Charcot's shower: therapeutic water procedures. Charcot shower: how often to visit for results?

Charcot's shower is a healing water procedure. A stream of water directed at a specific area of ​​the body creates a massage effect. With the help of strong water pressure with changing temperatures, you will get rid of skin diseases, stress and obesity.

Types of Charcot's shower

Charcot's shower is used in several ways.


In the 21st century, women are more often interested in treatment with water pressure. The procedure is popular due to its fat burning properties.

IN postpartum period Charcot's shower eliminates the remaining fat deposits in the abdominal area, corrects the figure and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

If you are overweight, the procedure is no less effective. By stimulating cell function, metabolism accelerates. Water pressure accelerates metabolism.

Charcot's shower revitalizes the body's cells. The skin is renewed and cleansed of toxins.


Charcot's shower is used to strengthen the immune system. It is suitable for those who are actively involved in sports. Hardening with a contrast shower with strong pressure activates the body’s protective functions and starts work lymphatic system.

For athletes, Charcot's shower is useful for relaxing muscles and preventing injuries during heavy physical activity.

Charcot's shower prevents exacerbation chronic diseases and carries out prevention of ARVI. The procedure is especially useful in the autumn-winter period.


Medicinal properties Charcot's souls are valued for their effect on discomfort in the neck and spine, joint pain and headaches caused by lack of oxygen, fatigue, depression and poor circulation.

Indications for Charcot's shower

  • excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • stagnation of blood and lymph;
  • frequent colds;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the joints and spine - arthritis, arthrosis, gout, pinching;
  • neurotic and depressive states;
  • frequent headaches, apathy, fatigue;
  • muscle tension and spasms;
  • skin diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • frequent allergic manifestations.

How does the procedure work?

Charcot's shower is also called hydrotherapy. The procedure involves alternately supplying water with different pressure power and temperature. Fluctuations range from 20 to 45 degrees Celsius. This technique promotes alternate dilation and constriction of blood vessels.

General requirements for the patient are a swimming suit, flip-flops and a swimming cap.

  1. The patient goes into a specialized room and stands at a distance of three meters from the specialist.
  2. The specialist begins the hydromassage session with a light spray of water. Directs pressure from top to bottom.
  3. First, the patient turns his back, then turns around to face the specialist. Then vice versa.
  4. Water pressure is supplied from feet to top part body - muscles of the arms, back and sides.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the patient turns his face for a circular massage in the abdominal area. With each session, the water pressure increases and the temperature decreases.

How many procedures need to be done

The traditional Charcot course is about 2-3 weeks of daily visits. IN classic version Frequency of visits to Charcot's shower - 1 course per six months.

For women involved in fitness and wanting to get rid of cellulite and sagging skin, 2 procedures per week are enough.

The duration of the procedure according to the Charcot system is from 1 to 5 minutes. The time period is selected individually, depending on the patient’s condition.

Charcot shower contraindications

  • bladder stones;
  • oncology;
  • temperature 37 and above;
  • pregnancy and lactation – water pressure can harm the fetus;
  • varicose veins - Charcot's douche involves alternating narrowing and dilation of blood vessels, increasing blood flow in the body. Such manipulations can harm the patient’s condition;
  • thrombosis - the pressure of water at the beginning of the procedure in healthy patients leaves bruises. There is a risk of blood clot rupture;
  • critical days, inflammation of female diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart disease – stroke, heart failure;
  • skin diseases, injuries and wounds on the skin.

The procedure is effective for those who want to lose overweight and also correct shortcomings. Shock wave water can remove excess fluid from the body and start fat burning processes by accelerating blood circulation.

Charcot's shower is valued by women for eliminating cellulite, sagging and hypotonicity of muscles. After two months of the procedure, the result will appear. The skin will become smooth, elastic and toned. The overall tone of the body will increase and return wellness and the patient will feel a surge of strength.

For a visible effect, you must take at least 1 course.

Benefits of Charcot's shower

The benefits of the procedure have been known since the 19th century. Founder J.M. Charcot, a practicing scientist in the field of neurology, discovered the benefits of hydrotherapy in the treatment of mental disorders. Charcot used the technique of supplying alternately warm and cold water jets to restore the human central nervous system.

