Sun allergy in children: symptoms and treatment. Solar dermatitis

Holidays with a child are not only a pleasant time with family, but also additional worries. A trip to the sea or an outing into nature in the summer is often accompanied by sunburn. Parents should know what to do if their child is sunburned.

Subject to the rules of safe stay on fresh air in hot weather, the summer sun will not cause harm. What drugs and folk remedies help with sunburn in children? How to protect delicate baby skin from negative influence? Listen to the opinion of doctors, stock up on sunburn remedies, and feel free to go on vacation in nature with your children.

Causes of sunburn

Human skin contains a special pigment – ​​melanin. The dye protects against harmful effects sun rays, accelerates the conversion of the resulting ultraviolet radiation into healthy vitamin D. Tanning is a reaction of the skin to increase melanin production.

In young children, the amount of coloring pigment is much lower than in adults; children are more likely to burn in the sun. Redness of the epidermis during exposure to the open sun is a signal: “Urgently take the baby into the shade, the body has received a sufficient dose of ultraviolet radiation. Continued exposure to the sun will lead to burns.”

Unpleasant consequences for child's body often provokes misbehavior adults:

  • children spend a long time in the sun;
  • the baby goes out for a walk without a headdress with a visor or a panama hat;
  • children sunbathe at “dangerous” hours;
  • babies are exposed to the sun longer than expected;
  • before going to the beach, parents did not apply sunscreen to their delicate children’s skin;
  • adults could not resist the whims and allowed sunbathing at inappropriate times or more than the norm for each age.

Signs and symptoms

It's easy to recognize the problem:

  • 1st degree. Light redness, small blisters, increased local temperature, gradual transformation of redness into tan. After local treatment, the use of folk remedies, medicinal gels, the condition quickly improves. There is no deterioration in health;
  • 2nd degree. The redness of the epidermis is pronounced. Multiple blisters appear, the burned area is hot, and fever appears. Getting worse general state, headaches often occur, weakness appears. You need to take syrup or tablets for fever. Gradually the blisters burst and the skin gradually peels off. Drugs are definitely needed not only locally, but also internally;
  • 3rd degree. The whole body is “on fire”, the skin is purple-red, the touch causes severe pain. The blisters are large, multiple, the skin peels off in pieces. The child suffers from headaches and sometimes has convulsions. In severe cases, there is loss of consciousness, nausea, and the temperature often rises to 38 degrees or higher. If antiseptic requirements are not followed or the burnt area is touched with dirty hands, infection develops and the wounds fester. Treatment in a hospital and taking a combination of medications (externally and internally) are required.

Prolonged exposure to the sun causes another dangerous problem: sunburn of the eyes. A visit to the ophthalmologist is definitely required if the child constantly rubs his eyes, the conjunctiva turns red, lacrimation appears, and the eyelids are swollen.

First aid for sunburn

What to do if your child has a sunburn? Follow the recommendations exactly:

  • urgently move the injured child to the shade;
  • Be sure to provide cool (not ice) water. You need to drink in small sips;
  • seek help from a doctor (if there is one on the beach) or call " ambulance", especially for babies under one year old;
  • remove excess clothing, place in a “reclining” position, be sure to elevate top part torso. Make sure your head is always elevated;
  • gently wipe your body cool water(not ice);
  • do not rub the reddened area, spray water or pour cool liquid from a bottle (it is important to reduce the temperature of the burned area);
  • cover your shoulders with a dampened towel cold water;
  • aloe juice relieves inflammation well, prevents further damage to the skin, chamomile infusion, unsweetened green tea;
  • After cooling the affected areas, apply medicinal composition. Many pediatricians recommend Panthenol for sunburn in the form of a light foam. The advantage is that the adult practically does not touch the burned area with his hands; air foam is applied from a balloon. The drug moisturizes the skin, accelerates regeneration processes;
  • If vomiting occurs, place the affected child on his side. Be sure to give cool drinks. It’s good if you took Regidron with you - powder in bags for preparing a glucose-saline solution. Dilute the composition according to the instructions, drink the baby little by little to prevent dangerous phenomenon– dehydration;
  • If the temperature rises, give anti-fever tablets or syrup. Choose the drug according to the age of the victim. Least harm The active substance paracetamol is applied to the children's body. Give the baby Efferalgan, children's Paracetamol. Ibuprofen reduces fever quickly. Nimesulide and Aspirin are not allowed to be given to children under 12 years of age.

