Venous network on the legs, how to get rid of it. Capillary mesh on the legs - a cosmetic defect or a serious problem

Many women complain about problems with their legs - ugly ones appear on them. spider veins, the venous network appears and the legs look unaesthetic. Many people think that the problem is in the skin, and this is a cosmetic defect, so they do not consult a doctor until complications develop.

But the real reason venous network and spider veins on the legs is phlebeurysm. This serious illness and it must be treated by a qualified phlebologist, and cosmetic procedures must be carried out under his supervision.

Spider veins

The appearance of a thin network of veins on the skin, similar to stars, is the first alarm signal; it usually indicates disturbances in blood flow in the lower limbs and requires a detailed examination.

They usually appear on early stages varicose veins, when blood circulation in some veins is impaired. A spider vein is an overstretched capillary that has appeared under the skin, having lost its natural strength and protruding into the zone of least tissue resistance.

Even stretching of small vessels is alarming symptom: This means that larger vessels also experience problems, there are prerequisites for circulatory disorders and congestion in the legs. This may lead to serious complications– inflammation and thrombosis of veins.

How do vascular problems appear?

An important place in the emergence vascular problems is given hereditary characteristics in the structure of blood vessels and predisposition to disease. If your close relatives have female line there are similar problems, the likelihood of encountering this problem is high.

Spider veins can also be caused by hormonal problems. Physical activity will also leave its mark - playing sports, professional dancing, lifting weights, standing on your feet for long periods of time. As a result of stagnation of blood or its additional inflow to the vessels, they may not withstand loads and pressure, causing their walls to stretch, wriggle and appear under the skin.

How to get rid of a venous network?

First of all, you need to be examined by a phlebologist. Usually a series is written general procedures for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins in the form of drugs to strengthen the walls of veins, massage, special underwear and tights, as well as procedures for surgical and cosmetic correction of vein defects.

Before taking on small defects in the form of small spider veins, it is important to quickly and efficiently treat the process in large vessels and deeper veins, which are practically invisible from the outside. After all, if one vein is damaged, more and more new ones will gradually be involved in the process until the process stops or until all the veins are affected.

Treat external manifestations without elimination internal reasons illness is irrational and is fraught with the return and intensification of problems. Therefore, good phlebological clinics usually work on the principle of a tandem of doctors - a phlebologist treats large defects and complications of varicose veins, and a cosmetologist, after treating the main disease, fights minor cosmetic defects - stars, emerging wreaths.

Cosmetologists work with defects ranging in size from two to five millimeters; larger defects are eliminated by phlebologists using the method of vascular sclerosis. For defects larger than 5 millimeters, cosmetology alone is ineffective; varicose veins must first be treated or removed.


As the process in the deep veins is stopped, it is necessary to begin correcting defects in the skin. In the arsenal of professional cosmetologists, there are several methods for getting rid of spider veins on the legs. First of all, this is a method of microthermocoagulation, which has proven itself and is time-tested.

Veins are exposed to high frequencies electric current and the vessel is welded from the inside, no blood enters it, and it becomes invisible. The device makes a puncture in the projection of the affected capillary, a microscopic electrode is inserted, and a rapid discharge of electric current is applied, closing the lumen of the vessel.

The procedure is similar to mosquito bites and is well tolerated by patients. To achieve good results, a course of three to six procedures is required at intervals of approximately one month.

Laser coagulation

There are several more modern method removal of spider veins on the legs, called laser coagulation of blood vessels. It has been used not so long ago, but has proven itself quite well. It is based on the same principle - closing the vessel from the inside by exposing the vessel to a laser.

How to get rid of veins on the legs?

The area of ​​the vessel is exposed to a laser beam of a certain wavelength. This ray, without damaging the skin, passes through it, affects the blood and instantly heats it. Blood “brews” the vessel from the inside along its entire length.

Treatment is carried out in courses, a certain surface is treated at a time and the entire procedure lasts from three months to six months. On average, one procedure is performed per month, followed by vascular rehabilitation and skin.

Both methods are approximately equal in effectiveness, the results are pronounced and lasting, spider veins completely disappear. At laser procedure An undoubted advantage is the absence of damage and punctures to the skin. After the procedure, no traces remain and you can lead a normal life without restrictions.

