Geranium essential oil properties and uses. Geranium oil - use for acne. Geranium for your beauty

Geranium, or pelargonium, often decorates the window sills of our apartments or summer cottages. The aroma of this plant leaves no one indifferent: they either fall in love with it or hate it. Indeed, the smell of this flower is quite strong, but not everyone knows that this plant is also very useful. IN folk medicine decoctions and infusions from geranium leaves have long been used to help cope with various inflammations, intestinal disorders, and are also used in everyday life. Nowadays, geranium essential oil is more often used, the application of which is also very extensive.

Geranium ether is obtained by distilling the above-ground part of the plant with water vapor. Most often, either rose or lemon geranium is used in essential oil production.

Characteristics geranium essential oil

Geranium ether has properties such as lightness, fluidity and transparency. Has yellow or yellow-green, light green color. The aroma of this oil is conveyed by the smell of the leaves of the plant; it is slightly tart, sweet, with notes of rose and mint.

Essential oil geranium dissolves well in base oils and also goes well with other essential oils such as eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, verbena, tea tree and others.

Medicinal properties

Geranium oil used in the treatment of skin diseases: it is used to treat herpes, acne and post-acne, burns and frostbite. Rubbing the oil in is a great way to relieve headaches. In cosmetology, the use of geranium oil is most often associated with hair care: it helps strengthen hair roots, get rid of dandruff, and also add shine to hair. Geranium will also be an excellent assistant in the fight against cellulite. Geranium essential oil can help with other women's problems: it normalizes menstrual cycle and the course of menopause. And the best part is that it lifts your mood and even fights depression!

Uses of geranium oil

To experience all the properties of the essential oil to the fullest, use proven recipes, and also do not forget to read the contraindications for using geranium essential oil, which you will find at the end of the article.

Hair care

Aroma combing

To aroma comb, you need to apply a mixture of geranium ether and base oil to a special wooden comb (choose the base based on the condition of your hair and the effect you want to achieve). Comb your hair with a comb for 5-7 minutes. This procedure will give your hair a healthy shine. With this aroma combing, sebum regulation is normalized, so the hair will stay clean longer.

Mask for hair loss

Geranium will also help you in the fight for lush hair. This recipe uses it in combination with other oils. You will need:

  • Burdock oil – 10 ml.
  • EM geranium – 5 drops;
  • Rosemary EO – 5 drops;
  • EM – 5 drops;

Prepare the mixture, heat it in your palms and apply to the roots of your hair. Gradually distribute the mixture throughout your head. Place a shower cap or plastic wrap over your head. After half an hour, remove the film and rinse your hair.

Hair mask with geranium ether for lice

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • Your shampoo and mask
  • Geranium ether

Pour shampoo into your palm and pour a couple of drops of geranium oil into it, rinse your hair well for 5 minutes. Rinse off the shampoo. Also add oil to other products. Mix five drops of ether with a hair mask, thoroughly cover your hair with the prepared mask, wrap your head with film, put a towel on top, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Geranium oil can also be used for hair growth. How? Be sure to read.

Facial skin care

The use of geranium oil in cosmetology is not at all limited to hair care. Geranium will help you make your skin healthier and more beautiful. Geranium EO reduces skin oiliness, tightens pores, but does not dry the skin, but on the contrary, moisturizes it, therefore it is also suitable for dry skin. Try the following beauty recipes.

Mask for problem skin

Geranium oil effectively fights acne, reducing redness and the number of breakouts, cleansing and reducing pores. To prepare an acne mask you will need:

  • Geranium essential oil – 15 drops.
  • Green clay – 20 g.
  • Calendula tincture – 20 drops.

Mix the ingredients. Steam your face and apply the mask in a thin layer. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water.

Anti-aging mask

The use of geranium oil is also beneficial for aging skin. Products with its addition will make the skin more elastic and improve complexion.

You will need:

  • EM geranium – 20 drops.
  • Peach
  • Cream – 25 ml.

Grind the peach in a blender to a puree consistency, pour in the cream and beat again, add geranium essential oil. Keep the mask on for half an hour.

Mask for sensitive skin

Geranium essential oil is also suitable for preparing a mask for sensitive and thin skin. For it you will need:

Geranium ether – 25 drops

Rice flour – 15 g.

Sour cream – 30 g.

Mix rice flour, sour cream and ether well. Clean your skin well and apply the mixture to clean, dry face. Keep the product on your face for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water.

Ice for wiping your face

Rubbing your face with ice cubes perfectly tones and also helps fight skin imperfections. To make ice you will need:

  • Milk or cream – 5 ml.
  • Geranium essential oil – 3-5 drops
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Mineral water – 200 ml.

Mix all ingredients. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer. Rub your face with an ice cube in the morning for 20-50 seconds.

Body care

Using geranium essential oils as a body care product will help make your skin more toned and youthful.

