UHF therapy is a method of combating various diseases. UHF therapy: definition, methodology, effects, indications, side effects, contraindications

Thanks to its ultra-high frequency vibrations, which have a positive effect on the human body, UHF therapy has found wide application in medicine.

It is used in the treatment of ENT organs, diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, genitourinary and nervous systems, in dentistry, and during the rehabilitation period.

Ultra-high-frequency therapy has also shown good results in cosmetology, where it is used to slow down the aging process of cells, thereby giving facial skin firmness, elasticity and a healthy appearance. What is UHF therapy and how does it work? Let’s figure it out together.

Liquid is the main component of the human body, which contains various ions. Thanks to cellular pores, ions move from tissue fluid to the cage and back. These movements are ordered, which helps in regulating the transmission of impulse throughout nerve fiber for muscle contractions, cell nutrition, etc.

The influence of aggressive external environment and others negative factors affects the incorrect distribution of electrical charges, which leads to poor functioning of the pores in the cell.

Because of this, the cell itself suffers from a lack of nutrients, and the liquid that should be in it begins to linger in the intercellular space.

The result of this entire disrupted ionic system is dry skin, premature wrinkles, bags and swelling under the eyes, and weak vascular walls. Also, together with the fluid, toxins begin to accumulate in the intercellular substance, and because of this, new problems appear, such as seborrhea or acne. The purpose of using UHF therapy is to expose tissue to ultra-high purity pulses. Most often, in therapy, this frequency is 40.68 MHz.

While creating magnetic field under the influence of UHF, heat begins to form in tissues due to eddy currents, blood circulation improves, the number of leukocytes increases, and regulatory functions in nervous system. Ultrahigh-frequency therapy exhibits a pronounced regenerating and analgesic effect on tissue.

Application in the field of beauty

In cosmetology, these procedures use currents of low strength and low frequency, which makes it harmless, comfortable, and most importantly, effective. The use of UHF allows cell membranes change its electrical potential, which is why the cell itself revives, opening membrane channels and activating metabolism.

Under the influence of microcurrents, DNA synthesis and the transport of amino acids, lipids and proteins, which are so important for the life of the cell, begin to increase.

Microcurrents also activate the rapid production of elastin and collagen, which has a positive effect on smoothing out fine wrinkles, giving the skin elasticity and firmness.

In cosmetology, this therapy is carried out to achieve goals such as:

  • correction of facial contour avoiding surgical intervention;
  • prevention and treatment of lymphostasis and edema;
  • to eliminate chronic or acute pain;
  • for post-operative rehabilitation purposes;
  • in the treatment of rosacea and rosacea;
  • to increase muscle tone;
  • improve skin condition (smoothing wrinkles, sagging, hypersensitivity);
  • to reduce skin oiliness.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient feels the lifting effect. This is explained by the influence of microcurrents, which have a restorative effect on the tone of the facial muscles. In addition, the resulting currents have a positive effect on the muscles of the lymphatic and blood capillaries, thereby stimulating the contraction or relaxation of the fibers.

This helps in the fight against seborrhea, acne, swelling and slagging. Stagnant spots resolve and manifestations of rosacea decrease (under the skin you can laser removal vessels).

Before prescribing UHF therapy, factors such as:

It is also considered important in the use of UHF that the procedures can be carried out with the presence of inflammatory diseases that are in the active stage.

The only condition for this is that there is a waste for the purulent contents that will flow out of the affected area.

Positive sides

The advantages of this procedure include:


Diseases respiratory system and ENT organs:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • rhinitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis.

Are being created favorable conditions For fast healing damaged tissues and reduces the risk of possible complications. There is an inhibitory effect on microorganisms and their vital functions.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • endarteritis;
  • varicose veins;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • Raynaud's disease.

Thanks to its vasodilating effect, it leads to improvements in central and peripheral circulation. Reduced tone of the vascular walls helps reduce swelling and decline blood pressure.

