Mydocalm tablets - patient reviews, application, price, reviews and analogues. The drug 'Mydocalm'. Indications for use and contraindications, side effects

A potent drug that normalizes blood circulation in the limbs with arthrosis, which can be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription - these are Mydocalm tablets. For the treatment of neurological syndromes, it is a highly effective remedy, but it should be remembered that the remedy belongs to the group of mixed central muscle relaxants and has a direct effect on the central nervous system(CNS). You can take Mydocalm only as prescribed by your doctor.

What are Mydocalm tablets for?

The local anesthetic drug Mydocalm has a rapid, targeted effect on the central nervous system and is used in the treatment of joint diseases, osteochondrosis of the spine and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels. The tablets have an antispasmodic effect (relieves spasm of vascular smooth muscles), eliminates excessive muscle tension (muscle spasms), and helps reduce skeletal muscle tone.

The main active ingredient of the muscle relaxant (tolperisone hydrochloride) has the specific ability to relieve pain and normalize the trophism of muscle tissue of the extremities. In addition, Mydocalm has an effect on cell membranes, preventing their destruction, which occurs as a result of pathological processes in neurological diseases.

Composition and release form

Release form of the drug Mydocalm - biconvex round tablets, containing 50 mg or 150 mg of tolperisone hydrochloride (as indicated by the 50 or 150 engraving on one side of the tablet). Each pill is covered with a white film coating and has a slight specific odor. Mydocalm is packaged in blisters of 10 tablets each. The cardboard pack contains 3 blisters and instructions for using the medicine. The component composition of each tablet is given in the table:


Amount in tablets containing 50 mg tolperisone hydrochloride, mg

Amount in tablets containing 150 mg tolperisone hydrochloride, mg

Tablet core

Tolperisone hydrochloride

Monohydrate citric acid

Cetylacetic (stearic) acid

Magnesium silicate with hydroxyl (talc)

Microcrystalline cellulose

Corn starch

Lactose monohydrate

Film casing

Colloidal anhydrous silica

Titanium dioxide

Lactose monohydrate

Ethylene glycol polymer Macrogol

Methyloxypropylcellulose (hypromellose)

How the drug works

Mydocalm selectively inhibits the caudal part (located closer to the end) of the totality of cellular accumulations of the brain, which leads to blocking of cholinergic receptors (membrane proteins) responsible for converting energy into nerve impulses and muscle contractions. The mechanism of action of the tablets is to inhibit the impulse conductivity of motor neurons and block spinal reflexes.

Increased circulation of blood and lymph occurs by facilitating the conduction of excitation impulses along the reticulospinal tract. After entering the stomach, the substance tolperisone is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, reaching its maximum concentration in the blood after 30-60 minutes. It is excreted from the body in the urine in the form of intermediate products of cellular metabolism.

Indications for use of Mydocalm

The indication for the use of a potent muscle relaxant is pathologically increased muscle tone, which occurs in diseases of the central nervous system and provokes pain. A neurologist may prescribe Mydocalm to following cases:

  • in the treatment of osteochondrosis to eliminate strong pain syndrome;
  • to relieve attacks severe pain arising against the background of disorders of vascular innervation;
  • in the combined treatment of osteochondrosis, arteriosclerosis, diffuse scleroderma;
  • for relieving muscle spasms during postoperative rehabilitation therapy;
  • for the treatment of non-inflammatory brain diseases that are accompanied by muscular dystonia;
  • as a therapy for increased muscle tone that occurs due to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • for ischemic stroke to relieve spasms of cerebral vessels.

How to take Mydocalm

A regimen for taking a muscle relaxant based on tolperisone is prescribed by a doctor based on the indications for its use. The instructions for the drug Mydocalm tablets contain general recommendations for using the drug. The medicine should be taken after meals to increase the bioavailability of tolperisone. The tablet must be swallowed whole with water.

Recommended initial doses of Mydocalm depend on the age of the patient. For children aged 3 to 7 years, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 5 mg per 1 kg of child weight three times a day. Children over 7 years old take 3-5 mg of tolperisone per 1 kg of body weight three times a day. Adult patients over 14 years of age take 100-150 mg per day (divided into 3 doses). During the course of treatment, the dosage is gradually increased to 450 mg per day.

special instructions

Mydocalm should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician. Targeted studies of the effect of a muscle relaxant on concentration and the ability to control mechanisms and vehicles was not carried out. Reviews from patients indicate that during the entire practice of using the tablets, no hypnotic effect or decrease in reaction rate was observed after taking it.

During pregnancy

Taking Mydocalm in the first trimester of pregnancy is not recommended, due to the lack of clinically proven evidence of the safety of the drug for normal development embryo. Starting from the second trimester, tablets can be prescribed by a doctor if the expected therapeutic effect from taking them will be higher than the potential danger to the fetus.

Drug interactions

Instructions for application of Mydocalm does not contain restrictive instructions regarding the simultaneous use of other drugs. The effect on the central nervous system is not accompanied by a sedative effect, so a muscle relaxant can be combined with sleeping pills. It should be borne in mind that while taking a muscle relaxant and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tolperisone enhances the effect of niflumic acid. Mydocalm enhances the muscle relaxant effect under the influence of psychotropic drugs and clonidine.

Mydocalm and alcohol

During the studies, it was found that the drug does not affect the effects of ethanol-containing substances on the central nervous system. Medicines containing ethanol are approved for use during treatment. Drinking alcohol during treatment with Mydocalm is not prohibited, although this combination may have a sedative effect if alcohol-containing drinks are abused.

Side effects

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased irritability;
  • hypotension.


