What are the benefits of dried apricots? Dried apricots: beneficial properties and contraindications. How to make dried apricots. Medicinal properties of dried apricots

During the cold season, the body urgently needs an influx of vitamins and other useful substances. Therefore, everyone begins to more or less regularly consume foods rich in them. Standing apart in this row are especially the beloved dried apricots. Let's consider why exactly it is useful and whether harm is possible from this “yummy”.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Dried pitted apricots are considered a high-calorie product - per 100 g have to 215-232 kcal(the specific figure depends on storage conditions).

Among carbohydrates, the latter take precedence - there are about 51-53 g of them here. There is much less protein: 5.2 g, while fats are indicated symbolically (0.3 g). The remainder of the mass is water (20 g), valuable alimentary fiber(11 g) and ash with organic acids.
The same 100 gram serving contains compounds such as:

  • - 5.5 mg;
  • - 4 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 3.5 mg;
  • , among which niacin stands out, also known as niacin, in a dose of 3 mg. and are presented much more modestly (0.1 and 0.2 mg each);
  • - 583 mcg.

Among them, the main one is considered (1.7-1.8 g). and much less: 160 and 146 mg. Contents - 105 mg. and with their 26 and 17 mg the role of fastening components is assigned.

From the series it is usually mentioned in an amount of 3-3.2 mg. The dosage of copper and others is much less: their share is reduced to micrograms.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for the body?

Delicious dried fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and can replace other, sometimes more harmful, sweets. But this beneficial features are not limited at all - dried apricots suit everyone.

Did you know? It still remains a mystery from which region apricots spread to their current range. Many scientists believe that the center of origin was the Chinese Tien Shan, but there are a lot of contradictions in this version.


Men value this product for the following “abilities”:

  • normalization of work of cardio-vascular system. This is largely due to magnesium and potassium, which in addition also prevent the occurrence of muscle cramps;
  • supporting the body during heavy physical labor;
  • regulation of blood pressure and accelerated cleaning of blood vessels - this effect gives a nicotinic acid;
  • removal of toxins and oxides heavy metals;
  • support of bone tissue due to. Thus, testosterone is redirected to work with other systems;
  • prevention urological problems(in particular, prostatitis).

Athletes who pay a lot of attention to their diet note another quality of this product - it is equivalent replacement flour products, and sugar. That is, boring menu items can be easily replaced with delicious dried apricots.


Women, among whom traditionally have more of a sweet tooth, have long noticed the valuable dried fruit. Moreover, it is completely deserved, because with moderate use it:

  • cleanses the body, removing a lot of harmful substances (including excess ones). This prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic;
  • Penetrating deeply into the skin, vitamins rejuvenate and cleanse it;
  • raises hemoglobin levels, which is used in the fight against iron deficiency anemia;
  • dried apricots in pure form(that is, without heat treatment) normalizes the functions of the endocrine system;
  • relieves symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, especially chronic constipation. This is a merit;
  • acting as a diuretic, helps in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • with stable use, it reduces the risk of occurrence to zero malignant tumors(or stops development if they are present).

Those who watch their figure know about one more property of such drying: acting as a sugar substitute, it does not increase the level of insulin in the blood and, when taken correctly, blocks it.


This delicacy will appeal to both parents and children. In addition to its taste, dried apricots are powerful tonic and a natural immunomodulator, which is important in the autumn-winter period.

Support for the baby’s growing body is also manifested in such properties:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels;
  • stimulation of the growth of intestinal microflora;
  • quick relief of constipation, which often plagues such a tender age.

But in the case of children, the issue of dosage becomes especially acute. If 100, maximum 150 g of dried fruit per day is considered the norm for an adult, then a child needs less. The maximum share for a baby is 50 g.

There are also age restrictions. Thus, small additions of dried apricots to main dishes are allowed to be given to healthy toddlers over 1 year old. If the baby develops an allergy (but the cause has not yet been established), you will have to wait until 3 years.

First techniques healthy treats will be trial: drying in the form of puree is given half a teaspoon, while assessing the reaction. After making sure that everything is fine and the product has not caused rejection, you can gradually increase its content in the menu (up to the same 50 g).

Did you know? Archaeologists claim that humanity has been cultivating apricots for at least 6 thousand years.

