Find out if a nursing mother can eat pineapple. Is it possible to have pineapples while breastfeeding and which ones: fresh, dried, canned? Can a nursing mother eat pineapple?

Since pineapple is a delicious and healthy dessert, then many people sometimes want to pamper themselves. Can a nursing mother have pineapple? Sometimes you want something tasty, and so that the baby can benefit from it.

If during the period of bearing the baby and before the mother did not eat pineapple, then this will be an innovation for the child’s body. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the reaction. It is better to abstain for 6-12 months to prevent possible allergies.

The fruit pulp contains significant amount essential microelements and vitamins that are very necessary for a nursing mother to restore the body after pregnancy:

  • Vitamin C. Its amount is much greater than in lemon. It is an antioxidant, increases the body's ability to fight viruses and bacteria, strengthens the immune system, and increases the firmness and elasticity of blood vessels.
  • B vitamins help regulate metabolism, improve the functioning of the nervous system, and participate in the burning of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Vitamin A prolongs the youth of the body and improves functioning of cardio-vascular system.
  • Vitamin PP helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, stimulates the normal functioning of the liver and pancreas, improves fat metabolism, prevents pressure surges and the development of diabetes.
  • Potassium is involved in normal functioning nervous system and cardiac muscle.
  • Magnesium improves the condition of the nervous system and relieves fatigue.
  • Manganese improves digestion and takes part in the growth and development of the skeletal system.
  • Zinc is needed for good memory, attentiveness and good location spirit.

It has been proven that 1 glass fresh juice pineapple replenishes daily norm in vitamin C by 3/4 and replenishes by 20% daily dose potassium But it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 and consumed as rarely as possible.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, pineapple also contains valuable fiber necessary for the intestines and digestion.

The fruit is also distinguished by its healing abilities, which it provides thanks to the special substance bromelain. This enzyme acts as an anti-inflammatory and anticoagulating element, promotes rapid scarring of wounds, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

What are the benefits of the fruit?

Pineapple at breastfeeding very useful and has only a healing effect on the mother’s body.

  • Regular consumption of the fruit eliminates dizziness, headaches, normalizes sleep and facilitates the process of falling asleep;
  • thins the blood, thereby improving blood circulation in the main bloodstream and in the periphery, and also normalizing blood pressure;
  • Excess fluid is removed from the body, and swelling subsides;
  • eating pineapple prevents heart attacks and strokes;
  • due to the large amount of fiber, digestion is regulated;
  • the condition of veins with varicose veins and hemorrhoids improves;
  • the body quickly comes into tone after recent inflammatory processes;
  • joint and muscle pain goes away;
  • characterized by good diuretic and antiemetic properties.


Despite the effectiveness and usefulness of the fruit, there are also contraindications:

  • Since the pulp of the fruit contains a high amount of acids, it should not be eaten by persons with stomach diseases - gastritis, ulcers, or with increased secretory function stomach, in addition, with diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  • The product is a good blood thinner, so it is contraindicated for people with low blood viscosity. t consumption can significantly change the composition of the blood, not for the better.
  • Pregnant women should not eat fresh pineapple and dishes made from it; there is a possibility of developing uterine hypertonicity.
  • Allergy sufferers need to be careful and careful when taking pineapple.
  • It is not recommended to consume the fruit for persons with hypertension and those who suffer from constant surges in blood pressure.
  • Because of the acid, the enamel structure softens, so people with thin enamel should not eat it.
  • If there is individual intolerance, then you should refuse it.

A nursing mother should refrain from eating the fruit if she has any of the diseases on the list.

Menu Introduction

Is it possible to have pineapple? breastfeeding and when is it introduced into the mother’s diet? It is better to start introducing pineapple into the menu when the baby is about six months old. At this point, the child’s immunity will be stronger and the intestines will be full. beneficial microflora, and the reaction to new food will not be so violent. But first, of course, it’s worth coordinating the start of your appointment with your family doctor.

