What are the benefits of chamomile essential oil and how can it be used for cosmetic purposes? “Chamomile oil - beneficial properties, uses and contraindications”

Chamomile is one of the most famous and widespread plants, actively used in traditional and folk medicine. Chamomile oil is an excellent antiseptic and a source of vitamins, organic acids and flavonoids for the face, hair and the body as a whole.

Chamomile essential oil perfectly helps get rid of insomnia, relieve tension, stabilize psychological condition: relieves worries, fears and increased irritability. It will come to the rescue before an important meeting - the ether will improve brain performance, activate memory cells, relieve nagging headaches and tension.

The healing properties of chamomile oil

What are the benefits of chamomile oil?

Oil medicinal chamomile– famous aid at various diseases:

  • angina;
  • cover bronchitis;
  • laryngitis and prolonged pneumonia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • baldness;
  • ARVI, cold.

Due to its bactericidal, tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and excellent analgesic properties, the oil has the following effects:

  • restores the immune system;
  • lowers temperature during fever;
  • destroys pathogens;
  • helps improve appetite;
  • helps with crashes menstrual cycle, menopause.

The oil is useful for sunburn, insect bites and poorly healing skin wounds.

The benefits of chamomile oil are also noticeable for hair:

  • accelerates their growth;
  • adds strength and natural shine;
  • restores, nourishes;
  • eliminates dandruff.

For sensitive, dry skin prone to irritation, the product will help smooth out fine wrinkles, relieve itching, inflammation, eliminate rashes or acne, and whiten the epidermis.

Chamomile oil has unique properties and its prolonged use will not only have a rejuvenating effect, but will help eliminate allergies and restore and strengthen blood vessels. In case of ingrown nails, the ether will reduce the likelihood of infection and will help restore the damaged cuticle.

Facial and hair care at home

Essential oil is effectively used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. There are several magical recipes, capable of restoring hair structures and skin, with a course of systematic use.

Chamomile oil for skin is an effective soothing agent for dry, sensitive, inflammation-prone dermis: quickly eliminates rashes, itching, allergic reactions, intensively nourishes the epidermis, prevents peeling and dehydration.

Cosmetic ester is used for problem skin, it is effective for purulent rashes, dermatitis, rosacea. The healing agent can rejuvenate the epidermis, giving it radiance and smoothness.

Recipes for systematic facial care:

  • Applications for the eyes. Chamomile and jojoba oil, mix in a 1:1 ratio, heat, apply to the skin. Applications tighten and moisturize the epidermis well.
  • A mixture of cosmetic oils for facial skin prone to dryness. Mix equal proportions of jojoba, roses and chamomile, apply to clean skin.
  • Peeling for dry skin. Honey - st. spoon, wheat oil - 2 drops, chamomile and lavender - mix thoroughly. Apply the scrub for 10 minutes, wash.

Chamomile oil for the face is effective in treating acne and colds. The product is applied pointwise to problem areas. With systematic use, you can forget about the problem forever.

Masks with chamomile oil for hair, recipes

This healing remedy is perfect for regular use. If chamomile oil is regularly used for hair care, you can significantly lighten the strands and restore their structure.

Recipes for home care:

Hair type/problem Mask recipe
For normal curls
  • jojoba, almond oil, medicinal chamomile – 10 drops each;
  • Olive oil or melted honey – a teaspoon is suitable as the main component;
  • mix, apply to damp curls, wrap, leave for half an hour.

Rinse your hair under running water.

For dry and split ends
  • chamomile – 5 drops, lavender – 15 drops;
  • base – olive oil, capsule with vitamin E.

As the main ingredient you can use burdock or Castor oil. It is recommended to warm the mixture before applying it to your hair.

Treatment of seborrhea, oily dandruff
  • lemon, medicinal chamomile, rosemary or geranium;
  • Squeeze juice from citrus, add chamomile oil - 5 drops, geranium oil - 10 drops;
  • rub into hair roots, wrap, leave to act for half an hour.

Rinse your hair well; instead of a rinse aid, it is better to use a decoction of nettle or burdock.

To accelerate growth
  • Dilute 7 drops of chamomile into 2 liters of plain water;
  • Rinse strands after washing.

The product will strengthen curls well, accelerate their regeneration, and give an attractive appearance and natural shine.

For oily skin heads
  • olive, chamomile – 25 drops;
  • cedar, healthy rosemary - about 15 drops each.

Apply the mixture to the comb and distribute it over the entire length. Use before washing your hair.

Essential oil – ideal remedy for hair care, it gives it vitality, natural shine, and restores damaged areas.

Use in everyday life and cosmetology

Cosmetic oil chamomile is a staple for regular skin care that is prone to damage. Thanks to the calming effect it has on the epidermis, irritation, flaking and unpleasant itching quickly disappear. The skin becomes elastic, elastic, and takes on a radiant appearance.

With systematic use, it constricts blood vessels, but the capillary network begins to disappear only after two months.

In cosmetology, the oil is widely used to eliminate manifestations of dermatitis, allergies, in the treatment of eczema, urticaria, various skin diseases, acne or pustular rashes.

Despite its softness, chamomile has an excellent deodorizing effect. In everyday life, the oil is used to repel harmful insects and care for the skin of babies after taking a bath, walking in the sun, and as a sedative.

Chamomile oil contraindications

Chamomile essential oil has a number of restrictions on its use. Basic precautions are associated with its use during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

The product is not compatible with homeopathy, so their simultaneous use is not permissible. The irritant effect of chamomile on the skin has not been established. This is one of the means that can be pure form apply to the problem area.

Chamomile essential oil (also known as chamomile oil) is a component of chamomile inflorescences, or Roman chamomile, which, after distillation of the raw material, is obtained in large quantities and used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

A bottle of undiluted chamomile oil

In medicine and cosmetology, chamomile essential oil is understood as a ready-to-use preparation that can be purchased at finished form in pharmacies.

It is important to distinguish pure chamomile oil from some other drugs:

  1. Chamomile oil extract, obtained by infusing flowers in various vegetable oils;
  2. Various oils to which either chamomile oil is added as one of the components or chamomile extract. Such products are produced by various cosmetic brands - Spivak, Nasha Mama, Nivea, Darphin (a mixture of oils with the addition of chamomile) and others.

An example of an oil blend that has either chamomile oil or chamomile extract added to it.

