What to feed a dog with pyoderma. Superficial pyoderma in dogs. Diagnosis and treatment of pyoderma in dogs

Purulent inflammation of the skin of pets caused by pathogenic microorganisms (pyoderma) is a common dermatological problem. The disease is caused by microbes such as staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and pneumococci. The disease affects not only the layers of the epidermis, but also negatively affects the general condition of the pet. Inflammation progresses rapidly and requires a comprehensive therapeutic approach.

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Reasons for the development of pyoderma

Veterinary specialists, based on many years of experience in treating dermatological diseases in dogs, The main causes of pyoderma include the following:

Interdigital pyoderma often occurs when it gets into soft fabrics paws of thorns, splinters, splinters and other foreign objects.

According to veterinary experts, the main factor contributing to the development of pyoderma in animals is weak. Low level immunoglobulins, insufficiently developed cellular defense make the pet’s body susceptible to attack by pathogenic microorganisms. Hormonal pathologies (hypothyroidism, diabetes).

Dogs with folded skin are more likely to be diagnosed with pyoderma

Most often dogs get sick purulent inflammation skin upon contact with a sick animal, by airborne droplets, when eating feed infected with microorganisms. There are cases of infection with pyoderma when visiting veterinary clinic in case of non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis in the institution.

Disease in to a greater extent Breeds characterized by folded and sagging skin structure are susceptible, for example, Shar-Pei, Mastino Neopolitano, Dogue de Bordeaux. Also susceptible to pustular infection german shepherds, collies, golden retrievers.

Types of pathology

In veterinary practice, there are superficial and deep forms of the disease, interdigital purulent inflammation, pyoderma of calluses, superficial folliculitis, pyoderma of skin folds, and impetigo.

Superficial and deep

With superficial pyoderma, the epidermis is damaged and upper layers dermis. The most common causes of pathology are streptococci and staphylococci. In the deep form of the disease, they deal with purulent-inflammatory damage to the deep layers of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, hair follicles. Inflammation is caused by pyogenic microflora - cocci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Superficial pyoderma


Microorganisms that lead to purulent inflammation of the epidermis in dogs are conditionally pathogenic. Microbes are constantly present on the skin, but the disease occurs only under conditions favorable for cocci (decreased immunity, impaired skin integrity, unsanitary conditions, etc.).

Most often in veterinary practice, specialists encounter streptococcal and staphylococcal pyoderma. White and Staphylococcus aureus most stable in environment. Bacteria produce toxic compounds, which is accompanied by intoxication of the entire animal’s body.

Interdigital pyoderma

Pyoderma calluses

U large breeds Dog owners often encounter purulent inflammation of calluses. Coarsening of the skin in the area of ​​the elbow and knee joints accompanied by its damage and penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the layers of the dermis. The provoking factor for the disease is a weak immune system and hormonal imbalances.

Impetigo and other forms

This form of pyoderma is observed in puppies and young individuals up to one year old. The disease is characterized by purulent inflammation of the deep layers of the epidermis. On clinical examination, inflammatory blisters are observed Pink colour. When they are opened, yellow scabs form on the surface of the skin.


Short-haired pets are often susceptible to superficial itchy folliculitis. This form of the disease is characterized by severe itching.

Symptoms and temperature

A few days after the integrity of the skin has been compromised and the coccal infection has penetrated, the owner notes following symptoms from a four-legged friend:

  • Skin itching. The symptom is caused by waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. The dog scratches irritated areas of skin with its paws, rubs against walls, furniture, and objects. At this stage, the owner often pays attention to the presence of dandruff in the pet.
  • The dog becomes lethargic and depressed. Appetite is reduced.
  • Pustules are found on the surface of the skin. The most common locations for inflammation are the abdomen, skin folds, muzzle and neck areas.
  • Purulent nodules turn into erosions. The contents of the bubbles burst, and the infection spreads to healthy tissue. Induration and redness are observed on the skin.

Features of skin lesions in pyoderma

With a deep form of pyoderma, the dog may experience an increase in body temperature.