Canned pineapples do not contain useful substances. The fruit is in syrup with synthetic preservatives, flavor enhancers and citric acid, which can provoke the development of allergies and stomach diseases.

According to doctors' advice, you should start with a small slice fresh fruit. Then you should observe the child’s reaction after eating a piece. If the baby does not experience digestive disorders or rashes in the form of diathesis within two days after feeding, then the nursing mother can continue to eat the fruit in small portions, constantly monitoring the baby’s condition. Since this is an acidic fruit, it is better to eat it not on an empty stomach, but some time after breakfast.

In what form can you eat pineapple?

Fresh, juicy pieces are the most nutritious. It is most convenient to eat the fruit cut into rings. After the fruit is peeled, it is divided into rings and the hard center is pulled out of each.

Dried pineapples or candied fruits are allowed for breastfeeding women. With this processing method, all useful components, and the concentration of acids is significantly reduced, so they become a little safer. But do not forget that dried pieces of exotic dessert have increased calorie content and nutritional value, if they are sprinkled with powder.

Compotes based on fresh fruit will also be useful for mothers. It can be cooked together with currants, and either cane sugar or fructose will help add sweetness. And a nursing mother will definitely like pineapple baked in the oven; it will be very nutritious, with pleasant smell and taste.

It is very useful to make fruit salads with pineapple. It can be eaten as a snack with boiled chicken fillet.

What about canned pineapples?

Doctors and scientists do not advise nursing mothers to consume pineapple in canned form. With this method of processing, a tropical dessert loses all its useful qualities. During heat treatment such destruction occurs required element, like ascorbic acid, in addition, the enzyme bromelain.

Canned pineapple does not contain any nutrients.

Canned pineapples are not only unhealthy, but also harmful to maternal health. Usually unripe fruits are used for these preparations; the syrup also contains a lot of sugar, which makes it possible to preserve the fruit long time. The canned fruit is in syrup with synthetic preservatives and flavor enhancers, and is also added citric acid, which can provoke the development of allergies and stomach diseases.

Pineapple is a storehouse of vitamins, so necessary during breastfeeding. Moreover, this is also low calorie product. Eating such a dessert is healthy, but you need to follow moderation in everything. This applies to absolutely everyone, and especially to nursing women, since they are also responsible for the health of their baby.

Breast milk is often the only food that provides the baby with the necessary nutrients for the first few months. According to many pediatricians, six months after birth, natural feeding fully ensures the growth and development of the child if the woman eats a varied and nutritious diet. Fruits, which include pineapple, are good helpers in the organization process. proper diet mother. But besides the benefits this herbal product may have a negative impact on the baby's health.

How can pineapple enrich breast milk?

Pineapple is a fruit crop that is grown in tropical countries around the world. This fruit is consumed raw, canned and dried, and is often used for cooking. confectionery. Its exotic taste adds piquancy to various salads, which skillful housewives do not ignore. But, in addition to gastronomic features, pineapple has other properties due to its composition. They can in one way or another affect a nursing mother and her baby.

Table: nutritional and energy value of fresh, canned pineapple and candied fruits from it per 100 g of product

*since there are several varieties of pineapple eaten, their composition and calorie content may differ slightly from the indicators given in the table

Fresh pineapple is relatively low in calories. In the canned version there are slightly more of them due to the use of sugar syrup. Dried pineapples and candied fruits have the highest calorie content - more than 300 kcal per 100 g of product. This is explained by the lack of water in the composition and the fact that sugar is often used in the production of candied fruits. Excess carbohydrates are not very beneficial for mother and baby during breastfeeding. A positive property is the presence of dietary fiber in the product; its amount per 100 g reaches 10% of the recommended daily intake.

