What to do if your feet sweat. Feet sweat a lot and stink: causes, ways to solve the problem. What does official medicine offer?

It is designed in such a way that it tries to release moisture in every possible way. Due to this it is supported normal temperature bodies. Available in the body sweat glands designed to perform the function of a thermostat. However, excessive moisture production can cause a lot of inconvenience, including severe sweating of the feet. This problem can especially worsen in the summer.

Excessive sweating of the feet, in addition to purely physiological inconveniences, makes a person feel embarrassed and experience deep moral discomfort. To begin to solve such a very actual problem, you should figure it out first.

Why do my feet sweat?

A whole complex of things can lead to this. significant reasons

- Firstly, feet sweat due to a person wearing tight closed shoes.

- Also, similar symptoms arise from wearing unseasonably warm socks or stockings, especially those made from materials based on artificial or synthetic fibers.

— Sweaty feet can be caused by illiterate or insufficiently intensive foot care measures.

— Excessive sweating is often a consequence of stress and frequent anxiety.

- Also, such a deficiency may be associated with intense work of the leg muscles and heavy physical activity.

Foot spray, Deodorant. Contains natural mineral salts, which form a protective barrier against odor-causing bacteria. Formulated without harmful chemical substances or propellants - what makes this spray safe for you, your family and environment. More details here

Skin diseases on the feet

For example, your feet may become infected with a fungus. As a result, the skin between the fingers simply begins to crack and dry out. Painful areas appear on the skin, which are very itchy and then begin to peel off. All of these unpleasant moments are almost always accompanied by an unpleasant odor along with increased sweating.

If treatment for such a disease is not started in a timely manner, then microbial eczema will appear on the skin. In the future, they can spread from the legs throughout the body.Excessive sweating of the feet can be caused by endocrine diseases, availability malignant tumors, infectious diseases.

In addition, pathologies associated with the central nervous system often lead to these manifestations.

Hygiene rules for feet

If sweaty feet are caused by physical exertion and active work, then it is likely that to solve the problem, only compliance with the basic hygiene rules. But you should adhere to such rules not only in the hot summer season, but all year round.

In particular, one of the most important and fundamental rules insists that your feet must be washed with soap twice a day. After washing them dry, be sure to dry them with a towel. After washing your feet in the morning, you can treat your feet with talcum powder. Apply powdered talc to your feet and between your toes.

The problem of excessive sweating of the feet can be solved by treating the feet with an antiperspirant or deodorant. Today, among such products there are specially created ones aimed at solving the problem of sweating. Among other components that make up such deodorants, there are antibacterial and antifungal substances. Apply any of these products exclusively to clean skin on your feet. Otherwise bad smell from the legs it will only be strengthened.

Internal diseases of the body

If practical implementation these measures did not solve the problem in any way, then the cause of excessive sweating of the feet should be sought in possible internal diseases body. It may well be that such diseases have not had time to manifest themselves in any other way, but are already actively affecting your body. If you notice the problem of excessive sweating of your feet, you should short term consult a dermatologist.

Complaints about heavy sweating on your feet, the doctor will perceive it as quite serious. The following information may be very useful regarding sweating of the feet. As we know, sweat contains about ninety-eight percent water. When excreted with water, already spent nitrogenous substances will be released, as well as cholesterol, fatty acid and other microelements.

Sweat has a rather unpleasant odor. And the reason for this lies in the fact that over time, bacterial secretions begin to break down. When exposed to oxygen, they then oxidize. This creates favorable soil for even greater proliferation of microbes. People of both sexes have an equally good predisposition to the process of sweating.

How to effectively hide the smell of sweat

If you use deodorant to reduce foot sweating, it will inhibit the decomposition of sweat bacteria. The unpleasant odor will appear to be masked by aromatic ingredients and cosmetic compositions. In particular, fragrances like essential oils of clove, lavender or mint can effectively hide the smell.

Any deodorant contains a constant ingredient, which is ethanol. It can be considered the strongest antimicrobial component. Antiperspirant, as a means of solving the problem of excessive sweating of the feet, will partly reduce the degree of sweating by initial stage. Antiperspirants for feet contain lead, zinc, and zirconium salts.