Remember! Sunburn in children is more dangerous than in adults. The mechanism of thermoregulation in babies is far from perfect. The body easily overheats, melanin (coloring pigment) is produced in small quantities. Where to treat little patient: at home or in a hospital - the doctor decides, taking into account the degree of skin damage and the child’s well-being. The task of parents is to correctly and quickly provide first aid for sunburn in children.

What not to do


  • lubricate the affected areas with alcohol;
  • apply a rich thick cream or oil;
  • rub the reddened areas (put a handkerchief moistened with water);
  • puncture blisters;
  • wipe the burned areas with ice;
  • at high temperature immerse the baby in a bath with cold water (convulsions often occur from sudden hypothermia).

When to call an ambulance

There are signs that require immediate medical intervention:

  • large blisters appeared on the burned area;
  • the temperature cannot be brought down above 38 degrees;
  • the skin is very red, a large area of ​​the body is affected;
  • severe headache, nausea, vomiting;
  • burned areas swell;
  • are developing allergic reactions for sunburn: swelling of the tissues, spots on the body, swelling of the face, the baby is choking (swelling of the larynx), the body itches;
  • cloudy liquid oozes from the broken blisters;
  • the child loses consciousness;
  • baby's age is up to 1 year.

Methods and rules of treatment

Has your little child gotten a sunburn? If there is noticeable redness of the skin, feeling unwell show the baby to the doctor. If the case is severe (severe redness, blisters, nausea, fever), hospitalization is required. Remember: combination sunburn with heat stroke is dangerous for a small organism.

Effective drugs

What helps with sunburn? Pediatricians recommend the following formulations to eliminate negative symptoms:

  • therapeutic aerosol Panthenol;
  • gentle, light Fenistil-gel;
  • sunburn cream Bepanten;
  • balm Rescuer;
  • inexpensive Syntomycin emulsion (local antibiotic for severe burns);
  • Zinc ointment for sunburn;
  • La Cree cream with panthenol and plant extracts;
  • Dermazin cream if infection is suspected.

Important! Anti-burn agent should always be in home medicine cabinet. Check with your pediatrician which composition is suitable for your child’s age. When going on a picnic, to the sea, or relaxing on the river bank, always take with you a cream, spray or gel to eliminate the effects of sun rays.

Folk remedies and recipes

Many parents know what to do if their child is sunburned, but they don’t have it at hand the necessary drugs, and the nearest pharmacy is several kilometers away. Safe, inexpensive folk remedies help out.

Check out this list of at-home sunburn treatments. Perhaps you will find new ways to combat redness, itching, painful sensations after being under the rays of the scorching sun.

Folk remedies for sunburn:

  • aloe pulp and juice;
  • cucumber pulp or juice;
  • low-fat kefir, yogurt, sour cream;
  • chamomile infusion (500 ml boiling water, a tablespoon of flowers);
  • washed plantain leaves;
  • chopped cabbage leaves;
  • juice or gruel from raw potatoes;
  • compress or bath with soaked oatmeal (place the flakes in a bag);
  • a decoction of string and calendula (take 2 tablespoons of medicinal raw materials per liter of boiling water).

How to apply sunburn at home? If large blisters appear, fluid leaks, or the skin turns purple, wash the affected area with a decoction. medicinal herbs, aloe juice. Other folk remedies should not be used: easy to get infected. In case of severe damage skin For children, call an ambulance immediately.

With the onset of sunny days, pay more attention to the safety of your child while being outside. Remember: Sunburns can occur quickly, but take a long time to heal, especially if a small child is burned.

Remember these preventive measures:

  • Walk with the kids in the morning while the sun is “soft” enough (up to 10 o’clock). After lunch, go for a walk when the heat subsides, after 16:00;
  • always take clean water with you so that the baby does not overheat, do not allow dehydration;
  • Put on your head a panama hat, a cap, a hat crocheted from thin cotton threads. Lightweight, natural material protects the head and allows air to pass through. Avoid synthetics and thick fabrics: “ Greenhouse effect» provokes heat stroke;
  • Put on your son or daughter light clothes in light colors made of fine knitwear, cotton, or chintz. Make sure that your shoulders and neck are covered: this is the part of the body that burns the fastest;
  • Strictly limit exposure to open sun. Children are allowed to sunbathe for no more than 1–2 minutes, older children - no more than 20 minutes. Unfortunately, parents often allow their kids to build sand houses on the beach during the hottest hours, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. In addition to skin damage, the baby is at risk of heatstroke. Excessive ultraviolet exposure has a negative impact on health;
  • Before going to the beach, lubricate the delicate epidermis with a special cream with reflective particles. When purchasing, choose formulations labeled “for children”; the SPF should reach 50 units or more;
  • always take Panthenol, Bepanten or Rescue balm, a bottle of water, temperature tablets with you to the beach, antihistamines(sometimes allergic reactions occur). These remedies will help cope with sunburn, which often occurs in young children.