These preparations are not pure chamomile essential oil and differ significantly from it in their properties.

INCI name for chamomile essential oil: Matricaria Recutita Flower Oil.

General physical properties of chamomile oil

Chamomile oil itself is very noticeable because of its color: it is blue. The photo shows a bottle of it:

This is exactly essential oil chamomile, the flowers of which themselves are not blue. Therefore, there is an opinion that the essential oil is made from a certain “blue” chamomile, different from the pharmacy one. This is a misconception: blue chamomile is not used in medicine or for the production of medicinal raw materials, and this blue oil is obtained precisely from chamomile flowers.

Chamomile oil is often diluted with alcohol to obtain a less concentrated preparation. In this case, it acquires a soft blue color.

On a note

It is interesting that undiluted chamomile oil is very greasy and sticks tightly to the glass, and therefore practically does not completely pour out of the glass vessel - some of it remains on the glass. For this reason, it is usually bottled in metal flasks. When diluted with alcohol, the “stickiness” of the oil decreases.

There is a second type of chamomile essential oil, prepared from Roman chamomile flowers. It has a green color, turning into yellow as it is stored. The photo shows a bottle of it:

The cosmetic and pharmaceutical properties of these types of oils are similar, but chamomile oil is used more often due to both its traditional nature and the greater availability of raw materials.

During long-term storage, the color of the oil changes. Initially blue, it turns green over time, then turns brown, until finally it is just a dirty yellow color. Due to this ability, you can determine the age of the drug: if chamomile oil is on sale Brown color or the typical color of vegetable oil, it is no longer fresh. Which, by the way, has virtually no effect on its medicinal and cosmetic properties.

The color change of oil is accelerated if it is stored in an open container, exposed to light and in a warm place. Therefore, for long-term storage, it is poured into containers, filled so that there is no air left inside, and placed in a dark, cold place.

The oil extract of chamomile does not have such a pronounced blue color, but looks usually, just like the base in which the flowers were extracted. Therefore, pure essential oil is easy to distinguish from extracted one, but infused and lost color is much more difficult.

The smell of chamomile oil is quite rich, pronounced, and the aroma of herbs is felt in it. At the same time, the oil smells like other chamomile preparations - its aroma has a pronounced bitterness with a note of hay, but at the same time it is warm, thick and rich, it can even be called somewhat heavy. However, it is precisely due to this density that it is considered a soothing scent: people familiar with it describe the sensation of inhaling it as being wrapped in a heavy a warm blanket- it is the massiveness that provides calm.

I wonder what different factions Chamomile essential oils smell differently. The fraction distilled first, which does not have a pronounced color, smells tart and bitter. The fraction, distilled at 300°C and having a blue color, smells gentle and pleasant.

Composition of chamomile essential oil

Chamomile oil contains: a large number of biologically active substances, including those that are very beneficial for the human body.

On the left is old, on the right is fresh Roman chamomile oil.

The most famous of the components of this oil is chamazulene, which determines the main properties of the oil. It exhibits pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity, and has anti-asthmatic and antibacterial effects. This is what determines the main properties of chamomile oil.

The oil also contains:

  1. Flavonoids, known as powerful antioxidants, and their content in chamomile oil is higher than in the essential oils of many popular herbs in folk medicine, including preparations of marigold and yarrow;
  2. Apigenin;
  3. Bisabolol (also known as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent);
  4. Tannins that cause an astringent effect;
  5. Provitamin A and vitamin C;
  6. Plant sterols;
  7. Coumarins, which provide an anticoagulant effect, that is, preventing the thickening and clotting of blood;
  8. Natural organic acids;
  9. Quercetin.

All of them provide some additional properties or enhance the effects of chamazulene.

It is noteworthy that the chemical composition of the oil does not change depending on the shelf life of the oil and its color change. Even if the oil has already “faded” and is no longer blue, it retains its properties and can be used in medicine. Only the price of the product and the income of the manufacturer and seller suffer from the intensity of the blue color.

Heavily diluted old chamomile oil may be completely colorless.

On a note

It is noteworthy that the oil of some other flowers, also called chamomile, has significantly different chemical composition and properties. For example, the essential oil of Dalmatian and Persian chamomile (flowers of the genus Pyrethrum) contains powerful natural insecticides - pyrethrins, due to which it has been used since ancient times to combat insects, and on their basis the modern chemical industry produces even more effective pesticides of the pyrethroid group.

Medicinal properties

  • Anti-inflammatory, most clearly manifested when directly treating inflamed tissues with oil, for example, when applying oil to areas of redness with dermatitis, to stye on the eye, to areas of inflammation with rosacea or rosacea;
  • An anesthetic, similarly, manifests itself when treating painful areas of tissue, or those places where itching is severe;
  • Antibacterial, which is used primarily for disinfection of skin or mucous membranes, or for cooking disinfectant solutions(for this, oil is added to water);
  • Photoprotective, allowing to reduce the effect of sunlight on oil-treated fabrics. In particular, due to this, the oil is added to many sunscreens.

It is also shown that when processing open wounds or ulcers diluted with chamomile oil accelerates their healing and the formation of fresh epithelium. Due to this, the oil can be used not only in cosmetology or medicine in the treatment of the external integument of the body, but also in the therapy of various inflammatory diseases digestive tract.

The calming effect of chamomile essential oil is also known; when used, a mild sedative effect is manifested. When taken internally, antispasmodic and carminative effects are observed.

A rare example of a commercial product containing natural blue chamomile essential oil.

These properties are almost identical for chamomile and Roman chamomile oils, although traditionally chamomile oil, known specifically as a medicinal oil, is considered more “strong.”

Why is this remedy used in medicine?

In folk medicine, chamomile essential oil is used for diseases whose symptomatic treatment requires anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, less often in cases where an antibacterial or regenerative effect is necessary.