Diseases digestive system:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • constipation, etc.

It has an analgesic, restorative and anti-inflammatory effect. Has an antispasmodic effect. After the procedures, the secretion of bile and motility of the entire intestine improves.

Diseases genitourinary systems s:

  • cystitis;
  • oophoritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • endometritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • candidiasis.

The inflammatory response is reduced and there is an effect that reduces swelling. Affected tissues heal due to improved blood circulation.

Skin diseases:

  • boils;
  • abscesses;
  • eczema;
  • herpes;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • carbuncles, etc.

UHF therapy has a bactericidal effect on affected tissues. Relieves the inflammatory process and activates the work of immune cells.


  • injuries;
  • periodontitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • ulceration of the mucous membrane.

Under influence electromagnetic field blood circulation in the gums improves. The viability of bacteria decreases and the growth of bacteria stops. Painful sensations are reduced.

UHF therapy is also successfully used for diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, eye diseases and during the rehabilitation period.


Contraindications may include:

  • significant disturbances in blood clotting;
  • hypertensive and hypotensive diseases in the 3rd stage;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • pregnancy;
  • myocardial infarction or persistent angina;
  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • cardiovascular failure and venous thrombosis.

Relative contraindications include:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tumors with a benign course;
  • the body contains metal objects whose size does not exceed 2 cm (for example, dentures)

All detailed information about the procedure, the essence of the method, is in a separate article.

You can see photos before and after the bikini area photoepilation procedure.

How does laser removal of pigment spots on the face work, what are the prices of the procedures, you will find all the details.

What goes with it?

Combining ultra-high-frequency therapy with other cosmetic products only improves the result. In cosmetology, these procedures are often combined with thread lifting, with and laser, with and, contour plastic surgery and chemical peels.

The combination of these procedures allows you to significantly reduce the healing time of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, restore elasticity, eliminate dark spots, improve complexion and much more. The combination also makes it possible to reduce the number of procedures and increase the duration of the positive result.

In conclusion, watch the video of the UHF therapy procedure:

One of effective methods Treatment for many diseases is physiotherapy. Such procedures are especially often in demand for inflammation and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And for several decades now, doctors have been using UHF in treatment. What it is is of interest to patients who are prescribed this physiotherapy. Its meaning is that the patient’s tissues and organs are affected using high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. As a result, blood circulation improves and decreases inflammatory processes. Therefore, UHF is prescribed for many diseases.

What it is

You can now also carry out this procedure at home. But stationary devices and specialist assistance make it safer. After all, not all patients imagine the technique of performing UHF procedures. What it is? Decoding this abbreviation helps to understand that this is the effect of ultra-high frequency current.

And if used incorrectly, the procedure can be dangerous. It is carried out using a current generator high frequency. Two condenser plates extend from it, through which the effect is transmitted to the patient’s tissues and organs. In them, under the influence of current, ions vibrate and a thermal effect is created. Therefore, many patients call this procedure simply warming up. But before you go to the physiotherapy office, it’s worth finding out: UHF - what is it? The photo will help you imagine what awaits the patient.

How is the procedure performed?

The patient should sit or lie in a comfortable position. The plates of the device are located at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from his body. This is achieved using cotton fabrics, which must be dry. The gap is needed to prevent burns. In addition, the plates are coated with insulating material. Depending on the disease or location of the procedure, their position can be transverse or longitudinal. In some places, for example on the limbs, the plates are opposite each other, and the patient's body is located between them.

This way, exposure to ultra-high frequencies will be more effective. This is necessary when the source of inflammation is deep. If the impact is required on areas located close to the surface of the body, the plates are placed longitudinally. In this case, the distance between them should be no less than their diameter. You also need to choose the current strength. For example, during inflammation it should be low so that heat is not felt, but to accelerate tissue regeneration, on the contrary, heat generation should be more pronounced. UHF procedures usually last from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the disease and age of the patient. And their number is determined by the doctor, most often 10-15 is enough.