Now you won’t be confused, you will competently provide first aid if your child is burned on the beach or during a picnic on a hot day. Follow the rules of prevention, and you will not have to treat sunburn in children.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky’s school about sunburn in children:

It's no secret that the sun improves mood and increases the body's immune strength. In addition, ultraviolet radiation is a source of vitamin D3, which is essential for improving the health of each of us. But to summer rest benefited the child; it is important to remember and follow some rules.

Valentina Ozhigina, dermatologist, Panacea pro clinic, tel. 67696949

The most awaited time has come - summer! Our “Baltic” summer is short and fickle, so with the onset of the first warm days we all rush to the sea in order to get a boost of energy and tan. Children love to play and splash in the sea; build forts on the banks and dig canals; bury yourself in the warm sand from head to toe, and then run to the water to wash off and swim until you’re blue in the face. However, in order for the summer to be remembered only by good memories, it is necessary to follow some rules.

Three years without protection

Unlike adults, children up to three years do not have full protection from ultraviolet radiation. Children's delicate skin is very sensitive because it cannot fully produce the pigment melanin, which protects us from the sun and gives the color of a tan. This ability is fully developed only by the age of three. Therefore, children's skin is especially vulnerable to sunlight.

Children develop much faster sunburn. Besides the fact that they are painful, there are more serious reasons protect children from them. There is evidence that the effects of severe sunburn in childhood can affect later life and even lead to the development of skin cancer. Therefore it is necessary to take special measures precautions.

In particular, up to the age of three recommended relax with your child in a familiar climatic environment. After three years, you can take your child with you to hot climate zones, but the duration of the trip is very important here. It must be remembered that traveling is a great stress for a child’s body, so the first ten days will be spent on adaptation, and only the subsequent period will contribute to the healing and strengthening of the body’s strength. Therefore, the optimal duration of the trip is a month.

Up to three years also Not recommended be with the child in the open sun. Walking in the shade of trees is advisable. Scientists have proven that in order to synthesize a sufficient amount of vitamin D, 15-20 minutes of local exposure to the sun, for example, on the hands and face, is enough.

Open air

After three years, you can slowly go out into the open sun, but following certain rules.
- You can be in the open sun from 9 to 11 a.m. and after 3 p.m.
- Sunbathing should be started gradually from 10-15 minutes.
- In the first days, put on your child a shirt made of natural fabrics and light colors.
- If you see that the baby tolerates the sun well, increase exposure by 10-15 minutes. But the maximum allowable time is an hour and a half a day. The rest of the time, the child should be under an awning or sun umbrella, resting in the shade of trees.

Take care of your eyes

It is also important to remember to protect children's eyes. Exist children's Sunglasses , their diversity allows you to make a choice for every taste.

High-quality glasses have a special coating, which prevents ultraviolet rays (UVA/UVB) from passing through. Poor quality dark plastic causes the pupil to dilate, but at the same time the glasses allow UV rays to pass through freely, and as a result the sun will hit directly into the unprotected retina of the eye. Without glasses, your pupils naturally constrict in light.

If your baby doesn't want to wear glasses, don't insist. Children are recommended to wear Panama hats with wide brims or caps with a visor and neck protection. These hats will protect the child from overheating, and will also protect his eyes from negative impact sunlight.

About water and food

Remember that on hot days the baby should drink more. Give preference to water rather than carbonated drinks or juices. Older children may ask for a drink, but take care of very young ones yourself - give them water as often as possible.

Nutrition on hot days it should be light, try to introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Water procedures

I would also like to mention water procedures.

Many parents spend hours with their children in the water without thinking about the fact that the light reflected from the water increases the harmful effects of the sun's rays, increasing the risk of sunburn. When swimming in the sea, the child's body is exposed to even greater sun exposure than on land. Reflecting from the surface of the water, the sun's rays penetrate into the water to a depth of 1 m. After bathing in salt water, it is necessary to rinse the child fresh water, wash off the salt and wipe dry.

Remember: wet baby shouldn't run on the beach! Water droplets and salt crystals act as lenses that magnify the sun's effects, which can lead to sunburn.

Also, be sure to ask your pediatrician if your baby is taking medications that can increase skin sensitivity to the sun.

Burn creams

And most importantly, to prevent your child from getting a sunburn, use sunscreen.

