Tarragon: beneficial and medicinal properties, contraindications. Tarragon (tarragon) plant. Useful properties, area of ​​application of the herb, chemical composition and calorie content

Tarragon (Tarragon) spicy plant, which is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. What and how is it best to use tarragon? How is it useful?

Tarragon(or tarragon) – herbaceous plant of the aster family, externally resembling wormwood. As a spice, young stems and leaves of tarragon are used, which have a strong spicy aroma and a pleasant piquant and refreshing taste.

Medicinal properties of tarragon

Tarragon (tarragon) – popular medicinal plant in Tibetan and Arabic medicine. What gives this plant its value is a large number of essential oil contained in the leaves, carotene, coumarin. Fresh tarragon contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, as well as minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, tannins, bitterness and resin.

Tarragon has many beneficial properties; it is recommended for weak appetite and work disorders digestive tract, stomach cramps. Tarragon herb restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes appetite by improving synthesis gastric juice and reduction of inflammatory processes.

IN folk medicine tarragon is used as an antiscorbutic, diuretic and tonic with vitamin deficiencies. It is useful for blood diseases and of cardio-vascular system. Tarragon renders restorative effect, calms nervous system. Used in dietary nutrition with salt-free diets.

Tarragon in cooking

The green part of the plant is found wide application in cooking in fresh as a spicy and aromatic seasoning.

In the cuisines of many peoples of the world, this plant is used in the preparation of main courses of beef, lamb, pork, and offal. Young greens are put into okroshkas, vegetable soups, broths.

Tarragon leaves are used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, making marinades, sauerkraut, soaking apples and pears. You can salt mushrooms with tarragon. A few sprigs of tarragon are enough to get a unique piquant taste.

Finely chopped fresh leaves are added as a spice to poultry, eggs, light sauces, any meat dishes, as well as to all types of salads. The dried plant can be used for many dishes, and it should be added at the very end of cooking so as not to lose the taste of the plant.

Tarragon adds a subtle taste to a variety of sauces (mayonnaise, ravigote, béarnaise, tomato, sour cream, sorrel-tarragon, lemon, tartar) and fermented milk products, in particular, unsweetened natural yogurt and cheeses.

In France, an aromatic-spicy vinegar is prepared from tarragon leaves, used to season salted fish. It can also be used to make green oil. They often insist on tarragon alcoholic drinks. A bunch of tarragon branches - green or dried, placed in a bottle of vodka for several weeks, gives the vodka a special taste and aroma. Tarragon extract is used to flavor wines and soft drinks: Tarragon carbonated water, cocktails, etc.

Fresh and dried tarragon is added to salads, appetizers and side dishes of apples, tomatoes, cauliflower, gherkins, zucchini, cucumbers, and potatoes. Spice is also added to omelettes, cold soups (for example, okroshka), fish soup, borscht, meat and chicken soups and broths, cold baked pork and beef, main hot dishes ( stewed chicken and fish, pilaf with lamb, manti, vegetable stew, steaks, chops), game dishes, offal dishes (stewed kidneys), bean and pea dishes.

Fresh tarragon is added to hot dishes 1-2 minutes before they are ready, and to cold dishes – at the time of serving. Chefs recommend rubbing meat, poultry and game with tarragon before cooking. Dried tarragon leaves are added to dishes 3-5 minutes before the end of stewing or cooking.

Tarragon goes well with black pepper, ginger, saffron, nutmeg, calendula, lavender, mint, cumin, mustard, onion, parsley, dill, celery.

Many housewives are interested in what it is tarragon and for what purposes it is used. This plant is also called "Tarragon-grass", and it itself belongs to the genus Wormwood. This article will tell you about the beneficial properties of the plant, as well as diseases that can be cured with the help of this miracle herb.

Chemical composition of tarragon

The chemical composition of the plant helps to understand in what area and for what diseases it can be used. So, for example, everyone knows the phytoncides that are found in garlic. Only this fact makes it possible for the plant to be used in many ways.

Also, except useful aspects, chemical composition also talks about side effects or possible intolerance.

The composition of tarragon grass includes the following elements:

  • carotene ( antioxidant, reduces the risk of cancer);
  • alkaloids ( protect against diseases and regulate vital processes);
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids ( antioxidant, has antimicrobial effect);
  • coumarin ( thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots).

Important!If you have reduced blood clotting, it is not advisable to use tarragon, as its properties may aggravate the problem.