The bactericidal effect of chamomile oil has been tested by laboratory experiments.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx - stomatitis, glossitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. They rinse with water with added oil. Cotton swabs soaked in oil are sometimes recommended to be applied to a sore tooth to relieve pain;
  • Rhinitis and sinusitis, for which they usually either do steam inhalations with oil or instill it into the nose. Breathing chamomile oil through a compressor inhaler or nebulizer is strictly prohibited, including the instructions for these devices;
  • Gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, in which the oil helps relieve abdominal pain and accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium in areas of inflammation;
  • Intestinal spasms, during which peristalsis is normalized and pain caused by spasms goes away;
  • Depression, insomnia, migraines, anxiety, stress, some nervous pathologies- with them, the oil allows you to relax, deconcentrate, and distract from restless thoughts;
  • In high concentrations, on the contrary, the oil stimulates the nervous system, increases the number of heart contractions and increases breathing;
  • For various injuries, open wounds, ulcers, burns - here chamomile oil-based products are applied directly to the injured tissue;
  • Dermatitis, trophic ulcers, rosacea, pustular rashes, eczema, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, breast irritation in them;
  • Stye on the eye, conjunctivitis, blepharitis.

Theoretically, chamomile oil can be used internally in the same way as its other preparations are used - decoction, infusion, alcohol tincture- for various inflammations internal organs: for cystitis, vaginitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis. However, there is no confirmation of the effectiveness of such a technique, namely, they are more familiar and traditional means for such treatment.

Chamomile infusion is quicker to prepare and easier to use than oil.

There are also known indications for the treatment of varicose veins, other vein diseases, fungal infections and even cancer with chamomile oil, but the feasibility, effectiveness and safety of such prescriptions is questionable.

In particular, special studies showed that no chamomile preparations can effectively suppress fungal infections caused by Candida albicans(simple candidiasis).

In general, chamomile oil is used as a medicine much less often than a decoction, infusion or tea from its flowers. This is due to the fact that the oil is much more expensive than chamomile flowers, and it is much more difficult to buy.

Interestingly, chamomile oil from the pyrethrum genus can also be used in medicine. In particular, Dalmatian chamomile oil is used to treat pediculosis (lice) and scabies and demodicosis.

For what purposes is chamomile essential oil used in cosmetology?

In cosmetology, chamomile oil is used primarily as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

In particular, it is used to reduce the symptoms of such diseases and syndromes:

There are also numerous reviews that chamomile oil helps fight wrinkles on the face and stretch marks on the different areas body, including the buttocks. However, in reality, there are neither theoretical justifications nor practical evidence of such activity of chamomile oil.

Similarly, in many cases, chamomile is used both in medicine and in cosmetology not entirely justifiably, and reviews of its positive effects are explained either by the activity of other agents or by the placebo effect.

How else is chamomile oil used without proven effectiveness?

The most famous example The use of chamomile oil, which is not justified either theoretically or practically, is to use it internally for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of those tissues with which the chamomile preparation does not directly contact - the same cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis.

Presumably, chamazulene and some other components of the oil that can have an anti-inflammatory effect can enter the bloodstream and penetrate into inflamed tissues distant from the digestive tract - in this case, the effect of the oil on bladder, kidneys, ovaries, prostate will appear. However, there is no actual evidence of the effectiveness of the oil when used in this way for these diseases.

There are also known attempts and instructions to use chamomile oil to solve the following problems:

  1. Sweaty feet - this use contradicts the very properties of chamomile, which is partly known as a diaphoretic;
  2. Combating split nails - it is not known how oil can affect the manifestations of such cosmetic defect, or on the reasons for it;
  3. Excess weight - chamomile oil is practically useless for weight loss;
  4. Heat stroke (in this case, it is recommended to put chamomile lotions on the head). It is possible that the aroma of chamomile oil will stimulate brain activity, but this effect, again, has not been confirmed;
  5. Sprain - similarly, there is no evidence that oil lotions can be effective in this case;
  6. Cellulite - with it, oil is not able to affect the appearance of the skin.

Chamomile oil will definitely not solve problems caused by excess weight or metabolic disorders.

It cannot be said with complete confidence that in all these cases chamomile essential oil is completely useless, but its use can hardly be called advisable, since there are neither theoretical justifications nor practical evidence of the effectiveness of the oil in all these cases.

Traditional medicine recipes

There are many recipes for cooking medicines based on chamomile oil, although in general they are used much less frequently than various preparations based on aqueous solutions flowers.

The high cost of natural chamomile oil greatly limits its use.

For example, the following recipes are known:

  • To gargle, add 10-12 drops of oil to a glass of boiled water, mix, and then gargle or gargle with the resulting solution;
  • A cotton swab is moistened in undiluted chamomile oil, lightly squeezed and applied to the sore tooth;
  • For oral administration to relieve abdominal pain with gastritis, add 10-15 drops of chamomile oil to half a glass of water, mix and drink;
  • 30 drops of chamomile oil are poured into half a glass of water, stirred, and a large thick cloth swab is soaked in the solution. Then this tampon is placed on the stomach in the area where pain is felt, and the abdominal muscles are gently massaged here;
  • 30 drops of oil are dripped into a liter of water at a temperature of 70-85°C, mixed and inhaled over the mixture for rhinitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngitis;
  • Use undiluted oil to lubricate the edges of open wounds, ulcers, scratches and other skin lesions, as well as places of external inflammation - boils, barley, suppuration.

In aromatherapy, 4-5 drops of chamomile oil are added to the solution in an aroma lamp and turned on (or lit) in the room where the patient will be. This is usually done to treat insomnia, depression, anxiety and similar syndromes.

Likewise, chamomile oil can be added to aromatic oils and their mixtures.

Roman chamomile essential oil for aromatherapy.

Due to the variety of cases in which the benefits of chamomile oil can be manifested, and the breadth of its use, there is no single instruction for its use. In each specific case, the doctor prescribes individual order taking the drug, its dose and duration of treatment.

However, besides aromatherapy, chamomile oil is rarely used in other cases. Still, buying dried flowers and making a decoction, tea or infusion from them is much cheaper than buying oil; preparing the drug with your own hands at home is not so difficult, and the result will be identical to using oil.

Cosmetology recipes with chamomile oil

In cosmetology, oil is used much more often. At a minimum, add oil to the composition various drugs is considered more “prestigious” than doing the same thing, for example, with chamomile decoction; secondly, many are confident that the oil is much more effective than aqueous chamomile preparations.

Most often, oil is simply added to ready-made cosmetic products. For this:

  • In various creams for application to the skin, add 1 drop of chamomile oil per single dose;
  • Add 2-3 drops of chamomile oil to the shampoo for a single dose;
  • To various massage oils add 7 drops of chamomile per 10 ml of base oil. This recipe is also relevant for oil used to combat cellulite.