Anti-cellulite effect

Massage oil

Use geranium EO as a massage oil, diluting it with base oil in the following proportions: 5 drops of ether per 10-15 ml of base. Avocado, peach or other oils are used as a base. You can apply the mixture to special wooden anti-cellulite massagers, which will speed up the appearance of the desired result.

We also have a review article about. Find out how to use them correctly!

Aroma baths

Mix 10-15 drops with bath salts and add to warm water. This bath will perfectly relax you, calm you down and improve your emotional condition. The ether will also help cope with cellulite and varicose veins. A bath with geranium oil can be taken for about 20 minutes. And we also have .


Use your favorite carrier oil that suits your skin or clay (whatever you like best!) as a base for the wrap. Mix the base with 5-7 drops of EM and apply the mask to problem areas. Wrap yourself in film and wait half an hour. Afterwards, wash off the mask with warm water.

Use of oil in folk medicine

The use of geranium oil in cosmetology is better known than its use in folk medicine, although the medicinal properties of geranium have been known for a very long time.

Geranium oil for headaches

Geranium ether will help cope with headaches. Mix the ether with the base in a ratio of 1:3. Massage the mixture onto your temples, forehead and back of your head.

Geranium oil for burns, scars and herpes

Combine 10 ml. transport oil with 5 drops of geranium and apply to the affected skin using a cotton swab. Apply several times a day. Geranium has antiseptic and wound-healing properties.

Geranium oil against ticks

Ticks (like many other insects) cannot stand the smell of geranium! You can make your own anti-tick remedy with geranium oil. To do this, mix 2 tsp. EM with 200 ml. water, pour into a spray bottle and use as a spray. The spray is easy to use: you can spray clothes, hair and various objects with it. Use this remedy in spring and summer, when the risk of contracting encephalitis is very high. This way you will protect yourself and your family. In addition to the spray, you can prepare a mixture of transport oil and essential oil and wipe it with it skin covering, avoiding eyes.


  • intolerance to EO components
  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • use by children under 6 years of age
  • parallel use of homeopathic medicines

So, the use of geranium oil has no limits; it is a lifesaver that simply must be in the house. The ether is used against ticks, against headaches, against pediculosis, and also as a cosmetic procedure to preserve beauty and health.

Geranium (Pelargonium roseum Willd)

Geranium perennial, growing in countries with subtropical and tropical climate. For the production of essential oil, geranium is grown in the Congo, Egypt and most other North African countries, as well as Spain, France, Italy, China, India and Russia.

Geranium oil is obtained by steam distillation from the aromatic green parts of the plant, especially the leaves. To get 1 kg aromatic oil it is necessary to process 300-500 kg of raw materials.

Ready-made geranium essential oil is clear liquid with a weak greenish tint. Geranium essential oil has a sweet, floral aroma that soothes and relaxes the body and mind.

Main components of geranium oil: terpene alcohols (geraniol, about 75 -80 percent, borneol, citronellol, linalool, terpineol), esters (acetic, butyric, valerianic), ketones, phenols (eugenol) and terpenes (phellandrene, pinene).

Properties of geranium essential oil

The main effects of geranium essential oil on internal organs and systems: anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, regenerating, antifungal, cytoimmune, antispasmodic, tonic, hemostatic, antiseptic, astringent, antidepressant, sedative, diuretic, liver and pancreas stimulant, dilates bile ducts for liver detoxification.

Astringent properties of geranium essential oil causes the gums, muscles, intestines, skin, tissues and blood vessels to contract. In addition, this geranium oil causes contraction of the abdominal muscles, tightens and strengthens the abdomen. Geranium essential oil can also prevent sagging muscles and skin, as well as untimely tooth loss by strengthening the gums. Finally, geranium oil can reduce wrinkles by tightening facial skin, thereby delaying premature aging.

Antibacterial and antimicrobial properties geranium essential oil able to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and microbes. Raising local immunity, geranium oil protects open wounds from infection.

Regenerating properties of geranium essential oil helps get rid of scars after acne, operations, boils, smallpox and stretch marks. Geranium oil also helps eliminate unwanted pigmentation on the skin and promotes the even distribution of melanin.

Hemostatic properties of geranium essential oil manifests itself in two directions. Firstly, it causes a contraction blood vessels and helps stop bleeding. Secondly, it accelerates coagulation and blood clotting, thereby accelerating wound healing.

Cytoimmune properties of geranium oil Helps maintain cell health. Geranium oil stimulates the processing of dead cells and the regeneration of new cells.

Wound healing properties of geranium oil accelerates the healing process of wounds, cuts and surgical incisions. This may be due to its hemostatic, antibacterial and regenerating properties.

Diuretic properties of geranium oil increases urination. Urination is one of three natural ways removing toxins from the body.

