Broccoli beneficial properties and contraindications. Energy value of broccoli. Benefits for weight loss

Broccoli is an annual plant of the Brassica family. There are many varieties of this vegetable, but the calabrese variety is most often used. The head of cabbage has the shape of an umbrella with a thick stem and a huge number of green inflorescences connected to each other (see photo). Many people call broccoli "brains" because of this.

How to select and store?

Choosing broccoli is quite simple at first glance, but if you go into detail, it may turn out that the vegetable you chose does not meet your expectations. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you in detail how to select and store ripe broccoli, as well as what this product looks like.

Most best period to buy cabbage in the store, it is the end of August and the beginning of September, since at this time the broccoli begins to ripen and becomes suitable for eating. In addition, there are several recommendations based on which you can choose high-quality and fresh cabbage in the store.

  • Fresh cabbage leaves should have a rich green color, and the stems should be thin and elastic. Thick stems will mean that the vegetable is already overripe, which is why its gastronomic qualities will not be the same as fresh cabbage.
  • Broccoli should not be wilted or rotten.
  • You can buy frozen cabbage, but pay attention to the layer of ice: if it is too thick, it is better to look for another product, since if you buy this one, you will overpay for water.
  • Pay attention to appearance vegetable. There should be no spots on it, and the inflorescences should be dense and elastic. Also, the inflorescences should not be in full bloom, since such cabbage will become limp and excessively soft during cooking.
  • Broccoli should have a rich green color, sometimes purple or burgundy shades are allowed, but there should be no yellow color on the vegetables.

Broccoli tends to spoil quickly, so it is important to store it properly. If you want to use vegetables a few days or weeks after harvesting or purchasing them, freezing the cabbage is ideal. To do this, it is carefully divided into inflorescences and washed thoroughly. After this, you need to place the broccoli on a clean cloth to drain the water, and then put the vegetable in plastic containers, subsequently putting them in the freezer. This way you can store broccoli for up to six months.

If you want to store cabbage in the refrigerator, then you need to wash it immediately before cooking. Place the broccoli in the bag, but do not tie it. Place the product in the refrigerator and use as needed. This way, broccoli can be stored for up to two weeks.

Beneficial features

Thanks to his useful composition And low content Broccoli is included in the permitted menu of a huge number of diets. TO unique properties this vegetable can be attributed to the fact that it protects blood vessels from damage caused by high level blood sugar. So, the diet of diabetics and sweet tooths should definitely include broccoli.

In this type of cabbage there are active substances that have the ability to have a beneficial effect on the work nervous system and hearts. Broccoli also contains chlorophyll, which has a positive effect on blood composition. It is also worth noting the large amount of fiber that the plant contains. Thanks to this, broccoli has the ability to accumulate and then remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. Coarse fibers that are not digestible promotes the removal of cholesterol from the intestines.

Broccoli also contains essential amino acids for the body, for example, serotonin called the “happiness hormone”. Folic acid, which is in the vegetable will be useful for women, as it resists early aging body and promotes the formation of new cells. In addition, broccoli contains beta-carotene and omega-3 fatty acids, helping to remove bad cholesterol from the body, and they also improve heart function and normalize blood pressure.

Don't forget that broccoli contains calcium and other nutrients that are aimed at strengthening bones and teeth, which means the vegetable will be useful for the elderly, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Broccoli diet

The broccoli diet is an ideal option for those who want to lose weight quickly. Various sources say that by following this diet, you can lose from five to eight kilograms in two weeks. Since broccoli is a very healthy product, eating it will not only help you lose weight, but also enrich your body with vitamins. In our article you can read recommendations that will help you quickly reset excess weight using broccoli.

It is best to steam vegetables or eat them raw. Frying or baking broccoli is not recommended. The diet period is ten days, a week of which falls on the main phase, and the remaining three days on the auxiliary phase. To achieve the best results, it is advisable to combine a broccoli diet with physical activity. The ideal option is gymnastics or Pilates. We suggest you take note of the table in which you can see a list of products for every day. Be sure to follow these recommendations - and the first results will be noticeable within a week!

Diet day

First second

The first and second days of the diet are especially difficult, since at this time it is important not to break down. You should never skip breakfast. In the morning, it is recommended to eat two hundred grams of raw or steamed broccoli, up to fifty grams rye bread and one glass skim milk or yogurt.

For lunch, you should prepare chicken fillet soup and drink two hundred and fifty milliliters of broth, and also eat two hundred grams of boiled chicken. All this should be eaten with broccoli in the amount of one hundred and fifty grams.

Dinner should consist of the following products: two hundred and fifty grams of raw broccoli and two small raw carrots. Cabbage may be seasoned with garlic, green onions and a little olive oil. It is not recommended to drink dinner with you.

Third fourth

Raw broccoli with bell peppers, vegetables can be steamed and seasoned with chopped garlic. You can drink water with lemon juice, but not carbonated.

Two hundred grams of boiled chicken fillet or tuna, two hundred grams of raw or steamed broccoli and two small tomatoes.

One bell pepper and two hundred grams of fresh broccoli.


Chicken or turkey ham in the amount of one hundred and fifty grams, raw broccoli (one hundred grams) and one glass of low-fat homemade yogurt.

Two hundred grams of raw broccoli, a piece of rye bread and one hundred grams of low-fat cheese.

Two hundred grams of boiled veal or beef, two hundred grams of raw or steamed broccoli.


One hundred grams of broccoli and two boiled chicken eggs, a glass of low-fat milk or kefir.

Three hundred milliliters of low-fat chicken fillet soup, two hundred grams of raw broccoli and one hundred grams of boiled chicken meat.

One glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice and two hundred grams of cabbage.


