What to do if your home is shaken. How to treat a mild concussion

No one is immune from any injuries, including concussions. This condition can be caused not only by a road accident, a fight or a fall from a height, but also by a minor bruise, as well as flick. You can get a concussion at work, at home, during training or at home. Damage requires first aid medical care, as well as further treatment and rehabilitation. A concussion, the treatment of which at home consists of following the doctor’s recommendations and other measures, is an indicator that serious injury does not require hospitalization medical institution.

A condition that is classified as light form traumatic brain injury, requires specialist intervention to prevent complications and dangerous consequences. But recovery period long lasting, therefore further treatment are carried out at home - this is more comfortable for the patient - and in order to eliminate danger, regular consultation with a doctor is recommended.

To understand the danger and feasibility home treatment, you need to know what this condition is and how to treat a concussion at home.

This is one of the milder conditions of head injuries, which results in vascular damage. Any disturbances in the functioning of the brain are dangerous, and doctors still cannot explain the mechanism of development pathological condition because even modern techniques do not allow us to see changes occurring in tissues.

If a head injury is received as a result of an accident, a fall or a strong blow, then, in addition to a concussion, the patient usually experiences other injuries. In this case, hospital treatment is mandatory. It is strongly recommended that a head injury be diagnosed and treated in a hospital, but the recovery period after a concussion is a long process and does not require the development of complex therapeutic regimens. For this reason, after providing first aid, treatment is carried out at home, strictly following all the doctor’s instructions.

First aid

Any traumatic brain injury requires treatment emergency care, and concussion is no exception. After various types of injuries, it is important to immobilize the patient and ensure complete rest. For comfort, it is better to place your head on something soft, and relieve the pain with a cold compress.

If the victim is unconscious after being injured, it is necessary to ensure the unimpeded flow of air into the lungs before doctors arrive. The person must be placed in the so-called rescue position.

To do this, you need to turn the victim on his right side, and throw his head back, turning his face to the ground. Bend the arm and leg on the left at a right angle, but only if you have previously ruled out fractures of the limbs and spine. In this position, a person can breathe normally and will not choke in case of vomit. The rescue position of the body also prevents the tongue from retracting into the pharynx and saliva entering the respiratory system.

If the injury involves damage to soft tissue, you need to apply a bandage and, if possible, disinfect the wound around the edges.

All further actions carried out by doctors. They assess the extent of damage, identify existing complications and prevent possible danger. When the condition is stabilized, the person has the right to continue treatment for outpatient setting at home.

Treatment methods

Regardless of where the treatment is carried out: at home or in a hospital, it must be provided in full. An untreated injury can lead to serious health consequences. How long the treatment and recovery period will last depends on the severity and general condition the patient, as well as the presence of concomitant injuries or diseases. Both mild and severe concussions are equally dangerous to health. Even if the patient has completed the entire course of treatment, he will face long-term rehabilitation, which is carried out at home, but under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

Concussions, like all other disorders, are treated in the hospital with drug therapy, but with a head injury, this is not the only thing that is important.

Daily regime

Whatever the degree of concussion, symptoms and method of treatment at home, the patient is prescribed strict bed rest for at least the first three days. It is better to spend 5–6 days in bed, this applies to both adults and children. Sick leave, if there are no other damages, they are issued for 2 weeks. Except bed rest, a person with a head injury should refrain from reading, watching television and minimize socializing. Any activity can negatively affect brain activity and provoke the development of complications, as well as prolong recovery time.

It is important for the patient’s relatives to protect the person from worries and eliminate any psychological stress. The pain that occurs should be suppressed with painkillers and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. Only a doctor should prescribe the medicine: self-medication is dangerous to health.

In addition, you need to limit bright light, and close the windows in the room with curtains. The less strain on the eyes, the faster it goes away headache and the patient's condition improves significantly. It is extremely difficult to cure a concussion without meeting these conditions.

Doing everything necessary measures, improvements in health should be expected after 3 to 4 days. If after a week the condition does not change or, on the contrary, worsens, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Treatment with traditional methods

By using traditional medicine and applications medicinal herbs You can speed up the recovery process after a concussion. Recommendations regarding treatment alternative medicine should also be given by a specialist.