Methods of treatment, incl. with antibiotics

The process of treating the disease is long. The therapy is complex in nature and is aimed at eliminating itching, fighting pathogenic microorganisms, and relieving intoxication. To eliminate itching in veterinary practice, drugs such as Fucicort, Travocort, Lorinden are used. Ointments have antipruritic and antimicrobial effect, eliminate the inflammatory reaction. Glucocorticoid ointment Celestoderm is prescribed for severe itching with swelling.

Antihistamines, relieving itching and eliminating allergic reaction– Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, used in the form of tablets or injections. Specific veterinary drug against allergies is Allervet.

Antihistamines for the treatment of pyoderma in dogs

Before using dosage forms in the form of ointments, the animal is given a haircut. This procedure facilitates therapeutic manipulations, promotes effective application medicinal products. It is important to trim the hair not only in the affected area, but also around it within a radius of 3-4 cm.

Bathing a sick animal is allowed only on the recommendation of a veterinarian and with the use of special medicated shampoos. Detergents should contain chlorhexidine, benzoyl peroxide and have an antimicrobial effect. As a rule, the water procedure is carried out 2 times a week. Swimming in special medicated shampoos Helps soften and remove dried crusts.

After water procedure applied to the pet's skin medicinal ointments, sprays, creams. Medicines For local application must have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects, be active against fungi, and have wound-healing properties.

In veterinary practice, Vedinol and Zooderm, which have a pronounced antimicrobial and antimycotic effect, are used to treat pyoderma in dogs. Good healing effect provides streptomycin and gentamicin ointments. Apply them to damaged skin at least 4 times a day. Focal purulent papules can be treated with a solution of brilliant green, Epacid, Iodez.

Convenient and efficient dosage form are sprays. Most often they are used for interdigital pyoderma. Alusprey, Chemi-spray, Aureomycin have antimicrobial and wound-healing effects, accelerate tissue regeneration.

In some cases, a veterinary specialist, based on clinical examination and blood tests, prescribes antibacterial drugs wide range actions. IN systemic therapy antibiotics such as Baytril, Cobactan, Cephalexin, Enrofloxacin, Tyrosine, Clindomycin, etc. are used. The course of antibiotic therapy can take up to 30 days.

Successful treatment of a pet cannot be achieved without strengthening immune system the body and maintaining normal kidney and liver function in connection with long-term antibacterial therapy. A sick dog is injected intramuscularly or intravenously with Riboxin and Cocarboxylase to maintain cardiac activity and activate metabolic processes. Karsil and Hepatoject are used as hepatoprotectors in veterinary practice.

In order to stimulate metabolic processes and increase the body's defenses, the animal is prescribed immunomodulatory drugs - Catozal, Gamavit, Nucleopeptide. Vitamin therapy includes injections of B vitamins, ascorbic acid. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, the diet of a sick dog includes: multivitamin complexes and additives.

For information on the causes, symptoms and treatment of pyoderma in dogs, watch this video:

Consequences for the dog

Pyoderma has serious influence on the state of the body's immune system and aesthetic appearance pet. Purulent processes in the superficial and deep layers of the dermis significantly weaken the dog’s defenses. Papules and erosions on the skin leave scars and scars after healing.

Such cosmetic defects do not allow owners to take part in exhibition events. In addition, veterinary specialists often note relapses of the disease.

Disease prevention

In order to prevent the pet from developing such an unpleasant dermatological disease, like pyoderma, have been developed in veterinary practice the following measures prevention:

  • The animal's diet must be balanced in essential amino acids, protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Should be carried out regularly routine vaccinations against infectious diseases.
  • Keep the animal in a warm and dry room.

Walking shoe covers for dogs
  • Promptly treat even minor skin injuries with antiseptic agents.
  • Proper care of the dog's coat using special detergents with antimicrobial effects.
  • Limit your pet's contact with stray animals.
  • When walking the dog in winter time for warning chemical burns use special means paw treatments or protective shoe covers.