Two medium carrots, a glass of skim milk and one hundred and fifty grams of broccoli.

Two hundred grams of steamed cabbage, two hundred grams of boiled chicken fillet without salt and spices, a piece of rye bread.

Two potatoes, boiled in their jackets, and two hundred grams of broccoli.

Please note that you need to exit this diet carefully, gradually increasing the amount of food you eat and adding new ingredients. Floury, sweet and fatty foods should be consumed in small quantities only a month after the end of the diet. Also monitor your health: if you feel unwell or have a taste of acetone in your mouth, you should end the diet.

If you are allergic to this product, as well as stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and colitis, losing weight with such a diet is contraindicated.

Use in cooking

In cooking, I found broccoli quite wide application.Most often it is eaten boiled, lightly fried, stewed, raw or steamed..

Heat treatment should last no more than 6 minutes, this is the only way to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and incredible taste vegetable.

Since broccoli is a non-starchy vegetable, it can be combined with different products nutrition. Most often this type of cabbage used for making soups, sauces, stews, salads and various side dishes.

Cooking methods

There are many ways to deliciously cook broccoli at home. In our article we will tell you in detail how to do this correctly.

If you have a tasty fresh cabbage, you can prepare many delicious dishes from it. Broccoli can be boiled, fried, baked, stewed, steamed or grilled. Here are the basic recommendations for preparing this product:

  • It takes about seven minutes to cook the broccoli in the pan. The water should be slightly salted. The flame should not be made too large; it is better to set it to the very minimum when the water in the pan boils. In a double boiler, the vegetable should be cooked for ten minutes, and then left with the lid closed for another three to four minutes to steam the cabbage. To prepare broccoli puree, the product must be cooked for at least half an hour.
  • To fry broccoli, you must first wash it and separate it into florets. Fresh vegetable fry for five to seven minutes until cooked, and if the cabbage was cut about a week ago, then before frying it is dipped in boiling water for three minutes, and only after that it is sent to the frying pan. There is no need to add too much oil.
  • Here's how to bake broccoli: Divide the vegetable into inflorescences, after washing it, and turn on the oven, preheating it to a temperature of two hundred degrees. Mix cabbage with vegetable oil, salt and chopped garlic. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and place broccoli florets on it, then place it all in a preheated oven. You can bake cabbage along with other vegetables. Baking time is from ten to twenty minutes depending on the power of your oven.
  • You can also stew broccoli with asparagus or other vegetables, as well as chicken fillet and frying. To get something tasty stew from cabbage, you need to rinse it and divide it into inflorescences, then place them in a cold frying pan. Add no more than one hundred grams of water to the container and place the frying pan on the fire. Cover the broccoli with a lid and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes. When the water in the container boils, add a little sour cream, as well as the pre-prepared frying, salt and pepper, mix the ingredients and leave to simmer for about five more minutes.
  • Grilling broccoli is very easy. To do this, you should disassemble the product into inflorescences, boil water in a saucepan and lower the vegetable there for three to five minutes. After cooking, immediately throw the cabbage into ice water. Then mix olive oil and lemon zest Pour the resulting liquid over the broccoli, place it on a baking sheet and place on the grill grate. Cooking cabbage in this way takes no more than six minutes.

You can choose any way to prepare fresh broccoli, and you can also use it for cooking and as an independent snack.

What does it go with?

There is a small list of products that broccoli can be combined with. Using our simple tips, you can cook very delicious dishes at home.

If you are going to use this vegetable to prepare a side dish, then it will go well with boiled, fried or baked fish dishes. Cabbage also goes well with poultry meat, especially turkey or baked chicken.

As for other vegetables, broccoli goes very well with onions, garlic, beans and asparagus. You can cook delicious salad from these products or stew them in a frying pan. Carrots and boiled corn also go great with this cabbage.

Try experimenting with foods, as fresh broccoli can pair well with many other vegetables, as well as meat and fish.

Benefits of broccoli and treatment

The benefits of broccoli are undeniable. Many believe that this type of cabbage is not only an excellent preventive measure, but it also capable of treating many cancer diseases , since it contains sulforanan substances, which have the ability to prevent the occurrence of cancer cells. In addition, broccoli also contains other substances that not only prevent the division of cancer cells, but also strengthen immune system.

Considering the fact that broccoli contains vitamin C and sulfur, as well as amino acids, it is considered an excellent detoxifier. These substances make it possible to remove free radicals from the body, which in turn cleanses the blood and helps eliminate the following problems: abscesses, rashes, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, eczema, etc..

Many doctors recommend that patients undergoing cataract treatment use broccoli in their recovery diet because it contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the lens and retina.

The benefits of broccoli for men are that consuming this product helps prevent prostatitis, as well as oncological diseases prostate. In combination with fish and seafood, cabbage improves potency and reproductive functions body. For women, broccoli will be useful during lactation and pregnancy. Also regular use This product will help prevent diseases such as mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and breast cancer. It is very useful to eat fresh broccoli to improve the condition of facial skin, as well as hair and nails.

You can prepare delicious food for small children or infants. vegetable puree, which is suitable for the first feeding.