There are no registered data on cases of overdose with Mydocalm tablets and its consequences. Based on the conducted clinical trials we can conclude that after a single dose of 600 mg of tolperisone hydrochloride, symptoms may appear following signs overdoses that should be eliminated by washing the gastrointestinal tract:

  • ataxia;
  • muscle hypotension;
  • intention tremor;
  • paralysis respiratory center;
  • dyspnea;
  • convulsions.


When prescribing Mydocalm, the doctor must make sure that the patient does not belong to the category of patients for whom taking a muscle relaxant is contraindicated. These categories include breastfeeding women, children and elderly patients. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should warn your neurologist if:

  • hypersensitivity to lidocaine was observed;
  • are allergic to tolperisone hydrochloride;
  • myasthenia gravis was diagnosed;
  • pregnancy is planned;
  • there is a history of severe renal dysfunction;
  • there is a tendency to allergic reactions to medications.

Terms of sale and storage

The muscle relaxant Mydocalm belongs to list B drugs (potent drugs) and is dispensed only on the basis of a prescription written by a doctor. The drug should be stored at a temperature of +15 to +30 degrees in a place inaccessible to children. After three years from the date of manufacture of the medicine (indicated on the packaging), it should not be used.


Similar pharmachologic effect or a similar active ingredient in Mydocalm analogue drugs does not mean that you can independently replace the muscle relaxant prescribed by your doctor. The mechanism of action on the body different drugs differs, therefore the possibility of using this or that medicine must be approved by the attending physician. The most popular analogues of Mydocalm are:

  • Meprotane;
  • Sirdalud;
  • Tizalud;
  • Baclofen;
  • Tolperisone;
  • Miolgin.

Mydocalm price

The price of Mydocalm tablets ranges from 294 to 499 rubles for 30 pieces. and depends on the amount of active ingredient in 1 pill. The table shows the prices of tablets in pharmacies:

Amount of active substance

Price Mydocalm



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The main unpleasant symptom of bone diseases muscle tissue are painful sensations. The intensity of discomfort depends on pathological changes in tissues, neglect of the inflammatory process, and a number of other factors. Not all medications are effective enough to relieve an unpleasant symptom.

Mydocalm has proven itself to be excellent for the treatment of joint diseases. The medicine is classified as a muscle relaxant; it helps reduce muscle tone and further reduce pain in the patient. How to use the product correctly, dosage and side effects? Answers to questions of interest to patients are described in the following material.

Pharmacological properties

Mydocalm is used to eliminate neurological syndrome that provokes pain, trophic disorders, and increased muscle tone. The active component shows a local effect, copes with the clinical picture of osteochondrosis, patients who have had a heart attack and other pathologies. Regular use of the drug shows a lot of positive effects:

  • promotes the occurrence of indirect analgesic effect;
  • effectively eliminates muscle tension;
  • starts blood circulation, lymphatic drainage;
  • promotes dilation of blood vessels.

After oral administration, the drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration of the active substance is observed half an hour after use. The drug is metabolized in the kidneys and liver and excreted by the kidneys.

Composition and release form

The manufacturer produces Mydocalm in the form of film-coated tablets. They have a mild aroma, pill dosage: 50 and 150 mg of the active ingredient (tolperisone hydrochloride). Auxiliary components include: silicon dioxide, citric acid monohydrate, stearic acid, milk sugar. The medicine is sold in 10 tablets per package. Mydocalm is also available in the form of an injection solution, which is used in advanced cases.

Indications for use

What does Mydocalm help with? The drug is prescribed:

  • with increased tone, myogenic contractures caused by pathologies musculoskeletal system: , ;
  • non-inflammatory brain diseases that are accompanied by muscle spasms (cerebral paralysis and others);
  • with muscle hypertonicity, muscle spasms that arise from organic neurological diseases (multiple sclerosis, stroke);
  • the presence of renal colic;
  • severe menstrual pain syndrome;
  • the product is actively used in rehabilitation period after surgery for the treatment of orthopedic ailments (this is due to the ability of the active component of the medication to have a beneficial effect on the degree of stretching of muscle fibers).

Mydocalm is especially often used to treat osteochondrosis, which reduces the need for taking it. Unlike, the medication shows quick results and improves effectiveness conservative therapy in case of illness.

Benefits of the medication

Why choose Mydocalm? Based on patient reviews, positive and quick results, many advantages of the drug can be identified:

  • the central muscle relaxant effect is very selective. The medicine reduces the degree of excitability of muscle fibers, but does not suppress the conduction of nerve impulses, which ensures normal muscle strength and no disruptions in the patient’s motor activity;
  • treatment does not work for this negative influence to physical and mental activity patient;
  • even long-term use of Mydocalm does not contribute to addiction, the occurrence of side effects, and has a small list of contraindications;
  • Mydocalm goes well with other medications, in particular NSAIDs, which are intended to treat pathologies of musculoskeletal tissue;
  • Thanks to the pronounced analgesic and muscle relaxant effect of Mydocalm, it is possible to reduce the dosage of NSAIDs, which has a beneficial effect on internal organs and systems without reducing their effectiveness.

Today the medicine is very popular, in clinical practice has been used for more than 50 years, which proves its safety and high efficiency.


The medicinal product is well tolerated by patients, but there are some contraindications, which, if violated, are likely to cause side effects:

  • in case of hypersensitivity to the main component of Mydocalm or other components of the drug;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to lidocaine or lactose;
  • persistent pathological weakness of muscle tissue, its rapid fatigue;
  • serious pathologies in the liver and kidneys;
  • patients with a history of psychosis, alcohol or drug addiction;
  • children under one year old;
  • There have been no studies on the effectiveness and harmful effects on the fetus during pregnancy of using the medicine, but Mydocalm is used only under the supervision of a doctor, taking into account the benefits and harm for the unborn baby. A similar situation applies to therapy during breastfeeding.