More serious cases

If skin defects are pronounced, you should consult a surgeon: he may prescribe sclerotherapy. This is a method of introducing a special substance into a vein that completely glues the walls of the vein along its entire length, which is why it becomes empty and ceases to be noticeable. This method is applicable in initial and uncomplicated cases varicose veins.


If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should avoid treatment. In other cases, consultation with a doctor is also required.


How do you feel about your own health?

Long, slender and smooth, covered with an even layer of light tan - this is the standard of beauty female legs for today. However, even very young representatives of the fair sex, who have barely reached adulthood, often develop vascular networks on their legs. It usually does not cause pain or other discomfort, but it still becomes a problem, because because of the vessels protruding on the skin, many women are embarrassed to wear skirts and dresses, appear in the pool and on the beach in a swimsuit.

Can the appearance of a vascular network on the lower extremities be considered only a cosmetic defect? It all depends on how pronounced this network is, what area it occupies and what vessels it consists of. The body's blood vessels are divided into three main types: arteries, veins and capillaries. And if a vascular network appears on the legs, then it can be capillary or venous.

How to distinguish two “cobwebs”

First of all, the venous network can be distinguished from the capillary network by the size (diameter) of the emerging vessels. The capillary network consists of thin, thread-like, superficially located vessels; it is usually red or bluish in color and occupies a relatively small area of ​​the skin. Such spider veins can sometimes be seen on the cheeks of a newborn. In adults, the capillary network on the legs is most often localized on the front or outer surface thighs, less often - on the lateral surfaces of the lower leg or foot.

A venous network on the lower extremities can appear almost anywhere, but more often it appears in the area of ​​the popliteal fossae, on inner surface thighs, legs and feet - where large vessels pass and smaller veins flow into them. The vessels that make up such a network are usually located deeper than capillaries, but at a certain stage of development varicose veins veins, swollen veins can begin to protrude above the surface of the skin, and this is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health.

Why do they show through?

If the capillary or venous network appears on the legs, the causes of this phenomenon can be divided into endogenous (internal, associated with the state of the body itself) and exogenous (external, associated with harmful effects on the skin and the body as a whole).

Pathology may appear due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Let's list the external harmful factors, provoking a vascular capillary network on the lower extremities (telangiectasia):

  1. Sedentary image life or, conversely, excessive physical exercise.
  2. Excessive hypothermia (frostbite) or, conversely, overheating of the body (in a bathhouse, sauna).
  3. Nicotine abuse and alcoholic drinks.
  4. Excessive doses ultraviolet radiation(for example, with frequent and long sessions in a solarium).
  5. Traumatic cosmetic procedures (for example, deep peeling).

TO internal factors, contributing to the occurrence of telangiectasias include:

  1. In women, blood vessels are influenced by the female sex hormone, estrogen.
  2. Reception oral contraceptives(hormonal birth control pills).
  3. Pregnancy, abortion.
  4. Hypertension.

Chronic venous insufficiency is also not discounted, varicose veins lower extremities, congenital weakness of the vascular wall, blood diseases accompanied by coagulation disorders and a decrease in the number of platelets, liver diseases.

The venous network in the lower extremities is usually associated with a disease such as varicose veins, and may appear under the influence of provoking factors. This hereditary predisposition, violations hormonal balance, overweight, pregnancy and childbirth, increased physical activity.

Even one of these reasons is enough to provoke the disease, and in adults, especially women, all of the listed problems are often present.

Options for returning beauty

Every woman wants her skin to be soft and smooth, like a cheek that only a baby can boast of. And for many modern men appearance plays far from the least important. Therefore, almost everyone who, one day, discovered vascular vessels on their legs, sooner or later asks the question: how to remove the vascular network on the legs?

The first and most important thing you should know: getting rid of capillary mesh on the legs is quite simple and a remedy can be found. However, it may not be worth removing a single vessel that appears. There are many cosmetic procedures, allowing you to quickly and fairly painlessly remove the capillary mesh. Such procedures include:

  1. Sclerotherapy.
  2. Laser coagulation.
  3. Diathermocoagulation.

Each of the listed methods has its own pros and cons, indications and contraindications. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

There are many quick and painless methods for removing spider veins.

Sclerotherapy is radical removal vascular network using a special solution - sclerosant, which is injected using a regular syringe into the dilated vessel and causes it to collapse. The walls of the vessel stick together, grow together, and the vessel becomes impassable for blood.