To understand how they work, you need to explain what solar radiation is. We call solar radiation a combination of ultraviolet radiation, visible light and infrared radiation. Thanks to the latter, we bask in the sun rather than freeze. In other words, infrared radiation- this is solar heat. But ultraviolet radiation, thanks to which we tan, is much more insidious. The spectrum of natural ultraviolet radiation includes UVA and UVB rays. Ultraviolet A is practically harmless; only ultraviolet B is dangerous in case of an overdose.

Most children's sunscreens are intended for children over three years of age. For the little ones, it’s worth looking for creams that say “from birth”, “0+”.

Unfortunately, many children's sunscreens only have marks: “for children”, “children”, etc. without indication age restrictions. By default, such products are considered suitable for children over three years of age. When choosing sunscreen and lotion, be sure to look at the label for sun protection factor (SPF) information. Its values ​​range from 2 to 100 units. The higher the SPF, the more high degree protection is provided by the remedy.

When buying cream for children, it is better to choose a cream with 30 or more SPF. These numbers show how many times the cream extends the time of safe exposure to the sun, which for a child is approximately 5 minutes. That is, after treating children's skin with cream with SPF 15, the baby can safely sunbathe for 75 minutes without the risk of getting burned. Cream with protection factor 30, prolongs estimated time already up to 150 minutes.

SPF values ​​above 40-50 units are practically never found in children's sunscreen lines. Firstly, despite the above safe time, it is not advisable for a child under 3 years of age to be in the open sun; secondly, such super protection of the cream is usually achieved due to more high concentration included in it active substances(primarily UV filters), which means that the protector itself can cause allergies on children's skin.

Children's sunscreens should contain filters from ultraviolet rays of both type A and type B. Important characteristic The sunscreen is water resistant. For a beach holiday, you need to use waterproof creams - they are washed off from the skin more slowly, almost without losing their effectiveness even in salt water. Another nuance - on the beach it is more convenient to use solar cosmetics that are resistant not only to water, but also to sand (information about this is also indicated on the packaging). Thanks to the special formula of the sun protector, the sand will not stick to the skin and erase the applied protective layer of cream from it. However, if your baby still spends most of his time in a stroller or prefers leisurely walks and games in the sandbox, then regular sunscreen will be enough to protect his skin.

Important to remember, that the sunscreen does not begin to act immediately, but only 15-30 minutes after application (exact time indicated in the instructions). Therefore, you need to treat your child’s skin with it in advance, taking into account this time even before going for a walk, so that the cream is absorbed and the UV filters start working.

If the child is burned

But if the child is still burned, in the first aid kit must be products containing panthenol. This is an anti-burn agent.

Categorically can not use alcohol solutions, this will only worsen the burn. If blisters and open red wounds have formed on the child’s body, this indicates a 2nd degree burn. If the temperature rises, dizziness and nausea occur - these are symptoms heatstroke. In such situations, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

The rules for relaxing with children on the beach are not at all complicated. Follow them, and then your child, stronger, tanned and rested, will delight your family with excellent health all next year!

She is very sensitive, so in summer she needs special protection. It is important to learn proper communication with the sun from a very early age.

In a child under two years of age, important protective functions of the skin are still being formed, so at this age children have a deficiency of melanin, a pigment that filters the sun's rays. They penetrate deeply into a child's skin, which can cause damage to its cells: the risk of developing skin cancer as an adult increases. Up to a year, the baby should not be in the sun at all, since even in the shade up to 40 percent of ultraviolet rays remain. When going for a walk with your child or leaving him in a stroller or playpen in the garden, you should put on light clothes with long sleeves, a Panama hat or a scarf, and open spaces lubricate the skin with sunscreen.
A one-year-old baby can already tolerate exposure to ultraviolet rays in the shade, but he must wear a Panama hat on his head, and his arms, legs and body must be protected with cream. It is best to start your first tanning sessions at the age of three.

Let's go to the beach

At first, the baby should only be in the sun for a few minutes. Gradually this time can be increased to two hours a day.
It is imperative to take into account the intensity of solar radiation: from 11 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon it is the most intense, even a cloudy sky transmits up to 80 percent of ultraviolet rays, but on a hot day at this time small child It’s better not to go out at all, but to stay at home. When going to the beach with your baby, be sure to take baby sun protection cream with you, dress your child in light, loose-fitting clothes with long sleeves, and wear a panama hat or a wide-brimmed hat on his head.
Before bathing, after undressing your child, be sure to apply a waterproof sun protection cream to his skin, because in water the rays retain up to 75 percent of their intensity and put on a children's swimsuit made of a special fabric that does not irritate the skin. As soon as your baby comes out of the water, pat him dry with a towel (water droplets remaining on the skin focus the rays like lenses, and wet skin can burn unnoticed) and then reapply sunscreen.