When interacting with sweat molecules, these components will begin to produce compounds that can effectively tighten enlarged pores. If your feet sweat a lot, experts recommend using an antiperspirant. Traditional methods

Excessive sweating legs can be cured, among other things, and traditional methods.

1. So, according to one of the recipes you need to take fifty to one hundred grams oak bark per water liter. Boil the bark for half an hour over relatively low heat. You need to soak your feet in this infusion every day for eight to ten days.

2. The second recipe involves stirring a spoonful of salt in a glass of hot boiling water. Next, cool the water and simply wash your feet with this solution. After the procedure, it is permissible to simply rinse them with cold water.

3. Sage can also solve the problem of sweating feet. Brew a spoonful of its crushed leaves in boiling water. After infusing the product for about forty minutes, it should be strained. This “medicine” against sweating should be taken orally, two spoons at a time. General course recovery should last at least three weeks.

4. A greater effect can be obtained from a mixture of mint, sage and nettle. Pour a liter of boiling water over them and leave for about thirty minutes. When the infusion has cooled almost completely, just keep your feet in it for about fifteen minutes.

5. There is another very effective recipe. Bay leaf in the amount of twenty pieces, fill with three liters hot water. The container should be closed with a lid. After the infusion has cooled slightly, steam your feet in it for fifteen minutes.

Watch your feet, do everything on time necessary procedures. AND heavy sweating Your legs are not in danger.

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Nail and foot fungus. Treatment methods. Prevention. How not to get infected. Reviews


A person whose feet sweat a lot and smell unpleasant is treated with some degree of disgust by those around him. In order not to experience awkwardness and discomfort, you need to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Why do my feet sweat and stink? Now you will learn about this, because you can overcome sweating and unpleasant foot odor only after determining the causes of their occurrence. There is often a combination of factors that led to the problem. Some of them:

Excessive sweating is not life-threatening, but can contribute to the appearance of skin diseases and psychological disorders:

  • mycoses ( fungal infection) arise due to ideal conditions for the activity of fungi. Moisture and heat in shoes promote their reproduction. In the treatment of nail and foot fungus are used medications, ointments, creams, etc.;
  • skin diseases in the form of warts, boils and carbuncles. Atopic dermatitis may worsen;
  • bromhidrosis;
  • psycho-emotional stress, in which a person experiences a feeling of inferiority and tries to avoid public places.

Feet sweat and stink: should I consult a doctor?

If the problem cannot be resolved on your own, you need to contact a specialist. A serious failure could occur in the body. First, you should consult with a therapist who will prescribe comprehensive examination for the presence of pathologies. If they are absent, you need to visit a dermatologist and get his recommendations.

The doctor may prescribe medications against increased sweating and recommend sedatives.

This is because hyperhidrosis is caused by nervous overstrain or constant stress.

Usually they resort to tincture of valerian, motherwort, peony root and other medicinal plants.

They resort to tranquilizers or bromides in exceptional cases, since they have side effects, you quickly get used to them and can be taken for no more than three weeks.

Pharmacological agents

Your feet are very sweaty and stinky, but you don’t know what to do? We suggest considering some drugs:


Most often to prevent copious discharge sweat and odor, you just need to maintain hygiene:

  • Wash your feet with antibacterial soap 1-2 times daily. It cleanses the skin better than other products; it can be liquid or lump. Washing should begin with warm water, gradually reduce its temperature and rinse with cold or brewing strong tea. Application contrast shower also very useful;
  • Dry your feet thoroughly with a towel specially provided for this purpose. This will prevent the growth of bacteria;
  • use special baths, use special creams, sprays and powders.

Shoes and socks

Shoes and hosiery directly affect the condition of the skin of the feet. Therefore, their condition must be taken very seriously:

Manganese solution, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide are used to remove stench from shoes. Internal surfaces are processed.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods have an excellent effect in combating sweating and foot odor and are used for preventive purposes.

You can powder the skin of your feet with potato starch and put on socks on top. Excess moisture is absorbed, as a result of which bacteria will multiply less.