You can avoid negative consequences after using the drug, taking into account the opinion of a specialist, following the dosage indicated by the doctor.

The product does not affect the effectiveness sedatives, can be combined with sleeping pills. The medicine is also allowed to be combined with alcohol. Mydocalm does not affect the patient's concentration in any way.

Possible side effects

In most cases, Mydocalm is well tolerated, but sometimes adverse reactions occur from the gastrointestinal tract, skin and nervous disorders. In 60% of cases of unpleasant symptoms, they do not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient; most of them go away on their own, without medical intervention. Reactions associated with individual intolerance to individual components of the drug occur rarely, in isolated cases pose a threat to the patient's life.

Find out about characteristic symptoms And effective methods treatment of the knee joint.

The rules for using the drug Alflutop in ampoules for the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine are described on the page.

To infrequent negative effects after using Mydocalm include:

  • headache, dizziness, drowsiness, sleep problems, in particular insomnia;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes, which leads to anorexia, nutrition problems;
  • diarrhea, nausea, increased acidity;
  • muscle pain, muscle cramps;
  • a feeling of general discomfort, causeless increased fatigue.

The following side effects rarely occur:

  • tremor, increased convulsive activity, attention disturbances;
  • depressive states, anaphylactic shock;
  • sharp increase blood pressure, angina and tachycardia;
  • nosebleeds, difficulty breathing;
  • mild forms of liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • changes in enzyme activity, irritability, increased thirst.

Cases of overdose are extremely rare; when such a situation occurs, cases of difficulty breathing, stomach cramps are noted, which are eliminated by gastric lavage, compliance with bed rest.

Note! Upon detection of an unpleasant clinical picture stop using Mydocalm, consult a doctor for help.

Instructions for use and dosage

The medicine is intended for oral administration; experts recommend taking it after meals; chewing is not recommended. Then drink with a small amount of any liquid. Adult patients are recommended to start with a dose of 150 mg, which is divided into three times. Over time, the dose is increased to 150 mg at a time. This course of therapy does not exceed three weeks.

The specific dosage depends on the patient’s age, clinical picture, and the course of chronic ailments. On these grounds, the doctor determines the duration of therapy; on average, it lasts 10 days; if necessary, the period is increased several times.

Children are allowed to give 50 mg tablets or divide the pills (150 mg) into several parts. For babies from one to six years old, the dose is calculated taking into account 5 mg per kilogram of the baby’s weight. To facilitate the procedure itself, grind the tablet to a powder, combine with breast milk or purified water.

Mydocalm begins to act half an hour after administration, its effectiveness remains for six hours. The medicine is actively combined with other therapeutic measures (massage, electrophoresis, acupuncture and other procedures).

Analogues of the drug

The pharmacological industry produces a lot of analogues of Mydocalm, similar in action and active component, Before replacing a medicine with another drug, consult your doctor:

  • Sirdalud. Is powerful analogue, it is enough to take it once a day for good results. Side effects are minimal, but the medication effectively copes with muscle spasms, but take it carefully, due to drowsiness;
  • Baclofen. It is used extremely rarely due to the huge number of side effects. Baclofen is used only in extreme cases;
  • Miolgin. In addition to the main components, it includes ibuprofen, which helps cope with the patient’s fever. Medicine is prescribed for severe muscle strain, neuralgia, advanced stages of arthrosis, osteochondrosis. The medication is not recommended for use by expectant mothers or children under 18 years of age.

Storage conditions and cost

Mydocalm is sold without a specialist prescription; it is recommended to store it at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees for three years. After the expiration date, it is prohibited to use it.

The price of Mydocalm tablets does not exceed 270 rubles per package. Depending on the place of purchase, the cost may vary.

Mydocalm has proven itself in pharmaceutical market, is very popular among patients. Take the product according to the instructions, do not exceed the dosage. Many patients note the low cost and quick results.

Mydocalm copes well with muscle spasms caused by various diseases, including musculoskeletal tissue. Use the product as directed, do not exceed the dosage.

The active ingredient Mydocalm relieves muscle spasm, reducing and suppressing pain. The local analgesic effect also helps reduce pain threshold, normalizes the sensitivity of the affected area. Additionally, it has a vasodilating effect, thereby improving blood flow.

Neurologists actively use it in everyday practice, successfully treating cases that are difficult to treat. But the scope of application of Mydocalm is becoming increasingly wider.

The key substance of Mydocalm is tolperisone hydrochloride. It refers to drugs that relax skeletal muscles by acting on the corresponding centers in the brain. This effect of the substance is the main therapeutic effect.

To numb the injection site, the drug package contains Lidocaine. Before giving the first injection, a prick test is required - a diagnostic test to detect an allergic reaction.

The composition of the medicinal product also includes excipients that extend the shelf life, preserve Chemical properties tolpazon. These include preservatives - esters of alpha-aminoacetic acid, methyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, water for injection - simplifies injections, since dilution of the drug is not required.

Various release forms and their comparative characteristics

Various release forms

Form Solution Pills
Manufacturer Gedeon Richter-RUS JSC (Russia) -
Tolperazone concentration 100 mg in 1 ml 50 and 150 mg each
Amount in a package 5 ampoules of 1 ml 30 pieces
Additional substances alpha-aminoacetic acid esters, para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester Citric acid derivatives, silicon salts and others
Suction Quick, about 5 minutes when injected into the muscle. When administered into a vein – within 2-3 minutes Slow, up to 60 minutes
Action The effect occurs already on the 2-3rd day of treatment Relief of symptoms after 1-2 weeks of use
Well 5 to 10 days About a month
Ease of reception Qualified personnel are required, as there are nuances in administering the drug (conducting and interpreting the test, slow injection) More convenient in Everyday life patient. There is no need to issue a sick leave certificate.