Tonic properties of geranium essential oil can improve the functioning of all body functions, affecting the glands internal secretion regulate education various hormones, enzymes, acids and bile. Thanks to this, all body systems are strengthened: respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, etc.

The impact of geranium essential oil on the psycho-emotional sphere. Geranium oil stimulates both mental and physical activity. Thanks to its antidepressant properties, geranium oil helps get rid of feelings of anxiety and fear, restores psycho-emotional harmony in case of nervous exhaustion.

The effect of geranium essential oil on the human bioenergy field. Geranium oil helps you gain confidence and love yourself. Eliminates inferiority complex and dependence on the opinions of other people. Extinguishes the energy of self-destruction, eliminating the inferiority complex and dependence on other people's opinions. Quickly restores energy harmony after unpleasant communication.

Indications for use of geranium essential oil

Geranium essential oil is indicated for diseases such as hepatitis and fatty degeneration liver, gallbladder and digestive disorders, fungal infections (ringworm), diabetes, skin diseases(acne, cleanses oily skin, revitalizes skin cells, psoriasis, eczema, itchy skin), herpes, shingles, hormone balancing, menstrual problems, insomnia. Geranium oil is also used to normalize blood pressure, mitigating the effects of menopause and in dentistry.

The use of geranium essential oil in cosmetology.

Geranium essential oil is able to regulate the secretion of sebum; due to this property, it is well suited for the care of oily and combination skin.

Geranium oil is also indicated for inflamed skin, eczema, various rashes, burns and other damage to the skin.

Geranium oil helps in the treatment of various fungal skin diseases and herpes.

Household uses of geranium essential oil.

Geranium oil is an excellent insect repellent.

To make a remedy for insect bites, mix 20 ml of soy or olive oil and 16 drops of geranium essential oil. When applied to the skin, this oil will protect against insect bites and speed up their healing.

The second option for using geranium oil as a repellent is to drop 2-3 drops of oil onto a cotton pad and place it near the pillow.

Geranium essential oil can also be used to protect your pets from ticks, flies and fleas. For this purpose, drop 3-4 drops on the place where your pet is.

Use in cooking: Geranium essential oil is used as a fragrance for confectionery, desserts, puddings and pastries.

Geranium essential oil dosages:

Method of application Dosage (drops) Indications for use
a mixture of geranium and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4 gum disease, toothache, burns, wounds, eczema, frostbite, herpes
3-5 drops per 15 m2 , room disinfection, insect repellent
1-2 depression, stress, nervous tension, insomnia, feeling of fear, depression and self-doubt
Take 1 drop of geranium with honey and jam 2 times a day after meals with acidified tea or juice. fluid retention in the body, indigestion
5-7 drops per bath dermatitis, arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, PMS, depression, insomnia, cellulite
1-2 drops, procedure duration 3-5 minutes
5 drops per 15 g of transport oil , PMS, menopause
Enrichment of cosmetics 4-5 drops per 15 g of base
3-5 drops per 0.5 l of water headache, muscle pain, rheumatism, neuralgia

Use of geranium essential oil in aromatherapy

Place 1-2 drops of geranium essential oil on a scarf or aromatherapy locket and inhale to relieve depression and stress.

For air disinfection indoors, add 5 drops of geranium essential oil to the aroma lamp.

Skin care: add 5 drops to a bowl of clean water (0.5 l), use the resulting solution to rinse your face. This product is suitable for all skin types.

Bath: add a few (5-7) drops to the bath. Helps reduce skin irritation and fluid retention in the body.

For hemorrhoids: mix 1 drop of geranium oil with 5 ml (1 teaspoon) cream or. Apply the resulting mixture to gauze and apply to the sore spot for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

When overtired mix 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of any and 5 drops of geranium. Apply the resulting mixture massage movements on back neck and forehead.

For herpes: Apply 1 drop of geranium essential oil to a cotton swab and apply to the inflamed area.

Massage for cellulite, PMS and menopause: mix 20 drops of geranium essential oil and 30 ml of base oil. For cellulite, massage the mixture into the affected areas. For PMS, massage your stomach and lower back.

As an aphrodisiac use 8-10 drops of oil in a bath or 2-3 drops in an aroma lamp.

Geranium Essential Oil Blend Recipes

PMS Relief Blend

10 drops geranium oil

15 drops cedar essential oil

5 drops lavender essential oil

Mix well and store in a dark bottle or jar. Use for massage of the lower back and abdomen. This mixture will help relieve tension and pain.

Invigorating Blend

3 drops geranium oil

2 drops lavender oil

2 drops bergamot oil

Mix and use for evaporation in an aroma lamp. This mixture helps to clarify the mind, gives strength and relaxes.

Contraindications to the use of geranium essential oil

Do not use for internal use in children under 6 years of age.

Geranium should not be used for a long time (no more than 2-3 weeks), given its pronounced anticoagulant properties and ability to lower blood sugar levels.