Complete fusion of the vessel lasts about three weeks, and during this entire time it is necessary to wear special compression stockings or bandage lower limbs elastic bandages, and also avoid excessive physical exertion, do not abuse alcohol, which promotes expansion blood vessels.

There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to treat the vascular network in a different way. These are individual intolerance to sclerosant solution, allergic, inflammatory diseases and skin injuries in the area where dilated vessels are located, for women - pregnancy and breastfeeding, serious illnesses other organs with decompensation, inflammatory diseases and thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities. Sclerotherapy is considered one of the most painless and safe methods.

Diathermocoagulation is another widely used method that answers the question of how to get rid of capillary mesh on the legs. The essence of the treatment is to influence the vascular wall with alternating currents high frequency, causing strong heating of tissues, which leads to “sealing” of the lumen of the vessel.

The method involves applying alternating currents to the vascular wall.

There are fewer contraindications to diathermocoagulation, but they still exist. In addition to skin lesions in the area of ​​intervention, pregnancy and general serious condition, these include rhythm disturbances and an implanted artificial heart pacemaker, as well as the presence of artificial joints.

Laser coagulation (photocoagulation) – used to remove spider veins on the legs different types medical lasers, but the essence of their treatment comes down to the same sealing of dilated vessels under the influence of the high temperature created by the laser beam. Therapeutic laser has the fewest contraindications and can be used in almost any patient when the question arises of how to get rid of vascular networks on the legs.

Treatment of superficial venous networks in the legs (reticular varicose veins) is not much different from the treatment of telangiectasia. The same methods are used - sclerotherapy, laser coagulation and diathermocoagulation.

Drug treatment

Before you start taking any pills or applying healing cream, ointment or gel, it is very important to consult a doctor - at least a surgeon in a clinic. It is the doctor who will decide how to treat the venous network, select the means you need taking into account your state of health, take into account all indications and contraindications, and drug compatibility.

Medications traditionally prescribed for the treatment of varicose veins include:

  • Drugs that narrow the lumen of blood vessels (venotonics) - Troxevasin, Detralex and their analogues.
  • Agents that increase blood fluidity and improve its circulation through small vessels - Pentoxifylline, Trental.
  • Medicines that prevent the formation of blood clots - Aspirin.

Used as external agents applied to the skin the following drugs: Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Venoruton and their analogues. Today on pharmaceutical market There are several dozen medicinal gels and ointments presented, but your attending physician will definitely help you decide on your choice.

before the appointment medications, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

To decide how to get rid of venous mesh on the legs using methods traditional medicine, you should first of all pay attention to the following plants: cranberry, barberry, coltsfoot, horse chestnut. These are the most common plants, infusions and decoctions of which are used to combat the fragility of the vascular wall and low venous tone.


We should not forget that you should get rid of the vascular network on the lower extremities only if it threatens your health, or when you are determined to constantly engage in independent prevention in the future - wear compression garments, avoid provoking factors, regularly take strengthening products vascular wall. Otherwise, the mesh on the lower extremities may appear again, and the treatment, on which a lot of money and effort was spent, will simply be useless.

Vascular network on the legs (telangiectasia) - a cosmetic problem that manifests itself as a red “pattern” on the skin of the legs. The cause of the defect is the expansion of small vessels - capillaries. The venous network on the legs does not allow women to wear short skirts or shorts. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to get rid of vascular networks on the legs.

The deformation of blood vessels, which provokes the formation of a mesh, is caused by impaired blood circulation and a decrease in the tone of the capillary walls.


From vascular walls on my feet in equally Both women and men suffer. The pathology is diagnosed in patients aged 25-45 years.


In order for the treatment of vascular network on the legs to be effective, attention should be paid to the first signs of pathology in a timely manner. The main symptoms of vascular network include:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Unreasonable pain in the lower extremities;
  • Swelling in the ankle or calves.

As the pathology progresses, a vascular pattern is formed. In the absence of adequate therapy, the mesh of veins becomes increasingly noticeable. With timely, competent treatment, it is possible to get rid of the venous network on the legs very quickly.

Photos of the venous network can be found on the Internet. But the vascular pattern on the legs varies depending on the stage of the disease and its location. Reddish or bluish stains may resemble wood, a star, a cobweb, or a spot. The appearance of such patterns is evidence of a violation of blood flow.