Pyoderma is a complex dermatological disease that affects the animal’s immune system. The disease affects pets with weakened immune systems, as well as animals with folded skin. Treatment is complex and long-term using antibacterial drugs and restorative therapy.

The article provides only general and informational information for everyone who may encounter this problem, because no one is immune from it and you should always have an idea of ​​what you will encounter.

It is imperative that you contact veterinarian, since absentee diagnosis, and even more so advice on treatment, is impossible neither for the puppy nor for adult dog. It is also important to know that any problems can be solved, but this is not always possible due to untimely contact with specialists, therefore it is not recommended to hesitate.

Pyoderma in dogs or purulent skin lesions, genetic disease or not, causes, prognosis

Pyoderma in dogs, or purulent skin lesions, is inherited only in a quarter of cases; in the remaining 75%, infection occurs through direct contact of a sick animal with a healthy one.

In general, pyoderma is treatable, but in severe or advanced cases, when alopecia occurs, this becomes more difficult.

Is pyoderma in dogs and cats curable or not?

Dogs and cats with weakened immune systems or aging animals are especially susceptible to pyoderma.

The disease is being treated, although not as quickly as we would like. Advanced pyoderma can lead to general sepsis and cause the death of the animal.

Pyoderma in animal dogs, what is it, is it contagious to humans or not, what antibiotic drugs and treatment without antibiotics, how to treat it

Pyoderma is a disease caused by bacteria, so a sick animal can become a source of infection, both for other pets and for the person himself. Treatment of pyoderma consists of treating the affected areas of the skin.

To do this, the crusts are first removed, and then the wounds are disinfected using brilliant green or iodine.

To overcome the disease, the animal can be prescribed immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, antiviral drugs and antibiotics. Only a veterinarian has the right to prescribe treatment with specific drugs.

Pyoderma in dogs in the head area, treatment at home with folk remedies, reviews

When treating pyoderma in dogs in the head area, for the convenience of treating the wound surface, first of all, you need to carefully trim the nearby hair. Treatment of areas damaged by bacteria is carried out with ordinary brilliant green, iodine, chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate.

In addition to these measures, the animal should not have fleas. Based on reviews from owners of animals with pyoderma, tetracycline and streptomycin ointment has proven itself to be effective for treating ulcers. The animals were also prescribed antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs. You need to know that by uncontrollably self-medicating, you can develop pyoderma and lose your animal.

Pyoderma in dogs on the paws, nose, types and diagnosis

Pyoderma in dogs - not so much rare disease. Pathogenic bacteria in this disease can affect the skin of the nose, chin, head and other parts of the animal’s body. Pyoderma in dogs that occurs on the paws also affects the skin between the toes.

There are two types of pyoderma - superficial and deep. The superficial stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of purulent foci on the outer layer of the skin. For deep pyoderma purulent lesion shifts into the thickness of the skin, gradually penetrating into the muscles.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in veterinary clinics.

Causes of pyoderma

Pyoderma is the most common inflammation of the skin, accompanied by itching, pimples and purulent discharge of them. This skin inflammation may occur due to exposure to staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

All these microorganisms leave their metabolic products on the skin. And if hygiene rules are not followed, all these products have negative impact both on the outer layer of skin and on the internal tissues.

The development of pyoderma is also affected Availability serious illnesses (diabetes mellitus, intestinal diseases and digestive system in general, blood diseases, exhaustion). And the skin condition can be affected by the use hormonal drugs and reducing the body's resistance to infections and diseases. Veterinarians have observed a close connection between the state of the immune system and the skin of dogs.

A dog of any age can become infected with the skin disease, but younger dogs will recover more quickly due to their good immunity.

Some breeds are more susceptible to this disease:

If your dog has pyoderma, be extremely careful when treating wounds. Do this with gloves on and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Pyoderma is extremely contagious.

Course of the disease and symptoms

Pyoderma occurs in two forms:

  • Superficial. Accompanied by shallow lesions in upper layers skin and slight loss of hair in areas of infection.
  • Shallow pyoderma. All layers of the epidermis and hair follicles are damaged (pictured).
  • Deep. In addition to the skin, the dog is damaged muscle tissue and fat layer, may be accompanied by baldness.

