Local anesthesia is used for pain relief. Recommendations after tooth extraction

This article is intended primarily for those patients at the dental clinic who have had a tooth removed. At the same time, it will also be useful for those people who are preparing to undergo this procedure.

Tooth extraction is stressful, like any operation. Even if the doctor told you what to do after tooth extraction, you may forget the advice as soon as you leave the office.

  1. What to do, if there's blood coming out
  2. After the operation, the dentist will place a tampon in place of the extracted tooth to stop capillary bleeding. Squeeze your jaws tightly and do not remove the tampon for 20 minutes. This is necessary so that a clot of coagulated blood forms in the hole. It will protect the hole from the penetration of bacteria, food particles and inflammation. Avoid rinsing or spitting to preserve the clot.

    If the bleeding doesn't stop, you may have poor clotting or high blood pressure. In this case, it is better to hold the tampon for 40-60 minutes.

    Do not try to clean or rinse the socket; try not to touch it with your tongue. This will lead to infection in the wound. If you notice that something is wrong with the wound, consult a doctor.

  3. How to relieve pain after surgery
  4. The anesthesia will last from a few minutes to several hours. At this time, the pain will begin to increase - it can be relieved with any suitable painkillers or medications prescribed by the doctor.

    If pain persists in subsequent days, you should consult a doctor.

  5. What to rinse your mouth with and when
  6. You cannot rinse for 24 hours after surgery. To make the wound heal faster, rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and oak bark will be useful. Before rinsing with chlorhexidine, furatsilin, miramistin and soda-saline solutions, take warm water into your mouth, hold it and carefully spit. Then put the solution in your mouth, hold it for 15-20 seconds and carefully spit. Repeat rinsing with the solution several times.

  7. When can you eat after tooth extraction?
  8. Do not eat or drink for 2-3 hours after surgery, wait until the anesthesia wears off and the blood clot hardens. If you start eating before the anesthesia wears off, you can seriously injure yourself - biting your tongue or cheek.

    It is better to chew food on the side where the operation was not performed, or to avoid contact with the removal area. Try not to eat rough, hot and spicy food. For example, nuts can clog the space extracted tooth and inflame the gums. Spicy or hot foods will increase blood flow - swelling will appear, the clot will dissolve and healing will take longer.

  9. Is it possible to refrigerate
  10. A cold compress constricts blood vessels, reduces the risk of swelling, reduces bleeding and the possibility of inflammation. Apply the compress through a thin cloth and do not hold it for longer than 25 minutes. If your dentist does not advise you to use cold compresses, it is not necessary to do them - consult your doctor.

  11. Is it possible to heat
  12. Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, do not take hot bath and do not sunbathe on the beach for 3 days after surgery. Take a shower and wash your hair warm water. If you overheat, blood flow will increase and bleeding or inflammation may begin.

  13. Is it possible to smoke and drink alcohol?
  14. Smoking and drinking alcohol provokes bleeding, irritates and infects the mucous membrane. Try not to smoke the day before and 1-2 days after surgery so that the wound heals faster.

    Alcohol will dissolve the clot, which protects the wound from infection - do not drink for three days after tooth extraction. If you are taking antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, you should avoid alcoholic beverages for 2 weeks.

  15. Is it possible to play sports
  16. Physical activity increases blood pressure and blood flow - avoid exercise for the day after surgery. If your gums were sutured during tooth extraction, the sutures will come apart due to stress. Try to control your facial expressions, do not open your mouth wide.

  17. How to brush your teeth
  18. Brushing your teeth after surgery is mandatory. Do this as usual, but make sure that the brush does not touch the socket and thoroughly clean the adjacent teeth. Use less toothpaste and rinse your mouth carefully.

  19. What to do if your gums are inflamed
  20. If you damage the clot, there is a high probability of inflammation. Signs:

  • the pain does not go away for a long time (a day or more) or increases;
  • there was an unpleasant odor coming from the hole

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

On the first day after tooth extraction, the temperature may rise. If heat persists the next day or rises above 38°C, contact your doctor immediately.

Tooth extraction is a surgical intervention, after which it is useful for the patient to adhere to certain rules. Incorrect behavior can cause various complications: inflammation of the gums, development in the gums and bones purulent process, poor healing holes.