Drugs with a similar effect

Analogues containing the same active ingredient as Mydocalm:

Among specified funds you can find cheaper drugs than Mydocalm. But effectiveness may vary. Mydocalm has been the most studied, and there is extensive experience in using it in clinical practice. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before purchasing or changing medications.

Analogue drugs containing a different active substance, but characterized by a similar effect on the body, prescribed for the same conditions:

The estimated cost of such drugs ranges from 200 to 380 rubles. The cheapest from this list is Sirdalurd. Its price ranges from 220 to 300 rubles.

Pharmacological belonging to the same group of Mydocalm and Sirdalurd gives rise to possible interchangeability. However, they contain completely different substances. Mydocalm appeared on the pharmaceutical market earlier, and therefore is used more widely. The main difference between the drugs is the less frequent occurrence of adverse reactions when taking Sirdalurd. However, it much more often causes such unpleasant symptoms as drowsiness and severe apathy. During treatment, driving a car or performing work in which speed of response is important is not recommended.

The price of Mydocalm varies depending on the place of sale in Russia. The national average cost is about 300 - 400 rubles per package of the injectable form of the medicine, 250 - 400 rubles for a package of tablet Mydocalm. The amount of tolpazone in one tablet does not change its cost.

The chemical substance in the drug maintains the structure of the cell wall, preventing it from being destroyed. This effect is associated with increased activity of the corresponding enzymes and a selective change in metabolic processes in the cell. Mydocalm complicates the process of releasing mediators from granules.

The structure of Tolperazone is similar to Lidocaine and has a similar effect - a local analgesic effect. Due to inhibition of the release of neurotransmitters into the intersynaptic cleft, it reduces the conduction speed nerve impulse in the nerve endings of the lesion and motor neurons innervating the muscles. The transmission of spinal cord impulses is blocked. Due to this, it reduces the exciting influence of the structures of the central nervous system on the muscles.

Tolperisone makes it difficult to transmit excitation to reticular formation brain.

Mydocalm has an antispasmodic and adrenergic blocking effect. The tone in the muscles decreases and pain is eliminated, the volume of active and passive movements increases. It also expands the lumen of blood vessels and increases blood flow.

The N-cholinergic effect of Mydocalm was revealed. It is based on blocking nicotinic receptors in the adrenal medulla, nerve ganglia and nerve endings in muscle tissue. Thus, the incoming neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, does not affect non-responsive receptors.

Can be used as an antidote for strychnine in the absence of other drugs.

Like most other drugs, Tolperisone breaks down into metabolites in the liver. After undergoing the primary transformation, the active fraction of Mydocalm makes up a fifth of the amount of the substance taken, the rest is excreted. It leaves the body with urine.

Indications for Mydocalm injections

Used for damage to the musculoskeletal system:

  • Osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine - used to reduce the intensity of pain and relax the paravertebral muscles;
  • Pinched nerve – radiculitis;
  • Spinal cord pathology;
  • Residual period of hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes;
  • Brain lesions that cause muscle dysfunction - Little's disease, cerebral palsy;
  • Progressive diseases of the nervous system;
  • Pathological increase in muscle tone - as a result of amputations of limbs, operations with damage to nerve trunks and endings;
  • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory joint disorders.

Indications from the circulatory system:

  • Disturbances of blood flow in the brain and spinal cord - traumatic, inflammatory in nature;
  • Restoring blood flow in the event of blockage of veins, arteries, and lymphatic vessels by blood clots;
  • Progressive sclerosing diseases – obliterating endarteritis;
  • Defeat vascular wall immune complexes at autoimmune diseases– dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Raynaud’s syndrome;
  • Early postoperative period in traumatology and orthopedics;
  • Difficulty in microcirculation in diabetes mellitus.

In urology:

  • Acute, protracted and chronic types of prostatitis;
  • To relieve the symptoms of renal colic.

In gynecology and obstetrics:

  • Used to relieve symptoms of painful periods;
  • Recommended as an antispasmodic when there is a threat of spontaneous miscarriage in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (relieves uterine tone).

In gastroenterology:

  • It is used as an antispasmodic and analgesic when other drugs are ineffective. For example, during exacerbation of cholelithiasis.

The dose is selected individually by the attending physician. For children, it is preferable to take it in tablets.

  • For children preschool age(3-6 years) Mydocalm is used in a dose of 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.
  • From 7 to 14 years - the calculation is carried out according to the formula 4 mg per 1 kg of child weight per day.
  • After 14 years of age, children and adults are prescribed the drug 50 mg per dose 3 times a day. If ineffective, the dose is increased to a maximum of 150 mg per dose. Tolperazone is taken after meals with plenty of liquid (any liquid except milk).

The injection form of Mydocalm is used according to the following scheme:

  • For intramuscular route of administration - 100 mg (1 ml) twice a day. The administration time should be at least 5 minutes;
  • For intravenous route – 100 mg once a day. The drug must be administered extremely slowly, through a dropper (this recommendation is associated with a risk sharp fall blood pressure, this is one of the side effects of Mydocalm).

The course of treatment in tablet form depends on the purpose of administration. If the main purpose is to relieve muscle tension and pain, the course of therapy is about a month. In cases of recovery after surgery or diseases with circulatory disorders, treatment lasts for years with short breaks. Considering the side effects, during long-term therapy, priority is given to Mydocalm in injections.