Oat straw (2 tbsp) is poured with boiling water and infused for about an hour. Do not strain the resulting infusion and dilute it warm water. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes.

Place birch leaves in socks and change them twice a day.

Vinegar has destructive acidity for bacteria and fungi. Baths are made from either a diluted product or a pure product. To do this, you need to warm up the vinegar a little (1 liter), pour it into a basin and lower your feet there.

Keep for 15–20 minutes. After the procedure, do not wash off the vinegar. Take baths five times every other day. For delicate dermis, vinegar is diluted with water.

There are many recipes for baths. In most cases, they are made on the basis of: oak bark, mint, sage or chamomile. Also used Linden blossom, tea brewing, nettle, celandine, salt, soda, manganese and iodine.

To wipe the feet after a bath, use lavender, sage, thyme and essential oils, as well as lemon peels and apple cider vinegar.

They add fragrance to the skin, fight bacteria and disinfect the skin.

Urgent measures

What can be done to urgently get rid of the unpleasant odor of foot sweat? To urgently eliminate odor and sweating, you need to take water treatments and change your socks, then:

  • use a special deodorant;
  • wipe the skin with alcohol;
  • treat the dermis and nails with undiluted vinegar.

Prevention of sweaty feet

  1. Avoid stress.
  2. Maintain hygiene.
  3. Cut your nails regularly and preferably have a pedicure.
  4. Cleanse feet from keratinization. You can use pumice for this.
  5. Eat properly. Excessive use Eating spices, garlic, coffee, and strong tea can lead to increased sweating. The diet should include foods containing zinc.
  6. Pay close attention to your shoes. Wear only high-quality models and cotton socks.
  7. Consult a doctor promptly if you have diseases that cause excessive sweating.

There are a lot of remedies to combat sweating and unpleasant foot odor. Due to the individuality of everyone human body, the best result can only be obtained through repeated experiments and trials.

More information about hyperhidrosis of the legs is in the next video.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Every person has sweat glands on their feet that regulate body temperature. When it heats up, they begin to produce a special secretion, which is popularly called sweat. This phenomenon is considered normal and if your feet sweat a lot, this does not at all indicate pathology.

However, if there is increased sweating of the lower extremities, you should still be concerned. After all, this condition causes not only aesthetic discomfort due to the presence of an unpleasant odor, but can also signal various disorders that occur in the body.

Why do my feet sweat and smell a lot?

There are several thousand sweat glands on the human body, which are the real “protectors” of the body. When exposed to it high temperatures, the sweat glands begin to produce secretions, thereby cooling the surface of the body and preventing the entire body from overheating.

Most of the sweat glands are localized in the area armpits, forehead, palms and feet. Therefore, in the summer, it is these parts of the body that sweat the most, the legs sweat especially heavily, creating an unpleasant “aroma.”

But if there is increased activity of the glands and in winter time, feet sweat, while the feet are constantly cold and have an unpleasant odor, then this already indicates disturbances in the body that can lead to the development of serious pathological processes.

Main causes of sweaty feet

Why do my feet sweat? This can be facilitated various reasons, both external and internal.

It is worth noting that the secretion produced by the sweat glands is an odorless liquid. The appearance of an unpleasant odor is due to the fact that this secretion quickly oxidizes when interacting with oxygen and creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. They are the cause of the characteristic odor.

This is why your feet sweat a lot, bringing discomfort to both you and those around you. Most often, people themselves are to blame for the appearance of an unpleasant odor on their feet because they simply do not follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Sweaty feet are not only an aesthetic problem, but to a greater extent worries men. Constantly wet feet can cause the development of colds, as well as the appearance of pustular and fungal infections.

There is a simple test you can do at home to help you determine how your sweat glands are working. Take some water and dilute it in it a large number of Yoda. Then apply it to your feet and observe how your skin reacts. If it does not change color, then your sweat glands are functioning normally. But if the skin becomes bluish, then there is still a problem and you should consult a doctor.

Other causes are associated with sweaty feet!