What to do if your child is sunburned?

What to do if the child is still burned? First aid is cooling the skin. To do this, you can use a proven folk remedy - cucumber slices, which are used to carefully wipe the affected areas. If the burn is not very severe and blisters have not yet formed, yogurt can also help: you need to apply it to the skin in a thick layer and wash it off after 10-15 minutes warm water. This procedure is usually repeated several times. But most effective special means, which quickly eliminate irritation, redness and prevent skin inflammation. At the first symptoms of damage, you need to wash the child’s skin with water (do not use soap - upon contact with it, the effectiveness of the cream is significantly reduced!), dry it and apply the cream.

Vitamin D, which improves the absorption of calcium by the body, is very important for the proper growth and development of the child. IN winter time mothers give it to their children in the form of medicines, but as soon as the first rays of the spring sun appear, they try to spend as much time as possible outside with the child, since ultraviolet rays are natural spring vitamin D (read what it can lead to). However, excessive exposure of a child to the sun, aggressive exposure to its rays, and lack of protection in the form of special creams lead to the development of sun allergies in children. Parents need to know how to correct this problem and how to avoid its occurrence in the future.

What is photodermatosis and how does it manifest?

Photodermatosis is caused by hypersensitivity skin to the sun. Medicine does not recognize it as real, since the ultraviolet rays that provoke it are not allergens. The rash occurs due to sun exposure to substances contained in the child’s skin (porphyrins, phycobilins).

These substances are formed:

  • with helminthic infestation;
  • with abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • with decreased immunity;
  • with hormonal disorders;
  • from long-term use medications (tetracycline, vitamin B12, sulfonamide);
  • when using low-quality cosmetics and creams.

Sometimes a rash may appear due to the contents of protective cream para-aminobenzoic acid, which reacts with ultraviolet radiation, causing allergies. Allergies can also be caused by pollen from flowering plants or their juice that gets on the skin.

Photo of sun allergy on a child's face

Children at risk are those who:

  • have inherited a tendency to allergies from their parents or are allergic themselves;
  • you have recently been ill, your immunity has not yet returned to normal;
  • belong to a certain phototype: they have light skin, blond hair.

Important! All children under 3 years of age belong to the sensitive phototype. Infants have especially delicate skin.

How does sun allergy manifest in children?

  • redness of unprotected areas of the body (arms, face, shoulders, legs);
  • skin itching and burning;
  • a rash appears on the body;
  • swelling is observed;
  • bubbles with a clear liquid form, forming wet spots when opened, which then become covered with a crust;
  • Scratching can cause infection and pus will form. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause necrosis of the skin layers and erythema.

Attention! Damage to large areas of the skin can provoke attacks of dizziness, loss of consciousness, sharp decline pressure.

  1. For mild skin lesions, wet wraps are recommended. Decoctions for them are prepared from herbs: chamomile, calendula, green tea.
  2. Relieves itching and inflammation non-hormonal agents: Fenistil, Desitin, Elidel. Ointments based on salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc. They act as an antiseptic and dry out the skin.
  3. As with any other allergy, antihistamines will help relieve swelling, itching, inflammation, and prevent the rash from spreading further. The drugs Cetrin, Zodak, Tavegil are well tolerated by children, do not cause drowsiness, and do not have a negative effect on the central nervous system.
  4. To eliminate inflammation, Ibuprofen and Indomethacin can be prescribed in the form of tablets for oral administration, or as an ointment for treating affected areas of the skin.
  5. The body's defenses are supported and stimulated by taking vitamins B, E, C.
  6. They cleanse the body of toxins by taking enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Polysorb).
  7. To maintain liver function, hepatoprotectors Karsil, Gepabene, and Silibor can be prescribed.

Important! Parents should remember that if their child has ever had an allergy to the sun, they should always have medications with them if they are planning a long walk or going to the beach on a sunny day. This will help prevent allergies from developing in advance.

Treatment at home

If the skin is not severely affected, the child feels well enough to be treated at home, you can combine drug treatment and treatment with folk remedies.

If there are no medications or ointments at home, you can use sour cream or kefir to relieve itching and redness. A cabbage leaf compress is effective. You need to crush it a little and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin. For the same purpose, you can use a compress from grated potatoes or cucumber (fix the compress with a bandage and do not remove it for about an hour).

Diuretics are used to quickly remove allergens from the body. Nature has endowed celery root juice with such an effect. You need to take it 3 tbsp. l. before every meal.