Pineapple contains a large number of vitamin C

Table: content of essential vitamins, macro- and microelements in pineapple per 100 g of product

(the table shows the amount of substances calculated per 100 g of product and their % of the recommended daily intake)

NutrientsRaw pineapple (sweet varieties)Pineapple canned in sugar syrup
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.08 mg (5.3%)0.09 mg (6%)
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.114 mg (5.7%)0.074 mg (3.7%)
Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid0.217 mg (4.3%)0.1 mg (2%)
Vitamin B9, folic acid19 mcg (5.0%)5 mcg (1.3%)
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid56.4 mg (62.7%)7.4 mg (8.2%)
Manganese, Mn0.818 mg (40.9%)1.08 mg (54%)
Copper, Cu113 mcg (11.3%)101 mcg (10.1%)
Potassium, K108 mg (4.3%)104 mg (4.2%)
Other vitamins
and minerals
insignificant amount
(less than 3% of normal)
insignificant amount
(less than 3% of normal)

The preservation of vitamins and minerals in dried pineapple or candied fruit depends on the method of their preparation. If drying took place at elevated temperatures, the product was soaked in syrup or subjected to severe grinding, then, unfortunately, some of the beneficial substances are lost. Vitamin C is especially susceptible to destruction. Therefore, very little of it remains in pieces of sweet treats.

Beneficial properties of pineapple for a nursing mother and baby

The diet of a nursing woman should be varied and balanced in composition. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be received in a certain amount. It is necessary to match the diet with the mother’s energy expenditure. Vitamins, macro- and microelements are also very important for the health of the baby and her own. But pineapple cannot be called a “storehouse of vitamins” and an indispensable product that helps enrich breast milk with a variety of beneficial substances. What this fruit can boast of is a really large amount of vitamin C and manganese; there is also a significant amount of copper, a little potassium and B vitamins.

Bromelain, present in pineapple, does not affect fat metabolism, but helps the body absorb proteins

100 g of fresh pineapple contains more than 60% of the recommended amount of vitamin C per day. Ascorbic acid is involved in redox reactions, supports the immune system, and has antioxidant properties (that is, it prevents the action of free radicals on the body's cells). The vitamin is involved in the process of collagen formation, blood clotting and iron absorption, regulates the permeability of the walls of small blood vessels. He helps to overcome inflammatory processes and prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions. A lack of vitamin is fraught with bleeding and iron deficiency anemia.

Manganese in 100 g of pineapple is almost half of the required daily requirement. This element also supports the immune system, participates in the functioning of the nervous system, and with its help the formation of bone and connective tissue occurs. Manganese is part of enzymes, regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, is necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol, nucleotides and hematopoiesis, and maintains the balance of vitamins. Flaw of this substance may cause growth retardation and impairment reproductive system, bone tissue also suffers because of this.

There is not much copper in pineapple, only 10% of the required amount in a 100-gram serving. But it will also complement the set of products entering the woman’s body. useful minerals. Copper is part of some enzymes, helps digest proteins and carbohydrates, and is involved in redox reactions and the production of red blood cells. The element contributes to the formation bone tissue, supports the immune, nervous and digestive systems. Education is not complete without it. connective tissue and the breathing process. Copper deficiency threatens the body with dysplasia and disorders of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems.

Potassium in 100 g of pineapple is up to 5% of the recommended daily intake. He participates in water-salt metabolism, bone tissue formation, affects contraction skeletal muscles. The element is needed for normal operation cardiovascular system and transmission of nerve impulses.

B vitamins are present in the fruit in small quantities. They are necessary for the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, help neutralize excess homocysteine, thereby protecting the cardiovascular system from pathology. Vitamins are involved in metabolism, the synthesis of red blood cells and enzymes, and help the body cope with stressful situations, ensure normal cell growth and division.

100 g of pineapple contains one tenth of the recommended amount of dietary fiber. The body needs fiber for normal digestion, it maintains “good” microflora in the intestines and helps avoid constipation.