A course of treatment injection form Mydocalma lasts from 5 to 10 days, sometimes the therapy is repeated.

Side effects and contraindications

The main adverse reactions that occur after taking the drug are usually divided into 3 types.

Type 1 – side effects recorded in a larger number of patients:

  • Skin itching, digestive disorders such as nausea, vomiting.

Type 2 – infrequent:

  • Decreased appetite up to complete absence;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Headaches, fatigue;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Loose stools, dry mucous membranes;
  • Muscle soreness and weakness.

Type 3 – rare:

  • Changes in general mood, depression;
  • Allergic reactions general before anaphylactic shock;
  • Memory and attention disorders, changes in sensitivity to irritating factors;
  • Dizziness, auditory phenomena;
  • Dilatation of superficial skin vessels;
  • Increased breathing rate and change in rhythm;
  • Possible bleeding of the nasal mucosa;
  • Pain and discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • Changes in liver function, increased liver tests;
  • Allergic skin rashes: urticaria, allergic dermatitis;
  • Unpleasant sensations when walking in the periarticular area;
  • Increased frequency of urination, the appearance of protein in a general urine test;
  • Feeling of heat, thirst;
  • A decrease in the number of platelets and leukocytosis in a general blood test.

Type 4 – very rare:

  • Decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells;
  • Enlarged peripheral lymph nodes;
  • Slowing heart rate;
  • Decreased bone density, increased fragility;
  • Increased creatinine in the blood.

  • A history of allergic reactions to tolpazone, lidocaine and excipients in the medication;
  • Infancy, lactation period;
  • Diseases with muscle weakness (for example, myasthenia gravis).

Use with caution for liver and kidney diseases, in pediatrics (rarely for hypertonicity), and for low blood pressure. When used during pregnancy, the expected benefit must outweigh the possibility of developing fetal defects. In cases of use in the first trimester, no developmental defects were recorded in a newborn child. We must not forget about individual reaction intolerance. In this case, an anaphylactoid reaction develops after the first use of the drug.

Tolperazone does not increase the hypnotic effect of other drugs. Mydocalm does not disrupt the metabolism of alcohol in the body. Medicines with added alcohol are allowed.

The action of tolpazone is supplemented by drugs for induction of anesthesia, drugs that relax muscles, clonidine, and neurotropic drugs.

Mydocalm interacts with other medications used in the treatment of prostatitis without disrupting metabolism.

Tolperazone does not affect the ability to drive a car or activities requiring concentration.


During the entire period of using Mydocalm in practice, no cases of overdose were noted. In experiments taking Tolperazone in amounts of more than 300 mg per day, a sharp decrease in muscle tone was noted, convulsive syndrome, increase in breathing rate and its stop.

MIDOKALM instructions for use (injections in ampoules, tablets). MYDOCALM is a centrally acting muscle relaxant that inhibits the conduction of impulses in primary afferent fibers and motor neurons, which leads to blocking of spinal mono- and polysynaptic reflexes.

Mydocalm instructions for use, reviews, price, analogues and release form (tablets 50 mg and 150 mg, 30 pieces per pack, injections in 1 ml ampoules - injection solution) medications for the treatment of neurological syndromes that are associated with pain, increased muscle tone and impaired trophism.


White or almost white, film-coated tablets, round, biconvex, engraved “50” on one side, with a slight characteristic odor; on the fracture, white or almost white.

The drug tablet contains tolperisone hydrochloride as an active substance. The solution for parenteral administration contains tolperisone hydrochloride and lidocaine hydrochloride.

Excipients: citric acid monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid, talc, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, lactose monohydrate.

Compound film shell: colloidal silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide (E171), lactose monohydrate, macrogol 6000, hypromellose.

50 mg tablet: : 50 mg. tolperisone hydrochloride. : 0.73 mg. citric acid monohydrate, 0.8 mg. colloidal silicon dioxide, 1.7 mg. stearic acid, 4.5 mg. talc, 14 mg. MCC, 29.77 mg. corn starch, 48.5 mg. lactose monohydrate. : 0.045 mg. colloidal silicon dioxide, 0.244 mg. titanium dioxide, 0.392 mg. lactose monohydrate, 3.927 mg. hypromellose.

150 mg tablet: : 150 mg. tolperisone hydrochloride. : 2.19 mg. citric acid monohydrate, 2.4 mg. colloidal silicon dioxide, 5.1 mg. stearic acid, 13.5 mg. talc, 42 mg. MCC, 89.31 mg. corn starch, 145.5 mg. lactose monohydrate. : 0.089 mg. colloidal silicon dioxide, 0.487 mg. titanium dioxide, 0.785 mg. lactose monohydrate, 0.785 mg. macrogol 6000, 7.854 mg. hypromellose. Mydocalm instructions for use.

Solution (injections) 1 ml: : 1 ml. tolperisone hydrochloride, 2.5 mg. lidocaine hydrochloride.
: methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218), diethylene glycol monoethyl ether. : Solution in ampoules - injections.

Release forms

  1. Tablets 50 mg. and 150 mg. — 30 ​​pieces per pack;
  2. Solution for injection, transparent color with a specific odor in sterile ampoules of 1 ml. — 5 ampoules in a pack.

