We actively use stevia! Drinking tea, for example, is not at all disgusting! Rich and healthy composition of stevia. Hypotensive effect of stevia

Vegetable world rich and varied. The simplest and most accessible plants often hide greatest number useful substances, which are constantly required by man. Nowadays society prefers to be treated with chemicals and not waste time studying and collecting medicinal plants. But did you know that many of the expensive medicines purchased are based on natural raw materials?

Most often, traditional medicine uses chamomile, sage, oak bark, lemon balm, mint, calendula. Here's another useful plant that is widely used alternative medicine, not everyone heard.

We are talking about a natural sweetener - stevia (or honey grass), which is not only rich in stevioside, but also helps prevent a number of diseases and strengthen the immune system.

People who control their weight and those with diabetes should be familiar with stevia, because this low-calorie and naturally sweet herb can improve the taste of tea, coffee, desserts or baked goods. And the composition of stevia deservedly allows it to be called one of the most valuable medicinal plants.

This easy-to-grow plant originates from Central and South America, where stevia was used by indigenous people in food purposes and for preparing decoctions. The benefits and harms of stevia were discovered to Europeans only at the beginning of the last century.

Stevia is perennial plant family Asteraceae and has more than 500 species. In the wild, the plant can reach half a meter in height, but cultivated varieties of stevia grow much taller. Stevia has small leaves, and the herb blooms with small white flowers.

Stevia grows best in fresh air, loves sun and abundant watering. Growing it in your garden will not be difficult, and stevia seeds can be bought at any specialty store.

For industrial purposes, stevia is grown in Crimea and Krasnodar region. She is in demand in Food Industry, cosmetology, but most often stevia is used for medical purposes. The high content of natural steviosides, which are several hundred times sweeter than regular sugar, allows you to go on a diet without giving up sweets. And even improve your health, because stevia has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, improves digestion and appetite, and helps with hypertension and diabetes. Stevia wraps and masks based on it tighten pores, cleanse and disinfect the skin, and accelerate wound healing.

IN traditional medicine Stevia is sold in the form of tablets, sugar-like powder, liquid syrup (stevia extract), and dried leaves. But fresh stevia leaves grown at home are most valued. Their natural sweetness allows you to improve the taste of salads, desserts, drinks and even baked goods or jam, because steviol glycosides retain all their benefits and are not destroyed even at temperatures up to 180°.

Composition and benefits of stevia

Stevia belongs to the class of the most low calorie foods, because 100 g of this herb contains only 18 calories! According to this indicator, it left behind even fresh cabbage with its 23-28 kcal.

By including stevia in your diet, you can not only diversify it, but also speed up the breakdown of fats. So those losing weight should definitely take note of this plant.

The benefits of stevia are associated with its unique composition. It contains many vitamins (riboflavin, C, B6, K, beta-carotene, a nicotinic acid) and minerals (fluorine, selenium, calcium, chromium, manganese, aluminum, phosphorus, cobalt), polysaccharides, glycosides, fiber, tannins, vegetable fats, arachidonic acid, flavonoids, essential oils ( camphor oil, limonene), pectin, amino acids and beneficial bitters.

What are the benefits of stevia:

Stevia becomes a real salvation for people with diabetes and who cannot imagine life without sweets. Many manufacturers add it to diabetic products - chocolate, cookies, yoghurts. The natural sweetness of stevia does not harm diabetics; their bodies respond well to this sweetener.

This medicinal plant has almost no prohibitions on consumption. Concerning
fresh plant, then the only contraindication can be individual intolerance to stevia. If an allergy occurs, its consumption should be stopped. At the beginning of the reception, other negative reactions in the form of indigestion, bloating, stomach or intestinal disorders, dizziness, muscle pain. This is why you should consult your doctor before adding stevia to your diet.

You should not overuse stevia and add it to all dishes without exception, because reactions to an excess of sweet foods, even with such a natural sweetener, can also be the most unpredictable.

Do not forget that stevia leads to a decrease in sugar, so while taking it you need to constantly check its amount in the blood.

People with hypotension should also consume stevia carefully to avoid further decrease in blood pressure.

If you purchase stevia at the pharmacy in the form of tablets or powder, then make sure that they do not contain methanol and ethanol, which are usually used to reduce the sweetness of the resulting stevia extract. Their toxic effects can harm the body.