Therapeutic effects of the procedure

For several decades now many chronic diseases and diseases at the recovery stage are treated with UHF. What it is is known not only to those who often suffer from otitis media, bronchitis or sinusitis. This procedure is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Under the influence of ultrahigh frequencies, the following processes occur in the body:

The number of pathogenic bacteria decreases;

The number of leukocytes increases and their effect increases;

Blood circulation improves;

The immune system is activated and the body’s protective functions are increased;

Capillaries dilate and vascular tone decreases;

Metabolism is improved and stimulated motor function intestines;

Smooth muscle spasms are relieved;

Improves the flow of mucus during sinusitis or bronchitis;

Swelling goes away and inflammation decreases;

Pain sensations are reduced;

The person relaxes and calms down.

When is UHF used?

Many patients know what it is since childhood. This effect is effective for the following diseases:

Bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

Otitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis;

At complex therapy colds and viral diseases, sore throat, laryngitis or tonsillitis;

Various purulent inflammatory processes;

Vegetative-vascular dystonia;

Skin diseases: felon, furunculosis, festering wounds and trophic ulcers;

With thrombophlebitis, vascular spasms, varicose veins veins and cerebrovascular accidents;

Cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal spasms, gastritis and even viral hepatitis;

For diseases of the female genital organs, menopausal syndrome;

Osteochondrosis, radiculitis, myositis, arthritis, neuralgia and myalgia;

Most patients in trauma departments know what UHF is. In case of a fracture, sprain or dislocation, the procedure helps to quickly restore tissue and prevent complications.

Contraindications for use

Not everyone can use UHF. Like any other physiotherapeutic procedures, they are contraindicated for certain diseases:

Oncological neoplasms, mastopathy or fibroids;

Tendency to bleeding, blood diseases;


Low blood pressure;

Acute myocardial infarction and heart failure;

Elevated temperature;

During pregnancy.

In addition, if the patient has metal implants in the body, such as crowns or pacemakers, it is necessary to warn medical staff, perhaps this will also become a contraindication to UHF. Therefore, this, like all other physiotherapeutic procedures, should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Features of UHF application

During the procedure, the patient should be far from metal objects and not touch the switched on device.

You need to set up the device correctly and make sure that the wires do not touch each other or the patient. After all, in this case the resonance will be disrupted.

When treating children, you need to use the lowest current strength and correctly dose the procedure time.

It is necessary to accurately dose the force of influence. For example, with purulent inflammatory diseases Only a slight warmth should be felt.

You need to carefully study the rules for using a UHF device at home. Not all buyers know what it is, and the consequences of such use can be burns or electric shock.

UHF therapy (ultra high frequency therapy) is a physiotherapeutic treatment method that uses ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields. UHF therapy is a kind of heat treatment that, using special equipment, penetrates human tissues and organs.

UHF electromagnetic fields contribute to:

  • healing of wounds and fractures;
  • reduction of edema;
  • stimulation of peripheral and central blood circulation;
  • pain reduction;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes.
In 1929, ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields were used for the first time in Germany as a treatment method. The invention of UHF therapy was prompted by complaints from people who worked at radio stations, who stated that they felt a certain Negative influence from radio waves.

Mechanism of therapeutic action

UHF therapy has the following effects:
  • oscillatory effect, which is characterized by a change in the biological structure of cells at the physicochemical and molecular level;
  • a thermal effect that results in heating of body tissue by converting ultra-high frequencies of an electromagnetic field into thermal energy.

Device structure

The classic UHF therapy device is equipped with the following components:
  • high frequency generator ( device that produces ultra-high frequency energy);
  • electrodes in the form of capacitor plates ( electrical conductor);
  • inductors ( are responsible for creating magnetic flux );
  • emitters.
There are two types of UHF devices:
  • stationary;
  • portable.
The following stationary devices are used for UHF therapy:
  • "UHF-300";
  • "Screen-2";
  • "Impulse-2";
  • "Impulse-3".
The following portable devices are used for UHF therapy:
  • "UHF-30";
  • "UHF-66";
  • "UHF-80-04".