There are several proven and effective recipes, which speed up rehabilitation and make it possible to treat concussions at home without consequences for the body.

One of effective infusions is a decoction of medicinal herbs:

  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • mint;
  • mistletoe.

The dried herb is mixed and 1 tablespoon of the mixture is brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water. The decoction must be infused for at least 12 hours. Take it 100 ml 4 times a day.

An infusion of chamomile flowers, valerian root, hop cones and lemon balm is prepared more quickly. For one glass of boiling water you need 2 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs, and the infusion is kept for only 20 minutes. You need to take it at least 6 times a day.

This collection folded into a pillow gives a calming and relaxing effect. It improves sleep and relieves headaches.

For Get well soon and rehabilitation after head injury are used bee pollen. It is sold at the pharmacy in capsule form, so you don’t need to prepare anything. It's fast and available method treatment of concussion.

To restore brain activity and function nerve cells Propolis and hawthorn are successfully used in folk medicine. Tinctures are also sold in pharmacies, and they must be taken after mixing in equal proportions.

In the instructions for herbal preparations The dosage is indicated, but it is better to discuss it with your doctor before taking it.

Application medicines and traditional medicine recipes generally have no contraindications and do not have any effect side effect. An exception can only be for people predisposed to allergies. Reception for them natural preparations strictly prohibited.


In addition to medications and traditional medicine methods, patients are prescribed a number of physiotherapeutic procedures. These include:

  • massage;
  • relaxation therapy;
  • acupuncture.

Massage does not have to be done in a physical therapy room; some massagers are suitable for use at home. After treatment during the rehabilitation process, it is recommended to visit the pool and do therapeutic exercises.

Nutrition and dietary supplements

Both concussion and treatment at home, as well as bed rest, have Negative influence on digestive system, so it’s important to pay attention to your diet. For get well soon, along with various methods treatment, prescribe vitamins and biological active additives. In addition, vitamins A and B stimulate brain activity, and vitamin C promotes fast healing wounds and strengthens the immune system.

There are no dietary restrictions as such; food must be balanced and include all foods and drinks, except alcohol, coffee and strong tea.

Consequences of injury

Only by following all the doctor’s recommendations can you avoid the consequences of a concussion and restore your performance. If treatment was not carried out properly or the human body did not cope with recovery, complications may occur.

The most dangerous is post-concussion syndrome; it occurs after a concussion and can affect a person’s future life. If this symptom does not go away, the person is haunted by constant headaches, increased irritability, and frequent insomnia.

Against the background of a traumatic brain injury, there may be convulsive syndrome, which is similar to epilepsy. It is dangerous due to unexpected attacks that interfere with some activities and make it impossible to drive a car.

The consequences of injury also include:

  • development of disorders of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • psychological disorders;
  • disturbances in sleep and perception of the environment

It is possible to minimize the consequences and prevent complications only by providing assistance to the victim timely assistance. And it depends on the patient himself whether he will undergo the treatment completely.

You can get a concussion while playing sports, in a fight, falling from a height, or as a result of an accident on the road or at work. In this case, the bones of the skull remain intact. Visible damage there is no head, but a hematoma can form inside, compressing the brain tissue. The person initially feels quite healthy, but the condition worsens after a few days. It is necessary to know what to do in case of a concussion in order to prevent undesirable consequences.

Severities and symptoms

Previously, the diagnosis of FMS was made only if the victim lost consciousness. It is now customary to distinguish between several degrees of severity of concussion.

  • 1st degree (mild) – bad feeling, confusion, symptoms persist for about 30-60 minutes, and then disappear without a trace;
  • 2nd degree ( moderate severity) – confusion and stupefaction persist for more than 60 minutes;
  • 3rd degree (severe) – fainting, pupils do not react to light, short-term memory loss.

A concussion is characterized by certain symptoms that may persist for several days or may disappear without a trace after a couple of minutes. The severity of the pathology depends on the type of injury, the force applied, and the point of application. With a mild concussion, the patient exhibits only a few symptoms.