There is a list of diseases for which eating cabbage can benefit the body:

  • For pancreatitis, cholecystitis and diseases of the pancreas, you can introduce broccoli into the diet in small quantities, but during times of exacerbation of the disease, it is better to reduce the consumption of cabbage to a minimum or completely eliminate it while this period lasts.
  • At diabetes mellitus of the first and second types, eating broccoli is very useful. Thanks to her medicinal properties Eating cabbage can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and also slow down the process of destruction of blood vessels.
  • Regarding diseases thyroid gland, then expert opinions differ here. Some believe that broccoli is very useful for thyroid problems, while others say that eating cabbage makes it difficult for the body to absorb the required amount of iodine, so eating such a product is harmful. One way or another, it is better to consult your doctor if you are going to eat broccoli if you have a thyroid disease.
  • For diarrhea and diarrhea, it is recommended to introduce a small amount of broccoli into the diet. It, unlike cauliflower, does not weaken, but strengthens. For this reason, it is not recommended to eat vegetables if you have constipation. Some people may experience gas as a result of eating broccoli. If you feel bloated after dishes that contain cabbage, but this does not cause much discomfort, you should not completely remove the vegetable from your diet. You can simply reduce the amount you use the product.
  • For people with liver diseases such as hepatitis, broccoli is added to food along with immortelle seeds and carrots. Also, based on these products, decoctions are often prepared that help with hypothyroidism.

Before including broccoli in your diet, it is better to consult your doctor, as there are individual recommendations on the use of the product for a particular disease.

Harm of broccoli and contraindications

Broccoli is a vegetable that has no contraindications for consumption. It can only cause harm to people who are intolerant to the components of the product.

Types and best varieties of broccoli

There are many types and varieties of broccoli, which differ in the color and shape of the inflorescences. In our article you can familiarize yourself with the best varieties this healthy vegetable.

At the moment, there are about two hundred types of broccoli. Among them, there are two numerous varieties: Western and Italian cabbage. Western broccoli can be identified by its cone-shaped florets, which are yellow, brown or light green in color. Italian cabbage tastes more like asparagus. The thin stems of the vegetable are eaten, but the inflorescences are also edible. They are green in color and small in size.

Among the varieties are the following:

  • early ripening;
  • late ripening;
  • mid-season.

Early ripening varieties ripen quite quickly. The period of their growth and maturation varies from sixty to one hundred days. Mid-ripening broccoli ripens from one hundred to one hundred and thirty days, and late-ripening - from one hundred thirty to one hundred and fifty.

Among the best varieties There are such as “Marathon”, “Partenon”, “Fortune”, “Ironman”, “Tonus”, “Monaco”, “Lord” and “Linda”.

Growing: planting and care

Growing broccoli is quite difficult task. Planting and caring for cabbage must be organized correctly so that the vegetable pleases you with a large and beautiful harvest.

First, you need to choose the variety of broccoli you will grow. It is best to give preference to early ripening varieties, since you can get a harvest from them much faster. Having decided on the variety, purchase seeds for seedlings and first soak them in a piece of cloth moistened with water. While the seeds are steeping, prepare the soil. To do this, mix turf, humus, a little sand and fresh ash. Be sure to make sure that the soil is loose enough, as seedlings do not like stagnant moisture. Exactly the same soil will need to be provided for broccoli when planting seedlings in the garden. Choose a place where there will be enough shade. Cabbage grows very poorly in constant heat; it needs coolness.

Place the seeds in boxes with prepared soil and water thoroughly. Broccoli loves moisture, so don't let the soil get too dry. Wait for the seedlings to appear. This process usually takes about a month, after which the broccoli can be planted in open ground.

Until the plants get stronger, it is necessary to cover the seedlings at night. Although it can withstand frosts down to -7 degrees, broccoli cannot be frozen. Best time for transplanting seedlings - late April - early May. You can get a harvest from such seedlings in August or September.

When planting plants in open soil, it is necessary to water them thoroughly with water. After this, watering should be reduced until the broccoli heads are set. At this moment, you need to water the cabbage more abundantly.

Particular attention should be paid to caring for broccoli, as there are a large number of pests that can spoil the crop.

  • To prevent cabbage from developing black spots, it is not recommended to plant it in places where other varieties of cabbage, as well as radishes and radishes, were already growing.
  • To prevent slugs from ruining your broccoli, crush it eggshells and sprinkle it on the ground around the cabbage.
  • In order to protect the crop from the encroachments of caterpillars and butterflies, marigolds are planted next to the beds. Insects do not like the smell of these flowers, so they will not be able to spoil the broccoli.
  • Sprinkle the soil in the beds with ash and pepper. This will help get rid of fleas that feed on young seedlings.

Harvesting is also an important part gardening. Broccoli should be harvested when it is already ripe. It’s very easy to find out: the heads form two months after planting the seedlings, and ripen in a couple of days. You need to cut cabbage before it has time to bloom. In addition, this must be done correctly, without tearing the bush out of the ground, since broccoli forms new inflorescences on the side shoots after a few days.

Once you've harvested the ripe broccoli heads, freeze them or put them in the refrigerator to use for their intended purpose. After this you can cook delicious and healthy dishes for the whole family.

Broccoli has been widely known since ancient Roman times. Sometimes it is called asparagus cabbage. Appeared in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Now it is cultivated over vast areas in various parts of the world. The largest supplier is China. It is deservedly considered a medicinal plant. The most useful variety of cabbage. Cauliflower is genetically related to it.

Uses of broccoli

Green, annual, extremely useful plant is great product nutrition. Its undoubted benefits, nutritional value, and excellent taste were already known to the inhabitants of the Roman Empire. Numerous dishes include this healing vegetable, steamed, raw, stewed, boiled, fried.

Varied beneficial features make her great dietary product. It is extremely often used in numerous diets, therapeutic nutrition, during recovery in the postoperative period, after severe past diseases. Not by chance medicinal plant tops most lists healthy products.

Read about the benefits of spinach for the body

The list of indications is extremely wide and includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • baby food;
  • prevention, treatment stomach diseases, obesity, diabetes, oncology, heart
  • vascular ailments;
  • various diets, systems of therapeutic, healthy, natural nutrition.