Devices operating in pulse mode are also popular.

Among the Russian pulsed UHF therapy devices, the following are distinguished:

  • "Impulse-2";
  • "Impulse-3".
Among foreign UHF therapy devices, the following are distinguished:
  • "Ultraterm";
  • "K-50";
  • "Megapulse";
  • "Megatherm".
The following ranges of electromagnetic waves are used in UHF therapy:
  • 40.68 MHz ( Most UHF devices in Russia and the CIS countries operate on this range);
  • 27.12 MHz ( this range is mostly used in Western countries).
The frequency of electromagnetic oscillations is of two types:
  • continuous oscillation, in which there is a continuous electromagnetic effect on the affected area;
  • pulse oscillation, which produces a series of pulses that last from two to eight milliseconds.

Carrying out the UHF procedure

Wooden furniture is used for UHF therapy. During the procedure the patient is usually seated or supine position depending on the location of the affected area, as well as the general condition of the patient. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to take off your clothes, since UHF exposure can penetrate through things and even plaster casts. After the patient has taken a comfortable position, the preparation of the capacitor plates is carried out ( type of electrode).

To begin with, the patient is selected with the optimal size electrodes in relation to the affected area of ​​the body. Then the plates are attached to the holders and, after wiping with an alcohol-containing solution, they are brought to the sore spot.

There are the following methods for installing electrodes:

  • transverse method;
  • longitudinal method.

Transverse method
This installation method means that the electrodes must be located opposite each other. In this case, one plate should be directed towards the diseased area of ​​the body, and the other - on the opposite side. Due to this arrangement, electromagnetic fields penetrate through the entire body of the patient, while providing overall impact. The distance between the electrode and the body should not be less than two centimeters.

Longitudinal method
With this method, electrodes are applied only to the affected side. This installation method is used in the treatment of superficial diseases, since electromagnetic fields in this case penetrate shallowly. The space between the electrode and the body should not exceed more than one centimeter.

UHF therapy electrodes are installed at a certain distance. The closer the plate is to the affected area, the stronger the thermal effect ( If placed incorrectly, it can lead to burns.).

After installing the electrodes medical worker sets a certain power of electricity at which the patient receives the required dose of UHF. The power of electromagnetic fields is adjusted using a special regulator, which is located on the generator control panel. Depending on the existing disease and the doctor’s indications, UHF is used different dosages sensations of warmth.

UHF heat dose Power Mechanism of action Patient's feelings
Thermal dose from 100 to 150 W used for provocative purposes the patient experiences pronounced thermal sensations
Oligothermic dose from 40 to 100 W improves cellular nutrition, metabolism and blood circulation characterized by slight thermal sensations
Athermic dose from 15 to 40 W produces an anti-inflammatory effect the patient does not feel warm

Depending on the dose of exposure to UHF fields, the following changes may be observed in the human body:
  • increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes;
  • decreased exudation ( release of fluid into tissue during inflammatory processes);
  • activation of fibroblast activity ( cells that form connective tissue in human body );
  • increased permeability of vessel walls;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in tissues.
The advantage of UHF therapy is that its use is possible in acute inflammatory processes and fresh fractures. Typically, these disorders are a contraindication to various physiotherapeutic treatments.

As a rule, the duration of the UHF therapy procedure for an adult is from ten to fifteen minutes. On average, a course of treatment includes from five to fifteen procedures, which are usually carried out daily or every other day.