Mydocalm - indications for use, what it helps with

Instructions for use indicate that Mydocalm should be used in the following cases:

  • Treatment increased tone and muscle spasms, muscle contractures accompanying diseases of the movement organs (for example, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, cervical and lumbar syndromes, arthrosis of large joints);
  • Treatment of pathologically increased tone and spasms of striated muscles resulting from organic diseases of the central nervous system (damage to the pyramidal tracts, multiple sclerosis, cerebral stroke, myelopathy, encephalomyelitis);
  • Hypertonicity and spasticity of skeletal muscles against the background of organic lesions of the central nervous system (after a stroke, multiple sclerosis, lesions of the pyramidal system, spinal cord injury, toxic or viral inflammation of the spinal cord and brain, etc.);
  • Myogenic contractures and muscle spasticity caused by pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (spondylosis, lumbago with sciatica, arthrosis of large joints, cervical syndrome);
  • Rehabilitation treatment after orthopedic and traumatological operations;
  • Little's disease (spastic cerebral palsy) and other encephalopathies accompanied by muscular dystonia;
  • Diseases occurring with muscular dystonia;
  • Diseases occurring with vascular obliteration: obliterating atherosclerosis, Raynaud's syndrome;
  • Non-inflammatory brain diseases with muscle tone disorders (infantile paralysis);
  • As part of combination therapy for obliterating vascular diseases (obliterating arteriosclerosis, diabetic angiopathy, thromboangiitis obliterans, Raynaud's disease, diffuse scleroderma);
  • Disorders of vascular innervation;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Menstrual pain;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • As part of combination therapy for diseases arising from disorders of vascular innervation (acrocyanosis, intermittent angioedema);
  • Pain syndrome due to hemorrhoids;
  • Uterine tone, threatening miscarriage;
  • Renal colic.

MIDOKALM instructions for use of the drug

The regimen of use is drawn up depending on the severity of the symptoms accompanying the disease and the patient’s tolerability of Mydocalm.

Oral administration Mydocalm in the form of tablets for adult patients is prescribed 150 - 450 mg. per day. The instructions recommend dividing the daily dose of Mydocalm into 3 doses. The initial dosage is 50 mg. 3 times a day. If the effect of such a dose does not appear, then it is increased.

MIDOKALM injections in ampoules, tablets - instructions for use

Mydocalm in ampoules is intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Recommended daily dose of Mydocalm for intramuscular injection- 200 mg each. per day (in two doses), and with intravenous administration - 1 ml. per day (in one go). Dexamethasone in ampoules for intravenous administration is carried out very slowly, by drip. For patients from 3 months to 7 years, Mydocalm is prescribed at a rate of 5 - 15 mg/kg (three times a day). For patients aged 7 to 15 years, the drug is recommended orally at a daily dose of 3 - 5 mg/kg (three times a day - mydocalm instructions for use). The drug must be taken simultaneously with meals.

Why are Mydocalm tablets prescribed?

Mydocalm tablets: 50 and 150 mg. - instructions for use

The drug Mydocalm is available in dosage form Enteric-coated tablets. They have White color, round shape and a biconvex surface. The main active ingredient of the drug is tolperisone, its concentration in one tablet is 50 and 150 mg.

Taking Mydocalm tablets is indicated for the pathogenetic treatment of a number of pathological conditions organisms, which include:

  • Reduction of increased skeletal muscle tone with organic lesions structures of the central nervous system (encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, pathology of the pyramidal tracts of the brain, cerebral stroke);
  • Complex treatment children's cerebral palsy and other pathologies of the central nervous system, accompanied by a significant increase in skeletal muscle tone;
  • Rehabilitation therapy after injuries musculoskeletal system or surgical interventions performed - Mydocalm instructions for use;
  • Pathogenetic therapy of pathology of the musculoskeletal system, reduction of muscle spasms, contractures in spondylosis, osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis.

Mydocalm tablets are also used in complex therapy obliterating pathology of arterial vessels, which is accompanied by deterioration of blood flow in them (angiopathy of the retinal arteries, Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis), as well as pathological disorder vascular innervation (acrocyanosis, intermittent angioedema).

Contraindications for the use of tablets

Taking Mydocalm tablets is contraindicated for several pathological and physiological conditions organisms, which include:

  • Children under 3 years of age;
  • Increased sensitivity to the active substance and auxiliary components of the drug;
  • Myasthenia gravis is a pathological muscle weakness.

Before you start taking Mydocalm tablets, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to their use.

Method of use of tablets and dose

Mydocalm tablets are taken orally after meals. Do not chew them and wash them down with plenty of water. The average therapeutic dosage of the drug depends on the patient’s age:

  • Children aged 3-6 years – 5 mg. per 1 kg. body weight in 3 doses during the day;
  • Children aged 7-14 years – 2-4 mg. per 1 kg. body weight in 3 doses during the day;
  • Children over 14 years of age and adults – 50 mg. 2-3 times a day. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 150 mg. 2-3 times a day.

The duration of use of Mydocalm tablets is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the nature and severity of the pathological process.

Side effects from using tablets

Taking Mydocalm tablets can lead to the development of side effects from various organs and systems:

  • Cardiovascular system – decrease in systemic blood pressure;
  • Digestive system – nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • Allergic reactions - skin rash, itching, urticaria (rash, swelling, itching, reminiscent of a nettle burn - mydocalm instructions for use), bronchospasm (allergic narrowing of the bronchi with the development of shortness of breath), angioedema (swelling of the tissues of the face and genitals) , anaphylactic shock (a systemic reaction of the body with the development of multiple organ failure against the background of a pronounced decrease in blood pressure);
  • Nervous system – headache and muscle weakness.

If side effects develop, the dose of Mydocalm tablets is reduced, after which they usually disappear.

Why are injections in Mydocalm ampoules prescribed?

Injections (ampoules) Mydocalm - instructions for use

Mydocalm in injections is an injection solution prescribed to patients with increased muscle tone which is provoked neurological diseases.

