treat hemolytic staphylococcus it is necessary to determine the reasons for its occurrence. Most often, the bacterium enters the human body through microcracks and damage to the skin.

If a person eats contaminated food, this leads to the appearance of hemolytic staphylococcus.

Enough common cause appearance pathological condition is a decrease in immunity.

Staphylococcus is transmitted in several ways:

  • Airborne dust. In winter, in public places the risk of staphylococcus infection increases significantly. Bacteria are often found in dust. When it is inhaled, human infection occurs.
  • Fecal-oral. The infection enters the human body through contaminated food. Also, the onset of the disease can be diagnosed due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • Contact and household. If sick and healthy man use the same personal hygiene items, bed linen, etc. If injury to the mucous membranes or skin is observed, the risk of pathology increases significantly.
  • Medical. If poorly disinfected materials are used when examining or treating a patient, medical instruments, then this leads to infection.

Hemolytic staphylococcus, the symptoms of which are pronounced, appears for a variety of reasons.

That is why a person needs to be as attentive as possible to his health.


Staphylococcus hemolytic, the cause of which is the penetration of bacteria into the body, is characterized by quite diverse clinical pictures. This directly affects the performance of the immune system.

Most often, this disease is accompanied by fever and chills. Patients also complain of the appearance of hyperemia - a rush of blood to the sites of leakage. infectious process.

Hemolytic staphylococcus is accompanied by:

  • Swelling;
  • Soreness;
  • Weakness;
  • Eczema;
  • Acne;
  • Carbunculosis;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Folliculitis;
  • General malaise.

If staphylococcus gets under the skin, this leads to the development of pyoderma. Patients complain of decreased appetite, as well as nausea and vomiting.

The disease is quite often accompanied by sinusitis - rhinitis, sphenoiditis, sinusitis, sinusitis, emoiditis.

Attention! With staphylococcus, the development of respiratory tract diseases can be observed - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.

A discharge that is yellow-green in color is observed from the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

In many patients, during the onset of infection, the sense of smell is impaired. The timbre of the voice changes quite often when this pathological process appears.

When staphylococcus occurs, patients complain of insomnia and headaches. The pathology may be accompanied by cholecystitis or osteomyelitis.

With poor quality therapy of this disease The performance of certain organs and systems may be impaired.

If several signs of illness appear, the patient is advised to seek help from a doctor who will correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment with antibiotics

Since the bacterium is resistant to antibacterial drugs, treatment is carried out with antibiotics. The most common reception is:

Women and men can take antibiotics for staphylococcus.

Contraindications to certain medications are individual.

That is why the selection of antibiotics should be carried out only by a doctor.

Attention! During pregnancy, the use of antibiotics is not recommended. That is why women are prescribed symptomatic therapy.

The most common application is medicinal products, with the help of which the throat is irrigated. Women are also prescribed antibacterial drugs from staphylococcus in the intestines, which do not affect the development of the child.

Antibiotics are the most effective for staphylococcus in the intestines. If there are contraindications to them, it is recommended to take antibacterial medicine for Staphylococcus aureus in the intestines, which is prescribed by the doctor.


If hemolytic staphylococcus is not treated in a timely manner, this can lead to the appearance of quite serious complications. The most common occurrence in patients is seizures.

Untimely treatment of the disease can lead to the development of a lung abscess. Some patients experience the appearance of pleural empyema.

A complication of staphylococcus can manifest itself in the form of endocarditis.

In later stages, the infectious process may be accompanied by meningitis.

Incorrect treatment pathological condition can lead to loss of voice in the patient.

Fever also falls into the category of complications during the development of an infectious process.


Staphylococcus belongs to the category of quite serious pathological processes, which appear against the background of the penetration of bacteria into the body. The disease is accompanied various symptoms and requires timely treatment.

Otherwise, quite serious complications may develop. That is why patients are advised to seek medical help promptly.