Here you will find out all the details about the sweetener called stevia: what it is, its benefits and possible harm for health from its use, how it is used in cooking and much more. It was used as a sweetener and as medicinal herb in different cultures around the world for centuries, but in recent decades has gained particular popularity as a sugar substitute for diabetics and for weight loss. Stevia has been further studied and research has been conducted to identify its medicinal properties and contraindications for use.

What is stevia?

Stevia is a herb of South American origin, the leaves of which, due to their strong sweetness, are used to produce natural sweetener powder or liquid form.

Stevia leaves are approximately 10-15 times sweeter and the leaf extract is 200-350 times sweeter than regular sugar. Stevia has almost zero calories and contains no carbohydrates. This has made it a popular option for sweetening a variety of foods and drinks for those looking to lose weight or on a diet with low content carbohydrates.

What does stevia look like - photo

general description

Stevia is a small perennial herb belonging to the Asteraceae family and the genus Stevia. Her scientific name– Stevia rebaudiana.

Some other names for stevia are honey grass, sweet biennial.

There are 150 species of this plant, all of them native to North and South America.

Stevia grows 60-120 cm in height and has thin, branched stems. It grows well in temperate climates and parts of tropical regions. Stevia is grown commercially in Japan, China, Thailand, Paraguay and Brazil. Today China is the leading exporter of these products.

Almost all parts of the plant are sweet, but most of the sweetness is concentrated in the dark green, toothed leaves.

How to get stevia

Stevia plants usually start their life in a greenhouse. When they reach 8-10 cm, they are planted in the field.

When small white flowers appear, the stevia is ready for harvesting.

After harvesting, the leaves are dried. The sweetness is extracted from the leaves through a process that involves soaking them in water, filtering and purifying them, and drying them, resulting in crystallized stevia leaf extract.

The sweet compounds stevioside and rebaudioside are isolated and extracted from stevia leaves and further processed into powder, capsule or liquid form.

What does stevia smell and taste like?

Raw, unprocessed stevia often has a bitter taste and unpleasant odor. Once processed, bleached or bleached, it develops a mild, licorice-like flavor.

Many who have tried stevia sweetener cannot help but agree that it has a bitter aftertaste. Some even believe that the bitterness increases when stevia is added to hot drinks. It's a little difficult to get used to, but it's possible.

Depending on the manufacturer and form of stevia, this taste may be less pronounced or absent altogether.

How to choose and where to buy good stevia

Stevia-based sugar substitutes are sold in several forms:

  • powder;
  • granules;
  • pills;
  • liquid.

The price of stevia varies greatly depending on the type and brand.

When purchasing stevia, read the ingredients on the package and make sure it is 100 percent pure. Many manufacturers supplement it with artificial sweeteners based on chemicals, which can significantly reduce the benefits of stevia. Brands that contain dextrose (glucose) or maltodextrin (starch) should be used with caution.

Some of the products labeled as "Stevia" are not actually a pure extract and may contain only a small percentage of it. Always read labels if you care about health benefits and want to buy quality products.

Stevia extract in powder and liquid form is 200 times sweeter than sugar than its whole or dried crushed leaves, which are somewhere between 10 and 40 times sweeter.

Liquid stevia may contain alcohol and often comes in vanilla or hazelnut flavors.

Some powdered stevia products contain inulin, a natural plant fiber.

A good version of stevia can be purchased at a pharmacy, health store, or this online store.

How and for how long is stevia stored?

The shelf life of stevia sweeteners usually depends on the product form: powder, tablets or liquid.

Each brand of stevia sweetener independently determines the recommended shelf life of their products, which can range from three years from the date of manufacture. Check the label for more details.

Chemical composition of stevia

The herb stevia is very low in calories, contains less than five grams of carbohydrates and is considered to have almost 0 calories. Moreover, its dry leaves are about 40 times sweeter than sugar. This sweetness is due to the content of several glycosidic compounds:

  • stevioside;
  • steviol bioside;
  • rebaudiosides A and E;
  • Dulcoside

Two compounds are primarily responsible for the sweet taste:

  1. Rebaudioside A is what is most often extracted and used in stevia powders and sweeteners, but it is usually not the only ingredient. Most commercial stevia sweeteners contain additives: erythritol from corn, dextrose or other artificial sweeteners.
  2. Stevioside makes up about 10% of the sweetness in stevia, but gives it an unusual bitter aftertaste that many people don't like. He also has the majority beneficial properties stevia, which is attributed to it and is the most well studied.