The healing plant is successfully used for a variety of medicines and dietary supplements. The medicinal vegetable is also used in cosmetology to prepare natural remedies body care

Broccoli: beneficial properties and contraindications

Benefits of broccoli determined by its richest, amazing composition. Valuable cabbage contains unique combination vitamins, mineral substances, and with a very high concentration.

By composition proteins, tryptophan and lysine content can compete with chicken eggs and beef. Dietary fiber and fiber regulate intestinal function.

Sulforaphane prevents cancer, destroys bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers. Asparagus cabbage is good for the liver, digestion, reduces cholesterol, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Potential Harm may be associated with individual allergies. Contraindications include increased stomach acidity.

What are the benefits of broccoli for women and men?

Benefits of broccoli for women determined by a high content of protein, folic acid, minerals, vitamins, especially B group.

Prevention of breast cancer and other oncological manifestations. Asparagus cabbage also improves the condition of the skin and hair. Calcium prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Benefits of broccoli for men consists of preventing prostatitis, prostate cancer, and improving general condition.

The benefits of broccoli for the body - recipes and their uses

Health benefits of cabbage include:

  • prevention of atherosclerosis thanks to omega-3 in the composition;
  • prevention of cataracts;
  • improvement of hematopoiesis;
  • neutralization of free radicals, heavy metals;
  • antiallergic effect;
  • stimulation of the body's defenses.

It is especially useful raw, preserving vitamin composition.

Salad with grapes and oranges:

  1. separate the inflorescences of asparagus cabbage, chop the stems, wash;
  2. boil the stems for four minutes, add the inflorescences, cook for another 3 minutes;
  3. rinse in cold water, discard
  4. cut off the orange zest, keep in boiling water for 5 minutes, discard;
  5. cut 0.1 kg of grapes in half;
  6. cut the peeled orange;
  7. mix, add the juice of half a lemon, zest, olive oil.

Beneficial properties of broccoli during pregnancy - recipes

Broccoli is beneficial during pregnancy in providing the body with the required proteins, vitamins, valuable amino acids, and minerals. Improving digestion, immunity, the state of the nervous system, blood vessels, preventing constipation, anemia.

  • Chopped cabbage It is advisable to wait forty minutes before cooking for maximum concentration of sulforaphane. Cook for no more than two minutes.

Healthy, dietary puree soup:

  1. wash and divide 0.4 kg of broccoli into florets;
  2. throw into boiling water for 150 seconds, along with spices;
  3. Pour boiling water over thirty grams of almonds for 1/3 hour, then peel and grind with a blender;
  4. combine ground almonds with boiled broccoli;
  5. bring to a puree state with the remaining broth;
  6. add ten grams of walnut oil, a spoonful of tsp. sunflower oil;
    sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds.

Healthy salad:
Cut 0.2 kg of washed asparagus cabbage, a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes;
mix, add a pinch of turmeric, salt, spices, flaxseed oil, olive oil.

What are the benefits of broccoli for babies - cooking methods

A healthy vegetable with its properties is necessary for infants:

  • chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals strengthen the immune system, strengthen bones;
  • fiber improves digestion;
  • vitamin C, sulfur, amino acids prevent allergies, irritations, cleanse the blood;
  • magnesium, vitamins regulate acidity, improve development.

The best product would be to make healthy purees for children.

Asparagus cabbage for puree:

  1. keep in water for four hours;
  2. cook until soft;
  3. grind.

Great soup for older children:

  1. boil 0.1 kg of chopped carrots and 0.3 kg of chopped potatoes for fifteen minutes;
  2. add 0.3 kg of broccoli florets, 0.1 kg of chopped onion, cook for 5 minutes;
  3. add 40 grams of ten percent cream, greens.

The benefits of broccoli for weight loss - recipes

With a low calorie content of 30 kcal per 0.1 kg, broccoli, thanks to chlorophyll and B vitamins, accelerates metabolic processes. Its dietary fiber improves intestinal function. With a low calorie content, introducing it into the diet ensures satiety and promotes weight loss.

Simple, diet salad:

  1. products asparagus cabbage 0.4 kg, carrots 0.1 kg, 0.05 kg green peas, half a spoonful of cumin;
  2. wash, dry, divide into inflorescences;
  3. grate carrots, add peas;
  4. mix, add olive oil, pepper, cumin, salt.

Salad with apples, lemons, asparagus cabbage:

  1. Wash the cabbage, divide it into inflorescences, cook for 5 minutes, rinse with cold water;
  2. cut an apple, lemon, fifty grams of dill;
  3. mix everything, add olive oil.

Properties of broccoli for oncology

In addition to the general health benefits, the beneficial properties of asparagus cabbage in oncology are due to the high content of active antitumor components:

  1. indole-3-carbinol improves the body's immune response and causes the death of altered cells;
  2. sulforaphane blocks cancer cells, destroys them, prevents the development of stomach ulcers and their transition to neoplasms;
  3. Synergin eliminates the division of cancer cells.

Asparagus cabbage protects against cancer of the stomach, breast, skin, larynx, lungs, and prostate gland.

What are the benefits of broccoli for the lungs?

How to eat broccoli for diabetes - recipes

For diabetes, asparagus cabbage dishes can protect blood vessels, thanks to sulforaphane. The high chromium content helps lower blood sugar. A unique set of microelements, amino acids, vitamins improves general state.

An excellent dish for a diabetic would be broccoli and chicken breast soup:

  1. products chicken breast 0.7 kg, asparagus cabbage 0.1 kg, 2 potatoes, tomato, carrot, 0.05 kg ginger, onion, pepper, salt to taste;
  2. cook the breast in three liters of water, remove it, cut it into pieces;
  3. add chopped carrots, potatoes, spices to the broth;
  4. after ¼ hour add ginger, asparagus cabbage, chicken breast;
  5. Boil the potatoes over low heat;
  6. remove the skin of the blanched tomato and cut it into soup;
  7. cook for another 120 seconds;
  8. remove the ginger and add herbs.