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How to cure Staphylococcus aureus in the eye - Ophthalmology

anonymous, Male, 26 years old

Hello! I have had itching in my left eye for about 2 years now, and it often dries out, sometimes itches, but most often it dries out, and because of this I often blink and squint my eyes. At first I thought it was from the computer and just tried to sit at it less. These symptoms either disappeared or not. And after about 2 years, I began to think that it was an allergy. I checked to see if I had allergies, but it turned out I didn’t. I also saw an ophthalmologist a little earlier, he diagnosed me allergic conjunctivitis, prescribed drops, I took the drops for 10 days, it seemed to have almost passed, but when I stopped dripping, it came back. After all this I went to another ophthalmologist. I was told that I could still go and get checked at the bacteriological laboratory and have my eyes tested for cultures. I was found to have Staphylococcus aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus) the same ophthalmologist recommended medications. But from the medicines that we found, we bought a few drops to improve eye health, roughly speaking, and the most important thing is that we bought chlorophyllipt alcohol. What does it treat? “It has an antibacterial effect against staphylococci, including antibiotic-resistant strains.” I applied chlorophyllipt diluted with cotton wool boiled water as we were told, until I used the whole jar. There was a slight relief in the process. But after treatment nothing changed. I often notice that when I go to the city and walk there all day, the symptoms get very worse (usually I’m at home, a homebody). Or when I ride a bike, the same thing, my eyes dry out, I blink often and itching, redness. It seems to me that after treatment with chlorophyllipt, the dryness remains, but the tone cuts from the inside as before. I no longer know how to treat it, since it is known for sure that I have, is there a medicine that can cure this completely, Staphylococcus aureus in the eye? How long does it take to treat this and how should it be done? I heard that you need to avoid wind and bright light, is that true? I constantly sneeze if I turn on a computer or smartphone screen in a dark room, this is not normal. Is Staphylococcus aureus involved in this? Thank you in advance! I hope you can advise me on something so that I can completely get rid of this.

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Questions and answers on: staphylococcus in the eyes treatment

2012-04-25 16:31:42

Nata asks:

Hello! My gynecologist found Staphylococcus aureus in a smear for flora. I completed a course of antibiotic treatment, but after 10 minutes the temperature returned to 37.2 (which I had for about 20 years, and returned to normal during the treatment period), the burning sensation in the eyes and genitals returned. I did The conclusion is that all my troubles, including infertility with unknown causes, may be associated with an infection. Tell me what could be a way out of this situation and which doctor should I contact. Thanks in advance!

Answers Gunkov Sergey Vasilievich:

Dear Nata. In this situation, it is necessary to examine the state of immunity and correct it.

2009-10-26 14:17:52

Igor asks:

Good afternoon. I have a problem with Staphylococcus aureus in my nose. Almost 2 years ago, the first very painful pimples on the nose, such as boils, began to appear. Then I thought it was a common cold. But after a few months a nightmare began (like vasomotor rhinitis). He haunted me for months. Either snot flows from the nose, or the nose is completely blocked, so that it is impossible to inhale or exhale. Constant sneezing, itchy nose and eyes. Only nasal electrophoresis with diphenhydramine helped. But it didn't help for long. Then there was the antibiotic for staphylococcus quartz. It became a little easier, but not longer than a month. Then another antibiotic, I felt better again, but not for long. And this is how I still constantly suffer with my nose. There are short periods of improvement, followed by protracted periods of exacerbation. But I don’t believe that this is a problem, since the allergy appears with a rash in the nose and goes away with it. After that, in a private laboratory I made a tank-culture of the pimple’s capacity. This time I didn’t undergo treatment, because I don’t believe that just a course of antibiotics will help me. From people who have overcome staphylococcus I heard about treatment with staphylococcal bacteriophage. I also heard about the existence of the staphylococcal vaccine, but unfortunately the ENT doctor could not tell me anything about it. Please advise what should I do? Is it possible to use a bacteriophage? I just don't know who to believe anymore. . Maybe I need to pay attention to my immunity? Any additional tests? Please tell me!

Answers Tarasevich Tatyana Nikolaevna:

Hello, Igor!
It is not entirely clear who prescribed your treatment and who is monitoring it now. All treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an ENT doctor, possibly with the participation of an immunologist. Most likely your disease is of an infectious nature, and not allergic. If your ENT doctor has not heard about specific treatment for staphylococcus, it is better to contact a more experienced specialist and undergo a full examination - nasal culture, biochemical blood test, immunogram; and after that, begin any treatment.