Today, Charcot's shower is used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology.

Relieves chronic fatigue, stress and depression

During the hydromassage process, positive changes occur in the functioning of the central nervous system. By starting blood flow, brain cells are filled with oxygen. During treatment, the patient stops complaining of insomnia, headaches, obsessive states, fatigue and weakness. Overfatigue and muscle tension disappear.

In the presence of sluggish depression and chronic vegetative-vascular dystonia, Charcot's douche increases the tone of the body, improves well-being, treats headaches, and adds vigor and strength.

Restores blood flow and lymph circulation

Proper functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems is necessary to supply organs and cells with oxygen. Stagnation in systems often leads to the appearance of chronic diseases and cancer.

The healing power of water has been known to people since ancient times. It is not necessary to go to healing mineral springs. You can improve your health and maintain beauty with the help of water in your city. Find out if they provide medical institutions such a service as Charcot's shower. Indications and contraindications for similar procedure making it accessible to almost everyone. What is Charcot's shower, and what are its benefits?

History of the procedure

The famous Charcot shower is the name of the procedure of hydromassage from a hose with a strong water jet. The “shock” effect of water has a multifaceted effect beneficial influence on different systems body. Today the procedure is offered at spa treatment, and in beauty salons.

It’s hard to imagine that it came into use more than one and a half hundred years ago. The invention was invented by the Frenchman Jean-Martin Charcot back in the 19th century, but the inventor was not a cosmetologist! He worked as a psychiatrist and water therapy invented for the treatment of mentally ill patients. It was assumed that this method would have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of his charges and cope with hysteria.

Over time, the shower began to be used for other purposes:

  • to get rid of obesity;
  • in the fight against cellulite;
  • as a method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • for gout;
  • in order to strengthen the immune system.

Today, such hydromassage is very popular, and the demand for it in medical and cosmetology institutions is increasing.

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The effectiveness of Charcot's shower

What is special about the procedure? Water-jet massage is carried out depending on medical indications for about 10 minutes. Water jets come from two hoses. Water is used at a temperature that is comfortable for the patient, sometimes at a contrasting temperature, and ideally at a low temperature. The higher the jet pressure, the more effective the procedure. On average, a power of 2-3 atmospheres is used, and the patient should not experience painful sensations. All areas of the body are massaged in turn: limbs, back, stomach, sides, etc.

Charcot's shower combines amazing healing properties water and a massage effect, due to which the patient’s condition quickly improves. Muscles and joints stop hurting and melt right before your eyes body fat and smoothes out Orange peel cellulite. The procedure is especially good for women after childbirth - stretched skin on the abdomen quickly recovers, the figure approaches the parameters it had before pregnancy.

Charcot's technique promotes the activation of blood circulation, alternately narrowing and dilating blood vessels. Lymph flow is normalized, waste and toxins are removed. After the water procedure, the skin becomes elastic and smooth, and acquires a healthy color.

In addition, therapeutic massage helps relieve nervous tension, highly recommended for stress and depression.

Sharko's shower: indications and contraindications

Who can

The main indications for Charcot hydromassage are:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints;
  • tendency to depression, neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • weakened immune system;
  • circulatory disorders and related diseases;
  • poor metabolism;
  • obesity and cellulite.

Who can have Charcot's shower? Everyone - both women and men, unless there are medical contraindications.

Who is not allowed, what are the restrictions?

Water is useful, but not every hydrotherapy is suitable for absolutely everyone. So, Charcot's douche is contraindicated for people with:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • skin diseases;
  • some gynecological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • dystrophy.

Such hydromassage is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as on menstruation days. If a woman has gone through C-section Until the stitch heals completely, Charcot's shower is prohibited for her. Any discomfort - dizziness, nausea, elevated temperature body – a reason to postpone the procedure.

If your skin is overly sensitive, you should prepare for the fact that bruising on the skin may well remain. Often, such troubles happen if the procedure is led by an inexperienced specialist.