Treatment after tooth extraction

Extraction of an ordinary uncomplicated tooth does not require any special treatment. The doctor knows what to do after and, if necessary, prescribes painkillers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. After removing a wisdom tooth, a dental surgeon can prescribe a whole medical complex, which includes rinsing, taking pills, and physical procedures. These measures are necessary to reduce the risk of developing possible complications.

Medicine after tooth extraction

Surgery in the oral cavity is fraught with inflammation, suppuration and severe pain. After the operation, doctors may prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Prescribing antibiotics after tooth extraction has become common practice. This is how dentists try to prevent the development of complications. Antibiotics after tooth extraction are not prescribed in mild cases and after extraction of baby teeth. The following antibiotics are recommended after surgery:

  • Tsifran ST;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Clarithromycin.

Have a tooth pulled out - what to rinse with?

When a patient has a tooth pulled, he is looking for what he can do after the tooth is removed to relieve pain and speed up healing. Often people start rinsing their mouth different drugs. You should not do this on the first day after surgery. Rinsing washes out the blood clot formed during bleeding from the hole and interferes with the natural healing of the wound. Rinsing is recommended if healing is slow, inflammation or purulent discharge appears. In this case, the following rinses may be useful:

  1. Chlorhexidine- used undiluted as an antimicrobial and antiseptic agent.
  2. Miramistin- used for rinsing or irrigating the mouth, effective against many microorganisms.
  3. Furacilin- for use, tablets are dissolved in water, helps in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes.
  4. Potassium permanganate solution- for use, small crystals are diluted in water, has a disinfecting effect.
  5. Soda-salt solution- used as an antiseptic, can be combined with iodine.
  6. Herbal infusions - antiseptic properties have infusions of sage, chamomile,...

What can you do after tooth extraction?

When patients wonder what to do after tooth extraction, dental surgeons direct their attention to things that should not be done. Location of injury in oral cavity should be protected from mechanical damage, so it is recommended to do nothing on the first day. In difficult cases, the dentist may recommend periodically applying a cold compress or a towel with ice to the sore area. This helps prevent inflammation and swelling.

When can you rinse your mouth after tooth extraction?

The hole after tooth extraction is an injured hole, open to infection. After dental surgery, the doctor places a gauze swab on the site of the pulled out tooth and asks you to hold it for 20 minutes. During this period, the bleeding should stop and a blood clot should form. Until the lower damaged parts of the gums begin to heal, the clot will perform a protective function: prevent the penetration of infection. Therefore, rinsing your mouth is contraindicated in the first day and a half after surgery.

When can you eat after tooth extraction?

All patients after surgery are interested in the following question: when can you eat after tooth extraction? On the spot former tooth a wound is formed that can become infected. What to do after tooth extraction so that a blood clot forms in the socket? Wait 2-3 hours. If the tooth was removed without complications, you can eat after 2 hours. In case of a complex case or wisdom tooth extraction, you can start eating after 3 hours, but the food should be liquid and ground.

All food should be warm and not irritate the mucous membranes, so in the first days after removal it is better not to include bitter, sweet and canned food. You can move on to solid food if the wound has healed, no purulent discharge and pain. If healing is normal, you can return to your normal diet within 3-4 days. In the presence of painful sensations, severe swelling or pus, you should eat mushy food.

When can you drink hot drinks after tooth extraction?

The socket of an extracted tooth is for some time a vulnerable place accessible to microbes. The main protection of the surface of the hole is a bloody clot, which can be removed by mechanical impact from food or liquid. In the first days, you should avoid hard and hot foods and liquids that can dissolve the plug. If healing after tooth extraction proceeds without complications, then the hot liquid can be drunk after 5-7 days. When your gums hurt after tooth extraction and swelling is noticeable, you should refrain from hot drinks.

When can you drink alcohol after tooth extraction?

All efforts of the patient after the removal of a dental unit should be aimed at preserving the blood clot that protects the wound from bacteria. Careless consumption of any drinks can lead to inflammation and suppuration. Therefore, after complex interventions in the oral cavity, it is recommended to drink through a straw for the first 24 hours.