2009-07-06 17:07:59

Asks Kupriyanov Sergey:

My wife was diagnosed with Staphylococcus aureus in her mouth and nose, as well as in her eyes. Are there methods for treating staphylococcus with bacteriophages? The experience of treatment with antibiotics does not give a positive result.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, Sergey! Staphylococcus aureus is a representative of the normal flora of the human body and is often detected in bacteriological studies. This microbe is transmitted through household contact, as well as through food and water. Since Staphylococcus aureus belongs to the group of opportunistic microorganisms, in some cases it can cause diseases (sore throat, food poisoning, pustular diseases). However, for the development of diseases, changes must occur in the host’s body that allow staphylococcus to manifest its pathogenic properties. Such changes include damage to the skin and mucous membranes, metabolic disorders, and changes in the functioning of the immune system. Staphylococci very quickly adapt to various antibiotics (become insensitive), therefore antibacterial treatment of staphylococcus is either not carried out at all or is carried out only after testing the flora for sensitivity. Treatment of staphylococcus and staphylococcal infection with bacteriophage, staphylococcal toxoid, bifid drugs has been carried out for a long time, doctors have already accumulated sufficient experience in the use of these drugs. Contact an infectious disease specialist for recommendations. Be healthy!

2008-11-28 00:42:21

Asks Valentina Viktorovna:

Hello! Help me recover! We live in Belgium, but I have never seen such stupid (or lazy) doctors as here, I simply have no one to turn to. My husband’s ears are very itchy, there is a lot of suppuration there, a yellowish liquid is secreted, and there is a headache around the ears. Then inflammation appeared on the eyelids. Treatment was limited to prescribing an antibiotic, then another antibiotic, then another and another. And this despite the fact that no one even looked into the ears! It was I who insisted that they do the analysis, because I had the same signs of the disease, which naturally indicates an infection. And naturally, an infection was discovered in the ears - Staphylococcus aureus. We were informed about this by phone. That was the end of it. The disease has been going on for 7 months now; I scoured the entire Internet in search of an answer to the question: what should I do? and then I came across your consultation, help! Now we are applying brilliant green in the ears, and tetracycline eye ointment in the eyes, that’s all the treatment at the moment...

Answers Borisenko Oleg Nikolaevich:

Valentina Viktorovna! You need to decide what disease your husband has: otitis media accompanied by otitis externa or only otitis externa. The choice of treatment tactics depends on this. Only an otolaryngologist can determine this after examining the ears - otoscopy.

2008-08-26 16:40:29

Olya asks:

Hello! Help me please! I was diagnosed with staphylococcus in my eyes (my eyes hurt very much every day). Treatment was prescribed: ciprofloxacin 4r. 1 drop per day for 10 days, ketotifen 2 r. per day, 1 drop per day. month. I was treated this way twice. The first time after treatment it was easier for a month. And then everything got worse again. After the second course it didn’t even get any easier. How should I treat myself now?? I read on your website about staphylococcal bacteriophage. Is it suitable in my case and does it have any form for treating the eyes specifically? Thank you in advance

2015-05-24 10:09:56

Tatiana asks:

Good afternoon Please help me understand the diagnosis.
In childhood: sore throat, pneumonia, Hepatitis B.
2000 (16 years old) - herpes on the lip.
2008 - tinea versicolor on the elbows, abdomen - not completely cured (boric acid 3%, now Bactroban).
2013 - sinusitis, the sinus was operated on, after the sutures were removed, the cheek became swollen. Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes were identified. Treatment every 2 months: Augmentin; Cefuroxime 250; Tonsilotren + Bactroban; Amoxiclav 1000. After amoxiclav 1000, swabs from the nose and throat showed everything was clean.
What tests need to be taken to identify:
what kind of Herpes do I have?
what harms the nerves? (since disseminated encephalomyelitis is suspected).
Now: seeing double; different pupil sizes; scorching/hot areas on the body; twitching of hands, muscles, fingers; In the sun, the right side of my head hurts and my arms and legs become wooden. Bad from hot baths, food and lack of sleep. Thank you in advance for your response! THANK YOU!

Answers Yanchenko Vitaly Igorevich:

Hello! Your attending physician should decide what tests you should take. There is a department of neuroinfections in Kyiv on Galitskaya 4, contact them for advice.

2015-01-28 21:30:01

Vladimir asks:

Hello. Is it possible to instill staphylococcal bacteriophage into the eyes when treating Staphylococcus aureus? The instructions (staphylococcal bacteriophage) do not say anything about treating the eyes. Only the instructions for the Klebsiella b-phage are allowed to be used in the eyes.

Answers Prokhvachova Elena Stanislavovna:

Hello, Vladimir. In the presence of a bacterial infection, it is optimal to culture the contents of the conjunctiva to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. After this, it will become clear which antibiotic your Staphylococcus aureus is sensitive to. I wish you health!