Charcot shower technique, number of procedures, average prices

The course of treatment is about 20 procedures. However, depending on the indications, the course is selected individually. The first preparatory procedure takes a minimum of time - about a minute. Gradually the time increases. Both the temperature contrast of the water jets and their intensity (pressure) increase.

How is hydromassage performed? A special room or shower stall is provided for this purpose. The place where the patient is located is equipped with handrails for convenience. You can hold on to them so as not to lose your balance.

  1. The specialist who conducts the hydrotherapy session is located in his place where the water supply remote control is installed. It is located several meters away (from three) where the patient is located.
  2. The person undergoing the procedure stands with his back to the console. Water is supplied at first at a comfortable temperature and medium pressure. The fan distribution of water is directed from top to bottom - this allows the patient to get used to the temperature of the water and relax.
  3. Then the water pressure increases, the temperature gradually changes, and becomes more contrasting. After treating the back of the body, the front is treated, then the sides. Avoid getting the spray on your face and head.

What to take with you when going for the procedure? You will need:

  • swimsuit;
  • rubber slippers;
  • towel;
  • shower cap (if necessary).

Usually, additional care the skin does not need it after a shower. Moisturizing cream or anti-cellulite lotion, in principle, will not hurt.

Do not forget that undergoing the procedure full stomach It is impossible, however, as well as on a completely empty one. Ideally, eat 1.5-2 hours before the session. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid drinking alcohol!

Prices for the service vary significantly and can range from 100 rubles to several thousand per visit. One session is definitely not enough; a therapeutic course is required. It will cost the most to undergo it in a beauty salon, while it will cost the least in clinics. You can save money by purchasing a subscription - this service is also provided almost everywhere.

Combination with other procedures

How to enhance the effect of a shower? Depending on the indications, hydrotherapy can be combined:

Treatment regimen and combination various procedures should be selected by the attending physician if we are talking about therapeutic, rather than cosmetic, therapy.

Charcot's shower for weight loss and cellulite, reviews

Excess weight is the most common problem among women, which they try to solve with the help of this procedure. Many beauty salons specializing in water treatments offer the “Charcot Shower for Weight Loss” service. Reviews and results indicate that the effect is noticeable after just a few sessions.

However, the most obvious melting of kilograms will be if hydro procedures are combined with physical exercise and diet. Which diet should you choose? There are many options. If you need quick results, you should take a low-carb diet fractional meals or protein diet. If time is of the essence, but you want to get long-lasting results so that the weight does not return, you just need to switch to proper nutrition.

Is Charcot's shower possible at home?

It is not possible to visit a specialized institution to undergo a course of Charcot hydrotherapy? It is possible to create something like a shower at home. It is worth realizing that the effect of home procedures will be much lower; as a rule, neither the dimensions of the bathroom nor the quality of equipment installation will correspond to specialized ones. However, the health benefits of home sessions will still be noticeable.

What to do? You will need to buy a Charcot shower head. With its help you can create the necessary water pressure. A good massage effect will be visible after one or two sessions.

Be sure to study all contraindications before installing a home hydromassage in your own bathroom.

Charcot shower: reviews, opinions of patients and doctors

What do doctors think about the effectiveness of Charcot's shower? Most of them recognize the benefits of these procedures, but warn: such hydromassage is a more therapeutic procedure than a cosmetic one. Taking into account contraindications is necessary, so a specialist should prescribe a hydrotherapy session.

Cosmetologists assure: healing power Such water effects are not as obvious as cosmetic effects. Water is designed to work for the benefit of beauty, which is why Charcot's shower is an ideal weapon against cellulite and extra pounds.

Patients note that hydromassage is equally good both as a therapeutic and as a cosmetic procedure. Already the first session makes it clear that the procedure has an effect: people note a pleasant lightness in the body. However, when hypersensitivity skin, the procedure leaves unpleasant consequences on the skin - redness and hematomas. As a rule, these defects quickly disappear, and with systematic visits to the hydromassage room, addiction soon develops, and these microtraumas cease to bother you.