Stevioside is a non-carbohydrate glycosidic compound. Therefore, it does not have the same properties as sucrose and other carbohydrates. Stevia extract, like rebaudioside A, turned out to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. In addition, it has several unique properties, such as long shelf life, high temperature resistance.

The stevia plant contains many sterols and antioxidant compounds such as triterpenes, flavonoids and tannins.

Here are some of the flavonoid polyphenolic antioxidant phytochemicals present in stevia:

  • kaempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • chlorogenic acid;
  • caffeic acid;
  • isoquercetin;
  • isosteviol.

Stevia contains many vital minerals and vitamins that are usually missing from artificial sweeteners.

Studies have shown that kaempferol contained in stevia can reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 23% (American Journal of Epidemiology).

Chlorogenic acid reduces the enzymatic conversion of glycogen to glucose in addition to reducing glucose absorption in the intestine. Thus, it helps reduce blood sugar levels. Laboratory research also confirm a decrease in blood glucose levels and an increase in the concentration of glucose-6-phosphate in the liver and glycogen.

Certain glycosides in stevia extract have been found to dilate blood vessels and increase sodium excretion and urine output. Essentially, stevia, with a little more high doses than as a sweetener, may lower blood pressure.

As a non-carbohydrate sweetener, stevia did not promote the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the mouth, which has been linked to tooth decay.

Stevia as a sweetener - benefits and harms

What makes stevia so popular among people with type 2 diabetes is that it sweetens foods without raising blood glucose levels. This sugar substitute has virtually no calories and carbohydrates, so not only diabetics, but also healthy people are not averse to introducing it into their daily diet.

Can stevia be used for diabetes and healthy people?

Stevia can be used by diabetics as an alternative to sugar. It is better than any other substitute as it is obtained from a natural plant extract and does not contain any carcinogenic or any other harmful substances. However, endocrinologists recommend that their patients try to reduce their intake of sweeteners or avoid them altogether.

For healthy people Stevia is not required as the body is capable of limiting sugar and producing insulin. In this case, the most the best option It would be to limit your sugar intake rather than use other sweeteners.

Stevia in diet pills - negative review

In the 1980s, animal studies concluded that stevia may be carcinogenic and cause fertility problems, but the evidence remained inconclusive. In 2008, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined purified stevia extract (specifically rebaudioside A) to be safe.

However, whole leaves or crude stevia extract have not been approved for use in food products and drinks due to lack of research. However, numerous reviews from people claim that whole leaf stevia is safe alternative sugar or its artificial analogues. The experience of using this herb for centuries in Japan and South America as a natural sweetener and health supplement confirms this.

Although stevia leaf is not approved for commercial distribution, it is still grown for home use and is actively used in cooking.

Comparison of which is better: stevia, xylitol or fructose

Stevia is the only natural, zero-calorie, zero-glycemic alternative to sugar.Xylitol is found in mushrooms, fruits and vegetables. For commercial production, it is extracted from birch and corn.Fructose is a natural sweetener found in honey, fruits, berries and vegetables.
Does not raise blood sugar levels or cause an increase in triglycerides or cholesterol.The glycemic index is low and slightly increases blood sugar levels when consumed.She has a low glycemic index, but at the same time there is a rapid conversion into lipids, the level of cholesterol and triglycerides increases.
Unlike artificial sweeteners, it does not contain harmful chemicals. May increase blood pressure.
Stevia can help with weight loss because it contains no calories. When consumed in excess of foods containing fructose, obesity, heart and liver problems occur.

Health Benefits of Stevia

As a result of studying stevia, its medicinal properties were revealed:

For diabetes

Studies have shown that the sweetener stevia does not add calories or carbohydrates to the diet. It has a glycemic index of zero (meaning stevia does not affect blood sugar levels). This allows diabetics to eat a wider variety of foods and still maintain a healthy diet.

For weight loss

There are many causes of overweight and obesity: physical inactivity and increased consumption of energy-intensive foods with high content fat and sugars. Stevia contains no sugar and is very low in calories. She could be part balanced diet when losing weight to reduce energy consumption without sacrificing taste.

For cancer

Stevia contains many sterols and antioxidant compounds, including kaempferol, which has been shown to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 23%.