  • dizziness, headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • tinnitus, weakness;
  • disorientation in space;
  • fainting, short-term amnesia;
  • incoherent speech, seizures;
  • asymmetrical pupil sizes (a sign of hemorrhage);
  • photophobia, insomnia;
  • flushes of blood to the face;
  • pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • problems with concentration;
  • drowsiness or agitation.

If a person loses consciousness or does not remember the circumstances of the injury or previous events, a concussion is very likely. The occurrence of pain when turning the head indicates concomitant damage cervical region spine, muscles.

The pain is pressing in nature, occurs with movement and at rest, and can disappear on its own. Sometimes coordination is impaired. The victim may not understand where he is, how to get home, and does not perceive information. Surrounding objects appear blurry, and bright light causes severe discomfort.

Important! Both mild and severe degrees of SHM require mandatory examination by a traumatologist, neurosurgeon or neurologist.

A concussion may go away without a trace in a couple of minutes, or it may cause complications. Consequences sometimes appear even after several years in the form of memory loss, decreased levels of intellectual abilities, frequent headaches.

First aid at home

You cannot treat a concussion on your own at home. If a person has suffered a head injury, you need to call ambulance. Competent first aid will improve the patient’s well-being and eliminate possible complications.

The victim must first be ensured peace. To do this, it is placed on flat surface. You can place a cushion under your neck. If the patient is in unconscious, then he is turned over on his right side.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the victim's breathing. If it is difficult for him to breathe, he should unbutton the buttons, remove the scarf, scarf, or belt. Ice or a cold compress should be applied to the impact site. Treat the head wound with an antiseptic.

If a person is conscious and has a headache, painkillers can be given. You cannot feed the victim. If he doesn’t feel sick, you can give him warm tea, but remember that this can cause vomiting. You can’t let a person sleep; you definitely need to talk to him constantly. Any vehicle the victim is taken to the hospital. If you faint, call an ambulance immediately.

Important! You cannot self-medicate. Only first aid is provided at home. Medicines are prescribed by the doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.

How are concussions treated?

Before treating a concussion of any severity, doctors perform a brain examination. First, the patient is prescribed an X-ray of the skull bones, and a corresponding picture is taken. Using this method, cracks and fractures can be identified. Damage to brain tissue and hematomas can be seen using CT and MRI. Dopplerography is used to visualize blood vessels.

However, when making a diagnosis, the victim’s complaints should be taken into account. This type there is usually no injury special features. In the first minutes, you can only notice loss of consciousness, double vision, and impaired coordination of movement. With a concussion, there is no fracture of the skull bones, the pressure is normal, the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid is without any abnormalities.

Instrumental examination does not reveal changes in the structure of the brain. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor interviews the victim in detail about his well-being and the circumstances of the injury. Concussion is a clinical diagnosis; it is established based on complaints and examination data.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy for the patient. At mild form you can be treated at home. The patient is recommended to remain in bed for 1-3 weeks. At the same time, you cannot watch TV, read books, work at the computer, do exercises or play sports.

At home you need to follow a diet - eat foods rich in vitamin B (liver, asparagus, fish, beans), as well as poultry, nuts, honey, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. For insomnia they drink a tincture of mint and cinnamon, and to improve the condition you can drink herbal teas from lemon balm, St. John's wort, rose hips, nettle.

Drugs to treat concussions:

  • painkillers – Dexalgin, Sedalgin;
  • for dizziness - Cinnarizine;
  • to improve blood circulation in the brain - Phezam;
  • sedatives - Corvalol, Valerian, Motherwort;
  • sleeping pills – Donormil;
  • tranquilizers – Gidazepam, Afobazol;
  • conducting vascular and metabolic therapy - Cavinton, Nootropil, Sermion, Pantogam;
  • medicines with magnesium – Magne B6, Panangin;
  • antioxidants – Cytoflavin, Mildronate;
  • CNS receptor stimulants – Vasobral;
  • vitamins and microelements;
  • decongestants – Diacarb;
  • tonic medicines – Ginseng extract, Saparal.

At severe form the victim needs to stay in the hospital for the first few days and take medication. During this period, he needs medical supervision. To exclude intracranial hematomas, CT or MRI of the brain is prescribed.