On a note!

Impaired blood flow in small or superficial vessels manifests itself in the form of a network of capillaries. When the functioning of large veins or arteries deteriorates, wide blue venous stripes and vascular nodes appear on the legs.

Causes of the disease

To fight with varicose veins on your feet - difficult. Most therapeutic methods provide only temporary results, stopping the progression of the pathology. Therefore, factors that provoke the development of vascular networks should be avoided. Doctors call following reasons the appearance of vascular networks on the legs:

  • High sports loads;
  • Decreased tone of vascular walls;
  • Excess of vitamin C, rutin, bioflavonoids in the blood due to the systematic use of vitamin complexes;
  • Improper lifestyle (smoking, physical inactivity, alcohol abuse);
  • Hormonal disorders caused by thyroid dysfunction, ovarian dysfunction, chronic diseases liver and skin ailments;
  • Obesity;
  • Deterioration of metabolism;
  • Sharp surges in hormones (during menopause or pregnancy);
  • Solarium abuse;
  • Constantly wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • Genetic predisposition.


Pregnant women often suffer from spider veins on their legs. This is due to a sharp weight gain and increased load on the lower limbs.


The treatment regimen for capillary mesh is prescribed by a phlebologist. To make a diagnosis, the patient is referred to clinical analysis blood and ultrasound of large vessels.

Drug therapy

What to do if a vascular network appears on your legs - first of all, you will need to take medications, the action of which is aimed at increasing the tone of the walls of blood vessels (arterioles and venules), improving their elasticity and firmness. The following will help you remove vein veins on your legs:

  • Phlebotonics or phleboprotectors. These include Troxevasin, Detralex, Aescusan, Diosmin. The drugs eliminate swelling in the ankle and calves, reduce pain, normalize vascular tone, restore blood and lymph flow;
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The best means from the vascular network - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen. Used to eliminate swelling and inflammatory process, have an analgesic effect;
  • Blood-thinning medications - Ticlopidine, Lyoton, Venolife, Curantil. They help avoid blood clots, restore blood structure, relieve swelling, normalize lymph and blood flow;
  • Diuretic tablets - Taurine, Spironolactone, Furosemide. Output excess liquid, reduce tissue swelling.

On a note!

For complex enzyme therapy during exacerbation of varicose veins on the legs, Flogenzyme is used. The immunomodulator contains hydrolytic enzymes that allow you to quickly cope with an exacerbation. A drug containing proteolytic enzymes – Wobenzym – is prescribed for chronic varicose veins to prevent complications.

Hardware cosmetology

How and how to treat vein veins on the legs if medications ineffective? In this case, hardware cosmetology procedures will help:

  • Photocoagulation or laser therapy. Laser treatment helps to get rid of the manifestations of the vascular network and enlarged capillaries (the diameter of which does not exceed 1 mm). Get rid of vascular network bigger size possible using a neodymium laser. This device allows you to eliminate large vessels with a diameter of 1 to 6 millimeters;
  • Sclerotherapy is the injection of a specialized medication (sclerosant) into the lumen of blood vessels. The substance seals (glues) damaged parts of the vessel;
  • Ozone treatment. A mixture of ozone and oxygen is introduced into the lumen of the vessel using a microneedle, which starts the process of oxidation of the cell membranes of the vein walls. Due to this, the vascular network completely disappears.

On a note!

An additional method of therapy for spider veins on the legs is wearing special compression garments. The degree of compression is determined by the doctor based on individual characteristics patients and the degree of progression of pathology.

Traditional methods of treatment

Recipes from traditional healers will help you remove spider veins on your legs at home. Such medications have proven their effectiveness and safety over decades of use. Another advantage of folk recipes for vascular mesh is low cost.

Homemade ointments and compresses are the most popular ways to treat spider veins on the legs:

  • Green parsley compress. Parsley leaves are torn off, placed in a jar and steamed with boiling water. After half an hour, filter and add milk in a 1:1 ratio. A clean cloth or gauze is moistened in the solution, lightly wrung out and applied to problem areas of the skin of the legs;
  • Rubbing from Kalanchoe. Trim a leaf from an old plant, wash and dry. Chop with a knife, put in a half-liter jar, and fill with cold boiled water. Leave to brew in a cool, dark place for a week. Strain through cheesecloth. The resulting solution is used for grinding. It is important to implement massage movements down up. Rubbing is carried out daily for 30-60 days;
  • Aloe juice. Cut off a large leaf. Leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Cut and wipe areas of the skin of the legs with pronounced vascular network. During the first manipulations, irritation or tingling may occur. Discomfort disappears after 2-3 procedures. You can squeeze juice from aloe leaves or prepare an ointment by mixing the crushed leaf with oil or lard. Massage with aloe juice for a month.