Chamomile oil colors the base preparation in a bluish color, which must be taken into account when carrying out cosmetic procedures.

Separately, preparations are prepared with chamomile oil for facial skin care. There are several recipe options for such remedies:

  • Mix chamomile oil and jojoba oil in equal proportions, and then lubricate your face with it to tighten and smooth it. If rose oil is also added to this mixture, it can be used to moisturize the skin;
  • Prepare a scrub for peeling dry skin - for 50-100 g of candied honey, take 20-25 drops of wheat germ oil and 10-15 drops of chamomile and lavender oils;
    2-3 drops of oil are applied to the site of a squeezed pimple or to the area where herpes blisters are concentrated;
  • For irritation and redness of the facial skin, take 2 drops of chamomile oil and 1 drop each of eucalyptus, juniper and geranium oils per 10 ml of wheat germ oil, mix everything and lubricate the skin with the resulting mixture;
  • Add 1-2 drops of chamomile oil per serving to the liquid soap used for washing, and rinse your face with the resulting product.

Typical vegetable oil (olive or petroleum jelly) with the addition of chamomile extract.

The following recipes with chamomile oil are used for hair care:

  • Burdock or sea ​​buckthorn oil, or shea butter, add 5-6 drops of chamomile oil per single serving and use it as a hair mask. This recipe is recommended for blondes to make their hair more shiny;
  • Prepare a standard decoction of dried chamomile flowers and add 5-10 drops of essential chamomile oil per glass of decoction, then rinse light, dry hair with the resulting product to moisturize and strengthen it;
  • Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with one egg yolk and 4-5 drops of chamomile oil, and then apply the resulting mixture to the scalp for half an hour to eliminate dandruff and itching. After half an hour, wash off the mask.

Such cosmetic procedures are designed specifically for the use of pure chamomile oil, and not for the use of mixtures of other vegetable oils with the addition of liquid extract daisies. This should be remembered, since “extract oil”, in which the main part is a neutral ingredient, has significantly less pronounced medicinal and cosmetic properties than chamomile oil in its pure form.

Side effects and possible harm from using chamomile oil

Due to its high biological activity, chamomile oil can cause various side effects and in some cases is contraindicated for use.

In particular, both when used externally and when consumed internally, it can cause allergies. . This happens rarely, but if it develops, a hypersensitivity reaction can proceed very violently, up to the development of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. Therefore, the known one is a contraindication to the use of its oil, and if chamomile has not been used in any form before, it is useful to check for an allergy to it quickly and easily...

If you are allergic to chamomile, its oil should not be taken either internally or externally.

Contraindications to taking chamomile oil internally are:

  1. Pregnancy - the active components of chamomile can provoke uterine tone and create a risk of miscarriage or premature birth;
  2. Tendency to diarrhea, since chamomile often “weakens”;
  3. Children under 3 years of age. This is partly due to the fact that oil can cause diarrhea in young children, and partly due to the fact that it often causes allergies in them.

In these cases, chamomile oil can be used externally, including for gargling or gargling, but make sure that the product is not swallowed.

For mouth rinses, oil is added to saline solution.

IN large doses the oil can cause headaches, general agitation of the body, and increased breathing. The person may feel anxious and tense. With prolonged exposure to oil on the body, weakness and decreased muscle tone are felt.

Chamomile oil also causes definite harm if it is added to solutions for inhalation through compressor or ultrasonic inhalers, or nebulizers. The instructions for use of these devices strictly prohibit the use oil solutions in them, since the entry of oils into the lungs can lead to the development of fatty pneumonia with very serious consequences. Inhalations with chamomile oil can only be done with steam inhalers or a pan of hot solution - a typical method for home use.

Where can you buy chamomile oil and how much does it cost?

The price of pure chamomile essential oil largely depends on the reputation of the manufacturer. So:

  • The cost of 1 ml of oil from the Aspera company (Russia) is approximately 400 rubles;
  • The price of 1 ml of oil produced by Styx (Austria) is approximately $40;
  • Oil produced by Argital (Italy) costs approximately $75 per 10 ml;
  • 1 ml of oil produced by Mammutbaum (Germany) costs $30 per 1 ml.

Oil extracts or products based on other oils, but with the addition of essential oil or chamomile extract, are sold much cheaper. Their prices can start from $1 per 100 ml bottle. For example, this is how much a bottle of Mirrolla oil (chamomile extract in simple form) costs vegetable oil), a little more expensive Aromatika, Moroccan chamomile oil from the company Botanika (Russia) for 320 rubles per 10 ml, Darfen, a mixture of oils with the addition of chamomile oil from Yves Florent (175 rubles per 100 ml).

If you order oil in bulk, its cost will be less, but for practical application this is impractical. Considering the doses used, even one small bottle of oil is enough for several months.

Is it possible to make this oil yourself?

Pure chamomile essential oil is extremely difficult to make at home. This requires complex distillation equipment and adherence to oil production techniques.

So, the preparation of chamomile oil in production goes like this:

  • Freshly picked chamomile flowers are poured into a special container and filled with water so that the water completely covers the flowers;
  • The container is closed and heated;
  • At a temperature of 105°C, water vapor is distilled; when the pressure increases and the raw material is heated to 150-165°C, the colorless fraction of the oil begins to distill; at 255-300°C, the “blue” fraction, the most important, is distilled;
  • The condensed liquid is cleared of water - this is chamomile oil.

It is important that chamomile is distilled with water, since only in this case is it possible to preserve chamazulene, the main active component of chamomile, in the oil.

Theoretically, this process can be carried out at home. Sometimes people even distill oils using slightly modified moonshine stills. However, this is very difficult and does not allow obtaining oil with sufficient purity and the desired properties - when distilled at standard 105-120 ° C, the amount of azulenes in the resulting oil will be greatly reduced.

In addition, to obtain 1 ml of oil, you need to distill approximately 100-400 g of chamomile flowers. This takes about a day of difficult work.

Obviously, it is much easier to buy ready-made oil of the required freshness and in the required quantity. In this case, you can be sure that its properties will correspond to standard medicinal or cosmetic raw materials.

As a rule, you make homemade cosmetics or hygiene products with your own hands at home with the addition of chamomile oil. For example, it is added to a simple baby cream to give it additional properties, or used as an ingredient for soap making. But for this, ready-made oil is purchased.