For hypertension

Glycosides contained in stevia can dilate blood vessels. They also increase sodium excretion and act as a diuretic. A 2003 study showed that stevia could potentially help lower blood pressure. But further research is needed to confirm this beneficial property.

So, the health benefits of stevia require further study before they can be confirmed. However, rest assured that stevia is safe for diabetics when consumed as a sugar alternative.

Contraindications (harm) and side effects of stevia

The benefits and possible harms of stevia depend on which form you prefer to consume and its quantity. There is a huge difference between pure extract and chemically processed products with a small percentage of stevia added.

But even if you choose high-quality stevia, it is not recommended to consume more than 3-4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day.

Here are the main side effects that can cause harm to health due to excess dosage:

  • If you have low blood pressure, stevia may cause it to drop even further.
  • Some liquid forms of stevia contain alcohol, and people with sensitivity to it may experience bloating, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • Anyone who is allergic to ragweed, marigolds, chrysanthemums and daisies may experience a similar allergic reaction and on stevia since this herb is from the same family.

One animal study found that excessive consumption of stevia reduced the fertility of male rats. But since this only occurs when it is consumed in high doses, similar effects may not be observed in humans.

Stevia during pregnancy

Adding an occasional drop of stevia to a cup of tea is unlikely to cause harm, but it is best not used during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to a lack of research in this area. In cases where pregnant women need sugar substitutes, it is recommended to use them without exceeding the dosage.

Use of stevia in cooking

Worldwide, more than 5,000 food and beverage products now contain stevia as an ingredient:

  • ice cream;
  • Dessert;
  • sauces;
  • yoghurts;
  • pickled products;
  • bread;
  • soft drinks;
  • chewing gum;
  • candies;
  • seafood.

Stevia is good for cooking and baking, unlike some artificial and chemical sweeteners that are destroyed when high temperatures. It not only sweetens, but also enhances the taste of foods.

Stevia is heat-resistant up to 200 C, making it an ideal sugar substitute for many recipes:

  • In powder form, it is ideal for baking as it has a similar texture to sugar.
  • Liquid stevia concentrate is ideal for liquid dishes such as soups, stews and sauces.

How to use stevia as a sugar substitute

Stevia can be used instead of regular sugar in foods and drinks.

  • 1 teaspoon sugar = 1/8 teaspoon powdered stevia = 5 drops liquid;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar = 1/3 teaspoon powdered stevia = 15 drops liquid stevia;
  • 1 cup sugar = 2 tablespoons stevia powder = 2 teaspoons liquid stevia.

The sugar to stevia ratio may vary between brands, so read the packaging before adding sweetener. Using too much of this sweetener can result in a noticeably bitter taste.

General instructions for using stevia

You can use stevia in almost any recipe, for example, making jam or jam, baking cookies. To do this, use universal tips on how to replace sugar with stevia:

  • Step 1 . Combine ingredients as directed in recipe until you reach sugar. Replace sugar with stevia according to the form you have. Since stevia is much sweeter than sugar, equivalent replacement impossible. For measurements, see previous section.
  • Step 2. Since the amount of stevia replaced is much less than sugar, you will need to add more other ingredients to make up for the weight loss and balance the dish. For every cup of sugar you replace, add 1/3 cup of liquid, e.g. applesauce, yogurt, fruit juice, egg whites or water (that is, whatever is included in the recipe ingredients).
  • Step 3. Mix all other ingredients and follow the rest of the recipe.

An important caveat: if you intend to make jam or puree with stevia, they will have a fairly short shelf life (maximum one week in the refrigerator). For long-term storage, you need to freeze them.

To get a thick consistency of the product you will also need a gelling agent - pectin.

Sugar is one of the most dangerous ingredients in food. That is why alternative natural sweeteners such as stevia, which are not harmful to health, are becoming increasingly popular.

Kaa-ehe is the name given to stevia in its homeland, South America. Translated, this means “honey, sweet.” And the plant fully lives up to its name: stevia has a very high sweetness coefficient. One gram of honey grass leaves is equivalent to 25 grams of regular sugar, that is, 25 times sweeter. Naturally, the main area of ​​application of stevia is as a natural sugar substitute. But it is famous not only for its sweetness. The use of this amazing plant is so widespread that it deserves more detailed description.