Inflammations can be treated with normal baking soda, diluted in water. Per glass boiled water take 1 tsp. soda, the prepared solution is used as a compress.

Itching, irritation, and swelling are relieved by bathing in baths with a decoction of medicinal herbs. It can be various herbs V various combinations: chamomile, string, rosehip, viburnum, sage, tansy, celandine, valerian, etc. Such baths have a beneficial effect on nervous system.

Remember! The main thing is to quickly determine the cause of the allergy and begin treatment. Complex therapy using folk and traditional methods treatment will allow for as soon as possible relieve your baby from allergies.

How to avoid allergies - prevention

It is better to prevent any disease than to undergo a course of treatment.

What to do to avoid allergies:

  • With the arrival of spring, it is better to exclude eggs, chocolate, Bell pepper, carrots, sorrel, nuts, parsley;
  • take vitamins C and E (antioxidants);
  • Be sure to put a Panama hat on the child’s head and choose light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • Before a walk, smear your baby’s skin with a sunscreen that suits him, and before using it, carefully study the composition. Creams with a protection level (50+) are suitable for infants;
  • in hot weather sunny days take your child off the street before 11 a.m. and go for a walk again after 5 p.m.

Following these rules can help avoid allergies and their negative consequences. You need to be vigilant, and at the first sign of it, do not let your baby be exposed to direct rays.

With the onset of warm summer days, almost each of us (both adults and children) plans our vacation. Whether it’s a country house or a seaside resort, everywhere we want to sunbathe and bask in the sun.
Its benefits have long been proven: the sun's rays saturate the body with vitamin D, help strengthen the immune system, and have a good effect on the nervous system. But it is worth remembering that excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation can not only provoke burns, but also cause allergies.

A dermatological disease caused by exposure of the human body to sunlight and the presence of photosensitizers is called sun allergy or photodermatosis.

Signs of photodermatosis may appear starting in May. It often occurs in those children who go on vacation to hotter climatic zones. The sun ray itself is not considered an allergen; a reaction occurs only when a lot of allergenic substances accumulate under the skin. So, in people whose organs (kidneys, liver, adrenal glands) do not cope well with their excretory function, such an allergy often occurs. It can also be provoked by certain medications, bergamot, citrus oils, and improper functioning of the endocrine system.

To eliminate which you need special treatment. They appear within a couple of hours after the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, these are:

  • Itching, redness;
  • Rash - small blisters;
  • Swelling of the skin and mucous membranes.

The reaction of the child’s body is not always immediate, so symptoms may occur after 18 hours, or even several days.

The most unpleasant symptoms include unbearable itching and burning. You can even get an allergy to the sun by visiting a solarium. In this case, it is worth talking about photodermatitis.

One feature of sun allergy in children will be a more pronounced reaction. The baby may develop a fever, weakness, or fever.

The consequences of sun allergy in children can be:

  • bronchospasm;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • fainting;
  • eczema.

Children often “outgrow” this type of allergy and are not left with any serious problems.

In a child, a sun allergy manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • rashes;
  • itchy skin;
  • pimples;
  • tearing;
  • nasal congestion.

As soon as these signs become noticeable, the child should immediately be taken to a shaded place and treatment should begin. The first steps should be washing with cold water, drinking cool tea with lemon, taking antihistamines. On areas of the body that have been exposed to sunlight, it is necessary to apply creams containing methiuracil and lanolin. When the disease progresses mild form, children can be wrapped in a sheet soaked in infusion of chamomile, calendula or green tea.

When the disease occurs in a complex form, hospitalization is necessary. To avoid unpleasant symptoms Sun allergies will be helped by observing tanning times: before 10 am and from 16 pm.

Causes of sun allergies

Endogenous causes of sun allergies are:

  • Problems in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands;
  • Skin that is too light and has a lot of birthmarks and freckles;
  • Hormonal disorders that occur during pregnancy due to too much stress on the woman’s body;
  • The use of certain medications that have anti-inflammatory properties can cause hives. These drugs include tetracycline, amiodarone, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, griseofulvin.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body (in particular vitamin PP).
  • Porphyria is a genetically transmitted disease in which a person’s pigment metabolism is disrupted.
  • Weakened immunity and general weakness of the body.

In children, the following reasons are added to these reasons:

  • Very strong influence of ultraviolet radiation on delicate skin children;
  • Using sunscreen with para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • The presence of allergens that have accumulated on the baby’s body;
  • Hereditary factors.