Many plants familiar to us are sources of valuable raw materials. They are widely used in medicine and cosmetology, and both fresh green mass and products obtained from it are used. Essential oil is considered the most useful of them. Let's find out what the benefits of chamomile ether are and what recipes you can take note of.

Chemical composition

The essential oil is obtained by distilling the inflorescences. It is distillation with the participation of steam that allows you to preserve the maximum useful compounds. The average ether content in a fresh harvest ranges from 0.3-0.8% (that is, from a 200 kg harvest you will get 0.6-1.6 liters of the finished product).

This difference can be explained simply: For processing, inflorescences of different types of chamomile are taken (the timing and place of collection, as well as the condition of the plants themselves, play a role). All this affects the chemical composition of the finished liquid, or rather, the concentration of substances.

Regardless of the variety, the main active ingredient oils are bisabolol (up to 50%) and chamazulene (1.6-9%). There are slightly fewer similar compounds - verduzalene, farenzene and cadinene. Other elements include:

  • with indexes 1, 2, 4, as well as
  • flavonoids (auron and chalcone);
  • phytosterol;
  • glycosides (apigenin and gerinarin);
  • organic acids, including salicylic acid;
  • bitterness;
  • coumarins (umbelliferone and herniarin);
  • triterpene alcohols.

Important! Pharmaceutical chamomile is harvested at the beginning of flowering, when the tubular flowers are open only at the edges of the inflorescences, and the reed flowers are directed upward. If they have already wilted, the raw materials are rejected.

In our area, the most common oil is taken from medicinal (aka pharmaceutical) chamomile- these flowers are distributed everywhere. Less often you can find a product obtained from the inflorescences of the Moroccan or Roman line.

Benefits and medicinal properties

A thick liquid with a spicy, slightly sweet aroma, has a whole range of useful qualities.

This can be verified by evaluating wide range the actions of this remedy. It can be used like:

  • tonic nervous system antidepressant;
  • stimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory and disinfectant;
  • antiseptic and natural antibiotic;
  • sweating and choleretic (there is also a carminative effect);
  • antipyretic;
  • healing and regenerating composition;
  • effective antispasmodic.

The list is impressive, and it’s not for nothing that chamomile oil is considered one of the most useful means, used for hundreds of years.

If we talk about specific medicinal properties, then they appear as follows:

  • combating seizure symptoms
  • optimization of local blood circulation;
  • normalization of digestion (at the same time the functioning of the liver and gall bladder is regulated). This reduces the risk of vomiting and cramps, flatulence and peptic ulcers;
  • gentle disinfection of the genitourinary system, which prevents infections;
  • rapid healing of mucous membranes (this applies to both the gastrointestinal tract and the oral cavity);
  • a noticeable effect on inflamed gums, which is important for periodontal disease or gingivitis;

  • removal pain in the throat and hoarseness, annoying when
  • eliminating edema;
  • relieving inflammation and irritation, promoting the healing of complex wounds or ulcers resulting from burns or insect bites;
  • neutralization pain symptoms for injuries and sprains. As an ingredient in massage oils, it relieves joint inflammation due to bursitis or arthritis;
  • soft impact on female body during menstruation - the ether relaxes, improves hormonal and acid balance, support microflora.

Did you know? In the old days, these flowers were called roman flowers or roman flowers.

All these properties are widely used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. But that's not all - the liquid is widely used as cosmetic composition worthy of a detailed description.

How it can be used for cosmetic purposes: recipes

As you can see, the oil is rightfully considered healing. It is logical that its healing properties have long been taken into account by cosmetologists. They use this remedy in the fight against ulcers and acne, various types of dermatitis and eczema. Relieve itching or eliminate a rash, moisturize the skin and strengthen it - all this can be done with chamomile ether or compositions based on it.

Folk cosmetology is not far behind, offering its own recipes. There are a huge number of them, so we will focus on the simplest and most effective.

Hair care

Various mixtures and masks based on chamomile do an excellent job of this task. And they are very easy to prepare.

To strengthen hair

A simple mixture is made: 5 drops of ether, 1 tbsp. l. beat olive oil and egg yolk until smooth. Then it is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements, evenly distributed throughout the hair using a comb. Leave for half an hour, covered with polyethylene and a towel. Washed away warm water.

For better hair growth

You will need a special mask.

Add 2 drops of chamomile to 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil. There will be little liquid, but enough to cover the roots. 40 minutes under a towel - and everything is washed off in the usual way (be prepared for the fact that it will take 2 or even 3 rinses). For these reasons, the procedure is repeated with a break of 1-2 days.

Important! Working with oily hair, chamomile ester is usually not mixed with other oils. Instead, the same egg yolks, lemons or oatmeal are used.

For dry brittle hair

A composition prepared in the following sequence will help:

  • In a glass container, mix 5 drops of chamomile oil, 10 drops of lavender ether and 2 tbsp. l. base oil(burdock or);
  • add another 5 drops to the workpiece in the form of a solution;
  • the finished mass is slightly heated and applied to the scalp;
  • wash off after an hour with warm water without adding shampoo.

For dandruff

It's possible to get rid of it, if you prepare a stronger mask, for which you will need not only liquid, but also dry chamomile.

First you need base infusion. 2 tbsp. l. dry collection is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and kept covered for an hour. After expressing, freshly squeezed lemon juice is dripped in there (one fruit is enough).

Second phase- diluting 3-4 drops of ether with egg yolk and 1 tsp. ready infusion. Apply the mixture to the scalp, leave for 1.5 hours, then rinse with warm water.

Facial skin care

Chamomile ether also helps in moisturizing, rejuvenating, and healing the skin. Let's find out how you can achieve this effect.

To moisturize the skin

Prepare the mixture: take equal shares of chamomile, jojoba and rose oils (usually 1-2 tbsp each). After thoroughly mixing them, a homogeneous mass is applied to previously cleansed skin. 15 minutes - and you can wash it off.

For the skin around the eyes

Applications are used here that not only moisturize, but also tighten the epidermis.

There were no tricks here either.- the ether of blue (and only) chamomile is mixed equally with the “extract” from jojoba. The mixture is applied only when heated. Try not to get the composition in your eyes. It is best to use this preparation before bed, applying for 25-30 minutes with mandatory rinsing.

Did you know? IN Ancient Egypt chamomile was a ritual flower: it was believed that the plant was associated with the sun god Ra.