Among the beneficial properties of tarragon are: increased content vitamins A and C – more than 11%. Vitamin A is responsible for maintaining immunity and skin health, and vitamin C helps strengthen and form the immune system.

Based on this, we can conclude that tarragon is excellent for strengthening the body’s protective functions and maintaining healthy skin and eyes.

Tarragon also contains other vitamins (B1, B2, PP) and microelements (potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus).

The calorie content of tarragon is 24.8 kcal/100 g.

Beneficial effects of tarragon herb on the body

Another name for tarragon is "dragon wormwood" Its composition is rich in a variety of vitamins, microelements and oils, which have the following effects:

  • antiscorbutic;
  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antimicrobial and antiviral.

In addition to the above, by eating tarragon, you will reduce the chance of cancer, heart attack and stroke. IN Tibetan medicine Dragon wormwood is used in the treatment of pneumonia and bronchitis as the main medicine. However, it should be remembered that each property manifests itself when correct use plants, whether decoction or inhalation with essential oils.

Did you know?Tarragon has scientific name“Artemisia dracunculus”, which is used to refer to all types of wormwood and comes from the Greek “artemes”, which means “healthy”.

Preparation and storage of tarragon raw materials for medical purposes

At the beginning of the first millennium, healers used tarragon as one of the main medicines in the treatment of many diseases. Stock up these days medicinal herb it is possible not only for one or two months, but also for several years.

It is correct to start collecting dragon wormwood in the budding phase. If you start earlier or later, then the entire beneficial effect will be lost. The entire above-ground part (leaves, stem, flowers) is suitable for collection and further use. Best time collection - morning or evening. Choose collection days so that there is no precipitation or high humidity.

Important!In the first year, the collection is carried out in August or October. In the future - from April to October.

The above-ground part is cut off so that about 10 cm of the stem remains above the ground. If you cut more, you will harm the plant.

Immediately after harvesting, place the tarragon in a cool, dark place. The herb can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than two weeks. After this, you need to put the raw materials into processing and further storage.

Before choosing a storage method, determine the purposes for which you are harvesting the plant. Since you cannot make tea with pickled tarragon, and tarragon in oil may not be suitable for medicinal purposes.

Let's start from the very beginning simple way storage - freezing. To do this, rinse the harvested plant and dry it (it is not advisable to use an electric dryer). Next, cut the tarragon into small pieces and place in plastic bags. The bags need to be tied and frozen (the temperature should not be higher than minus 5-7 ˚С).

Important!The defrosted portion is not re-frozen, as most of the beneficial properties are lost.

This storage method is universal. You can use the frozen product both for preparing dishes and drinks, and for treatment various ailments. If freezing the product is not suitable for you, then you can use other methods of storing herbs.

They dry it in open sheds so that they do not get on the plant. Sun rays. The cut plant is folded into bunches and hung with the tops down. Drying does not take much time, since the grass does not contain much moisture. After drying, the leaves and shoots are crushed and stored in tightly closed jars (no need to roll up).

Salted tarragon narrows the intended use, but does not deprive the leaves and stems of juices, as when drying. The greens are washed and laid out on a cloth to dry. After this, it is mixed with salt (200 g per 1 kg of tarragon grass) and compacted into small glass jars. The jars are closed with silicone lids and stored in a cool place.

Other storage options:

  • tarragon in oil;
  • Tarragon vinegar.
These storage methods are very rarely used, since tarragon in this form is not suitable for medicinal purposes.

Traditional medicine recipes

As mentioned above, tarragon is used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. Let's present the most common recipes for medicines based on tarragon grass.

For the treatment of insomnia

The problem of insomnia and bad sleep familiar to all generations. Sometimes this is a short-term problem, but it also happens that a person cannot sleep normally for months. Dragon's wormwood (tarragon) is excellent for insomnia.

To prepare the decoction you will need dry tarragon. Pour a tablespoon of herb into 300 ml of water and boil for 5-6 minutes. After this, leave the broth for 1 hour and filter. Before going to bed, soak a towel or gauze in the medicine and place it on your forehead.

Important!If you drink a decoction that is intended for external use, the effect may be the opposite.

For the treatment of eczema and dermatitis

Tarragon herb is suitable for treating problem skin.

To prepare the ointment, only dried tarragon is used, which must be ground to a powder. After this, add honey (for 300 g of herb, 100 g of honey) and mix thoroughly. The resulting ointment is applied to problem areas of the skin and rubbed in lightly. The course of treatment is unlimited, so you can use the ointment until the desired effect is obtained.