Broccoli oil uses and beneficial properties

Healthy oil, obtained from the seeds of asparagus cabbage, is distinguished by a large amount of vitamins and fatty acids, including erucic and eicosenoic acids.

Therefore, when added to shampoo:

  • blocks hair electrostatics;
  • enhances shine and elasticity;
  • improves the condition of the hair bulb and hair shaft;
  • makes combing easier.

This skin oil:

  • reduces fine wrinkles;
  • removes peeling and redness;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • absorbs well without creating a greasy film.

Broccoli for face and hair - recipes

A significant content of collagen, phytoestrogens, vitamins C, A provide a highly effective cosmetic effect of asparagus cabbage.

An excellent mask that improves skin condition:

  1. immerse four heads of vegetables in water for 1/2 hour;
  2. Boil in boiling water for five minutes;
  3. grind to a puree consistency;
  4. add a spoonful of olive oil, 2 drops aromatic oil orange;
    Apply for a third of an hour.

Broccoli juice benefits

Broccoli juice is great for improving immunity. To prevent colds, it is enough to drink a glass of this juice a day.

It also promotes:

  • prevention peptic ulcer thanks to a loading dose of vitamin U and sulforaphane;
  • improves vision, counteracts cataracts;
  • maintains the balance of salts and water in the body;
  • improves the condition of the thyroid gland;
  • helps remove toxins;
  • strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

What are the benefits of broccoli extract - how to use it

The extract is available in powder form or capsules. It concentrates the beneficial properties of asparagus cabbage:

The extract is useful for the prevention and treatment of oncology, improving vision, skin, treating the gastrointestinal tract, preventing heart disease, strengthening the immune system, treating gout, gallstone disease. In capsule form, it is taken twice a day for a couple of weeks.

Broccoli raw, frozen and baked - properties

Vitamins, cancer cell blocking substances, antioxidants are the best way to keep raw. But this method of preparation is not indicated if a person has gastritis. Consuming this valuable vegetable in its raw form is extremely beneficial. It will be a good base for excellent salads.

  • For vitamin salad We divide the washed head into inflorescences, cut the boiled potatoes, fresh cucumber, finely chop the greens. Combine the salad ingredients, add olive oil, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Freezing perfectly preserves the usefulness of asparagus cabbage. It can be used for soups, stews, casseroles.

A very good casserole made from a kilogram of chicken breast, 0.7 kg of asparagus cabbage, 0.15 kg of cheese:

  1. carefully beat the chicken breast;
  2. place it on the bottom of the mold;
  3. cover with broccoli puree;
  4. add grated cheese;
  5. repeat layers;
  6. bake for half an hour at two hundred degrees.

How to cook broccoli to preserve its beneficial properties - recipes

Greatest benefit manifests itself if the healing vegetable is prepared correctly. To preserve its beneficial properties, broccoli should be cooked for no more than three hundred seconds. You should not cook with a microwave at all. Frying in oil will greatly weaken the beneficial properties.

Best for health prepare healthy vegetable should be done at temperatures of about one hundred degrees for no longer than five minutes. It's very good to steam it. You can simmer in small amounts of water, blanch, or eat raw. Let's look at several recipes that preserve the benefits of this healing vegetable.

Broccoli with white fish, baked in a slow cooker:

  1. products two hundred and fifty grams of white fish, one hundred and fifty grams of broccoli, fifty grams of sour cream, three eggs; salt, pepper, vegetable oil;
  2. grease the multicooker bowl with oil;
  3. Wash the fish fillet, cut into pieces thirty millimeters wide, place in a bowl;
  4. wash the medicinal vegetable, cut it in half, place it on the fish;
  5. beat sour cream with eggs, spices, pour over fish;
  6. cook for half an hour, stewing mode.

Soup with yogurt:

  1. products a glass of healing vegetables, 0.125 kg of yogurt, one carrot, 2 potatoes, a spoonful of olive oil, a spoonful of tbsp. grated cheese;
  2. sauté, stirring, grated carrots and potatoes in olive oil;
    boiled asparagus cabbage is cooked for 300 seconds over low heat at a water level equal to the height of the vegetable;
  3. add sauteing, cooking for ten minutes;
  4. cool slightly, add yogurt;
  5. Before eating, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Great salad for health:

  1. wash, divide a couple of large heads into inflorescences;
  2. finely chop a couple of red onions;
  3. add half a glass of washed raisins;
  4. add one hundred grams of chopped boiled chicken breast;
  5. season with sour cream.

In less dietary option chicken breast is replaced with ten slices of bacon fried in vegetable oil, and mayonnaise with a couple of tablespoons of tbsp is used for dressing. sugar and a couple of tablespoons of vinegar.

Asparagus healthy cabbage simmer for five minutes along with frying onions, carrots, and garlic. We get an excellent side dish for meat.

How to choose and how to store broccoli?

Right choice will help to provide the body with the most beneficial properties of the healing vegetable. The plant stem should be dense and the stems should be firm. The buds are unopened.

Acceptable colors light purple, dark green. Stain, mold, rot are unacceptable. Opening of buds, yellow signs of overripeness, loss of valuable substances. The younger the medicinal plant, the higher the concentration of the main anti-cancer component sulforaphane in its shoots.

When choosing, we check freshness of the smell of the vegetable. Thin stems are preferred because they will be softer.

Save for a short time up to three days, the beneficial properties of broccoli can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wrapped in a wet towel. Availability of air during storage is required. Storage for up to a year is guaranteed by freezing in the freezer.