Another reason why feet constantly sweat and smell is caused not only by neglect of personal hygiene procedures, but is also associated with the presence of various pathological disorders, and therefore you should undergo examination to identify the disease.

Sometimes, excessive sweating of the feet can be associated with the development of diseases and conditions such as:

  • prolonged stay in a nervous state;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • fungal foot infections;
  • CNS disorders.

Such diseases should be treated only by specialists (neurologist or dermatologist). At home, cope with excessive sweating of the feet in this case you will not succeed, since to eliminate this problem you must first eradicate the very cause of its occurrence.

If your feet sweat a lot, what do you need to know?

It is also worth noting that the reason hyperactive work sweat glands can be caused not only by pathologies and poor personal hygiene, but also by the following factors:

  • wearing synthetic shoes;
  • Not proper care for shoes;
  • wearing closed and tight shoes;
  • wearing socks that are too warm;

To keep your feet from stinking and sweating, all you need to do is buy high-quality shoes, wear cotton socks, select shoes and boots that fit, and clean your shoes regularly!

What to do if your feet constantly sweat?

Your feet sweat and smell; you don’t know what to do about it? First you need to determine the cause of the appearance of this disease. Go to the doctor, get all the tests done, and if he reveals pathologies in you, then by all means start treating them.

If increased sweating of the feet in your case is not associated with pathological processes, you can cope with this problem yourself by using simple remedies traditional medicine. And she invites us to fight increased activity sweat glands on the feet using special baths and lotions that will help normalize their work.

The rules for using baths are as follows:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to wash your feet in warm water;
  • to prepare the bath, you should take water no higher than 38 degrees (too hot water helps to activate the sweat glands);
  • the time of one procedure is 20-30 minutes;
  • The procedure should be carried out at night.

What to do at home if your feet sweat a lot?

We offer you several cooking options therapeutic baths for legs:

  1. Take 100 g of oak bark, pour a glass of hot water, put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Let the broth cool, then strain it and dilute it in 2-3 liters of warm water, after which you can begin the procedure. It should be noted that this method although effective, it may cause temporary darkening skin on the feet.
  2. Take 20 laurel leaves and pour several liters of boiling water over them. Leave them for half an hour in dark place To infuse, then remove the leaves and dilute the resulting infusion in warm water.
  3. Take equal amounts (1 tablespoon each) of mint, nettle and sage, pour in a liter of boiling water and let it brew for about an hour. Then strain the infusion and dilute it with warm water.

It is also worth noting that excessive sweating of the feet can be combated with the help of regular table salt. To do this, use 1 tsp. dilute in a glass of warm water and simply rinse your feet with the resulting solution 2 times a day. After each procedure, feet should be washed cool water(not cold!), and before going to bed, moisturize with cosmetic or natural means so that your feet stop sweating and smelling.

Other methods to combat overactive sweat glands

In addition to therapeutic baths, you can also carry out some manipulations at home that will help you if your feet sweat a lot and create constant discomfort. What are these procedures?

For example, you can make an infusion from medicinal herbs for oral administration. To do this, take 1 tsp. sage leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it. Let it brew for about an hour, then strain and take 2 tbsp 2 times a day. for several weeks. You will be able to notice the result already on the 3-4th day of taking this infusion.

You can also combat excessive sweating of the feet with the help of lemon juice. To do this, wipe your feet with it every day before going to bed. You can use a solution instead of lemon juice apple cider vinegar. It is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and treated with it on the feet. You can rinse your socks in this solution and wear them overnight.

In addition, you can rub the skin of your feet with powder boric acid. It also eliminates unpleasant odors well and slows down work for a while. sebaceous glands, as a result of which the feet stop sweating and smelling.

You can also take 1 tsp. crushed oak bark and simply pour it into clean socks. Only for these purposes should you use socks made from natural fabrics. Put them on at night, and in the morning rinse your feet with cool water.

It is best to use antibacterial soap to wash your feet. It will prevent the growth of bacteria, thereby preventing an unpleasant odor from appearing.