Do you want to get rid of back and joint pain? Or maybe tone yourself, tighten your stomach and reduce the size of your hips? Then it will come to the rescue Charcot's shower, indications and contraindications which must be taken into account. In addition to the therapeutic and cosmetic effect this procedure has a hardening effect, increases the body's defenses, which is so important in anticipation of the rampant viruses and acute respiratory infections.

Watch Charcot's shower, indications and contraindications, video:

Charcot's shower is a massage option that uses a stream of water. Nowadays the Charcot shower procedure, which in the past was very popular remedy, is more interested in those who want to make their figure beautiful and slim. Women after childbirth are often interested in such a shower and want to bring their body to the desired shape.

Medicinal properties

Such a shower activates the work of both the circulatory and lymphatic systems. The result will be improved metabolic processes, as well as improved nutrition of skin cells. That’s why Charcot’s douche is very popular both for the treatment and prevention of cellulite. The body is massaged with water, the temperature and pressure of which vary. The effect of contrasting exposure to water has long been known. It improves skin tone and helps cope with excess fat tissue. And in the Charcot shower procedure, this water effect is complemented by the strong massaging effect of a water jet. And it is not surprising that the result of the procedure is simply stunning.

This type of shower is recommended for people who have sedentary work. It helps relieve tension in the spine and back muscles, activate blood circulation, and eliminate headaches that appear due to lack of oxygen and overwork.

Professional athletes take such a shower after training to better relax their muscles. If you just go to a fitness club, you can also take a Charcot shower after class. Two or three procedures a week, and you will not only improve your well-being, but also increase your performance.

The procedure improves the condition of the skin, adding firmness and elasticity to it. Cosmetologists often recommend this type of shower for the purpose of losing weight, as well as for correcting the appearance of cellulite. The contrasting version of this shower best copes with these tasks.

How the procedure works

The classic procedure for such a shower looks like this: the patient stands against the wall and grabs the handrails with his hands, and the health worker, directing a stream of water at him, massages different parts of the body. Now in SPA complexes the procedure has been slightly modernized, but the essence remains the same. Nowadays, Charcot's shower is also offered in hydrotherapy rooms, beauty salons, health centers, and sanatoriums.

As a preventative procedure, this shower can be carried out in a salon, but for treatment it is better to go to a place that understands hydrotherapy, since they can accurately determine what intensity and duration of a Charcot shower should be for a particular person.

Even if such a shower will serve cosmetic procedure, before the first session you should visit a doctor to determine if there are any contraindications for you.

The temperature of the water with which Charcot's shower is performed can range from +20 to +40 degrees, although the range can be greater. The directed jet affects a limited area, being released from a distance of about 3 meters. The body is sprayed with a fan stream, after which the water is directed to a specific area - the stomach, arms, buttocks, legs and others. As water pressure increases, the temperature decreases. Since the skin is affected by both water pressure and temperature differences, the procedure causes redness.

The first Charcot shower procedures do not last long. At first, 1 minute of such a shower is enough, but over time the duration increases to 5 minutes or longer. Charcot's shower is usually prescribed in courses of 10 procedures. Most often, the course includes 15-20 sessions.

If the shower is carried out to combat cellulite, then sign up for 1 procedure, and if everything is fine, then do the entire course. It is recommended to take a break of six months between Charcot shower courses.

The procedure must be carried out by a specialist to monitor the patient’s condition and the correctness of the procedure. Modern Charcot shower installations allow you to exhibit required parameters early.

Watch the video to see how the procedure usually goes.


Charcot's shower is successfully used to solve many problems. Let's look at the main ones.

Nervous system

Very often, Charcot's shower is prescribed for problems with the functioning of the nervous system. This procedure helps to cope with neuroses, chronic fatigue, obsessive states, depression, neurasthenia and other pathologies. At first glance, it seems that the shower has high pressure and nervous disorders are not connected in any way, but with the targeted impact of a stream of water on the skin nervous system toned. However, this also means that in diseases where the nervous system is excited, for example, with progressive psychosis, Charcot's douche is contraindicated.

Hardening, musculoskeletal problems

IN in this case Charcot's shower should only be prescribed by a doctor, because with certain injuries, water pressure will only worsen the condition.