What medications are prescribed for a severe concussion? In this case, the patient is given tablets, as in case of a moderate concussion, nootropic and vasotropic drugs are administered intramuscularly and intravenously, and electrolyte solutions are drip-fed for recovery. acid-base balance. Patients are hospitalized and treatment is carried out for two weeks.

Important! As a result of the resulting hematoma, after a few days, compression of the brain tissue and swelling may occur. This complication requires surgery. At timely diagnosis and treatment in hospital can avoid complications.

Consequences and prognosis

To avoid negative consequences, you need to conduct an examination and begin treatment as quickly as possible. If the blow is treated irresponsibly, then a person, even with slight concussion the following complications may occur: migraines, frequent headaches, short-term or long-term memory loss, post-traumatic epilepsy, decreased mental activity, hypertension, nervous disorders.

If you go to the hospital in time and follow the doctor’s recommendations, complications can be prevented. Complete rehabilitation is possible after correct and timely treatment.

After undergoing BGM, the patient should take medications to restore brain function. The duration of treatment can be about six months for severe injury. During this period, headaches, insomnia, fear of light, depression, and problems with concentration are possible. After a while, all these problems completely disappear, full recovery brain function.

Important! If you do not treat a concussion that a person received during strong impact, then complications may develop. Feeling good does not give a complete picture of the problems inside the brain; a computer examination is necessary. Otherwise, you may even die a few days after the impact.

How to protect yourself from a concussion

To avoid a concussion in a child, it is necessary to constantly monitor his games on the playground. Children must learn to fall. protecting your head and jumping correctly from a low height. If a child has a bicycle, scooter, or skateboard, you need to buy him a helmet, it helps reduce the severity of the impact. In the sports section, the coach must monitor the safety of training.

In children under one year of age, concussions occur due to parental neglect. Babies can fall out of the crib, stroller, arms or changing table. You need to constantly be near the child and not leave him alone in a dangerous place.

Adults need to follow the rules traffic and industrial safety. Biking, skiing, skating, or horseback riding is only possible with a protective helmet. Can't play sports if you're able to alcohol intoxication. It is necessary to evaluate your strengths when mastering unfamiliar extreme sports.

A blow to the head or a fall is a reason to consult a doctor. If you get a concussion, you need to give up heavy physical labor for a while. It is important to carry out computer diagnostics in the hospital and undergo therapy if necessary.

A concussion is a head injury, which, according to statistics, is one of the most common in neurology, which a person can receive at home, while playing sports, or in a traffic accident; injuries are especially high in winter time years when people risk hitting their heads when falling due to ice.

A mild form of traumatic brain injury is characterized by short-term and rapidly passing disturbances in the functioning of the human brain. In this article we will look at what and how to treat slight concussion brain.

    What to do if symptoms appear?

    A mild concussion can even be caused by slight bruise heads, in connection with which, the patient should be immediately given first aid and sent for examination. If the patient can move independently, then it is enough to simply walk him to the hospital or take him by car.

    If it is difficult for the patient to move, then before starting self-treatment mild concussion, you should call an ambulance and take some measures before the doctors arrive, namely:

  1. It is necessary to lay the patient on his side, raising his head slightly, this must be done in order to sudden vomiting vomit did not enter Airways.
  2. Ensure complete silence in the room or house and curtain the windows. With a concussion, bright daylight can be irritating to the patient, so it is better for him to be in a dimly lit room.
  3. With a concussion, the patient may feel thirsty. What can you drink? You can offer him hot black tea with sugar.
  4. Under no circumstances should the patient sleep until the doctors arrive, so you need to constantly be with him and distract him.
  5. It is very important to monitor the patient’s pulse, as well as how the patient breathes and the condition of the pupils.

Important! Only a specialist will be able to immediately determine the presence of a pathological condition, and therefore, if you receive an injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Methods for diagnosing mild concussions

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a detailed examination. Based on the patient’s condition and the testimony of eyewitnesses, the doctor refers the patient for diagnosis. If the patient can speak, the doctor tests him to determine his reaction to what is happening around him. In addition, a thorough palpation of the problem area is carried out. It is also necessary to conduct a hardware study in order to determine the extent and location of the lesion.