Good in the fight against excessive sweating of the feet and essential oils. They should be mixed with base oils(castor, olive, sunflower, etc.) and apply to the surface of the feet. This procedure should be carried out at night, putting on socks after it.

It will be much more effective if you regularly conduct preventive actions to prevent excessive sweating of the feet than to get rid of this problem. After all, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Therefore, wash your feet daily with antibacterial soap. However, they should be washed at least 2 times a day. More often in summer. This way your feet will stop sweating and smelling bad.

Wear shoes made only from natural fabrics that will allow air to pass through. In winter, wear shoes that will not squeeze your feet. In summer, give preference to open shoes that will not interfere with air circulation.

Remember that proper shoe care is also important not only in the process of getting rid of excessive sweating legs, but also throughout the entire period of wearing it. Shoes should be washed well not only outside, but also inside. At the same time, it should be dried in the open air, especially in winter.

Change your socks daily. They should be made from natural fabrics and be as thin as possible so that the feet do not overheat in them. Otherwise, you will not be able to get rid of sweaty feet.

Moreover, after accepting water procedures, your feet should be thoroughly dried with a dry towel, especially between the toes, but this is not all that is needed to prevent your feet from sweating.

Remember that overactive sweat glands can be caused by various pathologies. Therefore, from time to time, do not forget to undergo preventive examination in medical center. If any disease occurs, treatment should not be put on hold, so as not to aggravate the development of the disease. Yes, when your feet sweat and smell a lot, the problem is obvious.

Moreover, it causes discomfort not only to the person himself, but also to the people around him. Therefore, it is simply necessary to get rid of it, and the sooner you do this, the better.

Video on how to cure sweaty feet

Excessive sweating of the feet brings a lot of trouble to adults, especially when it comes to the feet. Sweaty feet cause discomfort and spread an unpleasant specific odor. There are many reasons why feet sweat a lot. The bad thing is that when long-term wearing closed shoes or boots, constant humidity provokes the appearance of non-healing calluses, hard corns and creates an ideal environment for the appearance and development skin fungus. Hidrosis has a bad effect on the skin, so fight it similar manifestations necessary.

Symptoms of the problem

The following signs will indicate that there is increased sweating:

  • sweating of the feet when wearing good leather shoes and even in summer when wearing sandals;
  • does not leave a feeling of moisture on the feet even after hygiene procedures;
  • As a result, the skin has an unusual appearance and changes have begun to be observed.

The other side of the problem is hypohidrosis, insufficient sweating.

Main Causal Factors

The reasons are the same for men and women:

  • the cause may be a disease of the endocrine system;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • skin diseases (provoke an unpleasant odor);
  • chronic stress;
  • oncology;
  • obesity.

Household factors

  • feet become very sweaty when wearing warm out-of-season or synthetic shoes, closed narrow shoes, sneakers;
  • when walking in summer in stockings, tights, synthetic socks;
  • insufficient hygiene;

Prevention of sweaty feet involves reviewing external circumstances not related to health. Often, eliminating at least one of these factors stops the problem.

Exist simple rules, following which you can lose sweating.

Violation natural process sweating - hydrosis - must be treated. To get started, follow a diet:

  • limit the consumption of coffee, dark chocolate, strong hot tea;
  • give up alcohol, energy and low-alcohol drinks;
  • reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day;
  • abundant hot, fatty, spicy foods are prohibited.

Perhaps excessive sweating of the feet is a consequence of inattention to oneself. Spend more time on personal hygiene. Wash with cool water several times a day, use a bactericidal or tar soap. Heels must be constantly removed from rough skin. Do not wear wet shoes or boots, always dry and ventilate them well.

Features of treatment

If you are diagnosed with foot hyperhidrosis, take treatment seriously. This will save you not only from excess sweating, but also from psychological problems associated with it, because having cold and wet feet is uncomfortable. To remove sweat, use inexpensive medications:

  • “Borozin” is available in the form of a powder that needs to be poured into boots.
  • "Formagel" - active substance formaldehyde, in the form of a gel. When applied to problem areas, it forms a film, which is washed off after a while. One-time use will relieve excess sweat for at least 7-10 days.
  • Boric acid powder. Powder thoroughly between fingers. Rinse off with cool water in the morning.