For acne

Applications are used that also help against acne and acne. They are known in several variants:

  • the first comes down to basic treatment of problem areas with a swab dipped in ether. This will take 15-20 minutes;
  • For better effect You can add eucalyptus and geranium oils to chamomile in equal proportions;
  • Many people replace eucalyptus with cloves. In this case, the ratio of clove, chamomile and geranium oils is 1:1:2.

Facial scrub

It will require other ingredients. A composition of chamomile, lavender and wheat germ oils (1-2 drops each) is added to 1 tbsp. l. sugar or candied honey.

This “mix” is applied for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Important! The frequency of using the scrub directly depends on your skin type. So, for normal dermis, 1 procedure per week is enough, while oily dermis will need 2 approaches in the same time. For those with dry skin, it is recommended to increase the interval: 2, maximum 3 applications per month are allowed.

There is one caveat here: the presence of lavender can provoke an allergic reaction. To make sure that it is absent, for the first 2-3 approaches all components are taken in reduced doses (half a teaspoon). If everything went well, the concentration can be safely increased to normal.

Body care

Thanks to his rich composition And broad action, chamomile oil actively used to improve the health of the whole body. And the main role in this is given to water procedures.

Soothing baths

Both local and general help. In addition to the cosmetic effect, such procedures relieve fatigue and improve well-being.

It's simple: 3 drops of chamomile, lavender and mimosa oils are mixed with shampoo and added to water heated to +38 ° C, remembering to mix thoroughly. Staying in the water should take 15-20 minutes. Then put on a robe (no thorough towel drying) and follow up with a cup of herbal or green tea.

True, there are a couple of nuances here. Firstly, It is better to take such baths at least 2 hours after eating, and at intervals of 1-2 days. And, of course, the dosage: start by adding 5-6 drops (this is necessary to monitor the body’s reaction). Please note that the total dose should not exceed 10 drops - all essential oils are strong concentrates, and an extra drop can result in itching or redness.

Did you know? Among Tibetan monks an infusion from this plant is considered something of an elixir of youth.

For insect bites

They cause swelling and unpleasant itching. Most often this is the result of contact with bees or wasps. In this case, you need to urgently remove the sting from the wound and squeeze out as much poison as possible, which “swells” the bite site.

Then a mixture of 1 tbsp is used. l. essential oil and lavender water (purified will do) with the addition of 1 tsp. baking soda. A bandage or sterile napkin is soaked in this liquid and applied to the bite. The lotions are applied until the bite goes away.

While relaxing at sea, some people get burns left by jellyfish. After making sure that there are no tentacles left on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of ether to the affected area. It happens that the pain intensifies - then ice is applied.

How to choose and how to distinguish a fake when buying

Having become familiar with the properties of the healing product and cosmetic recipes, many are excited about the idea of ​​​​buying a bottle or two of such a useful oil.

To really buy quality product, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • the best place to buy would be a specialized pharmacy or store - in regular pharmacy points synthetic esters are often sold with a lot of additives;
  • Be sure to read the information on the packaging. In addition to mentioning 100% naturalness, the date of packaging and the type of raw materials used should be indicated there. Blue chamomile ether is considered ideal for cosmetic purposes;

  • The container is also important. It is good if the bottle is made of brown glass and covered with a tight-fitting lid;
  • color. Fresh oil has a rich blue color. Over time, it changes to greenish-emerald, or even brown (this is typical for liquid made 2-3 years ago);
  • density. The product has a fairly thick consistency. Seeing that the liquid splashes freely when shaking, it is better to set the container aside;
  • price. Too low a price should alert you - it is possible that they want to sell you a “synthetic”, diluted or expired product.

Important! You should not buy such a product in ordinary markets, where they are unlikely to give at least some guarantees of the quality of the product (which, moreover, is often packaged in jars without any mention of the type of raw materials and dating).

Purchased ether can be tested at home. After opening the bottle, take a deep breath - if the smell is pleasant and spicy, with herbal or fruity notes, then the oil is real.

IN There is another way to detect a fake: A few drops are placed on plain paper. If complete evaporation took 3-6 hours and there was no greasy stain left, you don’t have to worry about the quality: this is a pure natural product.

How to store at home

Optimal storage space- darkened corner with constant temperature within +5…+25 °С ( Sun rays, once on the container, significantly reduce the content useful substances). The bottle must be tightly closed and kept out of the reach of children.

Under such conditions, the oil will retain medicinal and cosmetic properties within 2-5 years from the date of packaging (the date and specific period are indicated on the packaging or cap).

During this time, it is advisable to avoid getting liquid on clothing or fabrics: Such stains are difficult to remove.

How to make chamomile oil at home

You can get this valuable product at home. Of course, it will be slightly inferior in quality industrial product, but will still remain extremely useful. Let's see what is needed for this.


For preparation you will need:

  • dried chamomile inflorescences (purchased at a pharmacy) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • if taken fresh flowers, the dose is increased to 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower or olive oil - 1 cup.

Did you know? The ancient belief that daisies are nothing more than fallen stars has survived to this day. So, seeing at the edge of the forest spring Flower, you can try to make a wish.

The composition is extremely simple, but the quality of the ingredients is important. For example, a fresh harvest is suitable only if it was cut when there was dew, and the chamomile tract was located far from cities or highways. As for the oil, the best choice from the entire range is the Extra Virgin olive variety - it is obtained by mechanical extraction, without any additives or stabilizers.


Everything is ready, let's get started:

  • After checking the integrity of the flowers, place them in a glass jar;
  • then fill with oil heated to +40…+45 °C. The mixture must be crushed immediately;
  • All that remains is to tightly cover the container with a lid, wrap it up and place it in a cool, dark place;
  • exposure - 20 days, the product will have to be shaken periodically;
  • After this time, the liquid must be decanted into a clean container. That's it, homemade oil is ready for use.
This is the most popular method, also known as cold processing. There is also a “hot” one. The composition and proportions are the same, the only difference is that the jar with the mixture just filled is evaporated in a water bath (25-30 minutes) and stored for 2 weeks.

Can pregnant women use it?

Expectant mothers should be careful- on the eve of childbirth, such essential oil is strictly prohibited (along with alcohol tinctures).

Important! Remember that the use of any medications (both factory-made and homemade) must be agreed with doctors.