The procedure is indicated for muscle atrophy, arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis. And of course, it’s better not to wait for them to appear, but to use a shower as a preventative measure.

Getting rid of cellulite and obesity

Charcot's shower can be prescribed as one of the factors of complex treatment for cellulite and obesity.

The duration of treatment of the body with a stream of water and the temperature should be prescribed by a doctor, because for the right choice You need to take into account both the state of the body and the amount of excess weight.

When a stream of water impacts the body, metabolic processes, as well as lymph and blood flow are activated. As a result of the impact of such a shower, tissue swelling decreases, toxins are removed from the body and excess liquid, and fat deposits are “broken down”. The procedure also stimulates cell regeneration, which promotes rejuvenation.

general information

Sharko's shower got its name from the famous French psychiatrist Jean Martin Charcot, who became the founder this method.


Indications for Charcot's shower include:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • minor cardiovascular disorders;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • obesity;
  • rehabilitation period;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for the Charcot shower procedure

  • dermatological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • weak blood vessels;
  • varicose veins;
  • severe cardiovascular pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;

Technique for performing Charcot's shower procedure

At the same time, the body is exposed to two jets of water, gradually reducing its temperature from 40 to 20 degrees.

  • Charcot's douche procedure involves specific treatment of the patient's skin with fairly powerful water jets.
  • The distance from the patient to the shower chair during the Charcot shower procedure is from 3 to 5 meters. The stream of water directed at the patient’s body can be either fan-shaped or compact. The water temperature during a Charcot shower ranges from 32 to 40 degrees.
  • simultaneously the body is exposed to two jets of water, gradually reducing its temperature from 40 to 20 degrees;
  • the jet in the form of a fan is directed at the person from behind, and then from the front, in the direction from head to toe;
  • after this, the doctor works on the back with a direct stream of water, starting from the legs, after which the stream is transferred to the back, arms, and shoulders;
  • the patient turns to face the shower, the legs and abdominal area are worked on;
  • The session ends with rinsing with a fan jet of Charcot's shower.

The distance from the patient to the shower chair during the Charcot shower procedure is from 3 to 5 meters.

The course of Charcot's shower procedures averages 15-20 sessions.

After the procedure, Charcot's shower

The Charcot shower procedure takes 15 minutes. During these 15 minutes, the body receives quite tangible benefits: well-being, blood circulation, condition improves. skin, and immune system, and metabolism at the cellular level becomes more intense.

In addition, Charcot's shower has a positive effect on weight normalization, helps eliminate cellulite, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Proven positive influence Charcot's soul for cellulite, since this procedure stimulates the breakdown of fat deposits. Charcot's shower is widely used for weight loss, accelerating metabolic processes in the body.

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Sharko's shower is pretty effective method losing weight and getting rid of cellulite. However, for all its effectiveness, the results of the procedure in to the greatest extent depend on the experience of the specialist who will carry it out.

The name of the procedure - Charcot's douche, was given by the name of its developer - psychiatrist J. M. Charcot, who practiced it in the treatment of disorders or diseases central nervous system. Soon Charcot's douche began to be practiced in various medical and sanatorium institutions, and much later the procedure was adopted by cosmetologists to improve appearance skin and getting rid of fat deposits.

The principle and benefits of Charcot's shower

The procedure can be performed either in a beauty salon or in a fitness center equipped with an appropriate installation. You must bring a shower cap to cover your hair, flip-flops, towel and swimsuit. Many spas provide all this, but the panties are disposable, so don’t be surprised if there are none left by the end of the procedure, and the slides are made of foam, and therefore slide on a wet floor.

The procedure is carried out using a special machine equipped with two hoses, a stopwatch that determines the duration of exposure and a pressure sensor that regulates the pressure of the water jets.

Water is directed from the hoses to the patient - hot from one, cold from the other, according to the shock principle contrast shower. Looking from the outside, we can say that the procedure is very simple: the patient stands against the wall, holding on to special handrails, and the medical worker directs jets of water at him, which massage certain areas of the body. However, in practice, everything is not so simple: in the hands of a specialist, Charcot’s douche is an effective tool for treating diseases and losing weight, in the hands of dropouts it is an activator of diseases, including chronic ones.