2013-11-18 19:07:30

Anatoly asks:

In September, I was diagnosed with acute obstructive bronchitis. I was treated in a hospital (drips, antibiotics). I had spirometry, an X-ray of the lungs, and donated blood - everything was fine. I was bothered by attacks of suffocation mainly at night, wheezing, lacrimation, sneezing, and runny nose. Salbutamol was prescribed. I used it when necessary, not often. 2.11.13 The allergist diagnosed polyvalent allergy. Allergy tests: rye pollen - 5.5, mixed tree pollen - 6.8, hake fish - 2.2; cod - 1.1, chicken meat - 3.4, with oatmeal - 4.1; allergy test with staphylococcus aurens - 1.1, with streptococcus pneum. - 4.3. The immunoglobulin level is 42.3, with the norm being up to 25.
Prescribed: Avamis spray, in addition to Sandoz, Erius, Alergokrom and follow a diet.
I drank Erius for 10 days, I continue to drip into my nose and eyes, but yesterday there was a severe exacerbation - I was choking, I used salbutamol 4 times a day. A week ago, my condition began to worsen - I couldn’t breathe normally, there was a whistling sound in my chest, and attacks of suffocation became more frequent. Please advise what to do next? Was the treatment provided sufficient? Is additional examination necessary and what kind? Is allergy completely curable or is it a lifelong diagnosis? Thanks in advance for your advice.

Answers Pukhlik Boris Mikhailovich:

As I understand it, you have bronchial asthma. There are protocols for its treatment and they need to be followed, and not rush in different directions. The fact that laboratory tests indicated an allergy is rather erroneous. A standard examination is required.

2013-10-23 14:11:02

Ksenia asks:

Hello! I would like to ask for your help in identifying the cause of follicular conjunctivitis. If I tell you briefly, the bumps appeared more than a year ago, I noticed bumps on my eyelids (not accompanied by pain), I wear contact lenses and naturally I constantly get into my eyes, and then I felt a foreign object, and I began to examine my eye, I turned my eyelid out and there was a bump, the same thing on the other eye. I went to the hospital, they said it was a chalazion and that there was no need to have surgery since it was painful, the girl should live with it, and the white discharge from the eye was insignificant. A year passed, and this summer I decided to have surgery so that I these chalazions were removed, I went to another hospital to see a doctor (who does surgeries along the way), he wrote ointments, drops, and if I want to remove the chalazion, sign up for surgery. When I came for the appointment and saw how many people were standing there, I decided to do it the operation was not in a hospital, but in an eye microsurgery clinic, I didn’t trust free hospitals, and I was very worried about how the operation would go. But when I saw a microsurgery doctor (Khabarovsk Eye Microsurgery), it turned out that it was not a chalazion, but follicular conjunctivitis. They prescribed a month-long treatment with drops for allergies, antiviral and antibacterial, and you can’t wear lenses during treatment. There was no improvement, I took a test for chlomydia, negative. They took a smear for bacteria, fungus, an allergic reaction - they found Staphylococcus aureus, took antibiotics, again drops in eyes - as a result, weakly positive dynamics. The doctor cannot find out the cause of these bumps. At the moment, I donated blood for an immunogram, this is the last opportunity to find the cause of my disease. If it doesn’t show anything, then the doctor will no longer treat me and will give me a referral to the city hospital to see an ophthalmologist, but I really don’t want to go there, they even diagnosed me wrong installed. Please help, tell me what else could cause this sore?? I don’t wear lenses now, because I’m undergoing treatment, I always change them on time, Bosch and Lomb lenses for 3 months have recently been wearing colored ones with diopters, their material is polymacon, I used to wear lenses for one month, I take them off on time, put them in the solution, I change the water every day, everything is fine with hygiene. I’m very tired in the morning from swollen eyes, the bumps are in the way, they don’t go away, my eyes are red in the evening, there is a white discharge that accumulates at the end of the day, but there’s not much of it, my eyes look puffy, I’ve already forgotten what they used to look like .Please help, write, due to what other reasons could this disease arise? I'm completely confused.

Answers Kozina Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

Unfortunately, wearing contact lenses after several years often causes a number of complications. This is precisely the reason for refusing contact lenses. These complications can be very difficult to treat.
One of them, Giant papillary conjunctivitis, is papillary changes in the conjunctiva, similar to the picture of follicular conjunctivitis. The nature of the disease is toxic-allergic, treatment is long-term. It is possible to develop chalazions in parallel - after all, the local immunity of the eyes is reduced. But here changes are taking place throughout the century.
I recommend that you do not refuse to consult with another specialist; in your case, you need to be examined by a doctor who has experience in treating complications of contact lenses. Such specialists usually work in contact correction rooms.

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