Features of UHF for newborns and children:

  • UHF therapy can be used only a few days after the birth of the child;
  • low-thermal dosage is used;
  • devices with low power are used; so children under seven years old are shown a power of no more than thirty watts, and children school age– no more than forty watts;
  • For children under five years of age, electrodes are bandaged to the required area, and instead of an air gap between the plate and the skin, a special bandage pad is inserted ( to avoid burns);
  • UHF therapy is used no more than twice a year;
  • It is recommended to produce an average of five to eight medical procedures (no more than twelve).
The duration of the UHF procedure depends on the age of the child.

Indications for UHF procedure

When prescribing UHF, the following factors are taken into account:
  • patient's age;
  • the course and stage of the existing disease;
  • general health of the patient;
  • Availability concomitant diseases;
  • presence of contraindications for the procedure.
UHF is one of the methods of physiotherapy that can be used for inflammatory diseases that are in active phase.

During the inflammatory process, at the site of the lesion, due to the accumulation of blood and lymph cells, a inflammatory infiltrate, which can dissolve under the influence of UHF. During the procedure, the saturation of calcium ions increases in the affected area, which leads to the formation connective tissue around the inflammatory focus and prevents further dissemination infections. However, it should be noted that this method treatment is used only in cases where there are conditions for drainage of purulent contents from the affected area.

UHF is used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs ( ear, throat, nose);
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases musculoskeletal system;
  • eye diseases;
  • dental diseases;
  • in the postoperative period.

System name Name of the disease Mechanism of action of UHF
Diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs In the presence of infectious processes (for example, pneumonia, sore throat, otitis media) produces an inhibitory effect on the vital activity of microorganisms. Has an analgesic and immunostrengthening effect. Favorable conditions are created for the healing of affected tissues, and the risk of complications is reduced.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • hypertension of the first and second stages;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • cerebral circulatory disorder ( for example, with atherosclerosis).
It has a vasodilating effect, which leads to improved peripheral and central blood circulation. Produces a positive effect on myocardial contractility. Due to the reduction increased tone vascular wall helps lower blood pressure and also reduces tissue swelling.
Digestive system diseases
  • viral hepatitis;
Renders restorative effect on the human body. For diseases accompanied by pain syndrome, produces an analgesic effect. Also has an anti-inflammatory effect ( for example, with cholecystitis, colitis) and accelerates the tissue healing process ( for example, with stomach ulcers and duodenum ). With spasms of the stomach, gall bladder, and intestines, it produces an antispasmodic effect ( relaxing effect). Also, after the procedure, intestinal motility and bile secretion improve.
Diseases of the genitourinary system The inflammatory reaction decreases, an anti-edema effect occurs, blood circulation and healing of affected tissues improves.
Skin diseases
  • carbuncles;
  • herpes simplex;
  • phlegmon;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • wounds.
At skin diseases prevents the process of wound suppuration. If the infectious-inflammatory process is in the active phase, this procedure has a bactericidal effect ( inhibits the activity of bacteria). Stimulates the skin's protective system, in which the work of immune cells such as lymphocytes, Langerhans cells, mast cells and others. Microcirculation in the affected area also improves, which helps accelerate the epithelization process ( recovery) fabrics. In the presence of allergic diseases has a desensitizing effect on the body ( antiallergic) action.
Nervous system diseases
  • Phantom pain;
  • plexitis;
  • inflammation sciatic nerve (sciatica);
  • injuries spinal cord;
  • causalgia;
  • brain and spinal cord injuries ( contusions, concussion, compression of the brain or spinal cord).
Produces an analgesic effect by inhibiting processes in the central nervous system, and also helps reduce muscle spasms. Also, at the site of exposure, blood circulation improves, which leads to an acceleration of the healing process of nervous tissue. For diseases accompanied by conduction disturbances nerve impulses, promotes their restoration.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • phagocytes are special cells in the body that destroy pathogenic microorganisms), which accelerates the process of healing and tissue regeneration.
Dental diseases
  • alveolitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • ulceration of the oral mucosa;
  • burns;
  • injuries.
During exposure to an electromagnetic field in the gums, blood circulation improves, growth stops, and the viability of bacteria is inhibited. Pain is also effectively reduced.
Rehabilitation period
  • postoperative wounds;
  • postoperative infiltrates;
  • rehabilitation after injuries;
  • rehabilitation after illness.
By improving microcirculation and creating collateral vessels, the process of regeneration of affected tissues is accelerated. The risk of wound infection is significantly reduced, since the ultra-high-frequency electric field has a detrimental effect on pathological microorganisms that can cause suppuration of the postoperative wound. During the rehabilitation period, this procedure helps to increase the body's defenses and also has an analgesic effect, which speeds up and facilitates the recovery process.