For the treatment of neurosis

To prepare the decoction, take 1 tbsp. l. dry tarragon and brew 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for about 50-60 minutes and filter. The infusion should be consumed 3-4 times a day, 100 ml after meals.

You should consult your doctor before use, as some medicines may reduce attention. If you accept others pharmaceutical drugs, then it is worth clarifying their compatibility with tarragon.

For the treatment of stomatitis

If you have problems with your gums or oral mucosa, then hold off on using medications. Dried tarragon ointment will come to the rescue.

Mix finely chopped herb leaves (20 g) and 100 g butter. We recommend using homemade oil, since it does not contain margarine. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat for about 12-15 minutes.

The ointment should be rubbed into the gums at least 3 times a day until a positive effect is obtained. Treatment should be continued for at least a month. If the disease begins to progress, consult your dentist for any allergic reactions or intolerance to tarragon.

To improve appetite

Tarragon herb enhances the formation of gastric juice, so it is used to improve appetite.

Did you know?In the past, in Germany, fresh tarragon was used to rub fresh tarragon on meat and game to prevent flies from landing on them.

To make delicious tea, you will need:

  • 1 tsp. dry tarragon;
  • 3 tsp. tea (green, black or herbal);
  • 30 g pomegranate peel.

Place the ingredients in a cup and pour boiling water over it. The tea steeps for 10 minutes, after which you need to add more hot water and leave for 15 minutes. Ready tea is used as tea leaves. IN ready drink from tarragon, add sugar or honey to taste.

To improve your overall well-being

For improvement general well-being It is recommended to take baths with tarragon. This therapy calms the nervous system, cleanses the skin and removes toxins from the body. Brew dried leaves and shoots of tarragon grass, let the broth brew and add to the filled bath. After bathing you will feel lightness and cleanliness, and nice smell essential oils will provide not only benefits, but also pleasure from such a procedure.

For varicose veins

A common problem for older people can be solved with tarragon-based compresses. A mixture of 2-3 tbsp is applied to areas with swollen veins. l. chopped tarragon and 500-600 ml of freshly sour kefir (we also recommend using homemade milk).

This compress is applied 2-3 times a day. You need to leave it on the skin until it dries. Try not to keep the ointment on for more than 6-7 hours so that the skin can breathe normally.

Important!If you are allergic to dairy products, consult your doctor before using the ointment.

Tarragon herb in the perfume industry

The use of tarragon in the perfume industry is due to the presence of essential oils, which are a pale yellow or colorless liquid with an anise-like odor.

Tarragon grass is used by perfumers to add lightness and green herbaceous notes to perfumes.

At the same time, perfumes with the addition of tarragon are valued all over the world, as they are produced on the basis natural substances. Tarragon oils have antimicrobial effect, which is not lost when added to perfumes. In addition, perfumes based on tarragon grass have a persistent aroma that does not mix with foreign odors.

Did you know?The French were the first to use tarragon in cooking when the spice was brought to Europe in the 17th century. It was French gourmets who invented recipes for dishes with tarragon.

Use of tarragon in cooking

Tarragon is used everywhere in cooking as part of a wide variety of dishes.

The plant is used as a seasoning. The taste of tarragon is especially pronounced in combination with acidic foods. This plant becomes indispensable when you need to quickly make a marinade or pickles. It contains substances that have antibacterial properties, which means that the pickled product will definitely not spoil.

Also, fresh and dried tarragon leaves are served along with fried meat, steak, fried egg or fish. Crushed leaves are added to first courses: soups, okroshka and broths. Thus, the plant can be added to almost any dish without the risk of spoiling it.

We present a recipe based on tarragon grass.

Chicken with tarragon sauce. Dish ingredients:

  • chicken fillet(3-4 pcs.);
  • 300 ml chicken broth;
  • 80-100 g dried tarragon;
  • 120 ml dry white wine;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 10 g mustard;
  • onion (1 head);
  • garlic (to taste);
  • salt pepper.
Fry the onion in a frying pan until golden brown (use a deep frying pan). Next, carefully add the broth to the pan first, and then the wine. Stir, bring to a boil and heat for up to 5 minutes. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and add to the broth.

Simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. 5 minutes before readiness, add sour cream, tarragon and mustard. Stir several times during cooking. Add salt and pepper at the end of cooking.