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme found in small amounts in all parts of the pineapple. It promotes the breakdown of protein and facilitates its absorption into digestive tract. There is evidence of the immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties of the substance. Bromelain also helps restore damaged tissue and prevents the formation of cancer cells.

Previously, it was believed that bromelain utilized fats in the body, thereby influencing rapid weight loss. Research has refuted this claim. But even now unscrupulous manufacturers food additives, promote it as a “fat burner product.”

Video: benefits of pineapple

Potential harms of pineapple while breastfeeding

Allergies exclusively to pineapple are not very common. The reason may be a lack of enzymes for processing of this fruit. In this case, the pineapple is not digested, and fermentation begins in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the baby becomes restless due to abdominal pain and is tormented by increased gas formation, mom notices changes in the stool (it becomes more liquid, undigested food particles and mucus appear). Often this reaction is due to a genetic predisposition. For example, if a baby’s closest relative suffers from intolerance to this fruit, he himself will more likely a similar problem may occur.

Allergy to pineapple usually manifests itself as skin rashes or intestinal disorders

An allergic reaction to pineapple can also be due to hypersensitivity the body to vitamin C. The child also experiences intolerance to any citrus fruits. When a nursing mother consumes such products, rashes, redness or diaper rash appear on the baby’s skin, sometimes swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes, and stool disorders occur. If a woman experiences any symptoms, she should avoid such fruits.

You should not eat pineapple if the baby has recently had an allergic reaction to any other dish in the mother’s diet. Increased quantity free histamine in the blood serum can provoke a similar response to this fruit.

Sometimes symptoms of intolerance appear only after including canned pineapples or candied fruits from them in the diet. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer adds various dyes, preservatives, sugar substitutes and other substances to the product.

If a nursing mother suffers from illness gastrointestinal tract, it is better for her to exclude pineapple in any form from her diet, as it can exacerbate health problems.

When breastfeeding, taking bromelain as a drug is not recommended. But since there is very little of it in the fruit, when pineapple is consumed, it ends up in a small amount in the mother’s body. Data on the intake of the substance in breast milk have not been studied enough.

How and when can a nursing mother introduce pineapple into her diet?

Children's the immune system is not fully formed, so it can produce an exaggerated reaction to some stimuli. Pineapple is not a hypoallergenic fruit, and for many this product is exotic. In this regard, you should not use it in the first months after the birth of the child. It is advisable to make a sample closer to six months. If your mother has never included pineapple in her menu or used it very rarely, then during breastfeeding it is better to do without culinary experiments.

Dried pineapple is healthier than candied fruits, but during cooking it also loses some vitamins and nutrients

A nursing mother needs to introduce a new fruit into her diet by adhering to certain rules:

  1. When trying any unusual dish, the child must be healthy.
  2. It is not recommended to introduce more than one product into your menu at a time. Otherwise, you may not understand what exactly triggered the allergic reaction.
  3. You need to start with a small piece.
  4. Parents should monitor the baby’s well-being for 2–3 days.
  5. If there are no symptoms of allergy to the fruit, the mother can gradually increase the portion, bringing it to 50–150 g once or twice a week.

When any negative reaction Before consuming pineapple, a woman should stop consuming it further and seek advice from a pediatrician.

Dried versions of fruits are considered healthier than candied fruits, as they have more natural composition. Real dried pineapples are quite hard circles of intense yellow color.. Candied fruits are usually soaked or boiled in sugar syrup, so they are sweeter and have a softer consistency. Canned pineapples are also crushed during cooking and undergo heat treatment. At elevated temperatures, cutting and soaking, some valuable substances and vitamins are lost. Therefore, fresh pineapple will be more useful (in the absence of individual intolerance, of course).

When purchasing the canned version, it is better to choose jars with pineapple rings. Small pieces are not always an indicator good quality, because an unscrupulous producer could thus get rid of spoiled parts of the fruit.