Never take on an empty stomach!

Geranium oil stimulates the release of estrogen, so it should not be taken at the same time as birth control.

Geranium essential oil may increase skin sensitivity to sunlight.

Check the scent for individual tolerance.

Combination of geranium with other essential oils: .

It's amazing how many healing properties geranium essential oil has! Also in Ancient Greece it had the reputation of being a remedy for all diseases: it was prescribed for fractures, tumors and even incurable diseases. Today, pelargonium ether has not only not lost its popularity, but has also become available to everyone.

Geranium essential oil is produced from fresh leaves several varieties of pelargonium using steam distillation. It includes more than a hundred various components. Most of them are represented by alcohols, to which the oil owes its unique aroma: linalool, nerol, citronellol, alpha-terpineol, geraniol.

This is interesting. To obtain one liter of essential oil, it is necessary to process 300–500 kilograms of fresh geranium leaves.

This remedy is rich in antioxidants (substances that protect cells from dangerous oxidative reactions) thanks to the flavonoids and vitamin E it contains. Geranium ester also contains the hemostatic and astringent substance tamine, which is used for intoxication of the body, and tannins, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The latter remove waste and toxins from the body, suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, help get rid of harmful deposits, and also stop internal and external bleeding.

The beneficial properties of geranium oil make it a valuable product for use in cosmetology and medicine. It is used in skin and hair care, in the treatment colds, otitis media, headaches and much more. Geranium essential oil is also often used in perfumery as a base for creating men's fragrances.

Oil for healthy hair

Geranium oil for correct use and concentration suitable for all hair types. It copes well with dandruff, dullness and brittleness.

The easiest way to care for your hair is aromatherapy. It will take no more than a couple of minutes a day. You just need to apply a few drops of oil to a wooden comb and comb your hair as usual. There is another option: you can rub a few drops of oil in your hands and then massage your scalp.

Another quick way improve hair condition - add geranium oil to regular shampoo or conditioner before use. 2-3 drops will be enough for a single serving.

Masks with added product

Masks with the addition of geranium oil are also very effective. Depending on the type and structure of the hair, this product is combined with different ingredients. The finished mask is applied to dry and well-combed hair, and then covered with a shower cap. You can wrap your head with a warm scarf or scarf on top. The mask is usually washed off 20–30 minutes after application. There are many effective recipes such compositions.

For shiny curls


  • geranium oil - 5 drops;
  • liquid honey - 25 g;
  • peach or almond oil - 10 ml;
  • half a banana.

To accelerate growth


  • geranium oil - 5 drops;
  • raw egg - 1 pc;
  • mustard powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • almond oil - 10 ml.

For lice

The antibacterial properties of geranium oil can even help get rid of lice. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 50 ml of shampoo with 10 drops of geranium oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair for 10–15 minutes, comb it thoroughly and then rinse off any remaining product. warm water. This mask can also be used to prevent head lice.

Beautiful skin with geranium ether

Geranium oil is a real find for skin care. It is suitable for all types:

  • problematic with acne and post-acne (the components of pelargonium oil have an antiseptic and healing effect that helps fight rashes);
  • oily (the product helps normalize sebum production);
  • dry (the oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin without clogging the pores);
  • edematous (geranium soothes and reduces swelling and inflammation);
  • prone to rosacea (geranium oil improves blood circulation and activates recovery processes skin).

You can use essential oil by adding a few drops to prepared creams. The recommended proportion is 2–3 drops per 30 ml of base.

For skin with acne and pimples, it is recommended to precisely apply undiluted oil with a cotton swab.

A steam bath using this tool. To do this, mix 3 drops of geranium ether with 3 drops of rosemary oil, add the mixture to a container with hot water and, covered with a towel, hold your face over it for 10–15 minutes.

Face masks with geranium oil are also very popular. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to steam the skin before the procedure and then apply a nourishing cream.

Against rosacea


  • wheat germ oil - 1 ml;
  • evening primrose oil - 8 ml;
  • rosewood essential oil - 2 drops;
  • cypress essential oil - 2 drops;
  • geranium essential oil - 2 drops.

Directions for use: mix all the ingredients and soak a cotton pad or piece of gauze with them, apply the compress to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Repeat every day for 1 week.

For acne


  • geranium ether - 15 drops;
  • green clay - 20 g;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula - 20 drops.

Directions for use: add geranium oil and calendula tincture to the clay, soak a compress in the mixture and apply to problem skin for 15–20 minutes. It is not recommended to use this product more than once a week.

For dry skin


  • geranium ether - 12 drops;
  • baked pumpkin puree - 15 g;
  • white yogurt - 10 g.

Directions for use: mix all components and apply to the skin in a continuous layer, rinse after 20 minutes.

For aging skin that has lost tone


  • olive or linseed oil- 3 tablespoons;
  • rose oil - 3 drops;
  • geranium oil - 3 drops.