Another popular folk remedy for varicose veins and spider veins on the legs is Apple vinegar. This is due to its tonic and strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.

Apple cider vinegar restores normal blood circulation and quickly eliminates swelling.

Popular recipes for folk remedies based on apple cider vinegar:

  • Rubbing. Soak a clean cotton cloth or gauze in apple cider vinegar and rub areas of the skin with pronounced vascular network;
  • Vinegar compress. Soak a small towel in apple essence, wring it out, and wrap it around your feet. Lie down with your legs resting on the cushion. Rest until the compress is completely dry. This usually takes 20 to 30 minutes;
  • Vinegar wraps. Lie down with a pillow under your feet. Soak gauze or bandage well in vinegar and place it in place of the vascular network. Wrap the top with film and a terry towel. Leave for an hour;
  • In the morning before meals, drink a glass of water containing 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. To make the drink more enjoyable, you can add a spoonful of honey.


To get rid of vascular network except drug treatment a balanced diet is required. Sticking to special diet you can maintain the health of your legs and prevent the re-formation of vascular patterns.

Basics of diet for pathology:

  • Reducing the amount of salt consumed;
  • Refusal of spices and herbs;
  • Complete ban on alcohol and caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee, energy drinks);
  • Reducing use confectionery, baked goods, sweets;
  • Introducing foods containing magnesium and potassium into the diet - prunes, dried apricots, citrus fruits, nuts, cranberries.

On a note!

In addition to a balanced diet, patients suffering from a network of blood vessels require daily moderate exercise. The optimal solution is execution physical therapy exercises or swimming. Dosed physical activity promotes a speedy recovery.

Venous mesh is a cosmetic defect that forms on the skin due to the expansion of capillaries. Such a pattern does not add attractiveness, so for many people the question of how to treat stars on the legs becomes paramount.

Capillaries change their original shape due to various disturbances in blood flow. Another cause of pathology is a decrease in muscle tone.

The disease occurs with equal frequency in both sexes.

Most often, spider veins on the legs are diagnosed in people aged 25–40 years.

In order not to have to look for miracle recipes on how to get rid of spider veins on the legs, it is important to pay attention to the first symptoms of the disease in time:

  • fatigue, heaviness in the legs;
  • pain for no obvious reason;
  • swelling that forms in the calf area.

In the later stages of the disease, an unattractive pattern forms. If spider veins on the legs are not treated, they become more pronounced and noticeable. The sooner you start therapy to eliminate the venous network in the legs, the faster and more successfully the therapeutic effect is achieved.

Treating spider veins on the legs (telangiectasia) is quite difficult. Often therapeutic measures are only suspended further development diseases. For this reason, doctors advise avoiding situations and actions that may trigger the occurrence of pathology. Capillary mesh on the legs is formed under the influence of many factors:

  • increased physical activity;
  • weakening of vein walls;
  • excessive levels of vitamin C, rutin and other bioflavonoids in the blood, which may occur as a result of taking appropriate medications;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • chronic pathologies affecting organs such as thyroid, liver, ovaries, as well as skin lesions of various etiologies;
  • excess body weight;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • change, deviation from the norm of hormonal levels;
  • frequent visits to the solarium;
  • wearing shoes with heels that are too high;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Pathological changes in the veins in the legs often occur during pregnancy, when a woman’s body weight increases significantly and along with it the load on the legs increases. The treatment program for vascular networks on the legs is developed by a phlebologist. Diagnostic examination usually includes a blood test and ultrasound of the veins.