To understand when you can drink alcohol after tooth extraction, you need knowledge about alcohol. Alcohols thin the blood and worsen the formation of blood clots, which can lead to the washing away of the previous blood plug, bleeding or infection of the wound. Drinking alcohol is not recommended until the wound surface appears healthy. If healing is good, this may take 3-5 days.

When can I smoke after tooth extraction?

Although tooth extraction is not difficult surgical interventions, misbehavior after it may cause serious complications. The list of rules after tooth extraction includes the recommendation not to smoke cigarettes. Harmful substances from cigarettes can penetrate the wound and cause infection, so smoking is allowed after 3 hours after surgery, provided there is no bleeding. If sutures were placed during tooth extraction, you should not smoke until the sutures are removed and the wound has healed. How long a tooth takes to heal after extraction will depend on general health and wound care.

When can you brush your teeth after tooth extraction?

For some time, the wound after tooth extraction is a vulnerable place that needs rest and protection. The patient’s actions for the first three days should be aimed at preserving the blood clot that protects the socket. Therefore, on the first postoperative day it is important to minimize mechanical influences on the wound. To do this, you should stop rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth. If healing is good, you can lightly rinse your mouth on the second day. medicinal solution, and on the third day, carefully brush your teeth without touching the socket of the extracted tooth.

When can an implant be placed after tooth extraction?

There are two opinions about when an implant can be placed after tooth extraction:

  • the implant can be implanted after complete healing of the socket and damaged bone tissue;
  • It is better to implant the implant immediately after surgery.

First opinion in Lately Doctors are increasingly rejecting it. New research suggests that if an implant is placed immediately, additional osteoplasty work can be avoided. Modern achievements in prosthetics allow you to do immediate implantation without the risk of implant rejection and complications. Immediate action is possible in the following cases:

  • when there are no foci of inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • when the patient has healthy bone tissue at the site of the removed tooth;
  • when there is sufficient bone volume at the implantation site.

So, for one reason or another permanent tooth had to be removed. The procedure associated with this may be a little less complicated or simple - it all depends on what tooth is being removed, for what indications, how well the doctor is able to cope with this task, etc.

Most often, removal occurs due to ineffectiveness conservative treatment, after injury to the tooth or jaw bones, as a result of severe destruction of the crown and root.

After tooth extraction, the doctor always gives recommendations that must be followed exactly. There should be no amateur activity in such a serious matter. Many complications after the procedure are associated precisely with the fact that patients take the initiative: rinse their mouth harder, apply some medicine to the sore spot, ointment, remove the medicinal tampon from the hole, etc. There is plenty of imagination for this. But it’s much more difficult to treat complications after removal. Of course, there are times when the patient did everything according to the doctor’s instructions, but a problem still arose.

Why do complications occur?

Active inflammation in the tissues of the tooth at the time of its removal can cause complications.
  • At the time of removal, the tooth was very painful, active inflammation developed,
  • there was a cyst or granuloma on the root of the extracted tooth, which had to be scraped out of the bone,
  • during extraction, the tooth split into many parts, each of which the doctor removed separately,
  • poor oral hygiene, abundant microbes, stones,
  • at the time of removal there was a chronic disease of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, sinuses (rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.),
  • an acute phase of periodontal disease was observed,
  • there was a failure by the doctor to comply with the technique of tooth extraction and wound treatment,
  • was chronic diseases teeth located next to the removed one (pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontitis).

The unpleasant consequences of molar tooth extraction are not long in coming. As a rule, the first signs appear already the same day, towards evening.

What could it be?

The tooth hurts after extraction, or rather, the empty hole after it

This consequence is quite natural. Pain also occurs after the usual drawing of blood from a finger, and the procedure for removing an entire tooth is practically an operation. Therefore, pain always occurs, but its degree and nature may differ. On the first day, the bone and socket hurt when touched, when food gets in, or when touched with a toothbrush. This is a completely normal reaction, since the wound surface is still sensitive to any physical and mechanical irritants. In such cases, you need to follow a gentle diet and take an anesthetic drug (Nise, Ketanov, Pentalgin). If the pain intensifies at night, acquiring the character of a pulsation, shooting, twitching pain appears, and the pills help only for 2-3 hours, you need to consult a doctor. Suppuration and increased inflammation give the pain such characteristics.