Drugs called "Bellaid" or "Bellaspon" are also produced. After using them, excessive sweating of the feet is less of a concern. From discomfort When your feet ache, Deocontrol and Celederm creams will help. Try also using folk remedies, they don't let you down.

Which doctor should I contact?

Family doctor will help identify the problem of sweating and give directions for treatment.

Hidrosis of the limbs is an indicator of disease or pathology of the endocrine or central nervous system. With hyperhidrosis, treating sweaty feet takes time and patience. First, describe the symptoms family physician, who, after examination, will prescribe necessary tests to find out why your feet sweat.

If the causes of increased sweating are due to illness, a specialist (endocrinologist, neurologist, phthisiatrician or cardiologist) will eliminate the sweating problem by prescribing appropriate medications. If you don’t have much to worry about your health, but sweating feet bothers you, first consult a dermatologist who will prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. Consult your surgeon. Remember that insufficient sweat production - hypohidrosis - also requires medical intervention.

Medical methods

Electrophoresis is prescribed for sweating feet. Exposure to weak discharges inhibits the functioning of the sweat glands, thus excessive sweating decreases or returns to normal. The effect lasts for about a month.

If a fungus is present, treatment of foot hyperhidrosis is postponed and all efforts are primarily directed toward getting rid of the more serious disease. There are cases when hydrosis is treated with antibiotics. Effectively treats with a drug that contains butolotoxin (Botox, Dysport). After injection into the problem area, foot sweating stops for six months. There are no contraindications.

Treatment options increased sweating legs are diverse

How to treat leg hyperhidrosis? Why does sweating of the lower extremities increase? What is this – a disease or a variant of the norm? How to get rid of this condition? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

Cold wet feet have ruined the lives of so many people that it has become more than just medical problem, but into a social phenomenon.

Hyperhidrosis of the legs is very unpleasant because it causes constant feeling that you walk around in wet socks and wet shoes. It is impossible to go to a party where you need to take off your shoes - everyone notices the smell of stale sweat, and immediately their attitude towards the person changes. Everyone begins to think about his uncleanliness; it does not occur to anyone that this is a disease.

Interesting fact - in English law there is an unusual clause that states that a spouse can demand a divorce due to... the cold wet feet of the other spouse.

Even the patient himself often does not realize that this condition can be cured; one just needs to see a doctor - a dermatologist.

Is sweating of the feet a separate disease or a manifestation of another ailment?

If you consult a doctor with a complaint about persistent wet feet and the question of how to treat hypersweating of the feet, you will be asked to undergo an examination. There is no need to be afraid of this, because this is the only way to reveal the real reason diseases. It is no coincidence that we call this condition a disease, because it is very different from normal sweating - in the heat or during training.

Here, the feet sweat for no reason or for any insignificant reason - a slight experience causes an increase in sweating, any, even the lightest physical activity does the same.

The intensity of sweating varies from mild degree to severe, when the legs are practically “in the water”, a squelching sound is heard when walking.

At the same time, a person can wash his feet twice a day, but still cannot get rid of it.

This happens because sweat, which has no odor, when microbes and fungi enter it, begins to emit a specific odor that is familiar to everyone. Literally 2 hours after the glands secrete sweat, bacteria begin to multiply intensively, and the smell can no longer be avoided...

Causes of excessive sweating of feet

Increased sweating in lower limbs may be an independent ailment, one of the manifestations of local hypersweating (this also includes sweating of the hands and armpits groin area or a combination of 2-3 areas). Most often this separate disease With unknown cause. But methods of treating it have been developed, and there are quite a lot of them.

And the second option: your feet are sweating because there is a malfunction in your body. The following factors lead to hypersweating of the feet:

  1. Narrow, uncomfortable shoes;
  2. Synthetic socks (too warm, out of season);
  3. Experiences, nervous stress;
  4. Insufficient or improper care;
  5. Too much huge pressure on their feet, especially for workers in “standing” professions;
  6. Endocrine disorders;
  7. Tumors;
  8. Infections;
  9. Diseases of the central nervous system;
  10. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If one of the above-mentioned causes is discovered, you must immediately begin to treat it, otherwise the sweating disease will progress, and not only the legs will suffer (a fungal or other skin disease may develop). Yours will be at risk nervous system, nervous breakdowns and even depression are frequent accompaniments of severe hyperhidrosis.