Is it possible for pregnant and nursing mothers

The abundance of vitamins and minerals makes this product indispensable for women in labor whose bodies work under double load. And they will benefit the baby himself.

Supporting the heart, blood vessels and kidneys - dried fruit can do all this. Gynecologists often advise expectant mothers to eat 4-5 slices a day to support endocrine system. If accompanied, dried apricots in the same quantities are included in the menu as an indispensable element.
True, its use will not benefit everyone. This technique is prohibited for women who have low blood pressure, bronchial asthma or allergic reactions.

In the absence of such complications, this type of drying is best used as an additive to muesli or porridge and cottage cheese. Although here you will have to start small: 1 slice, then 2 and so on.

Important! Ideal for a while breastfeeding it is considered a compote of dried apricots that the mother will drink: the compounds in liquid form are absorbed by her body much faster than solid drying.

The same situation with: healthy woman And her baby will benefit from dried apricots in small doses. The main thing is to adhere to the measure (2-3 pieces entering the mother’s body have a good effect on lactation and milk content, while 5 or more pieces can cause serious disorder stomach).

Although there is one nuance here: when breastfeeding during the first 3 months of life, it is advisable to abstain from fruit.

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Let’s make a reservation right away - it’s better to buy dried apricots at the market, where they are offered by weight. Purchasing a packaged product in a store or anywhere else calls into question its benefits.

The fact is that industrial processing of raw materials often involves sulfur dioxide. It extends shelf life, but at the same time neutralizes some of the beneficial substances.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Color. Natural dried apricots are visible by their dark orange or brownish color (a grayish tint is allowed). At the same time, the surface itself seems a little dusty and matte. But it’s uniform and too bright Orange color indicates that “chemistry” could not be avoided.
  • Shimmers on the skin itself. The surface should not be transparent or shiny. If you notice this, put the dryer aside: it was probably rubbed with glycerin or oil to give it a marketable appearance.
  • Size. It is advisable to take the largest slices - the larger the fruit, the heavier the ripe apricot was (hence, there are more vitamins here).
  • Taking the fruits in your hands, make sure that they are wrinkled, but without cracks, slightly crumbly and not sticking together. Naturally, no traces of mold or insects. If the product has been stored correctly, it will feel firm to the touch and a little tough. A soft, damp “smudge” indicates that the product has been stored improperly;
  • Smell and taste. Usually sellers give you a couple of pieces to try. If they have a distinct fruity taste and smell pleasant, you can take them. A barely perceptible aroma of gasoline is characteristic of apricots that have been left in the oven, and a distinct sourness is the result of accelerated fermentation.

Did you know? In Chinese culture, apricot symbolizes timidity.

Choosing the most quality product, many are wondering how best to store this sweetness in order to retain the vitamins longer.

How to store at home

Dried fruits purchased for future use are stored in clean and sealed glass or plastic containers (a tight-fitting lid is required).

An ordinary plastic bag is only suitable for temporary storage. For the longest possible storage, the slices are poured into a sterile wooden container, not forgetting to check it for the absence of insects.

The easiest way is to put the covered workpiece in, or even in the freezer. Frozen food will thaw at room temperature. No heating is required: heating too quickly destroys the beneficial substances.

Particular caution should be taken by pregnant women and people suffering from. They should coordinate the use of dried apricots with their doctors. They will determine the dosage and frequency of use.

Remember to use a sense of proportion: too much additive in the form of valuable dried fruit can result in side effects. Their list is quite modest, but there is something to think about: these include allergies and digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation), as well as dangerous attacks of hypoglycemia - a drop in blood glucose levels.

As you can see, moderation in food will not hurt. We hope our readers will take this information into account, and delicious dried apricots will only be beneficial. More sweet moments every day!

The concept of dried fruits is familiar to absolutely everyone. These include dried apricots. It is made from ripe juicy apricots, and even in dried form this product has valuable benefits. human health qualities. They can be consumed by both adults and children, they help overcome various diseases and bring significant benefits to pregnant and lactating women. What are the beneficial properties of dried apricots, and in what cases can it be recommended for consumption? Let's find out!

The orange pulp of dried apricots will help strengthen immune system and will be an excellent assistant in the treatment of various ailments

What is dried apricots?