There's a good reason for this: Chamomile is a source of estrogen. The ether, acting as a kind of concentrate, contains a truly powerful dose of this hormone. Its excess reduces the resting potential of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth and even miscarriage. So masks, rinses (and even more so warm baths) containing chamomile oil are excluded during pregnancy.

  • if individual intolerance is observed;
  • during a course of taking homeopathic medicines (substances in which the ether is rich often suppress their effect);
  • pregnant women, especially in the early (up to 3 months) stages;
  • children under 6 years of age.

Side effects are observed extremely rarely- mainly allergic redness or isolated cases anaphylactic shock. To avoid such complications, it is better to take allergy tests before taking it, and then use ether in moderate doses.

Now you know how chamomile oil is obtained, why it is useful, and how to use it in for cosmetic purposes. We hope our readers will wisely approach the use of valuable material, and it will become a real treasure trove of beauty and health. Freshness and positivity every day!

A rare plant can compare with chamomile in the number of beneficial properties and popularity of use in medicine and cosmetology. It would seem so Russian name The plant actually comes from the Latin "romana" - "Roman". Hence another name for the plant – Roman chamomile. It came into the Russian language from Polish, simplified to a chamomile.

Chamomile oil has been known to mankind for many centuries. Due to its beneficial properties it natural remedy is still used today. Chamomile cosmetic oil is especially popular, used both as independent skin and hair care and in combination with other cosmetics.

In modern cosmetology, oils of three types of chamomile are mainly used: chamomile, blue and Moroccan. Let's get to know them in more detail.

It is made from an extract of an annual plant pharmaceutical chamomile, growing everywhere in Europe, America and Russia. The plant has distinctive white flowers with a yellow center and narrow white petals.

The chamomile oil product contains many useful substances, including:

  • coumaric aldehyde, widely used in perfume production;
  • azulene is a substance with antimicrobial and antiallergic properties;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins B1, B2, carotene;
  • bitterness;
  • choline;
  • phytosterol;
  • chamazulene, which gives the blue color to the flower extract.

Features of application

Chamomile oil for the face and in cosmetology in general is used both as a stand-alone treatment and as part of composite products. It is widely used to enhance the beneficial properties of finished cosmetic products - masks, creams, balms, shampoos. It is also used in spa procedures for preparing massage mixtures, for applications and wraps.

Massage mixtures and masks

  1. Prepare a mixture of chamomile and olive oils in equal parts and apply to the skin. Perform a light massage of the face, neck and décolleté. Effective for aging skin.
  2. Chamomile oil mixture, walnut, olives, taken in equal proportions, apply to areas of the body with stretch marks and cellulite. Massage until you feel a pleasant feeling of warmth. To get the desired effect, you need to perform the procedure 2-3 times a week.
  3. A softening mask made from a mixture of chamomile oil (1 tablespoon) and esters of juniper (3 drops), mandarin (3 drops) and lime (4 drops). Apply the mixture as a mask for 10-15 minutes on the face 2-3 times a week.
  4. Strengthening chamomile oil for hair in the form of a mask. Apply the prepared mixture of chamomile and olive oils (2 tablespoons each), and cedar and rosemary esters (8 drops each) to the scalp and rub in lightly. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse using regular shampoo.
  5. Pore ​​cleanser. Mix chamomile, pine and lemon oils (in a ratio of 2:1:1) and apply to your face for 10-15 minutes. Preheat the mixture in a water bath, and steam the skin over steam.

This product, used in cosmetics, is obtained from the flowers and leaves of the Moroccan or yellow chamomile through extraction fatty oils. Since this plant is endemic and grows only in Northwestern Africa, most of the oil is produced in Morocco.

Moroccan chamomile contains unique substances: pinene, limonene (have a strong pine smell), cineole, azulene.

Its beneficial properties are varied:

  • acts as an antimicrobial agent;
  • heals microdamages of the skin;
  • relieves skin inflammation;
  • activates regeneration processes in skin structures.

Such versatility of the product has found its use in caring for the skin of the face, body and hair, giving it a healthy, well-groomed appearance. It is successfully used for problematic dermis - flaking, acne, and areas of irritation. Chamomile oil for hair strengthens and activates hair growth. This natural remedy effectively removes postpartum stretch marks; after using it, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.


Moroccan chamomile oil is an ideal stand-alone skin care product. It is also actively used in combination with other oils and creams. In the first case, the product should be applied to the palms, and then rubbed with light movements into the skin of the face, head or other parts of the body.

You can prepare oil mixtures:

  1. Mix the flower oil product in equal parts with olive oil, then rub the resulting mixture into the skin and massage for 2-3 minutes. This kind of massage excellent remedy from stretch marks, cellulite and weakened skin turgor.
  2. By adding walnut oil to olive and chamomile oil, you can get an excellent mask for hair and facial skin. This mask should be kept on previously prepared, cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water without using soap.
  3. The oil extract of the flower can be taken as daily skin care by adding 2-3 drops to the cream. This improves its penetration into the skin structures.

Blue chamomile oil

Blue chamomile oil is unique not only in terms of the manufacturer (Syria), but also in terms of production technology, which does not include any solvents, traps, transport oils and other associated substances. It is produced using first-press technology, therefore it differs from all other cosmetic oils presented on the Russian market.

This one is unique herbal product Widely in demand in premium cosmetics for all skin and hair types. Its use is safe against allergic reactions. The product has pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and is also used in the treatment fungal infection skin.

Masks and mixtures for massage

A mixture for body and face is prepared from equal parts of chamomile and Arabic pea hummus oils. Apply it to the face and body and massage with light movements.

Massage for stretch marks and cellulite is carried out with a mixture of chamomile oil extract, orange esters, black or green coffee. Carry out the procedure daily for 2 weeks.

To strengthen and improve hair health, an oil mixture is prepared from the following oils:

  • amla, 2 tbsp. l.;
  • blue chamomile, 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rosemary, 8 drops;
  • green coffee, 12 drops;
  • evening primrose, 5 drops;
  • oats, 3 drops.

Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and leave overnight. In the morning, wash your hair with a suitable shampoo.

To care for the skin around the eyes, use a mixture of jojoba and blue chamomile oils in equal parts. The mixture heated in a water bath is applied to the skin around the eyes. Such masks relieve eye fatigue and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Features of the effect of chamomile oil on the skin

This natural flower product does not dry the skin, relieves tightness and eliminates inflammation of sensitive skin. With systematic use, the tone of the face is evened out. Suitable for any skin type, easily absorbed, does not leave an oily sheen.