The effectiveness of UHF treatment may depend on the following factors:
  • stage and severity of the disease;
  • range of electromagnetic vibrations;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • place of impact;
  • usage additional methods treatment;
  • individual sensitivity to influence electric current.

Contraindications for UHF

There are absolute and relative contraindications for UHF therapy.

The following absolute contraindications exist:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hypertonic disease third stage;
  • malignant tumors;
  • feverish conditions;
  • hypotension;
  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy;
  • Bleeding. UHF use before surgical intervention increases the risk of bleeding. The electromagnetic field, heating the tissue and causing hyperemia in the affected area, can subsequently lead to bleeding.
  • Scar. One of therapeutic actions UHF is aimed at the development of connective tissue, which, for example, during inflammatory processes creates a protective barrier, preventing the spread of infection throughout the body. However, in some cases where there is a risk of developing unwanted scar tissue ( for example, after abdominal surgery ), UHF is not recommended.
  • Electric shock. Side effect that may occur in in rare cases, if safety rules are not followed, if the patient comes into contact with exposed live parts of the device.

Let's consider how the UHF electric field acts on the electrolyte and dielectric.

In an electrolyte solution in a UHF field, oscillatory motion of ions occurs according to changes in the direction of the external field strength. The occurrence of a conduction current is accompanied by the release of heat Q, and per unit time per unit volume the following will be released:

where k is the proportionality coefficient; E - electric field strength;  - specific resistance of the electrolyte.

Under the influence of a UHF field, a change in the position (rotational vibrations) of polar dipole molecules or charged sections of macromolecules occurs in the dielectric in accordance with the reorientation of the external electric field (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Movement of the dipole molecule and ions between the electrodes of the E when the UHF electric field changes.

In this case, the movement of the dipoles lags in phase from the oscillations of the electric field strength E, which is accompanied by the formation of friction forces. As a result, the amount of heat released per unit volume of the dielectric per unit time :

, (3)

where k is the proportionality coefficient;  - circular frequency; E - electric field strength;  - relative dielectric constant;  is the dielectric loss angle, depending on the nature of the dielectric and the frequency of exposure.

Body tissues contain both electrolytes and dielectrics. Therefore, when determining the impact of the UHF field on tissue, it is necessary to take into account the total effect:


It should be noted that, depending on the selected oscillation frequency of the electric field, it is possible to have a preferential (selective) effect on either electrolytes or dielectrics. The frequency of the device for UHF therapy (40.86 MHz) provides the most effective heating of dielectric tissue.

Well-supplied tissues contain large amounts of electrolytes. In this regard, electrolyte tissues include tissues of muscles, liver, heart, spleen, etc. A similar approach allows us to specify adipose, bone tissue, tendons, etc. as dielectric tissues.

Often, UHF therapy uses not the thermal effect, which has a massive, high-energy effect, but the so-called oscillatory effect. In this case, the tissues are exposed to a high-frequency, low-intensity electric field, the main effect being on the position of ions and molecules in the tissues. As a result, the physiological state of cells is changed using a more subtle mechanism, introducing less disturbances into cells with disturbed balance of metabolic processes.

Practical part

Exercise 1. Prepare the device for operation.