Dried apricots are dried fruits, which are dried pitted apricots. They are produced by natural drying, which occurs under the influence of direct sun rays within 7-8 days.

On a note! In order to get 1 kg of dried apricots you need about 4 kg of fresh apricots!

Large dried apricots with medium-elastic flesh of a faded hue are considered the best. No one will argue that bright orange dried fruits look quite attractive, so you always want to buy them. But in fact, the juicy color indicates the presence of chemicals that were used during processing to give the dried apricots a marketable appearance.

About the benefits of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots lie in those vital important components, which are part of it. They are what make it so popular.
  • Pectins – have a unique ability to remove heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body;
  • plant fibers are substances that are responsible for the cleanliness of the intestines;
  • Dried apricot will keep your cholesterol levels in check. For this reason, it is an excellent remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • cleansing the kidneys is also included in the list of beneficial properties of this product - make a compote from it and get the maximum benefit while enjoying the taste of the drink;
  • these dried fruits take an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, increasing the amount blood cells. Therefore, it is very useful to include dried apricots in your diet with low hemoglobin levels and anemia;
  • it has been experimentally proven that this product contains special substances that can slow down the development of cancer cells;
  • sour varieties of dried apricots will help overcome colds and save you from headaches.

What else is useful for dried apricots? Her regular use has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, it improves vision and prevents hypertension. A thick decoction based on this product has a diuretic effect, so it is often prescribed for heart and kidney diseases.

Dysfunction thyroid gland is also included in the list of indications for the use of dried apricots. In addition, it is included in some homeopathic medicines, which makes it possible to reduce the need to use synthetic drugs and seek help from natural remedies.

Does dried apricot weaken or strengthen? There is a clear answer to this question - these dried fruits stimulate intestinal motility and have a mild laxative effect. And preparing a remedy for constipation is very simple: steam 6 dried fruits in a glass of boiling water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Pregnancy period

What are the benefits of dried apricots for women? In fact, dried apricots are very important for maintaining female body, especially during pregnancy.

  • Orange dried fruits are a source of calcium, which is necessary for the normal formation of the fetal skeleton.
  • They significantly alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis and prevent digestive problems.
  • During pregnancy, dried apricots satisfy the female body's need for sweets. After all, as you know, it is not advisable to consume chocolate and sweets during this period, which is why doctors recommend replacing them with sweet and healthy dried apricots.

Important! For pregnant women, the daily intake of dried apricots should not exceed 100 g!

Lactation period

Can a nursing mother have dried apricots? And even in such an equally important period, these dried fruits must be introduced into your diet. All useful substances contained in this product enter the child’s body through mother’s milk and improve the functioning of many organs and systems:

  • support the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • remove excess sodium from the body;
  • stimulate the nervous system;
  • improve the condition of muscle tissue.

For the nursing mother herself, dried apricots are also very useful. It helps restore strength after childbirth, brings it back to normal arterial pressure and removes extreme fatigue, and also normalizes kidney function and is an excellent prevention of constipation.

For weight loss

There is an opinion that dried apricots can help in weight loss. Let's figure it out.

Caution - possible harm!

Undoubtedly, dried apricots bring quite a lot of benefits to the body, but it should be remembered that in some cases its use can cause harm.

  1. If you have hypotension, the consumption of dried apricots should be limited.
  2. Excessive consumption of these dried fruits can lead to stomach upset or an allergic reaction.
  3. If you have diabetes, you should consult your doctor before eating dried apricots, especially sweet varieties.

After purchasing, dried apricots must be processed. Rinse it in several waters, and if you bought bright dried fruits, it would be a good idea to soak them in water for half an hour.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Dried apricots are undoubtedly one of the most favorite dried fruits among both adults and children. In addition to its amazing taste, it can significantly lift your mood, give you vigor and energy. But this bright and juicy dried fruit is just a dried apricot. Despite the fact that dried apricots are of southern origin, they are in demand almost all over the world. And all thanks to the beneficial properties that it has. Undoubtedly, dried apricots have beneficial properties, and contraindications for use are also inherent in them. First you need to study what it consists of.

Composition of dried apricots

Let's try to figure out whether dried apricots are useful or not positive properties exaggerated?