In order to refute or confirm the presence of a concussion after injury, blow or bruise and, if necessary, prescribe competent treatment The following tests must be taken:

  1. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the brain.
  2. Echo and electroencephalogram.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the brain or Doppler sonography.
  4. Radiography.

How to treat?

With a mild form of concussion, it is necessary to be under constant supervision of doctors such as an ophthalmologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon and traumatologist. A patient with a concussion is prescribed strict bed rest for two or three weeks. It is advisable to spend this time in a hospital to be under constant medical supervision.

What to take and how to treat a mild concussion? To dock pain syndrome the patient is prescribed analgesics - Baralgin, Ketorol, Sedalgin. As sedatives for concussions, motherwort and valerian tinctures are mainly used, as well as tranquilizers - Phenazepam, Relanium.

Effective remedies - Bellataminal, Bellaspon, Cinnarizine - are what treat dizziness. In order to relieve the patient's general tension, magnesium sulfate is prescribed. Diuretics, in particular Diacarb, help prevent cerebral edema. Often, for concussions, doctors prescribe the use of vascular drugs and nootropics - Cavinton, Trental, Piracetam, Nootropil, as well as B vitamins.

Attention! If the patient is not in inpatient conditions, and at home, it is important to provide him with complete rest and remove all irritants - in no case should you watch TV, work or play on the computer, or listen to loud music. With the permission of a doctor, herbal medicine can be used.

In medicine, TBI is not uncommon, both for active, inquisitive children and adults. But what signs of injury do you need to know and how to treat a concussion at home, what should be done first, how to help the victim if there is no hospital nearby and the ambulance is very delayed? Most ordinary people do not know the answers to these questions.

Important! A head injury, whatever its etymology, is a brain injury with the ensuing consequences. They can be minor, or they can be severe - with ruptures blood vessels, hematomas, damage to the integrity of the cranial bones.

That is why, before deciding on home treatment, you should visit a specialist who will carry out necessary examination. Concussions are classified according to the degree of damage meninges. If easy degree, then the patient is prescribed ambulatory treatment, in moderate and severe forms, therapy is carried out only in a hospital.

Signs of injury

Most adults, as a rule, do not ask for help, but say that everything is fine. But you shouldn’t indulge them in this. It is better to study the presence of symptoms and take the necessary measures:

  • Loss of consciousness is typical for a mild concussion, but this condition lasts very little, from a few seconds to a few minutes. If the concussion is strong, then a coma may develop.
  • Double vision. The victim cannot focus his gaze, the images are blurry, everything is double and covered with a white veil.
  • Strong headache. The victim complains that his head is “humming.” Dizziness and severe pallor may appear.
  • Attacks of nausea, lethargy, weakness, a sharp decline activity. It is difficult for the patient to stand, his gait is uneven, his legs give way.

First aid

Most head injuries result in a concussion. Even a book falling from a shelf can cause this disease. Therefore, it is advisable to know what to do in case of a concussion until the called ambulance arrives.

When providing assistance, you must follow the algorithm of actions:

  • It is necessary to lay the victim on a flat, hard surface and place pillows under the head. This is done if the patient is conscious.
  • If the victim has lost consciousness, he should be placed on his right side, bent left leg and hand, and carefully turn your head face down and to the right. This is necessary to prevent the tongue from sticking or vomit from entering the respiratory tract. Before giving the desired position to the limbs, you need to make sure that they are not injured.
  • To make breathing easier, you should remove or unfasten tight clothing, loosen your belt, belt, tie, or scarf. If the weather is cold, then you need to cover the victim with a blanket.
  • Make a cold compress in the form of ice, and if it is not available, use any food from the freezer.
  • If there is a wound, it is treated with any antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied.
  • If the patient is conscious, then he should be given analgesics to relieve pain.
  • The victim is not allowed to sleep. This is necessary in order to monitor the patient’s condition. To do this, they talk to the person within the first hour after receiving the injury; if he is able, he is asked to answer a series of questions.
  • If possible, the victim is transported on a hard surface to the hospital independently.

Important! Any portion of liquid, like food, can provoke profuse vomiting.