Swelling appeared after tooth extraction

The procedure for getting rid of a tooth is a trauma to the bone. The body’s reaction is such that in response to injury to blood vessels, soft and hard tissues, the development of edema is quite possible. Especially if at the time of removal the tooth hurt, there was inflammation of the surrounding tissues, and pus. In the first day, swelling may even intensify. To treat it, desensitizing agents (Suprastin, Tavegil) are used, taking 1 tablet at night. Such drugs help relieve tissue swelling. If the swelling does not go away within two days, the bone hurts, the skin over the swollen area turns red and appears, it is better to consult a dentist.

Increase in body temperature after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a traumatic and stressful procedure for the body. After it, children often develop an increase in body temperature. As a rule, on the first day in the evening, a slight change in body temperature is acceptable. You don’t have to take antipyretics and go to bed. If the temperature remains high the next day, inflammation may develop more than deep areas, so it is better to consult a doctor immediately. Sometimes tooth extraction provokes an exacerbation of sluggish viral disease, but carry out differential diagnosis and only a doctor can decide on treatment.

The appearance of bad breath

Alveolitis that develops at the site of an extracted tooth can lead to bad breath.

As a rule, after removal the empty hole is filled blood clot, which gives rise to newly formed tissues. The mistake many patients make is that they begin to thoroughly rinse their mouth after the procedure and wash away this clot. Plaque and food debris get into the socket and inflammation develops - alveolitis, or “dry socket”. A complication manifests itself in the form of pain at the site of the operation and the appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth, body temperature may rise. In this case, there is no need to continue rinsing, but you should consult a doctor. He will wash the hole antiseptic solution, will leave a self-absorbing sponge with medicine in it. By the way, the appearance of an odor may also be due to the fact that a tampon with medicinal substance. The doctor is obliged to warn the patient about this. Some drugs must be removed after a few days and only a dentist can do this. As an antiseptic treatment after tooth extraction, oral baths with chamomile decoction and soda solution are recommended, when the liquid is taken into the mouth and simply kept on the sore side, without rinsing or moving the cheeks. After 10–15 seconds it is spat out. With this method, the blood clot will not be washed out.

Complications after tooth extraction can be prevented if you consult a doctor in time. How more inflammation tooth or bone, the greater the risk for the development of any unpleasant consequences. It is best to remove a tooth as planned when it is destroyed or pain occurs periodically, without waiting for development severe swelling, persistent pain, inability to open your mouth, or increased body temperature. In case of difficult removal, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics or other antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents.

Many people have had to deal with tooth extraction and this procedure. This term refers to painless removal roots or an entire tooth with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues so that the wound heals without complications after removal.

Whenever any surgery occurs, the first thing we want is for it to heal smoothly and quickly. Most dental surgeons have general standard recommendations after tooth extraction surgery and give them to their patients. Therefore, you should always follow and comply with these recommendations to avoid complications in postoperative period, eliminate the possibility of infection. When these instructions are not followed, tooth extraction can be disastrous and delay tissue healing.

After the doctor has removed a tooth, he must give recommendations on what can and cannot be done during the first 24 hours after removal and Additional information for the following days.

These instructions mainly concern:

Bleeding control;

Protection of the formed blood clot;

How to minimize swelling and pain;

How to brush your teeth;

What you can eat and drink.

Additionally, he may prescribe painkillers or antibiotics, what to do if there is numbness at the site of tooth extraction.

But patients often have other questions:

You can and after how long you can engage in sports and physical exercise;

Is it possible to drink alcohol?

Is it possible to smoke;

How long will it take for bleeding and pain to go away?

Is it possible to rinse the mouth;

What to do if the temperature rises.

What you can and cannot do on the first day

The first 24 hours after tooth extraction are very important. They will lay the foundation for rapid healing. After removal you need to know 4 things:

No smoking;

Bite the tampon for an hour;

Do not drink even through a straw;

Try to get some rest after the tooth extraction. You may feel great, but don't do anything or be too active for the first 24 hours. When you rest, keep your head slightly vertical position. Avoid sudden movements which may cause slight dizziness.