Signs of exogenous photodermatitis begin to appear under the influence of certain substances:

  • Various medications (especially sulfonamides, tetracyclines, barbiturates, furosemides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • Cosmetics containing a lot of fragrances and dyes;
  • Perfumes and lotions containing alcohol;
  • Essential oils (bergamot, lavender, nut);
  • Plant juice (hogweed, angelica, clover);
  • Food products (for example, citrus fruits).

External factors have a fairly short-term effect; they provoke acute allergies.

Drug treatment for sun allergies

Treatment of allergies in children, which are caused by photosensitizers, is to eliminate the influence of these factors. Next, it is worth carrying out treatment, depending on how exactly the disease manifests itself. If the allergy manifests itself in acute forms, drugs are used to treat it local action: creams, ointments, lotions that have analgesic, healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should only be used with a doctor's prescription, as they can cause increased allergic reactions.

Treatment for chronic disease is significantly different, because to eliminate it, you first need to conduct an examination, identify the causes, and then start taking medications. You need to protect your skin from direct sunlight. To treat chronic solar allergies, work is carried out in the following areas:

  • Treatment of the underlying disease is carried out;
  • Use external anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, creams and ointments containing glucocorticosteroids);
  • Take vitamins B, PP, E, A and carotenoids, antihistamines;
  • In particular severe cases use hormonal drugs.

Doctors prescribe the following treatment for sun allergies:

  1. The use of non-hormonal creams and ointments, which include Fenistil Gel, Desitin, Dexpanthenol, Psilo-Balm. They will help relieve itching and redness.
  2. Application corticosteroid drugs in severe cases. Only a doctor can prescribe them. The course of treatment with them should not exceed five days; exceeding this period can contribute to the appearance of erythema on the skin, vasodilation, and other skin diseases.
  3. Other ointments made on the basis of zinc, hydrocortisone, methyluracil are available for free sale in pharmacies. Their main purpose is to eliminate inflammatory processes, promoting skin restoration.
  4. Antihistamines are used to prevent the occurrence of rashes and complications manifested as swelling of the mucous membranes. These include “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Erius”, “Cetrin”.
  5. Vitamin therapy is carried out in order to increase immunity and saturate the body essential vitamins. The doctor prescribes immunostimulating drugs to help improve health. Vitamin complexes are most often prescribed.
  6. The use of enterosorbents is necessary to cleanse the body of toxic substances and allergens. Most often, doctors prescribe Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel and recommend drinking 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day.
  7. In order to restore normal functioning the liver takes hepatoprotectors: “Karsil”, “Silibor”, “Gepabene” and others.
  8. Anti-inflammatory drugs that help eliminate inflammation of the skin include Indomethacin and Ibuprofen.

People who suffer from chronic allergies are advised to follow a dairy-plant diet and completely abstain from alcohol.

Allergy treatment is necessary not only to get rid of the consequences, but also to eliminate the causes.

Redness on the skin, rashes, blisters, and itching can be eliminated using ointments that contain zinc, methylracyl, and lanolin. The doctor may prescribe hormonal ointments. Anti-inflammatory drugs, which most often include antihistamines that do not have negative reaction to ultraviolet radiation.

Depending on the severity of the disease, its treatment can last from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. When treatment is ineffective, the allergy may develop into chronic form, because of which the healing process will be greatly hampered.

If a patient develops solar urticaria, there is Great chance that it turns into eczema. In this case, it is strictly forbidden for a person to stay in the open sun.

After reaching a certain age, sun allergies may disappear forever. Self-medication should not be carried out without first consulting a doctor.

Treatment of allergies with folk remedies

If a child has an allergy to the sun, you need to address the cause that triggered it. First of all, the liver and kidneys are treated. Using folk remedies, the main symptoms of the disease are relieved: itching, swelling, rash. For example, cabbage leaf Suitable for healing burns. Also effective are compresses made from grated potatoes and cucumber. By fitting them to the body for thirty to forty minutes, you can notice a significant improvement in the condition of the skin.

In order to eliminate the causes of the disease, folk remedies are used that normalize liver function.

Itching, rashes and redness are eliminated with wormwood tincture. In order to prepare it, in the spring they pick wormwood, pour it with alcohol, and leave it for three days. Use this product to wipe inflamed skin, and in addition take baths with celandine. Allergy symptoms disappear very quickly.

A decoction of wormwood is also suitable for getting rid of rashes from sun allergies. It is prepared by boiling wormwood for ten minutes. When the product has cooled, wipe the damaged skin with it. The intensity of the itching decreases significantly, and soon it stops altogether. It is important that wiping is quite frequent.