Stevia. Indications for use

Stevia was used as a tonic tea in ancient times in its homeland. The Indians valued its ability to relieve fatigue and restore strength. Later, scientists proved the effectiveness of such a drink in increasing bioenergy potential body.

Diterpene glycosides, which are responsible for the sweetness of stevia, are non-carbohydrate in nature, and the body does not need insulin for their absorption. Therefore, as a unique sweetener, it is used primarily for diabetes. Long-term use of this sweetener has been proven to reduce blood glucose levels.

But stevia has more than just hypoglycemic properties. Amino acids, flavonoids, vitamins, which honey grass is so rich in, help strengthen the walls blood vessels, help resolve blood clots. Therefore, stevia is also recommended for cardiovascular vascular diseases, including hypertension. Unique plant improves performance endocrine system body, reduces cholesterol levels, has immunomodulatory properties.

And the zero calorie value of the stevia plant, its use for weight loss makes it simply irreplaceable: after all, you can lose overweight and put your body in order without giving up your usual eating style. In addition, it normalizes metabolic processes, activates the work of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats, and helps the work gastrointestinal tract and reduces appetite.

Stevia leaf is also used externally: the herb has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Therefore, infusions from it are very effective for burns, cuts, skin diseases. In addition, it is an excellent cosmetic product: an infusion of leaves makes the skin elastic and smoothes out wrinkles.

In dentistry, stevia is used as a rinse: its bactericidal and tanning properties prevent the growth of bacteria, improve the condition of teeth and gums and prevent caries.

Wide Application This wonderful plant V Lately It is also found in the food industry: after all, sweeteners based on it are significantly superior to sugar in sweetness, they do not contain calories and are not afraid of heat treatment.

Stevia. Contraindications

Next point, after consideration unique properties medicinal plant Stevia and its use are contraindications. Compared to the beneficial properties of honey herb, they are extremely insignificant. IN in rare cases, stevia, like any plant, can cause an allergic reaction. Diabetics and hypertensive patients should not forget that overuse honey herb can greatly reduce sugar levels and blood pressure. No other contraindications have been identified for stevia. You can visit our website or go to the section where to buy stevia to find out where to buy our sweeteners in a place convenient for you.

Enjoy low calorie and healthy sweetness and be healthy!

Latest reviews

  • Stevia liquid Natural flavor (glass)

    It’s a cool thing, the main thing is that it doesn’t taste bitter. I used to take the powder, it had a bitterness, but this is a completely different matter. And it’s convenient, it’s always with me. When I run out, I’ll probably order more, especially since the order was placed quickly, Tamara called and everything was decided with delivery. Thank you for your efficiency and politeness.

    on Andrey
  • Rebaudioside A 97 20 gr. Replaces 7.2 kg. Sahara

    Very good quality, you can hardly feel the taste of stevia!!! The manager responds promptly and calls back. Sent quickly. Thanks to Tamara for the sample. I will definitely order from you!

    for Rebaudioside A97 20 g. (7.2 kg sugar)
  • Stevia cubes on Alexander

Stevia is a plant that is increasingly being used as a natural sugar substitute; the herbal extract is approximately 25 times sweeter than refined sugar. The sweetener is named the most popular and in demand all over the world; the undoubted advantage of the product is safety and zero calorie content.

Stevia extract is recommended for use by patients with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, and obesity. varying degrees gravity. Additionally, the herb stevia helps improve the functioning of the gallbladder and organs. digestive system, liver, eliminate inflammatory processes.

Stevia helps get rid of pathogenic microflora, helps eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis. The plant contains minerals, vitamins, pectins and amino acids. The plant increases bioenergetic abilities human body without having a negative impact. The herb does not lose its beneficial properties when frozen or heated.

Medicinal properties of stevia

The plant leads to normal blood sugar levels, blood pressure, reduces low-density cholesterol, perfectly strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Manages to improve performance thyroid gland, remove toxins, toxic substances, grass will in many ways compete with well-known synthetic sugar substitutes.

With regular use of the plant, the development of neoplasms stops, the body quickly comes into tone, and the pathological processes and aging. Medicinal plant protects teeth from caries, prevents the occurrence of periodontal disease, minimizes the symptoms of allergic reactions, and promotes weight loss.