How long does it take to bleed after tooth extraction?

Immediately after tooth extraction, there will be some bleeding from the wound. The doctor should place a cotton swab into the resulting hollow. Try to squeeze it between your teeth and hold it for at least 45-60 minutes. This procedure is important factor to stop bleeding more quickly. It is advisable not to change or chew this tampon during this time.

If bleeding continues after this period, you can use wet tea bags. Tea contains tannins, which improve blood clotting. In addition, tannin promotes the formation of a clot in the hollow. Typically, bleeding stops within an hour. If it continues to persist, it is better to consult a doctor.

Important. Avoid strenuous work or doing anything physical exercise, bending, lifting weights. On the first day, the most important thing is rest and quiet time.

In some cases, the dentist may feel that stopping the bleeding may be a problem, so he or she may put some kind of hemostatic agent into the wound. This is necessary for the formation of a clot in the hollow and which promotes normal healing, since this clot is gradually replaced by granulation tissue. This whole process takes about a week. But it’s the first day they play important role that it will pass normally and without complications.

As a way to protect the clot that has formed, during the first 24 hours after tooth extraction, you should:

Avoid vigorous rinsing and spitting, which may dislodge the clot;

Do not touch the wound with your fingers or tongue;

Do not consume hot foods and drinks;

Minimize the pressure difference between your mouth and outside, or simply, don't smoke or blow through your mouth. If you need to sneeze, sneeze with open mouth. If you play labial musical instrument, ask your doctor when it is possible to resume activities.

Is it possible to smoke after tooth extraction?

People who smoke tend to experience more high level complications with healing. This means that you need to stop smoking on the first day, and if possible within two days.

How soon can you eat after tooth extraction?

Nutrition is important to maintain good health. And not only. Proper nutrition, i.e. necessary nutrients, are needed for the healing of damaged tissues and accelerate healing. Therefore, you need to eat.

On the first day, try to eat so that food does not fall on the area where the tooth was removed. Chew food on the other side. This will help minimize food particles getting into the wound.

During this period, it is better to eat soft (or preferably liquid) food, not hot.

As for how long after you can eat, it’s better after the anesthesia wears off. Trying to bite while your lips and cheeks are still numb can result in biting your tongue, lips, or injury.

You can return to normal eating a few days after surgery. If several teeth are removed at once, you may need to wait about a week.

While the wound is healing, you should eat cool, soft foods. Avoid hard, fried, crunchy ones. You can’t eat very spicy or spicy foods.

You should also avoid taking alcoholic drinks, including beer, drinks consumed through a straw.

Soft foods are less likely to injure the area where the tooth was removed.

Hot foods and drinks may help dissolve or remove the clot. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to use them in the first 24 hours.

What can you eat? It can be cereals, puddings, yogurt, jelly, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs or omelet, warm soup, cool or warm drinks.

Don't forget to comply drinking regime. You need to drink at least 6-8 glasses clean water in a day.

How long will it take for the numbness to go away?

The anesthesia will remain in effect for some time after the tooth is removed. In addition to the immediate area on the gum where the operation was performed, it can affect the cheek, lips, and tongue.

How long it will take depends on the pain reliever. It is this that is the determining factor. There are medications whose effect wears off within 2.5 hours. And there are medications that can last for 3 hours or more.

As the anesthesia wears off, the numbing effect will weaken and gradually go away.

Oral care after tooth extraction

Maintaining oral hygiene is also important for successful healing of the wound socket and should be maintained from the first day after the tooth is pulled out.

On the first day after the tooth has been pulled out, it is better to avoid brushing the teeth that are located next to the extracted one. Where this area is far away, you need to brush your teeth.

During the first day, you need to take baths (not rinses) with saline solution or with medications recommended by the doctor. You can make your own saline solution by dissolving 0.25 teaspoon of regular table salt in a glass of warm water.

There is no need to bathe or rinse with mouthwashes. They can irritate damaged gum mucosa.

What to do on the second and subsequent days after tooth extraction

In principle, these tips are standard for almost all patients. They may differ and depend only on the specific case. So, for example, if there was a difficult tooth extraction, stitches were applied and so on.