If patient's lung form of concussion, then the doctor will allow treatment of a concussion at home, but medical supervision should still be in place to exclude complications and unforeseen situations. The traumatologist, before allowing the patient to undergo home treatment, is obliged to explain to the patient all the intricacies of treating a concussion at home, down to how long it will take for the symptoms of the injury to subside.


After everything was done in the hospital necessary procedures, the doctor will allow the patient to be taken home only on the condition that he is provided with full treatment and all the instructions of the attending physician are followed, namely:

  • It is mandatory to observe bed rest for the first three to five days. If a person works, then he is given sick leave for two weeks.
  • Complete rest for three days for adults, and five days for children. What does complete rest mean? This is a ban on reading, watching TV and all electronic gadgets, and long-term communication.
  • Close people should protect the patient from emotional shocks.
  • A severe headache cannot be tolerated, so you should take painkillers prescribed by your doctor.
  • It is not recommended to turn on bright lights during treatment, and it is advisable to curtain the windows if the sun is shining strongly.

Important! If there is no positive dynamics within the agreed period, or the condition has worsened, then you should urgently contact a specialist. If there is bleeding from the nose or ears, call an ambulance.

Drug therapy

At treatment of mild TBI can be as simple as lying down and resting. But even in this case it is necessary drug therapy. The drugs are used to eliminate a number of symptoms accompanying the patient’s condition after injury - headache, sleep disturbance, psycho-emotional stress.

Even after the end of treatment, a patient with a concussion remains in the dispensary for a year after the injury.

Home treatment

Nutrition for a damaged brain

After an injury, the brain needs additional nutrition. Suitable for this next remedy which can be prepared at home:

  1. 100 g peeled walnuts should be crushed, placed in a container and poured natural honey, so that all the nuts are covered. Take a two-week course, once a day, 3 tablespoons.
  2. Finely chop 200 g of spinach, add a chopped bunch of green onions to it. Boil 2 eggs and crumble the yolks into the greens. Mix everything thoroughly, season the salad olive oil, salt. Eat every day during illness.

Symptom relief

To prepare the following recipe, you need to take 50 grams of wild rosemary branches, the same amount of black currant leaves, rose hips, oregano leaves, nettles, lemon balm, plantain, and red clover flowers. All components should be mixed. Place 3 tbsp in a saucepan. l. pour the resulting mixture with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Cool, strain and take one teaspoon twice a day.

Restoring lost brain functions:

  1. At home, to treat a concussion, you can try cooking next decoction. Motherwort grass, boyarka fruits, chamomile flowers, and cudweed are taken in equal quantities. All this must be crushed and mixed. Place two tablespoons of the mixture in a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and wrap in a towel, let cool, strain. Drink one sip 3 times a day.
  2. 50 g of boyarka fruits and sea buckthorn berries. If possible, chop and put in a container, pour in a third of honey, and stir. Drink the extracted juice with honey, 2 tbsp. l. twice a day after meals. Store the composition in a cool place.
  3. A tablespoon of creeping thyme is poured into 400 g of water and brought to a boil, but do not boil. After this, the broth is left to cool for an hour. Then it is filtered and drunk half a glass before meals. The infusion effectively restores brain function. The course of treatment is long, at least three months, and then depends on the general condition.
  4. Take 2 tbsp. l. arnica flowers and 2 pinches of myrtle leaves. Crumble and mix all this. Pour into a thermos, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Strain and take a tablespoon before meals.
  5. 3 tbsp. l. Galega officinalis herb or, as it is called, Altai goat's rue, mix with the same amount of periwinkle herb and larkspur. Add 1 tbsp to this mixture. chamomile and lemon balm flowers. Mix everything. You need to take 4 pinches of the mixture. All this is poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for 2 hours in a tightly closed container. The infusion must be filtered and taken 100 ml.

Treating a Child's Concussion at Home

If the condition of an adult patient with TBI can improve without medical intervention, then the child must be taken to the hospital and shown to a neurosurgeon or neurologist. Absence visible signs and a favorable state can, after a few days, be abruptly replaced by internal hemorrhage and unexpected progressive deterioration of the condition.