For some moms, pineapple may be frequent guest on the table, for others - an exotic fruit. But a child’s reaction to a new product is unpredictable. Eating pineapple in one form or another either has no effect on the baby or is prohibited. Therefore, in any case, a woman should introduce it into her diet while breastfeeding carefully and focusing on her baby.

A pineapple healthy tasty attractive and tempting fruit especially for women during lactation. During breastfeeding, especially careful attention to the diet of a young mother is required. A woman’s body, in an effort to restore strength after pregnancy, requires abundant and varied nutrition, but we should not forget about its direct effect on the composition of milk.

Pineapple is an allergenic tropical fruit with a high concentration of acids and a rich content of vitamins. If you decide to eat pineapple while breastfeeding, you need to keep a few things in mind to maintain your baby's health.

First you need to distinguish between fresh pineapple and pineapple juice from canned food. Fresh fruit contains many more substances, including beneficial and allergenic ones, than canned ones. However, you should adhere to these recommendations for choosing ripe and high-quality pineapple. From the point of view of baby safety, ready-made pineapples are preferable.

If you practically did not eat pineapples at all before pregnancy, then these fruits will be exotic for your body. In this case, you don’t even know possible reaction Your body. The feeding period is not the best best time for experiments, you haven’t eaten pineapples before and don’t need to now, be patient for another year for the sake of the child.

An allergic reaction to a pineapple eaten by the mother in a newborn is not common occurrence. If this happens, the visual effect will appear in the form of redness, rash, and other skin manifestations during two days. After a few days, when the irritant is removed from the diet, the symptoms should disappear. Please note that the substances that caused the allergic reaction will be removed from the baby’s body only after about a month. IN rare case pineapple can cause severe forms allergies, in such situations hospitalization is necessary.

If any allergic reactions occur, you should contact your treating pediatrician. It is prohibited to re-eat the irritant, even in smaller quantities!

If you decide to try pineapple while breastfeeding, start with a small test amount. Adhere to a sense of proportion even if there is no visible effect of pineapple on the baby. Do not introduce several potential substances into your diet at the same time. allergenic products. During lactation, give preference to the usual neutral fruits and vegetables. If your willpower allows, give up the exotic altogether; the baby’s health is more important than obsessive desires. By the way, very useful

Modern technologies give humanity the opportunity to enjoy juicy fruits and berries at any time of the year - just take out the treasured jar of your favorite dessert from the refrigerator.

Canned pineapples during breastfeeding often raise a number of questions - for example, should a young mother eat such a product at all and is it harmful to a newborn baby who is fed breast milk? Usually, such fears are noticeably embellished, because strict restrictions in the diet of a new mother are justified only when the baby is still very small or sick.

So, in order to understand whether a young nursing mother can eat pineapples from a jar or not, it is important to first have a correct understanding of what canning is in general.

In earlier times, this process was almost the only one, in addition to natural freezing of food, that made it possible to preserve fruits and vegetables for a long time. At the same time, some of the useful ones remained inside the product. nutrients. Although not in the same volume as in fresh ripe fruit, because some of the vitamins are inevitably destroyed during long-term storage, the twists still made it possible to get your portion of the substances necessary for health.

In the factory version of canning, almost the same technologies are used, so a nursing mother can still eat most of the twists from the supermarket. There are only two nuances here: what exactly is inside the jar and whether harmful chemicals were used when preserving the fruit.

Pineapple is enough useful product, which many women love, and it also often becomes additional ingredient on the list of holiday salads and treats. You can’t eat it only if you are pregnant during lactation. this type you or your baby are allergic to an exotic fruit. Usually this is the main and only contraindication.

Otherwise, if you purchased high-quality products that do not contain additional harmful impurities, then eating a slice of pineapple during breastfeeding is not prohibited. But it’s better to do this when the body infant has already managed to get stronger - that’s why such a dessert is not very useful in the first month after childbirth, when the risk of allergic reaction The baby is too tall.