Dried apricots contain the most calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. These microelements are involved in such important processes in our body as hematopoiesis and blood circulation, strengthen bone tissue and vessel walls. Have a beneficial effect on cardiac function and improve metabolic processes body. Protein, also contained in dried apricots, acts as building material for body tissues. There are significantly fewer vitamins in dried apricots than microelements. This is partly due to the fact that during the drying process the product loses more of it compared to fresh fruit. Nevertheless, the amount that remains in dried apricots has a very active effect on all functions of our body.

Vitamins E, by promoting an increase in elastin and collagen in cells, have a rejuvenating effect. Vitamin C is involved in cleansing blood vessels and fights harmful radicals, and B vitamins have a healing effect for various skin diseases. Fructose, lactose and glucose, also found in dried apricots in sufficient quantities, give energy and guarantee a burst of energy. Have a good mood. Various organic acids accelerate the absorption of all minerals and vitamins.

After studying the chemical composition of the product, it becomes clear why this dried fruit is so popular, because its benefits both in composition and in its complex effect on human body not so small. Especially such a quantity of vitamins and minerals, as well as increased content iron, which ensures an increase in hemoglobin levels in the body, shows why dried apricots are useful for pregnant women.

Use of dried apricots in cosmetology

The use of dried apricots does not end only with the use of the product as food. Cosmetologists around the world have long understood it miraculous power for beauty, in the process of rejuvenation, dried apricots have no equal, and women who have managed to experience this amazing effect at least once are unlikely to be able to refuse it. A variety of products are made from dried apricots useful masks for both face and hair. Many anti-aging creams and serums also contain dried apricots. Face masks made from dried apricots, in addition to the rejuvenating effect, also have bactericidal properties, help fight acne and various types of rashes, improve complexion, soften and tone skin. Hair masks can cure split ends damaged hair, prevent their loss, give them smoothness and shine.

Dried apricots in medicine

Many studies conducted in laboratories around the world have already been able to show the benefits of dried apricots medical point vision. Its effect is especially beneficial as aid to relieve the symptoms of certain diseases, it also promotes more speedy recovery patients. Doctors around the world have been able to prove how dried apricots are useful for various diseases. These diseases primarily include: cardiovascular diseases, quite shown daily use after heart attacks or heart failure. In case of anemia, it is this dried fruit that helps raise hemoglobin to normal level within just one week. Also, diseases such as diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, vitamin deficiency, can be corrected when consuming dried apricots. oncological diseases, hormonal imbalance, hypertension. Also, dried apricot fruits can have a positive effect on vision, reduce high level cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of intoxications and various lesions liver.

Dried apricots for the figure

Given enough high calorie content dried fruit (about 215 kcal per 100 grams), many are afraid of eating it. Nutritionists assure that 2-3 pieces a day will never harm your figure, but the benefits received from dried fruit are colossal. Well, what makes dried apricots useful in the process of losing weight is its ability to speed up the body’s metabolic processes. And in order to get enough of everyone essential vitamins and minerals contained in dried apricots, nutritionists suggest spending special fasting days approximately once a month, drinking exclusively a drink made from such a healthy fruit.

Dried apricot drink recipe

Grind 300 grams of dried apricots with a small amount of boiling water into puree. Add half a liter of peach juice to the mushy mixture. The resulting drink should be drunk within one fasting day. Such a drink will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements and tighten the figure; this quality of dried fruit also shows how dried apricots are useful for women.

Dangers of eating dried apricots

Of course, its beneficial properties both in medicine and for cosmetic purposes, and for health in general are undeniable. But there are also dangers. The first thing you should pay attention to is the places where you plan to purchase dried fruits. The fact is that fruits for sale in supermarkets are often treated with sulfur dioxide to make them more attractive in appearance, so it is better to purchase them at markets or in small private shops. Also look carefully at appearance fruit - increased shine and juiciness, as well as unnatural bright color, although they look attractive, are completely uncharacteristic of this type of product. Undoubtedly, dried apricots have beneficial properties and contraindications for use too.

Contraindications for use of the product

Particular caution should be taken when using the product under the following conditions:

- Obesity. The caloric content of the product will not bring any benefit, and may cause even more harm.