If the doctor diagnoses mild degree concussion and resolved little patient return home to your parents, then you should not insist on long stay in the hospital. Upon returning home, the child should be placed horizontally on the bed. Many of his complaints will disappear if he starts taking certain medications prescribed by the doctor, namely:

  • Analgesics for headaches.
  • Cerucal is used for nausea.
  • Taking nootropics should be mandatory after a concussion. They are selected by a specialist individually.
  • For insomnia, mild tranquilizers are used.

Important! You should not give the patient several medications at the same time and do not abuse them separately.

The doctor may also prescribe taking a complex of vitamins A, B, E and amino acids at home, as well as attending massage treatments, if necessary. The dosage should be followed as prescribed by the doctor.

If after a week of treatment, the baby’s condition has not changed, he continues to feel sick or vomit, he becomes weak and complains of pain, then it is necessary to return to the hospital to continue treatment under the supervision of medical staff.

Bed rest for a child

Bed rest for children is much longer than for an adult. The little patient is prohibited from watching cartoons, moving actively, playing on the computer and other gadgets for at least a week, and ideally two weeks.

After the doctor notices a clear improvement in the patient’s condition, he can gradually be allowed physical activity, let your child read books little by little or carefully look at drawings. This is necessary in order to restore the ability to focus.

During bed rest, the little patient is allowed to consume a large number of clean water, consumption of sweets, coffee or tea is not allowed. Herbal medicine is useful for restoring health. It includes the use of aloe vera juice, ginseng root, string, cinquefoil, eleutherococcus and other medicinal herbs. A pharmacist at a pharmacy may recommend separate mixtures of several types of herbs or infusions. Before buying them, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

At proper treatment little patients recover completely within three weeks and can safely begin attending school or kindergarten, communicate and play with other children, watch cartoons. Children rarely feel the effects of a concussion after such a long period of time. The main thing is to provide first aid in a timely manner and take the victim to a doctor.

Do not delay diagnosis and treatment of the disease!

Make an appointment with a doctor!

Currently, head concussion is one of the most common traumatic brain injuries. It is almost impossible to insure against this pathology, since it can be acquired even by simply hitting your head on a hard surface. Very often this diagnosis is made in young children due to hyperactivity and curiosity. Since the lesion is always accompanied by severe headache, dizziness and nausea, its presence cannot be ignored, since the victim will be in extreme in serious condition. To make you feel better before visiting doctors, it is important to know how to treat a concussion at home.

In international medicine, a concussion refers to damage caused by an intense blow during which the brain comes into contact with the skull. Depending on the degree of damage, the patient can be diagnosed with mild, moderate and severe form illness. If the first stage is detected, treatment can be carried out at home, but for a more serious level it is necessary to go to the hospital. Recognize this disease based on the following symptoms:

  • short-term loss of consciousness. In 85% of cases, immediately after a bruise, a person loses consciousness for 2-3 minutes. With severe damage, fainting can last up to an hour;
  • the appearance of a pronounced headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of coordination;
  • drowsiness;
  • double vision. Difficulty focusing, objects appear blurry;
  • intolerance bright light and loud sounds;
  • the occurrence of seizures.

Immediately after a concussion, a person experiences severe weakness, and his legs begin to give way.

Doctors warn that even a minor blow in a child can give rise to all these signs, since children's body more vulnerable.

First aid

To alleviate the patient’s condition and avoid the development of complications before the doctors arrive, first aid must be provided. What to do if you have a concussion:

  1. If the victim is conscious, he must be placed in a horizontal position, but not allowed to fall asleep. The head should be raised. Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s well-being and ensure that he does not lose consciousness.
  2. If after this the person faints and does not come to his senses for more than 10 minutes, he should be turned to right side, throw your head back, facing the ground. Next you need to bend the left and right leg at an angle of 90 degrees. This position makes it easier to saturate the lungs with air and, in case of nausea, promotes the release of vomit.
  3. Bleeding wounds must be immediately treated with an antiseptic and bandaged. Even if a person claims that he feels well, he is forbidden to get up, much less go outside or to work.
  4. Emergency care also includes applying ice to the head. When you don't have it on hand, any frozen food will do.

If an adult or teenager has lost consciousness after such a TBI, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. It is advisable to transport the victim on a hard surface.