Traditional therapy

Drug treatment of rosacea involves taking special drugs, which tone the walls of arterioles and venules, making them more elastic and resilient. To cure telangiectasias, the doctor prescribes medications from several groups:

  1. Phlebotonics and phleboprotectors. These drugs (Detralex, Diosmin, Troxevasin, Escusan) relieve swelling, eliminate the feeling of pain and heaviness in the legs, increase the tone of the veins and improve the outflow of lymph.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin) have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, and analgesic effect.
  3. Blood thinning medications. These drugs (Venolife, Ticlopidine, Curantil, Lyoton) prevent the formation of blood clots. They also improve the structural composition of the blood, reduce tissue swelling, and stimulate blood flow.
  4. Diuretics. Medicines such as Taurine, Furosemide, Spironolactone help cope with edema.

Systemic enzyme therapy involves the use of Phlogenzyme during an exacerbation of varicose veins. This is an immunomodulatory drug that contains hydrolytic enzymes selected in a special combination. In turn, Wobenzym, which contains proteolytic enzymes in a special combination, is indicated for the prevention of complications. If treatment of capillaries on the legs medications does not bring the desired result, the attending physician may prescribe other procedures:

  1. Laser coagulation (photocoagulation). Using dermatological laser equipment, the manifestations of rosacea on the legs are effectively removed. If the patient is looking for effective solution How to get rid of a venous network on the legs, you can resort to this method, which helps to get rid of enlarged capillaries, the diameter of which is less than 1 mm. Larger cosmetic defects are eliminated using a neodymium laser. This medical device removes enlarged vessels with a diameter of 1–6 mm.
  2. Injection therapy. You can get rid of vascular networks on your legs using sclerotherapy. This effective technique, based on the introduction into the lumen of the vessel of a special substance (sclerosant), which glues (seals) the damaged element circulatory system.
  3. Ozone therapy. Using a microneedle, an ozone-oxygen mixture is introduced into the lumen, under the influence of which cell membranes vascular walls are oxidized and over time, telangiectasias completely disappear.

An additional therapeutic measure that will help get rid of the capillary network will be wearing special underwear with a compression effect. During treatment of capillaries on the legs, sunbathing is not allowed.

Treatment of illness using folk remedies

Patients who are looking for ways to get rid of spider veins on their legs should not forget about folk recipes. Home remedies are safe and effective. Their preparation does not require serious financial investment or effort.

Compresses and rubbing

To get rid of stars on your legs at home, traditional healers We recommend trying several effective methods:

Uses of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for spider veins on the legs is one of the most effective and affordable folk remedies. Apple cider vinegar is credited with the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This remedy normalizes the functions of the circulatory system and effectively eliminates swelling. Various procedures are carried out with apple cider vinegar:

  • Trituration. Piece soft fabric moisten in 9% vinegar and thoroughly wipe the skin with signs of pathology.
  • Compress. A waffle towel is soaked in vinegar and wrapped around the legs. It is recommended to lie down and elevate them a little. Remain in this position until the fabric dries. The approximate procedure time is 20 minutes.
  • Wrap. Vinegar is poured into a container and taken horizontal position, place a small pillow under your feet. Pre-prepared gauze wipes are moistened and applied to sore spots. Plastic film is placed on top of the gauze, and the legs are wrapped in a towel. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.
  • You can drink water with apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach. Proportions: per glass of water – 2 tablespoons of vinegar. To improve the taste, it is allowed to add honey to the drink.

Nutritional Features

For patients who have decisively tackled the problem of how to remove spider veins, doctors recommend adhering to a special diet. Using a combination of medications and home remedies, as well as properly organizing your diet, you can remove cosmetic defects that form on the skin of your legs. Main nutrition rules:

  • limiting the amount of salt;
  • exclusion or limitation of the consumption of spices, strong alcohol and other drinks (tea, coffee, alcohol), sugar, baked goods and confectionery products;
  • replenishing the diet with foods rich in potassium and magnesium (dried apricots, prunes, nuts, citrus fruits, cranberries).

People suffering from the disease need to do special exercises. Minor physical activity has a positive effect on the speed of recovery. The optimal sport is swimming. Before you start treatment folk remedies, you need to consult your doctor and select the most suitable recipes with him.

The appearance of dilated red vessels under the surface of the skin of the lower extremities is defined as vascular network on the legs. However, in medicine there is a term for the problem: telangiectasia.

This condition is not so dangerous as it causes aesthetic discomfort and may be the tip of the iceberg, behind which lies more serious illness. An increase in the width of the capillaries by more than 0.2 mm, a change in their color to bright red or blue, as well as a distinct image resembling tree roots, indicate a disease of the venous system.