It is also important to understand that for our latitudes, pineapple is an exotic product, and therefore a nursing mother should not eat it in large quantities, even if her newborn baby does not suffer from intestinal colic and the appearance of skin rashes.

When you should not eat canned pineapples during lactation

Fruits, even canned ones, are a great source necessary for the body nursing mother of vitamins and nutrients.

It is not at all necessary for a young mother to give up her favorite foods during breastfeeding if her baby is already several months old and if he is not allergic.

However, there are a number of typical situations when it is still better to refuse canned pineapple for some time and postpone the tasting to a later date. late date. And most often this is due to the well-being of the infant itself.

  • If your baby suffers from allergies very often and you have to adhere to strict diet If you are breastfeeding, it is best not to eat pineapples at all until you stop breastfeeding. Canned pineapple is not a very common product on our table, and therefore for the sensitive body of an allergic child it can even cause diathesis or intestinal disorders.
  • Avoid pineapples from a jar even when the baby is still too small.

Such treats are permissible on the menu of a mother of a three-month newborn baby, but certainly not for a woman whose baby has just been born.

  • If the baby often suffers from tummy pain and reacts sharply to any new product eaten by a nursing mother, you should not eat canned pineapple either. In addition, such an exotic plant has one pronounced property - it weakens the intestines, which can lead to the formation of gas in the abdomen and diarrhea.
  • Pineapple from a can is not very good for those nursing mothers who often experience bloating. In this case, it is better to follow a diet that will help control the proliferation of bacteria in the intestines, thereby preventing painful cramps in the stomach.
  • When choosing a product on the supermarket shelves, make sure that canned pineapple do not contain any substances potentially hazardous to health. Ideally, the packaging should not indicate any unnecessary ingredients, only water, sugar syrup and the fruit itself. Refuse to purchase if you find too many additional substances in the composition.

What are the benefits of canned pineapples from a jar for a nursing mother?

Now let’s look at the other side of this product and find out what benefits it can have for the body of a nursing mother. First of all, pineapple is popularly known as a remedy that helps effectively lose weight and lose weight after childbirth. This is due to his dietary fiber and the ability to cleanse the intestines.


Canned pineapples are also good for combating body edema - especially if a young mother often has swollen ankles. Pineapple, rich in the natural substance bromelain and potassium, effectively removes excess moisture from body cells, and at the same time stimulates the production of breast milk.

It is believed that such a fruit is very good for those mothers who suffer from insufficient breast milk production during breastfeeding.

Diuretic effect

Canned pineapples can become good product to prevent the development of heart disease.

Also, due to the pronounced diuretic effect, such a fruit miraculously reduces arterial pressure, and at the same time has a general calming effect on the woman’s body.

Source of vitamins

Pineapple is a wonderful vitamin dessert that contains almost everything that a nursing woman’s body needs: vitamins A and B, PP and D, and at the same time the main ingredient good health– vitamin C. And even though some of the nutrients are lost in canned form, this type of product remains incredibly healthy.

Canned exotic slices are absorbed by the body better than fresh ones, because digestive system It is easier to deal with already partially processed and softened fibers of the product. For this reason, canned pineapple is less likely to cause bloating and is absorbed faster in the stomach than fresh pineapple.

Product for diets

Often this juicy fruit is included in a vitamin diet not only for weight loss, but also for general health improvement the body, since it is useful for a number of gastroenterological diseases, and at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Thanks to its diuretic effect, canned pineapple stimulates kidney function and heals the genitourinary system.

In general, high-quality canned pineapples during breastfeeding carry much more benefits for the body of a young mother than potential harm, and therefore without special reasons There is no point in giving them up. Of course, a nursing woman should not be overly fond of this delicacy, as this can lead to the appearance of a rash on the skin of the breastfeeding baby. However, a few juicy slices eaten a day will not only diversify the boring menu during lactation, but will also help replenish whole line vitamins and useful minerals.