The use of the herb is recommended for diabetes mellitus, vascular atherosclerosis, disorders metabolic processes, overweight body, for people who simply monitor their health and figure. Stevia herb is excellent prophylactic against diseases of the pancreas and heart muscle.

The use of stevia becomes more effective than the use of natural honey. Moreover, the bee product is:

  1. powerful allergen;
  2. irritant to mucous membranes;
  3. high-calorie product.

You can buy stevia in the form of filter bags; the preparation method is described in detail on the label of the sugar substitute. The plant is also sold in the form of dried herbs, in which case infusions are prepared based on the plant, then added to culinary dishes or drinks.

You need to take 20 grams of stevia, pour it into a glass boiled water. Place the liquid over medium heat, bring to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for 5 minutes. Then the product is infused for another 10 minutes, filtered, poured into a thermos, previously scalded with boiling water.

The stevia herb tincture is kept in a thermos for 10 hours, shaken, and consumed within 3-5 days. Leftover grass:

  • you can add boiling water again;
  • reduce its quantity to one hundred grams;
  • leave for no more than 6 hours.

The finished product is stored in a cool place.

Some patients prefer to grow a bush of the plant on their windowsill or in a flower bed. Fresh leaves herbs are used as needed, it is very convenient.

The calorie content of the plant in its natural form is only 18 kilocalories for every hundred grams, it contains neither protein nor fat, the amount of carbohydrates is 0.1 gram.

Sugar to Stevia Ratio

One gram of pharmacy stevia powder taste qualities The sweetness is equal to 10 g of refined sugar, 25 g of sugar in a tablespoon, 200 g in a standard glass.

A teaspoon of sugar can be equivalent to a quarter teaspoon of crushed dry herb; if it is stevia powder, then this amount is equal to the amount of product on the tip of a knife (this is about 0.7 g), or it is 2-6 drops of aqueous herb extract.

A tablespoon of sugar is replaced by a third small spoon of dried herb, 10 drops of liquid water extract, 2.5 g of stevia powder.

A glass of sugar contains the sweetness of 1-2 teaspoons of ground grass, 20 g of stevia powder, 1-2 small spoons of water extract.

The dosage of the sugar substitute can be reduced or increased depending on the taste preferences of the diabetic. This is always indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Contraindications for use

Diabetics should use stevia only after consultation with an endocrinologist, since with reduced blood pressure the sweetener lowers it even more. It should also be taken into account that active substances can greatly reduce glycemic levels, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Any metabolic disorders and of cardio-vascular system become a significant reason to exercise caution when consuming stevia-based sugar substitutes. It can cause a rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) or slow heart rate heart rate(bradycardia).

It is forbidden to use the herb stevia if you have an individual intolerance to the substance; no beneficial properties of the plant can justify the danger adverse reactions for treatment.

Grass is also prohibited in the following cases:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. children under 3 years of age.

The herb can be harmful if there are digestive problems identified hormonal disorders, blood diseases and all kinds of mental disorders.

Growing stevia at home

Warm-loving grass also grows in our climate, but always in sandy, light soil. You can easily grow a stevia bush at home; for this you take one part of humus, two parts of sand, and vermicompost. You can purchase ready-made soil that contains sand, turf and humus.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in warm water for about half an hour, then lightly air dry. The seeds germinate well and quickly if the soil is covered with glass or transparent film and placed in a warm place. The sprouts should be sprayed with water from time to time.

The seedlings are transplanted after the appearance of the first pair of leaves, regularly watered, and fed with mineral fertilizers. If you plan to grow stevia at home, it is immediately planted in a permanent pot. The container should be shallow, but wide, as the root system grows in width.

A two-liter pot is enough for a bush of grass; at the bottom you need to make 2 centimeters of drainage; for this purpose, broken shards are used. At first:

  • the pot is filled halfway with earth;
  • plant seedlings or cuttings;
  • Add soil as needed.

At home, stevia herb grows well on southwest and south windows. If the plant grows in a pot, ensure normal humidity; if it is over-watered, the root system will rot and the bush will disappear.

If each shoot is shortened from time to time, stevia will be a perennial plant. At least three leaves should remain; new shoots will grow from dormant buds. Provided that the grass grows on the sunny side, even in winter time its leaves will always be sweet.

The first to be harvested are the leaves whose tips curl up. After 3 months, the leaves become too fragile and brittle. They are collected without leaving them on the bush and used in fresh or store in the refrigerator.