In most cases, basic care in the following days is as follows:

Do not injure the wound;

Maintaining oral hygiene;

If necessary, remove sutures at the appropriate time.

Additional actions will be required if complications occur, which may include:

Prolonged bleeding;

The appearance of a tumor;

The appearance of a bump or bruise;

The pain does not stop;

Dry hollow (no clot);

Remaining bone tissue of the tooth;

Temperature increase

and other complications.

It is important to remember that the newly formed tissues are quite loose and contain a lot of fragile blood vessels which are easily damaged and may bleed. Sutures, dressings, or fabric appliqués may also be damaged if they have been placed.

When eating food for the first days, it is better to chew in the opposite side of the mouth. It is also better to eat soft foods on the second and several subsequent days so as not to accidentally injure damaged tissues.

When brushing your teeth, do not put too much pressure on your gums and teeth, and use dental floss carefully. If you apply too much pressure, your gums may bleed.

In case of any discharge, it is better to avoid brushing for the first 3 days. Most often this happens when applying bandages or applications.

As tissue forms and heals, all these unpleasant symptoms will pass.

After the first day, for faster healing, you can begin to rinse your mouth after meals and before bed, on average 4 to 5 times a day. Until a clot has formed, this must be done carefully.

You can rinse your mouth saline solution. On the second day and beyond, you can add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water.

You can rinse with saline solution, but not with mouthwash. The advantages of saline solution are that it is isotonic, i.e. it contains as much salt as biological fluid body, for example, in blood plasma. Therefore, such a solution little irritates the wound and does not harm the formation of new tissue.

Rinsing allows you to gently clean the wound of necrotic tissue that peels off during healing, remove and suppress the development of microorganisms, as well as pieces of food that can get into the wound.

As healing progresses, the need for rinsing decreases. Typically, this needs to be done over several days.

In some cases, rinsing alone will not be enough, and the wound will need to be washed. It is recommended to do rinsing a few days after tooth extraction.

For this, a special syringe with a curved blunt end is used. Rinsing is also done with a saline solution, which is prepared from 1/2 teaspoon of salt and a glass of warm boiled water.

The tip of the syringe is placed over the hole and the solution is slowly injected.

When are the stitches removed?

After tooth extraction, the dentist may apply sutures according to appropriate indications. Some may be absorbable, others will need to be removed through certain time. The doctor must tell you when such sutures need to be removed. They are usually removed after 7-10 days. The removal process is simple and painless.

After tooth extraction there is bleeding, what should I do?

Immediately after the tooth is pulled out, blood will bleed from the socket. Bleeding may continue for several hours. But gradually it should decrease. Minor discharge blood may appear after 24 hours. They can mix with saliva and give the impression heavy bleeding. As a rule, such discharge is bright red.

But if there is a lot of bleeding from the wound after a day, and it is dark, you need to consult a doctor.

Swelling appeared after removal

Trauma sustained during tooth extraction surgery can cause swelling and swelling. Usually it lasts for a day or two and then subsides.

A bruise appeared after tooth extraction

Some people may experience bruising in the area of ​​the mouth or cheeks adjacent to the extraction site. This is caused by blood leaking from the wound area into the surrounding tissue. The bruise may not appear immediately, but after 2-3 days. It may go away over the next 2-3 weeks.

Pain after tooth extraction

It is not uncommon for pain in the gums to occur after such an operation, which can radiate to the cheek, ear, etc. It can be felt for a day or more. But usually after 3 days it should subside. If the pain continues, you should consult a doctor.

Continued pain may be caused by:

Postoperative infection;

Absence of a clot in the socket;

Remaining bone tissue of the tooth;

A foreign body in the wound;

Jaw fracture;

Sinus problems;

Pain from neighboring teeth;

Muscle spasms.

Of course, the doctor cannot leave a large piece of the tooth, but in a difficult case, small fragments may remain in the wound, which, as the wound heals, rise up and can be felt.

Muscle spasms and jaw pain can be caused by:

Fatigue associated with prolonged opening of the mouth;

Exacerbation of a pre-existing jaw problem;

Irritation associated with local anesthetic injection.