Directions for use: apply the mixture to the face using a compress, leave for 10–20 minutes. It is advisable to use at least two to three times a week.

For oily skin


  • geranium oil - 20 drops;
  • rye flour - 15 g;
  • chamomile or nettle decoction - 2 tablespoons;
  • ampoule of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).

Mode of application: rye flour dilute with a decoction of chamomile or nettle to a mushy state, add cyanocobalamin and geranium ether and apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 10–20 minutes.

For sensitive skin


  • geranium ether - 2 drops;
  • sandalwood ether - 2 drops;
  • coconut oil - 1 tablespoon.

Directions for use: mix all ingredients and apply to skin for 15–20 minutes. Use 1-2 times a week.

Lip care

Geranium essential oil will add brightness and volume to your lips, heal minor damage, make them soft and healthy. IN pure form It is not recommended to apply ether. You can mix it with any base oil, for example, sesame or olive, in a ratio of 1:2. It will be an excellent basis beeswax: a small amount of it is combined with 2-3 drops of geranium ether and applied to the lips. In order for them to always be beautiful and smooth, it is recommended to leave this mask on overnight (you can do it daily).

Pelargonium oil for women's health

Geranium oil stimulates the production of estrogen, normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces painful sensations during menstruation, minimizes the consequences menopause. Geranium essential oil is also used in the treatment of infertility when it is caused by hormonal imbalance and irregular or scanty periods.

The most well-known uses of the product for women's health the following:

  • Orally, 1–3 drops per day after meals, mixed with kefir or yogurt. After three weeks of use, you need to take a break for one week.
  • For massage, add to massage oil. You can mix geranium essential oil with others, such as lavender or orange. Massage mixture are in the following proportion: 4–7 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of base oil.
  • For baths, mixing with other esters and any emulsifier: honey, olive oil, milk. For 200 liters take 5-15 drops of oil.

Breast lift with geranium ether

Pelargonium oil will help make your breast skin healthy, smooth and elastic, and also reduce PMS pain. Some, using geranium ether, even manage to slightly enlarge their breasts, since this oil perfectly improves blood circulation, slightly irritates the skin and increases production. female hormones. Most effective method- massage with essential oil.

Breast massage technique with geranium essential oil

For massage, you can use, for example, the following mixture of oils:

  • grape seed oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • geranium ether - 3 drops;
  • rosemary ether - 2 drops.

There are many options for breast massage; below is one of the simplest techniques:

  1. The procedure begins with stroking: they are performed with the palms in the direction from the nipple to the base of the mammary gland. At first, the movements should be gliding and light, and when the skin warms up, you can gradually increase the pressure and begin massaging the chest with your knuckles (this takes about one minute).
  2. The next technique is rubbing. Using your fingertips, make circular movements in the same direction. Next, you should continue the same actions with your knuckles, supporting your chest with your other hand (this takes about 4-5 minutes). You can also use the technique of light pinching.
  3. This massage is completed with stroking, following the method already described.

Geranium concentrate for weight loss

Essential oils - an indispensable tool for those who want to lose a couple of kilograms. Their mechanism of action is to accelerate metabolic processes, elimination excess liquid and normalization water-salt balance.In addition, the oil tightens and tones the skin, which will prevent it from sagging when losing weight.

To achieve this goal, the baths and massages already mentioned above are suitable, and the product can also be used internally. Another way to lose weight using geranium oil is wraps.

How to do the wraps:

  1. Before the procedure, you should take a warm shower and cleanse your skin with a scrub.
  2. Using massage movements, rub an oil mixture of 50 ml of olive oil, 5 drops of geranium oil, 5 drops of orange oil, a teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of liquid honey into the problem area.
  3. Wrap the film on top and put a warm belt or scarf over it.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the mixture with a dry cloth, then wipe off any remaining oil with a makeup remover.
  5. Take a warm shower.


Geranium oil is a natural antidepressant. It relieves fatigue headache, restores strength, helps overcome feelings of anxiety and fear. It is also often used for decreased sense of smell, difficulty breathing, otitis media and sinusitis.

This is interesting. Indian scientists confirmed the calming and antidepressant properties of geranium oil with their study on mice. According to the results of the experiment, animals that inhaled pelargonium oil using an inhaler behaved more passively, moved less and had less contact with each other.

For aromatherapy, you need to add 3-5 drops of geranium ether per 10 square meters to an aroma lamp with water and heat the liquid for 15 minutes (this oil can be mixed with others). It goes well with the ether of bergamot, orange, neroli, and cedar.


Geranium oil is not used during pregnancy, lactation, or at the same time as taking birth control pills, as it has a strong effect on hormonal background. Pelargonium ether is also not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age in any form.

Geranium oil should not be used for longer than 3-4 weeks as it significantly lowers blood sugar levels and may cause allergic reactions in case of overdose.