- Diseases gastrointestinal tract.

- Asthmatic manifestations.

-Individual intolerance.

-Food allergies.

Only after assessing all the possible harm to your health from eating dried apricots, is it worth considering how dried apricots are beneficial for you specifically and whether it is worth consuming them.

Dried apricots and prunes

The beneficial properties of dried apricots and prunes have also long been known; this mixture has a double dose of nutrients, which is especially important in the cold months of the year, when it is time for vitamin deficiency. Prunes are dried plums that contain a large number of vitamins: PP, B1, A, C, B2, as well as sodium, calcium, potassium, organic acids. It has a beneficial effect on our digestive and cardiovascular systems, and also helps regulate water-salt balance in organism. The combination of these dried fruits perfectly improves the immune system, vitaminizes the body, gives it energy and vitality. All this shows well how prunes and dried apricots are beneficial.

A mixture of these dried fruits with the addition of honey is very healthy recipe to maintain health throughout the winter months, when we especially need to strengthen our immune system.

Recipe for a mixture of dried apricots and prunes:

200 grams of dried apricots;

200 grams of nuts;

1 glass of honey.

Dried fruits should be soaked for a few minutes in hot water. After sufficient soaking, the water should be drained, and the fruits should be thoroughly dried with a paper towel, add a glass of honey to the mixture, and grind everything through a meat grinder. If desired, you can add lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly. Store in a cool dry place. Take 3 tablespoons several times a day. Bon appetit!

Such a recipe can perfectly strengthen your immune system, relieve winter apathy, give energy and vitality, besides, preparing the product is not at all difficult, and it can be stored for up to several months. The composition is also very useful for children as a prevention of colds. All this shows well how prunes and dried apricots are beneficial.

The benefits of dried fruits have been proven repeatedly. They are rich in micro- and macroelements, vitamins, which makes them indispensable for consumption. Since dried fruits do not have artificial colors or additives, their consumption benefits the body. One of these products is dried apricots - the benefits and harms to the body are discussed below.

What is dried apricots

Depending on the type of dried apricot, there are three types of dried fruits:

  • apricot (small apricot, dried with pit);
  • kaisa (large dried apricot without pit);
  • dried apricots (dried pitted apricots cut in half).

About a week is allotted for drying, during which the moisture evaporates from the apricot, after which it loses up to two-thirds of its weight (out of 3-4 kilograms one comes out). If contact with moisture occurs during the drying process, the color changes to dark brown. Commercially, the drying process uses sulfur dioxide, which allows the product to remain bright orange.

At long-term use eating industrially prepared dried fruits, there is a risk of dioxide accumulation in the body, which can cause asthma, allergies, and damage the lungs and bronchi. If dry apricots have a winey taste, then you should discard them, since the technology was not followed during drying. Properly prepared dried apricots are a valuable product that has found its use in cooking and medicine. There are four grades of the product: table, first, highest, extra.

Dried apricots - calorie content

The product has a sweet or sour-sweet taste, but this is achieved not by adding sugar to it, but because of the glucose it contains. It does not harm the body and does not cause an increase in insulin in the blood. Calorie content of dried apricots ( the nutritional value per 100 grams) is 215-241 Kcal. Dried fruits cannot be called dietary, but the calories they contain are easily digestible and therefore do not cause obesity.

Dried apricots - composition

As noted earlier, dried fruits are rich minerals, vitamins. IN chemical composition dried apricots include:

  • proteins;
  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin A, E, K, C;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • niacin;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • pectins;
  • sucrose;
  • selenium;
  • carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus;
  • choline;
  • zinc, etc.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Due to the content of a large number of micro- and macroelements, dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Dried apricots improve skin condition, remove toxins and waste from the body, and help strengthen the immune system. Recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus. They are able to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

For diabetes, doctors recommend consuming this product because it normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, helping the production of insulin. Regular consumption helps with anemia by combating blockage of blood vessels. The benefits of dried apricots for the body are limitless, since it improves vision, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Dried apricot decoction

Dried apricots can be used to prepare a decoction of dried apricots to treat constipation in children. To do this you need to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g dried fruits.
  1. Before cooking, dry fruits are thoroughly washed, then soaked in water for half an hour to soften well.
  2. Afterwards they are placed in warm water, bringing to a boil over low heat, leave for an hour.