You can reduce the pain by applying a warm compress to the area. Just wrap the bottle with hot water damp towel and apply for 20 minutes. Such warm compresses can be done several times a day.

You can take ibuprofen as a pain reliever. Your doctor should tell you how and how much to take it. But in any case, no more than 4 times at equal intervals.

You can do light exercises to restore jaw mobility: open and close your mouth slowly, do light exercises lateral movements. It is enough to perform them for 5 minutes 3-4 times during the day.

All the recommendations given above are general ones that all patients should know and follow. Not ordinary complex cases and all possible complications with them, treatment should be observed and prescribed by the treating dentist. IN normal situation in 5-10 days the hole should heal, and you will forget about several unpleasant days in your life.

What you can and cannot do immediately after tooth extraction, recommendations in the video

Tooth extraction is sometimes easy necessary operation to eliminate pain and discomfort in the mouth due to the causative tooth. A rotting and decaying tooth is often the cause and problem that needs to be addressed as quickly as possible to prevent further impact on the nerve that lies underneath. Constant toothaches and toothaches can provoke a patient to extract a damaged tooth without thinking about the consequences. Remember that pain in a tooth is not always a 100% indication for its removal; you may have a problem that can be cured with therapeutic methods. If you are considering going in for a tooth extraction in the near future, then please continue reading to learn more about post extraction recommendations to keep in mind while going through the healing process.

The rehabilitation period for a dental patient is very important. It is necessary to understand that by observing simple recommendations you will prevent the development of possible complications with proper oral care. Now let's move on to the tips:

  • Immediately after tooth extraction, the dental surgeon must Place a gauze pad on the tooth socket. The tampon should press on the hole and cover it completely! This is done to stop bleeding. This refers to capillary bleeding, which is inevitable, because surgery is a soft tissue injury. If the bleeding does not stop, the dentist cannot force you to leave the office! Change the gauze swab only with sterile material and only if necessary! If you change the material frequently, stopping bleeding will not be effective! Gauze soaked in blood is not an indicator of changing the gauze pad! If the bleeding does not stop, hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) can be used to speed up the stopping process. Apply it to sterile material and place it on the socket of the extracted tooth.

Hydrogen peroxide is a hemostatic drug after tooth extraction

During contact of hydrogen peroxide and blood, mechanisms are triggered that contribute to the formation of a blood clot. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) breaks down into water and oxygen. Foaming is the release of oxygen, which interacts with blood plasma proteins, namely with prothrombin (the precursor of thrombin), which stimulates the rapid transition of the colorless fibrinogen protein into high molecular weight fibrin. It is unacceptable to treat bleeding of a large vessel with hydrogen peroxide!

In some cases, bleeding may stop.

  • You can eat no earlier than 2 hours after tooth extraction. Maintain a bland diet with high content protein for 2-3 days after surgery. Wait until the effects wear off before eating anything solid. Avoid too hot, cold, salty and spicy foods. It is necessary to stay away from extreme temperatures in the mouth. Eating food and drinks that are too hot or too cold can cause sensitivity in the affected area. Avoid crunchy foods: nuts, chips, pretzels, etc. - they can get stuck in the hole and will be very difficult to get out later.
  • You should use room temperature water for baths that will maintain. Exactly baths, but not rinses! Just put it in your mouth warm water and spit, you don’t need to do any more actions!
  • Avoid forceful spitting! For the act of spitting, you always first need to collect the saliva that is in the oral cavity. These actions cannot be done without muscle tension and movements of the mucous membrane. You can "spit out" the clot and start bleeding again. It is recommended to carefully collect saliva on the tongue and wipe it with a napkin.
  • within 48 hours! When you smoke, chemicals from the smoke enter your saliva and dissolve the blood clot. Chronic smoking causes bone irritation and can lead to dry socket, which is very painful! If you've ever had a dry socket, you'll do everything you can to avoid it happening again.
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Avoid drinking through a straw for the next 5-7 days.
  • The first day you can not, but limit yourself to baths. From the second day, you need to start brushing your teeth with extreme caution, because the oral cavity will be incredibly sensitive to various irritants. There is no need to injure the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the extracted tooth with a toothbrush!