Before using the product, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to its components: one drop of ether is applied and rubbed on the wrist. If redness occurs after 30 minutes, severe itching and others unpleasant symptoms, you should not use this oil.

Also, before using the product internally, you should consult your doctor.

Geranium oil, the properties and uses of which have been studied very well, is in demand today. It is used not only by adherents alternative methods treatments, but also medical professionals, cosmetologists, chefs, and perfumers. Many brands add ether when producing household chemicals.

Geranium oil - composition

As a rule, the product is colored yellowish or yellow-green. The ether has a sharp geranium scent with hints of rose and mint. Its popularity is due to the fact that geranium oil contains a huge amount useful substances. Depending on the type of plant, their set may vary, but the effectiveness of the product does not decrease at all.

The main components due to which geranium oil received its properties and application are as follows:

  • tamine;
  • nerol;
  • a-terpineol;
  • geraniol;
  • pinene;
  • citronellol;
  • linalol;
  • alkaloids;
  • phenols;
  • complex alcohols;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • monoterpenes.

Geranium oil – properties and use in cosmetology

This is very useful remedy. To describe all that geranium oil has, its properties and how to use them in practice, it will take more than an hour. Is anyone familiar with this ether as an excellent remedy against ENT diseases. He helped someone get out of depressive state. And there are those who, with the help of geranium oil, cleanse their aura after communicating with “heavy and dirty” people.

The substance also has many other beneficial properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal;
  • antiviral;
  • astringent;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • regenerating;
  • antispasmodic;
  • pain reliever;
  • anti-carcinogenic.

With the help of oil you can fight headaches and cardiovascular diseases. It relieves vasospasm, minimizes symptoms coronary disease, normalizes heart function, eliminates tachycardia and arrhythmia. The ester helps lower blood sugar levels. In addition, geranium stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and liver, restores sexual functions, and eliminates unpleasant odors.

Geranium oil has found application in cosmetology. Mainly because it is completely non-toxic and does not irritate the epidermis. The essential oil can be safely used by owners of any skin type. Thanks to geranium, the cellular structure of the skin is restored faster, and the epidermis becomes soft, elastic, and silky. The antioxidant properties of the product effectively fight fine wrinkles, tone the skin and enrich it with useful substances.

Geranium oil for hair

Trichologists recognize geranium oil - the properties and use of the product have been studied by professionals. Doctors allow the use of oil during nightly combing. There is only one condition: the ether must be diluted. The optimal proportion is 5 drops of geranium per 10 ml of any oil plant origin. It is best to choose a base that will best suit your hair structure.

The use of ether is simple: you just need to add a couple of drops of the diluted mixture to a comb and comb your curls from roots to ends. This will provide your hair with additional nutrition. If you also massage your head with a brush, the curls will become stronger and begin to grow noticeably more intensively. Among other things, the ether helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Essential oil of geranium for hair in a mask


  • geranium essential oil – 5 drops;
  • – 5 drops;
  • rosemary essential oil – 5 drops;
  • base – 10 ml.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix the ethers and base and heat slightly.
  2. Slowly massage the warm mixture into your scalp.
  3. Wrap your head in cellophane and leave for half an hour.
  4. After 30 minutes, remove the film and wash off the mask thoroughly.
  5. In just three weeks, your hair will become significantly healthier, shinier and more manageable.

Geranium oil for face

The essential oil is beneficial for all skin types:

  1. Geranium will soothe sensitive and damaged epidermis.
  2. Dry, rough and flaky skin will become moisturized and soft thanks to the ether.
  3. After using geranium oil, aging skin will look younger, be restored and enriched with nutrients.
  4. The product also has a beneficial effect on oily problematic skin. In the latter, after contact with ether, less sebum is produced, and sweat glands start to work more correctly.

Geranium oil – its properties and applications are loved by cosmetologists for their ability to restore local skin immunity and prevent infection skin infections. In addition, the product quickly heals wounds from insect bites, cuts, frostbite and other defects. It is also used to combat external manifestations rosacea and bleaching of the epidermis.

Geranium oil for face against wrinkles


  • geranium ether – 20 drops;
  • peach – 1 pc.;
  • cream – 25 ml.

Preparation and use

  1. Grind the peach in a blender until smooth.
  2. Mix chilled cream and geranium and combine with fruit.
  3. Wipe your face with cleanser.
  4. Using a spatula, spread the mask evenly over the entire skin.
  5. After half an hour, wash everything off with a cotton pad.

Geranium oil - use for acne


  • geranium oil – 15 drops;
  • – 20 g;
  • calendula tincture – 20 drops.

Preparation and use

  1. Add tincture and essential oil of geranium to the clay for the face.
  2. Apply a herbal compress to your face to steam the skin.
  3. Distribute the composition of the mask over the epidermis in an even layer.
  4. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product with cool chamomile infusion.