In addition to recipes and instructions, you need to remember a few tricks for using tarragon in cooking:

  1. Only dried, pickled or salted tarragon is used in cooking. When fresh, the plant will only give bitterness ( during heat treatment).
  2. You can make vodka based on tarragon ( A sprig of dried tarragon is placed in the bottle for several weeks.). As a result, the alcohol will have the smell and taste of wild berries.
  3. Tarragon is used to give wine vinegar a piquant aroma. To do this, add plant leaves to the container. In the end you will get unusual smell and a slightly spicy aftertaste.
  4. Tarragon herb should be added to the dish 5-7 minutes before cooking in order to preserve the beneficial properties and taste of the spice.

How to make a drink from tarragon grass at home

Tarragon lemonade is familiar to both adults and children. Soda owes its taste precisely to tarragon, which is part of its composition. Make it tasty, and most importantly - healthy drink from tarragon grass at home simply.

To make lemonade you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter carbonated mineral water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • a large bunch of green tarragon.
Beat lemon, sugar and tarragon in a blender. Next, the homogeneous mixture is poured with water and allowed to brew. After this, pour it into a glass with added ice. The drink is ready!

Important!The amount of lemon can be reduced if you do not tolerate acidic foods well.

The second version of “Tarragon” is with the addition of lemon balm and kiwi. For the cocktail we will need:

  • 500 ml mineral water;
  • 300 ml water for syrup;
  • fresh tarragon (up to 100 g);
  • 4 lemon balm leaves;
  • 1 lime;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • sugar.
Grind lemon balm and tarragon grass in a blender. Boil water, add chopped herbs and sugar. Cook over low heat for about 3 minutes. Cool. While the greens are boiling, chop the fruits along with the syrup. Pour syrup with fruit and boiled herbs with sugar into glasses. Add ice and the drink is ready.

Except traditional drink, all kinds of cocktails are made from the plant. Tarragon is also added to liqueurs, tinctures and whiskey.

Contraindications to the use of tarragon

Let's discuss possible contraindications tarragon and side effects after its use.

We previously learned that tarragon can fight cancer, but it long-term use how seasonings (in large quantities) can lead to the formation cancerous tumors. The cause may be the substance methyl chavicol, which is contained in the plant.

If you are allergic to chrysanthemums or daisies, then eating tarragon will cause a similar reaction, since the plant belongs to the same family.

Tarragon grass is contraindicated in cholelithiasis and diseases urinary tract. Although tarragon promotes the passage of stones from the gallbladder, their movement can lead to serious consequences.

33 times already

The word “tarragon” is familiar to many; the sweet drink of the same name immediately comes to mind. At the same time, few people know that it is made from the perennial plant tarragon. You should familiarize yourself in more detail with the information about what is remarkable about tarragon, what it is and how to use it, because when correct use This amazing plant can replace half of your home first aid kit.

Tarragon - what is it?

Tarragon is perennial, externally bearing a striking resemblance to common wormwood. Tarragon has a specific taste and smell, so it is widely used in cooking as a seasoning. The shrub is also called tarragon and dragoon grass.

The plant is widespread throughout Europe and Asia. Tarragon is distinguished by elongated forked leaves and a large woody rhizome. He likes sunlight, grows reluctantly in the shade. The lifespan of tarragon is up to ten years. Nevertheless healing properties leaves are retained only in young shrubs, in the first three years of growth.

Herb Tarragon: beneficial and medicinal properties

Tarragon is used in cooking, folk medicine and home cosmetology. The use of tarragon in medicine is due to the composition of the leaves of this plant.

They contain:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • essential oil;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarins.

The plant contains small amounts of phosphorus, potassium and iron. B vitamins are also found in the leaves, but in small doses. About a quarter of the plant consists of proteins, half of carbohydrates, the rest is flavonoids and essential oil. The spice is used in folk medicine as valuable source vitamins A and C, used as a cure for scurvy and a decongestant.

Essential oil Tarragon has a specific aroma, which is why it is used in perfumery. In cosmetology, leaves are used as a means to combat inflammation on the skin, thanks to their antiseptic properties. Masks and lotions made from tarragon help increase skin turgor, which is why they are used in the fight against age-related changes.

How many times have you read recipes in which you met mysterious grass tarragon, but did not know anything about its use and what beneficial properties it has and contraindications for use? There are thousands of plants that can be used in cooking to enhance flavor and improve health. Today on the site you will learn what tarragon is (or, as this herb is also called, tarragon), about its properties and uses.