A strong desire to eat a piece of pineapple during breastfeeding (BF) may be associated with a deficiency of vitamins B1 and B3, chlorides or manganese in the body. But how safe is this exotic fruit for a new mother and her baby? Will the baby develop allergies?

Pineapple pulp contains a natural proteolytic enzyme bromelain(first extracted from the fruit in the late 1800s), which speeds up metabolism. This is important for breastfeeding women, since losing weight (by personal wishes or medical recommendations) with the help of food-restrictive diets is not available to them.

In addition to its dietary effect, bromelain has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the health of the nursing mother and her baby.

Improves food absorption by accelerating the breakdown of proteins. As a result, it helps the mother get rid of bloating, and the baby on breastfeeding also gets rid of colic.

Benefits of fresh pineapple

For nursing mothers

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain. With its help it is produced acetylcholine, supporting the tone of the heart muscle and digestive tract.
  • Riboflavin (B2) is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and improves vision. Normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands, which is important for maintaining hormonal balance in pregnant and lactating women.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) stimulates the formation and functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to it, synthesis occurs neurotransmitters, and the person experiences a lift in mood.
  • Niacin (B3) - a participant in redox processes, promotes secretion gastric juice. In case of its deficiency nervous system loses stability and becomes vulnerable.
  • Vitamins A and C improve vision and increase the body's protective functions.
  • Fiber, with the overall low calorie content of pineapple, promotes rapid satiety, restores digestive activity, and is useful for mothers when postpartum constipation or diarrhea.
  • Potassium and magnesium normalize high level blood pressure.
  • Promotes elimination excess liquid from the body.
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the number of already formed cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Relieves attacks of headaches, dizziness and insomnia.
  • Reduces the risk of developing postpartum depression.

For an infant

  • Vitamin C, entering the mother's body, triggers the production of collagen, which, along with milk, reaches the child. This substance is necessary for normal development bone tissue, skin, tendons and cartilage. The vitamin itself forms a strong, resistant to infectious diseases immunity.
  • Manganese in pineapple has a positive effect on the growth of baby’s bone tissue.
  • Vitamin B complex, entering the child’s body along with breast milk, activates the production of red blood cells, prevents anemia.
  • Copper from fruit pulp normalizes blood composition and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Zinc prevents the development of dermatitis, psoriasis, and erosion of mucous membranes. With a lack of this microelement, any skin damage heals much more slowly.
  • Beta-carotene, being an antioxidant, protects the newborn's cells from the destructive effects of free radicals.
  • Phosphorus is necessary for normal skeletal development. Without it, the risk of osteoporosis increases for the baby.
  • Folic acid and iron affect the ability child's body to hematopoiesis. A sufficient supply of these nutrients along with mother's milk guarantees the healthy development of the baby's organs.

Pineapple and lactation

Exotic fruit enhances the production of the “happiness hormone” serotonin, which helps support feminine hormonal background fine. Inhibits the production of estrogen, as a result of which a slight increase in lactation is possible.

Attention! Don't get carried away. After eating this fruit, mother's milk becomes sour. There is a risk that the child will refuse the breast.

Interesting . Pineapple is one of the foods that most often causes baby rejection during breastfeeding.

Other representatives of this group:

  • chocolate;
  • spices: curry, chili pepper;
  • citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit);
  • strawberry;
  • kiwi;
  • vegetables that cause gas: onions, garlic, cauliflower and White cabbage, broccoli, Bell pepper, cucumbers.

Candied fruit

Pros . Candied pineapple chunks have a similar fresh fruit chemical composition, with the exception of reduced content fructose and vitamin C.

Minuses . But candied fruits are high in calories and contain excess carbohydrates. As a result, the risk of tummy problems in the baby and weight gain for the mother increases.