1. Familiarize yourself with the controls of the UHF therapy device:

The "Voltage" switch is used to turn on the device and set the operating voltage for a specific mains voltage,

The "Control" button is used to set the operating voltage of the device,

The "Power" switch allows you to select the power supplied by the generator,

The Tuning knob sets resonance in the therapy circuit.

The dial indicator shows:

Mains voltage level (with the therapeutic circuit turned off) or

The level of power delivered by the generator when the therapeutic circuit is turned on.


2. Turn on the device by turning the "Voltage" switch one position clockwise.

3. Press the "Control" button and use the "Voltage" switch to set the indicator arrow to the red sector.

4. Set the “Power” switch to position “20”.

5. By changing the position of the “Setting” knob, obtain the maximum possible deviation of the indicator arrow to the right (resonance).

Task 2 . Determine the distribution of the electric field between the electrodes of the device for UHF therapy.

1. Install an electric dipole (dipole antenna) between the electrodes of the UHF device (Fig. 5) so that it is in the center of the electrodes.

Rice. 5. Block diagram of a dipole antenna

(1 - antenna, 2 - rectifier, 3 - milliammeter).

2. Examine the distribution of electric field strength between the electrodes by moving the dipole from the central position in the vertical and horizontal directions and recording the current with a milliammeter. Enter the data in table 1.

    Based on the data obtained, construct a graph of the distribution of the high-frequency field I=f(L).

Table 1

Task 3. Study the dynamics of heating the electrolyte and dielectric in a UHF field.

1. Place an electrolyte (saline solution) and a dielectric (bone tissue) between the electrodes of the therapeutic circuit.

2. Place thermometers in the test tube with the electrolyte and in the bone preparation and determine the initial temperature of the objects.

3. Turn on the UHF therapy device and record the thermometer readings for 5-10 minutes. Enter the data in table 2.

table 2

4. Based on the data obtained, draw graphs of temperature changes over time. Explain your findings.

The principle of operation of an electromagnetic field with a high frequency of electromagnetic oscillations is used in medicine, as physiotherapy, for more simple explanation, UHF therapy - what is it, you can use the concept of “warming”. Heat treatment is effective as an auxiliary or independent therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of the body and internal organs. However, for all its usefulness, this procedure is not suitable for everyone and has certain contraindications.

What is UHF therapy

First therapeutic effect A pulsed electric field was recorded in Germany in the 30s of the 20th century. To understand UHF therapy - what it is, deciphering this term will help: ultra-high-frequency therapy. The use of specialized equipment during physiotherapeutic methods of influencing the patient’s body is aimed at creating 2 types of electric current (conduction and displacement).

The result of such manipulations is an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls and the flow of cells of the reticuloendothelial system to the inflammatory focus. The thermal effect of ultra-high-frequency therapy is manifested due to the characteristics of body tissues that resist the penetration of electric current. The procedure during which a device for UHF therapy is used is called EVT therapy (stands for eddy current electrode).

Mechanism of action

The main element of the device for UHF therapy is an ultra-high-frequency generator that reproduces ultra-high-frequency waves. Both stationary and portable equipment are used to carry out physical procedures. The power of exposure is adjusted according to the patient’s thermal sensations (indication occurs by the intensity of the glow of a neon lamp placed in the UHF field and the deflection of the milliammeter arrow).

For summing up electromagnetic waves Capacitor electrodes, which are metal disks in an insulating shell connected to a generator, are used to treat the patient. The dosage of heat during ultra-high-frequency therapy is calculated according to the instructions, based on the intended purpose of treatment, and is of the following types:

Dose (intensity of heat sensation during UHF therapy)

Output power for portable devices, W

Output power for stationary devices, W

Application of therapy

Athermic (no)


Oligothermic (light)

Improving cell nutrition

Thermal (clear)

Normalization of metabolism


Provocative effect

Benefits and harms

Knowing the principle of action and understanding UHF therapy - what it is, we can conclude that treatment methods using UHF have a beneficial effect on the human body. Ultra-high frequency current can influence processes occurring in nerve tissues, bones, tendons and joints. The effectiveness of using a field with a high frequency of electromagnetic waves is used to treat acute inflammatory diseases, neuroses, metabolic disorders, and problems with the spine.