What is tarragon (tarragon)?

Tarragon, also known as tarragon, is a herb with green, long, thin, pointed leaves and an unusual aniseed aroma, used fresh and dried as a seasoning.

Tarragon is especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine. It is a key herb in French cooking (an essential ingredient in Béarnaise sauce) and goes well with eggs, cheese and poultry.

The popular carbonated drink is flavored with sweet tarragon concentrate. soft drink- Tarragon lemonade.

general description

Tarragon belongs to the Asteraceae family and the Artemisia genus.

The most famous varieties:

  • French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) is a plant native to Central Asia and Southern Russia, but is also common in Western cuisine and is especially popular in France, England and the United States.
  • Russian (Artemisia dracunculoides Pursch) - less aromatic and sharper in taste, therefore, not so common in cooking.

The second name for tarragon is tarragon.

French tarragon is considered the best, and its aroma is more subtle, which is why it will be discussed in this site publication.

Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus now grows throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, including Europe, Asia, India, North America and parts of northern Mexico.

This herb is a small shrub with a thin, woody, branching stem reaching up to a meter in height. Grows well in fertile, rich, sandy soil with adequate sunlight.

Tarragon roots are long, coiled and fibrous, resembling tangled snakes.

Tarragon leaves are from 2 to 8 cm, smooth, with a dark green surface, elongated, with pointed tips.

The flowers are from 2 to 4 mm in diameter, greenish-yellow in color.

Tarragon and tarragon are the same name for the same plant.

What is the smell and taste of tarragon (tarragon)

The herb tarragon (tarragon) is very aromatic and has a sweetish taste that is slightly bitter and a little similar to anise, fennel and licorice, but at the same time unique.

Tarragon should be added very little when cooking, as its smell and taste can overwhelm all other ingredients in the dish.

How to choose and where to buy tarragon

Tarragon is not as common as parsley or cilantro, so you'll have to look for it in specialty stores or farmers' markets. You'll likely find it in larger supermarkets as well if they have a large variety of fresh herbs.

If you are able to purchase tarragon greens, look for a herb with a rich flavor and avoid those with limp, discolored, old leaves.

Most often, dried tarragon is sold in stores. As with most dried herbs, the aroma will be less and the flavor will not be as mild as fresh leaves, but still good enough for seasoning. Pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and production dates: spices should not be past their expiration date.

How and how long to store tarragon

Fresh tarragon herb is stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator and used as quickly as possible, since the herbs have a limited shelf life - only 2-3 days.

Store dried tarragon in an airtight container in a cool dark place up to six months.

Chemical composition of tarragon

Tarragon does not have as many medicinal properties as many other herbs, but it still has something to offer, as it has a fairly rich composition of nutrients.

Nutritional value of dried tarragon/tarragon herb (Artemisia dracunculus) per 100 g.

NameQuantityPercent of daily norm, %
Energy value(calorie content)295 Kcal 15
Carbohydrates50.22 g 38
Protein22.77 g 40
Fats7.24 g 24
Dietary fiber(cellulose)7.4 g 19
Folates274 mcg 68,5
Niacin8,950 mg 56
Pyridoxine2.410 mg 185
Riboflavin1.339 mg 103
Thiamine0.251 mg 21
Vitamin A4200 IU 140
Vitamin C50.0 mg 83
Sodium62 mg 4
Potassium3020 mg 64
Calcium1139 mg 114
Copper0.677 mg 75
Iron32.30 mg 403
Magnesium347 mg 87
Manganese7.967 mg 346
Zinc3.90 mg 35

Physiological role

Tarragon has the following effects on the body:

  • diuretic;
  • carminative;
  • stimulating digestion;
  • regulating menstrual cycle;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anthelmintic;
  • antiseptic;
  • calming.

Health Benefits of Tarragon

Tarragon is an aromatic perennial plant rich in health-promoting phytonutrients as well as antioxidants that help promote health and prevent disease.

The main essential oils in tarragon are estragole (methyl chavicol), cineole, ocimene and phellandrene.

In folk medicine, tarragon has been used to stimulate appetite and relieve symptoms of anorexia.

Scientific research shows that polyphenolic compounds in the herb tarragon help lower blood sugar levels.

Tarragon greens are one of the richest sources of antioxidants among common herbs per 100g.