In the first 3 days after tooth extraction, physical activity is strictly contraindicated! Immediately after tooth extraction, the hole is normally filled with a blood clot, which serves as protection against the penetration of infections and food. Exercise stress certainly leads to an increase blood pressure(BP) blood, which can lead to resumption of bleeding and removal of the clot. The hole becomes without external protection and will be a window for a variety of infections.

Find out what sports you can do after tooth extraction

As you probably already understood, sport after tooth extraction prohibited, but not always and not for everyone! Only active sports that require rapid movement in space are prohibited:

  • football
  • volleyball
  • basketball, etc.

Sports after the removal of a wisdom tooth or other teeth are allowed for athletes who engage in more intellectual sports:

  • checkers
  • chess
  • poker, etc.

If you lead a busy lifestyle, then now is the time to take a break from your stressful work or give up your activities. Excessive stress should be avoided. Keep your workload to a minimum until you visit your dentist and receive new recommendations.

After tooth extraction, recovery will take some time. Within 3-14 days, the seams should dissolve on their own. Suture materials that do not resolve must be removed at the next appointment, the dental surgeon will inform you about this.

Medicines after tooth extraction: antibiotics, vitamins

After tooth extraction surgery, complications can sometimes arise that can be eliminated by modern pharmacology. Thanks to various groups drugs can not only eliminate the infection, but also strengthen the immune system. Most often, dental surgeons play it safe and prescribe antibacterial drugs, and to strengthen the immune system - vitamins. If at the time of the operation, the doctor understands that the removal is complicated and more tissue needs to be injured, then he will most likely prescribe a number of medications! This must be treated with understanding, because different people There may be different anatomy of the jaws and teeth, which can cause certain difficulties at the time of intervention. If you are going for an atypical tooth extraction, then rest assured that you will have to take antibiotics!

Antibiotics after tooth extraction

Dentists quite often prescribe antibacterial drugs in their practice. It is worth noting that not every patient needs it after tooth extraction. This needs to be done only in certain cases:

  • inflammatory process of the gums (gingivitis, stomatitis)
  • elderly patient
  • complex operation with significant soft tissue trauma
  • presence of diseases circulatory system and weakened immunity against their background

This is far from full list indications and each point must have dozens of sub-points. Practicing dentists can determine who exactly needs to be prescribed antibacterial drugs after tooth extraction. The dosage and course of administration will be indicated to you by your doctor; you must strictly adhere to all recommendations! Most often, a course of antibiotics lasts 5-7 days, in in rare cases 10-14 days. It is impossible to indicate the average dosage, since each medicine has its own characteristics. It is not recommended to take antibacterial drugs on your own, without consulting a doctor.

Most often, dentists prescribe the following antibacterial drugs:

  • Amoxiclav or Augmentin
  • Lincomycin
  • Ceftriaxone

For elimination side effects and maintaining normal microflora, a dental surgeon can prescribe Linex, Bifiform or any Yogurt. All drugs belong to the probiotics group.

Vitamins after tooth extraction

  • Vitamin C 1000 mg: Take twice daily (preferably breakfast and dinner). The vitamin can increase the body’s resistance to various infections and reduces vascular permeability.
  • Zinc gluconate 50 mg: take twice daily (preferably breakfast and dinner) - helps fast healing wounds and tissue repair.
  • Arnica - homeopathic remedy, which can remove swelling and bruising. Must be taken once daily.
  • Vitamin K2: Helps heal bone tissue through calcium transport: 1 tablet daily

Painkillers after tooth extraction

After the local anesthesia wears off, symptoms will most likely appear. painful sensations. To eliminate pain, you need to turn to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can help eliminate all symptoms.

  • , - you can take 500-800 milligrams 3-4 times a day
  • Ketorolac (aka: Ketorol, Ketalgin, Dolak, Toradol) is a strong pain reliever that can be used 3-4 times a day, 2 tablets. This drug belongs to the vital and most important medicines on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is strictly not recommended to take acetylsalicylic acid(), since it has the properties of preventing platelets from “sticking together”, which means this can affect the blood clot that should form in the socket of the extracted tooth.

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