The effect of such a physiotherapeutic procedure may be exactly the opposite of what was expected if you do not adhere to the basic rules of its implementation. Too much heat between the capacitor plates may cause skin burns. Intense heating poses a danger to the patient's health during UHF. inflamed area, due to the fact that the proliferation of pathogenic cells is enhanced by heat. The feeling of discomfort during such a procedure should be a reason for the physiotherapist to reduce the frequency of oscillations of electromagnetic waves.


A referral for the procedure must be written by a qualified doctor who is familiar with the patient’s medical history and knows the patient’s body’s reactions to irritants. UHF physiotherapy is carried out as part of a course of treatment for the following problems:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • spinal injuries, peripheral nerves;
  • radiculitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • polio;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems;
  • ENT diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes bone tissue(in dentistry).


Conducting UHF therapy can be dangerous for the body of patients who have pacemakers, implants and other foreign metal objects. In addition, doctors do not prescribe UHF in following cases:

  • diagnosed blood diseases, thyrotoxicosis;
  • there are neoplasms;
  • during a feverish state;
  • the patient suffers from cardiovascular failure;
  • during pregnancy;
  • medical history includes uterine fibroids, mastopathy, orchiepididymitis;
  • before surgery;
  • low sensitivity to the effects of electromagnetic waves.

Side effects

  • increase in temperature during therapy or immediately after it;
  • deterioration of health;
  • burn skin;
  • internal bleeding.

UHF treatment

Before starting UHF therapy, the specialist selects the size and shape of the plates depending on the location of the area that needs to be treated. Electrode holders are treated with an alcohol-containing solution and brought to the patient. The furniture on which the patient is placed must be wooden. Depending on the frequency of wave oscillations, the technique uses continuous or pulsed UHF therapy. The dosage of heat is set based on the readings indicated in the direction.

For sinusitis

Spicy and chronic form Sinusitis and sinusitis responds well to high-frequency waves. UHF for sinusitis is the final stage treatment course and is carried out over 10-15 days (depending on the depth of location purulent formations V maxillary sinus). The duration of one procedure is from 10 to 15 minutes. The positive effect of UHF therapy is achieved by reducing swelling under the influence of diadynamic current.

For bronchitis

Treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system using UHF aims to strengthen the walls of the alveoli and stop inflammatory processes. The procedure consists of placing the plates of the UHF apparatus on chest parallel to the patient’s body (as in the photo). The distance between the electrodes is no less than the diameter of the plate, selected according to the size of the patient’s lungs. A UHF course for bronchitis lasts from 6 to 12 sessions twice a day, lasting from 5 to 20 minutes.

For otitis media

The UHF procedure for otitis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, due to the fact that the electromagnetic field can provoke the production of fluid in the middle ear cavity. To monitor the body's response to UHF exposure, a course of physiotherapy for initial stage is no more than 6 procedures of 5 minutes each. In the absence of pathologies, the duration of treatment is increased to 10 days. The arrangement of electrodes during UHF therapy is as follows: one plate - at mastoid process the temporal bone behind the ear, the other in the temple area.

How to replace UHF at home

If it is not possible to carry out physical procedures in a hospital, you can purchase a portable device that can be used to carry out UHF therapy at home. Before warming up, it is necessary to ensure the safety of use. home appliance. It should be remembered what the UHF procedure is and that it involves interaction with high frequency current. It is better to seek help from relatives in order to correctly install the electrodes with a gap of 3 cm. Self-medication should be done carefully, and only after consulting a doctor.


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