Laboratory studies of tarragon extract have shown that some compounds in it block platelet activation, prevent platelet aggregation and their adhesion (sticking) to the wall blood vessels. This helps prevent blood clots from forming inside the small blood vessels of the heart and brain, protecting against heart attack and stroke.

Tarragon is very high in vitamins C, A, as well as B vitamins: folate, pyridoxine, niacin, riboflavin, etc., which act as antioxidants and also as factors promoting metabolic enzymes.

Tarragon is an excellent source of minerals such as calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium and zinc. Manganese is used by the body as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Iron is important for cellular respiration ( associated factors for the enzyme cytochrome oxidase) and blood cell production.

Although tarragon has beneficial properties, you should be careful before consuming it. medical purposes, as there are some contraindications. Some people may experience harm as well as benefit from tarragon. Here are a few caveats:

People who are allergic to a plant in the Asteraceae family, such as ragweed, chamomile, or marigold, may experience allergic reactions and tarragon.

Women during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding should be wary of this herb because large amounts of tarragon stimulate menstruation.

In large quantities, tarragon slows down blood clotting. If you have to surgical intervention, stop taking it two weeks before your scheduled surgery to prevent any bleeding problems.

Use of tarragon herb in cooking

As a rule, the herb tarragon is added in small quantities at the last moment of cooking to preserve the aroma and taste.

Fresh tarragon has a much more intense odor than dried tarragon and should be used sparingly.

1 tablespoon fresh tarragon = 1 teaspoon dried.

Wash the tarragon greens before cooking, then add whole sprigs to the dish, or remove the leaves from the stems and use whole or chopped.

The subtle herbal aroma of tarragon is especially suitable for fish and chicken, as well as vinaigrettes and sauces.

Here are some more tips on where to add tarragon:

  • Fresh tarragon is used in green salads.
  • Dry tarragon - for pickling tomatoes and mushrooms, as well as for pickling and sauerkraut.
  • Chopped leaves also add a special flavor to condiments such as mustard, mayonnaise, and tartar sauce.
  • Fresh as well as dry leaves are used as a flavorful base in marinades for fish, lamb and poultry.
  • The aroma of tarragon goes well with tomatoes and carrots. This spice can be added to roasted summer vegetables.
  • Tarragon is added to baked potatoes, potato salad and egg dishes.
  • It makes a delicious beef sauce that combines mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, tarragon and garlic.
  • Tarragon is the most important ingredient popular French Béarnaise sauce.
  • It goes well with tomato dishes, so it is added to tomato-based soups or in tomato sauce for pasta.
  • Dried tarragon mixed with chervil, basil and sour cream makes an excellent sauce for shrimp or seasoning for meat, fish or vegetables.
  • Tarragon also works well in simple cooking fried chicken or as a seasoning for grilled fish.
  • This herb is used to flavor oil or white wine vinegar.

Tarragon tea recipe

No the best way experience the full benefits of how to make tarragon tea. You will need a teapot, some tarragon leaves and the following instructions:

  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of tarragon leaves into a glass of water.
  3. Let sit for about 5 minutes or more.

With the addition of lemon or honey, your tea will be even tastier and healthier. This drink helps with indigestion and relieves anxiety. Tarragon tea is easy to make and can be safely drunk several times a day.

Tarragon lemonade - how to make Tarragon at home. Video

How can you substitute tarragon in a recipe?

If you don't have tarragon on hand, haven't found it in stores, or just don't like the taste, there are several good substitutes, which can be used as an alternative to this herb.

  • To substitute fresh tarragon, use an equal amount of fresh chervil or fennel leaves. If you don't have either, use a pinch of fennel or anise seeds for each tablespoon of fresh tarragon.
  • Replace the tarragon with an equal amount of dill, basil or marjoram. These herbs don't taste like it, but work well in the dishes it's typically included in.

So, you have learned what tarragon is, many people are familiar with it culinary use, but most do not know about its unique beneficial properties and some contraindications. This spice has been used by many cultures for centuries as natural medicine from many diseases. In addition, tarragon is an excellent addition to any food because it contains large amounts of vitamins, potassium and other nutrients, which have been said to provide health benefits.

Tarragon grass - medicinal properties and contraindications

The herb tarragon has unusual taste qualities and has a second name - tarragon. It is used to prepare delicious teas and lemonades, but many people forget that tarragon is an excellent medicinal plant. With its help, with regular use, you can get rid of serious illnesses, if you take a comprehensive approach to therapy. Review of all useful properties and most effective recipes to maintain your health is presented below!