General symptoms:

  • lethargic state;
  • loss of appetite;
  • papules;
  • purulent discharge;
  • dandruff;
  • calluses;
  • skin sensitivity.

Veterinarians also highlight two types of pyoderma: acute dehydratic dermatitis (smelly small sores on the skin with discharge) and puppy pyoderma (pink blisters on the skin of puppies).

When detected in a dog similar symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately and ask to schedule a bacterial culture test. It can be used to detect the presence of staphylococcal enzymes.

Treatment of pyoderma begins with removing fur and treating wounds with brilliant green or other antibacterial agent. All medications must be prescribed by a specialist, because each animal’s body is unique and some medications can only worsen the situation. After treating the wounds, the veterinarian should prescribe special ointment or treatment shampoo.

For deep lesions Antibiotics may be needed. It is usually recommended to give your pet vitamins along with ointments to improve general state body and speed up the healing process.

Also Eliminate dry food from your dog’s diet. and do not feed them the same food that you eat yourself. This will only harm her health. Experienced dog breeders feed their pets cereal with meat or liver. When treating wounds at home, use gloves and be careful with discharge. Pyoderma is transmitted to people.

Consequences and prevention of the disease

After deep pyoderma on the pet's skin scars may remain. It also greatly undermines the dog’s immunity and health, so you need to provide it with comfortable conditions and give it vitamins.

Avoid dry food completely during recovery. This the disease is prone to recurrence, so if you have the first signs, contact a specialist.

As a preventive measure use shampoo selected by your veterinarian and work on your pet’s diet: it should contain everything necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Do not let your pet come into contact with suspicious dogs and promptly find and treat all skin lesions.

IN Lately the topic has become very relevant repeated illness pyoderma. Veterinarians say it's because poor nutrition and dog care. But even those people who do not use dry food cannot rid their pet of this disease. Has your pet ever had pyoderma? Did he get rid of it forever and what remedies were used to treat it? Share your experience with us!

All dog owners want their pets to not get sick and to always be beautiful. However, sometimes the coat loses its natural shine and the skin becomes rough. The animal becomes itchy. The dog's skin protects the body from penetration pathogenic bacteria, and therefore, if problems arise with it, it is necessary to attend to them as quickly as possible. What to do if your pet has acne?

Pimples are a sign of pyoderma

If you accidentally see pimples on your pet's skin (they may be located on inner surface thighs, head, gums and lips), this indicates that streptococcus or staphylococcus has penetrated into the deep layers of the epidermis and has begun to spread. This disease called pyoderma. It is a pustular lesion of the epidermis. Pyoderma in dogs causes inconvenience not only to animals, but also to their owners.

Why is this pathology becoming more and more common?

Recently, this disease has become very common. This happens because dog owners give their pets freeze-dried food, rarely walk them (especially for city animals), and engage in breeding without knowing all the intricacies of this matter. As a result, individuals appear with poor body condition. Therefore, it is not surprising that pyoderma in dogs is not a rare phenomenon. We should also not forget that the environment is getting worse, and this can also be considered one of the factors provoking the disease we are considering.


The disease can be suspected if a pustular rash forms on the dog’s thighs and abdomen. As a rule, it soon disappears if it is not a sign of a viral illness. Pyoderma in dogs, the symptoms of which should certainly alert the pet owner, is a serious disease. You should always remember this.

The disease develops and the rash transforms into pyoderma, divided into two types:

Staphylococcosis - separate disease. It is quite dangerous.

Staphylococcal - secondary - infection that aggravates all types of dermatitis.

There is probably no clear division between these species, and in both situations the disease occurs due to decreased immunity. Therefore, it is always necessary to monitor your pet’s health. In addition, you need to remember that staphylococcus helps reduce the body's protective functions. Also, the disease can progress if the dog has liver and intestinal diseases. In this case, pyoderma in dogs can develop rapidly.