The action of the drug is aimed at relaxing muscles, relieving hypertonicity and spasticity and providing an analgesic effect. At the same time, the drug does not affect consciousness and the state of the central nervous system as a whole. Mydocalm in ampoules is a centrally acting muscle relaxant, belongs to the aminoketone group.

One Mydocalm ampoule contains a dose of 1 ml., the main chemical composition solution:

    • 1 ml. tolperisone hydrochloride;
    • 2.5 mg. lidocaine.


      • Preservative and antiseptic – methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
      • Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, obtained using ethylene oxide with ethanol;
      • Distilled water for injection.

Main indications for the use of Mydocalm injections:

      • Neurological myasthenia;
      • For muscular dystonia syndrome;
      • Muscle hypertonicity, which increases with load or tension, and which causes resistance even with slight movement;
      • Spasticity of skeletal muscle tissue, which provokes stiffness of movements, poor orientation of the limbs in space and speech impairment.

Hypertonicity and spasticity, in turn, can be caused by the following diseases (which means Mydocalm injections can be used in complex therapy):

      • After various spinal cord injuries;
      • During spinal dystrophy;
      • Lumbar syndrome, which is caused by lumbar or thoracic osteochondrosis;
      • After a stroke. Mydocalm instructions for use;
      • For arthrosis;
      • Multiple sclerosis;
      • Stiffness of the muscles of the cervical and shoulder region;
      • For inflammation of the spinal cord and brain caused by intoxication, allergic reactions or viruses;
      • Chronic diseases spinal column;
      • In case of defeat nerve structures, affecting the connectivity and complexity of movements.

In interaction with other medications, Mydocalm injections can be prescribed for:

      • Raynaud's syndrome, which develops due to capillary spasm;
      • Chronic arterial diseases, the symptoms of which are initially expressed by numbness of the limbs or lameness;
      • Diffuse scleroderma accompanied by skin fibromas and internal organs;
      • Lack of blood supply to capillaries;
      • Complications caused by diabetes.

Contraindications for the use of injections

The use of Mydocalm is contraindicated in the following cases:

      • A severe form of myasthenia gravis, affecting the muscles of the face, tongue and neck;
      • Pregnancy and lactation period;
      • Individual intolerance. Mydocalm instructions for use.

The drug is not prescribed to persons under 18 years of age.

Method of administration of injections and dose

Mydocalm injections were specially created to prevent the medicine from entering the stomach. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The recommended injection dosage is as follows:

      • Intramuscularly - 1 ml is prescribed. twice a day;
      • Intravenous – 1 ml. daily, but the administration should be slow or the drip method is chosen.

The drug, used in the form of injections, acts quickly. The number of injections is determined by the attending physician, depending on the development and neglect of the disease.

Side effects from injections

There is no exact data on the body's reactions during an overdose of the drug. According to studies conducted on rats, it was found that in cases of an increase in the concentration of the active substance in the blood above the norm, the following are observed:

      • Difficulty respiratory functions body, possibly until the heart stops completely and fatal outcome;
      • Some motor coordination disorders, which are provoked by muscle weakness.
      • Convulsions;
      • Increased irritability;
      • Shortness of breath, contributing to respiratory paralysis.


Contraindications to the use of Mydocalm tablets:

      • Increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
      • Age up to 1 year;
      • Revealed allergy to lidocaine (when using injections) or tolperisone;
      • Myasthenia gravis is persistent pathological weakness and rapid fatigue of skeletal muscle tissue.

Before taking Mydocalm tablets for osteochondrosis, you should also take into account that all muscle relaxants are contraindicated in patients:

      • Suffering from epileptic seizures;
      • Mydocalm instructions for use state that the drug is contraindicated for people suffering from Parkinson's disease;
      • Having a history acute psychoses;
      • Those who currently have or have a history of increased seizure activity;
      • Having a history of drug addiction;
      • Suffering from chronic renal and/or liver failure.

Interaction with other drugs

There are no data on interactions with other drugs that would limit the use of Mydocalm. Despite the fact that Tolperisone has the ability to act on the central nervous system, it does not provoke a sedative effect. For this reason, it can be combined with sedatives, sleeping pills and drugs containing alcohol.
Tolperisone has no effect on the effect of alcohol on the central nervous system. The activity of the substance is enhanced by:

      • Clonidine (a substance that has hypotensive effect);
      • Preparations for general anesthesia;
      • Psychotropic drugs;
      • Peripheral muscle relaxants.

Movalis, Mydocalm and Milgamma - drug compatibility

Milgamma, Movalis and Mydocalm are well-combined drugs. Therefore, they are often prescribed as part of complex therapy for patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Mydocalm instructions for use.

Patients with this type of disease in the vast majority of cases suffer from severe joint pain. The use of Movalis and Mydocalm together can reduce the severity of pain, relieve spasms and muscle hypertonicity. In addition, Movalis is characterized by a neutral effect in relation to cartilage tissue.

The drug Milgamma belongs to pharmacological group"B vitamins" and is used as tonic. It has a pronounced metabolic, analgesic and neuroprotective effect.

Neurotropic vitamins belonging to group B have a beneficial effect on inflammatory and degenerative diseases that affect the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. The regimen for taking Movalis-Milgamma-Mydocalm is determined by the attending physician.

Price of the drug MIDOKALM

      • Mydocalm tablets (50 mg. 30 pieces) - minimum price for Mydocalm 50 mg. 320 rub. — maximum price — 370 rubles;
      • Mydocalm tablets (150 mg. 30 pieces) - minimum price for Mydocalm 150 mg. 360 rub. — maximum price — 400 rubles;
      • Mydocalm injections (1 ml. 5 ampoules) - minimum price for Mydocalm injections 400 rub. — maximum price — 490 rub.

special instructions

To avoid complications and unwanted effects The dosage should be strictly observed. Use strictly as prescribed by your doctor to avoid complications. Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

There were no cases of impaired motor coordination or reaction inhibition, but no special studies were conducted.