Medicinal properties of tarragon

Tarragon has unique composition, as it contains vitamins, minerals, and special enzymes. Against this background, we can highlight several of the most powerful medicinal properties of this greenery:

  • Strengthening bones. At regular use tarragon the body receives a lot of calcium necessary for health bone tissue. Helps people with arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism.
  • Improves sexual functions. The herb is useful for male potency and hormonal levels women. Helps prolong sexual health and gives strength, and also regulates the menstrual cycle in women.
  • Relieves tension and anxiety. The essential oil of the herb can be used for aromatherapy, and syrups and decoctions can be used to treat neuroses and insomnia.
  • Increases immunity. In the form of drinks and teas, it fights seasonal fatigue and protects the body from exhaustion.
  • Helps against colds. Contains enzymes that destroy viruses and bacteria. Can be used in the form of tea or decoction.
  • Has a positive effect on appetite. And improves digestive processes.
  • Improves kidney function. Can be used to treat edema, as it removes excess liquid, and with it toxins.
  • Lowers blood pressure. Can be used to treat hypertension, thrombosis and varicose veins.
  • Helps reduce toothache. Simply chewing a piece of the plant is enough.
  • Used in cosmetology. Combats problems of dry scalp and hair, and also improves the condition of the face with dry epidermis.

The composition includes phytoncides, which have proven effectiveness in the prevention of cancer and malignant neoplasms.

The best tarragon recipes for health

Tarragon herb can be used in the form of tea, kvass, syrup and decoction. It is often added to dishes pure form, decorating their taste and improving their properties. But there are many recipes that are universal and suitable for the prevention of various diseases.

Universal syrup recipe

To prepare it, you need to take 0.5 kg of fresh grass, without separating the stems. First, the greens need to be mashed well or broken up in a blender. Place in a non-stainless steel container and pour boiled water so that the grass is completely hidden. Leave for 12 hours, then squeeze and strain. You can add a little sugar to the drink, after which it is placed on water bath and cook until the syrup begins to thicken. This product can be stored in sterilized glass bottles for about six months before opening.

Universal ointment recipe

For 100 g of butter you need to take 2 tablespoons of tarragon, well ground in a mortar; dry tarragon is worse for these matters. Then mix everything in a water bath and boil for several minutes. Infuse and cool, mixing with a teaspoon of honey. The mixture should be stored in a cool place and used to treat dermatitis, eczema, as well as burns and other skin diseases.

Recipe for swelling

Tarragon is excellent in treating edema that occurs due to kidney disease. Can be used home remedy and for prevention:

  • 20 g of fresh raw materials are mixed with 500 ml of boiling water;
  • insist for 20 minutes;
  • Take the decoction throughout the day, 100 ml 4 times.

The course of treatment with such a remedy should not exceed 3-4 weeks.

Remedy for itching and rashes

Tarragon perfectly helps to cope with skin diseases complex in nature, but no less effective in the fight against itching and rashes of various origins. It is recommended by many famous naturopaths:

  • take 3 parts of burdock root and chamomile flowers;
  • add to them 2 parts of motherwort herb and nettle leaves;
  • tarragon and thyme you need to take 1 part each;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 30 minutes until cool;
  • strain and drink.

You can make 2-3 glasses of the mixture per day and drink it instead of regular tea. You can also use this mixture to make compresses on the rash area.

Fighting neuroses

You can use spicy herbs to treat neuroses in the form of a recipe: take a glass of boiling water for 1 spoon of raw material and brew it for an hour. After filtering, take 100 g three times a day. After eating, at least 2 hours should pass. It is advisable to take the last time at night.

Advice! And to combat insomnia, mix a tablespoon of dry herb with a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Soak a towel in the strained broth and wrap it around your head for 30 minutes.

Cosmetology recipes

In cosmetology, tarragon is great for improving the health of chapped or flaky skin:

  • Mix 1 spoon of oatmeal flour with a handful of mashed tarragon;
  • add 1/5 of a glass of just boiled water;
  • leave for a quarter of an hour and add a spoonful of olive oil (the water should not be hotter than 40 degrees);
  • mix well and apply to face for 15 minutes.

After the procedure, you need to apply the usual nourishing cream to your face. And here is a recipe for hair that will help against dryness, dandruff and dullness:

  • take a packet of colorless henna and prepare the solution according to the recipe, but instead of water use a decoction of tarragon that has just been boiling;
  • after cooling, add 3 drops of tarragon ether or other product you like;
  • Keep the mask on your head for 1 hour, then rinse with water without shampoo.