Geranium oil for breasts

Flower ether regulates hormonal balance by affecting the adrenal cortex. As a result, breast firmness increases. If you use geranium essential oil in combination with essence, both the condition of the epidermis and general form bust. To take advantage beneficial properties means, you need to mix the oils (or pour a couple of drops of pure geranium ether), warm them in your palms and rub them into your chest with massaging movements.

Geranium oil – medicinal uses

The product is widely used for health purposes. Geranium oil, the properties of which are described above, can be used in the form of applications, lotions, inhalations, and compresses. Ether is often used in aromatherapy. Geranium is an excellent antidepressant that relieves overwork, fears, and aggression. After an aromatherapy session with geranium oil, mental and physical activity increases, and well-being noticeably improves.

Geranium oil for otitis media

The ether acts gently but effectively. Within a few minutes after use, geranium oil begins to work and relief comes. As a rule, the product is instilled inside the ear (1-2 drops are enough for one procedure). After this, the sink is wrapped with compress paper and cotton wool. For the night sore ear should be covered with a bandage. A couple or three procedures are enough for the symptoms to disappear.

Geranium oil for sinusitis

Methods of using ether for inflammation maxillary sinuses different. Geranium oil, previously mixed with thyme or pine, can be used to massage the back and nose. Compresses with geranium are effective and should be applied to the forehead and nose. You can take geranium oil internally, but it is important to remember that for internal use, the ether must be mixed with vegetable oil, honey, dried fruits, jam.

Geranium oil for nail fungus

You should start using ether immediately after detecting the first signs fungal infection. Preparing the medicine is simple and does not take much time. Due to the fact that geranium essential oil has fungicidal properties, the medicine will act quickly, and within a few days the nails will look healthy and the symptoms of infection will disappear.

Nail fungus remedy


  • geranium oil – 1 tsp;
  • orange oil – ½ tsp;
  • oil grape seeds– ½ tsp.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Using a cotton swab, spread the medicine over the affected nail.
  3. Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.

Geranium oil against ticks

Insects do not tolerate the smell of ether. Thanks to this, geranium oil has become widely used. It is used not only to combat ticks. Geranium spray will get rid of mosquitoes, midges, fleas and other insects and the consequences of their bites. To prepare the product, you need to add a couple of teaspoons of oil to a bottle of water and shake. You can spray everything with this, including clothes and bedding.

Geranium oil - contraindications

Although it has a gentle effect, not everyone can use geranium essential oil. The drug is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • individual intolerance to the components of geranium composition;
  • increased blood viscosity.

How to make geranium oil at home?

You can buy ether at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. True, extracting geranium oil extract at home will take a long time. From 0.5 kg of fresh leaves you will get no more than 1 g of medicinal product.

To receive ether, you need:

  1. Place the raw materials in a flask with a small amount of water.
  2. Close the container with a stopper with a tube inserted at an angle. Through the latter, the flask will be heated with an alcohol lamp.
  3. Having heated up to desired temperature, the greens will begin to release ether, which comes out through the tube with steam and settles on the walls.

Geranium has long been considered by many peoples to be a powerful bioenergetic stimulant. Even before our era, healers and healers were aware of it medicinal properties: geranium purifies the air and neutralizes some poisons, improves sleep, reduces fatigue and headaches.

Geranium used in the treatment of cancer and fractures: baths and compresses were made with it, although modern medicine neither confirms nor denies such an action.

IN middle Ages Europeans used geranium to protect their homes from insects - given the sanitary state of European cities at that time, this was very useful and timely. True, then geraniums Other properties were also attributed - for example, the ability to scare away sorcerers and witches, although they caused much less harm than garbage and dirt. Be that as it may, even then the antibacterial properties of geranium brought considerable benefits to people - it was enough to apply its leaf to the wound, and everything would heal faster.

Essential oil obtained from geranium in France, in 1819, although they may have been able to obtain it for a long time, but then the methods were forgotten. The resulting oil was immediately used in the treatment of diseases of the throat, nose and ears - it relieved pain and inflammation.

To Europe geranium came from South Africa and India - it was brought to England by sailors who explored the uncharted expanses of the oceans in the 16th-17th centuries, and there they began to breed it in the Royal Gardens.

Today different types geraniums grow in temperate climates: on the coast Mediterranean Sea, V Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in Southern Europe, North Africa, on the islands of the Indian Ocean and in Russia, including Siberia and Transbaikalia.

The oil is obtained from geranium by steam distilling its entire above-ground part when it is in flower. The main suppliers of geranium oil to the world market today are considered to be Egypt, Algeria and Reunion Island, which is an overseas region of France.

Oil color yellow or yellow-green, with a pronounced geranium scent, which has hints of mint and rose. The aroma of geranium oil is even called floral-pink: it is rich and warm, but fresh, soothing and mood-improving.