Mydocalm - analogues of the drug

Analogs of Mydocalm are drugs that have similar properties to it. pharmacological properties, but contain another active substance and are characterized by a different mechanism of action.

Analogs of Mydocalm include:

      • Baclofen (active substance - Baclofen). Baclofen has similar effectiveness to Mydocalm, but has a lot of side effects: drowsiness, difficulty urinating and defecating, decreased Analogue Baclofen blood pressure, hallucinations, depressive states. Accept medicinal product Not recommended without a doctor's prescription. Baclofen should be used in the presence of muscle spasticity resulting from stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy;
      • Miolgin (active ingredients - Paracetamol and Chlorzoxazone). The drug mydocalm instructions for use contains paracetamol and has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. Available in the form of capsules of 250 and 300 ml. active ingredients: paracetamol and chloroxazone. Indications for use are similar to Mydocalm: injury or overstrain of the muscular system, sprained ligaments, various neurological disorders, headache, torticollis, myositis. Miolgin is prescribed with caution to persons under 18 years of age. Side effects include dizziness, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions, nausea and vomiting;
      • Sirdalud (active substance - Tizanidine). It is irreplaceably effective for acute muscle spasms and chronic spasticity. A single dose of this medication per day is sufficient, which reduces the risk of developing adverse reactions. The product is available in tablets and is prescribed if available. intestinal cramps caused by neurological diseases and after operations. It is not recommended to take in case of liver or kidney failure, during pregnancy and lactation;
      • Tolperisone (active substance - Tolperisone "Tolperisone"). This cheap analogue Mydocalma has the significant advantage of low cost, despite a similar mechanism of action. Available in the form of ampoules and tablets and is prescribed primarily for the treatment of muscle spasms, radiculitis, intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis and back bruises. : the presence of allergic reactions, myasthenia gravis, children under one year of age, pregnancy and lactation, children under one year of age, pregnancy and lactation.
      • Lexotan (active ingredient - Bromazepam);

Analogues are usually selected in the presence of intolerance to the components of the composition or due to the lack of results from treatment. They have similar properties, but differ in their composition and mechanism of action.

The listed analogues are based on other active ingredients, but they actually cost the same and have similar properties. Changing to another medication is allowed only with the permission of the attending physician.

Many people ask the question “Which is better - Sirdalurd or Mydocalm, Baclofen or Mydocalm.” There is no clear answer to this question, since each of the drugs has its own advantages. If we compare Mydocalm with Sirdalurd, then both drugs belong to the same pharmacotherapeutic group, but they contain different substances as active ingredients.

Mydocalm was released on pharmaceutical market somewhat earlier and therefore better studied than its analogue. Mydocalm is characterized by a wider spectrum of action, but, unlike Sirdalurd, it provokes fewer unwanted side reactions.

Mydocalm - patient reviews

      • Irina Nikolayevna. I have been suffering from osteochondrosis for a long time. My back hurts very often. Mydocalm just saves me. Two tablets per day of 50 mg are enough. for 10 days and I feel better. If the pain is very severe, then in the first days I additionally use Voltaren suppositories. Suppositories quickly relieve inflammation in the spine and pain. Mydocalm instructions for use - the drug is affordable and at the same time very effective;
      • Sergey Yurievich. I have been taking Mydocalm since I had surgery. I have to undergo treatment even after I had surgery. And these pills can cause an allergic reaction, but my body tolerates this medicine and is not side effect It doesn’t show up for me. I take this drug one tablet three times a day after meals. I buy them in different pharmacies and they are always in stock and the price is not that expensive. Be sure to read the instructions for use and contraindications for this drug;
      • Anastasia Grigorievna. I took it too. You won't believe the headache I thought it was. I went to the doctor, and, to be honest, I didn’t really listen to what he was saying, because my head was literally pounding. He wrote something on a piece of paper, went and bought it and started taking it. It turned out that this drug. On the third day, the headaches went away, and I decided to read the instructions included in the box. Here I was a little dumbfounded, because the drug is for joints and so on, when I have a headache. I didn’t understand anything from what he wrote to me in his doctor’s handwriting on a piece of paper, so I went to the doctor. It turned out that my head hurt because cervical osteochondrosis, that’s why Mydocalm helped;
      • Elizaveta Dmitrievna. My acquaintance with osteochondrosis began with cervical osteochondrosis. I didn’t think about treating it, and it didn’t give me any particular trouble. But after a while, osteochondrosis also joined him lumbar region. Moreover, it was so strong that I simply could not move. If I bent over, then when I straightened up, it was very difficult and painful for me. I experienced the same pain at night and in the morning after waking up. Naturally, I went to the doctor. He prescribed me a bunch of medications, among which was Mydocalm. But the doctor advised using this remedy along with other drugs to achieve the effect;
      • Svetlana Sergeevna. For back and muscle pain I took it several times a year. It helps very quickly and there are almost no side effects. It is inexpensive - mydocalm instructions for use. Available in all pharmacies. But I also heard that there are injections that are prescribed so that the effect does not go through the gastrointestinal tract, but directly into the muscles. There were also good results. I was prescribed these pills in combination with special exercises to strengthen my back muscles. I completed a course of treatment and I haven’t seen a doctor for 2 years now. There are simply no complaints about former illness. But if it hurts sometimes, then I immediately remember this drug. There are side effects and contraindications, but the manufacturer clearly indicated everything - how to take the pills and what to do if problems arise.

Video review of the drug MYDOCALM

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