Just don’t add it to a mask like this essential substances, created to treat oily hair.

Recipe for varicose veins

Since tarragon helps get rid of problems with blood vessels, it is also effective for varicose veins: take 0.5 liters of kefir and mix it with 2 tbsp. l. tarragon. You should soak gauze in the solution and apply it to areas with pronounced veins for 30 minutes, and cover the top with film. You need to make such compresses every other day for 1-2 months.

Versatile tarragon drinks

You can support your body, gain strength and help prevent diseases that tarragon can fight. simple recipes herbal drinks:

  • Refreshing and delicious recipe prepared from 200 g of fresh herbs, 2-3 limes and 1 lemon. For the indicated portion you need to take 1 spoon of sugar. The chopped products are poured with a glass of boiling water and ground in a blender. Strain and combine with water in proportions of 1 to 4. You can drink no more than 2-3 glasses a day.
  • Vanilla tarragon is a lemonade made from 7 tablespoons of chopped herbs, 1.3 liters of water, 7 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar with the juice of half a lemon. Infuse the ingredients in the refrigerator for 1 day.
  • Winter tea. A special tea recipe will help you regain strength and refresh. Mix 3 spoons of high-quality green raw materials, add 1 tsp. dried tarragon and pomegranate peel. Leave for 10 minutes, pouring a glass of hot water.
  • Lemon drink. You can prepare a tonic product without the strong taste of tarragon. Take 2-3 sprigs of fresh grass and some berries. You will need 0.5 liters of mineral water and 1 lemon, as well as a little honey. Mix everything in a blender and leave for a while.
  • Pure lemonade. To prepare a tonic and preventative product, take lemon, a bunch of tarragon and about 1.5 liters of water, as well as sugar to taste. Everything is mixed and filled with water. Bring to a boil and remove. Leave until cooled.
  • Kvass. During the hot summer season you can make very tasty and healthy kvass, which will not allow the forces to disperse. It is prepared from 300 g of green grass, 3 liters of water, 1 lemon and a small amount of sugar. You also need some dry yeast. Pour boiling water over the grass for 12 hours. Then add sugar, yeast, lemon juice. For taste, you can add a few sprigs of basil. When foam appears, pour into a storage container and put in the refrigerator.

Before consuming any recipe, be it medicine or tonic tea with tarragon, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Contraindications for tarragon?

The medicinal herb is under strict ban for use if you have gastritis or ulcers, as well as increased acidity stomach. Pregnant and lactating women should use any spices do not do it.

Carefully! In America, a case was recorded when a pregnant woman took tarragon-based lemonade, as a result of which the fetus’s liver failed.

You should not eat foods with large amounts of tarragon every day and take medicinal supplements based on it at the same time. Excessive use can cause not only liver problems, but also such side effects as: loss of consciousness, convulsions, nausea and vomiting.

Where does tarragon grow?

The unique grass is found in vast areas of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It is also brought to Russia from China and Mongolia, and less often from India. Huge plantations of wild tarragon are located in Pakistan and North America. In Russia, this grass also grows happily in various fields and steppe hills.

Advice! It is preferable to use natural fresh tarragon, as it contains more useful substances, and they sell it almost everywhere. When choosing shoots, pay attention to their freshness - the absence of lethargy, yellowing and mold.

Fresh and high-quality tarragon has a pleasant aroma, and the French variety is more suitable for cooking. The Russian type of herb is ideal for home preparations and medicinal recipes.

As for growing the spice yourself, there are no problems with this either: tarragon grows remarkably well in pots on the windowsill, and in any soil on summer cottage. Russian varieties tolerate frost well and love cold, and do not need regular watering.

Harvesting tarragon

  • cut the stems and put the grass in water - this will keep it in a cold place for 3-4 weeks;
  • Wash the leaves and put them in a bag, put it in the freezer - the herb will be stored for up to 5-6 months.

You can dry tarragon by placing it in a cool room where the sun's rays do not penetrate. It must be ventilated.

Tarragon is an unusual herb that, with the right approach, will help protect the body from development various diseases. It will bring the most benefit when fresh. And after all, receive all year round high-quality green tarragon is not so difficult: it can be easily grown in the country and frozen, or planted in a simple pot and left on the windowsill!

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