The chemical composition of this oil is very complex and rich, and includes more than 100 components, most of which have high biological activity. These are mainly alcohols and hydrocarbons of the terpene series, but the composition can vary - it depends on the type of oil and the type of geranium. Almost all geranium oils are used in cosmetology and the perfume industry - they are non-toxic and do not cause irritation, and do not increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet or other radiation, like essential oils of many plants.

Properties of geranium oil

Geranium oil increases mental and physical activity, helps restore psychological balance and harmony; relieves tension and eliminates feelings of unreasonable fear. You can call it an effective antidepressant, given what most people today are accustomed to calling depression Bad mood, and in case of any troubles, swallow tranquilizers, drink alcohol - to “relax”, and women are increasingly doing this. With the help of geranium oil you can get rid of the inferiority complex, as well as the addiction, which even young people suffer from today - stop depending on the opinions of people around you. Psychics say that geranium oil maintains a person’s aura in almost ideal condition, and helps get rid of psychological discomfort after communicating with unpleasant people.

In the treatment and prevention of diseases of various nature geranium essential oil, among other oils, occupies not the last place. It may lower blood sugar levels - this important property, if you remember how many people are sick today various forms diabetes; Its anti-carcinogenic properties are even more important - it actively interferes tumor cells share and grow.

For migraines and headaches geranium oil relieves vascular spasms; eliminates various disorders heart ratesinus arrhythmia, tachycardia; reduces the manifestations of coronary disease and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. If you use it regularly, you can normalize high blood pressure.

In addition to all of the above, geranium oil destroys viruses and prevents cell oxidation, slowing down aging; reduces blood clotting, preventing blood clots, but also has hemostatic properties, effectively healing fresh wounds; has an astringent effect, stimulates the liver and kidneys; promotes the production necessary for the body hormones, heightens sexual perception and destroys unpleasant odors; improves performance immune system, has a regenerating effect on cells and tissues; tones; repels ticks and insects.

Of course, oil with such amazing healing properties has not gone unnoticed in cosmetology: for dry, sensitive or damaged skin it is considered ideal by experts, but it also helps with high fat content– it eliminates peeling, inflammation and acne. Thanks to these, as well as the regenerating properties of geranium oil, it is often used in the treatment of dry eczema, frostbite and burns, including sunburn.

The use of geranium oil in cosmetology

IN cosmetical tools it is usually added 4-5 drops per 15 g of cream or other base, but experts recommend using transport (base) oils: apricot, grape and peach seeds, sea buckthorn, almond, jojoba, avocado, etc.

We will bring several cosmetic recipes, designed for 10 ml of base oil or other base.

To prepare cream for daily facial skin care, you need to mix the base oils - hazelnut, avocado, jojoba (10 ml each), add 3 drops each of rosewood and orange essential oils, and 1 drop each of geranium, vanilla and jasmine. For acne, take 2 drops of geranium oil per 10 ml of base, and 1 drop each of cloves and chamomile.

Can be done with oils steam baths for problematic, acne-prone skin. To 1/2 liter of water add 2 drops of lavender and cajuput oils, and 1 drop each of geranium and cedar.

Helps fight acne and pimples the following mixture: wheat germ oil - 10 ml, chamomile oil - 2 drops, juniper, eucalyptus and geranium - 1 drop each.

Lotion is suitable for caring for oily and combination skin: ethanol– 10 ml, orange, geranium and chamomile oils – 3 drops each. Add distilled water to the mixture - up to 100 ml volume, store in a dark glass bottle, protected from light; use for wiping facial skin - wipe combination skin only on oily areas.

For chapped, flaky hands and rough elbows A mask with sour cream will help. To fatty, slightly warmed sour cream (1 tbsp), add myrrh oil - 5 drops, geranium and orange, mix and apply to hands and elbows; leave for half an hour and wash off with warm water.

It is impossible not to say that geranium essential oil It is considered a feminine scent - it gives women beauty, preserves their health and prolongs youth. Geranium contains phytoestrogens, so its oil relieves PMS and pain during menstruation, eliminates sexual coldness in women, normalizes hormonal levels, delays the onset of menopause and helps cope with its manifestations - sex hormones are produced more actively in women under the influence of geranium oil.

You can pour it into aroma lamp– 3-5 drops per 15 square meters. m of room, and in aroma medallions - 1-2 drops, do a massage with it - 5 drops per 15 g of base, apply hot and cold compresses - 3-5 drops on a damp cloth; For headaches, apply to the forehead, temples and back of the head, in combination 1:3 with base oil. Take internally with honey or jam, 1 drop 2 times a day after meals, with juice or tea with lemon, kefir or yogurt.

Geranium oil should not be used by children under 6 years of age; pregnant women and women taking birth control pills.

Romanchukevich Tatyana

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