  • rinse the medicinal plant with running water;
  • shake off the water;
  • divide into inflorescences, removing defects;
  • place in boiling water for 120 seconds;
  • take it out and transfer it to cold water;
  • dry the healthy vegetable;
  • the blanched plant can be eaten, which is extremely healthy;
  • for storage we place in bags;
  • load into the freezer.

Blanching and storing in the freezer completely preserves the beneficial properties of the healing vegetable.

A green plant called broccoli is famous for its beneficial properties. Today cabbage can be found on the shelves of most stores. However, many housewives are in no hurry to use the product when cooking. You can evaluate all the qualities of the famous vegetable by understanding its health benefits, harms, and methods of use.

What is broccoli

Many people have come across this beautiful green plant in stores more than once, reminiscent of a lush flower bouquet. This vegetable is broccoli cabbage. It can be grown in almost any area, but the climate of Spain, Italy, and France is considered the best. In these countries, the plant is often used in cooking due to its beneficial properties. You can eat this type of cauliflower fried, boiled, stewed, or add it to salads. For cooking, inflorescences with the tender part of the stem, and sometimes sprouts, are used.

Broccoli - composition

To learn more about the topic: broccoli - benefits and harms, you need to learn about the substances that are contained in the plant. It has a large number of different microelements, vitamins, macroelements. Chemical composition broccoli is presented:

  • beta-carotene (vitamin A);
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin U;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • B vitamins;
  • fiber;
  • silicon;
  • vitamin C;
  • biologically active substances;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin E;
  • selenium

Broccoli - calories

The energy value indicator is very important for dieters and those watching their figure. Depending on the processing method, scientists have determined the calorie content of broccoli, 100 grams of which contain:

  • unprocessed (raw) vegetable – 35 kcal;
  • boiled – 28 kcal;
  • steamed – 27 kcal;
  • frozen – 23 kcal;
  • stewed – 37 kcal;
  • fried – 46 kcal.

Nutritional value of broccoli

One more important characteristic is the nutritional value broccoli. Using these values, a person can find out how much he will receive important substances for the body by eating 100 g of cabbage. These elements are energy accumulators that help regulate our life activities. The plant contains:

  • proteins – 2.8 g (3.41% of required norm per day);
  • fats – 0.4 g (0.62%);
  • carbohydrates – 6.6 g (5.16%);
  • dietary fiber – 2.6 g (13%);
  • water – 89.3 g (3.49% daily value).

Can you eat broccoli raw?

Consumers are accustomed to the fact that fresh, unprocessed vegetables are better absorbed by the human body than boiled, fried or stewed. However, there is no consensus on the question of whether broccoli can be eaten raw. Some experts claim that when cooked, the plant loses more than half of its beneficial properties, while others believe that properly processed or blanched cabbage is healthier.

There are a huge number of recipes for dishes that include fresh green cabbage among the ingredients. In Europe and America, broccoli is often consumed unprocessed and made into a salad. For those who want to lose weight and are watching calories, it is recommended to blanch cabbage. To do this, simply place the heads of cabbage in a container of boiling water for a few seconds. Season the vegetable olive oil, add your favorite spices and serve. Green cabbage is especially useful for pregnant women and young children - it is perfectly digestible and contains many vitamins.

Broccoli - beneficial properties

Invaluable benefits Broccoli for the body consists of its following properties:

  • contains antioxidants natural origin;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates blood sugar;
  • improves the condition of the lens and retina of the eyes;
  • contains elements that benefit the liver;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves blood composition.

Benefits of broccoli for women

Many representatives of the fair sex are skeptical about this vegetable, considering it tasteless and bland. The benefits of broccoli for women include the following factors:

  • Positive effect on skin condition. By eating broccoli daily, you prolong your youth. Useful to use treatment plant for masks, because it contains a lot of vitamins.
  • Vitamin oil from the vegetable is used for hair and nails, helping to strengthen their structure and eliminate fragility.
  • Use in dietary nutrition. The product contains a large amount of protein, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Green cabbage is an indispensable product for dietary, vegetarian and Lenten dishes.
  • Fight cellulite. The beneficial properties of broccoli promote the production of bile. It helps regulate fat levels, thereby helping to eliminate skin imperfections associated with cellulite.
  • Getting rid of carcinogens, toxins and waste. These harmful substances can provoke the development of tumors of the uterus, breasts and ovaries. The inflorescences contain antioxidants that can combat this problem.
  • Rich nutrients the composition will benefit hair and nails.
  • The content of indoles maintains hormonal balance.

Benefits of broccoli for children

This type of cauliflower is one of the ten healthiest foods. The plant is often used in children's nutrition. As part of a child's diet, broccoli can benefit:

Benefits of broccoli for men

Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to consume proteins only of animal origin, so they often refuse vegetables. However, the benefits of broccoli for men are invaluable. The plant is an excellent remedy for preventing the development of cancer cells and inflammatory processes V prostate gland.. Broccoli actively fights problems of cardio-vascular system, helps remove excess cholesterol in the blood, which can appear when eaten fatty foods.

Broccoli for gastritis

The composition of green cabbage is not much different from its relative, white cabbage, but contains more carotene. The element renders positive impact on mucous membranes. The principle of its action is based on blocking heavy metal ions that damage the gastric and intestinal walls. Eating broccoli for gastritis will help restore tissue, heal ulcers and wounds, and remove dead cells. Experts recommend choosing boiling or stewing, or steaming to preserve all the beneficial properties of the vegetable.

Broccoli during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child for a woman is associated with the need to increase immunity. The folic acid content prevents the development of fetal pathologies and promotes cell renewal. Broccoli for pregnant women allows you not to take additional medications to replenish the reserves of selenium, retinol and calcium - the vegetable contains them in abundance. Cabbage is also beneficial when planning a child, preparing the woman’s body for future pregnancy.