Experts warn: if there is a suspicion of such an injury in a baby, self-medication is strictly contraindicated; the only way to save the baby’s life is to immediately call a medical team.

Establishing diagnosis

Before prescribing a specific treatment method, the doctor needs to make sure that the patient is dealing with a concussion and not with other traumatic brain injuries. To identify common clinical picture The following examinations are required:

  1. X-ray of the skull and cervical region. It will help to visually assess the condition of the skull and exclude the presence of cracks and displacement of cervical discs.
  2. Encephalography. This diagnostic method cannot be ignored, since with its help it is possible to identify focal lesions in the capillaries of the brain and begin treatment on time.
  3. CT. Doctors usually prescribe it for extreme cases if there is any doubt about the diagnosis. Computed tomography is one of the most modern methods diagnostics, during which you can notice even minimal changes in the structure of the brain.
  4. Checking the condition of the fundus. This examination is carried out only by an ophthalmologist and is prescribed to detect hemorrhages in the area of ​​the visual organs.

Even if the patient has received competent pre-medical care, he will still need to visit the clinic and undergo the necessary examinations, otherwise the possibility of unforeseen situations should not be ruled out.

If the patient is given light form abnormalities and were referred for concussion treatment at home, the most important rule strict adherence to all appointments will be necessary, otherwise the recovery process will be delayed. For the most part, traumatologists advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Maintaining bed rest. For the first 3-4 days it is strictly forbidden to go outside; it is also advisable to stay at home horizontal position, because this way the brain will recover much faster. Even with a mild degree of injury, the victim will be given sick leave for at least 10 days.
  2. First It is not recommended to watch TV, play on a tablet, or read books for three days. These actions put increased strain on the eyes, which may worsen the patient's condition.
  3. To ensure complete rest for the brain, it is necessary eliminate worries and stress.
  4. In the room where the patient lies, there must be muffled light. During the day, you should cover the window with thick curtains.

If you follow these tips, your health will improve significantly within 2-3 days; in a week the person will be practically healthy.

Taking medications

During the period of home treatment, the victim will also be prescribed medications from certain pharmaceutical groups. Since they are all very active and effective, they must be used strictly following the instructions and in no case exceeding the dosage. It is strictly forbidden to select your own medications; only an experienced specialist can do this. How to treat a concussion at home, and what medications are usually prescribed?

  • anabolic steroids Helps reduce painful sensations, they are prescribed regardless of the degree of damage;
  • sedatives. Reduce the excitability of the central nervous system;
  • sleeping pills. Discharged if the patient begins to suffer from sleep disturbances;
  • nootropic drugs. Designed to restore damaged brain fibers, capillaries and nerve endings. These tablets must be taken with extreme caution;
  • multivitamin complexes. Saturate the brain essential vitamins and minerals, help improve immunity;
  • antiemetic pills. If a person suffers from severe nausea and vomiting, it is impossible to do without such medications;
  • means for normalizing blood circulation.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to fight a concussion with the help of folk remedies? Doctors give a positive answer to this question, but immediately warn that decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs should only be used as adjuvant therapy, and not the main one, otherwise recovery may be delayed. The following recipes will help cope with the disease:

  1. Infusion of mint, mistletoe, motherwort and lemon balm. Take the plants in equal proportions and finely chop with a knife. After this, pour 400 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, and leave the liquid to steep for 15 hours. After this time, the medicine must be filtered and taken 50 ml 4 times a day.
  2. Infusion of chamomile, hops, mint and valerian. The ingredients are also taken in equal proportions, 2 tablespoons of the resulting broth are poured with 2 cups of boiling water. The collection must be infused for 60 minutes, after which it will be ready for use. Use a tablespoon 6 times a day.

It is important to understand that traditional methods have a cumulative effect; to achieve a serious result, you will have to take the infusions for at least 2 weeks.

Bottom line

A concussion is enough dangerous pathology, and in the absence of timely treatment, the patient may experience complications such as memory impairment, chronic headaches and deterioration of smell. To avoid all this, at the first signs of illness, you need to urgently visit a specialist who will conduct a diagnosis and tell you exactly how to treat.

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