Raw materials best quality obtained by drying as quickly as possible, when the leaves are crushed and long time do not dry out, the quality of the raw material rapidly deteriorates, oxidative processes occur in them, and about a third of stevioside is lost.

How to use the herb

Dry leaves are used as a sweetener; they can be crushed using a coffee grinder or mortar. The resulting green powder is about ten times sweeter than white sugar; two tablespoons is enough to replace a glass of sugar. The powder can be added to any dishes that are not prohibited for diabetics, drinks, where sugar is traditionally poured.

There is a recipe delicious tea from stevia, take a glass of boiling water, add a small spoon of dried stevia to it, leave for a couple of minutes. You can add a slice of lemon, lime, mint or lemon balm.

A diabetic can prepare alcohol or aqueous extract herbs. For an alcoholic extract, take whole leaves or ready-made powder, add medical alcohol and high-quality vodka without additives so that the raw material is completely covered with liquid. After which the product is infused for 24 hours, filtered and used as directed.

It is not much more difficult to prepare an aqueous extract:

  1. take 40 g of plant leaves;
  2. a glass of boiling water;
  3. insist for a day.

The resulting product is filtered through several layers of gauze and placed on water bath and boil until thickened. Store the product in a cool place, take a quarter teaspoon before meals. IN pure form The tincture cannot be used; it must be diluted beforehand. warm water room temperature. So simple and accessible remedy When used systematically, it perfectly reduces sugar and prevents it from rising in the future.

Nutritionists advise if you have diabetes, try making syrup from dried stevia leaves and shoots. An arbitrary amount of raw material is poured hot water, boil for 40 minutes, filter, continue to simmer over low heat. The readiness of the syrup is checked in this way: if you drop a little of the product onto a glass or porcelain saucer, it should not spread.

The product is added instead of sugar to desserts and drinks.

Before adding the herb to complex dishes or baked goods, it is better to try brewing a stevia leaf in tea. Since the herb is very specific, not every patient will like it, and the dish will be hopelessly spoiled.

Sometimes, in order to overcome a specific taste, mint, lemon or cinnamon are added to food; it all depends on the individual preferences of the diabetic. As reviews show, after some time you can get used to the taste of the plant; the patient practically does not notice it.

Tablets and other plant-based preparations sold at pharmacies also have a bitter taste, which you will need to put up with or switch to other sugar substitutes. However, stevia is the most popular and sought-after sweetener that does not cause unwanted reactions body.

The perennial plant stevia, which belongs to the Asteraceae family, has gained some popularity among its adherents. healthy eating who use it as usual. Stevia leaves contain more than one hundred beneficial phytochemicals. But despite this, it is being a large number of controversy over its effects on the human body. To understand whether a plant is beneficial or harmful, in this article we will turn to scientific research, of which quite a lot has been carried out in recent years.

Where does stevia grow

Chemical composition of stevia

Vitamins: A, groups B, C, D, E, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, chromium.

Acids: humic, coffee, formic.

Stevia leaves contain 17 amino acids, essential oils, apigenin, campesterol, steviol, flavonoids and glycosides. The latter give this plant a sweet taste. Interestingly, stevia is 30 times sweeter than refined sugar, which is why it is nicknamed the “honey grass.” Contrary to this, it is not contraindicated for diabetics, since the glucosoids included in its composition do not affect the level of insulin in human blood.

Just one leaf of stevia can sweeten an entire pumpkin filled with bitter Yerba mate tea.

Approximately 1/4 tsp. crushed leaves of the plant equals approximately 1 tsp. Sahara.

Stevia calories: leaves - 18 kcal, tablets - 272 kcal, syrup - 128 kcal per 100 g.

Stevia glycemic index - 0.

Health Benefits and Health Benefits of Stevia

  • has an antimicrobial effect,
  • eliminates inflammation in the oral cavity,
  • protects tooth enamel,
  • lowers blood sugar levels,
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system,
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • removes toxins and radionuclides,
  • improves digestion,
  • prevents heartburn,
  • eliminates kidney problems,
  • helps with arthritis,
  • eliminates allergic diathesis in children,
  • prevention of cancer,
  • reduces cravings for fatty foods,
  • eliminates skin rashes,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • helps restore strength.

Does not increase blood sugar levels

A natural sweetener, famous for its almost zero calorie content, is of great interest to many scientists.