Broccoli for weight loss

Using broccoli for weight loss helps saturate the body and promotes weight loss. At the same time, a person receives all the substances necessary for normal life. Among those who are studying weight loss and want to weigh less, a broccoli-based diet is popular. This vegetable is one of the lowest in calories, contains a large amount of fiber and helps reduce appetite. And the hormone serotonin improves mood and general condition of the body, fights depression.

Broccoli - contraindications

Like any food product, this type of cabbage can be harmful. There are the following contraindications for broccoli:

  • diseases of the pancreas that have acute or chronic form;
  • increased acidity;
  • individual intolerance.

If you have at least one of these contraindications, you can simply replace the variety of cabbage with white or cauliflower.

Video: broccoli - beneficial properties and contraindications

Broccoli is very popular among devotees proper nutrition and lovers of varied diets. To have a clear idea of ​​the effects of cabbage on the human body, let's look at its beneficial and harmful qualities.

Composition and benefits of broccoli

  1. Protein has a place of honor. In terms of its content, broccoli can surpass beef, rabbit and chicken eggs. This type of cabbage has become famous among people who regularly go to the gym. Protein is necessary for muscle formation and weight loss, as well as other vital processes in the body.
  2. Not without amino acids; cabbage contains them in abundance. Moreover, many amino acids are not produced autonomously and therefore must be supplied with food.
  3. For smooth functioning, the body requires lipids, which act as substances necessary for the production of thyroid hormones and the building of bone tissue.
  4. Broccoli contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. All of them are needed to eliminate salts heavy metals, normalization of heart function, removal of cholesterol from blood channels.
  5. Omega acids, concentrated in large quantities in vegetables, control intracranial pressure, and also fight hypertension (high blood pressure).
  6. Copper with cobalt and iron are involved in hematopoiesis processes and enhance the production of red blood cells. Phosphorus affects brain activity, increasing perception, concentration and memory.
  7. The product contains a lot of tocopherol, which is a natural antioxidant. Broccoli keeps tissues youthful and prevents skin aging. This quality is appreciated by girls and women who always strive to look perfect.
  8. Ascorbic acid protects against viral epidemics and prevents vitamin deficiency. Chrome in large quantities regulates blood sugar levels, and phytoncides prevent the proliferation of fungal microorganisms.
  9. Broccoli is famous for its cluster dietary fiber, which includes fiber. These substances are necessary to accelerate the absorption of food, cleanse the body of toxins and remove toxins.
  10. Cabbage is not deprived of vitamin B9, or folic acid, which is necessary for the female body. The vitamin improves the functioning of the reproductive system and increases the chances of conceiving a child. This substance is also necessary for pregnant women to ensure the development of the fetus in accordance with the gestation period.
  11. Other B vitamins, such as thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, niacin, are responsible for the correct functioning of the nervous system. Systematic intake of broccoli reduces the number of neuroses and fights insomnia.
  12. Broccoli is a record-breaking food for carotene content, which is essential for eye health. This type of cabbage is recommended for people who suffer from with diminished vision. There is slightly less carotene in broccoli than in the notorious carrots.
  13. Chlorophyll in combination with carotene prevents the formation of cancer due to the complete neutralization and removal of free radicals. Also, the first substance is necessary to improve blood circulation and compact cell membranes.

With such a powerful list chemical elements broccoli has comparatively low calorie content. For a serving of boiled vegetables weighing 100 g. accounts for only 29 kcal. In view of all this, cabbage is often used for weight loss and allows you to achieve impressive results.

  1. Not all girls liked the unleavened vegetable, but it is extremely useful for female body. First of all, broccoli helps you lose weight. This becomes possible due to the accumulation of protein and amino acids. When combined, these substances speed up metabolism and natural weight loss begins.
  2. The accumulation of antioxidants provides support for all vital important systems and organs. Vitamin E is responsible for the health of skin and hair, eliminates toxic substances.
  3. Dietary fiber cleanses the intestines of stagnation, against this background the frequency of constipation is reduced and digestion is improved. Vitamin complex needed for the heart and circulatory system.
  4. Folic acid, which has always been considered pure women's vitamin, affects fertility. Vitamin B9 increases the chances of conception and also supports the health of a pregnant woman.
  5. Broccoli has a choleretic effect. This quality is necessary for regulating fat balance and eliminating cellulite. The liver is also unloaded and its structure is restored.

Benefits of broccoli for children

  1. Broccoli is a type of cauliflower. The vegetable belongs to the category of the most useful products for human body. Raw materials are often included in children's menus.
  2. Regularly eating cabbage will help your child prevent constipation. The vegetable saturates the body with a sufficient amount of dietary fiber. Abundance useful microelements cleanses tissues from toxic substances and slags. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves.
  3. Benefits of broccoli for infants lies in the fact that cabbage is hypoallergenic. Vegetables in the form of juices and purees can be given with early age. In this case, you should not be afraid that the raw materials may harm.
  4. Vitamins strengthen children's body. The child is less exposed to seasonal viruses and colds. Cabbage contains diindolylmethane and sulforaphane, substances that prevent inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.
  5. Broccoli performed well as a effective means for obesity in children. The cabbage is perfectly balanced. It contains a sufficient amount of protein and fiber. The body quickly gets a feeling of fullness, with a minimum of calories.

Benefits of broccoli for men

  1. Men prefer to get pure protein from animal foods. Therefore, eating vegetables is not taken seriously. If you look from the other side, the benefits of broccoli for the stronger sex are invaluable.
  2. Cabbage is famous for its excellent antioxidant properties. The vegetable prevents the development of inflammatory processes and prostate cancer cells.
  3. Systematic consumption of broccoli actively resists the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The vegetable cleanses the blood of excess bad cholesterol. Therefore, broccoli should be eaten together with fatty foods.