The duration of a Charcot shower is 10-15 minutes, in some cases even less.

When carrying out the procedure, it is important to follow certain rules and order of execution, otherwise, the entire healing effect will be nullified or counterproductive.

Therefore, if you choose where to do Charcot’s shower, then of course - in the clinic ( medical center, sanatoriums). The medical staff, one way or another, knows exactly how to carry out the procedure without risk to health.

For achievement visible results You will need about 10 procedures, which are best done long before your planned vacation or other events where you plan to expose certain parts of your body. This is explained by the fact that after Charcot’s shower, microdamages remain on the body - bruises, which take quite a long time to disappear (ideally, they should not exist, but more often than not, reality is far from ideal).

Indications and results of Charcot's shower

Sharko's shower, being medical procedure, may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • prevention and treatment of all types of neuroses, neurasthenia, obsessive states, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and others. Exposure to water under high pressure has a beneficial effect on the human condition.
  • decreased immunity as effective method hardening, especially during cold periods of the year.
  • during rehabilitation after herbs of the musculoskeletal system;
  • treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, muscle atrophy, etc.;
  • treatment of obesity - as an auxiliary procedure to activate metabolism, stimulate blood and lymph circulation.
  • for cosmetic purposes: to improve the condition of the skin, correct the figure, get rid of cellulite.

Charcot shower contraindications

As we already wrote, Charcot’s shower is in the hands of professionals - great way solve not one, but several problems at once. Performing a Charcot shower by a non-professional leads to various side effects, exacerbation of chronic diseases and other ailments. For example, one of the contraindications of Charcot's shower is varicose veins veins, but even in this case, a professional can take into account the fact of the presence of the disease and perform the procedure without harm to health (for this reason, it is recommended to perform Charcot’s douche in clinics). So, the procedure is contraindicated in the following cases.

Absolutely contraindicated:

  • menstruation and pregnancy;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • elevated temperature;
  • fibroids and cancer.

Conditionally contraindicated:

  • varicose veins and spider veins
  • protrusion and intervertebral hernia;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • rehabilitation period after heart attacks and strokes;
  • skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • low body weight, dystrophy (for cases where Charcot's douche is indicated for medicinal purposes).

Benefits, results and reviews of Charcot's shower

Obviously, by visiting only Charcot showers, it is unlikely that you will be able to lose significant weight. Charcot's shower is effective as an auxiliary procedure when, when visiting the gym or dieting (ideally, both), cellulite or problem areas remain where excess fat remains. That is, Charcot's shower reduces volumes, but practically does not get rid of extra pounds: the maximum you can count on is minus two kilograms after ten sessions (10 is the recommended number of sessions to achieve any visible result).

A similar result can be achieved not only with the help of Charcot's shower, but also with hydromassage. The results are similar, but the principles of influence differ:

  1. Method of influence. When carrying out a Charcot shower, the patient’s body is treated with a stream of water from a distance of three meters high pressure for 10 minutes. During hydromassage, the patient lies down in the bath for 30 minutes, the body is treated in the same way with a stream of water, but not in an open space, but under water.
  2. Painful sensations. When performing a Charcot shower, the drops hit the entire body with considerable force, leaving significant or minor damage to the skin in the form of bruises and bruises, and the patient experiences pain during the procedure. During hydromassage, the water also hits the body hard, but the sensations are less painful and the bruises are insignificant.
  3. Convenience and efficiency. The effect - reduction in fat volume - is the same for both procedures, but hydromassage is more comfortable, and therefore almost twice as expensive.

The result obtained - weight loss and reduction of body fat must be maintained, otherwise everything will return. In general, the skin becomes tightened and elastic (to prolong the result after the procedure, you can apply anti-cellulite cream to the body).

Many patients note that after performing a Charcot shower for weight loss, their general health, physical and mental activity improved.

The average cost of ten Charcot shower sessions is 2000-2500 rubles. It is impossible to carry out the procedure at home.

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