Laboratory tests, differentiation of the disease

Timely identification of the disease is very important for appropriate therapy. In order not to doubt the correctness of the diagnosis, it is recommended to carry out laboratory research for the presence of staphylococcus in the epidermis. But sometimes you can determine an illness by knowing only clinical symptoms. Good veterinarian will always be able to recognize pyoderma in an animal. Before making a diagnosis, you need to make sure that this is not a lesion of the epidermis, which accompanies Kare's disease, dermatomycosis, and demodicosis.

Pyoderma in dogs: treatment

Therapy of this disease in dogs it is carried out as follows: first of all, the hair on the affected areas is cut, then the dried layers are separated from the skin and wiped with Terramycin spray or brilliant green. To disinfect the epidermis, you can use iodized alcohol, Septogel, hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine. Depending on the general well-being dogs and the neglect of the disease, they are prescribed: the drug “Staphylococcal toxoid”, gamma globulins or antibiotics (cephalosporins, for example, the drug “Tylosin”). The doctor may also prescribe medications that enhance immunity, the best of which are considered homeopathic remedies Helvet companies, for example, Evinton. To make the skin heal faster, you can use the medications “Katozal” or “Gamavit”. You need to believe in your pet’s recovery and remember: pyoderma in dogs is treatable.


Often immunocorrection helps stop the disease, and it does not matter which parts of the epidermis are affected. Today, antibiotics for the treatment of pyoderma are almost never prescribed by experienced doctors due to their low effectiveness. The huge number of dogs that were cured using immunocorrection also speaks volumes. It’s good that many people already know about this method today. It is thanks to him that pyoderma in dogs quickly disappears. Antibiotic treatment will probably soon cease altogether. We can say that even now these are already relics of the past. It's good if the doctor understands this. Good doctor will quickly cure your dog, and its skin will become healthy again and its coat will shine.

Pyoderma in dogs is perhaps the most common disease associated with bacterial skin infections. More often it is caused by pathogenic staphylococci.

Pyoderma can be superficial or deep.

  • In superficial form are affected hair follicles or all layers of the epidermis
  • In deep form sometimes even subcutaneous fatty tissue is involved

Most often, pyoderma in dogs occurs due to diseases of the immune system or structural disorders skin. Problems with the immune system allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply.

Main types of pyoderma and their symptoms

  • Any type of pyoderma in dogs is characterized by the appearance of papules, which later turn into pustules and itching.
  • With deep pyoderma, the affected areas become very red and are characterized by ulceration. Pyoderma of skin folds occurs at high humidity and temperature of the skin, when bacteria begin to grow in its folds.
  • The disease usually affects the skin on the cheeks and forehead of dogs with short muzzles (such as Pekingese and bulldogs), lower lip(more often in spaniels), as well as the skin of bitches around the loop. The affected skin becomes wet, inflamed and smells unpleasant.

Impetigo or "puppy pyoderma" affects the deep layers of hairless skin in puppies from 3 to 12 months. With it, small pink blisters develop, and when they burst, yellow scabs form in their place. In pyoderma calluses, the infection extends deep into the thickened skin that covers the bony protrusions on the knees of large breed dogs.

The cause of the disease is repeated damage to these parts of the body, diseases of the immune system or thyroid gland. Superficial itchy folliculitis bothers the dog with severe itching. Typically, the disease affects short-haired dogs (Dachshunds, Boxers, Dalmatians and Doberman Pinschers) and can be caused by increased sensitivity or dandruff. On the skin and bald patches, the skin in these places turns red.

If the infection penetrates deeply, it can be very difficult to cure.

  1. First, you should cut the hair in the affected area and treat the skin with iodine, brilliant green, a strong solution of potassium permanganate or epacid
  2. The affected areas are also treated with antibacterial ointments or shampoos. Individual treatment is prescribed for each specific case.

It is very important to establish the causes of the disease. Control of external parasites is mandatory. To relieve inflammation, Baytril is prescribed. Treatment with antibiotics should last quite a long time - another two weeks after visible recovery, since premature discontinuation of antibiotic therapy often leads to relapse of the disease.

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