Choosing a method for treating excessive sweating of the feet

Washing socks daily is necessary for excessive sweating of the feet.

Treatment of leg hyperhidrosis, when it is in no way associated with other diseases and is primary disease, usually start with hygiene measures. These include:

  • Replacing synthetic socks with cotton or wool ones;
  • Daily change of socks and shoes;
  • Choose shoes only from natural materials; any synthetics increase sweating;
  • Take a shower every day and wash your feet with soap;
  • Baths with contrast water especially for the legs, they train blood vessels well and normalize sweating;
  • If you put insoles in your shoes, you need to dry them thoroughly every day.

What remedy for leg hyperhidrosis helps best? There is no clear answer to this question. Each organism is so individual and unique that the doctor in each special case selects a specific solution to the problem of wet feet.

What medications treat excessive sweating of the feet?

To begin with, it is simply necessary to say that general body sweating is reduced by medications such as Atropine. However, it has a number of unpleasant side effects(dry mouth, constipation) and is therefore used infrequently.

Much more often, it is registered as a drug that reduces sweating. That is, its action is scientifically proven - it actually reduces the secretion of sweat glands. It is prescribed by a doctor when choosing medications for leg hyperhidrosis.

There is one more advantage of this product - Formagel has pronounced antimicrobial and antifungal effect. Therefore, in addition to dry soles, you also perform preventive measures. skin diseases stop.

Formagel is sold in pharmacies; a prescription is not needed. You need to act strictly according to the instructions - apply the gel to the soles, wait until a thin film forms, and after 40 minutes rinse it with water. The effect lasts for 7-10 days, then you can repeat the procedure.

Another group of drugs are the so-called botulinum toxins: Botox, Xeomin and Dysport. Their action is based on the fact that botulinum toxin blocks the entry nerve impulses directly to sweat glands. Sweating stops immediately and for a long time - up to 8 months.

After this, the injections have to be given again. The disadvantage of the method is its high cost. Not everyone can shell out about 40,000 rubles to get rid of sweating. But those who decide to do this remain very pleased with the results and enjoy the fact that their feet have become dry and warm.

Choosing cream, antiperspirant and anti-sweat powder

Anti-sweat and odor foot cream

Nowadays there is a large selection of foot creams for sweat and odor on sale. And if you need a cream for leg hyperhidrosis, then one of them is TALASSO PODOS Guam. Well suited for active people, even those who play sports. It not only reduces sweating, but also relieves fatigue and gives your feet a feeling of freshness and lightness.

Among antiperspirants that effectively fight sweat, and have medicinal properties, can be distinguished (Great Britain). Odaban against hypersweating of the feet does not just clog the sweat glands, as many people think, it regulates sweating in such a way that, with a mild degree of the disease, a complete cure is possible.

Odaban foot powder is also very popular. It is powdered on the soles of the feet, the spaces between the toes and poured into socks. The powder absorbs sweat and absorbs odor, reducing excessive sweat.

Is surgery necessary for hypersweating feet?

It is known that sweating of the hands is well treated (and for life!) by endoscopic sympathectomy. During this operation sympathetic node A clamp is applied at neck level, and sweating in the palm area stops completely.

The advantage of the operation is that the palms instantly, as if by magic, become dry and warm, and this makes the patients very happy. However, when scientists and doctors decided that such an operation for leg hyperhidrosis would also help, it turned out to be a big mistake.

The nerves at the lumbar level that go to the feet are so closely intertwined with the nerves from the genitals that complications were not long in coming. And if sweating on the soles disappeared, then impotence or other sexual disorders could develop. Therefore from surgical treatment The surgeons refused to use wet soles.

A dermatologist talks about the importance of disinfecting feet:

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