  1. During the period of bearing a baby, representatives of the fair sex should carefully monitor their health. Girls need to increase the body's protective functions.
  2. Broccoli is rich in folic acid, an enzyme essential for correct formation and fetal development. The substance prevents the formation of pathologies and synthesizes new cells.
  3. If you eat cabbage regularly, you don’t need to take any additional medications or vitamins. Broccoli contains sufficient amounts of calcium, selenium and retinol. It is recommended to eat the vegetable when planning pregnancy.

Benefits of broccoli for gastritis

  1. Broccoli's composition is practically no different from white cabbage. The only difference is that in the first case the raw material contains more carotene. The enzyme has a positive effect on the mucous membranes of internal organs.
  2. Carotene blocks heavy metal ions that negatively affect the walls of the intestines and stomach. It is recommended to eat broccoli during gastritis. Active components heal damaged tissues and ulcers.
  3. The only condition remains that the cabbage must be eaten stewed or boiled. Broccoli removes dead particles from the body. If you cook a vegetable correctly, all the benefits will be retained.

Harm of broccoli

  1. It is forbidden to abuse vegetables, high concentration beneficial enzymes can have a negative impact on health.
  2. Broccoli is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. However, the product is hypoallergenic.
  3. Cabbage is prohibited for consumption if there are pathologies of the pancreas. Experts also do not recommend including raw materials in the diet when increased acidity in the stomach.

Broccoli is extremely healthy. All this becomes possible thanks to the low calorie content of the vegetable, as well as a rich chemical list of elements. Cabbage has almost no contraindications, but you should still be careful.

Video: beneficial properties of broccoli

Although everyone has heard about the unique healing and health properties of broccoli, few people regularly include this cabbage in their diet, considering it bland and tasteless. Today our hero is broccoli. What are its benefits and harms, how to cook cabbage? Let's find out more about her to fall in love with this “green curl.”

The healthiest of all cabbage varieties!

This vegetable is very cute on the outside and no less attractive on the inside. In appearance it resembles a flower bouquet, as it is collected from bright green inflorescences. Broccoli is a type of cauliflower. It is full of vitamins (B, A, PP, C, K, U), minerals - selenium, iron, sodium, iodine, zinc, calcium, silicon, magnesium and others.

This cabbage contains folic acid, fiber, bioactive substances. The therapeutic qualities of broccoli are so high that it has been called the “vegetable of the 21st century”!

The vegetable is not without flaws: how does broccoli threaten your health?

It is praised so much and often, and some do not even realize that the miracle healer broccoli has contraindications.

The main taboos on eating broccoli:

  • high acidity of gastric juice;
  • exacerbation of pancreatic diseases;
  • intestinal operations.

You will have to completely abandon this cabbage in any form if the body does not tolerate such a product and responds to it with an allergy.

And now about the unpleasant properties of broccoli. The benefits and harms of this vegetable can change places if it is used incorrectly. Although doctors encourage you to regularly include it in your diet, this does not mean that you should eat cabbage in large quantities. Eating exclusively cabbage (which some women do when trying to lose weight) or eating too much big sizes portions can provoke hypothyroidism and weight gain. This is especially dangerous for teenagers, as it can lead to stunted growth.

Important! To ensure that the benefits of broccoli remain as high after heat treatment, it is not recommended to cook it in microwaves or fry it in oil in a frying pan. When fried, carcinogens are formed that cause cancer. And eating dishes with a delicious crust causes a blow to the liver.

It can be boiled, stewed, fried. Calorie content depends on how you cook this cabbage.

If you evaluate a dish not by its taste, but by the number of calories, then steamed broccoli will take the leading position. Its benefits and harms for those losing weight are explained simply: this product contains only 27 Kcal per 100 g! It will feed and supply the body with vitamins and microelements, which are so lacking for those who are on a diet.

Preparing this dish is simple: rinse the head of cabbage. Cut off the base, divide the head of cabbage into inflorescences (if the cabbage is frozen, do not defrost). Place the broccoli in a steamer or in a colander, which is placed in a pan of boiling water. Cook for 7 minutes. You can drizzle the cabbage with garlic-lemon dressing.

Boiled vegetables are no less valuable in terms of health and slimness. It contains 28 Kcal. Blanching cabbage is even easier. Just boil water, add salt, place the inflorescences in it for 3 minutes, and then drain them in a colander. If desired, the cabbage can be seasoned with olive oil.

Important! It is forbidden to drink the water in which the vegetable was boiled, since it contains nitrogenous bases that negatively affect the body.

The calorie content of the stewed product will be slightly higher - 37 Kcal. The recipe for preparing it is as follows: wash the broccoli, disassemble into inflorescences. Place them in a hot frying pan with olive oil. Add a little water, add salt and spices, close the lid, simmer for 15 minutes. You can add chopped garlic and onion.

In last place in terms of nutritional value is fried broccoli, it contains 46 kcal. If you pre-boil it, frying will take 5-10 minutes. Raw cabbage you will have to keep it in the pan for 10-15 minutes. Heat a frying pan with olive oil, add the cabbage, sprinkle with seasonings (chili, garlic, cumin) and fry for about 4 minutes.

Place broccoli on a plate and add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, stir. The dish will be very tasty if you roll the boiled pieces of cabbage in breadcrumbs or batter, and then brown them on butter for 10 minutes.

Regarding the use of broccoli in in kind there is no consensus. Some experts believe that thermal exposure reduces its therapeutic reserve by half. Others do not advise eating such cabbage raw, so as not to introduce E. coli into the body.

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