To prepare the decoction for making ice in for cosmetic purposes, have to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 500 g dried apricots;
  • mint;
  • Melissa.
  1. The washed dried fruits are poured with water and boiled for 20 minutes, after which a pinch of mint and lemon balm is added.
  2. Then the broth must be left on the fire for another 15 minutes.
  3. The prepared mixture is removed and poured into molds for freezing.
  4. The resulting ice is rubbed onto the skin of the face and décolleté to give it elasticity and a healthy appearance.​

Infusion of dried apricots

To maximize the preservation of all the nutrients of dried fruits, prepare an infusion of dried apricots. For this purpose, the fruits are thoroughly washed and then poured boiled water. Leave to infuse for at least 5 hours. It is preferable to use the infusion if there are cardiovascular diseases or kidney problems. The infusion is mild diuretic effect, helping to relieve swelling.

Dried apricots for the stomach

If you do not overuse dried apricots, then dried apricots for the stomach will be useful for improving digestion. It can be used as decoctions and infusions. In addition, dried fruits have proven themselves well in dietary cooking - they can be added to cereals and desserts. Dried apricot improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of constipation, improves metabolism. Excessive use, on the contrary, harms the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of dried apricots for the heart

Sodium, potassium and magnesium contained in dried fruits make dried apricots indispensable for the heart. It helps with atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, spasms in blood vessels. It will help hypertensive patients fight high blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, there are contraindications - dried fruits can be consumed in minimal quantities. Iron, which dried apricots are rich in, helps increase hemoglobin levels.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for women?

The product helps bring you back to normal hormonal background among the fair sex. The benefits of dried apricots for a woman’s body have been proven when losing weight and in the fight against overweight. It has laxative properties. Vitamins A and E will help the skin stay young and elastic. The benefits of dried fruits in the fight against malignant neoplasms thanks to the presence of antioxidants. Dried fruits are used to prepare masks and decoctions used for skin and hair problems.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for men?

Being a source of fiber, it is able to normalize intestinal function, and this has a beneficial effect on blood circulation occurring in the pelvic organs. As a result, the development of prostatitis and potency is prevented. The benefits of dried apricots for men also include the fact that testicular function improves, sperm production improves, and hormonal levels are normalized.

Dried apricots during pregnancy - benefits and harms

When carrying a child, every woman should take a responsible approach to choosing food. What are the benefits and harms of dried apricots during pregnancy? Firstly, it should be excluded by anyone who has a predisposition to allergies, low blood pressure and asthma. Secondly, you need to add the product to your diet gradually, observing the body’s reaction. When choosing dried fruits, you should give preference to matte rather than bright, shiny fruits. The best option There will be consumption of apricots dried independently.

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period for every woman, so there are several ways to alleviate toxicosis, get rid of stress and vitamin deficiency, improve the condition of nails and hair, and help strengthen skeletal system fetus and improve your health.

To prepare the cocktail you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.
  1. Dried apricots must be washed and placed in a saucepan (for these purposes it is better to use enamel dishes).
  2. Fill everything hot water and put on fire for twenty minutes, then strain.
  3. Grind the cooked dried fruits thoroughly, mix with compote, add honey.
  4. Shake the resulting composition well and can be eaten.​

For fruit salad the following ingredients are needed:

  • 3 tbsp. l. dried apricots;
  • 6 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 3 tsp. honey;
  • 600 g yogurt;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 carrot.
  1. On initial stage dried apricots are washed and soaked for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the fruits into cubes and add grated carrots to them.
  3. The soaked dried fruits are crushed and added to the mixture. Then enter cereals and honey, after which everything is topped with yogurt.
  4. The resulting salad is left to soak for 7 minutes.

How many dried apricots can you eat per day?

It will not harm the body if you consume no more than 100-120 g of dried apricot, since the product can cause intestinal irritation. Daily norm dried apricots are 3-5 fruits that can saturate the body with essential nutrients. In order to get the maximum possible number of vitamins and microelements, it is recommended to consume dried fruits throughout the day and try not to expose them to heat treatment(this way all the beneficial properties of dried apricot for the body are preserved).


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