Main reasons

A network of blood vessels on the legs most often occurs due to the influence of the following circumstances:

  • congenital weakness of the venous system;
  • a network of blood vessels that develops as a result of deep vein thrombosis or injury;
  • excessive dryness of the skin, which makes surface capillaries vulnerable;
  • large body weight increases the load on the legs and often causes venous insufficiency;
  • changes dramatically during pregnancy hormonal background women, which affects the strength of the veins and provokes the problem;
  • during childbirth and postpartum period a woman's body undergoes severe stress and tension;
  • work where you have to stay on your feet for a long time in one body position;
  • the influence of natural and artificial ultraviolet rays and extreme heat;
  • exposure to extreme cold and frostbite of the extremities;
  • biological decrease in the tone of the vascular walls;
  • an innate tendency to dilate venous capillaries, which is often inherited;
  • people with big birthmarks located on the lower extremities are also at risk.

Important! Based on the foregoing, elderly people who often visit solariums and saunas are at risk, as well as those who must for a long time be on your feet.


In most cases, the appearance of a mesh of blood vessels does not have any special symptoms.

But sometimes patients complain of the following conditions:

  • feelings of heaviness and tension;
  • frequent occurrence of seizures;
  • unaesthetic change in skin color to red or rusty brown;
  • itching, after which after some time a network of blood vessels appears.

In women, the pathology occurs 30% more often than in men. Doctors suggest that this feature is associated with a hormonal factor and more delicate skin on the legs. Be sure to read to the end of this article to find out how a person can develop vascular network on the legs.

Diagnostic measures

Before deciding how to remove the vascular network on the legs, you need to conduct research using one of the methods:

  • using Doppler equipment to help study blood flow;
  • duplex ultrasound scanning vascular conditions to exclude any more serious pathology, such as thrombosis or caused by blood clots;
  • general detailed blood test and determination of its coagulation level, which help determine the work venous vessels body.

Treatment methods

There are two main methods that determine the treatment of vascular networks on the legs - therapeutic and operational methods. But your doctor will help you choose the appropriate method.

Medication technique

This type of treatment is aimed at eliminating problems without major surgery.

To the main therapeutic methods relate:

  1. The use of medications that strengthen blood vessels to avoid the spread of the disease.
  2. The use of medications, ointments and creams that contain heparin. They influence spider veins, eliminating possible symptoms. Treatment increases blood circulation and prevents the development of pathological changes at the site where the mesh is formed. The main disadvantage can be considered effectiveness only in the early stages.
  3. In the early stages, it is possible to use, as well as wear special ones, which also include stockings and tights.

Surgical therapy

Removing vascular tissue on the legs using surgical intervention- extreme, but most reliable way finally get rid of the problem.

Most effective surgical measures include:

  1. Microsclerotherapy is a painless procedure that involves introducing a special substance into the vessels to promote their sealing. At the end of the procedure, the patient must wear a compression garment or elastic bandage for at least 14 days. Sometimes one procedure is not enough and repeated measures are required. You can complete the treatment within one month. The instructions for using the technique recommend removing large vessels first, and then moving on to smaller ones.
  2. Electrocoagulation involves the application of high-frequency current to a vascular formation. It causes coagulation of proteins in the lumen of blood vessels. After the treatment there are no scars or scars, and there is no need for constantly wearing compression bandages. The disadvantages include the possibility of relapses.
  3. ‒ the most optimal method for patients who are wondering: how to get rid of spider veins on the legs? It is held in medical institutions experienced phlebologists. This procedure allows you to quickly get the desired result without any side effects. High frequency laser irradiation high temperatures quickly and painlessly deforms pathological vessels, as if evaporating them. The tissue around the mesh is cooled by cryogenic generators. If necessary, it is possible to conduct several sessions with a break of 30-45 days. Disadvantages and side effects practically non-existent. Wearing specialized underwear is not required.

When choosing a therapeutic technique, it should be taken into account that the price varies significantly. The most expensive is laser therapy.

Surgical method Clinical picture after treatment


If the occurrence of the disease is associated with genetic factors or age, then it is hardly possible to influence it.

  • physical activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • constant pressure monitoring;

If unwanted symptoms occur, you should immediately lie down and raise your legs 45 degrees from your body position.

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