When answering the question, is stevia beneficial or harmful, you should refer to the data scientific research. One of the reasons why some people avoid consuming the leaves of this plant as a sweetener is the possible allergic reaction of the body. However, this herb has been scientifically proven to be hypoallergenic. In addition, unlike synthetic sweeteners, stevia does not increase blood sugar levels, so there is an increased risk of diabetes mellitus There are no benefits from using stevia.

Research on stevia and its effects on the body

The journal Planta Medica published the results of a study in 2005 that confirmed the ability of stevia to lower blood sugar levels. This effect is achieved due to the presence of a sweet component in the plant - stevioside. This substance helps normalize blood sugar levels with regular use of a natural sweetener. In 2010, the European Food Safety Authority Journal published the results of another study examining the connection between stevia consumption and diabetes. Italian scientists have proven that consuming this plant leads to a decrease in insulin resistance. As a result, the product is safe for both healthy people and patients diagnosed with diabetes.

One more positive property This plant is able to normalize blood pressure. The connection between stevia consumption and blood pressure was discussed separate study physicians from Taipei University in 2003. Experts conducted tests in which people took part different ages suffering from hypertension or periodically high blood pressure on initial stages development of this disease. As a result, it was found that regular use extract of this plant led to a decrease in blood pressure in all participants without exception. A positive effect was recorded in many participants 2 years after starting to take the extract.

Scientists from the University of Texas also conducted a number of studies to study the beneficial properties of stevia and the effects of this plant extract on the body. Doctors have found that due to the presence of a substance called “kaempferol” in the leaves, the use of this plant is an effective preventative against certain forms of cancer, in particular pancreatic cancer.

There is an opinion that taking stevia can cause infertility. However, this has not been scientifically proven. On the contrary, in countries where it grows and is regularly consumed, the birth rate is high.

Some people mistakenly believe that this plant is toxic. However, there is no scientific evidence for this either. Organic stevia-based products are not toxic, unlike synthetic sweeteners. Negative Impact of this plant on the body is possible only in case of significant excess permissible norm consumption. Individual intolerance to the components that make up the leaves is also possible. However, the percentage of people with individual intolerance to this plant is extremely small.

Contraindications and harm of stevia

  • individual intolerance,
  • pregnancy,
  • hypotension.

Stevia has no clear contraindications, so it can be used not only by adults, but also by children. But during pregnancy and breastfeeding you should be more careful, since during these periods of life a woman’s body is very sensitive to all foods.

People suffering from hypotension should first consult with a specialist, since this plant helps lower blood pressure.

Stevia - sweetener

The main use of the plant is to replace regular refined sugar. Stevia leaves are added to tea or brewed without adding other ingredients. In addition, specialized stores and pharmacies sell various forms of this sweetener.

In what form is it sold?

In dried crushed form, tablets, syrup and white powder.

I would like to immediately note that the white powder and tablets are not the herb stevia, but its extract. Very often, such products contain artificial sweeteners, flavors, etc. Accordingly, they are of little use. In addition, the white powder is too concentrated, since it is actually pure refined stevioside. Add it to dishes and drinks very carefully and in small quantities.

The syrup is obtained by boiling the infusion of leaves to a thick viscous state. It is also quite concentrated.

We bring to your attention a table that will help you understand how much stevia you should add instead of regular sugar.

How to use stevia instead of sugar

Due to harmful additions to the tablets and white powder, bad rumors may arise about this plant. To avoid negative consequences, we recommend purchasing it in its natural form - dark green powder of crushed leaves, or preparing a tincture yourself.

Stevia tincture at home

1 tbsp. crushed leaves + 1 glass of water. Bring to a boil and keep on low heat for another 5 minutes. After this, immediately pour the broth into a thermos. Leave to brew for 9-10 hours, then strain and pour into a sterilized container.

Pour 0.5 cups of boiling water over the remaining leaves again and let them brew for 6 hours in a thermos. Combine the first infusion with the fresh one. The infusion must be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life: 7 days.

As from anyone plant product, the benefits of stevia for the human body will only be in its natural form, and in moderate volume. If you switched to proper nutrition, but it’s still difficult for you to give up sweets, then you can safely replace refined sugar with this herb.

Do you use natural sweeteners in your diet? :)

Stevia for diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension

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