Oil with celandine is used to treat red blisters and skin that is very itchy. It’s quite simple to prepare: just take a liter jar, put celandine flowers in it halfway, pour vegetable oil and leave for three weeks, then strain. Before going to bed, the affected skin is wiped with hydrogen peroxide and a napkin soaked in this oil is placed on top, covered with a film and secured with an adhesive plaster. In the morning, the compress is removed and the skin is again wiped with peroxide. These actions should be performed several nights in a row.

Herbal baths are very helpful for skin swelling and itching. The following herbs are considered medicinal: celandine, mint, lemon balm, clover, plantain, chamomile, tansy, yarrow. It would be better to use dry raw materials in the spring, and fresh ones in the summer.

Excessive skin rashes can be eliminated by taking half-hour soda baths.

Almond oil with menthol, or extreme case freshly squeezed tomato juice used after bathing to soften the skin and moisturize it.

Aloe juice also perfectly heals and moisturizes the skin.

Blisters are eliminated using chamomile compresses.

Local treatment is carried out using an infusion of oak and juniper bark.

It is also effective to lubricate the affected areas of the skin with ointments such as Advantan, Loriden, Oxycort, Fluorocort, and Flucinar.

You can prevent the appearance of hives by taking horseradish juice mixed with bee honey in the same quantity. Also, it helps peppermint, from which an infusion is prepared and taken 50 ml three times a day.

A bath with rolled oatmeal flakes will help eliminate skin inflammation, rashes and itching. In order to prepare it, you should take half a kilogram oatmeal, pour half a liter of boiling water over them, leave for one hour, and add to the bath. You need to take these baths several times a week.

An infusion of hops is drunk instead of tea, a third of a glass before meals.

It is very important that the body of any person, especially those with allergies, has enough vitamins. You need to eat cabbage and parsley, which are rich in vitamins C, PP, and therefore can reduce skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

First aid for fainting

When a person loses consciousness from exposure to sunlight, the following measures must be taken:

  • Bring the patient to his senses;
  • Make sure that his clothes do not interfere Airways, and did not touch damaged skin;
  • When the body temperature rises above 38 degrees, you need to make cold compresses, apply them to the forehead, groin area, and legs. If possible, give the patient an antipyretic drug - paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • If a child is vomiting, he should be turned on his side.

Preventive measures for sun allergies

People with sun allergies should wear loose-fitting fabric clothing high density, long sleeves, stay out of the sun for a long time, give up deodorants and perfumes when going to the beach. When allergy symptoms are mild, you can train your body by periodically going out into the sun for a short time.

In order not to provoke the development of acute allergies, you should use it very carefully. medicines, which contain photosensitizers. Before going to the sea, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the possibility of replacing medications with safer ones that do not cause sun allergies. When going to the beach, do not wear perfume, cosmetics, lotions, perfumes, treat your skin with special sunscreens.

Psychological problems can also increase allergy symptoms. It’s better not to invent anything for yourself, but to consult an allergist, what he prescribed necessary tests and tests to detect predisposition to this disease.

When it comes to chronic allergies, you need to start using medications that have photoprotective qualities before the start of the spring-summer season, but only after consulting a doctor. To these medicines relate:

  • nicotinic, paraiminobenzoic, pantothenic acids
  • thiamine
  • pyridoxine
  • riboflavin.

Protect the skin with the following means:

  • lard;
  • lanolin;
  • methyluracil;
  • ichthyol;
  • quinine.

It is best if the patient prefers some other vacation instead of the sea. Among other things, people who suffer from chronic allergies can go to phototherapy sessions in early spring, during which the radiation dose will gradually increase. Thus, before summer a person gets used to the sun’s rays, and the risk of a possible exacerbation of allergies is significantly reduced.

By following the tips below, you can protect yourself from sun allergies:

  • A quarter of an hour before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen to your skin to soften it and protect it from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. They should be used before tanning, immediately during tanning, and every time after swimming. Approximately every half hour.
  • As soon as a person comes out of the water, you should not rub your body with a towel; it is better to blot the drops and not dry yourself.
  • While relaxing on the beach, do not use decorative cosmetics, perfumes, blush, creams and other products. It is these cosmetics that can cause allergic reactions.
  • People with fair and sensitive skin Direct sunlight should be avoided. You can sunbathe under the tent.
  • When it's too hot outside, you need to drink at least two liters of fluid a day. Do not consume alcohol, drink few hot drinks.
  • Take antihistamines with you if you have a predisposition to allergies.
  • 3rd generation antihistamines are very effective. They are accepted long time without significant losses to health.

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