For cosmetic purposes, not only cosmetic oils are used, but also essential oils. There are certain differences between them. Cosmetic oil is a ready-to-use product. The essential oil contains a mixture of highly concentrated odorous and volatile substances and a carrier in the form of a vegetable base oil.

Esters themselves are components of many cosmetics and care products. It is not recommended to use them as independent products, so as not to cause burns to the skin.

Both types of oils are successfully used in cosmetic care. But cosmetics have more possibilities for use. It is used to cleanse the skin and is ideal for removing makeup. The product protects skin and hair from ultraviolet irradiation and drying out in the summer, and in winter time- from the adverse effects of dry indoor air. Product medicinal flower nourishes, heals and moisturizes skin and hair, promoting their regeneration.

One of the most famous cosmetic natural remedies is chamomile oil, the use of which is very beneficial for the face. Initially, chamomile oil showed itself in medicine, and a little later different kinds concentrate began to be used in cosmetology.


Several types of products are used for skin care:

  • Chamomile cosmetic oil.

It is obtained by extraction from the dried flowers of a plant that grows in almost all countries of the world, except those where tropical climate. It is a light yellow flowing liquid with an apple aroma.

  • Chamomile essential oil

The product is extracted by steam distillation. It is a viscous light or dark blue liquid with a strong herbaceous odor. Its color is determined by the substance chamazulene, which colors it blue.

Regardless of the type and method of production, the product contains many useful substances and vitamins.

Effect on facial skin

Chamomile oil is not contraindicated for any skin type. But it will be most useful for its three types.

These include:

  • Dry facial skin.

The product is an excellent moisturizer for dry, tired dermis; in addition, with its help, the epidermis acquires the properties of retaining moisture inside the cells for a long time.

  • Sensitive and problematic dermis.

Chamomile cosmetic and essential oil has a gentle effect on irritated skin. Its use will eliminate allergic reactions and itching. Numerous consumer reviews indicate that the product is ideal for caring for sensitive, irritation-prone skin.

  • Mature epidermis.

A large amount of vitamins makes the use of the concentrate very useful when it is necessary to get rid of wrinkles, restore skin elasticity and correct the oval of the face.


In cosmetology, flower esters are highly valued for their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Among them, there are several types that differ in composition and properties.

The essential oil of a common flower has excellent wound-healing and bactericidal properties. Consumer reviews indicate excellent medicinal qualities product.

Blue chamomile essential oil is used to lighten the dermis, accelerate blood circulation, relieve itching, inflammation, and eliminate peeling.


When choosing blue chamomile essential oil, you need to be extremely careful, since wormwood extract, which has a number of contraindications, is often sold under this name.

Roman chamomile essential oil differs greatly in its composition from other concentrates. It consists of esters and is used for various skin diseases as an antimicrobial and regenerating agent. The extract is valued for its calming effect and is often included in preparations for children.

Moroccan chamomile oil appeared on the market not so long ago and has not yet been fully studied. For cosmetic purposes, it is used for skin massages for allergies and itching.

Roman and Moroccan concentrates are more often used to treat dermal diseases. Pharmaceutical flower extract is similar in quality to cosmetic oil, but has a higher concentration of beneficial substances.


Chamomile cosmetic oil is used as a gentle cleanser that helps in the fight against rashes and dermatitis.

Chamomile oil is also effective in protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation and is suitable for daily use as an anti-aging agent that helps get rid of wrinkles.

Chamomile oil is often used to prevent diaper rash and rashes in children.

Medicinal properties

Daily use of a cosmetic extract or etherol will help rid the dermis of pimples, pustules, and acne.

Concentrates effectively cure wounds, cuts, cracks. They are often used for chapped skin.

If herpes appears, you can also use these remedies, which will eliminate the problem thanks to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

They quickly cure burns, eczema, and various types of dermatitis.

Recipes with cosmetic oil

To prepare applications for acne, take a regular cotton pad, soak it in the product and apply it to problem areas for 20 minutes.

Chamomile oil can be added to regular cosmetics. 5 drops are enough for one-time use.

You can prepare an anti-aging cream by mixing 100 g. purified water, 50 gr. flower extract, 60 gr. beeswax, 5 gr. Boers. The whole mass is melted in a water bath, vigorously whipped and stored in the refrigerator. The product can be used daily.

Softening balm for very dry dermis: 1 tbsp. l. flower extract and esters of juniper, tangerine and lime - 3 drops each.

A wellness facial massage is done using equal parts of flower and olive concentrates.

To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes in cosmetology, a mixture of equal parts of jojoba and healing flower. Reviews on forums confirm its effectiveness with regular use.

Cream for dry dermis: chamomile oil (1 tbsp), rose and jojoba essential oils in equal parts (2 drops each).

When fighting acne, chamomile oil for the face is combined with eucalyptus or geranium essential oils. The product is used for applications.

Recipes with essential oils

Using curd mass with a small amount of honey and 4 drops of ether will help soften the epidermis. Leave for 30 minutes.

An application containing 2 drops of geranium, 1 drop each of chamomile and clove helps against acne.

A mixture against freckles and age spots is made from half a teaspoon of salt, to which are added 10 drops of wheat ether and 5 drops of lemon and blue chamomile concentrates. Apply with an applicator.

Mixture for tired dermis: 2 drops of essential oil pharmaceutical plant combine with levea and patchouli concentrates - 1 drop each. The composition is applied to the face instead of cream.

To prepare a soft facial scrub, you need to mix equal amounts of wheat germ esters, lavender, chamomile, and add a little sugar.

cure problematic acne and herpes, you can apply the plant ether in its pure form to them.

A mask made from crushed powder will quickly refresh dry epidermis. fresh cucumber with 3 drops of flower extract, which is left for 20 minutes.

A balm consisting of esters of chamomile, orange, rosewood and sandalwood in equal parts will give shine to the dried dermis.

For daily skin care, you can prepare cosmetic ice: take 10 drops of chamomile essential oil per 100 ml of purified water.

A mixture of 2 drops of flower concentrate and 1 drop of lemon and pine oils perfectly tightens pores and cleanses the skin.


There are practically no restrictions on the use of chamomile in cosmetology. The exception is individual intolerance, the first trimester of pregnancy.

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