Pineapple juice

Benefit . Natural juice thins the blood, strengthens the immune system, reduces the likelihood of blood clots, and normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Harm. Because of high concentration fruit acids Drinking this drink while breastfeeding carries a risk of worsening the condition of the teeth (it is recommended to drink the juice through a straw), increasing the acidity of the child’s gastric juice, and causing a rash.

Canned food

Need to know . Under the influence of temperature during the canning process and subsequent long-term storage, up to 80% of the vitamins and microelements in pineapples are destroyed.

There are few benefits from using such a product.

A nursing mother can try mugs and pineapple slices canned in syrup as an alternative to baking or a source of additional calories when she is low on energy. But do not introduce the product into your diet on a regular basis!

Good to know . If possible, choose canned food in a glass jar. Internal surfaces tin containers are treated with bisphenol (BPA). In addition, over time, leached aluminum particles pass into the syrup. This is very harmful!

Contraindications and side effects

When breastfeeding, it is very important to observe contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer, gastritis with high acidity;
  • low blood clotting;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy ( bromelain increases the tone of the uterus);
  • low blood pressure, tendency to sudden changes;
  • thinning of tooth enamel;
  • individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions.

Why do allergies occur?

Fruit acids activate histamine, which causes tissue swelling and rash. Allergies to pineapple and its derivatives are often caused by preservatives, which are used in the industrial production of fruit in syrup and candied fruits.

Side effects

  • swelling of the larynx and lips, difficulty breathing, skin rashes for allergies;
  • diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, menstrual bleeding at excessive consumption fruit and simultaneous administration with some medications(sleeping pills, antibiotics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants or blood thinners).

When to introduce it into the diet?

5–6 months after birth The baby’s immunity and intestines are stabilized. At this time, mother can try to introduce fresh pineapple pulp into the diet, starting from 20 g per day(just not on an empty stomach).

Observe during the day skin child and his general condition. If the baby develops a rash or dyspepsia, you will have to give up exotic items on the menu.

Advice . To accurately find the culprit of the allergy, you should not eat several potentially allergenic foods at once in one day.

Candied fruits (6–7 pieces per day) will help a nursing woman replenish her energy. But you can’t eat them every day.

Pineapples in syrup - no The best decision for a woman during breastfeeding. They can only be tried as an exception.

Pineapple nectar ( natural juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4) should also not be carried away. You are allowed to drink only 1-2 sips throughout the day.

How to choose?

  • Fresh pineapple. Elasticity, uniform color, elastic, slightly soft skin without dark spots, a green rosette of easily detachable leaves indicates ripeness. Lightly slap the fruit with your palm; the sound should be dull, dull, and barely audible. This is a sign of maturity.
  • Fruits canned in syrup. Examine the can for deformation, swelling, or rust. After opening, carefully examine the contents: the syrup should completely cover the pineapple slices. Otherwise, there was a violation of the canning technology. Ideal fruit slices have an appetizing soft yellow color and are elastic.
  • Industrially produced candied fruits should not be too hard, candied, or have too much bright color. If the water changes color when placed in boiling water, the product contains dyes. A nursing mother does not need such food.
  • Pineapple juice from the store. According to the results of a group of independent studies, the following brands were recognized as the best: "Biota", « Mr. Juice», « 100% Gold premium", "Favorite Garden", "Orchard".

How to peel a pineapple?

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly under running water and soap.
  2. Using a long-bladed knife, cut off the bottom of the fruit. Upper part Leave it - it’s convenient to hold on to when peeling.
  3. Place the pineapple on a board or plate at a slight angle. Working from top to bottom, cut off all the peel in strips.
  4. To remove the core, dip the knife 3 times around the “tail” of the leaves, all the way to the bottom, so that when looking at the fruit from above, the cuts form a triangle.
  5. Gently shake the rosette of leaves and remove it along with the core.
  6. Cut the remaining pulp into rings or half rings.

Store fresh pineapple slices in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

During lactation, fresh pineapple can be useful for mother and her baby, if taken in moderation.

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